A PRODUCTION PROBLEM INTERACTIVE PROTOTVPE OF LINEAR PROGRAMME INFORMATiCA3/87 UDK 519.852 Janez Barle, Janez Grad, Džordž Krstič* Ekonomska fakulteta Borisa Kidriča, Ljubljana Iskra Zorin, TOZD CAOP, Ljubljana, Vugbsiavia In the paper we describe our approaoh in developing a new program package comprising different models of linear pro- gramming which ali together build up a sophistioated 3ystem for produotion planning and decision making. By means of it the necessary Information will be generated uhioh the top management of Iskra enterprise, Ljubljana Cone of the manufactures of electronic and computer equipment in Yugoslavia) is asking for. The input data are mainly retrieved from a data base and partly generated by means of a matrix generator. By generating different applioation matrioes with different objectlve functions various produotion plans can be studied. The speoiflo charaoteristics of the disGussed production problem are (i) the need for balanoing exports and imports and (ii) the ability to čope with a very high rate of inflation and very high rate of bank interest oharges. *Presented at "Deutsche Gesellsohaft fUr Operations Research - Tagung 1986", Ulm, W. Germany, 24. - 26. Sept. 1986. 1. INTRODUaiOH Optimization methods of manufactured assortments are generally not used frequently enough withln the basic production process activities in most industrial esta- blishments. Defined in a oommon linear programme form these methods could be particularly useful in those Industries where they offer the market many different products or their variants and where the maln pro- portlon of the products, aimed for an unknown puroha- ser, is to be stored in a narehouse for a certain period of tirne (KRSTIC, 3)- There are two main reasons why the usage of the production problem linear progra­ mme has not been adequate within the establishments where it could have proved' both possible and profitab- le. One reason is the lack of knouledge of optimization. methods among the management who therefore are not in a State to draw and build up the necessary schemes and models, of possible applications. The seoond reason is the rather awkward and demanding presentation of the LP input data and the complex interpretation of the LP output results which makes them hard to understand and explain to the end-users. Three years ago in the Iskra enterprise, Ljubljana, we drew up adequate models and organized the necessary education oourses for end- -users. We have been runnlng on the computer some opti­ mization methods for single members (faotories) of the enterprise sinoe then. Unfortunately ali the computer programs are batch orientid and are not linked toge­ ther with other parts of the Information system, despi- te the use of some Interactive equipment. This leads to a substantial redundancy in data within the Iskra Information systera. A nevj programme package is being developed at present comprising different models of LP which ali together build up a much more sophistioated system for pro­ duction planning and decision making. By means of it the necessary fundamental information will be genera­ ted which the top management of a manufaturlng company , is asking for. The input data are [DOStly extracted from a data base and partly generated interaotively by means of an applioation orientated matrix generator. By generating different aplication matrioes with dif­ ferent objective functions, various produotion plans could be studied. The optiraal solutions obtained by LP are further processed by a computer aided expert system. In the man-oomputer interfaoe the most sultable production assortment is selected. Useful sugestions for the elimination of production bottle-neoks and other complementary information could also b^e obtained. The management and planning functions that link toge­ ther the finanoial and production parts are two impor- tant domains of the program system applioation. The present LP program package, whlch is written in the APL programming language is of a prototype form. The final version will be in PASCAL. It solves linear prograrames with up to 200 constraints and with up to 500 variables. The revised simplex method Is applied where the basis matrix is presented in product form with špike seleotions. Great attention has been paid in order to make the package as user friendly as possible and less attention has been paid to the pro­ gram' s effioiency in execution. In this paper we describe our approaoh and experience in developing the necessary softuare for solving LP in this particular fleld of applioation. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRODUCTION PROBLEM MODEL Let us first describe the general production (assort­ ment) problem of linear programming. Suppose that a company produces n products P., P-, ..., P by means of m different elements of the availlble pPoduction resources, such as machines, human capaci- ties, finanoial means and other, the amounts of vihich are restricted by b,, b,, ..., b nithin the dlscussed period of tlme. The oonsunption of eaoh element of resources per unit of the produced product P. is knovm and we denote it by a.^, for ali j = 1, 2, ..., m and k = 1, 2, ..., n. There exist upper and loner pro­ duotion quantity bounds for each product due to the limited production resources, marketing restrlctions (possibllities) and the signed oontraots that impose certain obligations in production planning. The problem that arises most often is to define such an assortment and the corresponding quantities of the products which assure the maximum value of the profit after šale. Sometimes we try to optimize the net profit o. of pro­ duct Pj^,i.e. difference betueen its net selling priče and iti direct production costs. Denoting by L. the lower, by U. the upper possible and by Xj^ the optimum production quantity of P^^ we obtain \-^\ . • a^ • A = "21 "2n C = [c^, Cg, .... oj •ml and define the general produotion problem LP in the folloving way: Find Coompute) the solutlon of produotion quantities vector X, satisfying relations (1) and Ax < b for nhich the value of the objeotive function f(x) is niaximum, vrtiere f(x) = (c,x) , We can solve this problem by means of the general siinplex method. The specifio characteristics of the produotion problem LP for the needs od the Iskra enterprise take Into account the folloviing two characteristics of the present state of the econoiny in Yugoslavla: (I) The need for the olosest posslble balance between exports and imports vithin each parti- cular enterpise (II) Very high rate of inflation and very high rates of bank interest oharges (MO % - 70 %). The possibilities of coping with the oonditions that aocompan/ the two characteristics differ very muoh among dlfferent enterprlses. We explaln here only briefly the basic characteristics of the foreign currency balanoing assortment problem which incorpora- tes both the resouroes and users of foreign ourrenoy at the same tirne. More detalls on the subject are given in (KRSTiC and KLUCAR), I)). The basic inequallty which we add to the system of oonstraint functions is ^n (E-I) ^ >D in where *(>. U. Krstič D., Klučar M., "Optimiranje proizvodnih pro­ gramov ob upoštevanju pokritja deviznih potreb z izvozom". Organizacija in kadri, 18 (1985), 3-t, p. 218 (in Slovenian). 5. Murtagh B.,'Advanced Linear Programming; Coraputa- tion and Practice' McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.