32 Cyclamen fatrense & Soják tudi v Sloveniji Cyclamen fatrense Halda & Soják also in Slovenia jo ž e Ba v c o n Botanic Garden, Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, Ižanska cesta 15, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; joze.bavcon@guest.arnes.si In 1971 Halda & Soyak described a new species Cyclamen fatrense for the then territory of Czechoslovakia. It differs from C. purpurascens Mill.primarily by its plain green patternless leaves. It is now regarded as an important endemite of Slovakian flora, with a small distribution area (Veľká Fatra and Starohorské vrchy). It appears mostly in deciduous and mixed forests (Kanka & al. 2008). Reportedly, the question is of mostly non-specific beech and spruce associations growing on limestone soil, or even of spruce monocultures (Halda & Soyak 1971, Bernátová & Feráková 1999, Kliment, 1999). According to Kanka et al. 2008 the association concerned is Carici albae-Fagetum which is heterogeneous and in consequence further divided into smaller units. In Slovenia a form of C. purpurascens can be found without a marbled leaf pattern. It is common on karst soil or predominantly limestone grounds. It can be found from Črni vrh above Idrija towards Col and Čaven. It appears in spots also along the Kolpa river, as well as in Dolenjska and Gorenjska. This form is stable and remains so also after several years of growing in the Botanic Garden culture. In his monography on the genus Cyclamen Grey- Wilson (1988, 2002) refers to this species as one of the forms of the species C. purpurascens. He also mentions the outstanding diversity of common cyclamen with respect to its leaf pattern. I fully agree with the above statements and deal with this form in the very same sense for Slovenia. Horticulturally speaking, such a form is of great value because it may be a basis for a new cultivar. Proceeding from a several-year observation period during which the leaf pattern of common cyclamen has remained stable and due to its horticultural value I would place it in the group of green forms so as to distinguish it from the other forms with diversely marbled leaves. In the form under observation the underside of the leaves is likewise green, which is quite rare with diversely marbled leaves. jo ž e Ba v c o n : Cyclamen fatrense Halda & Soják tudi v Sloveniji