23. NEDELJA MED LETOM 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 36/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 4. 9. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Kdo je lahko Jezusov učenec Vsi veliki voditelji so jasno določili, kdo lahko postane njihov učenec. Garibaldi je svojim privržencem obljubljal lakoto in smrt - ter svobodno Italijo. Toda noben ni zahteval tako popolno notranjo in zunanjo izročitev kot Jezus. V množici, ki mu je sledila, so bili zelo različni ljudje: goreči revolucionarji, ki so pričakovali, da bo Jezus prižgal baklo upora, sebičneži, ki so ga želeli izkoristiti za svoj dobiček, oblastniki, ki so si ga skušali podrediti...; le peščica pa je v njem prepoznala božjo bližino. Jezus nikoli ni »izkoristil« svojih uspehov. V tem se je močno ločil od mnogih, ki so želeli postati njegovi preroki. Pa tudi nikoli ni omilil svojih ostrih besed. »In ne sovraži...«, te nerazumljive besede na prvi pogled odbijajo! Jezus je pogosto uporabljal nasprotujoče si besede, še posebej, ko je govoril o osnovnih človekovih stvareh. Poslušalci so utihnili ob njegovih zahtevah, čeprav se niso zbali brezglavih besed, in mnogi so ga razumeli. Jezus zahteva popolno in nedeljeno zvestobo. Ni zaničeval človeških vezi. Blagoslavljal je male otroke, učil nas je Boga moliti in prositi kot Očeta in tudi svojo mater je tik pred smrtjo izročil učencu v varstvo. Sedaj pa zahteva popolno predanost. Ladje, ki bi se ravnale po svetlobi, ki prihaja z obale, bi hitro trčile ob čeri ali pa se izgubile v noči. Pogoj za varno morsko plovbo je, da se vse ladje ravnajo po nebu. Tudi človeške vrednote si nas-protujejo, človeka večkrat ponižujejo, begajo, dokler jih ne prečistimo in posvetimo. Jezus je tudi sam izpolnil svoje zahteve. Nekega dne je moral odgovo-riti na vprašanje: »Kdo je moja mati in kdo moji bratje?« In odgovor je bil: »Kdor namreč spolni božjo voljo, ta je moj brat in sestra in mati« (Mr 3,33). Ob njem so učenci spoznavali trdoto in zahtevnost, ki jo Jezus od njih pričakuje. Vsa leta se jim je postavljalo vprašanje, kam spadajo: domov ali k Jezusu? Podoba moža, ki nese križ, na katerem bo usmrčen, je bila za Jezusove učence vsakdanjost. To je bil krut čas, nič manj kot doba, v kateri se obme-tavamo z atomskimi bombami. Več sto Judov so križali, ker so sodelovali z revolucionarjem Judom. Prepričani so, da je dobil križ presežni pomen šele po Jezusovi smrti. Pred Kalvarijo je bil križ prej prekletstvo, nesreča kot pa znamenje odličnega, veličastnega življenja. Smisel je jasen: Vsak, ki Jezusu sledi, mora križati svoje želje, ki se ne ujemajo z njegovimi zahtevami. Še več: učenec mora iz tujih rok sprejeti križ. Ko so bile besede prvič pisane, so Cerkev preganjali tisti, ki so tudi Jezusa križali. Razglašali so moč njegovega križa in dokazovali, da seme, ki umre, obrodi stoteren in tisočeren sad. Bili so deležni njegove zmage, velikonočnega jutra, ki se je pojavilo po Kalvariji. Le Jezusova smrt in njegovo vstajenje sta iz križa naredila znamenje zmage življenja. Kljub temu po vstajenju ni Jezusov nauk nič manj zahteven: »Če hočeš postati moj učenec, moraš sprejeti križ in mi slediti.« Jezusov čas je doba opuščenih gradenj. Herod je bil, kot mnogi oblastniki, prepričan, da se moč in vpliv merita po dolžini zidov in bogastvu palač. Mogoče se je Jezus posmehoval takim neumnežem, ki hočejo zidati, pa zaradi zapravljivosti ničesar ne dozidajo, dokončajo. Od nas zahteva, da preračuna-mo stroške. Ne moremo se pa slepiti, da bi rekel: »Bodi zadovoljen z malim, če misliš, da lahko zgradiš le povrečen stolp.« On ne sprejema povprečnih učencev. Ali hočeš prebivati med blaženimi? Oni so v visokem stolpu. Ali lahko prenesem samoto zaradi Jezusa? Ali imam dovolj potrpežljivosti in poguma, da bom zgradil kraljevski stolp v tem svetu? Zatorej, če boš najprej sedel in vse premislil, boš prejel modrost, ki te bo vodila v težavah: Samo Bog lahko dopolni tvoje dobre namene. »Sam ne morem ostati popolnoma zvest. Vendar je ta naloga tako čudovita, da je vredno poskusiti. V njegove roke pa bom izročil svojo dušo.« Naj nam pomaga misel iz današnjega psalma: »Gospod, daj nam spoznati, kako dolgo je naše življenje, da pridemo do srčne modrosti.« 318 | VESTNIK 2016 320 | VESTNIK 2016 322 | VESTNIK 2016 324 | VESTNIK 2016 SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - SLOVENIAN SCHOOL Dear parents, September is here and the school doors are open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL. If you have a child in Kindergarten or older in English school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. As descendants of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become acquainted with their an-cestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for having the fore-sight and the interest in sending them to Slo-venian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden their intellect by learning the lan-guage of their parents or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your chil-dren to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended and are geared towards the ability of the chil-dren. Our Kindergarten and Level One pro-grams are geared towards children who do not speak any Slovenian. Accordingly, they concentrate on vocabulary building by listen-ing to stories, tapes, videos, games and con-versation, etc. - with no formal reading and writing, to prepare them for level 2 where they will be eased into reading and writing in Slovenian only when they are ready for it. Registration for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL is on September 10th, 2016 from 10:00 am to 12:00pm in the classroom behind the upper hall. Regular classes will start on September 17th, 2016 at 9:00 AM to 12:30PM. Although our goal is to teach the children to read, write and speak Slovenian, more im-portantly, it is to instill into them a Slovenian identity, a feeling of love and pride towards their Slovenian roots and their cultural herit-age. Because our Slovenian School is a part of the Slovenian community, it also gives the children a sense of belonging. It is a place where they make lasting friendships. Our children are the guarantee for the continuance of our Slovenian identity. Be proud that you are Slovenian and give your children the same opportunity! We look forward to seeing you! Sandy Ferletič – Head Teacher Slovenian International Language School VESTNIK 2016 | 319 VESTNIK 2016 | 321 VESTNIK 2016 | 323 SLOVENIAN CANANDIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION “The Foundation was es-tablished to encourage youth of Slovenian descent to pursue academic excellence in post secondary college and/or university studies and to encourage them to exemplify pride in their rich Slovenian cul-tural roots and traditions as Canadian citi-zens in leadership roles of the future.” (Mission Statement) The 2016 Scholarship/Bursary Applica-tion Form is now available for eligible candi-dates. A paper copy can be obtained from St. Gregory the Great Parish, Bled Hall or Lipa Park. If you need further information, or a downloaded copy of the application form, please contact Teresa Zupančič, Slo./Can. Board Member at 905-930-7545 or at t_zupancic@hotmail.com. The deadline for submission is September 9th, 2016. All scholarships and bursaries will be awarded at a special luncheon (also a fund- raiser) on Sunday October 23rd, 2016. We hope to see everyone there, as we will be cele-brating our 20th year awarding scholarships and bursaries to our youth of Slovenian de-scent. For Tickets, please contact any one of the following: Karl Ferko - 905-578-5890 Rosemary Pavlič - 905-643-7394 Ed Kodarin - 905-309-4050 Andy Habjan - 905-899-3876 Irene Glavač Petrič - 905-379-3667 Please note: Memorial Donation Cards for the Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foun-dation are now available in three funeral homes: Donald Brown in Stoney Creek, Smith’s Funeral Home in Stoney Creek and Markey-Dermody Funeral Home in Hamilton. We hope to include Patrick J. Darte Funeral Chapel in St. Catharines in the next coming month. If you have any questions regarding the donation cards, please contact the funeral director at the above –mentioned funeral homes, or contact Irene Glavač-Petrič, Slo./Can. Board Member at 905-379-3667 or at glavacpetric@gmai.com. Thank you again for your ongoing support! Board Members Karl Ferko (Co-Chair), Andy Habjan (Co-Chair), Jerry Ponikvar, Ed Kodarin, Teresa Zupančič, Rosemary Pavlič, John Doma, John Kranjc, Mariane Mallia, Frank Gimpelj, Irene Glavač-Petrič. MARMORA For Thursday, September 8th is organised bus for Marmora. At 8:00 a.m. it is Holy Mass and after mass bus will be leaving for Bur-lington (9:20 a.m.) and than for Marmora. Cost per person is $40. More information in the flayer. 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Lord, you have been our dwell-ing place in all generations. First Reading Wisdom 9:13-18 We are called to open our minds to God’s gift of Wisdom if we want to learn the truth of God’s intentions. Second Reading Philemon 9-10. 12-17 From prison, Paul seeks to restore Onesi-mus to Philemon, no longer seen as the world sees him – as a slave – but as a dear brother. Gospel Luke 14:25-33 People crowd round to learn from Jesus. But he cautions them: to be a real disciple of his is costly. “None of you can be my disciple unless he gives up all his possessions.” Illustration Thérese Martin grew up in a middle-class fami-ly in nineteenth-century France. She was the baby of the family, made to feel special by her older sis-ters, who took a major part in raising her after her mother’s death. Doted on by her father, she was perhaps a rather “spoilt” child – family memoirs recall her throwing tantrums when things didn’t go her way! Thérese entered the Carmelite monastery at fifteen, following in her older sisters’ footsteps, and died there aged twenty-four. A short life; and a life shaped by her own struggles to grow from a young, privileged girl, through the hard disciplines of Carmel, into an extraordinary maturity of holy living and dying. One of her major struggles, record-ed in her autobiography, concerned her vocation – what did God want her to do? She longed for the special callings – to be a missionary, a priest, a mar- tyr. But, in the end, she recognised her call in some-thing more ordinary and everyday – the call to love. From that day, she writes, she stopped thinking about herself and thought only of how to love those around her better. And from that day, she asserts, she was always happy. Gospel Teaching This calling to love described by St Thérese may seem an odd contrast to those startling words from the Gospel, which seem to speak not of love, but rather of a call to “hate”: “If any man comes to me without hating his father, mother, wife, children, brother, sisters, yes and his own life too, he cannot be my disciple.” Jesus is not, of course, requiring us all to go home and hate our families. The context makes this clear. But he is, none the less, calling his disciples to something quite radical. This is a pas-sage that speaks of the great cost of discipleship, the cost of being and remaining close to Jesus, of follow-ing him to the cross. For the Gospel is clear that this is what is required if we are to share in the life of resurrection, the life of God. What is described here is a fundamental “giving up” – of possessions and all the goods of life that we cling to in order to make us feel safe and comfortable. All these things – even when, like fami-lies, they are real goods in themselves – disciples are called to be ready to leave if they stop us following Jesus. But this is a giving up in love, just as the cross is God’s act of love. The difficult, costly thing is that this is loving in God’s way, and not only in the ordi-nary ways that make life secure and happier for our-selves. It is this love that our Old Testament reading today names as Wisdom – an understanding only possible through God’s gift. It is this love that trans-cends the ordinary social relations for Philemon and the slave Onesimus. In all this, we are meeting with God, whose intentions, will and truth lie beyond our fallen ways of knowing and loving. DRUŠTVO BLED - PIKNIK Društvo Bled Vas v ponedeljek, 5. septembra 2016, vljudno vabi na zadnji piknik v tej sezoni in tekmovanje v balinanju. Zabaval vas bo ansambel "KOLOVRÁT" iz Slovenije! Registracija za tekmovanje bo med 9. in 10. uro zjutraj. Čimprej se prijavite! Prijave sprejemata: Lojze Lesica: 905-520-1526 Dave Kompare: 905-531-1520 VILLA SLOVENIA ANNOUNCEMENT Villa Slovenia has now a two-bedroom unit available. Applications may be obtained from John Recek (superintendent-Villa Slovenia) and submitted to Access to Public Housing, Hamilton, City Hall. It is important to be registered, if interested now or in the future! If further information is required, contact Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813. CWL - KŽZ There will be no CWL meeting for Sep-tember. We will begin our regular CWL meetings in October. Ladies mark on your calendar for the Wednesday, Octo-ber 5th after evening Mass. Članice Katoliške ženska zveza bodo imela prvi Sestanek v sredo, 5. oktobra, po večerni maši. V septembru torej še ne bo srečanja. PARISH COUNCIL UPDATE – FALL BAN-QUET / ANNIVERSARY BOOK Summer is almost over and the par-ish fall banquet is fast approaching. This year, the banquet is on Sunday, September 25 and there will be an op-portunity to purchase St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish’s Anniversary Book. Fr. Bogdan, who put the book to-gether, will be the guest speaker at the event. We are also looking for volunteers and would appreciate any help you can offer; servers, bartenders, and help with the set up and clean up of the hall. Please contact a member of the Parish Council by Sunday, September 18. As always, there promises to be good food and there will even be a few door prizes. Reservations are being taken so please contact Pamela Gosgnach at 905-304-8719 or Teresa Sarjaš at 905-560-1218 Thank you, Parish Council OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE V četrtek, 8. septembra po večerni maši, bomo zopet začeli s pevskimi vajami za leto, ki je pred nami. Pripravljamo se za nedeljo, 25. septembra ob 10h dopoldne, ko imamo jesenski banket. V četrtek je tudi Mala maša - praznik Marijinega rojstva, zato vabljeni že k sveti maši ob 7h zvečer. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI - 3/4 september: Slovenski park - Labour Day Weekend Baseball Tournament; Mass on September 4th at 1:00 p.m. - 5. september-ponedeljek: Bled - Labour Day Picnic and Bocce Tournament. Band from Slovenia: KOLOVRÁT - 10/11. september: Triglav-London - Golf Tournament at Bear Creek; Sunday, Holy mass at 2:00 p.m. and picnic after. - 25. september: St. Gregory the Great - FALL BANQUET: Mass at 10:00 a.m. only. Fr. Bogdan Kolar will do the presentation of new book he wrote about the parish History. KITCHENER OKTOBERFEST 2016 - DAYTRIP St. Joseph Society once again is planning to at-tend Oktoberfest – Sava Club – Breslau Saturday, October 15th. Departure: 12:00 Special package - $65 includes: visit to St. Jacob Market and Outlets, Sava Club Ad-mission, Family style dinner, Oktoberfest Band, Ger-man Dancers, Taxes & gratuities and comfortable Motor Coach transportation. All are welcome! Registration: Make cheques payable to St. Jo-seph Society - contact: Frank Erzar (905-643-0285) or Jerry Ponikvar (905-333-5813). GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 4. september, 9:30 a.m.: Vera Gonza in Teresa Pučko POKOJNI V nedeljo, 28. avgusta 2016, je po daljši bolezni odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo naš faran ALOJZIJ VEKOSLAV SLOBODNIK. Pokojni je bil star 82 let. Od njega ste se lahko poslovili v sredo, 31. avgusta popoldne in zvečer v Markey Dermody Funeral Home. Ob 3:30 popoldne smo molili rožni venec za pokoj njegove duše. Pogrebno sveto mašo smo darovali v četrtek, 1. septembra ob 11h dopoldne, nato smo ga položili k večnemu počitku na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališču, Mud Street. Iskreno sožalje ženi Olgi, hčerki Mary in sinu Joe-ju z družinama in vsem ostalim sorodnikom. Pokojni Slavko pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj v božjem objemu. V sredo, 31. avgusta 2016 je Bog v 46. letu starosti, nepričakovano poklicak k sebi našo pevko mešanega pevskega zbora, LYNESSA (LYN) LOBO. Lyn, kot smo jo klicali je bila indijskega rodu, vendar sta z mamo hodile k slovenski maši in se je pred nekaj leti pridružila našemu mešanu pevskemu zboru. Z veseljem se je udeleževala vaj in vseh naših prireditev. Od nje ste se lahko poslovili v Bay Gardens Funeral Home v petek med 6. in 9. uro zvečer, ob 8h zvečer pa smo zanjo molili rožni venec. Pogrebna sveta maša je bila v soboto, 3. septembra ob 10h dopoldne, nato pa pogreb na Our Lady of the Angels katoliškem pokopališču. Iskreno sožalje mami Savine, bratu Darryl in vsem ostalim sorodnikom. Pokojna Lyn pa naj uživa zaslužen počitek v božji bližini. DAROVI Za gradbeni sklad - streho - so darovali: . $100 Jože in Marija Magdič . $300 Albina in Jožef Antolin . $150 Doreen & Richard Sebben . $100 Ivan in Marija Miketič . $50 Niagara Falls View Casino v spomin na pokojnega Ernesta Zrima . $140 Zorka Rev namesto rož za pokojnega Pavla Novaka in Tilko Vengar. . $100 Cecilija Sobočan . $120 Olga Glavač z družino Ob smrti Slavka Slobodnika so darovali za Cerkev-streho: . $20 Tomo Omalic . $100 Joe in Marianne Restek, Stoney Creek . $100 Družina Klanfar, Toronto . $20 Sonya Podrebarac . $20 Marija Štern . $50 in za 5 maš Društvo Sv. Jožefa Ob smrti Lyn Lobo so darovali za Cerkev-streho: . $50 Toni in Marija Franc . $50 Angela Kobe . $100 Dorothy Ježovnik - namesto cvetja . $ 20 Marija Štern . $20 Sonya Podrebarac . 20 Vojan Zekanović . $40 Vlado in Mary Mlacak, Stoney Creek . $20 Rose Wane Carter, Burlington . $10 Pat and Daphne Noronha Vsem iskrena hvala za vaše darove in velikodušnost pri podpiranju naše cerkve. Bog vam povrni za vašo dobroto in velikodušnost. THANK YOU - ZAHVALA A heartfelt thank you to all family and friends for their prayers, love and support during this difficult time. Thank you to father Jože Bajzek for administer-ing Last Rites to Slavko Slobodnik. A tremendous thank you to father Drago for always going above and beyond and providing support and knowledge wherever he can. Thank you for your pray-ers, visit, and beautiful prayer and funeral service filled with song. We are truly blessed to have you at St. Greg-ory the Great Slovenian Church! Thank you to Nancy Dundek, her adorable “3 little helpers,” Mrs. Ferenčak and others who helped in any way with cooking and preparing the delicious and plentiful food for the reception. Our father especially enjoyed and treasured when family and friends gath-ered together for a meal. Thank you to all the talented ladies who took the time to prepare and bring baked goods and fruits for the desert table! Thank you to everyone for your generous and thoughtful gifts and expressions of condolences. An emotional thank you to the pallbearers who each rep-resent families who we hold dear within our hearts. Thank you for the cards, flowers, gift baskets, fruits, stories, visits, masses and donations to St. Gregory the Great Church. Approximately 50 years ago Slavko Slo-bodnik contributed to the building of this Church; how appropriate it is that these donations in his memory will contribute to the future. Thank you for all the donations to our very special McMaster Children’s Hospital in Hamilton. Justin your hug is here. ...unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit… (John 12:23,24) Olga Slobodnik with families Slobodnik and Hode KITCHEN SECRETS IS ON THE CALENDAR... It's that time again when we start organizing a few more cooking sessions - and what could be better than to make Plum Dumplings (Cmoki / Knedelni) in the fall time. This is a potato dumpling with a juicy plum in the middle. Or if you prefer, you can simply make potato dumplings. If you are interested in adding this recipe to your recipe box, please email me at novakh@sympatico.ca to reserve your spot. This session will take place on October 1st beginning at 9am - there are limited spots available to call to ensure you don't miss out. I look forward to sharing the kitchen with you again! Heidy SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO 23. NEDELJA MED LETOM 4. SEPTEMBER Angelska nedelja Rozalija(Zalka), devica † † † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Franc Čurič, obl. John Tompa Mary Hochevar Pokojni člani društva Slovenski park Janez Adamič 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Žena Veronika Sestre in družine Hči Mia Goodfellow & family Maša: Slovenski park Družina Mramor PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 5. SEPTEMBER Mati Terezija, redovnica †† Za verne duše v vicah 8:00 A.M. N.N. TOREK - TUESDAY 6. SEPTEMBER Zaharija, prerok † Ernest Zrim 8:00 A.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) SREDA - WEDNESDAY 7. SEPTEMBER Regina, mučenka † † †† † Ana Krampač Annie Kozlar, obl. Polde in Marija Langenfus Marija Žužić 7:00 P.M. CWL - KŽZ Cecilija Sogočan z družino Sonja Langenfus Ankica Krizmanić ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 8. SEPTEMBER Rojsto Device Marije Mala maša †† † † † V čast Materi Božji Pokojni iz družine Kološa Pavel Novak Florijan Miklavčič Vera Despoja Jugovič 8:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. Romarji za Marmoro Majda Kološa Mešani pevski zbor (2) Žena z družino Olga Glavač z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 9. SEPTEMBER Peter Klaver, redovnik † † † † Tugomir Šribar Vid Kastelic Peter Mihalič Kathy Zamora 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetič Društvo sv. Jožefa (4) Danica Glub Manja Erzetič SOBOTA SATURDAY 10. SEPTEMBER Ines, mučenka † † † † † Po namenu Tomo Pašalić Vid Kastelic Marija Rajtar Marko Ferfolja Ana Veselič 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. N.N. Katarina Ivanković Družina Kastelic Hčerka z družino Romana Novak z družino Brat Mihael Fabina 24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 11. SEPTEMBER Bonaventura, redovnik † †† †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Anika Stanko Matija in Agata Žižek Pokojni člani društva Triglav Štefan Horvat 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Janez Lovrenčec Matija in Joyce Tompa London-Triglav Joe in Olga Hanc SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 04. 9. 2016 Do 11. 9. 2016