VESTNIK 2021 | VESTNIK 2021 | 231 VESTNIK 2021 | 233 VESTNIK 2021 | 235 13. NEDELJA MED LETOM 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 26/57 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 27. 6 . 2021 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Dotik, ki oživlja »Bog ni naredil smrti in se ne veseli pogina živih.« Ta cudovita trditev Knji-ge modrosti, casovno gledano, ene iz-med zadnjih knjig Stare zaveze - nasta-la je v Aleksandriji v Egiptu - je lahko duhovno znamenje, ki nas spremlja pri branju navedbe evangelista Marka o dveh med seboj povezanih cudežih, namrec o krvotocni ženi in obuditvi hcere Jaira, predstojnika sinagoge v Kafarnaumu. Prav sem, na znani in stiskajoci se zid mesta ob Tiberijskem jezeru, kjer se mudi Jezus v prvem casu svojega misijonskega delovanja, sta postavljena omenjena dogod-ka. Za nekaj trenutkov se v množici, ki se gnete okrog Kristusa, pojavi skromna in neopazna bolna žena. Po poznejšem ljudskem izrocilu je prišla s severa Palestine, od izvira Jordana, iz Cezareje Filipove, mesta, v katerem je Kristus obljubil Petru posebno poslanstvo v Cerkvi. Dvanajst let je žena krvavela. Poleg telesne izcrpanosti je doživljala tudi veliko duhovno ponižanje zaradi obredne in družbene necistosti, kakor je dolocala postava. Prepovedan je bil vsak cloveški stik z njo. To-da ravno stik, ko se je dotaknila Kristusovega oblacila, ji je vrnil zdravje in upanje v vsakdanje življenje. Jezus ni dopustil, da bi se vse koncalo pri cudežnem delanju, marvec je hotel, da se iz tega cudovitega zaupanja razcvete jasna vera. Poiskal je ženo. S strahom in trepetom je stopila predenj se vrgla na kolena kot pred božansko bitje. Šele tedaj je popol-noma ozdravela. Zaradi svoje vere žena ni bila samo ozdravljena, mar-vec tudi odrešena. Jezus jo je ljubece nagovoril z besedo »hci«. Rekel ji je: »Tvoja vera te je rešila ..., bodi ozdravljena svoje nadloge!« Žena se je zgubila v množici in je odšla, ostala pa je živa v zgodovini samo zaradi tega evangeljskega zapisa. Bolj slovesen je drugi dogodek z vrhuncem ob Jezusovem prihodu v Jairovo hišo, ko se zdi, da je prišel prepozno. Znani rabinski izrek pravi: »Trije kljuci so v rokah Boga, ki jih mogocnež tega sveta nima v rokah: kljuci za dež, materino narocje in vstajenje mrtvih.« Dejanja, ki jih je Jezus storil v tej mrtvaški sobi v tišini in sam, ko je odstranil ves vrvež objokujocih, prepevajocih, užalošcenih sorodnikov, znacilne vzklike vzho-dnjaških pogrebov, imajo božanski izvor. Jezus je stegnil roko, roko mocnega in vzvišenega Bo-ga, ki jo opeva Stara zaveza: »Cetudi pade, ne obleži, zakaj Gospod mu podpre roko« (Ps 37,24). Roki le pridružena ucinkovita in ustvar-jalna beseda: dovolj sta dve besedi, izgovorjeni v aramenjšcini s cloveškim jezikom, ki ga je govo-ril Jezus: »Talita kum« - »Deklica, vstani!« Na zacetku Svetega pisma se je pred nicem oglasila beseda najvišjega Boga: »Bodi luc! In bila je luc.« Sedaj pa se je pred smrtjo dvignil Jezusov glas, ki je vrnil življenje. V tej deklici se na simbolicen nacin kaže predpodoba velikonoc-ne skrivnosti, v kateri je smrt le »sen«. Iz teh dveh porocil o cudežih, ki še danes od-mevata v naših cerkvah, sledi pomemben klic. To je klic k cisti in predani veri, zaupljivi samo do Boga, ki daje življenje. Od nepopolne vere, kakr-šna je bila vera žene, od razocarane vere, kot je bila vera Jaira, lahko prihajamo k veri, ki raste, dozoreva in postane popolnoma predana. To je osnovna naloga vsakega kristjana, na-loga, ki jo gradimo z vsakdanjo zvestobo, nalo-ga, ki mora usmerjati naše pricakovanje in pri-zadevanja. Pripoved starih pušcavnikov pravi, da je nekega dne nek ucenec šel k svojemu ucite-lju in mu rekel: »Ucenik, želim najti Boga.« Uce-nik se je nasmehnil. Ker je bilo zelo vroce, je po-klical mladenica, naj ga spremlja in se okopa v reki. Mladenic se je zmocil in ucitelj prav tako. Nato se mu je približal, ga zgrabil ter ga z vso mocjo držal pod vodo. Mladenic se je upiral, do-kler ga ucitelj ni spustil na površino. Nato ga je vprašal, kaj si je najbolj želel, ko je bil pod vodo. »Zraka,« je odgovoril ucenec. »Ali si tako želiš tudi Boga?« ga je vprašal ucitelj. »Ce ga tako želiš, ga boš zanesljivo našel. Toda ce v sebi ni-maš tako gorece žeje, ti ne bodo pomagali ne napori, ne knjige. Ne boš prišel do vere, ce je ne boš želel kot zraka za dihanje.« - (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005-2006, št. 4) 230 | VESTNIK 2021 232 | VESTNIK 2021 234 | VESTNIK 2021 236 | VESTNIK 2021 Illustration Have you noticed how much people talk nowa-days about the work-life balance? There’s a sense that many of us struggle with the demands on us, from our employers, from our families, our friends, even from our church. We’re pulled this way and that, ending up doing nothing very well. Sometimes the cost is material: there are demands on our mon-ey. But often it’s time that is the real problem. And sometimes there are occasions when we might shy away from helping someone. Work-life balance can be an excuse, too. We tell ourselves that we really haven’t got time to make a phone call to a lonely relative, or bother to go to the food bank to make a donation, or visit someone in hospital. “I need some me-time” is a popular twenty-first-century refrain. Gospel Teaching In today’s second reading, St Paul is very con-cerned about striking a balance, urging the Corinthi-an Christians to get things in order, so that they look after those in need but meet their own needs as well. “Remember how generous the Lord Jesus was,” he reminds them. God’s generosity is vast, as the reading from Wisdom points out: God created everything, it tells us. And that huge embrace for the world is evident in God’s Son too. Mark’s Gospel recounts Jesus being pressed on all sides. People want his attention and his healing. He attends to Jairus whose daughter is sick; we can imagine how desperate the father must be. The crowd keeps pressing and in the middle of it, as Jesus is probably struggling to keep his footing when he is jostled while following Jairus to his home, there’s someone else in need. A woman who is bleeding touches his garment. And then, hearing that Jairus’ daughter is dead, Jesus doesn’t hold back. He visits her, regard-less. For people of Jesus’ time, this was remarkable behaviour. They had a horror of blood and a woman with a haemorrhage like this would have been seen as ritually unclean. Touching a dead body would also have been seen as unacceptable: Jesus would have contaminated himself. But instead he re-sponds to these people, just as he would to anyone else, recognising the person in need. Healing the woman with the haemorrhage and bringing Jairus’ daughter back to life would have been extraordi-nary moments. Mark tells us that the people who witnessed the little girl coming back to life were overcome with astonishment. We can imagine how Jesus’ actions were so shocking to people for whom death was something that took people so rapidly in an age with little medical knowledge. The reading from the book of Wisdom stresses that death is not God’s doing. Now Jesus is overcoming it. The incarnation of Jesus was, above all else, a physical thing, and this Gospel is full of the physical. There are the crowds of people, pushing and shov-ing. There is the woman with the haemorrhage. There is the tenderness of Jesus taking the hand of the little girl. And then he overcomes death, the end of the physical body, and restores her to life. God is not some ethereal being here: God is among us, part of our lives. Indeed, Jesus is so practical about the material world that he urges Jairus and the others to give the restored little girl something to eat. Application We have here a God who is part of the human world and concerned about it. The Lord can over-come what threatens it – ill health and death – but is also right at the centre of it. As Christians we need to be right at the centre of life too, rather than hav-ing time only for the spiritual. So there are clear messages here about how we live out our discipleship through service. As St Paul urged the Corinthians, there needs to be bal-ance in life. But just as we should be mindful of our own needs, we must be watchful of others. Christi-anity is about solidarity, not endless doses of me-time. In Mark’s Gospel we see Jesus’ solidarity with those deemed literally untouchable by society. We cannot raise others from the dead but we can bring those rejected and unwanted back to a fuller life in society by our acceptance of them. It can be hard sometimes to overcome our own prejudices, but Jesus can awake us from our assumptions about others. Faith will bring us back to life in so many ways. 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: I will extol you, Lord, for you have raised me up. First Reading Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 God’s love is overflowing, and so God created an abundance of life. Death came into the world, not through God, but through the dev-il’s hand. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 8:7. 9. 13-15 The community of Christians has enjoyed the generosity of Jesus and they should reflect this in the mercy they show others. But in helping others, they should not ignore their own needs. Gospel Mark 5:21-43 During his ministry, Jesus is surrounded by people all the time. But he turns to those in greatest need. His miracles are signs of God’s mercy available to us all. “Remember how generous the Lord Jesus was.” THE SECOND JOYFUL MYSTERY: THE VISITATION - A MODEL FOR THE POST-PANDEMIC CHURCH By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB - Part two What Mary didn’t do: • Mary didn’t complain that the Jewish reli-gious leaders of the time weren’t helping her or weren’t even aware that “the dawn from on high” was breaking upon them! Yes, they should have been more in tune with the importance of that pinnacle moment in salvation history, yet they were asleep at the wheel. Nevertheless, Mary goes and loves… and shares… and helps… and brings joy! (Does this remind you of this critical moment in salvation history, now in 2021, when the bish-ops and priests are asleep at the wheel? Should that stop you from evangelizing? From serving?) • Mary didn’t assume that someone who lived closer to Elizabeth would help her. She didn’t decide, “She lives far away. I can’t be expected to go all the way there.” She didn’t take the stance that… since I am presently experiencing my own call and challenge, I need to take time off from being charitable. (Does this sound like the excuses you and I use during the pandemic to justify the fact that we can’t go out and serve? Isn’t it true that because of the fear-mongering from the pandemic we have actually been lazier and reluctant to go out to serve the needs of others? We are more insular and staying more and more in our homes during the ‘crisis’ – Yes or no?) • Mary didn’t say, “I have just been given a great task, to be the mother of the holy son of God. I shouldn’t risk myself by serving someone with a lesser calling.” (Does this sound like you and I taking the stance of “every man for himself” and just stick with your own family and friends and the heck with the extended community and others?) Imagine how the culture would change if we each did what Mary did. If each of us visited just one Catholic who stopped going to church, we could make a difference. If each of us prayed with a Catholic who is going through a hard time (at the supermarket, on the phone, in the parking lot are great spots for this to occur), we could make a difference. Sharing time, sharing joys and sorrows, helping and serving another in their need, saying prayers with them… Wow! You know what would happen? Just like the Visitation – there would be outbursts of joy and our present crisis of faith would be transformed by love. Slovenska zastava pa je v znamenje 30 let-nice slovenske samostojnosti zaplapolala tudi pred mestno hišo v Torontu v cetrtek, 24. juni-ja 2021ob 11:00 a.m. in je visela do naslednje-ga dne. Obicajno se je zbrala kar velika množi-ca ob tem dogodku, tokrat pa so bili prisotni samo Marjan Kolaric in hci Nataša; Vera in Em-ma Margutsch (VSKO). 30. LET SAMOSTOJNE SLOVENIJE OBELEŽENO NA CN STOLPU - V petek, 25. junija 2021, se nas je manjša skupina zbrala ob stolpu na povabilo g. Blaža Slamica, zacasne odpravnika poslov pri slovenskem veleposlaništvu v Ottawi. Z njim je bila tudi Margerita Po-tocco-Drakulic, konzularna asistentka, Marjan in Shivaun Kolaric s hcerkama Natašo in Adrijano, Stane in Mary Kranjc, Joe Mihevc in Janez Smrekar. Luci so prižgali šele »po soncnem zahodu«. Uspelo nam, da so obeležili dogodek s sliko in tudi zapeli slovensko himno. Ceprav kratko, pa vendar pomembno dogajanje, ob praznovanju 30 letnice slovenske samostojnosti. - Fr. Drago Gacnik 30 LET SLOVENSKE SAMOSTOJNOSTI! TORONTSKI STOLP - CN TOWER - V BARVAH SLOVENSKE ZASTAVE. KLJUB OBLAKOM SO ZASVETILE TUDI »TRI ZVEZDE«. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad je darovala $60 Terezija Uduc. V spomin na pokojnega Jožeta Razpotnika so darovali za gradbeni sklad: - $100 - Družina Maric - $50 Theresa in Alojz Rozman (London) Namesto cvetja na grob pok. Ivana Petek je Te-rezija Zadravec darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam stoterno povrni vašo dobroto. VECNA LUC V mesecu juliju bo vecna luc gorela za po-kojnega Martina Simoncica po namenu žene Kathy. PRVI PETEK Koncuje se mesec junij, posvecen srcu Jezusovemu in zacenjamo mesec julij. Ta teden je že prvi petek. Zvecer ob 6:00 bo priložnost za prejem zakramenta odpušcanja - sveta spoved, priložnost za molitev pred Najsvetejšim in ob 7h zvecer bo sveta maša. Pocasi se cerkve bolj in bolj odpirajo. Od 30. junija imamo lahko v cerkvi 25% zasedenost, to za nas pomeni da je v cerkvi lahko 85 ljudi, seveda še vedno ob upoštevanju razdalje in z nošenjem mask. On Thursday, July1st, at Masses throughout the Diocese, we will pray the Act of Entrustment to St. Joseph. You are invited to pray the prayer as part of your daily prayer. It can be found on our website. During this year dedicated to St. Joseph, we turn to him, Protector of the Holy Family, Patron of the Universal Church and of Canada; we entrust our-selves to him as our inspiration and guide in living an authentic Christian life! POKOJNI V nedelja, 20. junija 2021 zvecer, je Bog poklical s sebi našega farna Ignaca Prša. Januarja je dopolnil 90 let. Od pokojnega ste se lahko poslovili v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home v sredo 23. junija, zvecer smo se zbrali k molitvi, v cetrtek dopoldne ob 11:00 a.m. pa smo daro-vali pogrebno sveto mašo v naši cerkvi. Pokojnega smo pospremili k vecnemu pocitku na Gate of He-aven pokopališce. Iskreno sožalje vsem domacim pokojni Ignac pa naj uživa vecni mir in pokoj pri Bogu. POSVETITEV SV. JOŽEFU From recalling to action With the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Saint Joseph as Patron Saint of the Universal Church, the entire People of God is invited to undertake the interior path of the carpen-ter of Nazareth, so as to “increase our love for this great saint, to encourage us to implore his interces-sion and to imitate his virtues and his zeal.” Why a consecration? We know this from having experienced it: we draw closer to God by praying to him and by being of service to our neighbour. The act of consecration in-spires prayer and specifies those gestures that build up Christ’s Kingdom. Why not let Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Guardian of the Redeemer, Patron of the Church, of workers and of a good death assist us in drawing closer to the Lord and deepen our Christian commitment? We can thus give ourselves to Jesus more wholly and deeply through Mary and Joseph. Consecration: setting oneself apart to be of great-er service The verb to consecrate means, to set apart some-thing or someone in view of a sacred purpose. In this way, objects, places and people are consecrated to a cause. A consecration to Saint Joseph By entrusting ourselves completely to the fatherly care and powerful intercession of the Church’s patron saint, we are beseeching his help in living out those same virtues he did and so grow in the likeness of Christ evermore. We consecrate our lives and all those dear to us to him as to a spiritual father who shows us the Fatherhood of God Himself and we place ourselves in his loving care so as to better wit-ness our faith and live lives pleas-ing to God and in service to our sisters and brothers. V cetrtek se bomo pri maši pridru-žili tudi mi ostalim cerkvam po Kanadi in poleg maše in litanij sv. Jožefa, se bomo tudi njemu posvetili. Molitev k sv. Jožefu pa lahko najdete tukaj po-leg na podobici, ki so jo natisnili. Molitev lahko molite vsak dan, saj je kratka. Papež Francišek je velik castilec sv. Jožefa. V zadnjem casu smo tudi pri evharisticnih molitvah, dodali njegovo ime, kjer ga še ni bil omenjen. Heart to Heart CIŠCENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH July 3, 2021 Jožica Vegelj and team July 17, 2021 Gosgnach July 31, 2021 Groznik, Erzar, Rev, Lukežic August 14, 2021 Team Lojzka Novak August 28, 2021 Lukežic, Volcanšek September 11, 2021 Gosgnach SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFES-SIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Nedelko Ana June 28, 2019 Zupancic Anton Tony June 29, 1999 Doberšek Ema June 29, 2007 Carey Alojz July 1, 1980 Vuk Joseph July 2, 1974 Vrenjak Josephine July 3, 1968 Simoncic Martin July 3, 2020 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 27. 6. 2021 do 4. 7. 2021 13. NEDELJA MED LETOM 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 27. JUNIJ Ema Krška, vdova † †† †† † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Karel Volf Starši Fticar Ana in Rudi Hanc Ivan Petek Irma Dorencec Za zdravje brata Anteja Franc Novak Alojzija Rogelj, obl. 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - - Žena Marija Elizabeth in Marjan Hozjan Olga Hanc z družino Žena z družino Mož z družino Sister Sin Frank Novak z družino Hci Lojzka Novak z družino PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 28. JUNIJ Irenej, šk-muc. † † † Ana Nedelko, obl. Ana Nedelko, obl. Ana Nedelko, obl. 7:00 P.M. Mož Ivan Marija in Jože Magdic Lojze in Dragica Ferencak TOREK - TUESDAY 29. JUNIJ Peter in Pavel, apostola † †† Ružica Erlic Pokojni iz družine Grebenc 7:00 P.M. Mimi Plevel Francka Cestnik z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 30. JUNIJ - I. rimski muc. Helena in Rozalija Arhar Martin Vincec, 30. dan (Slo) 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino sestra Olga Culig CETRTEK - THURSDAY 1. JULIJ Estera sp. žena † † † Leonida Bratkovic Ivan Petek Giuseppe Cipolla Ignac Prša, 7. dan po pogrebu 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak Olga Glavac Bernardine Mujdrica z družino Milena Volcanšek z družino PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY 2. JULIJ Ptujskogorska M.B. † † † † † Jože Vuk, obl. Barbara Lemonnd Joe Razpotnik Anna Gustin Lojze Prilesnik 7:00 P.M. Marija Hocevar Olga Culig Manja Erzetic Angela Kobe Jožica V. SOBOTA - SATURDAY 3. JULIJ Tomaž, apostol Anatolij, škof † †† † † † † Martin Simoncic, obl. Tilka in Toni Vengar Avgust Žalik Za duše v vicah Joe Žižek Franc Geric, obl. 5:30 P.M. Žena Kathc Jožica Novak z družino Marti in Regina Nedelko Marija Košir Rozina Petek z družino Hci Kathy Simoncic 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4. JULIJ Urh (Uroš), škof † † †† † †† † † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Ante Cule Jože Razpotnik Pokojni iz družine Zelko Viktor Glavac Vinko in Milka Skale Spomenka Za družino Frank Saje Pokojni clani društva Katarina in Franc Kapušin 10:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - - - - - - - - - Družina Cule Družina Dim Matilda Bratuž Žena z družino Toni in Marija Franc Sister N.N. Žena z družino SLOVENSKI PARK Janko in Anica Bubaš