124 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. Spomenik in spominska kostnica na Đindinem brdu • Ðindino brdo, Vogošća, Bosna in Hercegovina • Arhitekt: Zlatko Ugljen • Kipar: Petar Krstić • Material: beton, železo, baker, steklo, kamen • Fotografije: Boris Trapara • Besedilo: Boris Trapara Monument and memorial ossuary at Ðindino brdo • Ðindino brdo, Vogošća, Bosnia and Herzegovina • Architect: Zlatko Ugljen • Sculptor: Petar Krstić • Material: concrete, iron, copper, glass, stone • Photographs: Boris Trapara • Text: Boris Trapara 15_ VOGOŠĆA, 1969 Zlatko Ugljen, Petar Krstić BIH 125arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Spomenik na hribu Ðindina je posvečen borcem narodnoosvobodilnega boja iz okolice Vogošće. Do pobude za gradnjo je prišlo v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Spominski kompleks so slovesno odprli 21. julija 1969. Spomenik in ko- stnica pomenita skladno kiparsko rešitev s številnimi stiliziranimi simboli. Kot ce- lota imata kulturno, zgodovinsko, spominsko in umetniško vrednost. Betonska dostopna pot s stopnicami obiskovalca pripravi na prostorsko doživetje masivne skulpture, visoke približno 5 metrov in široke približno 8 metrov. Spomenik stoji na štirih horizontalno postavljenih betonskih krakih, ki se združijo v steber, na ka- terem stoji poligonalno telo. Na sprednji in zadnji strani so dodani detajli v bakru in steklu, na straneh pa bakrena kroga. Na vzhodni strani spomenika je citat iz Gorskega venca pesnika in vladike Petra II. Petrovića Njegoša: »Stopiti tiraniji z nogo za vrat, pripeljati jo do sodbe, najsvetejša je človeška dolžnost!«, s podpisom »Ljudstvo tega kraja«. V bližini so trije stebri trikotnega prereza, na katerih je zapi- sanih 62 imen padlih partizanskih borcev. Spominski kompleks je že od postavitve prizorišče spominskih srečanj. Med letoma 1992 in 1995 so ob vznožju hriba, na katerem stoji, zgradili mošejo, ki je s svojimi dimenzijami, proporci in oblikova- njem v nasprotju z ambientalnimi vrednostmi kompleksa. Čeprav je danes na osrednjem spomeniku več manjših razpok in so nekateri stekleni elementi poško- dovani, večje konstrukcijske škode ni. Avgusta 2017 so se na pobudo Združenja protifašistov in veteranov narodnoosvobodilnega boja Vogošća pričela prizadeva- nja za njegovo ureditev. Okolica spomenika in kostnice je redno vzdrževana, kom- pleks pa je varen in tudi brez smerokazov lahko dostopen. The monument on hill Ðindina is dedicated to the fighters in the People’s Libera- tion Struggle from the vicinity of Vogošća. The initiative for the construction was put forward in the 1960s. The opening ceremony for the memorial complex was held on 21st July 1969. The monument and the ossuary represent a harmonious sculpture solution with numerous stylised symbols. As a whole, the monument and the ossuary have cultural, historical, memorial, and artistic value. The concrete access path with steps prepares the visitor for a spatial experience of the massive sculpture approximately 5 m tall and approximately 8 m wide. The monument stands on four horizontally laid concrete rays which meet to form a column on which the polygonal spatial body is placed. There are details in copper and glass on the front and the rear while the sides each feature a copper circle. On the east side of the monument, there is a quotation from The Mountain Wreath, a poem by poet and Prince-Bishop Petar II Petrović-Njegoš: “To place foot upon tyranny’s neck, to lead tyrants to knowledge of the right, this is the most sacred of man’s duties!” (translation of verse by Professor Vasa D. Mihailovich), signed: “The peo- ple of this place”. Nearby, there are three columns with a triangular cross-section inscribed with 62 names of Partisan fighters killed in action. Ever since its erection, the memorial complex has been the site of remembrance gatherings as well as a park. Between 1992 and 1995, a mosque was built by the foot of the hill whose dimensions, proportions, and design are at odds with the ambiental values of the complex. Despite a few minor fissures and damage to some glass elements, there is no major structural damage to the central monument. In August 2017, the Union of antifascist and veterans of the People’s Liberation Struggle of Vogošća under- took the initiative for the monument to be refurbished. The area around the mon- ument and the ossuary is regularly maintained, and the complex is safe and easily accessible even without signposts.