Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 110, No. 1 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 Phone:(216)431-0628 $1 nn E-mail: ahp@,buckeveweb.net ^ »vi/ Slovenia’s EU Juggling Act Slovenia’s president of the European Union will presumably be at the forefront of EU efforts at avoiding any spillover effects - whether in the Balkans or other regions where separatists will be hoping for a precedent. Managing the transition in Kosovo itself will be a relatively easy task by comparison, as the EU has long-term plans in place for financial aid and institutional assistance. Stopping attempts to use Kosovo as a blueprint by separatists in Georgia or Moldovia, on the other hand, will require deft diplomatic footwork from Slovenia. Georgia, in particular, will be following very closely the EU’s response to possible attempts by Russia to profit from the situation. The handiest and most common tool in the EU arsenal is “presidency statements,” which are now Slovenia’s responsibility. Brussels’ European Neighborhood Policy is likely to be shifted to the back burner for the next six months. Slovenia’s own presidency program notes that short-term EU interest in the neighborhood will be confined to “economic cooperation and enhanced people-to-people contacts.” Slovenia’s global agenda will be dominated by two well-established EU concerns - climate change and energy. Under Slovenia’s leadership, the EU will continue to push for an international agreement on carbon-dioxide emissions after 2012 when the Kyoto treaty expires. The EU is also likely to formally approve the Nabucco natural-gas pipeline that is eventually intended to link it to the gas reserves around the Caspian Sea. Another key EU preoccupation will be immigration. EU leaders agreed in December to work together to curb illegal immigration, but also committed themselves to moves to develop a policy for allowing limited legal immigration. The EU has proclaimed 2008 “The year of intercul-tural dialogue.” Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for this news. Alexander Hamilton originated the put and take system in our national treasury. The taxpayers put their money in, and the politicians take it out.-Will Rodgers___________________ On Tuesday, Nov. 20, left to right, Richard Beck, Lex Machaskee, and Mary Ann Vogel observe Slovenian Artist Day at the Galeria in downtown Cleveland. _____________ (Photo by Phil Hrvatin 020*01 0****a***********,***6-DIGIT 44081 MARIAN McMAHON 3933 OHIO ST PERRY OH 44081-9552 St. Mary Cleveland (Collinwood) parishioners Greg, Jennie, Simon, Felicity, Sebastian Sedmak, and (at right), visitor, brother Paul, a recent Euclid High School graduate, send Christmas greetings from the country of Georgia, where Greg is teaching English.___ Slovenia Takes Over E.U. Presidency “On Tuesday, Jan. 1, Slovenia took from Portugal the six-month European Union’s rotating presidency, expected to be dominated by the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and the Kosovo issue among others. “The agenda on the table is highly diverse. The main focus will be on the Lisbon Strategy, energy and climate change, the Western Balkans, the ratification of the new treaty, and the intercultural dialogues,” Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša said in his welcome address on the presidency’s website. It is noted that there are worries that Kosovo independence could trigger new violence in the Balkans and European governments expect Slovenia to use its past ties fo help reach a solution. Slovenia also is expected to push for other former Yugoslav countries to join the EU. On Dec. 31, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitri Rupel officially took over the EU Council Presidency on the island of Madeira. At the working meeting, the Portuguese Foreign Minister, Luis Amado, handed Rupel a symbolic object with stars and the EU flag, the hand-over of which was introduced by the German Presidency. At the ceremony Rupel said there are three events which marked Slovenia and all of Central and Eastern Europe. “In 2004, Slovenia joined the EU, and in 2007 the borders within the EU were removed and the Schengen system introduced, while tomorrow, one of the new Member States, i.e., Slovenia, will begin to preside over the entire European Union.” On this occasion Dr. Rupel said, “The EU Presidency is moving from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, to the Slovenian Adriatic Sea, from the West to the East.” Rupel stated, The European Union is a large integration stretching from Portugal to Slovenia and even further.” He said, “The year 2008 will be a turning point. We are awaiting the synergy of friendship, partnership, good neighborly rela- tions, dialogue, respect, understanding and solidarity.” The ceremony on the occasion of taking over the Presidency took place in front of the Perfecta Palace, where 300 balloons painted in the colors of the Portuguese, Slovenian and EU flags were released into the air. During the six-month mandate, Slovenia will host about 150 meetings, including 14 ministerial ones, out of the thousand events EU officials usually hold in one semester. Slovenia, with just 2 million inhabitants, is expected to use its role coordinating EU policies until June to shift the bloc’s foreign-policy attention to the western Balkans, and Kosovo in particular. Any EU presidency holds out opportunities and challenges for its incumbent. The primary challenge lies in keeping the EU’s course steady. As the first of the EU’s 10 postcommunist member states to take the helm, Slovenia will face a difficult test. Slovenia faces a major opportunity in the chance to direct EU’s attention to issues that are of particular interest to the holder of the presidency. Ljubljana has already said it wants the EU to focus on the western Balkans, in particular Kosovo, during the next six months. This comes in sharp contrast to Portugal’s preoccupation with Africa. Slovenian Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel in December confirmed Ljubljana’s commitment to aiding the resolution of Kosovo’s status. “I hope we can contribute to resolving the Kosovo question during our presidency,” Rupel said. “In view of what has happened in recent months, we understand Slovenia will have to deal with these most complicated processes during its presidency.” He went on to predict that, “These processes will be concluded by the end of our presidency.” Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for providing this 3 news. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 St. Vitus Benefit Dinner by RUDY FLIS This is #1 day of year 2008. Happy New Year to each of you. Sixty days from this day will be leap year, Feb. 29. Ever wonder about that day, which occurs every four years? I have some thoughts on the matter which I’ll pass on to you. I would like to know who came up with the idea of taking the overflow time of the past four years and plunking it down at the end of February. My birthday is in February, the last day of the month, that is, three out of four years. This year it is the second last day of the month. Having celebrated all of my birthdays in February, I know the month is cold and windy with short days, and not much to do outside, except to hurry inside and become warm. Here’s my thoughts on leap year. Why not give the extra day to June? Make it June 31 every four years. In June we see the sun most of the day; we have a warm breeze carrying the scent of flowers, blossoms and green grass to enrich the heat of the sun, and the cool of the shade as we stay outside as much as we can. We swim, walk, run or golf; it is the best of times weather-wise as mother nature is in full bloom from the gift of the sun. I close my eyes in the month of June, and I can see the beautiful colors of flowers and blossoms, the deep rich green of the grass and leaves on the trees. If I close my eyes in the month of February, I see white snow, barren trees as I shiver in a chilly wind. The only green I see are shamrocks put up early to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. February is a bummer month to exist for any reason. The only good thing about February is I suffer only 28 days and it is over, usually, but not this year. I must freeze my buns one extra day this year. Purgatory - that’s what it is. The powers in Washington move Daylight Savings around. Thanksgiving has been moved in the past. We celebrate President’s Day on a Monday instead of on a President’s Birthday. Why can’t the beautiful warm month of June have 31 days every four years instead of February? It would be a leap year in the right direction. St. Mary’s Slovenian School Dinner St. Mary’s Slovenian School will host its annual fundraising lunch on Sunday, Jan. 20 in St. Mary’s Parish Center on Holmes Avenue in the Collinwood section of Cleveland. On the menu will be pork and chicken. Serving starts at 11 a.m. Prices are $12 for adults and $6 for children. Take out orders will be available. Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance from St. Mary’s Slovenian students and faculty. All are welcome. Organ Recital at Immaculate Conception Church An organ concert of music composers Bach, Vieme, Sowerby and others will be performed at Immaculate Conception Church in Cleveland at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 13 by organists Graham Schultz and Abigail Rockwood. The concert will be performed on the magnificent 48 rank Casavantes organ. The church is located at 4129 Superior Avenue (just east of the Innerbelt Superior Avenue exit). Admission is free; a freewill offering may be made. St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland will have a benefit dinner on January 20 in conjunction with the St. Ignatius High School Marching Band. Net proceeds will be applied to repair work on the parish’s historic Holtkamp organ in St. Vitus Church. A review is currently underway regarding repair work for the church’s Holtkamp organ built in 1932 when St. Vitus Church was completed and dedicated. Adult dinner tickets are $12 and meals for children under 12 are $6. Please join us for our 15th SlovenSki Weekend at Windham Mountain on Friday, Feb. Is' to Sunday, Feb. 3rd. Enjoy a fun weekend of skiing, snowboarding, NA-STAR racing, tubing, ice skating and dinner with friends. This year we made lodging arrangements at Christman’s Windham House located on Route 23 (Main Street) in Windham, NY. The hotel is 1.5 miles west of the town of Windham. 25 rooms will be held for our group until Jan. 18. Contact Christman’s for lodging reservations only. Tel: 888-294-4053 (toll free). E-mail: christmanswh@verizon.net or www.windhamhouse.com A noon Mass will be held on Jan. 20 with one or more Jesuit priests concelebrating. All parishioners and alumni of St. Ignatius High School are extended an invitation to attend this Mass and then enjoy a well prepared dinner and good company in the parish auditorium. Tickets may be purchased by contacting Stanc Kuhar at (216) 361-1444 (work) or after 6 p.m. at (440) 585-1360. For detailed weekend information call Ivan Kamin 718-424-2711, cell: 917- 723-2456 or email: mcgraphicsifk@gmail.cnin or ifkamin@verizon.net Registration is Friday, Feb. 1 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Christman’s Windham House lobby. The NASTAR race will be on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Saturday’s dinner will be at Windham Mountain at 7 p.m. (same place as last year). We hope you can join us. If you know of anyone else who would be interested, please pass this information along. -John Kamin AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Leap Year Blues 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “GIVE US THIS DAY, OUR DAILY BREAD.. Finally a discovery after a life-long search. The recipe first appeared in the New York Times, followed by an article in the Vogue magazine as well as in the Mother Earth News. No need for heavy kneading nor thousands of dollars for a Slovenian “krušna pec”. A simple Dutch Oven (yours truly ordered a Lodge enamel on cast iron, six quart one from Amazon.com, with free shipping before Christmas) does the trick. Here is the recipe: • !4 teaspoon active dry yeast (yes, only one quarter teaspoon) • 1 Vi cups of warm water • 3 cups of flour (King Arthur unbleached bread flour works great) • 1 1/4 teaspoons of salt • Commeal or regular flour for “dusting” Quickly mix by hand (all dry ingredients first, followed by water) above ingredients in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let it rest at 70 degrees from 14 to 20 hours. Take out of bowl and fold over itself two times. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes. Uncover and form into a ball as much as you can, with fold side down. Cover with 100% cotton wrap, dusted with flour or commeal and let rest for 1 to 2 hours. Place empty covered dutch oven into a 475 degree stove oven, 20 minutes before you are ready to bake. Remove the “ball” of dough and place into a covered Dutch Oven, with temperature at 475 degrees, to bake for 30 minutes, with fold side up. Uncover the Dutch Oven and continue baking for 15 minutes or less, watching for a nice carmel colored crust. Take out of oven and out of the pot and let the bread cool down. VOILA! As a Frenchman might say. Your artisan bread is ready to be devoured. If you are a bread lover, you will definitely like the looks and taste of this bread and thank yours truly by saying an “Our Father” for all the people in the world that are hungry. ENJOY! SIovenSKI Weekend at Windham Everybody is having a good time at Tony Petkovsek’s Polka Party on Nov. 22. Can you find Canada’s Polka King Walter Ostanek? (Look at bottom right) (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Information on Obtaining Slovenian Citizenship Study Slovene in Slovenia The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland announces that on Saturday, Jan. 26 and Sunday, Jan. 27, Suzana Martinez, Advisor from the Government of Slovenia, Office for Slovenes Abroad in Ljubljana will be in Cleveland. In cooperation with Consul General Dr. Zvone Žigon and another representative from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she will conduct information sessions for those interested in obtaining Slovenian citizenship. On Saturday, Jan. 26 at 11 a.m., Ms. Martinez, Dr. Žigon and a representative from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will conduct such an information session at St. Martin de Porres High School. Following the session, attendees will have an opportunity to pose their individual questions on a one-on-one basis. On Sunday, Jan. 27, Ms. Martinez will speak at St. Mary’s Parish Hall immediately following the 10 a.m. Slovenian Mass. Also people will be able to ask individual questions. The representatives from Slovenia will also be available in Lemont, near Chicago on Friday, Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Cultural Center, LIPA. Visits to Washington and New York are planned for Jan. 28 and 29, respectively. For information contact the Consul General of Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland at (216)589-9220. Roster Updates The 2008 rosters which are printed periodically in the American Home throughout the year are still only $30.00. Please send $30 payment along with the names of your club’s 2008 officers and your meeting times and activity dates, to American Home Roster, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Good people are good because they’ve come to wisdom through failure. We get very little wisdom from success. For Rent Immaculate - 5 rooms -Euclid. Close to freeway on bus line. (216) 486-6424 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 The Center for Slovene as a Second / Foreign Language in Ljubljana announces its 14th Winter School of Slovene language, which will be held in Ljubljana for two weeks, from Jan. 21 to Feb. 1,2008. Winter school is an intensive language program where students can choose between four or six hour courses per day. It is suitable for beginners, as well as those who would like to refresh their knowledge at a higher level. The school also offers an additional accompanying program during which Slovenian culture and society is presented to students. Registration for morning and afternoon courses in all levels of Slovene will also be available for the second semester of the academic year 2007/2008 which will begin on Feb.11. For further information go to www.centerslo.net/tecaii. call +386-1-241-8677 or email center-slo@ff.uni-li.si. J*p S°n®tMelodies from Beautiful Slovenia S to Ionian Radio Family fcD MUAC XDCPnffum DttKtnr WC5B BDJlW RADKI IIOUC SullJltf 9-10 MU Wednadiy tr7 pm 2403 Son radt DiWt Wlllaughbf MUU. OH 44094 440-933-lWTWFM vein www-wcsb.Dig Friends are God’s way of taking care of us. One is taught by experience to put a premium on those few people who can appreciate you for what you are. —Emilee PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 On The Road to Auburn, Indiana by PHIL PERME (Continued from last issue) The rural west of Ohio and its unraveling beauty Since we selected to stay off the toll roads because we wanted to see the landscape and character of western Ohio, we drove the less traveled roads of hurried motorists. We were on familiarly named roads - Route 6, Route 2, and Route 20 - for example - but experiencing them as new. The land was wide open on both sides of the highway with farming being the primary use. Being September, the crops were harvested already. So we enjoyed a more panoramic view of the land at rest. We did see some unusual tree-forest islands isolated or most likely saved from being cut down. It was like an island of green amongst the sea of green. It had to be intentional since they were shaped. We wondered if it was to leave some beauty while forming the land or if it had more of a utility like a source of water. If a farmer or land expert knows, we would be happy to learn, (see photo) Whatever the reason, we chose to enjoy it for the pleasing sight that it was. The primary crop seemed to be com. While we saw some soy beans, most fields were com already harvested. This was different from our trip around Lake Erie into southern Ontario. The Canada trip showed farming for soy beans as very predominant. And we heard that the soy beans had two growing periods in the same season. From a sight seer’s perspective the soy beans were boring to view. Com is king, at least in western Ohio. We were able to hit 50 mph on the roads, so it wasn’t 25 mph slow except through the small towns. Then you better slow down or the sheriff “hiding in the bushes” will get you. We passed through some smaller towns both in Ohio and in Indiana. Ohio smaller towns included Napoleon, Evans-port and Edgerton. Indiana smaller towns included St. Joe on the way in and Butler on the way out. These small towns seemed to be built on some last traditions. The town square or a recognizable downtown area defined the center of town. The day being a Sunday had most of these businesses closed. In a way this imposes a “family day.” This was noticed in two or three small towns we passed through. We all liked the feeling of the small town and the practice of “family” on Sunday. McDonald’s, the cell phone and the setting sun Auburn, Indiana is located approximately 10 miles north of Fort Wayne and is the county seat of DeKalb county. DeKalb county has a population of about 40,000. Auburn accounts for about 12,000 residents. So the festival in Auburn that we unwittingly stumbled upon was a big deal. The weeklong festival was to commence the following day on Monday, Sept. 24. From the second leg of the drive from Tony Packo’s to Auburn we stopped once an hour or so. McDonald’s is the king of consistency for food and clean restrooms. So we hit two Micky D’s on our way to Auburn. Generally, we got coffee or iced tea and maybe something like a pie or fruit salad. Enough to warrant a refreshment break, stretch the legs and use the restrooms. On the second McDonald’s stop I phoned the hotel - LaQuinta - to tell them we are about an hour away and get some final directions. Tom-Tom Go (satellite global positioning device) didn’t have the newest map for newly built areas in Auburn. So we had to rely on the old fashioned method. I spoke with a nice young woman on the phone and she guided us through Auburn via main drags once we got into town. Now remember they are going to have a festival on the main drags. We didn’t know that but neither did LaQuinta. We reached Auburn’s downtown but couldn’t follow her directions since the roads were blocked and detoured. A second cell phone call gets us some landmarks and the names of roads once we got close to the hotel. Being on vacation and wisely using the McDonald’s stops we are in no real rush other than to beat night time which will be nearing since sundown was better than 45 minutes ago. Speaking of sundown it was a majestic sight. We were driving into the sun which was both at once hard on the eyes yet glorious as if we were driving to the big orange “pot of gold” at the end of the road. Dan is a very good driver and managed the sun very well. Unsuccessfully navigating the roads around the festival and seeking the roads told to us in the second call to LaQuinta, we ventured to a main route. Dan then stopped at the DeKalb fire station and got accurate directions to the hotel. We checked in and were road weary. Having eaten r~ ' r- . " KSKJy/has a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense Insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800-843-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. “I used to jet a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found KSK14&/ MiiiCAH iiorrtMUM oin*aucYyufjcn Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near you! •»»»(MinrtwrfH-WrrcrBmon (»m. S i/ ... fc-'fc.-; u. We noticed these tree “islands” in the middle of cornfields. Does anyone know their purpose? here and there at our several stops we kept our appetites fed. Dan and I got a few pops and chips and took them up to the rooms. Dad and I had some chips and soda. Once checked in, we went up to the rooms with snacks. After unpacking and testing the bed, munching the chips and pop, testing the bed, getting more comfortable, testing the bed, we decided to call it a night. The almost eight hour drive, that would have been three if we took toll roads, tired us out. Upon going under the covers, saying hello to my Mom on the cell phone, seeing the beginning episode of Ken Bum’s ‘The War’ was all I remembered. It was, after all, vacation - so I just went for some deep relaxation. It was a good sleep. I will awake with the sun. (To Be Continued) POZELNIK Tony -- Albina 6603 Schaefer Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Best Wishes for a Healthy, Happy New Year Fran Mauric c/o Gateway Family House 1 Gateway Dr. #212 Euclid, OH 44119 Happy Holidays To AH Our Friends BOARD OF DIRECTORS Collinwood Slovenian Home 15810 Holmes Ave. _______Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Happy New Year! Senator George Voinovich ___________Cleveland, Ohio The Chronicle of Louis R. Erste Mark Grdina is VP of Estimating at Great Lakes Construction (Continued from last issue) After disposing of his 1912-1914 Ford Touring Car, Louie bought a 1926-1928 Reo which spent a lot of time in the garage during the Great Depression when there was little money, and World War II when gasoline and tires were rationed. After the war, around 1946, Louie bought a used 1936 Oldsmo-bile sedan; a good car but by 1953, at 17 years old, it began to show signs of age. So Lou bought a 1941 Pontiac sedan from their neighbor and gave it to Louie. It was a more modem car, with no rust, and since Louie had learned to drive a car with the stick shift on the steering wheel while delivering newspapers on Sunday, all was well with the world. Unfortunately, though, a little glitch came along. While driving home from St. Vitus church one Sunday morning as Louie waited for a red light on St. Clair Avenue, a United States Postal Service mail truck made a U-tum and ran right into the side of Louie’s car. Neither he nor Rose were hurt but the car was seriously damaged. The U.S. Postal Service eventually took responsibility for the damage but in the meantime the Ohio State Transportation Commission was alerted to the fact that Louie did not have insurance on his car. Even though his not having insurance had nothing to do with the mail truck accident, they tried to pursue a legality and prevent Louie from driving. After not getting anywhere with the State of Ohio, Louie ended up by calling on a lawyer friend of his. Here he was, through no fault of his own, a government truck had destroyed his car and he was to be punished by another branch of the government. Fortunately his lawyer friend was able to have the case against him dropped. In 1954 Lou started his apprenticeship as a tool & die maker and part of the program involved night school education at Fenn College where he met up with a fellow who he had gone to grade school with, Arthur Horvath. In discussion it came out that Art had a damaged 1950 Mercury in his parents’ garage. It seems he smashed the entire front end and he didn’t have the inclination to tackle the job of repairing it. Lou told Louie about it and they bought it “as-is” for Louie to have as a better car than the old 1941 Pontiac. It took several months, but they rebuilt it and repaired it so that it looked grand and made Louie proud to drive for several years. Louie’s only son gets married On Oct. 6, 1956 Lou and Betty Lou Ross were married in St. Stephen’s church, Betty’s home parish. The summer before the wedding, the next door neighbor at 3813 Schiller Avenue put their house up for sale and Lou and Betty thought it would be a good idea to buy it. In order to do that it was necessary for them to use all their savings and borrow an additional $6,000 to make the $8,000 down payment on the $15,000 house. Again Louie and Rose borrowed as much money as they could on their mortgaged house and were able to come up with $2,400. Rose’s brother, Charley, who was Lou’s Godfather, saw fit to lend them the additional $3,600, making it possible for the young couple to buy the house, but it had to be in Louie and Rose’s name because they were not yet 21 years old. The story continues with Lou and Betty getting married, moving into their new house next door to Louie and Rose, and Vi and her family living in the second house on Louie and Rose’s property, at 3817 Schiller Avenue, opposite the side that Lou and Betty lived. It was a little family compound. Lou and Betty’s house was in very good condition but Louie was always willing and able to help with any maintenance that was needed. There was a very large tree in the backyard which needed to be cut down so that was the first project to be undertaken. In fact, Lou and Louie started the project after Lou and Betty returned from their honeymoon. But Lou was no good when it came to heights so Louie did most of the work, climbing up the tree and cutting it into manageable pieces that wouldn’t damage the garage when they hit the ground. The tree was right next to the garage making it a very carefully managed project. Louie Retires In 1957 Louie turned 70 years old, somewhat of a milestone. A small family birthday party was held but Louie didn’t realize that it would become a trying year for him. He had worked at Hill Acme for about 20 years, with an interruption when he had pleurisy and had to take a break from foundry work. Hill Acme had two divisions: foundry and machine shop. The same year Louie turned 70, the man in charge of the foundry operation decided to retire and Hill Acme decided to close the foundry. At the age of 70 Louie had worked literally all his life and he still had a mortgage on his house so it was a little traumatic for him. He was given a small pension as were the rest of the foundry employees and he was eligible for Social Security benefits which also weren’t enough to maintain his and Rose’s lifestyle so Louie found another job. There was a small foundry on Scranton Road, Zellener Foundry, in the “flats” the industrial valley of the Cuyahoga River in downtown Cleveland, and although Louie didn’t know the owner, he went there and offered his services as a molder. This job lasted about a year until an Economic Recession began to move in and Zellener didn’t have any more work. Working for Zellener was a good thing for Louie because it prevented him from becoming depressed when Hill Acme closed and since he realized the job at Zellener wouldn’t last forever, and that he wouldn’t be able to work forever, he acclimated himself to the concept of retirement and did just that; retired. (To Be Continued) Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: What is the name of the world’s biggest, first and only trillion dollar company? ANSWER: PetroChina. Correct responses were sent in by these savvy readers:: Rudy Sterk, Manager of St. Vitus Village; Lena Bulbs, Strongsville; Stan Žakelj, Broadview Heights; Frank J. Zitko, Willoughby Hills; and Anthony Goršek, Cleveland. NEW QUIZ: In what movie did a tearful Judy Garland sing “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas?” Send your answers to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Stimburys Accounting AccounIMg & Income Tax 'Services 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax )[216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburyszccountlng.com EnrotH fc Pradtoa Stftft B.’e Wbtoj Rewxjt Stnia Sennas MmtMs CcrpanUons t Smtt&ismssK. The Great Lakes Construction Co. Board of Directors has elected two company officers effective January 1. Kurt Knapp will be Vice President - Heavy Industrial, and Mark Grdina will be Vice President - Estimating. These two individuals assumed their new positions upon the retirement of Senior Vice President Joe Allen, at the end of 2007. Mark Grdina started with Great Lakes Construction as an Estimator in 2000 after previously serving 11 years with another Northeast Ohio heavy highway contractor. Mark became the company’s Chief Estimator in 2002. Mark will be responsible for the entire Estimating Department, submittal of all Great Lakes’ bids and the project cost-to-complete process. He is the son of Betty and •Tony Grdina of Rocky River, Ohio. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services ______Rokodelec Contractor Membership Certificate Holders Annual Meeting Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue Euclid, OH 44119 Sunday, February 10, 2008 2 p.m. We invite all certificate holders and Lodge & Club representatives to attend. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS _ Certificate Holders Annual Meeting SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6417 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Eddie Kenik Room (annex) Rear Entrance Sunday, February 3, 2008 at 2 p.m. We invite all Certificate Holders and lodge representatives to attend. The Board of Directors AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 Sonia Cencic, Rezka Smuk, David Hočevar, and Mimi Hočevar salute the Slovenian artists at the downtown Galleria in Cleveland. _____________(Photo by Phil Hrvatin) Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor a Krofe Sale on Saturday, Jan. 12 in the auditorium social room. St. Mary’s H.N. Reverse Tickets On Sale St. Mary’s (Collin-wood) Holy Name Society Annual Reverse Raffle tickets are now available. Main board is $50; Extra Dinner $25. The fun-filled dinner takes place Saturday, Jan. 26 in St. Mary’s Hall. Only 200 tickets sold. For tickets call (216) 481-0993 or (216) 481-0800. Balinca Club Meets The annual meeting of the Waterloo Balinca Club will be held on Saturday, Jan. 19 at 1 p.m., in the lower hall of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland. Please sign up at the hall if you plan to attend, or call Marilyn Vidmar at 440-953-8167, or Vi Rupena at 440-943-7212. Pro-Life Procession The 26lh Annual Pro-Life Rosary Procession in reparation for the national sin of abortion will take place in Cleveland on Saturday, January 19 starting at 1 p.m. at The Cardinal Mindszenty Plaza, East 12th street and Lakeside Avenue. It will proceed to Public Square. Everyone is welcome to attend. Seamstress Ann’s Dressmaking and Alternations, 6403 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland is looking to hire a seamstress or tailor with 10 years or more experience. Call (216) 426-1692 for further information. Anti-Smoking Measures in Europe European countries with anti-smoking laws that either ban or sharply limit smoking in restaurants and cafes: Belgium, Britain, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden. Several German states have introduced, or plan to introduce, partial bans on smoking in restaurants and bars. In Switzerland, Ticino became the first Swiss canton to ban smoking in cafes and restaurants. This news came from Phil Hrvatin Newspaper Schedule Until further notice, the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper will be printed twice a month. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. In January the next edition of American Home will be printed on Jan. 24. In February, the American Home newspaper will be published on Feb. 7 and 21 In March, the American Home will be published on March 6 and 20. In April, the American Home will be published on April 3 and 17. Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. Tony Petkovsek's Polka Radio America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 2^ p.m. / Saturdays 12-2:30 p.m. WELW 1330 AM " Kollander World Travel, 971 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor Simulcast worldwide 247polkaheaven.com (216) 481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 45 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety’’ “At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community" Offering complete Community News Daily and phone-in Polka Opinion every Monday. Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women's Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) _______________MARK TOMC (Alternative Music)____ Coming Events Friday, Jan. 18 Documentary film, “Children of Petriček” shown in new Parish Center of St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) at 6:30 p.m. Unique opportunity to learn about the consequences of the brutality of Soviet-indoctrinated and trained communists, the leaders of the Party that has never reached as much as 7% of the Slovenian population - and about their heroic victims who have survived to tell the story - Ed Gobetz. Sunday, Jan. 20 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School annual fundraising lunch in Parish Hall. Menu includes pork and chicken. Serving starts at 11 a.m. $12 adults, $6 for children. Take-out orders available. Tickets at the door or from St. Mary’s Slovenian students and faculty. All are welcome. Sunday, Jan. 20 St. Vitus Holtkamp Organ benefit dinner in auditorium. $12 adults, $6 children. Noon Mass. Dinner tickets at the parish house (216) 361-1444. Saturday, Jan. 26 Slovenska Pristava Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Saturday, Jan. 26 St. Mary (Coll.) Holy Name Society reverse raffle and dinner in parish center. Tickets $50 for main board; $25 for extra dinner. For further information or tickets call (216) 481-0993 or (216) 481-0800. Wed., Jan. 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Friday, Feb. 1 Lenten Fish Fries at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., and every Friday in Lent. Sunday, Feb. 3 Annual Meeting of Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., 2 p.m. in Kenik Room. Shareholders. Sat., Feb. 16 thru 24 Slovenian Ski Trip to Chamonix, France. $1,895. Call John Kamin for details 718-4242711. Sunday, Feb. 24 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual benefit dinner 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in parish auditorium. Wednesday, Feb. 27 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Saturday, March 8 Federation of Slovenian Homes honorce banquet at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Sunday, March 16 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Corporate Communion. Tuesday, March 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Reverse Raffle in Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Wednesday, March 26 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Saturday, March 29 Primorski Klub Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. March 30 thru April 5 Slovenian Ski Trip 2008 to Sun Valley, Idaho. $1299. For information call John Kamin (718) 424-2771. Friday, April 18 Night at the Races for Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., in joint effort with St. Vitus Slovenian School. Saturday, April 19 Korotan Concert, Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Wednesday, April 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sunday, May 18 St. Vitus Slovenian School graduation, during 10:30 a.m. Mass in church. Sunday, May 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Mass, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Wednesday, May 28 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Annual Meeting Collinwood Slovenian Home 15810 Holmes Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008 - 1:00 p.m. We urge all certificate holders and _______lodge representatives to attend AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 Death Notices DENNIS K. SUSTAR Service for Dennis K. Šuštar, 55, of Mentor was at noon, Friday, Dec. 14 at Willoughby Hills United Methodist Church, 34201 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Mr. Sustar died Monday, Dec. 10, 2007 at his home. He was born on May 15, 1952 in Cleveland. Mr. Sustar was a realtor/owner of South Florida Properties in West Palm Beach, and was previously owner of Lubealloy Ltd. of Mentor, Ohio, Four-Star Metals in Willoughby, Star Precision in Willoughby, and Suburban Sports in Willoughby. He was currently the owner/operator of DKS Enterprises in Mentor. Survivors are his wife, Deborah (Brunson) Sustar; three daughters, Nicole L. (Ralph) Phillips Jr. of North Olmsted, Nina D. (fiance, David Phillips) of Englewood, Fla., and Samantha Sustar of Olmsted Falls; son, John (fiance, Crystal Frederick) Sustar of Brunswick; seven grandchildren; mother, Lillian J. (Doblekar) Sustar; three brothers, Roger (Judy) Sustar of Waite Hill, James (Anastasia) Sustar of Palm Beach, Fla. and Robert (Sharon) Sustar of Aurora. He was preceded in death by his father, John Sustar. Friends called Thursday, Dec. 13 at Brunner Funeral Home & Cremation Service in Mentor, and 11 a.m. to noon on Friday, Dec. 14 at the church. Interment at Mentor Cemetery in Mentor. WILLIAM STRAH William “Willie” Strah, age 72. Loving husband of Marie (nee Calarco). Dear father of Michael, Nicholas and Susan (Mark) Schantz; grandfather of Leslie, Ashley and Ryan. Brother of Florence Rome and the following deceased: Frank, Rudy, Jasper and Edward. Services were on Saturday, Dec. 29 at 10 a.m. at St. Paul Church (Chardon Rd.), Euclid, Ohio. Donations to the charity of your choice in his memory will be appreciated by the family. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. JUDGE NORMAN A. FUERST Judge Norman A. Fuerst, age 82, passed away on Monday, Dec. 17, 2007. Beloved husband for 57 years of Mary (nee Sever); loving father of Judge Nancy Fuerst (Dr. John Burke Jr.), Connie Bellini (David), David (Sharon), Diane Caughell (Steven), Thomas (Lori), Mary Belthoff (Matthew) and Stephanie; dearest grandfather of 15 and great grandfather of four; dear brother of Richard, James and Maryellen Graehling and the late Jack and Michael Fuerst. The family would appreciate contributions, in the memory of Judge Fuerst, to Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland, 2600 Lander Rd., Pepper Pike, OH 44124; John Carroll University, 20700 N. Park Blvd., University Hts., OH 44118 or St. Jerome Church, 15000 Lakeshore Blvd., Cleveland, 44110. Funeral Mass was Saturday, Dec. 22 at St. Jerome Church at 10:30 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. IVA ZAJEC Iva Zajec (Senica), age 89, passed away on Thursday, Dec. 20, 2007 in Euclid Hospital. Iva was bom in Dobmic (Dolenska), Slovenia on June 11, 1918. She came to Cleveland in 1956. Mrs. Zajec was employed by Euclid School System as a cleaning woman for 15 years. She was a member of AMLA. Mrs. Zajec is survived by son Louis; daughter Margaret (Dennis) Wylie; grandchildren: Dennis, Douglas, Anita Palomino, Gregory; great-grandchildren Kyle, Savana, Daniel. Her husband, Louis, is deceased. Friends were received Sunday, Dec. 23 from 1-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland. Funeral Mass was on Monday, Dec. 24 at 9:30 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. Donations to St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110 in her memory would be deeply appreciated by the family. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 LOUIS J. JESEK Louis J. Jesek, age 86, passed away on Dec. 28, 2007. Survived by his wife of 63 years, Jennie (nee Gruden). Father of Mary Louise (Timothy) Daley. Bom in Cleveland to Alois and Mary Jezek (both deceased). Brother of Elizabeth (Ed) Koenig, Albie (John) Schneider, Alice MacDaniel and Joseph Jesek (all deceased). Brother-in-law of Nancy (Dave) Padgett, David (Donna) Gruden (deceased). Uncle of many. WWII U.S. Army Veteran. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Sunday, Dec. 30 from 4-8 p.m., where services were held Monday at 8:45 a.m. and St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9:30 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family requests donations in his memory to St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110 or Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. TONY ZAKRAJŠEK Tony Zakrajšek, age 56. Loving son of Anthony and Louise (nee Vertosnik) (both deceased). Brother of Frederic (Marcia) and John. Uncle of Lisa. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Wednesday, 5-8 p.m., where services were held Thursday at 8:45 a.m. and St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9:30 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. LOUIS S. SHENK Louis S. Shcnk, age 91, passed away on Dec. 22, 2007. Beloved husband of the late Mary (nee Lubich); loving father of Louis E. (Linda), Ronald (Sally), and James (Anna Mae); dear grandfather of Stephen, Christopher, Mary Therese (James) Udics, Kathryn (Eric) Western, Evan and Ryan Shenk; great grandfather of Nathan and Nicholas Udics and Anthony Western; brother of Anna Opara, Matilda and Edward (all deceased); uncle and great uncle of many. U.S. Army Veteran of WWII. Mass of Christian Burial was on Thursday, Dec. 27 at 10 a.m. in St. Vitus church, 6019 Lausche Ave. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Family received friends at The Jakubs and Son, A Golden Rule Funeral Home, 936 E. 185 St., Wed., Dec. 26 from 4-8 p.m. Contributions in his memory may be made to Mount St. Joseph Nursing Home, 21800 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH 44117. ALBINA GODEC Albina Godec (nee Petkovšek), age 92. Dear wife of Frank J. (deceased). Loving mother of Barbara (Nick) Romito, Richard (Lavonne) and Stanley (Patricia). Grandmother of Nicole, Elizabeth and Matthew. Great grandmother of Ryan. Sister of Edward and the following deceased: Tony, Stanley, Lawence, Frank, Anne Glavic, Sister Augustine P.C.C. and Rose Meglich. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Friday from 4-9 p.m., where services were held on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. and Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 9:30 a.m. Interment All Saints Cemetery. Donations in her memory to Poor Clares Convent, 3501 Rocky River Dr., Rocky River, OH 44111. LAVONA L. AVITT Lavona L. Avitt, daughter of the late William and Mattie. Lavona was an executive secretary at Sears & Roebuck for over 49 years. After her retiring she served in many volunteering capacities and was a much loved and loyal Pastoral Minister to the Homcbound at St. Christine Church in Euclid. Lavona died on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007. Mass of Christian Burial was on Tuesday, Dec. 18 at St. Christine Church at 10 a.m. Interment Resthaven Memorial Cemetery in Louisville, KY. Love never dies as long as there is someone who remembers. In Memory Thanks to Elsie Zalar of 7 Willowick, OH who renewed . her subscription and added a g; $20.00 donation in memory ^ of her husband, Bernard Zalar. She writes, “Still enjoying the wonderful American Home newspaper.” In Memory Thanks to Mary Hamlin of Rocky River, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Joseph and Ivanka Kete. (Continued on page 8) In Memory OF THE DEATH OF Joseph Grdina who died on January 12, 1974 Missed by: Sister: Antonia Mazi and Brother: Ivan Son Anthony, Daughters-in-Law: Mary and Betty Grandchildren - and Great-Grandchildren IN MEMOR/AM In Loving Memory of our beloved wife, sister, aunt and cousin 5th Anniversary Kathleen Cesen who passed away on January 6, 2003 No pen can write, no tongue can tell our sad and bitter loss. But God alone has helped so much, to bear our heavy cross. Her Loving Family: RICHARD, husband FRANK, brother and wife PAT Nieces, Nephews and Cousins, Brothers-in-law, and sisters-in law. ŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 In Memory Thanks to Anthony Pozelnik of Cleveland, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $50.00 donation in memory of his parents. In Memory Thanks to Joe and Flora Jenko of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of sister Hedy. In Memory Thanks to Bernarda Veselic of Bainbridge, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of her husband, Anton Veselic. In Memory Thanks to Doris Zajec of Lyndhurst, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of deceased members of Štepec and Zajec families. In Memory Thanks to Barbara Folger of Cleveland who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of John and Josephine Polz. In Memory Thanks to Frank Fujs of Windsor, OH who paid for a memoriam, and added a $25.00 donation in memory of his wife, Angela Fujs. In Honor Thanks to Angelo and Marilyn Vogrig of Cleveland who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation in honor of Frank and Anna Karun. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Victor Lamovec of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed her subscription, added a $30.00 donation in memory of her husband, Victor Lamovec and paid for two gift subscriptions. In Memory Thanks to Virginia Sire of Westerville, OH who sent in a $15.00 donation in remembrance of her deceased family. She writes, “You all arc doing a fine job and I enjoy the larger number of pages received less often.” In Memory Thanks to Mary Starin of Parma, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Joseph J. Starin. Large Donation Thanks to Jera A. Prelog of Highland Heights, Ohio who donated $300.00 to the American Home in memory of her mother, Ana Hrovatič. Large Donation Thanks to the Primorski Klub of Cleveland who sent in a Christmas donation of $100.00. Large Donation A sincere thank you to Sunset Industries, Inc., (Tony Hauptman, Frank Hren, Ivan Hauptman, Rudy Hren, Pete Hauptman, and Clement Hren) for the very generous donation of $500.00. They enclosed the check in a beautiful Christmas card which reads, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2008. Wishing many good wishes for your happiness now and throughout the new year.” Large Donation Thanks to the Žitnik Family of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $100.00 donation. They write. “We truly enjoy the paper.” Donation Many thanks to Milan and Breda Ribic of Willoughby Hills, OH who donated $60.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Pauline Burja who sent in a Christmas card with Mass intentions for the American Home and a $15.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mary Zupančič of Wickliffc, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Angela Janesch of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Eleanore Rudman of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Joseph Kastelic, MD of Akron, OH, who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to John Kosir of McMurray, PA who renewed his subscription and added a $45.00 donation. Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: John Berkopec, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Milena Stropnik, Willoughby Hills, OH — $15.00 Maria Rus, Euclid, OH -$10.00 Maria Crnic, Perry, OH -$15.00 Theresa Percic, Paincs-ville Twp., OH — $10.00 Rosalija Grabar, Holley, NY -$10.00 Frank Kurnik, Tucson, AZ -$15.00 Borut Svetlic, Baltimore, MD — $15.00 Anonymous, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Mary Tominc, Wick-liffe, OH -$15.00 Marica Lavrisha, Cleveland, OH — $5.00 Alexandra Musulin, Broadview Hts., OH — $15.00 Nace and Vida Omahen, Euclid, OH — $21.00 Mark J. and Martina Jakomin, Willoughby Hills, OH -$15.00 Maria C. and Gary R. Hull, Lakewood, OH — $15.00 Richard J. and Susan M. Subel, Chagrin Falls, OH -$15.00 Anton and Vida Oblak, Cleveland, OH -$15.00. Love never dies as long as there is someone who remembers. In Loving Memory Of Our Dear Emma Entered into rest January 14,1994 Dear Emma, since you’ve gone away, the ones you loved so true try hard to carry on the way we know you’d want us to. Dear Emma, we miss you very much. Loving Husband - Frank Daughters: Patricia Wilks Francine Žabkar Son-in-law: Brian Grandchildren, and Great-grandchildren Large Donation Thanks to Greg and Kristina (Lah) O’Brien of Chagrin Falls, OH who sent in a beautiful Christmas card wishing us a blessed Christmas and New Year along with a $100.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Frances R. Mole of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. She writes, “Here is my subscription for the wonderful paper, as it would be terrible if it was not around anymore, as I really enjoy it and look forward to it.” Donation Thanks to Newburgh-Maple Heights Pensioners Club, who renewed their roster for 2008 and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Kranjc of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation along with best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Donations Thanks to Ernest R. and Lillian Centa of Euclid, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Marie and Josef Lah of Chardon, Ohio who renewed their subscription, paid for their Christmas greetings, and added a $25.00 donation. Tribute to Jim Snyder Jim was my supervisor and mentor, When introduced as my former boss, he always interjected: “fellow worker.” He put friendship above any position he may have held. His beliefs were simple. Jim believed in the power of God; first and foremost, as the foundation of all things. Good will eventually triumph over evil. In addition, there are laws of physics governing the events in our lives. Here are two simple ones: If you want to learn about something, study it If you want to enjoy life, do what makes you happy. He lived what he believed in by his own examples, his success at learning, understanding, and the enjoyment of life. He took care of his heart, his soul, and loved his fellow man. I will always remember the laughter we shared, reminiscing about acquaintances over the years, I am just one of many that admired his knowledge, enjoyed his company, and learned from his experiences. May the memory of Jim supercede our sense of loss. Stan Witkoski Former fellow worker In Loving Memory Frank Lena Siewiorek October 17,1914 October 13,1916 May 17, 2001 January 29, 2004 We miss your smiles, enthusiastic encouragement, sincere caring, ever helpful hands, and sage advice. We take comfort knowing you are in well deserved peace. Sadly missed bv sons John J. (Judy) and Daniel P. (Karon) Siewiorek, granddaughters Nora and Gail, brothers and sisters, and remaining relatives_ 9 Thanksgiving Event Bolsters Polka Radio by ALICE KUHAR The Tony Petkovšek annual polka fest at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Cleveland has been an ongoing promotion every Thanksgiving weekend (Thursday and Friday) assisted by a group of some 20 volunteers within the Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club dance committee. These individuals give up their family holiday to be on hand as hosts at the entrance ways of the deluxe hotel. Their work insures the continuation of on-air polka and Slovenian music, timely community news and other features. The broadcasts are supplemented by regular commercial radio sponsors from local businesses and Slovenian fraternal societies for some 46 years on WELW-1330 AM, the Lake County based station plus worldwide on-line at 247 Polka-heaven.com. Tony Petkovšek produces and operates “live” out of either a studio on E. 185 Street in Cleveland (Kollander Travel) or in Fairport Harbor at T.P.’s Harbortowne condo, 6 days a week at 2 p.m. daily and at noon on Saturdays. 20 polka bands revolved at the fest on the average playing about two hours in the Marriott grand ballroom with a wonderful display of young and old “dancing with the Slovenian stars” as the energetic Kres (bonfire) Folklore group performed on Thursday. The largest main stage jam session conducted by Joey Tomsick took place midevening on Friday with an assortment of some of the big names in polka music along with a great cross-section of polka community type musicians. There was a crowd of close to a thousand fans on Friday alone, jamming and making merry at the Marriott from the time festivities began early afternoon until the wee hours of the next morning, with seven big busloads amongst them. TV 3 WKYC offered interesting coverage on their Thursday night and Friday noon shows. The friendly Canadians represented the biggest out-of-town number in addition to patrons from close to 20 states and even the Netherlands. Each day also brought out many local greater Clevelanders enjoying such contributing entertainers as Canada’s Walter Ostanek, Tennessee’s Joey Miskulin, the Hank Haller Ensemble, and soloist Ronnie Sluga in both the ballroom and the side show room. The final day Saturday, Nov. 24, was reserved for two outstanding Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame events, in Euclid and at the Cleveland Marriott, marking the organization’s 20th anniversary. An unparalleled all-star lifetime achievers band of the “best in the business” saluted the 2007 roster of honorces in various categories. This truly special band was directed by Fred Ziwich and really wowed the throngs in attendance with a big number of compliments. The Awards Show XX will be available on DVD and shown on cable TV. The audio will be heard on 1330AM. Left to right, Cecilia Dolgan, Joey Miskulin, and Christine Hibbs Door Committee, left to right, A1 Pestotnik, Mickey Mauser, Don Mauser, Duke Marsic. Enjoying Tony Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving Night Polka Party are, left to right, Tony Petkovšek, Judge Ron Šuster, and WELW’s Ray Somich. Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia Zvone Žigon Polka Hall of Fame All Star Lifetime Achievers are, left to right, front row, Fred Ziwich, Dick Tady, Fred Gregorich, George Staduhar, Joey Miskulin, and Ron Sluga. Back row, left to right, Duke Marsic, Paul Yanchar, Jack Tady, Phil Srnick. (All Photos by TONY GRDINA) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JANUARY 10, 2008 10 2008: What Do We Want, - What Do We Need? Happy New Year! Now that the holidays are over and our resolutions are made, we want to start the New Year right, with great enthusiasm of the Christmas spirit of giving, sharing, caring and rejoicing in the Lord, as we celebrated the birth of our Lord, my Savior, my God. We wished good will to all men and women on earth. Probably we think, we already know what we want to accomplish in this new year, but we may have difficulty knowing what we really need to make us happy and fulfilled in this life and the life after, life in eternity. Who wants to think about eternity anyway, maybe we should, to live life more joyfully and peacefully. Here we are, willing to do the will of God, but are we willing to conform to His will? We want peace, peace in the world, peace in our families and peace in our life. We need to bring good news of hope to the world. Our faith grows when it is given away. The Holy Spirit wants to bring God through us. We need ourselves to open to Jesus Christ, to get closer to God. “Come let us adore Him,” daily, more often and more frequently. Do we truly believe what we are saying? We can pray that we become what God wants us to be. Queen of Peace, our blessed Mother of God says, he who prays frequently, has nothing to fear in this world. Daily perseverance is a virtue which takes courage, and the highest kind of perseverance is to continue to preserve until death. To daily persevere we need great love and God’s help when trials and suffering becomes part of our encounters with humanity. One may ask how I can endure the injustice or unfair experiences and pressures of daily routines. Youth, particularly have difficulties in today’s secularized world and they can be helped with proper guidance, concerns and love of parents and interested people around them. They need a lot of help and it is our responsibility to offer the assistance, where it is needed. Some of the youth may not want our help, because they feel all powerful and think they know it all. In that case, our duty is to pray for the misguided and distressed. We ought to praise God as much as we can in this life. God of love created us and we are on life’s journey. Are we praying the rosary, reading the scripture and other spiritual books every day? Our souls need the nourishment as much as our bodies. If we neglect one or the other, we might succumb. Do we teach our children how to pray and give them a good example? We may like to, but we do not have time. How much time do we spend watching TV, or playing? Can we balance our time better? Families that pray together, stay together. Jesus gives us the bread of life in the Eucharist. How grateful are we for the daily Mass, the holy sacrifice on the altar, which is the representation of the Calvary? The Mass is the highest expression of thanks to Almighty God. Let us pray and adore Him together and put God in first place. God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change... The Courage to change the things I can... and the Wisdom to know the difference. --Sophie Kosem Cleveland, Ohio Elizabeth, Patricia, Katherine, and Shannon Clarke offer season’s greetings from Slovenia. They are the children of Townsend and Patricia Ipavec Clarke. I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do for any fellow being, let me do it now... as I shall not pass this way again. -William Penn______________________________________ Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed http://www.swua.org or 1.815.727.1926 v_ Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Funeral Director Dignified, Professional arid Personal Service Happy Birthday SHA Residents Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were bom in the month of January: 1-14 - Mary Grande, age 95. Born in Italy. 1-15 - Frank Ivancic, 84, bom in Cleveland. 1-15 - Paula Kuchling, 88, born in Cleveland 1-16 - Anthony Spelic, 88, bom in Yugoslavia. 1-16 - Edna Winborn, 90, born in Alabama 1-18 - Mary Hočevar, 94, bom in Cleveland 1-21 - Carole Fitz- patrick, 76, born in Cleveland 1-22 - Frances Simcich, 96, born in Cleveland 1-24 - Albert Benasich, 88, born in Cleveland 1-24 - Harry McCollim, 87, bom in Cleveland 1-29 - Anna Mlinar, 77, born in Croatia 1-29 - Emma Jurcak, 88. bom in Cleveland. All You Really Need is SLOVEnia Joke “Do you believe in life after death?” asked the boss to one of his employees. “Yes, sir.” he replied. “Well then, that makes everything just fine. After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother’s funeral, she stopped in to see you.” Faith Ann Tomsick with the AMLA Santa Claus on Sunday, Dec. 9, 2007 at the Slovenian National Home in Cleveland. Faith is the daughter of Lisa and bandleader Joey Tomsick. Shane, Josef, and William O’Brien wish everyone a Merry Christmas. They are the children of Kristina (Lah) and Greg O’Brien. Andrew and Julia Kaifesh gave their wish-list to Santa Claus. They are the children of Sheila and Larry Kaifesh, and grandchildren of JoAnn Kaifesh of Kirtland, OH. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USES 0241 00) Thursday, January 10, 2008 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Od 1. januarja 2008 Slovenija predseduje Evropski uniji (do 30. junija) S pričetkom leta 2008 je Slovenija postala za šest mesecev predsednica Evropske unije. To se je zgodilo ob prvi obletnici drugega velikega dosežka, namreč prevzema evra, kar se je zgodilo s 1. januarjem 2007. Dalje, z 21. decembrom 2007 je prišlo v veljavo za Slovenijo tudi schengenski sporazum, po katerem so bile odpravljene mejne kontrole med Slovenijo ter Avstrijo, Italijo, Madžarsko in še z vsemi drugimi evropskimi državami, kjer je ta sporazum v veljavi. Slovenci, ki so že prvi dan tega leta obiskali npr. Koroško, so opazili spremembe ob prečkanju meje in to zelo pozitivno. Ameriški State Department je pozdravil slovenski prevzem predsedovanja EU. Visok predstavnik Departmenta Daniel Fried je dejal, da se bo morala Slovenija soočati s takojšnjimi in težavnimi vprašanji, v prvi vrsti v zvezi s statusom Kosova. Fried pa je dodal, da je Slovenija še posebej pripravljena glede tega res perečega problema in da si ne more predstavljati boljše predsednice EU ob tem času, kot je Slovenija. V naslednjih šestih mesecih bo Slovenija vodila dolgo vrsto sestankov in srečanj, v glavnem v obnovljenem kongresnem centru na Brdu pri Kranju. Najodmevnejši od vseh bo verjetno junjia letos, ko je načrtovano srečanje na vrhu med Evropsko unijo in ZDA, takrat je skoro gotovo, da bo ZDA predstavljal predsednik George Bush na svojem drugem obisku Slovenije. Slovenski zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel je izjavil, da si bo Slovenija v tej prvi polovici 2008 prizadevala za še večje sodelo- vanje med državami članicami EU. Tudi Rupel je poudaril, da je predsedovanje EU za Slovenijo velik zgodovinski projekt in odgovornost. Prvi večji dogodek je bil že v torek v Ljubljani, ko je prišlo do srečanje med slovensko vlado in člani evropske komisije. V Sloveniji v zadnjih mesecih precej naglo rastoča inflacya ter naraščanje cen živil -Vlada kljubuje rastočemu nezadovoljstvu Naraščanje inflacije in višanje cen sta skalila tako imenovani veseli december v Sloveniji, piše .v tržaškem Novem glasu Marijan Drobež. Inflacija v Sloveniji je dosegla stopnjo 8,7 odstotka in je najvišja od držav na območju evra. Z novim letom so napovedane nove podražitve mleka, mesa, električne energije, olja, moke in morda še drugih živil. Doslej je vlada odlašala s politiko in ukrepi proti inflacije, piše Drobež. Med dogodki odmeva tudi, da kapitalska naveza pivovarne Laško, ki obvladuje že skoraj vse časnike in v njih uveljavlja usmeritve in interese politične levice v Sloveniji, poskuša prevzeti tudi tednik Mag. Časnikarji te publikacije so se uprli nameri nadzornega sveta dnevnika Delo, ki je lastnik Maga. Proti prevzemu znanega in vplivnega tednika so protestirali posamezni časnikarji, vendar tisti, ki so podpisali peticijo zoper Janeza Janšo in njegove domnevne poizkuse cenzure medijev, molče. Nova revija zbira podpise proti sovražnemu prevzemu tednika Mag. Izven tega razvoja je še ostal tednik Demokracija, ki je sicer zelo tesno povezan z Janezom Janšo in njegovo SDS. LETO SLOVENSKE FILHARMONIJE - Med slovenskimi glasbenimi ustanovami ima Slovenska filharmonija bogato in dolgoletno tradicijo. Kmalu bo stara sto let. Leto 2008 bo v celoti posvečeno praznovanju jubileja ene najstarejših glasbenih ustanov na svetu. Pred leti je po zaslugi clevelandskih rojakov gostovala v sloviti dvorani Severance tudi Slovenska filharmonija, prebitek koncerta je bil namenjen Slovenskemu domu za ostarele. Začetki filharmonije segajo nazaj v leto 1701, začetek delovanja Slovenske filharmonije kot jo poznamo danes, pa je bilo leto 1908. Dne 12. marca bo v dvorani v Bruslju najodmevnejši koncert tega jubilejnega leta za filharmonijo in bo hkrati osrednji kulturni dogodek Slovenije v Bruslju v času slovenskega predsedovanja Evropski uniji, ki sicer že poteka in bo do 30. junija. Med številnimi slavnostnimi koncerti bo tudi koncert filharmonije ob prazniku mesta Zagreb v dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskega, z njo bo na koncertu nastopila tudi znana pevka Bernarda Fink. Fotografija kaže poslopje filharmonije ob Kongresnem trgu v centru Ljubljane. Iz Clevelanda in okolice “Pretresljive zgodbe”— V petek, 18. januarja, ob pol sedmih (6.30) zv. bo v novi župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti predvajan film “Otroci s Petrič-ka”, po zaslugi g. Ivana Hauptmana. Dopis o tem filmu in njegovi pomembnosti je pripravil dr. Edi Gobec (gl. str. 12). Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima svoj mesečni sestanek v sredo, 30. januarja, pop. ob 1.30 v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Članstvo lepo vabljeno. Krofi— To soboto ima prodajo krofov Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu, ob običajnem času v društveni sobi. Pridite! Novi grobovi Albina Godec Umrla je 92 let stara Albina Godec, rojena Petkovšek, vdova po Franku, mati Barbare Romito, Richarda in Stanleya, 3-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra Edwarda ter že pok. Tonyja, Stanleya, Lawrence-a, Franka, Ann Glavic, s. Augustine P.C.C. in Rose Meglich. Pogreb je bil 22. decembra v oskrbi Želeto-vega zavoda s pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Iva Zajec Dne 20. decembra je v Euclid bolnišnici umrla 89 let stara Iva Zajec iz Eu-clida, rojena Senica 11. junija 1918 v Dobrniču, Slovenija, v Cleveland prišla leta 1956, vdova po Louisu, mati Louisa, Margaret (Dennis) Wylie, 4-krat stara mati, 3-krat prastara mati, zaposlena kot čistilka 15 let pri euclidskem šolskem sistemu, članica AMLA. Pogreb je bil 24. decembra v oskrbi Žele-tovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin župniji Marije Vnebovzete, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. Tony Zakrajšek Umrl je 56 let stari Tony Zakrajšek, sin Anthonya in Louise (r. Vertosnik) (oba že pok.), brat Frederica in Johna. Pogreb je bil 20. decembra v oskrbi Želeto-vega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Slovensko državljanstvo— Še vedno veljajo možnosti za pridobitev državljanstva Republike Slovenije. V soboto in nedeljo bo v našem mestu predstavnica Urada za Slovence po svetu Suzana Martinez in zastopnik notranjega ministrstva v Sloveniji, ki bosta lahko pojasnila postopek v zvezi s tem in pomagala pri vložitvi prošnje. Podrobnosti o teh srečanjih najdete v dopisu na str. 12. Izjemna podpora— Podjetje Sunset Industries, Inc. v Euclidu je ob božičnih in novoletnih praznikih nam poslalo podporo $500, za kar se vsem podpisanim iskreno zahvalimo: Tone, Ivan in Peter Hauptman ter Frank, Rudy in Clement Hren. Ponovno 24. januarja— Naslednja naša številka bo izšla v dveh tednih, torej 24. januarja. Seznam naših izidov je vedno v angleškem delu. Dodali bi, da gre list v tisk že ob ponedeljkih, kar naj, prosimo, upoštevajo dopisniki. Tečaji slovenščine— Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani prireja 14. zimsko šolo slov. jezika, ki pa bo potekal že od 21. jan. do 1. feb. 2008. Več informacij je na voljo na Centrovi spletni strani, ki je vyww.centerslo.net/tecaji oz. tel. 011-386-1-241-8677 ali e-mail: center-slo@ff.uni.lj.si. Dobrotniki Am. Domovine— Belokranjski klub je poklonil ob božiču $100. Dr. Sv. Ana št. 4 .AMLA je darovalo $125. Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu je darovalo $70. G. Franček Toplak iz Chardona, O., je daroval $65. G. Greg in ga. Kristina (Lah) O’Brian, Chagrin Falls, O. sta darovala $100. Ga. Jera A. Prelog, Highland Hts., O., je darovala $300, v spomin mame Ane Hrovatič. G. Anthony Pozelnik, Cleveland, je daroval $50, v spomin svojih staršev. Primorski klub je daroval $100. Ga. Rezi in g. Frank Ferkulj, Mentor, O., sta darovala $25, v spomin staršev Karla in Kristine Ferkulj. G. Ernest R. in ga. Lillian Centa, Euclid, sta darovala $25. Ga. Mary O. Starin, Parma, O., je tudi darovala $25, v spomin Josepha J. Starin. Ga. Bernarda Veselič, Bainbridge, O., je darovala $25, v spomin moža Antona. Hvala vsem! Pretresljive zgodbe otrok s Petrička WILLOUGHBY HILLS, O. - V letu 1945 so komunisti brez sodnih postopkov brutalno pomorili med vsaj 12 in 18 tisoč Slovencev, nasprotnikov komunizma, med njimi največ vrnjenih, neoboroženih rodoljubnhi domobrancev. Pozneje so v strahu za “ugled” in privilegije krvnikov in njih idejnih dedičev in političnih in novinarskih zagovornikov uničili ali poskrili tudi večino seznamov svojih žrtev in velik del druge dokumentacije, tako da natančno število žrtev tudi danes še ni znano. Zverinsko so pobili tudi mnogo mater, zlasti tistih iz domobranskih družin. Takrat je za brezvestne, neusmiljene klavce nastalo le še vprašanje, kaj storiti z otroki, ki so postali sirote brez staršev. To dilemo so redeči revolucionarji “rešili" na dva načina: mnogo otrok, med njimi tudi teharskih dojenčkov, so enostavno pomorili ali pustili umreti na žgočem soncu brez vode in hrane. Nekaj pa so jih pustili pri življenju z namenom, da jih prev- zgojijo v slovenske rdeče Jančarje, to je, privržence komunizma, ki naj bi seveda obsojali “izdajstvo” svojih nesrečnih staršev in pomagali širiti komunistično enoumje in utrjevati nadoblast morilcev svojih staršev, njih idejnih dedičev in političnih, “fakultetnih” in novinarskih zagovornikov ali “apologetekov" revolucije. (Dodajmo, da je teroristična komunistična partija v letu 1945 štela manj kot en odstotek slovenskega prebivalstva, v letu 1982, ko je borec za komunistično ideološko "čistost” v šolah in medijih, tovariš Milan Kučan, postal predsednik Lige komunistov Jugoslavije in je preimenovana partija dosegla svoj številčni vrh, pa je še vedno štela manj kot sedem odstotkov vseh prebivalcev Slovenije! Kak zločin proti človekovim in političnim pravicam 93 odstotkov Slovencev!) A kaj se je zgodilo s preživelimi otročiči? Podobno kot se o množičnih grobiščih pod komunizmom ni smelo govoriti V Blag Spomin ob enajsti obletnici smrti ljubega moža, očeta, starega ata, strica in brata Umrl dne 3. januarja 1997. Tihe misli preteklih let povezujejo dragocene spomine brez konca neviden, neslišen si vedno med nami ljubljen, odsoten, vedno drag in blag. žalujoči: žena Mari sinovi: Peter (Barbie), Jože (Terri), Marko (Joanne), Andrej (Annette), Charles (Traci), in Tomaž hčerka Mary Ann Krevh (Erik) vnuki in vnukinje. sorodniki v Ameriki, Kanadi in Sloveniji. Pesmi inMdodije EM M EMC. Vfcrk tolAl*# nrailni WCSB80.SPM Ncdetyi 9’10 mi Sredi 6*7 pm iz Nade Upe Slovenije Radijifca Družina Onvbnri wtK www.wnb.aig in pisati, so vodilni komunisti poskrbeli, da širša javnost tudi o teh vojnih sirotah ni prav ničesar izvedela. To se je, hvala Bogu, po padcu komunizma spremenilo. Preživelih sirot pa se je prijelo ime “otroci s Petrička”. O tem, kaj vse so morali pretrpeti, smo lahko zadnje čase čitali pretresljiva pričevanja v domobranskem glasilu Tabor in v nekaj manjših slovenskih listih. Letos, po več kot 60 letih, pa je slovenske gledalce pretresel televizijski dokumentarec “Otroci s Petrička”. Za dokumentacijo teh grozljivih zgodb je posebno zaslužen Ivan Ott, ki tudi v dokumentarcu nastopa kot pričevalec, čeprav govori v hrvaščini, ki pa jo Slovenci v glavnem razumemo, sicer pa imajo njegove izjave tudi slovenske podnapise. Vendar so že same slike teh žrtev zelo zgovorne in mnogo povedo. Na srečo imamo v naši clevelandski slovenski skupnosti zavednega in zmožnega rojaka, Ivana Hauptmana, sicere predsednika uglednega podjetja Sunset Industries, ki ga poznamo in cenimo kot dolgoletnega pevca in solista zbora Korotan, bivšega predsednika, igralca in režiserja dramskega društva Lilija in med drugim (po že predvoj-(DALJE na str. 13) V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob prvi obletnici smrti NAŠEGA LJUBEGA MOŽA, OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA Anton Veselič ki nas je prezgodaj zapustil 8. januarja 2007 Pri Bogu ti se veseliš in v srcih naših še živiš. Ta pot življenja kratka je, v nebesih naše snidenje. Žalujoči: Bernarda, žena Tania, hčer; Bob, zet Eric, sin; Karen, snaha vnuki: Kyle, Jacob, Matthew, Ethan in Jack v Sloveniji bratje in sestra ter ostalo sorodstvo. Možnosti v zvezi s pridobitvijo slovenskega državljanstva CLEVELAND, O. - Generalni konzulat RS v Clevelandu obvešča, da bo v soboto, 26. januarja, in v nedeljo, 27. januarja v Clevelandu na obisku Suzana Martinez, svetovalka na Uradu za Slovence po svetu v Ljubljani. V sodelovanju z Generalnim konzulom dr. Zvonetom Žigonom in še enim sodelavcem z Ministrstva za notranje zadeve bo zainteresirane podrobneje seznanila z možnostmi pridobitve slovenskega državljanstva. V soboto, 26. januarja, bo imela predstavnica Urada iz Slovenije srečanje in posvet ob 11. uri v prostorih srednje šole St. Martin de Porres High School. Po posvetu bo mogoče postavljati individualna vprašanja in začeti postopek. V nedeljo, 27. januarja, pa bodo imeli Martine-zova, dr. Žigon in predstavnik Ministrstva za notranje zadeve podobno srečanje takoj po slovenski maši pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, torej ob 11. uri, in sicer v mali župnijski dvorani. Tudi tokrat bo mogoče postavljati individualna vprašanja in začeti postopek. Gosta iz Slovenije bosta na voljo tudi v Lemon-tu pri Chicagu in sicer v petek, 25. januarja, ob 6.30 zvečer v Slovenskem kulturnem centru Lipa. Predviden je tudi obisk v Washingtonu (28. januarja) in New Yorku (29. januarja). Podrobnejše informacije dobite na Generalnem konzulatu v Clevelandu na telefonski številki 216-589-9220. V blag spomin ob prvi obletnici smrti Marjana Kosem 15. avgusta 1938 -11. januarja 2007 Dragega, nepozabnega moža Skrbnega očeta, ponosnega starega očeta Dobrega brata Prijatelja in mentorja mnogih Nenehnega ustvarjalca Miroljuba, domoljuba Naj Te dobri Bog nagradi z večnim mirom in pokojem. Žena: Mira Sina: Jim ter Tim z ženo Rezi Vnuki: Matthew in Paul Kosem, Billy Vidmar Vnukinje: Olivia in Lucija Vidmar, Mia Kosem Brat: Č.g. Frank Kosem Sestre: Zofi Kosem, Mari Celestina, Urši Štepec Teta: Kati Mihelič ter ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FN Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-ljUBLjANA Vsem znancem in prijateljem voščimo srečno in zdravo Novo leto 2008! Janez, Tone, Jože in Marija Žakelj z družinami Veselo in srečno Novo leto 2008 voščiva vsem našim znancem in prijateljem! Jože in Fanika Goršič 442 N. Ida Lane Elmhurst, IL 60126 Veselo in blagoslova polno leto 2008 želi vsem znancem in prijateljem Družina Marija Lavriša PAVLE BORŠTNIK ZA PERRY, O. - V razburjenju kampanje za nedavne predsedniške volitve v naši Sloveniji, smo skoraj spregledali, da se je na politični sceni pojavila tvorba z imenom “Zares”. Zbrala se je z vseh vetrov slovenske politične levice, potem, ko je doživela in uspešno preživela en potres za drugim. Eno preživetje predstavlja “Zares”. Zakaj pa “Zares”? Ali naj iz tega imena sklepamo, da je samo ta skupina tista, ki si zares prizadeva za lepšo prihodnost slovenske levice , (ne slovenskega naroda)? Ali to pomeni, da bo ta skupina, če se bo prikopala na vrh slovenske politične piramide, zares delovala v dobrobit slovenskega naroda? Ali pa morda to pomeni, da je vse skupaj samo zveneče reklamno geslo, ki naj bi sicer nakazovalo vse zgoraj omenjeno, ki pa zares ne bo izzvenelo kot kaj več, kot glas vpijočega v puščavi? To so vprašanja, na katera bo prinesel odgovor čas v prihodnjih mesecih, se pravi po izvršenih parlamentarnih volitvah v Sloveniji. Drugo vprašanje pa je, zakaj se ni proti temu “Zaresu” pojavila neka odgovarjajoča politična tvorba na desnici? Ali to Komentar HEC pomeni, da je desnica homogena in da je pripravljena na spopad prihodnjo jesen? Težko. Po nedavnem polomu na predsedniških volitvah, ki ga je brez pomislekov treba pripisati neodgovorni politiki vodilnega kandidata, je komaj mogoče govoriti o nekem homogenem zavezništvu desnih strank. Zmeda je popolna in jo bo težko odpraviti pred kritičnimi volitvami za nov parlament. Morda bi pripomoglo, če bi se pojavila opozicija tistemu Zaresu? Kako na primer, bi slovenska politična javnost sprejela desničarsko tvorbo, ki bi si nadela oznako “Za hec”? Zakaj pa ne: če smo že v opoziciji Zaresu, potem si nadenimo logično oznako - Za hec. In tako bi v kampanji za nov parlament, poleg tradicionalnih ali vsaj priznanih političnih strank, med dostojanstvenimi demokrati z dolgočasnim Janšo na čelu in dobrodušnim Bajukom nekje v ozadju; pa Podobnikovo, zdaj Šrotovo SLS, ki nekako ne more prepričati tistega ljudstva, pa Erjavčevimi penzionisti in Jelinčičevimi zagriznjenci, poleg elegantnega Pahorja in ostalih levičarjev, nastopala še skupina (predstavljam si - mlajših) lju- di, ki bi vodila kampa-noj pod geslom: Za hec. V taki grupaciji bi brez posebnih težav, a s posebnim navdušenjem, lahko sodelovali tudi čezmejni in razseljeni Slovenci. Po sedanjem siste-mu, mi v resnici nimamo matematične možnosti, da bi odločali o izidu kakršnihkoli volitev v domovini, razen če bi šlo res za nohte. Lahko pa bi Za hec sodeloval v cirkusu, ki se odvija v Sloveniji in vsakih nekaj let zavre na takšnih ali drugačnih volitvah. Kako si volil? se bomo vpraševali v Clevelandu, Sidneyu in Buenos Airesu. Za hec - bo izzvenel odgovor in takrat bo demokracija v Sloveniji zares vzcveteka! Poglejmo samo še afero okrog časopisa Delo. To je bil časopis, tako levi, kot je sploh mogel biti. Njegovi komentatorji so (zelo zgovorno in zelo uspešno) kritizirali vse, kar se je pojavilo na desnici, od ministrskega predsednika Janše do kardinala Rodeta. Strup njegovih člankov je bil še zabeljen s komentarji v elektronski izdaji lista, v katerih je izbrana plast slovenske inteligence dokumentirala in potrjevala svojo miselno mizerijo in vulgarnost. Potem se je nekje z desne pojavil vitez na belem konju Danilo Slivnik, urednik tedenskega Ma-ga, in tako nekako mimogrede pometal z upravo Dela in imenoval svojega urednika. V kolektivu je nastala panika, kdor ni sam odšel, so ga vrgli ven in Delo naj bi naenkrat postalo vladno kričalo. Pa ni trajalo dolgo. Časopis je pričel hirati, v priznani Sobotni prilogi so odpadli vsi kreativni, če še tako sporni avtorji in priloga Je postala samo skupek potiskanih strani. Toda v uredniški politiki se ni nič spremenilo. Tudi pod novim urednikom je Delo objavljalo tiste komentarje, v katerih cvetoči slovenski intelektualci v najnesram-nejšem jeziku, ki si ga more človek predstavljati, napadajo vse, kar je bilo zapisanega bodisi o Janševi vladi, slovenski Cerkvi ali pa o naši - Ameriki. Gnusoba kar vre iz tistih komentarjev! Da bi bila kolobocija popolna, so poskrbeli časnikarji z absurdno protestno peticijo, v kateri so urbi et orbi razglasili, da vlada v Sloveniji tiskovna cenzura, da so vsa javna občila in vse pozitivno žurnalistično delovanje pod najstrožjim nadzorstvom vlade. In potem, kot nekak antiklimaks, je uprava Dela, iz katere se je Slivnik (poražen, užaljen?) umaknil - odstavila ure-(Dalje na str. 16) Pretresljive zgodbe otrok s Petrička (nadaljevanje s str. 12) nem plodovitem snemalcem dokumentarnih slovenskih izseljenskih filmov Antonom Grdino) verjetno najplodnejšega, čeprav skritega in skromnega producenta filmov o delovanju naših slovenskih društev in ustanov v Ameriki in še prav posebno v Clevelandu in okolici. Danes se najbrž še ne zavedamo, koliko kulturnega, narodopisnega in zgodovinskega bogastva je v njegovi bogati zbirki, pa naj gre za filme številnih cerkvenih slovesnosti, Slovenskih dni, kulturnih prireditev, obletnic, obiskov slovenskih verskih in svetnih dostojanstvenikov, ali skupaj s Srečkom Gaserjem pripravljenega dokumentarca o slovenskih kolinah na Slovenski pristavi ali čudovitega filma Prešernovega “Krsta pri Savici”, v odlični igri članov dramskega društva Lilije. Ivan nam je že v preteklosti na velikem zaslonu prikazal tudi nekaj odličnih (dostojnih in neoporečnih!) filmov uvoženih iz Slovenije, npr. dokumentarce o enem naših največjih misijonarjev, p. Petru Opeki (ki je o njem zdaj ob zavzetosti Slovenske znamkarske akcije v pripravi za tisk pri ameriških založnikih prva dragocena knjiga tudi v angleščini), o slavnem, ne-prekosljivem slovenskem misijonskem zdravniku, kirurgu dr. Janezu Janežu in še pretresljivi film “Zamolčani” v produkciji strokovnjaka, zgodovinarja in novinarja Jožeta Možine. V petek, 18. januarja 2008 ob pol sedmih (6.30) zvečer pa nam bo Ivan ob ljubeznivi naklonjenosti g. župnika Janeza Kumšeta v novi župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti predvajal film “Otroci s Petrička”. Pomislimo! Če bi blagi dr. Valentin Meršol ne bil rešil vsaj slovenskih civilistov, bi bil bodisi med pobitimi ali med “otroci s Petrička" tudi prenek član slovenske clevelandske begunske skupnosti. Ne zamudimo te edinstvene predstave! Edi Gobec ■fr V BLAG SPOMIN ‘fr OB 11. OBLETNICI MAME OB 26. OBLETNICI OČETA Anton Adamič 1899 - 1982 Pavla Adamič 1913 - 1997 Novo leto - čas upanja, želja Nam pa čas grenkih spominov -Večnega slovesa od Tebe, mama Veselih dni praznovanja Tvojega rojstva, ata. Na misel pride strica Karla skladba: “Minil je dan trpljenja. Prišel je dan vstajenja!” Verujemo, da to v Bogu uživata! Aleluja! Otroci: Pavla Dolinar, Mira Kosem in Tone Adamič z družinami ter družina Veider Bivši veleposlanik Slovenije v Vatikanu dr. Karel Bonutti - Intervju Iz novogoriške vile Magnolija, kjer prebiva s soprogo Hermino, s katero ima šest otrok, Karel Bonutti, nekdanji častni konzul Slovenije v Clevelandu in naš kasnejši veleposlanik v Vatikanu, je prelep pogled na slovensko in italijansko stran. Tudi na tisti goriški košček na italijanski strani padajoče meje, kjer je preživljal otroška leta deček furlanskega priimka in trdnega slovenskega duha, ki je skusil begunsko usodo, se uveljavil tudi v tujem svetu in se po koncu zanimive kariere vrnil domov. Bonutti je bil veleposlanik Slovenije v Vatikanu v letih 1998-2002, torej v času, ko je med Slovenijo in Vatikanom, natančneje med tedanjim predsednikom Kučanom in kardinalom Sodanom, potekalo, kot se nam je razkrilo zdaj med predsedniško volilno kampanjo, dopisovanje o vrnitvi posmrtnih ostankov škofa Rožmana iz ZDA v Slovenijo. Zamisel o prenosu škofovega trupla, pri kateri je imel Karel Bonutti precej opraviti, ni uspela. Uspešno pa je vplival na papeževo osebno odločitev o drugem obisku v Mariboru ob razglasitvi škofa Slomška za blaženega, na kar je ponosen, enako kot na svojo pomoč pri uresničitvi konkordata med slovensko državo in Cerkvijo. Tudi pri Prešernovi nagradi za jezuita in umetnika Marka Rupnika, avtorja čudovitih mozaikov v drugi najpomembnejši vatikanski kapeli za Sikstinsko, diplomat Bonutti ni brez zaslug. Še več se jih je nabralo v letih slovenskega osamosvajanja v Clevelandu, drugem oziroma kar prvem domu družine Bonutti. Škof v Clevelandu (Ur. AD: Ta intervju je bil objavljen v mariborskem VEČER-// že 17. novembra. Tekst, ki je na razpolago, ne pove, s kom je imel dr. Bonutti svoj intervju. Tekst je posredovan v celoti. Skupaj s tekstom sta tudi dve fotografiji, a ju ni mogoče ponatisniti.) rici pa so zanalašč, ker Nemci niso ravno zaupali italijanskim vojakom, odprli slovenske šole. Prepričan sem, da so bili vsi tedanji slovenski voditelji zavedni Slovenci, toda znašli so se v oko- « liščinah, ko je bilo skoraj nemogoče priti do rešitve, ki bi bila dobra za vse. Škofa Rožmana pa ste srečali in z njim sodelovali? A ne med vojno, saj sem zrasel v slovenski skupnosti v italijanski Gorici, bil sem povezan z goriškim nadškofom Mar-gottijem, ki ga hočejo nekateri prikazati kot velikega fašista, kar pa sploh ni res. Bil je diplomat, (DALJE na str. 15) V blag in ljubeč spomin OB 2. OBLETNICI NAŠE DRAGE ŽENE, MAME IN STARE MAME MARY VOGEL (roj. Štefančič) Umrla 2. decembra 2005 V božjem vrtu sladko spava, Kjer nežne cvetke valove, Moja žena, naša zlata mama, Za trpljenje več ne ve. Srčna ljubljena nam Mici, Šla prezgodaj si od nas, Dobra, skrbna si nam bila, Kako brez Tebe dolg je čas Žalujejo: mož, Tone sinova Tony (Terri) in Joe (Kitty) z družinama hčerka Mary Ann brat Vinko z družino sestra v Sloveniji Slavka z družino ter ostalo sorodstvo Z Ameriško Domovino ostajate na tekočem z dogajanjem v naši slovenski skupnosti ter s celotnim slovenskim svetom! Gospod Bonutti, ste se začudili, ko je Kučanovo dopisovanje s Sodanom o prenosu posmrtnih ostankov škofa Rožmana v Slovenijo prišlo v javnost? Vsekakor, saj gre za diplomatske izmenjave, ki niso za javnost. Je res, da ste pobudo za prenos škofovega trupla dali predsedniku Kučanu? Med bivanjem v Rimu sem uradno prišel nekajkrat v stik z njim in tako je prišlo do tega predloga. Predsednik Kučan je razmislil in se posvetoval s svojimi svetovalci o pravni oziroma sodni rešitvi in prenosu trupla. Na sodišče ni mogel direktno vplivati, na prenos posmrtnih ostankov pa Je pristal. Med uradnim obiskom kardinala Sodana v Ljubljani ob škofovskem posvečevanju monsignorja Ivana Jurkoviča mu je v zasebnem pogovoru omenil, da bi bil prenos trupla v Slovenijo umesten iz pieteta do nekoga, ki je toliko let, v najtežjih časih druge svetovne vojne, vodil ljubljansko škofijo. Kardinal Sodano se je začudil, da predsednik s komunistično preteklostjo, ki ni bil katolik, razmišlja tako. Zamisel je pozitivno sprejel, češ da se bo takoj pogovoril v Vatikanu in s slovensko Cerkvijo. V uradnem odgovoru je kardinal Sodano nato napisal, da je najprej treba rešiti krivični sodni postopek proti škofu Rožmanu, šele potem se lahko prepelje truplo. Zakaj ni škof, ki je po vojni bival v Clevelandu, tudi pokopan tam? Pokopan je v ameriškem Lemontu, v zemlji, ki Je last slovenskih frančiškanov, torej je, čeprav v Ameriki, slovenska zemlja. Seveda v upanju, da bodo nekoč njegovi ostanki preneseni v ljubljansko stolnico. To bi se mi zdelo zelo umestno, saj ni bilo težjih trenutkov v slovenski zgodovini od mevoj-nih. Slovenski narod je bil ločen, pod različnimi okupacijskimi sistemi, zato je zgrešeno primerjati vojne razmere v Gorici, Ljubljani in Mariboru. Na primer, v Mariboru so nacisti zapirali slovenske šole in izganjali slovenske duhovnike, v Go- DRUŽINA MAVSAR -/ JOŽEF 22.2.1891 t 27.12.1942 TEREZIJA 2.12.1893 t 27.12.1942 PAVEL 1924 t 1945 DARKO 6.1.21 t 27.12.42 D O L F I 16.1.22 t 2.5.43 MICI 7.5.26 t 27.12.42 VILKO 15.6.30 t 23.3.43 I I I I. CIRIL 11.2.25 t 27.12.42 PETER 11.1.291 27.12.42 STANKO 17.10.33 t 27.12.42 i JOSEPH 17.10.191 21.3.2002 FRANK 23.9.27 + 27.5.2006 Eternal rest grant unto them, oh Lord. May they rest in peace. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Pavle Borštnik Perry, Ohio Slovenski begunci v Avstriji V Ljubljani je v založbi Inštituta za izseljenstvo izšla doktorska disertacija dr. Rozine Šventove, direktorice rokopisnega oddelka Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (NUK). V njej je opisan nastanek, razvoj in razpust taborišč slovenskih beguncev v Avstriji neposreden po 2. svetovni vojni. S to publikacijo je nekako zaključena trilogija o slovenskih beguncih, ki vsebuje knjigo dr. Šventove - “Slovenski begunci v Avstriji”, knjigo dr. Jožeta Ranta - “Slovenski eksodus", in pa knjigo britanskega opazovalca Johna Corsellisa - "Slovenija 1945”. V njih je učinkovito in izčrpno opisana zgodba slovenske politične emigracije odnosno njenega nastanka, to od razlogov zanjo do dejanskega opisa njenega življenja od dne do dne, nazadnje z analizo in komentarjem tujega opazovalca, ki je dojemal vse to življenje in dogajanje in mu izrekel naj višje priznanje. V tem pa je tudi osnovna misel vseh teh treh publikacij: tako se ne obnašajo narodni izdajalci! Pišem to zato, ker me kot Slovenca, Američana in navadnega človeka žali in ponižuje škandalozno pisanje ljubljanskega tiska, ki v elektronskih komentarjih svojih bralcev, objavljenih ob raznih člankih, dopušča naravnost strupeno obrekovanje vsega, kar spominja na slovenski odpor komunistični revoluciji, na njegove nosilce, na katoliško Cerkev še posebej, in za nameček še na samo Ameriko. Vsaka stvarna primerjava miselnosti, izražene v takih komentarjih, z opisom življenja in delovanja slovenskih begunskih taborišč v Avstriji, bo pokazala na diametralno razliko v moralni vrednosti teh dveh polov. Knjiga dr. Šventove obsega 378 strani, na kate- V zahvalo in ljubeč spomin Klicu nebeškega Očeta je se je odzval 1. novembra 2007 dragi Lojze Hribar Rojen je bil 16. januarja 1930 v vasi Studenec, občina Nova Vas - Bloke. Zaposlen je bil v East Ohio Gas Co. 27 let. Zadiyih 10 let je živel v Wickliffu. Bil je član Slovenske pristave, Štajerskega kluba in Balincar-skega kluba. Pogreb je bil iz Cosic pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev sv. Felicitas. Prav lepa hvala očetom: Salvatore, Juhas in Kostancic. Prav lepa zahvala gre pevcem in vsem, kateri so ga prišli pokropit in se udeležili sv. maše ter ste spremljali na zadi\ji poti našega ljubljenega moža, očeta in starega očeta. Hvala nosilcem krste in vsem, ki ste darovali za cvetlice in za sv. maše za pokoj njegove duše. Velika zahvala gre Klub upokojencev Slov. pristave, ki so se udeležili v velikem številu molitve rožnega venca. Zahvala gre tudi Edi Mejaču in Tonetu Petkovšku za oglase na njih radijskih oddajah. Poslali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, za katere smo imeli naslove. Če smo koga po pomoti zgrešili, prosimo, naj sprejme s to objavo našo hvaležnost in zahvalo. Žalujoči: žena Stefie, hčerke Sandra (Ken) Wayner, Olga (Christian) Lovirič in Frances (Igor) Frank ter šest vnukov in vnukinj, očim Mariji Minick in njen mož Philip, v Sloveniji pa pet sester in veliko drugih sorodnikov. Dr. Karel Bonutti - Intervju (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 14) rih je na osnovi ohranjenih virov, izčrpno opisano begunsko življenje v vseh taboriščih v Avstriji, zlasti na Koroškem. Ljudje, ki so to preživeli, bodo v knjigi zaznali nekakšen dnevnik svojega takratnega življenja. Kakšna znanstvena ocena zato skoraj ni potrebna, saj navedena dejstva govore sama zase. Avtor ki pa gre vse priznanje za temeljito opravljeno delo, s katerim je potomcem takratnih beguncev zagotovila zanesljiv zapis življenja, kakršnega jim je dodelila usoda po strahotni tragediji Vetrinjskega polja. Vsem pa, živim in mrtvim, ki so s takratnim življenjem in delom napisali eno najbogatejših strani slovenske zgodovine, gre vse priznanje in zahvala, da lahko ta njihova pričevanja in dokazovanja brez obotavljanja postavimo v bran vulgarnemu izživljanju najnižje plasti današnje slovenske družbe. ■ AVE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemontu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main St., P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Letna naročnina je za ZDA $20, izven ZDA pa,$25. Z Ameriško Domovino pokrivamo slovenski svet Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS seveda Italijan, ki pa je do neke mere reševal probleme slovenske Cerkve v Italiji. Na primer: njegov kancler Franc Setničar, je bil zaveden Slovenec. Nikjer ni bilo dovoljeno govoriti slovensko, v semenišču pa smo imeli slovenščino kot obvezni predmet za Slovence in Italijane. Škofa Rožmana sem spoznal šele 1951. leta, ko sem prišel kot begunec v Cleveland. Ker sem bil v Gorici član slovenskega oddelka Katoliške akcije (KA), so me povabili, naj se pridružim KA ljubljanske škofe v Clevelandu, ki jo je vodil škof Rožman. Po letu dni so me imenovali za predsednika. Ko je škof Rožman videl, da je demokratizacija v komunistični Jugoslaviji le dolgoročni sen, je modro presodil, da se mora po cerkvenih pravilih KA podrediti lokalni, torej clevelandski škofiji, in je izdal odlok o ustanovitvi slovenskega oddelka Marijine legije, ki je po pravilih podobna ljubljanski KA. S škofom sem bil v stalnih stikih in ga spoznal kot velikega slovenskega narodnjaka. Ko sva z inž. Jožetom Sodjem, njegovim osebnim prijateljem, leta 1953 predlagala, da bi po ameriškem zgledu spominskega dne za padle vojake ustanovili naš dan za padle domo-(Dalje na str. 16) V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN FRANC IN ANA KAMIN 18. OBLETNICA 41. OBLETNICA ' 1 umrl 10. jan. 1990 »SMSMsM umrla 14. jan. 1967 Gospod, daruj jim mir, naj večna luč jim sveti; ker si dobrote vir, uživajo raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: Sin — Ivan z družino, New York Hčerke — Ani (sestra Bernardka) Marija, Jožefa z družinami (Cleveland, O.) In ostalo sorodstvo v Clevelandu, Sloveniji ter Urugvaju. a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25.000 of level final expense insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800*843*5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. “I used to jet a 1099 for my Bank CD, until / found KSKlAk/ JJVIICAU SIOrthUM CAn.CH.lC MjfuhšCtl Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near you! “ftaitf pjMvrftMS for 13 rrcrtn* on » 7-*§ai pfcan. rra* chanfe« witaUnptew. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1614. S skromnimi vrsticami se je oglasil misijonar jezuit Vladimir Kos, ki deluje na Japonskem in želi vsem sodelavcem MZA prav lepo praznovanje Jezusovega rojstva in milosti polno Novo leto 2008. (Ur. AD: Ta dopis je bil poslan prepozno za zadnjo številko AD v letu 2007, je pa objavljen danes v originalni obliki.) Tudi g. Franc Urbanija, ki nas je poleti obiskal, se je oglasil in piše, da kapela, ki jo gradi v najbolj revnem predelu njegove župnije, upa da se bo na njej sredi decembra nadaljevalo in zaprlo, da se bodo v njej darovale sv. maše. Sporoča, da je Kristi Nemec srečno dospela in vsa župnija jo je z veseljem sprejela. Zdaj se uči španščino. G. Urbanija nas vse lepo pozdravlja in nam želi vse dobro v teh božičnih dneh in tudi v vsem prihodnjem letu 2008. Vsem vam, ki berete te vrstice, želim v imenu vseh sodelavcev, dobrotnikov, misijonarjev, s katerimi se bomo srečali v božični noči pri jaslicah in prosili za božični mir, ki ga svet ne more dati, da Ga pa Jezus, ki se je ponižal, sprejel človeško naravo in se nam približal v teh božični noči in nas vsak dan čaka v tabernakljih, da Ga obiščemo in se Mu poklonimo. Naj se božični mir in slava Bogu na višavah razlega v naših srcih ne samo to noč, pač pa v vsem prihodnjem letu želi in vse lepo pozdravlja Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Dr. Karel Bonutti - Intervju (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 15) brance, je škof rekel, da je to lepa ideja, vendar se moramo spomniti vseh padlih, torej tudi partizanov, ker mi jih ne moremo soditi, sodi lahko le Bog. To je zame prvi primer resnične sprave. Res smo potem imeli spominske pobožnosti vsako leto konec maja, dokler je bil škof živ. Ko je umrl, so se bivši domobranci raz- delili na dve skupini. Manjšina je menila, da mora domobranstvo priti pod bivšo ljudsko stranko, velika večina, združena v tako imenovanem Taboru, pa je trdila, da so bili domobranci nadstrankarski. Zdaj imajo vsak zase spominski dan. To pove, kako pomemben je bil škof Rožman za begunce, kako jih je združeval; ko je umrl, so se razšli, ker so izgubili glavno povezovalno nit. Zato ga vidim kot mučenika, ker ni bil politična osebnost, ampak duhovni vodja, vdan papežu, ki je v enciklikah zavračal vse tri tedanje ideologije, fašistično, nacistično in komunistično. Še najbolj pa komunistično, ker je v Cerkvi videla največjega sovražnika. Beg pred srpom in kladivom S 16. letom ste postali begunec. Zakaj pa? Partizanstvo na Primorskem je nastalo kot upor proti okupatorju. Ko so začele partizanske enote nositi na čepicah rdečo zvezdo in so uporabljale srp in kladivo, ki sta za nas, goriške študente v Italiji, povezane v KA, predstavljala ZSSR, torej komunizem, ki je povzročil toliko gorja in milijonskih žrtev, kar so pape- ži v socialnih enciklikah ostro zavračali, mi ni bilo več mogoče sodelovati. Ko so 1. maja 1945 partizani s severa prišli v Gorico, anglo-ameriška vojska pa z juga, in je bila prava anarhija po goriških cestah, sem po nasvetu sorodnikov, stricev, pri katerih sem stanoval, šel tisto noč v jezuitski zavod, ki je bil pod varstvom anglo-ame-riške vojske. Še isto noč je partizanska enota obkolila hišo mojih sorodnikov, da me odvede. Ker me niso našli, so odpeljali 65-letnega strica, vernega in zavednega Slovenca. Po treh tednih zasliševanj je bil določen za likvidacijo v Idriji, po naključju ga je rešil družinski prijatelj, jaz pa sem šel čez mejo v Italijo in ostal v zavezniških taboriščih do oktobra, ko so an-glo-ameriške enote prevzele administracijo goriške-ga mesta ter takoj odprle slovenske šole od osnovnih do gimnazij in liceja. Zato sem se vrnil v Gorico, se vpisal v slovenski licej in tam maturiral. Nato sem bil sprejet na švicarsko univerzo v Fribourgu, kjer sem dosegel diplomo iz političnih ved in ekonomije. Zanimala me je diplomacija v demokratični Jugo- slaviji. Verjel sem, da je komunizem v Jugoslaviji le začasen. (nadaljevanje in konec v prihodnji številki) -BRALCI! Priporočajte naš list! ZAHEC (nadaljevanje s str. 13) dnika poznanega Maga (ki je bil v lasti Dela po Slivnikovi zaslugi) in tako je zdaj edini neodvisni slovenski tednik, vladni cenzuri navkljub, varno v rokah—levice! Te akcije so razburkale levico, demoralizirale desnico in namesto favorita Lojzeta Peterleta, je bil za novega predsednika države izvoljen levičar Danilo Turk, ki sicer ni eksremni komunist, je pa izšel iz tega kroga. Janša je ob vsem tem postavil na kocko vse: svojo osebno in strankarsko kariero in usodo svoje vlade. Zdaj se je levica streznila. Vlada je dobila zaupnico in bo nadaljevala do konca svojega mandata. Ostaja pa vrsta neodgovorjenih vprašanj in pa možna konfrontacija Zares vs. Za hec. Slovenci vseh dežel - združite se! V BLAG SPOMIN OB DESETI OBLETNICI ANGELA FUJS Umrla 4. januarja 1998 Šopek rožic smo nabrali, na gomilo tvojo dali, zraven svečko smo prižgali in v tišini s tabo pokramljali. Le kdo pozabil bi gomilo, v kateri zlato spi srce, ki neskončno nas ljubilo do poslednjega je dne. Ko tvoje zaželimo si bližine, gremo tja, v ta mirni kraj tišine. Tam srce se tiho zajoče, saj verjeti ono noče, da te več med nami ni. Žalujejo: mož Frank sin Edward z družino sestra Frances Androjna z družino in brat Štefan Maje z družino. V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob devetindvajseti obletnici Pod Križem, mrzla odeja, Skromen grob objema; Srce Tvoje, zlato v njem počiva; Spava sladko, sen večni sniva. Dr. Martin Scancar 1912 - 1979 V zasneženi lepoti, blaženi svetosti Božiča, Pred oltarjem zvestobo mladi par obljublja; pozdravljen Bradata Grupa. V sreči in veselju jima duša je kipela, Ljubezen, sad, cvetoči dar radosti, podarila Sveta Grupa. Veselje in srečo, bolezen in žalost je grenila, Upanje, dobrota, bogastvo duše Ti krepila, Treh Modrih Grupa. Se poslavljala; v tem prepadov in trpja je bledila; K visoki, skalnati strmini je vodila; Te vabila Svetih Treh Grupa. Pramen žarka, skrivnostni pajčolan nebo odkriva; Osvetli; slepi blesteča lepota nebeškega raja; kima Modrih Sveta Grupa. V objemu, s pesmijo Te rajajoča angelska grupa spremlja K jaslicam, kjer se Jezušček smehlja, Te sprejema Kralju Treh Sveta Grupa. Januar 2008 Na Božično jelko že leta niza Okraske, boža jih nevidna roka; Spomine dragocene, nama nepozabne slika. Dragi možek, zlati očka, Ljubiva Te, pogrešava Te! Vedno Tvoji Vlasta in Sonja