PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški In upravniški prostori: ISS7 South Lawndale Ave. Office of Publication: 1SR7 South Lawndale Ave Telephone, Rockwell 4904 LETO—YEAR XL Com* Hate Jo $9.00 ■utter Juuâri IM •! Um ml ittw Um Aet oí C«k*r«M mt Uinh X, litt CHICAGO 23. ILL.. SREDA. 21 JUNIJA (JUNE 23). 1948 Acceptance for mailing at specisl wu of pocu— provided fer in eectlon lit*. Act of Oct. I. 1117, suthoriied on June 4. Uli" Subscription SI.00 Yearly ÔTEV.—NUMBER 123 IZKORIŠČANJEM«™«» komu- DOMAČINOV V AFRIKI RAZKRITO Dnevna plača rudarjev je 15 centov IZZIVANJE ZDRUŽENIH NARODOV Lake Succeee. N. Y« 22. jun.— Južnoafriška unija, dominion Velike Britanije; je po dolgem obotavljanju odgovorila na vprašanja organizacije Združenih narodov, nanašajoča se na admini stracijo Južnozapadne Afrike, bivše nemške kolonije, kjer rudarji garajo za petnajst centov na dan, dočim poljedelski delavci prejemajo $1.80 na mesec V odgovorih je naglasila, da ni odgovorna Združenim narodom za akcije v zvezi z vladanjem biv-žc nemške kolonije." t Južnoafriška unija je dobila mandat nad Južnozapadno Afriko od stare Lige narodov po za-ključenju prve svetovne vojne. Bivfti premier Jan Smuts, ki Je bil poražen pri nedavnih volitvah je skušal anektirati pokrajino. Vlada Južnoafriške unije se je odprto postavila po robu gene-rulni skupščini Združenih narodov. Ignorirala je dve resoluciji z zahtevo, da mora Južnoza-padna Afrika priti pod poverje-rištvo Združenih narodov. Izjavila je, da bo upravljali pokrajino v duhu podeljenega ji mandata. PoverjeniJki svet Združenih narodov je na svoji seji v decembru formuliral 50 ostrih vprašanj' tflede administracije Jdf*-nozapadne Afrike. Poročilo, vne-bu.oče odgovori, je bilo Fertav-ljepo pred volitvami, pri katerih je bila poražena vlada premierja S m u t s a. Predsednik sedanje vlade je Daniel F. Malan nističnih voditeljev Koordinacija komunističnih aktivnosti v Evropi Praga. Čehoelovaldja. 22. jun. —Poročila iz glavnih mest držav v vzhodni Evropi omenjajo, da se bodo voditelji komunističnih strank sestali na važni mednarodni konferenci. Možnost je, da bo to konferenca Kominfor-me, katere sedež je v Belgradu. Kljub uradnemu zanikanju v Pragi so znamenja, da bo konferenca komunističnih voditeljev v Čehoslovakiji, dasi »e omenja tudi Bukarešta, glavno mesto Rumunije. Vest iz zanesljivih virov v Varšavi pravi, da je Andrej A. Zda-nov zapustil Moskvo zadnji teden in odpotoval v Prago. On je član politbiroja in tajnik osrednjega odbora ruske komunistične stranke. Edvard Kardelj in Milovan Djilas sta odletela v Prago i vojaškim letalom. Kardelj je podpredsednik jugoslovanske vlade, Djilas pa minister brez portfe-lja v vladi. M. Farkae, vodja ogrske komunistične stranke, je zapustil Budimpešto in odpotoval neznano-kam. Z njim je odpotoval francoski komunist Jacques Duclos. Poljski komunist Hilarij Mine je odpotoval v Prago. On je industrijski in trgovinski minister v poljski vladi. Rumunska Ana P a u k e r in Gheorghe Dej nista v Bukarešti. Pau ker ima pozicijo zunanjega ministra, Dej pa je vodja rumun-ske komunistične atranke in ekonomski minister. Komtafortne (komunistični informacijski biro) ima dva izražena cilja. To sta koordinacija aktivnosti komunističnih strank v Evropi in pobijanje ameriškega imperializma. Pismo je bilo dodano odgovo- »* morw reji, je dospel v to mesto Po-1lwf^ iHvr°či da Si ročllo pravi, da bo imel važne1 prov,*^tt n* mort ««»llMiti s razgovore s poveljniki smeri-1 Uil«vno «senčijo svobode tiaka ških sil na Daljnem vzhodu. Naj-|ln večji probletp v Koreji so od-1 \ 't'"«1"" > noša jI med Ameriko ln Rustto. provizijo Taft-Hartley- Severna Koreja Je pod rusko ***** »akona, da morajo unije okupacijo i , , predložiti iskane In letna pbro- __Ji! ; 1 t N" Msrilsh v Udi, pred. ti se , morejo žaleči k federalnemu de* nika Klappa. Unija je oklkaia .'avskemu odboru s posivi za In-stavko 5, maja, ko a^ se poga- terven'^o v sporih, odločilo pa janja med njo In kompanljo gle- ni o prot Izijl, ki zahteva od urad-de sklenitve nove pogodbe raz- mkov unij zaprisežene Izjavo, da Wl' h'So komunisti, KONFERENCA PODONAVSKIH DRŽAV; RUSUA SPREJELA AMERIŠKI PREDLOG Japonêki premier grozi levičarjem gova vlada podv/ela ostro akcijo proti levičarskim elementom, ki so aktivni v delavskem gibanju, ako bodo šil predaleč Oni uradniki unij. ki ao tudi v službi vlade, bodo črtani s plačilne liste avtne unije, Je izjavil, da bo unija zavrgla ponudbo Ford Motoi Co Pogajanja med unijo m kompanljo so bila sinoči pretrgane, Unija je naznanila, da bodo obnovljene y sredo obnovlft obrat zadnji teden, toda poskus se je izjslovll. ... , Policijski načelnik Rudolph W ura t nor je prišel pred tovsrno z 51 policaji. Policaji se mao zmenili za vzklike voditeljev linije, da je njihova akcija nedemokratična in milltantna Wurstnor Je bil tarča ostre kritike, ker se je poetavil na stran kompanije v razbijanju stavke Devet členov unije Je bilo aretiranih zadnji taden na obtožbo kršenia prej izdane injunkclje Jutri bodo pustsvljeni pred sod- Waehiagton. -Sov letaka Rusija je aprejela predlog ameriške vlade, da se skliče konferenca deaetlh prizadetih držav za dosego sporazuma glede podonavske plovbe Konferenca ae bo začela 30 julija Prfotno je Rusija nasprotovala predlogu, da bi bila na konferenci zastopana Avstrija. r a/ur/ta v podonavju se v tukaj* šnj^h diplomatičnlh krogih smatra kot nadaljnji korak v so-vjeUki "mirovni ofenzivi". Zaeno pa priznavajo, da bo obnova mednarodne plovbe po Donavi koristila tako Rualjt kot za-pednim silam Ne glede kako bo konferenca Izpadla, Rusija bo pri končnih Podonavska plovba predstav* odločitvah imela sedem držav na Ija glavno transportno vez mati drfjtvomI vzhodne, južne in cen tralne Evrope, tako tudi v dobršni meri vozi z zapadno Evropo Zastopniki deaetlh evropskih držav, ki mejijo na podo-navje, bodo skušali rešiti vprašanje medsebojnega transport-nogs sistema Rualja je privolila, da Avstrija lahko pošlje svojega zastopnika na konferenco, kateri pa ne bo imel praviee do glasovanja. Sovjetaki korak za dosego spo- svoji strani, /apsdne sile pa samo tri. Na konferenci bodo zastopane Bolgarija, čehoslovaki-ja, Ogrska, Kumunija, Jugoslavija, Ukrsjins in Rusija, poleg teh |W Amerika, Anglija In Francija, Jugoslavija je obvestila Ruai-jo, da »e konferenta ne bo mogla vršiti v lielgradu zaradi pomanjkanja prostora. Rusija Je nato predlagala, naj sa konferen-ca vrši v glavnem mestu ene iz-med ostalih (»"donavskih držav. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO Uf LASTNINA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE of end published by Slew» National Benefit Society Naročnina aa Združene driave (lava» Chlcaga) In Kanade MM na leto. $4M sa pol leU. $2.00 u ¿etrl lata; aa Chicago ln okolico Cook Co.. M.S0 aa celo lefc.. M.7S sa pol letaj aa inosemstvo $l\M. Subscription rates: for the United Stales (except Chicago) and Canada MM per year. Chicago and Cook County 88.S0 per year, foreign countries 811.00 per year. Cene oglasov po dogovoru. Itokoplai dopisov ln nenaroieolh ¿lankov so ne vračajo. Rokopisi literarne vsebine (črtice, povesti, dramo, pesmi itd.) se vrnejo pošiljatelju le v slučaju, če le prileti! Advertising rates on agreement*—Manuscripts of communications and unsolicited articles will not be returned. Other manuscripts, such aa stories, plays, poems, etc« will be returned to sender only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Naslov na vse, kar ima stik s listom i PROSVETA 2857-58 So. Lawndale Ave.. Chicago 23, Illlnole ¡Glasovi iz naših nase i im imaaaa»amwmmmmwmam>aaomimwtrcbno, ko bomo ob naš dnevnik. Zu SNPJ in sa našo napredno delavsko misel bi bil to velik udarec. Nafta tretja naloga je, da zbiramo obrambni sklad in s tem rešimo življenje Prosveti, Proletarcu in Enukopruvnosti, proti katerim jc ¿e vedno naperjena tožba za milijon dvesto tisoč dolarjev. In tu tožba je nuperlehu zato, ker jih želi pokoputi temnu klerlkulnu reakcijo. Ta reakcija sanja, du bo potem luhko prišlu do oblusti po vseh naših nascibinuh In s svojo srednjeveško in domobransko propugando zastrupljula tudi oni del nušega narodu v tej deželi, do kateregu do zdaj ni mogla prodreti ¡mi /uslugi teh listov, Zuto ;c potrebno, du zberemo dovolj velik obrambni sklad, du se bomo pred sodišči lahko uspešno branili. Vse to nuj Imajo v mislih nu&i Pennsylvančanl in drugi, ko se ptihodnjo nedeljo zlteiejo nu svoji in jednotini prosluvi. Knako naj ne pozabijo tudi velike politične boil>e v zvezi z jesenskimi volitvami. Mesto vsukegu naprednega delavca Je v vrstah nove progresivne stranke, nu strani llenrvia VVullucee ln aenatorja lile-na Tuylorja, ki sta wallatreetaki icukcljl in njenim oprodam po-stala trn v peti. V tem duhu Prnsveta In SNPJ pozdravljata nafte Pennsvlvan» čanc in telila vsega uspeha njihovemu in jcdnotlnemu bratskemu prazniku. Živeli! * Knako kličemo tudi našim |u*n'ni 1'alifoinijcanom; društvom v Los Angelesu. ki |»iiiejajo svoj ptuznik SNPJ 3. in 4 julija. Ta alavnoat naravno ne bo v takem obsegu ko v zupudni Pcnnsylva-nijl, katti v Los Angelrsu imamo le tri društva in dve društvi v bližnji K ontam, ki l>o*tU gotovo m «delovuit / I«osaugiicftčant, uko i.e uradno, pa neuradno t udeležbo članstva. Tu slavnost torej ne more biti tuko obse/n.» ko v zapadni Pen ni, kjer je tisoče našega članstva in čez sto naših društev t\ \*ej Pennsylvanlji jih ima mo 178) Toda je značilna tadi t« ga ker jtokazujc preporod v vrstah našega članstva v Angelesu V manjšem olrsegu Ima tu slsvnoat v U»s Angele»«* isti jiomen kukor v zapadni Pennsylvanlji. ali kukor u* I*» imel Dan SNPJ naših lievelaiukkih dtušt+v nod okriljem ntlhove dinamične lede-racije dne 8 avgusta, ki se bo vrfttl nu njihovi lepo urejeni izletniški farmi, ali p.» narodni pia/mk SNPJ ki l*> /m Le bor Day v Mil w anketi a /.ato ao tudi lo*angel< >ku diuštva /elela imeti govornika iz glavnega uiada na tej svoji alavnoat! Toda bodo razumela, da ekaekutiva ni mogla ugodili tej njih >el|i, ker pošiljanj« govornika na Uko daljavo .. eii ali dva na topa ie zvezano s prevelikim stroški m preveliko i/^oIh» caaa taka gtvorniiku turneja izplačala le ako bi PODPREDSEDNICA TRETJEGA OKROŽJA VABI VSE ČLANSTVO NA PROSLAVO 27. JUNIJA V SOUTH PARKU Harwick. Pa. — Zopet se bliža dun, ki je eden najpomembnejših za clanetvo SNPJ v državi Pennsylvaniji. Zbrali se bomo skupaj kot bratje in sestre in praznovali ta dan v čast naši na* predni organizaciji materi jednoti, ki stoji ob naši strani v bo le/ni sli nesreči. Potrudimo se vsi brez izjeme in naredimo vse, da bo ta velika proslava uspešna, zaeno pa pokažimo, da smo v resnici hvaležni SNPJ, katera ni samo podporna organizacija, ampak nas vodi tudi na kulturnem in napi edno delavskem polju. Pripeljite s seboj tudi vaše prijatelje in znance, da bodo imeli priliko seznaniti se z nami. Poleg zelo pestrega programa, katerega so naši vrli dru-Štveniki te opisali, bomo Imeli tudi govornika v osebi glavnega tajnika SNPJ Freda Vidra. On je pogumen bojevnik za pravice delavskega ljudstva. Br. Vider bo tudi govoril na radio-postsji v Braddocku. Njegov govor bo oddajen ob 12.05 popoldne. Na koncu pa še apeliram na vse delavce, ki bodo imeli v o-skrbi razna dela na ta dan, da vršijo delo vzorno, tako da bomo imeli čim večji uspeh. Bratje in sestre SNPJ, v nedeljp, 27. junije, naj vodi pot nas vseh v South Park. Kličem na gotovo in veselo svidenje! Mary F. Praanlker. bave. Tudi balincarji bodo pokazali, kaj znajo. Za žejne in lačne bo tudi vsestransko po skrbljeno. Vstopnina prpsta. Odbor bo zelo vesel videti tudi člane mlajše generacije, ki so člani društva, Id pa se po navadi sej ne udeležujejo. Starši, priporočite jim, naj tudi oni pri-dejo in «e z nami povesele v veseli družbi. Na veselo svidenje! n. ».. predsednik. PIKNIK DRU&TEV 840 IN 13 SNPJ L AVQUSTA Bridgeport, O. — Zgoraj imenovali društvi bosta priredili piknik v National Parku. To priredbo smo imenovali Ohio Valley SNPJ Day. Vabimo vsa sosedna društva od bUzu in daJeč, da nas poeeti-jo v velikem številu. Imeli bo* mo tudi govornika iz glavnega urada SNPJ v osebi mladinskega direktorja Michaela Vrhov-nika. Za ples bosta igrala dva izvrstna orkestra, ki bost« igrala slovenske melodije, da se boste vsi zabavali. Piknik se bo vršil na National rd., stop 18, Bridgeport, O. Tudi za avtomobile bo dovolj prostora. Razstavili bomo znake ob vseh cestah, da boste laže našli prostor. Ta cesta je ob glavni cesti št. 40^ Na telegrafske djro* ge bomo nabili znake SNPJ. , Odbor bo skrbel, da ne bo nihče ne žejen na lačen. Torej pridite v velikem številu, po prili* ki vam bomo poset pa vrnili. To* rej na gotovo svidenje dne 1. avgusta in pozdravljeni v imenu odbora Ohio Valley SNPJ Dayl Naj še omenim, da ae boats poročila Louis Straus, sin našega člana Louisa Strsusa, in Jo-hana Simončič. Želim jima obi« i lo sreče! Poroka se bo vršila na isti dan kot sta se poročila starša neveste pred 28 leti. Mary 9*tnlck. tajnica. članstvu drufttva naprej Cleveland, O. — Spodaj pod pisani naznanjam, 'da sem prevzel tajništvo društva Naprej št. 5 SNPJ, ker je prejšnji tajnik Mcdvešek odpotoval v staro domovino. V uradu bom vsaki dan in na razpolago vsakemu, ki bo Jiaj potrčboval. " Zuto apeliram na vse člune, da se poslužijo prilike ter poruvnajo usesment, du vam ne bo treba na 25. v mese- in znftnccVf lcaJti dru4tvo Vipav. uu stati v vrsti in čakati. | ski rgj 312 SNpj b(J tudl leto8 Nadeljejudi namenjam, da bo prireduu pik^ v nedeljo, 27. junija, n® novo preurejenih Izletniških prostorih cleveland- VIPAVCI VAlllO HA' Ptsett-^4? Cleveland. O. — Zopet se bomo zabavali v družbi prijateljev društvo Naprej priredilo svoj piknik v nedeljo 11. julija na farmi elevelandske federacije SNPJ. Imeli bomo izvrstno zabavo, ples in druga razvedrila. Tudi v slučaju dežja se bomo lahko zubuvuli, saj je strehe dovolj zu vse Kdor nima svojega vozila, se bo lahko peljal z domačim avtobusom, katerega je društvo najelo v ta namen. Prvič bo odpeljal ob pol ene in drugič pu ob treh popoldne izpred Slov. nar. doma na St, Clair ave in se bo spotoma ustavil pred Slov. del. domom na Waterloo. Več o tem bo poro-čano pozneje. Apellrum na vse članstvo, da se pripravi na ta naš piknik ter se ga udeleži v polnem številu, da se pokažemo, da smo res bratje in sestre ln obenem pomagamo društvu, katero bo tudi nam pomagalo v slučaju potre-be. John Krebel. tajnik. PIKNIK DRUŠTVA DELAVEC STEV. 44 SNPJ V CONEMAUGHU Jchnstown. Pa. — V nedeljo 27. Junija se bo vršil letni piknik tega društva, ln sicer v senci košatih dreves, na prostoru kot lansko leto, ki se nahaja na koncu paikhillške naselbine, nad progo Mnnsylvanake železnice .__,, ___. . it . i i u . - demo s člani progresivne stran Ako vas vodi pot iz Johnstowna . . , , ,, _i ____1 ke za okraj Clark. Na tem sestanku bo tudi skih društev SNPJ. 9dbor bo gledal, da ne bo nihče ne lačen in ne žejen, za plesalce pa bo igrala izvrstna godba. Razumljivo, Vipavci pa so bomo pogovarjali o našem rojstnem kraju. Naj omenim, da bomo imeli na pikniku tudi pristne vipavske češnje. Uredite si torej svoje zadeve tako, da boste v nedeljo gotovo z nami. Vsak zaveden društve-nik ve, da so društvene priredbe važne, zato pa je potrebno za u-spešno veselico sodelovanje vseh članov in članic. Člani in članice naj pritegnejo na piknik tudi svoje prijatelje in znance, da se tako razširi društveni delokrog. Torej vsi na piknik društva 312 v nedeljo, 27. Junija! Krlat Marc. blagajnik. IZ URADA DRUŠTVA 188 SNPJ Wlllard. Wls. — Društvo Slovenski kmetovalec 198 SNPJ naznanja članstvu, da se bo vršila društvena seja četrto nedeljo, in sicer eno uro poprej kot po navadi, torej ob eni popoldne, to pa iz razloga, da se po seji sni- ali IZ Cnneniaugha. ko dospete na Park Hlll. krenite na desno, nakar poidite ali vozite do konca poti in boste na mestu. Ta izlet ali piknik je posvečen v razvedrilo članom ln drugim rojakom-pt ijateljem, da »e tako vnjo en ki at v letu skupaj sni demo. se ponovorimo in povese-limo v veseli družbi. Poleg te-uu bo mnogo prave domače za- nastopil govornik, saeno pa se bomo spoznali z ljudmi Iz našega okraja, ki delujejo za izvolitev Henryja Wallacaa in TaylorJa Na ahod ste vabljeni vsi ln povejte o njem tudi vašiifi aoae-dom. Joeeph siemec. predsednik, Msrtln Klrn. tajnik t nega meseca al* kak teden več organizirala veriga društvenih shodov in pnredb ali članskih eeatsnkov v vseh zapadnlh državah, kjer ims jednota svoje postojanke ' Taka turneja bi moráis biti dobro planit ana in čim bolje organizirana, da bi se sa društva in jednoto dosegla maksimalna korist. Za organiziranjf talce turneje l*a vzame časa /.a jednoto bi se' Tudi društvom v l/s Angelesu želimo na tej njih slavnostt vsega se na primer v tcku'us|i«ha ln pierojenja in Jim bratsko kličemo: živeli? VEČERINKA PROLETARCU V PODPORO Detroit, Mick. — Zbrala se je mala skupina Proletarčevlh naročnikov in je pričela razmotri-vati Proletarčev položaj z vseh vidikov: o njegovih smernicah, finančnem položaju, če zastopa delavske interese ali st lahko z % nesemo, da bo tiyii vedno stal na strani delavskih stremljenj in branil nji|j principe. Njegovo i nje naj nam bo garacij'a, da drugače sploh biti ne more. Kaj drugega naj zastopa Proletarec kot delavske pravice??? Njegova 45-letna zgodovina, naj nam bo najboljša garancija, da bo svoje delo nadaljeval. Seveda, vse zsdovoljiti do pike, ne more nobeden urednik, kajti vsaka glava ima svojo pamet, urednik pa ni kakšen "super-man". Vem pa, da bi rad vsem ustregel, ako mu sporočimo, kako mi žalimo, da bi pisal. Seveda, ako bomo zahtevali, bomo morali tudi list gmotno podpreti, ker samo zahtevati tie gre. Vsakdo, kdor pozna zgodovino Proletarca, ve, da je Imel težke boje za obstanek od vsega začetka. Podporo je dobival edino od zavednih delavcev. In če nočemo, da ae nam možgani ne s kiss j o, bomo še nadalje morali podpirati delavsko časopiaje, kajti to je edino orožje, ki ga imamo v borbi proti delavskim sovražnikom. Le iz dobrih knjig in delavskega časopisja te delavci lahko s popoln ij o borbo proti svojemu sovražniku. Iz teh razmotrivanj je ta mala skupina zaključila, da priredi malo večerinko, da s tem gmotno podpremo Proletarčev o blagajno. Vabim vac Proletarčeve naročnika in somišljenike kot tudi klubove člana, da se te ve-oerinke udeleše v čim večjem Številu. Večerinka se bo vršila v soboto, 3. julija, začetek ob 7. uri zvečer do ??? v SDD, 437 So. Livernois. Pridite, da se od bliža spoznamo in da bomo videli, kako močno armada ,im* naš list Proletarec/ Za odbor: Joae! Korale. POROČILO TAJNICE DRU&TVA 918 Baggaley, Pa. — Smrt pobira in nič ne Izbira. Med nami se vrste zelo hitro redčijo. Se ni poteklo pol lets, pa je naše društvo' bo piknik vseeno vršil. no za zboljšanje v vseh ozirih. Mnogokrat f>a je bil razočaran, ker ni bilo boliših uspehov. Dragi brat Žabkar in zvesti člap društva 316, odšel si od nas vse prehitro, kajti med nami primanjkuje čedalje bolj treznih in odločnjl} članov. Tvoja smrt sicer ni prišla nepričakovano in, bila celo rešiteljica Tvojega trp-ljeja zadnjih par let, vendar je društvo izgubilo s Teboj mnogo. Ne zdi. s« mi umestno slavili pokojnika, ko ga ni več med nami, kajti v življenju je dobil malo ali pa nič priznanja, vendar pa njegovo delo in zasluge v splošnem ne morejo niti ne smejo biti pozabljene. Naj TI bo blag in časten spomin, Tvojim dragim pa globoko sožalje! Za spremembo naj f>oročam, da sta se vrniia i? države Arkansas* s partedenskega medenega letovanja dobro poznani William Dablock in njegova nevesta. Obilo sreče, BiH in Dot, v novem stanu! George in Josie Qepley sta dobila prvorojenko« Mati se je poprej pisala Fabian. Ker jp članica društva 318 SNPJ. bo gotovo tudi hčerka. Prvorojenko sta tudi dobila Louis in Magda Zabkar. Čestitke! Edward L. Matko se je po dvotedenskih počitnicah vrnil nazaj v šolo v državno učitelji ¿če Indiana, Pa. Podpisana. Mary Grošel in Louise Matko in družina iz Russelltona smo se udeležili pogreba sorodnice Ma ry Matko v Bridgeportu, O. Po-kojnica je bila pokopana zadnji teden. Theresa Matko-Arch, tajnica VAJSU.O NA PIKNIK DRUÔTVA 544 SNPJ Cleveland. O. — Društvo 544 SNPJ bo priredilo svoj letni piknik v nedeljo, 27. junija na vrtu Doma zapadnih Slovencev, 6818 Deniaon ave. Vljudno vabimo članstvo vseh posednih društev na veliko udeležbo, še posebej pa člane in članice našega društva. Pripeljite s seboj tudi svoje prijatelje in prijateljice, da nas bo več. Za ples bo igrala dobra godba. Če pa vam bo prevroče v dvorani, ae boste lahko šli hladit na vrt v hladno senco. , V slučaju slabega vremena, se Pridite. vabilo na piknik dru- Stva delavec s snpj S. Chlcago. 111. — Dolžnost me veže, da nekoliko poročam o našem pikniku, ki se bo vršil 11. julija na prostoru, na katerem ima naše društvo piknik vsako leto. Odbor je pridno na delu s pripravami in obeta se velika udeležba. Zakaj pa ne bi bila, saj jp društvo Delavec gonilna sila v južnem Chicagu. Naše društvo je vedno pripravljeno podpirati vsako napredno akcijo, zato pa pričakujemo sodelovanja in odziva dne 11- julija. Apeliram na članstvo čikaških društev SNPJ, da nas posetijo na ta dan, ob priliki pa vam bomo povrnili poset. Na pikniku bo dovolj zabave za mlade in stare. Članstvo društev 100 in 490 bo vleklo vrv. Imeli bomo tudi balincarske tekme. O vsem tem bomo še pozneje poročali. Bratje in sestre, zapomnite si datum 11. JuliJa. Na pikniški prostor se lahko pripeljite z avtobusom, in sicer do 113. ulice, potem pa hodite dva bloka vzhodno in ste na pikniku, to je na 114 ulici D. Vsem bomo dobro postregli, kajti imeli bomo tudi pečeno jagnjetino, purane itd. Naj še omenim, da je tudi članstvo našega društva za tretjo stranko in njene kandidate. Bratje in sestre, agitirajte za tretjo stranko in njene kandidate. Bratje in sestre, agitirajte za tretjo stranko tudi med drugimi narodnostmi. Ne bojte se rdečega bavbava in naredite križ pred Wallaceom, kateri je prijatelj delavstva in proti vojni. Vsi na plan na volivni dan' Frank Gorence. izgubilo že dva člana, družine pa svoje drage. Dne 12. maja je umrl Joaeph Žabkar, dolgoletni član društva 318 SNPJ in poznan daleč na 0- krog. Ob smrti mu je bilo 58 pjmredba federacije let. Doma je bil iz fare Rake pri Krškem.' Pokojnik je spadal k več organizacijam in klubom ter bil tudi'član unije UMW of A. Tu zapušča soprogo, deset sinov Za jedačo in pijačo bo skrbel odbor in vsem dobro postr^el. Gertrude Deinshar. zapisnikarica. in 40. obletnica društva 101 SEJA PODRUŽNICE 56 SANSa Waat Allls, Wla. — Članom in članicam podružnice št. 56 SANSa naznanjam, da se bo vršila seja v nedeljo 27. junija pri Johnu Rebernišku na 6. ulici in W. Bruce st., začetek ob dveh popoldne. Seja bo važna, zato je dolžnost članstva, da se je gotovo udeleži. Pripeljite s seboj tudi svoje prijatelje. Nekaterim našim rojakom je bila organizacija SANS v na-potje in trn v peti od vsega začetka. Niso mogli prenašati humanitarnega dela, katerega je vršil SANS od ustanovitve naprej, no, sedaj pa šepečejo, da bo konec te potrebne organiza cije. Ti ljudje si naj zapomnijo, če ne bo smel več poslovati SANS, bo šlo tudi vse drugo, kar je demokratičnega, po isti poti kot je Šlo v Hitlerjevi Nemčiji. Če pride tako daleč, potem ne bomo udarjeni samo Slovenci, ki ampak Oreenaboro. Pa. — Vse članstvo društev SNPJ vabim na j|n'prireditev federacije za okraja ^r^rr^rnoml^^^Uče-1 Fayette in Greene, ki se bo vrši-j «mo aktivni v SANSu( ni, V Detroitu brata Franka,! 1® 28- junija v italijanski dve- vsi Slovani na splošno. Martina v Mount Pleasant, Pa., rani v Republicu, Pa. Slovani na splošno smo naj- in Antona v start domovii. Drugi dan, 27. junija, pa bo več trpeli v tej naši novi domo- Ne starost, pač pa naporno delo društvo SNPJ praznovalo 40-! vini, kajti vedno smo imeli naj- skoraj 40 let v različnih premo- ! »«nico mojega obstoj. v isti nevarnejša in na grša del. in da-govnikih tu in v Nemčiji, ga j« dvorani. Popoldne bo program, " tudi največ življenj v raznih uničilo prezgodaj. Bil je marljiv govornik pa bo nastopil Mir- industrijskih nesrečah, prav ta- delavec in skrben gosjwdar številne družine, kakor tudi njegove življenjske tovarišice. Kot ko Kuhel, gl. blagajnik SNPJ.| Predvajane bodo tud kino-slike k Jugoslavije, in sicer naj no ko so Slovani v vojni izgubili največ sinov. Zato pa imamo *se pravice. marljiv delavec je izvršil veliko | v»jše. Ob 8.30 zvečer pa se bo d« branimo demokracijo in se še dela tudi pri društvu St. 318, pri ( pričel ples Oddan bo tudi čl dvorani in klubu. Kjer koli Je stllec za preproge. Za lačne in bilo treba pomoči, je bil tam ln žejne bo skrbel veeeličtv odbor, jo nudil. Trudil se je nesebič-l John Skods. Priprave v zvezi s califormjskim dnevom SNPJ Poatana. Csllf. — Kakor je bilo že poročeno v Prosveti, bomo Imeli tudi v naši državi dan SNPJ, za katerega se pridno pri pravljamo. Ob tej priliki opo- naj dne. Kdor želi balincati. se prijavi dotičnemu odboru. Naj še poročamo, da smo imeli tu 13. junija predvajanje filmov iz Jugoelavije. Udeležba je bila nadalje udejatvujemo povsod, kjer se dela za napredek vsega ljudstva. Podpirajmo take organizacije kot ie SANS in ne dopustimo. ds bi z nami pometali razni kvizlingovci. kateri ao morali bežati v tujino pred svojimi brati in sestrami. Ne pozabite priti na sejo podružnice 56 dne 27. junija! Mary Mustch. tajnica. SEJA PODRUŽNICE 2 SANSA Chicago. III. — Redna seja podružnice 2 SANSa se bo vršila U mesec pri br Franku Terop- zarjamo vse tiste, ki se namera-1 povoljna. Prsv lepa hvala vaem. ! N Odeli ave. (7332 za- vejo udeležiti plesa 3. Julija in želijo oatatl čez noč v Loe Angelesu, da se prijavijo Johnu Jancu ali pa J. Rihtarju. prav Uko se javijo temu od boni tudi vsi tist\ kateri želijo iti v Los Angeles 4 julija. Odbor mora biti informiran o tem is razloga, da bo vedel preskrbeti transportad jo. Torej ' sporočite, če boste ili i avtomobilom ali avtobusom Balincarska tekma ae bo pričela 4. julija ob desetih dopot posebno pa Johnu Olipu in Fr. pedno). Začetek ob 7. uri zve-Petriču iz Los Angeless | čer ali pa še preje, če pridemo Glede balincanja še toliko na skupaj V lepem vreme- znanje. da tiati. kateri ae bodo 'nu zborovali na krasnem udeležili tekme 4 Julija, naj pri- Teropšičevcm vrtu dejo v nedeljo. 27. junija ob, eni' •*)* *> važne, posebno popoldne na preizkušnjo, kajti ** *daj. ko je naša dolžnost, da razdelili se bomo bo skupinsh,' pomsgamo pri agitaciji za našo da ne bo nobene zmešnjave na dan tekme. Upoštevajte U naznanila. Za odbor: John Jaac. Joe Rlhtar. progresivno stranko ter se pogovorimo o sklepih letne seje odborov SANSa Pridite vsi' Po seji ae imamo po navadi Juštno. John Turk, tajnik. SREDA, S3. JUNIJA 1948 P ROS? VT A Federacije J. ZAPISNIK CLEVELANDSKE FEDERACIJE Cleveland. O. — Zadnja seja se je vršila 22. maja v običajnem prostoru. Predsednik Matt Petrovich odpre sejo ob osmih zvečer. Zapisnik izredne seje z dne 17. a-prila sprejet kot čitan. Citano je pismo Vide Shiffrerjeve, v katerem se zahvaljuje za sodelovanje *in $25, katere je darovala federacija za kritje stroškov ob priliki predavanja DonakU Hessona in Marie Seton. Sprejet je predlog, da se kupi vseh 10 stopnic od clevelandskih podružnic SANSa. Citano je pismo odbora izletniške farme, v katerem nas vabi na piknik 23. maja in 29. avgusta; apelira za delavsko pomoč in pošilja listke, da z njimi izplačajo farmo. Federacija vzame 25 knjižic. Na federacijsfcem pikniku < 8. avgusta bo igral Pintar-Grch-manov orkester. Zastopniki atletične lige poročajo, da bodo priredili zadnjo soboto v juliju zunanjo zabavo, tretjo nedeljo v septembru pa piknik. Zastopniki podružnice 39 SANSa poročajo, da so na seji razpravljali o Mundtovem pred logu. Predavanje D. Hessona in Marie Seton je bilo zelo uspešno. Denar, ki je ostal od tega, se obdrži za prihodnje take poduč-ljive shode. Razmotrivaii so tudi o novi stranki in izvolili dva zastopnika, katera se bosta ude ležila državne konvencije nove stranke. Ta konvencija se bo vršila 19. in 20. junija. Za podružnico 48 SANSa poročajo, da so razpravljali o Wal-laceovi kandidaturi. Za mladinski pevski krožek poda Sa manich dobro poročilo in poudari, da je treba še nadalje agiti-rati za nove pevke in pevce Ml«dinskj.knožek it. 2 na je imel zelo lep in uspešen program ob priliki praznovanja 10-letnice. V juniju mesecu ta krožek priredi skupni program s collinvvoodsko skupino. Poročilo društvenih zastopnikov: Za društvo 26 poročajo, da je umri en član; 20. junija priredi jo piknik. Društvo 28: Pridobili dva člana v odrasli oddelek in dva v mladinski. Društvo 53 Pridobili dva nova člana v od rasli oddelek; kupili vstopnice za Sansovo prireditev; dali dar L Medvešku; njih piknik se bo vršil 18. julija. Društvo 126 Kupili vstopnice Zarje, Slovana in SANSa; umrl en član; pridobili dva člana v odrasli oddelek Društvo 135: Umrl dolgolet ni član br. Frank Stibil; nabra li na seji $10.50 za svobodni tisk Društvo 139: Pridobili enega čla na v mladinski oddelek in ene ga v odrasli. Društvo 147: U mrl en član; pridobili dva člana v mladinski oddelek. Društvo 158: Umrla dva člana; pridobili pet članov v odrasli oddelek in enega v mladinski. Društvo 185 Pridobili dva nova člana; razmotrivaii so, da bi jednota našla pot. da bi laže obdržali člane, kateri imajo prestopiti iz mladinskega v odrasli oddelek Društvo 257: Darovali iz bla gajne $10 za svobodni tisk in nabrali med članstvom še nadaljnjih $6. Društvo 264: Pridobili več novih članov. Društvo 312 V kratkem bodo imeli piknik. Društvo 442 Umrla ena članica. Društvo 450: Darovali že lepe vsote za obrambo našega| in pridobili dva člana s prestopnimi listi Društvo 47T: Kupili vse vstopnice za Sansovo prireditev; dobili enega člana s pre stopnim listom. DruAtvo 566 Kupili vstopnice za Sansovo prireditev, dali bodo lep dar L. Medvešku na poslovilnem večeru; zastopnik Clevealnd Illuminating Co. je kazal na njih seji kino-slike p»»d imenom Best location in the nation". kitere so brezplačno ns razpolago vsaki skupini. Dri*-štvo 57« Pridobili tri nove čla ne organizirali so ie tri keglja-ške skupine, seje bodo nadalje-vali tudi v poletnem času. in «licer zunaj, zaeno pa bodo imeli tudi športne aktivno«ti Društvo 804; Prispevali 110, za shod. ns ksterem sta preda vala D. Hesson in Marie Seton, dalje so prispevali $15 za obrambo našega tiska in pridobili dva člana v mladinski oddelek. Društvo 614: Pridobili tri člane v mladinski oddelek; «■ junija priredijo piknik. Društvo 742: Prispevali $10 za predavanje, $20 pa za tisk. Društvo 748: Pridobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek. Zastopana so sledeča društva: št. 5, 26, 28, 53, 126, 129, 135, 137, 13», -147, 158. 185, 257, 264, 312, 442, 450, 477, 566, 576, 604, 614, 742, 748, atletična liga in krožek 4t. 2. Od glavnih odbornikov so navzoči Matt Petrovich Rudy Lisch in Cam Zarnik. Zaključek seje ob 9.30 zvečer. Carl gamanich. zapisnikar. stih; krožek priredi islet za svo- ie ČUne v Pittsburgh Lincoln 'arku, meseca oktobra na praznuje svojo 10-letnico. Več bo na znan)eno pozneje. Sklenjeno, da ima federacijski odbor v oskrbi vso pripravo za običajni federacijski piknik na Labor Day. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila tretjo nedeljo v septembru ravno v tej dvorani/ A. Skular. zapisnikar. AKTJVNQST? KAN SAŠKE FEDERACIJE SNPJ Arms. Kansas. — Izčrpek zapisnika seje kansaške federacije SNPJ, ki se je vršila 18. maja t. v Franklinu, Kansas, v dvora m Community. Zastopana so društva: št. 9, 27. 30, 65, 72, 92, 206, 225, 434 in 609. Zastopniki poročajo o raznih smrtnih slu čajih in da so pri društvah 9, 225 in 609 pridobili nekaj novih članov. V razpravi glede sedanje jed-notine kampanje za nove člane je sklenjeno, da tudi federacija plača nagrado agitatorjem* $1 za vsakega novega člana v odrastli oddelek in 50c za člana mladinskega oddelka. Odbor, ki je imel v oskrbi skupno prvomajniško priredbo, poroča, da ie kljub raznim vremenskim neprilikam povolj-no izpadla. Sklenjeno, da se daruje iz fe-deracijske blagajne $25 v sklad za svobodo tiska. Sklenjeno,, da federacija pod- PIKNIK FEDERACIJE ZA JUtNOVSHODNI OHIO IN W. VA. Bridgsporl. O.— Članstvo SN PJ in druge rojake vabim na piknik bridgeportske federacije, ki se bo vršil 5. julija na prijaznem gričku v Blaineu. Naša federacija je že veliko pomagala članom v stiski in nesreči ter namerava to delo vršiti tudi v bodočnosti. Torej je to organizacija, ki zasluži sodelo-vanje od strani članatva SNPJ in drugih rojakov. To sodelovanje pa lahko demonatrirate s tem, da se udeležite federacij-skega piknika. Pridite v velikem številu in se nekoliko po veselite s svojimi prijatelji in znanci. .. Za ples bo igralo pet muzikan-tov. Ob vzvokih lepih polk in valčkov si boste lahko dobro pete nabrusili. Za lačne in žejne bodo pa skrbele naše kuharice in točaji. Naprej za napredek! Pridite torej 5. julija popoldne na vrt društva 333 v Blaineu. Piknik se bo pričel ob dveh in bo trajal do pozne ure. Vstopnina je samo 50c. Na svidenje! Joka Vile«. predsednik federacije. CLEVEIANDSKA FFEDERACIJA Cleveland, O. — Želim obvestiti vse zastopnike clevelandskih društev SNPJ, da se bo vršila prihodnja redna seja naše fede racije v soboto, 26. junija, za Četek ob 7.30 zvečer v Slov. narodnem domu na St. Clair ave. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli med drugimi zadevami tudi pri p>ra izobraževalno ustanovo prave, M (PT«rtM®, clevejapdfkp-Proiv^atHb VVtktlcb'spfct Tertt W- ga aneva SNPJ, ki se bo vršil tu, kot v preteklosti, in sicer do-'dne 8. avgusta na naši izletniški lar mesečno. farmi blizu Chardona, Ohio. Pomožna voditeljica mladin-j Prosim yse, da se te seje prav skega krožka ses. Janezic poro- gotovo udeležijo, ča o raznih krožkovih aktivno-1 Malt Petrovich, predsednik Glasovi iz naselbin RAZNE NOVICE IN AKTIVNOSTI DRUŠTVA 53 SNPJ Cleveland. O. — Izmed vseh novic pri društvu V boj 53 SNPJ je najvažnejša o našem pikniku, katerega bo naše društvo imelo po dolgih letih, menda po 30 letih. Ta piknik se bo vršil 18. julija na "naši" farmi na Heath rd. in cesta št. 6, blizu Chardona. Naše društvo ima običajno vsako leto svojo prireditev v Slov. del. domu na Waterloo rd., kajti je prvo, ker poseduje največ delnic tega doma (preko $13,-000). Letos pa smo prepustili dvorano Slovenski zadrugi, katera bo obhajala svoj 35 letni jubilej. SDD daje prednost društvom, ki so delnlčsrji, ter našim prosvetninl in kulturnim društvom, šele nato pridejo na vrsto take organizacije, kot je zgoraj omenjena. Ker pa je naše društvo tudi delničar pri Slovenski zadrugi in ker je delav sko gospodarsko podjetje, smo mu prepustili dvorano. Torej, ker ne bomo imeli pri red be v dvorani, smo se odločili za izlet v naravi, kajti treba je tiska našo blagajno malo ojačiti, ker je društvo med letom preveč ra dodamo In tako more priti od nekje kaj denarja nazaj v dru št veno blagajno. Sicer pa je dobro, da gremo po tolikih letih enkrat v naravo, to pot na far mo SNPJ. za katero je tudi na še društvo prispevalo tisočak. S tem piknikom bomo brez dvo rtia ustregli tudi našim mladim članom in članicam, ki so me že večkrat opozorili, zaka) nima mo piknika Torej upam. da re Jim bo sedat želja izpolnila. Na še članstvo in tudi članstvo dru gih društev je prošeno. da pohi ti v velikem številu na to vrtno veselico Za obilo zabave in razvedrilo, prav tako za žejne in lačne, bo skrbel društveni od bor. # Naj (»menim da bo odbor ?reskrbel avtobus za tiste, ki ni majo svojih vozil; Avtobus bo odpeljal prvič izpred SDD na Waterloo rd. ob pol dveh popol dne, če pa ne bo odziva, pa šele eb treh. Nazaj pa bo peljal ob osmih zvečer. Prošeni ste vsi da se priglasite tajniku društva sko nameravate iti z avtobusom Piknik se bo vršil ob vsakem vremenu, kajti dvorana je nova u ima dovolj prostora, da nas vzame pod streho. Torej toča ali pa moča, piknik se bo vršil Razumljivo, da ne bomo brez plesa. Za ples bo igral Barbič ml. in njegov orkester. Igral bo tako lepo poskočne polke in valčke, da boste sami sebi uga jall, ko se boste vrteli ob zvokih te godbe. Na članstvo torej ponovno, resno apeliram, da se gotovo u deleži tega našega piknika. Pri peljite s seboj tudi svoje druži ne, prijatelje in znance, ker bomo imeli dovolj zabave za vse. Razumlljvo, balincarske "bele" bodo padale kot nebeška strela. Otroci pa se bodo igrali na igri !ču, ki je urejeno za naše mlade jednotarje. Mrs. Erjavec in njen kuharski štab pa bo skrbet, da ne boste lačni. društva, naj to zadostuje, omenim pa naj še, če bi pri društvu vsi tako sodelovali kot je pokoj-nica, bi bilo veliko laže tajniko-vati. Blag ji naj bo spomin! Spominjali se je bomo kot dobro in zvesto članico. • Pri našem društvu pa samo ne umirajo člani, ampak se tudi rude. Zadnje mesece so bile vile rojenice precej pridne. Pri dru žini Fr. Zeitz se je rodil sinček. Oče je naš član in tako smo dobili v društvo tudi novorojenčka. Tudi naš biyši tajnik F. Hayny je postal oče. Rodila se mu je hčerka, katero smo vpisali v društvo. Dalje je postala naša članica Mary C. Gibs. Ker je njena mama Josephine naša članica, so postale tudi njene hčere. Mrs. Gibs je hčerka družine Kosič, ki je včlanjena pri nas. }alje se je rodil sinček Frances Winton, ki je hčerka F. Zaitza. Rodila se je tudi Lukanc Rober-tha. Njena mama izhaja iz družine J. Zaje. {Starša Robert h ine mame sta že mrtva. Garryja Allena Painea pa je vpisal v društvo s ponosom njegov stari papa Frank Završnik. On je član nadzornega odseka pri na-lem društvu, ter zelo delaven v naši sredi, posebno za toča ja ga radi postavimo V mladinski oddelek smo tudi vpisali Franka Johna Andela. Ker je njegova mati članica nušega društva, to rej je naravno, da je tudi sinček. Mati je hčerka Ane in Johna Lazniku, ki sta tudi člana našega društva. Prav ponosno e prišel pred časom k tajniku član Frank Jereb, kajti postal je stari oče. Njegova hčerka Mary Strmole je rodila hčerko in deklico smo vpiaall v društvo. Frank Gorjanc se je odločil, da ne želi samovali vse svoje življenje in izbral si je dekle iz Vrhove družine. Frank je sin družine J. Gorjanc, kateri je tudi član, prav tako hčerka Jose phine. Ko že pišem o naših gorjancih, naj tudi poročam, da je Henry Gorjanc, sin Andreja n Therese Gorjanc, gruduiral SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV prlglalentk k )áe¿rsclJssn.. S. N. P. J. PRIREDITVE PKPiTlt CHICAiKE FEDERACIJI S. N. P. J. DRUŠTVO At. i snpj priredi pik-nlk v nsdsljs. U. Julija v Forest Prsssrvs 114. St. DltUftTVO ftT. 44« SNPJ priredi piknik v nsdsljo II. JullJs v Fo rsst Prsssrvs Ogdon Ave. In Wolf Itd DBVATVO PIONEER 3T. M0 SNFJ prlrodl svoj letni PIKNIK v sobe to. dno 7. avfusla 1941 v Pllsee Psrku. DRUlTVO iT. 1 SNFJ proslsvl 41 letnico v nedeljo 10. oklokrs v SNPJ dvorani. DRUŠTVO ST M SNPJ priredi plosno veselico v sobolo, 10. oklo brs. v Aldlns Hsll. 011 Armilses Avs. DRUlTVO iT. 0 SNFJ prlrsdl DO MAČO ZABAVO dno SO. novembra v korist društvene bisgsjn« v L OS. dvor sni ns 1010» Ewin« A von wo. FEDERACIJA SNPJ so tlkaško okrošjo prlrodl BOŽIČNO priredbo sa ¿lana mlsdinskofa oddelks društev lodorsclis v nedeljo, dns 10. docenskr« 1040 v SNFJ dvorsnl DRUŠTVO AT. 102 SNFJ prlrodl plesno vosolico ns Silvsslrsv voter v srodo 11. d«c«mkr« v SNFJ dvorsnl. FEDERACIJA SNPJ proslsvl 41 letnico uslonovilvs SNPJ v nods IJo. II. sprtla 1040. v SNPJ dvo rsnl. DRUŠTVO AT. H SNFJ odliko za električnega inženirja. Vsi trije so člani SNPJ. Čestitke! •o Zadnjih nekaj mesecev nimamo tako veliko bolnikov. Bolj resno so bolni Anna Kobal, Urban Praznik, Ed. Dejak, Julin Koželj, Christine Oblak. Za manjšimi boleznimi pa trpijo Matt Intihar st., John Rozman. Jos. Kne (operacija) in tudi Mary Ure k se je morala podvreči težki operaciji. Frank Dacar ml. pa je bil močno poškodovan pri delu v tovarni. J. Pugljev rev-matizem se nič kaj ne izboljša va, John Kobal pa pravi, da bo v kratkem skušal iti na delo, ker pa je imel operacijo, zgleda šo vedno slab. Vsem bolnikom želimo skorajšnjega okrevanja, članom pa priporočam, da jih ob priliki obiščite. Stari Kunčič pa ni na bolniški listi, toda je onemogel in se priporoča za obiske. Naša polletna seja se bo vršila drugo nedeljo v juliju (U. julija). Seja bo važna, zato se je gotovo udeležite. Podano bo tudi polletno poročilo in uredili bomo vse zaključne priprav» za naš piknik. Pridite vsi in vse! J. F. Dura. tajnik. SMRT PREDSa»DNIKA DRUŠTVA SM SNPJ Manaileld, O. — Dne 31. maja je društvo 238 SNPJ izgpbilo brata in društvenega predsed nika Nicku Sulaja. Pokojink je prišel 1. 1904 v Farrell, Pa., kot 15-letni mladenič. Delal |e v raznih tovarnah, 1. 1921 pa se je oženil, a naslednje leto se je preselil v Mans field in pričel delati v tukajšnji jeklarnl, kjer pa se je ponesre čil 31, maja, Pokojnik je padel v prostor, v katerem je velika vročina, tako da je v teku ene ure bil sam pepel. Nick je bil rojen v Starem se-lu pri Ogulinu, Hrvatsko. Zapu Šče soprogo Mando, sina Mi chacla In tri pastorke. Ob smrti mu je bilo 60 let. Društvo 238 SNPJ mu je poklonilo lep venec in ga v veli kepi številu spremenilo na njegovi poslednji poti, Pogreb se je vršil 3. junija. , Društvo Izraža globoko noža I jo pokojnikovi družini, njemu pa miren počitek! Mlckael Zgela. tajnik. Na prodaj imam Lubusove harmonike, 3-vrstne, krat uglašene. Imam tudi 1ROMAT1CNK harmonike na prodaj. Zu pojasnila pišite na naslov: JOHN PLUT, 2456 So. Lawndale Ave., Chieago 23, III. BaMHNMHNNagMHSMBgMMMOBBBe Presenečenja "Surprise Party" Junij 6, 1948, nama bo ostal v trajnem spominu. Ko sva prišla Slovenski Delavski Dom, sva bila zelo presenečena, ker so za naju naši številni prijatelji in mjateljice imeli pripravljen ve-ik "surprise" za najino 25-letni-co zakonskega življenja. Nikdar si nisva mislila, da imava toliko prijateljev. Iz dnu srca se naj epše zahvaljujeva vsem, ki ste sodelovali za tako velik za naju nepozabni zabavni vešer, kjer smo skupno užili nekaj veselih ur v prijazni in veseli družbi. Najlepša hvala mrs. Agnes Kr-zisnik, ki je vse tako lepo in izvrstno uredila in ravno tako drugim, ki so delale v kuhinji in pripravile izvrstno večerjo;, mrs. *olona Kraly, mrs. Mary Klanc-nlk in mrs. Mary Lapanja. Vzelo ai preveč pruatora vseli Imena popisati, zato se na tem mestu skreno zahvaliva vsem skujiaj, ki ste pripomogli zu luko lepo uresenečenje. Ta dan nama ne jo nikdar jxizubljen. Se enkrat najlepša hvala vsem skupaj. Dstanevu vaša zvesta prijatelja Anton in Helen Krzlsnik, De troit, Michigan. RADA BI IZVEDELA za svoje sorodnike; za družino Vale» Kisnk, svoječasno so živeli na na slovu P O. I los 33, Durant City. Pa in to leta i «24 in od tedaj nisem več slilala od njih, To U1 bil naslov ino Jcga učstu in ne vam ali so le ti vi po pu gotovo te live »usti* in bratje kl live nekje v Ameriki. Lepo pro sini, ako I jo kateri teh čital ta oglas naj mi pile na moj naslov, sa kar bom zelo hvaletna.—Vales Msrij Podat ari št 07, Slovensko Ptlrttoij« Jugoslavija. Ali pa na naslov Mrs Josephine I .urin h. 1217 H West Walker Hl, MUwauks« 4, Wls. Psrku dns 21. julija na 00. In W Burnham st, Milwsukee, Wls. S.N.P.J. DAN so ko slsvll lelos dns 4.. I. In 0. soplenskra. V sobolo sopl, v ColUn» Mayor Fosl dvors nI, ns 72» W. Nsllonsl Avsnus, nedeljo. ». sopl. v P loasen! Vallsy Fsrku la v pondoljok. dno 0. sopl. bo plosns sskavs v lakosvsnl Turnor Hsll dvorani na 72» Ns llonsl svs. Pridi lo vsl la so ssks vsjls s nami.—Odbor. Društven! tsjnlkl na| so v sod. rs h fsdsrscljs obrnejo na tajnika MATHEW SMOLE. IIS4 So. »lih Street. Wosl AUIs 14. Wls. plosno veselico 7. moja 1040 v dvo rani Swiss Club, »9» Wskslor Avs. tajniku bo PRANE ALESM 1104 a » TsL« Levndale M chicago ill. PRIREDITVE DRUATEV WESTMORELANDSKE FEDE RACIJE SJ9.P.J. prlrodl' DRUŠTVO AT. 002 SNPJ v Mulchln OGLAS Na prodaj imam 5 akruv zemlje olMM'gajoOe posestvo, posajeno s oranžnim drevjem. 4 sobna nlfa. guraia in poleg le ena soba in voč drugih poslopij, d..volj za 2000 kokošjo rejo. Cena jo $10,000 00. Takoj Jo plačali »4.000 00 d« OO.OOO.OS, ostalo pa na odplačevanje. To posestvu se nahaja ob glavni cesti. 1 iv iste n prostor xa trgovino. Za pojasnila se obrnit« ns: ANTON JORDAN ali ns M J. Pll.l.EPlCH Hi m I Estate Broker 4MI West Arrow Blvd. KONTA NA - CALIFORNIA Oa se poöutito dobro ¡zglodato dobro.. gibljoto dobro Morale prave odvaJalBeaft • bS SttVOSMl Is ISpMO vtisa «isvshsis. pana. Is Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN ft BURQEON 3724 w. Mik Sirsel Phsss Orswlssd MU ir no Ajfswaa call avstm »v« ornes hours liM Is 4 P. 14.—Si* to Ib P, M gxrspt Wednesdays, Bsturgsys sad Sundays Rssldsncsi 2110 S. Ride*way Ave Plisss Crawford ms KOLAR FLORAL CO, Slovene Florist» CVETLIČARNA All» W. Cor mak Rd. CICERO It ILL. Tslofrspk or Pkeaei OLYMPIC 110« • 0M DsL to Chicago, Borwyn, Oak Park, Lyons. V Pres vet i ae dnevne aveiev Be !b delavske vesti AU Iti Míale vsak dan* sguSa alíala Is «s« valad ssptlslM. P roll Dr. Pslsr rahmay 114*1 Ml Dr. PETER'S H0B0K0 Sal salo Maslo« sdrsvllo. Rsbll« bol H pradslMM«. Ns USIm I« «Isdbs Is «s-vaialac lo Istort««« aana trava b rtalu atialoalli «osMss odpravtu ssprlslss In dsja lalodau Md«bn« s«4«IIm lo ■•rkoi«. Hoaoao «ttdsins »isbatnsu prlha|a art soaoslvana tosioU. M «M-Swjs U (s« iS so« sil Svs i otra volS SS- larmuls prira|ena «SmI VI-laNw ssi4|«SS. Os, s« «lavUno daksssns sHjasss sd- pamal mlssrtl« rtaSIIa KOSOVO U «SOM v vail miaisl all p« «oSl|lla POSEBNO POSNANSTVENO PONUDBO II M. »IsSlnaua I« U.M. IuhUbs paAIllu» pisiis d« vali* vrat. Peil I lie la""POS*»** ¡PONUDBE* kupea sada) 1 l ti lluSano I« 91M Puttjti« Ml I navadno pi4tnina^jp«ueM U «s. j H C, O O. (StiuSSI dodani) I Ima Na.lov I Pidlnl ui ad .................... . DR. flTlR FAMSinV 4 »OSI CO i Da «I Ml-Me . IMI WasMnsta« Stvd , CSlMf IL W. 1 I^im Blanlay SI., Wlswlss|. Mm.. oss. | AOITIRAJTE ZA PROSVSTO» V blagi spomin četrte obletnice smrti * nsšsfs ljubsgs soprog« In ošols johna millarich kslorl |s promlnut dns 21. iunijs 1044. Odšol si od nss vso prorsno, drsel mn*I ln ošo. In nas sspusMl •«mo, s srca nsšs Is vodno Islujofo ss Tskej. Oslsl nam bodsš v irsjnom spominu do bonss naših dni. Po4lvs| v miru. — Zslujsšl oslslli Angsls Mlllsrick, soprog«! John Millsrlsh. sini An«o Htll In Ann Nllson hšorl. Sosllls W«sh. Novica, da je nenadoma pre minula France« Bostič (Boštic?). je nas vse presunila. Pokojnka Je bila lojalna ¿lanlca našega društva lepo vrsto let Njen mož pa je umrl I. 102». Bil je ve¿ let| tajnik našega društva Po nje-1 govl smrti je prevzela tajništvo njegova ¿ena. a je drsala ta u-rad le eno leto, kajti tedaj je I bilo nekaj članov v odboru, ka-l terih nI mogla prenašati. Na-j mesto ds bi sodelovslt z njo. so ji p« nagajali od vseh strani, na | kar je pustila tajništvo Da jej bila zavedna ¿ena in ¿lanlca. priča tudi to. da je pazila, da sts | bila ¿'lana oba njena otroka, sin John in lx*rka France«, kakor tudi njene vnukinje Ker >e >«• o tem pisal predsednik našega FEDERACIJA DRUŠTEV S HP J ZA JUŽNI WISCONSIN Milwaukee. Wie. druAtvo badoers At. m snpj prlrodl piknik v Sopodlnovors ionu. PsM prlrodl PIKNIK v no doljo 4. tulijo v O« kdo I« Psrku ^ Argon no roresL Za dobro po-slrošbo ln pUs ko skrkol voMlUnl odbor WESTMORELANDSKA FEDE H A CIJA S.N.P.J prlrsdl «voj PIK NIK v nedeljo, 10. |oUj«. bol n« vodno v Boo*bwood Psrbu. Z« V0t pojasnilo po»"« M dopisa Dr ušiv« no) prljovijo »vejo prlro dllvo i« vosolMo prsvo4os«o »ojnlku lodoracljoi ANTON ZOBNIK BOX 202, HEBMINIE. PA. V bla*i spomin tretje obletnice smrti mojof« IJublJonog« soprog« ln ošols jerneja intihar bslsrl Js ss vodno promlnul In odlsi od nas dn« 22 junija 104». Oh. kak« islostsn ss nss Jo mosor )uni|, bo vsol T«bo Jo od na«. A« Iri loto Tebe somi I s brlj«, sil nsl spomin n« Tsbs lo vodno šlvt mod nami. PošlvaJ v miru v somljl hladni,- Zslujošl oalalti Prancos Inlihsr. soprog« In olrocl v Tiro Millu. Ps. V blagi opomin prve obletnice smrti naioes ijubl)on*«v« soprog« in otolo john b0richa bolori )o «o vodno oromlnul dno 24. JunlJo 1047. Lolo dm J« M rninolo. odbor «I Tl sopusltl nbs In odSol od noa so vo^no. IJublJont soprof. V «omili tibi lom po4lvoA. bjor nl Irpl)« oj« im nodlog, cvotllco grob TvoJ sd«) pebrlvsjo. kl s! Jlh l«bo llubii de klar sl bU Mv. Pollvoj v Mir« I« sorbl msu do| o^vajo Tvojo «omilo Oalsn«4 nam v IrsJnoos apominu v srrlh nollh do sivlioms nsl«es. -Zolujotl osloli Kolborino Borlrb. soprogs. olrori. tor vnuk In rsuhbjs v Duluthu, Mtnnosois John P. locniSkar SLOVENSKI POGREBNIK PERRY FUNERAL HOME a04l Trumbull (Noe« Worronl Tot. romple I 0»»0 Doy 99 Nigh! DETROIT. MICH. Clsn Young A mor k cana »04 SN P. J. Ha pri porous Hlovonrom in J neos lov sao ai sssssssrsArn+emmmmmm Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jed nota 2857 59 So. Lawndalo Ava. Chicago 23. Iiilaote GLAVNI ODBOR lav VmCENT CAI.VKAR, gl predsednik----- f. A. VIDER. gl. tajnik ........ , .... ANTON TROJAR. gl. pomožni tajnik--- MIRKO G KUHEL. gl blagajni ............ LAWRENCE CRADISEK. tajnik bol <©dd MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. dir rtu mIM odda L PHILIP GODIMA. upravitelj Proavete-- ANTON GARDEN, urednik Pro»vete Mp RAYMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podpret JOSEPH CtTLKAK. drum podpredsednik Dtstrlklal | JOHN V. CEHUl-AR. prva okrol)«-------- PRANK GRADISEK. druflo okfotje-- JOSEPH nFOLT. Oetrto oltrolje------- JOHN SPILLAR. p«to okrotje URSULA AMBBOZICH. U*lo okrotje JOHN PETRITZ. sedmo okrolje__ PRANK POLSAK. o«nI ofcroij« MATH PETROVIČ«. predsednik VINCENT CAINKAR r. A VIDER ..... MIRKO G KUHEL JACOB ZUPAN RUDOLPH LISCH DONALD J. LOTRICII. ». Lawn da le A va. SM? So Laamdato Ava.. MSI So Lawndato Ava . MST So Lawndato Ava . MAT So Lawndala Avt, M6T So Lawndala Ava . MST So Lawndala Ava., ». Lawndala Ave. Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago TUM M Idd topo In te. Dearborn. Mich 417 Woodland Ave„ Johnstown. PS adalid S1M Shallcroas St, Phltodalphla K Pa. ________ ... Bw M. H arm uil«. Ps. __IS*? E 80th St.. Ctovaland I. Ohl« ... BOTO Randall St.. St. Loula IS, Mo. ------- .411 P larca St.. Evatoüi. Minn. Carmona Ava., Loa Angatos 14. Calif. MS 3rd St W„ Roundup. Mont. .... „ Ml E. 190th St.. Cleveland M, Ohio MIT So Lawndala Ava.. Chicago M. III. SMI So Lawndato Ava . Chicago ». Ill MST go Lawndato Ava . Chicago ». Ill 1400 8. Lombard Ava . Barwjm. Ill ......... TM E. MOth St . Euclid. Ohio 1MT So Trumbull Ava.. Chicago U. III. ANTON SHULAR PRANK VRATARICH ANDREW VIDKICH JOHN KOB1. SR CAMILUS Z ANNICK PRANK ZAITZ. pradaodnlk MICHAEL R KUMER _____ MATTHEW J. TURK ... ...... LOUIS KAPERLE .... .. „„■-. ANDREW ORUM --------------------Sil VT. Arms, Kansas >19 Tañar St., Luiarna, Pa. TM Portat Ava., Johnstown, Ps. So Sind Ava. W.. Duluth T. Minn. f. ST t h St.. Ctovaland 1. Ohl« 2301 Sb Lawndato Ava.. Chicago M. III. ---------------,,. Box M. Universal. Ps. M4S S. lawndato Ava . Chicago M, IU. 1*301 East Park Drive, Ctovaland. Ohto ------HIM know den. Detroit II. Mich NOVOPRISTOPLI ČLANI Si Bol. a »dp Cert Smrt in OruStvs line 41. nina odAk Stok Ledge Rene Urne- Ne. Name Ce rt nt nt Bol St dr uit va Ima Car«, •t Smrt- In nina odlfc Nama ADMITTED JONE I. I»44 3 Bladek John J 127802 4 »oo 4 Pink George W 113883 »00 Kovan John W IS388A 500 Svarney George E 123884 AflO Tom Ij ano vie Emll ISM07 BAO 4 Pokier Robert I3MM »nO 1 0 Handicfc William E I3t8t» »00 4 ttakei Alton Jr. 18*070 LIMO Cerne Harry E .. 133871 lOOU 14 Pt-nra l-ouis 123*7.1 »00 1 48 Toneff Robert 13X077 IM ' U Von tes AnPiony J. 13X074 1.00(1 1 74 Obtok Agnea 122*81 »00 1 M BonlUxl Margaret 122843 BOO ! M Kovaric Marie 133844 IJWO ! IM Kom lance Charlea M II74M MO m Kutlma Lucilla IM Stupe • Harry R 70S Panero Laora A 940 ferla* Anton AM Zhaanik Lillian 904 Hptndal Elaine M 905 Kov»cli Joaaph 900 100 rao papp Richard A TU Garich Uwri* TIS Pati William 741 Dallol Harold 749 A (tesana Jamaa E. ijÔÔ 100 ADMITTED APRIL I. IMS ■ 3 Kaapolnlk Joseph M 1X3*44 Death Sick Bene 1 tone Cad. fit Bt 123030 1.000 1SMM 1.000 ISO 123047 1.000 Dis 13*87? 800 133078 »00 1 00 .133001/ 400 100 13*041 400 '..... IUI0I »00 133103 B00 1 00 1231011 »00 1UII0 l.OM 1 00 I33III l.OOU IM 1.000 1.00 1000 1 00 MO 1.000 I.«wo »00 aso Mim II» Hendrickson Shirley imra l.0>« IM Ysnkovich Anthony I>tM4 101-4 100 I M Danrulovic Joseph 10874 100 41 Perne Katharine 123874 »00 1 00 13» Valovet John S 123003 »00 100 143 Blasen« John 123004 »00 2 00 M4 Osolnik John .. 123030 »00 181 /.r Klarste Emma I230M i 000 Kom la nee Wnt A II Pelerctieff Carl P 19 Petere herí Carl P 11 Keg Ich Josrph II Truahlk Mac Thomas IIMII US Kerrie Loula P U ADMITTED MARCH ! ' ' M Nalitlgal Eleanor» 1 TB Kasel« Prank J I no M Cruickshank Arthur 1 104 «80 Cholak Edward - 123074 1444 11387» II M0 1.000 Ij I 00 IS IN 100 I 00 100 I M IM P. A. Vider. «I la inik Supreme Sec y IBI Zrn man Stally t12vM A*> 1 7 I Jo insou Richard C 123010 400 1 JM Johnson Wlnfteld II UMI 1 MJO i B1 lift llalon Jonen • John IJKI13 »00 loi tea Stermec Hetty M 123014 1.080 1 00 1?« W»Un Allied 123014 BM 1 tut 174 Palms i t hail*» W 133011 Vio 1 0(1 Rai teli Kalheiiite 123014 »00 IM lloentg Anna M UMI? 340 1 L0 Petiuny Anna M 123014 Mío IM «hrai Josepliuia 123018 1.000 IA1 113 Dunk ley Ro*e 1230*1 »W ICI 223 Rus» Mary f. 183023 »(MI IAJ 2M Blatnik Jonn 123013 »10 1 (W SM Salto Joe 123024 ¡KK) 1 III <33 Hebst Dolore* M m M MM 1 Cl 3«a Kkerbelr Jean t: UMM OOO 1 ri 3«« Kinkel» Kaihiyn 123037 »nO 111 Kanieh Thomas G 123*134 »NI LOO 24» Msndulio Jame» I<3.l2'i l MIO 1 Ol TM Pils Itn* H. ni y J 134031 »10 M4 Rnckgslier firner imsi »00 behende I Carl f I230M MIO 24» Di os • 1 milila P I2303S »00 1 (M Npenci r fitelts li r, n MW 1 IM m K ime Hsrty Win »n D II JONI BMl Rotelllnl Jose»»! A ISMKI »40 ■rrepentk Stanley I33U4A 230 288 K'irlowskl Jonn A IB30A3 »00 111 Polko* Wenrie** 123« »M MW 1 01 ItuMinsk y George N IA3UM MW 1 ait 133 rut lan Blirabetii M I230M 1 O(t0 1 80 Kin»el RoImiI A I230W VKl 1 Od Kosak Maiy iflSssa MW 1 IW P«dlo*si Juh» I2>» 1 MW 1 on kevshak M sty f 1IMI »911 1 «t Zupanen Msiv J 123003 MO- 1 Ol 344 Mtluslnik Vkiletla IBJkMi« MW 1 Oil 3*7 a.nvtn finirme I23(M» 1 «no 1 Ml 3M McClsakey Msiy B usm 1 000 1 Ml Ml Oltar rtero Lsnote t23ori7 1 000 1 Oil a* Rovtson fiank L 123 aw . MW 4M Lunearrvir Joi n 12*1.0 »MI i oaoaoovMk Ji. .n na40 1 W) VO Jan«» Nudy 1 itaun »VI BM »13 Rstsir liirshein V l23rtTS 1 tMW 1 M' »»4 t i sit James II Ji 133078 3S0 »•i? Kissing J«»»et»J 1T3IM2 1 non 1 o» %>» Po«ar J ihn t I330S1 MW »7* Ko-nig Mol«!t J I23HM MW 1 M laben l.oelts uanan »00 1 or AS4 mt'Snrii Hlrttaid I33COS 1 taw AM ans Itokei laani'e t; 123(8(7 íko Maket Violet H IIMM 2M. lis an* Ruf u» A' UM» Ibü Kvan* Maia B 1 SUMS' 280 Klun Mail* liene 1230*1 MW 1 M K04 M'irilnibsr »isrn.-» IB3W2 AtO M « tlnikai Jaaes A 123882 WO 41» Pii man Jeanm H il*»« 1 MW Dt* S4* Hemsie) Allen I ir»r. 1 (KW 1 80 McGraa Dsyid R U38»» i nu» 1 an NI,!.)»*» M M U308- MW 1 M' kimanii Uiiitiitr M U38M AIM 1 «0 S?? t laik Kd*.,«nd W I2M8S 380 iaa Bo« te» t «m« v 1231(1 MW 1 on Valentir MvKtntnh ISIV?» MW 1 f 183 ('snu Jaenne 123104 MW Bon 71» Moagu* Jn>e»»< A 123104 SM 714 fahe« feMa Ji lUloA BOSS 1 o» 721 Ralet Ni»*emarie I231C7 1 (SSI Yonkovirh Agar* It 12311» MO t Koalelk. V ml» IUI«* »a» ?U Aoy TtM-oOore f IUI IB WA i m ADMIT? 1 U MAV 1 l»4A 10 Pemicn f.vtun r ttysi2 1 twi 1 on 4? Lu* June 1238s'i Di I4B M*Iritka- t>»*<1 1 4, M tiste L ITSea na t Hsdey Paulin* ir* 3s 1 IS 1 M' p« Loin fuñí»» 1 IJtíXJ 1 OHO 1 v:i BM Btray Ai ro»! ins43 1 two 1 8b POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNlftKJ PODPORJ i Nakaaana da« IS. |«nl|« I4M MS I OJ REPORT OP SICR SENZriT PAYMENT Payment al June 14. 1444 1 Asnsa Wouk M 2 Mai y Itad) 443. Anna Jaksa 4M. Lorraine Zok s I 4M Mary Linder 41». Sy|-vratft Kramaisie AM. Mary Kramar-sieh AM. Prank Mailt 414. (¿nils Hp» lie 4».l 9 .1. nnl- Nlelson 49 M»rgoer|l* Lulkua »31, Louise Wulfe Ml. fcmiMe Kar/ls nik 43» Anna Ku* 417 AO. John Tom-sieh 4IC. Joseph Menart 430. Prank Hayer ASO Mary Lundet A3A Mall Mm «t. t 433, Plank Posarelli 4M. Prank Nace »2t> Joseph relíala- AS». Jacob MiMMikcti |39 fiank Dolenc »31 90 Jo'iann* He hol| »3A 14 Anna Umak M 17 Angeline Itelu M 21 I nuise II m*. Va r »3.1 Jnhn fatur 434 Mu i»a*l tiahrian M Ntrk Radnvieh »l%M Angela Kanlg Al?. Anna Kern M4 31 Jotn l>rm«s »31, Apolnnia Milosevic 414 Matt LlkoWh U» Peter Lamich M Mike Gtents 114. Aitkm Mitose vu t, sn S? Planeos Mohai M frank Hemic 4A4 3? Varón ira pudhevsak Sau, J o s a p h l'odltevsek 430 K. r i swk Slu« m 4M M» I tank Odat 411 4A J.t »plime slsnovec 4» Antonia Mor< A20 Anne Iteki'iovei 4M Joseph fu dala 42? 4» Jo uitm c tgole AIT, francés Riaier A?i Anton I «psine A4« Ml Anton Ve i. n.,- AI3 30 frank Ktoantk AIS Jo sephtna Slaudnhat 414 Michael Miau dohat S4(i Al Anton Huilerai 42» M (.noge Aitnak A», joaeph LeskOVM »il no 94 l>.en< 432 Vsnera Mttetk A«o Vi ne i a IV#r< k p 114 Jt an Ptulh M lit Jörn »iditt A14 Jahw Kngoh 4M IIA lieitiis llslri 44 Kslherin* PaMak SI 114 j. Mph Jtuavs 4M * al tienne h» s «r 4^! J« «ph Il •axe 4*3 John Niwnirk U? J 'Vphaie Kurts «M. Antonia Ccpck 414 90. Mary Betoj SM. Mary Kotonc AM Aran«* Stephan SM. fronce» Do Vilo 4M. francoa Pernio MI IM Sylvia Valoveč 4>TJg 143 Mary Doblda 4M 14T Joseph Vana SM. Petar Zupin 4M. Julia /-krajsak S37, Louis Kosmac SM. Jennie Ooutkanbuah 444. Rudolph Zupančič 444 144 William Dur»! 414. 144 Mary Oblak 41AJ4 IM frank Sajn 934. Ludvik Kovaclc 443. John IM Anion IM Mildred Hudoklin M. Mary Zupančič 413 M. Kenneth Stermec 414. Joaepn Kte.moc 41A M. Gaspar Pelrovdc 4M M. Amalla Birk 419 AO. Prank Margie 4M. Louis Oall 4M. Anton Kotor 431. Anion Ko lar S3I. John Bresovac UL John Bie/ov«« S4L 171 Karl Habe «13. Mary Pawich 437, frank »Aoeilar 414 174 John Star« 4M 177 Julia Pol J anee 4M ISO Loula Pierce «M. Angela K en da M. Ml Pauline Micok M 406 Anna Plnseman M. Anna Oerlovtc 4M 407 Joaaph P ruas 4*7 20S Minaal Trtop 443 M IIB Ann Janeic no B14 Mary Grande «4. Cacilia Sareon 414. Mary Porerl 4M. John Softtrh 4M. John SaCAtch 4M 234 Mary Pavlin 414 SM Anton Padar 4M 231 Mary Strupek M Mary Davis 4M SM Ann Rabernlaak M Mika Sobe II 4M. Steve Somera 4M. Mary Bableh IM. Hedwig Ko rieh 4M. Anna Saban 4M. Paul Lasko 4M. Mary Jgnkovlch 4M S44 Helen Guyach »3u. Helen Guyach M. Inas Oraahen 42» Ines Grachen M, Mary Lonchar 414J0 344 Walton Sloni gil. 244 Mary Pétrit* M. Matt »tariha 4M M3 Tony Sa bec 4M, Anton Boistnar 474. Hilda Kropuahefe ML Agnes Scott 4M. Jonn Brovleh 417, franca» K omni sky 4M SM Martin P ear Jr M . M7 Jennie Boita «4. SM Prank Corar Jr. S3. Martin Skelel M. MI Agne» Murphy MS Agnes Murphy M. Nick Klobučar 4M, Matt Orsa- ni/:h |M M7 Sylvia Stawsrt |8 273 Vers Borla M. Evelyn Boxwall M. Mary Plahuta M. George Cynor 417. Grada Char ton» Cox SM. Mildred Dernovsek W. Prance» Mayas M 28«) Anna Rebitch 4M. Anna Rebltch M, Anton Oswsld 4S7. BM Madeline PraUke 4M 2M Julia Murn M. Polly Peresa 4M. Louis Furman 414. Joaeph K romer 444 SM Paulina Ruparele fM 280 Halen Sopotnlck 4M. Agats Karin 414 486 Mary Hoat M 304 Jennie Plagg M. Margaret Klfner 4I3J4. 304 Catherine Pavllch ML Denny Todo-rovlch 4M. Thomas Blas 417, John Blatnik |10. 311 The reals Wolgemuth 4M. Pannto Wol-gemuth 4M, Andrew Petkovaek 4M 312 Mary Msrch «4. 314 Catherlna Mooater 4M Mo Antonio Podobnik 4M MI Flsie Shlne 410. John Riffle 4M. Paulina Roberts 4M 323 Anne MIcketts M 3M John Mlhelele 414 M. Wtihelmlna Bradley 414. Louis Androjng 4M. John Vitos 4M 300 Mary Malnar 42 Nlck Mtscevtch Ul 37S Margsret Starmole M. frank Pance 4M. Prank Rudolf 4M. Marion See pila BIT. 374 Steve Rodlch 443. Ml Mary Orolamund M. Gertrude Ro- II«.'k 410 409 Joseph Stubler 41« M 41« Olga Messingai U4 Luka Paskas UL Msry Parovich 4M 4M Mary Sitotarale $14 f • -4M Tom Hlosnlc 4M 444 Cea«te Veronasl 412. frank Gaaer 444 44? Michael Jarh 4M t .oui» Ptotmlrar 417 40 Anthony Rabi 4M. frank Ren k6 4M. 447 Joseph Hidrr 43». franees Zlgon 440 4T3 Nalila Buhlits M 441 Olga Dotehak M i Catherine Ratneekl 413. 4M Albert Holen 4114 4M b*n Juteleh 4M Martin Sals Sr. 4M > Agnes fianko 4M 400 Paul homer» 4M. Manda Baton 4M. Antonia Orach 4U. Joaeph Pungartnlk M2, Joseph Pungartnlk MB. Katherine Marg-ii BM BST Steve Rutlch 430 George ChUchi» 449 I Victor Petelin UL Michael Kocevar 4M i Anna Itaukar 414 I Anna Hiaud U I Ell Raoateh U. Anton Kukman 4M I Sofia lleim kamp 4M, Marie Anna Copan 414, John Shima 4M. B|4 Rose Gorman M 4Š4 Jennie Tempel M. MS Pauline Mihevc 437. Lucille Graf 4M AM John Peen Ik 4M 47» Mary U i hancle %33. Emma Godhy 414 474 Edllh Otan ich U 4TT Pred Nlarr 4M BT4 Florence Vapungleh U. Helen Eaton M 9U Bartol ftullna 4SI 447 Milo Rar kov ich »M AM M sr« ella Hiislewskl 4M 4M Irene Soasa 4M, Dorothy Janes 4M 141 Pero Mme« 4M. 409 LitIHan Halnat 4M. Lillian Hafner M 4M Antona Rlasins 44». Petal Wlifan 41» 414 Prance« Ponlkvar BIS M Anton Znl- dsrsic 474 4M Antonia flower* 4M STonv Iskra 4M Mary Ttraina 4M 4M Mary Potorny 414. Katherina Pouhe 4M Mat y Spolar 49?. Diana John aon 41» 444 Cecelia Suieseisk M 441 frank Kusar 414, Mary Ann M«>dir 4?. Mar> fawult 4M 4M John Kolar U4 Rudolph Kamin 4M frank Cestnik 4M #47 Agnc* Pasker BI A um Anton lletgttc AM Julius Lan Ii MI 4M Paulina faviot 4M. Jennie Ashowrth 4M Joaep'i Hkerll 4M 704 Mary Kn«ak 4M. Elitahelh Jula 4M ?|S Anna Ooltan 414. 714 Stsntov Siatman 4M ftank Pintar 414 M TU Mary Bradley M, 7M francas Ahuman 49 Emma March BIB Albina Rlaiic AM ?M Marv Rieti-l |»« 741 Evelyn Stetar M 74A M*t1ln Morirla B4A 1S4 M «t v Lusiik BSn Marv Kaslnet BM Joaephinw Sale 42» John Sta ver 4M Jahn J. rti«an 41?. J«»hn Jet man Bil. ixnitoe Riaiih» 4M C KUPA J TOTAL M ?»3 M Nsksisns gne I». |«nt|a I4M Psvmeni al Jane If. 1*4» I Henry Kn-PH »is Anion Kukman 4M Mika Atf t ar 4*7 M fiank Rako vte M? ftank Maul* AU ftank Maul* 438 S Julia Koaom 43» B Anion S tar le AM Jerrv Seien BI? M ftank Oorchesk» 41? A Jonn Hiolmk BI? M . » lanae MUnai M3 4 Jithn Mravlia 414 4 frank Cbcfwlar 4M. frenk Sromba 4*7. Vase Ntkoluh 4M. francés O < on nell 417 JO. Petar Chapules 4M M. Redole KIlivancanlR 4M M 14 Anton Kamnik ai AMJO Anton Kam-nikar 447. Vincent Raunlkai 4M. Joaeph snober 4M. Mary Br anise h 440 15 Laso Za tesalo 4M 40 14 Mary Joneth 4M. Joaeph Smltonlch 417. Mariana Stroke!) 4M Annie Hoc wath 4M. Ignau Kuallan »1440 Mac lie Barbar ich 4M. frank Prrlosnik 448. Joaeph Posnlk 414. Prank Jem-nlk 4M 17 Jona Plečnik 417 J4. Magy Gerbec 417 M, AngSto Simonie 4M M Jonn Ka Ide 4M. Mary Richards 4M. Joaeph Gregor le h 44g. Joaaph Gregorich 4M. Paul Kneaevich 472. John StrlUNf 433, jfoaepM Pecavar 4M M John Matulla*?. John Aialuto 437. Loula Grilc SM. Loula OHIc S1TJ0. Mary Grito 414. frank Krt lan 1k 4M. Jaeob Cretnlk MS M John Stolfa 417 M. John Polans M. Martin Kotttocor 4M. John Kromar 4M. Katharine Bukovac SM. Anna Butkovtc 4M. Joaeph Blrtlc 4M M Antonia Ctoaaer 411 Loula Oroden 4M. Helen Edeburn 4M. Andrew Vidmar 41M. 31 Barbars Thomas 417. Maria Gatsy SM M Joaeph Radi Sr 4I4J4. Joaeph Radi Sr 414JS. frank Krdel 417. John Ba-car lit. U frank Ksstolic 4M. John Modetz US 44 Louis fine 117 M, J»eph Malto 117 JO. Pauline Baceni I17J0. Amaba Llaka •ISJ0. Jakob Oovekar 414. Jakob Go-vekar 410. U Stove Bevcar Ul JO, Mary Sega I«. Rose Roka vac 437. Edward Da Jak 411. John Oorlup 417 JO. Antonia Knaas US. James Mosina 17, frank Dacar 141, Mary Urah US. Urban Praznik BM. Catherine Lehman BM. Anna Ko-bal |M. Joaeph Pugelj 4M. John Ko-bal 4M, Carl Veael 4M. Angel Pto»nl-char |M. M Amella Dainty IM. Bartol Vertacnlk HTM. Angela Povark 4U. Martin Grtcar 4M. John Sink M. 71 Paul Pacchtn IM. ^ U Jacob Sustacsic IM. Michael Cene M. Jakob Bevc 139 frank Pavtovtoh US. Prank Vsvtar U» 17 Mary Srebernsk Ul. Bertha Polan-dlck IM. Joseph Bor oak y Ul. John Kau» |M. Joseph Klavors 170. Anton Zorn Ik 111 M francés Riedel IM. Louis Baloh IM. frank Aubell 489 M Mary Ko seil 4M. Katarina Zupančič 417 J0 IM fetdinand Olojck 414. Tardinand Glo jek 4M. Antonia Kaahins 447. Julia Pavldch 4M. Theresa Priatavec III. Josephine Demšar 114. Joaeph Turk »43JO. Anton Orce M4. IM Prancea Se Hak ar »34, franc»» Pire US. Msrgard Colarle 117 JO. Ill Te resi)» Turk III. Anne Korpela US III Ann Smrdel 110. Rudolph Srabaçtc 140. Mike Turkov Ich 11? JO. Mato Her-!)e v loh MO. Amalia Mihcic IU. John Munie U7. IM Diana Kobrtnskl MO. Prances Ksstolic 17. frank Zupančič MJ0. LouU Ivane IM. frank Zupančič Jr. Ml. Ill Jacob Breie SU ..... IM frank Slfrer U». Peter J»tor I17J0. IM Lawrence Pintar 114. Lovrenc Zalee |04. Anns Roas »42 140 Joaeph Stradtoch 4M IU frank Smith US. IM Mary McGInnU. MO. Toréala Subie IITJO. Andrew Borinsky MO. Anton Hafher |00. H» ITS Ignac Perko UL Joaeph Orehove« UL John Petoha UL Mary Suaterelc UL ITI John Rudlk US. Joe Zambón I». IM Michael Stark o 444. John Prešeren 414. Jerne) Maček 4T0 1U Mary Bosanlc 443 IM frank Jakw IST. IIS Mary Zemlah 434, Magdalena Winkler 4M 1U Halen Detwpller 4M. ML frank Kemper!* U4 ». \ II, SU Emil BrrflkuB 4M M4 Violett» Mandvct IM SI3 Mary Lusnlk »14, M»"" Rom BM. 'IS M iry Ann Wlllisms IM. U9 John Lakota 44. Joaepn Sever 439. Catherlna Maurovlrh 4M 2M Johana Humar 41T.M. Joe Zalaxnlk 4M Joaaph Zalasnlk 4M Simon Hrl-bcinlk 433. Peter Jenko 4M, SM Je thai fatur'430. Mary Polh 439 234 frank March 4M 84S Jacob Volkar 4M. SA4 Stella Prlstow 4M. Stella Priatow U, Tony Dotonc M. Anion Grmek MS M. Anton Grmek 417.40 M SJohn Slabe A43. Stove Belle 417 M. Jakob Jart 433. John Novak 444. Vincent Gatéale »33 243 Anna Z-Ie 439. Mary Dlnsrd Sit M 244 frank Kastelle 414. AM Mary Pavlin 4M frank Zetornik IHM MT John Starvasnlk 133 Jacob Turk 408. Jacob Tut k AIT M. Joseph Zel« 4M. Msry K* cl AM frame Malicnik 4M. Ixrula Marchek 4M 2M frank Nterbenk Ul. frank Smuk »13 M. Agat« MsroH Ul. Anton Ger* sek U. frank Benko 4M Jnhn fthaea UT. John Skublc 144. frank Mlklauelc B4S 274 Philip LuksnlC IHM 271 Stanley Str*k«l 47 MS frank Borstnar 4M. 283 Camtlkt flalirielll M. Marv Bresar 4M. Mary Putkarldl IM 2M Ann* Homt asaaro IIS. Joseph Jereb B17 M. Joseph Jereb BI? M. Joaeph K lernende B?. Joaeph Klamenclc 8?. Marlin Gruden II?. Andrew Muakar-dtn 840. franco» Henlgman Ul. Edward Ooreeky III. 28? Ivan Paullc IM. Louüi Kopriva M. John TIbllu» IM. Srečko Horacek Ut JOO Ivan Ludinlc IM. Agne» Dragolevlch BIBM. Andv Slabe BM. Andy Stob« IM. fi»nk Haie IM. franco» Koaher 4M, frank Kvwrtuh US. Anton Ku-de 174. Mary Raiser BM 304 Msrgarel Klfner IHM. Martin Oo vedmk BIBM. Ntok Savage BM. Cvitan prlieh B4S, Philip Shorvat MS. John Reiak IM Mike Schutts M4. Marv lamulh BM Mike Koeevar SM 311 Albert Pose v in» M 317 Mary »um BM. Ntek Llubanovlch 8SJ Michael Zalesslo II«, frank Rup-nik BM 318 Jooeph Eabkar M. Jasper Mektc BIO. Joséphine KlobCgr 4M 318 franc** Gaatgab 4M MS Anne Ztohnik 41« M Mary Pakt* 414 M Anna Baaartcli 413. francés Knscak 41« Trancea Laurich 4M Mary Mtamoi 413. Mary Bilski AM 3U K*th»''nc »rrlldi 4ITM. Proko Klas nia 4M Jn.rph Me»H-h 4?« VI? Louts tiregoitc 4M. Antonia Gtego-11c 41? M 340 fisnk 4M Louis Ravnikat 412 Vassel Cvktor 4M MI John Kovaeh «M. Otto Lenatsieh SIS IM John Pin tat 4M JM Mike A i le* le »M M» Mai y Met»e »M. Anna Meaek Ul. Mary Ciook* AM 388 Mart» Zaman Al?M 3TI Jennie Albtehl 4M Agela Br«»ovic 4M. Maty Moskon 4M John Rakun 4M. Banal Zavod M Joaeph Omer-gui 438 Joaeph Sme re u t 4M Ml Sieve Jelen ich 4M Mati K on da Ml MS A t anees Pelan 4M Mai v Pod lesni k 414 M ftancaa Likov teh Ul, Lauls Emrtel 4L. M. Angeline Zupančič 433 Manía Ir tiha» 4M Rokert D« lenee 4M 0 GMOTNI PODPORI ZA NOVO POMIČNO STRANKO Ns letni seji glavnegs odbora SANSa je bila med drugimi resolucijami soglasno sprejeta tudi Izjava glavnega odbora, da bo pri letotojih predsedniških volitvah Slovenski ameriiki narodni svet podpiral a»vo polit lino stranko s Henry Wallacem in Glen Taylorjem na čelu Ta resolucija je podprta z gotovimi točkami, na podlagi katerih se naj bi slovenski Američani aktivno udejstvovali pri političnem gibanju in pomagali novi stranki do zaželjenih uspehov. Te točke so: 1) Ustanavljanje Wallace lor Preeidaat-klubov ter nabiranje članov. 2) Zbiranje prispevkov v kampanjski sklad nove stranke, da se more širiti tudi v onih delih Zedlnjenih držav, kjer bi stranka dobila velik razmah, če bi bila. na razpolago finančna sredstva. 3) Zbiranje . prispevkov za kvoto $2,000, ki jo je gl. odbor obljubil nabrati do ustanovne konvencije nove Jtranke, vrieče se v PhUadelphiji 23., 24. in 25. julija. 4) Razdeljevanje med našimi rojaki kampanjske literature, letakov in brošur, vključivšl Poslanico Henryja Wallaces slovenskim Američanom ter Izjavo SANSa, zakaj smatramo potrebno, da se Slovenci oklenijo te stranke. 5) Pridobiti vse slovenske A-meričane, da se pravočasno registrirajo na svojih voliščih tei da na volivnl dan volijo. 6)) Obdržavati redne seje ir shode ter skrbeti da se ljudje poučijo o vseh zadevah, ki se ti čejo nove stranke in njenega gi banja.. Slovenski Američani v velik večini ne spadajo k nobeni po litični stranki, dasi volijo z: kandidate ene ali druge starr stranke, kot ne pripada večin; drugega ameriškega ljudstvs »m^n«« prejšnjih volitvah nas je najve< volilo za Roosevelta, dasi nism' direktno podprli njegovo poli tično stranko.' Med ameriškim* Slovenci je tudi mnogo takih, k ne soglašajo s Sansom iz različ nih razlogov, ki pa se ogrevaj' za novo stranko, in jo bodo .pod pitali. In ker je nova strankr vseljudska, se ne more govoriti da torej SANS v njej zastop-vse ameriške Slovence. Zarad tega bi bilo koristnejše, da s« organizira nov odbor — SLO VENIAN AMERICANS FOr — v WALLACE COMMITTEE katerem bi poleg SANSa lahko delali tudi oni slovenski Američani, ki ne pripadajo v SANS. Tak slovenski odbor bi bil podrejen direktno narodnostnemu #oddelku v strankinem aparatu. Podrobnosti in navodila o tem političnem delovanju bodo v kratkem izdelana in objavljena. ' Medtem pa se bliža ustanovna konvencija nove politična stranko. kjer bosta kot član Narodnega Wallace for President-od-bora zastopla SANS kot delegata njegov predsednik in tajnik. Gl. odbor se je na svoji seji obvezal prispevati $2,000 v kampanjski sklad in vsoto na konvenciji izročiti. Nabrati }o Js treba do 20. julila. Vsled nujnosti in kratkega časa apeliramo na vse naše podružnice, njene odbornike, gl. odbornike, posamezne člane ter društva in organizacije, da pomagajo do omenjenega časa zbrati to vsoto. SANSov upravni sklad ne.dopušča trošenja tega zneska, ker je naša blagajna preskromna. Vsi tisti, ki se zavedate velikega pomena nove stranke, katera je danes edina večja politična skupina, ki se javno bori proti sedanji neameriški domači in zuna nji politiki ter za ohranitev in zavarovanje ameriških svoboščin in demokratičnih pravic, ste naprošeni, da po svoji možnosti jrispevate v ta sklad. Vsi pri-.pevki se nai izročajo tajnikom krajevnih podružnic, da se čim orej odpošljejo v gl. urad SANSa. Posamezniki lahko pošljejo orispevke tudi naravnost na naš tasloV: SANS, 3424 W. 26th Street; Chicago 23, 111. Slovenski Američani ne sme--no biti zadnji. Kakor smo polagali svojim rojakom v stari lomovini v njihovi borbi za o-ivoboditev, tako bomo pomagali udi novi politični stranki in ljenim voditeljem za politično^ gospodarsko in socialno svobodo v Ameriki. Stare vladajoče 387 John Kuretlc BITJO, Lillian Chemie BM. Jgck Celin BM Martin Slobodnli 444, William 0logar M3 3M Mary Bellk 4M. John Smeli BI SO 400 Corinna Ptvlk UL Anns Bogatal Ul Anns Bogatal Al» M kfkigbret No vak 4M M. Mary Kirn 414. Oeotg Plvik Sr 41* 414 Anton Mrakto 4««. Anton Umdc 4M Anton Hmek Martin Prsanika ML Msry Radiaek 4M. frank Bgll 43: «M Christina Kramarlch 4M. George Star kovieh III. Peter Caclch 833 «41 Msry Piks U«. Julia Zerovnik UT Mary Tomato ML 4M John Banc AM John Jeserc 017 AC Ml Annie Prasnlksr IM. frank Mahnl M0, Prank Mahnich M0 4M John farlnat 43» Anna Kirtn IM. Bo Ilea Ruste 140. John Kuietlch IIS 407 rraneas Kukman IM. 4M T'tereea Cecchineltl 43S. Theresa Cae chlnalll 432 «72 Anion Sorch BIBM. Anton Snrch 4*7 Nieve linear 4M 4T4 Rose Mirkov ich |M 474 Mary Hrvattn 4SI. Katarina Gabil« 41» Marko Knalelich fM, frank Hro vaun |I4 477 Emms Urbanelc 4M Louis Pocks •M, Ivana Merge* »31. franeea Ja kulln 434 John Znehell 4M 4M John Oaar 4M »S3 Anton Plnisr 4M. SM Mat ko Tart i lev ich |40 »M ftank Kotat 4M ftsnk Bavdek 4M I Edward Obre*» 411. Elirabdh Zldan ' 4*8 IMS finest Kactr M. Nick Mlalavtch Ul Ma Jaeob Tu k US »M Ivana Rastne 017 M. Dorothy Drar ger 414 AA4 itovan Men Inn Ul M Jeseoh Jut,ko • / >4 Al CUni, udeležite i« dneva SNPJ v ziptdni Penni, ki te bo vriil 27« junija v South Parku (Pittsburgh) kakor tudi * Dneva SNPJ, ki ga prirejajo jednotina društva v Lo» Angelesu, Calif., 3* in 4* julija »74 John Stov"*»l 4M M. frank Kästelet 4M. frank Shtne 44» 5*3 Vincent Mlit »M 1*4 fiances Kuirte SM Agne» Msrtin 414. Mdt Smol» 4M AM Ritih Saks*k II*. Clara Coftman IIS Marv Buvbeum 4M' Anton Sees 417. John G i um 43» John O rum <«M. 4telan Br nedik BOS. AM Roo Me Tri tn» k i us fiances Bevec 113 Jennie Tame MS. Jnhn Moae 4M Isabel Yin «ling »1 John Cvetan 414, Wilma Turra IM Philip Bell* 114 Harry Kaminski Iti Alberl floraen US Jaa*e'> Bsni'*ii 4M 414 A»ne* Ktobocet 4M Andre* Jarka vi» 414. John Gelah AM 414 Anta» »tu*a »««Ab Sgl Peter Klerk U. Mo Stark U 89» Ann Ria.way IIA SM J WM »h Herevar II? Anton VURr 4M 4M Mall» Mskai 4M aas l.wd%tk Re»e\kh U? SBS Jt note K« d: le i ski *SS Jr ame Redne« •kt SM frsnk Zar man 4M ?*« Clifford Whiopb 4*4 Anna Zuñan «M ?«l Analta Km>l 4* lani* Madta 843 IM S**Ua De Palo 81« / TSS Anna filenark 4M SRUPAJ fOTAL 411.47* M LAWRENCE GRAMtEK tai bat add Sec y S B Depf Glasovi iz naselbin VSAKEGA NEKAJ Milwsukee. Wis. — Članstvo društva 16 SNPJ opozarjam na naše društvene seje, ki se vrše vsak drugi torek v mesecu na vogalu 8. ulice in National ave. Potrebno bo, da se seznanimo s pripravami za narodni dan SNPJ, ki se bo vršil 4., 5. in 6. septembra v Milwaukeeju. Sporočite tajniku, ako boste imeli za tiste dni kakšno sobo na razpolago. Prav tako mu izročite nabrane oglase, če jih imate že kaj na rokah. Na seji obenem lahko plačate asesment in tajnik vam bo hvaležen. Na bolniški listi so sledeči čla» ni in članice: Fr. Jam ni k je zelo bolan, sestra Maggi Barborich se je vrnila iz bolnišnice, ona je izgubila nogo, Anna Hrovath je še v bolnišnici, kjer se je morala podvreči že drugi operaciji, Mary Schuld je pobita na nogi \in se zdravi doma; bolna je tudi Mary Kravse (Blatnik), živeča v Waupunu, Wis., Joseph Medved pa je šel na pogreb svojega brata v Chisholm, a je zbolel in je tam v bolnišnici. Želimo, da se kmalu vrne domov. Oženil se je sin našega blagajnika Antona Gornika. Obilo sreče mlademu zakonskemu paru! Priprave za narodni dan SNPJ so v teku. Delo je razdeljeno po odsekih. Razumljivo, dela bo za to veliko slavnost več kot dovolj. V soboto, 4. sept. popoldne, bo sprejem gostov v Collins Meyer Postu, 725 W. National ave., potem večerja, zvečer pa ples, za katerega bo igral orkester Fr. Bevška. V nedeljo, 5. sept., bo velik piknik v Pleasant Valley Parku. Za ples bosta igrala Frank Jankovich in njegov orkester iz Clevelanda, in Louis Bashell in njegov orkester iz Milwaukeeja. Naj omenim, da je dobil zadnjič Jankovich priznanje v tukajšnjem mestnem avditoriju kot kralj poll? in valčkov, Louis Bashell pa je odnesel drugo mesto. Za to čast je tekmovalo pet orkestrov. Torej oba sta spoštovana in priznana god- Uraake. imajo na razpolago pv^,(jammed, dcugimi nsrodjBosimi in "ljone, podpira Jih Wall Street, -.aslombo dobivajo t>ri mogoč-lem časopisju. Nova stranka pa 'e reva, sestajoča iz . skromnih, preprostih a poštenih ljudi. Podpore pričakuje le od njih. Za-laša se posebno na male, zapo-;tavljane skupine, da potrebni lenar nabirajo. SANS je prostovoljno izjavil, da bo podpiral Vallacea. Sedaj je čs, da to ob-'jubo tudi izpolnimo. Zavedajte se, da je vsak pri-pevan dolar, vsaka najmanjša rsota namenjena za borbo proti >nim, ki bi nam radi odvzeli na-ie demokratične ustavne pravice. Henry Wallace in njegova stranka sta danes edino upanje, da se ustavijo sile reakcije, ki delajo le za svoje lastne interese in proti interesom ameriškega ljudstva. Le z novo stranko bodo prišli na krmilo ljudski oredstavniki, ki bodo res delali ta koristi svojega naroda, za pri-iateljstvo med vsemi deželami, za resnično trsjen in prsvičen mir na svetu. SANS. ne samo med slovenskim narodom. Naše trgovce in posameznike prosimo, da nam bi naklonili oglase v spominski knjižici. Oglas dajte nabiralcu, ki je pooblaščen od svojega društva,, ali pa tajniku društva, h kateremu spadate. Za vaš trud ste upravičeni do 20% provizije. Oglasi morajo biti pri tajnikih do 1. svgusta. Za svobodni tisk so darovali: Mary Starich $10; po $5: Peter Lopp, Mike Sostarich, Louis Barborich in Josephine Chokel, dalje dve osebi po $3, tri po $2, ena $1.50, devet po $1 in tri osebe po 50c. Denar je bil poslan na pristojno mesto. . Fr. Perko. ta mik DRUŠTVENE VESTI Sheboygan. Wis. — Člane dru-Itva 344 SNPJ In naročnike Pro-svete, katerim je bila ali še bo premenjena hišna številka, opozarjam, da mi naznanijo spremembo naslovs, kajti poštna u-prava želi, da je vsa pošta adre-slrana z novimi hišnimi številkami. Moja nova številka je 1214 Alabama ave. L. MUootnlk. tajnik Traualk. Mlch. — Naznanjam članstvu društva 387 SNPJ, da je bilo sklenjeno na redni seji dne 16. maja. da mora vsak član ali članica odraslega oddelka plačevati lOc izrednega aaesmen-ta v društveno blagajno za nedoločen čas Denar izrednega ssesmenta bomo porabili za popravilo društvene dvorsne. Torej člani, ki PIKNIK AMERIŠKE SLOVANSKE FEDERACIJE Tacoma. Wash. — Ameriška slovanska federacija bo priredila piknik v pondeljek, 5. julija, v Rainbow Parku pri Steel La-keu, ki leži med mestoma Seat-tlom in Tacomo. Vabimo vse ameriške Slovane od blizu in daleč. Pridite na piknik, da se malo bolj spoznamo med seboj, kajti v sedanjih časih je potrebno, da nastopamo združeno. Ta organizacije je koristna in potrebna ter je spojena z Ameriškim slovanskim kongresom. Ns svidenje 5. julijs! Odbor bo vsem dobro postregel. G. J. Poronlo. pošiljajo asesment po. pošti, naj ne pozabijo dodati od sedaj na prej lOc več. Izredni asesment je stopil v veljavo s 1. junijem in ostane v veljavi do prekUcs. Prosim, ds to upoštevate, da ne bom imel sitnosti. M a* Knsus. tsjnik. V ae Ib delavske Hl»»« weatr «!••* AU jik RAZPIS SLU2BE V «lavnem nradu SNPJ Bo o krotkotn lapraanjano ptoarnkiko mosto lo» oo IMo dru«a oaofco (dekle «U vdova) M lati poeet Polo. da Ima nekoliko iskuin^e o ke)**eve4sleu pisavi na m strop »ar o ptoarnláklh poslih sploh, nadel>e. So }o smoi RS TOSJ so silo slovanske«, »etika Bor >0 pripravljena ae »sposoBHl no ofcro toaoa)o premi ¿na«, telefone (switchboard). B talna sluABa o dobro plota as loko dala imaém oaobo. Pi.ti, p« SLUŽBA INf JM Rockwell tSS7 go. Lowa4olo ae*. Chicofo ti. Illinois. a Slovene Natl Benefit Society in 45th Tear of Fraternal Service-1904-1948 ENGLISH SECTION Help to Increase Our Juvenile And Adult M ember »hip WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1948 For Members of Slooem National Benefit Society and American Slovenes PAGE FIVE California SNPJ Day on July 3 - 4 LOS ANGELES. Calif.—The long awaited day it near at last! All SNPJ member« in the West are invited once more to be our guests on July 3rd and 4th. The committees are working hard to provide for your pleasure snd convenience. For housing accommodations contact Bro. Ray Primm, 937 Burger ave., Los Angeles 22. Calif. All activities will take place at 330 S. Ford Blvd. We have at our disposal their large kitchen, hall, and bar. This being California, the outdoor facilities are wonderful. There are several big barbecue pits, and a huge vine-covered arbor, filled to capacity with picnic tables. No matter how hot it may be, it will be cool and shady here. Of course, there will be an outdoor refreshment stand among the trees, where you may quench your thirst. There is a large outdoor stage and dance floor. ; There will be dancing indoors and under the stars; so with a setting like this, we're sure we can fulfill your every wish. There are the two balina courts, also. Friends coming into L. A. from the East will travel on route 101 which is Whittier Blvd. Turn right at the intersection of Whittier and Ford Blvd. There will be a red SNPJ arrow at all important intersectiona A big welcome sign will be on the Hall which you can't miss. If you get lost, call AN 3-0400 or AN 13042. The menu will really make you hungry. Barbecued lamb, klobase, hot dogs, potica. and strudle, to mention just a few, Music for dancing will be furnished by Louis Simoncic and his orchestra. Added attractions will be Stan the accord ion-man; Augie and his piano-accordion; and "Big Tony" Tomsic and his concertina, further proof that we intend to give you your money's worth is the fact that your dance ticket will be good for , both dancaa, Saturday and Sunday nights. The entertainment committee has a complete sports and entertainment program lined uo .'or your pleasure. Let us tit get together for a real SNPJ celebration on July 3rd and 4th. After all kinds of complications, disappointments and such, our program promises to be lively and ;»-terestlng. As is proper, we are featuring juveniles since this is Juvenile Anniversary^Year Our Juveniles will present quite a variety on the program. We know the For.-tana juveniles are talented also and have requested a few numbers from them. We hope they wil oblige. Wc will have our District Vice-President with us as main speaker. We away last week. Our prrrident, are planning a short, snappy pro-1 Brother Frank Jereb, read the ritu and have a good old-fashioned SNPJ celebration. The Sports Program for the SNPJ Day in California is shaping up very well. Fontana has reported two men's teams for the balina tournament with a good possibility of s third team also. We know "Big Tony" Tomsic of Oakland. Calif., will be here, and hope he will bring a team from there. We're holding a spot open for the northern lodges and hope to see Ssn Francisco or someone fill it. The trophy has been ordered and we hope to make the presentation during the progrsm in the afternoon. Here sre the rules and regulations that will be in effect for the tournament. 1. All players must be SNPJ members in good standing. 2. All players on each team must be members of the same lodge. 3. The captain of each team must bring a list of the plsyers on his team and their certificate number and lodge number. Those reports must be turned in to Bro. Frsnk Matejasic before 10 a. m. Sunday, July 4. Playing rules are as follows. 1. There will be 4 players on each team. 2. Each game will consist of 21 points. 3. Players may loft or roll the ball. 4. Any team making 3 or 4 points in one round of play gets a double count on that play., 5. Captains will decide on one ol! the following in cases of tie or doubt: (1) each team gets one point, or (2) neither team gets any point, or (3) each team throws one more ball. - This is our first tournament and we intend to treat all members equally and fairly. Any suggestions will be welcome. The match game between the Fontapa and Lodge 013 women should be interesting. Plkruf are being made for the traditional sack races, etc., so everyone can join in the fun. And it will be funny, we aasure you. Plan on coming to Los Angeles for the 4th of July weekend and have yourself a bang-up time! COMMITTEE, LODGE 01ft Little Fort Lodge Waukegan. 111. — The Little Fort Lodge 508 wishes to express its deepest sympsthy to the John Babnik family on the recenl loss of Brother John Babnik who pftat-e-i gram with as much variety as possible. There will be a meeting at 2 p.m. to choose the site for the next California SNPJ Day. Any lodge wishing to put in a bid for the event must have their bid In it that time. Lodge 015 Invites you all to com*» Veronian News VERONA, Pa. — Remember the Veropian dance Saturday, June 26, beginning at 10 p. m. featuring Frank Porovne and his Musical Stylists. Frank is well known to members near and far for those good fox-trota, waltzes and polkas. So, come you members of the various lodges, be with us Saturday for we always enjoy having you. Bring along your friends. Belated birthday greetings go forth to little Carol Anne Lipesky who celebrated her 4th birthday June 12 with a party, also to Mrs. Jennie Eiffler who celebrated her birthday June 13. Congratulations go forth to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bo-rich who celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary June 20 Mrs Bo-nch. better known aa Mary, waa our former Juvenile Director, and we want to wiah Mary and Frank the beat of everything Two more of our membera to take the fatal atep by aaying "I do" were Andy Sepelyak who waa married June 5 and "Dor" Sodnar. married June 10 We extend our congratulatoria Remember SNPJ Day thia Sun. day. June 27. at South Park The committee haa worked hard in bring ing thia affair about and have a grand day in atore for you There will be dancing in the afternoon and evening and a fine program haa been worked out that will be most entertaining So come on. membera, let s all meet at South Park Sunday Thai event Is slwsya en)oyed by sll who attend and s dsy to look for. wsrd to Plan to attend for many sn old friend can be met and new onea to get acquainted with CORNEUA GORUN ala at the grave at the military funeral. Four of our members were honorary pallbearers. At the regular monthly meeting held Thuraday, June 17, at the ?NH at 8 p. m. there were eight members attending (including *he officers). It ia very disappointing to have over 200 membera and only 10 of them attending each meeting. A larger attendance would help bring out the "brotherhood" for which our organization atanda and would h»lp diasolve the idea of juat deriving benefita from the inaurance St offers. The meaning of "fraternal" naa been entirely forgotten by our members as vary little cooperation baa been offered during these psat few yesrs. The only time it haa been ahown ia when they are aaked to help out at aome affair and when they are aaaeaa*d the pricv of a ticket about once i year The present offieera are reaigning at the end of this year and now ia the time more than ever for each lodge member to do aom«- aetious thinking to help the progress of the lodge snd to take ;»*<•< in th* diacus-aiona during th«- rnnthly meeting* Surely there are obojt 4 or 5 pioplc out of the 200 membera who will be glad to become offieera and take over the leadership of the Little Fort Lodge Let ua give these present officers s rest sa they have been rarryini on year after year in keeping the lodge together when the ma lor it y of the member ahlp wsa serving our count ry. Lrt ua sll come out t«» the nest monthly meeting in July and plan to have a good time rt-r«ewlng old Milwaukee Preparing for Natl SNPJ Day MILWAUKEE, Wis. — Remember the Labor Day weekend this yesr. The National SNPJ Day celebration is sponsored by the Milwsukee Federation of SNPJ Lodges in Milwaukee on Sept. 4, 5 and 0. Three days of activity, with fun for all. Saturday. Sunday, and Monday, each a celebration in itself. Starting Saturday. continuing thru Sunday and concluding sometime Monday, the whole celebration is jam-packed with activity. Anton Kostsnjevec. 1221 S. 01st St.. West Allis, is the chsirman of the Athletic Committee. The en try blanks for the rolf tournament are being set up now and will soon be mailed out to the lodges. De tails will sppesr soon in the Pro-svets. Bro. Vrhovnik's column, in last week's Prosveta, contained lot of information about the golf tournament. Tony has softbal! dla monds lined up for the national SNPJ softball championships They will be located in West Allis. a suburb of Milwaukee. Pleasant Valley Park, located at 00th and W. Oklhoma ave. in West Allis, is the scene of the mammoth picnic to be held on Sunday, Sept. 5 Two SNPJ members own the park Steve Hegyi and Mike Sostarich They have parking accommodations for a few thousand vehicles in addi tion to a nice park area. They promise to do their utmost to assure everyone a good time. This park easily reached by bus or automo bile and everybody should be able to find it. This year marks the 35th anniver sary of the Juvenile Department and the 10th anniversary of the Juvenile Circles. Sister Marie Ermenc, direc tor of Juvenile Circle in the Mil waukee area, has her Circle mem bers busily preparing a program play is scheduled plus other feetures commemorating the; anniversaries Out-of-town juveniles will be in Vited to sdd their talents to the show.' Ail In all, the Juvenile of| d-nclng w||| WMr it dick. Secretary of I^dfe718Jmperl.r Pa -moled* new member, for ^ d d,n,lng w,„ rMum#d a total of 34 while Pauline Dobelak. Secretary of Lodge 202, AveUe, Pa., ^ Admiaalon for dancing >. odded 7 to her previous total of alx and Frank Zrtmm one The two ¡^ |h# on# HdmUa|on rilV#|.B latter conteatanta have accounted for 30 of the lodges 32 member» as . ' .#,.rtwu,M ami „uenioe they trail close on the heel« of the leader. 'dsnclna Broihor Osorgs Hkcs. PrNldent of Lodge 725. Latrobe, Ps, who topped ^ ■ , , w|„ ^ ,n „, all individusl particlpanta in the Lodge Campaign laat year with 85 new ^[jf |nc|ud# Ror members, hsa thrown hia hat Into the campaign rln« once more He came ' ajn-|n- kera were made by Secretary I Stephanie Vratarleh of I^dge 204, Luzerne. Pa., Slater Patricia Patneaky.j (.odge 205, Southview, Pa., and Lodge 245, Lawrence. Pa . , From the highest to the loweat, our congratulationa to one and all? And now lei every lodge, not yet active in the campaign, rally behind It in the coming month by enrolling at leaat one new member. At a time like thia don't miss a single opportunty to atrengthen the ranka of Ihs Society. We eanaot afford to loae ground . Onward, evsrywhere In America, should lie the aim of every true SNPJerf MICHAEL VBHOVNIK, Campaign Director Lodge 80S of Pittsburgh are introduced. Ah added attraction will be the Pavcic sisters of Strabane. They have been engaged by popular request of sevtral members of our committee, and it Is promised that they will be a wonderful addition to our program. Supreme Secretary, Brother F A. Vider, of Chicago, will be with ua as the principal speaktr, and his experience in the fraternal field quail-ftaa him for an Important addreas on the saaentials of fraternallsm. Yea, /oik«, it'« going to be a grand day among hundreda of SNPJ membera and frlenda. We will have lota of fun, and we don't want anyone to mlas out on It. See you Sunday! MICHAEL KUMER CometoPennsy . SNPJ Day Sunday HARWICK, Pa. — This Sunday. June 17, msmbsrs and frlenda from many of our communitiea will attend the anrtual Pennsylvania SNPJ Day celebration. which will be hsld at South Park, nsar Pittsburgh. It will be our annual leunlon and get-together of hundreds of SNPJers and their frlsnds. The sffalr is sponsored by ths two SNIM federations in thia sector, the Slovene and English speaking federations. Thers wil) be plenty of entertainment for one end all, as well eg plenty uf refrvshweot«. Bro Prsd A. Vldsr, Supreme Ssrretsry of the Society, will be the principal apeaker on thia occaaion He will alao apeak over radio atallon in Hraddock at 12 05 noon. 1 wish to extend s cordial invitation to all membera and firenda from nsar and far to attend this celebration Sunday aftsmoon at the "I*odge" In South Park. Ufa all atlsnd and help make this year's Pennsylvania SNPJ Day a huge sue-teas MARY F PRASNIKAR r»er« were aecureo oy ¡vcreiary jonn wirani. . , me aame numrwr ¡m » ff I I alao enrolled hv Brother Jos Zupanctr, member of I and t 'hsr-don rda, U. H Ruóte 4 Johnny Vsdnsl snd hia RCA r«-«ording orchestra hsa been engaged for the da#tee lover« Ever y leal y weit of rte JOHN STRANCAR Ji . V Pree JOHNSTOWN, Ps.-—Aa a rssult of frequent isqussts by our fsllow lodge msmbsrs and numsrous frienda, I am happy to announce that a moonllts picnic aimilar to the one we hsld Isal yser, will bs hsld thia coming July 24 from 8 p m until« 1) at Highland Park Mualc for dancing will be fur-nlahed by Johnny Klyder OStf his Trio, Ticksta are now on aals at II per psraon, Ths dollar you in-veat In a ticket will rover all ftxid and drinka you may want, plua dancing to Johnny'a lively p«rlka tunea Erom Ihs reaulta of our píente laat year I know you can feel aaaursd of a very go«jd time Many of you have told me how much you en)oysd your «elves then, ao don't m la« out, purchsae your ticket st your esrllest convenience, so you won't miaa out. 'sa only a limited numbst s re being ! sold The plcnir thia yesr Is being apon-a«*rsd by the Trojsn Women's B«»w|. ing team Y«ru msy ohtsin your ticket« fiom sny of ths w«>msn le»w 1er« or youra truly Don't forget the «lste, Hslurday nits, July 24, bring the kiddiea. loo DOROTHY GLAVACH, 74« VisítOFS DETROIT Mieh Anhmis Sher-loger snd her two dsugtitera end aon-ln iaw from Hihhlng Minn., are vlailing Joaephine Ibdala and Ksthy Junko We were rl«we frlenda. In Calumet Mi« h , snd didn't ass each «riher «mee bef«>ro ths strike of ISIS In Cslumet A Ik» here vlailing Mi. and Mra Serdofvr aie Mr snd Mra Tratnik from Oklahoma KATIIY JUNKO Ohio Valley SNPJ Day9 Sunday, Âug. 1 HEI.I.AIRE. Ohlo-The Ohm Vsl-lay SNPJ Dsy celebrstlon wlll lie hsld on Sundsy, Aug lat, st National Psr k (foi mer Iy Zini Psrk), Stop 18, Rouis 40, nsar Sridgsport. The célébration is under the spon* sorahip of Ixtdge Cardinal« 040 and l.ixlge |3 We are ail worklng very IiuiiI so that it wlll be a great gUO Ths sffalr will bs m ths foi m of a picnic and dance Thsre will bs an intereating program and the main apsaker will be Bio Michael Vrhov-nlk, Juvenile Director of SNPJ, of Chicago Ws wtll also have two good oichsatraa to play for us Our own Joe Stampfel and hia Ixrys will play in ths aflernotm and the Stan Kohal Hank Itacich Animer« wlll play in lbs svsning, I know that everyone that heard them at our 20th annlveraary dame in April will want to dance to their mualc sgsin Our two lodgea eatrnd s eordisl Invitation t«> all nsighboring lodge« and frlenda to corns and cslsbtate the Ohio Valley HNPJ Day with ua on Auguat lat Kememher, every thing wlll be in resdlneaa ao thst you csn enjoy youraelyea to your heart's content Of course, there wlll lis plenty of refreshmenta to pleaae one snd all Ho- come and enjoy yourselves with your frisnda and nsighbora We wlah to es lend heat wlshea for a »peedy recovery to Bro Alvln I'otnuk member of ! Aug 1st at Natu»nal Park The meeting will tsks place «m Tueadsy, July 0. inatead of Monday, Itecausr of ihs holidsy Don't fsll to lis prsasnl, offer your asrvlees, wa need lhe help of each ons of our membera, ao that our SNPJ Day will lis s big aueeeaa on July 8 let's all go to Blalns, where the fed ers tion punir will bs held Thsre will bs lots of fun for all dancing and meeting old friends. MARY OPATRNY, 040 News and Comments By J. F. Flloit ONTO PENNSYLVANIA CLEVELAND. O—Sunday. June 27. Comrades aad their friend* are chartering a bus to lake in Pennsylvania SNPJ Day. Pauline Spik has been taking reservations on first come, first servo basis The bua will be at the National Home at St. Clair at 7 a m. Round trip will cost $6 per adult, children taken along gs cxeesB baggage- An augments are being mgde to have music «*n route. Along with the Corrade* we sa-pect representatives from other lodges, Aa iaterestiag trip is ia store for those that come along. BOWLERS BENEFIT DRAWING Final decisions were made is regard to the Comrades' Bowlers Benefit drawing to be held at our fall dance. Friday, Nov. 12. It was voted at the meeting that each bowler must dispose of at leqtl five sub scription books. A prize of $10 will be awarded to the individual selling the most books, ia addition to a fillt donated by Birk Furniture. Those trailing the leader, selling twenty -five books or more will receive 10% of the sales. The following attractive prizes will be swarded: An RCA Victor portable radio; bowling ball and bag; a Mixmsster: Sunbeam Iron and a Cory coffee maker. Part of the cost of the bopks will he defrayed by Skok's Florist snd Fi-folt's Kiddle Shoppe. This is the first time that the lodge has had a drawing of this nature. It is expected that every member will cooperate 180%.' A record will be maintained and exhibited st our meetings with total sgles posted currently. When you get your book, dispose of it quickly and then ask for more. COMRADES' MEETING At our next meeting, if the Cleveland Indians are playing, arrange* ments will be made to have s radio, so that members will not have an excuse for staying away. With Pres. Kerze and Recording Secretary Fraa Preaaren absent, Vice Pres. Psuline Spik snd Rose Skok stepped in and handled the meeting. It was short and snappy. Sick reports for Christine Hocevsr. Martha Malovec, Mary Strauss and Jack Zeveri passed for payment. Anne SitUnger accepted aa a transfer from the juvenile department. Vide Shilfrer accepted unanimously as a new member, Antoinette Skok Medvesek held recently was very well attended. Representatives from all the different groups he was active ia spoke ia appreciation of his efforts in their behslf. Bro. Vider, Bro. Kuhel from the Main Office, along with Milan Medvesek, practically aU ot the Supreme Board mem-bers ip Cleveland were present with Cart Sa mi nick taking movies of the proceedings The flowing remarka were well deserved by Pro Medvesek. Comrades presented him with g csrd, prepared by Dani Fifolt. filled with 21 silver dollar» one for each year of cooperation received. Saturday, June 2a. Frank Petrov-sek and Jule Snyder will say "J do." Congratulations. Practically ail of the returns, with a few exception* are in for the SNPJ Perm drawing. In line with a request from the Comrades, the question of s isle-pbooe in the Nstionsi Homs was brought up at the last directors' meeting. If you believe one ia noc-eseary and where it should be, let us have your ideas. A recent visit to the Farm found the Kerres ia a happy mood. It was a sunay day and things wsrs pretty well Uned up. With sdded conveniences the grounds are teking better shape each week. .Every Sunday finds Isrger snd larger crowds attending. No word lately must be good word from the Smole* in Huntington. W. Vs., the Hoyta in Arizona; the Sit-tsrs in Cslilorais. the Trudens in Nsshvills. Tenn. TiiUe McCoy in Los Angeles, Frsnk Tushar ia Dstroit. Young Americans DETROIT.—Yes. Young Americans really want that new SND. We have again demonstrated it by purchasing another thirty (30) •hares which gives us a grand total of 70 shares or 11,400. Come on, you other lodges and clubs, do as well end the New Home will be a certainty before you realize it. The Young Americans are aiao doing their share in selling tickets for the drawing to be held at the r 'ZÍím? wZ-r, . SNPJ Federation Picnic on Sunday. wl^iaííuílwkShfSSní iS July W' 8t Welct»m' P-,k' was not aiouno when his name was . , ,______im__A ,, Uli. celled for ths $7 sward. He could hsve used it to purchase another horse for his Isrge collection Psulms Mpik ¿»rough t up the Idas of chartering s bus to go to Pena-»ylvsnis Sunday. June 27, she atao mentioned our forthooming picnic to be held at the SNPJ Farm Sunday, July 25 Psuline Rosa was prssent to distribute the prize money from the laat National Anna York scosptsd with thanks the trophy she won for high single game Joe Koren reported nothing definite on the boys' bowling The girla are all set for Crdina's this year on Thursdays at 9 20 p m shift Believe there is still a few more places to fill. If interested, contact Paulint Spik or Pauline Ross. Joe Sircel reported on the results of the Muaeum neettng. there is some talk of čitalnica taking It ever. GENERAL The testimonial difcr for Ludvik St Livernoia aad 15V* Mile rd. The Y A s are far behind in their quota in enrolling juveniles in the pceaent campaign. However, s slow start should enable us V» make a strong finish, so come on, let's get in and pitch snd get thoso juveniles into the lodge and make the 35th anniversary of the Juveniles Department and the 10th anniversary of the Juvenile Circles a great success. Bring your juvenile member* ship blanks to the next Y. A„ meeting on July 0, at the SND. John R. St 6 Mile rd. At last the Y. A. ball players are wanning up and preparing themselves to defend the Detroit SNPJ championship and fuither to win the diatrivt and national playoffs. Anyone wishing to try out for the team contact E. Blake at Townsend •-0150 or Twinbrook 2-1P07 All position* are open and indications are that we will have a fkie team, so call soon and be at the next practice. We we the Chicago Pioneers RAD6ERLAN0 NEWS MILWAUKEE. Wis—It's s baby girl at the home of Hal and Lottie Perskk Also s baby girl st the home of Mr. and Mrs Nowak. Mrs. Nowak is the former Jeannette Caber. Our congrats to you fine peo-pje and when the matter of iasigr-qace comes up for the youngsters, remember that the finest policies can be had with the SNPJ, Mojly Obhpk and son Tommy are now back i*>me alter spending a few days in northern Minnesota with relatives and friends. Dales to Remember Jumo 25—Our last reminder, toIks. to attend the regular moathiy^neet-mg of your Bsdger lodge. Yes, folks, this is s personal invitation to vou a U to be there in person for a few hours of your time which will be well spent. The business session will be very interesting and the after-meeting entertainment will be enjoyed by all So make it a date and bring that friend along. The meeting hall if located at 9, 8th and W. Bruce st. Time 8 pm sharp. July 25—The date of oar annual picnic is fast drawing near. The committee has things going along smoothly and everything will be in readiness for yoa by the time the date rolls around, Also a big treat is in store for the juveniles in the form of games snd prizes galore. So keep the date in mind and be sure to tell all your friends about this affair. Sagadin's Orove, located at 8 3fth and W. Burnham st. is the place. Glad to see that Snippy got back into the print column, You write a very interesting column, Snippy, so why not keep it up? It certainly would be a shame if softball should fall by the wayside, what with the big SNPJ Day coming up soon. From articles in the Prosveta, though, it seems that the Midwest may be revived. We hope so and Bro. Sedmak should go ahead with his plans and see that the Badgers are represented on the ball field Just a reminder now to you people that you should pay your dues on time and get into the habit of attending our regular monthly meetings SALTY, 584 are organizing a team (Frank Gro-ser must be banck in harness again) and the Y. A.'s hereby challenge them to a game either here or there. How about it, huh? A good time to play would be on July. 4, the day after the Y. A. Moonlight Picnic, which will be held at Welcome Park, located at Livernoia and 15 »4 Mile rd. A well-known Cleveland orchestra will furnish the music for this affair. Don't forget Saturday night, July 3rd. Slowly but surely the Y. A. bachelors are disappearing and now our most eligible bachelor has deserted the ranks. Frank Hribar and Molly Peric were married on June IB. Congratulations and best wishes to both of you. All Young Americans and Wolverines are Invited to the Bowling Tournament Party which will be held on Sunday. July 18. at the SND. at • p. m. We all worked hard for the tournament so now will let out some steam and just enjoy ourselves. RAY TRAVNIK. 584 Third National SNPJ Golf Tourna SEPTEMBER 4, 1948 lent Auspice* el MILWAUKEE SNPJ DISTRICT FEDERATION Batries Close Midaight August 10. 1848 MEN WOMEN a GREENFIELD PARK OOLF COURSE I24ik k Greenfield Ave. WEST ALL1S. WIS. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Bpaces below lor Tourney Sec'y Entries Ami Fees Team Event Individual Event Total Entry Fees .............. Greens Fee* Total Combined The m Third NsMoaal SNPJ Golf T ose listed below, hereby make so try in lbs team eai/ov Individual event ol lbs it. sad setos ts abide by ths rules snd regulations which govern It. (Punt or type names of players) NATIONAL GOLF TOURNEY ROLES The TMM National SNPJ Golf Tournament will be held at the Greenfield Park golf course. West Allis, Wisconsin, on Saturday, Sept. 4. 1B48. Ths rules ahd regulation» of the tournament, recently approvedrby the National Athletic Board, appear below aloag with the official entry blank. The tournament will be an eighteen hole team and individual stroke competition run simultaneously, in other words it will be a two-in-one event with your score as an individual competitor counting, alao, as the score credited to you as a team player. Note that aH entries and fees must be in the hands of the tournament secretary, Bro. Anton J. Kostanjevec Jr. on or before Auguat 20. This gives all, who are interested in the tournament, two irentbf I» which to organize their golfer* and complete arrangements for the trip and the eogMtttitiea. . , The enter |ee. this year, is only $2.00 per player if on* participates either as a team or individual competitor. It is $3.00, however, if one is entered ag a contestant for both team and individual prizes. Eighty-five cents for the greens fee snd five per cent for tournament expenses Will be deducted and the balance will go to the prize fund. Provision is a^tfe to award prizes for low net as well as low gross scores, thus giving everyone a greater opportunity of sharing in the final distribution of awards. There la this limitation, no team can win more than one prize in the team event and, likewise, no individual player more than one prize in the individual event. The peseta handicap system will be used as a basis to decide winners of low net score prizes. Details of how this system operates will be explained in a later issue of the Prosveta RULES AND REQUIATIQIM 1) The National SNPJ Golf tournament shall be conducted as a team aad individual event, with play limited to a single round of eighteen (18) holes. 2) The tournament shall be governed by the rules of the United States Oolf Association (USGA) and the ground regulations of the course over which play is held, except as otherwise provided in these rules. < 3) The PEORIA system of handicapping will be used to determine low net scores. 4) All players must be members io good standing of the lodge they represent and shell have joined the SNPJ at least ninety (B0) days prior to the tournament. 5) Teams ahali consist of four players each. There shall be no liipU ks to the number of tesons or individual players a lodge may enter. None, however, shall participate more than once in the tournament. « - '< 8) Anyone participating in an event under an assumed name, or is otherwise ineligible, shall be expelled from the tournament and score* forfeited, if it is a team event, other members shall forfeit prizes in said event. 7) The entry fee for team or individual event is $2.00 per player. If, however, one is entered as a competitor for prizes in both events, the entry fee in all su^t cases is $3.00 per player. This includes the greens fee of 85 cents and an allowance of five percent for expenses. Entry fees, once received and filed by the tournament secretary, will not be refunded. 8) Entry blanks must be signed by the financial secretary of the respective lodges and bear the local lodge seal. Each player's membership certificate number and average score shall appear opposite his name. B) All entries and fees must be in the hands of the tournament secretary at least two weeks before the opening date. 10) No substitutions will be allowed on a team after entries have been filed without satisfactory reason to, and approval of, the local committee. 11) Team captains shall be notified in sufficient time by the tournament secretary whan they are scheduled to begin play. Each captain shall be responsible for his players' appearance at the golf course and required to report the lina-up to the secretary at leaat thirty (30) minutes before "tee-off" time. This also applies to the individual entrante. 12) Prizes shall be awarded for low gross and low net scores in each event. Teams snd individusl players are limited to one prize in their respective events, either low gross or low net prize. 13) The number and value of prizes shall depend on the number of entry fees received and the amount donated from the Society's Athletic Fund. The amount of the donation shall be arrived at as follows; The mm of 82.00 shall be donated to the touraamB9t/ÍW Wft *W«UPi entered, the total «not tb exceed $190 80 ' . 14) Trophies and/pr other suitable awards shall be mad« to the champions of each event on the basis of ACTUAL acorea shot. The team with the lowest aggregate grqss score and the individual player with the lowest gross score shall be declared the champions. 15) The prize list will be drawn up by the tournament committee i ti collaboration with the Athletic Director, subject to the approval of the National Athletic Board. If possible. It shall be published in the Official Organ prior to the tourney. 18) In caae ol a tie for the championship, the teams or individuals so tied shsll play nine (B) additional holes to decide the winner. Ties shall be played off on the same or following day of the tournament, the time to be set by the committee. 17) Players shall tee off in foursomes constituted of members of various lodges. All entrants are required to furnish their average score, in order that players of near equal ability can be paired together. The order and time of starting shall be determined by ballot. 18) On the day or dáys of the tournament, players shall not be allowed to practice before starting by playing on any part of the tournament course, The first eighteen (18) holes played, after an entrant la registered with the tournament secretary, shall count as his official score. IB) Disputes arising on the playing course shall be decided by the tournament committee whose decision shall be final. 20) Members of the Juvenile Department of the Society are eligible to enter and participate In the tournament, either as representatives of the lodge or the Circle to which they belong. » 21) All players are required to wear the Society's athlotic emblem or letters "SNPJ" during tournament competition. 22) A complete record of entries and fees shall be kept by the tournament secretary, a copy of which shall be forwarded to the Athletic Director when entries are closed. The secretsry shall also furnish him with n report of all income and disbursements in connection with the national golf tournament not leter than thirtv (30) days after its conclusion. NATIONAL ATHLETIC BOARD * Michael Vrhovnik, Director of Athletics =55 ama FLASHES , By Donald J Lolrich CHICAGO.—With spirited discus- of the Assn. The financial condi-sions and a reasonably good attend- j tlon of thin institution is excellent, ance, the Pioneers held their reg- j Asaets are now about $2,5000,000 ular meeting last Friday night. We and reserves are. over $120.000. went into such matters as interest- J During the past 6 months, it has ing young people in the activities of secured a second class rating, being the Lodge, gave considerable time and support to our softball team and the members contributed $10 38 lor the Progressive Party. Three new members were initiated, and a targe committee «elected for a wiener roast after the July 16 meeting, which will be (ree for all members. Quite some time was given to the problem of the 1B48 picnic. Mary Moe, a Pioneer from Verdugo City, California, attended this meeting. The campaign likewise, was given a spurt. • • • It's going to be Frankie Yankovic and hie band, exclusive Columbia recording artists and recently crowned as the Polka King in a contest, in Milwaukee, as the dance band for the Pioneer Picnic, Saturday, August 7, at Pilsen Park. Yankovic and his boys have been playing in various cities and towns, far and near, There isn't any question but that they have the outstanding orchestra for polka dances. His records are extremely popyjar, some of them even being among the top-notchers. He now has a hill 5-piece band and they have learited to tnix American numbers as well as polka music. Yankovic is one of the top ranking orchestra leaders at the present time, and his records are selling at a fast pace. Our patrons will, therefore, get the best music available on Auguat 7. • * • Until a better location is secured the Pioneer ball team will practice at 62nd ave. and 3Bth St., Berwyn. We are Void that the squad of 24 which has signed up to play with the Pioneers looks very promising and that they will fill in on the regular Midwest SNPJ League schedule and participate at a number of lodge picnics. Years back the Pioneers had a very good ball club. They traveled frequently to other neighboring lodgea and always came back so much stronger because of the competition and the friendly rivalry which they created. Paul Chapman Jr. has the support of the entire lodge in outfitting the team. They will practice Wedneaday and Friday evenings. New players are always welcome. —Mitzie Oven, who has been in Mexico for the past 8 months, has »turned to her home in Clarendon ills.' SNe UlWltt thfii'the lntelec-'f ihg tuals and middle class of people as well as the informed working class of 'people are constantly talking about Wallace and his Progressive Party.—-Edward Prazak, son of Michael Prazak, former SNPJ Printery employee, was married last Saturday. Congratulations. — Donald J. Lotrich was selected as a delegate for the founding convention of the Progressive Party, which will be held in Philadelphia. Speaking of the Progressive Party, it is remarkable what good support it has received in Cook County. It is horrid to note that the American Legion downstate plays in the role of disturbers, just like the Fascists of Germany, where progressive ideals sre involved. Naturally, the Amer-lean Legion members are misinformed. That's easy to understand. The leadership consists of men who are attached to the present economic system and thus are not desirous of making any change. They, therefore. misinform the rank and file. The legion could do a world of good for its members and for America If It would embark on a program of peace and plenty Instead of being an agency for reaction. held down only by its size from the top-notch ratiugs. Our many friends are urged to invest their savings with a reliable, progressive sod growing cooperative institution, •a • a We didn't like the announceinent in a recent issue of the newspapers that all restrictions were Lifted oa the transactions with Franco Spain. If any ruling clique deserves to be degraded by our Democracy, it is Franco's regime which has really held the people in subjugation. You remember how Franco with the aup-par oi tbe armies and air force oi Hitler and Mussolini caused s revolution in Spain in order to overthrow the Republic which the Sps-nish people had instituted by democratic processes. It isn't too far back for you to know that more than a million lives were loat in defending that democratic form of government and that we in America actually assisted the tyrants in establishing a. dictatorship. Have you heard any ruling clique in America condemn that dictatorship? Of course not. Those in power in Spain work hand in hand with our ruling clique. But the oommon people should remember and should protest the action of Secretary Snyder of the Tre^ury in lifting all of these controls, while he and his kind still refuse to lift any controls for the People's Government of Jugoslavia. TEAM EVENT INDIVIDUAL EVENT Names of Players Cert No Aveiage Names of Players ) ( ) ( I ( Cert. No. Aveiage .) ( I ( ) ( ) ( Name of Team Ca|ila in Addreaa ENTRY FEES The entry fee for team oi individual event i» »2 00 per player but. If one is enteied as romp« 11 tor in both eveots. the entry fee in all surh < aaet u IS 00 pet playei This in.ludes the greens fee of 85 rents Mail all entries and fees to ANTON J KOSTANJEVEC. Tourney «eet et ar y 1221 So 81 Street. West Alia. Wisconsin Remit by U S PusUl Moti« > 0»d«r, l>«nK iaWu*r chetk oi personal certified tberk The DEAD UNF Is midnight. Auguat 20. IB48 m n i m i is Ii' r nrtr*^ ■ " " 1 1 (SEAL) CERTIFICATION Thit i» t<> ceitiiy thai the above listed playet» are members m good standing of SNPJ, |x>dge No at _______ Attest, ftlgMtuu of Lodge Sec y Ave! I a News Avella. Pa—A couple of good dates to remember: Pennsylvania SNPJ Day. Sunday. June 27. at South Park. Go. have yourself a good time. Meet old friends and new July 3- Dane«» here at Avella featuring Frank Porovne and his Musical StylisU This till be his ■rcond app«-n oire In Avella and the people in siu rounding territories who mtased him the first time, arc welcome to attend. He really ha* a great outfit. This danre is ipoosored by Um. softball bam They need dough, dough in this cage spelled M ONEY You don't think they re worth It* Ca»t your eyes on those score» AvclU 5. Pittaburgh 0; Sy-gan 7 Avella 3. Avella B. Ambratge t; Avella II, Verona S Let's give our boys amy moral and financial suptiort. Your reporter len't going to loae much sleep on account of a little wager mode pending the outcome ol gsme Aug 1 between Ambrtde* snd Avella So "Zrk*" Grsbee. they whipped vou oner snd they will do It again Our sympstht«* go to the family of Choi lee Doltnsr who %sa killed in an airplane rreah in Viisinu June 15 He was s member ol U 8 Nsvsl Forces snd of Lodge >42 in Avelle. On our sick list we have Frank Pecnak, who was hurt in i mine accident, and Mary Bregsi and Mary Puskovlch. Andy Kormls has reported well. Best wishes for good health for all of them. This column gives a special thanks to Frank Brcgar for his campaign for donation toward free press. Without men like him. this column would be impossible. Bowling season is over but no fmel standing* have been given yet. Polly Debelak sure does not like the idea of her slater beating her out of her score. Final standings nf bowling will be given in s Istct column. Stuff off the cuff or this is worth a short beer. Duane Piter has returned from a short )ount *o Florida and ia making a toodie-oo. Same with Marlene Resnilt Anothci twosome popular round thaee pert*. Robert Valduga and Fiances Mar-tincheck I'm not going to say any -thing about Rill Andrews or Bur* racca. but the "noose" will come out. CoagrstulsUons go to Art Nunn for hi* hsrd work as manager of •oftball end the combination ol Or-rtek and Rankin who have assisted him in hsving our teem up with the best of them A suggestion to members This time ents as well as the children enjoyed ^ mat , „rdine felt like. Who made thank all the parents for showing ^ remark that their lunch was l their interest and cooperating with dipping? the Circle. We sincerely appreciate w. gol there we took a train all that you are doing. 1 ride to the other side of the soo and Our next regular meeting will be walkcd back. We walked about held on June 28 at the South Side four houn ud MW the animals. Hotel, 3608 S. Broadway. | blrdg ,nd fUh There WM ,n ele- Little Norma Mahmch came as a phant also Frankie Oeber eame visitor to our last meeting and we vick ug up und brought along Joe CHINESE FKKT US. UBUIMNG OF OLD ENEMY. JAPAN By ALUED LABOR NEWS SHANGHAI—(ALN>—Chinese of all claeses and political views are uniting in a nation-wide indignation movement against U. S. Ambassador The same irresponsible attitude pervades the majority party in congress wh^re big business is dominant and where federal aid to education legislation is being stalled. • a • The gravity of our educational crisis has been pointed out tune and again, in the June issue of the Woman's Home Companion Uiere la an excellent article reviewing present conditions. It is written by Benjamin Fine, education editor of the New York Times, and Louis Dublin, chief staUsUcian of Metropolitan Life Insurunce Co. Here are some of the facts two eminent authoriUes point out: Wq face the worat shortage of teachers in all history because we won't pay salaries on which they can live. In 1820. 22% of all college students were studying to be teachers. Today 2% are studying to teach. This year we will graduate 15.000 elementary school teachers. We need 180,000 The average teacher is earning $4H a week In this country. It is necessary for many of them to find outside work One out of eight teachers in schools cannot meet minimum requirements of the teaching profession in her state. Within 10 years one-half of the children in the U S will be taught by subetandaad teachers. Fifty thousand men teachers have left the profession and are not coming back. We are crowding our children into educational slums. Buildings that would be condemned if used privately are being used for public education. Corridors and cafeterias are being used for class rooms. America Is spending a smaller share of its national income on education than it did during the depression. At that Ume we devoted nearly 8% to education. Today we are spending 1.8%. Even Great Britain, struggling thru one of the worat economic crises of ita history, spends a greater proportionate share of ita national income on education, «Airericr should pav heed to the warning sounded by Dr. Ralph Mc-Donald, secretary of the oommlstion on teaeher education and pmfosatonal standards of the NaUonal' Education Association who said that if these conditions are allowed "to continue the United States fetes nothing less than educational suicide."—CAPITA L TIM KB, Madison, Wis John Leighton Stuart's lntorfei rebuild Japan ss a military forcc against Russia and coluniaJ liberation movement In Asia, or to insure profits for new Wail Siieet investments In Japanese factories, Students, writers and cartoonists, the traditional mouthpieces of Chinese public opinion, are convinced that U. H policy In Japan is danger 1837-48, and It Is icUrn militarism of a fascist tyne that Chineae fear now, tho protrsters said. Inside Out voting for the candidate of the ous to their country. The sharpeat Communiat party, to which Mr Ja- criticisms came from t) a ester*-slnski would say, "But he's supposed llshed schools tike Yenrhing Unlver-to be a Communist ". The geneial aity in Pelplng, of which Ambas-neply was, "Communists in not, sedar Stuart himself is a past presi-their party gave me a job, land and dent, and St. John's University In home and education, so why shouldn't I vote for them?" I wonder how many people realise how iinpoi tent that last sentence is. Let's face the facts and see Uif light. It's time to compare just whst political parties have to offer to us, labor We have had enough of these soap boa pollUcal parties who make pretty speeches, but have short memories. The capitalist knows which is his party—and It's not the third party GLORIA BOHJNC By Stetson Kennedy Anii Unlen Locals Ml Every GeuaAy '' Aa usual, Georgia la now leading the nation baok wards, wlUi at least one anU-union local In each of her 188 count lea. With a minimum average meaiberahip of 300 pec local, this means a minimum of 38,000 organised anti unionists ui the state. I refer, uf course, to KKK locals. Grand Dragon Bam Green an* nounced the big news in the supposed secrecy of his Atlanta Klavern No. I, June 14, Two montha ago ha flaed the Sept 8 primary aa the deadline for setting up a klavern in every county, but the goal ha« been reached two mouths ahead of schedule. By the time litis lilla print Uie Georgia klen will have launched s series of maaked parades and oroas-butilings, secieUy scheduled to be< gin June 14.. These parades will be alined prlmarUy at the election uf Herman Talmadgo through the In-Uh idaaion ef Nugre voters, and secondarily at the union«' southern drives. Starting from acraU'h after the war the klan In leas than three years has recaptured Georgia, and AUan-ta is once more the Imperial City uf the Invialble Empire. The kluaer fifth column haa also invaded a couple of dosen other states, starting fires of hate which might yet drive bark Into the klaverns something like the nine million who donn»d bedsheels after the first world war. The aveiage cost of meal on Uie hoof in mid June set a new all-time record, exceeding the peaks of all pievious Inflation periods • Undei the new toe law the 83.000-a-year man has his taxes cut 880 par 81.000 while the $100.000 a-yeer men has his taxes cui by more then 8108 par 81,000 f Well meet there every pertinent is preeaed for etorege end Wednesday filmg spac* Boim of the offices ere totally iiiadequate in sut» arid furnishings Surely the tor gnat and leal Slovene ftaUinal • igeonietlon dea ivs "bigge« and better" quart- As a per ling sitôt I wish l > say that I um iftr r« eh« of IHw paper that la Mt* toi tto New Party end em det/nileie end empheHrcJiy one nettve bom Ames Iran of Slovene extraction that doe« not believe m the American Slav Congress JANE F HAD El. 788 Read "The Silent People Speak" THE SILENT PEOPLE SPEAK la the tuis ef the letoel book ebeut J ug sale vie wrtttee by B eh art SL John. The euthe* spent leal year nine months In Jugoslavia, study-In« the eeadUiene by can last la« the rank end file ef Ike people, rather then the feverna»ef effl- la real la ell Amertceae who are still confused about the! eeuniry, and particularly to these ef Jug a sisv descent. It sea be ordered frem BANC. 8424 Weal 88th STN CHICAGO 88, ILLINOIS. (In Cleveland, contact I ha Secretary ef branch 38 el the Slovene Me-ttonal Heme) Members ef SANS eaa purchase the keeks el a special discount (83401, ether visa the baok sells tor 84J8. ddt HELP WANTED la the near future there will be a position opea ia Ike etiles el the S.N.P.J. In Chleego fer a single «Irl er weiaan («Irl at widow) with same experience in beokkeeplag sad typing, and kae«r!ed«e ef Slovene language. Steady employment, feed pay. Fee furtkee information write lei POSITION, elltoe el S.N.P.J. Lewadele Ave.. Chieafe 13, Illinois COLUMBIA RECORDS Slovenian and Croatian Selections Skarlick Broa. Tsmburltsa Orchestra 1218 V Frankie Yeakovlc and Hla Yanka. with John Paean first Release of Album Set F 4 83 SO 12278 T Clstrene Walts Ohio Polka 12313 f Shandy Polka Happy Hour mit y ( ..t. Pofke (Hiy* Nu be re-bop I Hui i ay Slovenes 12338 P lt< ndesvous Wait/ Strabane Polka The above in Single Heeotds also 78e eaeh 122113 F Vednal Waltr Three to the Itight, Three to the l>eft 12347 f Clinker Polka Cut Stall Waltr I Marijana Zwei Mehl Lustig 1222 V Sve «a tvoju ljuhev Udove saín miada 1232 r Kukavlca Hlljeai mjeaee 1238 f Da nur Ijubavi ' Sed la sem krej matine 1233 P Gl Susana Polka Heu ules Welt* 12Vi K Golubica (La Paloma) Oj jeaeoahe dug a nofl Po« tage prepaid on order of 10 K« tords or more. Send foi our free Catalogue. It M'OMIJS MAILED TO ANY PAST OK THE UNITED STATES HEÑI) MONEV ORDEN Oit COD STIMAC HARDWARE IS02I OAKLAND DETROIT 9. MICH. (A Member of Young Amerteaaa M4> rs •m WE TAKE OUR STAND »y SHAEMAS (WHEEL On Feb. 19, '48, an American military tribunal In Nuernberg rendered a verdict of profound significance. By the voice of Judge Charlee P, Wennerstrum of Iowa, Judges George Burke of Michigan and Edward F, Carter of Nebraska concurring, the U. 8. A. announces that henceforth it takes, toward the age-long struggle for human freedom, the stand suitable to a mighty imperial power, un cm bar rased by the recollection that it was once a fledgling of Revolu Hon, "conceived in liberty" and bora in the desperation of a people's struggle. Twelve Nsxi generals were tried for the murder of an estimated <13,-000 human beings. Partisan prisoners and hostages of Hitler's myrmidons. One of the twelve committed suicide, one was removed from trial when stricken with heart disease; of the remaining genocides, two were sentenced to life imprisonment. the others to terms of 7 to 20 years; two were acquitted. If anyone naively thinks these sentences light, we hasten to explain that the tribunal found some of the murders justified, in fact commendable. No proportions are stated, but if we assume they were about fifty-fifty, then these modern priests of Moloch torturad, shot, hung, buried alive, gassed or toased into the furnaces unjustifiably a mere 31,500 men, women and children. We understand why Oeneral Rendu lie, who drew SO years, was amazed at the severity of the sentences. Some of these killings, the courts ruled, vete mass murder; but K delicately distinguished between murder and messuras by which "ah occupying army can protect Itself against guerilla attacks." The Nuernberg defendants were convicted only ef certain deplorsble mistakes In defending the right of an invading army to ravage and loot Its victims. They were punished, if you'd call H that, for letting en-thuslasm run away with prudence. They often murdered 100 Greeks or Jugoslavs for each Nasi crusader wounded. They shot hostages in one area for crimes committed in another. They did not bother to make sure that "individuals selected for death bore some relation to the crime committed against the occupying force." But the ri«hl Id execute kesttfes. said the court, Is sound international law. Most of the Balkan guerillas, H seems, "failed to comply with the rules ef war." They did not mees-ure up to U. 8. Army Rules of Land Warfare by having a "responsible superior commander'' or wearing a, "distinguuhsble emblem or uniform recognizable from a distance," ndf always "carry their arms openly and . . . fight by accepted tules of waifare." Yet these uncouth creature« killed demons in human form uonertly un Itemed) who Wight otherwise in tirqe have killed Americans Horrors!—had we known they flouted the "accepted rules of warfare," we would have asked them to not embarass us by fighting op our side. These Greek and Jugoslav Par-tiaans "failed to comply with the rules of war entitling them to the rights of a lawful belligerent. They actually ambushed poor Nazi soldiers. So when oaptured, they were not eligible for prisoner-of-war ■tatua, but wars, as the N. Y, Herald Tribune Interpreted the verdict, subject to execution by any military force which might capture them. Now it Is not known whether John Sullivan's New Hampshire militiamen who won the first battle of the American Revolution at Portsmouth were uniformed (the chances are they weren't); but certainly Jeremiah O'Brien's men who won the first naval battle at Machlae were not; certainly the Minute Men who made the road from Lexington to Boston s Golgotha for the Britlah grenadiers neither woiv "a distinguishable emblem or uniform" nor fought "by accepted rules of warfare." A lot of Americfen guerilla», around Ttconderoga. in the West-rhcater hills. In the Southern Appalachian. failed. to observe the rules. The British by no n eana practised sweetness and light In those day», but they did not niss sacie hostage*. That murdei of guerilla prisoners and hostages is not fui bidden by in tet national law paina judges Wen-nerstrum. Burke snd Carter; but, they say, it is "not out duty to write international law ... We must apply It as we find it." Now they need only have opened a dictlonaiy to find the term levy In mass, "s levy of all men capable of military service snd within the control of the powet msking the levy " But they didn't need the dictionary, they knew perfectly well that the levy In mass Is as standard s part of Internstional law a« sny of the rules they cite Greek and Kiev guerillas look the field st the be hast either o| then old government* or of the resistance leaders who arose In the fires of battle As « levy In mass they were entitled U< the rights and immunities of 1*1 " liferents Their murder, and th«-murder of hostages in reprisal foi their actlvluea, had no more color of legality than if they had fount.« in full dress uniforms led by com menders on white chargers In IttO's. General Weyter, Spat tsh commander in Cuba, viewed guerillas as these American judge* view them today, and though hU measures were mild in comparison with those of the Nans, he w*i ' KSown to all Americana as "Blood\ Weyler»" and eventually this rour try went U< war in alliance with the Cuban guerillas In th«» year» 1918-21 the British took the Wen-nerstrum-Burke-Carter view of Irish guerillas, but both houses of the U. 8. Congress recorded sympathy with the Irish cause. And in the late war the U. 8. Army went to great pains to send * arms and munitions, by sir snd sea. to the very Partisans whose murder is now justified by American jurists. Reluctantly rigid respect for in temational law is not the true in wardness of this decision. It flowa Inevitably from a fact of major importance, the fact that the United Stales has changed sides. I have been pointing opt for the past two years that we have changed sides in the still unfinished war that began in 1030. Wennerstrum, Burke and Carter make H clear that wo have changed sides in the over-all and world-wide war of the people vs the exploiters, liberty vs. the iron rule of the strong, na'.iorud independence vs. empire. Commenting on this verdict in Nuernberg, «he Jugoslav Ambasa-dor to Waehington seys th it 1,700,-008 men, women end children died in Jugoslavia for thé allied cause, yet "according te this judgment they died In vpin; it wes legitimate, for the Nasis to overrun their country and pillage end murdei.1' That is correct. The Jugoslsv Ambassador asks. "In what manner were men to fight wl»a saw their.wives and lister* and sometimes mothers raped before their eyes' Who saw the sick snd aged tortured to death; whose own children were starved or hideously tormented, or driven off to slave labor, or herded by hundreds into buildings which were then sealed and burned to the ground?" The American»- Is, they must fight according to the rules laid down by their tormentors, tor otherwise they are merely people, and people heve no rights against armies; for if such rights were conceded, the Merch of Empire would be constantly ember* rassed Also, it won't do to estab* llsh a precedent In International justice under which American générais now in Greeee might somedey be found guilty of war crimes. It 1«, boring to remember thst we were once a fledgling of Revolution, "conceived in liberty," born of a people's struggle. Now we ere en empire, the mightiest In the wortyt snd on the grounds necessary for the defense and' extension of empire we take our stand.—(TAT) Nominating Procedures POSTAL RMULATlOa* ■ A fUOOCmOHl P O.I.I r*f • ulations prohibit publishing ev covering raffles or fasses ef in newspapers, ra pets refused Our members wUL kindly elimínale such subjects from their arfielce. By K. M. Landis II To anyone interested in democracy, the national conventions may seem s haphazard way of nominating a President. The carnival atmosphere, the artificially induced hysteria, and the tradition of the smoke-filled room where the real deals are made, lend a farcical eir to which should be a deliberative process. Even «o, our national political conventions are somewhat more representative than the first methods used in choosing presidential candidates. Our first thret Presidents, Washington, Adams and Jefferson, were elected without ever being formally nominated. Their nomination was ssaumed. At first the people were not supposed to have any right to elect their President, but this theory wes broken down when Jefferson defeated the Federalist party in 1800. But even under Jefferson, the right of the people to pgrticipste in the nominstion of presi hig extra expenditure reads on the door of the etore he WOuld not show up in the BLS in- pie teke sll sorts of prepsrstions to one of the excluded minorities. Says' was about to enter. i dex , lose weight as a result of high-pres-the President's Committee on Civil Eighteen states forbid discrimina- *' wnrAnv.P th. RI R inAm9 ran An ' sure and unscrupulous patent medi Rights, "The fact that many of thoae, tion in restaurants, hotels, and Moreover, tne bu$ inaex can ao who facf this double barrier are'other places of publie aceommoda or its race or its national origin or its religion? It's thouAK these days to find a place in which to live. It's doubly tough U ypU happen to belong to FIGHT FOR HEALTH By the Physicians Forum TO LOSE , WEIGHT—DIETI Among the most common human diseases is obesity, or being overweight That it is a disease is proved by the statistics of life insurance companies which show that fat people do not live as long as others. People who are overweight are more likely to get high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. The prevention and cure are simple—diet. The best medical opinion is that in most cases drugs are not necessary. Drugs may even cause serious harm especially whfn taken without medical advice. Many peo- war veterens only underlines the tion. Twenty states, mostly south-inadequacy of our housing record." i era, compel segregation. Yet even "RESTRICTIVE COVENANT." in ,iU|M torbtid ™ „ ' outcast who tries to get auch serv- These are the iwo magic words lce j, nott waited on or U charftd cial or rellglods basis violates Constitutional tight* and has been declared illegal hdmlllatini intuit of lence. • t The President's Committee, looking with hope to the Supreme A Negro or a, Jew or an Oriental Court> doea not rMt iti program ih* tries to buy a htnise or rent a house there h abo ca|h the voters ' Hartltleyized at the «xpenfe of tl)e In a certain neighborhood-only to ch,mpion new legislation: laws wo_rker9' find that in the ^feed of the property that will eventually wlthold federal Is a private agreement excluding funds from housing and recreational projects that are discriminatory. It also calls upon the people to him from that neighborhood. 8yrians, Mexicans, Indians, Ar- menians, other minority groups- ingigt upon clearly expressed fed they too often face such exclusion. eral Iaw> outlawing the restrictive The Supreme Court, however, has just decided that the restrictive funny things when the administra- cine advertising tion wants to prpve that living coats There are small number of excep-ere going down or are being stabil- tions, such as. for example, people ized. Last February and March the whose thyroid glands do not supply index went down, although house- enough hormone. Such people will wives found no real change in the benefit from treatment with thyroid prices they paid at the grocer, the 1 pills. However, fat people whose thyroid glands are normal may become seriously ill from taking thyroid pills. The body is someting like a furnace. The food that goes in is burned to supply energy to move muscles and to make glands and other organs work. The most com- ? butcher fhtfp bt the department store. If the Index becomes a barometer for wage rates, it can be expected that the BLS index will be Tsft But more important than the Inadequacies of the BLS index is the mon cause of obesity is simply that failure in the GM wage formula to more food is eaten than Is used up provide for higher living standards that can be paid for out of the exorbitant profits of the corporation and the ever-rising productivity of A "PEACE PLATE" FOR TODAY Sou* Wheat! Save Meat! Save the Peace! TUESDAY PEACE PLATE It's a meatless meal— but the men love it Thafs the result when you KM ve these rturdy cheese and baked bean bsittecues. And the sauce' No. the menfolks will never misa meat when they as tuple this full-flavored barbecue sattre, rich with onion and apices. It s a low cost ales for saving meat—these barbecues with sauce. Theie'» tMdy building protein in both the rhe«-M* and baked lieans So you have an rtrellenl alternate for CHEESE BARBECUES I't cups baked beens 'if lb. Americen cheese > tablespoons rhopped onion I tablespoon fa! Ball and pepper '« teaspoon dry mualard I issspoon Worcestershire sauce i *ee S cup milk I cup dry bread crumbs Put bttkrd besna and cheese thtnugh twiil t hopper. Cook onions in tut until tender snd add to heana., dry seasonings and blend with ess Add Worcestershire »aucr nulk and beans and bread ' ruml* and mix well l^t mis ti'»e stand |0 minutes ( Shape Into pattir* Inush With fat snd put in »hallo« Kit..,«*t baking pan. Hake in moderate uven (350 f) II n tnutes Kemove from oven and • ovft patties with haiberue sauce »»'<1 t>«ke I) minutes longer Set vet S BARBECUE SAUCE 8 tablespoons chopped onion 1 tables peon fat I table«» a on brown sugar 'a tSSepesn dry mualard vt teeepeon salt l* cup finely chopped celery «1 eup water *l left mi mm I tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Coek onion in fat until lightly browned. Combine augar, mustard nnd salt and add vinegsr slowly. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for IS minutes Mskes about m cups covenant Is not legally enforceable. In reversing pervious court decisions the Supreme Court declared that If an owner wished to sell or lease a piece of property to a member of a group which had been excluded by a restrictive covenant the courts could not stop him from doing so. "This does not mean, however, thajl JntstrictivefCovenants are end-The Suprefrp Court left »it open to me property owner to continue to make such "gentlemen's agreements" among themselves. Under this decision they are still not Illegal. These agreements will remain \n force sc^ long as all of the owners comply with them. We in the labor unions have still to win in congress and In the state legislatures laws which will carry out In the right to live the union principle, open ranks foe all people regardieas of race, creed or color The restricts e covenant Is a crime against democracy committed by the North as well as the South, the East as well as the West. In Chicago, for instance, 80 percent of property has aotne discriminatory restriction. , Property restrictions, especially beaten, tired and woun surrounding slum areas, are "good Hla voice was known in that business" for profiteers. Ncgroe* | country. And so he wee dragged or Jews, barred from moving out before the conquering generals—the of their crowded • areas. For thoae brszen, arrogant, armored nfien. who. cannot afford to pay extor-| They aaid. play for us. And be covenant. i In the next, final article of this the workers, series we shall see what other pro- The GM workers were granted a portals the Committee has made in raise of 3c for all the increase in the interests of genuine democracy, their productivity since 1940. It is a THE WASHINGTON SCENE By Richard Sasuly AFTER 3.000 YEAR»— ' descendants of the poet tried to preserve the traditions of their past. They wrote out the words of the poet in good order. He had said: By the rivers of Babylon. there we sat down; yee. we wept, when we remembered Zion. He told how the captors made him sing. Full of shame and anger he cried out: How shell we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? With the other prisoners all about him in the dark he swore an oath always to preserve the memory of their homeland: If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand for- While the Senate was debating the draft bill. Ellender, Eastland, McClellan and a few other southerners rose to villify the Negro soldiers who served in the second World War. It was a strange performance. Politicians do not usually Insult 14 million people. But the southern Senators were obeying the lew of fear. Listening to thenk 1 thought of something which happened thousands of years ago, And I realised they had reason to be afraid. s There once was a poet who having fought in a war of hla people was made captive. Ho was thrown into the enclosure with Me other th A* ot uied men iininarii t , woo. csmiot sitom lo pay extor-■ They said, piay tor us. Ano oe- ol. tftKl lis «8 tmiaSL tit! l,on*lr r-t"' U no olh,,r the firelight gleamed on spear plentiful let ol^ vegetables. I*ts u> f | points and because it is hard tor a try them In today's menu Choose Barbecues HplRst Shredded Carrot Salad Çhtlled Fruit Compote Olnger Snap« go! | points In federal housing projects, the man to choose death President's Committee finds, the live by merely doing record has been relatively good he chanted his songs to "The federal Public Housing Au-| Afterwards they toob thorlty has tried to allocate publie, to the stinking pit housing fairly and to make certain pie lay. The singing I. CANNED rnuiT TIPS; Fresh that "^sl "tan^rds are maintained had come from his throat"lift a sour back peo- which Many housing prolecta with mixed taste. The skillful hand Wbleh had racial occupancy have been operated played the harp felt nunqk **d he with great success " | was ashamed Yet manv private hou-ing proj- And then, nut of the dHserv of ecta. enjoying public financial sup hla people and his own deepeir. he port, do practice discrimination rang again. That was a long time I For example. Stuyvesant Town, a ago. in a night of defeat, beeide a Watch cannot fruit prices in your project of the Metropolitan Life foreign river Sittlnf among the food sds A No 1 can hold* about Insurance Corrpsny. has received others, burning with hla off* hatred two-thirds as much as a No. can i |rrat financitt concessions from and feeling the yearnings and So If a No 2 ran is It cents snd a New Yotk City But Negroes, who of all his people, he ma* a No. Is 24 the larger can is the help to pay the tanes which, in part, of revenge better fruit eeeaon Is practlcallv here. So let's uae up last season's home tanned supplies to free jars and shelves fot the new crop How's alao the time to find good buys In canned and froten fruit. m*«ii««« maal, w, MtnuM, mm4 ie eat ta sM«r ••r* ost •*••»« »4M* (VMM t Im e*v*Nii»«at • mm wmmOV eeek tro* ' Uts*T s«»m« Msi* t»«»».*« ij»t * to« i**. . rtonae -«a oats end sSSim m s r*ssy »sshsh •«<>••»*« i* toot) COM*! avATioM w ai la isslsa ase I made Stuyvesartt Town possible.' His worda were are barred from the project I They were copied down If rude Ghettos and »ium*—they condemn scrawls Centuries later, others of minority groups to poorer housing, his people were m prieeh. Like higher rents inadequate public manv men who have base thrown Thef -constitute a major into prison by a by the body. This Is difficult for many fat people to believe. They often insist that they "eat practically nothing." A careful check will usually show that the "practically nothing" including snacks between meals and at bed-time* adds up to u sizeable diet. It is true that some people get fat more easily thsn others. There are great differences in the body mechanics of different people, In the way food Is used and In how much of it is turned into fat. But the fact remains that there cannot be gain in weight unless more food is taken in than is used. In the medical books some types of obesity are described as being due to diseases of the endocrine glands. These are the glands like the pituitary ¿and the adrenal and parts of the sex glands which discharge their products into the blood stream.. Complicated 4nd expensive gland products are often used to treat such patienta. But many physicians now believe that even most of the "endocrine" typos of obesity require only treetment with diet, and that most gland products used to treat obesity are of no value and even get her cunning. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to poaalbly harmful, the roof of my mouth. j Dr M M Kunde of Northwestern And at the end. the awful pain of University treated 80 patteQts who his people came out In words of re- had different types of "endocrine" venge He said: O daughter of Ba- obesity with diet alone. He treated bylon. who art to be destroyed; hap-1 patients with pituitary dlaoase, wo-py shall be that rewardeth thee men In the menopause or change of a* thou hast served us. Happy shall he be that taketh and daaheth thy little ones against the stones. • The people of Ureal are still fighting for freedom. They are faced by troops led by mercenaries bf the British empire. They ere snared and Ungled In the broken promises of politicians Yet they still fight And they con still hoar the words of the poet who a long time ago hung hla harp on a willow tree by the Baby Ionian river. The words of the 138th psalm rise above the mean slanders of the Jew-bolters, the frightened men with skinny minds, the palace guard of privilege The Nefro people In America are held in bondage as much as were the Jews in Babylon. The Senators who heaped insult on Negro soldiers wore speaking out of fear Their sensitive politicians ears can boor life, women whose sex glands had been removed at operation, and young children. Some of the very fat patient* lost more than 100 pounds over a period of time. Different types of dieU are recommended Some physicians believe that the kind of food eaten is leas important than the amount, and that if the amount la reduced enough, weight will be loat. Other physiciana recommend a diet high in loan meat. fish, cheese and eggs and low In atarches and faU. The safeat thing for the fat per-son to do is to get medical advice about his diet! to stick to the diet and to ignore all ads offering drugs for miracle weight reduction —(F P i In 1825. Boston carpenters conducted the first strike for a 10 hour day In some states mental hospiula are overcrowded by more than 50% something among the Nefro people I The national percentage of over-which sounds very much like the'crowdedne*s of these institution* u voice of the old poet of Israel 118.3 T