11. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo ZA ČLOVEKA GRE 2023: DRUŽBENI IN TEHNOLOŠKI RAZVOJ ZA VARNOST TER DOSTOJANSTVO The 11th Annual Conference with international participation IT'S ABOUT PEOPLE 2023: SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN SERVICE OF SECURITY AND DIGNITY VZGOJA, IZOBAŽEVANJE IN DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE Zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov EDUCATION AND MENTAL HEALTH Proceedings book with peer review on scholarly papers Urednik / Editor: Sebastjan Kristovič MARIBOR, 2023 conference.almamater.si Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca ZA ČLOVEKA GRE 2023 ZBORNIK RECENZIRANIH ZNANSTVENIH PRISPEVKOV – VZGOJA, IZOBAŽEVANJE IN DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE International Scientific Conference IT`S ABOUT PEOPLE 2023 PROCEEDINGS BOOK WITH PEER REVIEW ON SCHOLARLY PAPERS – EDUCATION AND MENTAL HEALTH Honorary Committee: Dr. Nataša Pirc Musar, President of the Republic of Slovenia; Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg; Prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak, President Alma Mater Europaea – ECM, Slovenia; Mariya Gabriel, EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth; Prof. Dr. Felix Unger, Honorary President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg; Prof. Dr. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Columbia University, New York, USA; Dr. Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, Research Scholar, Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA; Dr. Igor Papič, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Republic of Slovenia; Prof. Dr. Jeremy Howick, Director of the Stoneygate Centre for Excellence in Empathic Healthcare, University of Leicester, UK; Prof. Dr. Jurij Toplak, Alma Mater Europaea – ECM, Fordham University, New York, USA, President of the organizing committee of the It’s About People Conference; Prof. Dr. Peter Štih, President of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Prof. Dr. Michael Molls, Director of the Institute for Advanced Study, Technical University of Munich; Prof. Dr. Markus Schwaiger, President of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences; Prof. Dr. Dragan Ljutić, Rector, University of Split; His Eminence Cardinal Vinko Puljić, Archbishop emeritus of Vrhbosna, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Archbishop Alojzij Cvikl, Archdiocese of Maribor; Dr. Damir Boras, Former Rector of the University of Zagreb, Croatia; Zoran Tomić, Rector, University of Mostar; Prof. Dr. Marin Milković, Rector, University North, Croatia; Prof. Dr. Mitja Slavinec, President of PAZU - Pomurska akademsko znanstvena unija; Dr. Franci Demšar, Director of Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Scientific and programme Committee: Klaus Mainzer, Ludvik Toplak, Felix Unger, Jeffrey Sachs, Sonia Ehrlich Sachs, Peter Štih, Jana Goriup, Peter Seljak, Mladen Herc, Matej Mertik, Maciej Wieglosz, Matjaž Perc, Franci Solina, Gašper Hrastelj, Sebastjan Kristovič, Jasmina Kristovič, Nandu Goswami, Rado Pi- šot, Edvard Jakšič, David Bogataj, Peter Pavel Klasinc, Dieter Schlenker, Vladimir Trajkovski, Jurij Toplak, Luka Martin Tomažič, Suzana Bračič Tomažič, Daniel Siter, Lenart Škof, Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Barbara Toplak Perovič, Mladen Radujković, Reinhard Wagner, Svebor Sečak, Polonca Pangrčič, Zlatko Bukvić, Živa Arko, Tadej Strojnik, Monika Sobočan, Nataša Štandeker, Verica Trstenjak, Elena- -Simina Tănăsescu, Lea Di Salvatore, Marko Novak, Katarina Puš, Uroš Marušič, Daria Mustić, Miha Šepec, Gašper Pirc, Luka Trebežnik, Katja Holnthaner Zorec, Miha Jurečič, Gunnar Lühr, Peter Volasko, Igor Emri, Rok Svetlič, Laurence Hewick. Organisational board: Jurij Toplak (president), Luka Martin Tomažič (vice-president), Daniel Siter, Matej Mertik, Tanja Angleitner Sagadin, Špela Pokeržnik, Špela Ekselenski Bečić, Urška Grubač Kaučič, Marko Bencak, Uroš Kugl, Katarina Pernat, Petra Braček Kirbiš, Suzanna Mežnarec Novosel, Mladen Herc, Jana Goriup, Peter Seljak, Sebastjan Kristovič, Edvard Jakšič, David Bogataj, Peter Pavel Klasinc, Anja Hellmuth Kramberger, Lenart Škof, Barbara Toplak Perovič, Reinhard Wagner, Svebor Sečak, Mladen Radujković. Urednik / Editor: Prof. Dr. Sebastjan Kristovič Recenzenta / Reviewers: Prof. Dr. Sebastjan Kristovič, Dr. Polonca Pangrčič Tehnični urednik / Technical editor: Suzanna Mežnarec Novosel Oblikovanje in prelom / Pre-press preparation: Tjaša Pogorevc s. p. Izdaja / Edition: 1. spletna izdaja / 1st online edition Kraj / Place: Maribor. Izdajatelj / Publisher: AMEU – ECM, Alma Mater Press Za založbo / For the publisher: Prof. Dr. Ludvik Toplak Leto izdaje / Year of publishing: 2023 Dostopno na / Available at: https://press.almamater.si/index.php/amp/catalog/category/CONF CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor 005:004(082)(0.034.2) ZA človeka gre: družbeni in tehnološki razvoj za varnost in dostojanstvo (konferenca) (11 ; 2023 ; Maribor) 11. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo Za človeka gre 2023: družbeni in tehnološki razvoj za varnost in dostojanstvo [Elektronski vir] = The 11th scientific conference with international participation It's about people 2023: social and technological development in service of security and dignity : vzgoja, izobraževanje in duševno zdravje = education and mental health : zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov = proceedings book with peer review on scholarly papers : Maribor, 10. -17. Marec 2023 = Maribor, 10 - 17 March 2023 / [urednik, editor Sebastjan Kristovič]. - 1. izd = 1st online ed. - E-zbornik. - Maribor : Alma Mater Press, 2023 Način dostopa (URL): https://press.almamater.si/index.php/amp/catalog/category/CONF ISBN 978-961-7183-27-6 (PDF) COBISS.SI-ID 170643971 Avtorji člankov odgovarjajo za vse trditve in podatke, ki jih navedejo v svojih člankih. The authors of the articles are responsible for all claims and data they list in their article(s). 11. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo ZA ČLOVEKA GRE 2023: DRUŽBENI IN TEHNOLOŠKI RAZVOJ ZA VARNOST TER DOSTOJANSTVO 10. – 17. marec 2023 The 11th Scientific Conference with international participation IT'S ABOUT PEOPLE 2023: SOCIAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN SERVICE OF SECURITY AND DIGNITY 10 – 17 March 2023 VZGOJA, IZOBAŽEVANJE IN DUŠEVNO ZDRAVJE Zbornik recenziranih znanstvenih prispevkov EDUCATION AND MENTAL HEALTH Proceedings book with peer review on scholarly papers MARIBOR, 2023 E I T TABLE OF CONTENTS D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 O th IO U A UVOD V ZBORNIK / INTRODUCTION TO PROCEEDINGS 6 N A T P NN E N U O Barbara Simonič 7 D M A P L L C E 2 ČUSTVOVANJE IN PSIHOSOCIALNA FUNKCIONALNOST ODRASLIH OTROK ALKOHOLIKOV / E ON N 0 EMOTION REGULATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL FUNCTIONING OF ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E Lidija Zorman, Jasmina Kristovič 17 E O NC A C MLADI ODRASLI IN NJIHOVO DOJEMANJE SMISLA ŽIVLJENJA / L I E A T O H / P L A F YOUNG ADULTS AND THEIR PERCEPTION OF THE MEANING OF LIFE E N U D T R R David Kraner 27 O OP C E E C STALNA PRIKLJUČENOST NA SPLET, RAZTRESENOST, DEMOTIVACIJA IN PROBLEM E H E’ D N S SOCIALNEGA VKLJUČEVANJA / CONSTANTLY CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, DISTRACTION, I O S N L C G O IE DEMOTIVATION, AND THE PROBLEM OF SOCIAL INCLUSION S B G NC IC O A E O S Janez Čmer 42 L D K W A VPLIV UČITELJEV ŠPORTA NA NAVADE UČENCEV / E N V D IT E A THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS ON THE HABITS OF STUDENTS H P LO R P T E S M E L Nataša Demšar Pečak 51 R R E E N A IZZIVI PARTICIPACIJE OTROK IN MLADOSTNIKOV V DIGITALNEM OKOLJU / CHALLENGES E T I D V E N S OF PARTICIPATION OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT I R E S W O E A R N Anja Žavbi 63 V N S D IC S ČUSTVENE STISKE MLADOSTNIKOV IN NAČINI POMOČI / E O C C H HOL EMOTIONAL DIFFICULTIES OD ADOLESCENTS AND WAYS TO HELP O F S LA E A C R R Ivana Vinceković, Ivana Rašan, Renata Pinjatela 71 U L S Y P R I PROJECT ATTEND: EXAMPLE OF A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN THE USE OF T A Y A P ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY E N RS D D Edra Fresku, Seida Daija, Suada Veka, Arlinda Ramaj 79 IG IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NIT ICT SUBJECT IN PRE-UNIVERSITY EDUCATION Y Lea Masnjak Šušković, Daniela Bratković, Ana-Marija Bohaček, Alisa Fabris 88 THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION AMONG PEOPLE WITH ID Elona Hasmujaj 100 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERNET ADDICTION, LONELINESS, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, AND STRESS AMONG STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF SHKODRA, ALBANIA Dora Ernoić 109 APPLICATION OF SENSORY INTEGRATION IN INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT DESIGN FOR CHILDREN Dajana Rakić 114 CROATIAN STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF THEIR SPOKEN ABILITIES IN ENGLISH AND HOW IT TRANSLATES INTO THEIR AWARENESS OF BEING SUCCESSFUL IN GENERAL 4 UVOD V ZBORNIK V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A , I E N Zelo sem vesel izredno številčne udeležbe letošnje 11. znanstvene konference, ki smo jo organizi-Z K S O A G T B V rali skupaj z Evropsko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti s sedežem v Salzburgu in ki je potekala pod A E R N Ž E 2 pokroviteljstvom predsednice Republike Slovenije dr. Nataše Pirc Musar. E A K VA 02 O N Letos je bilo z nami veliko mednarodno uveljavljenih imen iz sveta stroke in znanosti; naj omenim 3 N JE I : D FE prof. dr. Klausa Mainzerja, predsednika Evropske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, prof. dr. Jeffreya N D R R U EN Sachsa, profesorja iz Univerze Columbia iz ZDA, Mariyo Gabriel, Evropsko komisarko za inovacije, U ŽB C Š E A Z M raziskave, kulturo, izobraževanje in mlade, prof. dr. Felixa Ungerja, častnega predsednika Evropske E N VN I I akademije znanosti in umetnosti, prof. dr. Martina Kempa, zaslužnega profesorja iz Univerze v Ox-O Z N T ED fordu, prof. dr. Freda Volkmarja, profesorja iz Univerze Yale iz ZDA. D E N H R A A N R Letošnji naslov konference je bil Za človeka gre: Družbeni in tehnološki razvoj za varnost in dosto-V O O J L D E / Z O N janstvo. Poudarek je na človeški varnosti, v širšem in ožjem smislu ter ohranjanju in varovanju člove- Š O U K B I R kovega dostojanstva. Naša sekcija Vzgoja, izobraževanje in duševno zdravje je v službi tega poslanstva O D R A E že več let. N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z Sekcija iz leta v leto raste, tako po številu slušateljev, kot po številu prispevkov. Letos je bilo 26 od-O EC A V ličnih, aktualnih in relevantnih referatov domačih in tujih avtorjev, ki so zajemali različne aspekte EN A Z R vseh treh področij sekcije ter skoraj 600 slušateljev. Ker so v sekciji sodelovali tudi udeleženci iz IR N A O drugih držav, izdajamo zbornik v dveh jezikih. Vse to potrjuje, kako pomembno je graditi mostove, N S I T T H Z se povezovati, združevati moči in znanje ter skupaj graditi boljšo prihodnost. E N R D A Iskrena hvala vsem za sodelovanje in podporo. N O S S T T Vzgoja, izobraževanje in duševno zdravje so pravzaprav konstitutivni elementi kakovosti življenja, V O E J N A človekovega dostojanstva, razvoja posameznika in družbe ter naše skupne prihodnosti. To so ko-N IH P ST renine vsake družbe. Če se korenine začnejo sušiti vemo kakšne so posledice za drevo ali rastlino. V R O I Smisel in namen naše sekcije je prav ta – da te korenine čim bolj napojimo s svežo vodo in različnimi SPE hranilnimi snovmi. Da bo to, nekoliko posušeno in gingavo drevo, pognalo močne korenine ter zra-VKO slo v visoko – lepo prihodnost. V prof. dr. Sebastjan Kristovič, urednik 5 E I T INTRODUCTION TO PROCEEDINGS D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 O th IO U A I am very happy with the exceptionally large number of participants in this year‘s, 11th scientific N A T P NN E conference, which we organized together with the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, based N U O D M A P L L in Salzburg, and which was held under the honorary patronage of the President of the Republic of C E 2 E ON N Slovenia, dr. Nataša Pirc Musar. 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R : This year, many internationally renowned names from the world of stroke and science were with S E E O NC A C us; let me mention Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, L I E A T O H / P L A Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, professor at Columbia University from the USA, Mariya Gabriel, European ComF E N U missioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Prof. Dr. Felix Unger, honorary D T R R O OP president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Prof. Dr. Martin Kemp, professor emeritus C E E C E H E’ of the University of Oxford, Prof. Dr. Fred Volkmar, professor of Yale University from the USA. D N S I O S N L C G O I The title of this year‘s conference was It‘s About People: Social and Technological Development in SerE S B G NC I vice of Security and Dignity. The emphasis is on human security, in the broader and narrower sense, C O A E O S L D and the preservation and protection of human dignity. Our Education and Mental Health Section has K W A E N V D been serving this mission for many years. IT E A H P LO R The section grows year by year, both in terms of the number of listeners and the number of con-P T E S M E L tributions. This year there were 26 excellent, current and relevant papers by domestic and foreign R R E E N A E T I D authors, covering various aspects of all three areas of the section and almost 600 listeners. Since V E N S I R E S participants from other countries also took part in the section, we publish the proceedings in two W O E A R N languages. All this confirms how important it is to build bridges, connect, combine strengths and V N S D IC S knowledge, and build a better future together. E O C C H HOL O F S Sincerely thanks to everyone for their cooperation and support. LA E A C R R U Education and mental health are in fact constitutive elements of the quality of life, human dignity, L S Y P R IT the development of the individual and society, and our common future. These are the roots of every A Y A PE society. If the roots start to dry, we know what the consequences are for the tree or plant. The mean-N RS D D ing and purpose of our section is precisely this - to water these roots as much as possible with fresh IG water and various nutrients. That this, somewhat dried and gingiva tree, will grow strong roots and NIT grow into a tall - beautiful future. Y Prof. Dr. Sebastjan Kristovič, editor 6 ČUSTVOVANJE IN PSIHOSOCIALNA FUNKCIONALNOST V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L ODRASLIH OTROK ALKOHOLIKOV J O N A V A , I E N Z K S EMOTION REGULATION AND PSYCHOSOCIAL FUNCTIONING O A G T B V A E R OF ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N J prof. dr. Barbara Simonič, spec. zakonske in družinske terapije E I : D FE N D R R Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Slovenija U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T E POVZETEK D D E N H R A Odraščanje v družini, v kateri je eden ali oba starša zasvojen z alkoholom, povzroča otroku po-A N R V O O J L D sledice, ki se lahko nadaljujejo tudi v odrasli dobi. Tako imenovani »odrasli otroci alkoholikov« E / Z O N Š O U K (OOA), ki so del ali celotno otroštvo odraščali v disfunkcionalni družini, v kateri je bila največja B I R O D težava odvisnost od alkohola enega ali obeh staršev, so bolj občutljivi na življenjske stresorje in R A E N Z L V E imajo več težav s prilagajanjem. Iz otroštva nosijo veliko nerešenih vprašanj, potlačenih in neraz-IK R O ŽB J Z O rešenih vsebin, ki sooblikujejo njihovo delovanje v odrasli dobi, ki se pogosto izkaže za čustveno EC A V E in socialno nezrelo. N A Z R IR N V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, ki prikazuje značilnosti čustvene regulacije in A O N S psihosocialnega delovanja OOA v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso odraščale v družinah z alkoholiz-I T T H Z E mom. Ranljivost na področju čustvenega uravnavanja pri OOA bo prikazana kot pomembna spre-N R D A menljivka, ki je povezana s težavami psihosocialnega delovanja. V študijo je bilo vključenih 563 N O S S T T udeležencev, od tega 229 oseb, ki so bile OOA. Rezultati Mann-Whitneyjevega U-testa kažejo, da V O E J N A imajo OOA v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso OOA, več težav na področju uravnavanja čustev, doživ-N IH P ST ljajo več individualnih problemov in manj moči, svoje trenutno družinsko življenje ocenjujejo kot V R O I manj funkcionalno in so manj zadovoljni s svojim partnerskim odnosom. Težave pri uravnavanju SPE čustev so povezane z večjimi težavami v njihovem psihosocialnem delovanju. VKO *Doseženi rezultati so nastali v okviru projekta št. J5-2570, ki ga je financirala Javna agencija za V raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije iz državnega proračuna. Ključne besede: alkoholizem, zasvojenost, družina, odnosi, otroci, razvoj ABSTRACT Growing up in a family affected by alcohol addiction in one or both parents has consequences for the child that can persist into the child’s adulthood. The so-called „adult children of alcoholics“ (OOA), who grew up for part or all of their childhood in a dysfunctional family where the biggest problem was alcohol addiction of one or both parents, are more sensitive to life stressors and have more adjustment problems. They carry many unresolved issues from childhood, repressed and unresolved content, which co-shape their functioning in adulthood, which often turns out to be emotionally and socially immature. The paper presents the results of a study showing the characteristics of emotional regulation and psychosocial functioning of OOAs compared to persons who did not grow up in families with alcoholism. Vulnerability in the field of emotional regulation at OOAs will be shown as important background variable correlated with difficulties of psychosocial functioning. The study included 563 participants, 229 of whom were OOAs. The Mann-Whitney U-test results show that OOAs, compared to non-OOAs, have more difficulties in emotion regulation, experience more individual problems and less strengths, rate their current family life as less functional, and are less satis-fied with their partner relationship. Difficulties in their emotional regulation are correlated with more difficulties in their psychosocial functioning. *The author acknowledges partial financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (project No. J5-2570). Keywords: alcoholism, addiction, family, relationships, children, development 7 1 UVOD E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Po podatkih Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje (2016, 7) 43 % prebivalcev Slovenije, starih AT B 1 O th IO U A 25–64 let, pije visoko tvegano (pije alkohol v količinah ali na način, ki lahko kratko- in/ali dolgoroč- N A T P NN no vodijo do razvoja škodljivih posledic zaradi alkohola). Ob takih številki je veliko tudi oseb, ki jih E N U O D M A P škodljiva raba alkohola posredno prizadene in zaznamuje. Med njimi so predvsem partnerji in otroci L L C E 2 E ON oseb s problematičnim uživanjem alkohola. V ZDA naj bi 1 od 10 otrok (10,5 %) živel z vsaj enim star-N 0 TA 2 F šem z motnjo zlorabe alkohola (Lipari, Struther in Van Horn 2017). Pri tem ni problematična le sama 3 E L H R :S E zloraba substanc pri starših, ampak predvsem to, da se v povezavi s tem pogosteje razvijejo dodatne E O NC A C L I E A obremenilne okoliščine, ki vplivajo na otrokov razvoj. T O H / P L A F EN Alkoholiki imajo različne težave. Alkoholizem vodi v disfunkcionalnost v njihovem življenju. Njih-U D T R R O ove vsakodnevne rutine so motene, negativen je tudi vpliv na njihovo kognitivno delovanje, saj OP C E E C so omejene njihove sposobnosti odločanja, spominske sposobnosti, pozornost in sklepanje. Njih-E H E’ D N S I O S ovo vedenje je impulzivno, zato so bolj izpostavljeni nesrečam. Prisotne so z alkoholom povezane N L C G O IE S B G bolezni, kot so bolezni srca in ožilja, rak in ciroza jeter, zaradi česar je tudi smrtnost pri teh osebah NC IC O A E višja (približno 5 % vseh smrti naj bi bila zaradi motenj, povezanih z uživanjem alkohola) (Svetovna O S L D K W A zdravstvena organizacija 2019, 5–13). Ljudje s težavami z alkoholom večinoma razvijejo tudi psihoE N V D IT E A loške motnje, med najbolj opaženimi sta antisocialno vedenje in depresija. Prisotno je bolj agresiv-H P LO R P T no vedenje in so bolj nagnjeni k uporabi nasilja (Şen-Aslan 2021, 128). Zato alkoholiki poleg škode, E S M E L R R E E ki jo alkohol povzroča njim samim, škodujejo tudi drugim in družbi na splošno. N A E T I D V E N S Če so alkoholiki starši, ima alkoholizem škodljiv vpliv na celotno družino. Zloraba alkohola je I R E S W O E A družinski problem. Alkoholiki namreč niso edini, ki so oškodovani, saj so zelo oškodovani tudi R N V N S D I njihovi najbližji družinski člani. Domače družinsko okolje je neurejeno, ker starši alkoholiki ne C S E O C C izpolnjujejo svojih vlog in odgovornosti ter ne opravljajo svojih družinskih, starševskih in drugih H HOL O F S L obveznosti. Zaradi tega drugi družinski člani prevzamejo veliko več vlog in odgovornosti. Verjetneje A E A C R R U je, da družina živi v slabih socialno-ekonomskih razmerah. V družini, kjer živijo alkoholiki, se L S Y P R IT pogosteje pojavljajo družinski konflikti. V teh domovih je več verbalnih, fizičnih in čustvenih zlorab, A Y A PE kar pomeni prisotnost travmatičnih izkušenj, ki so jim podvrženi vsi družinski člani (Park in Schepp N RS D D 2015, 1224–1225). Negativno je prizadeta tudi komunikacija med družinskimi člani, ki temelji bolj IG na agresiji (Haverfield idr. 2016, 111–112). Med družinskimi člani morda ni pozitivne interakcije, NIT zato je družinska kohezija slaba. Na splošno se o temah, povezanih z alkoholom, v družini in zunaj Y nje ne pogovarjajo in se sramujejo situacije. Alkohol je skrita tema in družinski člani se zaradi prikri-vanja te teme lahko tudi socialno izolirajo (Şen-Aslan 2021, 128). Alkoholizem pri starših tako vpliva na njihovo sposobnost, da bi skrbeli za otroke. Vzgoja staršev alkoholikov ne zagotavlja vzgoje, ki jo otrok potrebuje. Do svojih otrok ne pristopajo tako toplo in senzitivno, so manj odzivni in se ne vključujejo toliko v interakcijo z otroki. Otrok ne podpirajo in ne kažejo zanimanja za njihove potrebe (Eiden idr. 2009, 37). Starši alkoholiki svoje otroke velikokrat zanemarjajo in zavračajo. Večkrat tudi uporabljajo avtoritaren, preveč vpleten starševski stil, so bolj grobi, ukazovalni in kaznovalni v discipliniranju in izvajajo manj starševskega nadzora (Solis idr. 2012, 143). Sporočila, ki jih otroci alkoholikov dobivajo s strani staršev, so nekonsistentna in kar koli naredijo, starši tega ne potrdijo. Negativno starševstvo staršev alkoholikov tako privede do tega, da se otroci počutijo neprimerne (Park in Schepp 2015, 1226). Starši alkoholiki lahko škodljivo vplivajo tudi na vzgojo svojih partnerjev, ki niso alkoholiki, so pa velikokrat prezasedeni s težavami svojega partnerja. Lahko so preobremenjeni z odgovornostjo za celotno družino, lahko pa so tudi žrtve nasilja partnerja alkoholika. Zaradi vsega tega tudi starš, ki ni alkoholik, ne zmore primerno opravljati svoje starševske vloge (Şen-Aslan 2021, 128). Družina in odnosi v njej so pomembni za otrokov socialno-čustveni razvoj, saj se v tem kontekstu razvija otrokova identiteta, primerno vedenje, socialne spretnosti, občutek za sebe in druge ter uravnavanje vedenja in čustev (Şen-Aslan 2021, 129). V družinah, kjer je prisoten alkoholizem star- šev, pogojev za zdrav razvoj ni. Otroci večkrat ostanejo prepuščeni sami sebi in svojemu svetu, kjer ne najdejo pravih odgovorov na svoja doživljanja. Družinsko okolje, ki je kaotično, nestrukturirano ter nepredvidljivo, otroke pušča same, da ugibajo in sprašujejo, kaj se bo zgodilo zdaj in kaj je nor-malno (Lander idr. 2013, 200). Pogosta čustva, ki jih ti otroci doživljajo, so tesnoba, strah, depresija, krivda, sram, osamljenost, zmeda in jeza. Lahko celo verjamejo, da so oni povzročili zasvojenost pri 8 starših, prevzemajo pa tudi veliko njihovih čustvenih vsebin. Družine s starši alkoholiki so namreč V Z 1 slabo diferencirane, saj je v alkoholičnih družinskih sistemih velikokrat prisotno pomanjkanje priZ A Č 1 G . Z O L mernih razmejitev (Kelley idr. 2007, 676). J O N A V A , I E N Otroci so zaradi neprimernih razmejitev v družinah s starši alkoholiki čustveno zasedeni in podreje-Z K S O A G T B V ni vzdušju v družini. To velikokrat pomeni preobremenitev otrok z nalogami in vlogami, za katere A E R N Ž E 2 čustveno niso dozoreli, kar znatno zaznamuje njihov zdrav razvoj. Otroci mnogokrat stopijo v vlogo E A K VA 02 O skrbnika za druge družinske člane (sorojence ali nemočne in nesposobne starše), pri čemer govori-N 3 N JE I : D F mo o postaršenju otroka (Earley in Cushway 2002, 165–167). Postaršeni otroci so otroci ali najstniki, E N D R R U E ki prevzamejo vloge in odgovornosti nefunkcionalnih staršev, preden so za to dovolj čustveno ali ra-N U ŽB C Š zvojno zreli (Kelley idr. 2007, 676). S tem poskušajo v družino prinašati red in nadomestiti primanj-E A Z M E N VN I I kljaje, ki izvirajo iz nefunkcionalnosti staršev alkoholikov pri opravljanju starševskih vlog (Pasternak O Z N T ED in Schier 2012, 52). Ko se zamenjajo vloge staršev in otrok, otrok pogosto žrtvuje svoje lastne pot-D E N H R A rebe, da bi skrbel za fizične ali čustvene potrebe starša ali sorojencev (Kelley idr. 2007, 676). Otrok s A N R V O O J L D tem stopa v zanj »prevelike čevlje«, saj so zahteve, da bi deloval kot odrasli, prezahtevne za njegovo E / Z O N Š O U K stopnjo razvoja in sposobnosti. Za njihovo razvojno zrelost je to preveč, saj doživljajo, da so sami od-B I R O D govorni za to, kaj se dogaja v družini, to pa posplošijo tudi na druge življenjske situacije in odnose. R A E N Z L V E Postanejo hiperodgovorni tudi za dobrobit in srečo drugih oseb, saj je njihov občutek vrednosti po-IK R O ŽB J Z O gosto vezan na to, da jih drugi pohvalijo in cenijo. Zelo zgodaj se naučijo, da nimajo nobenih zahtev EC A V E ali želja, saj niso pomembne toliko kot želje in potrebe drugih. To dojemanje otroci nesejo s seboj v N A Z R I najstništvo in odraslost, saj so jim predstavljajo (izkrivljene) temelje, na katerih delujejo naprej in R N A O N S ohranjajo iluzijo, da je vse dobro (Ruben 2001, 9–13). I T T H Z E Pri otrocih staršev alkoholikov je prisotno večje tveganje za razvoj negativnih posledic, čeprav pa N R D A vsi otroci staršev alkoholikov nimajo težav; nekateri razvijejo tudi odpornost in stabilnost, kar je N O S S T T odvisno od različnih okoliščin in podpornih sistemov v družini (Park in Schepp 2015, 1227). Študije V O E J N A pa poročajo, da imajo otroci alkoholikov večje nagnjenje k izražanju pozunanjenih problemov, kot N IH P ST sta npr. hiperaktivnost in agresija, in internalizaciji problemov, kot so nizko samospoštovanje in više V R O I stopnje depresije (Lease 2002; Molina idr. 2010), negativna čustva (Mylant idr. 2002; Rafferty in Har-SPE tley 2006), zloraba substanc (Yau idr. 2012), težave v medosebnih odnosih (Hinz 1990). V primerjavi VKO z vrstniki kažejo otroci staršev alkoholikov več tesnobe, depresije, uporniškega in agresivnega ve-V denja ter težav s prilagodljivostjo, obenem pa manj samospoštovanja in socialne kompetentnosti (Solis idr. 2012, 139). Značilnosti in narava odraščanja v družini, kjer je prisoten alkoholizem, povečuje ranljivost, da otroci alkoholikov tudi kasneje v odrasli dobi razvijejo nekatere težave (Harter 2000, 313). Odrasli otroci alkoholikov (OOA) so osebe, starejše od 18 let, ki so del ali celo svoje otroštvo odraščale v disfunkcionalni družini, kjer je bil največji problem alkoholna zasvojenost enega ali obeh staršev (Pasternak in Schier 2012, 51). Gre za odrasle, ki trpijo za posledicami učinkov alkoholizma v primarni družini, kar nekateri imenujejo kar »sindrom OOA«. Številna klinična opažanja in raziskave potrjujejo, da so OOA dokaj homogena skupina z nekaterimi podobnimi značilnostmi na kontinuumu doživljanja in psihosocialnega funkcioniranja, kar je posledica odraščanja v specifičnih okoliščinah in dinamikah, ki so bile prisotne v družini zaradi alkoholizma staršev (Harter 2000, 313). OOA so osebe, ki so na eni strani ujete v strahove in reakcije otroka, na drugi strani pa so kot otroci morale prehitro postati odrasli, ne da bi šli skozi naravne faze razvoja otroka, kjer bi bil omogočen optimalen razvoj v zdravo odraslo osebo. Tako je videti, kot da imajo OOA dve identiteti: istočasno so odrasli in otroci, saj nerešene in travmatične vsebine, ki izvirajo iz otroških izkušenj odraščanja ob starših alkoholikih, oblikujejo njihovo funkcioniranje v odraslosti (Pasternak in Schier 2012, 52). V primerjavi z odraslimi, ki prihajajo iz družin, kjer starši niso bili zasvojeni z alkoholom, je npr. pri OOA višje tveganje za zlorabo substanc, več simptomov depresije, antisocialnega vedenja, nižje samospoštovanje, več tesnobnih motenj in relacijskih težav (Beesley in Stoltenberg 2002, 283–286; Harter 2000, 313–320). Prepoznati je mogoče kar nekaj tipičnih značilnosti v osebnosti in psihosocialnem delovanju OOA, ki so posledica odraščanja v družini, kjer je bil prisoten alkoholizem staršev. V njihovi odraslosti se namreč dinamika iz otroštva in sistemi prepričanj razširijo na življenje na splošno, ne glede na situacijo, dinamiko ali akterje. Občutek o sebi in lastno samovrednost običajno gradijo na skrbi za druge in verjamejo, da je to edina lastnost, zaradi katere so nekaj vredni in pomembni. Ves čas pa 9 jih je strah, da če nečesa ne bodo zmogli, da bodo zapuščeni s strani drugih. Težko se sprostijo, ker se E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 bojijo, da bi izpadli kot ne dovolj dobri (Hall in Webster 2007, 498). OOA so lojalni (soodvisni) onkraj CAT B 1 vseh razumnih meja. Velikokrat postanejo odvisne osebnosti, ki se bojijo zavrnitve in bi naredili vse, O th IO U A da bi ohranili odnos. Posledica te lojalnosti onkraj vseh razumnih vidikov je pretirano dojemanje N A T P NN E odgovornosti, ki se samo ali predvsem osredotoča na dobrobit druge osebe, sploh če je zaznana N U O D M A P L L njena krhkost. Pomoč drugim vključuje popolno preokupiranost z organiziranjem, reševanjem ali C E 2 E ON N usmerjanjem življenj šibkejših oseb (Ruben 2001, 12–13). 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R : OOA se bojijo izgubiti kontrolo, kar je posledica izkušenj nepredvidljivega družinskega okolja, kjer S E E O NC A C je bilo treba zanikati alkoholizem oz. njegovo resnost in s tem ustvarjati občutek iluzije, kot da je vse L I E A T O H / P L A dobro (pod kontrolo). OOA imajo težave z odnosi. Težave vključujejo težave v navezanosti, intimi in F E N U postavljanju primernih medosebnih razmejitev (Harter 2000, 322–326). OOA se bojijo konflikta. V D T R R O OP konfliktih se namreč prebudi odmev situacije, iz katere je bilo v otroštvu nemogoče pobegniti ali se C E E C E H E’ ji izogniti, ko so jih starši kaznovali in s tem povzročali osramočenost, samokritičnost (nisem dovolj D N S I O S N L C dober) in obupno potrebo po odobritvi (Hall in Webster 2007, 499). OOA so preveč samokritični. S G O IE S B G NC tem je velikokrat povezana tudi slaba samopodoba (Harter 2000, 321–322). IC O A E O S L D OOA imajo več fizičnih težav kot osebe, ki so odraščale v nealkoholičnih družinah (Hart idr. 2003, 53), K W A E N V D številni OOA pa postanejo tudi sami odvisni od alkohola. Pogosto se čutijo negotove, samoobsoja-IT E A H P LO R joče in se bojijo intime. Ko odrastejo, se tako nadaljujejo njihove težave z zaupanjem, odvisnostjo v P T E S M E L odnosih, samokontrolo, identiteto in izražanjem občutkov (Harter 2000, 323–324). R R E E N A E T I D V E N S 1.1 Namen raziskave in hipoteze I R E S W O E A R OOA imajo velikokrat težave na področju doživljanja, izražanja in reguliranja svojih čustev, saj so N V N S D IC S v disfunkcionalni družini doživljali veliko čustvenih bremen, obenem pa ni bilo prave možnosti za E O C C H HOL zdrav razvoj regulacije teh čustev. Čustva pogosto potlačijo in zavračajo, da bi delili karkoli osebne-O F S LA E A ga ali ranljivega (Hall in Webster 2007, 502). Na osnovi tega se oblikujejo specifični načini doživlja-C R R U L S nja sebe, drugih in odnosov, ki običajno pomenijo zaplete v vsakdanjem funkcioniranju. Te vidike Y P R IT A Y A smo želeli preveriti v naši raziskavi. Najprej nas je zanimalo, kakšne so značilnosti čustvene regula-PE NR cije in psihosocialnega delovanja OOA v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso odraščale v družinah s starši S D D alkoholiki. Nato pa smo raziskali, ali je funkcionalnost čustvene regulacije pomemben dejavnik, ki IGN se pri OOA povezuje s težavami v psihosocialnem delovanju. ITY Preverjali smo dve hipotezi: 1. OOA v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso OOA, doživljajo več težav na področju uravnavanja čustev, doživljajo več individualnih problemov in manj moči, svoje trenutno družinsko življenje ocenjujejo kot manj funkcionalno in so manj zadovoljni s svojim partnerskim odnosom. 2. Večje težave v regulaciji čustvenega procesiranja pri OOA so povezane z višjo stopnjo individualnih problemov, manjšo stopnjo osebnih moči, slabšo oceno trenutnega družinskega življenja in slabšim partnerskim odnosom. 2 METODA 2.1 Udeleženci V raziskavi je sodelovalo 563 udeležencev, od tega je bilo 229 (42,5 %) OOA. V celotnem vzorcu je bilo 72,6 % žensk in 26,8 % moških. Povprečna starost vseh udeležencev je bila 36 let (min=18 let; max=74 let; SD=14,73). V skupini OOA je 77 % udeležencev odgovorilo, da je imel težave z alkoholom samo oče, 10 % da je imela težave z alkoholom samo mama, 10 % da sta imela težave oba starša, 3 % OOA pa na vprašanje ni odgovorilo. 2.2 Pripomočki in postopek Udeleženci so poleg splošnega vprašalnika o demografskih podatkih (spol, starost) in vprašanja o težavah z alkoholom pri starših izpolnjevali še naslednje vprašalnike: 1. Presejalni test otrok alkoholikov (Children of Alcoholics Screening test - CAST-6) (Hodgins idr. 1993; Pilat in Jones 1984) je samoocenjevalni merski instrument, ki ocenjuje otrokove občutke, vedénje ter izkušnje, povezane z uporabo oziroma zlorabo alkohola s strani staršev in kaže, ali obstaja mož- nost, da je anketirani otrok alkoholika. 10 2. Lestvico težav pri regulaciji čustev – krajša verzija (Difficulties in emotion regulation scale – Short V Z 1 form - DERS – SF) (Gratz in Roemer 2004; Kaufman idr. 2016), ki je kratek samoporočevalni instru-Z A Č 1 G . Z O L ment za oceno različnih vidikov čustvene disregulacije oz. neprimerne regulacije čustev na šestih J O N A V A , I E N področjih: nesprejemanje čustvenih odzivov, težave pri vedenju, usmerjenemu k določenemu ci-Z K S O A G T lju, težave pri kontroli impulzov, pomanjkanje čustvenega zavedanja, omejen dostop do strategij B V A E R N Ž čustvene regulacije in pomanjkanje čustvene jasnosti. Višji rezultat kaže na večjo prisotnost pro-E 2 E A K V blemov v čustveni regulaciji. Koeficient zanesljivosti (Cronbachov alfa) za celotni vprašalnik v naši A 02 O N 3 N J raziskavi znaša ɑ=0,823. E I : D FE N D R R U E 3. Lestvico individualni problemi in moči (Individual problems and strenghts - IPS), ki je del in-N U ŽB C Š strumenta STIC (Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change) (Pinsof idr. 2015). Uporablja se za oceno E A Z M E N VN I I posameznikovih problematičnih in močnih področij. V skupino problemov se uvrščajo dimenzije: O Z N T ED izraženost negativnih afektov, odsotnost inhibicije močnih impulzov, fleksibilnost/odpornost, nera-D E N H R A zumevanje samega sebe, zloraba substanc. Višji kot so rezultati na teh lestvicah, več težav oz. indi-A N R V O O J L D vidualnih problemov imajo posamezniki. V skupino osebnih moči se uvrščajo dimenzije: življenjska E / Z O N Š O U K funkcionalnost, odprtost samoizražanja, samosprejemanje. Višji kot so rezultati na teh lestvicah, več B I R O D individualnih moči imajo posamezniki. Koeficient zanesljivosti (Cronbachov alfa) za lestvico posa-R A E N Z L V E meznikovih problemov v naši raziskavi je sprejemljiv in znaša I ɑ=0,682, za dimenzijo posamezniko- K R O ŽB J Z O vih moči pa znaša ɑ=0,776. EC A V EN A 4. Lestvico sedanje družine (Family/Household Scale - FH), ki je del instrumenta STIC (Systemic The-Z R IR N rapy Inventory of Change) (Pinsof idr. 2015), s katero smo ocenjevali naslednje dimenzije družin-A O N S ske funkcionalnosti: pozitivno vzdušje v sedanji družini, negativno vzdušje v sedanji družini, fizič- I T T H Z E no zlorabo v sedanji družini, odločanje v sedanji družini, jasnost mej v sedanji družini in občutenje N R D A nerazumevanja v sedanji družini. Višji rezultat na skupnem seštevku pomeni več funkcionalnosti v N O S S T T sedanji družini. Koeficient zanesljivosti (Cronbachov alfa) za celotni vprašalnik v naši raziskavi znaša V O E J N A ɑ=0,866. N IH P ST 5. Kansaško lestvico zadovoljstva v zakonski zvezi (Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale - KMSS) (Schu-V R O IS mm idr. 1986), ki je namenjena ocenjevanju zadovoljstva v zakonski/partnerski zvezi. Višji rezultat PEV pomeni večje zadovoljstvo s partnerskim odnosom. Koeficient zanesljivosti (Cronbachov alfa) za KO vprašalnik v naši raziskavi znaša ɑ=0,951. V Udeleženci so vprašalnik reševali v spletni obliki (povabilo za sodelovanje v raziskavi s povezavo do vprašalnika je bilo poslano na različne naslove in forume) in pisno (te udeležence smo pridobili na eni izmed klinik za zdravljenje alkoholizma). Anketiranje je potekalo od junija 2021 do maja 2022. Rezultate smo izračunali z uporabo programskega paketa SPSS 20. 3 REZULTATI Hipoteza 1. OOA v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso OOA, doživljajo več težav na področju uravnavanja čustev, doživljajo več individualnih problemov in manj moči, svoje trenutno družinsko življenje ocenjujejo kot manj funkcionalno in so manj zadovoljni s svojim partnerskim odnosom. Primerjali smo podatke, ki se nanašajo na težave v funkcionalnosti čustvenega procesiranja, individualne probleme in moči, funkcionalnost trenutnega družinskega življenja in zadovoljstvo s partnerskim odnosom glede na to, ali so udeleženci OOA, ali pa ne (razdelitev v ti dve skupini je bila narejena na osnovi vprašalnika CAST-6). Primerjava povprečnih vrednosti teh dimenzij pri OOA in osebah, ki niso OOA, so prikazane na Sliki 1. 11 Slika 1: Srednje vrednosti na skupnih dimenzijah posameznih lestvic pri OOA in osebah, ki niso OOA E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 O th IO U A N A T P NN E N U O D M A P L L C E 2 E ON N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E E O NC A C L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S I O S N L C G O IE S B G NC IC O A E O S L D K W A E N V D IT E A H P LO R P T E S M E L R R E E N A E T I D V E N S Vir: Raziskava avtorjev 2021-2022. I R E S W O E A R Vidimo lahko, da OOA v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso OOA, ocenjujejo, da imajo več težav v čustveni N V N S D IC S regulaciji, več individualnih problemov in manj individualnih moči, slabše ocenjujejo kvaliteto treE O C C H HOL nutnega družinskega življenja, prav tako pa nižje ocenjujejo zadovoljstvo v partnerskem odnosu. O F S LA E A C Statistično pomembnost razlik med skupinama smo zaradi nenormalne distribucije spremenljivk R R U L S Y P R (ugotovljeno s Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom) preverili z Mann-Whitney U-testom za neodvisne vzor-IT A Y A ce. Rezultati (Tabela 1) so pokazali, da obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike med obema skupina-PE NR ma v vseh skupnih dimenzijah, prav tako pa pri večini poddimenzij težav čustvene regulacije. OOA S D D I doživljajo statistično pomembno več težav pri regulaciji čustev, in sicer imajo več težav pri vedenju, GN usmerjenemu k določenemu cilju, več težav pri kontroli čustvenih impulzov, do različnih strategij ITY čustvene regulacije imajo bolj omejen dostop, prav tako je pri njih opaziti več pomanjkanja jasnosti glede čustev. OOA doživljajo statistično pomembno več individualnih problemov (negativni afekti, težavna kontrola impulzov, nefleksibilnost, nerazumevanje sebe, zloraba substanc) in manj moči (splošna življenjska funkcionalnost, odprtost samoizražanja, samosprejemanje). Na področju odnosov doživljajo statistično pomembno slabše vzdušje v sedanjem družinskem življenju (manj pozitivnega in več negativnega vzdušja), prav tako izražajo nižje zadovoljstvo s svojim zakonskim/ partnerskim odnosom. 12 V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z Tabela 1: Deskriptivna statistika na posameznih merskih lestvicah pri OOA in osebah, ki niso OOA O L J O N A V A ter rezultati Mann-Whitneyevega U-testa za razlike med skupinama , I E N Z K S O A G T B V N M SD KSz KSp U (p) A E R N Ž E 2 E A K V OOA 211 6,63 3,12 A 02 O Nesprejemanje čustvenih odzivov 0,193 0,000 26881,50 N 3 N (0,074) J ni OOA 281 6,20 3,08 E I : D FE N D R R U E OOA 214 8,28 3,09 N U ŽB C cilji 0,198 0,000 25637,00 Š E A Z M (0,003) E ni OOA 283 7,48 3,05 N VN I I O Z N T E OOA 212 5,65 2,48 D D E N impulzi 0,177 0,000 24233,00 H (0,000) R A ni OOA 281 4,95 2,30 A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N OOA 215 6,46 2,71 Š O U K DERS zavedanje 0,140 0,000 29158,00 B I R (0,504) ni OOA 281 6,59 2,68 O D R A E N Z L V E OOA 212 6,66 2,73 IK R O ŽB Omejene strategije regulacije 0,158 0,000 25704,50 J Z O (0,009) E ni OOA 281 6,04 2,62 C A V EN A OOA 212 6,12 2,47 Z R IR N Čustvena jasnost 0,161 0,000 26034,00 A O (0,018) ni OOA 280 5,66 2,49 N S I T T H Z E OOA 204 39,57 11,96 N R D SKUPAJ 0,081 0,000 22915,50 A (0,005) N O ni OOA 265 36,68 11,99 S S T T V O OOA 215 33,28 8,94 E J 0,095 N AN PROBLEMI 0,000 26526,50 IH P (0,008) S ni OOA 286 31,28 8,89 TV R IPS O IS OOA 212 21,66 4,50 PE MOČI 0,099 0,000 26195,00 V (0,007) ni OOA 296 22,67 4,39 KOV OOA 157 47,94 8,52 FH SKUPAJ 0,128 0,000 14215,50 (0,041) ni OOA 207 50,03 6,98 OOA 130 15,84 4,82 8265,50 KMSS SKUPAJ 0,222 0,000 ni OOA 154 17,07 4,42 (0,010) Opombe: N – numerus; M – aritmetična sredina; SD – standardni odklon; KSz – vrednost na Kolmogorov-Smirno-vem testu; KSp – statistična pomembnost Kolmogorov-Smirnov testa; U – Mann-Whitney U-test; p – statistična pomembnost; DERS – Lestvica težav pri regulaciji čustev; IPS – Lestvica individualni problemi in moči; FH – Lestvica sedanje družine; KMSS – Kansaška lestvica zadovoljstva v zakonski zvezi. Vir: Raziskava avtorjev 2021-2022. Hipoteza 2. Večje težave v regulaciji čustvenega procesiranja pri OOA so povezane z višjo stopnjo individualnih problemov, manjšo stopnjo osebnih moči, slabšo oceno trenutnega družinskega življenja in slabšim partnerskim odnosom. Nadalje smo na vzorcu OOA preverjali, kako se težave v regulaciji čustev pri posameznikih povezuje-jo z vidiki osebne funkcionalnosti (individualni problemi in moči) ter relacijskim kontekstom (kvaliteta trenutnega družinskega življenja in zadovoljstvo s partnerskim odnosom). Zaradi nenormalne distribucije spremenljivk (ugotovljeno s Kolmogorov-Smirnov testom) smo za ugotavljanje povezanosti uporabili Spearmanov korelacijski koeficient. Iz rezultatov (Tabela 2) je razvidno, da obstaja trend, da več kot OOA doživljajo težav v regulaciji čustev, manj je pri njih prisotnih osebnih moči in več je osebnih problemov. Več težav v regulaciji čustev pri OOA je statistično pomembno negativno povezano z vidiki funkcionalnosti v sedanji družini ter zadovoljstvom s partnerskim odnosom. 13 Tabela 2: Korelacijski koeficienti (Spearmanov rho) med težavami v regulaciji čustev (po poddi-E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 menzijah in skupaj), individualnim problemi ter močmi, funkcionalnostjo trenutnega družinske-CAT B 1 ga življenja in zadovoljstvom v zakonskem/partnerskem odnosu (N = 229) O th IO U A N A T P NN DERS-ne- DERS-po- DERS-omeje- E N U O sprejemanje DERS-težave DERS-težave manjkanje ne strategije DERS-poman- D M A P L L C čustvenih pri usmerje- pri kontroli čustvenega čustvene re- jkanje čustve- DERS- E 2 E ON N odzivov nosti k cilju impulzov zavedanja gulacije ne jasnosti SKUPAJ 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R IPS-moči -,494** -,466** -,389** -,533** -,575** -,499** -,683** :S E E O NC A C IPS-problemi ,539** ,511** ,553** ,354** ,648** ,602** ,738** L I E A T O H / P L A F E FH-skupaj -,258** -0,145 -,268** -,318** -,285** -,358** -,340** N U D T R R O OP KMSS-skupaj -0,073 -,252** -0,139 -0,129 -,179* -,252** -,236** C E E C E H E’ D N S Opombe: DERS – Lestvica težav pri regulaciji čustev; IPS – Lestvica individualni problemi in moči; FH – Lestvica I O S N L C G sedanje družine; KMSS – Kansaška lestvica zadovoljstva v zakonski/partnerski zvezi; * – statistično pomemben O IE S B G NC I rezultat na nivoju 5 % tveganja; ** – statistično pomemben rezultat na nivoju 1 % tveganja. C O A E O S L D Vir: Raziskava avtorjev 2021-2022. K W A E N V D IT E A H P LO R 4 RAZPRAVA P T E S M E L R R E E N Rezultati Mann-Whitneyevega U-testa kažejo, da OOA v primerjavi z osebami, ki niso OOA, doživljajo A E T I D V E statistično pomembno več težav v regulaciji čustev. Prav tako doživljajo več individualni problemov N S I R E S W O E A in manj individualnih moči, svoje trenutno družinsko življenje ocenjujejo kot manj funkcionalno in R N V N S D so manj zadovoljni s svojim partnerskim odnosom. Rezultati tako potrjujejo, da alkoholizem staršev IC S E O C C in okoliščine, ki se ob tem ustvarjajo, globoko negativno zaznamujejo psihosocialno delovanje in H HOL O F S relacijski kontekst otrok alkoholikov tudi v njihovi odrasli dobi. OOA imajo v primerjavi z osebami, LA E A C R R U ki niso OOA, več težav pri regulaciji čustev skoraj v vseh dimenzijah čustvene regulacije. Od oseb L S Y P R IT navezanosti se v sistemu navezanosti in modeliranja otrok nauči regulirati svoje afekte. Starši, ki A Y A P zlorabljajo substance, so verjetno tudi sami nezmožni funkcionalne regulacije afekta, ki je podla-E N RS D D ga ali pa rezultat njihove zlorabe substanc (Saleem in Seema Gul 2018, 228–230). V družinah, kjer IG je prisoten alkoholizem staršev, je prisotnih tudi več travmatičnih izkustev, ob tem pa ni primerne NIT čustvene regulacije stiske, ki se ob tem pojavlja. Zato je oviran razvoj zdrave regulacije afekta pri Y otrocih, saj se pri soočanju s čustveno stisko pojavijo neprimerno regulirani odzivi. Ti se pri otrocih in mladostnikih lahko pojavijo v obliki internalizacije problemov, kot so depresija, tesnoba, zloraba substanc, ali v eksternalizaciji problemov, kot so uporništvo, prestopništvo (kraje, laganje), izbruhi jeze, agresivnost, impulzivnost in zloraba substanc (Lander idr. 2013, 198). Vse to pa se nadaljuje tudi v odraslo dobo. V obdobju mlade odraslosti so motnje razpoloženja pri otrocih alkoholikov skoraj dvakrat pogostejše kot pri vrstnikih (Hussong idr. 2005, 747; Solis idr. 2012, 139). Tudi v odraslosti imajo otroci alkoholikov več težav na področju osebnega funkcioniranja (npr. višja stopnja tveganja za zlorabo substanc, razvoj simptomov depresije, antisocialno vedenje, nižje samospoštovanje, tesnobne motnje, relacijski problemi) (Beesley in Stoltenberg 2002, 283–286; Harter 2000, 313–320). To potrjujejo tudi rezultati naše raziskave, saj OOA doživljajo več individualnih problemov in razvijejo manj individualnih moči. Tudi v relacijah z drugimi OOA kažejo nižjo funkcionalnost. Poročajo o manj zadovoljstva v zakonskem/partnerskem odnosu ter o manj funkcionalnem družinskem življenju. Možno je, da se zaradi slabe družinske klime ter zapletov v kognitivnem in socio-emocionalnem delovanju staršev pri otrocih staršev alkoholikov pojavijo tudi motnje navezanosti, kar se lahko kaže v nesposobnosti vzpostavljanja zaupljivih odnosov z drugimi ljudmi tudi v njihovi odraslosti (Lander idr. 2013, 197). Možno pa je tudi, da se zaradi različnih negativnih psihičnih posledic, kot je tudi slabša sposobnost regulacije afekta, ne zmorejo razviti primerne notranje umiritve in regulacije, zato so tudi njihovi odnosi bolj konfliktni in manj zadovoljujoči. Tudi nekatere druge raziskave kažejo, da imajo OOA te- žave z odnosi, ki lahko vključujejo težave v navezanosti, intimi in postavljanju primernih medosebnih razmejitev (Harter 2000, 323–324). Že v otroštvu se pri otrocih alkoholikov razvije ne-varna tes-nobna ter izogibajoča navezanost, saj so njihovi starši njihove čustvene potrebe velikokrat zavračali in zanemarjali. Zato tudi v odraslosti otroci alkoholikov razvijejo ne-varne tesnobne ali izogibajoče odnose s svojimi intimnimi partnerji (Şen-Aslan 2021, 129). 14 Čustvena disregulacija je definirana kot nesposobnost oblikovati primerne čustvene odzive. Posa-V Z 1 mezniki, pri katerih je prisotna čustvena disregulacija, se v stresnih in čustveno zahtevnejših situaci-Z A Č 1 G . Z O L jah odzivajo na načine, ki so izven predvidljivega okvira tipičnih odzivov. V ozadju številnih vedenj-J O N A V A , I E N skih in relacijskih zapletov in simptomatike so tako deficiti v čustveni regulaciji (Gratz in Roemer Z K S O A G T 2004, 41). Na ta trend kažejo tudi rezultati naše raziskave. Ugotovili smo, da več kot OOA doživljajo B V A E R N Ž težav v regulaciji čustev, manj je pri njih prisotnih osebnih moči, več je osebnih problemov, nižje je E 2 E A K V ocenjena funkcionalnost v sedanji družini in nižje je zadovoljstvo s partnerskim odnosom. Če izhaja-A 02 O N 3 N J mo iz ugotovitve, da je pri OOA prisotnih več težav v regulaciji afekta kot pri osebah, ki niso OOA, po-E I : D FE N D R R tem lahko rečemo, da so OOA zaradi težav v čustveni regulaciji bolj ranljivi tudi v sedanjem osebnem U EN U ŽB C funkcioniranju, družinskih ter partnerskih odnosih. Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED 5 SKLEP D E N H R A A N R V O O Čeprav vsi otroci alkoholikov ne odrastejo v odrasle, ki bi ne bili funkcionalni, z našo raziskavo, ki se J L D E / Z O N Š pridružuje tudi drugim obstoječim raziskavam tega področja, izpostavljamo vidno in nevidno tve-O U K B I R ganje, ki so mu izpostavljeni otroci alkoholikov v svojih primarnih družinah, posledice pa so vidne O D R A E N Z L tudi v odrasli dobi. Škoda, ki jo utrpijo družine zaradi zasvojenosti staršev, je lahko skrajna in ne-V E IK R O ŽB J Z posredna, lahko je tudi bolj posredna, ne prizanese pa nobeni družini. Otroci so žrtve zasvojenosti O EC A V svojih staršev in brazgotine izkušenj odraščanja ob teh starših na različne načine nosijo naprej skozi EN A Z R življenje. V naši raziskavi osvetljujemo predvsem dinamiko čustvene regulacije, ki se pri otrocih, ki IR N A O odraščajo ob staršu alkoholiku, težje razvija v funkcionalno smer. OOA imajo v primerjavi z osebami, N S I T T H Z ki niso odraščale ob starših alkoholikih, več težav v čustveni regulaciji, ki pa se povezuje s težavami E N R D v njihovem osebnem in relacijskem funkcioniranju. Na osnovi teh rezultatov izpostavljamo vidik AN O čustvene regulacije OOA kot področje ranljivosti, ki se ob ustrezni podpori in obravnavi (npr. psihoS S T T V O terapija) lahko tudi preoblikuje v bolj funkcionalne oblike, kar posledično lahko vodi k višji kvaliteti E J N AN I življenja OOA in njihovih bližnjih. H P STVROISPE LITERATURA VKO 1. Beesley, Denise in Cal D. Stoltenberg. 2002. 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Nucleus accumbens response to incentive stimuli anticipation in children of alcoholics: Relationships with precursive behavioral risk and lifetime alcohol use. The Journal of Neuroscience 32(7): 2544–2551. 16 MLADI ODRASLI IN NJIHOVO DOJEMANJE V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L SMISLA ŽIVLJENJA J O N A V A , I E N Z K S YOUNG ADULTS AND THEIR PERCEPTION O A G T B V A E R OF THE MEANING OF LIFE N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N J Lidija Zorman, mag. zdr. ved. E I : D FE N D R R Jasmina Kristovič, mag. ZDŠ. U EN U ŽB C Alma Mater Europaea – Evropski Center, Maribor, Slovenija Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N POVZETEK H R A A N R V O O J L D Uvod: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti v kolikšni meri mladi odrasli dojemajo svoje življenje os-E / Z O N Š O U K mišljeno in v kolikšni meri se že kaže prisotnost bivanjskega vakuuma ali eksistencialne krize. B I R O D R A E Metode: Vzorec raziskave je zajel 30 naključno izbranih anketirancev, starih od 20 do 25 let. V N Z L V E IK R O Ž empiričnem delu raziskave smo uporabili začetni del (segment A) lestvice življenjskih ciljev, ime-B J Z O E novane PIL-test (Purpose in life). C A V EN A Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se velik del sodelujočih mladih odraslih v raziskavi Z R IR N (67 %) nahaja v območju bivanjske praznote. Slednje nakazuje na pomanjkanje njihovega smisla A O N S I T T in jasnih življenjskih ciljev. 20 % sodelujočih se nahaja v območju bivanjske prikrajšanosti, kar se H Z E N R D kaže predvsem z zdolgočasenostjo, brezciljnostjo in nemotiviranostjo. Zgolj 13 % jih ima jasno AN O zastavljane življenjske cilje in je njihovo življenje smiselno ter se zato nahajajo v območju bivanjS S T T V O ske varnosti. E J N AN I Zaključek: Iz naših ugotovitev lahko povzamemo, da se mladi odrasli v današnjem času spoprije-H P STVR majo s pomanjkanjem smisla v življenju. Neosmišljeno življenje se odraža v duševnem zdravju, O ISP ki je eno od najranljivejših področji današnjega časa. Družina, odnosi, vzgoja so najpomembnejši EV varovalni dejavnik duševnega zdravja in predstavljajo temelj za vse ostale odnose – do sebe, KOV drugih in do sveta. Ključne besede: smisel življenja, bivanjska praznota, mladi odrasli, življenjski cilj, PIL-test. ABSTRACT Introduction: We aimed to find out to what extent young adults perceive their lives as meaningful and to what extent the presence of an existential vacuum or existential crisis is already evident. Methods: The survey sample consisted of 30 random respondents aged 20 – 25. In the empirical part of the study, we used the initial part of a life goals scale (PIL-test, purpose in life). Results: A large proportion of the young adults who participated in the survey (67 %) are in a living void. This indicates a lack of meaning and clear goals in life. 20 % of the respondents are in a zone of residential deprivation, which is mainly manifested by boredom, aimlessness and lack of motivation. 13 % have clear life goals and a sense of meaning in their lives and are therefore in a zone of residential security. Conclusion: Young adults today are struggling with a lack of meaning in their lives which is reflected in mental health, one of the most vulnerable areas of our time. Family, relationships and upbringing are the most important protective factors for mental health and form the foundation for all other relationships – with ourselves, others and the world. Keywords: meaning in life, existential vacuum, young adults, life purpose, PIL-test 17 1 UVOD E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Besede Leonarda da Vincija : »Priveži svoj voz na kakšno zvezdo!« so po mnenju Viktorja E. Frankla AT B 1 O th IO U A simbolika, ki se dobro ujema z življenjskimi nasveti, če se le-to ravna po smislu. Če se voz našega N A T P NN življenja ne priveže na izvire moči, ki oblikujejo naše vrednote in dajejo našemu življenju smisel, bo E N U O D M A P namreč kaj hitro zabredel v najbližje močvirje. Tudi če se njegova kolesa vrtijo svobodno, še to ne L L C E 2 E ON pomeni, da se premikajo v pravo smer (Lukas 2013, 5). N 0 TA 2 F 3 E Vprašanje o smislu življenja je pravzaprav človeško. Ne moremo ga povezovati z duševno bolezni-L H R :S E E O NC jo. Najbolj značilno se vprašanje, kaj je v določenem trenutku najbolj smiselno, pojavlja v mladih A C L I E A T O in tudi zrelih letih življenja. Občasno pa se lahko vprašanje o smislu življenja postavlja ob kakšnih H / P L A F EN pretresljivih dogodkih življenja. Še posebej pa se problematika o smislu življenja vsiljuje mlademu U D T R R O človeku v času odraščanja in pubertete, ko ta najbolj duhovno dozoreva in se bojuje (Frankl 2015, OP C E E C 68–71). E H E’ D N S I O S N L C Človekova temeljna gonilna sila je notranja težnja po tem, da bi našel smisel življenja. Vprašanje o G O IE S B G NC smislu je središčno vprašanje vsakega človeka, še posebej tistega, ki iz različnih vzrokov trpi. Človek IC O A E O S hrepeni po smislu, si ga želi, vendar to je premalo. Pomembna sta tudi človekova svobodna volja in L D K W A E N odgovornost. Usmerjenost človeka k nečemu ali nekomu sta glavna temelja, ki človeka usmerjata V D IT E A H P L na pot izpolnjevanja, zadovoljstva in srečnega življenja (Kristovič 2014). O R P T E S M E L Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti v kolikšni meri mladi odrasli dojemajo svoje življenje os-R R E E N A mišljeno in v kolikšni meri že zaidejo v bivanjski vakuum. Hoteli smo proučiti in prikazati dojemanje E T I D V E N S I R smisla življenja in človeškega bivanja med mladimi odraslimi starimi med 20 in 25 let. Oblikovali E S W O E A R smo raziskovalna vprašanja: N V N S D IC S - RV1: Katere tri postavke oz. trditve lestvice življenjskih ciljev (PIL-testa) so med mladimi odrasli-E O C C H HOL mi najbolje ocenjene? O F S LA E A C - RV2: Katere tri postavke oz. trditve lestvice življenjskih ciljev (PIL-testa) so med mladimi odrasli-R R U L S Y P R mi najslabše ocenjene? IT A Y A P - RV3: Ali se kaže navzočnost bivanjske praznote med mladimi odraslimi? E N RS D D IG 2 TEORETIČNI DEL NITY Vse več ljudi v današnjem času doživlja krizo smisla oziroma eksistencialno krizo. Številni ljudje so nezadovoljni s svojim življenjem, se počutijo notranje prazni ter doživljajo bivanjsko praznoto ali bivanjski vakuum. Zaradi tega svoj obstoj dojemajo kot nesmiseln. Probleme na tem področju obravnava logoterapija, katere utemeljitelj je psihiater in filozof dr. Viktor Emil Frankl. Izraz logoterapija je sestavljen iz besede logos, ki pomeni smisel in besede therapeuein, ki pomeni zdraviti. Franklov logoterapevtski pristop v krizi smisla, človeka obravnava holistično, na vseh ravneh njegovega delovanja in v vseh njegovih razsežnostih (Kristovič 2014). Logoterapija je psihoterapevtska metoda, ki človeka vidi celostno, kot edinstveno in neponovljivo bit-je v treh razsežnostih: telo, duša in duh. Najvišja razsežnost je duhovna razsežnost oziroma noogena dimenzija, kot jo je poimenoval Frankl (Kristovič 2014). Logoterapijo nekako tvorijo trije stebri, ki jih je Viktor E. Frankl poimenoval takole: svobodna volja, volja do smisla in smisel življenja (Lukas 2017a, 23). Glavne logoterapevtske metode, ki so se razvile v psihoterapiji so: derefleksija (namerna nepo-zornost), paradoksna intenca (nasprotna namera), odmik od sebe, modifikacija stališča (sprememba stališča), pogovor o odpiranju smisla in sokratski pogovor (Ramovš v Frankl 2020, 262). Frankl (2015) pravi, da je v središču pozornosti logoterapije človekova volja do smisla. Logoterapija tako rekoč pomeni, da zdravljenje duševnosti poteka z odkrivanjem smisla (Frankl 2015). Po Franklu lahko razločujemo somatogene nevroze, ki jih povzročajo organski dejavniki, psihogene nevroze, ki jih povzročajo psihični dejavniki in noogene nevroze, ki jih sproža dolgotrajna duhovna prikrajšanost (Ramovš v Frankl 2020, 267). Prav noogene ali duhovne nevroze so posebno področje logoterapije. Kadar človekovo iskanje smisla obvisi na nezreli stopnji ali se zagozdi v črnogledo prepričanje, da življenje nima smisla, nastanejo noogene nevroze (Frankl 2015, 371, 375). Posledice noogenih nevroz so: življenjska dezorientacija, izgubljenost, obup, nesmiselna dejanja ali nesmiselni način življenja. Raziskave kažejo, da je okrog 20 odstotkov vseh nevroz je noogenih, zaznati je tudi vse večji porast omenjene problematike (Ramovš v Frankl 2020, 267). 18 Dejstvo človekovega obstoja je tudi trpljenje, s katerim se je potrebno soočiti in ga tudi sprejeti. V Z 1 Življenje je nenehen boj in posebno vlogo v boju ima trpljenje. Človeško življenje raste in zori tudi v Z A Č 1 G . Z O L trpljenju, zato ni nujno, da je človeško trpljenje nekaj slabega. Trpljenje je možno narediti smiselno J O N A V A , I E N tako v sedanjem trenutku, hkrati pa je človek tudi zmožen, da svoje življenje posveti v smiselno tudi Z K S O A G T za nazaj. Navkljub zunanji neuspešnosti ima človeško življenje vendarle smisel (Kristovič 2016,128). B V A E R N Ž E 2 Logoterapija lahko pomaga mladostnikom skozi njihovo težavno in mučno preobrazbo v odraslost. E A K VA 02 O Prav tako lahko spremlja tudi starejše ljudi, ko se ozirajo nazaj v svoje življenje in se tako rekoč prip-N 3 N JE I : D F ravljajo na slovo. Pomaga lahko družinskim članom, ko se srečajo v konfliktu ali pomaga delavcem, E N D R R U E ko so preobremenjeni. Pomaga lahko pokonci postaviti ljudi, sključene od gorja in skrbi. Toliko zmo-N U ŽB C Š re logoterapija (Lukas 2017a, 80). E A Z M E N VN I I Raziskava, kjer so ugotavljali različne dimenzije smisla življenja med poznimi mladostniki, je poka-O Z N T ED zala, da je smisel življenja pozitivno povezan z njihovim psihološkim dobrim počutjem. Mladostniki, D E N H R A A N R ki znajo uspešno črpati pomen življenja iz virov, kot so osebni dosežki, izpopolnjevanje medosebnih V O O J L D E / Z O odnosov, verske vrednote, samo sprejemanje in nediskriminacija v skupnosti, lahko povečajo svoje N Š O U K zadovoljstvo z življenjem in pozitivnimi čustvi, ter dosežejo višjo raven lastne vrednosti, povezane z B I R O D R A E rastjo in samouresničitvijo (Krok 2018). N Z L V E IK R O ŽB Glede vprašanja smisla, obstaja med generacijami določena razlika. Mladi v svojem življenju dos-J Z O EC A V ti intenzivnejše iščejo smisel, kot starejši. Ti so smisel namreč že večkrat našli. Po drugi strani pa EN A morajo starejši spet večkrat opustiti predhodne miselne vsebine kot mladi, ki so pri tem dosti bolj Z R IR N A O fleksibilni (Lukas 2013, 13). Kar so pred mnogimi leti mogli desetletniki že precej točno oceniti, je N S I T T danes današnjim dvajsetletnikom še uganka. Kolo razvoja pa se vrti s tako neverjetno hitrostjo, da H Z E N R D ne samo, da nihče ne more oceniti, kaj mu prinaša prihodnost, ampak se pojavlja velika želja upoča-AN O snitvi tega vrtečega se kolesa. Mladi danes niti najmanj niso pripravljeni na resnost življenja, istoča-S S T T V O sno pa stojijo na pragu svobode odločevanja velikanskih razsežnosti (Lukas 2017, 25–30). E J N AN I Avtorja Sanli in Ersanli (2021) sta v raziskavi ugotavljala učinkovitost psihoizobraževalnega progra-H P STVR ma za razvoj zdravega občutka identitete med mladimi odraslimi, ki se je razvil na podlagi logotera-O ISP pije. Program, ki zajema predavanja o identiteti in njenem pomenu, življenju in njegovem pomenu, EVK vloge v življenju, družini in njenem pomenu, trpljenju in njegovem pomen ter druga podobna pre-OV davanja, se je izkazal kot zelo učinkovit. Ti psihoedukativni programi lahko posameznikom poma-gajo, da razvijejo zdravo dojemanje svoje identitete. Za ugotavljanje noogenih nervoz in bivanjske prikrajšanosti so različni avtorji razvili razne logoterapevtske teste. Logotest je psihološki test, ki ga je razvila Elizabeth S. Lukas in je namenjen merjenju osebne usmerjenosti k smislu oz. nevarnosti, ki lahko pelje v noogeno nervozo in bivanjski vakuum. Avtorja James C. Crumbaugh in Leonard T. Maholik sta zasnovala test smisla življenja oz. PIL-test (Purpose-in-life). Poleg logotesta in PIL-testa poznamo še druge teste, ki so namenjeni za ugotavljanje človekove smiselne orientiranosti oz. odstopanje od nje (npr.: SONG test – seeking of noetic goals, MILE – meaning in life evaluation) (Frankl 2015, 27, 188). Test smisla življenja oz. PIL-test je posebej oblikovan test, ki prikazuje stopnjo doživljanja namena oziroma smisla življenja posameznika. Test sestavljajo sedem stopenjske lestvice. Lestvica je zasno-vana po neortodoksnem načelu in tako, da izzove mnenje o odzivih, povezanih s stopnjo izkušnje posameznika o svojem namenu v življenju. Posameznik namreč ne more natančno opisati svojih resničnih stališč in je do teh treba priti posredno. Iz zavestnega premisleka da posameznik precej zanesljiv približek njegovih resničnih občutkov. PIL-test je bil grajen tako, da vsak gradnik oziroma dejavnik postane lestvica znotraj lestvice. Lestvice so torej podobne Likertovi tehniki (Crumbaugh in Maholick 1964, 201–202). Lestvica življenjskih ciljev oziroma PIL-test se teoretično naslanja na logoterapijo Frankla, katere osrednji pojem je bivanjska praznina. Postavke PIL-testa merijo bivanjsko praznino. Stopnje strinja-nja na lestvici se ocenijo od 1 do 7, pri čemer pomeni 7 navzočnost izrecno oblikovanega smisla življenja posameznega področja, ocena 1 pa izžareva navzočnost precejšnje bivanjske praznine tega področja (Torkar 2006, 106). Segment A PIL-testa se točkuje tako, da se seštejejo ocene posameznih elementov in se dobi skupna ocena, ki se giblje od 20 (izredno nizek smisel v življenju) do največ možnih 140 točk (zelo visok smisel v življenju). Avtorji testa predlagajo, da rezultati 113 in več ka- žejo na določen življenjski cilj, ko rečemo, da je oseba v območju bivanjske varnosti. Rezultati med 19 92 in 112 kažejo na neodločnost. Ti ljudje so v območju bivanjske prikrajšanosti ali eksistencialne E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 frustracije. Med tem, ko pa rezultati 92 in manj kažejo na pomanjkanje jasnega cilja in smisla v živ-CAT B 1 ljenju. Te osebe se nahajajo v območju bivanjske praznote oziroma eksistencialnega vakuuma (Cru-O th IO U A mbaugh in Henrion v Davies idr. 2011, 2–3; Ramovš v Frankl 2020, 236–237). N A T P NN E N U O Ob spremljanju depresivnih bolnikov, ki kažejo izgubo življenjskega smisla, se pojavlja vprašanje D M A P L L C E 2 ali je PIL-test lahko tudi indirektno merilo depresije. Gre za zapleteno področje, saj je pomanjkanje E ON N 0 smisla življenja lahko vzrok za depresijo, hkrati pa je depresija lahko tudi posledica obilja smisla. TA 2 F 3 E L H R : Nekomu lahko obstoj postane zdolgočasen in čuti, da se ni več vredno boriti za premagovanje ovir. S E E O NC A C Zato lahko posameznik postane frustriran in ne zmore načrtovati nobenega aktivnega reševanja L I E A T O H / P L A vzrokov frustracij. Nenehno išče nove preusmeritve, da bi olajšal napetost (Crumbaugh in Maholick F E N U 1964, 205). D T R R O OP C E Izviri smisla življenja, ravnanja in mišljenja nikoli ne presahnejo. Izvirajo iz dobrega počutja, bo-E C E H E’ D N S gastva, pa tudi iz travm, trpljenja in konfliktov. Ti izviri žuborijo in šumijo skozi mladost in starost. Mi I O S N L C G O I se pa moramo le krepčati z njihovo sladkostjo (Lukas 2013, 27). E S B G NC IC O A E O S L D K W A 3 RAZISKAVA E N V D IT E A H P L 3.1 Metode in tehnike zbiranja podatkov O R P T E S M E L Raziskovalna naloga temelji na deskriptivni metodi empiričnega raziskovanja. V raziskovalnem R R E E N A delu so zbrani in razčlenjeni temeljni in sekundarni viri podatkov. Temeljni podatki so pridobljeni E T I D V E N S I R z lestvico življenjskih ciljev (PIL-test). Za njihovo pridobivanje smo uporabili kvantitativno tehniko E S W O E A R zbiranja podatkov. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirani s pomočjo računalniškega programa. Se-N V N S D IC S kundarni viri so pridobljeni s pomočjo pregleda strokovne literature in znanstvenih člankov. E O C C H HOL O F S L 3.2 Opis instrumenta A E A C R R U L S Uporabili smo lestvico življenjskih ciljev oziroma PIL-test. PIL-test je sestavljen iz treh segmentov (A, Y P R IT A Y A B, C). Za našo raziskavo smo uporabili samo segment A, ki meri stališča in obsega dvajset postavk na PE NR sedem stopenjski Likertovi lestvici. Segmenta testa B in C v naši raziskavi nismo uporabili. S D D IG 3.3 Opis vzorca NITY Raziskovalna naloga zajema naključni vzorec mladih odraslih, starih med 20 in 25 let. V vzorcu je zajetih 30 mladih odraslih, ki so v celoti izpolnili lestvico življenjskih ciljev (PIL-test). Od tega je sodelovalo 11 moških in 19 žensk. 3.4 Opis zbiranja in obdelave podatkov Raziskava je bila izvedena v mesecu juniju 2022. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo anonimne spletne ankete (1KA). Anketni vprašalnik smo predhodno poskusno izpolnili in tako preverili njegovo upo-rabnost in zagotovili veljavnost. V uvodnem nagovoru vprašalnika smo respondentom podali jasna navodila, jih seznanili z namenom raziskave in anonimnostjo. Pridobljene podatke smo uredili s pomočjo računalniškega programa Excel. 4 REZULTATI Sodelujoči respondenti v raziskavi so bili stari med 20 in 25 let. Največ jih je bilo starih 20 (40 %) in 21 let (40 %). Dva respondenta (7 %) sta bila stara 22 let, prav tako sta bila dva sodelujoča stara 23 let (7 %). V raziskavi sta sodelovala še en respondent star 24 let (3 %) in en respondent star 25 let (3 %). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 11 moških (37 %) in 19 žensk (63 %). 4.1 Najboljše ocenjene postavke PIL-testa Z analizo rezultatov lestvice življenjskih ciljev smo dobili odgovor na RV1. Tri postavke PIL-testa, ki so bile med mladimi odraslimi najbolje ocenjene so: - V svojem življenju imam jasno izdelane cilje – postavka 3 - Ko bom odšel v pokoj, bom počel mnogo tistega kar sem si vedno želel – postavka 7 - Moja možnost, da si poiščem nekaj za kar je vredno živeti, je zelo velika – postavka 17 20 Graf 1: Postavka 3 V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E Vir: PIL-test 2022. N Z L V E IK R O ŽB POSTAVKA 3: Najbolje ocenjena postavka PIL-testa je bila: V svojem življenju imam jasno izdelane J Z O EC A V cilje. Z oceno 7 se je s trditvijo strinjalo 5 respondentov (17 %), z oceno 6 prav tako 5 respondentov EN A (17 %), z oceno 5 pa 6 sodelujočih respondentov (20 %). Kot je razvidno iz grafa 1 je kar 13 respon-Z R IR N dentov (43 %), torej skoraj polovica, bilo neodločenih in so trditev ocenili s 4. Zgolj eden pa je trditev A O N S I T T ocenil s 3. H Z E N R D A Graf 2: Postavka 7 N O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVROISPEVKOV Vir: PIL-test 2022. POSTAVKA 7: Druga najbolje ocenjena postavka PIL-testa je bila: Ko bom odšel v pokoj, bom počel mnogo tistega, kar sem si vedno želel. S to trditvijo se je v celoti strinjalo 6 respondentov (20 %). Skoraj v celoti se je s trditvijo strinjalo 5 respondentov (17 %). Dva respondenta (7 %) sta trditev ocenila s 5. Več kot polovica (53 %) jih je bilo takih, ki so bili tudi tukaj neodločeni. En anketiranec je trditev ocenil s 3. 21 Graf 3: Postavka 17 E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 O th IO U A N A T P NN E N U O D M A P L L C E 2 E ON N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E E O NC A C L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S I O S N L C G O IE S B G NC IC Vir: PIL-test 2022. O A E O S L D K W A POSTAVKA 17: Tretja najbolje ocenjena trditev PIL-testa je bila: Moja možnost, da si poiščem nekaj, E N V D I za kar je vredno živeti, je zelo velika. Z omenjeno trditvijo se je popolnoma strinjalo 7 respondentov T E A H P LO R (23 %). Dva respondenta (7 %) sta trditev ocenila s 6 in trije respondenti (10 %) s 5. Vsi ostali respon-P T E S M E L R R E denti (60 %) so bili neodločeni. Z nižjimi ocenami ni trditev ocenil nihče od anketirancev. E N A E T I D V E N S I R 4.2 Najslabše ocenjene postavke PIL-testa E S W O E A R N V Z analizo rezultatov lestvice življenjskih ciljev smo pridobili tudi odgovor na RV2. Tri postavke PIL-te-N S D IC S E O sta, ki so bile med mladimi odraslimi najslabše ocenjene so: C C H HOL O F S - Vsak dan se zgodi kaj novega in zanimivega – postavka 5 LA E A C R R U - Svet v katerem živim se smiselno povezuje z mojim življenjem – postavka 12 L S Y P R IT - Navadno se zelo navdušujem – postavka 1 A Y A PE NRSD D Graf 4: Postavka 5 IGNITY Vir: PIL-test 2022. POSTAVKA 5: Kot najslabše ocenjena trditev v PIL-testu je bila: Vsak dan se zgodi kaj novega in zanimivega. Iz grafa 6 vidimo, da je kar 50 % anketirancev bilo glede te trditve neodločnih, saj so jo ocenili s 4. 23 % respondentov je trditev ocenilo z nizkimi ocenami: 1 (3 %), 2 (7 %) in 3 (13 %). 27 % respondentov pa je trditev ocenilo z ocenami 5 (10 %), 6 (10 %) in 7 (7 %). 22 Graf 5: Postavka 12 V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E Vir: PIL-test 2022. N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z POSTAVKA 12: S trditvijo PIL- testa: Svet v katerem živim se smiselno povezuje z mojim življenjem, O EC A V se ni strinjalo 10 % respondentov (3 anketiranci), saj so podali ocene 2 (7 %) in 3 (3 %), zato je bila ta EN A Z R trditev kot druga najslabše ocenjena. Kljub temu je 5 respondentov podalo ocene 5 (7 %), 6 (7 %) in IR N A O 7 (3 %). Skoraj tri četrtine respondentov (73 %) je bilo spet neodločenih. N S I T T H Z E N R D Graf 6: Postavka 1 AN O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVROISPEVKOV Vir: PIL-test 2022. POSTAVKA 1: Kot slabo ocenjena postavka v PIL-testu je bila tudi trditev: Navadno se zelo navdu- šujem. Tudi tukaj je bilo precej respondentov neodločnih (43 %). 16 % respondentov se z slednjo trditvijo sploh ni strinjalo. 23 % respondentov je trditev ocenilo s 5, 13 % je trditev ocenilo s 6 in 3 % je trditev ocenilo s 7. 4.3 Ocena bivanjske praznote Odgovor na naše tretje raziskovalno vprašanje, ali se kaže navzočnost bivanjske praznote med mladimi odraslimi, nam prikazuje skupni seštevek vseh postavk na lestvici življenjskih ciljev. 23 Graf 7: Ocena bivanjske praznote - vsota postavk E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 O th IO U A N A T P NN E N U O D M A P L L C E 2 E ON N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E E O NC A C L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S I O S N L C G O IE S B G NC IC O A E O S L D K W A E N V D IT E A H P LO R P T E S M E L Vir: PIL-test 2022. R R E E N A E T I D VSOTA POSTAVK: Graf 7 nam prikazuje vsoto vseh postavk in nam daje oceno bivanjske praznote V E N S I R E pri sodelujočih respondentih. Oceno nad 112 so dobili samo 4 respondenti (13 %). V razponu med S W O E A R N oceno 92 in 112, je bilo uvrščenih 6 respondentov (20 %). Med tem, ko je oceno pod 92 dobilo kar V N S D IC S 20 respondentov (67 %). E O C C H HOL O F S LA E A C R R 5 RAZPRAVA U L S Y P R IT A Y A Najbolje ocenjene postavke so bile: postavka tri: V svojem življenju imam (jasno izdelane cilje – sredn-PE NR je – nimam nikakršnih ciljev); postavka sedem: Ko bom odšel v pokoj (bom počel mnogo tistega kar sem S D D si vedno želel – srednje – bom do konca živel v brezdelju) in postavka sedemnajst: Moja možnost, da si IGN poiščem nekaj za kar je vredno živeti, je (zelo velika – srednje – zelo majhna). ITY S postavko, da imajo v svojem življenju jasno izdelane cilje se je, sicer z različnimi ocenami (7, 6 in 5) strinjalo preko polovica anketirancev (54 %). Nekaj je bilo takšnih, ki so bili glede trditve neodločni. Zgolj eden udeleženec pa je bil mnenja, da v življenju nima nikakršnih ciljev. Rezultati v študijah avtorja Krok (2018) so pokazali, da je doživljanje smisla in namena v življenju pomembno tako za subjektivno kot psihološko dobro počutje. Pozni mladostniki in mladi odrasli razlagajo pomen na podlagi lastnih osebnih in medosebnih dejavnikov, da bi doživeli zadovoljstvo z življenjem ter povečali rast in samouresničitev. Med dobro ocenjenimi postavkami na lestvici življenjskih ciljev je bila tudi sedma trditev: Ko bom odšel v pokoj, bom počel mnogo tistega kar sem si vedno želel. Večina mladih sicer ne razmišlja o upokojitvi, saj se to obdobje zdi precej oddaljeno, njih pa pred tem čaka še cela vrsta bistvenih doži-vetij in odločitev. Vendar so pa kljub temu mnenja, da v času upokojitve ne bodo do konca življenja živeli v brezdelju. Med boljše ocenjenimi postavkami je bila tudi trditev: Moja možnost, da si poiš- čem nekaj, za kar je vredno živeti, je zelo velika. V 40 % so trditev ocenili z ocenami 5, 6 in 7. Kljub temu, je precej respondentov trditev ocenilo z neodločenostjo (ocena 4). Pričakovali bi, da bodo ocene tukaj precej višje, glede na starost respondentov. Najnižje ocenjene postavke v naši raziskavi so bile: postavka pet: Vsak dan (se zgodi kaj novega in zanimivega – srednje – je povsem podoben drugemu); postavka dvanajst: Svet v katerem živim (se smiselno povezuje z mojim življenjem – srednje – se mi zdi nerazumljiv in tuj) in postavka ena: Navadno se (zelo navdušujem – srednje – močno dolgočasim). Kot najslabše ocenjena je bila peta trditev na lestvici življenjskih ciljev. 23 % respondentov je bilo namreč mnenja, da je vsak dan povsem podoben drugemu. Zgolj 27 % respondentov pa je bilo mnenja, da se vsak dan zgodi kaj novega in zanimivega. Prav tako je polovica sodelujočih mladih odraslih glede te trditve neodločnih. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da se anketiranci dolgočasijo, saj se jim ne zgodi dovolj zanimivih in novih stvari v dnevu. Med slabše ocenjenimi je bila tudi prva trditev na lestvici ži-24 vljenjskih ciljev, ki prav tako nakazuje na zdolgočasenost mladih odraslih. 16 % sodelujočih v raziskavi V Z 1 je namreč navedlo, da se močno dolgočasijo in le 23 % takšnih, ki se navadno zelo navdušujejo. Tudi Z A Č 1 G . Z O L Crumbaugh in Maholich (1964) navajata, da lahko zaradi nezmožnosti zaznavanja celostnega vzorca J O N A V A , I E N ciljev in vrednot v življenju pride do razpršitve energije in lahko obstoj posameznika postane dolgo-Z K S O A G T časen. Potrebe pa lahko še vedno tlijo v notranjosti posameznika, ki lahko postaja vse bolj frustriran. B V A E R N Ž Zato zaradi zdolgočasenosti nenehno išče novo razvedrilo, da bi ublažil napetosti za katere se pogosto E 2 E A K V ne zaveda, da jih ima. Zaradi pomanjkanja smisla in brezciljnega drsenja po svetu se lahko oseba sooči A 02 O N 3 N J tudi z depresijo. Verjetno je, da je pomanjkanje smisla lahko tako vzrok, kot tudi posledica depresije. E I : D FE N D R R U E Zelo slabo je bila ocenjena tudi dvanajsta trditev na lestvici življenjskih ciljem. Zgolj 17 % respon-N U ŽB C Š dentov je bilo namreč mnenja, da se Svet, v katerem živijo smiselno povezuje z njihovim življenjem. E A Z M E N VN I I Ostali sodelujoči v raziskavi, so menili, da se jim Svet zdi nerazumljiv in tuj. Kot ugotavljata Sanli in O Z N T ED Ersanli (2021) iz svoje raziskave, so lahko psihodeduktivni programi, usmerjeni v logoterapijo, lah-D E N H R A ko zelo učinkoviti pri povečanju pozitivnih ter zdravih zaznav identitete v nastajajoči odraslosti. Sta-A N R V O O J L D tistične analize njune raziskave so namreč pokazale, da se je raven negativnega zaznavanja smisla E / Z O N Š O U K življenja pri posameznikih, ki so bili deležni različnih predavanja o pomenu življenja, pomenu vre-B I R O D dnot, ciljev, pomenu družine in podobno, bistveno zmanjšala. Hkrati se je povečala njihova raven R A E N Z L V E zaznavanja pozitivne identitete. IK R O ŽB J Z O E Iz navedenih grafov in pridobljenih podatkov vsote vseh postavk lahko vidimo, da je zelo velik de-C A V EN A lež mladih odraslih, starih med 20 in 25 let, v območju bivanjske praznote. Na lestvici življenjskih Z R IR N ciljev je namreč kar 67 % respondentov doseglo skupno oceno pod 92. Kjerkoli se v družbi razširi A O N S bivanjska praznota, tisti moreči občutek naveličanosti in brezsmiselnosti, ki pogosto najeda izobilje I T T H Z E in pripelje do ekscesov vseh vrst, tam lahko zaznamo tudi obilno mero samoljubja in pomanjkanja N R D A ljubezni (Lukas 2013, 16). Le 13 % respondentov je doseglo skupno oceno nad 112, kar kaže, da se ti N O S S T T posamezniki nahajajo v bivanjski varnosti. 20 % sodelujočih pa je doseglo oceno med 92 in 112, kar V O E J N A kaže na območje bivanjske frustracije. NIJZ (Jeriček Klanšček idr. 2018, 39) poudarja, da je merjenje N IH P ST zadovoljstva z življenjem pomemben kazalnik pozitivnega duševnega zdravja. V preteklosti so bilo V R O I v Sloveniji narejene tudi raziskave zadovoljstva z življenjem pri mladostnikih. Podatki iz teh razi-SPE skav nakazujejo, da so starejši mladostniki manj zadovoljni s svojim življenjem, da zadovoljstvo z VKO življenje upada s starostjo mladostnikov in da so bolj zadovoljni mladostniki, ki prihajajo iz družin z V višjo materialno blaginjo. Naša skupina sodelujočih so precej mladi ljudje, nekateri verjetno še brez redne zaposlitve ali še v fazi izobraževanja. Kot navajata Crumbaugh in Maholich (1964) obstaja določena povezava med izobrazbo, inteligenco in socialno-ekonomskim razredom in zdi se, da je slednje tudi v korelaciji s prisotnostjo namena in smisla v življenju. Znano je namreč, da so ljudje z visoko izobrazbo bolj nagnjeni k dosežkom, zato je tudi bolj logično, da zato najdejo veliko smisla in cilja v življenju. Kljub temu, je pa težko razumeti, kako lahko duševno zaostali ljudje zelo dobro integrirajo svoje življenje, kot so pokazale raziskave. Kot navaja Crumbaugh (1968) so v raziskavi o preizkusu namena življenja, tudi shizofreniki dosegli nepričakovano visoke rezultate. Avtorja Meier in Edwards (1974) sta ugotavljala starostne in spolne razlike glede pomena življenja. Ugotovila sta, da glede spola ni bilo razlik. Razlika se je pokazala pri starostnih skupinah. Mlajši od 20 let so dosegli bistveno nižje rezultate PIL-testa, kot starejši od 25 let. Tudi rezultati različnih raziskav v devetdesetih letih so dali slutiti, da se mladina spreminja in da so mladi dokaj pasivni ter se najbolje počutijo v varnem okolju svojih izvornih družin. Hkrati pa se večajo in množijo težave v načinih prehoda mladih v svet odraslih (Ule idr. 2000, 11). Da mladi odrasli doživljajo manj smisla v življenju kot starejši, sta v raziskavi v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja ugotovila tudi avtorja Van Ranst in Marcoen (1997). Avtorica Lukas (2017, 22–23) poudarja, da mladi med otroštvom in petindvajsetimi leti delajo na največjem projektu, na svoji lastni identiteti. Pod krepkim vtisom pubertete in odraščanja komaj preskušajo kaj je prav. Ljudem okoli sredine življenja je dosti lažje, saj njihovo življenje poteka v glavnem po ustaljenih tirih. 6 ZAKLJUČEK Ugotovitve naše raziskave kažejo, da je velik delež mladih odraslih v območju bivanjske praznote oziroma eksistencialnega vakuuma. Posledica tega se lahko kažejo v povečanju odvisnosti, poja-vljanju duševnih stisk, povečanju kriminala ter številu samomorov in podobno. Rezultati naše raz-25 iskave so tudi pokazali, da mladi odrasli dojemajo dneve precej podobne med seboj, da se vsak E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 dan zgodi premalo zanimivega in novega ter je njihovo življenje zdolgočaseno. Vse to nakazuje CAT B 1 na njihovo nahajanje v območju bivanjske prikrajšanost oziroma eksistencialne frustracije. Iz teh O th IO U A ugotovitev lahko sklepamo, da se današnja mladina na pragu prehoda v odraslo življenje, sooča N A T P NN E z velikim pomanjkanjem smisla v življenju. Nedvomno bi bilo potrebno ukrepati in narediti spre-N U O D M A P L L membe na tem področju. Odrasli smo tisti, ki lahko z ljubečo, trdno in varno vzgojo otrok v obdobju C E 2 E ON N otroštva in najstništva pripomoremo k razvoju močne in stabilne osebnosti mladega človeka, ki bo 0 TA 2 F 3 E kos modernemu tempu življenja in doseganju njegovega smisla. L H R :S E E O NC A C L I E A T O H / P L A LITERATURA F E N U D T R R 1. Crumbaugh, James C. in Maholick Leonard T. 1964. An experimental study in exixtentiali-O OP C E E C sm: The psychometric approach to Frankl is concept of noogenic neurosis. Journal of Clinical E H E’ D N S I O S Psychology, 20: 200-214. Dostopno na: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/1097- N L C G O IE 4679(196404)20:2%3C200::AID-JCLP2270200203%3E3.0.CO;2-U (15. junij 2022). 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Z O L RAZTRESENOST, DEMOTIVACIJA IN J O N A V A , I E N Z K S PROBLEM SOCIALNEGA VKLJUČEVANJA O A G T B V A E R N CONSTANTLY CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, DISTRACTION, Ž E 2 E A K VA 0 DEMOTIVATION, AND THE PROBLEM OF SOCIAL INCLUSION 2 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN Asist. Dr. David Kraner U ŽB C Š E A Z M Teološka fakulteta Ljubljana, Slovenija E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A POVZETEK A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Kazalci svetovnih raziskav v letu 2022 opozarjajo, da se je po obdobju COVID-19 zanimanje za so- Š O U K B I R cialne medije in zaupanje vanje precej zmanjšalo. Število uporabnikov TikToka pa povečalo. V is-O D R A E tem času znanstveniki pišejo o škodljivem vplivu TikToka, ki je doživel eksplozijo v času COVID-19. N Z L V E IK R O ŽB Hkrati pa raziskave potrjujejo negativen vpliv interneta na mlade, ki so neprestano povezani s J Z O E svetovnim spletom, vedno odzivni na sporočila. To vpliva na njihovo zbranost (koncentracijo), C A V EN A navezovanje stikov v družbi in njihovo življenjsko motivacijo. Naša raziskava, ki je bila izvedena Z R IR N v novembru 2022 med mladimi zadnjih letnikov katoliških gimnazij potrjuje, da je med mladimi A O N S I T T precejšen delež tistih, ki so bolj izpostavljeni medijem in težje navezujejo stike s sošolci ter so H Z E družbeno neaktivni. N R D AN O Članek je nastal kot rezultat dela v okviru raziskovalnega programa «Religija, etika, izobraževanje S S T T V O in izzivi sodobne družbe (P6-0269)», ki ga sofinancira Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno E J N AN I in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije. V okviru tega projekta je bila izvedena raziskava. H P STV Vprašalnik ne vsebuje poglobljenih ali psiholoških vprašanj. Teme so: izpostavljenost internetu, R O ISP uporaba družbenih omrežij med učenjem in v prostem času, družbena angažiranost in zaznavan-EV je vpliva interneta. V raziskavi je bilo zagotovljeno prostovoljno sodelovanje. Raziskava je bila KOV izvedena popolnoma anonimno. Vsi podatki so zaščiteni. Ključne besede: internet, raztresenost, mladi, socialna angažiranost, TikTok ABSTRACT Global survey indicators in 2022 point to a significant decline in interest and trust in social media since COVID-19. The number of TikTok users has increased. At the same time, research confirms the negative impact of the Internet on young people, who are constantly connected to the World Wide Web, always responding to messages. This affects their concentration, their social network-ing, and their motivation in life. Our survey, conducted in November 2022 among young people in their final year at Catholic secondary schools, confirms that there is a significant proportion of young people who are more exposed to the media, who find it more difficult to make contact with their classmates, and who are socially inactive. This article is a result of the research programme „Religion, Ethics, Education and Challenges of Contemporary Society (P6-0269)“, which is co-financed by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency. The research was carried out within the framework of this project. The questionnaire does not contain in-depth or psychological questions. The topics are: exposure to the Internet, use of social networks during learning and leisure time, social engagement and perception of the impact of the Internet. Voluntary participation in the survey was ensured. The survey was conducted completely anonymously. All data is protected. Keywords: internet, distraction, young people, social engagement, TikTok 27 1 UVOD E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Politična pobuda Evropske Unije (EU) spodbuja k pridobivanju čim več kompetenc za digitalno pi-AT B 1 O th IO U A smenost znotraj digitalne dobe. V ta namen je pripravila akcijski načrt za digitalno izobraževanje N A T P NN 2021-2027. S tem želi podpreti trajnostno in učinkovito prilagajanje sistemov izobraževanja in E N U O D M A P usposabljanja držav članic EU v digitalni dobi. Izbrani ima dve prednostni področji: 1) »Spodbujanje L L C E 2 E ON razvoja visoko zmogljivega digitalnega izobraževalnega ekosistema.« 2) »Krepitev digitalnih spretN 0 TA 2 F nosti in kompetenc za digitalno preobrazbo« (European Education Area 2020). 3 E L H R :S E E O NC Avtorji projekta Krepitev digitalnih kompetenc ranljivih skupin za izboljšanje zaposljivosti in večjo do-A C L I E A T O datno vrednost na trgu dela poudarjajo pomen digitalnih kompetenc, ki so nujne za nova delovna H / P L A F EN mesta. Za raziskovalce omenjenega projekta pomenijo digitalne kompetence »samozavestno, kri-U D T R R O tično, odgovorno, sodelovalno in ustvarjalno uporabo digitalnih tehnologij pri delu, študiju, v pros-OP C E E C tem času ter za sodelovanje v digitalni družbi« (Ovin idr. 2021). E H E’ D N S I O S N L C Nekaj kritične ocene digitalnih tehnologij lahko najdemo v mednarodnih projektih, ki danes močno G O IE S B G NC spodbujajo inovativno IKT izobraževanje.1 Njihovo izhodišče je, da morajo biti vzgojno-izobraževal-IC O A E O S ni delavci sposobni obvladovati razredni management v vseh možnih težkih okoliščinah. Svetovalec L D K W A E N za digitalizacijo izobraževanja Andrej Flogie2 je prepričan, da prehod na učenje na daljavo na za-V D IT E A H P L četku drugega vala pandemije ni povzročil večjih motenj v slovenskih šolah. Glede končne analize O R P T E S poučevanja v obdobju pandemije je dejal, da je večina šol v Sloveniji delovala zelo dobro in bolje v M E L R R E E N A primerjavi s šolami v drugih državah. Večina se namreč ni pritoževala nad večjimi težavami pri pre-E T I D V E N S hodu na učenje na daljavo (oktobra 2020). Flogie pravi: »Iz podatkov, ki so na voljo na naši šoli, in I R E S W O E A nekaterih raziskav med izbruhom epidemije izhaja, da je bil ta način dela za velik del naših učencev R N V N S D I kratkoročno celo boljša izkušnja kot tradicionalni način poučevanja. Srednjeročno in dolgoročno pa C S E O C C se je ta delež zmanjšal; delo na daljavo je bilo sprejemljivo in uspešno le za tiste učence, ki so ime-H HOL O F S L li doma pozitivno in spodbudno učno okolje (dobre družinske odnose, ustrezno socialno varnost A E A C R R U staršev, dobro urejen učni prostor itd.). Težave otrok iz manj spodbudnih okolij, otrok z različnimi L S Y P R IT motnjami, so se še povečale. Nekateri otroci (običajno tisti, ki v razredu ne želijo izstopati, čeprav A Y A PE imajo veliko talentov in sposobnosti) so pri učenju na daljavo „zacveteli“ in učitelji so bili nad njimi N RS D D več kot presenečeni, drugi so se „izgubili“, ker so dneve in noči preživeli ob igranju na računalniku in IG družabnih omrežjih« (Flogie 2021). NITY Stalna priključenost na splet je postala pomemben del našega življenja. Danes imamo na voljo mo-bilne telefone, računalnike, tablične računalnike in druge naprave, ki omogočajo hitro in enostavno povezavo z internetom. Vendar pa lahko takšna stalna povezava povzroči tudi nekatere negativne učinke, kot sta raztresenost in demotivacija, prav tako pa lahko predstavlja tudi problem pri socialnem vključevanju. Zbranost predstavlja osredotočenost naše zavesti v nekem omejenem času na eno od miselnih ope-racij: razmišljanje, spominjanje, premišljevanje, čutenje, zaznavanje itd. Njej nasprotna je raztresenost, ki pomeni razpršenost, spreminjanje, neravnovesje, hipnost in sočasno izvrševanje več opravil hkrati (Larchet 2016). Pametni telefoni so najbolj razširjen tehnološki produkt in so dosegljivi skoraj vsakemu človeku na katerem koli delu sveta (STATISTA 2022a, 2022b).3 Digital 2022 - Global overview report poroča, da je v letu 2022 bilo na svetu 4620 milijonov uporabnikov socialnih omrežij, kar je 58 % prebivalstva. Uporabniki so v letu 2021 uporabljali socialna omrežja v povprečju 2 uri in 27 minut več na dan kot leto prej (Hall 2022). Socialna omrežja in storitve klepeta (bolj kot množični mediji) omogočajo stalen pretok vedno spremenljivih besedil, podob ali zvokov. Številna sporočila in z njimi povezani signali (telefonsko zvonjenje, zvočna opozorila o prihodu e-pošte, SMS-ov, tvitov, dogodkov na Facebooku, novic na protokolih RSS, na katere smo naročeni, …) niso le vir informacij, ampak vse bolj postajajo motilci naše zbranosti. Ko ti signali zmotijo našo pozornost, ustavijo proces razmišljanja in 1 Na primer https://digitalna.uni-lj.si. 2 Andrej Flogie je direktor Zavoda Antona Martina Slomška, predstojnik oddelka za tehnologijo na Fakulteti za naravoslovje in matematiko Univerze v Mariboru ter svetovalec za digitalizacijo izobraževanja v kabinetu Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport. 3 V letu 2021 je bilo 6,26 miljarde naročnin na pametne telefone po vsem svetu. 28 misel odvrnejo od objekta, s katerim se ukvarjamo. Zato je Larchet prepričan, da so pametni telefoni V Z 1 postali vir nenehne raztresenosti (Larchet 2022). Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N Med pandemijo COVID 19 se je eksponentno povečala uporaba socialnih omrežij med mladimi. V A V A , I E N tem času se je zgodil prehod od uporabe Facebooka k uporabi TikToka. Nekateri raziskovalci ugo-Z K S O A G T B V tavljajo, da pada zaupanje v socialna omrežja in da med njimi najbolj izgublja Facebook (Seliškar A E R N Ž E 2 2022). Drugi pa vidijo eksponentno rast uporabe aplikacije TikTok in njen negativen vpliv na mlade E A K VA 02 O (Paul 2022). Uporabo TikToka je mogoče razložiti s teorijo uporabe in nagrajevanja, po kateri si upoN 3 N JE I : D F rabniki prizadevajo zadovoljiti svoje potrebe: zabavo, medosebne odnose (nadomestno druženje), E N D R R U E osebno identiteto in nadzor nad okoljem, pri katerem se sklicujejo na ažurnost in informiranost ter N U ŽB C Š »strah pred zamujanjem« (Montag, Yang, in Elhai 2021; Shao in Lee 2020). E A Z M E N VN I I V letu 2022 in 2023 imamo zadnje raziskave, ki potrjujejo negativen vpliv interneta na duševno O Z N T ED zdravje (Anand idr. 2022; Kostyrka-Allchorne idr. 2023; Popat and Tarrant 2023; Samari idr. 2022; D E N H R A A N R Shoib idr. 2022; Taylor idr. 2023). Raziskovalki Pedrouzo in Krynskia ugotavljata, da prekomerna iz-V O O J L D E / Z O postavljenost internetu povzroča neaktivnost ali demotivacijo za telesne dejavnosti, odpor do vsa-N Š O U K kodnevnih obveznosti in poslabšanje odnosov v osebnem, družinskem, socialnem in akademskem B I R O D R A E okolju (Pedrouzo in Krynski 2023). N Z L V E IK R O ŽB Pametni telefon zaradi zvoka in svetlobe, ki jo oddaja, spada med zunanje motilce pri delu. RaziJ Z O EC A V skave kažejo, da na odvisnost od pametnih telefonov vpliva fizična bližina pametnih telefonov. Že EN A zgolj prisotnost pametnega telefona zmanjšuje oz. omejuje kognitivne sposobnosti tudi takrat, ko Z R IR N A O se uporabniku uspe koncentrirati na posamezno nalogo (Roberto idr. 2015; Booker idr. 2015). N S I T T H Z Pametne telefone imamo vedno ob sebi in ti delujejo brez premora saj nas nenehno obsipavajo E N R D z informacijami. Larchet je zaskrbljen zaradi prehitrega toka informacij. Ta povzroči, da pride do AN O S S neskladja med premišljevanjem in količino novih informacij. Prepričan je, da se na informacije odzi-T T V O vamo po »načelu nujnosti«: takoj je treba objaviti novico, takoj je treba odgovoriti na telefonski klic E J N AN I ali e-pošto, takoj je treba odgovoriti na SMS ali tvit, itd. Posledično nam zmanjka časa za predelavo H P STVR informacij. Zato je okrnjeno človekovo premišljevanje (2022, 188). O ISPE Tudi Spitzer je prepričan, da digitalne naprave vodijo k površnemu razmišljanju in k raztresenosti. VK Povzročajo nezaželene stranske učinke, ki segajo od preprostega motenja pri delu do otroške por-OV nografije in nasilja (2017, 87). Pri ljudeh, ki pogosto uporabljajo več medijev hkrati – »multitaskerji«, se kažejo problemi pri nadzoru nad njihovim umom. Multitaskerji so bolj dovzetni za raztresenost in imajo večje težave pri tem, da bi odmislili nepomembne dražljaje iz okolice. Poleg tega slabše pre-zrejo nepomembne dražljaje v svojem spominu in so manj učinkoviti pri izločanju nepomembnih nalog. Pri vseh umskih sposobnostih, potrebnih za večopravilnost, se multitaskerji odrežejo znatno slabše kakor ne-multitaskerji (Ophir idr. 2009). Strokovnjaki so zelo zgodaj opozarjali pojav raztresenosti zaradi večopravilnosti, hkrati pa se navdu- ševali nad hitrostjo. Carr meni, da se je s širjenjem informacij v kratkih, nepovezanih, pogosto prekri-vajočih se izbruhih (hitrejši so, bolje je) oblikoval nov način razmišljanja. Ta je nasproten osredoto- čenemu, neprekinjenemu, linearnemu razmišljanju (2011, 119). Že v preteklosti so ugotavljali, da prekomerna raba novih medijev kratkotrajno ali dolgotrajno negativno vpliva na šolski uspeh (Williams in Siegel 1986). Z uporabo interneta se je ta škodljivi vpliv še povečal (Williams in Siegel 1986; Winn 2002; Lurçat 2004; Desmurget 2013; Shahrajabian idr. 2023). Carr meni, da splet drobi osebne sposobnosti ohranjanja zbranosti in razmišljanja. Tudi če nismo povezani s spletom, naši možgani pri- čakujejo isti način, kot je na spletu: dobiti takoj ali »v hitro premikajočem se toku koščkov« (Carr 2011). Pomembna je Spitzerjeva trditev, da mediji vplivajo na mišljenje, naš spomin, našo pozornost (zbranost, koncentracijo) in tudi naše obnašanje. Mediji ne spodbujajo k samonadzoru, saj vplivajo na naš spomin in pozornost (Spitzer 2017). Med osnovne človekove potrebe spada tudi tišina, umik od zvoka, svetlobnih utripov in nenehnih sporočil. Novi mediji uničujejo, kar v tradicionalni pravoslavni duhovnosti imenujemo hezihija. To je način življenja, ki zahteva samoto, zunanjo tišino in notranji mir. To troje je nujno za zbrano, pozorno in čuječo molitev. Učinki novih medijev pa so povsem nasprotni. Njihova uporaba pogosto posledica zaskrbljenosti, ki jo novi mediji le stopnjujejo, ali nezadovoljstva, ki ga uporabnik želi ublažiti, zato nenehno išče nekaj novega. Nazadnje pa njihova vsebina prispeva k temu, da spodbuja želje, povzroča strah, ta pa napaja in razvija strasti, ki so oblika in vir duševnih težav (Larchet 2022). 29 Podobno kot omenjene raziskave, je tudi naša raziskava preučevala izpostavljenost mladih interne-E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 tu in kakovost socialnega življenja mladih. CAT B 1 O th IO U A N A T P N 2 RAZISKAVA N E N U O D M A P 2.1 Metoda L L C E 2 E ON N Na osnovi kvantitativne metode smo s strukturiranim online vprašalnikom pridobili podatke od 672 0 TA 2 F 3 E dijakov iz vseh štirih katoliških gimnazij v Sloveniji, ki obiskujejo tretji ali četrti letnik. Med mladimi L H R :S E E O NC je bilo 37,5 % fantov in 62,5 % deklet. A C L I E A T O H / P L A V raziskavi, ki je potekala med 7. in 25. novembrom 2022 nas je zanimalo, kako internet vpliva na F E N U raztresenost dijakov in dijakinj zadnjih dveh razredov. Opazovali smo naslednje spremenljivke: iz-D T R R O OP postavljenost socialnim omrežjem in storitvam klepeta, osamljenost, socializacija oz. navezovanje C E E C E H E’ stikov s sovrstniki, čas za osebne hobije in domače obveznosti ter angažiranost pri prostovoljnih D N S I O S N L C dejavnostih. G O IE S B G NC I Izvedene so bile monovariatne in bivariatne analize s pomočjo statističnega programa SPSS. Med C O A E O S L D monomariatnimi analizami so bile vključene naslednje spremenljivke: spol, časovna izpostavlje-K W A E N V D nost internetu, časovna izpostavljenost socialnim omrežjem, časovna izpostavljenost storitvam IT E A H P LO R klepeta, fizična prisotnost-odsotnost telefona v delovnem prostoru med učenjem, vklop-izklop P T E S M E L zvočnih signalov med učenjem, čas namenjen osebnim hobijem, čas namenjen domačim obvez-R R E E N A nostim in čas namenjen prostovoljnim dejavnostim, socializacija in osamljenost. Pri bivariatnih ana-E T I D V E N S I R lizah smo izvedli tri sklope analiz naslednjih spremenljivk: 1) spol in prisotnost-odsotnost telefona E S W O E A R v delovnem prostoru, spol in vklop-izklop zvoka; 2) osamljenost in čas namenjen osebnim hobijem, N V N S D IC S osamljenost in čas namenjen domačim obveznostim, osamljenost in čas namenjen prostovoljnim E O C C H HOL dejavnostim; 3) socializacija in spol, socializacija in časovna izpostavljenost internetu. O F S LA E A C R R U L S Y P R 3 REZULTATI IT A Y A PE N V raziskavi ugotavljamo, da je internet vedno prisoten pri delu (učenju) mladih gimnazijcev. Čeprav RS D D so mladi zelo izpostavljeni internetu, jih ima večina izmed njih (93 %) »kontrolo« nad uporabo in-IGN terneta, saj ne presegajo praga 6 ur izpostavljenosti internetu na dan. Vendar moramo omeniti, da ITY od 1 do 3 ure dnevno uporablja Snapchat 16 % mladih in Instagram 21 % mladih. Ugotavljamo, da je osamljenost mladih prisotna tudi med tistimi, ki so socialno angažirani. V zvezi s tem se med mladimi pojavlja problem socializacije oz. navezovanja stikov z drugimi. 3.1 Internet kot motilec pri delu Kvalitetno učenje zahteva zbranost in osredotočenost na snov, ki jo obdelujemo. Pametni telefoni, ki jih imamo med delom pri sebi, so najbolj moteči element. V naši raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kje imajo mladi telefone med učenjem: 1) pri sebi v vidnem polju, 2) pri sebi izven vidnega polja, 3) jih nimajo pri sebi. Rezultati kažejo, da ima med učenjem pri sebi v vidnem polju pameten telefon vedno ali pogosto 67 % mladih. Pri sebi, vendar zunaj vidnega polja ima telefon vedno ali pogosto 52 % mladih. Pri sebi med učenjem nima nikoli telefona manj kot polovica oz. 40 % mladih. To pomeni, da se manj kot polovica mladih zavestno odloči, da želi med delom izolacijo od telefona. Večji delež je tistih, ki želijo med delom imeti telefon pri sebi v vidnem polju. (Graf 1). 30 Graf 1: Doseg telefona med delom: v delovnem prostoru v vidnem polju (notranji krog), v delov-V Z 1 nem prostoru zunaj vidnega polja (sredinski krog), zunaj delovnega prostora (zunanji krog) Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z E N R D A Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. N O S S T T Dodatni motilec pri zbranosti je zvok telefona. V naši raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kako mladi rokujejo V O E J N A z mobilnimi telefoni med delom v različnih situacijah: 1) izklop zvoka med delom; 2) vklop zvoka, N IH P ST ko pričakujejo klic ali sporočilo; 3) izklop zvoka, ko ne pričakujejo klica. Med učenjem nima nikoli V R O I izklopljenega zvoka ali pa ga redko izklopi le 34 % mladih. Takrat, ko pričakuje klic ali sporočilo ima SPE vedno ali pogosto zvok vklopljen 79 % mladih. Nasprotno pa 37 % mladih tudi takrat, ko ne pričakuje VKO klica ali sporočila, ne izklopi zvoka telefona (Graf 2). V Graf 2: Zvok telefona: izklop zvoka med delom (notranji krog), vklop zvoka, ko pričakujem klic (sredinski krog), izklop zvoka, ko ne pričakuje klica (zunanji krog) Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. 31 V raziskavi smo opazili razlike tudi med spoloma. Med delom ima 83 % deklet in 74 % fantov vedno E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 ali pogosto vklopljen zvok. V tem zvezi smo opazili razlike tudi v večji navezanosti mladih na storitve CAT B 1 klepeta kot na socialna omrežja: težko ali zelo težko bi se odreklo storitvam klepeta 75 % mladih, O th IO U A socialnim omrežjem pa 65 % mladih. N A T P NN E N U O Ugotavljamo, da imajo mladi veliko toleranco do motenja, ki prihaja s strani pametnih telefonov. V D M A P L L C E 2 raziskavi nismo zaznali razlike med toleranco mladih do zvočnega ali svetlobnega motenja. Skoraj E ON N 0 enak delež mladih ima zvok vklopljen (66 %) med delom kot jih ima telefon v vidnem polju med TA 2 F 3 E L H R : učenjem (67 %). S E E O NC A C L I E A T O 3.2 Izpostavljenost internetu in zbranost pri učenju H / P L A F ENU Nasprotje raztresenosti je zbranost. Pri branju in pisanju se razvija predvsem zaporedna (sekvenč- D T R R O OP na) inteligentnost. Ta krepi zaporedje, postopen razvoj, red, urejenost in hierarhijo. Bralec neko C E E C E H E’ besedilo v katerega je ukodiran pomen postopoma razkodira in prepoznava pomen (Hall 1980). D N S I O S N L C Gre za nepretrgano branje nekega besedila, zavzeto poslušanje nekoga, ki nam kaj pripoveduje in G O IE S B G NC I poglobljeno razmišljanje o neki temi. C O A E O S L D K W A Na internetu pa prevladuje fotografija in video. Video posnetek (skupek ikoničnih znakov), pa raz-E N V D vija sočasno (simultano) inteligentnost. Ta ima možnost istočasno predstavljati več različnih infor-IT E A H P LO R macij, ne da bi bil med njimi kakršen red, zaporedje in hierarhija. To inteligentnost uporabljamo pri P T E S M E L gledanju slike. Takrat se oko ustavi najprej na eni točki, nato na drugi: nemogoče je reči, kaj je prej R R E E N A in kaj pozneje (Simone 2012). E T I D V E N S I R E S Socialna omrežja hočejo obiskovalca njihovih platform zadržati za dlje časa. Zato so razvila logari-W O E A R N V tem, ki spremlja obiskovalčeve interese in mu ponuja vsebine, ki ga zanimajo. V tem je najbolj razvit N S D IC S E O TikTok, ki optimizira vsebino na gledalca tako, da ga pritegne ure in ure. Vsak naslednji video je bolj C C H HOL O F S agresiven ali bolj ekstremen (Paul 2022). LA E A C R R U Internet nam ne omogoča le pozitivnih informacijskih, komunikacijskih in socializacijskih koristi, L S Y P R I ampak tudi negativne. Na to opozarjajo zadnje raziskave, ki poudarjajo, da je lahko prekomerna iz-T A Y A P postavljenost internetu povezana z begom od resničnih odnosov. Takšno zatekanje na splet gotovo E N RS D D negativno vpliva na človeka. Takrat, ko uporaba interneta postane ovira za socializacijo, povzroča IG osamljenost, vpliva na zbranost, naredi človeka asocialnega in posledično neaktivega v družbi, vpli-NIT va na njegovo telesno in duševno zdravje, takrat je uporaba interneta škodljiva. Različnim raziska-Y vam s tega področja je skupno to, da nova tehnologija močno vpliva na nas in da pušča na nas tudi negativne sledi (Bell, Bishopin Przybylski 2015; Twenge idr. 2018; Orben in Przybylski 2019; Orben idr. 2022; Odgers in Jensen 2020; Pedrouzo in Krynski 2023). V naši raziskavi smo razlikovali med izpostavljenostjo mladih socialnim omrežjem in izpostavljenostjo storitvam klepeta. Med socialnimi omrežji je največ mladih pogosto izpostavljeno Instagramu (1-3 ure dnevno je izpostavljeno 21 % mladih), nato pa sledi Tik Tok (1-3 ure dnevno je izpostavljeno 11 % mladih) in Facebook (1-3 ure dnevno je izpostavljeno 8 % mladih) (Graf 3). 32 Graf 3: Izpostavljenost mladih socialnim omrežjem V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z E N R D AN O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P S Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. TV R O IS Med storitvami klepeta mladi pogosto uporabljajo Snapchat in Viber. Dnevno uporablja 1-3 ure PE Snapchat 16 % mladih, Viber pa 7 % mladih. Več kot 3 ure dnevno Tik Tok uporablja 11 % mladih in VKO Snapchat 10 % mladih. To je velik delež mladih, ki so zelo izpostavljeni socialnim omrežjem (Graf 4). V Graf 4: Izpostavljenost mladih storitvam klepeta Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. 33 Zgoraj predstavljeni podatki na prvi pogled pokažejo dobro stanje v katoliških gimnazijah: mladi E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 niso prekomerno izpostavljeni socialnim omrežjem in storitvam klepeta. Vendar je potrebno biti CAT B 1 pozoren na detajle. Uporaba Instagrama, TikToka in Snapchata od 1 do 3 ure dnevno je zelo veliko, O th IO U A čeprav na naši lestvici ni najvišje. N A T P NN E N U O D M A P L 3. 3 Internet, socialna angažiranost in osamljenost mladih L C E 2 E ON N 0 Prekomerna izpostavljenost internetu, jemlje čas za osebne hobije (branje knjig, šport, gledališče TA 2 F 3 E L H R itd.), obvezna hišna opravila (pomoč pri čiščenju prostorov, pomivanje posode, delo na vrtu itd.) :S E E O NC in za lastne prostovoljne dejavnosti (prostovoljstvo, animatorstvo na župniji, pomoč pri Karitasu, A C L I E A T O članstvo pri gasilskem društvu itd.). H / P L A F ENU Raziskave potrjujejo, da pametni telefoni podaljšajo čas poti, ki jo hodimo peš. Obenem pa nam D T R R O OP skrajšujejo čas za športne dejavnosti (Lamberg in Muratori 2012; Kim, Kimin Jee 2015). C E E C E H E’ D N S V naši raziskavi nas niso zanimale le športne dejavnosti mladih, ampak nas je zanimalo, koliko časa I O S N L C G O I mladi namenijo: osebnim hobijem, domačim obveznostim in prostovoljnim aktivnostim. V naši E S B G NC IC raziskavi se je pokazalo, da mladi največ časa namenijo osebnim hobijem v primerjavi z domačimi O A E O S L D K W A obveznostmi in prostovoljnimi aktivnostmi. Eno uro ali več dnevno posveti osebnim hobijem 90 % E N V D mladih, prostočasnim domačim obveznostim 84 %, tedenskim prostovoljnim dejavnostim pa le 41 IT E A H P LO R % mladih (Graf 5). P T E S M E L R R E E N A Graf 5: Aktivnosti dijakov v prostem času: osebni hobiji (notranji krog), domače obveznosti (sre-E T I D V E N S dinski krog) in tedenske prostovoljne dejavnosti (zunanji krog) I R E S W O E A R N V N S D IC S E O C C H HOL O F S LA E A C R R U L S Y P R IT A Y A PE NRSD D IGNITY Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. Ugotavljamo, da imajo vsi mladi osebne hobije in skoraj vsi mladi dnevno namenijo vsaj eno uro časa domačim obveznostim. Ne glede na to, koliko časa posvetijo svojemu hobiju, je največ mladih odgovorilo, da se počuti »redko popolnoma osamljen« (Graf 6). 34 Graf 6: Osamljenost glede na čas, ki ga mladi vsakodnevno posvetijo osebnim hobijem (N = 620) V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. Z R IR N A O Zelo podobno je pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih obveznosti: največ je tistih, ki so odgovorili, da se N S I T T H Z počutijo »redko popolnoma osamljene« (Graf 7). E N R D AN O Graf 7: Osamljenost glede na čas, ki ga mladi vsakodnevno posvetijo domačim obveznostim (N = 620) S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVROISPEVKOV Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. Velika razlika pa je pri prostovoljnih dejavnostih. Večina mladih ni aktivna v prostovoljnih dejavnostih. Kljub temu imamo mlade, ki so zelo aktivni. Tudi tukaj vidimo, da jih je največ odgovorilo, da so »redko popolnoma osamljeni« (Graf 8). 35 Graf 8: Osamljenost glede na čas, ki ga mladi tedensko posvetijo prostovoljnim dejavnostim (N = 620) E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 O th IO U A N A T P NN E N U O D M A P L L C E 2 E ON N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E E O NC A C L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S I O S N L C G O IE S B G NC IC O A E O S L D K W A E N V D IT E A H P LO R Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. P T E S M E L R R E E Ugotavljamo, da čas, ki ga posvetijo mladi hobijem, domačim obveznostim in prostovoljnim dejavN A E T I D V E nostim, ne zmanjša njihovega občutka osamljenosti. N S I R E S W O E A R N V 3. 4 Izpostavljenost internetu in socializacija N S D IC S E O C C Umik iz družbe in izključevanje iz aktivnega družbenega življenja, sta značilni za depresivne ljudi. Ka-H HOL O F S dar ljudje skupaj preživljajo čas, se pogovarjajo, si izmenjujejo mnenja, si delijo doživljanja, misli in LA E A C R R U čustva, se to dogaja neposredno. Pri tem čutimo čustva svojega sogovornika iz njegovega glasu, mi-L S Y P R I mike, vonja itd. Tega ne moremo doživeti pred zasloni. Tako kot se lahko samo iz neposrednih stikov z T A Y A P drugimi ljudmi naučimo hoditi ali govoriti, tako se tudi empatije lahko naučimo iz neposrednih stikov. E N RS D D Prekomerna izpostavljenost internetu zmanjšuje empatijo pri mladostnikih (Spitzer 2017). IG V naši raziskavi je dve tretjini mladih odgovorilo, da internet spodbuja navezovanje stikov z drugimi. NITY Le tretjina ali 28 % mladih je odgovorilo, da internet negativno vpliva na njihovo socializacijo. Na socializacijo drugih pa skoraj 39 % (Graf 9). Graf 9: Percepcija sebe nasproti percepciji drugih glede vpliva interneta na socializacijo Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. 36 V raziskavi ugotavljamo razlike med fanti in dekleti pri navezovanju stikov. Težko (in zelo težko) V Z 1 navezuje stike 24 % dijakov in 38 % dijakinj (Graf 10). Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A Graf 10: Navezovanje stikov glede na spol , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z E N R D AN O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVROISPEVK Vir: Raziskava Kraner 2022. OV Ugotavljamo, da imajo večje težave pri navezovanju stikov dekleta, da so mladi bolj kritični do drugih glede vpliva interneta na navezovanje stikov in da imajo mladi izrazito majhno zavedanje vpliva interneta na njihovo lastno socializacijo. Spitzer trdi ravno nasprotno, saj vidi v internetu negativen vpliv na socializacijo. Z drugimi besedami poudari: več kot se mladi med seboj pogovarjajo neposredno, uspešnejši so v svojih socialnih odnosih (Spitzer 2017). Želja po izpostavljenosti internetu se danes med mladimi povečuje. Vendar je prekomerna izpostavljenost nevarna za odvisnost od interneta. Raziskave potrjujejo, da prekomerna izpostavljenost internetu povečuje nagnjenosti k samomoru. Seidler je s sodelavci raziskoval osamljenost moških in izpostavljenost socialnim omrežjem. Ugotovil je, da se moški, ki doživljajo osamljenost, obračajo na socialne medije, da bi se digitalno povezali. Izpostavljenosti internetu glede na čas, se osamljenost in psihološka stiska (posebej pri mlajših moških) še bolj povečata (Seidler idr. 2022). 4 RAZPRAVA Na eni strani ugotavljamo škodljive vplive uporabe interneta, na drugi strani pa se spodbuja uporabo le tega zaradi možnosti zaposlitve na trgu dela. Kako in kam usmeriti vzgojo mladih pri uporabi interneta, da jim bo koristila v njihovem življenju? V naši raziskavi ugotavljamo, da so mladi preveč izpostavljeni internetu. Futuristi pa govorijo o novih poklicih, ki zahtevajo izključno digitalna znanja kot na primer programer reševalnih dronov, športni trener, ki obvlada pametno tehnologijo, trener govora umetne inteligence, arhitekt za Meta-verzum, načrtovalec prometa brez emisij CO2, tehnik za učenje s pomočjo obogatene resničnosti, inženir umetne inteligence v kmetijstvu, producent ustvarjalnosti z umetno inteligenco, tehnik za oskrbo v skupnosti, tehnološki modni oblikovalec itd. (Acres 2022). 37 Razvijalci novih informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij (IKT) spodbujajo učitelje in učence, da bi E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 vse kar delamo pri fizičnem pouku bili sposobni upravljati preko spletnih orodij (IKT 2022). Pri tem CAT B 1 so nove tehnologije predstavljene izrazito pozitivno in brez vsake kritike tega, kako škodljive učinke O th IO U A lahko ima neprimerna raba digitalnih tehnologij. N A T P NN E N U O Internet in z njim povezane naprave so postali pripomočki, brez katerih si ne moremo predstavljati D M A P L L C E 2 življenja v sodobni družbi. Vendar obstaja nevarnost prekomerne rabe digitalnih orodij, ki posledič- E ON N 0 no vpliva na socialno vključenost mladih v družbo ali pa celo na osamljenost. TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E Psihologi opozarjajo, da mladi, ki so prekomerno povezani z internetom ali vedno povezani z in-E O NC A C ternetom (homo connecticus), težko razpolagajo s časovnimi okvirji. Prekomerna izpostavljenost L I E A T O H / P L A F internetu lahko vodi v odvisnost od interneta. Simptomi odvisnosti od interneta so nezmožnost ob-E N U D T vladovanja težnje po pretirani uporabi interneta. V času, ko posameznik ni na internetu, se pojavijo R R O OP C E neprijetni občutki kot so osamljenost, nezadovoljstvo, zadržanost, zaskrbljenost, razočaranje ali ne-E C E H E’ D N S mir. Prav tako se pojavijo občutki, da posameznik ne more brez interneta. Posledice, ki se pokažejo I O S N L C G O I so, poslabšanje akademskega in službenega življenja, motnje spanja, obsesivna in nenadzorovana E S B G NC I uporaba interneta (Young 1998; Young idr. 2019; Young in Campbell 2018). C O A E O S L D K W A Internet je dobrina, ki nam omogoča gibanje brez prostora in časa. Vendar, kot je dejal McLuhan, E N V D I mediji niso le kanali za informacije. Medij doda kanalu vsebino in jo po svoje oblikuje (McLuhan in T E A H P LO R Fiore 1967). Carr je kritičen do medijev in v njih vidi grožnjo človekovim najosnovnejšim sposobnos-P T E S M E L R R tim. Po njegovem lahko mediji »omrtvijo najbolj intimo, najbolj človeško od vseh naših naravnih E E N A E T I D sposobnosti - razum, dojemanje, spomin, čustvovanje« (Carr 2011). V E N S I R E S W O Korelacijo prekomerne povezanosti mladih z internetom, bi lahko videli v podatkih, ki govorijo o E A R N V neaktivnosti mladih v prostem času in nenehna prisotnost telefona. Larchet je prepričan, da me-N S D IC S E O C C dijsko okolje spodbuja nenehno raztresenost: »Čas, ki ga imajo na voljo, pa nič več ne zaznamuje H HOL O F S trajanja v obliki časovnega zaporedja, temveč nizanje zmedenih trenutkov« (2022, 195-196). LA E A C R R U L S Y P R IT 5 SKLEP A Y A PE NRSD D Internet je postal »sistem za motenje« in te motnje raztresajo naše misli in slabijo naš spomin. Bolj I kot je misel, ki jo trenutno predelujemo, večplastna, večjo škodo povzročijo takšne motnje interneta GNI (Carr 2011). Kljub temu se prihodnost razvija v smer digitalizacije in vsi se bomo morali v prihodnje TY naučiti bolje živeti z internetom. Strokovnjak za komunikacijo in edukacijo, Fabio Pasqualetti, je prepričan, da največja težava ni nepismenost pri uporabi medijev ampak „kulturna nepismenost“. Pasqualetti namreč trdi, da ljudje nimajo kulturnih orodij za interpretacijo novih medijev in vseh aparatov, ki so v ozadju. Ljudje so zaradi pomanjkanja zgodovinskega, političnega, literarnega, filozofskega, umetniškega itd. znanja in zavesti ob spremembah nevedni, ker nimajo kulturnih orodij za njihovo interpretacijo. Ljudje, ki jim običajno uspe videti onkraj navideznega, površinskega, in so sposobni razumeti razmerja moči, ki vladajo našemu življenju, so ljudje z globokimi človeškimi izkušnjami in kulturno bogati. Pro-tistrup za površnost ali plitvino, je globina. Zato je pred nami izobraževalni izziv omogočiti mladim, da doživijo globino, kompleksnost in lepoto (Pasqualetti 2020, 746). V naši raziskavi smo ugotovili, da imajo mladi izrazito majhno zavedanje vpliva interneta na njihovo lastno socializacijo. Pri navezovanju stikov je več deklet kot fantov odgovorilo, da ima težave pri navezovanju stikov. Mladi so bolj kritični do drugih glede vpliva interneta na navezovanje stikov. Ugotavljamo, da čas, ki ga posvetijo mladi hobijem, domačim obveznostim in prostovoljnim dejavnostim, ne zmanjša njihovega občutka osamljenosti. Tudi če so mladi družbeno angažirani preko prostovoljnih dejavnosti, občutek osamljenosti ostaja. Spreminja pa se stopnja osamljenosti glede na časovno izpostavljenost socialnim omrežjem: med bolj izpostavljenimi socialnim omrežjem in storitvam klepeta je večji delež osamljenih mladih. Ugotavljamo tudi, da se manj kot polovica mladih zavestno odloči, da med delom nima pri sebi telefona. Mladi imajo veliko toleranco do motenja, ki prihaja s strani pametnih telefonov. V raziskavi nismo zaznali razlike med toleranco mladih do zvočnega ali svetlobnega motenja. Med socialnimi omrežji je največ mladih pogosto izpostavljeno Instagramu, Tik Toku in Facebooku. Med storitvami klepeta mladi pogosto uporabljajo Snapchat in Viber. Več kot 3 ure dnevno Tik Tok 38 uporablja 11 % mladih in Snapchat 10 % mladih. To je velik delež mladih, ki so zelo izpostavljeni V Z 1 socialnim omrežjem. Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N Omenjeni podatki kažejo na to, da lahko v prihodnosti pričakujemo še večje težave glede navezova-A V A , I E N nja stikov med mladimi. Tudi že omenjene potrebe trga zahtevajo vedno več digitalnih kompetenc, Z K S O A G T B V kar dodatno spodbuja mlade k uporabi digitalnih orodij. Vse to mladim jemlje čas, ki je bil včasih A E R N Ž E 2 namenjen druženju mladih. 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Izvajajne pedagoškega procesa pri urah športa v osnovnih šolah se močno razlikuje od S B G NC IC O pouka v učilnicah. Interakcije med učitelji športa in učenci v telovadnici ali na šolskem igrišču so A E O S L D K W A posledično toliko bolj specifične in edinstvene. Obdobje v osnovni šoli je lahko za učence, ki se E N V D I šele privajajo na zunanji svet, odlična odskočna deska v obdobje mladostništva. Da bi bila njih-T E A H P LO R ova popotnica in usmeritev dovršena, moramo športni pedagogi vsakodnevno vzgajati v smeri P T E S M E L dobrih navad in pozitivnega mišljenja. R R E E N A E T I D Zanimala so nas stališča in mnenja učiteljev športa o pomembnosti njihovega vpliva na učence V E N S I R E S W O pri pridobivanju pozitivnih navad učencev, s ciljem raziskati in ugotoviti kaj zanje pomeni po-E A R N V zitivna navada in kako jih opredeljujejo glede na svojo starost, spol, delovno dobo v vzgoji in N S D IC S E O izobraževanju ter formalno izobrazbo. Raziskali in ugotavljali smo na kakšen način si učitelji C C H HOL O F S športa predstavljajo pomembnost svojega vpliva na pridobivanju pozitivnih navad učencev in LA E A C R R kako prepoznavajo svoj vpliv na učence. Udeležence v raziskavi smo povprašali tudi o predlogih U L S Y P R I za povečano pridobivanje pozitivnih navad učencev znotraj vzgojno-izobraževalnega sistema. T A Y A PE Za metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja smo izbrali kvalitativni in deskriptivni raziskovalni pristop. N RS D D Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo individualnega polstrukturiranega oziroma delno strukturiranega IG intervjuja. Intervjuvali smo deset učiteljev športa iz osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom z NIT nižjim izobrazbenim standardom iz osrednjeslovenske regije. Y Ključne besede: učitelj športa, navade učencev, družbena odgovornost, zdrav življenjski slog, vzgoja in izobraževanje 42 ABSTRACT V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z In elementary school, the teacher plays an important role, as they meet with students on a daily O L J O N A V A basis. Teachers imparts knowledge to them, and at the same time consciously or unconsciously , I E N Z K S influences the formation of students personality. In the educational process, the teacher acts O A G T B V A E R on the students with their whole personality and educates them through it. The implemen-N Ž E 2 E A K V tation of the pedagogical process in sports lessons in primary schools is very different from A 02 O N 3 N lessons in classrooms. Interactions between physical education teachers and students in the JE I : D FE gym or on the school playground are consequently all more specific and unique. For students N D R R U EN who are just getting used to the outside world, the period in primary school can be an excellent U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N springboard to the period of adolescence. In order for their journey and orientation to be com-VN I I plete, we must educate physical education teachers on a daily basis in the direction of good O Z N T ED D E N habits and positive thinking. H R A A N R V O O We were interested in the attitudes and opinions of physical education teachers about the im-J L D E / Z O N Š portance of their influence on students in acquiring positive habits in students, with the aim of O U K B I R researching and finding out what positive habits mean to them and how they define them ac-O D R A E N Z L cording to their age, gender, years working experiences in education and formal education. We V E IK R O ŽB J Z researched and determined how sports teachers imagine the importance of their influence on O EC A V the acquisition of positive habits in students and how they recognize their influence on students. EN A Z R The participants in the research were also asked about suggestions for increased acquisition of IR N A O positive habits by students within the educational system. N S I T T H Z We chose a qualitative and descriptive research approach as the method of pedagogical research. E N R D A The data was collected with the help of an individual semi-structured or partially structured in-N O S S terview. We interviewed ten physical education teachers from an elementary school with an T T V O E J adapted program with a lower educational standard from the Central Slovenian region. N AN IH P S Keywords: physical education teacher, students habits, social responsibility, healthy lifestyle, TV R O I education SPEVKOV 43 1 UVOD E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Osnovnošolski učitelj predstavlja osrednjo figure zaradi neposrednega uresničevanja vzgojno-iz-AT B 1 O th IO U A obraževalnih nalog in ciljev. Vsakodnevno se srečuje z učenci in jim podaja znanje, hkrati pa tudi N A T P NN zavedno ali nezavedno vpliva na oblikovanje osebnosti učencev. V veliki meri je od učiteljev odvisna E N U O D M A P pridobljena vzgoja in izobrazba učencev ter kvaliteta šole (Hozjan 2014). L L C E 2 E ON N Po Hozjan (2014) se učitelj v šoli pojavlja v treh vlogah - kot uslužbenec, strokovnjak in kot človek. Vse 0 TA 2 F 3 E tri vloge so konstantno prisotne in delujejo usklajeno. Učitelj kot uslužbenec mora upoštevati šolske L H R :S E E O NC pravne akte in zakonodajo. Učitelj kot strokovnjak je zavezan stroki, kar pomeni, da pozna svojo stro-A C L I E A T O ko, jo spremlja in razvija ter svoja znanja uresničuje na takšen način, ki je dostopen učencem. Učitelj H / P L A F EN kot človek ima prednosti in slabosti. Imeti mora dovolj človeške topline v komunikaciji z učenci in skrb U D T R R O zanje. Pomembno je tudi, da vpliva z odločnostjo, premore humanost brez pretirane sentimentalnos-OP C E E C ti, da zna hrabriti in spodbujati, da nudi podporo ter zna podpreti, razumeti in razlikovati. E H E’ D N S I O S N L C Černe (2016) poudarja vsestranskost učitelja, saj je to oseba, ki si želi sodelovanja učencev, upošteva G O IE S B G NC njihova mnenja in za poučevanje uporablja različne didaktične pripomočke. Nadalje piše, da je uči-IC O A E O S telj za učence velikokrat tudi vzornik, zato se mora pred učenci kazati v svoji najboljši luči. L D K W A E N V D Po Cencič (1986) osebnost učitelja deluje na učence neposredno z zgledom, posredno pa z vpliva-IT E A H P LO R njem na razpoloženje in vodenje skupine. V vzgojnem procesu učitelj deluje na učence s svojo celotno P T E S M E L osebnostjo in jih preko nje vzgaja. Vanj so vedno uprte kritične oči učencev, ki ga opazujejo in tudi R R E E N A posnemajo. S svojim vedenjem in ravnanjem mora učitelj zato vedno opozarjati in prepričevati učence E T I D V E N S I R ter jim hkrati dokazovati, da njegovi vzgojni nauki niso le besede, temveč predvsem dejanja, saj preko E S W O E A R njegovega ravnanja učenci preverjajo veljavnost moralnih stališč, ki jih učitelj zastopa in poudarja. N V N S D IC S E O Izvajajne pedagoškega procesa pri urah športa v osnovnih šolah se močno razlikuje od pouka v C C H HOL učilnicah. Interakcije med učitelji športa in učenci v telovadnici ali na šolskem igrišču so posledično O F S LA E A C toliko bolj specifične in edinstvene. Obdobje v osnovni šoli je lahko za učence, ki se šele privajajo R R U L S Y P R na zunanji svet, odlična odskočna deska v obdobje mladostništva. Da bi bila njihova popotnica in IT A Y A usmeritev dovršena, moramo športni pedagogi vsakodnevno vzgajati v smeri dobrih navad in po-PE NR zitivnega mišljenja. V raziskavi so nas zanimala stališča in mnenja učiteljev športa o pomembnosti S D D njihovega vpliva na učence pri pridobivanju pozitivnih navad učencev. IGNITY 1.1 Opredelitev dobrega učitelja Pri opredelitvi dobrega učitelja dajejo nekateri prednost strokovnemu vidiku, drugi pa medsebojnim odnosom z učenci in ostalimi zaposlenimi. Po Jereb (1998 v Pšunder in Dečman Dobrnjič 2010) mora imeti dober učitelj naslednje lastnosti: psihofizične lastnosti, strokovnost, znanje in izkušnje, motiviranost za vzgojno-izobraževalno delo, usposobljenost za vzgojno-izobraževalno delo, dobro in uspešno skupinsko komunikacijo in delovne navade. 1.1.1 Psihofizične lastnosti Sem prištevamo fiziološke in morfološke lastnosti, značaj, ustvarjalnost, inteligenco in strukturo vrednot. Z vidika uspešnosti so še posebej pomembne sposobnosti, kot so verbalna inteligenca, jasno izražanje in razločen govor. Pomembni sta tudi fizična kondicija, zdravje, vitalnost in osebni stil. 1.1.2 Strokovnost, znanje in izkušnje Učitelj mora obvladati stroko. Imeti mora ustrezno stopnjo strokovne izobrazbe in delovne izkušnje. Pomembno je tudi, da ima pri uresničitvi vzgojn-izobraževalnih ciljev ustrezen strokoven in inovati-ven pristop, hkrati pa mora skrbeti za lastno vseživljenjsko izpopolnjevanje in učenje. 1.1.3 Motiviranost za vzgojno-izobraževalno delo Storilnost in učinkovitost učitelja sta odvisni od njegove motivacije za vzgojno-izobraževalno delo ter strokovne in pedagoško-andragoške usposobljenosti. Delovna uspešnost mora biti ocenjena in pravično nagrajena, saj se na ta način lahko zagotovi zadovoljstvo učitelja, hkrati pa prihaja do vpliva na njegovo motivacijo oziroma na njegovo nadaljno delovno uspešnost. 44 1.1.4 Usposobljenost V Z 1 Z A Č 1 Za uspešno delo učitelja je potrebna pedagoško-andragoška, sociološka in psihološka usposoblje-G . Z O L J O N nost za vzgojno-izobraževalno delo. Dva temeljna pokazatelja usposobljenosti učitelja sta ustvar-A V A , I E N jalnost in inovativnost pri delu. Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 1.1.5 Dobra in uspešna skupinska komunikacija E A K VA 02 O Dobra in uspešna skupinska komunikacija je prav tako ena izmed temeljnih lastnosti dobrega uči-N 3 N JE I : D FE telja. Usposobljenost učitelja se kaže z vzpostavljanjem dobrih odnosov z učenci, z motiviranjem N D R R U E učencev k samostojnemu in aktivnemu življenju v skupini ter z vključevanjem učencev v prostoča-N U ŽB C Š E A Z M sne aktivnosti. E N VN I I O Z N T ED 1.1.6 Delovne navade D E N H R A Sem se uvršča natančno in vestno opravljanje dela, ki se kaže v doslednem uresničevanju zastavlje-A N R V O O J L D nih učno-vzgojnih ciljev, v natančnosti in objektivnosti pri delu v skupini, v upoštevanju hišnega in E / Z O N Š O U K dnevnega reda v šoli ter natančnosti pri izvajanju in izvedbi različnih dejavnosti tako v času pouka, B I R O D kot tudi v dodatnem programu šole. R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O 1.1.7 Navade, vrednote in osebnostne lastnosti EC A V EN Na učinkovitost učiteljevega dela imajo velik vpliv tudi ustrezne druge socialne navade in vrednote A Z R IR N ter njegove osebne lastnosti. A O N S I T T H Z E 1.2 Stališča N R D A Stališča so v Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika (SSKJ) opredeljena kot nekaj, kar določa kriterij N O S S T T za presojanje česa (stališče do česa). Ule Nastran (1994) navaja, da so stališča širša od mnenj, ki so V O E J N A bolj specifična, nestalna in manifestacija stališč v konkretnih situacijah. Po Musek (1994) so trajna, N IH P ST miselna, vrednostna, čustvena in akcijska naravnanja v odnosu do različnih objektov (predmetov, V R O I bitij, oseb, dogodkov in pojmov). SPEVK 1.2.1 Oblikovanje in spreminjanje stališč OV Stališča se oblikujejo in spreminjajo celo življenje znotraj skupin, ki jim pripadamo. Najpomembnej- še skupine so primarne (družina, prijatelji) in referenčne. Na oblikovanje stališč vplivajo tudi osebnostne značilnosti, predvsem trenutne potrebe in interesi. Za oblikovanje novih izkušenj so ključne osebne izkušnje, pomembne so tudi informacije in znanje o dogodkih iz različnih virov (Kompare in Stražišar 2002). Na nastanek in razvoj stališč vpliva predvsem socialno učenje. Mnoga stališča povzemamo od okolja, zlasti od oseb, ki nas vzgajajo, po katerih se zgledujemo in s katerimi se identificiramo, mnoga pa oblikujemo tudi z lasto presojo (Musek 1994). 2 RAZISKAVA 2.1 Problem in cilji raziskave V raziskavi so nas zanimala stališča in mnenja učiteljev športa o pomembnosti njihovega vpliva na učence v osnovni šoli pri pridobivanju pozitivnih navad učencev. Postavili smo naslednje cilje: - raziskati in ugotoviti stališča in mnenja učiteljev športa o pomembnosti svojega vpliva na učence pri pridobivanju pozitivnih navad; - raziskati in ugotoviti razlike v stališčih in mnenjih učiteljev športa glede na starost, delovno dobo v vzgoji in izobraževanju, spol in izobrazbo. 2.2 Raziskovalna vprašanja Raziskovalna vprašanja so povezana s stališči učiteljev športa o pomembnosti njihovega vpliva na učence v osnovni šoli pri pridobivanju pozitivnih navad učencev. 1) Kaj učiteljem športa pomenijo pozitivne navade učencev? 45 2) Kako učitelji športa opredeljujejo pozitivne navade učencev glede na svojo starost, spol, delov-E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 no dobo v vzgoji in izobraževanju ter izobrazbo? CAT B 1 O 3) Na kakšen način si učitelji športa predstavljajo pomembnost njihovega vpliva na pridobivanju th IO U A N A T P N pozitivnih navad? N E N U O D M A 4) Kako učitelji športa prepoznajo svoj vpliv na učence? P L L C E 2 E ON 5) Kaj udeleženci v raziskavi predlagajo za povečano pridobivanje pozitivnih navad učencev? N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E 2.3 Metode dela E O NC A C L I E A Za metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja bomo uporabili deskriptivno kvalitativno metodo. Kvalitativno T O H / P L A F E raziskovanje išče intenziven ali dolgotrajen kontakt z vsakodnevnimi situacijami, ki odražajo vsakdaN U D T R R nje življenje oseb, skupin, družb in organizacij. Kvalitativna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja preu-O OP C E E C čuje, kako ljudje razumejo določene situacije, si razlagajo vsakodnevne dogodke in kako nanje reagiE H E’ D N S I O S rajo. Cilj te metode je dobiti celosten vplogled v kontekst, ki ga preučuje, njegovo logiko, ureditve in N L C G O IE S B pravila (Kordeš in Smrdu 2015). Po Cencič (2009) deskriptivna metoda raziskovanja spoznava pedagoG NC IC O ško problematiko na ravni kakovosti in količine. Ugotavlja stanje brez vzročnega pojasnila. A E O S L D K W A E N V D I 2.4 Udeleženci v raziskavi T E A H P LO R P T V raziskavi sodeluje deset učiteljev športa iz osnovne šole s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izo-E S M E L R R E E brazbenim standardom iz osrednjeslovenske regije. N A E T I D V E Udeležence v raziskavi smo zaradi varovanja osebnih podatkov poimenovali z »intervjuvanec A«, » N S I R E S W O E A intervjuvanec B«, » intervjuvanec C«, »intervjuvanec D«, » intervjuvanec E«, »intervjuvanec F«, »in-R N V N S D tervjuvanec G«, »intervjuvanec H«, »intervjuvanec I«, »intervjuvanec J«. IC S E O C C H HOL 1) Intervjuvanec A je po izobrazbi profesor športne vzgoje. S študijem je zaključil leta 2003 in ima O F S L skupaj 25 let delovnih izkušenj v redni osnovni šoli in osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom z A E A C R R U L S nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Letos bo dopolnil 50 let. Y P R IT A Y A 2) Intervjuvanec B je po izobrazbi profesorica defektologije. Študij je zaključila leta 1999. Ima 29 PE NR let delovnih izkušenj z otroki s posebnimi potrebami v osnovi šoli s prilagojenim programom z S D D nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Stara je 53 let. IGNI 3) Intervjuvanec C je po izobrazbi diplomiran trener košarke, profesor športne vzgoje in magister TY inkluzivne pedagogike. Na Pedagoški fakulteti je diplomiral leta 2006, na Fakulteti za šport leta 2012, magistriral leta 2019, prav tako na Pedagoški fakulteti. V vzgoji in izobraževanju ima skupaj 7 let delovne dobe. Star je 43 let. 4) Intervjuvanec D je po izobrazbi profesorica športne vzgoje in magistrica specialne in rehabilita-cijske pedagogike ter doktorica kinezioloških znanosti. S študijem na Fakulteti za šport je zaklju- čila leta 2011, s študijem na Pedagoški fakulteti leta 2014. Doktorirala je leta 2020 na Fakulteti za šport. Stara je 45 let in ima 15 let delovnih izkušenj v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom in nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. 5) Intervjuvanec E je po izobrazbi profesorica športne vzgoje in magistra inkluzivne pedagogike. Diplomirala je leta 2013, magistrirala je leta 2018. Stara je 34 let in ima 9 let delovnih izkušenj s poučevanjem športa v vzgoji in izobraževanju. 6) Intervjuvanec F je po izobrazbi profesor športne vzgoje. S študijem na Fakulteti za šport je zaključil leta 2015 in ima 7 let delovnih izkušenj v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Star je 35 let. 7) Intervjuvanec G je po izobrazbi profesor športne vzgoje. Na Fakulteti za šport je diplomiral leta 2010 in ima 2 leti delovnih izkušenj s poučevanjem športa v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim progra-mam z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Star je 38 let. 8) Intervjuvanec H je po izobrazbi profesor športne vzgoje. S študijem na Fakulteti za šport je zaključil leta 2007 in ima 2 leti delovnih izkušenj s poučevanjem športa v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Star je 45 let. 9) Intervjuvanec I je po izobrazbi profesorica športne vzgoje. Na Fakulteti za šport je diplomirala leta 2012 in ima 6 let delovnih izkušenj s poučevanjem na osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Stara je 36 let. 46 10) Intervjuvanec J je po izobrazbi profesor športne vzgoje. S študijem na Fakulteti za šport je zak-V Z 1 ljučil leta 2017. Skupaj ima 5 let delovnih izkušenj v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Star je 30 let. Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A 2. 5 Način zbiranja podatkov , I E N Z K S O A G T Uporabili smo individualni polstrukturirani intervju oziroma delno sturkturirani intervju, ki je po B V A E R N Ž E 2 Kordeš in Smrdu (2015) najpogostejša oblika pridobivanja kvalitativnih podatkov. Vprašanja so od-E A K VA 0 prtega tipa in lahko sledijo določenemu predhodnemu okviru ter razporedu ali pa so popolnoma 2 O N 3 N J prosta. Polstrukturirani intervju smo razdelili na dva sklopa vprašanj, ki so povezana s cilji raziskave E I : D FE N D R R na način, da poskušamo čim bolj celovito odgovoriti na raziskovalna vprašanja. U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M Učitelje športa smo po elektronski pošti povabili k sodelovanju v raziskavi. Po seznanitvi z namenom E N VN I I in potekom raziskave smo začeli z intervjuvanjem. Glavna vprašanja so bila vnaprej pripravljena O Z N T ED in so izhajala iz raziskovalnih ciljev. Intervjuji so bil snemani z mobilnim telefonom in so potekali D E N H R A v mesecu novembru 2022 po predhodnem dogovoru z intervjuvanci. Posamezen intervju je trajal A N R V O O J L D med 45 in 60 min. E / Z O N Š O U K B I R Pri raziskavi smo upoštevali Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov O D R A E 2007) ter temeljna načela etičnega kodeksa. N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O E 2.6 Postopek obdelave podatkov C A V EN A Po individualnih intervjujih smo pridobljene podatke analizirali in razčlenjenje na pomembne Z R IR N ključne besede strukturirali. Te smo povezali v pojme in jih kategorično zaključili v obliki kvalitativ-A O N S I T T ne raziskave. H Z E N R D Po transkripciji intervjujev v izvirniku smo vsebino le-teh večkrat prebrali in podčrtali besede in be-AN O sedne zveze, ki so se nam zdele pomembne za nadaljno raziskovanje ter jih povezali v kategorije. S S T T V O Kategorije smo oblikovali v poskusno teorijo in povzeli pomembne zaključke zastavljenih razisko-E J N AN I valnih vprašanj. H P STVROISPE 3 SKLEP IN RAZPRAVA VKOV V raziskavi smo ugotavljali stališča in mnenja učiteljev, ki poučujejo predmet šport na osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom, o pomembnosti njihovega vpliva na učence pri pridobivanju pozitivnih navad. Po temeljni analizi intervjujev smo želeli odgovoriti na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Ugotovili smo, da učiteljem športa pozitivne navade učencem pomenijo lepo vedenje in zdrave navade v družbeno sprejemljivem kontekstu. Pri opredelitvi le-teh zaznamo razlike pri učiteljih športa glede na spol. Učitelji športa so pozitivne navade učencev povezovali predvsem s fair play-em, rednim izvenšolskim športnim udejstvovanjem in zdravim ter aktivnim življenjskim slogom v prostem času, medtem ko so učiteljice športa pozitivne navade učencev opredelile s točnostjo prihajanja k pouku, z rednim nošenjem športne opreme, urejenostjo garderobe, aktivnim sodelovanjem pri pouku. Učitelji z daljšo delovno dobo so pozitivne navade učencev povezovali tudi s samostojnostjo učencev in skbjo zase. Za primer navajajo primerno higieno po uporabi stranišča, očiščenje sanitarij po daljši potrebi, brisanje tal ob razlitju tekočine, ustrezno ločevanje smeti, samostojnost oblačenja in slačenja ter skrbjo in odgovornostjo zanje, primerna osebna higiena po športni aktivnosti, po-moč šibkejšim sošolcem oz. tistim, ki jo potrebujejo. Učitelji, starejši od 40 let so pozitivne navade povezali tudi z bontom pozdravljanja in odzdravljanja ter opravičevanja v primeru neprimernega vedenja ali zamujanja k pouku. Ni bilo zaznanih razlik med intervjuvanci glede na izobrazbo. Z omenjeno ugotovitvijo odgovarjamo na prvo raziskovalno vprašanje, ki sprašuje kaj učiteljem športa pomenijo pozitivne navade in drugo raziskovalno vprašanje, ki se glasi, kako učitelji športa opredeljujejo pozitivne navade učencev glede na svojo starost, spol, delovno dobo v vzgoji in izobraževanju ter izobrazbo. Pri ugotavljanju stališč učiteljev športa o pomembnosti njihovega vpliva na pridobivanje pozitivnih navad učencev smo bili deležni različnih odgovorov intervjuvancev glede na starost, spol, delovno dobo v vzgoji in izobraževanju ter izobrazbo. Mlajši učitelji in učiteljice športa ter učitelji in učiteljice športa s krajšo delovno dobo (do 15 let) menijo, da imajo pomemben vpliv na učence z vidika pozitivnih navad. Omenjajo svoje zdrave navade, s katerimi vsakodnevno vplivajo na učence – pitje vode 47 iz stekleničke, prihajanje na delovno mesto s kolesom ali peš, sadje za dopoldansko malico, kosmiči E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 za zajtrk, vzdrževanje primerne telesne teže in osnovne kondicije… Navajajo tudi posreden vpliv na CAT B 1 učence s strani telovadnice, kot šolskega prostora, ki je barvit, prostoren, oblazinjen, poln pozitivne O th IO U A in sproščene energije, ki po njihovem mnenju blagodejno vpliva na učence in jih momentalno vabi N A T P NN E k športni aktivnosti ter jih na nezavedni ravni zaznamuje s potrebo po gibalni dejavnosti. Omenjajo N U O D M A P L L tudi sproščena in barvita oblačila, ki jih nosijo med poučevanjem ter z njimi posredno pozitivno vpli-C E 2 E ON N vajo na učence. Izpostavljajo specifičnost poučevanja novih športnih učnih vsebin in pridobivanje 0 TA 2 F 3 E novega športnega znanja, ki je drugačno od klasičnega v šolski učilnici in je po njihovem mnenju L H R :S E E O NC bolj sproščeno, igrivo in prepleteno s humorjem in pozitivnimi emocijami. Starejši učitelji športa A C L I E A T O (nad 40 let) so pomembnost svojega vpliva na učence z vidika pozitivnih navad prepoznali v ustre-H / P L A F EN zni osebni higieni učencev. Vsakoletno se v začetku novega šolskega leta o ustrezni osebni higieni U D T R R O po telesni dejavnosti pogovarjajo, nagovarjajo učence k rednem pranju športne opreme in zahteva-OP C E E C jo od učencev, ki si manjkajoč del športne opreme sposodijo v šoli, da le-tega operejo doma ali ga E H E’ D N S I O S nesejo v gospodinjsko učilnico in ga sami operejo v sklopu pouka. N L C G O IE S B G NC Z omenjenim odgovarjamo na tretje raziskovalno vprašanje, ki intervjuvance sprašuje na kakšen način IC O A E O S si predstavljajo pomembnost njihovega vpliva na pridobivanju pozitivnih navad glede na svojo starost, L D K W A E N spol, delovno dobo v vzgoji in izobražeanju ter izobrazbo. V D IT E A H P LO R Intervjuvanci najbolj prepoznavajo svoj vpliv na učence preko dobrih odnosev, ki se odražajo v P T E S M E L upoštevanju navodil učitelja športa, primernega športnega vedenja in aktivnega sodelovanja pri R R E E N A pouku. Vsi udeleženci v raziskavi se strinjajo in poudarjajo, da so navade živa stvar in se oblikujejo E T I D V E N S I R tekom življenja. Osnovne navade prihajajo iz domačega okolja. Učitelji jih le obrusijo, če so le-te E S W O E A R lepe, zdrave, pozitivne s pohvalo, opažanjem, spodbujanjem. V primeru slabih navad učencev pa N V N S D IC S so učitelji tisti, ki jih poskušajo pretransformirati v pozitivne v sodelovanju s starši, po potrebi tudi E O C C H HOL s šolsko psihologinjo in socialno delavko. Intervjuvanci se zavedajo, da so vsakodnevno pod drob-O F S L nogledom učencev, zato se trudijo čim več svojih pozitivnih navad udejanjati pred učenci. Zavedajo A E A C R R U L S se tudi pomembnosti vpliva svojega zgleda na učence. Y P R IT A Y A Z omenjenim odgovarjamo na četrto raziskovalno vprašanje, ki udeležence v raziskavi sprašuje o prepo-PE NR znavanju svojega vpliva na učence. To raziskovalno vprašanje se glasi, kako učitelji športa prepoznajo S D D svoj vpliv na učence. IGNI Ugotavljamo isto stališče intervjuvancev, da se vsi strokovni delavci in šola, kot vzgojno-izobraže-TY valna ustanova, še naprej trudi udejanjati čim več pozitivnih navad in jih vsakoletno v okviru or-ganiziranega programa ali dejavnosti nadgraditi ter vključiti v šolski vsakdan. Primer pozitivnega vedenja na šoli, ko je vsak razred v začetku šolskega leta pred vrata svoje učilnice izobesil tri do pet pozitivnih razrednih pravil. Enako so naredili tudi učitelji športa in pred telovadnico izobesili osnov-na pravila vedenja v telovadnici. S tem smo odgovorili na peto raziskovalno vprašanje, kaj udeleženci v raziskavi predlagajo za povečano pridobivanje pozitivnih navad učencev. LITERATURA 1. Cencič, Mira. 1986. Dinamika vzgojnega dela v šoli. Ljubljana: DZS. 2. Cencič, Mira. 2009. Kako poteka pedagoško raziskovanje?. Primer kvantitativne empirične neeks-perimentalne raziskave. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. 3. Černe, Maja. 2016. Presoja specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov o lastni usposobljenosti za vodenje razreda. Diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta, Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika. 4. Hozjan, Dejan. 2014. Izobraževanje za 21. stoletje – ustvarjalnost v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Koper: Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče (ZRS). 5. Kompare, Alenka in Mihaela Stražišar. 2002. Stališča, predsodki in vrednote. V: Šmagelj, Jana (ur.), Psihologija: Spoznanja in dileme (1. izdaja, 2. natis). Ljubljana: DZS, str. 320−324. 6. Kordeš, Urban in Maja Smrdu. 2015. Osnove kvalitativnega raziskovanja. Koper: Univerza na Pri-morskem; 2015. 7. Musek, Janek. 1994. Psihologija. Človek in družbeno okolje. Ljubljana: Educy, str. 33−36. 48 8. Pšunder, Majda in Olga Dečman Drobnjič. 2010. Alternativni vzgojni ukrepi med teorijo, zakonoda-V Z 1 jo in prakso. Zavod RS za šolstvo. Z A Č 1 G . Z O L 9. Slovar slovenskega knjižnjega jezika (SSKJ). Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti. J O N A V A , I E N Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Inštitut za slovenski Z K S O A G T jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU. Dostopno na http://bos.zrc-sazu.si/sskj.html (11. januar 2023). B V A E R N Ž E 2 10. Ule Nastran, Mirjana. Temelji socialne psihologije. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče; E A K VA 02 O 1994. N 3 N JE I : D FE 11. Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov. 2007. Ljubljana: Uradni list RS, št. 94. N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z E N R D AN O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVROISPEVKOV 49 PRILOGA E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 O Priloga 1: Intervju th IO U A N A T P NN E N U O D M A P Pozdravljeni! L L C E 2 E ON N 0 Sem Janez Čmer, profesor športne vzgoje. Pripravljam raziskavo o stališčih in mnenjih učiteljev TA 2 F 3 E L H R športa o pomembnosti njihovega vpliva na učence v osnovni šoli s prilagojenim programom z nižjim :S E E O NC izobrazbenim standardom pri pridobivanju pozitivnih navad učencev. A C L I E A T O H / P L A Vnaprej bi se Vam želel zahvaliti za sodelovanje v naši raziskavi in Vam hkrati zagotoviti anonimnost F E N U D T Vaših osebnih podatkov. R R O OP C E Intervju bom z Vašim predhodnim dovoljenjem zvočno posnel s svojim mobilnim telefonom zaradi E C E H E’ D N S lažje in kakovostnejše analize podatkov. I O S N L C G O IE S B Hvala za razumevanje, sedaj pa predlagam, da začneva z intervjuvanjem. G NC IC O A E O S 1) Prosim za kratko predstavitev – izobrazba, študij, delovna doba v vzgoji in izobraževanju, predL D K W A E N met poučevanja, Vaša starost. V D IT E A H P L 2) Kaj Vam pomenijo pozitivne navade učencev in kako jih opredeljujete? O R P T E S M E L 3) Na kakšen način si predstavljate pomembnost svojega vpliva na pridobivanju pozitivnih navad R R E E N A učencev? E T I D V E N S I R E S 4) Kako prepoznavate svoj vpliv na učence? W O E A R N V N S D 5) Kaj predlagate za povečano pridobivanje pozitivnih navad učencev? IC S E O C C H HOL O F S LA E A C R R U L S Y P R IT A Y A PE NRSD D IGNITY 50 IZZIVI PARTICIPACIJE OTROK IN MLADOSTNIKOV V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L V DIGITALNEM OKOLJU J O N A V A , I E N Z K S CHALLENGES OF PARTICIPATION OF CHILDREN O A G T B V A E R AND ADOLESCENTS IN THE DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N J Dr. Nataša Demšar Pečak E I : D FE N D R R Ministrstvo za delo družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti, Slovenija U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T E POVZETEK D D E N H R A Prispevek naslavlja izzive participacije otrok in mladostnikov v digitalnem okolju. Participacija A N R V O O J L D otrok se nanaša na aktivno soudeležbo pri zadevah, ki se jih tičejo, bodisi doma, na ravni šole, E / Z O N Š O U K lokalne skupnosti ali države. Članek se osredotoča na uporabo digitalnega okolja, ki je po-B I R O D membno orodje v življenju otrok pri doseganju izobrazbe, socializacije in vključenosti, hkrati R A E N Z L V E pa jih lahko njegova uporaba izpostavi tveganim vedenjem. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti IK R O ŽB J Z O analizo stanja uresničevanja pravice otrok do participacije v digitalnem okolju. Za spremljanje EC A V E podatkov je bila uporabljena kombinacija kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih analiz podatkov, kot N A Z R I tudi Lundy model kombiniran z ugotovitvami »Priporočil Odbora ministrov državam članicam R N A O N S o Smernicah o spoštovanju, varstvu in izpolnjevanju otrokovih pravic v digitalnem okolju« iz I T T H Z leta 2018. Ker imajo otroci pravico do participacije v digitalnem okolju morajo poznati tudi E N R D A tveganja, ki jih lahko prinese uporaba digitalne tehnologije, zato jim mora biti zagotovljena N O S S tudi ustrezna varnost in zaščita. Otroci so zelo ranljiva skupina prebivalstva in imajo pogosto T T V O E J premalo izkušenj in znanja, da bi znali oceniti tveganje in posledice, ki jih prinaša digitalno N AN IH P S okolje, zato jih je treba ozaveščati in usposobiti za varno rabo digitalnega okolja in jim pri tem TV R O nuditi po potrebi tudi psihosocialno pomoč. ISPE Ključne besede: participacija, varnost, nekemična zasvojenost, digitalno okolje, otroci VKOV ABSTRACT The contribution addresses the challenges of participation of children and adolescents in the digital environment. Children’s participation refers to active participation in matters that concern them, whether at home, school, local community, or national level. The article focuses on the use of the digital environment, which is an important tool in the lives of children in achieving education, socialization, and inclusion, but at the same time its use can expose them to risky behaviours. The purpose of the research was to determine the analysis of the state of realization of children’s rights to participation in the digital environment. To monitor the data, a combination of qualitative and quantitative data analysis was used, as well as the Lundy model combined with the findings of the 2018 “Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Guidelines on the Respect, Protection and Fulfilment of Children’s Rights in the Digital Environment”. Because children have the right to participate in the digital environment, they must also know the risks that the use of digital technology can bring, so they must also be provided with adequate security and protection. Children are a very vulnerable group of the population and often lack the experience and knowledge to be able to assess the risk and consequences of the digital environment, so they must be made aware and trained in the safe use of the digital environment, and they must also be provided with psychosocial assistance if necessary. Keywords: participation, safety, non-chemical addiction, digital environment, children, addiction 51 1 UVOD E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C V zadnjem obdobju je digitalno okolje postalo vsakdanje okolje, v katerem se »gibljejo« otroci in AT B 1 O th IO U A mladostniki. Bistveni izziv je, kako regulirati to področje, da bodo otroci in mladostniki deležni kar N A T P NN največ pozitivnih in kar najmanj negativnih vidikov digitalnega okolja. Otrokom in mladostnikom, E N U O D M A P kot tudi strokovnim delavcem, staršem in skrbnikom je treba predstaviti spletne vsebine, ki spodbu-L L C E 2 E ON jajo k varni in ustvarjalni rabi tehnologij, ter na medresorski ravni spodbujati pripravo kakovostnih N 0 TA 2 F spletnih vsebin. Otroke in mladostnike je treba opolnomočiti za varno in ustvarjalno rabo digitalne-3 E L H R :S E ga okolja, krati pa jim je treba predstaviti tudi dolžnosti in odgovornosti, ki jih prinašajo nekatere E O NC A C L I E A pravice (kot je spoštovanje pravice drugega), ter omejitve – tako svobode izražanja (sovražni govor) T O H / P L A F E kot tudi sodelovanje v okviru digitalnega okolja (kot komplementarno drugim oblikam sodelovanj, N U D T R R npr. face-to-face) (Program za otroke 2020-2025 2020, 3). Omenjeno področje je namreč v zadnjem O OP C E E C času deležno veliko pozornosti. To dokazujejo tudi številni mednarodni dokumenti, ki so bili sprejeti E H E’ D N S z namenom varovanja pravic otrok v digitalnem (npr. OZN dokument o pravicah otrok v digitalnem I O S N L C G O IE okolju (2021), Priporočilo CM/Rec. Odbora ministrov državam članicam o Smernicah o spoštovanju, S B G NC IC O varstvu in izpolnjevanju otrokovih pravic v digitalnem okolju (Svet Evrope 2018), Strategija EU o A E O S L D K W A pravicah otrok (Evropska komisija 2021). E N V D IT E A Različni omenjeni dokumenti skozi različne perspektive izpostavljajo podobne poudarke glede H P LO R P T tega, kako v digitalnem okolju ohranjati in krepiti koristi otrok (Narat, Boljka in Škafar 2022): digi-E S M E L R R E E talno okolje, podobno kot fizično okolje, ustvarja za otroke na eni strani priložnosti za uresničevanje N A E T I D različnih vrst pravic (npr. pravica do svobode izražanja, pravica do participacije, pravica do informira-V E N S I R E S W O nja, olajšan dostop do visoko kakovostnega inkluzivnega izobraževanja in do zdravstvenih storitev E A R N V itd.), na drugi strani pa predstavlja grožnjo za tvegana vedenja in kršenje njihovih pravic (pomen N S D IC S E O različnih oblik nasilja, izkoriščanja, zasvojenosti, profiliranje ipd.); obe plati preživljanja časa otrok v C C H HOL O F S digitalnem okolju sta se še posebej izrazito pokazali v času epidemije koronavirusa; LA E A C R R U - v dokumentih je zato odgovornost za ohranjanje dobrobiti otrok položena v roke držav, vlad in L S Y P R I podjetij, v smislu opolnomočenja otrok na eni strani ter varovanja pred škodljivimi posledicami T A Y A P na drugi strani, E N RS D D - obenem dokumenti poudarjajo pomen aktivne vloge otrok pri razvoju politik, storitev in proi-IG zvodov, ki v kontekstu digitalnega okolja kakorkoli vplivajo na njihova življenja (Better Internet NIT for Kids 2021). Y Med vsemi navedenimi dokumenti zlasti OZN dokument o pravicah otrok v digitalnem okolju (UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 2021) izpostavlja pomen raziskav na tem področju in zbira-nju podatkov, ki omogočajo pripravo ocen o vplivu digitalnega okolja na življenja otrok. Tovrstne analize bi morale biti po navedbah omenjenega dokumenta ključne podlage za oblikovanje politik. Participacija otrok, kot je omenjeno v Beli knjigi Zveze prijateljev mladine Slovenije (ZPMS) o uresničevanju pravice otrok do participacije, se nanaša na aktivno soudeležbo pri zadevah, ki se jih tičejo, bodisi doma, na ravni šole, lokalne skupnosti ali države. Participacija se torej nanaša na aktivno soudeležbo in resnično vplivanje na odločitve, ki zadevajo njihovo življenje (Zega 2022). Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah (KOP), sprejeta leta 1989, vključuje med drugim pravico otrok do izražanja lastnega mnenja, torej pravico do svobodnega izražanja. Ta pravica zajema svobodno iskanje, sprejemanje in širjenje vsakovrstnih informacij in idej, ne glede na meje, v ustni, pisni, tiskani ali umetniški obliki ali na katerikoli drug način po otrokovi izbiri, torej tudi v digitalnem okolju. Otroci in mladostniki, ki odraščajo v sodobni družbi, so priča številnim družbenim spremembam na področjih delovanja družine in z njo povezanih vzgojnih praks, spremembam na področju izobraževanja, velikim spremembam na področju trga dela in zaposlovanja, stanovanjske politike itd. (Program za otroke 2020-2025, 2020). Digitalno okolje je pomembno orodje v življenju otrok in mladostnikov pri doseganju izobrazbe, socializacije in vključenosti oziroma participacije, vendar jih lahko hkrati njegova uporaba izpostavi tveganim vedenjem. Za zagotavljanje zaščite in varnosti otrok ter mladostnikov v digitalnem okolju, je treba ozaveščati in usposobiti otroke in mladostnike za varno rabo digitalnih medijev. Prav tako je treba opolnomočiti tudi njihove starše ali skrbnike oziroma druge osebe, ki pri delu z njimi uporabljajo digitalno tehnologijo. Otroci in mladostniki imajo sicer pravico do sodelovanja v digitalnem okolju, imajo pravico do dostopa do informacij in izražanja preko digitalnih medijev, vendar pa morajo pri zagotavljanju teh pravic poznati tudi tveganja, ki jim jih 52 lahko prinese uporaba digitalne tehnologije. Prav zaradi porasta uporabe zaslonov je treba veliko V Z 1 pozornosti nameniti tudi njihovi zlorabi v virtualnem okolju. Za varnost in zaščito otrok in mlado-Z A Č 1 G . Z O L stnikov v digitalnem okolju mora biti zagotovljena tudi njihova ustrezna zaščita, saj imajo pogosto J O N A V A , I E N premalo izkušenj in znanja, da bi znali oceniti tveganje in posledice, ki jih spletno okolje prinaša. Z K S O A G T B V V epidemija COVID-19 je močno vplivala na področje čezmerne uporabe digitalnega okolja in, kot A E R N Ž E 2 omenjajo strokovnjaki (Lobe idr. 2021, 4), zaostrila obstoječe in ustvarila nove izzive in neenakosti, E A K VA 02 O saj so bili otroci pogosteje izpostavljeni različnim oblikam nasilja, spletni zlorabi in izkoriščanju ter N 3 N JE I : D F spletnemu ustrahovanju, prav tako pa je bilo na spletu tudi več vsebin o spolni zlorabi otrok. Zaradi E N D R R U E omenjenega porasta uporabe zaslonov je mogoče v zadnjem času opaziti škodljive učinke preko-N U ŽB C Š merne uporabe na duševno zdravje otrok, zato lahko v tej povezavi izpostavimo tudi psihološko E A Z M E N VN I I obremenjenost otrok in mladostnikov, kar lahko vodi tudi v zasvojenosti. Ker je participacija otrok in O Z N T ED mladostnikov v digitalnem okolju postala vsakdanje okolje, v katerem delujejo, je treba to področ- D E N H R A je regulirati s primernimi ukrepi na tak način, da bodo deležni kar največ pozitivnih in kar najmanj A N R V O O J L D negativnih vplivov, ki jim ga prinaša digitalno okolje. E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E 2 TEORETIČNA IZHODIŠČA N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O Uporaba interneta je v času koronakrize omogočala otrokom in mladostnikom komunikacijo z dru-EC A V E gimi, saj je npr. omogočala šolanje in druženje na daljavo. Digitalizacija sicer res omogoča nove po-N A Z R I zitivne načine delovanja uporabnikov in daje možnosti za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja, prav tako R N A O N S pa omogoča tudi negativno plat, to je večjo stopnjo tveganja in ranljivosti, ki so ji izpostavljeni predI T T H Z vsem otroci in mladostniki. To je privedlo do večjih spletnih tveganj in povečanja digitalne neena-E N R D A kosti (Evropska komisija 2021,16). Strokovnjaki, ki se z otroki in mladostniki neposredno srečujejo N O S S pri svojem delu, navajajo, da se že pri predšolskih otrocih, kažejo posledice prekomerne rabe zaslo-T T V O E J nov in zato pri otrocih, kot tudi mladostnikih postajajo vse večji izziv (Vintar Spreitzer idr., 2021, 2). N AN IH P ST Zaradi omenjenega porasta uporabe zaslonov so zelo opazni škodljivi učinki uporabe zaslonov V R O I tudi na duševno zdravje otrok in mladostnikov. Kot je bilo izpostavljeno, gre za trend, ki je bil sicer SPE opazen že pred epidemijo COVIDA-19, ta pa je zaradi ukrepov (tudi zaradi zaprtja šol), še dodatno VKO prispevala k povečani rabi zaslonov. Povečana količina časa rabe zaslonov je še dodatno vplivala V na (negativne) učinke prekomerne rabe zaslonov in posledično na duševno zdravje v vseh starostnih skupinah otrok in mladostnikov (Vintar Spreitzer idr., 2021). Tudi ena prvih raziskav duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov pri nas, ki jo je leta 2018 izvedel Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje (v nadaljevanju: NIJZ), naslavlja skrb vzbujajoči trend. Po njihovih ugotovitvah je večina otrok in mladostnikov v Sloveniji sicer duševno zdravih in zadovoljnih z življenjem, vendar obenem opozarjajo, da to še ni zagotovilo za visoko stopnjo duševnega zdravja (NIJZ 2018a). Manfred Spitzer (2016, 8) navaja, da prekomerna uporaba zaslonov povzroča motnje spomina, motnje pozornosti in koncentracije kakor tudi čustveno poplitvenje in splošno otopelost, kar jo poimenuje kar digitalna demenca, hkrati pa omenja, da pretirana uporaba naprav z zasloni lahko vodi tudi v zasvojenosti. Zaradi specifične nevrološko-razvojne plastičnosti v mladostništvu predstavlja problematična raba interneta tveganje za duševno zdravje mladih in lahko vodi do negativnih posledic v vsakodnevnem življenju. Prav tako so bile pri nekaterih prisotne tudi telesne posledice, poročali so o več glavobolih ter utrujenih in bolečih očeh ter povečani telesni teži (Vintar Spreitzer idr. 2021, 43). Pri odvisnosti od interneta gre (prav tam, 47) za nekemično, vedenjsko zasvojenost z določenimi vsebinami na zaslonih. Način uporabe kaže vse značilnosti odvisniškega vedenja: pri otrocih in mladostnikih te aktivnosti negativno vplivajo na šolski uspeh, medosebne odnose, zmanjšujejo zanimanje za druga prej pomembna področja aktivnosti, kažejo razvoj tolerance, vztrajanje kljub jasnim težavam, ki jih prinaša prekomerna uporaba interneta in so povezane z nezmožnostjo prekinjanja teh aktivnosti. Zato je zelo pomembno, da se čas za zaslonom uravnoteži z igro ali telesno dejavnostjo, po možnosti na prostem ter kvalitetnim spanjem. (NIJZ, 2018b) Določena vedenja, kot omenjajo strokovnjaki (Vintar Spreitzer idr. 2021, 29) lahko kažejo, da gre pri otroku ali mladostniku za prekomerno rabo zaslonov in razvoj zasvojenosti od vsebin preko zaslonov. V tem primeru je pomemben posvet s strokovnjakom. Takšna vedenja so: - sprememba spalnih navad (ne zaspi brez zaslona, se pogosto zbuja, se zbuja zgodaj zjutraj itd.), - sprememba prehranjevalnih navad (prehranjevanje ob zaslonu, nezdravo prehranjevanje itd.), 53 - sprememba higienskih navad in manjša skrb zase, E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 - čustvena nihanja, CAT B 1 O - čustvena reakcija (tudi agresivna) ob onemogočanju aktivnosti za zaslonom, th IO U A N A T P N - izguba občutka za čas, N E N U O D M A - laganje o času, preživetem za zasloni, uporaba na skrivaj, iskanje različnih možnosti, kako priti do P L L C E 2 zaslona, E ON N 0 TA 2 F - stalno razmišljanje o aktivnostih na internetu, tudi ko počne kaj drugega, 3 E L H R :S E - izguba zanimanja za druge aktivnosti, ki niso povezane z uporabo zaslona, npr. zmanjšanje zani-E O NC A C L I E A manja za druženje in druge aktivnosti, ki so otroka prej veselile, T O H / P L A F EN - upad pričakovanih dejavnosti (izostajanje od pouka, slabši uspeh, manj pomoči doma itd.), U D T R R O OP - zapiranje vase, vse manj stika iz oči v oči, razdražljivost, C E E C E H E’ - težave v medosebnih odnosih, D N S I O S N L C - razpršena pozornost, zmanjšana koncentracija in zmožnost ohranjanja zbranosti ter pogloblje-G O IE S B G NC nega razmišljanja, IC O A E O S L D - če umaknemo en zaslon, otrok začne uporabljati drugega. K W A E N V D I Zaradi porasta števila otrok in mladostnikov s težavami na področju duševnega zdravja, si država T E A H P LO R prizadeva z različnimi ukrepi, kot so financiranje različnih psihosocialnih programov za otroke in P T E S M E L mladostnike, ki omogočajo lokalno dostopno, zgodnjo in več disciplinarno obravnavo otrok in mla-R R E E N A E T I D dostnikov s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Prav zato je pomembno, da država zagotovi ponudbo V E N S I R E različnih oblik brezplačne pomoči in podpore ter da zagotovi enakost in socialno vključenost, še S W O E A R N posebno za najbolj ranljive družbene skupine. V N S D IC S E O Prav tako je zagotovljena tudi brezplačna pomoč njihovim staršem v okviru osnovnega zdravstve-C C H HOL O F S nega varstva v tesnem sodelovanju z drugimi službami, šolskimi strokovnimi delavci, učitelji ter LA E A C R R strokovnimi delavci v socialnem varstvu. V sklopu programov psihosocialne pomoči so s strani dr-U L S Y P R I žave financirani tudi programi namenjeni nudenju individualne strokovne in skupinske pomoči T A Y A P zasvojenim z digitalnimi napravami, oziroma celostnem urejanju oseb z nekemičnimi oblikami E N R zasvojenosti zasvojenim, njihovim svojcem, medinstitucionalnim povezovanjem z individualnim, S D D I družinskim, partnerskim in skupinskim načinom dela. GNITY 3 RAZISKAVA 3.1 Metoda Na osnovi teoretičnih izhodišč smo želeli, z raziskavo Inštituta RS za socialno varstvo (v nadaljevanju IRSSV), ki jo je za potrebe Sveta RS za otroke in družino pripravil po naročilu Ministrstva, pristojne-ga za družino, ugotoviti stanje uresničevanja pravice otrok do participacije v digitalnem okolju. Za pridobitev podatkov za raziskavo z naslovom Spoštovanje, varstvo in izpolnjevanje pravic otrok v digitalnem okolju (Narat, Boljka in Škafar 2022) je bil uporabljen Lundy model (2007). Omenjeni model participacijo otrok smiselno predstavi skozi štiri segmente oz. t.i. kontrolni seznam ( ang. Checklist). To so dostop do digitalnega okolja, pravica do svobode izražanja in obveščenosti, pravica do udeležbe, pravica do vključenosti v igro, pravica do zbiranja in združevanja, zasebnost in varstvo podatkov, pravica do izobraževanja, pravica do zaščite in varnosti. Model je kombiniran z ugotovitvami »Priporočil Odbora ministrov državam članicam o Smernicah o spoštovanju, varstvu in izpolnjevanju otrokovih pravic v digitalnem okolju« iz leta 2018. Spremljanje uresničevanja teh pravic predstavlja dobro podlago za identifikacijo ključnih kazalnikov za oceno področja digitalizacije in participacije otrok. V nadaljevanju je model natančno predstavljen. Lundy model (2007) je eden najpogosteje uporabljenih ogrodij pri načrtovanju aktivnostih, povezanimi s participacijo otrok ne glede na to ali gre za razvoj programov, storitev, politik ali za oceno stanja in raziskovanje tega področja. Omenjeni model participacijo otrok smiselno predstavi skozi štiri segmente, ki poudarjajo dostopnost, varnost, inkluzivnost participacije otrok ter informiranost, slišanje mnenj otrok in njihovo upoštevanje: a) prostor (»space«): otroci potrebujejo priložnosti za izražanje mnenj v prostoru, ki je varen in vključujoč (pomembno je zagotoviti; da so otroci v participatorne procese vključeni v čim 54 zgodnejših fazah načrtovanja, dolgoročno vključenost otrok, vključitev otrok, ki jih obravnaV Z 1 vane teme neposredno zadevajo, vključujoč in vsem dostopen participatorni proces, varnost Z A Č 1 G . Z O L ob izražanju mnenja in podporo za tiste otroke, ki občutijo nelagodje in stres pri vključevanju J O N A V A , I E N v participatorne aktivnosti); Z K S O A G T b) glas (»voice«): otroci potrebujejo ustrezno podporo za izražanje svojih mnenj (pomembno je imeti B V A E R N Ž E 2 jasen seznam tem, za katere želimo pridobiti mnenja otrok, zagotoviti, da se ohrani pozornost E A K VA 0 na določenih temah, zagotoviti, da se otroci zavedajo, da je njihovo sodelovanje prostovoljno in 2 O N 3 N JE I : D F da se lahko umaknejo kadarkoli to želijo, podpreti otroke z dostopnimi informacijami, posredo-E N D R R vanimi za njihovo starost primeren način, zagotoviti različne načine izražanja mnenj, ki najbolj U EN U ŽB C ustrezajo njihovim potrebam in željam, ter prostovoljen izbor vsebin v participatornem procesu); Š E A Z M E N VN I I c) občinstvo (»audience«): mnenja otrok morajo biti slišana (pomembno je seznaniti otroke z vsemi O Z N T ED vidiki komunikacije; npr. komu, kako in kdaj lahko sporočijo svoje mnenje, pokazati zavezanost k D E N H R A temu, da želimo biti informirani o mnenjih otrok, določiti in vključiti relevantne odločevalce, otroke A N R V O O J L D seznaniti s tem, kako in kdaj bodo poročilo oziroma zapis njihovih mnenj (tudi v obliki povzetka, E / Z O N Š O U K napisanega v otrokom prijazen jeziku) oblikovani, zagotoviti otrokom možnost potrditve, da so nji-B I R O D hova mnenja pravilno zabeležena in povzeta, podpreti njihovo vlogo pri izražanju mnenj R A E N Z L V E I d) vpliv (»influence«): mnenja otrok morajo biti upoštevana, če je to le mogoče (pomembno je K R O ŽB J Z O E zagotoviti, da so otroci primerno seznanjeni z možnostmi vplivanja na sprejemanje odločitev C A V EN (vključno z omejitvami), dostop do povratnih informacij, ki morajo biti posredovane na starosti otrok A Z R IR N primeren način, da mnenja otrok vplivajo na sprejemanje odločitev, povratne informacije o tem, na A O N S kakšen način so bila njihova mnenja upoštevana in o razlogih za sprejete odločitve (dostopne in staI T T H Z E rosti primerne), in otrokom zagotoviti možnosti za oceno procesa, v katerem so sodelovali). N R D AN O S pomočjo modela so bili analizirani in interpretirani dostopni podatki s tega področja za Slovenijo S S T T in obenem umeščeni v evropski kontekst (Narat, Boljka in Škafar, 2022). Na podlagi dostopnih po-V O E J N A datkov je bil oblikovan tudi indeks pravic otrok v digitalnem okolju, s katerim je bilo moč ugotoviti, N IH P ST kam se v tem kontekstu umešča Slovenija. Indeks je bil izračunan za 25 evropskih držav, in sicer V R O IS iz treh, že omenjenih, dimenzij: Prostor, Glas in Občinstvo. Vsi kazalniki in kazalci, iz katerih so bile PEV sestavljene poddimenzije, so bili najprej transformirani na način, da se je državi z najnižjo vredno-KO stjo kazalca/kazalnika priredilo vrednost 0, državi z najvišjo pa vrednost 100. Vrednosti za ostale V države so bile ustrezno transformirane, tako da so se razmerja med njimi ohranila. Dimenziji Glas in Občinstvo sta bili izračunani v skladu z metodološkim okvirom, prvo torej kot povprečje dveh poddimenzij, druga pa je zajemala le en kazalnik, vendar pa ju za ta prispevek nismo posebej naslavljali. Skupni indeks participacije otrok v digitalnem okolju predstavlja povprečje omenjenih dimenzij. Za potrebe analize so bile združene ugotovitve različnih raziskav s tega področja, saj posamične raziskave, ki bi s kazalniki in podatki v celoti omogočila oceno uresničevanja omenjenih pravic otrok v digitalnem okolju, ni bilo moč zaslediti. V shemo (Tabela 1) tako ni vključen idealni nabor kazalnikov, ampak nabor dostopnih kazalnikov, ki ustrezajo določenim merilom za izbor. Med več kriteriji za umestitev kazalnika participacije otrok v digitalnem okolju v shemo, sta bila za potrebe raziskave, naslovljena dva, in sicer: a) mednarodna primerljivost in b) aktualnost podatka (upoštevani so bili podatki od leta 2017 oziroma 2018 naprej), pri čemer je bila težnja pridobiti čim bolj aktualen zajem podatkov. Za izračun dimenzije »Prostor« sta navedeni dve poddimenziji, in sicer dostop do digitalnega okolja ter pravica do zaščite in varnosti. Glede na to, da je zaradi sprememb v načinu šolskega dela, ki so jih prinesli ukrepi za zajezitev epidemije koronavirusa, pomen informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije (v nadaljevanju IKT) narasel, predvidevamo, da je dostopnost do digitalnega okolja izboljšana tudi v šolskem okolju. Iz podatkov je razvidno, da otroci v Sloveniji v primerjavi s sovrstniki iz drugih evropskih držav pogosteje uporabljajo internet. Podatki se nanašajo na čas ukrepov za zajezitev širjenja epidemije koronavirusa, ko so šole ostale zaprte in so se učenci šolali od doma. V tem času se je pomen dostopnosti do IKT tehnologij pokazal za izredno pomembnega. Za Slovenijo očitno še toliko bolj kot v ostalih državah, saj je bila Slovenija po številu ur, namenjenih rabi interneta, še v letu 2018 povsem na repu evropskih držav. Tudi po uporabi računalnika smo se umeščali nekje v povprečje evropskih držav. Porast rabe interneta gre glede na omenjene okoliščine pripisati zlasti namenom šolanja, kar n nadaljevanju potrjujejo tudi prikazani podatki. 55 Tabela 1: Indikatorji participacije otrok v digitalnem okolju E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Dimenzija Podimenzija Indikator Vir AT B 1 O th IO U A Delež otrok, ki ima doma dostop do laptopa, N A T P NN namiznega računalnika ali tablice PISA* 2018 E N U O D M A P L Delež otrok, ki ima v šoli dostop do laptopa, L C E 2 E ON namiznega računalnika ali tablice PISA 2018 N 0 TA 2 F 3 E Delež otrok, ki so uporabljali računalnik v L H R :S E zadnjem letu Eurostat, 2017 E O NC A C Dostop do digitalnega okolja L I E A T O Število ur, namenjenih rabi interneta v šoli H / P L A F E (med tednom) OECD, PISA 2018 N U D T R R O OP Število ur, namenjenih rabi interneta v izven C E E C šole (med tednom) OECD, PISA 2018 E H E’ D N S I O S N Število ur namenjenega rabi interneta glede na L C G O IE PROSTOR S B namen (na dan) KiDiCoTi, 2020 G NC IC O A E O S Indeks prekomerne rabe interneta EU KIDS ONLINE, 2020 L D K W A E N Delež otrok, ki ocenjuje, da se na internetu V D IT E A H P L počutijo varno KiDiCoTi, 2020 O R Pravica do zaščite in varnosti P T E S M E L Delež otrok, ki so se znašli v različnih situacijah R R E E N A spletnega nadlegovanja KiDiCoTi, 2020 E T I D V E N S I R Delež otrok, ki je na spletu nadlegoval druge KiDiCoTi, 2020 E S W O E A R N Pravica do vključenosti v igro, V N S D Delež otrok, ki uporablja internet za pogovor OECD, PISA 2018 IC S pravica do zbiranja in združevanja E O C C H HOL O F S Pravica do zasebnosti in varstva L Ni podatka A E A osebnih podatkov C R R U L S Y P R Delež otrok, ki uporablja internet za branje IT A Y A elektronske pošte OECD, PISA 2018 PE NRSD D Delež otrok, ki uporablja internet za iskanje informacij o določeni tematiki OECD, PISA 2018 IG Pravica do svobode izražanja in N obveščenosti I Delež otrok, ki uporablja internet za branje TY GLAS novic OECD, PISA 2018 Delež otrok, ki uporablja internet za iskanje praktičnih informacij OECD, PISA 2018 Indeks IKT kompetenc PISA, 2015 Pravica do izobraževanja Indeks naklonjenosti IKT PISA, 2015 Delež otrok, ki uporablja internet za vključitev v OBČINSTVO Pravica do udeležbe skupine za razpravljanje ali spletne forume PISA, 2018 VPLIV Pravica do udeležbe Ni podatka *The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Vir: Narat, Boljka in Škafar 2022, 7. 3.2 Rezultati Z raziskavo (Narat, Boljka in Škafar 2022) je bila za vsak segment Lundy modela narejena analiza, in sicer za: »prostor«, »glas«, »občinstvo« in »vpliv«, vendar smo se za pričujoči prispevek osredoto- čili le na segment »prostor«. Glede na omejen dostop do podatkov je bilo moč o »prostoru« v digitalnem okolju največ izvedeti predvsem o dostopnosti, pogostosti uporabe in varnosti le-tega. Za omenjene vidike sicer obstajajo podatki dveh preteklih raziskav – Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) (Jeriček Klanšček idr., 2019) in „Kids‘ Digital lives in COVID-19 Times“ (KiDiCoTi) (European Union 2020), vendar so podatki prve zastareli, podatki druge pa se osredotočajo zgolj na primerjavo stanja med epidemijo s preteklo situacijo. 56 Slika 1: Število ur namenjenih rabi interneta glede na namena (na dan), 10 DO 18 let V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E I Vir: KiDiCoTi, 2020. K R O ŽB J Z O E Ključne ugotovitve pričujoče raziskave kažejo, da so imeli otroci že leta 2018 relativno dober dostop C A V EN A do digitalnega okolja, saj je imela večina otrok doma računalnik, laptop ali tablico. Po podatkih se Z R IR N je Slovenija umeščala v povprečje držav (Slika 1). Glede na to, da gre za podatke, ki se nanašajo na A O N S leto 2018 in glede na poznani trend lahko predvidevamo, da se je do danes dostopnost še izboljša-I T T H Z E la. Glede na to, da je zaradi sprememb v načinu šolskega dela, ki so jih prinesli ukrepi za zajezitev N R D A epidemije koronavirusa, pomen IKT narasel, se je dostopnost do digitalnega okolja izboljšala tudi N O S S T T v šolskem okolju. Iz podatkov je razvidno, da otroci v Sloveniji v primerjavi s sovrstniki iz drugih V O E J N A evropskih držav pogosteje uporabljajo internet. Podatki se nanašajo na čas ukrepov za zajezitev N IH P ST širjenja epidemije koronavirusa, ko so šole ostale zaprte in so se učenci šolali od doma. V tem času V R O I se je pomen dostopnosti do IKT tehnologij pokazal za izredno pomembnega. Za Slovenijo očitno SPE še toliko bolj kot v ostalih državah, saj je bila Slovenija po številu ur, namenjenih rabi interneta, še VKO v letu 2018 povsem na repu evropskih držav. Tudi po uporabi računalnika smo se umeščali nekje v V povprečje evropskih držav. Porast rabe interneta gre glede na omenjene okoliščine je moč pripisati zlasti namenom šolanja, kar potrjujejo tudi podatki. Pravica do varnega digitalnega okolja je v Sloveniji, v primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi državami, relativno dobro uresničena. To drži za vse tri vidike varnosti, ki so zajeti v popisu podatkov, in sicer za: (1) prekomerno rabo interneta: po kazalniku prekomerne rabe interneta se umeščamo med boljše dr- žave (kljub pogosti rabi interneta). Na podlagi podatkov lahko opazimo, da za tiste države, kjer otroci preživijo več časa na internetu, velja, da imajo obenem tudi višji delež otrok, ki poročajo o prekomerni rabi interneta (npr. Portugalska, Irska) in obratno (npr. Italija); Slovenija je v tem oziru izjema (Slika 2). Slika 2: Indeks prekomerne rabe interneta (%), 11 do 16 let Vir: EU Kids Online 2020. 57 V raziskavi so se otroci opredelili do petih komponent prekomerne rabe interneta: a) „neuspešno E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 sem poskušal/-a preživeti manj časa na spletu“, „zaradi preživljanja časa na spletu sem namenil/-a CAT B 1 manj časa bodisi družini, prijateljem ali šolskim nalogam“, „sam/-a sebe sem zalotil/-a pri brskanju O th IO U A brez pravega zanimanja“, „mučno mi je bilo, ko nisem mogel/-la biti na spletu“, „nisem spal/-a ali N A T P NN E jedel/-a zaradi interneta“). N U O D M A P L L C E 2 (2) za subjektivno oceno občutka varnosti v digitalnem okolju: v Sloveniji se več kot polovica otrok E ON N 0 počiti varne na spletu, s čimer se umeščamo v povprečje evropskih držav, skupaj z Italijo (Slika 3). TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E E O NC Slika 3: Delež otrok, ki ocenjuje, da se na internetu počutijo varne; 10 do 18 let A C L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S I O S N L C G O IE S B G NC IC O A E O S L D K W A E N V D IT E A H P LO R P T E S M E L R R E E N A E T I D V E N S I R E S W O E A R N V N S D IC S E O C C H HOL O F S Vir: KiDiCoTi 2020. LA E A C R R (3) za doživljanje in izvajanje nasilja preko spleta: razveseljivi so podatki o nasilju v digitalnem okolju, U L S Y P R I saj naj bi bilo po poročanju otrok v Sloveniji najmanj takih, ki doživljajo nasilje prek spleta in tudi T A Y A P najmanj takih, ki so bili nasilni do drugih (Slika 4). E N RS D D I Slika 4: Delež otrok, ki so izkusili spletno nadlegovanje; 10 do 18 let GNITY Vir: KiDiCoTi 2020. O uresničevanju pravice do igre, pravice do zbiranja in združevanja je težko sklepati zaradi pomanjkanja podatkov. Na voljo je le podatek o uporabi interneta »za pogovor«, kjer je iz tabele razvidno, da je v Sloveniji leta 2018 velika večina otrok uporabljala internet za ta namen, vendar je bila Slovenija v evropskem merilu še vedno pod povprečjem (Slika 5). Za bolj podroben vpogled bi potrebovali več podatkov o obisku konkretnih spletnih strani in aplikacij. Prav tako je moč ugotoviti, da bi za bolj točno in natančno analizo uresničevanja pravic otrok v digitalnem okolju za segment »Prostor« potrebovali več podatkov (predvsem za ugotavljanje tega, kako so otroci vključeni v igro, kako se zbirajo in združujejo preko spleta ter ali sta njihova zasebnost in varstvo podatkov dobro varovana) in tudi bolj kakovostne (v smislu aktualnosti podatkov). Na evropski ravni obenem obstaja manko 58 podatkov, ki bi merili položaj otrok mlajših starostnih skupin v Sloveniji in drugod (kot so otroci v V Z 1 predšolski vzgoji in izobraževanju ter otroci v prvi triadi osnovne šole). Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A V A Slika 5: Delež otrok, ki uporablja internet za pogovarjanje , I E N Z K S O A G T B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z E N R D A Vir: OECD, PISA 2018. N O S S T T V O E J N A 4 RAZPRAVA N IH P STV Nabor, dostopnost in kakovost podatkov o vsakdanjem življenju otrok, kot navajajo (Narat, Boljka R O IS in Škafar 2022), se izboljšujejo. Podatki so tudi vedno bolj otrokocentrični, kar pomeni, da so otroci PEV enota analize in da raziskovalce in raziskovalke zanimajo izidi in ne npr. zgolj kakovost javnih po-KO litik, ki sicer lahko pozitivno vplivajo na prve. Številčnost različnih raziskav, ki pripomorejo k temu V bogastvu podatkov, je seveda dobrodošla, vendar množica informacij lahko deluje tudi nepregle-dno in otežuje ocenjevanje določenih področij, pomembnih za življenje otrok, in posledično ustrezno oblikovanje javnih politik na njih. Eden novejših pristopov, ki presega prav to, je oblikovanje t. i. sestavljenih indeksov. Sestavljeni so iz različnih, za otroke pomembnih kazalnikov, ki določe-na področja kar najbolje predstavljajo, hkrati pa odražajo stanje znotraj njih. Poglavitne prednosti takšnega pristopa so v tem, da omogoča lažje spremljanje trendov in sprememb znotraj določenih, za otroke pomembnih področij skozi čas in v mednarodnem kontekstu. Indeksi ponujajo enostaven, pregleden in različnim javnostim prijazen prikaz položaja otrok, zato lahko bolj pritegnejo pozornost v primerjavi z velikim številom manj sistematično urejenih podatkov. Na ta način lahko povečujejo pritisk na politične odločevalce in oblikovalce javnih politik in njihovo odgovornost za oblikovanje in implementacijo ukrepov, programov in strategij za izboljšanje življenja otrok (UNICEF 2007). Tudi strokovnjaki s področja družinske pismenosti (Andragoški center Slovenije 2021) poudarjajo, da je treba otrokom zagotoviti dostop do informacij in gradiva s ciljem krepiti njihovo družbeno in duhovno blaginjo. Kljub sicer ugodnim podatkom o participaciji in zagotovljeni varnosti ter zaščiti otrok v digitalnem okolju, mora država sistemsko urediti področje izobraževanja o varni rabi IKT, saj gre za področje, ki se izjemno hitro razvija, zato otroci in kot tudi njihovi starši potrebujejo stalno podporo in pomoč Na podlagi pričujoče raziskave je moč ugotoviti, da se Slovenija na področju uresničevanja pravic do participacije otrok v digitalnem okolju uvršča v skupino podpovprečno uspešnih evropskih držav. Glede na izbrane indikatorje je situacija za Slovenijo najslabša pri pravicah, ki smo jih analizirali pod dimenzijo »Glas« ter dimenzijo »Občinstvo« (to velja npr. zlasti za uporabo interneta za vključitev v skupine za razpravljanje ali spletne forume ipd.), najboljša pa pri pravicah, ki smo jih umestili pod dimenzijo »Prostor« (velja npr. za dostop do digitalnega okolja ter varnost in nasilje). Za poglobljeno razumevanje položaja Slovenije v kontekstu evropskih držav bi bilo interpretacijo podatkov smiselno povezati z značilnostmi šolskih sistemov po Evropi. Šola namreč velja za enega ključnih akterjev npr. pri ozaveščanju otrok glede varne rabe interneta. Pomen šolanja in njena povezava 59 z rabo IKT je postala tudi npr. zelo očitna v času epidemije koronavirusa, ko so se učenci šolali od E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 doma, kar je zaznamovalo način življenja tudi danes, ko ukrepi za zajezitev epidemije ne veljajo več CAT B 1 (npr. pri število ur namenjenih rabi interneta, dostopu do digitalnega okolja ipd.). Analizo in oceno O th IO U A stanja je precej oteževalo pomanjkanje primernih kazalnikov. Težavo dostopnosti podatkov bi lah-N A T P NN E ko odpravili z dodatno raziskavo, ki bi se ožje osredotočila na pridobivanje podatkov, ki ustrezajo N U O D M A P L L Lundy modelu participacije otrok (prav tam, 24). Izračun indeksa se je opiral na podatke, pridoblje-C E 2 E ON N ne iz mednarodnih raziskav, ki zajemajo številna področja participacije otrok v digitalnem okolju, 0 TA 2 F 3 E s čimer je bila dosežena primerjava Slovenije z večino držav Evropske unije v več vidikih, kar daje L H R :S E E O NC indeksu večjo veljavnost. Žal je bilo treba podatke iz nekaterih drugih raziskav izločiti, bodisi zato, A C L I E A T O ker je v njih sodelovalo premalo držav ali pa zato, ker so bile zastarele. H / P L A F ENU Digitalni mediji in IKT so otrokom in mladostnikom blizu in so zanje najboljši medij za udejanjanje D T R R O OP pravice do svobodnega izražanja in sodelovanja. Otrokom in mladostnikom, kot tudi strokovnim C E E C E H E’ delavcem, staršem in skrbnikom je zato treba predstaviti spletne vsebine, ki spodbujajo k varni in D N S I O S N L C ustvarjalni rabi tehnologij, ter na medresorski ravni spodbujati pripravo kakovostnih spletnih vsebin, G O IE S B G NC saj se z rastjo uporabe digitalnega okolja na spletu povečuje tudi obseg t. i. lažnih novic ( ang. fake IC O A E O S news) – dvomljivih ali neresničnih informacij in vsebin. Otroke in mladostnike je treba opolnomočiti L D K W A E N in informirati ter poučiti o tem, da bodo znali ločiti resnične od lažnih in škodljivih informacij oziroma V D IT E A H P L vsebin. Omenimo lahko podatek, da je v 1. četrtletju 2021 na novičarskih spletnih straneh ali družbe-O R P T E S nih medijih videlo kakšno tako informacijo ali vsebino (npr. video, sliko) 58 % 16–74-letnikov (to je M E L R R E E N A okoli 912.340 oseb). Take informacije so videvali v največjem odstotku 25–34-letniki (71 %), sledili E T I D V E N S so 16–24-letniki in 35–44-letniki (69 %) ter v najmanjšem odstotku 65–74-letniki (28 %) (SURS 2023). I R E S W O E A R Kot kažejo podatki, je digitalizacija vse bolj prisotna na vseh področjih življenja otrok in mladostni-N V N S D IC S kov (v vrtcih, šolah, obšolskih in prostočasnih dejavnostih itd.). Digitalne tehnologije tako postajajo E O C C H HOL ključno orodje pri izobraževanju, opolnomočenju in socializaciji otrok ter mladostnikov in s tem priO F S L spevajo tudi k večji kakovosti njihovega življenja. Poleg koristi in mnogih pozitivnih učinkov pa iz A E A C R R U L S uporabe digitalnih tehnologij in vključenosti v digitalno okolje izhajajo tudi številne nevarnosti in Y P R IT A Y A tveganja, med katera sodita tudi prezgodnja in prekomerna uporaba zaslonov ter posledično tve-PE N ganje zasvojenosti z digitalnimi tehnologijami. Razlogi za takšna stanja so zelo raznoliki. Otroci in RS D D mladostniki lahko prekomerno uporabljajo digitalne tehnologije predvsem zaradi nepoznavanja IGN pasti, ki jih prinaša spletno okolje, zaradi pomanjkanja vključevanja v druge aktivnosti ali pa celo za-ITY radi bega iz določene čustvene stiske. Prevelika izpostavljenost zaslonom in spletnim dejavnostim je v zadnjem času v porastu in je skrb vzbujajoča, še posebno za zdravje in duševno dobrobit otrok, saj povzroča povečan stres, pomanjkljivo pozornost, težave z vidom ter pomanjkanje telesne dejavnosti in športa, kot tudi zasvojenost. Zasvojenost s spletom, za razliko od drugih - kemičnih zasvojenosti, ni socialno stigmatizirana. Celo nasprotno, večkrat ostaja neopažena in skrita v »normalnem spletnem vedenju današnjih mladostnikov«. V sklopu Sekcije za primarno pediatrijo Združenja za pediatrijo Slovenskega zdravniškega društva so bile oblikovane tudi Smernice za uporabo zaslonov pri otrocih in mladostnikih (Vintar Spreitzer idr. 2021). Gre za prva slovenska nacionalna priporočila za uporabo zaslonov pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Glavni namen pripravljenih smernic je poenoten pristop vseh strokovnjakov, vključenih v delo z otroki in mladostniki, k svetovanju staršem glede uporabe zaslonov pri njihovih otrocih in mladostnikih. Smernice so tudi podlaga za načrtovanje in-tervencij na tem področju. 5 ZAKLJUČEK S prispevkom smo želeli osvetliti pomen izzivov participacije otrok in mladostnikov v digitalnem okolju. Kot smo že poudarili, so digitalni mediji in IKT otrokom blizu in so zanje najboljši medij za udejanjanje pravice do svobodnega izražanja in participacije oziroma sodelovanja. Na eni strani sicer daje digitalno okolje otrokom in mladostnikom velike možnosti npr. pri druženju z vrstniki, socializaciji, pridobivanju informacij, doseganju izobrazbe, izražanju in vključevanju v lokalno okolje, obenem pa jih lahko njena uporaba izpostavi tveganju, izkoriščanju in zlorabam. Prav zato je treba otroke in mladostnike opolnomočiti in jih medijsko opismeniti ter jih ves čas informirati o novih pasteh in zaščiti pred njimi. 60 Za digitalno okolje je zaradi njegovih posebnosti značilna dvojnost. Na eni strani daje neomejene V Z 1 možnosti za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja, (ob široki dostopnosti) omogoča večjo stopnjo enakosti Z A Č 1 G . Z O L in socialne vključenosti otrok ter je orodje za opolnomočenje in podporo, na drugi strani pa lahko J O N A V A , I E N pomeni tveganje in povečuje ranljivost otrok (Program za otroke 2020-2025, 3). Na podlagi raziskav Z K S O A G T je moč ugotoviti, da je med otroki velik porast uporabe digitalnega okolja, kar je bilo še posebno B V A E R N Ž značilno v času koronakrize, trend pa še naprej narašča. Prav zato je varnost in zaščita otrok v digi-E 2 E A K V talnem okolju še naprej na preizkušnji, saj je za Slovenijo značilna široka dostopnost do interneta. A 02 O N 3 N JE I : D F Omenimo lahko, da država za izvajanje različnih psihosocialnih programov ne zagotavlja stalnega E N D R R U E financiranja, saj se izvajajo v sklopu različnih javnih razpisov in projektov. Ker gre za področje, ki N U ŽB C Š se izjemno hitro razvija in ker tako otroci kot njihovi starši pri zagotavljanju varnosti v digitalnem E A Z M E N VN I I okolju potrebujejo stalno podporo, bi morali pristojni resorji sistemsko urediti področje varne rabe O Z N T ED digitalnega okolja. Z dostopom do spletnega okolja in računalnikov so dobro opremljene tudi vse D E N H R A vzgojno izobraževalne ustanove, kar pomeni, da je v tehničnem smislu otrokom zagotovljena mož- A N R V O O J L D nost izražanja in sodelovanja v okviru digitalnega okolja, vendar pa otroci nimajo dovolj kompetenc E / Z O N Š O U K in znanja za izvajanje teh pravic, zato potrebujejo pomoč staršev, skrbnikov ali drugih odraslih oseb. B I R O D Veliko pozornosti je treba nameniti zlorabam otrok v virtualnem okolju. R A E N Z L V E IK R O Ž Prav zato, v sklopu operativnih načel in ukrepov glede spoštovanja, varstva in izpolnjevanja otroko-B J Z O E vih pravic v digitalnem okolju, ki jih predlagajo ministri Sveta Evrope (2018, 4), še posebej izpostav-C A V EN A ljamo načelo dostopa do digitalnega okolja, ki naslavlja »pomembnost za uresničevanje otrokovih Z R IR N pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, vključenost, izobraževanje, udeležbo ter vzdrževanje družinskih in A O N S družbenih odnosov otrok. Če otroci nimajo dostopa do digitalnega okolja ali je ta dostop omejen I T T H Z E zaradi slabe povezljivosti, je okrnjena njihova sposobnost v celoti uveljavljati svoje človekove pravi-N R D A ce«. Prav tako spodbujajo digitalno opismenjevanje (prav tam, 7), vključno z medijsko in informacij-N O S S T T sko pismenostjo in izobraževanjem o digitalnem državljanstvu ter zagotavljanje, da se bodo otroci V O E J N A znali premišljeno vključevati v digitalno okolje in se spoprijemati s tveganji, povezanimi z njim. N IH P ST Tako lahko zaključimo, da ima država v okviru procesa izobraževanja in opolnomočenja dvojno vlo-V R O IS go. V okviru dejavnosti izvajanja izobraževanja mora poskrbeti za zagotavljanje pravic otrok in mla-PEV dostnikov do participacije oziroma sodelovanja v digitalnem okolju ter za spodbujanje digitalnega KO opismenjevanja, na drugi strani, pa mora hkrati zagotoviti tudi ustrezno preprečevanje tveganj, ki V izhajajo iz (prekomerne, nevarne in neprimerne) uporabe digitalnih tehnologij in spletnih vsebin. 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E I : D FE N D R R Osnovna šola Toma Brejca, Kamnik, Slovenija U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T E POVZETEK D D E N H R A V preteklih dveh letih je opazen izrazit porast čustvenih stisk pri mladostnikih. Določene stiske A N R V O O J L D so rešljive brez večjih posledic, medtem ko se druge izražajo v motnjah hranjenja, samopoško-E / Z O N Š O U K dovalnem vedenju in depresivnih ter anksioznih motnjah. Strokovnjaki z različnih področij tudi B I R O D v javnosti pogosto izpostavljajo omenjeno problematiko. Načini reševanja stisk, težav in načrti R A E N Z L V E pomoči se razlikujejo glede na individualnost vsakega posameznika. Strategije, ki bi delovale ob IK R O ŽB J Z O točno določenih težavah ali vedenjih, je nemogoče določiti, ker so občutki, doživljanja in odzivi EC A V E enkratni pri vsakem mladostniku. Izvor težav je pogosto v družini ali pa v vrstnikih. Dodaten izvor N A Z R I in hkrati ogrožujoč dejavnik za razvoj določenih stisk in vedenj so družbena omrežja. Komunika-R N A O N S cija na daljavo, ki je bila v preteklih letih bistveno bolj v ospredju, je postala primarna komuni-I T T H Z kacija pri mladostnikih. V prispevku so predstavljene stiske mladostnikov in načini pomoči, ki so E N R D A bili v obravnavah koristni. Vsak predstavljen primer ponuja določene rešitve, ki so lahko eden od N O S S dejavnikov osebnostne rasti in izboljšanja duševnega zdravja. T T V O E J N A Ključne besede: čustvene stiske, mladostniki, pomoč, duševno zdravje N IH P STVROIS ABSTRACT PEVKO Over the past two years, there has been a marked increase in emotional distress among adoV lescents. Some distress is resolvable without major consequences, while others manifest themselves in eating disorders, self-injurious behaviour and depressive and anxiety disorders. Experts in various fields often raise these issues in public. The ways of dealing with hardship, problems and support plans vary according to the individuality of each person. It is impossible to identify strategies that work for specific problems or behaviours, because the feelings, experiences and responses are unique for each adolescent. The root of the problem often lies in the family or with peers. Social networks are an additional source and a threatening factor for the development of certain distresses and behaviours. Distance communication, which has been much more promi-nent in recent years, has become the primary means of communication for adolescents. The paper presents the adolescents‘ difficulties and the ways of helping them that have been useful in the hearings.Each of the cases presented offers specific solutions that can be one of the factors that contribute to personal growth and improved mental health. Keywords: emotional distress, adolescents, help, mental health 63 1 UVOD E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Družbeni dejavniki in številne socialne, psihološke spremembe vplivajo na izpostavljenost in raz-AT B 1 O th IO U A širjenost čustvenih stisk in težav v duševnem zdravju. Vsak posameznik je bolj podvržen nenehnim N A T P NN pasivno, agresivnim vplivom iz okolja. Od osebnostne zrelosti, čustvene inteligence in varovalnih E N U O D M A P dejavnikov okolja je odvisno, kakšen vpliv bo imela novodobna družbena usmeritev na človeka. L L C E 2 E ON Najbolj ranljivi v tej sodobni družbi so otroci in mladostniki. Slednje je mogoče opaziti v neposredni N 0 TA 2 F praksi šolskega okolja. Številni odrasli težko postavijo v lastne miselne okvire stiske otrok in mlado-3 E L H R :S E stnikov. Vse prepogosto se zgodi, da so težave v duševnem zdravju pri mladostnikih minimalizirane. E O NC A C L I E A Osnova za razumevanje njihovega sveta je nekritičen in razumevajoč odnos. Brez sodb, pretirane T O H / P L A F E kritike, predsodkov in stereotipov. Predhodno omenjene teze ne zagovarjajo permisivnega in vse N U D T R R dovoljujočega odnosa, temveč odnos, kjer se odrasli zaveda svoje vloge v odnosu do mladostni-O OP C E E C ka, da postavlja meje, usmerja in hkrati razume. Vse omenjeno zahteva tudi od odraslega visoko E H E’ D N S stopnjo čustvene inteligence. Pomembno vlogo pri razvoju mladostnika imajo pedagoški delavci, I O S N L C G O IE ki bi se morali zavedati, da opravljajo poklic, pri katerem s svojimi dejanji vplivajo na razvoj mlade-S B G NC IC O ga človeškega življenja. To poslanstvo bi morali opravljati zrelo in odgovorno. Prispevek je nastal z A E O S L D K W A namenom prikaza nekaterih težav, problemov, s katerimi se soočajo mladostniki v današnjem času E N V D I in hkrati opisati možne rešitve. Prispevek ponazarja, da je možna rešitev težav odnos z mejami in T E A H P LO R razumevanjem. P T E S M E L R R E E N A 1.1 Mladostništvo E T I D V E N S I R E S Mladostništvo pred posameznika postavlja številne razvojne naloge, izzive in vprašanja. To je ob-W O E A R N dobje izrazitih fizioloških, telesnih, socialnih, čustvenih in kognitivnih sprememb. Mladostniki obli-V N S D IC S E O kujejo nove vloge v socialnih skupinah in drugačna pričakovanja, na kar vpliva tudi sprememba izo-C C H HOL O F S braževalnega okolja. Opisane dejavnike lahko spremlja izrazito in bolj intenzivno doživljanje stresa. LA E A C Slednji predstavlja telesni odziv na spremembe in zahteve, ki so še posebej obremenjujoče in izven R R U L S Y P R zmožnosti prilagoditve. V obdobju mladostništva so stresne situacije vezane predvsem na vsakda-IT A Y A nje interakcije in šolo (Dolenc 2015). PE NRSD D Pri mladostnikih pogosto prihaja do impulzivnih reakcij, kar je posledica razlik v razvoju nadzornih IG mehanizmov in centrov za čustveni odziv. Kot posledica pogosto sledijo intenzivna čustva, nesoglas-NIT ja ob osamosvajanju in želja, delovanje za potrditve vrstniške skupine. Različna tvegana vedenja Y imajo lahko vzrok tudi v dvomih glede telesne podobe in lastnih sposobnosti. S splošnim dostopom do množice informacij, ki jih mladostniki pridobijo na internetu, se sočasno pojavljajo težave in napačne interpretacije. Mladostnikom v omenjenih primerih primanjkuje izkušenj, s katerimi bi informacije dopolnili z ustreznim kontekstom (Jemec Zalar idr. 2016). Duševne motnje pri mladostnikih so lahko posledica tudi naslednjih dejavnikov tveganja (Roškar idr. 2015): - individualnih (npr. psihološka odpornost), - družinskih (npr. odnosi), - okoljskih (npr. možnosti nudenja pomoči). Mladostniki se poslužujejo različnih metod za spoprijemanje s stresom. Slednjih se naučijo preko socialnega učenja najprej v družini, kasneje pa v vrstniških odnosih in odnosih z drugimi odraslimi (npr. učitelji). Mladostništvo je eno ključnih obdobij za učenje in utrjevanje konstruktivnih načinov soočanja s stresom, konflikti in težavami. Slednje vpliva na odzive v odrasli dobi (Dolenc 2015). 1.2 Čustvene stiske Stiska mladostnika lahko izhaja iz več področij. Lahko so stiske povezane s samopodobo, nezado-voljstvom s svojim videzom, lastnostmi, družinskimi odnosi. Pojavijo se dileme glede osamosvaja-nja, neodvisnosti s sočasno željo po sprejetosti s strani staršev in šole. Neuspešnost v šoli je pogosto dejavnik, ki ogrozi samopodobo, odnose z vrstniki, odnos do avtoritete ali pa področje socialnega odzivanja. Težave mladostnikom lahko povzroča vzpostavljanje odnosov in na tem področju so še posebej negotovi in neizkušeni. V kolikor se naenkrat pojavi veliko dejavnikov stresa, je večja ver-jetnost, da bodo težave na čustvenem in tudi vedenjskem področju, lahko se pojavijo tudi različne oblike samodestruktivnega vedenja (Stržinar 2012). 64 Neustrezno ali samodestruktivno vedenje se pogosteje pojavi pri odraščajočih mladostnikih, ki tež- V Z 1 je prepoznavajo lastna čustva, se težko spoprijemajo z doživljanjem jeze in stresa. Pojavnost je tudi Z A Č 1 G . Z O L pri mladostniki, ki so bili v otroštvu pogosto prepuščeni sebi, so slabo integrirani v socialne skupine J O N A V A , I E N ter tako hitreje popustijo vplivu vrstniške skupine in medijem. Dejavniki, ki so ogrožajoči za mlado-Z K S O A G T stnikov razvoj, so še: ločitev staršev, prisotnost kaznivih dejanj v družini, brezposelnost, depresija v B V A E R N Ž otroštvu, anksioznost in nasilje (Hvala idr. 2012). E 2 E A K VA 02 O V okviru Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje (NIJZ) so avtorji Jeriček Klanšček idr. (2018) izved-N 3 N JE I : D F li analizo duševnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov. Raziskava je pokazala porast obravnav zaradi E N D R R U E stresnih in anksioznih motenj pri otrocih in mladostnikih. N U ŽB C Š E A Z M E Kasnejša študija NIJZ (Mikuž idr. 2020) je pokazala, da se je od leta 2008 do leta 2015 za 71 % po-N VN I I večalo število obravnav otrok in mladostnikov zaradi duševnih in vedenjskih motenj. V enakem O Z N T ED obdobju se je za 48 % povečala uporaba zdravil za zdravljenje duševnih in vedenjskih motenj pri D E N H R A A N R osebah, ki so mlajše od 20 let. V O O J L D E / Z O N Zaskrbljujoče je dejstvo, da se težave na področju duševnega zdravja pojavljajo vse bolj zgodaj, tudi Š O U K B I R od 8. leta starosti dalje. Znaki čustvene stiske so pogosto težave s koncentracijo in pozornostjo, ni-O D R A E hanja v razpoloženju, jokavost, agresivnost, odvisnost od drugih, izguba zanimanja, samopoško-N Z L V E IK R O ŽB dovanje, izoliranost od socialnih stikov, odklanjanje šole, anksioznost, depresija, motnje hranjenja J Z O EC A V (Dobnik Renko 2020). EN A Z R Odrasli (starši, vzgojitelji, učitelji) moramo biti otrokom vzor in v pomoč na njihovi poti odraščanja. IR N A O Pomembno je, da odrasli prepoznajo otrokovo vedenje in jih začutijo v pravem trenutku ter na ustre-N S I T T H Z zen način. V trenutkih stiske otroka ne obsojamo, moraliziramo, kritiziramo, saj v teh trenutkih otrok E N R D potrebuje samo razumevanje, podporo, oporo, našo pomoč in njegovo lastno moč (Petric 2022). AN O S S V nadaljevanju sta podrobneje opredeljeni dve obliki izraza čustvenih stisk, ki sta v zadnjem času T T V O E J najbolj v porastu, to sta samopoškodovanje in anksioznost (s poudarkom na socialni anksioznosti). N AN IH P S Poleg omenjenih je opazen tudi porast motenj hranjenja, stanja utrujenosti in globoke žalosti ter TV R O depresije, kar je opisano kasneje v analizah primerov. Vse pojavne oblike čustvenih stisk se stopnju-ISPE jejo ter poglabljajo v kolikor ni ustreznega pristopa s strani okolice. Žal se odrasli še vedno premalo VK zavedajo težav mladostnikov, jih minimalizirajo in s tem vplivajo na razvoj težjih osebnostnih težav OV pri mladostnikih. Samospoštovanje Samopoškodovanje Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija opisuje kot dejanje, pri katerem posledice niso smrtonosne, kljub temu pa je posameznikovo vedenje neustrezno, saj se samopoškoduje ali namerno zaužije škodljivo snov. Rezanje, sežiganje, povzročanje vbodnih ran in praskanje so le ne-katera izmed samopoškodbenih vedenj. Najpogosteje se samopoškodbeno vedenje pojavi med 11. in 15. letom starosti. Vseeno pa je bolj kot kronološka starost ključna nevrorazvojna občutljivost ob začetku obdobja odraščanja. Vedenje je pogostejše med dekleti (Dolenc 2020). Znaki, ki najpogosteje nakazujejo samopoškodovanje (Balažič 2017): - poškodbe (ureznine, modrice, zlomi ipd.), - ostri predmeti (v šolskih potrebščinah), - osamitev, - dolge hlače in dolgi rokavi tudi pri visokih temperaturah, - izogib aktivnostim, kjer je izpostavljena večja površina kože (npr. plavanje), - nošenje rut ali trakov za prekrivanje ran na zapestju. Samopoškodovanje je lahko prisotno tudi zaradi preusmerjanja pozornosti s čustvene bolečine na fizično bolečino. Z vedenjem mladostniki prevzamejo in izrazijo negativno mnenje drugih o njih samih. Kot vzrok vedenja so lahko naslednji dejavniki okolja: zloraba, ustrahovanje, neuspešnost v šoli, zavračanje šole, disfunkcionalna družinska situacija, težave povezane s spletom in samopoškodovanje med vrstniki. Mlajši mladostniki večkrat izpostavljajo težave povezane z družini, starejši pa težave povezane z vrstniki (King idr. 2019). 65 E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 Anksioznost O th IO U A Socialna anksiozna motnja je povezana z vztrajnim in izrazitim strahom, tesnobo v povezavi s socialN A T P NN E N U nimi situacijami v okolju. Posameznik se zaveda, da sta strah in intenzivna tesnoba pretirana in ne-O D M A P L L C utemeljena. Nekateri posamezniki se bojijo, da bodo na določen način negativno vplivali na druge, E 2 E ON N 0 drugi pa se bojijo zavrnitve. Tovrstna anksioznost ima vpliv na različna področja posameznikovega TA 2 F 3 E L H R življenja, med drugim lahko vpliva na socialno vključenost, odnose in šolsko, akademsko delovanje :S E E O NC (Koyuncu idr. 2019). A C L I E A T O H / P L A Anksioznost se pogosto stopnjuje do paničnih napadov. Napad panike je specifičen odziv organiz-F E N U ma. Predstavlja ogrožujočo izkušnjo močnega strahu in predstavljanje približajoče se katastrofe, D T R R O OP kar spremljajo številni telesni simptomi. V telesu se kaže v pospešenem dihanju, potenju, tresenju, C E E C E H E’ občutku pomanjkanja zraka in strahu pred zadušitvijo. Posamezniki, ki doživijo napad panike, to D N S I O S N L C opišejo kot občutek grozeče smrti, izgube zavesti, srčnega zastoja, zadušitve ali izgube razuma. Pa-G O IE S B G NC I nični napadi niso življenjsko nevarni, vendar je ob izredno intenzivnih potrebno poiskati zdravniško C O A E O S L D pomoč. Napad panike lahko opredelimo tudi kot kratkotrajno obdobje intenzivnega strahu, nela-K W A E N godja, v katerem anksioznost, strah, tesnoba doseže vrhunec (Živanović 2022). V D IT E A H P LO R P T E S 1.3 Načrtovanje pomoči M E L R R E E N A Destruktivna vedenja, čustvene stiske so navadno simptom globlje stiske. V kolikor napačno usme-E T I D V E N S rimo pozornost, spregledamo človeka in zamudimo priložnost, da bi z njim vzpostavili odnos. Po-I R E S W O E A goste reakcije ob razkritju samopoškodb, depresije, anksioznosti so zgražanje, zasmehovanje, po-R N V N S D I niževanje, zmanjšanje ali zanikanje problema. Včasih, predvsem pri mladostnikih, želijo odrasli s C S E O C C H HOL prepovedjo določeno vedenje nemudoma zaustaviti. Mladostnik tako dobi sporočilo, da naj ne čuti O F S L oziroma, da je tisto, kar čuti, nesprejemljivo, nevzdržno, nepomembno in sramotno. Tovrstni odzi-A E A C R R U L S vi onemogočajo proces pomoči. Najpomembnejše je, da mladostniku najprej prisluhnemo, da se Y P R IT počuti varnega in sprejetega. Pomembno je, da ne ostane sam v svoji stiski in nemoči. Nadaljnje A Y A PE N mladostnika ozaveščamo o oblikah pomoči in prav tako njegove starše. Cilj pomoči je, da se mlado-RS D D stnik sooči sam s seboj, svojimi čustvi, stiskami in da dobi nadzor nad svojim čustvenim doživljanjem IG (Balažič 2017). NITY Obravnava in pomoč pri stiskah je v osnovi individualna, vendar je pomembno oziroma nujno vklju- čevanje drugih družinskih članov, če le ti vzdržujejo omenjeno vedenje. Tekom obravnav se tudi dru- žina nauči, kako biti dovolj pozoren do mladostnika in kako pokazati empatijo ter kako spodbujati zaželeno vedenje in ignorirati nezaželena vedenja. Potrebno se je tudi zavedati, da so si mladostniki med seboj zelo raznoliki po številnih lastnostih ter psiholoških ali psihiatričnih težavah (Dolenc 2020). V Sloveniji lahko mladostnik sam ali skupaj s starši poišče pomoč v svetovalnih centrih, ki so v Ljubljani, Mariboru in Kopru. Strokovna pomoč je na voljo tudi v dispanzerjih za psihohigieno v zdravstvenih domovih. Pomoč lahko poiščejo tudi na Slovenskem inštitutu za psihoterapijo ali Psihiatrič- ni kliniki v Ljubljani. Slabost tovrstne pomoči pa so čakalne vrste (Balažič 2017). Za primer navedemo terapevtsko obravnavo samopoškodovanja, ki jo je vedno nujno prilagoditi posamezniku. V pomoč pri delu in obravnavi stisk so vprašanja o: - dogodkih pred samopoškodovanjem, - okoliščinah (ali je bil sam oziroma je bil kdo poleg), - resnost izbrane metode in mladostnikov pogled na dejanje, - mislih in čustvih pred dejanjem, - mislih in čustvih po dejanju, - reakcijah drugih in drugih posledicah (Dolenc 2020). Pasti sodobne vzgoje so vzgoja za izobilje, brezskrbno otroštvo, pretirano zadrževanje v virtualnem svetu, izogibanje vsakršnemu naporu in bolečinam, odsotnost avtoritete, spoštovanja in občutka odgovornosti. Vse opisano mlade slabo opremlja za življenje in vodi v splošno nezmožnost za so-očanje z resničnim svetom. Posledica je tudi preobčutljivost, nezmožnost prepoznavanja frustracij, nemoč, obup in odsotnost smisla. Vse to vodi v splošni egoizem in individualizem (Petric 2022). 66 2. RAZISKAVA V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N 2.1 Namen in cilji A V A , I E N Z K S Namen raziskave in opisanih primerov je bil ozaveščanje o bistvenem pomenu odnosov, pristne in O A G T B V iskrene komunikacije ter pogovora. V sami osnovi je za delovanje družbe, naj si bo v šoli ali drugje, A E R N Ž E 2 E A K potrebna le človečnost in sočutje, empatija. Vsak posameznik družbe bi moral ozavestiti osnovno ideVA 02 O N jo, da smo vsi ljudje in izhajajoč iz občutka za sočloveka doumeti, da so velika in ključna dejanja v sa-3 N JE I : D FE mem bistvu preprosta. Med pedagoškimi delavci bi bilo potrebno krepiti zavedanje, da videti učenca, N D R R U EN si vzeti čas zanj in mu hkrati postavljati pravične in dosledne meje, ne znižuje vrednosti pedagoške-U ŽB C Š E A Z M E ga poklica. Nasprotno bi s konceptualno drugačnim načinom dela pedagoškemu poklici vrnili čast in N VN I I vrednost. S skupnimi prizadevanji bi v šolskem okolju lahko vplivali najprej na učence in posledično O Z N T ED na starše. Z učenjem vrednot in zgledom, kar bi vplivalo tudi na sistem. Za vse predhodno opisano pa D E N H R A A N R je potrebna visoka stopnja čustvene inteligence. Cilj raziskave dopolnjuje široko zastavljen namen in V O O J L D E / Z O hkrati poudarja željo, da bi s primeri, prispevki in ozaveščanjem počasi pripomogli k spreminjanju mi-N Š O U K selnih konceptov v dobro celotne družbe. Postopnost vodi do sprememb in napredka. B I R O D R A E N Z L V E I 2.2. Metode K R O ŽB J Z O E Opazovanje z udeležbo je služilo kot raziskovalna metoda, saj omogoča najbolj celosten vpogled C A V EN A glede na namen in področje raziskovanja. Raziskovanje je potekalo nestrukturirano, v skladu z na-Z R IR N menom in cilji. V nadaljevanju predstavljeni primeri omogočajo uvid v pojavnost čustvenih stisk, A O N S vedenja preko katerih se stiske izražajo in možne načine reševanja. Opisane situacije se navezuje-I T T H Z E jo in dopolnjujejo teoretična izhodišča o mladostništvu, čustvenih stiskah in tveganih vedenjih. Iz-N R D AN O postavljene uspešne metode dela, ki omogočajo trenutno ali deloma trajno rešitev čustvenih stisk. S S T T V O Opazovanje je ena izmed najstarejših tehnik zbiranja podatkov v družboslovnem raziskovanju. V so-E J N AN I dobnem času je omenjena tehnika med najpogosteje uporabljenimi tehnikami zbiranja podatkov. H P STV Nestrukturirano opazovanje z udeležbo omogoča vključitev opazovalca v skupino, kjer prevzame R O IS eno od vlog in vnaprej so določene le splošne smernice (Vogrinc 2008). PEVK V tekočem šolskem letu je bilo v obravnavi pri šolski svetovalni delavki približno 65 učencev in OV učenk, pri katerih so bile vzrok čustvene stiske. Opazovanje je bilo namenjeno predvsem spremljanju in reflektiranju napredka pri posameznih učencih in učenkah. Sočasno je opazovanje omogoča-lo postavljanje sprotnih ciljev obravnave in njihovo vrednotenje. Prilagajanje metod dela stiskam učencev omogoča največji napredek. Izkustveno učenje, pri katerem se na življenjski način učijo socialnih veščin, je bistveno za mladostnikovo samostojnost in postopno sprejemanje odgovornosti. Z individualnim delom in vzpostavljenim odnosom je vedno opazno izboljšanje pri večini učencev in učenk, pri čemer nekateri potrebujejo le sprotno spremljanje, zavedanje, da je nekomu mar zanje in so nekomu pomembni. To bi, ob mejah, morala biti v teh časih ena ključnih vlog pedagoškega de-lavca. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene nekatere metode dela, ki so se izkazale za uspešne in opisan napredek zaznan preko opazovanja. 2.3 Rezultati V rezultatih so izpostavljene pogoste čustvene stiske in strategije pomoči. Zapisi so izhajajoči iz prakse in ponujajo določene perspektivo, pogled, ki je lahko v pomoč pri podobnih primerih ali pa osnova za razmislek. Poudariti je potrebno, da ni univerzalnih rešitev, ampak je potrebno izhajati iz sočloveka in aktualne situacije. Socialna anksioznost Z ozirom na preteklo in trenutno šolsko leto največ mladostnic poroča o skrbeh, kakšno mnenje bodo imeli drugi. Prvotno stiska izhaja iz misli, kaj si bodo misli in nadaljnje iz primerjave, da niso kot druge vrstnice, ki so sprejete v skupini. Razmišljanje o mnenju drugih vzbuja navadno strah, ki se sčasoma poglablja. Strah nato začnejo spremljati fiziološki odzivi kot na primer: tresenje, potenje, težave z dihanjem. Pogosto se razvijejo panični napadi, ko se mladostnik nekontrolirano trese in težko diha. 67 V omenjenih trenutkih je naprej pomembno umirjanje. Prvi korak je umik v varen prostor, najbolje z E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 osebo, ki ji otrok zaupa. Nato navadno zelo pomaga, če mladostnika držimo ga roko in z njim počasi CAT B 1 dihamo, s tihim glasom tudi njega usmerjamo v vdihe skozi nos in izdihe skozi usta. V trenutku, ko se O th IO U A mladostnik pomiri, mu ponudimo kozarec vode. Šele, ko je mladostnik umirjen lahko nadaljujemo N A T P NN E s pogovorom. N U O D M A P L L C E 2 V pogovoru postopno analiziramo situacijo oz. podobne situacije. Navadno izpostavijo svoje pogos-E ON N 0 te misli in na tej točki poskušamo čim bolj racionalno govoriti o situacijah. V kolikor težko ozavestijo TA 2 F 3 E L H R : ali prepoznajo lastne stiske ali njihov vzrok, jih navadno usmerim na zapis v obliki oblakov, v katerih S E E O NC A C so zapisane teme, v kar nadaljnje priredim oz. prenesem metodo reka življenja. Pri čemer so stiske L I E A T O H / P L A kamni, vmes pa narišemo reko, vodo, ki predstavlja življenje in teče mimo zapisanih virov težav. F E N U Narisana podoba se mladostnikom vtisne v spomin in olajša neko predstavo o življenju. D T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ Občutek varnosti in zadovoljstva v žalosti D N S I O S N L C Veliko mladostnikov preko pogovora uvidi zaključek, da so zadovoljni v svoji žalosti in niti se v ne-G O IE S B G NC I kem določenem trenutku ne želijo spremembe. S pogovorom o družini, šoli, prijateljih navadno iz-C O A E O S L D postavijo, da niso dobili dovolj pozornosti. V neki globoki žalosti, ki se kaže tudi z nemotiviranostjo, K W A E N utrujenostjo, težavo z opravljanjem vsakdanjih obveznosti, dobijo pozornost staršev, vrstnikov, uči-V D IT E A H P L teljev in drugih strokovnjakov. Naenkrat so središče dogajanja. Izhajajoč iz omenjene ugotovitve je O R P T E S M njihovo vedenje smiselno in razumljivo. E L R R E E N A Težko je nuditi pomoč v kolikor sami niso pripravljeni storiti ničesar in v takšni situaciji se ustvarja E T I D V E N S I R občutek nemoči ter stagnacije. S pogostim pogovorom lahko mladostnike počasi vodimo v spremi-E S W O E A R njanje miselnih struktur. Ozaveščanje pozitivnih dogodkov, trenutkov in hvaležnosti za življenjske N V N S D IC S danosti. V pomoč pri tovrstnih pogovorih so lahko različne pogovorne kartice, ki jih je mogoče kupiti E O C C H HOL ali izdelati. O F S LA E A C R R U L S Samopoškodovanje in čustvena otopelost Y P R IT A Y A V zadnjem času, kar lahko z gotovostjo trdim, da pred npr. tremi leti ni bilo prisotno, mladostniki PE NR večkrat poročajo, da ne vedo, kaj čutijo ali pa ne čutijo nič. Ta čustvena otopelost jih obremenjuje, S D D ker ne vedo, kaj se z njimi dogaja. Iz otopelosti se lahko razvije notranji občutek bolečine. Preprosto IGN je težko. Težko jim je v njih samih, kar znajo ubesediti tudi preko fizioloških znakov kot so bolečine ITY v prsnem košu, trebuhu in glavi. Naslednja faza je nadaljnje samopoškodovanje. Kot vzrok za poškodovanje navadno navedejo, da lažje prenašajo fizično bolečino kot psihično bolečino. S svojo fizično poškodbo torej preusmerijo občutek bolečine. Včasih je samopoškodovanje tudi posledica želje, da bi vsaj nekaj čutili ali da bi jim bilo v nekem trenutku lažje. Enako kot pri predhodno opisanih primerih, strokovnjaki nimamo druge metode kot pogovor. Pogovor, ki ga vodimo v smeri, kaj jim je težko, kdaj jim je težko, kako bi se lahko drugače spopadali s situacijo. Skupaj z mladostniki razmišljamo o rešitvah oz. drugih način spoprijemanja s težavami. Spregovorimo tudi o posledicah tovrstnih dejanj. Iz prakse lahko potrdim, da so mogoči napredki in spremembe, ki pa zahtevajo čas. Sprememba odnosa do samega sebe je proces, ki zahteva veliko truda in daljše časovno obdobje. Pri nekaterih mladostnikih je potrebna tudi dopolnilna medikamentozna terapija, ki jo predpiše psiholog ali pe-dopsihiater. Motnje hranjenja Čustvene stiske se odražajo tudi v odnosu do hrane. Mladostniki poročajo o tem, da sprva izpuščajo obroke, nadaljnje se trudijo, da več dni ne jedo. V kolikor se težko vzdržijo pri hrani in jedo, sledi poskus bruhanja. Največkrat izhajajo težave iz želje po sprejetosti s strani vrstnikov in idealizirane vizualne podobe, ki jo pogosto vidijo v okolici in na družbenih omrežjih. Poleg nezdravega odnosa do hrane to povzroča tudi čustvene stiske. Pogosto poročajo o čustvih sramu, jeze, žalosti, strahu. Sčasoma sledi izguba telesne teže, ki sočasno vzbuja velik strah pred pridobitvijo telesne teže. To sovplivanje vzdržuje vedenje in stanje, ki mladostnikom škoduje. Sklepali bi, da so motnje hranjenja prisotne zgolj pri dekletih, vendar so v zadnjem času v porastu tudi pri fantih. 68 Zopet je potreben razumski razgovor o dejstvih, posledicah in hrani. Mladostnikom vedno povem, V Z 1 da je potreben njihov trud, ker bo potrebno z mislimi preusmerjati občutja. Pogovorimo se o tem, da Z A Č 1 G . Z O L je hrana nujna za življenje. Pogledamo, koliko kalorij je priporočljivo zaužiti na dan. Pogovarjamo J O N A V A , I E N se o tem, kaj najraje jedo. Skupaj pridemo do zaključka, da tudi če pojedo določeno količino, to ne Z K S O A G T bo vplivalo na njihovo težo. Umakniti morajo tehtnico in se vzdržati tehtanja, na tem mestu je seve-B V A E R N Ž da potrebna pomoč staršev. O občutkih tudi pišejo. E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE 3. RAZPRAVA N D R R U EN U ŽB C Predstavljeni rezultati poudarjajo pomen osebnega odnosa. Nekritičnega sprejemanja posamezni- Š E A Z M E N V ka in njegovih težav, stisk celostno. Delo z mladostniki, kar lahko široko prenesemo na delo z ljudmi, N I I O Z N T E zahteva od izvajalca pomoči zmožnost prilagajanja. Prilagajanja situacijam, stiskam in potrebam D D E N H sočloveka. Potreben je ponoven poudarek, da to ne pomeni permisivnega delovanja, temveč razu-R A A N R V O O mevanje znotraj postavljenih meja in predvsem v skladu z medsebojnim spoštovanjem. J L D E / Z O N Š O U K V zadnjem času so številni otroci, mladostniki izpostavljeni negativnim vplivom iz okolja. Dejavniki B I R O D tveganja se pojavljajo v družinskih kriznih situacijah, na področju prijateljskih odnosov, družbenih R A E N Z L V E omrežjih in ob tem tudi v drugih odraslih, ki lastne nepredelane frustracije prenašajo na otroke. IK R O ŽB J Z O Sočasni vpliv omenjenih dejavnikov ima močan negativen vpliv na razvoj otrokove, mladostniko-EC A V E ve osebnosti. Posledica omenjenega delovanja je pomanjkanje sočutja, empatije in popoln razpad N A Z R I sistema vrednot. Izhajajoč iz opisanega so mladi posamezniki z razvijajočimi se osebnostnimi mot-R N A O N S njami. Za prihodnost družbe bi morali skrbeti vsi deležniki. I T T H Z E V kolikor bi bil izkazan nadaljnji interes, pričujoči prispevek odpira možnosti za nadaljnjo raziskavo. N R D A Raziskavo na področju pojavnosti čustvenih stisk, oblik v katerih se izražajo in predstavitve dobrih N O S S T T praks. Kompleksnejše zastavljena raziskava bi bila lahko sprva izvedena na primeru ene osnovne V O E J N A šole, nato večih osnovnih šol. Z organizacijo predavanj, konferenc in različnih srečanj strokovnjakov, N IH P ST tako s praktičnega kot tudi teoretičnega področja, bi omogočilo doseganje številčnejše laične in V R O I strokovne populacije. Slednje bi bilo nujno potrebno v kolikor želimo preprečiti anarhijo na podro-SPE čju šolstva in družbe. VKOV 4. ZAKLJUČEK Prispevek je nastal v želji po predstavitvi določenih metod in poudariti pomen pogovora, ki je potreben na vseh ravneh medsebojnega sodelovanja. Odnosi in komunikacija so del vsakodnevnega življenja. Predvsem so pomembne zaključne ugotovitve, ko učenci in učenke sami izrazijo, da jim veliko pomeni, da jih nekdo posluša, se z njimi pogovarja oz. da lahko nekomu zaupajo. Tekom pogovorov so imeli možnost izraziti lastna čustva in omenjeno dejstvo so navadno interpretirali kot boljše počutje, lahkotnost in večjo splošno motiviranost. Na osnovi kratke raziskave je razvidna pomembnost uporabe metode pogovora pri delu z učenci v osnovni šoli. Glede na dobljene rezultate pozitiven vpliv na čustveno stanje otrok ni zanemarljiv. Ključne ugotovitve se torej navezujejo na vpliv pogovora za duševno zdravje otrok. Pri zaposlenih v vzgojno izobraževalnih ustanovah bi bilo potrebno ozaveščati pomen pogovora ter vpliva na duševno zdravje, psiho-socialni razvoj in samopodobo otrok. Omenjeni metodi bi bilo potrebno nameniti vsaj dve šolski uri mesečno, hkrati bi bilo priporočljivo izvajanje tudi intervizij ali supervizij za zaposlene. Usmerjeni ali spontani pogovori bi omogočili tudi hitrejše zaznavanje morebitnih čustvenih in vedenjskih težav pri mladostnikih. Pomemben poudarek pri omenjenem delu je spoštovanje načela zaupnosti ter varovanja osebnih podatkov. Vse predhodno omenjene trditve, ugotovitve bi pomembno prispevale tudi k preventivnemu delovanju na področju duševnega zdravja in morebiti preprečile določene težave, ki se pojavijo ob nere- ševanju sprotnih stisk, ki se pojavljajo tekom šolanja in med odraščanjem. Predvsem pa je pri vsem skupaj najbolj pomembno izhajanje iz mladostnika in njegovega aktualnega stanja ter vzpostavljanje odnosa. Mladostniki, tako kot ostali, začutijo človeka in ob zavedanju, da lahko zaupajo ter smo do njih iskreni, postanejo kot odprta knjiga. 69 LITERATURA E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C 1. Balažič, Lidija. 2017. Samopoškodbe pri mladostnikih. Vzgoja XIX/3 (75). Dostopno na https:// AT B 1 O th I www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-MCAWA1F1/fe97f7a2-c8f2-4e59-8aa4-0ea881208ef4/ O U A N A T P NN PDF (4. februar 2023). E N U O D M A P 2. Dobnik Renko, Bernarda. 2020. Anksiozne motnje pri otrocih in mladostnikih. Psihološka obzor-L L C E 2 E ON ja 29 (1–8). N 0 TA 2 F 3 E 3. Dolenc, Barbara. 2020. 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A 02 O N 3 N J University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Croatia E I : D FE N D R R U E Ivana Rašan, PhD N U ŽB C Š University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Croatia E A Z M E N VN I I Renata Pinjatela, PhD O Z N T ED University of Zagreb, Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, Croatia D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U ABSTRACT K B I R O D R A E Despite the need for assistive technologies, educational centers (hereafter CUE) in the Republic N Z L V E IK R O Ž of Croatia still lack them. Instead of explaining the reasons for this situation, it is more important B J Z O E to show how a multidisciplinary approach based on project collaboration (Enhanced Tools for C A V EN A Creating Equal Opportunities in Education for Pupils with Disabilities) can lead to a better future Z R IR N and improve the quality of work by ensuring AT and better services for end users. A O N S I T T H Z The purpose of this paper is to present an example of a multidisciplinary approach using the con-E N R D cept of universal design in teaching and the use of AT in education and rehabilitation treatment. Our AN O goal is to emphasize the importance of using the multidisciplinary approach in education for edu-S S T T V O cators based on the collected and statistically processed data related to a series of project workE J N AN I shops entitled “Effective Communication as a Prerequisite for Building Effective Relationships.” H P STVR Data were collected using questionnaires to evaluate the training by the participants (N=700) O ISP and processed through descriptive analysis. EVKO The element identified as the most important in the context of ensuring the quality of actions V and improvements is the human factor and the awareness of its importance in determining the appropriate explanatory method. Keywords: assistive technology, multidisciplinary approach, methodology, human factor 71 1 INTRODUCTION E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C To achieve participation and inclusion of students with developmental disabilities, modern society AT B 1 O th IO U A is exploring assistive technology as one of the prerequisites for creating equal education opportuN A T P NN nities. Assistive technology (hereafter AT) is an umbrella term that includes products, devices, sys-E N U O D M A P tems, and software, as well as related services that improve the functioning and participation of L L C E 2 E ON individuals in activities of daily living (Toro-Hernández et al. 2019). For students with disabilities, AT N 0 TA 2 F provides means to support their educational needs, including the learning process, communication, 3 E L H R :S E social interaction, and physical access to resources (Koch 2017). By facilitating the participation and E O NC A C L I E A independence of students with disabilities, AT can improve access to education, increase academic T O H / P L A F E achievement, and consequently impact their self-esteem and self-image (WHO and UNICEF 2022). N U D T R R O OP C E 1.1 A multidisciplinary approach to AT E C E H E’ D N S According to WHO (2018), despite the growing number of people who need AT, only 1 in 10 people use I O S N L C G O IE AT efficiently in their daily lives. To prevent deficient AT-related services, it is important that educators S B G NC IC involved in the delivery of these services acquire the necessary knowledge and skills (Atanga et al. O A E O S L D K W A 2020). In addition to formal training, these educators should participate in various forms of AT training E N V D I (de Witte et al. 2018). Lamond and Cunningham (2020) note that AT knowledge is typically gained T E A H P LO R through attendance at conferences or professional development days or through their own research. P T E S M E L R R When it comes to AT education and training in the Republic of Croatia, in addition to formal training, E E N A E T I D educators usually attend workshops and conferences and in-service training for specific AT solutions V E N S I R E S (Pongrac 2021). Recent studies show the impact of participation in AT education and training on W O E A R N educator preparation programs (Jones et al. 2019; Rašan et al. 2019; Keown et al. 2021). Still, there V N S D IC S E O is room to explore effective educational approaches. C C H HOL O F S Smith et al. (2018) suggest a multidisciplinary approach that builds a team of experts with appropri-LA E A C ate knowledge and skills to achieve AT-related outcomes. A multidisciplinary approach is present-R R U L S Y P R ed in several studies on AT-related services. For example, when designing specific AT solutions, it is IT A Y A P necessary to involve different experts (Mincolelli et al. 2019; Alfatoony and Lee 2020). The need for E N R a multidisciplinary team is also highlighted in the evaluation process and in the selection of AT solu-S D D I tions (Cado et al. 2019; Paguinto et al. 2020) and in the procurement process (Wanga et al. 2020). GNIT However, in the Croatian education system, it is often not possible to create multidisciplinary teams Y that can achieve effective AT results. In response to this challenge, the project “Enhanced Tools for Creating Equal Opportunities in Education for Pupils with Disabilities - ATTEND” is implemented according to the principles of a multidisciplinary approach. The beneficiary of the project is the Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNET - as the main public institution in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) in the context of the Croatian education system. The ATTEND project is implemented in partnership with two academic institutions: the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zagreb with the support and expertise of the Icelandic partner - the City of Reykjavik (Department for Education and Youth). The Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb (ERF) develops and offers university programs in the field of speech and language pathology, educational rehabilitation and social pedagogy, as well as the development and promotion of high quality research and clinical practice in these areas. On the other hand, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Zagreb (FER) offers degree programs in electrical engineering, information technology and computer science. In addition, FER has established twelve research laboratories to develop and organize research activities and training in science and in specific professional fields. One of these labs is the Laboratory for Assistive Technologies and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (ICT-AAC Lab), which promotes the field of ICT-based augmentative communication, including collaborations with researchers in education, rehabilitation, psychology, and graphic science. Through many years of partnership and collaboration on many successful projects, ERF and FER have developed a multidisciplinary approach to developing and implementing AT solutions and delivering AT training. Consequently, this approach was chosen as the educational mindset for the ATTEND project. In addition to equipping educational centers in the Republic of Croatia, the goal of this project is to build the capacity of educators and provide a certain level of knowledge and skills in dealing with AT to create inclusive educational institutions (CARNET 2023). 72 1.2 Factors for the establishment of inclusive educational settings V Z 1 Z A Č 1 To achieve the full potential of AT, students with disabilities must have access to a range of accessible G . Z O L J O N and inclusive infrastructure and services. This can be achieved according to the principles of univerA V A , I E N sal design (hereafter UD). UD is defined as the design of the environment, products and services Z K S O A G T B V that can be used by all people without the need for adaptations or special designs. There are seven A E R N Ž E 2 principles of UD: equal use, flexibility of use, ease and intuitiveness of use, perceptible informa-E A K VA 02 O tion, tolerance of error, low physical complexity, and size and space for access and use (Burgstahler N 3 N JE I : D F 2020). By applying these principles will result in the creation of accessible and flexible physical and E N D R R U E digital environments that support the effective use of AT (WHO and UNICEF 2022). N U ŽB C Š E A Z M E In the education system, it is not easy to achieve accessibility or flexibility in the curriculum with-N VN I I out considering the Universal Design for Learning (hereafter UDL) framework. This theoretical O Z N T ED framework was developed by the Centre for Applied Special Technology (CAST) and proposes the D E N H R A A N R following principles: (1) providing multiple opportunities for representation, (2) providing multiV O O J L D E / Z O ple opportunities for action and expression, (3) providing multiple opportunities for participation N Š O U K (CAST 2018). UDL helps educators plan their instructional process and curricula to address students’ B I R O D R A E specific educational needs (Alquraini and Rao 2020). When the provision of AT is not appropriate N Z L V E IK R O Ž or a particular AT is not accessible, UDL is suggested as a possible intervention to achieve inclusive B J Z O E education (Ndlovu 2021). Further recognition of the role of UD, UDL, and AT in inclusive education is C A V EN A imperative and therefore includes training for educators, increased collaboration among various AT Z R IR N experts, and dissemination of this area of knowledge (Chambers 2020). A O N S I T T H Z E N R D 2 RESEARCH AN O S S T T V O 2.1 Purpose and Goals E J N AN IH P S This article presents an example of a multidisciplinary approach to AT training of educators working TV R O in 34 educational centers in the Republic of Croatia as part of the project ATTEND workshops entitled ISP “Effective communication as a prerequisite for building effective relationships”. EVKO Considering the research objective, the following problems are discussed: V - Multidisciplinary approach in AT education will have an impact on educators’ knowledge when it comes to the application of UD and UDL principles in the classroom. - The multidisciplinary approach in AT training will impact educators’ knowledge when it comes to using AT. 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Participants This study involved 700 educators who were recruited for the project as employees of 34 educational centers throughout the Republic of Croatia. Educational centers were eligible to participate in the project ATTEND if they met the following criteria: The centers are educational institutions that implement programs for the education of children with disabilities, but outside the regular system and/ or an institution that implements educational programs with children with disabilities and not only rehabilitation. A total of 34 institutions met these criteria and thus became part of the project ATTEND. The educators were composed of two professional groups working in the special education depart-ment of the above-mentioned centers: Educational and rehabilitation science professionals: educational rehabilitators, speech and language pathologists and special educators, and on the other hand, elementary school teachers and specialized teachers. Since both groups of educators have the same teaching tasks in their daily work in these educational centers, they were combined into one group and participated in the same form of AT training. 2.2.2 Concept of an AT training The concept of training AT was developed based on previous research findings through collaboration between ERF and FER project partners. This particular training was conducted in the form of a workshop to give all participants the opportunity to actively participate in practical presentations and discussions. 73 The workshop was named “Effective communication as a prerequisite for building effective rela-E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 tionships” and covered the topics UD, UDL and AT. The aforementioned topics were selected based CAT B 1 on a review of the relevant literature in the field of AT, taking into account the main findings from O th IO U A the scientific field of educational rehabilitation, speech therapy and electrical engineering. Subse-N A T P NN E quently, experts from the three mentioned fields summarized all relevant theoretical findings and N U O D M A P L L prepared relevant practical examples. The practice lecture format was chosen as the leading activity C E 2 E ON N in this workshop, as this format provided an opportunity for knowledge sharing as well as for pre-0 TA 2 F 3 E senting examples of good practice, solving practical tasks, and engaging participants in discussions. L H R :S E E O NC Finally, the manual and workshop materials were designed and prepared for the implementation A C L I E A T O of the workshop. H / P L A F ENU The workshop was conducted in 34 different educational centers by lecturers, AT experts with differ-D T R R O OP ent professional backgrounds (educational rehabilitators, speech and language pathologists, and C E E C E H E’ electrical engineers). The instructors adhered to the manual and prepared materials, but were able D N S I O S N L C to customize some aspects of the workshop, such as giving examples of best practices or engaging G O IE S B G NC participants in discussion and knowledge sharing. The average duration of a workshop was up to IC O A E O S 240 minutes. L D K W A E N V D IT E A 2.2.3 Study design and materials H P LO R P T E S M Data collection took place immediately before and after the implementation of the described workE L R R E E N A shop. Due to the large number of educational centers throughout the Republic of Croatia, an online E T I D V E N S form was used for data collection. I R E S W O E A R Two questionnaires were created. The first questionnaire (before the workshop) was used for N V N S D IC S self-assessment of the participants’ knowledge and consisted of eleven statements divided into E O C C H HOL three constructs: (1) theoretical and practical knowledge about the application of the principles of O F S LA E A UD, (2) theoretical and practical knowledge about the application of the principles of UD in teach-C R R U L S ing, and (3) theoretical and practical knowledge about the application of AT for communication. Y P R IT A Y A P The second questionnaire, i.e., the “final” one, aimed at assessing the impact of the conducted E N R workshop on the participants’ knowledge and skills through seven questions, which were again S D D I divided into the three constructs mentioned above. GNIT For both questionnaires, the questions were phrased as concluding statements and the Likert scale Y was used. In the first questionnaire, a five-point scale was used, ranging from “strongly disagree” (1), “disagree” (2), “am undecided” (3), “agree” (4), and “strongly agree” (5). Five- and ten-point scales were used in the final questionnaire. A ten-point scale was used to assess the knowledge acquired after the workshop to increase the accuracy of the participants’ evaluation. 2.2.4 Quantitative analysis Data are analysed using descriptive statistics. Responses from the survey are presented in percentages and descriptively. Scale values of four (agree) and five (strongly agree) were interpreted as agreement with the statement and are described as a positive response in the results section. Responses that fell between scale values one and two were interpreted as negative responses, while scale value three is described as uncertainty. To present the results of the ten-point scale, the mean (M) of the responses was calculated and presented in a table. 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Initial questionnaire Regarding the knowledge and skills of educators, the following data are evaluated. Most of the participants (43.4 %) are aware of the term “accessibility”, while 28 % of them are not aware of its meaning. Almost one third of the participants (29 %) agree that this term refers exclusively to people with difficulties or disabilities, which represents the ignorance of the term. On the other hand, 41.8 % of the participants show an understanding of the meaning of the term UD. In addition, 34.5 % of participants are unsure about the meaning of the term, while almost a quarter of participants (23.7 %) indicate that the term UD does not reflect the needs of the average user of services and products. When it comes to the practical application of UD and accessibility in their work, one-third 74 of participants (32 %) say they do not know how to implement these principles, while another 40.5 V Z 1 % are unsure. Only 27.2 % of participants say they understand the principles of using UD and acces-Z A Č 1 G . Z O L sibility in their work. J O N A V A , I E N More than half of the participants (53 %) believe that using the UDL principle is important when Z K S O A G T B V working with all students, while 28.6 % are unsure. In terms of theoretical understanding of the UDL A E R N Ž E 2 concept, 22.9 % of participants say they understand it. 35.9 % of the participants are not clear about E A K VA 02 O the importance of the concept, while 41.1 % say they do not understand it. When assessing practical N 3 N JE I : D F knowledge of how to apply this concept in everyday teaching, almost half of the respondents (45 E N D R R U E %) say they are unsure, while a quarter (23.6 %) say they do not apply the principle. One-third of the N U ŽB C Š participants (31 %) indicate that they use the UDL principle in their teaching activities. E A Z M E N VN I I Regarding initial knowledge of the use of AT for children with complex communication needs, half O Z N T ED of the participants (49.3 %) indicate that they understand the concept and its use, while 34.4 % of D E N H R A A N R them are unsure about this concept. V O O J L D E / Z O N Only 8 % of the participants agree that the use of AT for communication is exclusively for nonverbal Š O U K B I R people, while 72 % disagree with this statement. In addition, 12 % of participants state that the use O D R A E of AT can encourage children not to speak, while 72.6 % of participants disagree with this statement. N Z L V E IK R O ŽB Almost a quarter of participants (25 %) agree that high-tech AT is a better solution than low-tech, J Z O EC A V while 41.9 % are unsure. Regarding the use of AT for daily instruction and education of children with EN A complex communication needs, a quarter (27 %) of participants say they do not use it enough, while Z R IR N A O another 45 % are not sure if they promote and use it enough. N S I T T H Z E 2.3.2 Final questionnaire N R D AN O After attending the workshop, participants rated the degree to which they improved their knowl-S S T T V O edge and skills in applying specific concepts related to AT. The average score that participants E J N AN I achieved for all three topics was 9 on a ten-point scale (Table 1). H P STVROIS Table 1: Descriptive values for improving knowledge and skills after the workshop “Effective com-PEV munication as a prerequisite for building effective relationships” KOV M SD Universal design 8.6 1.68 Universal design in teaching 8.6 1.60 Assistive technology for communication 8.6 1.80 Source: Own Research 2022. After attending the workshop, 93 % of the participants believe that they understand the concept of UD and will use and promote it in their future work. In addition, only 6 % of the participants cannot assess their understanding of the concept UD, i.e., they are not sure if they will use it in their future work. Regarding the application of the principles of UDL in the classroom context, 92 % of the participants agree with this statement, while 7.3 % of the participants indicate that they are unsure and 1 % of the participants indicate that they will not apply this principle. In addition, 90 % of the participants state that they will use the principles of AT for communication in their future work, while 8.4 % of them are unsure and 1.7 % state that they will not use this principle. Even 95 % of the participants agree that it is necessary to support parents and other professionals in using AT for communication, while 4.9 % of them are unsure. In conclusion, 87.7 % of participants indicated that they have improved their knowledge of AT and understanding of the types and purpose of AT and that they will use it in their future work. In contrast, 2 % of participants disagreed with this statement, while 10 % of participants were unable to agree or disagree with the statement. 3 DISCUSSION This study offers new insights into a multidisciplinary approach to developing and delivering a form of AT education. While a portion of participants present theoretical knowledge and indicate practi-75 cal application of UD and UDL concepts in the classroom, there is still a portion of participants who E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 do not understand these concepts, i.e., do not apply them in the classroom context.These results CAT B 1 were to be expected, even if all participants are educators and perform the same teaching tasks, O th IO U A they do not have the same professional background. Goryunova et al. (2019) state that universi-N A T P NN E ty programs often do not respond to all the requirements of teacher practice, and therefore it is N U O D M A P L L necessary to establish multidisciplinary flexible programs. Another reason for these discrepancies C E 2 E ON N is that the concepts of UD and UDL have relatively recently been introduced into the formal training 0 TA 2 F 3 E of experts in the field of educational rehabilitation science and therefore should be included in AT L H R :S E E O NC training (Mackeogh et al. 2017; Lee and Griffin 2021). After attending the workshop, a large propor-A C L I E A T O tion of participants show improvement in knowledge and skills in UD and UDL. However, a smaller H / P L A F EN portion of them are unsure if they will apply these concepts in the classroom context. Considering U D T R R O the discrepancies in participants’ initial knowledge, these results are above expectations. Compar-OP C E E C ing the results of the initial and final evaluation questionnaire, a positive change in the participants’ E H E’ D N S I O S knowledge can be observed. N L C G O IE S B G NC Compared to the initial knowledge of the concepts of UD and UDL, participants have the highest scores IC O A E O S on AT. This may be a result of formal training in educational rehabilitation science, which includes basic L D K W A E N concepts of using AT (Pongrac 2021). On the other hand, a small number of participants show a lack of V D IT E A H P L knowledge and misunderstanding of the AT use, for example that AT should be used for communica-O R P T E S tion only with nonverbal children and that it may encourage children not to use language. Although M E L R R E E N A this percentage is small, it is not negligible because all educators should have basic knowledge of E T I D V E N S the AT use (Lamond and Cunningham 2020). As for the results of the final questionnaire, participants I R E S W O E A indicated that they improved their knowledge and skills in AT for communication after attending the R N V N S D I workshop. In addition, in the initial questionnaire, almost half of the participants expressed uncertain-C S E O C C ty about the promotion of use of AT for communication, and after the workshop, as many as 95 % of the H HOL O F S L participants indicated the need to encourage parents and other professionals to use AT. These results A E A C R R U indicate improvement of understanding of AT us and are consistent with the findings of authors Mc-L S Y P R IT Clelland and Kleinke (2013) that state that for multidisciplinary programs should be sought as solution A Y A PE for preparing experts for the AT use. Although the results indicate an improvement in knowledge and N RS D D skills, a small proportion of participants could not assess their knowledge of the types and purpose of IG AT, indicating a need for further training and education. NITY Limitations to this study include participant sampling only from education centres. Therefore, generalizing the findings should be taken with caution. The longitudinal effects of this workshop were not measured. It is possible that results would be different over time, as the final questionnaire was conducted the same day as the workshop. 4 CONCLUSION This research confirms the positive impact of a multidisciplinary approach in the creation and implementation of AT training on the acquisition of knowledge and skills of educators who work with students with developmental disabilities. In addition, the results provide an impetus for further examination of a multidisciplinary approach in the use of AT. Finally, since this is first set of several trainings within the ATTEND project, the positive results listed here are further support for design and implementation of remaining educations for participants, and consequently improving the provision of better educational opportunities for students with developmental disabilities. LITERATURE 1. Aflatoony, Leila, and Su Jin (Susan) Lee. 2020. 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Suada Veka, ICT Lecturer U EN U Ž Mathematics Department of University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkoder, Albania B C Š E A Z M E N V Msc. Arlinda Ramaj, Specialist N I I O Z N T ED Epidemiological and Environmental Health Department of Tirana Health Care Unit, Tirana, Albania D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š ABSTRACT O U K B I R O D The purpose of this study is to highlight the problems encountered in the implementation of the R A E N Z L V E I Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subject in the pre-university education sys-K R O ŽB J Z O tem, among students who study at the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” in Albania, based EC A V E on their referrals. The transverse method, or cross-sectional method as it is otherwise known, N A Z R IR N was used, following a quantitative approach. During the study, the following components were A O N S evaluated: the relevant education that the teacher of the ICT subject had, the available infra-I T T H Z E structure that the schools had for the implementation of the ICT subject, and the seriousness of N R D A the realization of the hours set in the curriculum by the teachers of the ICT subject. The people N O S S T T who participated in this study were first-year students of the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gura-V O E J kuqi”. All data were obtained during the period of March - April 2022. Data collection was done N AN IH P S using a questionnaire, which focuses on the three main aspects mentioned above. Discussions TV R O and results: The problems that are evident are related to the lack of importance that should be ISPE given to the ICT subject in pre-university education, such as the development of the subject by VK non-professional teachers, the lack of classes, and the lack of laboratories. OV Keywords: ICT, Pre-University Education, School subject 79 1 INTRODUCTION E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C The study program Informatics at the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” began in the academic AT B 1 O th IO U A year 2002-2003, with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, no. 2571/1, dated 19 July N A T P NN 2002. The duration of studies was 4 years with 240 ECTS, until the academic year 2003-2004. Diplo-E N U O D M A P mas obtained during these years, with law no. 80/2015, were considered scientific masters. From L L C E 2 E ON the academic year 2004-2005, with the implementation of the Bologna Cart system, the study pro-N 0 TA 2 F gram Informatics was adapted to three academic years with 180 ECTS. This new study program was 3 E L H R :S E opened in the Department of Mathematics, FSHN, and the lecturers were mainly from the Mathema-E O NC A C L I E A tics profile, just like the other universities that opened this study program. The first university, which T O H / P L A F E other universities took as an example, was that of Tirana. The Chair of Informatics at the University of N U D T R R Tirana was established in 1984 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Its creation marked the culminati-O OP C E E C on of several years of efforts to prepare proper IT frameworks in the country (FSHN 2021). E H E’ D N S I O S In contrast to developed countries, where technology has been developing and improving for de-N L C G O IE S B G cades, in our country, if we refer to the history of universities, we can say that the first professionals NC IC O A E in this field graduated about 30 years ago. Nowadays, technology has become an important and O S L D K W A quite complex part of all spheres of life. The inclusion of technology in education has become manE N V D IT E A datory since the efforts to improve learning (Hernandez 2017). Its developments have directly and H P LO R P T indirectly affected all work processes. Referring to this, the importance of study programs that train E S M E L R R E E professionals in such a field is growing every day. For this reason, it is very essential to pay special N A E T I D attention to the curriculum, as one of the main components of quality education. Albania is a lower-V E N S I R E S W O -middle-income developing country classified by the World Bank (World Bank 2022). It also belongs E A R N V to the post-communist countries. The communist regime of Albania is considered by researchers N S D IC S E O one of the harshest regimes in the Eastern Bloc (Abrahams 2015). Technological developments that C C H HOL O F S are mainly related to artificial intelligence, robotics, or biotechnology, risk increasing inequalities LA E A C R R between those who have and those who do not have the technology. Depending on the develo-U L S Y P R I pment and economic, social, and environmental conditions, each country must follow the relevant T A Y A P policies regarding science, technology, or even innovation. This requires bridging the digital divide, E N RS D D building the digital knowledge of students vis-à-vis the workforce, and strengthening/aligning sci-I ence, technology, and innovation systems and industrial policies (UNCTAD 2021). Although a deve-GNI loping country, the efforts made by the government to transform it into a developed country are not TY negligible (AKSHI 2020). This is observed in many fields, among which, for us, the field of Education is of interest, especially the field of Information and Communication Technology. In “Decision no. 41, dated 24.1.2018 on the Elements of Study Programs offered by Higher Education Institutions” (MAS 2021), it is stated that computer knowledge should be part of every study program. As well as in Strategic Priority 2, it is stated that: The policy for the development of ICT infrastructure and electro-nic communications must be implemented in all sectors (health, education, environment, agricul-ture, tourism, culture, energy, transport, etc.) (AKSHI 2020). This reflects clearly the government’s intention to make technology an integral part of every study program and therefore of every field. Although the interest in the development and implementation of technology, in every field of life, is high, we must emphasize that the problems encountered were and are numerous. Technology has a significant impact on the teaching and learning process in higher education (Siddiquah and Salim 2017). ICT has a substantial impact on the social and economic development of a developing country (Palvia et al. 2017). If we refer to the scientific studies developed in the last decade, we notice the ongoing treatment of the issues that accompany the implementation of ICT resources in teaching. In order to adapt to the skills of the 21st century, students and teachers, in the classroom, must be able to use all possible digital tools and avoid the problems of their use during the teaching and learning processes by becoming users of successful technology (Simin et al. 2016). Effective teaching and learning rely on ICT. The teacher is the main actor in teaching success. His continuous professional development remains a necessary condition for achieving the intended results. For this reason, the curriculum, especially that of basic education, requires a change in the initial training of teachers, through the renewal of the curriculum of high schools and universities and the change of the system of formation and training of teachers (ASCAP 2014). According to (NORAD 2015), the basic components that influence a successful education are: the teacher, curriculum, infrastructure, management, and institutional strategy, and all these components balance each other to ensure 80 the right education for future professionals. Each of the components cited above is part of the PreV Z 1 -University Education Development Strategies 2014-2020 (QBZ 2016). Institutional strategies must Z A Č 1 G . Z O L ensure institutional management that leaves space for perfect teacher-curriculum-infrastructure in-J O N A V A , I E N teraction. “Teacher training programs should include research and research methodologies so that Z K S O A G T new teachers are able to apply educational research to school practice. The new programs, for all B V A E R N Ž categories of teachers, should reflect the innovations of the Pre-University Education curriculum, be E 2 E A K V enriched with the ICT subject, and with the techniques of designing tests for evaluating the level of A 02 O N 3 N J competence development (MAS 2015). In 2006, the subject of ICT was developed only in high scho-E I : D FE N D R R ol, while in 2014 it was also extended to basic education, continues in the IVth grade, and extends U EN U ŽB C up to the XIIth grade (ASCAP 2014). The inclusion of the IT subject as a separate subject from other Š E A Z M E N V subjects, in school curricula, is characteristic of Eastern European countries (Dagienė 2005), where N I I O Z N T E Albania is also a part. In the 2000s, the Albanian curriculum was part of the IT subject, which was D D E N H R A later renamed ICT based on the importance of the implementation of information technology in A N R V O O teaching and learning. This has happened in a line similar to that of the countries of Eastern Europe, J L D E / Z O N Š O U such as Lithuania, where to emphasize the importance of this subject and highlight its applicability, K B I R O D the renaming, and use of the new term Information Technology (Dagienė 2005). R A E N Z L V E It is clear that it is not enough to simply have a well-integrated curriculum in the educational system IK R O ŽB J Z O chain to form successful professionals. Of particular importance is the implementation part of this EC A V E curriculum. With the implementation of the curriculum, we consider the way it should be served to N A Z R I the student so that the absorption is maximum. For this, the Institute of Education Development, in R N A O N S 2018, drafted a “Subject Curriculum Guide for ICT”, as an auxiliary material for teachers of pre-uni-I T T H Z E versity education (ASCAP 2019). As well as during the period January 2020-March 2021, the Security N R D A Agency of the Quality of Pre-university Education (ASCAP), has developed the “Analysis of the evalu-N O S S ation of the curriculum implemented in Higher Secondary Education (AML)”. One of its goals is the T T V O E J identification of problems that arise during the implementation of the curriculum and the definition N AN IH P S of strategies for their improvement (ASCAP 2021). TV R O I As for the ICT subject, we have a rich and comprehensive curriculum that offers students basic tra-SPE ining in the use of technology and the benefits it has in all the fields where they want to be trained, VKO contrary to what is said by (Dagienė 2005), where curricular quality is an obstacle in the integration V of ICT in education in Eastern countries. In addition, referring to the constant care that is devoted to the updating of educational programs in the university system, to avoid breaking the chain of the educational system as a whole, it is impossible for such a problem to exist. Based on the analysis and reports of the countries of Eastern Europe, where Albania is also part, in relation to this issue, the focus is generally on the quality of the curriculum, the teacher, his skills as well as the available technological infrastructure (Dagienė 2005). 2 RESEARCH 2.1 Purpose The purpose of this paper is to highlight the problems in the implementation of the ICT subject in the pre-university education system, among students studying at the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, regarding the qualification of teachers, the importance given to the ICT class, the infrastructure, school typology, and location. 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Design The transverse method, or cross-sectional method as it is otherwise known, was used, following a quantitative approach. During the study, the following components were evaluated: the relevant education that the teacher of the ICT subject had, the available infrastructure that the schools had for the implementation of the ICT subject, and the seriousness of the realization of the hours set in the curriculum by the teachers of the ICT subject. 81 2.2.2 Sample E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 The people who participated in this study were first-year students of the University of Shkodra “Luigj CAT B 1 O Gurakuqi” in Albania. All data were obtained during the period of March - April 2022. th IO U A N A T P NN E N U 2.2.3 Data collection O D M A P L L C E 2 The data collection was done using a questionnaire, which focuses on three main aspects: the rele-E ON N 0 vant education that the teacher of the ICT subject had, the available infrastructure that the schools TA 2 F 3 E L H R : had for the implementation of the ICT subject, and the seriousness of the implementation of the lesS E E O NC A C sons set in the curriculum by ICT subject teachers. The first part of the questionnaire consists of four L I E A T O H / P L A questions related to demographic data such as gender (m/f), school (public/private), and location F E N U (city/rural). The second part of the questionnaire consists of 4 questions related to the ICT subject D T R R O OP teacher. The answers are presented with three alternatives: yes, no, I don’t know. The third part of C E E C E H E’ the questionnaire consists of 4 questions related to infrastructure. The answers are presented with D N S I O S N L C three alternatives: yes, no, I don’t know. The fourth part of the questionnaire consists of 3 questions G O IE S B G NC I related to the development of the ICT subject. The answers are presented with 5 different response C O A E O S L D alternatives, which correspond to the Likert scale with five possible options, ranging from never K W A E N with 1 point and always being evaluated with 5 points. V D IT E A H P LO R 2.2.4 Ethical considerations P T E S M E L R R E E This record respects the rules of data protection. The study addressed the problems encountered in N A E T I D V E the pre-university education system for the ICT subject and not as research on human subjects. Stu-N S I R E S W O E A dents were informed in advance via email about the questionnaire. They could then decide whether, R N V N S D or not to participate. Questionnaire responses were strictly anonymous to ensure students’ privacy. IC S E O C C H HOL O F S 2.3 Results and Discussions LA E A C R R U Regarding gender in our study, 58 % are female and 42 % are male. In the division of public or priL S Y P R IT vate schools, the participants of our study 74 % attend public school and 26 % attend private school. A Y A P Regarding the location of the school, 83 % are in city schools and 17 % in village schools (Table 1). E N RS D D I Table 1: Distribution of demographic data GNITY Frequency (N) Percent (%) Gender 199 100 (%) Male 84 42.2 (%) Female 115 57.8 (%) School classification 199 100 (%) Public 147 73.9 (%) Private 52 26.1 (%) School location 199 100 (%) City 165 82.9 (%) Rural 34 17.1 (%) Source: Author Research 2022. From a general perspective regarding the information related to the teachers who develop the informatics subject, it turns out that for the most part, this subject is not taught by a teacher of the relevant profile, and generally the informatics subject is taught by a teacher of another natural profile and less often by a teacher of a different social profile. In the section of questions related to information about the infrastructure for the development of the informatics subject, it turns out that the majority of schools are equipped with informatics laboratories, but these devices are in most cases non-digital, old, and do not work. From a general perspective on the development of the informatics subject, it results that the informatics subject is rarely or moderately developed according to the teaching schedule. On average or often this subject is replaced by another subject or activity and for the most part, it is never developed in the respective laboratories. (Table 2). 82 Table 2: Distribution by all questions V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z Distribution according to information about ICT teacher Frequency Percent O L J O N A Q1*- To your knowledge, the teacher who developed the subject of ICT has been a teacher of ICT? 199 100 (%) V A , I E N Z K S Yes 72 36.2 (%) O A G T B V A E R N No 114 57.3 (%) Ž E 2 E A K V I don’t know 13 6.5 (%) A 02 O N 3 N J Q2*- To your knowledge, the teacher who developed the subject of ICT has been a teacher of E I : D FE N D R R another natural science profile subject? 199 100 (%) U EN U ŽB C Yes 110 55.3 (%) Š E A Z M E N V No 53 26.6 (%) N I I O Z N T ED I don’t know 36 18.1 (%) D E N H R A Q3*- To your knowledge, the teacher who developed the subject of ICT has been a teacher of A N R V O O another subject of the social science profile? 199 100 (%) J L D E / Z O N Š O U Yes 5 2.5 (%) K B I R O D No 160 80.4 (%) R A E N Z L V E I I don’t know 34 17.1 (%) K R O ŽB J Z O E Distribution according to information about infrastructure C A V EN A Q4*- Has your school been equipped with an ICT lab? 199 100 (%) Z R IR N Yes 147 73.9 (%) A O N S I T T H Z No 52 26.1 (%) E N R D Q5*- The classes where you taught, were they equipped with digital tools? 199 100 (%) AN O S S Yes 93 46.7 (%) T T V O E J No 106 53.3 (%) N AN IH P S Q6*- The laboratory equipment your school has had, were they recent (not old)? 199 100 (%) TV R O I Yes 62 31.2 (%) SPE No 137 68.8 (%) VKO Q7*- Did all lab equipment work? 199 100 (%) V Yes 60 30.2 (%) No 139 69.8 (%) Distribution according to information about the development of the ICT subject Q8*- Evaluate how often you have done ICT planned in the lesson schedule. 199 100 (%) Never 10 5.0 (%) Rarely 56 28.1 (%) Average 54 27.1 (%) Often 25 12.6 (%) Always 54 27.1 (%) Q9*- Evaluate how often you have done another subject or activity during the scheduled hour for the ICT course 199 100 (%) Never 47 23.6 (%) Rarely 63 31.7 (%) Average 27 13.6 (%) Often 47 23.6 (%) Always 15 7.5 (%) Q10*- How often have you done ICT in the lab? 199 100 (%) Never 65 32.7 (%) Rarely 40 20.1 (%) Average 26 13.1 (%) Often 28 14.1 (%) Always 40 20.1 (%) Source: Author Research 2022. 83 2.3.1 Teacher E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 One of the challenges that accompany the implementation of the ICT subject in education is directly CAT B 1 O related to the knowledge and profile of the teacher of the subject (Sentance and Csizmadia 2017). th IO U A N A T P NN Below will be analyzed the connections and changes that have statistical significance between the E N U O D M A profile of the teacher, the public/private high school, and the city/rural location. P L L C E 2 E ON There is a difference and a negative relationship (r= -.286) statistically very significant (p=.000) N 0 TA 2 F between the classification of public or private schools and Q1: So the subject of informatics in public 3 E L H R :S E schools is more likely not to be developed by a teacher of the relevant profile. While in private scho-E O NC A C L I E A ols, it is more likely that this subject will be developed by a teacher of the relevant profile. T O H / P L A F ENU Table 3a: The results of the analysis made between the location of the school and Q1 D T R R O OP C E E C Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) E H E’ D N S I O S Pearson Chi-Square 7.127(a) 2 .028 N L C G O IE S B G NC Likelihood Ratio 9.328 2 .009 IC O A E Linear-by-Linear Association .450 1 .502 O S L D K W A E N N of Valid Cases 199 V D IT E A H P L a 1 cells (16.7 %) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.22. O R P T E S M E L Table 3b: The results of the analysis made between the location of the school and Q1 R R E E N A E T I D V E N S Symmetric Measures Value Asymp. Std. Error(a) Approx. T(b) Approx. Sig. I R E S W O E A Interval by Interval Pearson’s R .048 .057 .670 .504(c) R N V N S D IC S Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .069 .060 .969 .334(c) E O C C H HOL N of Valid Cases 199 O F S LA E A C a Not assuming the null hypothesis. R R U L S Y P R b Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. IT A Y A c Based on normal approximation. PE NR Source: Author Research 2022. S D D I As can be seen in Table 3a and Table 3b, there is a statistically significant difference between the GNI location of the school and Q1: We can say that the students of the rural schools tend to answer that TY they develop the informatics subject with a teacher outside the profile. There is a difference and a statistically significant (p= .010) positive relationship (r= .183) between the classification of public or private schools and Q2: So the subject of informatics in public schools in cases where it is not developed by a profile teacher has more likely to be developed by a teacher of a different natural profile. Table 4a: The results of the analysis made between the location of the school and Q3 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 6.715(a) 2 .035 Likelihood Ratio 4.842 2 .089 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.763 1 .184 N of Valid Cases 199 a 2 cells (33.3 %) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .85. Table 4b: The results of the analysis made between the location of the school and Q3 Symmetric Measures Value Asymp. Std. Error(a) Approx. T(b) Approx. Sig. Interval by Interval Pearson’s R -.094 .078 -1.331 .185(c) Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.086 .077 -1.214 .226(c) N of Valid Cases 199 a Not assuming the null hypothesis. b Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. c Based on normal approximation. Source: Author Research 2022. 84 As can be seen in Table 4a and Table 4b, there is a statistically significant difference between the lo-V Z 1 cation of the school and Q3: We can say that the students of the rural schools tend to refer that they Z A Č 1 G . Z O L develop the informatics subject with teachers of a social profile. J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T 2.3.2 Infrastructure B V A E R N Ž E 2 Also, a challenge that accompanies the implementation of the ICT subject in education is related to E A K VA 0 the lack of infrastructure, technical problems, and the quality of equipment (Sentance and Csizma-2 O N 3 N J dia 2017). E I : D FE N D R R U E Below will be analyzed the connections and changes that have statistical significance between in-N U ŽB C Š E A Z M frastructure and public/private high schools and city/rural locations. E N VN I I There is a difference and a statistically significant (r= -.224) negative relationship (p= .002) between O Z N T ED D E N public or private school classification and Q4: Public school students are more likely to report that H R A A N R their school does not have a computer lab. V O O J L D E / Z O N Š There is a statistically highly significant (p= .000) difference and negative correlation (r= -.543) O U K B I R between public or private school classification and Q5: Private school students are more likely to O D R A E N Z L report that their school has digital devices. V E IK R O ŽB J Z O There is a difference and a statistically significant (r= .184) positive relationship (p= .009) between EC A V E school location and Q5: Rural school students are more likely to report that their classrooms are not N A Z R equipped with tools digital. IR N A O N S There is a difference and a statistically significant (p= .000) negative relationship (r= -.390) between I T T H Z E public or private school classification and Q6: Public school students are more likely to report that N R D A their school has old equipment. N O S S T T There is a difference and a statistically significant (r= .161) positive relationship (p= .023) between V O E J N A school location and Q6: Rural school students are more likely to report that their laboratories have N IH P ST old equipment. V R O IS There is a difference and a negative relationship (r= -.457) statistically very significant (p= .000) PEV between the classification of public or private school and Q7: Public school students are more likely KOV to refer that computer labs in their school do not work. There is a difference and a statistically significant (r= .153) positive relationship (p= .031) between school location and Q7: Rural school students are more likely to report that their laboratory equipment does not work. 2.3.3 Realization of the ICT Subject Below will be analyzed the connections and changes that have statistical significance between the realization of the ICT subject and the public/private high school and the city/rural location. There is a difference and a positive relationship (r= .235) statistically significant (p= .001) between the classification of public or private school and question 8: Public school students are more likely to refer that they rarely develop the subject of informatics or never. While those from private schools are more likely to refer that they develop the subject of informatics often or always. There is a statistically significant (p= .005) difference and a negative relationship (r= -.198) between the classification of public or private school and question 9: Public school students are more likely to refer to replacing the computer science subject with another subject or activity often or always. While for students of private schools, this phenomenon happens rarely or never. There is a difference and a positive relationship (r= .382) statistically very significant (p= .000) between the classification of public or private school and question 10: Public school students are more likely to refer that they develop the computer science subject rarely or never in relevant laboratories. For students of private schools, the development of the informatics subject is often or always done in the relevant laboratories. 85 3 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C In public pre-university education, the teacher of the ICT subject in a significant part of the cases does AT B 1 O th IO U A not have the proper education and generally has an education in natural sciences, therefore it is N A T P NN recommended that the adequate education of the teacher be primary and strictly intact. E N U O D M A P L L In public pre-university education, the infrastructure does not support the use of technology in teaC E 2 E ON N ching, excluding private pre-university education where the use of supporting technologies in tea-0 TA 2 F 3 E ching is significantly observed, therefore a quality investment in technology is recommended. L H R :S E E O NC A C The importance given to the realization of the ICT subject in public pre-university education is low, L I E A T O H / P L A therefore it is recommended to sensitize the staff through the drafting of different policies regar-F E N U ding the importance of such a subject. D T R R O OP C E Therefore, it should be noted that the parts of the education system chain (primary education, E C E H E’ D N S secondary education, higher education, and university) should not exist and function as separate I O S N L C G O I or independent from each other. The updating of one part must be accompanied by the updating E S B G NC I of all its subsequent parts, otherwise, the curricular gap will be present and will be reflected in the C O A E O S L D formation of new professionals. K W A E N V D IT E A H P LO R LITERATURE P T E S M E L R R E E N A 1. Abrahams, Fred. 2015. Modern Albania: From Dictatorship to Democracy in Europe. New York: NYU. E T I D V E N S Available at: Amazon. I R E S W O E A R 2. AKSHI, Albania‘s Digital Agenda, 2015-2020. 2020. Available at: https://akshi.gov.al/wp-conN V N S D IC tent/uploads/2018/03/Strategjia_Axhenda_Dixhitale_e_Shqiperise_2015-2020.pdf. S E O C C H HOL 3. ASCAP, Curricular Framework of Pre-University Education of the Republic of Albania. 2014. Available O F S LA E A at: https://www.ascap.edu.al/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Korniza-Kurrikulare-31.07.2014.pdf. C R R U L S Y P R 4. ASCAP, Subject Curriculum Guide for ICT. 2019. 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Available at: https://datahelpdesk.worldbank. N D R R U EN org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups. U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z E N R D AN O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVROISPEVKOV 87 E I T THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY FOR SOCIAL D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 INCLUSION AMONG PEOPLE WITH ID O th IO U A N A T P NN E N U O Lea Masnjak Šušković, MS. Psych. D M A P L L C E 2 Prof. Daniela Bratković, PhD E ON N 0 TA Ana-Marija Bohaček, MS. Spec. Ed. 2 F 3 E L H R :S E Alisa Fabris, MS. Spec. Ed. E O NC A C Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP ABSTRACT C E E C E H E’ D N S To the greatest extent we use digital technology in everyday life to establish social connections. I O S N L C G O I Challenges we faced during the time of COVID-19 further emphasized the importance of knowlE S B G NC IC edge and skills in using digital technologies. Research shows that people with intellectual disO A E O S L D K W A abilities (ID) are at greater risk of social exclusion because of the lack of education for digital skills E N V D and specially adapted tools and programs. The aim of this research is to investigate how people IT E A H P LO R with ID use digital technologies for social involvement and connecting with others. This paper P T E S M E L presents part of the 1st phase results of the study conducted in Croatia as part of the multidisci-R R E E N A plinary EU “Digi-ID Plus” project granted by EIT Health and lead by Trinity College Dublin. Both E T I D V E N S I R quantitative and qualitative analyses were applied aiming to detect the level of digital inclusion E S W O E A R of people with ID. Focus groups served to gain a deeper insight into personal experiences in using N V N S D IC S technology for social contacts and better social inclusion. Results indicate available opportuni-E O C C H HOL ties, as well as obstacles and the need for support in using digital technology for social connect-O F S LA E A ing, involvement and participation in the society. Better accessibility of digital technology tools C R R U L S Y P R and educational support for people with ID is needed as well. The results will be used as guide-IT A Y A lines for co-creation of innovative digital education program and application. PE NR Keywords: social inclusion, digital technology, people with ID S D D IGNITY 88 1 INTRODUCTION V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z Since changes that were brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and restrictions even O L J O N A V A more highlighted the importance of digital technology and digital tools as a lifeline. Over the last , I E N Z K S O A G T three decades, there has been an increased research interest and understanding of the existence of B V A E R multiple and complex digital inequalities. These inequalities are complex and variable thus repreN Ž E 2 E A K V senting a multiple nature of digital inclusion (Brandtzaeg and Heim 2011; Blank and Groselj 2014; A 02 O N 3 N Borg and Smith 2018). Barriers to digital inclusion relate to social exclusion and at the same time are JE I : D FE associated to social capital. Those persons who are vulnerable and at high risk of social exclusion are N D R R U EN also those in the greatest need of digital inclusion (Helsper and Eynon 2010; Chadwick et al. 2013). U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N It appears that awareness of digital exclusion has been raised in general, but the digital exclusion of VN I I O Z N T E people with ID during COVID-19 was aggravated by structural, individual, and support-related barD D E N riers. Murphy (2021) highlighted that people with ID are left behind in the digital revolution, thus H R A A N R having a harmful effect on their health, wellbeing, and inclusion. Considering the multidimension-V O O J L D E / Z O N ality of people’s experiences, more complex and individually adapted digital education is required Š O U K B I R to enable people with ID the human right to be included in the digital world. According to Kluge and O D R A E Hamilton (2021), digital technologies are only capable of serving populations when these popula-N Z L V E IK R O ŽB tions are included in the solution design process. J Z O EC A V Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate how people with ID use digital technologies for EN A Z R social inclusion. This paper also presents part of the 1st phase results of the study conducted in Croa-IR N A O tia as part of the multidisciplinary EU “Digi-ID Plus” project granted by EIT Health and lead by Trinity N S I T T H Z College Dublin. E N R D AN O 1.1 Quality of life, social inclusion and mental health benefits of using digital technology S S T T V O It is generally considered that the quality of life (Bratković and Rozman 2006): is not something E J N AN IH P what a person simply owns or receives, but creates in cooperation with others; it is a relation betwe-STVR en individual’s realized and unmet needs and desires (the greater the disparity, the worse is the O ISP quality of life); that it is achieved when the basic personal needs are met and when there is the EVK opportunity for achieving personal goals and opportunities in important areas of life; that it implies OV the degree to which an individual exercises control over own life. Individual’s quality of life largely depends on the togetherness with the environment, or in other words on everyday interpersonal interactions in the social environment. Social support networks are for people with ID very important for developing their sense of security, belonging, self-worth and positive self-image, focusing on the possibility to access and to participate in community activities- the degree of using community resources. The holistic concept of quality of life defined by Renwick et al. (2000) emphasizes the dimensions of community belonging as the quality of relationships which individual builds and feels relating to others. People with ID describe social inclusion as acceptance in society, possibility to use all community services and through providing opportunities to talk and meet new people (Abbott and McConkey 2006). As Felce (2000) points out, it is an involvement of people with intellectual disabilities in meaningful life activities means: presence in the community, community participation, possibility for competence development, achieving valued social role and social status, making choices and realization of rights. Compared to general population, people with ID have significantly lower community involvement and poorer social connections (Minton et al. 2002; Lippold and Burns 2009; Leutar et al. 2014; McCausland et al. 2017; Bratković et al. 2018). During COVID-19 pandemic, stressors that occurred include a stop to daily routines and contact with friends and family, restricted availability of health services and paid support, increased isolation and financial hardships, combined with cognitive challenges understanding virus risks and restrictions (Bigby 2020; Constantino et al. 2020; Courtenay and Perera 2020; Lake et al. 2021). As people with IDD, as a population are at higher risk of mental health issues, these stressors even amplify it (Cooper et al. 2007; Lake et al. 2021). In one inclusive research study on impact of pandemic (Lake et al. 2021) persons with IDD highlighted areas where mental health care services could be improved: more informal virtual peer groups, and improved access to and availability of formal virtual mental health supports. In the same study among the pandemic-specific factors that directly impacted he-89 alth and wellbeing was access to technology. According to results social connection was an impor-E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 tant factor in reducing isolation and promoting ‘good’ mental health. Thus, adults with disabilities CAT B 1 not only need support and connection, but they can also offer it to others. Participants in the study O th IO U A who accessed virtual mental health care during the pandemic reported benefitting from these N A T P NN E supports (also clearly indicated a desire for more support). According to the data, technology played N U O D M A P L L an essential role, either to access services and support groups, entertainment, COVID-19 informaC E 2 E ON N tion, or to connect with peers. Although, most participants in this study expressed comfort using 0 TA 2 F 3 E technology, possibly because they had previous experiences, other studies report on the challenges L H R :S E E O NC people with IDD have encountered in understanding and using technology (Constantino et al. 2020; A C L I E A T O Lake et al. 2021; Chadwick et al. 2022). Before pandemic, many virtual mental health groups didn’t H / P L A F EN exist for people with IDD, so pandemic presented a unique opportunity for adults with IDD to learn U D T R R O new technologies and ways to connect with others. These innovative virtual connections, and the OP C E E C skills needed to participate in them, will be important to continue and expand also in post-pande-E H E’ D N S I O S mic period (Lake et al. 2021). N L C G O IE S B G NC IC O 1.2 The connection between digital inclusion and social inclusion A E O S L D K W A People with ID, compared to general population are relatively excluded across a range of social E N V D IT E A measures including relationships and community participation (Mithen et al. 2015; McCausland et H P LO R P T al. 2021). Research among adults with ID, shows that self-determined use of mobile technology E S M E L R R E E and apps was associated with improved social inclusion (Martin et al. 2021; McCausland et al. 2021). N A E T I D V E Adults with ID use technology for chatting with friends, reading, or writing on social networks, for N S I R E S W O social and romantic reasons (McCausland et al. 2021). E A R N V N S D I Despite some encouraging data from population of younger adults, recent data from Irish Longi-C S E O C C tudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA) (Murphy et al. 2019) shows little change in the rate of enga-H HOL O F S L gement of older persons with ID, with technologies, with the majority remaining excluded. In this A E A C R R U study technology use was significantly associated with social inclusion as was level of ID and resiL S Y P R IT dence (community settings or residence in institution). In their study, access and use of technologies A Y A PE is especially limited for those who are living in residential settings. Authors concluded that it may N RS D D have implications for individuals’ social inclusion opportunities, given the potential for these tech-IG nologies to foster, maintain and enable social relationships and participation. Greater awareness NIT of connection between usage of ICT for people with ID is needed, as well as access and training for Y individuals and staff in residential settings to support people best use these technologies is required (Murphy et al. 2019). It’s important to create opportunities ensuring that people with ID and those supporting them possess the digital skills to use technology to their advantage although it is difficult to achieve due to inaccessible app development (Martin et al. 2021; McCausland et al. 2021). 1.3 Digital education for persons with ID Considering the current situation with digital inclusion of people with ID, its very important to start working on appropriate ways of adapting digital technologies. Chadwick et al. (2022) state several types of barriers to the digital inclusion of people with ID: personal barriers imply a lack of digital skills, self-confidence and having additional difficulties; obstacles related to support are supporters’ lack of knowledge about digital technology and the prohibition of people from the environment; technological barriers refer to problems with internet connection and lack of low-cost technology; socio-political arise due to the lack of government actions to promote digital inclusion. Experiences and personal views of people with ID can and should be the basis for creating educational and other support services based on individual, population and systemic level (Randt 2011). For those reasons, the application of an inclusive research approach, is of particular importance. Example of an innovative approach to digital inclusion of people with ID is EU “Digi-ID Plus- Digital skills education to support better health and social inclusion outcomes for adults with ID” project granted by European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Health. This pan-European inter-disciplinary digital skills education project is a continuation of the successful implementation of the first project “Digi-ID” conducted in 2021. The project is headed and originally designed by Dr Esther Murphy for Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin (Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability), bringing together experts of various profiles from five European countries. Project par-90 tner for Croatia is Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb. The main V Z 1 quality and value of the project is co-creation of the project solutions together with people with Z A Č 1 G . Z O L ID, their families and professionals, all participating in its creation and design. At the heart of the J O N A V A , I E N project is a Citizen Advisory Panel (CAP), comprising of people with ID who have a passion for tech-Z K S O A G T nology to inform and shape decision-making and design, moving even beyond co-creation with B V A E R N Ž people with ID (Murphy et al. 2022a). Through CAP the project is working on helping people with ID E 2 E A K V to become educators for others, giving them an active role in society. Till today the first version of A 02 O N 3 N J accessible digital education platform/app DigiAcademy is made in Ireland (Trinity College Dublin: E I : D FE N D R R School of Engineering – Robotics & Innovation Lab). Future activities of the project are aimed at re-U EN U ŽB C fining the program/app and making content available in several European languages, as well as Š E A Z M E N V the creation of new content adapted also for people with severe level of ID. This will be based on N I I O Z N T E scientific research data on the use of digital technology, experiences and needs of people with ID in D D E N H R A different countries. In this context, the purpose of this work is to present part of the initially obtained A N R V O O research data in Croatia. J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E 2 RESEARCH N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O E 2.1 Purpose and goals C A V EN A The main purpose of this research is to give an insight into the extent of the usage of digital tech-Z R IR N nologies for social involvement and connecting with others, among people with ID. Research goals A O N S I T T were set to determine: (1) whether people with ID use digital technology, what type of technology H Z E N R D and to what extent; (2) what social media apps do people with ID use for social involvement and AN O connections and (3) what are their basic digital technology use skills. S S T T V O Also, by applying qualitative research methodology the following research questions were defined: E J N AN IH P S 1. What are personal experiences of people with ID in using digital technology to achieve social TV R O inclusion? ISPE 2. What obstacles do people with ID face when using digital technology to achieve social inclusion? VKO 3. What promotes the use of digital technology from the perspective of people with ID? V 2.2 Methods Both quantitative and qualitative research analyses were applied aiming to detect the level of digital inclusion of people with ID, as well as it’s impact on their social inclusion. This research is the part of the broader study conducted in Croatia which was carried out as a part of the EU project “Digi-ID Plus”, in collaboration with several organizations for persons with ID (Center for Rehabilitation Zagreb, Center for Provision of Services in the Community Ozalj, Ozana Center – Daily Center for Rehabilitation and Work Activities, Croatian Association of Societies of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Croatian Down Syndrome Association, Association for Self Advocacy, Center for Education „Juraj Bonači“ Split). In the quantitative part of the research, “Digi-ID Plus information questionnaire” was applied and data was collected from a total of 61 participants (39 male, 22 females; aged 18-70 years) from different parts of Croatia. Qualitative research, in the form of focus groups (11 groups) or interviews (9 interviews), was also conducted with the same participants, but for the purposes of this paper, we single out the presentation of the results of one focus group. Participants were selected using the method of purposive sampling, and the selection criteria were the existence of a mild or moderate degree of ID and the ability to participate in a group conversation. From 61 participants 35 had mild and 26 moderate degree of ID. Most of the participants live in family home (n=29) and supported living/organized housing (n=26), independent/semi-independent living (n=5), residential care (n=1). Before conducting the focus groups and filling out research questionnaires, potential participants were presented with the topic and the purpose of the research and were informed about the project through an easy-to-read Information booklet. Interested participants filled out and signed the Informed Consent, written in an easy-to-understand form, with the help of a support person from their organization. The research was conducted only with those who gave their voluntary consent. 91 For the purpose of obtaining results for the quantitative data analyses the “Digi- ID Plus informati-E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 on’s questionnaire” was applied. The questionnaire consists of 45 questions from several areas that CAT B 1 include: (1) persons general information; (2) persons health profile; (3) persons social profile and O th IO U A (4) persons digital profile. Questionnaires were filled out by each participant with the support of N A T P NN E staff from organizations in paper-pencil format, before the focus groups were held. To analyze the N U O D M A P L L digital profile of persons with ID, descriptive data analysis was conducted applying SPSS Statistics C E 2 E ON N 26 program. 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R : To obtain a deeper insight into the participants’ experiences, views, and opinions, qualitative data S E E O NC A C from focus groups were collected through the semi-structured interview method. For that purpose, L I E A T O H / P L A the Focus group guide that was created for the “Digi- ID Plus” project was used. In this paper, results F E N U from the data analysis of one focus group will be presented. Participants of the analyzed focus group D T R R O OP were five adults with ID (aged 28-70), of which three were female and two were male. Focus group C E E C E H E’ was held in the premises of one NGO in the city of Zagreb. Four participants had mild degree of ID D N S I O S N L C and one has moderate degree. Focus group lasted about an hour and a half. In this qualitative reseG O IE S B G NC arch, thematic analysis was used as a way of analyzing data (Braun and Clarke 2006). In accordance IC O A E O S with the research questions, three thematic areas emerged: (1) Personal experiences in the use of L D K W A E N digital technology for social inclusion, (2) Barriers to the use of digital technology, and (3) Factors V D IT E A H P L promoting the use of digital technology. According to thematic areas, framework topics were deter-O R P T E S mined from the focus group transcripts. The relevant statements of the participants were coded and M E L R R E E N A classified under the appropriate topic. From each topic, corresponding categories emerged. E T I D V E N S I R Research was carried out with the ethical permissions and positive opinion of the Ethical commissi-E S W O E A R on of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb. Also, the ethical N V N S D IC S permissions were gained from all partner organizations in which the research was taken part. In E O C C H HOL all parts of the research, we guaranteed anonymity and protection of participants’ personal data. O F S LA E A C R R U 2.3 Results L S Y P R IT A Y A In order to get the answers to research problems and gain insight into digital profile of persons with PE NR ID, we analyzed quantitative data from 61 participants in Croatia. S D D IG Table 1: Availability of digital technologies among people with ID (N=61) NITY Yes No Total f Own a mobile phone/smartphone 58 3 61 Regular access to computer, laptop, tablet 58 3 61 Regular access to internet 53 8 61 Use social media 44 17 61 Source: Research within the framework of “Digi-ID Plus” project 2023. Table 2: Frequency of use of digital technologies among people with ID (N=61) At least once Less than Everyday a week once a week Don’t use Total f Frequency of usage of mobile phone/smartphone 54 2 3 2 61 Frequency of usage of computer, laptop, tablet 53 4 2 2 61 Frequency of usage of internet 42 10 5 4 61 Source: Research within the framework of “Digi-ID Plus” project 2023. According to obtained data (Table 1) 95,1 % (f=58) participants have their own mobile phone/ smartphone, regular access to computer, laptop or tablet. Most of them also have a regular access to internet (86,9 %) and use social media (72,1 %). The usage of the above digital technologies (Table 2) is mostly daily, or at least once a week. Every day they mostly use mobile phones/smartphones 92 (88,5 %). Out of the various social media apps commonly used in everyday life for persons without V Z 1 ID, their use among people with ID was investigated. People with ID, also use digital technology for Z A Č 1 G . Z O L social involvement and connections with other, via different social media apps (Picture 1). From the J O N A V A , I E N listed social media apps, they mostly use Facebook (65,6 %), WhatsApp (39,3 %), Instagram (29,5 %) Z K S O A G T and Viber (23,0 %). Other social media apps are represented to a very small extent or almost not at all. B V A E R N Ž E 2 E A K V Figure 1: Percentage of use of different social media apps among people with ID (N=61) A 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z E N R D AN O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVRO Source: Research within the framework of “Digi-ID Plus” project 2023. ISPEVK Table 3: Different technology usage skills among people with ID (N=60; N=53) OV Yes, without Yes, with support support No, it’s difficult Total f Turning on the computer 38 12 10 60 Typing name on keyboard 46 10 4 60 Search on Google 41 9 10 60 Searching for and understanding information 19 21 13 53 Usage of passwords 23 21 10 54 Source: Research within the framework of “Digi-ID Plus” project 2023. The majority of participants in the research have some basic digital using skills (Table 3). Out of 60 participants (not all participants answered questions), independently/without support: 62,3 % of them can turn on a computer; 75,4 % can use keyboard (type name); 67,2 % can search on Google; 31,1 % can search and understand information’s on other sites; and 37,7 % can use passwords. If we look at the categories of usage with support together with those who find it difficult even with support, we can see that significant number of people with ID could improve their basic skills and become more independent in using digital technology. In this chapter, there are presented results from one focus group which deepen quantitative data and give answers to three research questions. The qualitative results are presented according to thematic areas, which correspond research questions. 93 Table 4: Thematic areas and topics from research questions E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Personal experiences in using digital technology for social inclusion Two topics were obtained from RQ1: Talking and AT B 1 O th maintaining contact with others and Entertainment I Research question 1 (RQ1): What are personal experiences of pe- O U A N A T P N ople with ID in using digital technology to achieve social inclusion? and free time. N E N U O D M A P Obstacles in the use of digital technology Two topics were obtained from RQ2: Barriers related L L C E 2 to personal characteristics and Barriers related to E ON Research question 2 (RQ2): What obstacles do people with ID face N 0 digital technology. TA 2 F when using digital technology to achieve social inclusion? 3 E L H R :S E Factors promoting the use of digital technology Two topics were obtained from RQ3: Environmental E O NC A C support and Education in digital skills. L I E A Research question 3 (RQ3): What promotes the use of digital tech- T O H / P L A F nology from the perspective of peoople with ID? E N U D T R R O OP Source: Research within the framework of “Digi-ID Plus” project 2023. C E E C E H E’ Within thematic area Personal experiences in using digital technology for social inclusion two to-D N S I O S N L C pics were obtained: G O IE S B G NC I 1) Talking and maintaining contact with others. Participants most often use digital technology to C O A E O S L D communicate with others; on the one hand, for daily conversations with close people, and on the K W A E N V D other, to maintain contacts with distant relatives and friends. Among digital devices, they mostly IT E A H P LO R use mobile phone/smartphone. Two participants communicate with family and friends via mobile P T E S M E L network only, i.e., via calls and SMS. Others also communicate with family and friends via Internet, R R E E N A precisely they use different social networks. They were mostly mentioning social media apps E T I D V E N S I R WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook. Participants also use digital technology to communicate with the E S W O E A R Association of which they are users, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they used Zoom N V N S D IC S and WhatsApp to stay in touch. E O C C H HOL Example statement for this topic: O F S “I use my mobile phone mostly to talk to people who are not in Za- LA E A C greb, who are very far away so we can’t see each other.” (4) R R U L S Y P R I 2) Entertainment and free time. One of the participants does not use the Internet, but the others list T A Y A P various activities on the Internet which fill out their free time. The Internet serves them to follow the E N RS D D news and is a good source for finding useful information, like recipes, sports results, weather foreIG casts, also they use it to read about topics of interest. One participant is very active on social networks NI and finds various interesting content on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Participants also watch TY movies, series and videos. They mention YouTube as a channel for watching videos. They play games on mobile phones and computers, some of them online, and some only offline. They like games because they can collect points and compete with other people. One participant often spends his free time writing on the computer, more precisely he is copying parts of books. He points out that he really likes to take photos with his tablet and then show the photos to others. One participant says: “I only have a mobile phone. You can choose songs, weather forecast, everything. (…) I watch the news, some events, music.” (5) Within thematic area Obstacles in the use of digital technology further two topics were obtained: 1) Obstacles related to personal characteristics. Most of obstacles in this topic are related to the lack of necessary digital and other skills. Participants think that some actions are simply too complicated for them, but others, they just haven’t learned even though they could. One participant believes that the presence of intellectual disabilities itself is very limiting. The reasons for poor use of digital technology for some of them are their own desires and motivation; they do not express the need for learning and improving in this area. Finally, there is the fear of data theft. Statement which confirms the above: “No, I will never have that. What will I do with applications on my phone? (…) I don’t go to Facebook. It’s a fraud as well, someone can take data.” (3) 2) Obstacles related to digital technology. Participants describe problems with the Internet connection: connection difficulties, connection interruptions and unavailability of the Internet outside the home (need of using Wi-fi connection for internet). In addition, one participant mentions nervousness when using the Internet because of frequent advertisements. As one participant points out: “When I’m at home I have Internet, but sometimes (outside the house) I don’t.” (1) 94 Within thematic area Factors promoting the use of digital technology two topics emerged: V Z 1 Z A Č 1 1) Environmental support. The participants have the support of family members who taught them G . Z O L J O N how to use mobile phone/smartphone and help them with usage. One participant state that he A V A , I E N finds it difficult to learn new things despite the great support of his family. Participants also provide Z K S O A G T B V mutual support in the Association, and in the last case they ask technology experts for help. A E R N Ž E 2 E A K One participant says: “I try on my own, but if it doesn’t work or if I’m not sure, then I ask for help. (…) I VA 02 O N asked my sister for a little help at the beginning.” (4) 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R 2) Education in digital skills. The participants express different personal wishes related to learning U EN U Ž about using digital technology: sending messages on Messenger, using e-mail and protecting per-B C Š E A Z M E N sonal data. They believe that adequate support from people in the environment is very important in VN I I O Z N T E education program, and they also suggest several learning methods that can be used, such as learn-D D E N ing in a group, giving pictorial and written instructions, encouraging and practicing skills in real life H R A A N R situations. V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U This is best described by following statement: “Well, it is important to practice with us... That someone K B I R O D is with us. That we try everything on the devices. That we have written down how it should be done, with R A E N Z L pictures and instructions.” (5) V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A 3 DISCUSSION Z R IR N The results from this study indicate that people with ID have access to digital technology in everyday A O N S I T T life. Mostly they use mobile phones/smartphones for communicating with others. It enables them H Z E to have daily conversations with people from broader environment by transferring important infor-N R D AN O mation and making arrangements. Also, maintaining contact with family members, relatives and S S T T friends whom they can’t meet in person. Using the Internet can be a very motivating way of learning V O E J N A and engaging in activities with other people (Arachchi et al. 2017). Social networks especially proviN IH P S de the possibility of connecting with others, making friendships, maintaining contacts, and staying TV R O I in touch (Bonilla et al. 2022). Majority of participants use at least one social media app/network to SPE socialize with others. Despite that, some of our participants still use only phone calls and messages VK to communicate with others. One of the reasons is their fear from various dangers and frauds on the OV Internet. Similar results were obtained in research by Chadwick (2022), where some participants were also not involved in social networks due to their fear of potential risks. This fear is also present with their family members, experts working with them and other support persons. Despite some negative experiences, such as impersonation, online bullying and violent contents, most of them enjoy using the Internet. But, on the other hand, they are aware that they should be better informed about online safety. Participants from this research expressed the desire to learn more about this topic and they believe that their supporters should also be familiar with the data protection on the Internet, so they can provide them with quality support. The above indicates not only the need for education of people with ID, but also for those who provide support to them, what is consistent with previous research (McCausland et al. 2021; Chadwick 2022; Murphy et al. 2022b). Most of the participants use at least one social media app/network (most often Facebook, WhatsApp and Viber). There are examples of how people with disabilities use social networks to raise awareness and sensitize the public, and destroy prejudices and stereotypes and show that they have a lot of talents with which they can contribute to society. Social networks have influence on people, they can create attitudes, establish or change opinions and promote awareness of diversity (Bonilla et al. 2022). When it comes to communication via Internet, participants also mentioned using digital platforms, such as Zoom, which was the most common site for online activities with their organization during COVID-19 pandemic. Chadwick et al. (2022) agree that videoconferencing was most popular way of communicating with supporters and service providers and describe the positive impact of NGOs on the digital inclusion of people with ID by organizing joint online meetings during the pandemic. Although digital technology helps to stay in touch, our participants point out that it is still not the same as seeing each other in person, which is also confirmed by the research by Chadwick et al. (2022). Except for talking with others, participants use digital technology for entertainment and various leisure activities. Following the news and searching for information are important skills for staying up to date with world and local news and community events. The use of technology for watching series and movies, taking and sharing photos, and playing video games, can also be great 95 ways to bond with others and find common interests. So, all these activities directly, or indirectly E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 contribute to social inclusion. CAT B 1 O People with ID face numerous challenges in using digital technology for social inclusion, which th IO U A N A T P N have been recognized in previous studies (Arachchi et al. 2017; Chadwick 2022; Chadwick et al. N E N U O 2022; Murphy et al. 2022b). Participants in this research have some basic digital using skills, but D M A P L L C E 2 most of them use technology with the support of another person or find it difficult to use it even E ON N 0 with support. They are aware of their own lack of digital skills and want to improve them, but they TA 2 F 3 E L H R : haven’t had the opportunity so far, which refers to lack of education in this area. They consider some S E E O NC A C online activities too complicated, which points to inaccessibility of digital contents and the need for L I E A T O H / P L A adaptation. Therefore, it is important to simultaneously work on the appropriate education of pe-F E N U ople with ID to improve their digital skills (Chadwick 2022; Murphy et al. 2022b) and on the creation D T R R O OP of accessible and adapted devices, applications and websites (Arachchi et al. 2017; Murphy et al. C E E C E H E’ 2022b). It is interesting that some participants do not express the need for learning and improving D N S I O S N L C their digital skills. It is possible that the same is the consequence of a lack of experience and insight G O IE S B G NC into better and broader possibilities. In addition to the listed challenges of being on-line, they also IC O A E O S mention problems with the Internet connection and too many advertisements. Some of the parL D K W A E N ticipants didn’t have internet connection constantly available on their phone and needed a Wi-fi V D IT E A H P L connectivity, which limits their usage. O R P T E S M E L Results also shown that support, which is most often provided by family members, and staff from R R E E N A organizations is particularly important factor in several aspects of using digital technology: helping E T I D V E N S I R with current usage of technology and apps, solving problems and learning and acquiring new skills. E S W O E A R Murphy et al. (2022b) highlights the problem of pressure on family and staff whom people with ID N V N S D IC S have to rely on, because there is no adequate formal professional support in this area. Our partici-E O C C H HOL pants recognize education as an important way to reduce digital exclusion. They talked about skills O F S L they would like to improve and gave suggestions for educational learning model- methods for lear-A E A C R R U L S ning. Some of the proposed methods are learning in a group, practicing skills in real life situations, Y P R IT A Y A giving pictorial and written instructions, providing support in the education process. An example of PE N a well-designed digital skills education program is the DigiAcademy platform developing within RS D D the “Digi-ID Plus” project, already mentioned in the Introduction, where people with ID are involved IGN in the entire process of creating and evaluating the program and the associated website and app. ITY The program is designed especially for people with ID with the aim of acquiring digital knowledge independently as possible. The approach of active participation allows the educational app to respond to interests and needs of the target users, what needs to be kept in mind in the design of other digital and online contents (Murphy et al. 2022a). The conducted research has its limitations and therefore we can’t generalize the data to the entire population of people with ID. But the main purpose of the research was to get the perspective of persons with disabilities, as well as their ability to actively be a part of the research. This is exactly why the focus group and interviews with people were chosen as the method for this research and why the research sample was smaller. Also, participants from this first phase of the project research are going to participate in other phases, testing the developed educational program/app. Thus, the selection of organizations and participants wasn’t random. Organizations that were willing for further cooperation in the project, participated in the research. Digital inclusion of people with ID is becoming the focus of future research in the field. Despite the increasing use of digital technology, the digital exclusion of people with ID is still present. Some of the problems that arise in the use of digital technology are the lack of adequate equipment and internet connection and not sufficient digital skills of the people who provide them with support (Chadwick et al. 2022). Although the use of the Internet brings numerous dangers, digital disconnection, on the other hand, also carries risks for the general well-being of man (Chadwick 2022). Therefore, we encourage other researchers in our region and beyond to conduct research that would provide an even better insight into the representation and importance of digital inclusion for people with ID. 96 4 CONCLUSION V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z There is a great value of incorporating digital technology into the lives of people with ID for promo-O L J O N A V A ting quality of life, mental health and wellbeing, and enhancing social inclusion. This study shown , I E N Z K S O A G T that people with ID have access to digital technology in everyday life, mostly using it for commu-B V A E R nicating with others. Mobile phones/smartphones are most used technology that enables them to N Ž E 2 E A K V have daily conversations, transferring important information and making arrangements. During CO-A 02 O N 3 N VID-19 pandemic, the use of videoconferencing platforms had great significance in socializing and JE I : D FE supporting people with ID, continuing to be used. Digital technology is also used for entertainment N D R R U EN and various leisure activities which can be a way of realizing their interests and way to bond with U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N others. Use of technology for following the news and searching for information are important skills VN I I O Z N T E for staying up to date with world and local news and community events. The use of social networks D D E N for socialization is also increasingly present among people with ID. But there is still present the fear H R A A N R of potential risks being on-line. This fear is also present with their family members, experts wor-V O O J L D E / Z O N king with them and other support persons. The obtained results are consistent with the results of Š O U K B I R other research indicating that not only people with ID are at need for education, but also those who O D R A E support them (McCausland et al. 2021; Chadwick 2022; Murphy et al. 2022b). People with ID are N Z L V E IK R O ŽB aware of their lack of digital skills and want to improve them, but there aren’t many opportunities. J Z O EC A V The results points to inaccessibility of digital contents and the need for adaptation. The researches EN A and other professionals need to co-create solutions together with people with ID, their families and Z R IR N professionals. The inclusive research approach allows the educational program to respond to real A O N S I T T interests and needs of the people with ID and makes it more accessible to use. For these reasons, it is H Z E N R D particularly important to further empower people with ID for the role of co-researchers and conduct AN O similar research that will respect their experiential expertise. S S T T V O E J N AN IH P S LITERATURE TV R O I 1. Abbott, Suzanne, and Roy Mcconkey. 2006. The Barriers to Social Inclusion as Perceived by Pe-SPE ople with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 10(3): 275–87. https://doi. VKO org/10.1177/1744629506067618. V 2. Arachchi, Theja Kuruppu, Laurianne Sitbon, and Jinglan Zhang. 2017. Enhancing Access to eLear-ning for People with Intellectual Disability: Integrating Usability with Learning. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017, 13–32. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67684-5_2. 3. Bigby, Christine. 2020. 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Washington DC: American Association on Mental Retardation. 99 E I T RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERNET D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 ADDICTION, LONELINESS, DEPRESSION, O th IO U A N A T P N ANXIETY, AND STRESS AMONG STUDENTS N E N U O D M A P L OF UNIVERSITY OF SHKODRA, ALBANIA L C E 2 E ON N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R : Elona Hasmujaj, PhD, Lecturer S E E O NC A C University of Shkodra, Albania L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O ABSTRACT OP C E E C E H E’ D N S The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between internet addiction I O S N L C G O I with loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress as well as with other demographic variables E S B G NC IC among University of Shkodra students. O A E O S L D K W A A quantitative study was undertaken in order to test the hypothesis of the study and to answer E N V D I to the research questions. Data was collected from assessment measures, including the Internet T E A H P LO R Addiction Test (IAT), Loneliness Scale (UCLA), Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS 21). 360 P T E S M E L R R E E university students, were selected through a statistical random sampling, from various faculties N A E T I D of University of Shkodra. V E N S I R E S W O E A The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between internet ad-R N V diction with anxiety, depression and stress. There appears to be a very weak correlation with N S D IC S E O C C loneliness. The regression results also indicated that in general, internet addiction can predict all H HOL O F S these variables, except loneliness. T-test analysis indicated that there is no significant difference LA E A C R R between the means of the two genders and the prevalence rate of heavy internet addiction is U L S Y P R I about 1.1 %. T A Y A PE The findings from the current study will help to inform future researches. N RS D D Keywords: Internet Addiction, Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety, Sress, Students IGNITY 100 1 INTRODUCTION V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z This paper is focused on the phenomenon of internet addiction, its extent and the relationship with O L J O N A V A psychological variables such as: loneliness, anxiety depression and stress in the Shkodra’s student , I E N Z K S O A G T population. On the other hand, it seeks to reach a deeper understanding of the impact that internet B V A E R addiction brings about in various aspects of the psychosocial functioning of these individuals. N Ž E 2 E A K V Internet use has grown exponentially worldwide to more than 5 billion active users (Internet World A 02 O N 3 N J Stats 2022) with the majority being adolescents and young people. E I : D FE N D R R U E Internet addiction (IA) is typically defined as a condition where an individual has lost control of their N U ŽB C Š Internet use and proceeds to use the Internet excessively to the point where he/she experiences E A Z M E N VN I I problematic consequences that ultimately have a negative effect on his/her life (Kardefelt-Winther O Z N T ED 2014, 351; Scimeca et al. 2014). In the literature, different terms have been used to describe the D E N H R A maladaptive use of video games. The Internet itself can be addictive, or whether the addictive or A N R V O O J L D pathological use is related to specific Internet applications, such as social networks, online games, E / Z O N Š O U K online shopping, or online pornography (Starcevic and Aboujaoude 2017, 7). Internet addiction is B I R O D determined by five Internet-related disorders as follows: 1. Sexual addictions; 2. Communicative R A E N Z L V E addictions; 3. Merely compulsive addictions; 4. Addiction to excessive information; and 5. Addiction IK R O ŽB J Z O to computer games (Gholamian et al. 2017). Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental EC A V E Disorders, Fifth Edition (American Psychological Association 2013), proposes establishing a category N A Z R I of behavioral addictions, currently it only recognizes Gambling Disorder as a diagnosis with InterR N A O N S net Gaming Disorder included in an appendix of conditions requiring further study (Young 2017, 8). I T T H Z E More recently, the importance of research on internet addiction has grown. Studies have utilized N R D A various methods to identify, internet addicts, and have used numerous terms such as internet de-N O S S pendents, problematic internet users, or pathological internet users (Davis 2001, 187). Previous stu-T T V O E J dies on internet addiction demonstrated that the greater use of the internet is associated with some N AN IH P S social and psychological variables such as, declines in the size of social circle, depression, loneliness TV R O (Kraut et al. 1998), lower self-esteem and life satisfaction (Ko et al. 2005), sensation seeking poor ISP mental health (Young and Rogers 1998, 25), and low family function. Recent research also demon-EVK strated that psychological and psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, OV loneliness, shyness and loss of control are associated with internet addiction (Kumar and Mondal 2018, 61; Novonil and Poulami 2022, 6402; Stanković and Nešić 2022). Many people turn to the Internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Research on internet addiction and depression demonstrated that the overuse of the internet, was associated with an increase in the frequency of depression (Kraut et al. 1998; McKenna and Bargh 2000; Nie et al. 2002). Psychological distress is a major problem of present era, especially for student population. Any situation that evokes negative thoughts and feelings in a person such as unpleasant, frustrating, irritable, worrisome, and anxious is considered psychological distress (Kawa and Shafi 2015, 18). University students are considered as a high risk group also for Internet addiction (Kandell 1998, 11; Young and Rogers 1998, 26; Nalwa and Anand 2003, 653; Niemz et al. 2005, 562). University students undergo a transitory period from being teenagers to become adults. Such transition can cause a lot of stress, depression and anxiety to some of them (Sayed et al. 2022). Possible reasons for this are: (a) students have huge blocks of unstructured time, (b) schools and universities provide free and unlimited access to the Internet, (c) students from the ages of 18 – 22 years are for the first time away from parental control without anyone monitoring or censoring what they say or do online, (d) young students experience new problems of adapting to university life and finding new friends, and often end up seeking a companionship by using different applications of the Internet (Young 2004, 402). Based on the review of the existing literature, the researcher addressed the following research questions and hypothesis, which will guide this study: - What is the prevalence of internet addiction in university students of Shkodra? - To what extent are loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress variables associated to internet addiction? - Can internet addiction predict loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress? 101 - Does internet addiction among students show significant difference in terms of gender? E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 - Does internet addiction among students show significant difference in type of study? CAT B 1 O th IO U A Hypothesis: N A T P NN E N U - There will be a relationship between Internet Addiction and Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety and O D M A P L L C Stress among uniersity students. E 2 E ON N 0 - There will be a positive impact of Internet addiction on Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety and Stress. TA 2 F 3 E L H R : - There will be a significant relationship difference in the level of Internet Addiction in males and S E E O NC A C females among university students. L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R 2. RESEARCH O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S 2.1 Purpose and goals I O S N L C G O IE The main purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon of internet addiction and its relationS B G NC IC O ship with psychopathological symptoms such as loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress among A E O S L D K W A university students of Shkodra. E N V D IT E A H P LO R 2.2 Methods P T E S M E L R R E E N A Research Design E T I D V E N S I R E This study uses a quantitative descriptive design and is in accordance with the associational research S W O E A R N model to explain the correlation among loneliness, depression, anxiety, stress variables and interV N S D IC S net addiction among university students of Shkodra. E O C C H HOL O F S L The sample A E A C R R U L S Y P R The population of this study includes 5500 students from Bachelor studies of University of Shkodra IT A Y A (accademic year 2021-2022). The sample consists of 59.8 % (n=216) female and 40.2 % (n=145) PE NR male. Respondents ranged in age from 18 to 25 years old, with a mean age of (± 20.8). The universi-S D D ty students were selected according to simple sampling techniques of criterion sampling method. IGN The sample was selected using Yamane’s formula (1967): ITY n = N / (1 + Ne^2) Where, n = sample size N = the size of population e = the error of 5 % Instruments A. Internet Addiction T est (IAT – Young 1997). The questionnaire developed by Young comprises 20 items that measure normal, mild, moderate, and severe levels of Internet addiction. The Internet Addiction Test is the first validated and reliable measure of addictive Internet use. Participants are asked to rate the questions by answering on the following scale: 1 = Rarely, 2 = Occasionally, 3 = Frequently, 4 = Often, 5 = Always. B. The Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), (Lovibond and Lovibond 1995). It is a short version, self-rated questionnaire that is designed to assess the severity of the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress; it consists of statements referring to the past week. Each item is scored on a 4-point scale (0 = Did not apply to me at all, to 3 = Applied to me very much or most of the time). C. UCLA Loneliness Scale (UCLA-LS). Was developed by Russell et al. (1980, 472). The scale measures the overall feelings of loneliness in individuals through a self-report Likert-type scale comprised of 20 items. 10 of these items are positive statements and the rest are negative statements. The scale reports range from 20 to 80 where higher scores mean a higher degree of feelings of loneliness. Reliability of the scales is reported in the Table 1. The reliabilities (internal consistencies) of the instruments were estimated using Cronbach’s alpha. The data were analyzed using SPSS 23 version. 102 Ethics V Z 1 Z A Č 1 This study is in accordance with the standards of the Code of Ethics and Deontology (2017); Order G . Z O L J O N of Psychologists in the Republic of Albania. At the beginning of the questionnaires that were admi-A V A , I E N nistered face to face, subjects had to read the informed consent which informed them about the Z K S O A G T B V study’s purposes, its nature, the risks and benefits. In addition, participants were informed that their A E R N Ž E 2 responses would be kept confidential and would be used for research purposes. They were also E A K VA 02 O informed that their participation was voluntary and they could withdraw from the study at any time. N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R U EN 3 RESULTS U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N V Reliability indicates the extent to which individual differences in test scores are attributable to true N I I O Z N T ED differences in the characteristics under consideration and the extent to which they are attributable D E N H R A to chance errors (Anastasi 1988). A N R V O O J L D E / Z O As can be seen from the results in Table 1, Cronbach’s alpha for which questionnaire was higher than N Š O U K 0.7 indicating acceptable internal consistency. B I R O D R A E Coefficient alpha for Internet Addiction test resulted α = .903, for Loneliness scale α = .811, for every N Z L V E IK R O ŽB subscale of DASS respictively: for Depression a = .811, for Anxiety a = .846 and for Stress α = .759. J Z O EC A V EN A Table 1: Reliability Statistics Z R IR N A O Factor Cronbach’s alpha N of items N S I T T H Z E Internet Addiction .903 20 N R D AN O Loneliness .811 20 S S T T V O Depression .811 7 E J N AN IH P S Anxiety .846 7 TV R O I Stress .759 7 SPEV Source: Author Research 2021-2022. KOV Descriptive statistic of internet addiction Table 2, shows the prevalence of internet addiction. We found that 62 (17.2 %) study subjects were normal users, 217 (60.1 %) were having low level, mild level 78 (21.6 %) of them and 4 1.1 %) were having high level of internet addiction. Table 2: Descriptive statistic (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) of internet addiction Groups Frequency Percentage (%) Mean Standard deviation Total Internet addiction No symptoms 62 17.2 35.99 16.44 360 Low level 217 60.1 Middle level 78 21.6 High level 4 1.1 Source: Author Research 2021-2022. Correlation between internet addiction with loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress Correlations were conduced in an attempt to determine the nature of the relationship between the constructs of internet addiction and loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress. The results of these correlations suggest that there is a very weaker (almost zero) positive correlation between internet addiction and loneliness (r=.014, p<.01). It is seen that there are significant correlations between internet addiction and depression, anxiety, and stress. Internet addiction related positively to depression (r=.454, p<.01), anxiety (r=.505, p<.01) and stress (r=.559, p<.01). These results may be observed in more detail in Table 3. 103 Table 3: Pearson’s correlation coefficient for the research variables E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Internet addiction Loneliness Depression Anxiety Stress AT B 1 O th IO U A Internet addiction 1 .014 .454** .505** .559** N A T P NN E N U O Loneliness 1 .008 .003 .013 D M A P L L C E 2 Depression 1 .831** .786** E ON N 0 TA 2 F Anxiety 1 .771** 3 E L H R :S E E O NC Stress 1 A C L I E A T O H / P L A ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). F E N U D T R R O OP Multiple linear regression C E E C E H E’ D N S Multiple linear Regression analysis is computed with internet addiction as predictor variable and I O S N L C Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety, Stress as outcome variables. G O IE S B G NC IC The regression results also indicated that Internet addiction can’t predict loneliness{R2 = .000, F O A E O S L D K W A (1,359) = 0.070, p >.001}; but can predict 20,6 % of depression {R2 = .206, F (1,359) = 93.11 p <.001 E N V D I }; 25.3 % of anxiety {R2 = .253, F (1,359) = 123.2 p <.001}; and 31.1 % of stress variable {R2 = .311, F T E A H P LO R (1,369) = 163.5, p <.001}. P T E S M E L R R E E According to the findings, stress is more explained by internet addiction than the others variables of N A E T I D the study. Except the loneliness, all the other findings are significant. V E N S I R E S W O E A R N Table 4: Multiple Linear Regression analysis showing the effect of internet addiction on loneli-V N S D IC S ness, depression, anxiety and stress E O C C H HOL O F S L Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients A E A C R R U L S Y P R Model B Std. Error Beta T r2 P IT A Y A P Loneliness .011 .041 .014 2.6 .000 .791 E N RS D D Depression .116 .012 .454 9.6 .206 .000 IGN Anxiety .123 .011 .505 11.1 .253 .000 ITY Stress .154 .012 .559 12.8 .311 .000 Source: Author Research 2021-2022. Gender differences on internet addiction Table 5, indicates that the mean value of internet addiction in female students ( M = 36.34, SD = 15.91) is greater than male students ( M = 35.48, SD = 17.25). As can be observed the results are statistically significant [ t(359) = - .487, p = 0.000]. So, female students are most at risk to be affected by internet addiction than male ones. Table 5: Reports the Mean Scores, Standard Deviation, and t-values of Female and Male Students in Relation to internet addiction Standard Degrees of Gender N Mean deviation t freedom F P Internet Male 145 35.48 17.25 -.487 359 13.68 .000 addiction Female 216 36.34 15.91 Source: Author Research 2021-2022. Type of study differences on internet addiction Table 6, indicates that there is no significant difference between type of study on Internet Addiction t = -2.562, df = 120, p>.05. 104 Table 6: Reports the Mean Scores, Standard Deviation, and t-values of Exact and Social Sciences in V Z 1 relation to internet addiction Z A Č 1 G . Z O L J O N A Standard Degrees of V A , I E N Type of study N Mean deviation t freedom F P Z K S O A G T B V A E Exact 111 31.11 14.14 -2.562 120 .252 .617 R N Internet Ž E 2 E A K addiction V Social 11 43 19.66 A 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE Source: Author Research 2021-2022. N D R R U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N 4 DISCUSSION VN I I O Z N T ED In our study, the prevalence of heavy internet addiction was 1.1 %, which is in accordance to the finD E N H R A dings reported by Zenebe et al. (2021, 6) in a study of university students in Ethiopia. The findings of A N R V O O J L D the European Union-funded research project “Research on Internet Addictive Behaviours among Eu-E / Z O N Š O U K ropean Adolescents” also showed that 1.2 % of European adolescents were internet addicted. Also, B I R O D these findings it appears to be on the same line as shown in the study of Tsitsika et al. (2009) where R A E N Z L V E I the prevalence of heavy internet addiction is about 1 %. In contrast to our results, a study conducted K R O ŽB J Z O by Ghamari et al. (2011, 158) among Iranian medical students, shown the overall prevalence of EC A V E internet addiction was 10.8 % and similar findings were observed in the study conducted by Siomos N A Z R I et al. (2008, 653) on Greek students, where the prevalence rate was 8.2 %. R N A O N S The main aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between internet addiction and I T T H Z E loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress. The first finding of this study shows that there is a signifi-N R D A cant positive correlation between depression, anxiety and stress with Internet addiction among the N O S S T T students; this finding is consistent with that of previous researches (Ha et al. 2007, 424; Alavi et al. V O E J N A 2010, 7; Jafari and Fatehizade 2012, 9; Hasmujaj 2021, 45), who showed that there is a significant N IH P ST relationship between anxiety, depression and stress with Internet addiction, but it is against the V R O I result of researches of Namazi et al. (2005, 131), who showed that there is not a significant relation-SPE ship between the rate of Internet use and the users’ depression. VKO It was identified that there is a very weaker significant positive relationship between loneliness V level and internet addiction. Kraut in his research, which was conducted at a time when internet use was very limited, had to feed families with computers in order to carry out its conclusions. He found that the removal of internet users from socializing in turn leads to negative psychological states such as loneliness (Kraut et al. 1998, 1017). The second finding of the present study indicates that Internet addiction as a whole can predict the variable of depression up to 20.6 %, the variable of anxiety up to 25.3 % and the variable of stress up to 31.1 %. This result is consistent with the results of previous studies which showed that the use of internet is the predictor of depression and social anxiety in adolescents and young adults (Stanković et al. 2021; Maarten et al. 2009, 819). But, our study has confirmed that Internet addiction cannot be a predictor of loneliness. The results of this study suggest that female students tend to exhibit higher levels of addiction to the internet compared to their male counterparts. These results are against with early and recent scientific studies who shows that men are more likely than women to be pathological Internet users and to explore the sites of sophisticated technologically (Widyanto and Griffiths 2006, 443; Shan et al. 2021). In same line with the results other studies have shown that the number of women that exhibit internet addiction is higher than men (Stanković and Nešić 2022; Gholamian 2017, 4763). Other studies did not find any gender difference on internet addiction (Ceyhan 2007, 21; Subrahmanyam and Lin 2007). The findings of the present study did not find any difference regard the type of study. In contrast to our results, previous studies have shown that participants studying the Exact Sciences are most likely to be related to addiction/marginal addiction, might signify that male students of Exact Sciences more than others, use it excessively as a replacement for real life socialization and as source of support /connectivity (Morrison and Gore 2010, 121). Dupuis and Ramsey (2011) found that lack of social support is associated with depression and Internet overuse indicating the weakness to develop real life networks with others. 105 5 CONCLUSION E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C In the whole sample most of the subjects have lower level of Internet addiction. The level of heavily AT B 1 O th IO U A internet addiction among university students of Shkodra is 1.1 % only. There is a weaker positive N A T P NN correlation (almost zero) between internet addiction and loneliness. There is a mild positive corre-E N U O D M A P lation between internet addiction and depression, anxiety and stress. L L C E 2 E ON N Internet addiction cannot predict loneliness, but it can predict 20.6 % of depression, 25.3 % of anxie-0 TA 2 F 3 E ty and 31.1 % of stress variable. Female students are more likely to develop Internet addiction than L H R :S E E O NC male ones, confirming the third hypothesis of the study. A C L I E A T O H / P L A There were no significant differences between students of social and exact sciences on internet ad-F E N U diction. D T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S 6 RECOMMENDATION I O S N L C G O IE S B G NC Orientation, workshop and seminar should be organized by the university for the students on the IC O A E O S proper use of the Internet. L D K W A E N V D University counselors need assessment tools that accurately and quickly evaluate student’s current IT E A H P L and potential risk for IA. 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A E R N Ž E 2 E A K School of Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia VA 02 O N 3 N JE I : D FE N D R R ABSTRACT U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E The importance of the sensory in children’s development is increasingly recognized by parents N VN I I today and while most children develop sensory integration skills naturally, 15-20 % of the gener-O Z N T ED D E N al population has difficulties with sensory processing and among other things, it also affects chil-H R A A N R dren with developmental disabilities. It has been shown that fostering sensory integration often V O O J L D E / Z O N enhances the performance of others therapeutic or educational standard programs so therefore Š O U K B I R the goal of this project is bringing sensory technology closer to all parents and enabling the im-O D R A E plementation of such activities at home with the possibility of including children with typical N Z L V E IK R O Ž development in order to reduce stigmatization and show how we can all benefit from inclusive B J Z O E design. The final result, system for the children’s room is primarily based on play and movement C A V EN A with a focus on proprioceptive and vestibular sensory system. Z R IR N A O Keywords: children, sensory integration, inclusive design, movement, play N S I T T H Z E N R D AN O S S T T V O E J N AN IH P STVROISPEVKOV 109 1 INTRODUCTION E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C Most children occasionally have difficulties with sensory processing, but some children have this AT B 1 O th IO U A problem most of the time, and then difficulties arise in everyday functioning and successful intera-N A T P NN ction with the world around them. However, what all children have in common, regardless of their E N U O D M A P level of development, is movement and play. Through play, parents and children and also children L L C E 2 E ON with each other develop a reciprocal, interactive connection, which is a prerequisite for their su-N 0 TA 2 F ccessful sensory processing, i.e. sensory-motor experiences. In this research, the main focus is pre-3 E L H R :S E cisely on sensory processing, which is also called sensory integration, and movement through the E O NC A C L I E A game with which we work on its implementation. T O H / P L A F EN Sensory integration includes a neurological process that organizes sensations from the environment and U D T R R O the body and enables functional use of the body in the environment. Ayres (1998, 13). Therefore senso-OP C E E C ry integration is the organization of sensations so that they can actively and functionally participate E H E’ D N S I O S in the activities of everyday life. N L C G O IE S B G NC Considering the seven sensory areas involved (auditory system, visual, tactile, proprioceptive, ves-IC O A E O S tibular, gustatory and olfactory) sensory integration implies that the child is active and that through L D K W A E N movement his body receives different sensory information. V D IT E A H P LO R This project task deals with the Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI) method, which was founded and de-P T E S M E L veloped by Dr. Jean Ayres, occupational therapist, clinical and educational psychologist. According R R E E N A to her method, the integration of sensory inputs from our seven sensory systems follows through E T I D V E N S I R muscle tone, balance, motor planning, emotional stability, visual perception, etc., in order to reach E S W O E A R the final product, which consists of concentration, self-confidence, abstract thinking and reasoning, N V N S D IC S academic skills, etc. ( Ayres 1998, 97). E O C C H HOL Sensory integration therapy is carried out for children who have difficulties with it, and its main O F S LA E A C goals are to improve motor skills, develop cognitive and perceptive skills and speech, and better R R U L S Y P R self-regulation and organization of behavior. The activities that are carried out encourage the child IT A Y A to self-initiatively and actively participate in a meaningful activity that will provide him with the PE NR necessary sensory stimuli ( Ayres 1998, 205 – 206). S D D IG Given that the parents of children with disabilities are a key factor in their development, it is im-NI portant to enable them to carry out activities other than therapy and at home, so that the outcomes TY are better and so that the child can receive sensory stimuli at the moment he needs it. In order for the activities to be carried out at home, it is necessary to offer them equipment that is simple and accessible, and about the use of which they can consult with a therapist or a professional. Based on the ASI method, the focus is placed on three sensory areas; the vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile sensory systems. What they all have in common is movement, which is the starting point of this project in creating the child’s environment in accordance with the methods of sensory integration. In this way, an environment is created in which the child, with the use of aids, develops his ideation and motor planning of activities. It is important to emphasize that all children benefit from the environment and aids designed in this way. The degree of complexity of using a certain play aid will depend on the child’s developmental path, his maturation and mastery of certain skills. Purpose and goals Through an adequate and well-thought-out design of the child’s environment, it is possible to create the conditions for him to successfully carry out sensory activities at home with the supervision and cooperation of the parents as implementers of the activities. 2 METHODS First method used in this research is a field research through the institutions. Three institutions from Croatia were involved in the research over a period of one year; Tomislav Špoljar center in Varaždin, Silver Rehabilitation Center in Zagreb and Association for Early Intervention of Varaždin County. In all of these institutions, the internal space and the activities carried out within it, which include sensory integration, were analysed. While Tomislav Špoljar is more of a educational institution and 110 in Silver Center more emphasis is placed on a sensory integration therapy they both use their space V Z 1 in order to give child a proper sensory input. Silver center has a room equipped for sensory integra-Z A Č 1 G . Z O L tion therapy, where the therapy takes place. It is designed in such a way that the emphasis is placed J O N A V A , I E N on gross motor skills, while the artifacts intended for the development of fine motor skills are pla-Z K S O A G T ced laterally on the shelves. The equipment is based on different swings and platforms for swinging B V A E R N Ž and includes a “zip line” that extends through the entire room. In addition to them, it also contains E 2 E A K V “lycra”, i.e. fabric that is stretched at 4 points, rollers, a slide, a ramp, large stacking cubes, etc. These A 02 O N 3 N J are also the artifacts that are most often used in their therapy and are applicable in many activities. E I : D FE N D R R Therapy dogs also participate if the child is used to a dog and wants to cooperate with it. Their rela-U EN U ŽB C tionship is based on the fact that the dog helps to complete certain tasks and the child then rewards Š E A Z M E N V it. After analysing few therapy sessions, a similar conclusion was reached for all of them: By letting N I I O Z N T E the child choose the activity, it gives him a sense of freedom and security, which is a prerequisite for D D E N H R A the successful implementation of therapy. The therapist must find a balance between the level of A N R V O O difficulty of the activity and the child’s capabilities. In this way, it is guided by its internal motivation J L D E / Z O N Š O U and not external, considering that there is no reward model in terms of punishment and reward, K B I R O D but the child feels satisfaction from the completed task. The activities are connected in a polygon in R A E N Z L order to be meaningful and organized, which is also important for the child and his organization of V E IK R O ŽB J Z the stimuli he receives from the environment during therapy and outside it. O EC A V E In Association for Early Intervention of Varaždin County therapy sessions are slightly different beca-N A Z R I use of the younger age. With younger children, the activities take place in a slightly different way, R N A O N S a larger narrative and more involvement of the therapist is needed, but the desired outcome is the I T T H Z E same for everyone, which is success. When the child is successful and safe, then he wants to coope-N R D A rate. The involvement of parents is very important here, so that they can provide them with support N O S S at an early age, but also carry out similar activities at home and thereby contribute to their safety T T V O E J when they come for therapy. N AN IH P ST Second method used was the analysis of a private home (child bedroom). In addition to institutions, V R O I the research also includes a private home where the child has a space arranged in a way that favors SPE his needs for sensory stimuli. Since, in addition to therapy, the child’s environment in which he spen-VKO ds his everyday life is an important segment, it should be shaped in a way that encourages him, not V hinders him, and represents a safe place where the child can develop his brain. This particular child’s room contains many artifacts that the child uses on a daily basis and also encounters in therapy. When activities are organized for him, they are based on his needs at that moment or something that was recommended to them by the therapist and that they can work on at home in accordance with the therapy that he also attends. The third method used here was a questionnaire for parents who have a child with sensory integration disabilities. This questionnaire was carried out among 68 examinees who are members of several FaceBook groups where they support each other and share everyday problems, experiences and informations in general. Questions were based on their everyday life, routines, common problems and experience they have with sensory activities and their implementation. From the answers of the parents obtained from this survey, the conclusion is that they are aware of the importance of sensory and the importance of including therapy in the developmental path of a child with difficulties as well. Although this is a sample of people who are part of a support group, so it is expected that they are quite informed and that they care about helping their child, it is certainly commendable that they decided to network and be each other’s support in this way. Equally surprising is the information about how bad the state system actually is, how hard parents have worked to get information about their rights and what and how to proceed, taking into account their psychological state at the moment when they actually find out about the diagnosis, which is certainly not easy. Misunderstanding of the environment is also a big issue and something that needs to be worked on in the collective education of people. The importance of play is recognized by the vast majority of parents, based on the advice they received from therapists and experts, as well as through literature and mutual exchange of experience with others. The results of the survey coincide with the experience of the parents from the interview and the experience of the therapist regarding the guidelines for the further implementation and direction of the project. 111 3 RESULTS E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 C In order for activities based on expert guidance to be carried out, the environment must be desig-AT B 1 O th IO U A ned in a way that enables this. Such an environment, like the game itself, is subject to changes, chal-N A T P NN lenges and not always ideal conditions. It is a stimulating environment that invites for interaction E N U O D M A P and simply contributes to the child’s self-regulation and self-direction. The activities that such an en-L L C E 2 E ON vironment offers encourage movement through the game which is making them intuitive and easy N 0 TA 2 F to understand. It opens up space for new knowledge and the endless possibilities of a child’s ima-3 E L H R :S E gination. Such an environment is harmonized with the individual needs of the child, provides him E O NC A C L I E A with the support and stimuli he is looking for, and very importantly enables the parent to become a T O H / P L A F E participant and implementer of the activities themselves together with the child. N U D T R R O Based on the briefly summarized previous research, product design guidelines were created to uni-OP C E E C te the theory which is a starting point and create a product whose primary task is the development E H E’ D N S I O S of sensory integration through play. It is important to emphasize that this conceptual solution is not N L C G O IE S B G the only result, because the research paves the way for many solutions and possibilities in inclusive NC IC O A E design, starting with this solution, which is only one of many. O S L D K W A E N This conceptual solution is a small sensory „house“and it is intended for age groups 4 - 10 years and V D IT E A H P L for children with mild intellectual disabilities and influential developmental disabilities but also O R P T E S any child who just wants to have fun. Regardless of the level of development, regardless of the M E L R R E E N A difficulties they face, all children have one thing in common and that is the need to play. The product E T I D V E N S covers five out of seven sensory areas (sight, sound, touch, vestibular system and proprioception) I R E S W O E A through various games that encourage sensory system. The games are located on the circular forms R N V N S D I that function as coverings on surfaces. By subtracting and adding covers, more or less light is brought C S E O C C into the space which resembles a tent while closing it completly we get a soothing hideaway. Apart H HOL O F S L from those circular forms, we can also accommodate balls or round balance pillows in these slots. A E A C R R U L S Y P R IT A Y A 4 DISCUSSION PE NRSD D We often tend to underestimate the importance of playing because we perceive it as fun and “id-IG ling around”, but playing is actually very important in the child’s development. According to Ayres, NIT the basic ingredient of play is the child’s expression of its inner urge towards self-fulfillment as a Y sensorimotor being. That is why success is a very important segment here. When child is playing, it progresses in both motor and emotional development because a large amount of stimuli is created and that is what amuses him. By exploring the environment, child stimulates his senses and his body needs increasingly complex adaptive reactions that contribute to development (Kranowitz 2003, 8–11). In addition, motor planning also develops from body movements in many ways so that child learns about the space around him (gross motor skills) while on the other hand using his hands and fingers through handling smaller objects another type of motor skills is developed (fine motor skills). Another important segment when bringing the activity closer to the child can also be a certain narrative. Imagination is something that will maintain interest by itself, but narrative can also help mastering the “task” and encouraging them to try again. In her book The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun: Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder Carol Stock Kranowitz talks about todays problem where children don’t play anymore the way they used to. They have less opportunities to touch different objects, move around and explore the environment in general. Some of them are playing sports so they do have a guided activity because of their coach but most of them are spending hours staring at the screen, sitting and being alone with their phone, TV or computer. Through a series of studies, a correlation has been observed between screen time, i.e. spending time looking at the screen, and the negative impact on motor skills. One of the studies entitled Relationship between screen-time and hand function, play and sensory processing in children without disabilities aged 4-7 years: An exploratory study (Dadson et al. 2020) talks about situations in which children lie on the bed and spend time looking at the screen. The research included the connection between screen time, fine motor skills, in-hand (manipulation of objects with one hand), visual motor integration (eye-hand communication), sensory integration and skills during play that were 112 studied by parents. The results showed statistically significant, moderately negative results betwe-V Z 1 en screen time and visual motor integration, but also with other skills. The conclusion of the rese-Z A Č 1 G . Z O L arch is that children who play or use different objects in the game for multiple purposes can reduce J O N A V A , I E N the impact of screen time on their skills and bilateral coordination. Given that the use of devices is Z K S O A G T impossible to avoid in today’s age, by emphasizing play and movement we can really contribute. B V A E R N Ž E 2 Another interesting study, Physical Activity and Cognitive Functioning of Children: A Systematic Review E A K VA 02 O (Bidzan-Bluma and Lipowska 2018) dealt with the impact of physical activity on the development N 3 N JE I : D F of cognitive abilities. Areas of attention, thinking, language, learning and memory were studied in E N D R R U E relation to sports and childhood. The results show that playing sports in childhood has a positive N U ŽB C Š effect on cognitive and emotional functions. E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N 5 CONCLUSION H R A A N R V O O J L D Regardless of the level of development, regardless of the difficulties they face, all children have one E / Z O N Š O U K thing in common and that is the need to play. This game is their exploration of the world through B I R O D movement, touch, seeing and hearing, smells and tastes. Every child likes to have fun and every R A E N Z L V E child wants to have fun in a way that is safe and enjoyable for them. A child with difficulties is just as IK R O ŽB J Z O eager to do this as any other, just looking for a way to integrate into the world around him. EC A V EN A These fun activities encourage child to self-initiated and actively participate which will provide him Z R IR N with the necessary sensory stimuli. In order for the activities to be carried out at home, it is necessary A O N S to offer parents an equipment that is simple and accessible but also something they can discuss with I T T H Z E a therapist or professional and adjust it to the needs of their child. Apart from private homes, produ-N R D A cts like this can also be used in various institutions again adjusted to their needs. It is disassembled N O S S T T in order to be transfer between classrooms when needed. V O E J N AN Connecting movement and the theory of sensory integration using design opens up many possibi-IH P ST lities for shaping the child’s environment and creates better prerequisites for his development in V R O IS every sense and at every level. PEVKOV LITERATURE 1. Ayres, A. Jean. 1979. Sensory Integration and the Child. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. 2. Kranowitz, Carol Stock. 2003. The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun: Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder. New York :A Skylight Press Book/A Perigee Book. 3. Dadson, P., T. Brown, and K. Stagnitti. 2020. „Relationship between screen-time and hand function, play and sensory processing in children without disabilities aged 4-7 years: A exploratory study“. Australian occupational therapy journal 67(4): 297–308. https://doi.org/10.1111/1440-1630.12650. 4. Bidzan-Bluma, I., and M. Lipowska. 2018. „Physical Activity and Cognitive Functioning of Children: A Systematic Review“. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(4): 800. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15040800. 113 E I T CROATIAN STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF THEIR D T H ' U S A E 1 CAT B 1 SPOKEN ABILITIES IN ENGLISH AND HOW IT O th IO U A N A T P N TRANSLATES INTO THEIR AWARENESS OF BEING N E N U O D M A P L SUCCESSFUL IN GENERAL L C E 2 E ON N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R : Dajana Rakić, M. Ed. Ang. et Phil. S E E O NC A C PAR University of Applied Sciences Rijeka, Croatia L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O ABSTRACT OP C E E C E H E’ D N S The paper is conducted to look into students’ level of comfort in using English and their overall I O S N L C G O I confidence in English. The research is focusing on using English language as a second language, E S B G NC IC in a non-native English-speaking environment. The respondents are all non-native speakers of O A E O S L D K W A English and students at higher education institution. Relating psychological confidence in one’s E N V D abilities and confidence while using English, we will see how the prior affects, if at all, the latter. IT E A H P LO R Moreover, a link between confidence using English and being successful is investigated and prov-P T E S M E L en through qualitative research on a sample of 43 Croatian students of private higher education R R E E N A institution. E T I D V E N S I R E S Keywords: English, speaking, confidence, success, non-native speakers W O E A R N V N S D IC S E O C C H HOL O F S LA E A C R R U L S Y P R IT A Y A PE NRSD D IGNITY 114 1 INTRODUCTION V Z 1 Z A Č 1 G . Z At PAR University of Applied Sciences in Rijeka, English is taught as first foreign language (L2) and O L J O N A V A is compulsory from the first semester. In the Bachelor of Business Administration, Gastronomy and , I E N Z K S O A G T Restaurant Management courses, the study of English follows the Bologna process and lasts 4 se-B V A E R mesters. Furthermore, it is taught as Business English, not as General English, within the courses na-N Ž E 2 E A K V med Business English 1, Business English 2, Business English 3 and Business English 4. The required A 02 O N 3 N language proficiency for most students is usually a strong B1 level (“intermediate level”, according JE I : D FE to CEFR). Courses are delivered three hours per week in a lecture-and-discussion format, with an av-N D R R U EN erage attendance of approximately 15 students per course. Classes are mostly conducted in hybrid U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N format, held by a non-native, near-native speaker of English as their lecturer. VN I I O Z N T E This paper gains more insight into the relevance of using English in learning contexts and how these D D E N H R A contexts determine different levels of self-confidence and self-awareness associated with using En-A N R V O O glish, but more importantly, speaking and perceptions of the students’ confidence in English itself. J L D E / Z O N Š O U The hypothesis states that students are aware of the connection between having confidence in their K B I R O D spoken abilities in English, and the perception of them being successful if they do have such solid, R A E N Z L proficient abilities in English. The aim was to see how the students’ level of comfort in using English V E IK R O ŽB J Z and their overall confidence in English are related, if at all. The students in question are highly aware O EC A V of the necessity of using English in their fields of expertise and many other business contexts. Given EN A Z R the fact they are studying Business Management and/or Gastronomy and Restaurant Management IR N A O and many of them already are employed in the area of either, they are sure to encounter other N S I T T H Z native or non-native users of English and will be expected to communicate clearly, confidently, and E N R D professionally. Since some of the students at PAR are entrepreneurs, business owners, managers, AN O and/or businesspeople in general, it is expected that they will have already been in situations whe-S S T T V O re confidence in their English-speaking ability was put to a test. E J N AN IH P S It is a well-known fact that multinational corporations, general business contexts and businesspe-TV R O ople throughout the world use English as their business lingua franca. It comes to no surprise that En-ISP glish had established such a primacy over any other language, having over 400 million non-native EVK English speakers in its grasp. Non-native advanced speakers of English participate constructively at OV all levels in the majority of multinational corporations where English is used as a primary language of common communication. However, many of these people experience low self-confidence due to their inability to speak properly and precisely in English, or at least, they perceive themselves as being less confident while speaking in English, thus perceiving themselves as being less successful in their business encounters and endeavors. Having good communication skills in English is crucial in today’s world. In Croatia, English is taught to pupils and higher-education students as one of the foreign languages, usually as the first foreign language. Its importance is well-recognized, and students are aware that they need to be able to compete in the increasingly competitive global economy of today. The development of students’ minds, relationships, and emotions is greatly influenced by their proficiency in English. It is essential for success because it is widely used, notably in higher education and business settings. When there are speakers of several different languages together, lingua franca serves as an intermediary or associate language (Hammer 2001). Therefore, English becomes important for the students in communicating with foreigners. Among the four basic skills in any given language (and thus, in English as well), speaking takes pre-cedence and advantage over listening, reading, and writing. It is absolutely necessary in communicating and, as Morozova (2013) claims, spoken proficiency can be developed and enhanced as an effective means of communication. The inability to speak fluently and proficiently leaves the user feeling inadequate, incompetent, and unable to be a full participant in the spoken environment. When speaking in English, many students face difficulties in expressing their thoughts and ideas, regardless of their actual level of proficiency in English. The author of this paper has witnessed this throughout her years of teaching English as a second language and had experienced the same issues herself. When expression becomes difficult, students often feel uncomfortable, anxious, and less confident as a result. As this pattern happens repeatedly, students then experience speaking anxiety within their second language (MacIntyre 1999). However, those who are competent and proficient 115 in English and language learning, but think of themselves as unsuccessful in the classroom, often E I T D T H ' U S A E 1 lack self-confidence. As Rubio (2007) mentions, self-confidence revolves around cognition, thus the CAT B 1 success or failure the student experiences is felt on a cognitive level, i.e. they are fully aware of their O th IO U A inability to speak properly and/or confidently. Here, the link between development of one’s spea-N A T P NN E king skills and her confidence in achieving the goal of language learning, which in most cases seems N U O D M A P L L to be the confident spoken proficiency in English. We as educators have a crucial role in encouraging C E 2 E ON N and motivating the students to use and speak English within and outside the classroom. 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R : Starting with the root of the word itself, “confidence” originated from confidentia which in Latin es-S E E O NC A C sentially means “to (have) trust” and “to have faith” (https://www.latin-is-simple.com/en/vocabuL I E A T O H / P L A lary/noun/6344/). Thus, self-confidence may be viewed as a personal factor that has an important F E N U place in the language learning process, and perceived as one’s self-belief in his ability, despite the D T R R O OP past unsuccessful experience. We might conclude that self-confidence is an underlying premise for C E E C E H E’ maintaining and achieving good, meaningful communication. D N S I O S N L C G O I Encylopedia.com defines the concept of self-confidence as “commonly used as self-assurance in E S B G NC I one’s personal judgment, ability, power, etc. One’s self-confidence increases from experiences of C O A E O S L D having satisfactorily completed particular activities. It is a positive belief that in the future one can K W A E N V D generally accomplish what one wishes to do.” IT E A H P LO R Hammer (2001) refers to it as the ability to speak fluently, but not only having features of knowled-P T E S M E L R R ge, but also skills for processing information (e.g., language processing, interacting with informati-E E N A E T I D on processing and others). V E N S I R E S W O According to Brown and Yule (2000), there is a distinct difference between transactional functions, whi-E A R N V ch are concerned with information exchange, and interactional functions. According to Brown (2007), N S D IC S E O C C speaking involves two main components: linguistic form and function. The use of language that adheres H HOL O F S to the pattern, structure, vocabulary, and language aspects will be the focus of the language form. The LA E A C R R language function will then concentrate on using language components for a specific goal. U L S Y P R IT According to Azmandian (2010, 80), self-confidence is a crucial first step on the road to a success-A Y A PE ful life. Speaking has developed into a crucial ability that students need in order to convey ideas, N RS D D exchange information, and learn more about language. IGN Many researchers prioritized speaking ability in their studies because of its key place in both tea-ITY ching process and the process of acquiring a foreign language. Murray (2006) denotes that self-confidence is a firm belief, a conviction a person has of something, thus she is not worried in the slightest about the outcome, but simply takes it for granted that the outcome will be realized. Hence, self-confidence can be seen as a belief that something will work well. Adalikwu (2012) views self-confidence as a belief that one is able to succeed in doing something, based on their prior past experience in that particular endeavor. So, once the students develop confidence in their abilities, regardless of their past (negative) experiences, they are bound to succeed in their learning. Since speaking does not only include mere enunciation of sounds and producing the right intonation, stress, etc., but it also includes the process of achieving one’s desired communicative goals and successful transfer of her message. In the words of Ur (1996), speaking is the most important skill of the aforementioned language skills, since students who learn a language are oftentimes considered actual speakers and users of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing (120). There is no such satisfaction and pride as when a student accomplishes his speaking aims and completes a meaningful conversation in a language that is not his own. This is the level most learners strive for, and this particular link between proficiency in speaking English and perceiving oneself as confident and successful has been researched in this paper. 2 RESEARCH 2.1 Purpose and goals Speaking is one of the four language skills taught in the teaching of English. Emotions are important in the classroom since it has impact on speaking. They influence learner’s ability to process information and to accurately understand what they encounter. This research aims to identify factors 116 affecting the students’ levels of confidence using English, and their self-perceived level of English V Z 1 (English proficiency). The level of confidence was hypothesized to be related to perceived success Z A Č 1 G . Z O L by and of the students. J O N A V A , I E N Z K S O A G T 2.2 Methods B V A E R N Ž E 2 This qualitative survey was designed to gain insight into the students’ perceived levels of confiden-E A K VA 0 ce using English, their level of English, and how these are believed to be closely related to being 2 O N 3 N J successful in general. An online questionnaire was created in Google Forms and distributed during E I : D FE N D R R to students of PAR University of Applied Sciences in Rijeka, Croatia, during November of 2022. A total U EN U ŽB C of 43 students took part in this survey. The age range was from 18 to 50. Anonymity was guaran- Š E A Z M E N V teed to avoid response bias. The questionnaire may have reached those students who have been N I I O Z N T ED on Erasmus+ project mobility at PAR at the time, so the questionnaire need not be only limited to D E N H R A non-native Croatian speakers, but also other non-native speakers of English from other countries. A N R V O O J L D The questionnaire was designed based on the methodology of Hrnić (2022) and distributed to the E / Z O N Š O U K students of Business Management and Gastronomy and Restaurant Management, both at undergra-B I R O D duate level, and also to students of Business Management at graduate level. This survey consisted R A E N Z L V E I of a total of 16 questions, of which 11 aimed at getting students’ insight that were measured on a K R O ŽB J Z O 5-point Likert scale (1 – strongly disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – neither agree nor disagree, 4 – agree, 5 – EC A V E strongly agree). Respondents were asked to rate the following: their fluency in general English, be-N A Z R I ing able to do an interview in English, being able to speak English easily with non-native speakers R N A O N S of English, overall emotional outlook while speaking English, looking for opportunities to speak in I T T H Z E English, being fond of speaking in English, being confident when speaking in English, feeling anxi-N R D A ous, distressed, emotional or any other negative feeling (in a certain moment) that will negatively N O S S affect their confidence in using English, their level of nervousness while speaking in English, im-T T V O E J proving their overall self-confidence which is transferred into confidence in speaking English, and N AN IH P S believing confidence is closely related to success. TV R O ISP 2.3 Results EVK This research looked into the attitudes of the students of PAR University of Applied Sciences in Rije-OV ka, regarding their perceived fluency related to the level of confidence they have while speaking English, influencing the overall success in English communication. The research wanted to test the hypothesis of there being a perception of confidence as an important factor in being a successful individual and communicator in the second language. The survey aimed to show the general awareness of the students regarding the intertwined nature of fluency (proficiency in a language), their confidence, and as a result – success in using that language. 65 % of respondents claimed to have been learning English for more than 10 years, 23.3 % between 7 and 10 years, and the remainder was almost equally divided between “4-6 years”, “1-3 years” and “less than 1 year” answers. Regarding the question of the formal grades, they attained in their education, 41.9 % claimed to have gotten an A, 41.9 % claimed to have gotten a B, and the remainder was almost equally divided between grades C and D. The question regarding the language skill by which they prefer to learn a language, the majority of answers (72.1 %) claimed that speaking is the preferred skill, followed by listening (60.5 %), reading (53.5 %) and writing (25.6 %). They were allowed to choose multiple answers on this question. The last introductory question related to their preferred methods of learning and using English: 72.1 % for watching a TV show or series, 69.8 % for going abroad and travelling, 65.1 % for watching the news, 62.8 % for listening to music they like, 53.5 % for talking to foreigners, and the remainder almost equally divided between “listening to the radio”, “talking to my friends”, “reading books in English”, “studying English e.g. its grammar”, and “gaming”. After these introductory questions, 11 Likert-point scale questions were posed and some of these findings will be presented here. In the first question, the students were asked whether they considered themselves fluent in General English (Chart 1). The majority of the students studying at the PAR University College considered themselves fluent in English (41.9 % agree, 25.6 % strongly agree, 20.9 % neither agree nor disagree, 4.7 % disagree, and 7 % strongly disagree). A total of 67.5 % of the students evaluated themselves positively on this question. 117 The second question explored their perceived ability to do an interview in English. 37.2 % responE I T D T H ' U S A E 1 dents strongly agreed, 23.3 % agreed, but 27.9 % remained neutral. Only 9.3 % disagreed, and 2.3 CAT B 1 % strongly disagreed (only one respondent). A somewhat higher score was given on the “neutral” O th IO U A answer here, which may lead to show they are not able to evaluate themselves properly, which may N A T P NN E be due to the fact that most of the students, even if they are employed, possibly work in domestic N U O D M A P L L companies where English is not the first language spoken and used. C E 2 E ON N 0 The third question explored their ability to speak English easily with non-native speakers of Engli-TA 2 F 3 E L H R : sh. 37.2 % claimed “strongly agree”, 32.6 % “agree”, 20.9 % were neutral, and only 7 % and 2.3 % S E E O NC A C disagreed and strongly disagreed, respectively. The majority of answers being in the positive may L I E A T O H / P L A lead to understanding their perceived abilities to lead a conversation with other non-native spea-F E N U kers, in English, successfully. D T R R O OP C E The fourth question concerned with their perceived ability that, while speaking in English, they feel E C E H E’ D N S cheerful and relaxed. 32.6 % answered “strongly agree”, 27.9 % “strongly agree”, 25.6 % were neut-I O S N L C G O I ral to this question, and only 7 % equally for both “disagree” and “strongly disagree” answers. The E S B G NC I answers show a positive emotional state of the students while speaking and using English, which C O A E O S L D we have already seen as necessary in mastering a language, and having a positive outlook on one’s K W A E N V D abilities, regardless of the past failures and mistakes in the language. IT E A H P LO R The fifth question asked if the students look for opportunities to speak in English. 27.9 % answered P T E S M E L R R “strongly agree”, 34.9 % “agree”, 23.3 % were neutral, 11.6 % “disagree”, and 2.3 % “strongly disagree”. E E N A E T I D This question was aiming to show how active and engaged the students are in finding the opportuni-V E N S I R E S ties to speak and use their English, considering they live in a country were English is a non-native lan-W O E A R N guage. The majority of answers were inclined to the positive part of the scale, which may indicate the V N S D IC S E O students’ desire to further improve and actively use their spoken English, wherever possible. C C H HOL O F S The sixth question was one concerning their liking to speak in English. A vast majority of answers LA E A C R R were in favor of “strongly agree”, with 51.2 %, followed by 30.2 % for “agree”, only 7 % for both “ne-U L S Y P R I utral” and “disagree”, and only 2.3 % (1 respondent) for “strongly disagree”. In this question, their T A Y A P emotional and psychological attitude towards speaking in English was inquired. E N RS D D From here on out, the matter becomes more interesting. In the seventh question, they were asked IG to evaluate themselves if they are confident while speaking in English. As shown in the chart below, NIT 60 % of respondents were inclined towards the positive side of the scale, while only 16 % were neut-Y ral, and the remainder were not in favor of the statement. From this, it is evident that most students do feel confident when speaking in English, regardless of the aforementioned past failures in the language. This result is important for English spoken acquisition, as the positive psychological attitude towards a language skill may affect the overall confidence of the speaker herself. Chart 1: Question 7: I am confident when speaking in English Source: Our research 2022. 118 The eighth question inquired if they felt anxious, distressed, emotional or any other negative fee-V Z 1 ling (in a certain moment), that will negatively affect their confidence in using English. The results Z A Č 1 G . Z O L of this question come to a big surprise, as we can see the vast majority of respondents were neutral J O N A V A , I E N (35 %), followed by 30 % of “disagree”, 14 % “strongly disagree”, while the remainder of the answers Z K S O A G T were inclined to the positive part of the scale, in a noticeable minority. The respondents do not feel B V A E R N Ž their usage of English is affected by their negative emotional states. E 2 E A K VA 02 O N 3 N Chart 2: Question 8: If I feel anxious, distressed, emotional, or any other negative feeling (in a JE I : D FE N D R R certain moment), that will negatively affect my confidence in using English U EN U ŽB C Š E A Z M E N VN I I O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K B I R O D R A E N Z L V E IK R O ŽB J Z O EC A V EN A Z R IR N A O N S I T T H Z Source: Our research 2022. E N R D In the ninth question, as shown in chart 3, respondents were asked to evaluate if sometimes, when AN O S S they speak in English, they get so nervous they forget everything they wanted to say. It is surpri-T T V O E J sing to see that the majority of answers were inclined to the negative side of the scale: 30 % “di-N AN IH P S sagree”, 23 % “neither agree nor disagree”, 19 % “strongly disagree”, and only 14 % for both “agree” TV R and “strongly agree”. The results show their perceived ability in speaking and using English is not O ISP affected by their momentary nervousness if it happens at all. This may show their belief in their EVK spoken abilities cements their actual spoken abilities as successful. OV Chart 3: Question 9: Sometimes, when I speak in English, I get so nervous I forget everything I wanted to say Source: Our research 2022. In the tenth question, respondents were asked to evaluate if they believe that, by improving their overall self-confidence, they can be more confident in speaking in English, as well. As shown in the chart 4 below, 34.9 % “strongly agree”, 37.2 % “agree”, only 18.6 % “neither agree nor disagree”, 4.7 % “disagree” and 2.3 % “strongly disagree”. This question relates to the main hypothesis of this paper and was investigating the students’ general attitude towards confidence as part of who they are, and confidence in using English. 119 Chart 4. Question 10: By improving my overall self-confidence, I can be more confident in speakE I T D T H ' U S A E 1 ing in English, too CAT B 1 O th IO U A N A T P NN E N U O D M A P L L C E 2 E ON N 0 TA 2 F 3 E L H R :S E E O NC A C L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S Source: Our research 2022. I O S N L C G O IE S B G In the last question, the students were asked if they believe confidence is closely related to success. NC IC O A E As shown in the chart below, 58.1 % “strongly agree”, 27.9 % “agree”, only 11.6 % “neither agree O S L D K W A nor disagree”, and only 2.3 % “disagree”. No answers to “strongly disagree” were given. The results E N V D IT E A show the students’ awareness of having confidence in oneself is present, and they associate having H P LO R P T or reaching success with being confident. The positive side of the scale got the highest score of all E S M E L R R E E questions (a total of 86 %). N A E T I D V E N S I R E Chart 5. Question 11: I believe confidence is closely related to success S W O E A R N V N S D IC S E O C C H HOL O F S LA E A C R R U L S Y P R IT A Y A PE NRSD D IGNITY Source: Our research (2022). 3 DISCUSSION In the ever-expanding world of business, trade, e-commerce, engineering, technology, teaching etc., English is omnipresent. Excellent communication skills in English are an absolute necessity, primarily in spoken form, and one is called upon to hone his skills in English. The need to perfect and constantly improve one’s mastery of English is not without a cause – considering around 350 to 400 million of non-native speakers use English as their second language, thus surpassing the number of native speakers (Crystal 2003), the need to perfect it is very much real. The fear of competition, being outsmarted, fearing others’ judgment, being embarrassed in front of an audience, making spelling mistakes in one’s email sent to an executive manager, dreading the presentation that has to be given, or even attending a meeting with foreign investors or clients – all of these contexts force one to deeply reflect on both her language abilities, and her level of confidence to deliver a specific task, successfully. Bilingualism among non-natives is a feat that was almost forced upon them – either use it (English) or get lost. One does not stand a chance without it. Now, there is a better understanding of how well intricate psyche and mind are. This research aimed at looking into the relationship between language abilities, confidence with which they are executed, and overall success upon doing so. Success which, in itself, perfects and hones language skills even more, thus closing a perfect vicious circle. The respondents in question have shown there is such a connection, and they are aware of it. They consider 120 themselves both fluent and confident in English, as well as believing confidence is related to success. V Z 1 The results seem to have proven the hypothesis right. As shown in Chart 4 and 5, the students claim Z A Č 1 G . Z O L that by improving their overall self-confidence, they can become more confident in speaking in Engli-J O N A V A , I E N sh, which in turn shows that they are aware of the link between confidence and success. Z K S O A G T B V Given the fact the sample may have been too little to give better, detailed insight into students’ A E R N Ž E 2 abilities, perceptions, and awareness, further research is needed in that respect. Limitations of this E A K VA 02 O small-scale research were primarily location- and timewise, mainly focusing on the respondents N 3 N JE I : D F from the area of Rijeka and PAR as the main institution; more precisely, the students of Business E N D R R U E management, and Gastronomy and restaurant management at PAR. Further development of this N U ŽB C Š and similar pieces of research could provide a deeper insight into such students’ wants and needs, E A Z M E N VN I I real-life correlations between confidence, English speaking abilities, and success. O Z N T ED D E N H R A A N R 4 CONCLUSION V O O J L D E / Z O N Š O U K Acquiring a language goes much beyond mere repetitions, memorizing idiomatic expressions, or B I R O D spitting out formulas for grammar tenses. The use of a language surpasses the lexis itself and proR A E N Z L V E jects itself onto the users in question, reforming their personalities, distorting and rebuilding the IK R O ŽB J Z O way they think about the world and themselves. English, like any other language, is heavily laden EC A V E with cultural, socio-economic, technological, societal and other factors, redefining the reality of its N A Z R I non-native users. The true purpose of a language is to become an intrinsic part of its user, to become R N A O N S one with her, inseparable from one’s persona. Taking into consideration the goals of many of our I T T H Z students at PAR, being an independent, confident, and successful user of English is just one of the E N R D A primary focuses, alongside business management, management in hospitality, food and beverages N O S S management, etc. Representing one’s firm, one’s business and/or brand can be marred in a single T T V O E J lapsus linguae done unintentionally, or worse yet, unknowingly. Ignorance is no excuse and consi-N AN IH P S dering the fact that much of world’s business is conducted in English, by non-native speakers of TV R O English, any attempt at more extensive research must not go unrecognized by linguists. The author ISP herself, as a non-native speaker of English with an acquired native-like proficiency, has witnessed EVK the need for developing this matter further, so the initiative for it may have been intrinsic and sel-OV fish, to an extent. Given the fact the author is no major researcher herself, but merely an observer and interlocutor with her students, the results of this small-scale research have also reflected her own. The results of the hypothesis were foreseen from personal experience, since the author was well aware this experience belongs to each and every learner of a language. Every learner shares his part in another’s. LITERATURE 1. Adalikwu, Chris. 2012. How to build self-confidence, happiness, and health? Bloomington: Author House. 2. Azmandian, Alireza. 2010. Think yourself successful. McGraw hill, United States. 3. Brown, Gillian, and George Yulle. 2000. Discourse analysis. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 4. Brown, H. Douglas. 2007. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (5th ed.). New York: Pearson Education. 5. Crystal, David. 2003. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511486999 6. Hammer, Jeremy. 2001. 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E E O NC A C L I E A T O H / P L A F ENUD T R R O OP C E E C E H E’ D N S I O S N L C G O IE S B G NC IC O A E O S L D K W A E N V D IT E A H P LO R P T E S M E L R R E E N A E T I D V E N S I R E S W O E A R N V N S D IC S E O C C H HOL O F S LA E A C R R U L S Y P R IT A Y A PE NRSD D IGNITY 122 STUDY PROGRAMS ACCREDITED AT AMEU ECM UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE DOCTORAL STUDIES STUDIES STUDIES SOCIAL SOCIAL SOCIAL GERONTOLOGY GERONTOLOGY GERONTOLOGY HUMANITIES HUMANITIES HUMANITIES STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT EUROPEAN PROJECT BUSINESS STUDIES MANAGEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT PHYSIOTHERAPY HEALTH SCIENCES PHYSIOTHERAPY Nursing, Public Health, Physiotherapy, Integrative Health Sciences, NURSING Autism ARCHIVES ARCHIVES AND MANAGEMENT ARCHIVAL SCIENCES RECORDS MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES DANCE, CHOREOGRAPHY DANCE STUDIES WEB AND INFORMATION WEB SCIENCE APPLIED ARTIFICIAL TECHNOLOGIES AND TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENCE LOGO PEDAGOGICS Study program of improvement Document Outline _Hlk148957603 _Hlk105965947 _Hlk106137797 _Hlk106212566 _Hlk106719818 _Hlk92394777 _Hlk94029279 _Hlk90132866 _Hlk90132914 _Hlk106209996 _Hlk90133036 _Hlk106212335 _Hlk106627146 _Hlk107081460 _Hlk92475537 _Hlk92477704 _Hlk148963424 _Hlk511656706 _Hlk93403837 _Hlk93395062 _Hlk149598887 _heading=h.tyjcwt _heading=h.3dy6vkm _heading=h.97ugkk3wjx9t _Hlk125975645 _Hlk125974698 _Hlk125559448 _Hlk100712767 _Hlk125991597 _Hlk126098222 _Hlk126102148 _Hlk149585754 _Hlk149591170 _Hlk149599775 _Hlk149597179