Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 41/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 2. 11. 2014 SPOMIN VERNIH RAJNIH ALL SOULS' DAY Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Spomin naših rajnih Prav gotovo hiti naš spomin danes najprej k tistim, ki so nam bili blizu: našim rajnim domačim, sorodnikom in prijateljem. Koliko lepega in dobrega smo skupaj doživeli! Koliko ljubezni smo prejeli od njih! Sedaj pa počivajo na pokopališču in zdi se nam, da so daleč od nas, tihi in nemi. Naše življenje tukaj na zemlji je razpeto med rojstvo in smrtjo. Ko stojimo pred vprašanjem življenja in smrti, najdemo odgovor v Bogu. Na pomoč nam prihaja božja Beseda: Jezus Kristus. On je odgovor na naša vprašanja. Umrl je in vstal ter tako premagal smrt. Njegovo vstajenje in njegova beseda sta tisti, katerima zaupamo in na kateri lahko zavestno gradimo svoje življenje in svojo večno srečo. Kristjani smo povabljeni, da smrt plemenitimo in utrjujemo z upanjem, ki nam ga daje Kristus. To upanje daje našemu življenju veselje in moč. Kdor ima upanje v večno življenje, bo lahko kljuboval življenjskim preizkušnjam. Mogel se bo upreti krivici, nasilju, laži. Zoperstavil se bo zavajanju in vsakovrstnim zlorabam. Kdor ima vero v večno življenje, ta ima življenje. Bog nam torej naklanja večno življenje, od vsakega pa tudi. pričakuje sodelovanje. Biti pripravljen na Jezusov prihod! To najprej pomeni resno vzeti misel na smrt, ne pa si zakri -vati oči pred njo. Spodbujala naj nas bi, da bi bolje živeli, da bi izkoriščali darove, ki nam jih je Bog dal, da bi zidali na skalo - to je na Boga, na njegovo besedo, ki jo poslušamo in bi se po njej tudi ravnali. Smrt vsakemu človeku razodeva resnico o njem: da je ustvarjen, da ni sam gospodar življenja,~ daje na zemlji le popotnik. St. Gfegoty ttte fifeat Upstairs Hall featuring live music by: Bring your own wine, home made, from this year and enter the wine making contest. Person must be present at the Martinovanje! playing: retro 80's, rock, ska, traditional Slovenian, and other fun music!! Župnijski svet vljudno vabi! Everyone cordially invited by Parish Council! ji m SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET V soboto, 25. oktobra 2014 je društvo Bled gostilo Scholarship Banquet. Dvorana se je dodobra napolnila z gosti in dobitniki štipendij in njihovimi domačimi. Tokrat je bila glavni govornik Nancy Joos. 15 mladih je prejelo štipendije, Milena in Ivan Krušič pa sta prjela posebno priznanje. Poleg ansambla Šibaj nam je na harmoniko zaigral tudi Marko Hatlak. _ VESTNIK 2014|351 All Souls' Day SVETI KRST - BAPTISM V soboto, 1. novembra 2014, je zakrament sv. Krsta prejel JAXSON KEVIN YATES, sin očeta Matthes in matere Jessica-e, rojene Hauzar. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu prvega otroka. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja božje Matere Marije. Response: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. First Reading Lament. 3.17 26 A consoling vision of salvation, when death will be destroyed for ever. Second Reading 1Corinth. 15.51-57 God gave us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Gospel Matthew 11:25-30 God reveals the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. "This is our God in whom we hoped for salvation." Illustration John Henry Newman stands as a colossus of faith, bestriding nineteenth-century England. Declared "Blessed" by Benedict XVI during the papal visit to Britain in September 2010, Newman stands today as a great inspiration, a great teacher and a great mediator of unity for the Christian Church in his native land. In an England whose Catholicism was characterised by the influx of poor Irish immigrants during the nineteenth century, Newman brings his English, Anglican roots and background into the mix of faith. At a time of great intellectual upheaval, when the thinking of Darwin promised to sweep away the foundations of religion, Newman went to work to bring his powers of thought and reflection to bear in promoting a healthy Christian understanding of our life in this world and the next. His writings are a rich source of wisdom and sound teaching in the world of today. On the subject of death and what happens after death, John Henry Newman has given us two tremendous texts to read and consider. The first is a hymn, written in 1857, entitled "Help, Lord, the souls which thou hast made". The second is a long poem, written in January 1865, entitled The Dream of Gerontius. In these works Newman teaches us about God's justice towards us, about God's abiding love for us, and about the journey of purification that we willingly make to see the face of God. Gospel Teaching Jesus, in his own encounters with the educated classes of his day, held many discussions with the Pharisees and with the Sadducees - the latter were a group that did not believe in life after death. These leaders of the people, enjoying power, prestige and privilege in their society, did not welcome the young preacher from the countryside, or his band of uneducated followers, and they missed no opportunity to cross swords with the young rabbi. It prompted Jesus to give thanks to God - "Lord of heaven and of earth" - for giving the grace of understanding and insight to simple people, while the learned and the clever are still in the dark. Learning and cleverness are great gifts, and they bring us great feelings of power, but these gifts tend to be used as tools of self-reliance. Yet the truth can still be hidden from us, no matter how clever we are. There is a wisdom and an insight that only come to us pure gift, as revelation, as someone telling us and making something known. We are invited to be receptive of these gifts. If ever a man relied on his own powers of learning and cleverness, and if ever a man was persuaded by the force of his own religion, it was St Paul. He felt so sure about everything. Then he met the Lord, and his seeing became darkness and confusion, and his new sight brought him gentleness and great hope. Application In writing to the Romans, Paul makes the great statement: "Hope is not deceptive." Death will not destroy us. The risen Lord is our light and our help, and the stronghold of our life. It is with this understanding that we make our journey, day by day, through life. And when we get old, or whenever the hour of death approaches, we pray as the psalmist does today: "It is your face, O Lord, that I seek." That is our earnest prayer. "I am sure I shall see the Lord's goodness in the land of the living" is our fervent hope. Today, especially, we remember all our loved ones who have gone before us. In many places, it is a tradition to visit the graves of our dead and to light candles and lanterns as a sign of the life they now enjoy with God. When Cardinal Newman was in his sixties, he sat and wrote a poem about what our journey through death is like. In that poem, The Dream of Gerontius, the soul wants to see the face of God, and at the same time knows that it is not yet ready for such a wonderful sight. Justice is important, and, reassured of God's abiding love, the soul is keen to be purified. Desiring justice for all, we can pray in Blessed John Henry Newman's words, "Help, Lord, the souls, which thou hast made" - "by their fire of love", "by their very helplessness", and by the Lord's "own great Name" - that we may all come to see the face of God. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR - VAJE_ V četrtek po večerni maši, »'"•« bomo imeli redne pevske vaje ' , » za župnijski zbor. Vaje bodo ^ . . J tokrat v cerkvi. Naslednjič zbor ^ * poje 23. novembra, na praznik Kristusa Kralja Vesoljstva. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 2. november: maša ob 2:00 p.m. na pokopališču Holy Sepulchre, nato molitve. ♦ 5. november: maša ob 7h zvečer za pokojne članice Katoliške ženske zveze. Vabljeni! ♦ 8. november: MARTINOVANJE pri Sv. Gregoriju, in v Lipa Parku (tudi banket) ♦ 9. november: SLOVENSKI PARK - Fall General Meeting at 3:00 p.m. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA VABI_ Vsako leto od oktobra naprej društvo organizira BINGO. Začeli smo v ponedeljek, 20. oktobra 2014 ob 1:30 popoldne. Vabljeni v čimvečjem številu. S TORKOVIMI VEČERI smo začeli v torek, 21. oktobra 2014 ob 7:00 zvečer. Vsi ste lepo vabljeni! CLEVELAND 53™ ANNUAL THANKSGIVING POLKA - EXTRAVAGANZA Weekend — November 27-29TH, 2014_ Special Fun Weekend Package — USA Thanksgiving Weekend - sponsored by: The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph, Hamilton Departure from St. Gregory's Parish parking lot on Centennial Parkway at 8:30 AM, Thursday, November 27th and returning Saturday evening, No- vember 29th (late). Join us for an uplifting, fun filled musical weekend! Don't delay! Reservations can be made - only with full payment $350 cheque made out to the St. Joseph Society or cash. For reservations & payment: contact person Frank Erzar @905-643-0285 SLOVENIAN SCHOOL TEACHER NEEDED The Slovenian School here at St. Gregory is looking for an energetic person to teach the Kindergarten/Level 1 class. We are looking for a person who has a good grasp of the Slovenian language and is excited about teaching our youngest Slovenians about their language, culture, and heritage. Classes are each Saturday from 9:00am to 12:30pm. Teachers are expected to take part in school fundraisers and school events held here at our church. Teaching experience is an asset but not mandatory. If you are interested or know anyone who might be interested, please contact Jenny Antolin at or Sandy Allen at for more information. Please respond by October 27, 2014. CWL - KZZ - MEMORIAL MASS -Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 7pm A reminder to everyone that the CWL will be holding their memorial mass for all deceased CWL members on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 at 7pm. We invite all our parishioners to come and join us as we pay tribute and remember so many wonderful women of our parish, who worked hard to not only help build our church, but dedicated themselves to helping others. It seems only right that we take a little time out of our busy lives to stop, remember and say a prayer for our deceased members. We look forward to seeing you all this Wednesday, November 5th at 7pm. PRVI PETEK_ Ta teden je prvi petek v mesecu. Obiskoval bom bolnike. Zvečer ob šestih bo priložnost za molitev pred Najsvetejšim in sveto spoved. MOLITVE NA POKOPALIŠČIH_ Danes, 2. novembra 2014, bo na pokopališču Holy Sepuchre ob 2:00 popoldne sveta maša. Po sveti maši se bomo zbrali pri križu za molitve. Nato bodo molitve na Gate of Heaven pokopališču in sicer ob 3:30. Ob 5:00 popoldne pa se bomo zbrali k molitvi v mavzoleju pokopališča Our Lady of the Angels (Mud Street, Stoney Creek) POKOJNI_ V Lemontu, v Michigenu, je v sredo, 29. oktobra 2014, v 83. letu starosti odšla k Bogu po večno plačilo MIAHELA SIMRAJH (rojena Arko), mati naše faranke Magdalene Razpotnik. Pokojna je bila rojena v Sloveniji, v Loškem potoku. Pogreb pokojne je bil v Lemontu, 1. novembra. Iskreno sožalje Magdi z družino. Za pokojno bomo darovali sveto mašo v naši cerkvi v petek, 7. novembra zvečer ob 7h. V četrtek 30. oktobra 2014 je v Dolnji Bistrici (župnija Črenšovci) v 89. letu starosti umrla TEREZIJA SALAJKO. V soboto so pokojno pokopali na domačem pokopališču. Tukaj bomo darovali sveto mašo za pokoj njene duše danes pri enajsti maši. Pokojna Terezija je mati Ladislava in Branka Salajko in sestra Olge Čulig. Iskreno sožalje Olgi, Slavku in Branku. V petek, 31. oktobra 2014, je v svojem 85 letu starosti odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo naš faran, ALBIN ŽAGAR. Pokojni bo ležal v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home v torek , 4. novembra od 2-4 in 7-9. Ob 8h zvečer bomo molili za pokoj njegove duše. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v sredo, 5. novembra 2014 ob 10:00 dopoldne. Iskreno sožalje ženi Margaret in vsem domačim. Vsem pokojnim: Gospod, daj jim večni mir in pokoj in večna luč naj jim sveti. Naj počivajo v miru. POPOLNI ODPUSTEK ZA DUŠE V VICAH Cerkev naklanja v prvih osmih dneh novembra popolni odpustek za vsak obisk pokopališča in molitev za rajne. Prav tako ga je mogoče prejeti v vseh cerkvah in javnih kapelah 1. in 2. novembra ter na prejšnjo ali na naslednjo nedeljo, - če smo bili pri spovedi in obhajilu - ter molimo po namenu svetega očeta. (Po namenu svetega očeta izmolite Oče naš, Zdravo Marijo, Slavo. Vendar morate pred molitvijo izreči: "Po namenu svetega očeta") Odpustek lahko namenimo rajnim, ki so še v stanju očiščevanja in jim lahko pomagajo tisti, ki so že pri Bogu in mi, ki še romamo po zemlji s svojimi molitvami, darovanimi mašami, dobrimi deli in odpustki, sami sebi namreč ne morejo več pomagati. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in i\r Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 2. 11. 2014 DO 9. 11. 2014 svete maše - masses Nedelja- Sunday Spomin vseh vernih rajnih All soul's day 2. November PONEDELJEK Monday 3. November Viktorin Ptujski, škof za žive in rajne župljane f Darinka Ferletič t Marija Grebenc ff Vsi rajni f Terezija Salajko ff Rajni farani naše župnije 2:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Milan, Sandy, Mike Družina Grebenc Manja Erzetič Čulig Olga in Janet Maša: Holy Sepuchre Ceme. Holy Sepuchre: 3:00 p.m., Gate of Heaven 3:30 p.m., Our Lady of the Anglels: 5:00 p.m. f Ludvik Hull ff Mihael in Maria Ferko ff Bratje , sestra in sorodniki f Janez Selšek 7:00 p.m. Vera Drvarič Sin Toni z družino Štefan in Gizella Ray z dr. Manja Erzetič Tuesday Paulino & Nicolasa Agaton 8:00 a.m. Briscill Aquino 4 Nov E m ber ff Estaislao & Encarnacion Aquino Briscill Aquino 4 VE , r V Nelson & Viorginia Canonizado Briscill Aquino Karel Boromejski, škof f Perla Molina_Briscill Aquino Sreda - Wednesday 5. November Zaharija in Elizabeta f Albin Žagar ff Pokojne članice KŽZ ff Pokojni iz družine Zelko f Janko Demšar f Franc Pelcar 10:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša 7:00 p.m CWL - KŽZ Matilda Bratuž Družina Demšar Družina Demšar Četrtek - Thursday f 'van So!)o?" 7:00 PM M™? • 6 November f Elizabeta Ferko Mož Toni z otroci Lenart o at ff 'van in Apolonija Gjerek Prša Teresa _'_p_ff Pokojni sorodniki in prijatelji_Marija Glavač z družino PRVI PE4EK First Friday 7. November Ernest, opat ff Za duše v vicah ff Irma in Ludvik Hull ff Za duše v vicah f Jan Pona Po namenu f Mihaela Simrajh 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Družina Oravec Alojz Sarjaš z družino Krystyna Kasia n.n. Magda Razpotnik z družino f Pavla Levstek 8:00 a.m. Magda Udovč SOBOTA f Marija Grebenc 5:30 p.m. Francka Cestnik SATURDAY ff Sestre in bratje Marija Košir 8. November f Jože Bregar Žena in družina Bogomir, škof f Karel Volčanšek Družina Volčanšek /MARTINOVANJE/ ff Pokojni Volčanšek in Koprivc Družina Volčanšek f Joe Lovšin Družina Pust Nedelja- Sunday POSVETITEV LAT.BAZIL. f 9. November f za žive in rajne župljane Franc Antolin Štefan Prša, obl. 9:30 a.m. Družina Čule 11:00 a.m. Žena in družina