Marijan GERDEJ* * Arhivist v Pokrajinskem arhivu Maribor, Slovenija, in popisovalec arhivskega gradiva v mnogih podjetjih. Naslov: Partizanska 42, SI — 2360 Radlje ob Dravi, Slovenija. El. pošta: The Proceedings of Appraisal of Archives and (Documentary) Records in Former (Yougoslav) Industrial Undertakings and at Today's Record Creators GERDEJ, Mafijan, The Proceedings of Appraisal of Archives and (Documentary) Records in Former (Yougoslav) Industrial Undertakings and at Today's Record Creators. Atlanti, Vol. 18, Trieste 2008, pp. 353-357. Original in English, abstract in English, Italian and Slovenian, summary in English At inventorying of archives and records (documentation) in former state industrial undertakings I met also with procedures of appraisal of archival documents (archives and records), while those procedures were various and different. The public firstly knew legislation, which defined questions and problems of appraisal, in sixties and in seventies of 20th century, and before it has any result, many years were ended; on the other hand the economies and institutions did not have archivists who would introduce novelties and better solutions. That situation remained the same while situations developed very slowly and the destiny of records is now in the hands of record creator in their knowledge, unfortunately because of visits of the archivists at record creators, which showed new archival and record situation. GERDEJ, Marijan, Le procedure di sele-zione dei documenti archivistici nell'in-dustria dell'ex Jugoslavia e nei produtto-ri di archivi contemporanei. Atlanti, Vol. 18, Trieste 2008, pp. 353-357. Nell'inventariazione di archivi e documenti dell'industria dell'ex Jugoslavia mi sono im-battuto anche in procedure di selezione di documenti archivistici varie e differenti. La legislazione degli anni '60 e '70 delXXsecolo definiva le questioni ed i problemi della sele-zione, e prima che avesse prodotto dei risulta-ti molti anni erano trascorsi; d'altra parte le economie e le istituzioni non avevano archi-visti che avrebberopotuto introdurre novita e migliori soluzioni. Tale situazione rimase la stessa mentre le situazioni si evolvevano molto lentamente ed il destino dei documenti e ora Introduction The defences of origin, creating and managing of the records at record creators or at former (Yugoslavian) industrialundertakings are the subjects of that paper. Therefore the subjects of the presenting are experiences of the author who inventoried and managed archives in many former industrial undertakings or at records creators more than thirty years. The treatment with documents or records on the way from the origin in office operations to saving in the repositories was very different from fifties in 20th century when archival legislation originated till now, when we are the witnesses of modern managing with documents and records. Past experiences of taking the documents into repositories in establishments or firms (Records from office till repository) The way of the record from office to repository was very different, while on that way involved many experiences. We must know that the archival saving of the documents was not at the top of the managing of record creators, while they have the first task of producing the products, than have many economic questions and problems and finally had many problems of local politics and social solutions. On the other hand, the development of archivology i.e. of archival science was not fully in the public as well there was many experiences how to organize and to modernize archival science till managing. Because of those problems the managing of the records was in that similar situation. Managing of the records was different in the same organisation while every office had its own operation because of different knowledge of office operation. The situation was different from the office to office. After some times or after a long time of record creation many new tasks had opened when the office had to answer to new problems from economy, social or employments problems, etc. In that situation the office had to find first records, and if they did not have that managed, they did not find old records. Therefore they paid more interest to better managing of the records. Former archival legislation and education However, archival legislative was actually at the beginning of development. On the other hand the office operation developed more and more and many new operation experiences and subjects were to be found. The industrial undertaking (record creator) had to have a list of the subjects according he managed his records. That was on the legislative field, while in practice that was seen differently other. I remember of many "archival conferences" about how to manage the documents, i.e. the meetings were about the tasks of archivists in an archive of the factory. The archivists were looking for the answers how to manage the archival repository. At the beginning there were no practical answer what an archivist in the factory expect to be given him from the professionals, but either after beginning of the conferences "Sodobni arhivi" (Modern Archives) under the stick of new archivists (Peter Pavel Klasinc), the situation was turned. Unfortunately, the situation in factory archives did not change. The archivist or the "worker to whom the archival matters were hoped", lived in many different situations from the office accommodation till repository conditions, nevertheless, there, where the working conditions were optimal, the situation of that worker was not in roses. The services gave the documents in many not archival liked forms, like in packets, in for archive unformatted books, etc., for what was very hard to find a saving suitable place. They also gave documents; as well they primarily did not inform the archivist, how the documents will be given to repository etc.1, the »man, who is making with documents«, i.e. »the archivist in industrial under-taking« - made with offered documentation that what he would to have made with it. That was the way of giving the documentation in many industrial undertakings in former Yugoslavia. Unfortunately, that regime of getting new documents stayed equal till nowadays. This, we think, it is very hard to change, while a long period of such practice would be very hard to make a new way of action or practice. (Formal) appraisal of documentation in factory archives nelle mani dei produttori di documenti e nel loro sapere, sfortunatamente a causa delle visite degli archivisti ai produttori di documenti che hanno prodotto nuove situazioni archivi-stiche e documentali. GERDEJ, Mafijan, Postopki vrednotenja arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva v arhivih nekdanjih delovnih orgabizacij in v današnjih podjetjih. Atlanti, Zv. 18, Trst 2008, str. 353-357. Pri popisovanju arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva v nekdanjih državnih podjetjih sem se srečeval tudi s postopki vrednotenja arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva. Ti postopki so bili postopki zelo različni. Zakonodaja, ki je urejevala vprašanja in probleme vrednotenja, je nastajala v šestdesetih in sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja in preden se je uveljavila oz. začela učinkovati, je preteklo še vrsto let, po drugi strani pa podjetja (takrat delovne organizacije) niso imele usposobljenih delavcev (arhivistov), ki bi spremembe uvajali. Takšno stanje obstaja vse do današnjih dni, ker se stanje počasi spreminja oz. je usoda arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva logično bolj v rokah podjetij in njihovih znanj, sprememb pa ni, kljub obiskom arhivistovpri nekaterih ustvarjalcih. SUMMARY In the paper is presented the appraisal and destroying of archives and records in former in- Legislatively, the way of appraisal in former factory archives was dependant of the list of the records. Mostly appraising exists through some appraising commissions, sometimes according to be presented also the archivist, mostly the documents were destroyed without any professional person and also without the knowledge of any professional archival institution. Nevertheless, after the end of the Second World War a great part of important records were destroyed and those documents were the part of important period of one factory or record creator2. Unfortunately, also other documentation was destroyed without any permanence3. This is valid as well for the documents that exist for older records, as well for the records made after new 1. About that problems many articles were published, especially at Sodobni arhivi (Modern Archives), the publications of the conferences organized by Peter Pavel Klasinc in eighties and nineteen's years of last century in Radenci, Slovenia. 2. Therefore researchers, who would to investigate the history as it was Slovenian or only local, have used much money to find records and documents in foreign archives in Austrian archives, while home documents were destroyed after Second World War. 3. It is well known, that the director who came in the paper factory let destroying the documents from 19th century, and also another director in one of another factory put in destroying documents from 1945 to 1970. dustrial undertakings in former socialistic state Yugoslavia and in today's firms. It is described a process which is developed and introduced in former industrial undertakings and in nowadays firms, which are mostly private now. Through the research of origin the records are represented from the origin of documentary records in the office, then taking documentary records in repository and then the processes of destroying and appraisal. According of former legislation each working organisation had to have an eliminable list after that were records destroyed or appraised. The praxis of having that eliminable list was very different, while some organisations appraise after it, many of working organisations did not have that appraisal or eliminable list and they destroyed and appraised records without it, nevertheless, many of them did not have either an archivist or was archive work in the hand of a worker who did other work besides. However, some directors did not have due regard to archival legislation while it is known that archival records were destroyed without professional appraisal and knowing of archival institutions. That was not the practice after the second world war but it happened also in seventies and eighties. Also in the years of the beginning of the independence were records destroyed (i.e. defence plans), to say nothing about the records of communist party. After the end of ninety Slovenia accept new archival legislation that in detail manages the operation with records 4. That means for the records that were created after their date of use is already finished. The documents from that period and also another document (like many financial documents) were destroyed mostly without knowing of professional institutions and persons. 5. Authors have reported in the publication Atlanti last year about new archival legislation in Slovenia and about problems and questions because of new legislation (see remarks of Peter Pavel Klasinc). 6. In the year 2007 and 2008 some archives made visits to record creators, not to all but only in schools, at public organizations (communities), etc. Intention of the visit was to see how record creators do office documents and how they manage with them in offices and in own repositories. The author also made some visits and see that there is no a quality difference in archival business from the times of former Yugoslavia till (independent) republic Slovenia. The difference is, but not huge, while many reasons show how long is the improvement from former to nowadays and better practice. period4. Mostly unprofessional workers, who had before other working tasks also the archival business, made appraisal. The reasons of that work and decisions would have bad results for an economy of the record creator. The throwing away of the records (documents) without any evidence and without knowing of archivists and institutions had very soon an unpleasant state. It happened that there was no data when an economic view would be investigated, because no past data were established. In looking for past sold possibilities, when for instance the price was looking for, no document of soling was found out while documents had been destroyed. On the other hand also the history was hardly established and known, if the records had been destroyed. There comes to many problems and questions and much money was used for or because of destroyed documents (records). Today situation Above described situation on appraisal in former factory archives or at record creators in the end of last century had till nowadays little changed. The situation is of course another, because many new situation of being privatisation was passed in new republic. On the other hand new legislation had been taken that, firstly organises and preparing the records in offices, and secondly new legislation manage the documentation in repositories (archives) at record creator. New legislation was proclaimed in the end of nineties5 and the authorities hoped it would have a positive and better emission at record creators, but we might the situations is very different from record creator to creator6. It is really a long period which will be necessary to abandon the old practice of arranging the records till new accommodation and legislative archival viewpoint, especially because of new perspective of record arranging that demand severe new information media like computer record creator, etc., of which we are the witnesses of nowadays. As the records and archives is the segment of information circle in every establishment or in firm, therefore the responsible person at record creator is expected to take a serious and responsible answer especially in the field of archival and record creating because that has an overtime results and consequences. However, many of new firm or establishments give attention to modern requirements in archives and record creation, but those practices is not always visible anywhere, while it is a long period to change old practice to new archival and managing novelties, however, also new legislation itself can not provide advancement. Unfortunately, it seems that the documentation (especial archival) have no undoubted vision to be always preserved, although the legislation and professional maintenance of professional institutions do not extend to right trend (way), while letters on the paper is one and practice the seconds Nevertheless, archival science and practice have many serious and responsible people (archivists, explorers, science amateurs, etc.) who will prevent a possible undue treat- ment of archival documents and records and will mind to preserve many important documents, which have an important role and fUnction for national archival heritage. Povzetek POSTOPKI VREDNOTENJA ARHIVSKEGA IN DOKUMENTARNEGA GRADIVA V ARHIVIH NEKDANJIH DELOVNIH ORGANIZACIJ IN V DANAŠNJIH PODJETJIH V članku prikazujem škartiranje7 in vrednotenje arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva v nekdanjih delovnih organizacijah in v današnjih podjetjih. Gre za proces, ki se razvija in uvaja od sedemdesetih let preteklega stoletja, ko so bile delovne organizacije do dandanes, ko govorimo o (privatnih) podjetjih. V članku so navedeni procesi od nastanka dokumentarnega gradiva v pisarni, preko sprejemanja tega gradiva v skladišče (arhiv delovne organizacije ali podjetja) in postopkov izločanja (škartiranja). Po takratni zakonodaji je morala imeti vsaka organizacija vnaprejšnji izločitveni seznam, po katerem je izločala oz. škartirala arhivsko, predvsem pa dokumentarno gradivo. Praksa imetja vnaprejšnjega izločitvenega seznama je bila različna, saj so le nekateri izločali po njem, veliko delovnih organizacij pa seznama ni imelo, že zato ne, ker niso imeli arhivista (arhivarja) in je bilo delo z arhivom največkrat dodeljeno nekemu delavcu, ki je imel delo z dokumentacijo običajno naloženo dodatno. Res je pa tudi, da se nekateri posamezniki) direktorji niso ozirali na arhivske predpise, saj je znano, da so uničevali tudi arhivsko gradivo. To ni veljalo le za čas takoj po vojni, ampak se je dogajalo tudi pozneje v sedemdesetih in osemdesetih letih8. Celo v času iz začetka samostojnosti je znano, da so uničevali gradivo (npr. obrabne načrte), da ne govorim o partijskem gradivu. Seveda se stanje počasi spreminja. Današnja podjetja hranijo predvsem finančno dokumentacijo, ker je ta posebej zakonsko zavarovana in jo morajo podjetja predložiti ob raznih inšpekcijah in podobno. Zdi pa se, da za ostalo dokumentacijo odgovorni ljudje še vedno niso detajlno obveščeni, kaj naj hranijo in kaj spada v dokumentacijo, ki naj bi jo hranili kot kulturno dediščino9. Proti koncu devetdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja je Slovenija sprejela nov arhivski zakon, ki podrobno ureja poslovanje z dokumentacijo od nastanka do varovanja. Zakonodaja pa seveda ni popolna, saj je bil zakon deležen številnih kritik, posebej od tistih arhivskih šol, ki pri nastanku zakona niso sodelovale. Seznanjanje z novo zakonodajo v podjetjih pa je počasno, ker se tudi pripravljenost v podjetjih za tovrstno dejavnost počasi spoznava in uvaja. Zdi se, da bo potrebno v bodočnosti prirediti obširno zakonodajo danostim v podjetjih, da bi jo lahko učinkoviteje uporabljali. Posebej se bo to moralo nanašati na vrednotenje oz. škartiranje arhivskega in dokumentarnega gradiva. from origin till safeguarding, however, the legislation was not perfect, while was participated of many critics, especially from archival school that have another sight of saving the archival problems and records operation and did not or had not to co-operate at forming of the law. On the other hand, also acquaintance with new legislation is very slowly because it is also slowly comprehended and recognized because of the working and other conditions at record creators, however, it will have the effects and sense at appraisal of the records and archives. 7. Škartiranje pomeni vrednotenje in izbor gradiva iz arhivskega gradiva, ki mu je potekel rok hrambe. Izraz je bolj udomačen v štajerskih arhivih, kjer pomeni izločanje gradiva in obenem uničenje. 8. Poznam nekaj uničenj arhivskega gradiva. V enem primeru so uničili kar zapisnike delavskega sveta in upravnega odbora iz časa delavskega samoupravljanja, v drugem primeru je novi direktor dal uničiti gradivo izza začetka 20. stoletja, v naslednjem primeru so nas poklicali, ko so ljudje opazili, da iz drugega nadstropja na dvorišče mečejo spise (in knjige, za katere so prej odšteli celo devize), itd. Tega je bilo, žal, veliko, zato se je veliko gradiva uničilo in so morali pozneje hoditi študirat gradivo v inozemstvo, ker je bilo doma uničeno^ 9. V letih 2007 in 2008 so arhivi obiskovali podjetja (a ne vsa, le upravo, šole itd.) in izvajali anketo o poslovanju z dokumentacijo. Iz teh obiskov je razvidno, kako jemljejo hrambo dokumentacije, njeno varovanje in škartiranje. Res je, da se vedno več podjetij zavzema za delovanje v skladu z arhivsko zakonodajo in da imajo tudi že usposobljene arhiviste, vendar se zdi, da je tega še premalo. Literatura Miroslav Novak, Preslikave vsebin v arhivskih strokovnih postopkih. Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor, Maribor, 2007. Peter Pavel Klasinc, Privatni arhivi v arhivski teoriji in praksi. V: «Atlanti» 17, št. 1-2, Trst 2007, str. 109-121. Arhivsko društvo Slovenije, Zgodovinski arhiv Celje, 23. zborovanje, R^azmere v arhivskih depojih, Velenje 2007. 18. posvetovanje ADS, Zgodovisnki arhiv Ljubljana, Arhivi in računalništvo, Gozd Martuljek 1998. Atlanti, revija za sodobno arhivsko teorijo in prakso, št. 10, zv. 1, Maribor 2000. Peter Pavel Klasinc, Nove tehnologije in novi nosilci informacij in uporaba arhivskega gradiva. V: «Sodobni arhivi» XX, Maribor, april 1998, str. 124-134. Prim. tozadevne članke v reviji Sodobni arhivi, posvetovanja o arhivski teoriji in praksi od leta 1991 naprej.