ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS V E N E Z I A ☆ "A THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Mo. 11-1 February 1946 Index , . , , page 31 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor Editoriale Libraria, Trieste • 1946 ' p I : General Order No. 30 REPEAL OF FASCIST AND RACIAL LAWS; ABOLITION OF DEATH PENALTY; AND OTHER CHANGES IN PENAL LAW AND PROCEDURE WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces, (1) to annul certain civil and penal provisions enacted during and for the benefit of the Fascist regime; (2) to annul laws based upon racial prejudice and intolerance ; (3) to abolish the death penalty for offenses set forth in the Penal Code; and (4) to make certain other changes in penal law and procedure ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I REPEAL OF CIVIL LAWS The following laws and parts of laws, are hereby repealed : A. — Laws based upon Charter of Labor and Corporative State. 1) Law of 30 January 1941, No. 14 entitled, „Sul valore Giuridico della Carta del La-voro“, adopting and approving the Text of Charter of Labor, so called, approved by the Grand Council of Fascism on 21 April 1927. 2) That part of Article 1 of the Royal Decree of 16 March 1942, No. 262, which, in approving the Civil Code, also approves the provisions regarding the juridical value of the Charter of Labor, so called, and the Text of such Charter, approved by the Grand Council of Fascism on 21 April 1927. 3) The last paragraph of Article 31 of that portion of the Civil Code entitled, „Dispo-sizioni sulla Legge in gene rale“, which paragraph provides in substance that the Corporative Order is an integral part of public order. 4) Article 811 of the Civil Code making all property subject to regulation by the Corporative regime. 5) The l&st paragraph of Article 1371 of the Civil Code providing in substance that the intend of the parties to a contract shall be construed as having the meaning which most closely conforms to the principles of the corporative regime. 6) That part of the last paragraph of Article 147 of Civil Code providing in substance that the education and instruction of children shall be consistent with the national fascist sentiment. 7) That part of Article 1175 of the Civil Code providing in substance that the comportment of debtor and creditor toward each other must be in accordance with the principles of corporative solidarity. 8) Article 2060 of the Civil Code entitled „Del Lavoro“, providing in substance, that the defense of Labor in all its forms is by means of the Charter of Labor, so called. 9) That portion of the first paragraph of Article 2071 of the Civil Code providing in substance that a collective labor contract shall contain provisions necessary to implement the principles of the Charter of Labor, so called. B. —• Laws based upon racial prejudice. In addition to the Articles of the Civil Code already repealed by Article 1 of General Order No. 3, dated 3 July 1945, namely Articles 91 (third paragraph), 155 (second paragraph), 292, 343, 348 (last paragraph), 404 (last paragraph): 1) That part of sub-division 1 of Article 2196 of the Civil Code which requires that persons seeking to register certain activities as to which registration is required by Article 2196 of the Civil Code must state their race. 2) That part of sub-division 1 of Article 2295 of the Civil Code which requires that in filing documents of partnership, the race of the partners must be stated. 3) That part of sub-division 1 of Article 2328 of the Civil Code requiring the Charter of joint stock companies (Società per Azioni), to state the race of the partners or stock-holders. 4) That part of sub-division 1 of Article 2475 of the Civil Code requiring that the act establishing a corporation (Società a Responsabilità Inimitata), must state the race of each member of the corporation. 5) That part of sub-division 1 of Article 2518 of the Civil Code requiring that the act establishing a Cooperative or Mutual Insurance Company must state the race of each of the members. ARTICLE II REPEAL OF PENAL LAWS Section ? — The following provisions relating the offenses against the Chief of the Government, so called, are hereby repealed : Penal Code .Articles 280, 281 and 282, and that part of Art. 289, sub-division 2, reading „Capo del Governo“. Section 2— The following provisions relating to offenses against the Grand Council of Fascism are hereby repealed: All references to the Grand Council of Fascism contained in the Penal Code, Articles 289, 290 and 313. ARTICLE III DEATH PENALTY ABOLISHED Section 1 •—■ The death penalty is hereby abolished for all offenses set forth in the Penal Code which are made punishable by death. Section 2 ■—-a) The maximum penalty for all offenses punishable by death as now set forth in the Penal Code shall be imprisonment for life and all Articles of the Penal Code providing for the death penalty are hereby amended accordingly. b) When life imprisonment is imposed for the offense set forth in the first paragraph of Article 72 of the Penal Code, the offender so sentenced shall not be permitted to perform work in the open until he has served at least one year of the sentence. ARTICLE IV CHANGES IN AND ADDITIONS TO CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE PENAL CODE Section 1 ■—• The following provision shall become part of the Penal Code following Article 62, to be numbered Article 62 B : „In addition to and independently of the extenuating circumstances set forth in Article 62 of the Penal Code, the Judge, in fixing punishment, may take into consideration other circumstances which in his judgment justify a diminution of the punishment which would otherwise be imposed. Such other circumstances shall be considered together as a single extenuating circumstance which may be applied with one or more of the extennating circumstances set forth in Article 62 of the Penal Code“. Section .2—-a) Articles 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342 and 343 of the Penal Code, setting forth certain offenses committed against public officials, public employees, and those entru -ted with public functions, shall not be applied when it is determined upon adequate proof hat the particular public official or public employee or person entrusted with a public function provoked or caused the doing of the acts charged against the accused by exceeding the proper limits of his public function by arbitrary action. b) The above provision shall become part of the Penal Code following Article 360 and shall be numbered Article 360 - b. Section 3—• The following provision shall become part of the Penal Code following Article 596 and shall be numbered Article 596 - b : „When the offenses set forth in Article 594 (Insult), or Article 595 (Defamation), consist of attributing a specific fact to the injured party, proof of the truth of such fact shall always be admissible as part of the penal proceeding in the following cases : 1) If the injured party is a public official and the fact attributed to him refers to the exercise of his public functions. 2) If a penal proceeding is pending or has been initiated against the injured party for the fact attributed to him. 3) If the injured party makes a formal request that the proceeding be extended to ascertain the truth or falsity of the fact attributed to him. In the above instances, if the truth of the fact at issue is proved or if the person against whom the fact is attributed has been convicted for it after such fact was attributed to him, the person making such imputation shall not be punishable unless the methods used by him render applicable the provisions contained in the first paragraph of Article 594 or the first paragraph of the Article 595 of the Penal Code“. ARTICLE V CHANGES IN AND ADDITIONS TO CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Section 1— The third paragraph of Article 74 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is hereby modified to provide as follows : „Whenever the Prosecutor is of the opinion that criminal prosecution for the offense •harged should not proceed, he shall request the Investigating Magistrate to make the appropriate decree in that regard. If the Investigating Magistrate is of the opinion that the request should not be granted, he shall order the formal Investigation to proceed. The Pretore may also make direct by decree that prosecution shall not proceed whenever he is of that opinion. In that event, he shall, however, immediately inform the Prosecutor of his action who may then ask for the records in the case and thereafter order that th© prosecution -proceed.“ Section 2 — There is hereby substituted for Article 468 of the Code pf Criminal Procedure the following provision with the same number: Article 468: „Upon the termination of the proof, the civil party to the proceeding shall read and may orally develop his conclusions, which must include, when a claim for damages is made, the determination of their amount; the prosecutor shall then make his final address ; and the order of final argument thereafter shall be as follows : counsel for the accused ; counsel for the party civilly responsible for the fine, if any ; and counsel for the party civilly responsible. The Prosecutor, counsel for the civil party to the proceeding, counsel for the person oivilly responsible for the fine, if any, and counsel for the person civilly responsible and counsel for the accusee nfay reply. Only one reply by each of them shall be heard and it shall be limited to arguments strictly necessary to rebut the arguments which have not already been previously discussed. The accused and his counsel, if they ask for it, shall have the right in every case to deliver the final argument and the failure to accord such right shall void the trial and th© judgment. Except as above provided, the final arguments shall be subject in all other respects to the directions given by the President of the Court or by the Pretore“. Section 3 — There is hereby substituted for Article 470 of the Code of Criminal Procedure the following Article v/ith the same number : Article 470: „Whenever the defense attorneys or the Prosecutor fail to observe the directions of the President of the Court or of the Pretore, or abuse the right to speak by prolixity, diversions, or in some other manner, and fail to heed two successive warnings in that regard, the President of the Court or the Pretore may deprive the offending Prosecutor or attorney of the right to speak in final argument. In that event and in every other case when such yight has been properly taken away, the case shall proceed to order a judgment without such argument.“ ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Tr s e, this 11 th day of Decern ber> 1945. H. P. P. ROBERTSON, Colone for ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer General Order No. 31 TAX CONCESSIONS TO ASSIST THE REBUILDING OF WAR-DAMAGED BUILDINGS WHEREAS by General Order .Vo. 14 provisions were made for financial assistance to repair war-damaged houses in that part of ÇV'enezia-Giulia administered by thé Allied Military Government ( hereinafter called „the Territory“) and WHEREAS it is desired further to assist the rebuilding of war-damaged,buildings in the Territory, by means of reduction of . certain taxes as hereinafter appears, :VOW THEREFORE, I. ALFRED C. BOWMAN,„Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer in the Terrtory hereby- ORDER as follows ; . ARTICLE I CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH CONCESSIONS APPLY The concessions of tax hereinafter granted shall apply to all deeds and contracts for the repair of houses, other buildings and installations both public and private, in the Territory, destroyed or damaged through war events, provided that the following conditions exist : A) The fact that the house, building or installation in question was damaged or destroyed by war events must be certified in writing by the President of the Commune or by the Office of the Genio Civile or the Ufficio Tecnico Erariale in the Area in which such house, building or installation is situated. B) The repairs to or the rebuilding of the said house, building or installation must be completed within five years after the effective date of this Order and C) . The deed or contract must have been entered into on or after 1 July 1945 and D) If such document is a private deed or contract, it must hot be undated or bear an altered date. , . ARTICLE II CONCESSIONS TO APPLY TO DEEDS OF PURCHASE OF BUILDINGS OR LAND FOR RECONSTRUCTION PURPOSES A) Purchase of war-damaged buildings. The concessions hereiafter granted shall (subject to compliance with the conditions set ,out in Article I of this Order) apply to deeds and contracts of purchase of war-damaged houses, buildings or installations, (even though such houses, buildings or installations, have been razed to he ground) in favour of persons or bodies who agree to rebuild or repair such houses, buildings or installations. B) Acquisition Of other land. When it is impossible by virtue of housing schemes or other legal restrictions to rebuild such war-damaged houses, buildings or installations on the same land as that on which they stood before being damaged or destroyed, the concessions hereinafter granted shall (subject to compliance with the conditions set out in Article I of this Order) apply to deeds or contracts for the acquisition of other bold on which to rebuild the said houses, buildings or installations. ARTICLE III CONCESSIONS TO APPLY TO ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY COMPANIES FORMED FOR RECONSTRUCTION PURPOSES The tax concessions hereinafter granted shall (subject to compliance with the conditions set out in Article I of this Order) also apply to deeds or contracts for the acquisition of. immovable property, by a Company, the objects of which are purely reconstruction of war-damaged buildings or houses. ARTICLE IV •; \ Y~ A / t ' , ‘ PARTICULARS OF CONCESSIONS All deeds and contracts specified in Article I-III of this Order shall (subject to compliance with the conditions set out in Article I hereof) be subject to the following concessions : A) Registration Tax (Tassa di Registro). Registration tax on the said deeds and contracts shall be at the fixed rate laid down by law. B) Turnover Tax (Imposta Generale sull’Entrata). Sums payable as consideration under such deeds and contracts shall be free from turnover tax (Imposta Generale sull’Entrata). C) Stamp Taxes. All such contracts and deeds shall be exempt from stamp taxes. D) Mortgages entered into by Companies mentioned in Article III. Mortgages entered into by a Company of the type mentioned in Article III of this Order for the purpose of carring out its objects shall be subject (in addition to the concessions as regards other taxes herein granted) to mortgage tax at the fixed-rate laid down by law. E) Contracts for the financing of repairs to and rebuilding of war damaged houses. Contracts or deeds entered into for the provision of finance to carry out repairs to or rebuilding of war damaged houses, other buildings or installations or for the purchase of war-damaged buildings or the acquisition of other land within the terms of this Order shall be subject to one quarter only of the registration tax at the ordinary rates as laid down by law and shall be subject to mortgage tax at the fixed rate so laid down. ARTICLE V FEES DUE TO LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE STILL PAYABLE IN FULL All fees and taxes due to the land Registration Office (Ufficio Tavolare) in respect of the deeds and contracts hereinbefore referred to shall be payable in full as provided by law. ARTICLE VI EXISTING CONCESSIONS OF TAX TO REMAIN UNAFFECTED Further or more extensive concessions of tax granted by other laws in force in the Territory shall not be effected by this Order. ARTICLE VII REIMBURSEMENT OF TAX Reimbursement may be claimed of any excess of tax or fees already paid on deeds or contracts in respect of which such tax or fees have been reduced by virtue of this Order, provided that application for such reimbursement is made to the local Intendente di Finanza within 3 months after the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE VIII % EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into effect through the Territory on the date mentioned on the cover of the edition of the Allied Military Government Gazette in which it is published. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer General Order No. 32 TURNOVER TAX WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to revise the rates of turnover taxes and to amend the regulation relating thereto for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER ARTICLE I INCREASE OF RATE ON TURNOVER TAX The rate of turnover tax as established by Article 7 of RDL, 19 June 1940, No. 762, is hereby increased to four (4) percent. ARTICLE II RATE OF TAX ON POULTRY EGGS The rate of turnover tax on poultry eggs in shell is hereby fixed at two (2) percent. ARTICLE III RATE OF TAX ON WORKS OF ART The rate of turnover tax on works of art which comply with the conditions contained in Article 6 of RDL, 3 June 1943, No. 452, is hereby reduced to six (6) percent. ARTICLE IV RATE OF TAX ON OXEN, SHEEP AND PIGS The special rates of turnover tax on oxen, sheep and pigs shall remain as established in Article 7 of RDL, 3 June 1943, No. 452. ARTICLE V RATE OF TAX ON BOOKS, MAGAZINES AND PAMPHLETS, ETC. Section 1 The turnover tax shall be at the rate of two (2) percent on books, magazines, pamphlets, bound and unbound printed matter, printed music, and maps. Section 2 Such tax shall be applied on the basis of the retail price to the public and on one transaction only regardless of the number of trade sales, and shall be paid at the printing establishment. w Section 3 The retail price to the public shall be stamped or printed on the cover or inside such publications. Section 4 Daily and periodical newspapers shall be exempt from turnover tax. ARTICLE VI INCREASE OF RATE OF TAX ON CERTAIN GOODS AND MERCHANDISE Section 1 The rates of tax on the goods and merchandise set forth in Schedules A and B attached to RDL, 1 November 1940, No. 1608, are hereby increased by two (2) percent. Section 2 The rate of tax established by Article 1 of the above Law for the sale of the goods and merchandises set forth in Schedule A attached thereto, by manufacturers or producers direct to retailers for re-sale without further processing, is hereby increased to twelve (12) percent. ARTICLE VII IMPORTED GOODS The rates of turnover tax established by the preceding Articles of this Order shall also apply to imported goods and merchandise and shall be collected by the Customs at the time of importation. ARTICLE VIII RETAIL SALES Section 1 The turnover tax at the rates established by the preceding Articles of this Order, shall be applied on retail sales, including sales by peddlars, on the basis of the retailer’s purchase price and shall be paid by the retailer on the basis of the purchase invoice, within five (5) days after receipt of the same. Section 2 Purchase price shall include cost, insurance, freight, non-returnable packing, and any taxes or other eharges forming part of the purchase invoice. Section 3 The above provisions shall also be applicable to retail sales of agriculturrl products and easual retail sales by individuals under the conditions set forth in Articles 35, 36 and 37 of RDL, 26 January 1940, No. 10, except that the turnover tax applicable for sale by retail shall be paid at the same time as the tax payable on the purchase documents. Section 4 The turnover tax as above provided shall also be paid by manufacturers and producers who sell at retail by means of their own shops, stores or establishments, without regard to tha location of such shops, stores or establishments and whether or not they form part of the factory or place of production or are elsewhere, except that the tax shall be paid on the documents of transfer at the factory or place of production. Such turnover tax shall be applied (a) upon the wholesale price, plus (b) the wholesale price inclusive of tax. Section 5 In this connection, Article 8 (b) of RDL, 19 June 1940, No. 762, is hereby repealed. ARTICLE IX TAX OF WIRES Section 1 The rate of turnover tax on the sale of luxury and common wines and must and grape* for wine, except sparkling wines and dregs of pressed grapes, is hereby fixed at eight (8) percent. Section 2 Except on retail sales, the tax shall be paid on one transaction only without regard t® the number of trade sales and in accordance with Article 14 of RDL, 19 June 1940, No. 762. ARTICLE X EXEMPTION FROM TAX The following shall be exempt from turnover tax : olive oil, rice, cheese, potatoes, dried vegetables, pig fats and lard, maize flour, and pasta. ARTICLE XI WAR ADDITIONAL RATE OF TAX REPEALED PROVISIONAL PAYMENT OF TAX Section 1 Subject to the exceptions set forth in Article 26, RDL, 3 June 1943, No. 452, the Ispet-torato Compartimentale Tasse ed Imposte Indirette, Trieste, after approval by the Allied Military Government, may order that the turnover tax for 1946 resulting from the sale of the products and the performance of the services set forth in Section 3 of this Article, shall be paid provisionally on the basis of taxpayers’ declarations as to the volume of business transacted in 1945 or. by the correlation of the presumed number of taxable transactions in 1946. Section 2 In the event that the above authority is exercised and the Order made, the required declarations shall be filed with the competent Ufficio del Registro on or before 28 February 1946. Section 3 Tne order as above provided may be made applicable to all or any of the following : turnover resulting from the sale of vegetables, fruits, fish and flowers ; the turnover of peddlars, 'confectioners, pars, cafes, restaurants, wine shops, taxi services, cab owners, motor boats and rowing boats ; and the turnover of persons practicing professions exchange agencies, stock brokers and commission agents. Section 4 ' Article 16 of RDL, 19 June 1940, No. 762, is hereby repealed. ARTICLE XIII AUTHORITY OF ISPETTORATO COMPARTIMENTALE TASSE ED IMPOSTE INDIRETTE The Ispettorato Compartimentale Tasse ed Imposte Indirette shall have authority to re-assess and increase turnover taxes which, as a result of the application of the preceding Article of this Order, have been under-declared, and finance officials are authorized to conduct investigations as. to the truth and accurancy of the declarations on or off the premises of the taxpayers. ARTICLE XIV ABBONAMENTI All „abbonamenti“ in effect for the payment of turnover taxes for 1945 shall continue in force until 31 Decembre 1945. ARTICLE XV PENALTIES The following shall be the penalties under this Order : a) For failure to make and file the declaration prescribed by Article XII of this Order, a penalty of from 500 to 10.000 Lire in addition to the payment of a surtax equal to the amount of tax due., The surtax charged as a . penalty shall be reduced by nine-tenths (9/10) if the tax^-payer files a proper declaration within ninety (90) days of the time limit established by Section 2 of Article 12 of this Order. b) For filing a wilfully false declaration, a penalty of from 100 to 10.000 Lire in addition to payment of a surtax equal to the amount of tax due. c) For all other contraventions of this Order, the penalties ser forth in RDL. 19 June 1940, No. 762, and RDL. 3 June 1943. No. 452. ARTICLE XVI a EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the Territory or in any Area.thereof five days after the date of its first publication therein. Dated, Trieste, this 19th day of December 1945. — ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 53 FORMAL DECLARATION OF ENEMY STATUS OG GERMANY AND JAPAN WHEREAS, for the purpose of seizing and sequestering, enemy property, it. is technically necessary under Article 2 of R.D. 8 July 1938, No. 1415, formally to declare Germany and Japan enemy states ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I DECLARATION OF ENEMY STATUS Germany and Japan are hereby declared to have been and to be enemy States and shall be regarded as such for the application of all existing Laws. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall come into effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated Trieste, 3rd January 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D., • Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 54 INDEMNITIES FOR LAY ASSESSORS OF THE SPECIAL COURT OF ASSIZE WHEREAS, it is deemed just to provide for indemnities and expenses for the lay assessors of the Special Court of Assize established by Proclamation No. 5; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I INDEMNITIES AND EXPENSES Section 1—■ a) The lay assessores of the Special-Court of. Assize established under Proclamation No. 5, shall be entitled to a daily indemnity of 250 Lire for each day of service. b) Such indemnity shall be reduced by -one half in the case of Jay assessors who are employees of the State. State and para-statal administations, Communes, Zones, or other public agencies, bodies and institutions. c) Such daily indemnity shall be paid to lay assessors who report for service but are excused. . . d) Such indemnity shall not be subject to the reduction provided for by R.D.L., 14 A- pril 1934, No. 561. . ' . Section 2 — a) Lay assessors of such Court who reside outside of the Commune of Trie-*te shall also be entitled to the indemnity of „soggiorno“, and travelling expenses in accordane® with the law and regulations established for Judges of Grade 8. b) Lay assessors, residing otside of the Commune of Trieste, who report for service and are excused, shall be entitled to such portion of the indemnity of „soggiorno“, as shall be fixed in each case by the President of the Court. ARTICLE II INDEMNITIES RETROACTIVE The indemnities and reimbursement for expenses set forth in the preceding Article of this Order shall be retroactive to the date of the establishment of the Special Court of Assi z®. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 7th day of January, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 55 ORDINARY COURT OF ASSIZE WHEREAS, it is necessary to appoint Assessors for the Ordinary Court of Assize of Trieste, and to make certain changes in the Law dealing with such Court, within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER The following citizens of the Territory Court of Assize of Trieste : NAME 1. ALE SANI Attilio 2. AVANZINI dr. Guido di Carlo 3. BARTOLI dr. Giulio di Vincenzo 4. BERTOLI Ercole fu Giovanni 6. BENNI dr. Bartolomeo fu Carlo . 6. BORSATTI Eugenio fu Eugenio 7. BRADASCHIA rag. Mario di Antonio 8. BRATTINA Michele fu Giuseppe 9. BRTJSINI Carlo fu Carlo 10. BUFFULINI ing. Vittorio fu Ferdinando 11. BUSUTTI dr. Guido di Giovanni 12. CANDUTTI dr. Edmondo di Giuseppe 13. CORRADINI Urbano fu Ferdinando 14. COSSAR comm. Ranieri fu Giovanni appointed Assessors of the Ordinary ADDRESS Gorizia, Corso V. E. Ili, 16 Trieste, Via Slataper, 10/1. Trieste, Via Battisti, 12 Trieste, Via SS. Martiri,6/II. Trieste, Pendice Scoglietto, 10 Trieste, Via Torrebianca, 32 Trieste, Via R. Manna, 1 Trieste, Via Cumano, 14 Trieste, Via Battisti, 20 Trieste, Via del Ronco, 8 Trieste, p. Evangelica, Gorizia, Viale Virgilio, 6 Trieste, Via Porta, 34 Trieste, Viale Miramare, 45 ARTICLE I are hereby 15. COZZI Silvio fu Carlo 16. DE GRASSI Giovanni fu Flaminia 17. DE VETTA prof. Guido di Pietro 18. de PREGL Ruggero 19. DEVETAG dott. Dorino di Pietro 20. de VISINTINI dott. Edoardo fu Francesco 21. DORIGO ing. Ernesto di Rodolfo 22. FABIOLI dott. Astolfo fu Fabio 23. FIORE Domenico fu Giuseppe 24. FRANZO Marcellino 25. GERLANC Antonio di Giuseppe 26. GIORGACOPULO dott. Demetrio 27. GODINA Leandro fu Antonio 28. GROSSI Federico fu Francesco 29. GUASTALLA dott. Sergio fu Umberto 30. KOSSUTTA Stanko fu Rodolfo 31. JANKE Francesco fu Francesco 32. .JAN’OVITZ Edoardo fu Paolo 33. JURGOTTA <ìf. Ercole fu Giovanni 34. LAURENZANO Francesco fu Vincenzo 35. LONCIARI dr. Aldo fu Carlo 36. LUPI rag. Carlo fu Antonio 37. MACHLIG Antonio fu Pietro 38. MANZINI dott. Giovanni fu Giovanni 39. MARTINOLLI Carlo fu Carlo 40. MI ANI cap. Ercole fu Pietro 41. MICHELCICH Giuseppe fu Maria 42. MIKLUZ Bruno 43. MILLE-RI Romano fu Leopoldo 44. MTJLLI prof. Emilio fu Antonio 45. PALADIN Giovanni di Matteo 46. PAULIZZA-Paulica Andrea fu Antonio 47. POLITEO Andrea fu Pietro 48. GUAGLIANO Sabadino di Giovanni 49. REINOLDI ing. Paolo fu Gastone 50. ROBBA Aristide fu Giuseppe 51. SCHIOZZI ing. Guido di Giovanni 52. STECCHERINI dr. Giorgio fu Ernesto 53. STUBELJ Danilo di Antonio 54. STUPARICH Giani di Giovanni 55. STURNI dott. Edoardo di Giovanni 56. SUSSI dr. Giusto di Giusto 57. VENTURINI prof. Alfredo fu Edoardo 58. VERBI dr. Giovanni di Giovanni 59. ZACCARIA Fracensco fu Bartolomeo 60. ZERBEN dr. Ferdinando di Riccardo Trieste, Via Canova, 24 Trieste, Via dell’Istria, 139 Gorizia, Via Brigata Casale, 37 Gorizia, Corso Emanuele, 28 Gorizia, Via Brigata Casale, 41 Trieste, Via Madonna del Mare, 19 Trieste, Tagliapietra, 6 Gorizia, Viale XX Sett. 30 Trieste, Fabio Severo, 80 Monfalcone, Cassa Ammalati Trieste, Vicolo Ospedale Militare, 11 Trieste, Viale XX Settembre, 1 Trieste, Sorvola, 437 Trieste, Via Galilei, 9 Trieste, Viale Miramare, 23 Trieste, Vicolo delle Rose, 37 Gorizia, Via Parcar, 20/11. Trieste, Via Ciamician, 6 Trieste, Via Montorsino, 7 Trieste, Via Tor S. Piero, 34 Trieste, Via Settefontane, 35 Trieste, Via C. Battisti, 7/1. Trieste, Via Genova, 14 Gorizia, Via Barzellini, 2/1. Trieste, Via Fontanone, 1 Trieste, Via Bazzoni, 11 Trieste, Salita Trenovia, 8 Gorizia, Via Garzarelli,29 Trieste, Via Rossetti, 28 Gorizia, Via Diaz, 1/1. Trieste, Via Rittmeyer, 14 Trieste, Via Moreri, 86 Trieste, Via Piccolomini, 4 Trieste, Istituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vin«i Gorizia, Via Leopardi, 4 Trieste, Via Giusti, 6 Gorizia, Via Manzoni, 26 Gorizia, Via delle Monache, 14 .Opicina, V. Ermada, 4 Trieste, Via Monte Cengio, 19 Gorizia, Via Manzoni, 24 Gorizia, Via dei Torriani, 1/1. Trieste, Via A. Volta, 6/1. Gorizia, Via dei Cappuccini, 13 Trieste, Via Ruggero Manna, 23 Gorizia, Via Mattioli, 19 ARTICLE II OATH AND COMPENSATION OF ASSESSORS Section 1 At the commencement of every case, the assessors chosen to sit on such case shall take the following oath to be administered by the President of the Court: „With the intention of fulfilling as men of honor your full duty, and being conscious ^of the supreme moral and civil importance of the office which the law entrusts to you, do you swear and promise to listen with diligence and to examine with calmness in this proceeding the evidence and arguments of the prosecution and of the defence and weighing them with rectitude and impartiality to form your own opinion thereon and to keep far from your mind every feeling of prejudice or of favor so that as society demands, your judgment will constitute a sincere declaration of truth and justice.“ APPEALS An appeal from the Ordinary Court of Assize will lie to the Court, of Appeal of Trieste on any ground on which under the Code of Penal Procedure, an appeal lies from the Court of 4-Ssize to the Court of Cassation and the Court of Appeal of Trieste shall have such powers only for that purpose as the Court of Cassation would have had on the hearing of such an appeal: AT I CLK IV APPLICABLE LAW The Ordinary Court of Assize of Trieste shall be governed in all other respects by the provisions of the Consolidated Text (Testo Unico) applicable to Ordinary Courts of Assize, approved by R. D. 4 October 1935, No. 1889. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated Trieste, 7tli January 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Off'cer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 56 DISTRICT AND AREA TAX COMMISSIONS WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to re-constitute District and Area Tax Commissions for „imposte dirette e per le imposte indirette sugli affari“, and to provide for their functioning, for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED. C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I DISSOLUTION OF PRESENT COMMISSIONS The present District and Provincial Commissions for „imposte dirette e per le imposte indirette sugli affari“, are hereby dissolved. ARTICLE II ESTABLISHMENT AND COMPOSITION OF DISTRICT TAX COMMISSIONS Section 1 ■—- Article 24 of R.D.L. 7 August 1936, No. 1639, converted into the Law of 7 June 1937, No. 1016, dealing with the composition of District Tax Commissions, is hereby repealed. Section 2-—- Each District Commission shall consist of a President and Vice-President and 8 regular and 4 supplementary members who shall be appointed as hereinafter provided -by the Intendente di Finanza of the-Area in which the District is sitifated. Section 3-— The President and Vice-President and regular and supplementary members shall be residents of District who pay Imposte Dirette. Section 4—t- The Intendente di Finanza shall make the above appointments from a list of eligible persons which shall be formulated as follows: a) The Area President and the Intendente di Finanza, acting jointly, will determine the number of members to be appointed from the various Communes comprising the District taking into consideration the economic composition of such District. b) Ten days after receiving notification from the Intendente di Finanza of such allotment, the Presidents of such Communes shall submit to the Intendente di Finanza a list of nominations, comprising double the number of members so alloted. 6) The appointments shall be made by the Intendente di Finanza from the above list. Section 5 ■—• Except as hereinafter specifically provided, such District Tax Commissions shall have the powers and functions of District Tax Commissions in accordance with all laws in effect on 8 September, 1943. ARTICLE III ESTABLISHMENT AND COMPOSITION OF AREA TAX COMMISSIONS Section 1 ■—■ Article 25 of R.D.L. 27 August 1936, No. 1639, converted into the Law of 7 June 1937, No. 1016, dealing with the composition of Provincial Tax Commissions, is hereby repealed. Section 2 -— Area Tax Commissions are hereby established for the Areas of Trieste, Go-rizia and Pola and, except as hereinafter' specifically provided, shall have the power and functions of Provincial Tax Commissions under the Laws in effect on 8 September 1943. Section 3 *— The Area Tax Commissions shall have their offices at Trieste, Gorizia and Pola respectively. Section 4 —• Each of such Commissions shall consist of a President and Vice-President, and 8 regular and 4 supplementary members, all of whom shall be residents of the Area who pay Imposte Dirette. Section 5— The officers and members of such Commissions shall be appointed, by the Allied Military Government in accordance with the following provisions : a) One-half of the members shall be magistrates or State employees in active service or retired. They shall be chosen from a list containing double the above number to be so appointed which shall be submitted in writting by the Intendente di Finanza. b) The remaining members shall be proposed in writing by the Area President. c) So far as possible, one-half of the members shall be fairly representative of the economic composition of the Area ; and the other half shall consist of persons expert and experienced in real estate valuation and rents. ARTICLE IV SECTIONS OF COMMISSIONS Section 1 — Article 26 of R.D.L., 7 August 1936, No. 1639, converted into the Law' of June 1937, No. 1016, dealing wnth Sections of District and Provincial Commissions, is hereby repealed. Section 2 •— a) The District and Area Commissions shall carry out their functions in two separate Sections presided over respectively by the President and Vice-President and each containing an equal number of members. The Sections of the Area Commissions shall be composed of an equal number of the members proposed by the Intendente di Finanza and by the Area President as provided by Article II, Section 5-a and 5-b of this Order. b) On© of such Sections shall decide cases regarding „impost© di earattere personal© © mobiliare“. c) Th# other Section shall decide controversies regarding ,,1’imposta sui fabbricati“ and „impost© sui trasferimenti“. This Section of the Area Commission shall be composed so far as possible of the members who are expert and experienced in real estate valuation and rents as provided by Article III, Section 5-e of this Order. d) The Intendente di Finanza is authorised to establish other Sections of the District and Area Commissions whenever he deems such aetion advisable. In that event the Sections shall be constituted as provided in subdivision a) of this Section. Seition 3-—■ a) Article 30 of R.D.L., 7 August 1936, No. 1639, modified by the Law of 7 June 1937, No. 1016, dealing with the decisions of controversies regarding „imposta sui trasferimenti della rieehezza“, is hereby repealed. b) An additional Special Section of the Area Commissions shall be constituted as hereinafter provided, to decide controversies which eome before such Commissions in the first instance regarding „impost© sui trasferimenti della ricchexza“. c) Such Section shall consist of a Vice-President and 4 regular and 2 supplementary members, to be appointed by the Allied Military Government. d) One half of such members shall consist of magistrates and State officials, actively in service or retired to be proposed in writing by the Intendente di Finanza. The other half shall consist of Lawyers to be proposed in writing by the President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste. Section 4 — An additional Special Section shall be constituted of the Area Tax Commission of Trieste in accordance with General Order No. 21, dated 23 October 1945, to deal with taxes on transfers of shares and capital, of foreign companies, as provided in such General Order. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on and from the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 7th day of December 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 57 INCREASE IN RADIO LICENSE FEE WHEREAS, it is considered desirable to increase the radio licence fee in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „ Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I The radio licence fee in the Territory is hereby increased to 420 Lire per annum. If such fee is paid in two instalments, then the fee for each six months shall be 215 Lire. ARTICLE II The rates of licence duty for radios used in public places, and the contributions to be paid by Communes to the Ente Radio Trieste, shall be in accordance with instructions issued by the Chief Finance Officer, A. M. G. The period during which persons are permitted to notify the Uffici del Registro of the cessation of use of a radio is hereby extended from the 30th November 1945 to the 31st January 1946. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the first day of January, 1946. Dated at Trieste this 8th January 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 58 AMENDMENTS TO PROVISIONS OF THE LAW 17 MARCH 1932 No. 368 AND TO THE RELEVANT REGULATION APPROVED BY R. D. 23 JUNE 19S2 No. 901, CONCERNING THE STANDARDS OF FLOUR AND BREAD WHEREAS, it is considered advisable in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) to amend the provisions of the Law llih March 1932 No. 368 and the relevant Regulation approved by R.D. 23 June 1932 No. 904, concerning the standards of flour and bread, NOW, THEREFORE, I, AFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER ARTICLE I The applications for revision of the analysis of flour and bread mentioned in Article 16 of the Law 17 March 1932 No. 368 and respectively in Article 21 of the Regulation approved by R.D. 23 June 1932 No. 904. shall be submitted to the Sezione Provinciale dell’Alimentazione. (SEPRAL). ARTICLE II The revision of the analysis mentioned in the Articles referred to in Article I hereof shall be made by the Chemical Laboratory of the Trieste Customs Office. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective in each Area of the Territory on the date of its first publication therein. Trieste, the 9th day of January 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order No. 59 ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSIONS TO ENABLE HEAVY WORKERS TO OBTAIN SUPPLEMENTARY FOOD RATIONS WHEREAS, in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter referred to as the Territory) it is considered desirable to establish an agency to enable heavy workers to obtain supplememtary food rations according to their classifications, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER as follows : ARTICLE I ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSIONS A Commission shall be established in each of the two Areas of Trieste and Gorizia within the Territory and in the Commune of Pola, which commissions shall determine into which of the categories indicated in Article III of this Order the heavy workers living in the above-mentioned Areas and Commune belong. ARTICLE II CONSTITUTION OF COMMISSIONS The Commissions referred to in the preceding Article shall be composed of one representative from each of the following organisations in the respective Areas and in the Commune of Pola : Ufficio Provinciale del Lavoro Camera del Commercio, Industria ed Agricoltura Sindacati Unici Sindacati Giuliani Sezione Provinciale dell’Alimentazione The representative appointed by the „Ufficio Provinciale del Lavoro“ shall preside over the Commission in each case. ARTICLE III CLASSIFICATION OF WORKERS Heavy workers living in each respective Area or in the Commune of Pola shall be classified, according to the work they are performing, into one of the following categories : 1) Heavy workers, agricultural labourers or persons of a similar class. 2) Labourers engaged in very heavy work. 3) Miners working under ground and woodcutters. Instructions will be issued from time to time by the Allied Military Government regarding the qualifications necessary to be admitted into one of the above-mentioned categories. ARTICLE IV METHOD OF APPLICATION FOR SUPPLEMENTARY FOOD RATIONS The Sezione Provinciale dell’ Alimentazione (Sepral) shall provide for the prin- ting of declaration forms-giving details to be submitted by firms for supplementary food rations for workers employed by them, in accordance with schedules furnished by the Allied Mi-liltary Government. In each of the two Areas, and in the Commune of Pola, every firm employing workers in any of the above-mentioned categories shall submit a declaration on the above mentioned form to the Ufficio 4nn°nario of the Commune in which the firm conducts its business stating the names of workers ertiployed in each category. Each Commune, after accurate and adequate investigation and control of these declarations, shall forward them to the „Sezione Provinciale dell’Alimentazione“ (SE.PR.AL.) of the respective Area or the Commune of Pola. ARTICLE V EXAMINATION BY THE COMMISSIONS The Sezione Provinciale dell’Alimentazione (SE.PR.AL.) shall forward the declarations to the appropriate Commission which shall examine them individually and decide finally, according to general principles established by the Allied Military Government, whether the workers named in the declarations properly and fairly belong to one of the mentioned categories and, if so, which one. ARTICLE VI ■ ’ ' - ; ISSUE OF SUPPLEMENTARY FOOD RATIONS After the Commissions have approved the declarations they shall forward them, through the Sezione Provinciale dell’Alimentazione (SE.PR.AL.) to the appropriate Communes, which shall then issue supplementary food ration cards in accordance with instructions to be issued by the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE VII SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS The Allied Military Government shall issue all instructions and regulations governing the issue and distribution of the supplementary food ration cards. ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 10th day of January 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Area Order N. 60 LIQUIDATION OF „ENTE PER GLI SCAMBI COMMERCIALI E APPROVVIGIONAMENTI DEI TERRITORI ANNESSI DEL FIUMANO“ - ( E.S.C.A.T' A. ) Whereas it is considered desirable to liquidate the assets of „Ente per gli Scambi Commerciali e Approvvigionamenti dei Territori Annessi del Fiumano“ (hereinafter referred to as „E.S.C.A.T.A.”) within those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior CiviR Affairs Officer, hereby 0 R D E R as follows ; ARTICLE I All assets of E.S.C.A.T.A. within the Territory shall be and are hereby placed in liquidation. Avv. Bruno Forti, via Nizza No. 4, Trieste, is hereby appointed liquidator of all assets of E.S.C.A.T.A. within the Territory. He shall be removable only by written Order signed by me or my successors in office. ARTICLE III 1. -— The liquidator hereby appointed and any successor to him appointed under Article II hereof shall have the duty to trace and liquidate all assets of E.S.C.A.T.A. presently situated within the Territory, and to place the procèeds in a blocked account with a local bank subject to the disposal instructions of the Chief Finance Officer, Allied Military Government. 2. —• The liquidator shall assume control of the agency of E.S.C.A.T.A. situated in Trieste. 3. —• The liquidator shall be at all times during the liquidation, subject to the control of the Allied Military Government, and shall furnish any reports requested by it. ARTICLE IV All laws relating to liquidations which were in force in the Territory on the 8th September 1943 shall apply to the liquidation hereby ordered except insofar as inconsistent with the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE V This Order shall take effect in the Territory on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 14 day of January, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Order N. 61 increase: in financial benefit for the catholic clergy WHEREAS it is considered necessary to increase the financial benefit granted to Catholic Clergy in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as „the Territory"), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer hereby ORDER as follows: ARTICLE I INCREASE OF „LIMITI DI CONGRUA1 With effect from the 1st July 1945 the „Limiti di Congrua“, the „Spese di Culto“ and other fixed compensations established by R. D. of 29 January 1931 No. 22, shall be increased by 186%. ARTICLE II ABROGATION As from the 1st July 1945 the R. D. L. of 23 February 1942, No. 162, is abrogated. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste this 15th day of January 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer 13 CORPS ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT Administrative Order N. 18 APPOINTMENT OF GAMBEL-BENUSSI RAIMONDO AS INSPECTOR OF THE ISTITUTO NAZIONALE PER L’ASSICURAZIONE CONTRO GLI INFORTUNI SUL LAVORO AND OF Z A N I N I ATTILIO AS INSPECTOR OF THE ENTE NAZIONALE DI PREVIDENZA ED ASSISTENZA PER I DIPENDENTI STATALI WHEREAS, MURARA Candido has resigned his appointment as Inspector of the I-stituto Nazionale per VAssicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro for that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces, (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory; and WHEREAS, MAROON Giovanni Aldo has likewise resigned his appointment as Inspector of the Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza per i Dipendenti Statali for the Territory, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER 1. -— That GAMBEL-BENUSSI Raimondo be and he hereby is temporarily appointed as Inspector of the Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro for the Territory, to serve until the further Order of the Allied Military Government ; 2. •— That ZANINI Attilio be and he hereby is temporarily appointed as Inspector of the Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza per i Dipendenti Statali for the Territory, to serve until the further Order of the Allied Military Government. 3. —- This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste the 29 day of December 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS Administrative Order N. 19 RETENTION IN SERVICE OF JUDICIARY OFFICIALS WHO HAVE REACHED THE AGE OF RETIREMENT WHEREAS, Giuseppe de Dottori and Alfonso Capriolo Judgas of the Tribunate of Trieste and Francesco Paternd, Chief Clerk of said Court, have reached the age of retirement from service ; and, WHEREAS, the President of the Court of Appeal for Venezia Giulia, has requested that they he permitted to continue in service temporarily in accordance with the Law of 28 January 1943, No. 33 ; and WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to make such disposition, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER 1. — Giuseppe de DOTTORI, Counsellor of Appeal, functioning as President of the Section of the Tribunal© of Trieste ; Alfonso CAPRIOLO, Examining Counsellor of the Tribunale of Trieste ; and Francesco PATERNO’, Chief Clerk of the Tribunale of Trieste, who have reached the age of retirement from service under existing Law, shall nevertheless continue temporarily in service, in accordance with and subject to all the provisions of the Law of 28 January 1943, No. 33. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 9th day of January, 1946. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Coonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer PART II TRIESTE AREA Area Order No. 34 RULES FOR THE OPERATION OF THE HOUSING COMMITTEE OF MUGGIA In pursuance of the authority given under General Order No. 10, the following rules and regulations are promulgated for the Housing Committee of the Commune of Muggia and I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, hereby ORDER and decree as follows : 1) Owners, (whether individuals, corporate bodies, societies, or institutions) caretakers of flats and doorkeepers of buildings situated within the precincts of the Commune of Muggia (inclusive of suburb) within .7 days of the publication of this order must denounce to the office of the Housing Committee dwellings or apartments that are uninhabited or those the tenants of which, though they continue the payment of rent, have transferred their habitation or removed their families elsewhere. 2) No owner as above mentioned nor any other person shall let any premises whatever for dwelling or any other use without having obtains previously a written authorisation so to do from the said Housing Committee. This authorisation is also obligatory in all cases of sub-letting and for contracts which have been made before the execution of this order provided the said contracts have not yet been completed. 3) Any transfer of ownership or letting by any means whatsoever of such premises referred to without the written authorisation prescribed under Para 2 above shall be null and void, and the premises will remain at the disposal of the said Committee. 4) Applications for dwelling shall be made out on a special form obtainable from the lodgings office and shall be presented by such persons only as are usually resident within the Commune of Muggia and who have been deprived of their abode and belong to one of the following categories : • a) Bomb-damaged persons b) Politically persecuted persons c) Refugees d) Persons formerly resident in houses or flats now occupied by political or military authorities. e) Persons whose place of employment is located in the Commune 5) Allotment of dwelling will be effected by the lodging Office on the approval of the President of the Housing Committee. A written appeal against the decision of the Lodging Office may be filled - with the Housing Committee on the prescribed form only - within three days of the receipt of the decision from the Lodging Office. 6) Any person violating the provisions of this order will be liable to punishment either under Art. 650 of the Italian Penal Code or under Proc. 1, Art. V, Sec. 42 of the Allied Military Government. Porters may in addition have their police licenses withdrawn. Dated: 31st December 1945. FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG Lt. Coi. Area Commissioner Trieste Area Order No. 36 RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF ELECTRICAL CURRENT WHEREAS the shortage of electrical current in the Trieste Area has reached critical proportions, and WHEREAS it has 'become necessary to provide for reduced consumption of electrical current, NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste Area, ORDER ARTICLE I RESTRICTIONS ON THE (JSE OF ELECTRICAL CURRENT Section 1 — No shops, offices or commercial entreprises supplied by the Communal Lighting System will use electricity between the hours of 1630 hrs and 0800 hrs for commercial purposes, except as provided in Section 2. Section 2. - The following establishments are exempt from the provisions of Section 1, but their use of current will conform to the hours listed, and the amount of current consumed will be reduced by 33 1/3%. a) Barbers and Hairdressers - 1630 - 1800 hrs. b) Bars, Hotels, Cinemas, Theatres, 1630 - 2400 hrs. c) Chemists and Doctors - no time limitation. Section 3. ■—- No lift may be operated in any building in the Area of Trieste without the written consent of the Area Commissioner. Hospitals are excepted. Section 4. — No current may be used for the lighting of illuminated signs. Section o. — No current will be used for the lighting of window display. ARTICLE 2 AMENDMENT TO ORDER The Area Commissioner may alter or add to any of the provisions of this Order by written notice published in the newspaper. ARTICLE 3 PENALTIES Any person violating any of the provisions of this Order shall upon conviction by an Allied Military Court be liable to punishment by fine or imprisonment or both, as the Court may, decide, and in lieu or in addition to such, pumishment the Court may, on such conviction, order the forfeiture of electrical appliances used, or the withdrawal of electrical facilities, or both. ARTICLE 4 EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective at 0001 hrs on January 1946. Dated: 9th January 1946. FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG Lt. Co.. Area Commissioner Trieste Area Order No. 37 APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL OF THE COMMUNE OF THE TURRIACO Pursuant to the provisions of General Order No. 11, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste Area, hereby ORDER the following appointments to the administration of the local Government of the Commune of Tur-riaco, with effect from the date of the first publication of this Order : President of the Commune : Rodolfo Clemente Communal Council : Chairman of- Council : Gregorin dementino Members of Council : Substitute Members : Tonca Emilio Cristin Emilio Facchini Emanuele Martinuzzi Guido Gregorin Mario Millo Giovanni Dated : 4th January 1946. FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT TRIESTE AREA Area Order No. 38 APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL OF THE COMMUNE OF S. PIER DISONZO Pursuant to the previsions of General Order No. 11, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste Area, hereby ORDER the following appointment to the administration of the local Government of the Commune of S. Pier d’Isonzo, with effect from the date of the first publication of this Order : President of the Commune : Faeis Iginio Communal Council : Chairman of Council: Colaone Duccio Members : Smareglia Filippo Beltrame Luigi Bragagnolo Angelo Boscarol Giuseppe Substitute Members : Tivan Giovanni Dated: 8th January 1946. Guanin Costante FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste Area Order No. 39 RULES FOR THE COLLECTION AND SALE OF MILK AND DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMAL FODDER IN THE COMMUNE OF RONCHI Pursuant to the provisions of Order No. 28, I, FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG, Lt. Col., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER ? that with effect from the date of the first publication of this Area Order, Order No. 28 will become operative in the Commune of Ronchi. Dated: 14th January 1946. FRANCIS JOHN ARMSTRONG Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 59 APPOINTMENT OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE GORIZIA AUTOMOBILE CLUB WHEREAS it is necessary to provide an equitable system for the issuance of the authorized limited number of Circulation permits for vehicles, to those public officials, institutions, and persons serving the primary needs of the Area of Gorizia, NOW, therefore I, K. L. SHIRK, Major A. U. S. Area Commissioner'for Gorizia ORDER that 1. An Advisory Committee be formed for the purpose of advising and assisting the Director of the Gorizia Automobile Club in examining all applications for motor vehicle circulation permits. 2. The following persons be, and by virtue of this order are appointed members of said Advisory Committee : Dr. EDMONDO CANDUTTI Col. CARLO MARZUTTINI Dr. MARIO HAUSER Sig. GIUSEPPE COTAR Sig. GIUSEPPE DOLIAK Sig. LEOPOLDO DOLIAK Sig. FRANCESCO PERCO Dated at Gorizia this I7th December 1945. K. L. SHIRK Major A. U. S. Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT TRIESTE AREA Area Order N. 60 IMPLEMENTATION OF ORDER No. 28 IN VARIOUS COMMUNES IN THE AREA OF GORIZIA WHEREAS by virtue of Article VII of Order No. 28 of Allied Military Government 13 Corps it is provided that said Order may be made operative in any Commune, Now therefore, I, James E. Long, Major, C.M.P., Acting Area Commissioner, hereby, ORDER that Order No. 28 become effective in the following Communes, effective this date Bergogna Caporetto Capri va Farra d’lsonzo Gorizia Gradisca d’lsonzo Idresca Luico Mariano del Friuli Romans d’lsonzo Sagrado Staroselo Susida Tamova Dated at Gorizia this 4th day of January 1946. JAMES E. LONG Major, C.M.P. Aetg Area Commissioner POLA AREA Administrative Order No. 22 APPOINTMENT OF PROF. ANTONIAZZI EGIDIO AS MEDICO PRIMARIO OF HOSPITAL „SANTORIO SANTORIO“ I, Lieutenant-Colonel E. S. ORPWOOD, Royla Reg. Berkshire, Area Commissioner of Pola, hereby RE-APPOINT Prof. ANTONIAZZI Egidio «• as „Medico Primario“ of the Hospital „Santorio Santorio“ of Pola, Dated this 5th day of January 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD, Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Pola Area ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT POLA AREA Administrative Order N. 23 AMENDMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 22 APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT I, Lieutenant-Colonel, E. S. ORPWOOD, Royal Berkshire Regiment, Area Commissioner of Pola, Order that Approval is hereby given for prof. ANTONIAZZI Egidio to reasume his appointment of „Medico Primarioli of the Hospital „Santorio Santorio“ of Pola. ^ Administrative Order No. 22 is hereby cancelled. Dated this 16ch day of January 1946. E. S. ORPWOOD Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Pola Area GAZETTE No. 11 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART I HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE Page General Order No. 30 Repeal of Fascist and racial law ; abolition of death penalty ; and other changes in penal lato and procedure .. ...................................... 3 No. 31 Tax concessions to assist the rebuilding of war-damaged buildings..... 6 No. 32 Turnover tax . . . , ............ . . ............................. 3 Order No. 53 Formal declaration of enemy status of Germany and Japan. .............11 No. 54 Indemnities for lay assessors of the Special Court of Assize. . . . ..11 No. 55 Ordinary Court of Assize...........................................12 No. 56 District and Area Tax Commissions.......... ?......................14 No. 57 Increase in radio license fee.......................... . .........16 No. 58 Amendments to provisions of the Law 17th March 1932 No. 368 and to the relevant regulation approved by R. D. 23 June 1932 No. 904', concerning the standards of flour and bread .......................:.........................Al No. 59 Establishment of commissions to enable hectvy workers to obtain supplementary food rations .....................................................18 No. 60 Liquidation of „Ente per gli scambi commerciali e approvvigionamenti dei territori annessi del Fiumano“ (E.S.A-T.A.) .................................19 No. 61 Increase in financial benefit for the Catholic Clergy. ............20 Administrative Order No. 18 Appointment of Gambel-Benussi Raimondo as Inspector of the Istituto Nazionale per VAssicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro, and of Zanini Attilio as Inspector of the Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza per i Dipendenti Statali ...........................................................:.........21 No. 19 Retention in service of judiciary officials who have reached the age of retirement. .22 PART II Area Order TRIESTE AREA No. 34 Rides for the operation of the Housing Committee of. Muggia..................24 No. 36 Restrictions on the use of electrical current................................25 No. 37 Appointment of President and Council of the Commune of Turriaco..............26 No. 38 Appointment of President and Council of the Commune of S. Pier dTsonzo. . . .26 No. 39 Rides for the collection and sale of milk and distribution of animal fodder in the Commune of Ronchi ....................................................... .27 GORIZIA AREA Page Area Order No. 59 Appointment of Advisory Committee to the Gorizia Automobile Club..28 No. 60 Implementation of Order No. 28 in various Communes in the Area of Gorizia. .28 POLA AREA Administrative Order No. 22 Appointment of Prof. Antoniazzi Egidio as „Medico Primario“ of the Hospital „Santorio Santorio“........................................................30 No. 23 Amendment of Administrative Order No. 22 ■—• Approval of appointment.... 30 PART III CIVIL SECTION - INSERTIONS (Omitted, see Italian and Slovene edition)