LJUBLJANA, MAY 2002 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Vol. 10, No. 1: 91-96 NEW RECORDS OF THE AUCHENORRHYNCHA (HEMIPTERA) SPECIES IN THE FAUNA OF ROMANIA Abstract - Records of seven species new to the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of Romania are presented: Stenocramis major Kbm., Alebra neglecta Wagn., Strogyllocephalus livens Zett., Colobotettix morbillosus Mel., Menclrausus pauxillus Fieb., Rhoananus hypochlorus Fieb. and Mocycliopsis longicauda Remane. The genera Colobotettix Rib., Menclrausus Rib. and Rhoananus Dlab. are new to the Romanian fauna. Key words: Auchenorrhyncha, fauna, Romania. Izvleček - NOVI PODATKI O ŠKRŽATKIH (HEMIPTERA: AUCHENORRHYNCHA) V FAVNI ROMUNIJE Predstavljenih je sedem vrst škržatkov (Auchenorrhyncha), novih v favni Romunije: Stenocranus major Kbm., Alebra neglecta Wagn., Strogyllocephalus livens Zett., Colobotettix morbillosus Mel., Menclrausus pauxillus Fieb., Rhoananus hypochlorus Fieb. in Mocycliopsis longicauda Remane. Za favno Romunije so novi tudi rodovi Colobotettix Rib., Menclrausus Rib. in Rhoananus Valentin POPA & Alina POPA 2 2. Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Geology, Babes-Bolyai University, 3400 - Cluj Napoca, Romania Department of Cartography, Faculty of Geography, Babes-Bolyai University, 3400 - Cluj Napoca, Romania Dlab. Ključne besede: Auchenorrhyncha, favna, Romunija. 91 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieskBtttjffHipmologica slovenica, 10 (1), 2002 Introduction Up to now, 410 Auchenorrhyncha species have been recorded in the fauna of Romania (Nast 1987). The first comprehensive study was published by the Hungarian homopterologist Horvath (1897). The great majority of the cicada species reported by him are from Transylvania and Banat County. Montandon (1900) published a checklist of 227 species from Dobrudja and Moldavia County. It was the first checklist of Romanian Auchenorrhyncha. Cantoreanu (1957; 1958a,b; 1959; 1960a,b,c; 1963a,b; 1965a,b; 1967, 1968a,b,c,d,e; 1969a,b; 1970; 1971a,b,c; 1972a,b; 1973; 1975; 1992) carried out the most complete study of the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of Romania. Her faunistic contributions dealt with 375 species, of which 99 species were new to Romania and one species was new to science. Dlabola (1961) recorded 22 new species for Romania and two new species for science described from Romania. Methods The biological material was collected with an entomological net from the herbal layer and with an umbrella for the wooden vegetation and was preserved in 75% alcohol. The species were identified according to morphological features, especially of the genital apparatus, using specific literature: Emeljanov (1967); Giustina della W. (1989); Ossiannilsson (1978, 1981, 1983); Ribaut (1936, 1952); Vilbaste (1971). The European distribution of all seven species is reported after Nast (1987). Results We recorded 7 species not reported till now for the fauna of Romania. These species are: 1. Stenocranus major (Kirschbaum. 1868) Material: 1 male and 2 females collected on 17.09.1999 from an oak forest in the Cheile Turzii area, Apuseni Mountains. Cantoreanu (1970) reported two species from the genus Stenocranus: S. minutus (Fabricius, 1787) and S. fuscovittatus (Stal, 1858). European distribution: Sweden, Latvia, Great Britain, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. 2. Alebra neglecta Wagner. 1940 Material: 4 males collected on 25.06.1998 in the Valley of Abrud at the fringe of a hornbeam forest and 2 males collected on 24.06.1998 in Salciua from a beech for- 92 V Popa & A. Popa: New records of the Auchenorrhyncha (Hemipte-ra) species in the fauna of Romania In Romania only two species of the genus Alebra have been reported until now: A. albostriella (Fallen, 1806) and A. wahlbergi (Boheman, 1845), Cantoreanu (1970). European distribution: Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Switzerland. 3. Strogvllocephalus livens (Zettersted, 1840) Material: 1 male collected on 22.06.1998 in a spruce forest at Doda Pilii, Apuseni Mountains. From this genus, S. agrestis (Fallen, 1806) is widely spread in Romania, Cantoreanu (1970). European distribution: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Northern Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Great Britain, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, France, Ukraine, Italy. 4. Colobotettix morbillosus (Melichar, 1896) Material: 1 male collected on 19.08.1999 from a spruce forest in the Cheile Somesului Cald area, Apuseni Mountains. The male was found on a sunny slope. This genus is new to the fauna of Romania. European distribution: Finland, Germany, Czech Republic, Belorussia, France, Austria. 5. Mendrausus pauxillus (Fieber, 1896) Material: 1 male and 1 female collected on 10.06.1999 from a dry meadow in the Cheile Turzii area, Apuseni Mountains. This genus is new to the fauna of Romania. European distribution: Sweden, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine. 6. Rhoananus hvpochlorus (Fieber, 1869) Material: 2 males and 2 females collected on 18.06.1999 from a steppe meadow in the Cheile Turzii area, Apuseni Mountains. This genus is new to the fauna of Romania. European distribution: Czech Republic, Russia, France, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldavia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania. 7 Mocvdiopsis longicauda Remane, 1961 Material: 2 males collected on 17.09.1999 from a pasture in the Cheile Turzii area, Apuseni Mountains. In Romania M. attenuatci (Germar, 1821) and M. parvi-cauda Ribaut, 1939 have been reported by Cantoreanu (1970). European distribution: Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Greece. Conclusions To the Auchenorrhyncha checklist of Romania we have added seven species belonging to seven genera, two families, and four subfamilies. Among these seven genera, three are new to the fauna of Romania: Colobotettix Ribaut, 1948; Mendrausus Ribaut, 1946, and Rhoananus Dlabola, 1949. 93 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieAaftliii«Sit>mologica sloveilica, 10 (1). 2002 Acknowledgements This work was presented at the 2nd European Hemiptera congress, Fiesa, 2001. We would like to express our special thanks to the ADONIS group for the financial support offered for the trip and accommodations in Slovenia. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Vasile Cristea and to Slovenian colleagues Professor Matija Gogala and Dr. Tomi Trilar. References Cantoreanu M., 1957: Specii de cicadine noi pentru fauna R.P.R. (I). 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