Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home | over 100 years of serving American Slovenians Vol. 106, No. 20 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X Afli E km, ■ L£9Z-10ZZZ VA NOlONIldV o^z^ idv ay 3snoHianoo met (O VPNVAVdM NVIIW ME Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 20, 2004 Phone:(216)431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyevveb.com 70c Slovenian Cultural Garden Cleanup With Spring comes the advent of new life, but in order to have room for new life to grow, the soil must be cleared and cultivated. The newly sprouting plants need to be protected from the weeds that can choke out new life. This is why the board of the Slovenian Cultural Garden Association will be spending time each month from May until September planting, cleaning up and weeding the garden. Because the beauty of the Slovenian Garden will reflect the beauty of the Slovenian culture and people, we invite everyone to come and join us as we work to nurture and tend our garden to make it as beautiful as we can. If you can join us for even half an hour, please do so as every little bit helps. Bring your garden tools, a friend and/or your kids. It’s a good thing to work together as a family. We look forward to seeing many of you in the garden over the coming months. The cleanup days and hours are as follows: May 22, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; June 3: 4 p.m. to dusk; June 26: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; July 13: 4 p.m. - dusk; July 24: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; August 10: 4 p.m. - dusk; Aug. 28: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; September 7: 4 p.m. -dusk; and Sept. 25: 10 a.m. -1 p.m. We thank you in advance for your help. The beauty of the Slovenian Garden depends upon all of us working together. Left to right, Angela Žabjek, Florence Unetich, and Betty Resnik sing a song as Jadran chorus wishes everybody a “Fond Farewell” at their last concert on Saturday, May 8 at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Road in Cleveland. ____________________________________________________________(Photo by TONY GRDINA) Case of Mistaken Identity _ by JOE ZELLE One Saturday evening during the war years I was Working on maintenance and standby duty for radio stations in New York City. The other engineer came rushing into my office and said excitedly: “Come on Zelle, we have an emergency at (Studio) 51.” He grabbed a heavy line nmplifter and handed it to oae. We scooted downstairs and hailed a passing taxicab. At Broadway we headed up West 51st Street. But the street was full of people and ears. So we got out of the eab and started on foot through the milling crowd. It was Saturday night in Times Square, Manhattan, hut we were on an emer-gency mission. My partner and I were soon parted by the crowd. I tried vainly to Push through the people, Mostly screaming girls, teen-agers. I heard a scream, Frankie.” So that was it. he Joy Boy had arrived; I turned around to see the Voung idol, but to no avail. However, the more I tried to see, the more the bevy of teenage femininity pressed around. I was drifting away from Studio 51. I was completely helpless and overwhelmed. Just when I was about to give up, New York’s finest came to the rescue and escorted me to the stage entrance of CBS Studio 51. My partner and I hurried to the Control Room. The emergency had abated. So we stayed to watch the Lucky Strike Hit Parade repeat radio broadcast for the West Coast. Only then I begin to realize that I had been mistaken for Frank Sinatra. EDITOR’S NOTE: In his younger days, radio engineer Joe Zelle somewhat resembled Frank Sinatra in appearance, and he had a nice radio voice, too. Joe was the first American to hear Sputnik’s transmission as it was the first satellite to circle the globe and was unknown to anyone outside the Soviet Union. From then came the space race through the insistence of President John F. Kennedy. Q- - Who was the first underwater spy? A. - James Pond. Rev. Boznar Marks 25 Years as Pastor Twenty-five years ago on Tuesday, May 24, 1979, Father Joseph P. Boznar was appointed the sixth pastor of St. Vitus Church in Cleveland, replacing Father Praznik. Fr. Boznar joined St. Vitus parish in June of 1972 as an Assistant, his 2nd assignment, originally beginning his priestly duties as assistant at St. Felicitas parish in Euclid. Joseph Boznar was bom on March 19, 1944 in Pristava near Polhov Gradec, Slovenia to Milko and Maria Boznar. His father, Milko, became a World War II refugee who fled Slovenia, as did thousands of other Slovenians due to the imposition of the Communist regime in Slovenia; and entire country of Yugoslavia. In 1948 Milko emigrated to Canada. He found em- ployment in the mining town of Timmins, Ontario. In 1954 the entire family was reunited. By 1955 the family was complete with two boys (Milce and Joze) and two girls (Justi and the youngest, Mary). Joseph Boznar requested and was admitted to St. Augustine Seminary in Scarborough, Canada after completing his high school studies at O’Gorman Catholic High School. He was transferred to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland with admission to John Carroll University. He graduated from John Carroll with a bachelor of arts degree in American history and later a Masters of Divinity from St. Mary Major Seminary in Cleveland. He was ordained a priest on May 30, 1970 by Bishop William Cosgrove along with 10 other candidates. One of his first projects as pastor of St. Vitus Church was to begin preparation of parishioners for the 50,h anniversary of the new church building (1982). The premise for this occasion was a two-year renovation of the church interior. Years of constant use of numerous vigil candles and damage from smoke as well as other needs indicated renovation was necessary. Nearly $185,000 was raised for this project. By 1981 two parcels of property, located on St. Clair Avenue, were purchased to allow for off-street parking. Repair and replacement work on the parish auditorium, convent, and parish garages roofs, (Continued on page 6) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 20, 2004 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 20 May 20, 2004 MFiicn&m by mm Eyeing ‘My Fair Lady’ by RUDY FLIS * I In June of 1954, while on leave in England, my two buddies fast-talked me into seeing a play instead of a movie. The play was “The King and I,” at the Drury Lane Theater in London. I did enjoy the play. Last night I drove my wife, Therese, my sister-in-law Lorene, sister of Therese, and a friend of Lo-rene’s to a play I didn’t want to attend. But Lorene, a special aunt to our children, has two granddaughters at Padua High School: Marisa, a senior who was in the play, “My Fair Lady,” and Pamela, a junior who is a member of the band. My wife, Therese, said the play was hours in duration. That would have been okay if I had been active that day, but I had driven my car most of the day and I did not need more sitting. As I pointed my full car toward Padua, I felt as if I was headed toward purgatory. I had a new set of tires on the car so I couldn’t really pray for a flat tire. But, I was among people I enjoy and that should help me through the evening, even if it were a warm evening, like being in purgatory. The lights dimmed, and the band started to play. The sound of the band was not annoying, but pleasing, and the music was pleasant and enjoyable from start to finish. As the play began, it was evident the young actors and« actresses were well prepared for this performance. Temperature and time were non-consequential. I found my entire being totally immersed in the story of “My Fair Lady,” as I had been almost 50 years ago. But “My Fair Lady” this night had much more than “The King and I.” I shed tears as a young actor, speaking his part, not missing a beat, kept re-attaching a falling mustache that seemed to slip on one side with each spoken word. I can’t remember the last time I laughed with no control. Finally, the actor put the mustache in his pocket as the entire audience applauded him and I wiped the tears from my face. I did get his autograph after the performance. I had to; he gave me a laugh that reached my soul. I thought these high school students were flawless in performance; boundless in energy, with a hippiness that radiated through the cast. I consider myself fortunate to have shared such a wonderful evening with this talented cast of “My Fair Lady” at Padua High School in the company of terrific friends. j The lightest ink is better than the best memory. -Bob Mills The Wonderful Family Reunion by JIM DEBEVEC During the last weekend in March, Madeline and I were in Las Vegas for a mini-Debevec family reunion. That Friday morning, March 27, found us at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport ready for a flight to the fastest growing city in the desert where folks come to legally bet a few bucks in the hopes of increasing their money. It seems that every trip, no matter how hard I try, I always forget something. That morning had been cloudy and cold with a few sprinkles earlier so naturally I didn’t have my sunglasses on. Therefore I forgot to bring them along, and it would be foolish to be in a desert climate without sunglasses. So I went in search of a pair in the airport. Unfortunately, nothing fit. So I began walking toward my departure gate and fell in step with someone dressed in black. I looked to see who it was. To my amazement and as luck would have it, it was my friend Bishop A. Edward Pevec. We began telling each other where we were flying. He was conducting a spiritual mission in San Diego and I said Madeline and I were going to Las Vegas for a family reunion. He said that should be a “fun time.” Months previous, my sister Bertha’s daughters Eileen and Janet had e-mailed us saying they were taking their parents to Los Vegas for a long weekend and it would be nice if we could all get together. I hadn’t seen my sister, Bertha Drennen, who lives Springfield, Ohio, in over 20 years. So I answered in the affirmative. My sister, Jean Edwards of Phoenix, Arizona and her husband, Bill, also said they will come. Well, the next morning, Saturday, we were supposed to meet in the lobby of the Paris Hotel at 11 a.m., where Bertha and her husband, Ned, were staying. I was a little nervous about seeing my sisters after such a long absence and at the same time very anxious. Madeline and I walked into the lobby and there was Eileen and Janet and their brother, Edward whom we all recognized each other immediately. After hugs and kisses, we sat down and began to chat. A few minutes later my sister Jean and her husband. Bill, came in and again hugs and kisses all around. Tears began to flow. Brother and Sisters, left to right, Bertha Drennen, Jim Debevec, and Jean Edwards meet at the buffet line in Mandalay Bay at a family gathering in Las Vegas on March 27. (Photo by Madeline d. debevec) All of a sudden there was Bertha and Ned. Having some of the family there was a big surprise for Bertha. She is very straightforward and says whatever is on her mind. After giving her a big hug, she says, “Who is this?” I said, “It’s your baby brother, Jim.” Wow. We had to hold her up and bring her to a sofa. She was really surprised seeing everybody again. After talking ourselves horse, we decided to go over to Mandalay Bay Hotel for lunch at their fabulous buffet. We took up space there for about three hours, talking and talking and really having a good time. That evening we went to 5 p.m. Mass then went our separate ways, promising to meet for breakfast in the Paris Hotel. Bertha has a knack with the roulette wheel, placing her chips wherever her instincts instruct. One time she was playing and her family was putting their bets on the same spot as hers. After a while the pit boss jumps up, and a guy arrives from security. He says, “I know you’re cheating, but I can’t figure out how.” Bertha says, “Don’t be silly,” and fluffs him off with a wave of her hand. At breakfast the next morning we again reminisced for hours, having a wonderful time at a Paris restaurant. After the meal, Jean and Bill left to head back home to Phoenix. In the evening the rest of us met again at a buffet in the Paris Hotel where Ned told some wonderful stories about his love for trains and all the train rides they had taken, and the 14 Holland American cruises they took. He recalled an interesting incident which took place at the funeral of my father, James E. Debevec. At that time (early 1950s), not everybody had a telephone in their home. Bertha and Ned were trying for a year to get a phone line hooked to their home but to no avail. At the time of my father’s demise, Governor Frank J. Lausche came to the home and the family lined up to receive condolences. He offered each one his sympathy and they acknowledged it. But when he came to Bertha, she said, “I’d rather have a telephone.” Lausche stopped, then inquired about the problem, Two days later Bertha had her telephone. We all got a chuckle recalling that incident. As Bishop Pevec had forecast at the airport, the reunion was indeed a fun time and am ever so glad we went. We didn’t hit the jackpot at the slot machines, but we sure did during our family reunion. Devotional to Our Lady of Brezje On Sunday, May 23 at 8 p.m., all are invited to meet at the Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Road in Euclid, Ohio for the annual May devotions in honor of Our Lady of Brezje, Patroness of Slovenia. The Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges is sponsoring this devotional. Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, Pastor of St. Vitus Church, is planning the litur gical program. It is anticipated that various Slovenian clergy will be joining him to participate in the devotional. The prayer service will include the recitation of the Rosary in conjunction with a candlelight procession, Benediction, and the singing of the Slovenian litanies to the Blessed Virgin Mary. --Joseph V. Hočevar, Si da Life in the Refugee Camps 1948 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Monday, Oct. 11, 1948 At 7 a.m., today, I tried going back to my construc-t'on job, but the foreman refused to accept me back. He said, “You walked off the Job last Thursday morning, wbile some of the other workers kept working all %•” “But 1 have health Problems. At least give me Permission to see a doctor.” He told me to come back at *0 about that. He allowed Ziipan and Vatovec to return to work, but with a warning. I returned to the foreman at 10 for permission to see a doctor, but he didn’t have any papers for me. I went ahead to Dr. S. without any PaPcrs, but he wouldn’t help nie' Then I found Dr. Bayer, wbo agreed to see me right away- Dr. Bayer noted a arge swelling in my groin area which he diagnosed as a ernia, probably an injury r°m the shoveling on the c°ristruction job. He said I need to be admitted to a hos- pital and have an operation as soon as possible. He asked 016 'f it hurt. I replied, “No, J!ot too bad.” I went back to e foreman and finally re-Ce,ved the proper papers. I agreed to the operation, j|ar% because I know I will j,aVe trouble being accepted °r ernigration if I have any hea'th problems. % coworkers kept orking on the job all day. ar>k God I didn’t have to -with them. Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1948 At 6:30 ! went to Mass and at 10 to the Leoben hospital. In the hospital I met Franc Korenčan, an old acquaintance from Horjul, not far from my home village of Ziri. He’s in the hospital because of problems with the veins in his legs. Out of 8 patients in the hospital, six are Austrians, one Slovenian and one Polish. One of the nurses is Slovenian. The staff is friendly. The doctor examined me in the afternoon and said the operation would be in 2 - 3 days. Thursday, Oct. 14, 1948 The food in the hospital has been good, and there has been plenty of it. This afternoon Milka Čebašek came to see her mother, who just gave birth to a baby daughter. She brought me letters from Cilka, who has been taking care of our baby back in the camp (about 5 miles away), and from my brother Joze in Slovenia. Joze says our brother Stanko (a priest) has been sentenced to four years in a Yugoslav prison. Nobody knows why. The citizens of Yugoslavia are expected to trust that their communist government knows what is best for the people. The nurse gave me something to clear out my intestines. (To Be Continued) I Kres Benefit Dinner 1^. Lodges Christ the ofnS #226, and Sacred Heart S( ,esus #172 sponsor a thg3 an June 12. 's and breaded eess chicken is SI3. Dinner will be served from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided by Planinski Kvintet from Toronto. Dinner tickets are preevent only until June 6 and will not be available at the door. For reservations please call Sonia Domanko at (440) 944-9780 or Kristina Sedmak at (216) 383-7091. Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law , : •, .1 L .iit Omni Bldg., Suite 500'fior' " 27801 Euclid Avenue, near lL90 Euclid, Ohio 44132 216 - 261 -0200 - fax 261-7334 - Probate, Estate Planning Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice V/s/t us at www.hribarlaw.com Annual Korotan Concert The month of May is filled with celebrations. This year it began with the admission of several new nations to the European Union. Most notable for us here in Cleveland was the inclusion of the land of our roots, Slovenia, which has now been afforded its rightful place as a country of Europe rather than of the Balkans. May will end with a special holiday to remember those who have gone to their heavenly reward, particularly those who gave their lives in defense of others and American ideals. Memorial Day also celebrates the beginning of the summer season, or at least the economic season rather than the meteorological one. Between the first and 31st of May, other celebrations will bring people together in our community. Many youngsters will be making their First Holy Communion, while others will receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Mothers will have a day to receive a modicum of the gratitude they deserve. Some young ladies and gentlemen will be graduating from college into the careers for which they have trained. May is filled with opportunities to gather and celebrate the events which add meaning to life. One more celebration is on the calendar during May as the Slovenian mixed chorus Korotan presents its annual concert. As much a tradition of spring as daylight savings time, the Korotan concert brings lovers of Slovenian song together to enjoy the melodies and lyrics of our beautiful music. This year Korotan will sing on Saturday, May 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. You may reserve seating on the main floor by calling Terry Rihtar at 440-286-5421. Balcony seating tickets are also available in advance as well as at the door. Music for dancing after the concert will be provided by Veseli Godci. Come and enjoy this annual celebration of Slovenian song. The Korotan singers look forward to sharing their love of music with you. --Mojca Slak 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina PAUSE FOR A MOMENT AND CONSIDER... (Found on the Internet) “At about the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in the year 1787, Alexander Tyler (a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinborough) had this to say about ‘The Fall of the Athenian Republic* some 2,000 years prior: A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: □ From bondage to spiritual faith; □ From spiritual faith to great courage; □ From courage to liberty; □ From liberty to abundance: □ From abundance to complacency; □ From complacency to apathy; □ From apathy to dependence; □ From dependence back into bondage. Does above sound familiar? WhatJI missing from your portfolio? Buy a two-year, KSKJ Sinele Premium Fixed Annuity ■ 1 And Get APY ■ * m ' .v^pfe kUniitSl7>0(>nmKdCpo^it. 52>,(H)() _ _ —^ __ _ /7. / Call a KSKj represcnlalive today for a free quote: KS K J 1-800-843-5755 ■VMrutANsl0VtMANCA" ‘ 1 - ‘ or visit us on the xsel* sit: w v* w.KSKJiifc.com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 20, 2004 o < < S Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane bv RAY MI.AKAR __ Harr) by RAY MLAKAR Campaign Platform: Well, Ray is back and in ^ spite of what you may read > O o Q < ■oo 2 w < in the papers, 1 am not in Washington yet but then it takes time, for it even took God six days to create the world, and unfortunately, I don’t think he is too proud of the way things are today. I thought that perhaps after the drawings in the paper last week concerning yours truly 1 would get calls from Ralph, Dennis, or perhaps even Bush. It has been proved over and over again that when you have a rich guy in Washington the last thing he is going to think of is the poor man. There would be a couple of “firsts” if Harry and I hit Washington. The top of the list would be to bring all the troops back to the USA and maybe just somehow, some day, the terrific debt that was piled up might get paid off. I would start the budget reduction by suspending the retirement pay of the Bushes for they are the ones who really got us into this debt from day one. Then next I would solve the gasoline situation for apparently George does not realize how the gas situation is hurting the economy. It is effecting the sales of cars. No use getting a car if you can’t afford to buy gas but then with the unemployment situation increasing, pray tell who could even think of buying a car to begin with. Just this week Timken in Canton closed with a loss of 1,300 jobs. Are you listening, George? As the candidates say, “This is my message and I, Ray Mlakar, approve of this message.” As for the weather, what can I say? Put the air conditioner on one day and the furnace had to be turned back on the next day. It is true what they say about Cleveland weather. If you don’t like it, stick around 24 hours; it will change. Well, let’s get back to the 1960s and back to the Reserve Center and Major Johnson, for it seems like he was a bad dream that would not go away. Sometimes I think he thought I wore a cross on my shoulder and was his personal chaplain and only Fr. Ray could solve them or give him absolution. One day as he passed my office, he sticks his head in and says, “Mlakar, come to my office; I have a personal problem that perhaps you can help me with.” Oh, God, what now? Did his antenna fall off his Army Sedan and he needs a new hole drilled? Might as well lose no time in going t6 his office so he can get his problems off his chest.” He says, “Mlakar, as you may have heard, I have two children, a boy and one girl who have grown over the years and I was wondering since you work with one of the biggest Reserve units here, the Transportation Unit, you know most of the guys and I want to sell all of our children’s baby furniture. You know most of these guys and perhaps know of some who may be expecting kids and would be mofe than willing to buy our furniture.” I rather not, I said, besides 1 do not know all 300 of the guys for it seems they are like you, the only ones who come to see me are those who have problems, like you. “Come on, Mlakar, I am counting on your help.” Tell you what, you can bring in the items on the second weekend of each month on a Saturday when the Transportation Units will be here for the weekend drill. Mark the prices you want on the items with tape, make a double list, you keep one list and give the other to me. I’ll make a sign saying that the items are for sale and appropriately marked and cash only will be accepted and payment will be made to me. Major Johnson did not want anyone to know that it was he who was selling the furniture. “Great,” he said. “By the way. Major Johnson, have you checked with your wife? Are you sure you don’t plan on having any more children?”, I ask. “Yes, I am sure; I don’t have to check with my wife; I wear the pants in the family.” - “Okay,” I said, “but make sure your pants are always up.” Surprising to say the weekend drill came and by the end of the drill all the furniture was spoken for and the guys that purchased it, assured me they would bring the money in the next day, Sunday. The beds, playpens, strollers, buggies, high chairs, baby clothes, were all sold. At the close of the drill on Sunday, Major Johnson and I went over the list and the money so he was as happy as a lark. “Thank you, Mlakar, I owe you one,” he said. I said, “I just hope this is the last of your so-called special projects. You know you have three Regular Army Sergeants assigned here with you as an advisory staff and if you have any problems in the future, call on them.” “Mlakar, I can trust you,” he said. I replied, “Really sir, I work directly for the Transportation Units. You and I work for them, our mission is to get them ready if ever needed for a call up. No place in my job description does it say I am in charge of supplying drills, bits, drilling holes for unauthorized aerials or head up Baby Land Furniture Sales.” I could tell by talking to him it was like talking to the wall, like talking to George Bush. I began to realize that my only hope would be to pray that his three-year assignment here would end sooner than anticipated, but I can give you a hint: God wanted to work out this problem by myself. Well, let’s forget about Major Johnson for a little while and let’s get on with some jokes. Are you ready? A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically, “I see your relatives laying around in the barnyard.” - “Yep”, the wife replied, “in-laws.” Here is another. A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day... 30,000 to a man’s 15,000. The wife replied, “The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men.” The husband then turned to his wife and asked, “What did you say?” Okay, one more for the road. Husband and wife were in the midst of a violent quarrel and hubby was losing his temper. “Be careful,” he said to his wife. You will be bringing out the beast in me.” - “So what?” his wife shot back. “Who is afraid of a mouse?” Well, time I bring this to a close only in hopes the Good Lord will watch over all of you and keep you in better health. Lord are you listening? Do your best to get Major Johnson transferred. This request is made by Ray Mlakar and I approve of this request. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Kopor^ Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 The upcoming marriage of Captain Edward Mathias Cerer and Miss Kimberly Renee Stephens is planned for Saturday, May 29 in Greenville, North Carolina. Miss Stephens is a 1998 graduate of Meredith College of Raleigh, North Carolina with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nutrition, and is employed as a Clinical Nutrition Manager at Central Carolina Hospital in Sanford, North Carolina. She is the daughter of Major (Ret.) and Mrs. James Stephens of Greenville, North Carolina. Captain Cerer is a 1999 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Systems Engineering. He is currently in training with the U.S. Army at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. He is the son of Mrs. Agnes Cerer and Mr. Anthony M. Cerer of Mentor, Ohio; the grandson of Matija (deceased) and Marija Hočevar of Richmond Heights, Ohio and Mara Cerer and Anton Cerer of Cleveland, Ohio. Family and friends in the Cleveland area as well as Sldvenia, San Francisco, Chicago, and Toronto wish them God’s blessings for a long and happy life together. LAVRISHA 216—391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor For Rent E. 200 St. and Neff Large one bedroom apt. New appliances and carpet. No pets. S450 a month. 440-951-3087 i II L čSt. Q/itu± Q/i[[acj£: 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Are you ready to enjoy your retirement? Well then, St. Vitus Village may he the place for you. The village is a pleasant, relaxing environment with a large, beautifully landscaped courtyard. The village apartments are complete with appliances, including a washer and dryer. The facility has surveillance cameras, secured parking, fire protection, 24 hour emergency monitoring, cable 4 V and much much more. Feel free to contact Rudy Sterk at (216) 361-11300 with any tfucstion on how you or a family member can become a resident in our very special community. Eulogy for Eddie ‘Zeke’ Eulogy given by Bob Dolgan on Monday, May 10, at end of 5 p.m. Memorial Mass for Eddie “Zeke” Ver-tovsnik. The Mass was celebrated by Bishop A. Edward Pevec: The Readers Digest used to have a feature called, “The Most Unforgettable Person I Ever Met.” Eddie “Zeke” Vertovsnik was our most unforgettable Person. He should have been in show business. He had the Personality. Fun was his occupation. I knew Zeke since we ^ere nine years old and Playing baseball at East Madison School. He was the same then as always - noisy, combative, a leader. He was a good pull hitter, blessed with hand-eye coordination. Between our games we would sit on the fire es-CaPe and play cards, or listen to him play the harmonica, wbich has the same princi-P'cs as the button box. His nickname then was ‘'Li«le Zeke.” His older brother, Charley, was called ^ig Zeke” because his fa-j'crite ballplayer was Zeke E°nura of the Chicago White S°x. When Little Zeke grew taller than his brother, he simply became known as ^eLe, while Big Zeke be-came Charlie. They were a great team, 'Led by all. Zeke played third base for ast Tech and the St. Clair ^erchants, who won the .^2 Cleveland slow pitch '^e' Charley was the eatcher. On the rare occa-^'°ns when they lost a game e team would argue about be[°r k°urs over pitchers of Zeke was fortunate to live c.s entire life within a large J"0 e °f friends, some of °m he knew for 50 or 60 Einr met w*Le> y us, when they were su- theV'S°rS at anc* , y Were together for over triu^ears- She diversified his Itim^3* 'nterests by taking and ^OWntown for concerts Jm E'ays. He loved the A1 sen musical. ac Ut. Lis big love vvas the ^°rdion and polka music. 'vhe^*aye^ lLe button box n ani^ Lis pals took t)etrtr'Ps to Pittsburgh and garn0lt to watch Browns es‘ He and Charley Zeke composed hilarious takeoffs on songs such as “Que Sera, Sera,” and “Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley,” which they changed to “Hang Down Your Head, Pittsburgh Steelers.” Zeke and Charley, on banjo,” would sing and play the songs at Steelers games and even the rabid Pittsburgh fans would enjoy them. They called the original band, “The Unknowns,” and then “Zeke and Charley and Friends” and were aided and abetted in the music by Frank Zitko, Steve Valencie, and Tony Spcndal on accordions, Don Slapnik on bass, and Dave Wolnik and John Gerl on drums. Marion Belle, Marty Sintič, Bobby Kravos and Zar Valencie stepped in as the years went on. They played at parties, graduations, anniversaries and picnics all over this area. They never asked for a dime. They played for the sheer joy of entertaining. The Thanksgiving Eve shindigs at Mihcic’s Tavern and the Slovenian National Home were memorable. Zeke had a real feel for the accordion and polkas. He was a master on the second Tony's... Old World Plaza 9 * Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s Ha m SA L ON 989 i ; Y;-';623 >216 Wilson Mills Road Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Coming Events... Vertovsnik parts. The group was honored by the Polka Hall of Fame. If he didn’t have his accordion with him, it was amazing to hear him sing in imitation of an accordion. He also served as a Master of Ceremonies, hurling friendly barbs at people he knew. He was ingenious at zeroing in on the core of a person’s being. Many of us felt the pinch of his sting, but we loved it anyway because it was funny. Lenny Kastelic, Zeke’s good friend, dubbed him, “The Don Rickies of the Accordion.” The fun continued almost to the end. He became ill about six months ago. Phyllis took good care of him in the house. She drove him to the hospital and sat with him for seven hours at a time while he underwent treatments. Zeke’s sister, Fran Zupon and her husband, Frank, also helped greatly. Zeke never wanted sympathy. He kept a brave outlook. He was not afraid of death, the last great gift of life. One of the songs he and Charley invented was, “Thanks for the Wonderful Party.” Thanks for the wonderful party. Zeke, you sure made it a good time.__________ Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. —Lao Tzu w. majer services Garage door and door opener Entrance and storm doors. Home repairs and up-dates, interior or exterior. Electrical and more. Call Walter Majer at 216-732-7100 Emergency pager 216-506-8224 We speak Slovenian & Croatian Flower Power 2004 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains. Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216)361-9909 Stimburys Accounting Accounting G Income Thx Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccoanUnft.com j Si-ateJ D PryOct 4»ta* M Strvho j 3f CyKrtJ S--' S. :-, Friday, May 21 Newburgh Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80,h St., Cleveland, OH Pork, sauerkraut, potato dumpling dinner, $9.00. Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 21 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Joey Tomsick Saturday, May 22 Slovenian Choral group Korotan annual concert at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., music by Veseli Godci. For tickets call 440-286-5421. Sunday, May 23 Collinwood Slovenian Home features Pasta Dinner from 3 to 7 p.m. $7.00. Sunday, May 23 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Mother’s Day program following the 10 a.m. Mass and graduation. Program in the lower school hall. Sunday, May 23 Our Lady of Brezje observance, 8:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Rd. in Euclid, OH. Friday, May 28 Dance at the West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 -11:30 p.m. Music by Tony Fortuna. Sunday, May 30 Slovenian Memorial Mass sponsored by DSPB 12 noon at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH, for all the victims of the Fascists, Nazis, and Communists. Sunday, May 30 Slovenian service for all deceased at 3:30 p.m. at All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, OH. Monday, May 31 Memorial Day Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Friday, June 4 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., 7:30 - 11:30 p.m. featuring Fred Ziwich. Sunday, June 6 Opening picnic at Slovenska Pristava featuring Veseli Godci Orchestra. Friday, June 11 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., 7:30 - 11:30 p.m. featuring Frank Moravcik. Saturday, June 12 Folklorna Skupina Kres Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. KSKJ Lodges Christ the King #226 and Sacred Heart of Jesus #172 will be sponsors. Planinski Kvintet from Toronto. Steak dinner $16, chicken $13. Pre-sale only by calling (440) 944-9780 or (216) 383-709]. Sunday, June J3 St. Murv's Siovv-niati School Picnic at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield -featuring Veseli Godci Orchestra. Mass at 12:20 p.m., with Corpus Christi Procession. Everyone invited. Narodne noše most welcome. Friday, June 18 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., 7:30 - 11:30 p.m. featuring Tony Fortuna. Saturday, June 19 SPD Tabor, gathering and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 20 SPD Tabor, celebration and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 20 Collinwood Slovenian Home prepares Breakfast 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. featuring- eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, coffee, juice — $5.00. Friday, June 25 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., 7:30 - 11:30 p.m. featuring Stan Mejac. Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 27 First Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Saturday, July 3 Slovenska Pristava fund raiser for new hall - Stari Prijatelji. Sunday, July 11 Mission Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Sunday, July 11 Catholic Mission Picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 14 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Picnic at VFW Post 4358 on White Rd, noon - 6 p.m. Free admission. Music by Fred Ziwich. Refreshments available. Information call 440-943-3784. Friday, July 16 Slovenska Pristava Picnic featuring Alfi Nipič. Sunday, July 18 St. Vitus Parish Picnic at Slovenska Pristava.'. Sunday, July 25 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 1 Picnic by retirees of Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 8 Primorski Club picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 15 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 15 Second Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Wednesday, Aug. 18 Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens invite all to their annual pic-r.k' . 3NPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner i p.m. Music for dancing by Frank Moravcik. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 20, o o Rev. Joseph Boznar marks 25 years as pastor Polkas at the Ball Game c o 2 o Q 5 UJ s < (Continued from page 1) Father Boznar saw to the spiritual needs of the parish and community with a series of “parish missions” and guest speakers calling for spiritual renewal. A parish reorganization began with the establishment of a Finance Advisory Council as demanded by the revised Code of Canon Law'. St. Vitus was one of the first parishes in the Diocese of Cleveland to form this council. On January 20, 1989 the pastoral council met for the first time. Work began for the parish Centennial year, 1993. Toward this end the renovation of the interior of the church was put under the direction of parishioner and businessman Paul Kosir. The majority of the work was completed in time by September, 1993 for the Centennial Mass and Banquet. The banquet was held at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. The end result was nothing short of a beautifully renovated church interior that remained true to its classical architectural design while at the same time meeting the changes as recommended by the Second Vatican Council. In addition, paintings of Slovenian clergy such as Anton Martin Slomšek and Frederic Baraga were incorporated in the church walls. A new Marian Chapel, Marija Pomagaj z Brezje (Mary Help of Christians) was put in place. Father Boznar provided leadership in establishing a parish endowment trust for future needs of the parish. A recommitment was made to maintain a Catholic elementary school provided that the parish could maintain other parish obligations. The parish remained true to this commitment until 2002 when the school observed its centennial anniversary. The school was able to remain in operation due to the introduction of weekly bingo in 1993 and an ongoing annual parish subsidy. It should be noted that the Diocese of Cleveland did not provide a direct or indirect subsidy for the parish school. In the mid-1990s the state of Ohio allowed use of “school vouchers.” The parish school by 2002 had approximately 70% of the students attending the parish school at or below the poverty level, ranking it as one of the four highest such poverty levels for all schools in the Diocese of Cleveland. In April 1989 the Joseph and Antonia Mihevc Scholarship Endowmqtt..Itqpd.>Q£. • St. Vitus was established. The Mihevc Grant Program provides grants for registered parishioners who attend tuition-paying schools from Kindergarten to senior year in college. Since 1989 approximately $647,000 has been distributed. Since 2000 the parish has also been administering a separate restricted program, the Dr. John Neilsen American Slovenian Grant Program for college students. And third, the parish over the past decade has provided grant support for registered parish families who attend Catholic elementary schools with nearly $250,000. Under Father Boznar’s pastoral and community leadership, the parish undertook the development, construction, and operation of St. Vitus Village, a new three-story 33 suites independent living facility built for seniors. Along with a new building, new streets, sidewalks, tree planters, light poles, all underground wiring and cables, plus rework of front church steps were completed. The work was directed under the charitable and tax-exempt corporation named “St. Vitus Development Corporation.” Father Boznar is its president. The parish took another “leap of faith” in 2003 with a new collaborative effort to revive secondary educational opportunities in urban America through a joint venture between the parish and the newly created St. Martin de Porres High School. St. Martin de Porres is part of the Cristo Rey school network, whereby a corporate work-study program is integrated with a college preparatory program under a Catholic philosophy and approach for students who have no other means to afford and attend a Catholic high school. The first class of about 100 students will begin in August. The parish began a long delayed and needed capital improvements project regarding the church and rectory buildings. Both building roofs will have clay tiles removed with new “summer rose” colored clay tiles installed. Ventilation is to be improved in both structures. The exterior church stain glass protective Plexiglas windows are to be replaced as well as having mortar and masonry work completed. The church organ will be repaired with required interior painting in the church to be performed. The project began in November 2003 and should be completed in 2005. Twenty-five years as a pastor is an accomplishment. One has to only consider the number of Baptisms, First Communions, Confessions, Marriages, funerals, daily and weekend Masses, recitation of the rosary, Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, Singing of Marian Hymns, Stations of the Cross, visitations to the sick in hospitals and homebound persons, to better appreciate the impact Father Joseph P. Boznar has made on many individuals. His calling as a priest and confidant to many is the calling of a parish priest and Father Boznar has excelled in this regard. Print and electronic news stories tend to highlight the sensational and outrageous at the expense of daily and simple responses to human needs. These everyday responses are often unreported but routinely performed daily by priests, religious women and men and laity in a consistent and unpretentious manner. To Father Boznar we say thank you for your leadership and friendship as priest and pastor of St. Vitus Parish, Diocese of Cleveland. We say: Ad multos annos; Bogu Hvala” Many more years of good health, friendship, and service. —(S.K.) In a closing note: In addition to his parish duties Father Boznar is the spiritual director for fraternal lodges as well as having served on a number of Ad Hoc Committees and community groups (Baraga Days Cleveland, 1998, Slovenian American Council, United Americans for Slovenia, etc.).________ Road Hazard Sunscreen may be essential as seat belts when you’re driving. t New research shows that pre-cancerous skin lesions are more common on the left side of the face than the right - and it’s likely due to ultraviolet rays that penetrate car windows, says Scott W. Foško, M.D., a dermatologist in St. Louis University. Fosko’s advice: Smear on sunscreen before you get into the driver’s seat, even if it’s cloudy. Thirty minutes of behind-the-wheel exposure could be enough to wreak havoc on your skin. fa tU Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio 90.3 FM Saturdays 9-10 pm “Polkas at the Ball Game” will be held at 7 p.m,, on Tuesday, June 8 at the Lake County Captains Stadium in Eastlake, Ohio. Live polka music will be heard at the event sponsored by the National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame and radio station WELW-1330-AM in Willoughby. At 6 p.m., the Captain’s Crew, the button box group of the year, will play at the Main Gate. At 6:20, George Staiduhar and the Revue, Band of the Year, will play atop the dugout. Christine Hibbs, Vocalist of the Year, will sing the National Anthem. Polka music will be featured between innings on the ball park sound system. During the 7,h inning stretch, youngsters from the Slovenian Junior Chorus will sing, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” Anyone purchasing a ticket at the Polka Hall of Fame will be eligible for a drawing to throw out the first pitch. Details are available at the Polka Museum and Gift Shop. Tickets are available at $8 each at the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 East 222nd St., Euclid, or call (216) 261-3263. Free parking for Polka Hall of Fame members will be available at 35595 Curtis Blvd., adjacent to the stadium, courtesy of John De-jak. Polka Night at the Ball Game helps support the nonprofit Polka Hall of Fame and Museum, as a portion of ticket sales will be donated to the organization. For more information call the Polka Hall of Fame (216) 261-3263. Opening Picnic at Pristava First picnic at Slovenska from committee members or Pristava is coming up fast Sunday, June 6 is the day. We will start with Mass at 12:30 and after that the dinner. You can choose a steak or chicken done on the renovated grill. Entertainment will be by Veseli Godci. Tickets can be purchased by calling Breda Ribic at 440-943-0621. Profit will go toward the expansion of the hall. Members and friends are cordially invited to come and enjoy the beautiful landscape and an afternoon of leisurely fun and enjoy the company of friends at Pristava. NACHO DIP Sylvia Pisom says this is easy, easy, easy. It stores wel and can be reheated if there is any left. Jacob’s Field (baseball) should serve this with their nachos. Ingredients: Vi chopped onion 2 T margarine 1 lb. Velveeta Mexican processed cheese spread with Jalapenos, cubed 1 can (14 Vi oz.) tomatoes, chopped, drained Directions: Saute onions in margarine; reduce heat to low. Add remaining ingredients; stir until process cheese is melted. Serve hot with tortilla chips or vegetable dippers (3 cups)-Takes about 10 minutes. Microwave: Microwave onions and margarine in 1 ‘A-quart bowl on High 1 y2 minutes or until tender. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Microwave on High 5 minutes or until thoroughly heated; stirring after 3 minutes. REMEMBER: Make sure you buy the Mexican Velveeta, not the regular Velveeta. —Kim Ann Kaifesh _X_ Our Family and Friends Recipe \ Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780rShore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Death Notices EDWARD GORENC Edward Gorenc, 78, passed away on May 10, 2004 at Southwest General Hospital. Mr. Gorenc was born on Jan 3, 1926 in Cleveland. He lived in Brunswick, Ohio. Mr. Gorenc was employed as a Supervisor for Conrail. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran of World War II. He leaves his wife, Stannic (nee Rudolph), two children, Edward (wife Elaine), Stannic (David); grandchildren: Allison and Adam; brother Frank; sister Jean (Donald) Pochon. Sisters Mary, Albina and Josephine are deceased. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home on Wednesday, May 12 from 4 • 8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial on Thursday, May 13, at 10 a m., in St. Mary’s Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fende of Richmond Heights, OH who added a $15.00 donation to their subscription renewal in memory of Angela Fende and Frank and Charles Mainer. In Memory Thanks to Angela Hutar of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a SI0.00 donation in memory of her husband. Matt Hutar. In Memory Thanks to Mary Wolf of Richmond Hts., OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Frank Wolf and Rudy Schmoltz. In Memory Thanks to Edward Furlich of Cleveland, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of his wonderful wife, Sally J. Furlich. In Loving Memory of the 7th Anniversary of the death of Caroline Mihelich Died May 17,1997 In Loving Memory Of the 33rd Anniversary of the death of ^ light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. We have to mourn the loss of one We did our best to save, beloved on earth, regretted still, Remembered in the grave. T’ was hard to part with one so dear, *|hle thought the time was near, arewell, dear one, life is past, Ur love for you till the end "'ill last. Sadly missed by son, Joseph, sister Pauline Sasa brother-in-law Steve Sasa Joseph Mihelich died May 20,1971 33 years have gone by since you were at bur side. Remembered, how rough things were. Now, I understand what they were. In my heart you still live in all the things I do. Now mom’s at your side. I hope it’s a pleasant ride. Sadly missed by Son,Joseph and Family Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 In Memory Thanks to Ivana Volčjak of Willoughby, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $23.00 donation in memory of her husband, Jože Volčjak. In Memory Thanks to Molly Hribar of Warren, MI who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of husband Frank J. Hribar and her sister Mary Zupan-chick. In Memory Thanks to tour guide Mimi Stibil of Parma Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a magnificent donation of $65.00 in memory of the Stibil and Oblak Families. In Memory Thanks to Albina M. Zimmerman of Euclid, OH for her $25.00 donation in memory of 30th anniversary of her husband, Adolph -Otto Zimmerman. In Memory Thanks to Tony and Dorothy Spendal of Willoughby, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of parents Anton and Mary Spendal and Anton and Antonia Kapel. Donation Thanks to Vida Yakos of Hales Comers, WI who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation! In Loving Memory of Stephanie Rahne nee Dezelan Who was born Dec. 26, 1917 and died May 21, 1998 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. Sadly missed by: Brothers Joseph and Louis Dezelan and many nieces, nephews, and friends. Cleveland, OH May 20, 2004 Donation Thanks to Dr. Margaret Gorensek of Ft. Lauderdale, FL who added a magnificent $65.00 donation to her subscription renewal. Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Marija Dimitrijevic, Cleveland, OH -- $10.00. Felix Mavec, Joliet, IL — $5.00. Lawrence C. Luzar, Mentor, OH — $10.00 Branko Pogačnik, Kirt-land, OH -$10.00 Cvetka Benedejčič, Chardon, OH — $10.00 Frances Rigler, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Ivan and Paula Hauptman, Richmond Heights, OH — $15.00 Stanko and Maria Vla-sic, Chicago, IL — $15.00 Julia Kacin, Downers Grove, IL — $5.00 Joseph Kolman, Pittsburgh, PA — $5.00 Mary T. Pike, Chardon, OH -$10.00 Martin and Mimi Lisac, Mentor, OH — $10.00 Victor Luzar, Mentor, OH -$10.00 Edward Veider, Willoughby Hills, OH — $10.00 Ivy Tominec, Lexington, SC-$10.00 Felix Gaser, Richmond Heights, OH — $15.00 Daniella Žnidar, Cleveland, OH -$15.00 Mark Erdani, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Robert Blatnik, Rowlett, TX -$15.00 Ciril Vehovec, Edward, OH - $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Globokar, Concord, OH — $15.00 Enjoy paper Editor, Continue to enjoy the paper... with it’s timely articles about Slovenia and the various regular writers who contribute with their personal ^ touch of life and their expe- -riences. £ —Violet Ruparich ^ Pittsburgh, PA c Poppy Sale St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 will be selling poppies after all the Masses on the weekend of May 22/23 outside St. Vitus Church on Lausche Avenue. All donations collected will be given for charitable projects on behalf of veterans in hospitals and nursing homes. Honest differences of views and honest debate are not disunity. They are vital process of policy making among free men. —Herbert Hoover Why shouldn’t truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to stick to possibilities. —Mark Twain All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, desire. —Elizabeth Delene Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. Son^Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEIAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wcsb otg Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185'" Area * 531-7700 -- Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) AMERIŠKA DOMUVIIna, 8 News From Slovenia... Slovenia, one of 10 na-^ lions that joined the Euro-3 pean Union this month, had >• its credit ratings raised to the level of Japan and Taiwan by .. Standard & Poor’s, which 2 cited progress toward > adopting the euro as its cur- 2 rency. O Slovenia’s foreign-debt Q rating was increased by one level to AA-, three levels >£ short of the highest grade, g- from A+, S&P said in a S statement from London. The < rating is the highest S&P has awarded to any eastern European country. Slovenia is likely to be among the first of the EU newcomers to switch its currency to the euro after bringing its budget deficit, inflation and debt burden toward levels typical of existing euro countries. 4"1 Case of Mad Cow Tests carried out by Slovenian veterinary authorities have confirmed the fourth case of mad cow disease in Slovenia. No Terrorism Interior Minister Rado Bohinc recently declared there was no direct threat of a terrorist attack in Slovenia. But with more and more evidence implicating Al-Qaida for the recent terrorist attack in Madrid, the threat from terrorism has been put in a completely new perspective. Commenting on this, Professor Bojko Bucar from the Faculty of Social Sciences remarked that, indirectly Al-Qaida has already transmitted terrorism to Europe with attacks in Istanbul. The terrorist attacks in Madrid are just the logical continuation of this new terrorist activity. Europe and Slovenia will probably become less safe areas. In the aftennath of the September 11'" attacks Professor Bucar had already argued that Slovenia will become a target for terrorism if it supported the United States militarily. The most common targets for terrorist attacks are places with a high population density or important infrastructure. Some of the potential targets in Slovenia could thus be the nuclear power station in Krsko, Brnik and Maribor airports. Koper harbor, the Karavanke tunnel and the international border at Obrežje. Consequences of Membership Slovenia’s membership in both NATO and the European Union will undoubtedly affect its international relations. But what effect will this have on Slovenia’s security? Professor Bucar argues that it primarily depends on the activities of both organizations in the international community as well as what happens inside the new member states. The EU’s policies towards Islamic countries has been moderate until now and tolerant to- ward member-states so there is no reason to expect a bigger terrorist threat. NATO, however, is a different story. The important thing will be NATO’s engagement in Afghanistan, the success of that mission and its interest in intervening in other crisis areas. In Bucar’s opinion, Slovenia’s foreign policy is unlikely to significantly raise the threat of terrorist attacks. Thanks to Phil Hrvatin for all this news. National Atlas of Slovenia This iitl.is mis produced by a team ot }>eo}>rapher.s. historians and social scientists to commemorate the 10th anniversary ol Slovenia’s independence.. Chapters address geography, cartography and terrain as well as landscapes, colonization and settlements, population trends, emigration, economy, infrastructure and environment, lots maps, 70 color photos and 2-t tables and graphs in its nearly 200 pages. Cloth-bound hardback edition - S7.V00 (ISBN ‘Kil-209-2 l.i-.S). “II is intimi impressim when it t tiitnlni linn is siiinlln I Inin l-ttkr OiUnrio tnul hits nlwm urn niillinn peep/r Seim than ninny ll.fi. cities - can pm mil a national alias ns well preselitev/ as this inn:." __________ I he Library /orn im/, /ime, 2UIIJ The Atlas of Slovenia The third edition of the 1992 Atlas of Slovenia by publisher Mladinska Knjiga, the atlas is extended and updated, with 211! pages of detailed, oasy-lo-rcad, five-color maps (scale 1: 50,000) covering the entire country. (The same type of atlas of Croat Britain would require 1,320 pages of maps.) the volume also contains statistics on the nation's most significant features, 11) full-page; aerial photographs, and 4-1 plans of towns and villages. 386 pages, 239 maps and 175 color photos. Hardback edition - $120. (ISBN 1)6-11-13110-3). Others t.an bt; placed by credit card on-line at www.HooksofSlovenia.com or by sending a t heck (or purchase order) payable (o Books of Slovenia to 45.3 Rialto Avenue, Venice, CA 90291. ITiecs include shipping and handling (lor Canada add $]()). For information t all (310) 392-4843 or email BooksofSlovcniafac omcast.net. In Our Hearts and Memory They Are Always With Us FATHER, GRANDFATHER, GREAT-GRANDFATHER Joseph Zele Sr. MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, GREATGRANDMOTHER Theresa Zele BROTHER Henry Zele Born June 23, 1910 Died Oct. 22, 1918 Born March 8, 1867 Died May 22, 1953 Born Oct. 15, 1884 Died Apr. 27, 1947 BROTHER BROTHER Ferdinand Zele August Zele Born May 30, 1896 Born Aug. 11, 1906 Died Feb. 15, 1919 Died July 12, 1934 HUSBAND, FATHER GRANDFATHER, BROTHER Louis Zele Born June 10, 1908 Died Apr. 18, 1964 HUSBAND, FATHER GRANDFATHER, BROTHER Joseph Zele Jr. Born Nov. 11, 1917 Died Jan. 19, 1974 WIFE, MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, SISTER Josephine Hirter Born March 2, 1912 Died Feb. 20, 1982 IN LOVING MEMORY FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina ..1 3 rl LMi 'Cl iT*Ti ’i i -g= AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, May 20, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Volilna kampanja za sedem slovenskih Sedežev v evropskem parlamentu v polnem teku - Volitve bodo v nedeljo, 13. junija Politične stranke v Sloveniji se zdaj tek-®ujejo za priljubljenost svojih kandidatov Za sedeže v evropskem parlamentu, ki za-seda v francoskem Strasbourgu. Za volivno "mpanjo, ki bo mogla uradno trajati do Junija, lahko stranka porabi največ do nhlijonov tolarjev oz. kakih 450 tisoč °aijev. Stranke so vsaka predlagale po 7 andidatov, volilci pa bodo lahko uporabili lm- “preferenčni” glas, kar teoretično po-da bi lahko bil izvoljen tudi sedmi uidat na strankinem seznamu. To Poštev npr. pride pri ZLSD, kjer je strankin prednik in predsednik parlamenta Borut 0r sedmi na seznamu. koncu leta 2003 je bilo v Slovenyi skoraj 40.000 tujih delavcev j.0 Podatkih pristojnega ministrstva za s, 0 je konec leta 2003 delalo v Sloveniji teh^ ^^00 državljanov drugih držav, od jj. iz dosedanjih in 557 iz novih čla-C Več kot 36.000 delavcev je bilo z nekdanje SFRJ, od teh 20.000 z obuiočja ^nimi delovnimi dovoljenji, “o ___i__________ Jjitv, Movenc avstrijskih podatkih bo (glede na o-pri pretoku delovne sile) od 1800 jHjj. JCev7 ki so delali v Avstriji pred 1. | ol^ij111’ lahko po novem služilo evre še ^00 delavcev. Na drugi strani v Slone^' Avstrijcev, večinoma me- erJev in raznih drugih strokovnjakov. Vi v °Vensko vojsko bo zadostovalo 14.000 ■lakov _ načrt bo uresničen leta 2015 2oQ?n slrateškem pregledu obrambe za leto g3 ^ ^3 z vizijo razvoja do leta 2015, ki Owl Podstavil minister za obrambo Anton Cld' ^ v Slovenski vojski čez 11 let 14.000 vojakov (doslej načrtovanih brigal’ °d tega v poklicni sestavi v dveh S), ’gadah najmanj 8500 mož, poleg tega še 20.000 pripradnike strateške rezerve. Na ministrstvu naj bi se število zaposlenih zmanjšalo za tisoč delavcev. Slovenski proračunski primanjklja ni previsok za merila Evropske unije Evropska komisija v Bruslju je šest novink (od skupaj sedmih) opozorila, da imajo previsok proračunski primanjkljaj. Slovaška 3,6-odstotka previsok, Poljska (4,1), Madžarska (5,9), Ciper (6,3), Malta (9,7), rekorderka je pa Češka z 12,9 odstotka. In Slovenija? Lanski njen proračunski primanjkljaj je bil za 1,8 odstotka v mejah dovoljenega (3 odstotki). Novo sodelovanje z ZDA Vlada je na svoji seji pretekli teden podprla izvedbeni sporazum z ZDA za namestitev portalnih monitorjev v Luki Koper, ki bodo preprečevali nedovoljen vnos in iznos jedrskih in drugih radioaktivnih snovi v Slovenijo. S tem bo uspešnejši boj proti nedovoljeni trgovini z jedrskimi in drugimi radioaktivnimi snovmi. Nova “Dolenjka” se približuje Na novi hitri cesti, tako imenovani Dolenjki, bodo prihodnji mesec odprli nov avtocestni odsek (9,2 kilometra od Kronova do Smednika), konec leta bo novih 41 kilometrov, leta 2007 naj bi se po avtocesti vozili (103 kilometri) od Ljubljane do Obrežja, napovedujejo. Novi vitezi in dame Božjega groba V Sloveniji sta dva starodavna viteška reda, povezana s Cerkvijo: malteški vitezi in red Božjega groba. Preteklo soboto na slovesnosti v ljubljanski stolnici se je dosedanjem dvajsetim vitezom in damam Božje-ta groba pridružilo sedemnajst novih. Med slednjimi je tudi msgr. Franci Petrič. Ko je bil red ustanovljen pred tremi leti v Slove-njji, je bil eden od prve skupine vitezov imenovan tudi dr. Karl B. Bonutti. k^M VEČ KOT 15 PRIKRITIH GROBIŠČ - Fotografija zgoraj spremlja članek Ake §an° Poglavje loške zgodovine”, ki je ponatisnjen na str. 15 izpod peresa novi-pka oh*1* ^akbarjeve, ki je tudi avtorica fotografije. Pravi, da je v zvezi s pripravo Cv»a 'skala prikrita grobišča Lovrenško grapo pod Lubnikom, Matjaževo jamo blizu Crngrob, torej se da sklepati, da je fotografija nastala pri enem teh. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Korotanov koncert— To soboto zvečer vas pevski zbor Korotan vabi na koncert, ki bo v SND na St. Clairju s pričetkom ob 7. uri. Po koncertu bo ples. Vstopnice bodo na razpolago pri vhodu v dvorano, ako želite več informacij, pokličite Cvetko Rihtar na 440-286-5421. Otvoritev Slov. pristave— To bo v nedeljo, 6. junija. Za informacije in nakaznice za kosilo (samo v predprodaji) kličite Bredo Ribič na 440-943-0621. Novi grobovi Frances A. Tomsk Dne 15. maja je v zavetišču Little Sisters of the Poor, kjer je živela zadnjih 12 let, umrla Frances A. Tomšič, rojena Legan, vdova po Franku, mati Thomasa, 5-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, leta 1931 je bila končala tečaj za bolniške sestre pri bolnišnici St. Alexis, članica AMLA št. 50, KSKJ št. 146 in SŽZ št. 42. Pogrebna sv. maša bo nocoj ob 7.30 pri Little Sisters of the Poor, 4291 Richmond Rd., Warrensville Hts., OH 44112, kjer bodo ure kropljenja pop. od 3. do 5. in zv. od 6. do 7.15 ter tudi v petek dopoldne od 10.30 do 11. ure, nato bo pokop na Kalvarije pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin Little Sisters of the Poor na zgoraj omenjeni naslov. Pogreb je v oskrbi Ferfolijevega zavoda. Ann Hoge Umrla je 95 let stara Ann Hoge s Seven Hillsa, rojena Bobnar, vdova po Edwardu, mati Geralda, sestra Williama ter že pok. Agnes Žagar, Rudolpha, Mary Kogoy in Charlesa, teta. Pogreb je danes v oskrbi Ferfolijevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Colum-kille in pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Mary Yanchar Dne 15. maja je umrla 79 let stara Mary Yanchar, rojena Stražišar, vdova po Albertu, mati Ricka in že pok. Ronalda, sestra že pok. Antona, teta. Pogreb je bil 19. maja v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s pokopom na pokopališču Vernih duš. Angela E. Svekric Umrla je Angela E. Sve- (dalje na str. 16) Spominska sv. maša— Društvo SPB vabi na spominsko sv. mašo, ki bo v nedeljo, 30. maja, opoldne na svetišču Lurške Matere božje na Chardon Rd. Popoldne ob 4h bodo molitve na pokopališču Vernih duš. Zanimiva letna seja— Preteklo nedeljo je bila letna seja Slovenskega doma za ostarele. Udeležba je bila sicer manjša od običajne, vendar so odborniki poročali o zelo uspelem letu 2003/2004, pojasnili pa tudi načrt za gradnjo novega objekta oz. “kampusa” v Madisonu, O. Glede slednjega projekta bodo v prihodnjih mesecih obširneje poročali. Na volitvah novih direktorjev za tri leta (vsako leto je izvoljena tretjina vseh direktorjev) so bili ponovno izvoljeni: Doug Eler-sich, Robert Klancher, Vera Maršič, Joe Miskulin in Scott Žele, nadomestni direktor za eno leto je John Pestotnik. Popravek— V zahvali za Jožeta Jur-šiča, ki je bil objavljen pretekli teden, sta bili dve pomoti. Pogrebni zavod je bil namreč Želetov in ne Zakrajškov, omenjeni Joey je pa pokojnikov vnuk in ne svak. Kresov piknik— Folklorna skupina Kres ima piknik v soboto, 12. junija, na Slovenski pristavi. Na razpolago bo kosilo od 5. pop. do 8. zv., nakaznice so le v predprodaji in to do 6. junija. Za več informacij in nakaznice, kličite ali Sonjo Domanko na 440-944-9780 ali Kristino Sedmak na 216-383-7091. KOLEDAR MAJ 31. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima Spominski dan prireditev na Triglavskem parku. JUNIJ 12. - Folklorna skupina Kres ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 19., 20. - Tabor DSPB priredi spominsko proslavo na Slovenski pristavi za padle domobrance. Dne 19. junija molitve na SP, v nedeljo, 20. jun., sv. maša ob 12. uri opoldne pri Spominski kapelici. 27. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima prvi piknik na svojem parku. Društvo Tabor v Kanadi vodi nabirko... Spominski sklad dr. Valentina Meršola TORONTO, Ont. - Člani in prijatelji društva Tabor v Torontu, Trentonu, Londonu in Lethbridgeu, Kanada, se z denarnim skladom spominjamo dr. Valentina Meršola, ki je v tistih strašnih dneh koncem maja 1945 kot poklicni zdravnik in vodja civilnega begunskega taborišča pri Vetrinju na Koroškem dosegel z odločnim nastopom in izvrstnim znanjem angleščine pri britanskem vojaškem poveljstvu v Celovcu preklic prisilnega vračanja civilistovv Slovenijo. Z dr. Meršolom se hvaležno spominjamo še majorja Paula Barreja, Kanadčana v britanski vojski, ki je osebno poznal dr. Meršola in po njem spoznal Slovence ter razumel njih stisko in usodo. Dr. Meršol je s tem junaškim dejanjem rešil deset tisoč slovenskih in stotisoče življenj pripadnikov drugih narodov bivše Jugoslavije, ki so se v maju 1945 nahajali na Koroškem. Izprosil nam je skoraj šestdeset let življenja. Odšli smo begunci v svet - v Združene države, Kanado, Argentino in Avstralijo - v novo življenje brez strahu, v svobodo novih domovin, ustvarili smo družine in razglašali slovensko ime po vsem svetu. Z nami je romala brezjanska Marija in po dolgem križevem potu še vedno drsijo jagode rožnega venca med ostarelimi prsti naših rok. In naši otroci so še vedno Slovenci. V naših srcih živi še vedno hvaležen spomin na velikega Slovenca dr. Meršola, ljubljanskega zdravnika, čigar ime po večno zapisano v zgodovini našega naroda. Kanadski Slovenci poklanjamo darove spominskega sklada dr. Valentina Meršola Slomškovi ustanovi v Sloveniji, ki pomaga pomoči potrebnim študentom v katoliških srednjih šolah. Dosedaj so darovali: Čekuta, Vili ........................... U S. $ 200 (op. - vsi sledeči darovi v kanadski valuti Ančimer, Danica ................................ $100 Arhar, Cveta .................................... 200 Bain, Cecilija ................................... 10 Bajt, Marija .................................... 300 Bolta, Ivanka .................................... 20 Brunšek, Zinka ................................... 40 Dejak, Alojzij .................................. 100 Drenšek, Jože .................................... 50 Društvo Tabor ................................... 100 Ferkulj, Edvard .................................. 50 Ferkul, Mia ..................................... 250 Gasser, Ana ...................................... 50 Hudovernik, Leopold .............................. 50 Jaklič, Jože ..................................... 50 Jereb, Marija ................................... 200 Kastelic, Janez ................................. 100 Kastelic, Jože .................................. 250 Kastelic, Jože in Pepca .......................... 50 Kokalj, Francka .................................. 50 Koščak, Frank .................................... 50 Koželj, Jože .................................... 100 Kraljič, Frank ................................... 25 Kramar, Francka .................................. 50 Kramar, Marija ................................... 50 Krmelj, Marija .................................. 100 Kuk, Marija ...................................... 50 Kus, Frank st..................................... 50 Kus, Rudi ........................................ 50 Kveder, Pavle .................................... 50 Lavriša, Marija ................................. 100 Legan, Katarina .................................. 50 Markež, Marija ................................... 40 Mate, Frank ..................................... 100 Meden, Jože ..................................... 100 Mlakar, Marija ................................... 50 Muhič. Ciril ..................................... 20 Muhič, Mara .................................... 50 Muhič, Tone In Marija ........................... 100 Osredkar, Franc in Mara ......................... 100 Perovšek, Franc .................................. 40 Petrovčič, Lojze in Cvetka ....................... 50 Pleško, Ciril ..................................... 50 Pleško, Stane .................................... 50 Pogačar, Jože in Ema ............................. 100 Potočnik, Angela .................................. 30 Resnik, Rudi in Anica ............................ 100 Rigler, Lojze ..................................... 30 Slana, Janez .................................... 100 Smolej, Helena .................................... 50 Staj an, Slavka .................................. 100 Staniša, Frank .................................... 50 Sterle, Martin ................................... 100 Stražar, Franc in Julka ........................... 40 Špringer, Ivanka .................................. 20 Štih, Anton ....................................... 50 Šušteršič, Joža ................................... 50 Tomšič, Frank ..................................... 50 Torkar, Franc ..................................... 20 Urbanc, Peter ..................................... 51 Vale, Anton ...................................... 100 Vičič, Kristina ................................. 10 Vidergar, Francka ................................ 100 Vižintin, Zdene .................................. 100 Zajc, Milka ..................................... 20 Zakrajšek, Ivan .................................. 100 Zakrajšek, Ivana ................................. 100 Zakrajšek, Martin in Julka ....................... 300 Zalar, Pepca ...................................... 20 Ziernfeld, Francka in Riko ....................... 100 Zupančič, Janez ................................... 50 Iz Trentona: Gospodarič, Mimi .................................. 50 Henigman, Frank ................................... 50 Klemenčič. Stane in Pavla ....................... 1000 Košir, Frank ...................................... 50 Medved, Angela .................................... 50 Nagode, Rudi in Tončka ............................ 80 Peček, Jože in Ivanka ............................. 50 Škerl, Slava ...................................... 20 Prva skupna nabirka Toronto, Trenton, Lethbridge: kanadskih $ 6786 ZDA $ 200 Vsem darovalcem hvaležni Bog plačaj! Nabirka se nadaljuje. Anica Resnik SPOMINSKI DAN CLEVELAND, O. - Zadnji ponedeljek v mesecu maju, letos je to 31. maj, je tradicionalni državni praznik spominski dan, ko se ameriški narod širom velikih Združenih držav s hvaležnostjo in spoštovanjem spominja svojih rajnih in to še prav posebej padlih vojakov junakov, ki so darovali svoja življenja za svobodo in lepšo bodočnost ne toliko za svoje državljane, ampak v veliko večji meri v 20. stoletju za svobodo tujih narodov. Nepopisne so bile in so še vedno žrtve ameriškega vojaka v borbi za svobodo narodov širom sveta. V tem je veličina ameriškega naroda, ki je dežela velikega in odprtega srca. Kjer koli na svetu se pojavi stiska, je Amerika dežela, ki je pripravljena nuditi pomoč in to v multimilijardnih vsotah. In tudi fizično, po svojih najboljših sinovih in hčerah. Za vse to pa prejema Amerika bore malo hvaležnosti. Vsem padlim vojakom, ki so žrtvovali svoja življenja - med njimi so bili tudi številni naši slovenski rojaki - globok poklon, zahvala, čast in slava! Lepo in prav je, da se s hvaležnostjo spominjamo padlih vojakov. Še posebej je naša krščanska dolžnost, da molimo za naše vojake, ki se nahajajo v zelo težkem položaju v Iraku in Afganistanu. Molimo in Bog daj, da bi se skoro in srečno vrnili v objem domovine Amerike! Bog blagoslovi dobro deželo Ameriko! F. Š. Slovenski Spominski dan CLEVELAND. O. - Mesec maj je za mnoge rojake doma in po svetu mesec žalostnih in za slovenski narod tragičnih spominov. Septembra in oktobra letos bo poteklo 61 let od prvih masovnih komunističnih pokolov naših najboljših vernih slovenskih rojakov, rodoljubov, ki so po italijanski kapitulacij1 s pomočjo italijanskega okupatorja padli v roke slovenskih komunistov, ki so v imenu Stalina in “rdečega bratstva” morili svoje lastne rojake. V tem lepem mesecu maju, in v juniju, bo 59 let od genocida slovenskega naroda, ko so komunisti po končani drug1 svetovni vojni v deset tisočih mučili in morili najboljše verne in zavedne Slovence, ki so ljubili svoj narod z vsem srcem, to ravno nasprotno komunistov, ki so blli prodane duše Stalinu. Tukaj naj navedem njihov° himno: “Čez gore, dol® Slovenija svobodna s°v' jetska bodeš Ti.” Podlosti komunističn® partije se ne da popisati Pobijali so vse od kraj3, od dojenčkov, mladih de klet, žena, in to celo no sečih, starčkov, da ne govorimo o domobrancih' ki so jih Angleži z in prevaro izročili v rok® slovenskih komunistov. Če se človek resno za misli v izvršeni zločin, fP obide groza in se izpra šuje, kako je mogoče, & je bil človek 20. stoletj3 zmožen tako podlega ^ satanskega zločina na svojim narodom. Več kot tragično je- se dandanes, po 13 letih samostojne "demokra ne” države Slovenije va dajoča elita ni zrno odkrito priznati in ,žna obž3' lovati groznega genocida slovenskih r°^ kov rodoljubov. Da je ^ ko, so jasno pokazali ^ daj vladajoči politiki ^ zakonom o grobiščih dolžno pomorjenih. Jeti zakon je sraIIl0blti dejanje, ki ne more ^ v čast vladajočim, k1 ^ najdejo v sebi vsaj d* poštenosti in obžalov ^ genocida slovenskega roda. (DALJE na str. Hi -------------- f„. tu Listen to sloveni^ HOUR On 50.000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public na 90.3 FM Soturdays 9-10 j Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Clevelandski pevski zbor JADRAN se poslovil po 84 plodovitih letih CLEVELAND, O. - Posnetek zgoraj je bil napravljen 8. maja med zadnjim koncertom leta 1920 ustanovljenega pevskega zbora JADRAN, ki je s tem večerom zaključil 84 let delovanja v clevelandski slovenski skupnosti. Menda so nekateri v zboru upali in želeli, da bo nrogel zbor doseči 85 let, pa je bila odločitev, da to ni mogoče. Koncert je bil v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd., kjer je zbor domoval dodala vsa leta od kar SDD sploh deluje. Zbor je pel v veliki večini znane slovenske pesmi, tiste, ki so bile pogosto na zborovem sporedu. Pri glasbenem belu bi omenil le, da je bilo zelo lepo solopetje zborove večletne prvakinje soli-stke Florence Unetich, ter v duetu s Prav tako dolgoletno kolegico Angelo Žabjek. Zbor je vsaki pesmi žel hvale-^en aplavz kar številnega občinstva, saj Je bila dvorana polno zasedena. Na kon-Cu je zbor prejel kar večkrat stoječi aPlavz in so navzoči vedno želeli in plo-skali za “še eno” pesem. Predsednica Jadrana Betty Rotar se •k v imenu zbora zahvalila navzočim za dolgoletno podporo. Omenila je ne-^atere posameznike in organizacije po-Sebej, med njimi AMLA in SNPJ ter Pevski zbor Zarja, prebrala je pismo 2boru v čast, ki ga je bil pripravil Prof. Edi Gobec, svoje čestitke je poslal 8eneralni konzul Marcel Koprol, ki se opravičil zaradi službene odsotnosti. Zadnji odbor zbora Jadran sestavijo sledeči: predsednica Betty Rotar; Podpredsednik Lou Žele; tajnica/blagaj- ničarka Dorothy Gorjup; zapisnikarica Dolores Dobida; nadzorniki so Florence Unetich, Fred in Pat Nevar. In še seznam pevcev in pevk ob zadnjem koncertu po pevskih kategorijah: sopran: Dorothy Gorjup, Sophie Matuch, Pat Nevar, Betty Rotar, Valerie Traska, Florence Unetich, Christine Verch, Angela Žabjek in Jennie Zakrajšek; alt: Kristina Blatnik, Dolores Dobida, Bertha Dovgan, Mary Frank, Janet Grabnar in Vida Zak; tenor - vsi trije so se pridružili za ta koncert iz drugih zborov - Don Mausser (Glasbena Matica), Rudy Kozan in Dick Tomšič (oba iz zbora Zarja); bariton-bas: John Grk, Stanley Grk, Fred Nevar in Lou Žele. Zadnja leta je služil kot pevovodja zbora glasbenik Fred Ziwich, ki sicer ima lasten orkester. Nekatere točke na sporedu je tudi tokrat spremljal na harmoniki, po koncertu pa s svojimi fanti igral za ples. Posebnost večera je bila navzočnost nekdanjega pevovodje Vladimirja Malečkarja, ki je več let vodil tudi zbor Glasbena Matica. Jadranu se je za koncert pridružil tudi nekdanji pevovodja Reginald Resnik, ki je zbor spremljal na klavirju in tudi nekaj pesmi zopet dirigiral. Bil je torej kar lep poslovilni večer za Jadran in za njegovo zvesto publiko, vendar je bilo vzdušje hkrati tudi bolj žalostno ob zavesti, da tega zbora ne bomo mogli več poslušati in da je usahnila še ena vejica naše skupnosti. Rudolph M. Susel !tfs Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams ^atest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses Welcome Your Drs. Prescription ^75 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD §316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. \ CENE NIZKE , PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Pisatelj DRAGO JANČAR - Zakaj je kult Tita še tako živ v Sloveniji? ... Klini z lestve sv. Jakoba Ljubljana - Stalinov biograf Simon Scbag Monte-fiore piše o diktatorjevem posebnem “rabljevskem šarmu”, s katerim je obvladoval svojo okolico. Svoje najbližje je znal ne samo pohvaliti ali tovariško grajati, znal jim je poleg svojih vrlin pokazati svoje človeške slabosti. Okrog leta 1935 pa fa-miliarnega vzdušja, ki ga je ustvaril okrog sebe, ni več dobro prenašal. Zdelo se mu je, da njegovi sodelavci ne znajo dovolj ceniti njegove izjemnosti. Tako sta ga, kot piše o-menjeni avtor v britanskem časopisu History Today, spravila v bes dva tovariša iz njegove suite, ki sta pozabila priti na večerjo, na katero ju je povabil, oziroma sta zamudila dve uri in ga našla precej slabe volje, ko je s svojimi varnostniki igral biljard. Dal ju je ustreliti. Čeprav je Stalinova biografija polna takšnih dogodkov, je bil v svojem času nepojmljivo priljubljen. Ko je umrl, so pesniku Jevtušenku, po lastni izpovedi, lile solze po Slovenski spominski dan (nadaljevanje s str. 10) Kot kulturen narod se bomo 30. maja slovenski ameriški rojaki spomnili naših mučencev, ki ne smejo nikdar in nikoli v pozabo. Kot kristjani moramo zločincem odpustiti, nikoli pa ne moremo pozabiti nedolžnih žrtev komunizma, fašizma in nacizma. Pod pokroviteljstvom DSPB se bomo slovenski rojaki spomnili naših mučencev s sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji, to 30. maja ob 12. uri na Chardon Rd. v Euclidu. Lepo vabimo rojake, da se nam pridružite in še posebej narodne noše, ki zelo povzdignejo vso svečanost spominskega dne. Prav tako vabimo na pokopališče Vernih duš na Chardon, kjer bodo ob 3.30 pop. molitve za vse naše rajne širom sveta. Bog, Narod, Domovina! Za odbor DSPB: F.Š. obrazu, francoski levičarji so žalovali, v Moskvi so ljudje tulili od žalosti, množice so med pogrebom do smrti pomendrale tisoče ljudi, sožaloval-cev. Kljub dvajsetim milijonom Stalinovih žrtev se njegova priljubljenost vsaj med delom prebivalstva podaljšuje tudi v današnji čas. Ne samo v Rusiji, reportaže iz Gruzije so redno opremljene s Stalinom, še zmeraj stojijo njegovi spomeniki, šoferji avtobusov zatikajo za o-kvire šip njegove podobe. Seveda, Stalin je bil Gruzinec, pa čeprav takšnega Velikorusa, takšnega samodržca od Ivana Groznega Rusija ni premogla. V tem je nekaj skrivnostnega, kar je težko razumeti, kakor ni lahko razumeti, zakaj je v današnji Sloveniji še zmeraj tako živ Titov kult. Res je, da ni nobenih podatkov, da bi dal Tito tako mimogrede koga počiti zaradi pozabljivosti, toda seznam njegovih diktatorskih spozab med življenjem in dostojanstvom njegovih podložnikov je dolg, od povojnih pobojev do Golega otoka, od cenzure do strahovlade njegove tajne policije. Častilci Titovega kulta pod Triglavom in ob Vardarju se v teh dneh, kakor pravijo časopisna poročila, vročično pripravljajo na 25. maj. Njegov rojstni dan, /tokrat in še nekajkrat uporablja Drago Jančar veliko črko “N", op. ur. AD/ ki se ga je včasih slavilo v stadionskih ritualih. Toda že v aprilskih dneh, ko so se množice tujih novinarjev pripodile v Slovenijo, da bi opisale življenje v “novi zvezdi Evrope”, je bil v njihovih poročilih skoraj obvzeni dodatek za gledalce in bralce - kult Tita. In njihovi tukajšnji tukajšnji sogovorniki so se s svojimi adoracijami plazili okrog Njegovih kipov, hodili po Njegovih ulicah in trgih, razkazovali kameram Njegove kipce in vsakršen komunistični kič in se slikali pod Njegovimi podobami s tolikšno vnemo, da bi se lahko (dalje na str. 12) ■t rlinvoaBfp an vokoloq d Drago Jančar: Klini z lestve sv. Jakoba (NADALJEVANJE s str. 11) častilci kakšnega Antona Padovanskega pred njimi sramovali zaradi svoje mlačnosti. Naj se glasbeni organizatorji s svojim projektom Imago Slovenije še tako trudijo, da bi Slovenijo prikazali kot deželo naravnih lepot, v kateri cveti ljubezen do u-metnosti, ne bo jim uspelo. Kajti imago Slovenije, že skoraj njena i-dentifikacijska točka, nezadržno postajajo podobe pred več kakor dvajsetimi leti umrlega diktatorja in njegovo čaščenje. Slovenija je bila v nekaterih oddajah tujih televizij vided kakor Gruzija s svojimi spomeniki, kipi in podobicami nekega drugega diktatorja. Novogoriški občinski oblasti se je zdelo pred slovesnostjo ob vključitvi Slovenije v EU najnujnejše opravilo to, da so dali obnoviti velikanski ka-mniU napis NAŠ TITO na pobočju hriba nad mes- V BLAG SPOMIN Ob drugi obletnici smrti našega ljubega moža, ateka in starega ateka Franček Gorenšek Rojen 5. januarja 1924 Umrl 25. maja 2002 Dve leti sta že minili odkar si nas tako prezgodaj zapustil. Čeprav Te še vedno tako zelo pogrešamo, nam je v največjo tolažbo vera in upanje, da bomo nekoč spet združeni v kraju neskončne sreče, v Večnem življenju. Počivaj v miru, ljubi atek, in vedi, da živiš v naših srcih do konca naših dni. Žena: Julka Sinova: Milan in Tomaž Hčerka: Metka Snahi: Annemarie in Anna Vnukinje: Anneiise, Natalie in Mary Grace Ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in Siovenyi ■ iSSL'i MiSai, -3 torn, pa čeprav je bil ta napis že pred leti predmet posmeha celo v turističnem vodiču Lonely Planet. Mladi upi našega televizijskega novinarstva svojo oddajo naslovijo Štafeta mladosU in po študiju navesijo Titovih slik, da se kulise ukrivljajo pod njimi. Profesorji fakultete za družbene vede nonšalant-no govorijo v kamere pod Titovimi podobami kakor gruzinski šoferji avtobusov. Gorenjski hotelirji, sedeči za okroglo banketno mizo, pa si na sredo mize postavijo Titovo glavo, se pravi kip s Titovo glavo. Tako da človek več ne ve, ali profesorji FDV še niso slišali za besedo diktatura in ali so gorenjski hotelirji izgubili vsako mero in okus, saj je vendar tista glava na sredi banketne mize videti kakor glava kakšne živali, ki jo servirajo za silvestrski menu. Če boš adoratom Titovega kulta rekel, da se je s štafeto slavilo Stalinov, s stadionskimi telovadbami pa Hitlerjev rojstni dan in da so kakor Tito s cvetjem obsipavali samo še Kim II Sunga, ti bodo odgovorili: On je bil drugačen. In če boš vprašal, kako drugačen? ti bodo rekli: Ljubil je življenje. Toda kateri diktator pa ni ljubil življenja? Svoje, tuja malo manj. Naš diktator se je iz zelenega raja Brionov rad popeljal z Galebom po morju, samo uro morske vožnje je od tam do Golega otoka, vozil se je v beli uniformi mimo kraja, kjer so v najhujših razmerah životarili in umirali Jageraši. Ampak to naših adora-tov ne zanima. Človek lahko razume, da se po Titu toži ostarelim partijskim funkcionarjem, še laže razume, da govorijo o Titu brezposelni delavci. Ampak zakaj ga tako častijo bogati parveniji? Neka oglaševalska agencija je pred leti reklamirala nov tip mercedesa s sloganom: On je imel vse! Namreč tudi mercedes, ki ga v tej reklami vozi na starem črno-belem posnetku. Kar je bila seveda majhna laž, kajti vsaj avtomobilov je imel neki drugi voditelj delavskega razreda, namreč Brežnjev, več, to je znano. Ampak za preživele z Golega otoka je bilo vseeno, ali je imel več razkošnih limuzin Tito ali Brežnjev, njim se je zdelo takšno reklamiranje žaljivo in neokusno. Protestirali so in oglaševalci so reklamo umaknili, toda ne zato. ker bi razumeli, kaj je tu narobe, pač pa zato, ker so jim tako naročili iz uprave Mercedesa. Skrivnostni fenomen oboževanja našega diktatorja ni tako osamljen. Ne samo v Rusiji in Gruziji, tudi v sosednji Italiji Mussolinijevih slik ne boš našel več samo v kakšnem provincialnem apeninskem zakotju, ampak tudi na steklenicah vina ali na majicah, ki jih prodajajo kramarji na stojnicah. Za vse več mladih Italijanov je bil Benito, rečeno v našem titovskem žargonu, frajer: bil je pilot, športnik, z ramo ob rami je z delavci gol do pasu delal na poljih, bil je izsuševalec močvirji, iz Italije je pregnal korupcijo, lepe ženske so ga imele rade, okrog njega so se drenjali umetniki in športniki ... potem je malo zasral s tisto vojno, drugače je bil pa v redu. Diktatorji, skratka, povsod po svetu živijo svoje podaljšano življenje, njihove karizmatične odlike, pa tudi človeške lastnosti fascinirajo množice tudi po njihovi smrti. Ne dvomim, da se bo po smrti Fidela Castra nadaljevalo njegovo čaščenje, pa čeprav so kubanski zapori danes polni političnih zapornikov. Častilci diktatorjev zmeraj znajo odgovoriti, da pozabljamo na njihove človeške lastnosti, anekdot o tem, kakšen posluh so imeli za “malega človeka”. nikoli ne zmanjka. In tako v Našem Titu njegovi občudovalci nočejo ali tudi več ne zmorejo videti človeka, ki je dal pobijati, zapirati in ki je s svojim šarmom, na katerega se tako radi sklicujejo, ustvarjal okrog sebe in v vsej državi čudno mešanico oboževanja in strahu. “Menda smo dovolj odrasli,” piše omenjeni zgodovinar “da vemo, da je bil Stalin pošast, čeprav je pisal ljubezenska pis- ma svoji ženi ali je imel prelep tenor ali je bil zapeljivec. Še bolj grozno je, ker je resnično." O resničnosti pa je s častilci težko govoriti. V čaščenju je zmeraj nekaj skrivnostnega, nekaj, čemur se z razumsko argumentacijo ne da približati. Kajti kjer je čaščenje, tam je tudi skrivnost vere. Zato se je s častilci, ki so tudi verniki, povsem brezplodno pravdati o resnici. Za njih je resnica tisto, v kar verujejo. Pa čeprav je to klin z Jakobove lestve. S to prispodobo bi lahko pisec zaključil tole pisanje, ko bi imel vsaj malo upanja, da bo večina njegovih bralcev, ki so kakor on hodiil v Titove šole, vsaj približno vedela, o čem govori. Torej, kot pripoveduje Sveto pismo, se je očaku Jakobu v sanjah prikazala lestev, ki je segala od zemlje do neba, in po njej so hodili Božji angeli gor in dol. In čeprav knjiga izrecno pove, da je bila to lestev iz Jakobovih sanj, vernikov v srednjem veku to ni motilo, da ne bi častili klinov iz lestve svetega Jakoba. Po raznih koncih Evrope so se pojavljali ti klini in romarji so množično drli v tiste cerkve, ki so imele to srečo, da so bile v posesti izjemne relikvije. Lahko si mislimo, da jih ni bilo malo, saj je lestev segala od zemlje do neba. Sobotna priloga Delo, 8. maja 2004 | BRALCI ameriške domovine Priporočajte naš list! ^°n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM BADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TCl/PAX WEB: www.wcsb.org It took John and Mary 6 months to build their home, 5 years to establish their business, and a lifetime to raise their family. & •• - - TT. How much time did it take them to plan their estate? KSKJ's Single Premium Whole Life Certificate structures an estate plan in very little time. With only one premium payment, you can: • Provide tax-free income for loved ones • Avoid costly and time-consuming probate • Cover final expenses • Create an education fund for loved ones • Structure retirement income • Increase your assets Find out how easy it is to deal with issues that matter. Call a professional KSKJ representative today! American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ 2439 Glenwood Avenue | Joliet, II 60435 Toll Free: 800.843.5755 | Web: www.kskjlife.com -t-r.-.;•• | •l-.'v'r/f •' . - O zgodovini - diskretno Ženja Leiler dokumentarni film V imenu ljudstva produkcija Televizija Slovenija premiera 4. maja 2004 50 minut Ljubljana - Prav nič Se ni spremenila, pravi v Prvih kadrih, sedeč na klopi za obtožence, gos-Pod Mirko Kambič o sodni dvorani, kjer je po Vojni zoper njega potekal Politični proces. Kot še z°per mnoge duhovnike 111 študente teologije. Zaprt je bil tako rekoč vsak drugi, nekaj kasne-je pove zgodovinarka Ta-’bara Griesser Pečar in Prida, da je bila Cerkev v Prvih povojnih desetle-tako rekoč edina °Pozicija partijskemu eno- umju. Z duhovito blagohotne StJ°. dramaturško vešč 110 in neobtožujoče Karr ^ potem rekonstruir absurdnost dogodkov me s°jenjem. In popelje gle dalca v spomine še peti: rngih političnih zaporn; °v (Zdravka Bahorje tanka Kapša, Jožka Krs Ljuba Marca ij ranca Zdolška), kateril ^de je povojna revolu cl°narna oblast med mne ^Pii drugimi žrtvovala n; fantomskega raz ^dnega sovražnika. Po ve 1 so bili, vsaj sledeč do ^PPtentarcu, krivi tega, d: študirali teologijo. Mia fantje, komajda moški dokumentarec, ki s< reka avtorskemu ko ^tarju. Saj ta tako re ni (več?) potreben, j< , Naprav precej neam , °zen: to pomembne ^ do danes še ne popol k*Pa osvetljeno poglavje ^Pretekle zgodovine, na u odnosa povojne ob do duhovščine ir korkve- prikazuje z veli tifv, mero diskretnosti in ^»jivosti. ^^ledaičeva čustva 2 osebnimi sp< W °Sebnlml £ jen 11 duhovnikov P’ zasliševanja. s0 , Ja’ bunkerje, seCeJli zaprti po vei ^ ’ In delovna t Žen’ kjer 80 služili p°r kazen. Poiti imenovan ("Pa tpj. 2aradi mene, ampak je ^ mojih potomcev,” kv)^0^11!! SV0j0 odloči- Pfavi lj j n da so ga kot l r^etr'ega dečka, skupaj ti ter osmimi bra- Sestrami, po vojni jih iskat. Odpeljali so loški grad. “Prav b° minilo 59 let, klk na gradu konec maja 1945. Stno otroci preživeli sedem dni, potem so nas prišli iskat sorodniki, mama pa je morala še pol leta opravljati prisilno delo, vendar pojasnila za takšno odločitev nikoli ni dobila. Spominjam se, da v gradu ni bilo priporočljivo gledati skozi okna, saj so vanja pogosto streljali. Včasih smo se otroci celo igrali na grajskem dvorišču. Videl sem, kako so nalagali mrtve, spomnim pa se tudi krikov,” pravi Ločan in poudari, da so bili na gradu poleg civilistov zaprti tudi uniformiranci oziroma nekdanji vojaki. “Javnost hočemo seznaniti z doslej zamolčanim poglavjem škofjeloške zgodovine. Iz različnih virov smo izvedeli, da je bilo po vojni na loškem gradu zaprtih okoli dva tisoč ljudi,” pravi Janez Pintar in pojasni, da je spomin na povojne in vojne dogodke v loških vaseh še zelo živ, medtem ko mladi v mestu o polpretekli zgodovini skorajda ničesar ne vedo. Komisija za evidentiranje in ureditev prikritih grobišč dobiva podatke od domačinov, predvsem vaščanov. “Starejši ljudje vedo, kaj se je po vojni dogajalo na Loškem, vendar se še danes bojijo spregovoriti," pove Franc Jenko. Črno-bele fotografije, ki jih Jenko pokaže zbranemu omizju in ki pričajo o Ločanih v povojnem obdobju, je dobil od domačinov. “V muzeju tega dela loške zgodovine pač ni,” pravi Jenko. Doslej so bila ta grobišča označena s križi, nobeno od njih pa ni zapisano v register vojnih grobišč pri ministrstvu za delo, družino in socialne (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) pa poučuje na glasbeni akademiji Mozarteum v Salzburgu. Ob tem veliko nastopa in snema koncertantno literaturo od baroka do sodobnosti; v njenem repertoarju imajo pomemben delež slovenski skladatelji. Koncertira kot solistka z znamenitimi orkestri in dirigenti ter v različnih komornih zasedbah. Irena Grafenauer je mednarodno najbolj uveljavljena v tujini delujoča slovenska instrumentalna solistka. Odlikujejo jo tehnično izpopolnjena igra, muzi-kalnost in širok razpon izraznih možnosti. (Kakor so mogli bralci pred časom brati, ima Irena Grafenauer bolezen levkemijo in to take vrste, da brez ustreznega darovalca kostnega mozga, bolezni po vsej verjetnosti ne bo preživela. V slovenskih medijih ni bilo videti, da so doslej zdravniki odkrili takega darovalca, čas pa teče, ur. AD.) Tomaž Humar (Kamnik, 18. febr. 1969), alpinist. Kot izredno nadarjen plezalec je že v domačih gorah opravil več kot 500 vzponov, od tega 50 prvenstvenih. V Zahodnih Alpah ima prvenstveno zadeve, nobeno vpisano v kataster, pravijo zbrani člani komisije. Zakaj ne? “Predvsem je šlo za politični problem, verjetno pa so bile v igri tudi finance,” meni Franc Jenko. "Poskusni odkop smo minuli teden prvič opravili v Bodovljah. O tem, kaj bo z drugimi verjetnimi grobišči, se bomo skušali dogovoriti z ustreznim ministrstvom,” upa Janez Pintar. Špela Žabkar Delo, 10. maja 2004 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio "t'—’-- 've VhGI n! smer v severni strani Eigerja, v ZDA je leta 1998 v dveh tednih nepretrganega plezanja ponovil Reticent Wall, eno najtežjih smeri v El Capitanu. Njegovo alpinistično vodilo so bile najtežje in najbolj tvegane smeri. V Himalaju mu je uspelo skoraj vse, česar se je lotil, najprej z odpravami, potem v navezah, nazadnje solo (Ganeš V, Annapurna, Arna Dablam, Bo-baje, Nuptse idr.). Krona njegovih podvigov pa je bil solistični prvenstveni vpon v južni steni Daulagirija (8167 m) jeseni 1999, katerega potek je v “živo” prenašal internet. Na jugovzhodni greben je priplezal na višini 7300 m, mu sledil' do 7900 m in tam porabil prvo možnost za sestop po severovzhodnem grebenu. Presodil je namreč, da bi v močnem vetru sicer še lahko prišel na vrh, ne bi pa več mogel do konca sestopiti. Spremljevalci so besedilo in slike sproti pošiljali na internet, tako da so vzpon lahko spremljali po vsem svetu. Tomaž Humar je bil za ta vzpon nominiran za priznanje zlati cepin 1999. Drago Jančar (Maribor, 13. aprila 1948), pripovednik, dramatik in publicist. Diplomiral je na Višji pravni šoli v Mariboru, delal kot novinar, svobodni umetnik, filmski dramaturg in tajnik ter glavni urednik Slovenske matice. Je avtor številnih romanov in dram, pomemben pa je tudi kot esejist. Za svoje delo je prejel številne nagrade doma in v tujini, veliko njegovih del je bilo prevedenih v tuje jezike. Davo Karničar (Jezersko, 26. okt. 1962), alpinist. Bil je smučarski reprezentant in maser ter serviser smučarske reprezentance, zdaj pa vodi zasebno šolo gorništva in smučanja in je predsednik Turističnega društva Jezersko. Z ekstremnim smučanjem se je začel ukvarjati v devetdesetih letih, ko je smučal z vrha Eigerja, Matterhorna in Anapurne. Najbolj je zaslovil oktobra 2000, ko je kot sveta prvi človek nepretrgoma smučal z 8848 metrov visokega Mount Everesta do baznega tabora na višini 5360 metrov. Ta uspeh ga je uvrstil med najboljše alpinistične smučarje na svetu. Oskar Kogoj (Miren, 23. nov. 1942), oblikovalec. Leta 1966 je diplomiral na Visoki šoli za industrijsko oblikovanje v Benetkah, nato je honorarno predaval v Benetkah in Milanu, pozneje pa je delal v raziskovalnem inštitutu Mebla v Novi Gorici. Leta 1972 je postal svobodni umetnik in začel poučevati na Mednarodni univerzi za umetnost v Benetkah. V Meblu je vpeljal celovit program industrijskega oblikovanja v plastiki (počivalniki). Obli kuje tudi lesene izdelke (pohištvo iz orehovine, leseni loki, smuči), steklo, ukvarja se z grafičnim oblikovanjem. Svojo oblikovalsko filozofijo je predstavil v publikaciji Nature Design (Naravno oblikovanje). Aleksandra Kornhau-ser (Škofja Loka, 26. sept. 1926), kemičarka. Diplomirala in doktorirala je na Fakulteti za naravoslovje in tehnologijo v Ljubljani, nato se je izpopolnjevala v tujini. Posveča se predvsem metodologiji in organizaciji študija kemije. Leta 1981 je postala direktorica Mednarodnega centra organizacije Unesco za kemijski študije: v. Ljubljani. n . i" Objavila je okrog 200 člankov in napisala več knjig ter učbenikov za organsko kemijo. Za svoje znanstveno delo je prejela številna domača in tuja priznanja. Lojze Kovačič (9. nov. 1928), pisatelj. Rodil se je v Baslu, Švica, očetu Slovencu in materi Nemki, dokler niso družine, ker je oče zavrnil švicarsko državljanstvo, izgnali v Kraljevino Jugoslavijo. S slovenskim jezikom se je tako prvič srečal leta 1938, v očetovi rojstni vasi na Dolenjskem, v Cegelnici. Njegova najvidnejša dela so Deček in smrt, (dalje na str. 16) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1525. Sestra Zvonka Mikec, ki deluje v Angoli, je poslala Celestinov! prav zanimivo pismo: “Spoštovana! Prisrčen pozdrav že skoraj velikonočni iz Angole. Najprej se opravičim, da tako dolgo nisem odpisala in se zahvalila za Vaš božični dar meni in Gabrijeli, katerega sva lepo prejeli. V teh prvih mesecih novega leta, smo bili namreč kar precej zaposleni, saj tu v Angoli tudi šolsko leto začenja februarja. Torej smo na začetku ponovnega šolskega in veroučnega leta, ko se vsi trudimo, da bi čimveč otrok lahko našlo prostor v naših misijonskih šolah. Čeprav je v Angoli, hvala Bogu, konec vojne, je še zelo veliko negotovosti in revščine, ki kliče po pomoči. Konec januarja pa nas je zapustila tudi laična misijonarka Gabriela Hren, ki je končala svoje velikodušno triletno služenje. Zelo težko nam je bilo ob slovesu, kakor tudi njej, a je pač tako. No, hvala Bogu, pa smo te dni že dobili drugo pomoč. 23. marca je prispela druga laična misijonarka Renata Vajngerl, tudi iz Slovenije - Štajerka je. Tudi Renata bo delovala v Canaco in se tam vključila v vse naše misijonsko delo. Zelo je navdušena in tudi ona namerava ostati z nami tri leta. Kako lepo je res to, da se mladi odločajo za velikodušno služenje. Tako Vam v molitev priporočamo zdaj še posebej Renato. Ji bom pa naročila, da potem tudi ona kaj napiše, saj je že vsa vesela med približno 1500 šolarji. Zdaj se že pripravljamo na Veliko noč. Jaz grem jutri skupno z Renato v 280 km oddaljen misijon, kjer imamo eno skupnost sester in bova tam tudi na Cvetno nedeljo. Tu v Angoli je ta dan še posebej lep, saj imamo prave palmove veje in jih ljudje okrasijo s cvetjem in zanimivo prepletejo. Želim Vam in vsem misijonskim prijateljem in delavcem veselo, sveto Veliko noč. Naj vstali Zveličar napolni z radostjo vas vse! V prepevanju Aleluja pa se vas hvaležno spominjamo, hvaležna s. Zvonka.” Kako je veliko veselje, ko opazuješ to premikanje. Enemu poteče njegova doba, pa se že drugi vključi v to idejo, da ga bo nadomestil. In življenje teče naprej, vsak pa odhaja veliko bogatejši, saj je spoznal drugačno pot življenja, drugačno kulturo, drugačno življenje. Bodimo Bogu hvaležni za vedno nove klice in odgovore nanj. Naš župnik pri sv. Mariji Vnebovzeti, g. Janez Kumše, praznuje 25-letnico mašništva, 25 let duhovniškega življenja. Vedno nam dovoli imeti sestanke, pride na kosilo, na piknik, vsakega misijonarja z veseljem sprejme, ko pride na obisk. Zato je prav, da se tudi v tej koloni spomnimo in mu izrečemo našo hvaležnost za vso dobro voljo in vso podporo: Hvala Vam v imenu vseh misijonarjev, vseh, ki podpirajo misijone, vseh misijonskih sodelavcev. Bog Vam povrni vso vašo dobroto s svojim blagoslovom! Misijonar p. Lojze Podgrajšek, ki je na študiju v Kaliforniji, se bo verjetno ustavil tudi v našem mestu, ko bo za nekaj dni odšel v Toronto. Med clevelandskimi novicami boste zvedeli za dan, čas in prostor v prvem tednu junija. Ne pozabite! SPOROČILO Misijonske znamkarske akcije Blagajniško delo pri Misijonski znamkarski akciji sta sprejeli gdč. Helena Nemec in gdč. Marjanca Tominc. Naslov Helene Nemec je 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Naslov Marie Tominc je 407 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Dekleti sta precej bremena odvzeli Ani in Rudiju Knez, ko sta blagajniško delo prevzeli, le glavni blagajnik še ostane Rudi Knez. Darove za misijone pošiljajte na gdč. Heleno Nemec, katera bo tudi potrdila prejem in ga vrnila darovalcu. Dragi dekleti, hvala Vama za odvzem velike skrbi in Bog naj Vaju blagoslovi s svojim blagoslovom! Marica Lavriša Želim vam vsem, ki berete te vrstice, prav lepe majniške dneve in vas v imenu vseh sodelavcev prav iskreno pozdravlja Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Slovenci, državljani sveta (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) Zlati poročnik. Sporočila v spanju - Resničnost, Otroške stvari, pripravlja nadaljevanje z naslovom Zrele reči. Poleg številnih romanov in zbirk novel je pisal tudi mladinska dela, leta 1973 je dobil Prešernovo nagrado. Po vojni je še kot najstnik preživljal družino s pisanjem, dokler niso mater, sestro in njeno hčer deportirali v taborišče za begunce v Avstrijo, sam pa je po intervenciji s kulturniškega vrha smel ostati v Ljubljani.. Do odhoda v vojsko leta 1948 je živel kot boem, brezdomec, objavljal v , različnih revijah, vmes delal tudi kot novinar Mladine. Med služenjem vojaškega roka v Makedoniji je bil zaradi malega prekrška pred vojaškim sodiščem obsojen na pol leta kazenskega bataljona, kar je kasneje opisal v romanu, objavljenem v reviji Beseda, zaradi katerega je bil podvržen sodnemu procesu, revija pa je bila ukinjena. Literarna kritika ga u-vršča v vrh slovenske književnosti, Slovencem je dal opus, kakršnega je Francozom dal Proust, Rusom Tolstoj, in Angležem in Ircem Joyce; kljub temu je šele pred kratkim dobil svoj prvi prevod - celovška založba Drava je izdala njegov roman Prišleki, Die Zugereisten, ki ga je v nemščino prevedel Klaus Detlef Olof, založba pa ga oglašuje kot enega najboljših slovenskih romanov dvajsetega stoletja. Bojan Križaj (Tržič, 3. januarja 1957), alpski smučar. Oče Peter je bil državni prvak v slalomu, odličen tekmovalec pa je bil tudi stric Zdravko, zato ni čudno, da je prvič stopil na smuči že pri treh letih in potem začel zelo hitro tekmovati. Prelomno leto zanj je bilo 1972, ko je prišlo do naveze med njim in Tonetom Vogrincem, ki je takrat prevzel vodenje jugoslovanske reprezentance. Že v sezoni 1976/ 77 je osvojil prvo točko za svetovni pokal v veleslalomu, postal prvokategornik v slalomu in v tej disciplini osvojil svoje prve stopničke v Madonni di Campiglio. Uspehi so si sledili drug za drugim in 20. januarja 1980 je na slalomski progi v Wengnu dosegel prvo slovensko zmago na tekmovanjih za svetovni pokal. V letih 1979 do 1987 je bil prav v vrhu svetovnega alpskega smučanja. Na olimpijskih igrah 1980. se je uvrstil na četrto mesto v veleslalomu, na svetovnem prvenstvu 1982. je osvojil srebrno kolajno v slalomu. Na tekmah svetovnega pokala je dosegel osem zmag, njegova najboljša uvrstitev v skupni oceni je 4. mesto v sezoni 1979/80. Po panogah je v svetovnem pokalu osvojil pet medalj; zlato 1987 v slalomu, srebrni 1980 in 1986 v slalomu, bronasti 1979 v veleslalomu in 1981 v slalomu. Petkrat je osvojil naslov prvaka Balkana in enajstkrat prvaka Jugoslavije. Za najboljšega športnika Jugoslavije je bil izbran v letih 1979 in 1982. Za športne dosežke je prejel Bloudkovo nagrado. Tomo Križnar (26. avgusta 1954), svetovni popotnik in borec za pravice zatiranih, predvsem v Afriki. Službo menedžerja je ta diplomirani inženir strojništva in ekonomist v nekoč mogočni Iskri leta 1985 zapustil za ceno svobode, ki jo uteleša z vsem svojim življenjem in delom. Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Kadar je v Slove#! živi v Naklem, z bid klom pa je obredel lodane vse svetove, k' J še naseljujejo prvobiU ljudstva. Napisal je pet knjig, novo pripravi posnel že tri dokom«11 tarne filme, naj odmev# ši je bil Nuba, čisti Ij1! dje, narejen z režiserk Majo Weiss. Prvi na svetu je P°ve dal za taborišča, v kat* rih vlada nacionalist# islamske fronte iz ujet| Nub vzgaja janičarje, so iztrebljali lastne lju Pred 30 led jih je okoli dva milijona, 2$ se za pravice tega so«# skega plemena bojuje še okoli 300, 400-0 ljudi. Tja je Tomo Kr#>j dobesedno sam znosi tone humanitarne P0111 či. Večkrat so ga že 2 prli, nazadnje lani P ioI«1 Ljudje z vsega sveta •išel1 se zavzeli, da je pv zapora v Etiopiji. Dregnil je v trgovin0 otroki sužnji, ki j° jajo nilotska upo etiops# nal plemena v plemenu Katčipov tem P Sudana. O pravlja novo knjigo- ^ Leta 2000 je P°S.. Delova osebnost leta to zatem izjemna ose' lost v akciji Ljudje prtih rok. Zanj se zai" majo svetovni vendar skrbno Pre kdo ravna pravilno Z ^ čutljivimi informacij3 ki jih ima. (SE BO NADALJEVAk0 NOVI GROBOV1 (nadaljevanje s sir- ^ kric, rojena Germ, vd°1 v P° po Steve-u, hčerka z ^ Franka in Mary (roj- ^ j Germ, sestra Julie že pok. Mary Jane Rudolpha, Josephine ^ tie ter Pauline Long. p£ kratna teta in Pratetav o' greh je bil 15. maja ^ krbi zavoda DiCiccO ^ Sons na Mayfield R so bili tudi pogrebni ° ^ sledil je pokop na je pokopališču. Andrew J. Pogaei*9 :d> Dne 12. maja je urnr let stari Andrew J-char iz Loraina, vC*°* v Sophie, roj. TomaZ#^ poj' f 0*1 Kennetha, Patricije kcvich ter že pok. 4 ol in Ronalda, 6-krat stati ^ oče, 3-krat prastari Mary Gradišek, zapos e ^ svoje upokojitve Prl Steel, član KSKJ. je bil 15. maja s sv. P P v cerkvi sv. Cirila *n ’pofl da v Lorainu s P° na Kalvarije pokopa