GEOLOGIJA 31, 32, 5-9 (1988/89), Ljubljana Geologi Geološkega zavoda Ljubljana v novih poslovnih prostorih New premises for geological staff of the Geološki zavod Ljubljana Avgust Čebulj Geološki zavod Ljubljana, Dimičeva 14, 61000 Ljubljana Današnji Geološki zavod Ljubljana je bil ustanovljen 6. maja 1946 kot samostojna geološka ustanova pri Ministrstvu za industrijo in rudarstvo, imenovana Geološki zavod za Slovenijo. Od takrat do danes je doživel več sprememb in preimenovanj. Že 8. julija 1948 je bil poimenovan Uprava LR Slovenije za geološke raziskave. Pomem- ben mejnik pa predstavlja leto 1952, ko je zavod po prihodu prvih diplomiranih geologov z ljubljanske Univerze začel normalno delovati. Po odločbi vlade LR Nova zgradba geologov in sodelavcev Geološkega zavoda Ljubljana New building from the front view Foto Miha Dobrin 6 Avgust Čebulj Slovenije z dne 4. julija 1952 se je Uprava LR Slovenije za geološke raziskave združila s Podjetjem za globinsko vrtanje v ustanovo s samostojnim financiranjem, imenovano Geološki zavod LR Slovenije v Ljubljani. Še istega leta se je po večkratnih selitvah ustalil v prostorih na Parmovi 33, katere je zasedal vse do septembra 1989. Leta 1952 je bilo na Geološkem zavodu zaposlenih 187 delavcev, od tega na področju geologije 22. Drugi pomembni mejnik v razvoju Geološkega zavoda predstavlja leto 1974, ko so bile ustanovljene tri temeljne organizacije združenega dela, in sicer: - Geologija, geotehnika in geofizika - Geotehnična in rudarska dela - Rudnik urana Žirovski vrh. Tozd Geologija, geotehnika in geofizika je takrat od Geološkega zavoda Ljubljana prevzel status znanstveno-raziskovalne organizacije s 110 delavci, od tega 56 z visoko izobrazbo. Leta 1979 je spet prišlo do organizacijskih sprememb Geološkega zavoda Ljubljana, ko je bilo ustanovljenih naslednjih šest temeljnih organizacij združenega dela: - Geologija, geotehnika in geofizika - Rudarska dela - Geotehnična dela - Vrtalno-minerska dela - Strojna proizvodnja in vzdrževanje - Komercialna dejavnost in Delovna skupnost skupnih služb. Taka organizacijska oblika obstaja še danes, s tem da naj bi se po zakonu o podjetjih v letu 1990 temeljne organizacije združenega dela preoblikovale v šest samostojnih podjetij, združenih v sestavljeno podjetje Geološki zavod Ljubljana. Tozd Geologija, geotehnika in geofizika pa naj bi preimenovali v Inštitut za geologijo, geotehniko in geofiziko, ki je leta 1989 zaposloval 210 delavcev, od tega 114 z visoko, 64 s srednjo in 32 z nižjo izobrazbo. Zaradi izredno hitre rasti števila zaposlenih glede na potrebe gospodarstva smo morali reševati tudi prostorske probleme. Postopoma smo pridobivali poslovne prostore na Linhartovi 9 (Plava laguna), na Parmovi 37, na Glinškovi ploščadi in v Hotimirjevi 19. Skupaj s prostori na Parmovi 33 smo imeli na petih mestih 2693 kvadratnih metrov poslovnih prostorov. Jasno je, da je bilo delo v takih razmerah izredno težko. Odločitev o gradnji skupnih poslovnih prostorov za geologe in sodelavce pa je spomladi leta 1989 pospešila sodna odpoved za poslovne prostore na Parmovi 33, kjer so bili predvsem laboratoriji in knjižnica. Zaradi kratkega roka, ki nam je bil dan za izpraznitev prostorov v Parmovi 33, smo morali že pripravljeni načrt za gradnjo novih poslovnih prostorov, namenjenih celotnemu Geološkemu zavodu Ljubljana, v zelo kratkem roku spremeniti za potrebe tozda Geologija, geotehnika in geofizika. Za celoten objekt namreč ni bilo dovolj sredstev niti ga ne bi bilo moč zgraditi v tako kratkem roku. Od pridobitve gradbenega dovoljenja do vselitve v nove prostore je preteklo samo leto dni. Nova poslovna stavba na Dimičevi 14 s kletjo in šestimi nadstropji ima 4806 kvadratnih metrov površine. V vseh prostorih razen v drugem nadstropju, kjer imata svoje prostore vodstvo Geološkega zavoda in tozd Vrtalno-minerska dela, delajo geologi in njihovi sodelavci. Geologi Geološkega zavoda Ljubljana v novih poslovnih prostorih Večnamenska dvorana v novi zgradbi omogoča tudi strokovna posvetovanja This commodious hall on the 6th floor is suitable for professional meetings, too Foto Miha Dobrin V novi stavbi smo posebno pozornost namenili laboratorijem. V pritličju in delno v kleti so geomehanski laboratoriji in hidrogeološki laboratorij, v prvem nadstropju pa so geološki laboratoriji. Površina vseh laboratorijev je 684 kvadratnih metrov. Prostori so najsodobneje urejeni in ustrezajo vsem predpisom za varno delo. Seveda pa bo potrebno nakupiti sodobno raziskovalno opremo, ki je v starih prostorih niti ni bilo mogoče namestiti. V šestem nadstropju je urejena knjižnica s čitalnico in dvorano z 72 sedeži. V četrtem nadstropju smo uredili modern račnalniški center. Jedro računalniške opreme je računalnik HP-9040A, ki teče pod UNIX operacijskim sistemom. V naš računalniški sistem je povezanih okoli dvajset osebnih računalnikov, nameščenih v kabinetih sodelavcev ter zunanji IBM-PC kompatibilni računalniki. Novi prostori so velika pridobitev ne samo za geologe in sodelavce Geološkega zavoda Ljubljana, ampak za vso slovensko geologijo. The precursor of the present Geološki zavod Ljubljana (Ljubljana Geological sVirvey) was established on May 6, 1946 as an independent geological authority, called the Geological survey of Slovenia and attached to the then Ministry of industry and mininig. The institution evolved gradually and on Jully 8, 1948 changed its name to become the Administration for geological investigations of the Republic Slovenia. Initially understaffed, it experienced a first impetus in 1952 v^hen an influx of young graduated geologists considerably improved the Administration's professional potential. On July 4, 1952, the Slovenian government decreed a merger of the Administration with the Enterprise for deep-drilling activities. The new financially 8 Avgust Čebulj independent institution was officially established as the Geological survey of Ljub- ljana, with headquarters in Ljubljana. The Survey's premises were changed several times until the greater part of the association settled in suitable offices and laboratories located on the Parmova street. No 33. It remained there till September 1989. In 1952 the Survey's staff numbered 187, of which 22 were geological profes- sionals. The next landmark of consequence in evolution of the Ljubljana Geological survey was the year 1974, when its three basic units were set on foot as separate organizations, each one covering a specific domain. These basic units were desig- nated: - Geology, geotechnics and geophysics, - Geotechnical and Mining activities, and - Žirovski vrh Uranium mine. At that time the unit Geology, geotechnics and geophysics had a total staff of 110 of which 56 were University graduates. It soon qualified for and was granted the status of a scientific research organization. However, in 1979 new organizational changes were introduced again, separating the diverse Survey's activities and creating the following six autonomous "basic organizations of associated labour": - Geology, geotehnics and geophysics - Mining - Geotehnical applications - Drilling and blasting - Equipment manufacturing and maintainance - Commerce and joint administration. This organizational form of the Survey exists still today. According to new legislation, expected to come in force in 1990, the same six basic organizations will be constituted as independent enterprises, but acting together as a joint liability com- pany under the common name of Geološki zavod Ljubljana. The basic unit Geology, geotechnics and geophysics will change the name to become the Institute of geology, geotechnics and geophysics. At present (1989) its staff numbers 210 professionals of which 114 are University graduates; the rest of them possess medium (64) and lower (32) qualifications. The quickly increasing employing of new professionals, dictated by the require- ments of the industry, produced growing accomodation problems in the Survey's premises. Additional offices had to be taken at rent. It happened that besides the headquarters on the Parmova street, offices at five detached localities in Ljubljana had to be engaged, covering altogether 2,693 m^ of office room. Such conditions obviously hampered the Survey's work and called for drastic solutions. The decision to build adequate own common premises was taken in spring of 1989, when a law-court notice to clear the headquarters on Parmova No. 33 was served to the Survey. The majority of labs, the library and archives with main offices were situated there. Since time was short, the original plan to erect a building to house the entire Geološki zavod Ljubljana had to be cut down in order to build adequate offices and facilities ma nly for the needs of the Geology, geotechnics and geophysics unit. This solution wa' dictated not only by temporal but also financial considerations. The time span in which all stages of construction were completed came up to just one year. Geologi Geološkega zavoda Ljubljana v novih poslovnih prostorih 9 The new working premises stand on the Dimičeva street No. 14 in Ljubljana. A modern six floor building commands a total space surface of 4,806 m^. Apart from the 2nd floor where the Management of the Geološki zavod Ljubljana and the Drilling and blasting unit are accommodated, all other rooms are occupied by the divisions and departments of the Geology, geotechnics and geophysics unit. Special consideration in new conditions has been paid to laboratories. The testing labs for soil and rock investigations in engineering foundation work are placed on the ground floor, together with the hydrogeological testing station. Geological laboratories, including geophysical lab for geoelectric, thermal and seismic measure- ments, are placed on the 1st floor. Total surface of laboratories amounts to 684 m^. In the modern outfitted rooms all safety standards have been fully taken into account. The old equipment is going to be supplemented by up-to-date measuring instruments and other utensils. The archives and library with a convenient reading-room are situated on the 6th floor where a metting-hall is located too, seating 72 people. A modern EDP center featuring HP 9040a computer running under UNIX mul- tiuser operating system is situated on the 4th floor. It is linked with about 20 individual PC computers in offices as well as with some IBM-PC compatibile outside computers. The newly established geological center is a valuable asset not just for the staff of the Geološki zavod Ljubljana but also for the entire Slovenian geology.