ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2013 Vol. 56, [t. 1: 45–53 ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2013 Vol. 56, [t. 1: 45–53 Nestling growth of Great Tits Parus major with comparison among altitudes Rast mladicev velike sinice Parus major s primerjavo med nadmorskimi višinami Dejan Bordjan National Institute of Biology, Vecna pot 111, 1000, Ljubjana, Slovenia. correspondence: Abstract: Fledgling mass can have great influence on individual’s life history and reflects the availability and quality of food in the breeding territory. Thus growth curve is used to compare the difference in the quality between different ecological conditions. The aim of the study was to fill the knowledge gap on nestling growth in Great Tit in Slovenia, to determine the influence of altitude on it and to present a tool for estimating age of nestlings and key dates in breeding phenology of Great Tit. Great Tits young were monitored using nest-boxes at three locations between years 2010 and 2012. At two locations nest-boxes were placed on three separate altitudinal belts. Weight growth curve was compared with the curves from other parts of Europe. Growth curve from Slovenia differs in growth parameters from other European populations but falls within their range. Difference in growth parameters between separate populations probably comes from the difference in ecological conditions. Whencomparingthreealtitudesweightparametersofhatchlingsweresimilaratlower and middle but different at upper altitudes indicating that weigh growth changes with the altitude. Lower food abundance that comes with rising altitude may be offset by lowercompetitionthroughlowerbreedingdensity(hencesimilargrowthparametersin lower and middle altitude), but not past certain altitude. Weight parameters are useful when comparing different populations, but wing-length is better in determining the age of young in the nest. Keywords: Great Tit, hatchling growth, altitude, Slovenia, Izvlecek: Masa mladicev v gnezdu je pomemben dejavnik, ki ima mocan vpliv na življenje osebka. Masa mladicev v gnezdu odseva dostopnost in kvaliteto hrane na gnezdišcu in je zaradi tega dober pokazatelj stanja v okolju. Namen raziskave je bil zapolniti vrzel v znanju o rasti velike sinice na obmocju JVEvrope ter o pomenu nadmorskevišinenarastmladicev.Hkratibodorezultatilahkokoristilitudikotorodje za dolocanje starosti mladicev velikesinice v gnezdu. Meritve mladicev velike sinice v gnezdu so bile opravljene na treh lokacijah med leti 2010 in 2012. Na dveh so bile gnezdilnice postavljene na treh locenih nadmorskih višinah. Rastna krivulja za maso serazlikujeod krivuljizostalih delov Evropevendar jeznotrajnjihovih meja. Razlike verjetno izhajajo iz razlicnih ekoloških razmer v okoljih. Rast mase je podobna med spodnjiminsrednjimterrazlicnaodzgornjegavišinskegapasu.Podobnostnaspodnjih višinah je verjetnoposledica kompenzacije manjše kolicine plena z nižjo konkurenco zaradi nižje gostote gnezdecih parov. Kompenzacija pa je uspešna le do dolocene nadmorske višine, nad to pa se zmanjševanje kolicine hrane pozna na pocasnejši rasti Acta Biologica Slovenica, 56 (1), 2013 mladicev. Rast mase je uporabno orodje za primerjavo med populacijami, dolžina peruti pa je boljše orodje za dolocanje starosti mladicev v gnezdu. Kljucne besede: Velika sinica, rast mladicev, nadmorska višina, Slovenija Introduction Environmental conditions change considerably with altitude and the most prominent of all is the change in ambient temperature (Newton 1998).Individualsbreedingatthelimitofspecies distribution show markedly different breeding parameters than their counterparts in more optimalenvironments( OrellandOjanen1980,1983, Veistola et al. 1994). While the onset of breeding within certain species consistently change along altitudinal gradient, with later start at higher elevations (Gil-Delgado et al. 1992, Belda et al. 1998, Fargallo 2004), other breedingparameters like breeding density (Schmid et al. 1998) or clutch size (Gil-Delgado et al. 1992, Fargallo 2004)canshowcontradictorytrendsbetweenand also within species. For example Fargallo (2004) found that the clutches of Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus were smaller with increasing altitude while Gil-Delgado et al. (1992) found that they were similar. In fact the clutch size can differ more among habitats than does across altitudes (Gil-Delgado et al. 1992). Fledgling mass has great influence on individual’s survival (Tinbergen and Boerlijst 1990, Barbaetal.1993,PerrinsandMcCleery2001)and fecundity(PerrinsandMcCleery2001).Individual growth rate and fledgling mass is determined by the amount of food they receive (Gill 1994, Keller and van Noordwijk 1994). Since Great Tits are altricial nesters all food consumed by young is provided by the parents (Tanner et al. 2007). How much food they can provide is determined bytheavailabilityandqualityoffoodinbreeding territory(GibbandBetts1963)andcanbefurther influenced by unfavourable conditions such as weather or competition (Minot 1981, Keller and Van Noordwijk 1994). The growth curve can offer comparison between nestling development since it is defined mathematicallybythreevalues:initialsize,growth rateandasymptoticvalue(Gill1994).Difference between two environments can be reflected in fledging mass (Richner 1989), thus growth curve maybeusedforcomparingthequalitydifference betweenbreedingenvironmentswithintherangeof species(Janssensetal.2003,Eevaetal.2009).Also growthparameterscanvaryconsiderablybetween different populations (Barba et al. 1993), though this does not seem to be a general rule (King and Hubbard1981).Therearesomestudies thatoffer growth data of the Great Tit from other parts of Europe (Barba et al. 1993, Janssens et al. 2003, Eeva et al. 2009) but there hasn’t been a study yet considering South-East Europe. In fact, apart fromstudiesofDolenec(2005)andDolenecetal. (2005)remarkablylittleisknownaboutGreatTit inthisregion.ScientificpublicationsonSlovenian populationofGreatTitareevenscarcer.Thereare only a few reports about number of ringed birds per year and about exceptional recoveries (Božic 2009, Šere 2009). Considering the altitude, there are some studies about influences on breeding phenology and clutch size of Tits in Europe (Gil-Delgado et al. 1992,KrementzandHandford1984,Sanz1998), butnonethatusesaltitudeasaninfluencingfactor on growth parameters. With the present study I aimed to fill the knowledge gap on Great Tits nestling growth in Slovenia. I also aimed to use weight of nestlings tocompareinfluenceofenvironmentalconditions atdifferentaltitudes.Sinceconditionsfornesting deteriorate with the rising altitude, e.g. less food (Hodkinson 2005), I hypothesise that this results alsoinslowernestlinggrowthathigheraltitudes. Presented data on growth curve of young Great Titsmightalsoserveasatoolforotherresearchers to estimate key dates in breeding phenology of GreatTit(startofincubation,hatchingtime,ageof nestlings, etc.) from body part measurements. Methods andmaterials BreedingbiologyofGreatTitusingnest-boxes wasstudiedatthreelocationsinSloveniabetween Bordjan: Growth of young Great Tits years2010and2012.Atthefirstlocation,Ljubljana (300 m asl), five nest-boxes were set to measure hatchlings weight and wing-length. Location 1 is a small forest fragment dominated by Beech Fagus sylvatica, White Fir Abies alba andNorway Spruce Picea abies.Thislocationwaschosendue toitseasyaccessibilityandcomparablealtitudeto study sites in other European countries (Barba et al. 1993). Hatchlings were measured two to four times a week. When their weight reached more than 10 g they were ringed and individual’s size was monitored then after. The nest-box visiting frequencywashighenoughevenbeforehatching, so the first measurements of all chicks have been taken within two days after hatching. Atlocations2and3,Mt.KrimandMt.Pohorje respectably, nest-boxes wereplaced in similar habitat (mixed forest dominated by Beech, White Fir andNorwaySpruce)onthreealtitudinalbeltswith anaveragealtitudeof335(Lower),654(Middle) and1023masl(Upperbelt).Oneachoftheupper two belts 40 nest-boxes were placed while on the lower one 32 were placed. At locations 2 and 3 nest-boxes were checked once a week. Number of nest-boxes at each location has corresponded to our capability to survey them and was higher on higher altitudesdue to lower breeding density of Great Tits there (Schmid et al. 1998). Measurements from location 1 were used to produce logistic growth curves for wing-length and body-weight. This was done by calculating growthconstant(k),whichdenotesrelativespeed ofgrowing,andtimeittakesforhatchlingtoreach half theirweight at fledging (t50) (Ricklefs 1967, Tome 1995). Asymptotic value was estimated fromindividualchicksattheageof17days,since at about that age they leave their nest (Perrins and McCleery 2001) and the weight of chicks out off the nests levels of or may even drop after emergence (Tome 1995). Weight growth curve was than compared with the curves from other partsofEuropee.g.Spain,Finland,GreatBritain, Germany and Netherland with the use of growth parameters published by Barba et al. (1993). Fromthewing-lengthgrowth curveobtained fromnestlingsatlocation1ageofhatchlingfrom nests at locations 2 and 3 was estimated with an accuracy of ± 1 day. Then weight growth curves forchicksfromallthreealtitudeswerecalculated separately (Ricklefs 1967, Tome 1995). Average weightofnestlingsinindividualnestonparticular day from locations 2 and 3 was compared with the calculated value from nestlings in Ljubljana. The difference between these weights was used to compare nestling’s condition among altitudes. Onlydatafromnestlingsattheagebetween11and 15 days was used, when growth is most constant and overlapping among estimated age classes is lesslikely.Statisticalsignificancewastestedwith the use of nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis statistic test (PAST 2.03). Results Five nests and 35 hatchlings were monitored atlocation1.Onenestcontainingeighthatchlings failedanditsmeasurementwerelaterdisregarded. At locations 2 and 3 altogether weekly measurements from 90 nests containing 644 hatchlings were gathered. Of those 369 hatchlings from 52 nestwerefromlower,235(31nests)frommiddle and 40 (7 nests) from upper altitudinal belts. The growth parameters from location 1 were for the wing-length: k = 0.347; t50 = 9.252; and the body weight: k = 0.430; t50=5.928.Thesetwo parameters were used for modelling wing-length and weight growth curves respectably (Fig. 1). Measurements and estimated values for wing- length at location 1 are presented in Tab. 1. Weight growth curve of nestlings from Slovenia falls within the range of the curves from otherpartsofEurope(Fig.2).Asymptoticweight is second only to that from Great Britain and only marginally higher than the one from Spain. Growth constant is highest and t50 is the second lowest behind Finland (Tab. 2). Weight growth curves for location 1 and for lower and middle belts from locations 2 and 3 are similar (Fig. 3). Curve from the upper belt is somewhat lagging behind the rest. Nestlings at the upper belt had lower asymptotic value, lower growth constant and it took them longer to reach 50%ofasymptoticvalue(Tab.2).For11-15days old chicks weights at lower and middle altitudes were similar, but both were statistically heavier from those at the upper altitude (Kruskal-Wallis All: H3 = 7.18, p < 0.05; Lower / Middle: p = 0.905; Lower / Upper: p < 0.05; Middle / Upper: p < 0.01). Acta Biologica Slovenica, 56 (1), 2013 Figure 117 Figure 1: Calculated logistic growth curves for weight (asymptotic value: 18.1g) and wing-length (asymptotic value: 72mm) for Great Tit Parus major hatchlings in Ljubljana with values shown. Number of nestling monitored: 27. Slika 1: Izracunanalogisticnarastnakrivuljazamaso(asimptoticnavrednost:18.1g)indolžinoperuti(asimptoticna vrednost: 72mm) mladicev velike sinice Parus major v Ljubljani s prikazanimi vrednostmi. Število spremljanih mladicev: 27. Table 1: ResultsofnestlingmeasurementsinLjubljanawithaverage,minimalandmaximalmeasuredwing-length compared with estimated wing-length gained from logistic curve. N represents number of measured nestling at particular age. Tabela 1:Rezultati merjenj mladicev v Ljubljani s prikazano povprecno, minimalno in maksimalno izmerjeno dolžino peruti primerjano z izracunano dolžino peruti iz logisticne krivulje. N predstavlja število izmerjenih mladicev za posamezno starost. Age Average wing-length (mm) StD Min – max wing-length (mm) N Estimated wing-length (mm) 0 4.3 0.5 4-5 6 4.6 1 5.8 0.5 5-6 4 5.9 2 7.1 0.7 6–8 7 7.6 3 9.6 0.9 8–11 13 9.6 4 12.4 1.1 11-14 16 12.2 5 14.7 1.3 13-16 11 15.2 6 19.5 1.6 15-21 15 18.7 7 24.0 1.4 21-26 20 22.7 8 29.1 1.6 26-31 15 27.1 9 33.1 1.4 30-36 15 31.7 10 37.5 1.3 34-39 19 36.5 11 42.3 2.0 38-45 12 41.3 12 46.1 1.9 43-50 19 45.8 13 47.9 2.1 44-52 14 49.9 14 50.8 1.4 48-53 8 53.6 15 55.9 0.8 55-58 14 56.8 16 60.0 0.7 59-61 9 59.5 17 62.3 1.3 61-44 4 61.7 Bordjan: Growth of young Great Tits Figure 219 Figure 2: CalculatedlogisticgrowthcurvesforhatchlingsweightofGreatTitParus major fromseparateEuropean populations. Curves from other parts of Europe are from Barba et al. (1993). Slika 2: Izracunanalogisticna rastna krivulja za maso mladicev velike sinice Parus major iz locenih evropskih populacij. Rastne krivulje za ostale dele Evrope so iz Barba et al. 1993. Table 2: Growth parameters of Great Tit Parus major nestlings from different European populations and different altitudes. Growth parameters published by Barba et al. (1993) were used for other parts of Europe. Tabela 2:Rastni parametrimladicev velikesiniceParus major z razlicnih delov Evrope in locenih višinskih pasov. Rastni parametri objavljeni v Barba et al. (1993) so bili uporabljeni za ostale dele Evrope. Population Asymptotic weight (g) Growth constant (k) t50 Great Britain 19.3 0.413 6.486 Spain 17.9 0.389 5.695 Netherland 17.6 0.390 5.970 Germany 17.1 0.412 5.964 Finland 16.7 0.418 5.075 Ljubljana 18.1 0.430 5.422 Lower 18.2 0.420 6.173 Middle 18.0 0.436 6.382 Upper 17.5 0.426 7.133 t50 – time it takes hatchlings to reach 50% of asymptotic weight Acta Biologica Slovenica, 56 (1), 2013 Figure 3: Calculated logistic weight growth curves for hatchlings of Great Tit Parus major from Ljubljana and separate altitudinal belts from Mt. Krim and Mt. Pohorje. Slika 3: Izracunanalogisticna rastna krivulja za maso mladicev velike sinice Parus major iz Ljubljane in locenih višinskih pasov na Krimu in Pohorju. Discussion Weigh growth of Great Tit nestlings changes withthealtitude(Fig3.)butitseemsthatthisdoes not happen linearly. The nestlings from middle andloweraltitudeshavesimilargrowthcurveand similar weight at the age of 11 to 15 days. Both indicate similar food availability for the young. Al- thoughconditionsusuallydeterioratewithaltitude (Hodkinson 2005), lower food abundance in the field, one of the major factors influencing growth (Keller and van Noordwijk 1994), may be offset bythelowercompetitionthroughlowerbreeding density (Schmid et al. 1998). This could explain similarresultsofgrowingparametersfromlower andmiddlealtitudeonourstudysite–therewere more nest-boxes occupied on lower as on middle altitude indicating higher breeding density. But this obviously has a limit. The upper altitude in our study site has even lower breeding density (7 compared to 31 nests at middle altitude with the samenest-boxavailability)butalsolowerweight growth rate of the nestlings. It seems that presumably larger home-ranges of pairs on the highest altitudescannotoffsetlowerfoodavailability.Thus hypothesis that higher altitude reduces average nestlings weight can be accepted but only after the effect of altitude can no longer be offset by lower intraspecific competition. Barbaetal.(1993)foundthatthegrowthrates differbetweenpopulationsofGreatTit(Table1), and this also applies for Slovenian population, which is none the less within the range of other growth rates. What is more, growth rate differs alsobetweenhabitats(Richner1989)andclimatic zones (Barba et al. 1993). Presented data shows thatthesameappliesalsoforaltitudes.Difference ingrowthparametersbetweenseparatepopulations probablycomesfromthedifferenceinecological conditions in which a particular population lives (Barba et al. 1993). Lower asymptotic weight in Finland population and higher growth constant is probably the response to the shorter breeding period (Veistola et al. 1994). On the other hand reasons affecting higher asymptotic weight in Great Britain population are harder to explain, but more stable and milder climatic conditions may suggest the answer. Bordjan: Growth of young Great Tits Weight is usefulfor studies of environmental differencesbetweenpopulationsasshownhigher up,butislesssofordeterminingageofyounginthe nest.Notonlythattheweightdiffersbetweenbirds from different climatic zones (Barba et al. 1993), altitudes (this study),alongpollutiongradient(Eeva et al. 2009) and habitats (Richner 1989), it also changes between years (Orell 1983) and differs between sex (due to different asymptotic weight; females are lighter) and the first and the second clutches (Orell 1983). Wing-length on the other handislessvariableparameter(Tome1995,Tome 2007) and thus wing measurements for ageing youngGreatTitsinthenestseemsabetterchoice. Conclusions Altitude influences weight-grow parameters in Great Tit nestlings, but only on the highest altitudes, while on the middle altitudes deteriorated environmental conditions are possibly offsetbylowerbreedingdensityandhencelower competition. Growth rates differ between populations of Great Tit, and this applies also for Slovenian population,whichisnonethelesswithintherange of other growth rates. Weight is usefulfor studies of environmental differencesbetweenpopulations,butwing-lengthis a better tool for determining the age of young. Povzetek Masa mladicev v gnezdu je pomemben dejavnik, ki ima mocan vpliv na nadaljnjo življenje osebka. Pogosto imajo mladici z vecjo maso vec potomcev. Masa mladicev v gnezdu odseva tudi dostopnost in kvaliteto hrane na gnezdilnem terito- References rijustaršev.Zaraditegajerastmasevgnezdudober pokazatelj stanja v okolju in jo lahko uporabimo za primerjavo med posameznimi populacijami. Namen raziskave je bil zapolniti vrzel v znanju o rasti velike sinice na obmocju JVEvrope ter o pomenu nadmorske višine, ki je slabo raziskana povsod po JVEvropi. Hkrati bodo rezultati uporabnitudikotorodjezadolocanjestarostimladicev velike sinice v gnezdu, ter pomembnih gnezditvenih parametrov, ki iz tega izhajajo. Gnezditvena biologija velike sinice je bila spremljana na treh lokacijahmedleti2010in2012.Nadveh,Pohorje in Krim, so bile gnezdilnice postavljene na treh locenih nadmorskih višinah (32 na spodnji in 40 na srednji in zgornji višini). Meritve mladicev v petih gnezdilnicahv Ljubljani so služile za dolo- citev logisticne rastne krivulje dolžine peruti in mase. Krivulja rasti peruti je bila uporabljena za dolocanjestarostimladicevnaKrimuinPohorju, krivuljo rasti mase smo primerjali s podatki iz Evrope. VLjubljanismo dnevno merili27 mladi- cev, na Krimu in Pohorju pa tedensko skupaj 644 mladicev (369 spodnja, 235 srednja, 40 zgornja višina). Rastna krivulja za maso se razlikuje od krivulj iz ostalih delov Evrope vendar je znotraj njihovih meja. Razlika med rastnimi krivuljami verjetno izhaja iz razlike v ekoloških pogojih, ki vladajo posameznim populacijam. Rast mase mladicev je podobna med spodnjim in srednjim vendar je razlicna od zgornjega višinskega pasu. Ocenjujem, da sta spodnji višini podobni med seboj zaradi kompenzacije manjše kolicine do- stopnega plena na srednji višini z nižjo gostoto gnezdecih parov. Ta kompenzacija pa je uspešna le do dolocene nadmorske višine, saj je bila rast mladicev na zgornji nadmorski višini pocasnejša kljub majhni gnezditveni gostoti. Masa je dobro uporabno za primerjavo med razlicnimi ekološki- mi pogoji, dolžina peruti pa je boljše orodje za dolocanje starosti mladicev v gnezdu. Barba, E. Gil-Delgado, J.A., Monrós, J.S. 1993. Factors affecting nestling growth in the Great Tit Parus major. Ardeola, 40 (2), 121–131. BeldaE.J., Barba E., Gil-Delgado J.A., Iglesias D.J., López G.M., Monrós, J.S. 1998. 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