University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact Editors Borut Milfelner Igor Vrečko Sabina Veršič May 2024 University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Title Research Achievements and Impact Editors Borut Milfelner Igor Vrečko (University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business) (University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business) Sabina Veršič (University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business) Review Polona Tominc Zoran Krupka (University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business) (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business) Language editing Michelle Gadpaille (University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts) Technical editor Jan Perša (University of Maribor, University Press) Cover designer Jan Perša (University of Maribor, University Press) Graphic material Sources are own unless otherwise noted. Milfelner, Vrečko, Veršič (editors), 2024 Cover graphics Foto by University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, 2024 Published by University of Maribor Issued by University of Maribor University Press Faculty of Economics and Business Slomškov trg 15, 2000 Maribor Razlagova ulica 14, 2000 Maribor Slovenia Slovenia Edition 1st Published at Maribor, Slovenia, May 2024 Publication type E-book Available at © University of Maribor, University Press CIP - Kataložni zapis o / Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba publikaciji Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor Text © Authors and Milfelner, Vrečko, Veršič (editors), 2024 378.6(497.4Maribor)(0.034.2) UNIVERZA v Mariboru. Ekonomsko- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 poslovna fakulteta International License. University of Maribor [Elektronski vir]. Faculty of Economics and Business : This book is published under a Creative Commons 4.0 International licence research achievements and (CC BY 4.0). This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work impact / editors Borut even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their Milfelner, Igor Vrečko, Sabina Veršič. - 1st ed. - E- new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to publikacija. - Maribor : “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. University of Maribor, University Press, 2024 Any third-party material in this book is published under the book’s Creative Način dostopa (URL): Commons licence unless indicated otherwise in the credit line to the material. If you would like to reuse any third-party material not covered by mp/catalog/book/877 ISBN 978-961-286-866-6 (Pdf) the book’s Creative Commons licence, you wil need to obtain permission doi: 10.18690/um.epf.6.2024 directly from the copyright holder. COBISS.SI-ID 196306947 ISBN 978-961-286-866-6 (pdf) DOI Price Free copy For publisher Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kačič, Rector of University of Maribor Milfelner, B., Vrečko, I., Veršič, S. (eds.) (2024). University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Attribution Research Achievements and Impact. University of Maribor, University Press. doi: 10.18690/um.epf.6.2024 University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 – 2023 B. Milfelner, I. Vrečko, S. Veršič (eds.) Table of Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 School History ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 School Mission, Vision, and Values ................................................................................................................................................... 9 School Strategic Orientations 2022-2030 ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Memberships and Accreditations ...................................................................................................................................................17 FEB Research Ethics Committee ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 Research Highlights (2021-2023) ................................................................................................................................................... 25 Research Institutes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 29 Research Projects ............................................................................................................................................................................. 39 International projects ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 National projects ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Research Programs funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency .............................................................................................. 42 Other Research Projects funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency .................................................................................... 44 Bilateral projects funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency ..................................................................................................... 49 Applied projects for businesses .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52 Student projects ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62 Research Output by Publications ................................................................................................................................................... 69 Research output by publication type ..................................................................................................................................................................................................70 Scientific articles in top-ranked journals .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 72 Scientific monographs ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................75 Editors of and Positions on Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals ............................................................................................ 79 Doctoral Dissertations Defended ................................................................................................................................................... 85 Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Into Research at the FEB ................................................................................... 93 Global Trends and Benchmarking: The pursuit of the SDGs in business and economics faculties........................................................ 94 SDGs at the forefront of business research .................................................................................................................................................................................... 94 SDGs in the business curriculum ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 95 Reflecting global trends in local research: Integrating the SDGs at the FEB ........................................................................................................... 95 The Societal Impact of FEB .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 96 Final reflections and strategic directions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 96 Scientific Journal and Scientific Conferences ............................................................................................................................. 99 Our Economy: Journal for Transformative Dynamics in Economics and Business ........................................................................................... 100 Founding mission and vision ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Editorial excellence and integrity .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 A tradition of access and impact ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Rigorous peer review process ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 100 Indexed for global recognition ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 101 A commitment to the future ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 101 International Week and the International Scientific Conference organized by FEB in 2021, 2022, 2023 ............................................... 101 ii Table of Contents Research Work in Laboratories ...................................................................................................................................................... 105 Student Participation in Scientific Research and Professional Work ...................................................................................... 109 References.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 112 2 B. Milfelner: Introduction The Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of In this report, we aim to present a comprehensive overview Maribor (FEB) by its very nature fosters an environment of the FEB’s research activities from 2021 to 2023. It dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the constitutes an integral component of our strategic initiative advancement of understanding. Its research work plays a aimed at realizing meaningful and impactful research particularly vital role for several key reasons. Economic and outcomes through the lens of innovation and the business school research pushes the boundaries of existing sustainable, social y responsible development of the knowledge across diverse fields. Through rigorous inquiry school’s research domains. By undertaking this research and critical analysis, researchers tackle unanswered endeavour, the school aligns itself with the overarching questions, chal enge established theories, and generate goal of contributing significantly to the academic new discoveries. This continuous creation of new landscape and beyond. knowledge fuels progress in various sectors, improving the lives and well-being of individuals and societies. The first section delves into the school’s rich history, outlining its founding principles and evolution. We further Also, we act as a training ground for the next generation of articulate our mission, vision, and core values, providing a researchers and scholars. Engaging in practical and clear understanding of our guiding principles. Additional y, research projects allows students to develop critical the school's strategic orientations for the period 2022-2030 thinking skil s, hone their analytical abilities, and gain are outlined, highlighting our commitment to continuous practical experience in conducting research. This improvement and innovation. Our memberships in various encourages a culture of inquiry and innovation, preparing professional and academic organizations are presented, students to become future leaders in their respective fields demonstrating our dedication to collaboration and and contribute meaningful y to the ongoing advancement internationalization. Final y, we introduce the research of knowledge. ethics committee and its role in ensuring the integrity and responsible conduct of research. The mission of the FEB, which is the starting point of the Development Strategy of the FEB for the period 2022-2030, The research highlights section introduces the most considers the quality standards of the international impactful recent research conducted at the FEB over the professional accreditations and the commitment of the FEB last three years. This section provides a glimpse into the to innovation, to the principles of sustainable development diverse range of topics explored by our school and their and to continuous quality improvement in al activities and significant contributions to the field. A separate section is processes. devoted to introducing the research institutes within the school, along with their research focus and expertise, In accordance with FEB’s mission and the strategic offering a deeper understanding of the specialized development directions of the University, FEB’s strategy research conducted within these research units. consists of a set of ten pil ars with strategic goals aimed at strengthening an inclusive, innovative and connected The research projects section provides an overview of the higher education space that supports active, critical and various research projects undertaken by the school, responsible individuals, and ensures the quality of categorized as fol ows: international projects, national education and research, academic integrity and the projects, applied projects for businesses, and student sustainable development of society, thereby following the projects. By categorizing projects, we provide insight into guidelines of the Rome Ministerial Communiqué 2020 and the school’s breadth of engagement and its impact on the principles of the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020. different levels. FEB’s Strategic Plan (in line with the UM strategy) The section on research output by publications delves into emphasizes the importance of research freedom and the scholarly impact and intel ectual contribution of the institutional autonomy, the development of lifelong FEB. Various types of publications produced by the school learning, digitization, and the green transition. Accordingly, and the school are presented, including research articles in we also fol ow the national strategic directions in the field both top-ranked journals and other publications, as wel as of higher education development, as defined in the scientific monographs. This shows the diversity and depth Resolution on the National Program of Higher Education in of the school’s research contributions. Slovenia until 2030, which were adopted in 2022; these involve innovation, educational and research excel ence, The report further highlights the school’s broader research growing quality on an international scale, stimulating work impact beyond publications. It details the school’s and study conditions, high standards of academic culture involvement in editorial boards of scientific journals, and ethics, responsiveness to the current and future needs demonstrating their leadership within their respective of the economic and non-economic spheres, and the fields. The Scientific journal and conference section general social environment, respect for institutional presents the school’s Scientific Journal and its Scientific autonomy, social responsibility, integrity and trust, equality Conferences, embodying its commitment to scholarly and non-discrimination, dignity, justice and inclusiveness, dissemination and academic exchange. The Scientific and commitment to comprehensive and effective creation Journal serves as a platform for publishing groundbreaking conditions for achieving the welfare of society. research findings, inspiring intel ectual discourse, and University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 3 contributing to the advancement of knowledge within the As we conclude the introductory chapter of this report, I academic community. Likewise, the Scientific Conferences would like to extend sincere gratitude to al the dedicated provide avenues for researchers, scholars, and researchers and thesis supervisors whose commitment practitioners to convene, share insights, and col aborate on and insightful contributions have significantly advanced emerging trends and chal enges in their respective fields. our understanding of diverse fields of study. Special thanks are also due to the editorial team and reviewers, whose Additional y, the report presents doctoral dissertation expertise ensured the highest standard of academic theses by students, highlighting the school’s commitment integrity and quality in presenting our findings. to fostering the next generation of researchers and Additionally, the efforts of those who prepared and presenting the most innovative research in the field. careful y reviewed the summaries of their projects and Furthermore, we explore the social and sustainable articles have been invaluable in achieving the clarity and development goals (SDGs) addressed through the school’s precision necessary for effective communication of research, demonstrating its alignment with global complex information. This collective work enriches the challenges. academic discourse and sets a solid foundation for ongoing and future research initiatives. Together, we Final y, the report emphasizes the variety of opportunities continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and for active participation by students in research activity and innovation, making a meaningful impact on both professional work, underlining the school’s commitment to academic and practical levels. providing students with valuable research experience. 6 School History On July 2nd, 1959, the two-year post-secondary School of Today, FEB employs seventy-four Faculty members and Commerce was established in Maribor. This act constituted researchers active within fourteen departments, the foundation of the current Faculty of Economics and organized by disciplines: Department of Accounting and Business as wel as the University of Maribor. The purpose Auditing, Department of Business Law, Department of E-of the establishment was to bridge the gap between Business, Department of Economic Policy, Department of secondary and university education in economics. Entrepreneurship and Business Economics, Department of 1 Finance, Department of Foreign Business Languages, In 1963, the School of Economics and Commerce Department of General Management and Organization, underwent a name change to the School of Economics and Department of International Economics and Business, Business, commonly known by its Slovenian acronym 'VEKŠ' Department of Marketing, Department of Political Economy, across the country. The evolution of VEKŠ signal ed not only Department of Quantitative Economic Analysies, qualitative growth but also internal maturation. By 1969, Department of Strategic Management and Company VEKŠ had become the first and, for several years, the sole Policy, Department of Technology and Entrepreneurial higher education institution in Maribor. Environment Protection. Altogether, there are one hundred and six employees at FEB (110.2 full time equivalents - FTE). In 1971, the exemplary academic staff structure and quality work laid the foundation for a postgraduate study FEB Faculty members are also active researchers within program. The year 1976 marked a milestone, as VEKŠ fifteen research institutes: Institute of Accounting, Auditing awarded its first Ph.D. title, simultaneously marking the and Taxation, Institute of Business Law, Institute of University of Maribor’s inaugural Ph.D. distinction. Economic Analysis and Forecasting, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Smal Business Management, By 1989, the formal expansion of VEKŠ reached its zenith, Institute of Finance and Artificial Intel igence, Institute of with the school being renamed the Faculty of Economics International Economic and Business Studies, Institute of and Business (FEB). Since then, FEB has actively advanced Languages and Foreign Business Languages, Institute of its undergraduate and postgraduate study programs, Marketing, Institute of Operational Research, Institute of earning international acclaim. Management and Organization, Institute of Project Management, Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurial Recognizing the significance of its graduates’ Environment Protection, Institute of Tourism and Business competitiveness in Slovenia, the European Union, and Logistics, Institute of Corporate Governance and Strategic globally, FEB has dedicated over sixty years to ensuring the Management, and Institute of E-Business and Information distinctiveness of its study programs and the employability Technology Management. of its graduates. The international accreditations received for study programs serve as affirmations of these efforts. In FEB employs thirty staff members. To provide more efficient 2008, FEB received accreditation from the European support for education, research and professional activities, Council of Business Education (ECBE). A year later, in 2009, our professional staff offices were reorganized in spring it earned accreditation from the Accreditation Council of 2022. Since then, professional staff have been organized Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and across two centres and five independent offices: (1) the reaccreditation in 2019. The process of external Centre for Education, comprising the Students Affairs accreditations continued by first accreditation in 2018 from Office, Study Affairs Office and Office for Development, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Support and Quality Assurance of Study Programs; (2) the (AACSB), a symbol of excel ence since 1916 and successful Centre for Legal and Human Resource Affairs and reaccreditation in 2023. Currently, the school is in the Administration, which consists of the Office for Legal and process of acquiring EFMD program accreditation, which Human Resource Affairs; (3) the Office for Research and constitutes a benchmark for what is considered an Cooperation with the Business Environment; (4) the Library internationally recognized peer-reviewed program. and Information Services Center; (5) the Student Career Centre and the Office for Administration and Maintenance; These international accreditations underscore FEB’s the Finance and Accounting Office; (6) the International unwavering commitment to progress and the continual Office; and (7) the IT Department. enhancement of its study programs and research. Graduates with internationally recognized degrees from FEB are well-positioned to compete in the market for both global education and labour. 1 The chapter has been reproduced from FEB (2024a) 10 School Mission, Vision, and Values Shaping a compel ing mission, vision, and set of values Personal and social responsibility becomes not only a strategic imperative but also a guiding light il uminating the path forward. These foundational We encourage and reward the responsibility of each elements serve as the compass, shaping the organization’s individual for excel ence in their teaching and research, as identity, guiding its decisions, and rallying its stakeholders well as for excellence in their professional and voluntary behind a common cause. In this section, we delve into our work undertaken for the benefit of students, employees, mission, vision, and values, elucidating the principles that and the broader society. Our activities in support of define our ethos and steer our actions towards realizing our personal and intel ectual growth of al stakeholders col ective aspirations. encourage socially responsible decision-making with a 2 global outlook. Mission Sustainability The FEB contributes to the holistic development of individuals and the sustainable development of the In our activities related to education, research, and economy and society in the national, broader European professional and societal work, we consider the economic, and global environment through innovative research and social, and environmental viewpoints, aim to reduce education in economics and business. negative environmental impact, promote economic prosperity, and encourage sustainable behaviour and Vision social responsibility, thereby contributing to the wel -being of employees and students, and to a positive impact on the society at large. The FEB aspires to be renowned at the national and broader European level as an excellent research-oriented and Equality and democracy global y connected school of economics and business. We strive for everyone to work and study in an atmosphere Values of respect, dignity, and inclusion. We promote cultural diversity, and we actively support ful inclusion of persons Knowledge and critical thinking with special needs. We ensure the spirit of open dialogue with al our stakeholders via democratic and transparent We create, broaden, and apply interdisciplinary and decision-making processes for key decisions. social y responsible knowledge, which we successful y disseminate to our students and to academic and Credibility and ethical behaviour business communities at both regional and international levels. We embrace open communication, transparency of processes, and clearly defined responsibilities, a We are aware that critical thinking is the foundation for the combination that encourages ethical action and helps development of any society. Therefore, we encourage and build the credibility of the FEB. develop it in our interpersonal relations, and study programs, as wel as within our research and professional work. Innovativeness and entrepreneurship Cooperation We actively co-shape the university innovation ecosystem and thus contribute to the co-creation of conditions for Educational and research activities are based on creativity and for the implementation of innovative multifaceted cooperation within our institution and on an economic and business solutions from both employees open dialogue with the broader community. Successful and students. cooperation is based on trust in the FEB as an independent and unbiased knowledge institution, which builds on We encourage creativity, innovativeness and credibility and ethical action. In this way, we maintain a entrepreneurship, and we educate individuals to perceive strong bridge of cooperation between the FEB and its and exploit business opportunities by prudent risk-taking. students, the regional environment, and numerous We implement these values in practice by being actively partners in Slovenia and abroad. engaged in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 2 The chapter has been reproduced from FEB (2024b) 14 School Strategic Orientations 2022-2030 Strategic orientation encompasses the deliberate choices Students and actions that we at FEB undertake to position ourselves effectively in the business school marketplace, respond to Contributing to the holistic development of students and emerging challenges, and capitalize on opportunities. It achieving the school’s mission in partnership with students. reflects our commitment to adaptability, innovation, and alignment with our mission and vision. In the following Internationalization section, we outline the key pil ars of our strategic orientation. Strengthening the visibility of the school in the European and global environment, based on innovation and the Organization implementation of the sustainability principles in research and education. The school’s organization supports the mission of the School and builds the reputation of the School based on its Development through the quality system achievements. Strengthening the culture of quality as the foundation for Education the long-term successful operation and development of the school. Study programs and life-long education, based on quality and innovativeness, address the sustainable and social y Embeddedness in the environment responsible aspects, and are in line with changes in the business environment and the needs of the labour market. Further contribution to the strengthening of the innovation ecosystem that is based on knowledge transfer to the Research environment and on social y responsible action by the school, which contributes to the sustainable development Achieving meaningful, impactful research results based on of the economy and society at large. innovativeness and sustainable and social y responsible development of the school’s research areas. School premises development and infrastructure Stimulating working environment Developing the school’s infrastructure in line with the needs of users and the principles of sustainability. Providing ongoing support for the development of higher education teachers and professional staff, along with a IT support stimulating working environment. Increasing the digitization of the school and strengthening 3 IT support for the school’s internal and external environment. 3 The chapet has been reproduced from FEB (2024b) 18 Memberships and Accreditations The active participation of the FEB in several national and FEB has acquired the fol owing international accreditations: international organizations and associations holds paramount importance for a dynamic and col aborative − Accreditation Council for Business Schools and academic environment. Engaging with these entities Programs (ACBSP) al ows the school to stay abreast of the latest − Association to Advance Col egiate Schools of developments, trends, and best practices within the field of Business (AACSB) economics and business on both national and global − European Council for Business Education (ECBE) scales. This active involvement facilitates the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and innovative ideas among FEB is an active member in the fol owing: professionals, researchers, and educators, thereby enhancing the quality and relevance of the academic − Accreditation Council for Business Schools and programs and research initiatives undertaken by the Programs (ACBSP) school. − Association to Advance Col egiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Additionally, participation in these networks provides − European Council for Business Education valuable opportunities for interdisciplinary col aboration, − ATLAS establishing meaningful partnerships, and staying − Consortium of International Double Degrees (CIDD) connected with the broader academic and professional − European Foundation for Management Development community. By being an active member of such (EFMD) organizations, the school not only contributes to the − Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) advancement of its own standing but also plays a vital role − Microsoft Certified Exam Provider in shaping the discourse and progression of economic and − Microsoft Dynamics Academic Al iance (DyAA) business education and research on a broader stage. − Microsoft IT Academy Program Member − SAP University Alliances. FEB has currently acquired three international accreditations. These signify that the school meets rigorous standards in areas like curriculum, faculty qualifications, research, and student outcomes. This assurance of quality empowers students to make informed choices about their education, knowing their chosen institution adheres to international y recognized standards. Secondly, it enhances the global recognition and reputation of the university, attracting diverse students and researchers, and encouraging international academic collaboration. International accreditations offer a valuable stamp of approval for both institutions and individuals, promoting confidence and facilitating success in the global market. 4 4 This chapter has been reproduced from FEB (2024c) and FEB (2024d) 22 FEB Research Ethics Committee The key values of the FEB emphasize personal and social The Committee has a president, a vice president, and three responsibility, sustainability, equality and democracy, regular members. Among the three regular members, one credibility, and ethical behaviour. The Research Ethics represents the students. The members of the Committee Committee at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the are appointed and confirmed by the FEB Senate. The term University of Maribor was established in 2022 and serves as of office for Committee members is four years, while the an advisory body to the FEB’s Research Committee. It term for student member is one year. promotes and establishes conditions for ethical y responsible research among university professors, associates, researchers, and students at all study levels within the school. The Committee addresses the research, research tasks, and projects of university professors, associates, researchers, and students at all study levels at the FEB. It engages in the ethical assessment of research, research tasks, and projects conducted. This includes work involving people using research methods in economic and business sciences, along with related social sciences and humanities, as wel as non-invasive psychophysiological or neurophysiological instruments and methods, in a manner that requires ethical evaluation. 5 5 The chapter hass been reproduced from FEB (2024e) 26 Research Highlights (2021-2023) 6 6 Data was retrieved from FEB internal student, FEB research databases, and the Slovenian Current Research Information System (2024). University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 27 The above figure offers a comprehensive overview of the As of 2023, FEB had sixty-three PhD students who were research highlights at the FEB for the period from 2021 to enrol ed and being trained to become the next generation 2023. of scholars and researchers, contributing to the advancement of knowledge, and driving innovation. During FEB offers a diverse range of study programs, including the specified period, fourteen PhD theses were successful y undergraduate and master’s programs, alongside a PhD defended, indicating the effectiveness of FEB’s investment program. The provision of programs in both Slovenian and in nurturing these students. English enhances accessibility and attracts domestic and international students, thus contributing to a more diverse Concerning the academic intel ectual output, a total of 248 academic environment. scientific articles, thirty-one books and monographs, and ninety-five chapters contributed to monographs were In the academic year 2023/2024, the total number of published, demonstrating the school’s contribution to students enrolled in the school was 2362. This number gives scholarly dissemination and knowledge creation across us an idea of the school’s size and its potential impact on various disciplines. various academic and research initiatives. During the three-year period from 2021 to 2023, the school produced The school garnered a substantial number of citations, with 822 graduates. The school maintained three international 5251 citations received in JCR and Scopus indexed journals accreditations during this period, signifying its over the past decade, showing the impact produced by the commitment to upholding high academic standards and school’s research output within the academic community. recognition on a global scale. The school employed seventy-four researchers in 2023, underscoring its dedication to a serious research environment. Over the three-year period, the school engaged in five international projects, and thirty-three national projects financed by Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency. This includes three research programs and twenty-four bilateral projects. Additionally, with forty- three applied projects for businesses undertaken, the school demonstrates its commitment to engaging with industry partners, addressing real-world challenges, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, al of which are essential for economic development. The school also facilitated six student projects during the period. 30 Research Institutes At the FEB, scientific research and consulting work are − Institute of Marketing, organized within the framework of institutes. The scientific − Institute of Operational Research, research activities are funded by the Ministry of Higher − Institute of Management and Organization, Education, Science, and Innovation, other ministries of the − Institute of Project Management, Republic of Slovenia, from EU funds, as wel as by Slovenian − Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurial and foreign companies. Environment Protection, 7 − Institute of Tourism and Business Logistics, Research work is implemented in the context of − Institute of Corporate Governance and Strategic fundamental and target research, consulting work, and Management, life-long learning. Researchers also col aborate with − Institute of E-Business and Information Technology companies, where they engage in applied and Management. developmental projects. Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Researchers actively engage in the international research arena, primarily participating in framework research Taxation programs where the school col aborates as a partner. This includes programs such as Erasmus+ - Strategic The Institute of Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation was Partnerships, Jean Monnet, transnational programs like founded in 1992, evolving from its previous incorporation Interreg: Mediterranean, Danube, Central Europe, Alpine into other organizational units. It is a dedicated research Space, cross-border cooperation for Austria, Hungary, and center focused on accounting, auditing, taxation, and Croatia. Research col aboration also extends to bilateral related fields. The institute emphasizes both academic partnerships with foreign universities. rigor and practical application, providing a comprehensive curriculum that combines theory with real-world Currently (31/12/2023), there are seventy-four Faculty experience. It collaborates with industry professionals and members (78.2 FTE, according to Slovenian legislation, engages in innovative research, offering expert insights including teaching assistants and other supporting into contemporary practices in accounting, auditing, and lecturers) active within fifteen research institutes organized taxation. by disciplines. Researchers Researchers contribute to various fields, including international entrepreneurship and the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, economic policy in Head: Dr Lidija Hauptman, associate professor the process of integration and globalization, the study of ( econometric models for simulating mechanisms and Dr Robert Horvat, senior lecturer behaviour in open economies, international economic Dr Iztok Kolar, assistant professor relations, public sector financing, corporate law, securities Dr Andreja Lutar Skerbinjek, assistant professor law, marketing, mathematics in economics, operations MSc Neca Tešić, teaching assistant research, innovative business, human resources Dr Daniel Zdolšek, assistant professor management, comprehensive quality management, business digitization, project-oriented business, strategy Research areas and strategic management, accounting, auditing and corporate taxation, environmental management, quality of − Financial accounting, logistics processes, and optimization of internal transport. − Cost Accounting, − Tax accounting, FEB Faculty members are active researchers within fifteen − Managerial Accounting research institutes: − Sustainability Accounting − Environmental Accounting − Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, − Forensic Accounting − Institute of Business Law, − Accounting information systems − Institute of Economic Analysis and Forecasting, − Accounting and reporting standards (IFRS, SAS) − Institute of Entrepreneurship and Smal Business − Sustainability accounting and reporting standards Management, (IFRS-S) − Institute of Finance and Artificial Intelligence, − External Auditing, − Institute of International Economic and Business − Internal Auditing, Studies, − Tax auditing, − Institute of Languages and Foreign Business − Governmental auditing, Languages, − Sustainability auditing 7 The chapter was reproduced from FEB (2024f), and the data were retrieved from FEB internal research databases. University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 31 − Taxation, tax compliance and governance, tax management, corporate integrity and business optimization compliance, organizational culture, and business ethics. − Financial analysis, Research addresses developmental issues across diverse − Strategic and operational control ing entities, including profit and non-profit organizations, SMEs, large companies, and family businesses, fostering Institute of Business Law col aboration, publication, and knowledge advancement within the academic community. The research areas of the Institute of Business Law include corporate law, insolvency law, contract law, tax law, and EU Researchers law. Within the field of corporate law, the research activities of the institute’s staff in recent times have been particularly Head: Dr Jernej Belak, ful professor ( focused on the legal aspects of sustainable corporate Dr Mojca Duh, ful professor governance. Institute staff, among other things, participate Dr Tjaša Štrukelj, associate professor in a research project, funded by the national research agency and dealing with the sustainable duties of Research areas directors. In addition, this institute col aborates intensively with companies and the public sector, providing legal − Corporate governance studies and legal opinions. − Strategic management − Process, instrumental and institutional dimensions of Researchers management − Corporate integrity and business compliance Head: Dr Peter Podgorelec, associate professor − Organizational culture ( − Business ethics Dr Borut Bratina, full professor − Company credibility Dr Dušan Jovanovič, associate professor − Organizational philosophy Dr Andreja Primec, associate professor − Corporate social responsibility Research areas Institute of Economic Analysis and Forecasting − Corporate law − Mergers and acquisitions − Securities (security) law The Institute for Economic Diagnosis and Prognosis has − Compulsory settlement, bankruptcy law and winding been operational since 1977 and has a rich history of up scientific research and knowledge dissemination. − Finance law Researchers and lecturers, working within the institute, − Taxation law strive to use and expand up-to-date economic knowledge. − Corporate governance For its clients, the institute offers scientific and professional − Contractual law research, consulting, and education in micro- and − Public procurement law macroeconomics and applied econometrics. − Competition law − Intel ectual property law Researchers − International business law − EU law Head: Dr Silvo Dajčman, full professor − Arbitration law ( − Insurance law Dr Jani Bekő, ful professor Dr Vito Bobek, associate professor Institute of Corporate Governance Dr Darja Boršič, ful professor Dr Mejra Festić, ful professor and Strategic Management Nejc Fir, MSc, teaching assistant Marko Senekovič, MSc, teaching assistant The Institute of Corporate Governance and Strategic Management at the University of Maribor’s FEB conducts Research areas pivotal research contributing to the fields of corporate governance and strategic management. It focuses on − Economic policy in the process of integration and areas such as corporate governance, examining structures globalization ensuring transparency and ethical behaviour, and − Price mechanisms in integration processes strategic management, investigating strategies for long- − Sector analysis term success. Additional y, the institute explores the − process, instrumental, and institutional dimensions of International comparison of prices and wages 32 Research Institutes − Economic movements − Innovativeness of companies − Econometric models for simulating the functioning of − Innovation management open economies − Organisational and managerial conditions for − Labour market analysis in Slovenia and the EU innovation processes − Functioning of the EU Single Market − Economic aspects of migration Institute of E-business and − Market analysis for companies Information Technology Institute of Entrepreneurship and Management Small Business Management The E-business and Management Information Institute at the FEB, University of Maribor, operates at the intersection The Institute for Entrepreneurship and Smal Business of technology and business and is dedicated to Management conducts research on entrepreneurship in augmenting the performance of digital organisations in Slovenia and international y. Its focus is on the local and global ecosystems. It explores a broad spectrum development and support of small and medium-sized of areas, from the evaluation and management of enterprises, and its studies address market trends and information systems, to the strategic and operational innovation strategies to improve conditions for growth and design of digital transformation initiatives. Our team development. The Institute’s work provides policymakers comprises experienced and young researchers with a and companies with access to findings essential for significant external network in business and research. fostering innovation and competitiveness. The Institute strengthens the entrepreneurial ecosystem and provides Researchers effective solutions to the chal enges of today’s entrepreneurship through active engagement with a range of stakeholders. Head: Dr Igor Perko, associate professor Dr Samo Bobek ful professor Researchers Sara Cokan, MSc, teaching assistant MSc Zdenko Deželak, lecturer Dr Simona Sternad Zabukovšek ful professor Head: Dr Barbara Bradač Hojnik, ful professor Irena Šišovska Klančnik, MSc, teaching assistant ( Dr Katja Crnogaj, associate professor Research areas Dr Ivona Huđek, assistant professor Dr Dijana Močnik, full professor − Samuel Plečko, MSc, teaching assistant Information systems evaluation, implementation, MSc Matej Rus, senior lecturer management and governance Dr Karin Širec, ful professor − Digital transformation strategies and action plans Dr Polona Tominc, full professor − AI in business information systems Dr Zdenka Ženko, ful professor − Robotic process automation − E-business models and systems Research areas − Enterprise resource planning systems − Customer relations management systems − Establishment, development, and growth of SMEs − Digital marketing tools and applications − Evaluation of business planning and entrepreneurship − Business use of social media ideas − Business intel igence and artificial intel igence − Female entrepreneurship integration − International entrepreneurship − Visualization, multimedia, virtual and augmented − Digital entrepreneurship reality in business processes − Family business − Sustainability and ethics in digital business practices − Corporate entrepreneurship − Big data analysis and governance − Social entrepreneurship − Data privacy and governance − Sustainable entrepreneurship − Inclusive entrepreneurship Institute of Finance and Artificial − Business economics Intelligence − Environmental economics − Networking and business cooperation The institute offers solutions in the field of artificial − Researching the business environment intel igence and data science for finance, as wel as for − Research and development of efficient and profitable other fields (industry, service sector, medicine, etc.) in the business models form of new products and software solutions. The members University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 33 are experts in the field of risk management. The Institute − International marketing and international business cooperates with governmental and regulatory bodies in − Management of intercultural differences in Slovenia and around the world. We work in the field of international business health economics, where we are members of the expert − International finance and international corporate group at the WHO. We provide consulting work in the field finance of finance, banking, insurance, and public finance. We carry − International economic trends out certified training sessions and participate in the − Public sector financing training of auditors and appraisers. − Regional and sectoral topics − International economic relations of Slovenia Researchers − Long-term development strategies of Slovenia − International economics (international finance, Head: Dr Timotej Jagrič, ful professor international trade) ( − International business (international marketing) Aleksandra Amon, MSc, teaching assistant − Aljaž Herman, MMath, teaching assistant International economic relations Dr Vita Jagrič, associate professor Dr Tanja Markovič Hribernik, full professor Institute of Languages and Foreign Dr Žan Jan Oplotnik, ful professor Business Languages MSc Sabina Taškar Beloglavec, senior lecturer The Institute of Languages and Foreign Business Research areas Languages focuses on foreign languages as languages for specific purposes – primarily English and German (i.e., − Corporate finance specialized terminology, business communication in − Banking foreign languages, commercial correspondence), LSP − Insurance teaching and learning (i.e., teaching methods, resources, − Health economics assessment, and lifelong learning to support foreign − Quantitative methods in finance business language acquisition and proficiency), and − Risk management interdisciplinary topics (i.e., intercultural communication − VAR models and competences in business). Additional y, it offers a − Stress testing number of business communication-related language − Behaviour finance courses, language editing services, and − Experimental economics academic/professional writing instruction. − Data science − Artificial intelligence Researchers − Machine learning Head: Dr Nataša Gajšt, lector ( Institute of International Economic MSc Tosja Kobler Jovanovič, lector Tatjana Koropec, lector and Business Studies MSc Alenka Plos, lector The Institute for International Economic and Business Research areas Studies (I EBS) was founded in 1975. Its members are university teachers and researchers in the field of − Research in foreign languages as languages for international economics and business. The aim of the specific purposes: Institute is to contribute to and promote the development − specialized terminology and terminography, of international economics and business, with a focus on − corpus analysis of languages for specific sustainability in international trade. purposes, − communication patterns, business Researchers communication in foreign languages, − business correspondence. Head: Dr Dejan Romih, assistant professor − Research in LSP teaching and learning: ( − modern and creative methods of foreign Dr Romana Korez Vide, associate professor business language teaching and learning, Dr Žan Jan Oplotnik, ful professor − tools and materials for foreign business language teaching and learning, Research areas − foreign business language assessment, international standards, − − academic and professional writing International economic relations instruction, 34 Research Institutes − lifelong and non-formal learning of foreign aim of developing scientific research work and involving languages. students and companies in research activities and mutual − Interdisciplinary research: connections between the school and the business − intercultural communication and environment. The first head of the institute was Professor intercultural competences for business. Bogomir Deželak, PhD. Today, the institute has seven − use of foreign languages as an element in members and continues to follow the key ideas behind the business culture and competitiveness of institute’s founding, which it enhances by transferring organisations. research results directly into the teaching process, adding additional value to the study of marketing at the FEB. Institute of Management and Organization Researchers Head: Dr Damijan Mumel, ful professor The institute is engaged in researching management ( topics, topics in the field of organization, human resource Dr Matjaž Iršič, assistant professor management, organizational behavior, and wel -being, as Dr Domen Malc, teaching assistant wel as the effects of digitization on these topics. There are Dr Borut Milfelner, ful professor seven researchers working under the auspices of the Dr Aleksandra Pisnik, ful professor institute. The most important international projects of the Nika Rakuša, MSc, teaching assistant institute are: SMART PRODUCTION, REGIO HELP, and Dr Bruno Završnik, ful professor CHANCE4CHANGE. Research areas Researchers − Marketing research Head: Dr Simona Šarotar Žižek, ful professor − Marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and ( distribution) Dr Vojko Potočan, ful professor − Strategic marketing Dr Sonja Treven, ful professor − Marketing in culture Dr Duško Uršič, ful professor − Dr Zlatko Nedelko, ful professor Marketing for commercial organizations − Dr Vida Sruk, senior lecturer Marketing for non-profit organizations − Services marketing Research areas − Relationship marketing − Customer relationship management − − Organizational Behaviour, Purchasing management − Management of Human Resources in the Company, − Product management − Encouraging Creativity among Employees, − Internal marketing − Overcoming Stress among Employees, − Social marketing − Well-being Management, − Organization, product, and brand image − Safety and Health, − Consumer behaviour − Performance Management, − Macroeconomic trends and marketing − Business Quality Management Systems (ISO 9000 − E-marketing consultancy), − Information Security (consulting for ISO 17799), Institute of Operational Research − Organization of Production and Service Organizations, − Design and Development of Organizational Models for Business Support, The Institute of Operational Research operates within the − Development of Management Solutions for the FEB, University of Maribor, in the framework of scientific Operation of Companies, research and consulting activities. Members of the Institute − Management of Business Processes, of Operational Research have high-quality, up-to-date − Artificial intel igence and Management of Human research achievements in the field of quantitative research Resources, methods and mathematics, in conjunction with various − Artificial intelligence and Management, aspects of the modern business environment and − Well-being society 6.0. economic theory, validated through project collaboration. High levels of expertise from national and international Institute of Marketing scientific and professional engagements of institute members are demonstrated and incorporated into its activities. The Institute of Marketing was established on September 17, 1969, as the first institute at the FEB. It was founded with the University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 35 Researchers Institute of Technology and Head: Dr Blaž Frešer, assistant professor Entrepreneurial Environment ( Protection Dr Vesna Čančer, full professor Dr Techn. Alenka Kavkler, R Avstrija, ful professor Since 1988, the Institute’s team has been conducting Dr Janko Marovt, full professor applied and fundamental research in the fields of Dr Maja Rožman, assistant professor technology development and corporate environmental protection, knowledge transfer and educational activities Research areas in line with the needs of partners in business practice, as wel as providing expert support and advice to a wide − Mathematics for economics range of companies and institutions. The professional − Actuarial mathematics profile of the Institute’s researchers is engineering, but the − Mathematical statistics knowledge we provide and the research we conduct − Economic statistics extends across the various functional areas of companies. − Econometrics We col aborate with other research and academic − Operations research institutions in Slovenia and abroad. − Quantitative models for decision-making − Artificial intelligence Researchers Institute of Project Management Head: Dr Matjaž Denac, associate professor ( Dr Gregor Radonjič, full professor The Institute of Project Management focuses on advanced studies and innovations in the field of project-related and Research areas project-oriented strategic management. With its research and applied work addressing the role of projects in − Environmental management research implementing strategies, managing strategic and − business crises, and achieving sustainable success for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) business systems, the Institute is dedicated to − Carbon footprint understanding and creating effective solutions that enable − Development and eco-design of packaging organizations to successful y navigate dynamic business environments. In doing so, the Institute contributes to the Institute of Tourism and Business theoretical foundations of project management and the Logistics sustainable success of organizations. Researchers The institute of Tourism and Business Logistics has been founded to address research chal enges in these two fields of expertise. The institute covers al major topics, e.g., Head: Dr Igor Vrečko, full professor ( destination management and marketing, hospitality, Aljaž Kocet, MSc, teaching assistant travel, and business logistics, all through the prism of MSc Andrej Smogavc Cestar, lecturer excel ence-driven sustainability. Patrick Šumandl, MSc, teaching assistant Research areas Researchers Head: Dr Sonja Sibila Lebe, ful professor − Strategy and strategic management, ( − Projects and project management, Dr Klavdij Logožar, associate professor − Global, strategic, and business crises, − Strategy and project design, − Strategy initiation and project launch, Research areas − Project programs and multi-project operations, − Sustainable tourism development for destinations − Information communication and AI technology to (elaborating strategic development plans) support project-oriented business, − Destination management – choosing optimal − Project-oriented business processes, development plans for each destination − Project management in the areas of research, − Development of trendy and sustainable tourism development, and innovation in international project products for destinations collaboration, − Cultural and creative tourism development in a − Knowledge and experience transfer in the field of destination project management. 36 Research Institutes − Tourism development in rural environments − Event management − Consulting on development of active holidays − Wel ness tourism (culture, recreation, e.g., cycling, hiking) − Wine- and gastronomy tourism − Marketing plans for destinations (setting the − Tourism marketing (destinations, enterprises) destination’s USP, elaborating the 4P) − Determination and minimisation of logistics costs − Sustainable operations in the hospitality sector − Optimisation of internal transport and warehousing − Human resources management in tourism − Inventory management − Consulting enterprises by applying for the EU Ecolabel certificate 40 Research Projects International projects and training systems to address 8 these evolving chal enges. FEB participates as an active partner institution in Practical The project promotes collaboration international projects, particularly those funded by the relevance among higher education institutions European Union, including Erasmus+, Horizon, and other EU through the exchange of knowledge initiatives. Engaging in these projects opens unique and experiences. It focuses on opportunities for col aboration, knowledge exchange, and enhancing the digital pedagogical exposure to diverse perspectives within the global skil s of teaching staff, creating an e- academic and professional community. learning platform, and analyzing online examination methods. By Beyond the immediate academic benefits, active bringing together institutions from involvement in EU-funded projects strengthens the Ireland, Slovenia, and Croatia, the school’s international network, promoting cross-cultural project facilitates diverse partnerships and facilitating the exchange of best perspectives on shared topics, practices. Additional y, these projects contribute to the enriching it with varied cultural and school’s reputation and visibility on the global stage, ideological viewpoints. attracting top talent and establishing it as a hub for innovative research and col aborative initiatives. 2. MICE Next Evolution (MICE.N.E) By embracing these international opportunities, the school Project title MICE Next Evolution (MICE.N.E) not only enriches its educational and research Financing Erasmus+ environments but also actively contributes to the broader Entity goals of European col aboration and knowledge Institute of E-business and dissemination. Institute Information Technology Management 1. E-laboratory for digital education (LaDiEd) Project leader Igor Perko Researchers Vojko Potočan, Sonja Sibila Lebe E-laboratory for digital education Project title The project defines and shares aims, (LaDiEd) methods, and tools for a model of Financing Erasmus+ transnational cooperation between Entity HEIs and MICE sector players in Italy, Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Spain, Belgium, Lithuania, and Institute Taxation Slovenia. It takes the form of a stable Project leader Lidija Hauptman partnership to conceive, design, test, Project Igor Perko, Andreja Lutar Skerbinjek, and disseminate a new MICE Researchers summary Nuša Basle, Dušan Jovanovič Management HE curriculum that The project aims to enable enduring valorises, in young European col aborations among higher students with a background in education institutions in the EU. Its economics, an integrated set of objective is to enhance the capacity managerial, digital and green skil s to for implementing (e-)teaching and make them into real change agents (e-)learning through the cultivation in the MICE sector. of digital pedagogical skil s among The MICE project wil result in a MICE educators. This involves devising Management HE Curriculum innovative approaches to deliver implemented in the HE programs of Project top-notch and accessible digital Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Slovenia, and summary education, alongside the creation Belgium. It will provide the following: and utilization of high-calibre digital - Microlearning pil s and narrative content and contemporary (e-) branching scenarios for the Practical tools. By attaining this objective, the development of green, digital, and relevance project supports higher education managerial skil s of students from institutions in delivering exceptional economic backgrounds and inclusive digital education. This -A MICE teaching manual created to wil be achieved by supporting cover transformational team professors in developing their digital coaching and WBL – Piloting of the skil s and by enhancing education Curriculum-- with eighty students from the four countries 8 The data were retrieved from the FEB internal research databases. University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 41 -Hybrid mobility for twenty-four stand tending and sales of biomass. University Professors for live testing of Cost effective production makes the Manual smal wood a more interesting resource for heating plants, 3. Small diameter wood utilization with biorefineries, other product buyers innovative stand management for and smal buyers for wood heating. At FEB, a new business model for multifunctional forests and a growing these activities has been developed. sustainable bio-economy (SMALLWOOD) 4. Spatial and economic science in higher Small diameter wood utilization with education – addressing the playful potential innovative stand management for Project title multifunctional forests and a of simulation games (Spationomy 2.0) growing sustainable bio-economy (SMALLWOOD) Spatial and economic science in Financing Horizon 2020, Era-Net, ForestValue higher education – addressing the Project title Entity JTC 2017 playful potential of simulation games Institute for Entrepreneurship and (Spationomy 2.0) Institute Small Business Management Financing Erasmus+ Project leader Zdenka Ženko Entity Researchers Damijan Mumel, Alenka Kavkler Institute for Entrepreneurship and Institute Trees from Smal Diameter Stands Small Business Management (SDS), resulting from thinning, Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek coppicing, forest fire prevention Researchers Polona Tominc, Samo Bobek cutting, and linear areas such as The project aims to establish a roadsides, are a largely underutilized platform for knowledge exchange wood resource with high potential to between staff/teachers and students support the growth of the forest- in the field of “geo-informatics” and based bioeconomy in Europe. Aiming the economy. Objectives of the at increasing harvesting efficiency project include bringing together and reducing operational costs, the students from different fields through Smallwood project wil develop and blended mobility, where they will help bring two Harvesting and Extraction develop novel approaches in spatial Project Innovations (HEIs) of specific SDS economic data analysis, bringing summary relevance closer to the market. These together scientists with different include 1) Multi-tree harvesting backgrounds to establish new techniques combined with new Project cooperation within the domain of working methods; and 2) Combined summary “spatial economics”, assessing the harvesting and chipping. The overall potential of playful, experiential and objective is to increase the simulation game-based learning in sustainable utilization of smal - this context, devising an diameter wood through improved interdisciplinary and multinational management to generate higher course that facilitates long-term value and stability of interconnection between economics forests and to further boost new SMEs and geoinformatics, developing an and work opportunities in rural areas. open access methodology for spatial Proposed new options or solutions for exploration of economic data, and forest management, early thinning establishing a simulation game and harvesting of overgrown areas, scenario to model real-world fire prevention, harvesting and problems and their solutions. transportation, and sales The project has significant practical opportunities for biomass have been relevance because it fosters Practical included in the final research report. interdisciplinary collaboration and relevance New multi-tree harvesting innovative learning methodologies in techniques result in greater cost Practical higher education. Bringing together efficiency and less damage to the relevance students from diverse fields and remaining trees, forest land and scientists with varying backgrounds roads. New techniques are facilitates the development of novel innovative for private forest owners approaches in spatial economic and forest management, seedling data analysis. Incorporating playful, 42 Research Projects simulation game-based learning utilizing game dynamics were enhances student engagement and entered to be used proactively by provides a practical framework for business leaders and consumers understanding complex real-world wil ing to combine fun with social y problems in spatial economics. and environmentally desirable Moreover, establishing an open- activities. The platform’s innovative access methodology for spatial idea consists of gathering novel and exploration of economic data tested solutions in one place, thus ensures accessibility and enabling quick and easy access to transparency in research practices. various ideas that can potentially Ultimately, the project aims to create a sustainability-conscious address pressing societal and approach by/for the public. By economic chal enges by equipping utilizing game dynamics, which have students with the skil s and proven effective in encouraging knowledge necessary for informed consumers to behave in a certain decision-making and problem- way, businesses can gain essential solving in the dynamic field of spatial benefits from marketing, relationship economics. building and CSR-related merits. The platform is also helpful for 5. Economics of Sustainability (EOS) consumers with a sustainability- conscious mindset to help them find Project title Economics of Sustainability (EOS) socially- or eco-friendly solutions, Financing connect with relevant businesses Erasmus+ Entity and support the initiatives. Institute of Corporate Governance Institute and Strategic Management assignments/ Project leader Tjaša Štrukelj Mojca Duh, Jernej Belak, Barbara National projects Researchers Bradač Hojnik, Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Romana Korez Vide Research Programs funded by the Slovenian The project integrates sustainability Research and Innovation Agency into tertiary education curricula, addressing core environmental and Among the research activities of FEB, research programs social issues. It proposes a new represent a public service in the form of a cohesive area of subject, “Economics of research work, expected to remain relevant and applicable Sustainability,” covering diverse over an extended period and of significant importance to areas such as business Slovenia. sustainability, environmental relations, and sustainable finance. Public service in the field of research and development Through joint curriculum activities, in the form of research programs, is conducted development, the project fosters by research program groups within public research global col aboration among partner institutions, higher education institutions established by Project institutions. A coursebook supports the Republic of Slovenia, and (based on concession) summary students and educators, providing program groups organized within legal entities of private secondary access as an open- and public law. These research programs play an access resource. The project important role in fostering the intel ectual and promotes sustainable behaviours technological advancement of Slovenia. Their importance among businesses and consumers lies in their ability to address complex challenges, drive by leveraging technology diffusion innovation, and contribute to the overal progress of and game dynamics. Results are society. By engaging in sustained and focused research disseminated via an open-access efforts, these programs not only expand the frontiers of platform, facilitating proactive knowledge but also cultivate a culture of inquiry and critical engagement with sustainability-thinking within the academic and research communities conscious activities, and supporting (ARIS, 2024a). FEB currently participates in three research businesses in marketing and CSR programs, in two as a leading institution. Research efforts. programs are funded by the Slovenian Research and The project’s results were Practical Innovation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia. disseminated by creating an open- relevance access platform where ideas for University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 43 1. Adjustment of the Slovenian economy and 2. Entrepreneurship for Innovative society development identity of Slovenia in the EU Entrepreneurship for innovative Project title Adjustment of the Slovenian society Project title economy and development identity Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation of Slovenia in the EU Entity Agency Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Institute for Entrepreneurship and Institute Entity Agency Small Business Management Institute of Economic Analysis and Project leader Polona Tominc Institute Forecasting Jernej Belak, Samo Bobek, Barbara Project leader Žan Jan Oplotnik Bradač Hojnik, Katja Crnogaj, Vesna Jani Beko, Darja Boršič, Mejra Festić, Čančer, Silvo Dajčman, Mojca Duh, Researchers Timotej Jagrič, Simona Šarotar Žižek, Blaž Frešer, Ivona Huđek, Borut Aleksandra Amon, Aljaž Herman Milfelner, Dijana Močnik, Matjaž Researchers The research program focuses on Mulej, Zlatko Nedelko, Vojko Potočan, analysing convergence processes Gregor Radonjič, Miroslav Rebernik, and asymmetries in the EU, Karin Širec, Tjaša Štrukelj, Romana particularly in Slovenia, subsequent Korez Vide, Simona Sternad to the global recession. Zabukovšek, Samuel Plečko Interdisciplinary analysis explores The research program aims to new paradigms in economics and address Slovenia’s lag in innovation social sciences. Key areas include and entrepreneurship by model ing nonfinancial and financial sector multidimensional variables convergence, game theory affecting economic growth. Three methodology, and the impact of pil ars underpin the research: Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions understanding interconnected Project (C-B M&A) on strategic industries. variables, international summary Research also delves into comparisons, and interdisciplinary international financial architecture, approaches. Key areas include risk model ing, and the sustainability studying urban entrepreneurial imperative, emphasizing ecosystems, the gig economy’s col aborative, interdisciplinary impact on digitization, and the role efforts to address socio-economic of intrapreneurship in fostering a Project chal enges. The initiative aligns with proactive business culture. The summary cal s for comprehensive research in research also delves into high- top scientific journals, advocating for growth potential enterprises, agent-based model ing, financial aspects, and sustainable mathematical simulations, and entrepreneurship, emphasizing social data mining for informed environmental integration. The decision-making. research wil be upgraded with an The research program aims to bolster investigation of the conditions for Slovenia’s assertive position in the EU, expansion of high-growth potential enhancing its economic and political identity. enterprises and for fast growing A significant concern for emerging markets like Slovenia is the lack of robust financial enterprises, with the emphasis on regulatory frameworks, which are crucial for financial aspects. In-depth analysis preventing financial crises. It highlights the of sustainable entrepreneurship and need for appropriate financial arrangements the sustainability aspects of to support Slovenia’s economic business operations are considered. development. It critiques linear economic The main research results - GEM Practical strategies, such as raising value-added taxes without considering cyclical societal impacts, research findings - are instrumental relevance demonstrating how such approaches often in shaping policy decisions and fail. The research advocates for nonlinear public administration practices, thinking and the application of mathematical models to navigate out of crises and improve particularly focusing on SMEs and Practical decision-making. Moreover, it underscores entrepreneurship support. Initially, the role of innovation and human capital relevance the TEA index drew significant management in boosting economic activity, attention, but over time, other efficiency, and productivity. The findings aim to enrich educational and research programs, indicators gained prominence. elevating the quality of undergraduate and Today, many vital policy documents postgraduate studies. either cite GEM data or include GEM 44 Research Projects indicators to evaluate policy integrating neural network-based effectiveness. At the Slovenian systems for product development Government level, the Slovenian support, and studying ergonomic Industrial Policy sets out industry design for evolving workspaces. and economic development Shifting towards customized priorities, integrating several GEM production emphasizes optimal measures to boost competitiveness, scheduling for efficient resource nurture entrepreneurship, spur utilization. Additionally, new project innovation, tackle societal management metrics tailored to chal enges, and promote project typologies wil be developed. sustainable industrial growth. In dimensional metrology, emphasis Additionally, the Operational lies on advancing measurement Programme for the Implementation techniques like laser interferometry of EU Cohesion Policy and the and form measurements to maintain Slovene Smart Specialisation competitiveness in international Strategy rely on GEM findings to markets. The research program inform their strategies. Furthermore, promises practical applicability and ministries like the Ministry of scientific value for industry Economic Development and advancement. Technology and the Ministry of The development of new metrics and Labour, Family, Social Affairs, and key performance indicators tailored Equal Opportunities incorporate to specific project typologies and GEM results into their discussions stakeholder requirements ensures and initiatives, including those the practical relevance of this targeting female entrepreneurship. research segment. This innovative SPIRIT Slovenia extensively employs approach enables organizations to GEM data to bolster respond more effectively to the entrepreneurship, innovation, dynamic business environment, technology development, improve the monitoring and internationalization, and foreign evaluation of project performance direct investment. Similarly, the IMAD and ensure sustainable (Institute of Macroeconomic development and competitiveness Analysis and Development) Practical in the market. By improving project employs GEM research for relevance strategies through measurable, monitoring, analysis, forecasting, tailored indicators, the research and strategic decision-making in contributes directly to the economic and development policy. optimization of project management, resulting in greater 3. Advanced concepts of production efficiency, lower costs, and better management and dimensional metrology alignment with corporate strategies. This aspect of the research provides Advanced concepts of production key insights for companies looking to Project title management and dimensional improve their business outcomes metrology through more accurate planning, Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation execution, and evaluation of projects, Entity Agency which is particularly important in rapidly changing industry sectors. Institute Institute of Project Management Bojan Ačko (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) Other Research Projects funded by Project leader Igor Vrečko (Faculty of Economics the Slovenian Research and and Business) Researchers / Innovation Agency The largest European research on production management in the Within the framework of national research, FEB research Industry 4.0 era focuses on analysing activities are conducted through basic, and target Project the impact of new technology on research programs, also co-financed by the Slovenian summary manufacturing companies. research and Innovation agency. Objectives include developing a supportive environment for SMEs, University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 45 Basic research projects represent a multifaceted approach enhance financial sector resilience, to advancing knowledge, encompassing basic research and promote a systemic perspective that explores the fundamental principles of various in financial regulation. disciplines. The financial support provided by the Public Corporate governance of banks in Agency for Research underscores the strategic importance the context of foreign or domestic of these projects in fostering scientific excel ence and ownership is another topical issue in addressing key chal enges to propel the nation’s research the transition to green project landscape forward (ARIS, 2024b). finance and sustainable development. Bank ownership has The Target research program constitutes a form and an important influence on banking method of implementing the Development Strategy of strategy and of the prioritization of Slovenia and the Research and Innovation Strategy of financing for green and sustainable Slovenia. It is designed as an instrument for connecting the projects. Also, the owners of a bank state, the research sphere, and the broader public on determine the composition of the specifically defined priority topics. Such projects provide supervisory board or board of targeted research support in the preparation of long-term directors, which then selects and development planning documents, in monitoring and Practical appoints the bank management. It is evaluating implementation of the fundamental directions, relevance then up to the bank management to and in adjusting or changing their goals and measures for determine the level of social y implementation based on changed circumstances. This responsible financing that takes into program is financed by the Slovenian Research and account and prioritizes green and Innovation Agency, together with various ministries (ARIS, sustainable projects. The results of 2024b). this research can provide a good In the period from 2021 to 2023, FEB participated in two basis for further research into the basic research projects and four target research influence of bank ownership and the programs. composition of the bank management or boards of directors 1. Corporate social responsibility, as on the responsible and prioritized directors' responsibility financing of green and sustainable projects. Corporate social responsibility, as Project title directors' responsibility 2. Corporate governance of public services – Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation between efficiency and social responsibility Entity Agency – basic research project Institute Institute of Business Law Corporate governance of public Rado Bohinc (Science and Research Project title services – between efficiency and Centre Koper) social responsibility Project leader Borut Bratina (University of Maribor, Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Faculty of Economics and Business) Entity Agency - basic research project Researchers Andreja Primec, Dušan Jovanovič Institute Institute of Business Law The project investigates the impact Rado Bohinc, (University of Ljubljana, of bank ownership (domestic vs. Faculty of Social Sciences) Project leader foreign) on corporate governance Mejra Festić, (University of Maribor, within the context of the banking Faculty of Economics and Business) union in Central and Eastern Researchers Borut Bratina, Peter Podgorelec European countries. It addresses The scientific background of the concerns raised by the euro area proposed research is the critique and crisis regarding national banking upgrading of a new public control and resolution inadequacies. management based on the concept Project The study focuses on countries with of social responsibility, which derives summary high numbers of foreign-owned from the following values: public domestic banks and explores how Project interest, social justice (in terms of supranational supervision affects summary solidarity and equal access to public banking governance. Additionally, it services and goods for all), a examines macro-prudential democratic type of management measures introduced by National and individual responsibility. The aim Central Banks to prevent economic of the research is to define and overheating. The European Central elaborate a balanced model of Bank aims to prevent excessive risk, organization and corporate 46 Research Projects governance in the field of public The importance of good corporate services in the Republic of Slovenia, governance has come to the fore in based on both efficiency and social the wake of the economic and responsibility. The latter covers the financial crisis that began in 2007, field of economic, legal, and ethical when it emerged that corporate responsibility, as wel as discretionary governance was not working as responsibilities. Choosing a model expected, and that shortcomings that wil optimal y match its and weaknesses in corporate specialties and tradition and governance were, to some extent, maintain an adequate range of also reflected in the scale of the public services and regulatory economic and financial crisis. activities is crucial for the further successful development of the 3. The analysis of the situation and Republic of Slovenia. development of the economic space abroad Corporate governance practices, which are enshrined in the Corporate in connection with the Slovenian economy Governance Codes, are relevant for responsible management of multiple The analysis of the situation and sectors in the economy that are development of the economic space Project title relevant for improvements in abroad in connection with the Slovenia. There are various legal Slovenian economy arrangements of corporate Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation governance in individual countries: Entity Agency - target research program Institute Institute of Operational Research − Stock Exchange rules for the Project leader Maja Rožman admission of securities to Polona Tominc, Tatjana Horvat, regulated markets, Metka Tekavčič, Igor Vrečko, Karin − Different business rules and Researchers Širec, Borut Milfelner, Aleksandra operating methods in Pisnik, Domen Malc, Jernej Belak, national contexts, Katja Crnogaj, Ivona Huđek − Different cultural values and The analysis focuses on the socio-economic traditions. economic environment and activities in Slovenian-connected The principles of Corporate regions abroad, aiming to Governance Codes across countries understand challenges and are similar, and their relevance is opportunities. Development Practical increasing. Thus, when investing in a initiatives include investment relevance company, potential investors decide promotion, infrastructure on the basis of the financial results of improvement, and fostering a the company’s operations, as wel as favourable business climate. the corporate governance of the Strengthening economic ties with company. Given the high degree of border communities fosters mutual comparability of Codes across prosperity through increased Project countries, the convergence of cooperation and employment. summary corporate governance practices Encouraging entrepreneurship could be discussed, with Codes being among youth abroad enhances a mechanism for further economic synergy and market convergence of corporate expansion. Support mechanisms governance systems. such as education, financing, and mentorship are crucial. Active Corporate Governance Codes are involvement in analysing and not legal y binding. If the Codes were developing foreign economic spaces to be integrated into the European is essential for Slovenia to leverage continental-civilian concept of legal cooperation, knowledge exchange, sources, they could, by their very and influence, benefiting both legal nature, constitute, to a certain Slovenia and its connected extent, the customs and business communities. practices that should apply in the The results of the project would field of Corporate Governance. Practical enable a better understanding of relevance economic connections and mutual University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 47 influences between Slovenia and The project addresses two key other countries. This could lead to content areas that are important for more effective and targeted the proposed project: the motivation economic cooperation. Information and habits of congress guests and obtained from this research could their consumption when attending help in the formulation of better business meetings and thus a economic policies to promote congress destination. Both areas are cooperation and economic first discussed based on the most development both in Slovenia and important scientific results and abroad. A better understanding of implications, as wel as the findings the economic space abroad could and recommendations of experts. On help in the identification of new trade this basis, we design a measurement opportunities for Slovenian Project tool (questionnaire) and conduct an companies, which would stimulate summary analysis of the results, which allow growth and employment. Analysis of the profiling of congress guests by economic trends and opportunities the extent of their consumption. The abroad could lead to a better proposed problem approach understanding of the investment dictates the implementation of environment, which could attract project activities and analytical more foreign investment to Slovenia methods, which together al ow for a and vice versa. The results of the holistic treatment and a view from project could contribute to a more different perspectives, i.e., ones that balanced regional development by are interdisciplinary in nature, which improving connections and is also reflected in the cooperation between different interdisciplinary composition of the economic regions in Slovenia and working group. abroad. A better understanding of The results wil make it possible for the economic space and the Slovene Tourism Board to plan its opportunities for cooperation could promotion activities for the field of encourage innovation and event organization, as wel as making technological development, which promotion more targeted. The same could lead to greater Practical goes for all destinations included in competitiveness of the Slovenian relevance the research: they wil be able to plan economy on the global market. future events more successful y, as Better understanding and they wil be able to better recognize cooperation between economies their target segments, as wel as their could also contribute to socio- target markets and event organisers economic development both in in Slovenia and abroad. Slovenia and abroad, which would improve the living conditions and 5. Reform of the enrolment process on public well-being of the population. faculties in Slovenia 4. Research of congress guests, their habits Reform of the enrolment process on and consumption in Slovenia Project title public faculties in Slovenia Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Research of congress guests, their Project title Entity Agency - target research program habits and consumption in Slovenia Institute for Entrepreneurship and Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Institute Small Business Management Entity Agency- target research program Gregor Dugar (University of Institute of Tourism and Business Institute Ljubljana, Faculty of Law) Logistics Project leader Polona Tominc (University of Marko Kukanja (University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies Business) - Turistica) Project leader Researchers Maja Rožman Sonja Sibila Lebe (University of The project aims to analyse and Maribor, Faculty of Economics and reform Slovenia’s outdated Business) Project application-selection process for Researchers / summary higher education, which has remained unchanged since 1995. It 48 Research Projects evaluates the impact of the process and selection processes for on student success and explores enrolment in undergraduate alternative selection methods. study programs in Slovenia. Seeking a fairer system, it considers all candidate achievements and 6. Fiscal capacity of Slovene municipalities potentials, drawing from experience in EU countries. The reform aims for Fiscal capacity of Slovene broader access while maintaining Project title municipalities academic standards. Legal analysis Slovenian Research and Innovation wil address regulatory changes, Financing Agency - target research program involving various stakeholders. Entity Additionally, the project explores he Institute of International Economic introduction of career counsel ing to Institute and Business Studies aid students’ study choices. Vladimir Prebilič (University of Collaboration among three Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences) Slovenian universities ensures a Project leader Žan Jan Oplotnik (University of comprehensive approach. The Maribor, Faculty of Economics and project’s output wil propose Business) updated selection models, Researchers Silvo Dajčman, Dejan Romih informing Slovenia’s higher education application processes. Local communities face chal enges from economic globalization and The project brings the fol owing financial instability. Fiscal practical implications regrading decentralization and financial enrolment in public universities in autonomy are crucial for them to the Republic of Slovenia: respond effectively. Vertical and horizontal tax equalization principles − Analysis of the current ensure proportional resource application and selection allocation. Fiscal autonomy allows process for enrolment in communities to tailor financial undergraduate university and policies to local needs. Stable and higher education programs clear taxes are essential, alongside since 1995; the ability to set service tariffs. Within − Evaluation of the current the relationship between the state application and selection Project and local communities, we adopt the process and analysis of its summary principle of vertical tax equalization, effects on the academic which means proportionality success of admitted between obligations for the tasks candidates in higher education transferred to the local level and the and later in the labour market; allocated resources, and horizontal − Evaluation of the current Practical equalization, which presupposes application and selection relevance proportional distribution of resources process and analysis of its among local government units. An effects on the realization of optimal system that would ensure an candidates’ potential in higher adequate ratio between revenues education and later in the and the cost of carrying out tasks in labour market; all local communities is merely an − Analysis of how different types ideal; therefore, in practice there are of entry requirements divergences between these contribute to more open access categories. to higher education and promote student mobility in This research emphasizes the need Europe; for local communities to adapt and thrive amid challenges such as − International comparative analysis of the application economic globalization, market process and entry requirements Practical instability, and financial crises. It for enrolment in undergraduate relevance highlights the critical role of fiscal higher education programs in decentralization and financial selected EU countries; autonomy, enabling local governments to deliver quality public − Preparation of proposals for different models of application services while managing citizen University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 49 demands and national frameworks. Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation The project advocates for balanced Entity Agency resource al ocation through vertical Project leader Vojko Potočan and horizontal tax equalization, Researchers Zlatko Nedelko, Daniel Zdolšek acknowledging the practical challenges in achieving an ideal 2. Digital transformation and social fiscal system. It proposes fiscal responsibility of higher education in Croatia autonomy as a means for local communities to tailor resources to and Slovenia their needs, emphasizing the importance of stable, clear, and Digital transformation and social sufficient local taxes. Additionally, it Project title responsibility of higher education in suggests al owing local Croatia and Slovenia governments to set service tariffs, University of Split, Faculty of Participant aligning financial strategies with Economics, Business, and Tourism country community goals. The necessity for a (Croatia) detailed fiscal autonomy analysis Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation and revenue stream comparison Entity Agency among municipalities is Project leader Zlatko Nedelko underscored, with the aim of Researchers Vojko Potočan, Daniel Zdolšek optimizing local financing systems and enhancing fiscal autonomy, 3. Generation Z and modern technologies in since Slovenia’s position on the Local higher education - a comparative study of Autonomy Index suggests room for Montenegro and Slovenia in the function of improvement. the development of smart education (Smart Bilateral projects funded by the Slovenian Education) Research and Innovation Agency Generation Z and modern International bilateral projects are funded by the Slovenian technologies in higher education - a research and Innovation agency and a partner agency comparative study of Montenegro Project title from a partner country. This scheme co-finances bilateral and Slovenia in the function of the collaboration to strengthen scientific and research development of smart education cooperation with partner countries, establish new (Smart Education) sustainable international partnerships, and increase the Participant University of Montenegro, Faculty of participation of young researchers in consortia of country Economics (Montenegro) international research projects (ARIS, 2024c). Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Entity Agency Projects of this nature are important as they facilitate the Project leader Zlatko Nedelko exchange of knowledge and expertise, promote the Researchers Vojko Potočan establishment of enduring international col aborations, and contribute to the professional development of younger 4. Maturity model of e-government digital researchers. The support provided by the agency enables transformation the formation of robust partnerships, enhancing the overal impact and innovation potential of international research Maturity model of e-government initiatives. In the period from 2021 to 2023, FEB participated Project title digital transformation in twenty-four bilateral projects. Participant University of Montenegro, Faculty of country Economics (Montenegro) 1. Generation Z Career Management: Strategy Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation to Prevent Human Capital to Flight Out of Entity Agency Motherland Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek Researchers Samo Bobek, Irena Šišovska Klančnik Generation Z Career Management: 5. Are banking regulation and supervision Project title Strategy to Prevent Human Capital to Flight Out of Motherland challenged by neobanks? Participant University of Kragujevac, Faculty of country Economics (Serbia) Are banking regulation and Project title supervision chal enged by neobanks? 50 Research Projects Participant University of Applied Sciences BFI 9. Developing smart cities/communities country Vienna (Austria) maturity from smart regions perspectives Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Entity Agency with focus on one road one belt initiative Project leader Vita Jagrič Timotej Jagrič, Aleksandra Amon, Developing smart cities/communities Researchers Sabina Taškar Beloglavec maturity from smart regions Project title perspectives with focus on one road 6. From responsible to sustainable one belt initiative Participant Dalian Minzu University, Dalian, information: Comparison of companies from country Liaoning (China) the USA and Slovenia Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Entity Agency From responsible to sustainable Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek information: Comparison of Samo Bobek, Polona Tominc, Maja Project title Researchers companies from the USA and Rožman Slovenia Participant Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 10. Methodology for measurement of country (Arizona, USA) perceived quality and satisfaction with e- Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Entity Agency banking services Project leader Vojko Potočan Zlatko Nedelko, Sonja Treven, Daniel Methodology for measurement of Researchers Zdolšek Project title perceived quality and satisfaction with e-banking services 7. Social responsibility and Generation Z: Participant University of Rijeka, Faculty of country Economics and Business (Croatia) Comparison of the USA and Slovenia Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Entity Agency Social responsibility and Generation Project leader Borut Milfelner Project title Z: Comparison of the USA and Aleksandra Pisnik, Domen Malc, Slovenia Researchers Damijan Mumel Participant Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff country (Arizona, USA) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation 11. Readiness of manufacturing enterprises Entity Agency for Industry 4.0 – a comparison of Slovenia Project leader Zlatko Nedelko and Hungary Researchers Vojko Potočan, Daniel Zdolšek Readiness of manufacturing 8. A Hybrid Platform for real time intrusion Project title enterprises for Industry 4.0 – a detection framework based on cyber security comparison of Slovenia and Hungary Intelligence monitoring system Óbuda University, Keleti Faculty of Participant Business and Management country (Hungary) A Hybrid Platform for real time Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation intrusion detection framework based Project title Entity Agency on cyber security Intelligence Project leader Zlatko Nedelko monitoring system Vojko Potočan, Simona Šarotar Žižek, Participant Indian Institute of Information Researchers Živana Veingerl Čič, Blaž Frešer country Technology (India) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Entity Agency 12. The analysis of lacking competences Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek among students and education models in the Samo Bobek, Polona Tominc, Maja field of culture and creative industries in Researchers Rožman Bosnia and Hercegovina and Slovenia The analysis of lacking competences Project title among students and education models in the field of culture and University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 51 creative industries in Bosnia and 16. Management challenges Hercegovina and Slovenia of Industry 4.0: Comparative analysis of University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Participant Economics (Bosnia and Slovenia and Norway country Herzegovina) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Management chal enges of Industry Entity Agency Project title 4.0: Comparative analysis of Project leader Simona Šarotar Žižek Slovenia and Norway Researchers Damijan Mumel, Borut Milfelner Norwegian University of Science and Participant Technology, Faculty of Economics country 13. Analysis of the impact of using different and Management (Norway) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation teaching methods on the development of Entity Agency transversal competences of students Project leader Zlatko Nedelko Vojko Potočan, Maja Rožman, Polona Researchers Analysis of the impact of using Tominc different teaching methods on the Project title development of transversal 17. Unethical practices of future employees competences of students regarding promotion in Slovenia and University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Participant Economics (Bosnia and Lithuania - a comparative study country Herzegovina) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Unethical practices of future Entity Agency employees regarding promotion in Project title Project leader Tjaša Štrukelj Slovenia and Lithuania - a Mojca Duh, Jernej Belak, Simona comparative study Researchers Sternad Zabukovšek, Romana Korez Participant Vilnius Gediminas Technical Vide country University (Lithuania) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation 14. The impact of economic policy Entity Agency Project leader Zlatko Nedelko uncertainty on unemployment in the Researchers Vojko Potočan, Maja Rožman euro area 18. The impact of managerial characteristics, The impact of economic policy practices and ideologies on decision making Project title uncertainty on unemployment in the euro area in Slovene-German company Tal inn University of Technology internationalization relations Participant (TalTech), School of Business and country Governance (Estonia) The impact of managerial Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation characteristics, practices and Entity Agency Project title ideologies on decision making in Project leader Silvo Dajčman Slovene-German company Researchers Alenka Kavkler, Dejan Romih internationalization relations Universität Regensburg, Faculty of 15. Readiness of enterprises for Industry 4.0 - Participant Business, Economics and a comparison of Slovenia and Finland country Management Information Systems (Germany) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation Readiness of enterprises for Industry Entity Agency Project title 4.0 - a comparison of Slovenia and Project leader Zlatko Nedelko Finland Researchers Vojko Potočan, Maja Rožman Participant Centria University of Applied country Sciences (Finland) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation 19. ICT enabled business networks in multi- Entity Agency ethnic environment with emphasis on “One Project leader Zlatko Nedelko belt one road (OBOR)” efforts Vojko Potočan, Maja Rožman, Polona Researchers Tominc ICT enabled business networks in Project title multi-ethnic environment with 52 Research Projects emphasis on “One belt one road Samo Bobek, Simona Sternad (OBOR)” efforts Researchers Zabukovšek, Blaž Frešer, Maja Participant Dalian Minzu University, International Rožman country Business College (China) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation 23. The effects of uncertainty in financial Entity Agency markets on selected macro-economic Project leader Polona Tominc Samo Bobek, Simona Sternad categories Researchers Zabukovšek, Blaž Frešer The effects of uncertainty in financial 20. The impact of monetary policy on Project title markets on selected macro- economic categories international trade Participant Wabash Col ege (Indiana, USA) country The impact of monetary policy on Project title Slovenian Research and Innovation international trade Financing Entity Agency National Research University Higher Participant Project leader Silvo Dajčman School of Economics, Moscow country Researchers Alenka Kavkler, Dejan Romih (Russia) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation 24. How economic behaviour of enterprises Entity Agency Project leader Silvo Dajčman stakeholders’ effects on corporate social Researchers Alenka Kavkler, Dejan Romih responsibility of supply chains in Slovenia and USA? 21. Management practices in business of modern organizations: Research of utilization How economic behaviour of of human resource management’ solutions enterprises stakeholders’ effects on Project title corporate social responsibility of in Slovenian’s and Russian’s organizations supply chains in Slovenia and USA? Participant Auburn University (Alabama, USA) Management practices in business country of modern organizations: Research Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation of utilization of human resource Project title Entity Agency management’ solutions in Project leader Vojko Potočan Slovenian’s and Russian’s Researchers Zlatko Nedelko, Sonja Treven organizations Participant St. Petersburg University, Graduate Applied projects for businesses country School of Management (Russia) Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation FEB has a long tradition of engaging in research projects Entity Agency and providing consulting services for organizations, Project leader Sonja Treven including companies and state ministries. This has Vojko Potočan, Zlatko Nedelko, Maja Researchers substantial importance for the academic, corporate, and Rožman public spheres. Research projects conducted by school institutes often delve into industry-specific challenges, and 22. Development trends of entrepreneurship innovative solutions, providing companies and state activities (IT-based forms of ministries with access to the latest knowledge and entrepreneurship and e-business models) advances in the field of business and economic sciences. Development trends of Moreover, the impact of such col aborations extends entrepreneurship activities (IT-based beyond the corporate landscape into society at large. Project title forms of entrepreneurship and e- Research projects and consulting engagements contribute business models) to the development of sustainable practices, business solutions, and solutions to societal chal enges. By Participant Abilene Christian University (Texas, addressing real-world problems faced by organizations, country USA) FEB as academic institution plays a role in shaping policy, Financing Slovenian Research and Innovation influencing industry practices, and enhancing the overal Entity Agency well-being of communities. In the period from 2021 to 2023, Project leader Polona Tominc FEB participated in more than forty such projects. We University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 53 provide a project summary and practical relevance improves study programs, preparing information only for projects with a budget over 15,000 EUR. students and school for future professional chal enges. This pilot 1. Pilot project: A bridge between academic project introduces innovative knowledge and innovative green digital modules incorporating digital business practice didactics and virtual reality (VR), all of which enhance pedagogical approaches and the relevance of Pilot project: A bridge between practical skills. It not only elevates Project title academic knowledge and innovative learning experiences but also boosts green digital business practice graduate employability by focusing Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of on technologies crucial in the job Financing Higher Education, Science and market. Serving as a model for Entity Innovation and European Union educational innovation, the pilot project significantly contributes to Institute Institute for Project Management updating educational spaces Project leader Igor Vrečko technologically and preparing Igor Vrečko (Faculty of Economics students for a digitized and and Business) sustainable future. Patrick Šumandl (Faculty of Researchers Economics and Business) 2. Acquiring digital competences in the Aljaž Kocet (Faculty of Economics and Business) information society for the use of advanced The pilot project “Bridge between digital technologies academic knowledge and green digital business practice” at the FEB, Acquiring digital competences in the aims to engage with and effectively Project title information society for the use of introduce digitization and advanced digital technologies sustainability to graduates of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Financing higher education program. It involves Digital Transformation and European Entity mapping current program content Union and competences in digitization and Institute of E-business and sustainability, enhancing the Institute Information Technology curriculum to focus more on these Management areas, and understanding the Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek interplay between economic content Samo Bobek, Zdenko Deželak, Irena Researchers and sustainability. The pilot project Šišovska, Sara Cokan Project encompasses seven sets of The project aimed to enhance young summary activities: 1) Mapping existing course people’s proficiency in advanced units for the development of green digital technologies to improve their and digital skills; 2) Designing employability. Through educational modules for micro- comprehensive training, participants credential integration; 3) Creating gained practical skills in utilizing ICT digital and virtual reality educational tools, particularly focusing on the materials; 4) Establishing a technical global Odoo platform, an open- environment for module delivery; 5) source solution covering diverse Implementing modules in the business processes and web content 2023/24 and 2024/25 academic production. By mastering Odoo, Project years; 6) Conducting ongoing participants acquired a deep summary performance monitoring and annual understanding of organizational self-evaluation; 7) Managing and workflows and gained independence promoting the project and its in its application. Additionally, the outcomes. project emphasized cloud This pilot project enhances the computing, specifical y Microsoft educational process by integrating Azure, empowering companies with Sustainable Development Goals versatile service options. With over Practical (SDGs), sustainability, green seven mil ion users, Odoo is relevance transition, and digitization into its recognized as one of the world’s curriculum. Utilizing Curriculum fastest-growing business platforms, Mapping, it critical y analyses and ensuring participants are wel - 54 Research Projects equipped to navigate modern digital entrepreneurs navigated and thrived landscapes and secure employment during these transformative periods. opportunities. Highlighting the agility of the This project has significant practical Slovenian entrepreneurial relevance because it directly ecosystem, the studies offer a deep addresses the growing demand for dive into the enduring nature of the digital literacy and proficiency entrepreneurial spirit, emphasizing among young people entering the innovation and resilience. The workforce. By providing hands-on insights gleaned from these analyses training in advanced ICT tools like the serve as invaluable resources for Odoo platform, and cloud computing stakeholders, aiding in the services such as Microsoft Azure, the development of policies and project equips participants with strategies to bolster a robust practical skills essential for modern entrepreneurial landscape in businesses. Mastery of these tools Slovenia and beyond. enhances employability and The practical relevance of the GEM Practical empowers participants to contribute Slovenia reports for 2020 and 2021 relevance effectively to organizational extends far beyond academic efficiency and innovation. With interest, offering a roadmap for policy Odoo’s widespread adoption and makers, educators, and Microsoft Azure’s prominence in the entrepreneurs to navigate the industry, participants gain a evolving landscape of competitive edge in the job market, entrepreneurship. These insights positioning them as valuable assets illuminate the resilience and to potential employers. Overall, the adaptability required in the face of project bridges the gap between global disruptions, guiding strategies theoretical knowledge and practical for fostering a robust entrepreneurial application, ensuring that young ecosystem. By detailing the people are wel -prepared for the chal enges and opportunities Practical digital-centric nature of encountered by Slovenian relevance contemporary workplaces. entrepreneurs, the reports underscore the importance of 3. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - GEM for supportive policies, innovative educational programs, and targeted the years 2020 and 2021 investment in entrepreneurship. This knowledge aids stakeholders in Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - crafting interventions that not only Project title GEM for the years 2020 and 2021 address immediate needs but also SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for lay the groundwork for long-term Financing Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial success and Entity Internationalization, Foreign sustainability, ensuring that Slovenia Investment and Technology remains at the forefront of Institute of Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial innovation and Institute Small Business Management resilience. Project leader Miroslav Rebernik Polona Tominc, Karin Širec, Barbara 4. Slovenian entrepreneurship observatory Researchers Bradač Hojnik, Katja Crnogaj, Matej for the years 2020 and 2022 Rus The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Slovenian entrepreneurship (GEM) project, in which Slovenia has Project title observatory for the years 2020 and participated actively since 2002, 2022 unveiled two pivotal reports for 2020 SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for Financing and 2021: “Entrepreneurship in a New Investment, Entrepreneurship, and Entity Project Reality: GEM Slovenia 2020” and Internationalization summary “Resilience of Entrepreneurial Activity: Institute of Entrepreneurship and Institute GEM Slovenia 2021.” These reports Small Business Management encapsulate the resilience and Project leader Barbara Bradač Hojnik adaptability of Slovenia’s Karin Širec, Miroslav Rebernik, Katja entrepreneurial sector amidst global Researchers Crnogaj, Dijana Močnik chal enges, highlighting how University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 55 The Slovenian Entrepreneurship Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek Observatory Project has been carried Samo Bobek, Zdenko Deželak, Irena out annual y since 2002. Researchers Šišovska Klančnik, Uroš Zabukovšek From 2020 to 2022, we conducted an The feasibility study and the annual analysis of Slovenian proposed IT solution for the UM businesses and compared their Student Dormitories aim to solve demographics with those across existing operational chal enges and Europe. The study examined several increase efficiency. Starting with an variables, including the number of analysis of the current situation, the companies, size, turnover, labour study identified areas for costs, and value-added across improvement. We then provided different sectors and sizes. Project comprehensive functional Furthermore, each year, the study is summary requirements for the new system, focused on an important issue in the considering the diverse needs of development of entrepreneurship dormitory management. By and SMEs. In 2020-2021, we examined reviewing available products and business restructuring in Slovenian their suitability, the study ensured companies. In 2021-2022, we focused Project informed decision-making. on digitisation processes in Slovenian summary Recommendations were made to SMEs. Our findings are thoroughly introduce a new management documented and shared annual y system per UM objectives and through a scientific monograph, budget constraints. The study may providing valuable knowledge to also qualify as technical both academic and business documentation for the tender, where communities. the necessary standards and The Slovenian Entrepreneurship specifications have been considered. Observatory project provides a By careful y addressing operational comprehensive understanding of needs and technical requirements, SMEs and entrepreneurship in the proposed solution simplifies Slovenia, in comparison to the wider dormitory management, which wil European landscape. The study offers benefit both students and profound insights into the administrative staff. demographics and strategic The feasibility study for UM Student orientations of Slovenian companies, Dormitories holds immense practical emphasizing current trends and Practical relevance by offering a structured future development. The analysis relevance approach to addressing operational provides a strong basis for evidence- inefficiencies and enhancing based policy recommendations to management systems. The study strengthen the entrepreneurship provides actionable insights for ecosystem. Policymakers can improving dormitory operations by develop informed strategies, and thoroughly analysing the situation entrepreneurs can be empowered by and identifying functional identifying areas for innovation and requirements. Moreover, examining growth, enhancing the the products on the market ensures competitiveness of the Slovenian that any proposed solution aligns business landscape. Practical with industry standards and best relevance practices. The recommendations 5. Introduction of a new system for the generated from this study wil serve management of Student Dormitories at the as a roadmap for implementing a new management system tailored to University of Maribor UM’s specific needs and constraints. Furthermore, as technical Introduction of a new system for the documentation for tender purposes, Project title management of Student Dormitories the study ensures transparency and at the University of Maribor accountability in the selection Financing Student Dormitories at the University process for information solution Entity of Maribor developers. Ultimately, this feasibility Institute of E-business and study promises to optimize dormitory Institute Information Technology management, fostering a conducive Management 56 Research Projects environment for student living and chal enges that entrepreneurs face, administrative efficiency. thereby informing policy formulation and educational curriculum 6. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - GEM for development aimed at fostering a the years 2022 and 2023 more robust and innovative entrepreneurial environment. By documenting the progress of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - Project title entrepreneurial activities, these GEM for the years 2022 and 2023 reports provide stakeholders with the SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for Financing knowledge needed to tailor support Investment, Entrepreneurship, and Entity mechanisms, enhance Internationalization entrepreneurial education, and Institute of Entrepreneurship and Institute create policies that encourage Small Business Management innovation and sustainability. Project leader Karin Širec Furthermore, the insights gained Polona Tominc, Barbara Bradač from analysing twenty years of Researchers Hojnik, Katja Crnogaj, Matej Rus, entrepreneurial data facilitate Miroslav Rebernik, Ivona Huđek strategic planning and decision- The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor making for future economic and (GEM) is an international research entrepreneurial development project that has been conducting initiatives in Slovenia and beyond. comprehensive yearly assessments of entrepreneurial activity, 7. LCA analysis of a security safe aspirations, and attitudes of individuals in a wide range of countries since 1999, with Slovenia Project title LCA analysis of a security safe participating since 2002. During 2022 Financing PRIMAT tovarna kovinske opreme d.d. and 2023, the project continued its Entity Maribor examination of Slovenia, yielding two Institute of Technology and significant national reports: “Two Institute Entrepreneurial Environment Decades of Dynamic Entrepreneurial Protection Development: GEM Slovenia 2022” Project leader Matjaž Denac and “Entrepreneurship for a Researchers Gregor Radonjič Sustainable Future: GEM Slovenia The main objective of the present Project 2023.” These publications delve into analysis was to carry out an summary the evolution and dynamism of environmental life cycle analysis of Slovenia’s entrepreneurial the existing (currently ecosystem, providing insights into its manufactured) and modified resilience, trends, challenges, and Starprim security safe, using the LCA achievements over the past two method, namely a cradle-to-gate decades. By providing an extensive study. The analysis was limited to the analysis, the studies offer a detailed wal of the safe, which comprises examination of the evolution of multiple components. The LCA entrepreneurial activity in Slovenia, analysis was carried out in highlighting the motivations behind accordance with the entrepreneurial endeavours and the recommendations, guidelines and Project obstacles entrepreneurs face. The requirements of ISO 14040 and ISO summary achievements of the Slovenian 14044, and the EU guidelines on entrepreneurial landscape are implementing the LCA method given documented, highlighting how the in the International Reference Life ecosystem has adapted and grown Cycle Data System (ILCD) manual. over time. The environmental life cycle model of The practical relevance of these the Starprim security safe was reports lies in their detailed model ed computationally, using the examination of the resilience of the licensed software tool (SimaPro Practical Slovenian entrepreneurial Analyst relevance ecosystem, and its growth over two We used the ReCiPe 2016 and ReCiPe decades. They offer evidence-based 2008 methods to evaluate the life insights into the factors that drive cycle environmental impact of the entrepreneurial success and the existing security safe wal . For the University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 57 Starprim security safe example, we The data were col ected from calculated the life cycle September 14 to October 15, 2022, environmental impact by through the Internet, using a characterisation, normalisation, and structured and programmed weighting. Eighteen environmental questionnaire (CAWI). The col ected categories were considered for the data were analysed using various midpoint analysis, and twenty-two statistical methods, and basic environmental categories for the descriptive statistics were presented endpoint analysis. in tables and graphs for al questions There are evident differences included in the questionnaire, between components in terms of the defining customer segments and intensity of their environmental differences between them using impact over their life cycle. The cluster analysis, and the position of impact of component mass is also Kopija Nova among competitors evident, since all the heaviest based on the most relevant components are among the most purchasing factors in a perceptual environmental y burdensome. The map using multidimensional scaling. LCA analysis confirmed the Based on the findings, further considerable impact of suppliers on activities for the Kopija–Nova its environmental profile. company were proposed. A comparative analysis of the The results of the research offer existing and the modified wal of the management numerous guidelines security safe showed that within the for future company development, Practical chosen system boundaries ('cradle especially because they are relevance to gate'), methodological features defending a leading position in the and data used, there are noticeable segment. Considering the relatively differences between the two options high percentage of purchases in in terms of their environmental physical stores and assuming a impact over their life cycles. We desire for growth, the company found that the life cycle management is faced with the environmental impact of the decision to enter the segment of modified Starprim security safe wal physical stores and the format of Practical is significantly lower than the existing such stores. In communication with relevance one. Through LCA analysis, we customers, the research provides a confirmed that increasing the solid foundation for the content of recycled content and material messages and suggestions for substitution can significantly change introducing new communication the cumulative environmental channels. The results of the customer impact. survey provide the company management with an essential basis 8. Quantitative research on the position of for making strategic decisions Kopija-Nova in the school supplies market regarding the company’s future development and for planning tactical and operational marketing Quantitative research on the position activities. Project title of Kopija-Nova in the school supplies market Financing KOPIJA-NOVA d.o.o. 9. Slovenian entrepreneurship observatory Entity for the years 2022 and 2024 Institute Institute of Marketing Project leader Aleksandra Pisnik Slovenian entrepreneurship Researchers Damijan Mumel, Borut Milfelner Project title observatory for the years 2022 and The main purpose of the research 2024 was to determine the position of the SPIRIT Slovenia, Public Agency for Financing Kopija–Nova company in the school Investment, Entrepreneurship, and Entity Project supplies market. The research Internationalization summary sample was a representative sample Institute of Entrepreneurship and Institute of potential, former, and existing Small Business Management customers, including 669 Project leader Barbara Bradač Hojnik respondents from al over Slovenia. 58 Research Projects Dijana Močnik, Karin Širec, Katja Project leader Sonja Sibila Lebe Researchers Crnogaj, Matej Rus The Slovenian Entrepreneurship 11. Certification of three tourist Observatory Project has been carried accommodations for an EU Eco-label out annual y since 2002. From 2022 to 2024, we confidently conducted an annual analysis of Certification of three tourist Project title Slovenian businesses and compared accommodations for an EU Eco-label their demographics with those Financing Multidisciplinarni raziskovalni institut across Europe. Our study thoroughly Entity Maribor examined variables, including the Institute of Tourism and Business Institute number of companies, size, turnover, Logistics labour costs, and value-added Project leader Sonja Sibila Lebe across different sectors and sizes. Project Furthermore, each year, we 12. A business German course summary confidently focus on an important issue in the development of Project title A business German course entrepreneurship and SMEs. In 2022- Financing 2023, we thoroughly analysed the Tehnior d.o.o. Entity characteristics of Slovenian start- Institute of Languages and Foreign ups and scale-up companies. The Institute Business Languages following year, 2023-2024, our focus Project leader Alenka Plos was on youth entrepreneurship in Slovenia and Europe. Each year, we 13. Analysis of the corporate-legal publish a scientific monograph documenting the results, providing dimensions of the integration of subsidiaries valuable knowledge to both (especially Intereuropa d.d. as a public academia and industry. company) - into the management system of The Slovenian Entrepreneurship the Pošta Slovenija group Observatory project provides a comprehensive understanding of Analysis of the corporate-legal SMEs and entrepreneurship in dimensions of the integration of Slovenia, in comparison to the wider subsidiaries (especial y Intereuropa European landscape. The study offers Project title d.d. as a public company) - into the profound insights into the management system of the Pošta demographics and strategic Slovenija group orientations of Slovenian companies, Financing emphasizing current trends and Pošta Slovenije d.o.o. Practical Entity future development. The analysis relevance Institute Institute of Business Law provides a strong basis for evidence- based policy recommendations to Project leader Peter Podgorelec strengthen the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Policymakers can 14. Practical training models and their develop informed strategies, and importance for entrepreneurs can be empowered by the economy identifying areas for innovation and growth, thus enhancing the Practical training models and their competitiveness of the Slovenian Project title importance for the economy business landscape. Financing CNC P&K - Pušnik d.o.o. Entity 10. Certification of the Panorama room rental Institute of E-business and facility for an EU Eco-label Institute Information Technology Management Certification of the Panorama room Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek Project title rental facility for an EU Eco-label 15. A packaging analysis for the Qbis One Financing Panorama, Metka Gutschi s.p. Entity facade panel Institute of Tourism and Business Institute Logistics Project title A packaging analysis for the Qbis One facade panel University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 59 Financing Trimo, arhitekturne rešitve, d.o.o. 19. A pilot project for the creation of a mobile Entity application regarding young people and Institute Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurial Environment tobacco-related products, in relation to food, Protection movement and alcohol use within the Project leader Matjaž Denac framework of the Erasmus+ program Researchers Gregor Radonjič A pilot project for the creation of a mobile application regarding young 16. LCA analysis of glass packaging (gray) people and tobacco-related Project title products, in relation to food, LCA analysis of glass packaging Project title movement and alcohol use within (gray) the framework of the Erasmus+ Financing Steklarna Hrastnik, d.o.o. program Entity Slovenian coalition for public health, Institute of Technology and Financing environment, and tobacco control Institute Entrepreneurial Environment Entity (SCTC) Protection Institute of Finance and Artificial Project leader Gregor Radonjič Institute Intelligence Researchers Matjaž Denac Project leader Timotej Jagrič Researchers Dušan Fister 17. Consulting and support in the preparation of the application for interest in obtaining a 20. Analysis of European insurance concession for implementing the state GJS companies using artificial intelligence for the incineration of municipal waste and methods the establishment of public infrastructure Analysis of European insurance Consulting and support in the Project title companies using artificial preparation of the application for intel igence methods interest in obtaining a concession for Financing Agencija za zavarovalni nadzor Project title the implementation of the state GJS Entity for the incineration of municipal waste Institute of Finance and Artificial Institute and the establishment of public Intelligence infrastructure Project leader Timotej Jagrič Financing Javno podjetje Energetika Maribor, Iztok Kolar, Vita Jagrič, Robert Horvat, Researchers Entity d.o.o. Danel Zdolšek Institute of Finance and Artificial Institute Intelligence 21. Audit and review of investment Project leader Žan Jan Oplotnik documentation 18. Slovenian corporate risk monitor 2022 Audit and review of investment Project title documentation Slovenian corporate risk monitor Financing Project title Energija in okolje, d.o.o. 2022 Entity Slovenian coalition for public health, Institute of Finance and Artificial Financing Institute environment, and tobacco control Intelligence Entity (SCTC) Project leader Žan Jan Oplotnik Institute of Finance and Artificial Institute Intelligence 22. LCA analysis for the modification of Project leader Vita Jagrič process equipment or processes in the food Timotej Jagrič, Aleksandra Amon, Researchers Sabina Taškar Beloglavec processing industry LCA analysis for the modification of Project title process equipment or processes in the food processing industry Financing Silurus, projektiranje in druge storitve, Entity d.o.o. 60 Research Projects Institute of Technology and 27. Quantitative methods for company Institute Entrepreneurial Environment development in light of expansion into new Protection Project leader Matjaž Denac sales markets with proposals for the Researchers Gregor Radonjič subsequent use of the research findings in the company EMA, družba za inženiring, 23. LCA Analysis for Glass Packaging (green) trgovino in storitve, d.o.o. Project title LCA Analysis for Glass Packaging Quantitative methods for company Financing Steklarna Hrastnik, d.o.o. development in light of expansion Entity into new sales markets with Institute of Technology and Project title proposals for the subsequent use of Institute Entrepreneurial Environment the research findings in the Protection company EMA, družba za inženiring, Project leader Gregor Radonjič trgovino in storitve, d.o.o. Researchers Matjaž Denac Financing EMA, družba za inženiring, trgovino in Entity storitve, d.o.o. 24. Certification of four tourist Institute Institute of Operational Research accommodations Project leader Maja Rožman Researchers Tjaša Štrukelj Certification of four tourist Project title accommodations 28. Quantitative analysis of improvement in Financing Multidisciplinarni raziskovalni institut internal aspects of engagement Entity Maribor among age-diverse employees with Institute of Tourism and Business Institute suggestions for later application Logistics Project leader Sonja Sibila Lebe Quantitative analysis of 25. The MS Excel 2019 course improvement in internal aspects of Project title engagement among age-diverse employees with suggestions for later Project title The MS Excel 2019 course application Financing Klub mariborskih študentov Financing Entity MARNIT d.o.o. Entity Institute of E-business and Institute Institute of Operational Research Institute Information Technology Project leader Maja Rožman Management Researchers Tjaša Štrukelj Project leader Zdenko Deželak Researchers Irena Šišovska Klančnik 29. Research concerning the 26. Qualitative research on the position of interdependence of SWOT analysis and Kopija-Nova in the school supplies market company policy with suggestions for later application use in the company Qualitative research on the position Project title of Kopija-Nova in the school supplies Research concerning the market interdependence of SWOT analysis Financing Project title and company policy with KOPIJA-NOVA d.o.o. Entity suggestions for later application use Institute Institute of Marketing in the company Project leader Aleksandra Pisnik Financing EMA, družba za inženiring, trgovino in Researchers Damijan Mumel, Borut Milfelner Entity storitve, d.o.o. Institute of Corporate Governance Institute and Strategic Management Project leader Tjaša Štrukelj Researchers Maja Rožman University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 61 30. Research concerning the impact of Žižek, Zlatko Nedelko, Vojko Potočan, development opportunities on a company’s Barbara Bradač Hojnik corporate strategy 34. Analysis of project management Research concerning the impact of processes and design of project Project title development opportunities on a management process optimization in CETIS company’s corporate strategy company Financing MARNIT d.o.o. Entity Analysis of project management Institute of Corporate Governance Institute processes and design of project and Strategic Management Project title management process optimization Project leader Tjaša Štrukelj in CETIS company Researchers Maja Rožman Financing CETIS, d.d. Entity 31. Individual remote business German Institute Institute of Project Management course Project leader Igor Vrečko Individual remote business German 35. Program for a group of NTPC managers Project title course Financing Program for a group of NTPC Spar Slovenija d.o.o. Project title Entity managers Institute of Languages and Foreign Financing NTFC School of Business, Noida, Indija Institute Business Languages Entity Project leader Alenka Plos Institute Institute of Project Management Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek 32. A study of the legal validity and Researchers Samo Bobek possibilities of SODO d.o.o. in decisions regarding the regulatory framework and 36. Inclusive entrepreneurship policy country legal bases, along with guidance on assessments 2022-23 entitlements and consequent responsibilities Inclusive entrepreneurship policy of company management and supervisory Project title country assessments 2022-23 authorities Financing Organisation for Economic Co- Entity operation and Development (OECD) A study of the legal validity and Institute of Entrepreneurship and possibilities of SODO d.o.o. in Institute Small Business Management decisions regarding the regulatory Project leader Katja Crnogaj framework and legal bases, along Project title Researchers Ivona Huđek with guidance on entitlements and consequent responsibilities of 37. Slovenian Corporate Risk Monitor 2023 company management and supervisory authorities Financing Slovenian Corporate Risk Monitor SODO d.o.o. Project title Entity 2023 Institute Institute of Business Law Financing Slovensko združenje za tveganja in Entity zavarovanja (SI.RISK) Project leader Dušan Jovanovič Institute of Finance and Artificial Institute 33. NTFC week at FEB Intelligence Project leader Vita Jagrič Project title NTFC week at FEB Timotej Jagrič, Aleksandra Amon, Researchers Sabina Taškar Beloglavec, Daniel Financing NTFC School of Business, Noida, Zdolšek Entity India Institute Institute of Project Management 38. An Expert Opinion on the Adequacy of Project leader Simona Sternad Zabukovšek Samo Bobek, Igor Vrečko, Aleksandra EOM Calculation Researchers Pisnik, Tjaša Štrukelj, Simona Šarotar An Expert Opinion on the Adequacy Project title of EOM Calculation 62 Research Projects Financing Odstop finance d.o.o. Student projects Entity Institute of Finance and Artificial Institute Within student projects, students col aborate with both an Intelligence educational mentor and a representative from an Project leader Žan Jan Oplotnik organization to address real-world chal enges, spanning both economic and non-commercial areas. The university 39. Certification of four tourist and school advertise opportunities for student involvement accommodatios for the EU Eco-label through a formal application process. Certification of four tourist Such student projects are crucial as they provide a Project title accommodatios for the EU Eco-label platform for experiential learning, allowing students to Financing Multidisciplinarni raziskovalni institut apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. By Entity Maribor working alongside mentors from academia and industry, Institute of Tourism and Business students gain insights, skil s, and experiences that prepare Institute Logistics them for future professional endeavours. Additional y, Project leader Sonja Sibila Lebe these projects encourage col aboration, innovation, and problem-solving abilities, contributing to the development of well-rounded and capable individuals ready to address 40. Certification of ten tourist the complexities of the modern world. accommodatios for the EU Eco-label Student challenges (ŠI:UM) Certification of ten tourist Project title accommodatios for the EU Eco-label By using an innovative, problem-based, and group Financing Multidisciplinarni raziskovalni institut approach to solving local student chal enges, students can Entity Maribor develop competences and gain practical knowledge and Institute of Tourism and Business Institute experience. Working in interdisciplinary groups and guided Logistics by a mentor, students tackle chal enges faced by firms and Project leader Sonja Sibila Lebe organizations. Within Student Chal enges (ŠI:UM) this approach yields benefits to al parties involved, including 41. A German course the possibility of long-term cooperation. During the application process, students can express their interest in Project title A German course seeking new knowledge and be involved in the Financing TEHNIOR d.o.o. implementation of project proposals. As part of the NOO’s Entity activities on: "Higher education reform for a green and Institute of Languages and Foreign resilient transition to Society 5.0" and within the framework Institute Business Languages of the pilot project “Single entry point for employers and Project leader Alenka Plos innovative forms of cooperation with students”, the Student Chal enges of the University of Maribor (NOO) (ŠI: UM 42. Proofreading of a scientific monograph (NOO)) were also implemented (UM, 2024). These activities aim to promote cooperation and bridge the gap between higher education and the environment, with a focus on Proofreading of a scientific Project title integrating and addressing the content of the digital and monograph green transition. Financing University of Maribor, Faculty of Entity Organizational Sciences 1. Laboratory for digital economy (ŠI:UM) Institute of Languages and Foreign Institute Business Languages Project leader Alenka Plos Project title Laboratory for digital economy Financing University of Maribor 43. Proofreading of a scientific monograph Entity Institute Institute of Business Law Project leader Andreja Primec Proofreading of a scientific Project title Izak Ravnak (UM EPF), Matej Dogša monograph (UM EPF), Luka Krajšek (UM EPF), Luka Financing University of Maribor, Faculty of Students Fale (UM FS), Nina Šajt Duh (UM FF), Entity Organizational Sciences Lana Bračič (UM MF), Tomi Milošič Institute of Languages and Foreign Institute (UM FERI), Gal Pastirk (UM PF) Business Languages The European Union actively Project leader Tatjana Koropec Project implements the EU Digital Strategy summary 2019–2024, which aims to achieve University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 63 digital transformation in support of digital and green technologies in the climate neutrality by 2050. The Slovenian economy. Activities Commission has proposed the included a literature review, analysis European Declaration of Digital of best practices, and a dialogue Rights and Principles for the Digital with experts from companies. Decade, ensuring human rights, Students gained green and digital solidarity, freedom of choice, competences crucial for entering the security, and sustainability in the job market. The collaboration digital environment. The project between the university and the focuses on the chal enges of digital Maribor Society of Economists as transformation for the Slovenian wel as the companies, brought economy and society, addressing significant experiences in the complex issues in an process of digital and green interdisciplinary manner. Students transformation of the Slovenian have practical y and theoretically economy and society. addressed digitization, developed Within the scope of addressing the solutions for real problems, and green and digital transition towards established lasting cooperation a sustainable economy and society, between the academic sphere and the project team developed the real economy. This yields solutions for promoting green important experiences for work in the energy and green finances. By 21st century and digital Practical encouraging their “green” products competences for the society of the relevance more effectively, companies can 21st century. increase their sales or usage, The project addressed various contributing to environmental aspects of the digitization of the sustainability by reducing their economy and society. The results of carbon footprint and preserving the interdisciplinary project team are natural resources. compiled in a professional monograph, which is available for Practical Project work for the acquisition of practical open access to al who encounter relevance experience and knowledge by students in the the chal enges of digitization. The findings presented can contribute to working environment greater efficiency, cost reduction, or improvement in the quality of The University of Maribor has completed activities for existing processes in companies, the projects that were submitted under the public cal “Project public sector, or other organizations. Work for the Acquisition of Practical Experience and Knowledge of Students in the Work Environment 2022/2023” (PDŠ UM 2022/2023). The aim of this cal for proposals was 2. Laboratory for a green economy (ŠI:UM to promote cooperation and integration between the (NOO)) higher education system and the environment, such as the economic sector, the non-commercial sector, and the Project title Laboratory for a green economy non-profit sector in the local and regional areas. The main Financing University of Maribor objective was to implement flexible forms of learning. Four Entity projects were executed under the leadership of mentors Institute Institute of Business Law from FEB (UM, 2024). Project leader Andreja Primec, Dejan Romih Nik Berčnik (EPF UM), Nejc Buzeti (EPF 1. Employee awareness model concerning the UM), Mia Filipič (EPF UM), Rene Mohar circular economy, sustainability, and digital Students (EPF UM), Jakob Polegek (FERI UM), orientation of the company, along with the Jure Špital (FERI UM), Alen Višnar (FERI UM), Petra Zelič (EPF UM) development of innovative company The project is focused on finding activities in the field of the circular economy, solutions for the green and digital sustainability, and digitization transition of two participating Project companies. Eight students from the Employee awareness model summary University of Maribor, under the concerning the circular economy, mentorship of academic mentors Project title sustainability, and digital orientation and industry professionals, of the company, along with the researched the implementation of development of innovative 64 Research Projects company activities in the field of the organizations in the field of circular economy, sustainability, and construction. digitalization Financing Ministry of Education, Science and Entity Sport 2. Model for identifying potential researchers, Institute of Management and enhancing their research potential and Institute Organization connecting them with economic entities in Project leader Simona Šarotar Žižek the Pomurje region and other organizations Andreja Kumer, Anej M. Irgolič, Nomi Hrast, Eva Gradišnik, Nina Kitel, Robert Model for identifying potential Students Šket, Nejc Časar, Vasilka researchers, enhancing their Saklamaeva, Janja Orovič, Lina research potential and connecting Zorman Project title them with economic entities in the In this project, students participated Pomurje region and other in the identification and remediation organizations of il egal dumpsites, as wel as in Financing Ministry of Education, Science and developing additional innovative Entity Sport proposals for processing material Institute of Management and acquired from these dumpsites and Institute Organization sel ing it on the market. With the Project leader Simona Šarotar Žižek assistance of their work mentor and other col eagues from the company Nomi Hrast, Nina Kotnik, Davor Ornik, Nigrad d.o.o., students were involved Maša Jazbec, Andreja Kumer, Vasilka Students in the process of identifying clients Saklamaeva, Dominik Škrinjar, Robert for the processed material. Through Šket this, they gained new knowledge In col aboration with the Doctors of while contributing to solutions for Science from Pomurje (PAZU - Project material issues in urban areas, Pomurska Akademsko Znanstvena summary thereby assisting in strengthening Unija), students sought solutions for the circular economy and preparing improving the situation regarding the company for providing the the encouragement of young foundations of a smart city (traffic researchers and the strengthening light systems and sewage of research activities and infrastructure). They also prepared a innovations in the Pomurje region. A model for raising awareness among thorough analysis of companies’ employees about the circular needs in Pomurje led to proposals for economy, sustainability, and the improvements and the development Project company’s digital orientation, as wel of a model to enhance the research summary as developing innovative activities potential of young researchers and for the company in the areas of the their integration with local circular economy, sustainability, and organizations. The project focuses digitization. on improving research, The model involved raising development, and innovation awareness among employees about activities in the region, along with the circular economy, sustainability promoting entrepreneurship and and digital orientation of the enhancing the skil s of employees. company and the development of The comprehensive model for innovative activities in the field of the identifying young researchers circular economy, sustainability and represents a key contribution to the digitization, and the development of development of Pomurje. Practical innovative ways of transferring The resulting comprehensive model relevance knowledge between employees. for the identification of young With its emphasis on al types of researchers with the potential for mentoring, such intergenerational research and innovation and their cooperation can be useful in all Practical connection with the economy and types of organizations. The options relevance other organizations can be used in identified and defined for the reuse various geographical units of waste, with special emphasis on (municipalities, regions, or sweepings, sludge, asphalt, and countries). In practice, approaches other waste, can be applied to to the development of various University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 65 competences among young people oxygen flow for patients. This not only as wel as those already employed reduces the workload of medical are also useful. The project’s staff by eliminating manual contribution is key to further adjustments, but also minimizes the development of the Pomurje region, risk of wasted oxygen and ensures which is one of the least developed that patients receive exactly what regions in Slovenia. they need. In practice, the results of the project could significantly 3. Development and production of high- improve hospital processes, pressure gas products for entry and especial y in emergency rooms and intensive care units where the strengthening of presence in the medical- management of oxygen supply is veterinary industry crucial. Furthermore, by ensuring optimal oxygen utilization, the Development and production of project contributes to the high-pressure gas products for entry conservation of resources, which Project title and strengthening of presence in the can lead to a reduction in operating medical-veterinary industry costs in healthcare facilities. Financing Ministry of Education, Science and Entity Sport 4. Smart4Sustainable Institute Institute of Project Management Project leader Igor Vrečko Project title Smart4Sustainable Nina Horvat, Metka Vrečko, Matic Financing Ministry of Education, Science and Students Rantaša, Luka Črnčič, Lovro Korošec Entity Sport Tinkara Kovačič in Petra Šaruga Institute Institute of Business Law In cooperation with Pulko Valves Project leader Andreja Primec Ruše d.o.o., the students developed Ožbe Drašler, Grega Mulec, Izak and designed the production of Ravnak, Gregor Rihtarič, Tilen Račnik, high-pressure gas valves for use in Students Aljaž Herzog, Veronika Poštrak, Nikola medicine and veterinary medicine. Jovanović, Gal Pastirk, Tinkara The aim of the project was to Primec develop a product or at least a The Sfera Al13 project, carried out product design for medical use, in with the assistance of students, aims particular the conversion of an to increase the competitiveness of existing mechanical valve into an the partner company in international electromagnetic one. The valve is Project markets and facilitate a green intended to regulate the oxygen in summary transition in the company’s an oximeter and thus facilitate the production and management. It work of medical personnel in an focuses on establishing a increasingly dynamic healthcare multimedia learning centre, which environment. The electromagnetic wil serve as the foundation for valve automatical y regulates the establishing a factory of the future, patient’s oxygen demand, ensuring benefiting all stakeholders, including that no more oxygen is consumed Project the University of Maribor. The project than necessary. This solves one of summary aligns with the directions of the the main problems of hospitals with Slovenian Smart Specialization high occupancy rates, namely the Strategy S5, emphasizing the shortage of oxygen. transition to a green economy and This project addresses a critical sustainable production. Project chal enge in healthcare — oxygen activities are divided into four pillars: management in times of high economic, technological, demand. By developing an educational, and legal, where electromagnetic valve for oxygen students integrate the professional Practical regulation in medical and veterinary orientations of their study programs relevance applications, it has a direct impact and innovative learning methods on the efficiency and safety of into an interdisciplinary whole. patient care. The innovative valve The research work of the project design aims to replace traditional Practical team, which was based on a four- mechanical valves and provide relevance pil ar structure (economic, more precise, automated control of 66 Research Projects technological, educational, and legal pil ars), brought numerous practical solutions to the company participating in the project. Since the central goal of the project was a set of activities that would direct the operation of the emerging multimedia centre towards the factory of the future, the results of the project activities ranged from demonstrating the possibilities of using artificial intelligence tools, economic analysis of impacts, and promoting the multimedia centre, to education in acquiring digital competencies, to sustainable corporate governance. 70 B. Milfelner, S. Veršič: Research Output by Publications Research output by publication type discourse, and enhance their professional standing within the academic community. This chapter aims to provide an overview of various research outputs classified by type. We present Figure 1 il ustrates the quantity of scientific articles by FEB information on articles published in global y recognized researchers published in journals indexed by JCR and SNIP, journals indexed by databases such as Web of Sciences as wel as in other international scientific publications. In (WOS), the Journal Citations Report (JCR), and SCOPUS’s total, researchers contributed eighty-eight articles in 2021, Figure 1: Number of scientific articles, by journal index published by FEB researchers from 2021 to 2023 Source: Slovenian Current Research Information System, 2024 Source-Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) index, as wel seventy-nine in 2022, and eighty-one in 2023. It is as other scientific journals, monographs, independent noteworthy that the predominant share of these scientific chapters within monographs, and contributions publications appeared in SNIP indexed journals, and that made by FEB researchers to scientific conferences. the number of scientific article publications remains stable over the period. The impact factor (IF), a metric provided by JCR, and source normalized impact per paper (SNIP) provided by Figure 2 presents an overview of the prevalent themes SCOPUS are measures of the frequency with which the explored in scientific articles authored by researchers average article in a journal has been cited in a particular affiliated with the FEB. Notably, these topics align with the year. Those two indices are the most acknowledged school’s research focus on economics and business, as measures of journal quality in the Republic of Slovenia, the wel as the school’s mission. Through word cloud analysis, University of Maribor and in comparison with international it becomes apparent that most articles delve into impact research institutions. studies pertaining to areas including the economy, business processes, sustainability, markets, development, Publications in WOS and Scopus indexed journals are Slovenia, and cultural and social issues. Additionally, widely recognized as reputable sources of scholarly reflecting the current global landscape, research information, and they often undergo rigorous peer-review addressing the COVID-19 crisis is also prominently processes to ensure the quality and validity of the research featured. published within them. Being associated with such journals enhances the credibility and reputation of the researchers, In addition, we present the citation frequency of scientific as it indicates that their work has met the standards set by articles, which is a metric used to evaluate the impact of a the academic community. Additional y, WOS and Scopus school’s research output. Citation rates serve as a measure indexed journals are frequently consulted by researchers, of the quality and excel ence of a school’s research. It scholars, and professionals globally. By publishing in these indicates that the work produced by school and students is journals, researchers contribute to the dissemination of influential, respected, and considered valuable by peers knowledge on a broader scale, reaching a diverse and and scholars in the field. It is integral to assess its academic international audience. Publishing in JCR and Scopus impact, reputation, and overall contribution to knowledge. indexed journals is essential for researchers seeking to establish their expertise, contribute to the global academic University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 71 Figure 2: Word-cloud of scientific articles according to the topics of articles published by FEB researchers from 2021 to 2023 Source: Slovenian Current Research Information System, 2024 It s erves as a valuable tool to maintain a culture of Unlike research articles, monographs al ow for a excellence within the institution. comprehensive exploration of a particular topic, enabling Figure 3 demonstrates consistent growth in the number of scholars to present in-depth analyses , nuanced citations within JCR and SCOPUS indexed journals over the perspectives, and detail findings. These publications serve past decade, excluding self-citations, indicating a notable as a platform for scholars to show the culmination of their increase in the research impact of FEB researchers. In 2021, research efforts, establishing their expertise in a specific considering the preceding 10 years, the col ective work of field. Scientific monographs often contribute to the existing FEB researchers gained over 2700 citations in WOS indexed body of knowledge, encourage intel ectual discourse, and journals, growing to more than 3700 citations by 2023. advance the understanding of complex subjects. Similarly, regarding SCOPUS journals, the number of citations experienced an increase of over one thousand This dissemination of research through scientific from 2021 to 2023. Growth trends can also be observed for conferences is important for advancing knowledge within JCR citations. the field of business and contributing to the col ective understanding of relevant issues. Conferences offer valuable networking opportunities, al owing faculty Figure 3: Citations in JCR and SNIP indexed journals in the last 10 years by FEB researchers from 2021 to 2023 Source: Slovenian Current Research Information System, 2024 72 B. Milfelner, S. Veršič: Research Output by Publications members, researchers, and students to connect with peers, credibility to potential students, faculty, researchers, and experts, and potential col aborators. Attending col aborators. Moreover, publications in top scientific conferences al ows school and researchers to stay journals al ow economic and business schools to informed about the latest trends, developments, and disseminate cutting-edge research findings to a wider innovations in their respective fields, and provide a audience. These articles can influence and shape the platform for economic and business schools to showcase discourse in their respective fields by reaching readership thought leadership. in academia, industry, and policymaking circles. Such dissemination of knowledge not only advances the Between 2021 and 2023, researchers from FEB col ectively frontiers of research but also fosters innovation and published thirty-one scientific monographs, ninety-five informs decision-making processes in business, independent scientific chapters in scientific monographs, economics, and policy realms. and 128 scientific conference contributions (Figure 4). Fol owing the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a In this chapter, we present the scientific articles published resurgence in the number of conference contributions, by FEB researchers between 2021 and 2023 in Q1 and Q2 whereas prior to this, there was a higher number of journals within the Web of Science (WOS) and SCOPUS independent scientific chapters published. databases. These journals are recognized for their rigorous peer-review process, high impact factor, and wide Scientific articles in top-ranked journals8 readership, making them desirable outlets for displaying 9 impactful research conducted by scholars affiliated with Publishing research articles in top-tier scientific journals economics and business schools. From 2021 til 2023, enhances the reputation and prestige of academic twenty-nine such articles have been published in the first institutions. Such articles are considered high-quality quartile and forty-five in the second quartile. contributions to the field, indicating expertise and Journals Indexed in WoS and Scopus (First Quartile) 1. Triplat, M., Helenius, S., Laina, R., Krajnc, N., Kronholm, T., Ženko, Z., Hujala, T. (2023). Private forest owner wil ingness to mobilise wood from dense, smal -diameter tree stands. Forest Policy and Economics, 148(Mar.). 2. Potočan, V., & Nedelko, Z. (2023). How personal values follow the societal lockdown due to COVID-19: Case of business students in Slovenia. Frontiers in Psychology, 14(Apr.). 3. Rožman, M., Tominc, P., & Štrukelj, T. (2023). Competitiveness through development of strategic talent management and agile management ecosystems. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 24(3), 373–393. 4. Dabić, M., Maley, J. F., Črešnar, R., & Nedelko, Z. (2023). Unappreciated channel of manufacturing productivity under industry 4.0: Leadership values and capabilities. Journal of Business Research, 162(Jul.). 5. Dolinar, G., Kuzma, B., Marovt, J., & Mosić, D. (2023). A note on star partial order preservers on the set of al variance-covariance matrices. Mathematica Slovaca, 73(1), 263–273. 6. Črešnar, R., Dabić, M., Stojčić, N., & Nedelko, Z. (2023). It takes two to tango: Technological and non-technological factors of Industry 4.0 implementation in manufacturing firms. Review of Managerial Science, 17(3), 827–853. 7. Potočan, V., et al. (2022). Are societal-level values still relevant measures in the twenty-first century business world? A 39-society analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39(2), 1–45. 8. Rožman, M., & Čančer, V. (2022). Appropriately organized work and employees’ concerns related to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case in Slovenia. Employee Relations, 44(7), 63–80. 9. Krupnik, S., Wagner, A., Koretskaya, O., Rudek, T., Wade, R., Mišík, M., Akerboom, S., Foulds, C., Smith Stegen, K., Denac, M., et al. (2022). Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, 89(Jul.), 1–11. 10. Rožman, M., Oreški, D., & Tominc, P. (2022). Integrating artificial intel igence into a talent management model to increase the work engagement and performance of enterprises. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(Nov.), 1–16. 11. Rožman, M., & Milfelner, B. (2022). The importance of intergenerational leadership praxes and availability of key information for older employee burnout and engagement in the context of firm size. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(Apr.), 1–12. 9 Source: Slovenian Current Research Information System, 2024 University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 73 12. Jagrič, T., Brown, C. E., Fister, D., Darlington, O., Ashton, K., Dyakova, M., Bel is, M., & Jagrič, V. (2022). Toward an economy of wel being: The economic impact of the Welsh healthcare sector. Frontiers in Public Health, 10(Oct.) , 1–14. 13. Dajčman, S., Kavkler, A., Merzlyakov, S., Pekarski, S. E., & Romih, D. (2022). International transmission of conventional and unconventional monetary policy and financial stress shocks from the euro area to Russia. Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 11(1), 227–247. 14. Tong, J. T., Potočan, V., et al. (2022). The impact of gender-role-orientations on subjective career success: A multilevel study of 36 societies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 138(5) , 1–23. 15. Sternad Zabukovšek, S., Bobek, S., Zabukovšek, U., Kalinić, Z., & Tominc, P. (2022). Enhancing PLS-SEM-enabled research with ANN and IPMA: Research study of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems’ acceptance based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). Mathematics, 10(9), 1–28. 16. Potočan, V., & Nedelko, Z. (2021). The behavior of organization in economic crisis: Integration, interpretation, and research development. Journal of Business Ethics, 174(4), 805–823. 17. Dabić, M., Stojčić, N., Simić, M., Potočan, V., Slavković, M., & Nedelko, Z. (2021). Intel ectual agility and innovation in micro and smal businesses: The mediating role of entrepreneurial leadership. Journal of Business Research, 123(C) , 683–695. 18. Zdolšek Draksler, T., & Širec, K. (2021). The study of entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurial competencies of business vs. non-business students. Journal of Competitiveness, 13(2), 171–188. 19. Mosić, D., Dolinar, G., & Marovt, J. (2021). EP-quasinilpotent decomposition and its generalizations. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A, Matemáticas, 115(4), 1–25. 20. Huđek, I., Tominc, P., & Širec, K. (2021). The impact of social and cultural norms, government programs and digitalization as entrepreneurial environment factors on job and career satisfaction of freelancers. Sustainability, 13(2), 1–21. 21. Nedelko, Z., & Potočan, V. (2021). Sustainability of organizations: The contribution of personal values to democratic leadership behavior focused on the sustainability of organizations. Sustainability, 13(8), 1–20. 22. Schröder, L.-M., Bobek, V., & Horvat, T. (2021). Determinants of success of businesses of female entrepreneurs in Taiwan. Sustainability, 13(9), 1–23. 23. Kukovec, D., Milfelner, B., Mulej, M., & Šarotar Žižek, S. (2021). Model of social y responsible transfer of parent organization culture to the subsidiary organization in a foreign cultural environment concerning internal communication, stress, and work satisfaction. Sustainability, 13(14), 1–22. 24. Potočan, V. (2021). Technology and corporate social responsibility. Sustainability, 13(15), 1–16. 25. Rožman, M., Sternad Zabukovšek, S., Bobek, S., & Tominc, P. (2021). Gender differences in work satisfaction, work engagement and work efficiency of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case in Slovenia. Sustainability, 13(16), 1–17. 26. Šarotar Žižek, S., Mulej, M., & Potočnik, A. (2021). The sustainable social y responsible society: Wel -being society 6.0. Sustainability, 13(16), 1–31. 27. Hintringer, T. M., Bobek, V., Milost, F., & Horvat, T. (2021). Innovation as a determinant of growth in outperforming emerging markets: An analysis of South Korea. Sustainability, 13(18), 1–22. 28. Huđek, I., Tominc, P., & Širec, K. (2021). The human capital of the freelancers and their satisfaction with the quality of life. Sustainability, 13(20), 1–23. 29. Rožman, M., Radman Peša, A., Rajko, M., & Štrukelj, T. (2021). Building organisational sustainability during the COVID-19 pandemic with an inspiring work environment. Sustainability, 13(21), 1–22. Journals Indexed in WoS and Scopus (Second Quartile) 1. Crnogaj, K., & Rus, M. (2023). From start to scale: Navigating innovation, entrepreneurial ecosystem, and strategic evolution. Administrative Sciences, 13(12), 1–19. 2. Rožman, M., Tominc, P., & Milfelner, B. (2023). Maximizing employee engagement through artificial intel igent organizational culture in the context of leadership and training of employees: Testing linear and non-linear relationships. Cogent Business & Management, 10(2), 1–30. 3. Tominc, P., & Rožman, M. (2023). Artificial intel igence and business studies: Study cycle differences regarding the perceptions of the key future competences. Education Sciences, 13(6), 1–22. 74 B. Milfelner, S. Veršič: Research Output by Publications 4. Dabić, M., Egri, C. P., Potočan, V., & Nedelko, Z. (2023). The stimulus of European Union accession on the personal values formation process: A study of Croatia and Slovenia. Ekonomska Istraživanja, 36(1), 1–27. 5. Rožman, M., Oreški, D., & Tominc, P. (2023). A multidimensional model of the new work environment in the digital age to increase a company’s performance and competitiveness. IEEE Access, 11(Mar.), 26136–26151. 6. Čančer, V., Tominc, P., & Rožman, M. (2023). Multi-criteria measurement of AI support to project management. IEEE Access, 11(Dec.), 142816–142828. 7. Hilger, A. M., Nedelko, Z., & Steger, T. (2022). Outward foreign direct investment from post-socialist to advanced economies. International Journal of Emerging Markets. Advance online publication. 8. Širec, K., Samsami, M., & Schøtt, T. (2023). Born globals and born sustainables: Motives of accumulating wealth and of making a difference in the world. Organizacija: Revija za Management, Informatiko in Kadre, 56(4), 342–351. 996 9. Bobek, V., Streltsov, V., & Horvat, T. (2023). Directions for the sustainability of innovative clustering in a country. Sustainability, 15(4), 1–39. 10. Rožman, M., Oreški, D., & Tominc, P. (2023). Artificial-intelligence-supported reduction of employees’ workload to increase the company’s performance in today’s VUCA environment. Sustainability, 15(6), 1–21. 11. Hlastec, A., Mumel, D., & Hauptman, L. (2023). Is there a relationship between self-enhancement, conservation and personal tax culture? Sustainability, 15(7), 1–23. 12. Zdolšek, D., & Taškar Beloglavec, S. (2023). Sustainability reporting ecosystem: A once-in-a-lifetime overhaul during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 15(9), 1–22. 13. Jordan, S., & Sternad Zabukovšek, S. (2023). Organizational maturity and sustainability orientation influence on DMS life cycle—case analysis. Sustainability, 15(15), 1–26. 14. Zabukovšek, U., Tominc, P., & Bobek, S. (2023). Business IT alignment impact on corporate sustainability. Sustainability, 15(16), 1–37. 15. Malc, D., Dlačić, J., Pisnik, A., & Milfelner, B. (2023). The development of e-banking services quality measurement instrument: MPQe-BS. Sustainability, 15(16), 1–19. 16. Sternad Zabukovšek, S., Jordan, S., & Bobek, S. (2023). Managing document management systems’ life cycle in relation to an organization’s maturity for digital transformation. Sustainability, 15(21), 1–35. 17. Štrukelj, T., Dankova, P., & Hrast, N. (2023). Strategic transition to sustainability: A cybernetic model. Sustainability, 15(22), 1–32. 18. Plečko, S., Tominc, P., & Širec, K. (2023). Digitalization in entrepreneurship: Unveiling the motivational and demographic influences towards sustainable digital sales. Sustainability, 15(23), 1–19. 19. Vrečko, I., Tominc, P., & Širec, K. (2023). Enhancing the performance of high-growth smal - and medium-sized enterprises through effective project-management processes and stakeholder engagement: A systems perspective. Systems, 11(511), 1–20. 20. Jagodič, G., & Milfelner, B. (2022). The role of B2B marketing strategy, ICT B2B marketing support, and service quality in market orientation – Performance relationship: Evidence from three European countries. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 1–28. 21. Zdolšek, D., Jagrič, T., & Kolar, I. (2022). Auditor’s going-concern opinion prediction: The case of Slovenia. Ekonomska Istraživanja, 35(1), 106–121. 22. Horvat, T., Travner, U., Skoko, H., & Bobek, V. (2022). The influence of profit, revenues and debt on audit prices in large companies: Insights from Slovenia. Ekonomska Istraživanja, 35(1), 778–798. 23. Jagrič, T., Fister, D., & Jagrič, V. (2022). Reshaping the healthcare sector with economic policy measures based on COVID-19 epidemic severity: A global study. Healthcare, 10, 1–10. 24. Sternad Zabukovšek, S., Tominc, P., Deželak, Z., Nalbandyan, G., & Bobek, S. (2022). Acceptance of GIS within ERP system: Research study in higher education. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(2), 1–29. 25. Nedelko, Z., Peleckiene, V., Peleckis, K., Peleckis, K. K., Lapinskiene, G., & Potočan, V. (2022). Generation Z and ethicality of advancement in the workplace: A study of Slovenia and Lithuania. Journal of Business Economics and Management: Transition Processes in Central and Eastern Europe, 23(2), 482–506. 26. Mosić, D., & Marovt, J. (2022). Weighted weak core inverse of operators. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70(20), 4991– 5013. /10.1080/03081087.2021.1902462 University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 75 27. Lazar, S., Potočan, V., Mlaker Kač, S., Yangınlar, G., Klimecka-Tatar, D., & Obrecht, M. (2022). Logistics aspect of organizational culture and normative commitment in electric energy supply chain. Management Systems in Production Engineering, 30(4), 319–330. 28. Uršič, D., & Smogavc Cestar, A. (2022). Crisis management and CSR in Slovenian companies: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 14(5), 1–16. 29. Veršič, S., Tominc, P., & Štrukelj, T. (2022). SME top management perception of environmental uncertainty and gender differences during COVID-19. Sustainability, 14(6), 1–33. 30. Rožman, M., Tominc, P., & Crnogaj, K. (2022). Healthy and entrepreneurial work environment for older employees and its impact on work engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainability, 14(8), 1–15. 31. Sternad Zabukovšek, S., Deželak, Z., Parusheva, S., & Bobek, S. (2022). Attractiveness of collaborative platforms for sustainable e-learning in business studies. Sustainability, 14(14), 1–25. 32. Crnogaj, K., Tominc, P., & Rožman, M. (2022). A conceptual model of developing an agile work environment. Sustainability, 14(22), 1–18. 33. Frešer, B. (2022). Multidimensional model of high-growth companies: Do COVID-19 and the Ukraine–Russia crisis lead to differences? Sustainability, 14(22), 1–25. 34. Primec, A., & Belak, J. (2022). Sustainable CSR: Legal and Managerial demands of the new EU legislation (CSRD) for the future corporate governance practices. Sustainability, 14(24), 1–29. 35. Fister, D., Perc, M., & Jagrič, T. (2021). Two robust long short-term memory frameworks for trading stocks. Applied Intelligence, 51(10), 7177–7195. 36. Rožman, M., & Čančer, V. (2021). The appropriate work environment for older employees: The case of Slovenia. Business Systems Research, 12(2), 172–186. 37. Smole, A., Jagrič, T., & Bokal, D. (2021). Principal/Two-Agent model with internal signal. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 29(3), 791–808. 38. Rožman, M., & Štrukelj, T. (2021). Organisational climate components and their impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations. Ekonomska Istraživanja, 34(1), 775–806. 39. Horvat, T., Bendix, H., Bobek, V., & Skoko, H. (2021). Impacts of investments in infrastructure projects on emerging markets' growth: The case of East African countries. Ekonomska Istraživanja, 34(1), 2135–2161. 40. Malc, D., Pisnik, A., Dlačić, J., & Milfelner, B. (2021). Exploring the emotional side of price fairness perceptions and its consequences. Ekonomska Istraživanja, 34(2), 1931–1948. 41. Rožman, M., & Tominc, P. (2021). The physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of health problems among employees before and during the COVID-19 epidemic. Employee Relations, 44(7), 19–45. 42. Golubić, I., & Marovt, J. (2021). Preservers of partial orders on the set of al variance-covariance matrices. Filomat, 35(2), 3015–3030. 43. Jagrič, T., Brown, C. E., Boyce, T., & Jagrič, V. (2021). The impact of the health-care sector on national economies in selected European countries. Health Policy, 125(1), 90–97. 44. Alfirević, N., Potočan, V., & Nedelko, Z. (2021). Students’ values, professional socialization and the mental gap of corporate social responsibility perceptions. PLoS One, 16(12). 45. Nedelko, Z. (2021). What drives the usage of management tools supporting industry 4.0 in organizations. Sensors, 21(10). Scientific monographs9 10 This chapter provides an overview of the scientific range of monographs that demonstrate their commitment monographs published by researchers affiliated with FEB to advancing knowledge and addressing key issues in between 2021 and 2023. Monographs represent the economics and business studies. It is worth noting that culmination of scholarly endeavours and reflect the diverse some of these monographs have been published by research interests and expertise within our academic renowned international publishers, highlighting the global community. reach and recognition of our school’s research output. Meanwhile, others have been disseminated through the During this period, FEB researchers made significant University of Maribor Press, revealing our commitment to contributions to the intel ectual landscape by producing a fostering academic excellence and scholarly discourse within our institution and beyond. 10 Source: Slovenian Current Research Information System, 2024 76 B. Milfelner, S. Veršič: Research Output by Publications 1. Širec, K., Tominc, P., Bradač Hojnik, B., Rus, M., Crnogaj, K., Širec, K., & Crnogaj, K. (Eds.). (2023). Dve desetletji dinamike podjetniškega razvoja: GEM Slovenija 2022 (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 2. Širec, K., Tominc, P., Bradač Hojnik, B., Rus, M., Crnogaj, K., Širec, K., & Crnogaj, K. (Eds.). (2023). Dve desetletji dinamike podjetniškega razvoja: GEM Slovenija 2022 (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 3. Zdolšek, D. (2023). Napovedni model za poročanje revizorjevega dvoma. Pearson. 4. Rus, M., Močnik, D., Crnogaj, K., & Bradač Hojnik, B. (Eds.). (2023). Podjetniška demografija in značilnosti startup in scaleup podjetij: Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2022 (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 5. Rus, M., Močnik, D., Crnogaj, K., & Bradač Hojnik, B. (Eds.). (2023). Podjetniška demografija in značilnosti startup in scaleup podjetij: Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2022 (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 6. Jovanovič, D., Bratina, B., & Črešnik, D. (2023). Podjetniško (korporacijsko) in davčno pravo (1st ed.). Maribor: Založba WD. 7. Bobek, S., Deželak, Z., Šišovska Klančnik, I., Zabukovšek, U., & Sternad Zabukovšek, S. (2023). Raziskava ponudnikov poslovnih informacijskih rešitev za digitalno transformacijo podjetij (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 8. Jagrič, T., Taškar Beloglavec, S., Zdolšek, D., Amon, A., Herman, A., Jagrič, V., & Jagrič, T. (Eds.). (2023). Slovenian corporate risk monitor 2023. Harlow: Pearson.[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3DCover]!/4/2/2/2% 4051:2 9. Sternad Zabukovšek, S., & Bobek, S. (2023). Sprejemanje poslovnih informacijskih rešitev in digitalna transformacija v podjetjih (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 10. Milfelner, B. (2023). Tehnike za zagotavljanje veljavnosti in zanesljivosti podatkov v marketinških raziskavah in analiza podatkov v marketingu (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 11. Vrečko, I., & Čelesnik, G. (2022). Krizni – agilni – projektni management (raz)reševanja poslovnih kriz (1st ed.). Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za projektni management. 12. Vrečko, I. (2022). Od strateške krize do trajne strateške konkurenčnosti: s kreativnostjo in inovativnostjo, s strateško in projektno odličnostjo, s celovitostjo. (1st ed.). Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za projektni management. 13. Bradač Hojnik, B., Huđek, I., Močnik, D., Rebernik, M. (Eds.), & Bradač Hojnik, B. (Ed.). (2021). Podjetniška demografija in značilnosti digitalizacije malih in srednje velikih podjetij: Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2021. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 14. Bradač Hojnik, B., Huđek, I., Močnik, D., Rebernik, M. (Eds.), & Bradač Hojnik, B. (Ed.). (2022). Podjetniška demografija in značilnosti digitalizacije malih in srednje velikih podjetij: Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2021. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 15. Malnar, A., Jagrič, T., Amon, A., Jagrič, V., & Jagrič, T. (Eds.). (2022). Slovenian corporate risk monitor 2022. Harlow: Pearson. 16. Duh, M., & Primec, A. (2022). Strateški in pravni vidiki nasledstva družinskega podjetja. Ljubljana: Lexpera, GV Založba. 17. Kocbek, M., Bratina, B., Odar, M., Plavšak, N., Podgorelec, P., Prelič, S., Prostor, J., & Kocbek, M. (Eds.). (2023). Veliki komentar Zakona o gospodarskih družbah. 4. Knjiga. Komentar novel ZGD-1I, ZGD-1J in ZGD-1K. Ljubljana: Lexpera, GV Založba. 18. Rebernink, M., Tominc, P., Bradac Hojnik, B., Crnogaj, K., Rus, M., Širec, K., & Rebernink, M. (Eds.). (2022). Vzdržljivost podjetniške aktivnosti: GEM Slovenija 2021 (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 19. Rebernink, M., Tominc, P., Bradac Hojnik, B., Crnogaj, K., Rus, M., Širec, K., Rebernink, M. (Eds.). (2022). Vzdržljivost podjetniške aktivnosti: GEM Slovenija 2021 (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 20. Jagrič, T., Jagrič, V., & Fister, D. (2021). Ekonomski odtis na regijski ravni in regionalizacija zdravstvenega sektorja v Sloveniji. Harlow: Pearson. 21. Rebernik, M., Širec, K., Bradač Hojnik, B., Crnogaj, K., Rus, M., Tominc, P., Širec, K. (Ed., Additional text author), Rebernika, M. (Ed.). (2021). Podjetništvo v novi stvarnosti: GEM Slovenija 2020. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 22. Rebernika, M., Širec, K., Bradač Hojnik, B., Crnogaj, K., Rus, M., Tominc, P., Rebernika, M. (Ed.), Širec, K. (Ed., Additional text author). (2021). Podjetništvo v novi stvarnosti: GEM Slovenija 2020. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 23. Potočan, V., & Nedelko, Z. (2021). Procesna obravnava oskrbovalnih verig. Harlow: Pearson. University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 77 24. Iršič, M., & Snoj, B. (2021). Prodaja: temeljni koncepti in njihova uporaba v procesu prodajanja [znanstvena monografija]. Harlow: Pearson Education. 25. Jagrič, T., Fister, D., Jagrič, V., Pivec, J., Mun, J., & Jagrič, T. (Eds.). (2021). Slovenian corporate risk monitor 2021. Harlow: Pearson. 26. Močnik, D., Crnogaj, K., Bradač Hojnik, B., Širec, K., & Rebernik, M. (Eds.). (2021). Slovenska podjetja in značilnosti poslovnega prestrukturiranja : Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2020. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 27. Močnik, D., Crnogaj, K., Bradač Hojnik, B., Širec, K., & Rebernik, M. (Eds.). (2021). Slovenska podjetja in značilnosti poslovnega prestrukturiranja: Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2020 (1st ed.). Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba. 28. Rožman, M., & Štrukelj, T. (2021). Soodvisnost izbranih dejavnikov strateškega managementa podjetja in zavzetosti starejših zaposlenih kot osnova za inovativnost podjetja: Znanstvena monografija (1st ed.). Harlow: Pearson. 29. Rebernik, M., Tominc, P., Bradac Hojnik, B., Crnogaj, K., Rus, M., Širec, K., & Širec, K. (Eds.). (2022). Resilience of entrepreneurial activity: GEM Slovenia 2021: Executive summary (1st ed.). Maribor: University of Maribor Press. 30. Štrukelj, T., Meolic, D., Rožman, M., & Deželak, Z. (Eds.). (2022). Trije stebri trajnostnega razvoja: Teoretično ozadje, študija primera in kvantitativne ekonomske analize [Scientific monograph] (1st ed.). Maribor: Bio energija. 31. Širec, K., Tominc, P., Bradac Hojnik, B., Rus, M., Crnogaj, K., Širec, K., & Crnogaj, K. (Eds.). (2023). Two decades of dynamic entrepreneurial development: GEM Slovenija 2022: Executive summary (1st ed.). Maribor: University of Maribor Press. 80 Editors of and Positions on Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals For researchers, serving as editors or members of editorial Vito 2227- boards provides opportunities to actively engage with the Mathematics Editor Bobek 7390 scholarly community, shape the direction of research Mednarodno within their field, and contribute to the advancement of inovativno knowledge. By assuming editorial roles, researchers gain poslovanje: insights into the peer-review process, enhancing their Member strokovno- understanding of academic publishing standards and Vito 1855- of znanstvena revija methodologies. Additional y, editorship offers a platform to Bobek 6175 editorial za področje share expertise, establish professional networks, and board poslovanja in col aborations with fel ow scholars globally, ultimately poslovnega enriching their academic and professional development. izobraževanja 11 International Member Furthermore, for the school, having faculty members and Vito journal of 2463- of researchers involved in editorial positions enhances its Bobek regional 7939 editorial reputation and visibility within the academic community. It development board demonstrates the expertise and research excel ence Member present within the institution, attracting top-tier faculty, European journal Vito 1751- of researchers, students, and col aborators. Overal , of international Bobek 6757 editorial editorship of and membership in international research management board journals play an important role in advancing both Member individual researchers’ careers and the overall academic FAIMA Business & Vito 2344- of standing of the school. Several FEB researchers serve as Management Bobek 4088 editorial editors and members of editorial boards for various Journal board domestic and international scientific journals (Table 1). Member Vito 1855- of Table 1: Editorial positions and positions in Editorial Boards for the IBS poročevalec Bobek 8011 editorial period from 2021 to 2023 board Member International ber Vito 1742- of l Journal of Bobek 7525 editorial em Electronic Trade rcher al board ea rn d International Member itor/M ditoria ar Res Jou ISSN Ed of e bo Vito journal of 1742- of Bobek trade and global 7541 editorial International Member markets board Jani journal of 1756- of International Member Bekő sustainable 5804 editorial Vito journal of 2049- of economy board Bobek diplomacy and 0887 editorial Naše Member economy board gospodarstvo: Jani 0547- of Naše revija za aktualna Bekő 3101 editorial gospodarstvo: gospodarska Darja 0547- board revija za aktualna Editor vprašanja Boršič 3101 gospodarska Managing global Member vprašanja Jani transitions: 1854- of Member Bekő international 6935 editorial Darja 2658- of research journal board Ekonomia Boršič 1310 editorial Naše Member board gospodarstvo: Jernej 0547- of Mednarodno revija za aktualna Belak 3101 editorial inovativno gospodarska board poslovanje: Member vprašanja Darja strokovno- 1855- of Naše Member Boršič znanstvena revija 6175 editorial gospodarstvo: Samo 0547- of za board revija za aktualna Bobek 3101 editorial področje gospodarska board poslovanja in vprašanja 11 The data were retrieved from the Slovenian Current Research Information System (2024). University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 81 poslovnega Naše Member izobraževanja gospodarstvo: Timotej 0547- of Podjetje in delo: revija za aktualna Member Jagrič 3101 editorial revija za gospodarska Borut 0353- of board gospodarsko, vprašanja Bratina 6521 editorial delovno in Naše board Member socialno pravo gospodarstvo: Alenka 0547- of Member revija za aktualna Kavkler 3101 editorial Vesna Acta Informatica 1805- of gospodarska board Čančer Pragensia 4951 editorial vprašanja board Naše Croatian review gospodarstvo: Member of Romana revija 0547- Vesna 1849- of Editor economic, Korez-Vide za aktualna 3101 Čančer 8531 editorial business and gospodarska board social statistics vprašanja Member Member Journal of world Vesna 1512- of Romana 2328- of Ekonomska revija economic Čančer 8962 editorial Korez-Vide 7748 editorial research board board Entrepreneurial Member Member World journal of Vesna Business 2353- of Romana 2332- of social Čančer and Economics 883X editorial Korez-Vide 5534 editorial science research Review board board International Naše Member Member journal of gospodarstvo: Vesna 1941- of Sonja 0547- of e-services and revija za aktualna Čančer 6288 editorial Sibila Lebe 3101 editorial mobile gospodarska board board applications vprašanja Member Member Vesna 1849- of Sonja 1660- of Notitia Tourism review Čančer 9066 editorial Sibila Lebe 5373 editorial board board Naše Journal of Member Member gospodarstvo: Klavdij management 1925- of Silvo 0547- of revija za aktualna Logožar and 4725 editorial Dajčman 3101 editorial gospodarska sustainability board board vprašanja Member International Klavdij Medzinárodné 1336- of journal of Member Logožar vzťahy 1562 editorial Mojca economics, 2326- of board Duh finance and 9553 editorial International Member management board Borut journal of 1756- of sciences Milfelner sustainable 5804 editorial Naše economy board Member gospodarstvo: Naše Mejra 0547- of Member revija za aktualna gospodarstvo: Festić 3101 editorial Borut 0547- of gospodarska revija za aktualna board Milfelner 3101 editorial vprašanja gospodarska board Naše vprašanja Member gospodarstvo: Zbornik radova Nataša 0547- of revija za aktualna Ekonomskog Gajšt 3101 editorial Member gospodarska fakulteta u board Borut 1331- of vprašanja Rijeci: časopis za Milfelner 8004 editorial Naše ekonomsku Member board gospodarstvo: teoriju i Lidija 0547- of revija za aktualna praksu Hauptman 3101 editorial gospodarska Borut Akademija MM: 1408- Member board vprašanja Milfelner slovenska 1652 of 82 Editors of and Positions on Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals znanstvena editorial for Research and editorial revija za trženje board Creative Work board Izzivi Naše Member managementu: gospodarstvo: Gregor 0547- of Zlatko revija o 2350- revija za aktualna Editor Radonjič 3101 editorial Nedelko izzivih in dosežkih 5435 gospodarska board sodobnega vprašanja managementa Izzivi Lex localis: revija managementu: Member Žan 1581- za lokalno Editor Simona revija o izzivih in 2350- of Oplotnik 5374 samoupravo Šrotar Žižek dosežkih 5435 editorial Strategic sodobnega board management: managementa International Member journal of Karin Journal of 1804- of Member strategic Širec competitiveness 171X editorial Igor 1821- of management board Perko 3448 editorial and decision board Naše support Member gospodarstvo: systems in Karin 0547- of revija za aktualna strategic Širec 3101 editorial gospodarska management board vprašanja Member Member Igor 0368- of Acta economica: Kybernetes Tjaša 1512- of Perko 492x editorial časopis Štrukelj 858X editorial board za ekonomiju board Naše Member Journal of gospodarstvo: Member Peter 0547- of Research and revija za aktualna Tjaša 2668- of Podgorelec 3101 editorial Innovation for gospodarska Štrukelj 0416 editorial board Sustainable vprašanja board Society Podjetje in delo: Member Member revija za Peter 0353- of Tjaša Oeconomica 1848- of gospodarsko, Podgorelec 6521 editorial Štrukelj Jadertina 4956 editorial delovno in board board socialno pravo Naše Member Member gospodarstvo: Vojko Informing 1521- of Igor V 0547- of revija za aktualna Potočan science 4672 editorial rečko 3101 editorial gospodarska board board vprašanja Interdisciplinary Member journal Vojko 1552- of of knowledge & Potočan 2210 editorial learning board objects Izzivi managementu: Member Vojko revija o izzivih in 2350- of Potočan dosežkih 5435 editorial sodobnega board managementa Journal of Member information Vojko 1547- of technology Potočan 9714 editorial education: board research Scientific journals Vojko 1556- Member International: Potočan 6757 of One-Stop forum 86 Doctoral Dissertations Defended The third cycle doctoral study program Economic and show that entrepreneurial Business Sciences is aimed at students who want to delve orientation has a significant impact into intricate economic and business dynamics both on access to finance, while the effect national y and international y. They engage in individual of intangible capital varies. The research endeavours, presenting their findings for results shown are beneficial for assessment by professors, peers, and industry experts. The enterprises as wel as for the needs doctoral study program is part of the University of Maribor’s of entrepreneurial policies, which doctoral school. increasingly focus on the creation of 12 conditions for achieving healthy, FEB doctoral program equips students with a high growth, along with the comprehensive understanding of economics and business preservation of access to financial sciences in the field of finance, macro, and banking resources and expansion of microeconomics, as wel as behavioral economics, the impact of alternative sources of strategic management, marketing, accounting, statistics, financing. and mathematical modeling. Through the curriculum, students gain a nuanced perspective of their chosen field, Name and al owing them to critical y evaluate theories and research, Alenka Naglič surname while also mastering the ability to develop and implement Advisor/co- Klavdij Logožar (advisor) original research that contributes to the advancement of advisor Polona Tominc (co-advisor) knowledge in their area of specialization. The model of dynamics market Title of diversification as an instrument of The scientific work of doctoral students plays an important doctoral firm internationalization and market role in advancing knowledge and driving innovation across dissertation growth various fields. As new researchers, doctoral students bring The fundamental goal of this doctoral fresh perspectives and insights through their analysis, dissertation is to establish how investigations, and experiments, pushing the boundaries of Slovenian companies that are part of existing knowledge. Their work often lays the foundation for the domestic institutional framework new discoveries, shaping the trajectory of future research of the (post-)transition of the endeavors. Additionally, doctoral research includes critical economic system and institutions are thinking, problem-solving skil s, and interdisciplinary responding to dynamic processes of collaboration, nurturing the next generation of scholars globalisation, accelerated and scientists who wil tackle complex global chal enges. internationalisation, and liberalisation of business. It delves In 2023, 46 doctoral students were enrolled in the FEB into Slovenian companies’ export Economic and Business Sciences doctoral program. During reliance, advocating a dynamic the period from 2021 to 2023, 14 candidates successful y market diversification model for defended their doctoral dissertations. international growth in the face of globalization, and analyses global Name and Blaž Frešer economic regionalization, surname Abstract internationalization theories, and Advisor/co- Tominc Polona (advisor) strategic advantages of advisor Širec Karin (co-advisor) diversification. It underscores the The model for determining the chal enges in modern markets, impact of the perceived availability Title of doctoral urging companies to expand into of selected growth determinants on dissertation foreign markets despite lingering high-growth enterprises obstacles. In the empirical part of the performance dissertation, which is divided into This doctoral thesis examines the qualitative and quantitative research, relation between multidimensional we test eight hypotheses. The factors influencing financial qualitative part of the empirical accessibility and measures taken by research is a basis for establishing high-growth enterprises (HGEs) in Abstract that the nature of market Slovenia. Based on an empirical opportunities differs significantly analysis, a conceptual model linking from market to market, which entrepreneurial orientation, demands that companies be very intangible capital and financial adaptable and ingenious in business. performance is validated. The results 12 The data were retrieved and reproduced from the Digital Library of the University of Maribor (2024) and FEB internal student databases. University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 87 Name and and modern business philosophies, Nataša Pivec surname its implementation poses Advisor/co- chal enges. Existing readiness Vojko Potočan advisor models lack empirical testing and The impact of the strength of overlook critical factors like Title of doctoral organizational culture on the management tools, key dissertation process of internal development of competences, and productivity. The knowledge study assesses the reliability and The dissertation researches the consistency of the combination of effects of the strength of Acatech (Frauenhofer) and of organisational culture on individual models from the University of phases of the knowledge cycle, the Warwick,. From those, based on setting up of self-directed learning empirical analysis, the study centres, and the effect of employee obtained a basic model for values on the knowledge cycle. The determining readiness for Industry doctoral dissertation is divided into 4.0, which is a starting point for theoretical and empirical sections. improving the model. A combination The empirical study, which was of models was used because the two conducted among medium and models consider different factors. large Slovenian organisations, has The combination of two models led to the finding that with regard to incorporates broad and the strength of organisational comprehensive dimensions of culture, a strong culture prevails, organizational operation; however, which is associated with the none of these models has yet been characteristics of the ownership empirically applied to determine structure and the legal their simultaneous effect on other Abstract organisational form of these areas of organizational operation. organisations. The effect of the Furthermore, these two models strength of organisational culture overlook two key areas of successful and employee values on individual organizational operation in the phases of the knowledge cycle has circumstances of Industry 4.0, i.e., the been confirmed, as wel as a positive use of key management tools and linear connection between the the focus on the use and strength of organisational culture development of key competences. and the setting up of self-directed learning centres. The synthesis of the Name and Eva Lorenčič theoretical and empirical findings surname has made it possible to design a Advisor/co- Mejra Festić comprehensive model of the effects advisor of the strength of organisational The Impact of Macroprudential culture and employee values on the Title of doctoral Policy Instruments on Financial knowledge cycle, and the setting up dissertation Stability and activity of self-directed learning This doctoral dissertation centres. comprehensively explores macroprudential policy, addressing Name and systemic risk, transmission Rok Črešnar surname mechanisms, policy instruments, Advisor/co- and regulatory frameworks. It Zlatko Nedelko advisor investigates the effectiveness of Development of a model for macroprudential tools in six euro- Title of doctoral assessing the readiness of area countries from 2015 to 2018, Abstract dissertation manufacturing organizations for using panel econometrics. Findings Industry 4.0 suggest certain instruments, like This doctoral thesis focuses on common equity tier one ratio, developing a comprehensive model influence credit and house price to assess a manufacturing growth, impact financial stability. Abstract organization’s readiness for Industry The study partial y confirms its 4.0. While Industry 4.0 promises hypotheses, owing to varied impact improved productivity through among instruments. Overal , it advanced technology integration advocates for tailored 88 Doctoral Dissertations Defended macroprudential policies to ensure and analysing characteristics of the financial stability, aligning with audit firm and the auditor-in-charge contemporary research. that affect the auditor’s reporting Considering the results, a case can behaviour. First, a prediction model be made for the use of careful y for predicting going-concern crafted macroprudential policy opinions for reporting entities is instruments that target selected developed. Users are allowed to financial and macroeconomic calibrate the model according to the variables with the goal of attaining users’ desired preferences (i.e., a financial stability for the financial preference that, with the model’s system as a whole. use, the minimum costs of the model’s incorrect predictions are Name and achieved). In the second and third Sabina Veršič surname studies, research results reveal that Advisor/co- Tjaša Štrukelj (advisor) the characteristics of audit firms and advisor Polona Tominc (co-advisor) auditors in charge at least partly Impact of the perceived changes in influence auditors’ reporting multidimensional ecosystem of the behaviour (i.e., an auditor’s Title of doctoral (external) company's environment propensity for aggressive reporting). dissertation on the company's strategic business Based on Slovenian data, the studies focus and performance offer insights into audit practices This doctoral dissertation and contribute to the understanding investigates how the unpredictable of auditor’s going-concern opinion external environment impacts a reporting. company’s strategic focus and performance. Surveying 378 Name and Ivona Huđek companies, it found that external surname factors influence strategic decisions, Advisor/co- Karin Širec (advisor) and various strategies affect advisor Polona Tominc (co-advisor) financial and non-financial The emergence of gig economy performance differently. The study’s Title of doctoral under the impact of digitalization - relevance is highlighted by the dissertation model of the success factors of COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing freelancers Abstract the importance of understanding This dissertation explores the rise of and adapting to environmental the gig economy, focusing on unpredictability. The measurement freelancing within the context of scales that were developed digitalization. It investigates how contribute to identifying technology enables remote work environmental unpredictability, and project-based tasks through business strategies, and company online platforms, reshaping performance comprehensively. The traditional career structures. findings underscore the need for Examining Slovenia’s freelance companies to monitor and respond landscape, the study delves into to external environmental dynamics career satisfaction and the fulfilment for success and survival amid Abstract derived from project-based work. uncertainty. Drawing on Van den Born and Van Witteloostuijn’s freelancer success Name and model, it incorporates the external Daniel Zdolšek surname environment, including government Advisor/co- Kolar, Iztok (advisor) programs, cultural norms, legal advisor Jagrič, Timotej (co-advisor) systems, and digital support. By Title of doctoral Prediction and factors of auditor’s evaluating freelancers’ perceptions, dissertation doubt the dissertation provides insights for The doctoral dissertation presents policymakers amid ongoing digital three studies in relation to the transformation in Slovenia and auditor’s consideration regarding an across the EU. Abstract entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. Studies focus on predicting the auditor’s going-concern opinion University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 89 Name and research and development (R&D) Dušan Fister surname positively correlates with increased Advisor/co- Timotej Jagrič (advisor) export activities. However, advisor Matjaž Perc (co-advisor) confirming the reciprocal Title of doctoral Artificial intel igence for managing relationship between export and dissertation the portfolio of stocks innovation activities proved This work addresses the challenging because of estimation development and implementation risks. Overal , the study underscores of an automated trading system the importance of innovation and capable of generating and investment in driving export- executing trading decisions oriented growth in the business independently. Two groups of services sector. trading strategies, the classics, traditional y not capable of adapting Name and Sandra Jordan or learning, and two strategies with surname the capacity for adapting and Advisor/co- Simona Sternad Zabukovšek learning, based on the latest artificial advisor intel igence methods, one of them a Impact analysis of critical success representative of the third- Title of doctoral factors and maturity of a company generation neural networks, are dissertation on the life cycle of document implemented. Comprehensive management system simulation experiments and tests This dissertation explores the Abstract are concluded using data about the imperative of digitizing business German stock market in past ten processes for companies to years, with additional digital and maintain competitiveness. Drawing purely analogue hardware on previous literature, it underscores experiments on the dedicated the strategic importance of equipment. Results of the digitization for efficiency, profitability, experiments show that the universal and competitive advantage. model that manages several Emphasizing the role of business financial instruments concurrently information solutions like ERP, CRM, behaves in a manner similar to a and DMS, it highlights the benefits of range of specific models that digitization, including workflow specialize in a single financial Abstract automation, data-driven decision- instrument at a time, as wel as newly making, and environmental discovered experiences on sustainability. The study advocates propagation and exploitation of the for DMS adoption as essential for latest third-generation neural competitiveness and environmental networks. responsibility, offering insights for successful implementation and Name and maximizing effectiveness in Janez Rogelj surname companies. It offers new findings Advisor/co- Klavdij Logožar (advisor) that wil enable companies to advisor Bojnec, Štefan (co-advisor) transition from paper-based to Connectivity between export and paperless operations more easily Title of doctoral innovation intensity in the business and with greater success. dissertation services sector in Slovenia The research explores the distinct Name and Aleksandra Hlastec characteristics of services and their surname impact on international trade, Advisor/co- Lidija Hauptman (advisor) emphasizing innovation in business advisor Damijan Mumel (co-advisor) services. A model was developed to The analysis of the relationship assess the economic effects of between personal values and Abstract export and innovation activities in Title of doctoral personal tax culture regarding the Slovenia’s business services sector. dissertation perception of tax system fairness in Findings reveal the significance of Slovenia among accountants and innovation for success in foreign non-accountants markets, with innovative firms This doctoral dissertation develops a demonstrating higher Abstract model for analysing the relation competitiveness. Investment in 90 Doctoral Dissertations Defended between personal values and Name and Dejan Romih personal tax culture based on the surname perception of the tax system in Advisor/co- Silvo Dajčman (advisor) Slovenia for a group of accountants advisor Alenka Kavkler(co-advisor) and another of non-accountants. The impact of systemic financial stress The results of the empirical research Title of doctoral in the euro area on bilateral exports of confirmed the existence of a relation dissertation goods between personal values such as This dissertation examines the impact self-improvement, self- of systemic financial stress in the euro transcendence, and conservatism, area on bilateral exports of goods, and personal tax culture, defined as using static panel data gravity models. tax compliance, attitudes towards Analysing data from 2000 to 2014 for tax evasion, and the tax system. The various countries, the study finds that link between openness to change systemic financial stress negatively and personal tax culture was not affects bilateral exports, aligning with confirmed. Differences were found Abstract expectations. Even excluding third between the two target groups. The countries from the sample, the impact model can be used by tax policy persists. By addressing this gap in the makers at the macro level and in literature, the research contributes to organizations to measure tax culture understanding the consequences of in the context of social responsibility financial stress in the euro area, aiding and the goals of the 2030 Agenda. policymakers in implementing measures to mitigate its effects on Name and Domen Malc trade and economic activity. surname Advisor/co- Aleksandra Pisnik (advisor) advisor Influence of purchase context Title of doctoral factors on price unfairness dissertation perceptions and consumer complaint behaviour This dissertation investigates price unfairness perceptions and their impact on consumer complaint behaviour across various contexts. It develops and tests a model of price unfairness perceptions, exploring the role of emotions and consumer involvement. Through two experimental studies, the research reveals that negative emotions Abstract heighten perceptions of price unfairness, leading to increased complaint behaviour. However, positive emotions mitigate these effects. The study sheds light on the dynamics of consumer responses to perceived price unfairness, highlighting the importance of emotional reactions and unfairness perceptions in shaping complaint behaviour. 94 I. Vrečko: Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Into Research at the FEB In the current era, the Sustainable Development Goals and economics faculties. Goals such as “decent work and (SDGs) have emerged as a foundational framework for economic growth” (SDG 8), “industry, innovation and nations and institutions to measure and guide progress infrastructure” (SDG 9) and “reducing inequality” (SDG 10) towards a sustainable future. Conceived in 2015 under the are frequently highlighted in academic output. This focus auspices of the United Nations, these seventeen goals aligns closely with traditional business school topics such embody a universal commitment to eradicating poverty, as entrepreneurship, market strategies, and corporate while ensuring quality education, gender equality, clean governance, reflecting the inherent connection between water, affordable energy, and innovation, among many these areas of study and the broader goals of sustainable other chal enges facing modern society. development. In the context of higher education and scientific research, At the FEB, we are committed to conducting research that universities, including business and economics faculties, not only reflects these global orientations, but also have a key role to play in promoting and implementing contributes to local and national development in line with these goals. Through their research, education, and social our specific needs and context. Our efforts to weave the engagement, they can make a significant contribution to SDGs into academic practice reflect the university’s the achievement of the SDGs, not only at local and national broader commitment to sustainable development and levels, but also international y. social responsibility. Research that incorporates the Principles of Responsible The next section details how the Sustainable Development Management Education (PRME) and the SDGs transcends Goals have been integrated into our research projects traditional academic boundaries, providing a between 2021 and 2023, our strengths and chal enges, and comprehensive framework for developing innovative how we intend to align our research efforts with the needs strategies that catalyse positive change in global and expectations of contemporary society. economies and societies. Alignment with PRME’s mission to transform management education reflects a growing Global trends and benchmarking: The pursuit trend among business schools to develop leaders capable of the SDGs in business and economics of creating value for both business and society. This commitment to integrating the SDGs into business faculties education and practice demonstrates the pivotal role of academic institutions in leading the way towards Research in business and economics faculties has sustainable development. increasingly begun to reflect a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals, which are A commitment to sustainable business research and broad in scope, intersect with many areas of economic teaching is increasingly becoming a hal mark of business research, including sustainability in business operations, education worldwide, in line with the principles of PRME. This corporate social responsibility, and economic policies that commitment highlights the essential role of business promote inclusive growth. schools in equipping future leaders with the skil s and knowledge needed to address the environmental and Academic institutions around the world have recognised societal challenges highlighted by the SDGs. Academic the need to contribute to the SDGs through their research institutions’ efforts in this regard are further supported by agendas. Many have incorporated SDG-centred research the world’s leading accreditation bodies for business and into their strategies, focusing on areas such as social economics programmes, such as AACSB and EFMD. These impact, climate change, and inclusive growth. This work organisations have explicitly encouraged the integration of provides valuable insights into how companies can SDG goals into academic curricula, as wel as into the operate sustainably and ethical y, while stil achieving broader operational framework of business schools. They economic success. recognise the major influence that educational institutions have in shaping a future in which business contributes SDGs at the forefront of business research positively to society and the environment. Several SDGs stand out for their relevance to the field of AACSB and EFMD’s support for SDG-related initiatives is not economics and business studies. Goals such as SDG 8, SDG just a passing trend, but part of a strategic direction that 9 and SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) reaffirms the relevance and urgency of sustainable are a natural fit for business-related research, owing to development in contemporary business education. their alignment with economic growth, innovation, and Recognition by these accreditation bodies represents a sustainable practices. growing consensus that integrating the SDGs is essential to the mission of developing responsible leaders and creating A comparative study of the research output of economics a sustainable global economy. and business faculties reveals a diverse approach to the SDGs. Institutions around the world are following different It is not surprising, therefore, that certain SDGs are being paths in integrating SDGs into their research agendas, pursued more frequently in the research efforts of business reflecting the unique strengths and strategic focus of each University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 95 school. For example, some faculties place a strong Consistently strengthening these aspects of our curriculum emphasis on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, ensures that our graduates are not only wel versed in the closely aligned with SDG 9, while others focus on language of business, but also attuned to the broader sustainability chal enges such as clean energy and climate societal and environmental implications of business action, reflecting their commitment to SDG 7 (affordable practices. Our school’s commitment to this cause has and clean energy) and SDG 13 (climate action). This involved a systematic review and adaptation of course diversity of focus points to the richness and complexity of content to reflect SDG-related knowledge and integrating the SDGs into academic research and competences, ensuring that each programme provides a il ustrates a wide range of contributions to global pathway to understanding and contributing to these sustainability chal enges. universal goals. SDGs in the business curriculum Furthermore, this alignment with the SDGs extends beyond the curriculum to our research efforts. As we delve into the Integrating the SDGs into the curriculum is becoming details, we wil show how our research reflects global trends increasingly common, as educational institutions and how it has been influenced by our concerted efforts to recognise the need to adapt to the chal enges of the 21st align our education programmes with the SDGs. This century. A growing number of business schools around the symbiosis between education and research fosters an world have introduced robust sustainability curricula, environment where academic inquiry and pedagogical setting new standards for comprehensive education in practice are mutual y reinforcing, advancing our unique sustainable practices. These programmes immerse regional and national economic context within the global students in learning experiences that equip them with the framework of sustainable development. knowledge and skil s to make balanced decisions that consider not only economic outcomes, but also With this foundation, we are ready to build on our environmental stewardship and social equity. This shift achievements and explore new avenues to further towards sustainability in business education reflects a integrate the SDGs into our institutional strategy. In doing broader understanding of the need for future leaders to so, we wil continue to evolve as a school that not only navigate the complexities of achieving economic success educates future leaders in economics and business, but while making a positive contribution to society and the also instils in them a deep sense of responsibility to foster planet. sustainable and inclusive growth. In line with this progress, the FEB has undertaken a strategic Reflecting global trends in local research: initiative to align our courses and study programmes with Integrating the SDGs at the FEB the SDGs. This initiative represents our proactive stance in weaving sustainability and responsible management As institutions around the world adapt to integrate the education into our academic offerings. It marks a SDGs into their research agendas, it is instructive to observe deliberate shift towards embedding these global goals at how these efforts reflect and resonate in specific local the heart of our educational ethos. Figure 5: SDG integration into research projects at the FEB (2021-2023). 96 I. Vrečko: Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Into Research at the FEB contexts. At the FEB, our research efforts from 2021 to 2023 complementary strengths, enabling a col ective and are evidence of this growing alignment with the SDGs. comprehensive approach to addressing the SDGs. Our methodological approach began with an extensive In planning our way forward, we recognise the need to mapping exercise, in which ongoing and completed cultivate a more balanced engagement with al the SDGs. research projects were assessed against each of the 17 This wil involve proactive measures to broaden our SDGs. This process included not only a quantitative research portfolio to include topics such as sustainable assessment of the prevalence of SDG-related themes in cities and communities (SDG 11), responsible consumption our research, but also a qualitative assessment of the and production (SDG 12), and partnerships for the goals depth and impact of our work on these goals. (SDG 17). By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and seeking partnerships with industry, government, and civil The analysis revealed a notable focus on SDGs such as society, we aim to increase the impact and relevance of “industry, innovation and infrastructure” (SDG 9), “decent our research. work and economic growth” (SDG 8) and “quality education” (SDG 4) (Figure 5). This concentration is Our ambition is not only to maintain our strengths in SDG- indicative of FEB’s strong tradition in promoting economic related research, but also to become a leader in development, supporting innovation, and advancing integrating the environmental and social dimensions of educational excel ence. sustainability into our core research themes. This evolution wil ensure that FEB remains at the forefront of contributing The predominant focus on SDG 9 and SDG 8 underscores a to a sustainable future, guided by the compass of the SDGs. research focus on economic resilience and industrial competitiveness, areas of critical importance in our The societal impact of FEB regional context. The significant representation of SDG 4 reflects our commitment to developing educational The societal impact of FEB academic and research work frameworks that are not only rigorous, but also responsive can be demonstrated through various activities and to the evolving needs of society. metrics, such as media presence, and appearances on radio and TV programs, podcasts, interviews, etc. Another Compared to the research output of other business and example is the impact in the corporate world and economics faculties global y, our focus on SDG 9 is leadership positions in academic and/or professional consistent with a shared academic interest in promoting associations. innovation as a driver of economic prosperity. However, our strong commitment to SDG 8 and SDG 4 underscores a In summarizing FEB’s stakeholder engagement and the distinctive approach that links economic growth with strength of societal impact of the activities and initiatives human capital development, setting us apart in our undertaken, Figure 6 shows FEB’s model of internal and emphasis on education as a cornerstone of sustainable external stakeholder engagement and societal impact at development. the regional, national, and international levels. The strength of engagement is illustrated by high, medium, and low Conversely, our research has been less engaged with SDGs levels of engagement. Internal stakeholders include such as “life below water” (SDG 14), “life on land” (SDG 15) employees (unions), students, and alumni, while external and “climate action” (SDG 13). While this pattern of stakeholders include potential learners, academics, engagement - or lack thereof - may seem like an oversight, businesses, governments, the public sector, non- it is in fact a strategic decision that stems from our governmental organizations, and academic quality institutional capabilities and areas of focus. Given the vast assurance organizations. The model also considers the scope of the SDGs, it is unrealistic to expect any single media, potential sponsors, former employees, and broader institution to address all areas with equal depth and society. The level of engagement is represented by the size intensity. Our emphasis on certain SDGs over others reflects of the bubbles and the strength of the societal impact by our strategic decision to leverage our strengths and areas the colour (see the legend below the Figure 6 for detailed of expertise. As a result, while some SDGs are less explanations). represented in our research output, this does not diminish our commitment to sustainable development as a whole. Rather, it highlights the need for selective focus and the Final reflections and strategic directions importance of col aboration between institutions to col ectively address the broad range of sustainability From 2021 to 2023, the FEB made considerable progress in chal enges. This scenario provides an opportunity to aligning its research efforts with the SDGs. This alignment is broaden our research agenda to include a more holistic more than a metric of engagement: it is an indication of FEB approach to the SDGs in the future, thereby strengthening commitment to addressing the complexities of today’s the integration of environmental sustainability into our global chal enges through rigorous academic research. economic and business research paradigms. It also highlights the importance of strategic partnerships and Our research is strongly aligned with the economic and collaborations with other institutions that have industry-related SDGs, particularly industry, innovation, University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 97 and infrastructure (SDG 9), and decent work and economic 3. Introduces initiatives to strengthen research in under- growth (SDG 8). Strength in these areas reflects the represented SDGs, particularly those related to strategic priorities of FEB and the socio-economic fabric of environmental sustainability. our region, which prides itself on a robust industrial sector 4. Continues to align our curriculum with our research and a dynamic workforce. agenda, ensuring that the knowledge we generate is disseminated through teaching. While we have made commendable progress in some areas, our analysis also identifies SDGs where our As we look to the future, the FEB stands ready to play a commitment is less pronounced. This is not a shortcoming, pivotal role in the sustainable transformation of our society. but an opportunity to broaden our research horizons and We wil continue to harness the power of our research to integrate a wider range of SDG themes into future projects. generate insights that are both local y relevant and global y resonant. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment Our strategy going forward wil be multi-faceted. We will to a future that is sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous for foster a research culture that: all. 1. Encourages interdisciplinary approaches to addressing complex SDG-related issues. 2. Expands partnerships with industry and government to increase practical impact. Figure 6: FEB Model of Internal and External Stakeholders’ Engagement and Societal Impact 100 I. Vrečko, J. Belak: Scientific Journal and Scientific Conferences Our Economy: Journal for Transformative ethical obligations of business towards society and the Dynamics in Economics and Business environment. In addition, Our Economy seeks to map the trajectory of Since its inception in 1955, Our Economy future economic and business trends, providing the ( has been at predictive insights and strategic foresight essential for the forefront of scholarly discussion and embodies a rich navigating the complexities of the modern world. It tradition of promoting transformative dynamics in provides a critical platform for examining how digital economics and business. Published by Sciendo on behalf transformations are reshaping market structures, of the FEB, this international, open access, double-blind, changing consumer behaviour and redefining the nature peer-reviewed academic journal has become a of competitive advantage. At the same time, it delves into pioneering platform for academic discourse, attracting the realm of sustainable development, exploring how contributions from the global research community. businesses can balance profitability with environmental stewardship and social responsibility to foster a more Founding mission and vision sustainable and equitable global economy. Deeply rooted in the distinguished traditions and Our Economy is, indeed, more than a journal; it is a academic rigour of the FEB, Our Economy stands as a movement to create a more informed, ethical, and beacon of knowledge that aims to transcend the sustainable world through the power of academic inquiry conventional boundaries of academic scholarship. The and scholarly exchange. By uniting diverse voices in a journal’s mission, ambitiously broad and inherently common pursuit of knowledge and innovation, the journal focused, goes far beyond the mere dissemination of continues to pave the way for transformative momentum scholarly articles. It serves as a dynamic forum designed to in the fields of economics and business, shaping the future stimulate a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the of these disciplines for generations to come. complex and constantly evolving economic and business terrain. This mission is driven by a commitment to explore Editorial excellence and integrity and elucidate the multifaceted impacts of digitalisation, sustainable development, geopolitical shifts, and the The Editorial Board, led by an Editor-in-Chief who is increasingly vital role of corporate social responsibility in recognised for his or her scholarly contribution to the fields shaping global and local business ecosystems. covered by the journal, and supported by Associate Editors, a Managing Editor, and a Technical Editor, ensures the Through its interdisciplinary approach, the journal acts as highest standards of academic integrity and quality. a vital connector, bridging diverse perspectives from Editorial Board members serve four-year terms with the national and international research communities. It possibility of reappointment, signifying a continuing actively fosters a col aborative space where scholars, commitment to excellence. This collective of distinguished practitioners, and policymakers come together to share scholars and professionals works tirelessly to solicit high insights, debate critical issues and col ectively contribute quality articles for publication, recruit appropriate to the evolving discourse on economic and business reviewers, and suggest new editorial board members, innovation. The journal encourages the submission of both thereby maintaining the journal’s position as a leading original research and review articles that rigorously publication in its field. examine and critical y assess the dynamics of economic and business processes. These contributions are instrumental in proposing forward-looking directions and A tradition of access and impact pioneering innovative approaches that promise to redefine contemporary economic and business models and Our Economy is distinguished by its offer of unrestricted strategies. access to its content, facilitating the broad dissemination of knowledge without the barrier of article processing The vision of Our Economy is anchored in the belief that charges (APCs). The journal’s commitment to open access understanding the transformative dynamics within the is reflected in its availability on numerous prestigious economic and business sectors is crucial to addressing the platforms, including the Digital Library of Slovenia, DOAJ, chal enges and seizing the opportunities of the 21st century. EBSCOHost, EconBiz, EconPapers and Google Scholar. This It aims to be a central source of knowledge that not only widespread presence not only extends the reach of the enlightens the academic community but also influences research it publishes, but also underlines the journal’s role decision-makers, inspiring policies and practices that in promoting the accessibility of scholarly resources. promote sustainable growth, ethical business practices and inclusive economic development. The journal is Rigorous peer review process committed to highlighting the importance of technological advances, the imperatives of sustainability, the To uphold the integrity of academic publication, each consequences of geopolitical development, and the manuscript undergoes a rigorous, double-blind peer review process involving at least two independent experts University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 101 specialising in the relevant content area. This fundamental Committee, and Sanja Kocijan, MSc, Chair of the organizing principle ensures the publication of articles that make a committee, the conference participants had the significant contribution to the body of knowledge in opportunity to listen to as many as three invited plenary economics and business and promotes robust academic lectures. discourse. The first plenary lecture was given by Professor Tiit Elenurm Indexed for global recognition from the Estonian Business School in Estonia on the topic “Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable The journal’s inclusion in prestigious bibliographic Development”. As part of his lecture, he highlighted the databases such as Cabel ’s Journalytics, CEJSH, CNKI chal enges and opportunities of sustainable development Scholar, EconLit and ERIH PLUS signifies its recognised for innovative entrepreneurs and investors who are scholarly value and the impact of its content. These indexes interested in startups with green plans. He highlighted the not only increase the visibility of the journal in the perspective on the discourse on sustainable development, academic community, but also confirm its status as a which is aimed at reversing the trend of globalisation and critical resource for researchers, educators, and developing self-sufficiency among local communities, with practitioners in the field of economics and business. an innovative start-up logic focused on scalable business models and digital tools for involving entrepreneurs and A commitment to the future customers in multiple countries in saving and recycling resources. It advocates initiatives from smal countries since these can build bridges between communities The publication of Our Economy is co-funded by the globally, including all levels of society – from citizens to Slovenian Research Agency, symbolising a shared businesses and government institutions, and promotes commitment to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in international networking by contributing to knowledge economics and business. As we look to the future, the sharing and financial sustainability. journal remains committed to embodying its founding vision of fostering transformative dynamics in the field by The second plenary speaker was Professor Thomas Schøtt, providing a platform for scholarly debate and innovation PhD, from the University of Southern Denmark. The lecture that shapes the contours of current and future economic was on the topic "Born sustainable: Promoted by the and business practices. ecosystem for sustainable entrepreneurship". In his lecture, he pointed out that institutions and resources intended for Our Economy is a testament to the enduring value of entrepreneurial engagement through sustainability in the academic inquiry and the transformative power of shared country form a “national ecosystem for sustainable knowledge. Through its commitment to open access, entrepreneurship”. The sustainable entrepreneurship rigorous peer review and interdisciplinary discourse, the ecosystem provides the context for businesses in their journal continues to make a significant contribution to the quest for sustainability. His study looked at whether the understanding and development of economic and ecosystem promotes companies born sustainable by business strategies. fol owing sustainability strategies and practices from the outset. His epilogue was that building national ecosystems International Week and the International for sustainable entrepreneurship is more of a driver of Scientific Conference organized by FEB in sustainability efforts in new enterprises than in older 2021, 2022, 2023 companies. His talk contributed to the theoretical basis of the link between entrepreneurial ecosystems and business The International Relations Office at the FEB held the 15th efforts towards sustainability . traditional event “International Week” between May 15ths 2023 and May 19th, 2023. The purpose of the event was to The final plenary lecture was on the topic “Global South increase the recognisability of the FEB among partner Perspective on Circular Economy – the Case of India,” institutions from abroad and at the same time to promote given by Professor Rahul Singh, PhD, from the Birla Institute international scientific and research cooperation in an of Management Technology in India. In his lecture, he international academic environment. As part of presented a study from India showing that environmental International Week, lectures and workshops of foreign degradation, waste management, and energy poverty are lecturers from as many as sixty-seven different partner inherent problems of India’s linear model of faculties and from thirty-one European and non-European industrialization. India aims to transform its carbon and countries took place; these were additional y enriched with waste load by 2023, undergoing a real transformation from a social program. As part of International Week, the 7th linear to circular biotreatment methods that produce International Scientific Conference titled "Strengthening compressed natural gas (CNG) and contribute to energy resilience by the sustainable economy and business – and agriculture for the country’s needs. towards the SDGs" was held on May 16th, 2023. After the opening address by Professor Jernej Belak, PhD, Vice-Dean In 2022, between May 16ths 2022 and May 20th, 2022, the FEB for International Cooperation, and welcome addresses by International Relations Office held the 14th “International Professor Zlatko Nedelko, PhD, President of the Programme Week”. As part of this international event, the 6th 102 I. Vrečko, J. Belak: Scientific Journal and Scientific Conferences International Scientific Conference titled "Chal enges in In the framework of promoting internationalization and Economics and Business in the Post-COVID Times” took knowledge transfer in the international academic place. After the opening address by the Vice-Dean for environment, a conference was organized via MS Teams on Educational Activities, Professor Darja Boršič, PhD, and May 18th 2021: the 5th International Scientific Conference on welcome addresses by Professor Zlatko Nedelko, PhD, the topic "Is It Time for a Total Reset?" The guiding principle President of the Programme Committee, and Sanja Kocijan, of this year’s conference was to highlight new chal enges MSc, Chair of the organizing committee, participants of the in economic and business sciences, especially related to conference had the opportunity to listen to the invited the chal enges arising from the COVID-19 epidemic, the plenary lectures. digitisation of the organization, teleworking, and other chal enges in the field of economic and business sciences. The first plenary lecture was given by Professor Emeritus The programme of the scientific conference consisted of Rod Parnel from Northern Arizona University on the topic one plenary lecture and twenty-one presentations of “Applying sustainability knowledge and skil s to post-covid papers by foreign and domestic scientists and researchers. chal enges”. As part of his lecture, he emphasized the role This year, we hosted twenty-eight foreign professors from and importance of sustainable development and the eleven different European and non-European countries. application of its principles to solving the challenges of a After the opening address by the Vice-Dean of the PEF UM post-COVID era. He underlined the importance of for International Cooperation, Professor Žan Jan Oplotnik, knowledge of and competences in sustainable PhD, and the welcome speeches by Professor Darja Boršič development in the context of the circular economy and PhD and Professor Zlatko Nedelko PhD, conference the creation of more efficient supply chains. participants had the opportunity to listen to the invited plenary lecture. The plenary lecture was given by Professor This was fol owed by the second plenary lecture by Ivan Malbašić, PhD from the Faculty of Organization and Professor Nikša Alfirević from the University of Split, Faculty Informatics, University of Zagreb, on the topic: “COVID-19 & of Economics, Business and Tourism on the topic “Pro- Management: Business Nightmare or a unique Opportunity social and pro-environmental outcomes of higher for Success?” He presented key changes in the education in the post-COVID world”. In his lecture, he management of organizations resulting from the impact of highlighted the importance of education for the the COVID-19 epidemic. responsible functioning of management in organizations to increase care for society and the natural environment. Since internationalization is an important part of the This highlights the possibility of integrating these principles school’s strategy, the FEB also plays a key role as the co- into the curricula and related tasks of higher education organizer of various international scientific conferences, organisations. events and meetings. In 2022 the School co-organized ITEMA 2022, WAICHL 2022, the Profeedback conference – COST 2022, the International Regional Developmental Conference and the 34th Sedlar Meeting. 106 I. Vrečko: Research Work in Laboratories InnoLab: The future incubator of education At the heart of our research and teaching infrastructure is the InnoLab, a true incubator of the future, one which combines cutting-edge technology with pioneering pedagogical practices to open up new dimensions in learning and teaching. Realized at the close of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, this state-of-the-art laboratory is not just a room, but a dynamic environment where students and professors work together to explore, experiment with and develop innovative teaching models. Equipped with several VR (virtual reality) headsets, powerful computers for processing VR content, three HD Figure 8: InnoLab at the FEB cameras and state-of-the-art video studio equipment, the InnoLab facilitates the creation of VR/AR videos, didactic DataScienceHub: The gateway to the world of content, podcasts, and promotional videos that go beyond data science traditional teaching methods. In this way, the lab acts as a catalyst for innovation, supporting the development of new In the spirit of innovation and progress, our institution is pedagogical approaches and enabling the testing of proud of the DataScienceHub, a technological hub realized alternative teaching methods. at the close of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. This state- of-the-art facility is equipped with high-performance In addition to technological innovation, InnoLab offers a computers, along with exclusive access to specialised unique learning experience through the regular software and databases that serve as a foundation for in- organisation of lectures and workshops in smal groups, depth understanding and innovative research in the fields promoting interactivity and col aborative learning. Its of data science and business analytics. infrastructure, including trapezoidal tables for flexible arrangements, a large Smart Board, and a large television, With seventeen workstations equipped with high- supports a dynamic and adaptable learning environment. performance computers, the DataScienceHub provides an ideal environment for analytical maestros. Specialised software such as SPSS 28, SPSS AMOS, MATLAB, Python (Anaconda), Risk Simulator, and StockTrak and access to selected databases allow students and researchers to delve into analysis and develop advanced solutions. Data security and integrity are paramount at DataScienceHub, so access to licensed databases is only possible by prior arrangement. This ensures the exclusivity and security of the research environment. The diversity of teaching methods, including the regular use of specialised software and databases, together with the delivery of lectures and workshops within the Data Science and Business study programme, ensures that learning in the DataScienceHub is dynamic, practical, and Figure 7: InnoLab at the FEB closely linked to real-world challenges. InnoLab provides a solid foundation for the education of the future, enabling students and professors to transcend Each of the seventeen computer workstations is equipped traditional educational boundaries and col aboratively with two large monitors, providing students with an optimal create knowledge that wil shape future generations. It is a working environment for data analysis and project place where technology and pedagogy meet in harmony, development. Additional equipment, such as a state-of- creating the conditions for innovative learning and the-art Smart Board and a large television for displaying teaching, while laying the foundations for a revolution in cryptocurrency price movements and market activity, as education. wel as a ticker for displaying current movements on global stock markets, further enhances the learning experience and gives students direct insight into the dynamic world of finance. University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 107 Figure 9: DataScienceHub at the FEB Figure 10: DataScienceHub at the FEB DataScienceHub is more than a classroom; it is a laboratory of the future, where theory meets practice, ideas are tested in the real world, and students and researchers explore new dimensions in the world of data and analytics. It is a place where innovation is born, shaping the future of business intel igence and data science. 110 B. Milfelner: Student Participation in Scientific Research and Professional Work The University, in col aboration with FEB, places great Laboratory/Field/Other Work importance on involving students in research and professional work. This approach recognizes the significant Laboratory work can be conducted by students as part of impact it can have on their academic and professional research projects: growth. By providing students with opportunities to engage in research and professional work, we ensure that they − In InnoLab and have a chance to apply their theoretical knowledge to real- − In DataScienceHub world situations. This hands-on experience enables them to develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and Cooperation in projects with the environment creativity, making them capable of contributing actively to their respective fields upon graduation. (ŠI:UM, ŠI:UM NOO, IŠRI:UM) Moreover, student involvement in research and In these types of projects, students work with a professional work facilitates mentorship and col aboration pedagogical mentor and a mentor from an organization to between Faculty members and students, creating a solve practical problems, both economic and non-dynamic learning environment where knowledge is co- economic. The university and school announce available created and shared. Through these experiences, students positions for students through a cal for applications. not only gain practical skil s and industry insights but also develop a sense of ownership of and pride in their − Student chal enges (ŠI:UM) academic pursuits, acquiring a lifelong commitment to − Student chal enges of the NOO (ŠI: UM NOO) learning and professional growth. Furthermore, including − Project work for the acquisition of practical experience students in research and professional work is important for and knowledge of students in the working environment FEB since it promotes a culture of innovation, excel ence, − DEMOLA (the DEMOLA Network promotes col aboration and academic rigor. By nurturing a community of student between students, businesses, and higher education researchers and professionals, the school cultivates a institutions. Companies affiliated with DEMOLA present vibrant intel ectual ecosystem where ideas are continual y project tasks that are tackled by student groups under challenged, refined, and expanded upon. the guidance of companies and researchers from the University of Maribor. These project tasks are designed In this context, students at FEB can engage in 10 diverse to be solved by teams of students with diverse activities. backgrounds and skil sets. The aim of the project is to transform the problem and idea outlined on paper into Co-authoring articles or other scientific a working prototype. Student teams are provided with a shared space where they can exchange creative papers ideas with representatives of firms and the University of Maribor.). Students can col aborate with their mentors to co-author scientific papers such as articles, monographs, or Independent student projects (proposed and conference contributions at different study levels (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral): carried out by the students themselves) − participation in scientific research and project work These projects are organized by the EPF Student Council outside the courses of the study program, and aim to promote help, cooperation, networking, and a − mentorship of master’s theses and doctoral healthy lifestyle, while developing skills in collaboration, dissertations, and teamwork, intercultural understanding, and project work − inclusion in the program for students with above- under the motto "Students for students!". This encompasses average results a range of projects, including tutoring, graduate assistance, charitable initiatives, welcoming events for new Participation in research projects students, the Business Evening with Erasmus Students, student conferences, and professional counsel ing services. Students can get involved in various projects taking place at our school: Participation in competitions and networks − projects financed by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency - ARIS (research programs, Our school hosts various independent and mentor-guided research projects, and bilateral projects) events and competitions for students to participate in. − international projects (Erasmus+, Cohesion Policy, Horizon Europe, and other international projects) At our school, we organize competitions for students, such − Applied projects for Businesses as University of Maribor Faculty of Economics and Business Research Achievements and Impact 2021 - 2023 111 − The FEB Future Forge (FEB FutureForge addresses some Professional excursions (visiting potential of the main chal enges (present and future) faced by work environments, etc.) our school. One of these chal enges is to enhance relationships with firms, other organizations, and the Professional excursions for students include organized wider social environment. To tackle this chal enge, the visits to potential work environments at the school and school is organizing two major events: the Media school chair levels. Magnet Hackathon competition, and the Career MIX & Pitch FEST. − EPF Data Hackathon Organization of round tables/conferences/ − Marketing race congresses/other professional events There are other competitions, implemented by other Every year, the school organizes an international scientific organizations, and often involving EPF students, such as the conference, as wel as scientific conferences in following: cooperation with other universities and organizations, where students can participate in the organization. − CFA Research Chal enge Competition Additionally, we host various round tables and professional − 'Innovative Al -nighter' events. Students are welcome to participate in the organization of these events. The school also supports the following initiatives: Every year the school does the following: − FEB Marketing Club, which enables networking of students interested in marketing and implementation − We organize an international scientific conference and of marketing activities. an international week - IWAC − The Young Project Managers section, which brings − We co-organize a conference with the Society of together ambitious students from various fields who Economists. seek practical knowledge about managing and working on projects, and companies that seek to Involvement in testing research instruments connect with young people interested in creating and or equipment participating in practical projects. The school al ows student involvement in testing the Traineeships abroad for students research equipment in two laboratories: Erasmus+ is a program that enables students to fulfil some − InnoLab; of their academic requirements abroad, in any program or − DataScienceHub. at any level of study, including the preparation of bachelors, masters, or doctoral theses. This program al ows them to study at a partner institution, instead of at their home school. 112 B. Milfelner: Student Participation in Scientific Research and Professional Work References 1. FEB – Faculty of Economics and Business (2024a, March 12). FEB Milestones. 2. FEB – Faculty of Economics and Business (2024b, March 12). Mission and Vission. 3. FEB – Faculty of Economics and Business (2024c, March 12). Memberships. 4. FEB – Faculty of Economics and Business (2024d, March 12). International accreditations of study programmes feb AACSB, ECBE IN ACBSP. 5. FEB – Faculty of Economics and Business (2024e, March 12). Komisija za etičnost raziskovanja. 6. FEB – Faculty of Economics and Business (2024f, March 12) Institutes. 7. ARIS – Slovenian Research and Innovation agency (2024a, March 12). Raziskovalni program. 8. ARIS – Slovenian Research and Innovation agency (2024b, March 12). Raziskovalni projekti. 9. ARIS – Slovenian Research and Innovation agency (2024c, March 12). Mednarodno sodelovanje. 10. Digital library of University of Maribor (2024, March 5). 11. Slovenian Current Research Information System (2024, March 4). 12. UM – Univerza v Mariboru (2024, March 12). Sodelovanje študentov v raziskovalnem in projektnem delu. DOI UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR FACULTY OF 10.18690/um.epf.6.2024 ISBN 978-961-286-866-6 ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS RESEARCH ACHIEVEMENTS AND IMPACT 2021 - 2023 BORUT MILFELNER, IGOR VREČKO, SABINA VERŠIČ (EDS.) University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Maribor, Slovenia,, Keywords: This research report comprehensively overviews the research activities of the Faculty research, research projects, of Economics and Business (FEB) between 2021 and 2023. It shows the significant research institutes, sustainable academic and practical contributions made by the FEB in various research fields, development, highlighting its commitment to addressing contemporary challenges and achieving practical implications, Faculty of excel ence. The repo rt outlines the various achievements of the FEB, such as research Economics and Business at projects, applied projects for businesses, publications, citations, scientific journal University of Maribor publications, conferences organized, and doctoral dissertations. It also emphasizes the significant involvement of students in research, showcasing the FEB's dedication to practical experience and its adherence to research ethics and alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report presents a balanced view of the Faculty's research landscape, highlighting successes and ongoing development areas. It is a detailed document that effectively communicates the vibrant research culture at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, and its significant contributions to academic and practical fields. Document Outline Table of Contents B. Milfelner: Introduction School History School Mission, Vision, and Values School Strategic Orientations 2022-2030 Memberships and Accreditations FEB Research Ethics Committee Research Highlights (2021-2023) Research Institutes Institute of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Researchers Research areas Institute of Business Law Researchers Research areas Institute of Corporate Governance and Strategic Management Researchers Research areas Institute of Economic Analysis and Forecasting Researchers Research areas Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Researchers Research areas Institute of E-business and Information Technology Management Researchers Research areas Institute of Finance and Artificial Intelligence Researchers Research areas Institute of International Economic and Business Studies Researchers Research areas Institute of Languages and Foreign Business Languages Researchers Research areas Institute of Management and Organization Researchers Research areas Institute of Marketing Researchers Research areas Institute of Operational Research Researchers Research areas Institute of Project Management Researchers Research areas Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurial Environment Protection Researchers Research areas Institute of Tourism and Business Logistics Researchers Research areas Research Projects International projects 1. E-laboratory for digital education (LaDiEd) 2. MICE Next Evolution (MICE.N.E) 3. Small diameter wood utilization with innovative stand management for multifunctional forests and a growing sustainable bio-economy (SMALLWOOD) 4. Spatial and economic science in higher education – addressing the playful potential of simulation games (Spationomy 2.0) 5. Economics of Sustainability (EOS) National projects Research Programs funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency 1. Adjustment of the Slovenian economy and development identity of Slovenia in the EU 2. Entrepreneurship for Innovative society 3. Advanced concepts of production management and dimensional metrology Other Research Projects funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency 1. Corporate social responsibility, as directors' responsibility 2. Corporate governance of public services – between efficiency and social responsibility 3. The analysis of the situation and development of the economic space abroad in connection with the Slovenian economy 4. Research of congress guests, their habits and consumption in Slovenia 5. Reform of the enrolment process on public faculties in Slovenia 6. Fiscal capacity of Slovene municipalities Bilateral projects funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency 1. Generation Z Career Management: Strategy to Prevent Human Capital to Flight Out of Motherland 2. Digital transformation and social responsibility of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia 3. Generation Z and modern technologies in higher education - a comparative study of Montenegro and Slovenia in the function of the development of smart education (Smart Education) 4. Maturity model of e-government digital transformation 5. Are banking regulation and supervision challenged by neobanks? 6. From responsible to sustainable information: Comparison of companies from the USA and Slovenia 7. Social responsibility and Generation Z: Comparison of the USA and Slovenia 8. A Hybrid Platform for real time intrusion detection framework based on cyber security Intelligence monitoring system 9. Developing smart cities/communities maturity from smart regions perspectives with focus on one road one belt initiative 10. Methodology for measurement of perceived quality and satisfaction with e-banking services 11. Readiness of manufacturing enterprises for Industry 4.0 – a comparison of Slovenia and Hungary 12. The analysis of lacking competences among students and education models in the field of culture and creative industries in Bosnia and Hercegovina and Slovenia 13. Analysis of the impact of using different teaching methods on the development of transversal competences of students 14. The impact of economic policy uncertainty on unemployment in the euro area 15. Readiness of enterprises for Industry 4.0 - a comparison of Slovenia and Finland 16. Management challenges of Industry 4.0: Comparative analysis of Slovenia and Norway 17. Unethical practices of future employees regarding promotion in Slovenia and Lithuania - a comparative study 18. The impact of managerial characteristics, practices and ideologies on decision making in Slovene-German company internationalization relations 19. ICT enabled business networks in multi-ethnic environment with emphasis on “One belt one road (OBOR)” efforts 20. The impact of monetary policy on international trade 21. Management practices in business of modern organizations: Research of utilization of human resource management’ solutions in Slovenian’s and Russian’s organizations 22. Development trends of entrepreneurship activities (IT-based forms of entrepreneurship and e-business models) 23. The effects of uncertainty in financial markets on selected macro-economic categories 24. How economic behaviour of enterprises stakeholders’ effects on corporate social responsibility of supply chains in Slovenia and USA? Applied projects for businesses 1. Pilot project: A bridge between academic knowledge and innovative green digital business practice 2. Acquiring digital competences in the information society for the use of advanced digital technologies 3. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - GEM for the years 2020 and 2021 4. Slovenian entrepreneurship observatory for the years 2020 and 2022 5. Introduction of a new system for the management of Student Dormitories at the University of Maribor 6. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor - GEM for the years 2022 and 2023 7. LCA analysis of a security safe 8. Quantitative research on the position of Kopija-Nova in the school supplies market 9. Slovenian entrepreneurship observatory for the years 2022 and 2024 10. Certification of the Panorama room rental facility for an EU Eco-label 11. Certification of three tourist accommodations for an EU Eco-label 12. A business German course 13. Analysis of the corporate-legal dimensions of the integration of subsidiaries (especially Intereuropa d.d. as a public company) - into the management system of the Pošta Slovenija group 14. Practical training models and their importance for the economy 15. A packaging analysis for the Qbis One facade panel 16. LCA analysis of glass packaging (gray) 17. Consulting and support in the preparation of the application for interest in obtaining a concession for implementing the state GJS for the incineration of municipal waste and the establishment of public infrastructure 18. Slovenian corporate risk monitor 2022 20. Analysis of European insurance companies using artificial intelligence methods 21. Audit and review of investment documentation 22. LCA analysis for the modification of process equipment or processes in the food processing industry 23. LCA Analysis for Glass Packaging (green) 24. Certification of four tourist accommodations 25. The MS Excel 2019 course 26. Qualitative research on the position of Kopija-Nova in the school supplies market 27. Quantitative methods for company development in light of expansion into new sales markets with proposals for the subsequent use of the research findings in the company EMA, družba za inženiring, trgovino in storitve, d.o.o. 28. Quantitative analysis of improvement in internal aspects of engagement among age-diverse employees with suggestions for later application 29. Research concerning the interdependence of SWOT analysis and company policy with suggestions for later application use in the company 30. Research concerning the impact of development opportunities on a company’s corporate strategy 31. Individual remote business German course 32. A study of the legal validity and possibilities of SODO d.o.o. in decisions regarding the regulatory framework and legal bases, along with guidance on entitlements and consequent responsibilities of company management and supervisory authorities 33. NTFC week at FEB 34. Analysis of project management processes and design of project management process optimization in CETIS company 35. Program for a group of NTPC managers 36. Inclusive entrepreneurship policy country assessments 2022-23 37. Slovenian Corporate Risk Monitor 2023 38. An Expert Opinion on the Adequacy of EOM Calculation 39. Certification of four tourist accommodatios for the EU Eco-label 40. Certification of ten tourist accommodatios for the EU Eco-label 41. A German course 42. Proofreading of a scientific monograph 43. Proofreading of a scientific monograph Student projects Student challenges (ŠI:UM) 1. Laboratory for digital economy (ŠI:UM) 2. Laboratory for a green economy (ŠI:UM (NOO)) Project work for the acquisition of practical experience and knowledge by students in the working environment 1. Employee awareness model concerning the circular economy, sustainability, and digital orientation of the company, along with the development of innovative company activities in the field of the circular economy, sustainability, and digitization 2. Model for identifying potential researchers, enhancing their research potential and connecting them with economic entities in the Pomurje region and other organizations 3. Development and production of high-pressure gas products for entry and strengthening of presence in the medical-veterinary industry 4. Smart4Sustainable Research Output by Publications Research output by publication type Scientific articles in top-ranked journals8 Journals Indexed in WoS and Scopus (First Quartile) Journals Indexed in WoS and Scopus (Second Quartile) Scientific monographs9 Editors of and Positions on Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals Doctoral Dissertations Defended Igor Vrečko: Integrating Sustainable Development Goals Into Research at the FEB Global trends and benchmarking: The pursuit of the SDGs in business and economics faculties SDGs at the forefront of business research SDGs in the business curriculum Reflecting global trends in local research: Integrating the SDGs at the FEB The societal impact of FEB Final reflections and strategic directions Igor Vrečko, Jernej Belak: Scientific Journal and Scientific Conferences Our Economy: Journal for Transformative Dynamics in Economics and Business Founding mission and vision Editorial excellence and integrity A tradition of access and impact Rigorous peer review process Indexed for global recognition A commitment to the future International Week and the International Scientific Conference organized by FEB in 2021, 2022, 2023 Igor Vrečko: Research Work in Laboratories InnoLab: The future incubator of education DataScienceHub: The gateway to the world of data science Borut Milfelner: Student Participation in Scientific Research and Professional Work Co-authoring articles or other scientific papers Participation in research projects Laboratory/Field/Other Work Cooperation in projects with the environment (ŠI:UM, ŠI:UM NOO, IŠRI:UM) Independent student projects (proposed and carried out by the students themselves) Participation in competitions and networks Traineeships abroad for students Professional excursions (visiting potential work environments, etc.) Organization of round tables/conferences/ congresses/other professional events Involvement in testing research instruments or equipment References