HACQUETIA 5/1 • 2006, 177–191 PHyTosoCIologICAl AnAlysIs of PIonEEr woods on AbAndonEd mEAdows In THE brEgInjsKI KoT (wEsTErn slovEnIA) Boško ČUŠIn* & Igor dAKSKOBLEr* Abstract Applying the standard Central-European phytosociological method we studied the floristic composition of pioneer stands of hazel (Corylus avellana) and European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) on abandoned meadows and pastures in the Breginjski kot region in the westernmost part of Slovenia (southwestern foothills of the Julian Alps). It was determined that most of the researched stands had developed on potential natural sites of the submontane beech forests from the alliance Aremonio-Fagion (Ht. 1938) Borhidi in Török, Podani & Borhidi 1989. They can be treated as a progressive successional stage Corylus avellana-Fraxinus excelsior or as a secondary forest community which we classified into the, for now only provisionally described, new association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov. Izvleček Po standardni srednjeevropski fitocenološki metodi smo preučili floristično sestavo pionirskih sestojev leske in velikega jesena na opuščenih senožetih in pašnikih v Breginjskem kotu v skrajno zahodnem delu Slovenije (jugozahodno prigorje Julijskih Alp). Ugotovili smo, da so se ti sestoji večinoma razvili na potencialno naravnih rastiščih submontanskih bukovih gozdov iz zveze Aremonio-Fagion (Ht. 1938) Borhidi in Török, Podani & Borhidi 1989. Obravnavamo jih lahko kot progresivni sukcesijski stadij Corylus avellana-Fraxinus excelsior ali kot drugotno gozdno združbo, ki jo uvrščamo v za zdaj le provizorno opisano novo asociacijo Ornithogalo pyrenaici- Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov. Key words: natural reforestation, pioneer forests of European ash, phytosociology, Aremonio-Fagion, western Slovenia. Ključne besede: zaraščanje senožeti, pionirski gozdovi velikega jesena, fitocenologija, Aremonio-Fagion, zahodna Slovenija. 1. InTrOdUCTIOn tion of abandoned farmland and forest succession in the foothills of the Italian part of the Julian Alps rapid decrease of agricultural areas, their sponta-(Taipana) were thoroughly studied by Salbitano neous reforestation and a consecutive rise in their (1988), whose findings were later referred to also woodiness has been characteristic of the mountain-by del Favero & al. (1998). rarer are phytosocioous parts of western Slovenia and neighbouring logical analyses of the vegetation on abandoned Friuli-Venezia Giulia (in northeastern Italy) for the meadows and pastures in this area (e. g. Poldini last fifty years. Foresters have been paying a lot of 1989, Poldini & Vidali 1996, Lasen & Urbinati attention to these phenomena which were present-1995, Guidi & al. 1995). One of such analyses was ed in several articles (i.e. Mlekuž 1991, Kenda & conducted in the Breginjski kot, where the process al. 1999), and even more often in university theses of spontaneous reforestation, similarly as in some and unpublished studies. Spontaneous reforesta-neighbouring areas on both sides of the Sloveni * Institute of Biology, Scientific research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, regional research unit in Tolmin, Brunov drevored 13, 5220 Tolmin, Slovenia. E-mail: cusin@zrc-sazu.si; igor.dakskobler@guest.arnes.si 177 Hacquetia 5/2 • 2006, 177–191 an/Italian border (the Torre – Ter and natisone – nadiža Vallies, Kanalski Kolovrat with the Idrija Valley, the northern Goriška Brda) has been very fast due to favourable climatic and soil conditions. 2. METHOdS Pioneer stands were researched applying the standard Central-European phytosociological method (Braun-Blanquet 1964). Most of the relevés were made in the spring of 2001, and some as early as in 1997 and 1998, when we studied the sites of the species Pseudostellaria europaea. Only secondary stands on abandoned farming areas were included in the research. The predominant meadows were the so called ‘strewings’, which were multi-purpose. Apart from livestock fodder the local farmers used to obtain strewing and wood for stoking there. On such multi-purpose meadows farmers promoted mostly black alder (Alnus glutinosa). According to some sources, it was even planted in some places (Mlekuž 1991). Today, pioneer forests of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), black alder and sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) grow there. Pastures prevailed on steeper slopes. After pasture had been abandoned there they were overgrown mostly by hazel (Corylus avellana). Such a large proportion of hazel is possibly the consequence of somewhat shallower soils and different usage in the past (pasture). The relevés were stored in the TUrBOVEG database (Hennekens & Schaminée 2001). Combined cover-abundance (alpha-numerical) values were transformed with numerical values (1–9) according to van der Maarel (1979). The table was then arranged applying the hierarchical classification (MISSQ – minimization of the increase of error sum of squares). We employed the SYn-TAX 2000 (Podani 2001) program package. We used the dissimilarity coefficient “1 -similarity ratio” (see Podani 1994). The listed species were classified into phytosociological groups (according to their affinity with certain communities from the syntaxonomical system). These groups were formed on our own criteria, but with consideration of other authors. We determined only the most frequent mosses, which were, regardless of their eventual diagnostic value, treated separately. Hierarchical classification (MISSQ – minimization of the increase of error sum of squares) was used also when comparing the floristic composition of researched pioneer stands with the floristic composition of communities on similar sites in the neighbouring areas in Slovenia, Italy and Austria. We refer to Trpin & Vreš (1995) for the names of vascular plants, and to Frahm & Frey (1992) for the names of mosses. 3. EnVIrOnMEnTAL CHArACTErISTICS OF THE STUdY ArEA The Breginjski kot is the westernmost part of Slovenia (Figure 1). According to M. Wraber (1969) it is classified into the Alpine phytogeographical region and according to Zupančič & al. (1989) into the sub-Mediterranean-pre-Alpine district of the pre- Alpine subsector of the Southeastern Alpine sector of the Illyrian floral province. The study area has a humid climate. The mean annual precipitation in the period between 1931–1969 was 2725 mm (Pučnik 1980: 308) and slightly smaller in the period between 1961–1990, i.e. 2593 mm (B. Zupančič 1995). no data is available on the temperature regime in the Breginjski kot. However, temperatures can be inferred from the data collected in the two nearby weather stations in Montemaggiore (Matajur) and Vedronza (njivice), both in Italy. The average annual temperature at Montemaggiore (954 m) was 9,2 °C and 10,1 °C at Vedronza (320 m) (M. Wraber 1965). These temperatures lead us to the conclusion that the Mediterranean influence is stronger than the Alpine (Lovrenčak & Plut 1978). Geological composition of the Breginjski kot is variegated. In the upper montane and sub-Alpine belt the Triassic and Jurassic limestone and dolomite prevail. Lower regions in the submontane and lower montane belt (where the settlements are), consist above all of Cretaceous flysch and glacier moraine. Alongside the nadiža river there are alluvial gravel terraces (see also Buser 1986, 1987). The researched pioneer stands were located on gentle slopes in the submontane and the lower montane belt (400–800 m.a.s.l.), mostly on flysch and marl bedrock. Some of the relevés were made on moraine mixed with lake chalk, and one on a steeper slope where layers of flysch alternate with limestone breccia. deep brown soil (a mosaic of eutric and dystric brown soils – Eutric and dystric Cambisols) prevails in the researched area. Somewhat more shallow is the soil on glacier moraines. This soil contains lake chalk (up to 30 % of clay minerals) and is therefore moist enough to allow growth of similar stands to those that grow on eutric or dystric flysch soils. 178 B. Čušin, i. DakskoBler: PHytosociological analysis of Pioneer WooDs on aBanDoneD MeaDoWs in tHe Breginjski kot (West. slovenia) Figure 1: Localities of the researched pioneer stands of Corylus avellana and Fraxinus excelsior on the map of Slovenia Slika 1: Nahajališča popisanih pionirskih sestojev leske in velikega jesena na karti Slovenije 4. rESULTS And dISCUSSIOn 4.1 Potential natural vegetation in the Breginjski kot Based on previous phytosociological research in the Breginjski kot area we conclude that its potential natural vegetation is above all beech forest. In the part where the geological bedrock is Cretaceous flysch or moraine, which in places consists of a considerable proportion of chalk, we have so far classified them into two associations: on smaller areas on more acid (dystric) soils into a moderate acidophilous association Castaneo-Fagetum sylvaticae (Marinček & Zupančič 1979) Marinček & Zupančič 1995 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia dakskobler (1996) 2004, and in the larger region into a neutrophilous submontane Illyrian community (Fagetum submontanum sensu Marinček 1987). We propose to classify this beech community into a special (so far undescribed) geographical variant of the pre-Alpine-sub-Mediterranean submontane association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum Marinček & al. 1990 (stands of this association have so far been found mostly in the lower Bača Valley, in the Central Soča Valley, in the Idrija Valley and in the northern part of the Goriška Brda region – compare Marinček & al. 1990, dakskobler 1996, 2005). We estimate that the pioneer stands in our study grow mostly on the potentially natural sites of the latter association. In smaller areas on wetter sites (such as are those at springs and along forest streams) we found also the sites of primary communities of European ash, sycamore maple and grey alder. These communities, already mentioned in expert reports by M. Wraber (1965) and Marinček & al. (1980), have been studied in recent years (dakskobler 2006, mscr.). At least in part they could be classified into the association Veratro nigri-Fraxinetum excelsioris dakskobler 2006 mscr. 179 Hacquetia 5/2 • 2006, 177–191 4.2 Floristic and phytosociological composition of the pioneer stands in the Breginjski kot Phytosociological table (Table 2) consists of 19 relevés and shows the structure and composition of the pioneer stands. The predominant species in the tree layer are European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), black alder (Alnus glutinosa) and hazel (Corylus avellana). Some stands consist of two tree layers, while others are more homogeneous (one-layered). Two-layered stands were found mostly on former meadows, where individual trees of European ash, sycamore maple and black alder grew when the meadows were still mowed. Especially some sycamore maple and European ash trees have the diameter at breast height of about 50 cm. Such trees are fool of branches, smooth (branchloss) only in the lower part (up to about 4 m in height) and usually only about 20 metres high. Under the open canopy of these dominant trees there is an abundant shrub layer. Some of these dominant trees are of coppice origin, their growth is clustered (there are 4–5 slightly bent stems growing out of the rootstock). The stands on former pastures are more homogeneous. Hazel bushes and pole stands of European ash prevail here (the prevalence of these tree species is associated with a high value of lake chalk and favorable moisture conditions). Beech (Fagus sylvatica) is very rare in the tree layer, but was found in the shrub layer in most (80 %) of the sample plots. Apart from the above mentioned tree species, other species, such as Daphne mezereum, Acer campestre, Crataegus monogyna, Sambucus nigra etc. grow individually in the shrub layer and usually with only a small cover-abundance value (+ or 1). The herb layer is abundant in all stands, especially in the spring when it almost completely covers the ground. Anemone nemorosa is the most common dominant species in this layer. It usually covers more than half of the sample plot surface. Asperula taurina, Leucojum vernum and Pseudostellaria europea are also abundant in places. Oxalis acetosella and Maianthemum bifolium indicate a slight acidity of the soil. In the researched stands prevail species diagnostic of beech forests (order Fagetalia sylvatice), among which are many of those which we classify as character or differential species of the Illyrian alliances Aremonio-Fagion and Erythronio-Carpinion (see also Table 1, column B). 4.3 Syntaxonomical characteristic of the pioneer stands in the Breginjski kot To support the synsystematic classification we made a synoptic table into which we ranged, apart from the stands studied (no. 7), also submontane beech forests Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum Marinček & al. 1990 (dakskobler 1996, Phyt. Table 1 – no. 5) and Hacquetio-Fagetum Košir 1962 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia Košir 1979 subvar. geogr. Luzula nivea Poldini & nardini 1993 (Poldini & nardini 1993, Table 2, pp. 238–240 – no. 6), two variants of the association Hacquetio-Fraxinetum excelsioris Marinček in Wallnöfer, Mucina & Grass 1993 – one from the Central Soča Valley (dakskobler 1999, Phyt. Table 3, column 2 – no. 1) and one from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Poldini & nardini 1993, Tab. 1, pp. 229–232 – no. 2), European ash and sycamore maple forests from the northeastern Italy (Lasen & Urbinati 1995, Veg. Table 1, pp. 57–54, group H – no. 3), as well as the association Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum (Kutschera 1951) Oberd. 1953 (Kutschera 1951, pp. 100–103 – no. 4). due to its extensiveness we do not enclose the synoptic table, but it is available at the authors of the article. The syntaxa in this table were compared using the MISSQ (minimization of the increase of error sum of squares) method of hierachical classification. We used the dissimilarity coefficient “1-similarity ratio” (with consideration of the frequency of the species in the compared syntaxa) – dendrogram in Figure2, and also the complement of the Jaccard's coefficient (we considered only the presence or absence of the species in the compared syntaxa) – dendrogram in Figure 3. According to the first comparison (Fig. 2), the studied pioneer stands (no. 7) unite together with the stands of the association Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum from Carinthia (southern Austria) – no. 4. In the second comparison, however, (Fig. 3) they unite with the stands of the association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum (no. 5) and with a specific form of the association Hacquetio-Fraxinetum (no. 1). The possibility to classify the studied stands into the association Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum (as suggested in the dendrogram in Figure 2) was rejected after the following consideration: The stands in the Breginjski kot are still young. They grow on mesophilous sites, so their similarity to the stands of the association Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum is understandable, as the edifiers of the stage resemble the dominant tree 180 B. Čušin, i. DakskoBler: PHytosociological analysis of Pioneer WooDs on aBanDoneD MeaDoWs in tHe Breginjski kot (West. slovenia) Figure 2: Dendrogram of some submontane forest communities from the western Slovenia, northeastern Italy and southern Austria (MISSQ – similarity ratio). Slika 2: Dendrogram nekaterih podgorskih gozdnih združb zahodne Slovenije, severovzhodne Italije in južne Avstrije (MISSQ – similarity ratio) Legend to Figures 2 and 3 (Legenda k slikam 2 in 3): 1 Hacquetio-Fraxinetum excelsioris Marinček in Wallnöfer, Mucina & Grass 1993 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia Poldini & Nardini 1993 forma Ruscus aculeatus Dakskobler 1999, Dakskobler (1999, Phyt. Tab. 3, column 2); 2 Hacquetio-Fraxinetum Marinček in Wallnöfer, Mucina & Grass 1993 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia Poldini & Nardini 1993, Poldini & Nardini (1993, pp. 229–232); 3 Maple-ash woods – Lasen & Urbinati (1995, Veg.Tab. 1, pp. 47–54); 4 Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum (Kutschera 1951) Oberd. 1953 (= Alneto-Fraxinetum stellarietosum bulbosae Kutschera 1951), Kutschera (1951, pp. 100–103); 5 Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum Marinček, Papež, Dakskobler & Zupančič 1990 – Dakskobler (1996, Phyt. Tab. 1); 6 Hacquetio epipactido-Fagetum Košir 1962 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia Košir 1979 subvar. geogr. Luzula nivea, Poldini & Nardini 1993 Poldini & Nardini (1993, pp. 238–240); 7 Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov., hoc loco, Table 2. Figure 3: Dendrogram of some submontane forest communities from the western Slovenia, northeastern Italy and southern Austria (MISSQ – Jaccard) Slika 3: Dendrogram nekaterih submontanskih gozdnih združb zahodne Slovenije, severovzhodne Italije in južne Avstrije (MISSQ – Jaccard) Legend to Figures 2 and 3 (Legenda k slikam 2 in 3): 1 Hacquetio-Fraxinetum excelsioris Marinček in Wallnöfer, Mucina & Grass 1993 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia Poldini & Nardini 1993 forma Ruscus aculeatus Dakskobler 1999, Dakskobler (1999, Phyt. Tab. 3, column 2); 2 Hacquetio-Fraxinetum Marinček in Wallnöfer, Mucina & Grass 1993 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia Poldini & Nardini 1993, Poldini & Nardini (1993, pp. 229–232); 3 Maple-ash woods – Lasen & Urbinati (1995, Veg.Tab. 1, pp. 47–54); 4 Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum (Kutschera 1951) Oberd. 1953 (= Alneto-Fraxinetum stellarietosum bulbosae Kutschera 1951), Kutschera (1951, pp. 100–103); 5 Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum Marinček, Papež, Dakskobler & Zupančič 1990 – Dakskobler (1996, Phyt. Tab. 1); 6 Hacquetio epipactido-Fagetum Košir 1962 var. geogr. Anemone trifolia Košir 1979 subvar. geogr. Luzula nivea, Poldini & Nardini 1993 Poldini & Nardini (1993, pp. 238–240); 7 Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov., hoc loco, Table 2. 181 Hacquetia 5/2 • 2006, 177–191 species of the previously mentioned community. Wällnöffer, Mucina & Grass (1993: 97–98) classify this association into the alliance Alnion incanae Pawlowski in Pawlowski & Wallisch 1928 (syn. Alno- Ulmion), i.e. into hygrophilous and mesohygrophilous forest communities. Such classification is justified also by the analysis of the (phyto)sociological groups where the proportion of diagnostic species for this alliance is 14 %. This proportion in our stands is only about 5 % (Tab. 1). Compared to the stands of the association Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum, there is a substantially larger proportion of diagnostic species of the alliances Aremonio-Fagion and Erythronio-Carpinion in the studied pioneer woods. Less wet sites of the studied stands (compared to the sites of the associaton Stellario bulbosae- Fraxinetum) are indicated also with a larger proportion of diagnostic species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis and a smaller proportion of diagnostic species of the order Quercetalia roboris-petraeae. Table 1: Phytosociological groups (relative frequencies, pondered) in the compared associations: A: Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum (Kutchera 1951) Oberd. 1953 (Kutchera 1951); B: Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov., hoc loco Tabela 1: Fitocenološke skupine (relativne frekvence, ponderirano) v primerjanih asociacijah: A: Stellario bulbosae-Fraxinetum (Kutchera 1951) Oberd. 1953 (Kutchera 1951); B: Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov., ta članek Sign for the syntaxa (Oznaka sintakosnov) A B Aremonio-Fagion Polysticho setiferi-Acerenion Tilio-Acerion s. lat. Erythronio-Carpinion Alnion incanae Fagetalia sylvaticae Rhamno-Prunetea Quercetalia pubescentis Quercetalia roboris-petraeae Querco-Fagetea Vaccinio-Piceetea Erico-Pinetea Trifolio-Geranietea Adenostyletalia s.lat. Other species (druge vrste) 0 0 11 3 14 34 4 0 3 8 11 0 0 2 11 4 2 11 5 5 35 4 1 1 14 7 1 1 2 7 Total (Skupaj) 100 100 We estimate that the obviously stadial vegetation cannot be classified into the ecologically relatively well characterized intrazonal forest community. As a stage in progressive successional sere it could be named after the dominant species of the tree and shrub layer – stage Corylus avellana-Fraxinus excelsior. The described stands could be classified into a widely conceived vegetational unit, phytocoenon (in the sense in which this concept was interpreted by Westhoff & van der Maarel 1973: 624–626 and used for example for the names of some prenemoral, shrub communities in Friuli-Venezia Giulia by Poldini & Vidali 1996), in which case we propose the name phytocoenon with the species Fraxinus excelsior and Anemone nemorosa. Considering that the pioneer stands already have a more or less formed tree layer, we can treat them also as a secondary (transitional) forest community, for which we propose the name Ornithogalo pyrenaici- Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov. (the name is provisional also because similar pioneer forest stands in other flysch areas in western Slovenia – most of them are in the Central Soča Valley – still have to be studied). With this name we suggest that these pioneer stands overgrow mostly potential natural sites of beech forests which could be classified into a special geographical variant (or form ?) of the association Ornithogalo-Fagetum Marinček & al. 1990. The, for now only provisionally described, new association is, according to Marinček & al. (1993), classified into the alliance Aremonio-Fagion (Ht. 1938) Borhidi in Török, Podani & Borhidi 1989. Its diagnostic species are the character and differential species of the association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum: Crocus napolitanus (= C. vernus subsp. vernus), Ornithogalum pyrenaicum and Fagus sylvatica (these show the succession into the zonal submontane beech forests of the sub-Mediterranean-pre-Alpine part of the Illyrian floral province) as well as the species which best characterize the physiognomy, ecology and also the phytogeographical position of the community: Fraxinus excelsior, Corylus avellana, Anemone nemorosa, Leucojum vernum, Asperula taurina and Pseudostellaria europaea. 4.4 division into lower synsystematic units With hierarchical classification we subdivided 19 relevés into two groups which we define as variants. The stands of the variant with Alnus glutinosa grow on deep brown soil on flysch ground. They grow on gentle to relatively steep slopes on the ridge be 182 B. Čušin, i. DakskoBler: PHytosociological analysis of Pioneer WooDs on aBanDoneD MeaDoWs in tHe Breginjski kot (West. slovenia) tween the villages of Breginj and Logje and on the northern slopes of Mt. Mija between the village of Podbela and the Pradol gorge. The differential species of this variant are Alnus glutinosa, Athyrium filix-femina, Aruncus dioicus and Phegopteris connectilis. In comparison with the stands of the second variant, sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) is more abundant in the stands of this variant. Within this variant we discern the acidophilic subunit, subvariant with the moss species Atrichum undulatum (its differential species are also Polytrichum formosum and Dryopteris dilatata). The stands of this subvariant grow on somewhat acidic (dystric) soils. The species composition is poorer (on average 36 species per relevé). Potential natural vegetation on sites of the subvariant with the Atrichum undulatum is supposedly a moderately acidophilic beech forest (Castaneo-Fagetum sylvaticae). The stands of the variant with Omphalodes verna (its differential species are also Carex sylvatica, Galanthus nivalis, Anemone trifolia, Allium ursinum and Alnus incana) usually grow on gentle slopes on mixed flysch-limestone bedrock, partly on moraine material with still enough moisture in the soil (because of the lake chalk). These stands, usually dominated by European ash, are most common on glacier moraine under the village of robidišče. They are well characterized also by grey alder (Alnus incana), which has not been detected in the stands of the second variant. It will probably gradually disappear during the succession. It is more vital in the younger stands along the intertwining streams in this area. Tree species Carpi- nus betulus and Acer campestre are more common in the stands of this variant than in the stands of the previously described variant. neutrophilous sub- montane beech forest (Fagetum submontanum sensu Marinček 1987, probably a specific subunit of the association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum Marinček & al. 1990) is a supposedly potential natural vegetation on the sites of this variant. 5. COnCLUSIOnS A phytosociological research of pioneer woods of hazel and European ash on abandoned meadows and pastures was conducted in the Breginjski kot in western Slovenia. We made an analytic table with 19 relevés and compared the established floristic composition with the floristic composition of the stands of several syntaxa which grow on similar sites in the neighbouring regions in Slovenia, Italy and Austria. According to the analyses and comparisons we made (Tab. 1, Fig. 2 and 3), we can treat the studied stands as a stage of Corylus avellana and Fraxinus excelsior in a progressive successional sere on potentially natural sites of the pre- Alpine-Illyrian submontane beech forests. due to its relative persistance, this stage could be treated also as a widely conceived vegetation unit, a phytocoenon with the species Fraxinus excelsior and Anemone nemorosa, or even as a secondary forest community. In this case we propose to classify it as a new association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov. With this name we wanted to suggest a supposed development of the studied pioneer stands into a beech forest from a special (so far undescribed) geographical subunit of the association Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum Marinček & al. 1990. diagnostic species of the association Ornithogalo-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov. are Crocus napolitanus (= C. vernus subsp. vernus), Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Corylus avellana, Anemone nemorosa, Leucojum vernum, Asperula taurina and Pseudostellaria europaea. They characterize it syndynamically, physiognomically, ecologically and phytogeographically. 6. POVZETEK fitocenološka analiza pionirskih gozdov na opuščenih senožetih v breginjskem kotu (zahodna slovenija) V Breginjskem kotu v zahodni Sloveniji (slika 1) smo fitocenološko raziskali pionirske gozdove leske in velikega jesena na opuščenih senožetih in pašnikih. Izdelali smo analitsko tabelo z 19 popisi in ugotovljeno floristično sestavo primerjali s floristično sestavo po rastiščih podobnih sintaksonov iz sosednjih območij Slovenije, Italije in Avstrije. na podlagi opravljenih analiz in primerjav (tabela 1, sliki 2 in 3) preučene sestoje vrednotimo kot stadij leske (Corylus avellana) in velikega jesena (Fraxinus excelsior) v progresivnem sukcesijskem nizu na potencialno naravnih rastiščih predalpsko-ilirskega submontanskega bukovega gozda. Ta stadij zaradi njegove relativne dolgotrajnosti lahko obravnavamo tudi kot sinsistematsko neopredeljeni fitocenon z vrstama Fraxinus excelsior in Anemone nemorosa ali kot drugotno (prehodno) gozdno združbo. Ta je sindinamsko povezana s sestoji asociacije Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum Marinček & al. 1990, zato jo sinsistematsko uvrščamo v za zdaj le provizorno opisano novo 183 Hacquetia 5/2 • 2006, 177–191 asociacijo Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov. njene diagnostične vrste so Crocus napolitanus (= C. vernus subsp. vernus), Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Corylus avellana, Anemone nemorosa, Leucojum vernum, Asperula taurina in Pseudostellaria europaea. Te vrste novo asociacijo označujejo sindinamsko, fiziognomsko, ekološko in fitogeografsko. 7. ACKnOWLEdGEMEnTS Sincere thanks to the two reviewers for their cogent remarks and corrections. English translation by Andreja Šalamon Verbič. 8. rEFErEnCES Braun-Blanquet, J. 1964: Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Auflage, Springer, Wien-new York, 865 pp. Buser, S. 1986: Tolmač listov Tolmin in Videm (Udine).OsnovnageološkakartaSFrJ1:100.000. 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Kutschera, L. 1951: Vegetationsaufbau und Standorte der Pflanzengesellschaft des “Knolligen Sternmiere-reichen Schwarzerlen-Eschenwaldes” (Alneto-Fraxinetum stellarietosum bulbosae) in Kärnten. Carintia II (Klagenfurt) 141: 93–105. Lasen, C. & Urbinati, C. 1995: Typology and ecology of maple-linden and maple-ash forest communities. Preliminary considerations in northeastern Italian prealpine ranges. Sauteria (Salzburg) 6: 21–56. Lovrenčak,F.&Plut,d.1978:Prirodneindružbenogeografske značilnosti Breginja in okolice (natural and social-geographic characteristics of Breginj village). In: Kunaver, J. (ed.): Zgornje Posočje. Zbornik 10. zborovanja slovenskih geografov (Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the Slovene geographers): Tolmin–Bovec, pp. 291– 312, Ljubljana. Maarel van der E. 1979: Transformation of cover- abundance values in phytosociology and its effects on community similarity. Vegetatio 39 (2): 97–114. Marinček, L. 1987: Bukovi gozdovi na Slovenskem (Beech forests in Slovenia). delavska enotnost, Ljubljana, 154 pp. Marinček, L., Puncer, I., Seliškar, A. & Zupančič, M. 1980: Vegetacija Tolminskega območja kot osnovazaoptimalnoekološkovrednotenjeprostora(ObčinaTolmin).Elaborat,Biološkiinštitut Jovana Hadžija SAZU, Ljubljana, 170 pp. Marinček, L., Mucina, L., Zupančič, M., Poldini, L., dakskobler, I. & Accetto, M. 1993: nomenklatorische revision der illyrischen Buchenwälder (Verband Aremonio-Fagion). Studia Geobotanica 12 (1992): 121–135. Marinček, L., Papež, J., dakskobler, I. & Zupančič, M. 1990: Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum ass. nova, nova združba bukovih gozdov v Sloveniji (Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fagetum ass. nova, new commu 184 B. Čušin, i. DakskoBler: PHytosociological analysis of Pioneer WooDs on aBanDoneD MeaDoWs in tHe Breginjski kot (West. slovenia) nity of beech forests in Slovenia). Scopolia (Ljubljana) 22: 1–22. Mlekuž, I. 1991: Problematika opuščenih senožeti v Breginjskem kotu (Problematics of abandoned meadows in the Breginjski kot). Gozdarski vestnik (Ljubljana) 49 (3): 158–161. Podani, J. 1994: Multivariate data Analysis in Ecology and Systematics. A methodological guide to the SYn-TAX 5.0 package. SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague, 316 pp. Podani, J. 2001: SYn-TAX 2000. Computer Programs for data Analysis in Ecology and Systematics. User's Manual, Budapest, 53 pp. Poldini, L. 1989: La vegetazione del Carso isontino e triestino. Ed. Lint, Trieste, 313 pp. Poldini, L. & nardini, S. 1993: Boschi di forra, faggete e abieteti in Friuli (nE-Italia). Studia Geobotanica 13: 215–298. Poldini, L. & Vidali, M. 1996: Cenosi arbustive nelle Alpi sudorientali (nE-Italia). Colloques Phytosociologiques 24 (Fitodinamica – Camerino 1995): 141–167. Pučnik, J. 1980: Velika knjiga o vremenu. 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Biološki inštitut SAZU, Ljubljana, 36 pp. Wraber, M. 1969: Pflanzengeographische Stellung und Gliederung Sloweniens.Vegetatio 17: 176– 199. Zupančič, B. 1995: Klimatografija Slovenije. Padavine 1961–1990. Hidrometeorološki zavod republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, 366 pp. Zupančič, M., Marinček, L., Seliškar A. & Puncer, I. 1989: Considerations on the phytogeographic division of Slovenia. Biogeographia 13 (1987): 89–98. recieved 13.4.2006 revision recieved 14.8.2006 Accepted 16. 9. 2006 9. APPEndIX Table 2. – localities of relevés and sporadic species: 1. Strmca above Breginj (9746/3), Peucedanum oreoselinum (r); 2. Veliki breg, above the road Breginj – Logje (9746/4); 3. Logje, under Skakalca (9746/4), Malus sylvestris (r), Plagiothecium sp. (+); 4. Veliki breg (9746/4), Brachytecium velutinum (+); 5. Veliki breg (9746/4), Quercus robur (+); 6. Mija, above Podrečenca (9746/4); 7. Mija, above Podrečenca (9746/4), Matteucia struthiopteris (+), Colchicum autumnale (+); 8. Logje, under Sleme (9746/4), Tilia plathyphyllos (r), Humulus lupulus (+); 9. Veliki breg (9746/4), Prenanthes purpurea (r), Moehringia trinervia (r), Gentiana asclepiadea (+), Aconitum angustifolium (+), Doronicum austriacum (+), Tephroseris pseudocrispa (+), Asplenium trichomanes (r), Dactylorhiza maculata (r); 10. Berjač above Podbela (9746/4); 11. Kal above Breginj (9746/1), Lilium martagon (+), Iris graminea (+), Galeopsis pubescens (+), Rubus idaeus (+); 12. Privek above Sedlo (9746/2), Campanula trachelium (+), Arabis turrita (+), Rhamnus cathartica (r); 13. Ladina above Breginj (9746/1), Circea lutetiana (+), Chrysosplenium alternifolium (+), Gagea lutea (+); 14. Logje, near the road to nadiža (9746/4), Carex pilosa (+), Anomodon viticulosus (+), Homalothecium sericeum (+), Neckera crispa (+); 15. Gošče under robidišče (9746/4), Prunus spinosa (+), Frangula alnus (r), Equisetum telmateia (+), Hepatica nobilis (+), Polypodium vulgare (+); 16. Gošče under robidišče (9746/4), Lathyrus vernus (+), Polystichum braunii (r), Anthriscus sylvestris (+), Climacium dendroides (+); 17. Gošče under robidišče (9746/4), Neottia nidus-avis (r), Ligustrum vulgare (+), Viburnum lantana (+), Pyrus pyraster (+), Ranunculus cassubicus (r); 18. Gošče under robidišče (9746/4), Galium laevigatum (+), Equisetum hyemale (+); 19. Foothills of Mija near »napoleonov most« (9746/4), Phyllitis scolopendrium (+). 185 Table 2: Pioneer woods (Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov.) on abandoned meadows in the Breginjski kot (western Slovenia) Tabela 2: Pionirski gozdovi (Ornithogalo pyrenaici-Fraxinetum excelsioris nom. prov.) na opuščenih senožetih v Breginjskem kotu (zahodna Slovenija) Relevé number (Številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Altitude in m (Nadmorska višina v m) 600 590 480 610 600 570 560 560 580 420 880 720 580 390 400 420 390 400 300 Aspect (Lega) SENWNEWNWN WNWNENEWSWSWW N N SENWN Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) 5 5 20 10 10 25 10 10 15 15 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 Cover in % (Zastiranje v % ) Upper tree layer (Zgornja drevesna plast) E3b 40 80 100 90 70 70 30 20 60 40 60 30 20 90 70 70 30 80 80 Lower tree layer (Spodnja drevesna plast) E3a 40 20 10 10 30 70 80 20 20 20 70 80 30 30 70 30 Shrub layer (Grmovna plast) E2 10 10 5 20 30 20 10 10 30 60 40 30 30 10 20 20 30 30 20 Herb layer (Zeliščna plast) E1 90909095908080957060707090608090708090 Moss layer (Mahovna plast) E0 1010 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 5 10 5 5 3010 5 20 5 Relevé area (Velikost popisne ploskve) m2 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 300 200 200 400 400 400 400 100 Number of species (Število vrst) 42 34 39 34 33 38 44 36 73 45 48 43 54 49 60 60 57 60 48 Pr. Fr. Character species of the ass. Ornithogalo-Fagetum Značilne vrste asoc. Ornithogalo-Fagetum EC Crocus napolitanus E1 22122121111+1 . 11111 1895 EC Ornithogalum pyrenaicum E1 .....+1.++......+.. 526 F Fagus sylvatica E3br.......+.r...rrr.. 6 737 F Fagus sylvatica E3a..........+.r...... 2 F Fagus sylvatica E2b.....++........+.+. 4 1579 F Fagus sylvatica E2a+++++.+. .++.+.11+11 14 F Fagus sylvatica E1 +++.+++. . . . . .+++. .+ 1053 Differential species of pioneer stage Razlikovalne vrste pionirskega stadija QF Anemone nemorosa E1 5555543532321+34+11 19100 F Fraxinus excelsior E3b121322113211+124+4 . 18 1895 F Fraxinus excelsior E3a1+.1. .+++++21.+1.1. 13 F Fraxinus excelsior E2b+. .1.++++. .1+. . . . .+ 9 1263 F Fraxinus excelsior E2a. . .+.1.11++++. . .1. . 9 F Fraxinus excelsior E1 11++.1++. . . . .++1. .1 11 58 QF Corylus avellana E3 225.1245. . . . .522414 1368 QF Corylus avellana E2b21+ . 21+ . 23213 . +1 . 3+ 15 1789 QF Corylus avellana E2a++. .+. .+11++1. .++. . 11 QF Corylus avellana E1++............++... 421 F Leucojum vernum E1 .12.11.221. .1.12221 1368 AF Asperula taurina E1 . . . . . .+.+2. .2.1++11 947 EC Pseudostellaria europaea E1 .2. . . . . .11+.4. .1.12 842 Hacquetia 5/2 • 2006, 177–191 186 Relevé number (Številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. B. Čušin, i. DakskoBler: PHytosociological analysis of Pioneer WooDs on aBanDoneD MeaDoWs in tHe Breginjski kot (West. slovenia) Differential species of variants and subvariants Razlikovalne vrste variant in subvariant A Athyrium filix-femina E1 ++1111 . 111+11 . . . .++ 1474 AI Alnus glutinosa E3b . 2 . 1222 . 1121 . ...... 9 1263 AI Alnus glutinosa E3a + . . . . ++++++2+ ...... 9 F Aruncus dioicus E1 . ++1+1111++ r . ...... 11 58 VP Phegopteris connectilis E1 ++++.+.+++. . . . ..... 842 ML Atrichum undulatum E0 + ++++ .............. 526 VP Dryopteris dilatata E1 + +++ r .............. 526 ML Polytrichum formosum E0 + ++ . + . .........+... 526 AF Omphalodes verna E1 ........1... . 1 11+21 7 37 F Carex sylvatica E1 ..........+.. + +++++ 7 37 EC Galanthus nivalis E1 ...........+. 1 + . ++1 6 32 QF Rosa arvensis E2 ............. + ++r +. 5 26 AI Alnus incana E3b. .+. . . . . . . . . . r +1. . . 4 526 AI Alnus incana E3a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ++1+ . 4 AI Alnus incana E2a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . +++. . 3 16 AF Anemone trifolia E1 ............. 2 + . + . + 4 21 F Allium ursinum E1 ............. . 11 . +2 4 21 AF Aremonio-Fagion (Ht. 1938) Borhidi in Török, Podani & Borhidi 1989Stellaria montana E1 ..+..+1...2.2....+1 737 Lamium orvala E1 ......1.+.+1...r1.. 632 Euphorbia carniolica E1 .....++.1r+........ 526 Cyclamen purpurascens E1 .........+...1+..+. 421 Isopyrum thalictroides E1 ...............+.+. 211 Dentaria enneaphyllos E1 ......+...........1 211 Cardamine trifolia E1 ........++......... 211 Knautia drymeia E1 ........+.+........ 211 Epimedium alpinum E1 ..............+.... 15 EC Erythronio-Carpinion betuli (Ht. 1938) Marinček in Wallnöfer, Mucina & Grass 1993Primula vulgaris E1 +. . . .+1.+1++.11+1+. 1263 Helleborus odorus E1 ...........+....+.. 211 F Fagetalia sylvaticae Pawl. 1928Polygonatum multiflorum E1 +1111++1++++++++ . ++ 1895 Acer pseudoplatanus E3b+2+3221++++ . . . + . . r . 13 1368 Acer pseudoplatanus E3a.+.1.++++.+. . . . . . . . 7 Acer pseudoplatanus E2b.+.21+.+1.+.+. . . . .+ 9 1789 Acer pseudoplatanus E2a++.1.1+.1+1r++11.11 15 79 187 Relevé number (Številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. Acer pseudoplatanus E1 11+1111+. . . . . .+1. .1 11 58 Paris quadrifolia E1 . ++ . +++1+++ . + . +++++ 1579 Asarum europaeum E1 +++. . .++++.+.11+11+ 1474 Symphytum tuberosum E1 +++. .11111+++.++. . . 1368 Salvia glutinosa E1 +. . . .+++++1++.+.++. 1263 Senecio ovatus E1 +.+. .+++1.21+. . .++. 11 58 Sambucus nigra E3a..1....+........... 211 Sambucus nigra E2b. .1+. .+1. .+11. . . . . . 7 1053 Sambucus nigra E2a.+...+1...+.1.....+ 6 Sambucus nigra E1 .+...++......+..... 421 Daphne mezereum E2b. r+r .+. .+.+. . .++++. 1053 Dryopteris filix-mas E1 . . .+.+++++++. .+. . .+ 1053 Galeobdolon flavidum E1 .1+. . . .+1+. . .+++++. 1053 Pulmonaria officinalis E1+........+..+++1+++ 947 Arum maculatum E1 . .+. . .+1. . . .++.+1++ 947 Prunus avium E3b+....+..r+1+....... 6 842 Prunus avium E3a...r+.............. 2 Prunus avium E2b....r...r..r+...+r. 6 947 Prunus avium E2a+.....+.......+.... 3 Prunus avium E1+.................. 15 Carpinus betulus E3b.............11.... 2 632 Carpinus betulus E3a............1..+++. 4 Carpinus betulus E2b............1+..++. 4 842 Carpinus betulus E2a..+.....+...+.++... 5 Carpinus betulus E1+............+1+... 421 Mercurialis perennis E1 . . . . . .+.1++. .+.+.++ 842 Scrophularia nodosa E1 ...r++.+..r+r...... 737 Melica nutans E1 ........++...++++.. 632 Viola reichenbachiana E1 ...........+..+++++ 632 Tilia cordata E3b........r.......... 15 Tilia cordata E2b.............+..... 1 526 Tilia cordata E2a..+......+......r+. 4 Adoxa moschatellina E1 ........r.1.+...+.+ 526 Petasites albus E1 .....+++.........+. 421 Actaea spicata E1 .......+r...+.....+ 421 Brachypodium sylvaticum E1 ...........++.++... 421 Ulmus glabra E3b............r...++. 316 Ulmus glabra E2a..................+ 15 Mycelis muralis E1 ........+.++....... 316 Sanicula europaea E1 ..............++.+. 316 Euphorbia amygdaloides E1 .............+.+... 211 Hacquetia 5/2 • 2006, 177–191 188 Relevé number (Številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. B. Čušin, i. DakskoBler: PHytosociological analysis of Pioneer WooDs on aBanDoneD MeaDoWs in tHe Breginjski kot (West. slovenia) Corydalis cava E1 ......1...........1 211 Dentaria bulbifera E1 ........+.........+ 211 Geranium robertianum E1 ..........++....... 211 QP Quercetalia pubescentis Klika 1933 Convallaria majalis E1 +. .+1.1++.+. . . .+. . . 842 Fraxinus ornus E3b.....+.......r..... 2 211 Fraxinus ornus E3a.............+..... 1 1 Sorbus aria E3b..........+........ 1 211 Sorbus aria E3a...r......+........ 2 RP Rhamno-Prunetea Rivas Goday & Borja Carbonell ex Tüxen 1962Crataegus monogyna E3a..+..........+1+... 4 421 Crataegus monogyna E2b. .++. . .++. . . .++++r . 9 1368 Crataegus monogyna E2a++.+. . .++. .+++++++. 12 Crataegus monogyna E1 ....+.............. 15 Euonymus europaeus E2 ....... +. +...+ +. +. + 632 Viburnum opulus E2 .......+...... + +..r 421 Cornus sanguinea E2 .............+... +. 211 Clematis vitalba E3a.......+........... 15 Clematis vitalba E2b..............+.... 15 Clematis vitalba E1 .......+.....r..... 212 Berberis vulgaris E2 ..............r. r.. 211 QR Quercetalia roboris-petraeae Tx. (1931) 1937 Pteridium aquilinum E1 .+..r+..+.++....... 632 Festuca heterophylla E1 .+.++...+.......... 421 Castanea sativa E3b....+.............. 1 211 Castanea sativa E3a.....+............. 1 1 AI Alnion incanae Pawlowski in Pawlowski & Wallisch 1928Dryopteris carthusiana E1 ....+...+........+. 316 Stellaria neglecta E1 ......++....+...... 316 Cardamine impatiens E1 .......+...++...... 316 Glechoma hederacea E1 .........+....+.... 211 Angelica sylvestris E1 ......+.....+...... 211 Equisetum arvense E1 ........r.......+.. 211 Urtica dioica E1 ..........+.+...... 211 Cirsium oleraceum E1 ................++. 211 QF Querco-Fagetea Br.-Bl. & Vlieg. 1937Aegopodium podagraria E1 .++. .++1211+++.+.++ 1474 Acer campestre E3b.............++rr.. 4 526 Acer campestre E3a..................+ 1 Acer campestre E2b...+........+++.... 4 842 Acer campestre E2a.........+...+..+++ 5 5 189 Relevé number (Številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. Acer campestre E1 ......++.....+++..+ 632 Carex digitata E1 ........++.+.+.++++ 842 Vinca minor E1 ........1+..+2++..+ 737 Cerastium sylvaticum E1 +. . . . .+.+1. .+.+. .+. 737 Viola riviniana E1+.......r++........ 421 Lathraea squamaria E1 ........r...+..+..+ 421 Ranunculus ficaria E1 ..1...1.....2..... + 421 Hedera helix E2 ............r++.... 316 Anemone ranunculoides E1 ............+..1..1 316 Cruciata glabra E1+..........+....+.. 316 Carex montana E1 r..+............... 211 Lonicera xylosteum E2 ..+............... + 211 VP Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. 1939 emend. Zupančič 1976Oxalis acetosella E1 +++.++.+r+.++++1+11 1684 Maianthemum bifolium E1 +11+++.+++++. .++. .+ 1474 Luzula pilosa E1 ++++++. .+. . .+. . . .++ 1053 Calamagrostis arundinacea E1+..+++..+.1........ 632 Picea abies E2br....rr............ 3 526 Picea abies E2a................++. 2 Picea abies E1 .rr...........r.... 316 Aposeris foetida E1 ........+1....+..2. 421 Luzula luzuloides E1 .....+..+.......... 212 A Adenostyletalia G. &. J. Br.-Bl. 1931Aconitum lycoctonum E1+.....+.+.1........ 421 Milium effusum E1 ........++......11. 421 Silene dioica E1+.....+.....+...... 316 Thalictrum aquilegiifolium E1 ....+...+.+........ 316 Veratrum album E1 .....1+............ 212 EP Erico-Pinetea I. Horvat 1959Carex alba E1 ..............1.1+. 316 Aquilegia vulgaris agg. E1 r.......+.......... 211 TG Trifolio-Geranietea Th. Müller 1961Vincetoxicum hirundinaria E! +..+r......+....... 421 Lilium carniolicum E1 .....+r............ 212 O Other species (Druge vrste) Rubus fruticosus agg. E2 + +. 111 . . 1+12+1 + +. +1 1579 Listera ovata E1 ....+..+.....+++++. 737 Deschampsia cespitosa E1++....+.+..++....+. 737 Sorbus aucuparia E3b...r............... 1 211 Sorbus aucuparia E3a..........+........ 1 Sorbus aucuparia E2b...+r.............. 2 526 Hacquetia 5/2 • 2006, 177–191 190 Relevé number (Številka popisa) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Pr. Fr. B. Čušin, i. DakskoBler: PHytosociological analysis of Pioneer WooDs on aBanDoneD MeaDoWs in tHe Breginjski kot (West. slovenia) Sorbus aucuparia E2a...1..r.r.+........ 4 Sorbus aucuparia E1 ...++...+.+......r. 526 Fragaria vesca E1++.+....+..+....+.. 632 Galeopsis speciosa E1 ......r...+.+...++. 526 Cardaminopsis halleri E1 .+.r1...++......... 526 Geum urbanum E1 ......+....11...+.r 526 Allium sp. E1+.......++..+...... 421 Juglans regia E3br.......r...1...... 316 Salix caprea E3b......r+.......r... 316 Heracleum sphondylium E1 .....+..........+.. 211 Galeopsis tetrahit E1 ..........++....... 211 M Mosses (Mahovi) Mnium sp. E0++.+..........+1... 526 Thuidium tamariscinum E0+..+..........++... 421 Plagiomnium undulatum E0 ..............11 +1. 421 Plagiothecium denticulatum E0+..++.............. 316 Brachythecium rutabulum E0 ..+..........+.+... 316 Isothecium alopecuroides E0 ..+..........+..... 211 Anomodon attenuatus E0 .............+.+... 211 Ctenidium molluscum E0 .............1.+... 211 Eurhynchium striatum E0 ..............21... 211 191