"the young sing only modern songs," or the large-scale program for collecting folk songs between expectations and recognition MARIJA KLOBČAR The collection of folk songs, which was directed by a committee as part of the program The Folk Song in Austria, provides a special perspective on folk song heritage. The committee's assumption was that folk song survived only in remote villages, and not among the young, in towns, or in industrialized areas. A comparison of the components of this program, the questionnaire used, and the collected results shows where the expectations and findings of this project agreed and where they differed. Keywords: transcribers, methods, methodology, questionnaire. Zbiranje ljudskih pesmi, za katero je znotraj akcije Narodna pesem v Avstriji na Slovenskem skrbel ustrezni odbor, je odsevalo poseben pogled na pesemsko dediščino. Sodeč po pričakovanjih odbora, naj bi ljudska pesem živela le še v odročnih vaseh, ne pa tudi med mladino, v mestih ali v industrijskih krajih. S primerjavo programov akcije, »pov-praševalnih pol« in rezultatov zbiranja želim ugotoviti, v čem so se pričakovanja in spoznanja tega projekta skladala in kje so se razhajala. Ključne besede: zapisovalci, metode, metodologija, vprašalnik. The program "Das Volkslied in Österreich" (The Folk Song in Austria) was special not only because of its attention to all of the hereditary lands of Austria but also because of the basic orientation of the project, which aimed to transcribe melodies. It is also interesting because of the social context that marked the collecting itself. A year after the founding of the Austrian Folk Songs program, on 23 October 1905 the Ministry of Public Worship and Education appointed the Committee for the Collection of Slovenian Folk Songs.1 The operations of the Slovenian committee were stretched between Vienna, from which the guidelines for the work2 and funds were issued; Graz, where the chairman of the committee, Karel Štrekelj (and later Matija Murko), worked; and Ljubljana. The organization of the Slovenian committee was centralized, and the only opposition to this was encountered among the Slovenians of Carinthia.3 The orientation of the collection work in Slovenia followed the Vienna pattern. The "Osnovna načela" (Basic Principles) — which defined the methodology and methods of the 1 This was decree no. 36,157; GNI ZRC SAZU, Archive of the chairman of the OSNP, letter of 14 Nov. 1905. 2 In Slovenia the orientation of the collection work was also defined by the "Grundzügen für die Sammlung" [Basic Principles] as well as the didactic "Anleitung zum Sammeln" [Instructions for Collection] and "Fragebogen" [Questionnaire], which were drawn up for the program [Das Volkslied in Österreich: 41]. 3 "Nasa narodna pesem in - c. k. vlada!" [Our Folk Song and - Austro-Hungarian Rule!], Mir XXIV, 14 Sept. 1905, Klagenfurt: 219-220. razprave in razgledi / articles work, as well as highlighting differences from previous collection efforts — were accompanied by a "Povprasevalna pola" (Questionnaire) (about questionnaires see Fikfak 1999). This questionnaire was intended to provide basic information about the vitality of folk songs in a given area, and at the same time was to provide the committee with the names of persons of interest as singers (i.e. informers) or transcribers. The results of these questionnaires were not intended to be published, but they were to be used to orient the transcribing effort. They were thus meant to establish an information network and be a test study, which to a certain extent required ethnological insight and was to be made possible by direct observation with participation. Vprašanje: I. Ali se v Vašem kraju ali njega okolici poje mnogo slovenskih narodnih pesmi ? i»«. Odgovor M* '¡¿/•"T" š**** / _ . Ali so pri Vas peteliar^nep^Kp^sfKio^afei:. redke, ne splošno znane, ki po Vaši misli še niso zapisane niti po besedah (tekstu) niti po napevu (melodiji)? Zaznamujte jih vsaj z naslovom, posnetim iž njih poglavitne vsebine! ■tti /. t J T .... . Ali poznate v Vašem kraju ali njega okolici ali tudi morda kje drugje osebe — moške ali ženske, mlade ali stare, omikane ali ne omikane — ki znajo peti mnogo narodnih pesmi, zlasti takih, kPše niso zapisane? INi Favno treba, da bi ti ljudje peli lepo; dovolj je, da dobro znajo melodijo.. Zapišite njih ime, stan (poklic)' in naslov -