87 Documenta Praehistorica XLIII (2016) The Cretan Mesolithic in context> new data from Livari Skiadi (SE Crete) Tristan Carter 1, Danica D. Mihailović 2, Yiannis Papadatos 3 and Chrysa Sofianou 4 1 McMaster University, Department of Anthropology, CA stringy@mcmaster.ca 1 2 University of Belgrade, Department of Archaeology, RS 3 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of History and Archaeology, GR 4 Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, Ephorate of Antiquities of Lasithi, GR Introduction Until recently, the received wisdom was that Crete (Fig. 1), the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean, had remained unoccupied until the founding of the Initial Neolithic (hereafter ‘IN’) village at Knossos by migrant Anatolian farmers around 7000 BC (Brood- bank, Strasser 1991; Evans 1994; King et al. 2008). Crete was thus something of an anomaly, given that later Palaeolithic populations were known on the islands of Corsardinia (22 000–18 500 BC), Cyprus (11th millennium BC), and Sicily some 30 000 years ago (Broodbank 2006.205–209; dates hereafter gi- ven as cal BC). Even in the Aegean, pre-Neolithic sites had begun to be reported by this time on a number of significantly smaller islands, including Ikaria, Kyth- nos, Melos, and Youra (Broodbank 2006.204–205, 211; Sampson et al. 2010; 2012), while a DNA study argued that some modern Cretans embodied traces of a local Middle Pleistocene population (Martinez et al. 2007). In 2008, evidence for Palaeolithic and Mesolithic activity was finally discovered on Crete’s ABSTRACT – Investigations at Livari (south-eastern Crete) produced a small Mesolithic chipped stone assemblage, whose techno-typological characteristics situate it within an ‘early Holocene Aegean is- land lithic tradition’ (9000–7000 cal BC). The material provides antecedent characteristics for the lithics of Crete’s founder Neolithic population at Knossos (c. 7000–6500/6400 cal BC). The idiosyn- crasies of the Knossian material can be viewed as a hybrid lithic tradition that emerged from inter- action between migrant Anatolian farmers and indigenous hunter-gatherers. Small quantities of Me- lian obsidian at Livari attest to early Holocene maritime insular networks, knowledge of which likely enabled the first farmers’ successful voyage to Crete. IZVLE∞EK – Raziskave na najdi∏≠u Livari (na jugovzhodu Krete) so pokazale navzo≠nost drobnega mezolitskega kamnitega inventarja, katerega tehnolo∏ke in tipolo∏ke zna≠ilnosti ga postavljajo v ok- vir ‘zgodnje holocenske egejske tradicije kamnitih artefaktov’ (9000–7000 cal BC). Ta material pred- stavlja predhodnike tipov kamnitih orodij, ki so zna≠ilna za kretsko ustanoviteljsko neolitsko popu- lacijo v Knossosu (ok. 7000–6500/6400 cal BC). Zna≠ilnosti materiala iz Knossosa ka∫ejo na hibrid- ne tradicije v tipologiji kamnitih artefaktov, ki so se pojavile kot posledica interakcije med migran- ti – poljedelci iz Anatolije in domorodnimi lovci in nabiralci. Manj∏a koli≠ina obsidiana iz Melosa na najdi∏≠u Livari pa ka∫e na zgodnje holocensko morsko omre∫je, ki je potekalo med otoki, kar je omogo≠alo prvim poljedelcem, da so pridobili znanje za uspe∏no plovbo do Krete. KEY WORDS – Greece; Aegean Islands; Mesolithic; Neolithisation; lithics; Knossos 1 Correspondence to: Tristan Carter, Department of Anthropology, CNH 524, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4L9. Email: stringy@mcmaster.ca DOI> 10.4312\dp.43.3 Tristan Carter, Danica D. Mihailović , Yiannis Papadatos and Chrysa Sofianou 88 south-west coast, the former da- ted to at least 110 000–130 000 BP (Strasser et al. 2010; 2011). These new data force us to con- front a number of questions. First- ly, do they imply Crete’s contin- ual occupation from the Middle Pleistocene, or are these traces of intermittent visitations and/ or failed colonisations? Secondly, when the migrant farmers arrived at Knossos, did they land on un- occupied territory, or were they confronted by an indigenous hun- ter-gatherer population? If the lat- ter, what implications does this have for our understanding of early Knossos and the origins and nature of Neolithic society on Crete? Does the material cul- ture of IN Knossos attest to interactions between the two groups? Thirdly, in coming to Crete, did these Anatolian seafaring farmer-herders paddle into un- known waters, or were they drawing on ancient ma- ritime knowledge, taking advantage of pre-existing routes and interaction networks, with the settlement at Knossos being the result of prior reconnaissance trips (cf. Strasser 1996.327–328)? This paper attempts to answer these questions through detailing a new Mesolithic chipped stone assemblage from Livari Skiadi in south-eastern Crete. The assemblage is contrasted with broadly contem- porary data sets from the Eastern Mediterranean to see if Cretan practices can be located within larger regional traditions. We then reflect on the materi- al’s relationship to that from IN Knossos. Our work thus employs lithic technology as a means of con- tributing to debates on the nature and dynamics in- volved in the Neolithisation of the larger region (cf. Cauvin 2000; Kotsakis 2003; Perlès 2001; Pinhasi et al. 2005). Livari Skiadi The existence of a Cretan Mesolithic was first claimed via the publication of stone tools from surveys at Moni Kapsa and Plakias on the southern coast (Gala- nidou 2011.224; Strasser et al. 2010); one of the latter sites, Damnoni, having since been excavated (Strasser et al. 2015). Here we report on Livari Skia- di (hereafter Livari), the second Mesolithic site to have been dug on Crete (Fig. 1). Situated on Crete’s south-eastern littoral, Livari today comprises a small and relatively flat coastal plain enclosed by low steep hills to the north. It is cut by several streams, two in quite deep gorges, while a spring provides a year-round water supply (Fig. 2). Aeolian and sea erosion has largely removed the Ho- locene soil deposits, exposing large areas of the na- tural bedrock, a Miocene conglomerate consisting of limestone, dolomite and chert (Brandl 2010). In 2008–2010 the Greek Archaeological Service exca- vated a small Early-Late Bronze Age cemetery at Skia- di, 50m from the modern seashore (Papadatos, So- fianou 2015). While the work’s focus was the 3rd– 2nd millennia BC burials in a tholos, rock shelter and ‘house tomb’ (Fig. 3), it subsequently became ap- parent that there were also traces of Mesolithic oc- cupation. This is not an insignificant claim, and as such requires substantiating. The evidence for Mesolithic Livari The evidential basis of Livari’s Mesolithic occupation is comprised primarily of chipped stone artefacts (Figs. 4–6). The material derives from thin remnant Holocene soil deposits that were protected from ero- sion by the rock shelter and Bronze Age tombs (sug- gesting that most soil was lost after the 2nd millen- nium BC). It is important to state that the excava- tors found no stratigraphic distinctions between the material we claim to be Mesolithic and Bronze Age, i.e. these were mixed deposits due to the later activities associated with the 3rd– 2nd millennium ce- metery. The total lithic assemblage from the excava- Fig. 1. Location of main sites and regions mentioned in the text. The Cretan Mesolithic in context> new data from Livari Skiadi (SE Crete) 89 tion comprised 469 pieces, of which 251 are identi- fied as Mesolithic. This claim is based on an integrat- ed four-fold approach that considers the role and nature of chipped stone tools in Cretan Bronze Age burial practices/contexts, the techno-typological cha- racteristics of the assemblage, raw material selec- tion, and intra-site artefact distribution. A further po- sited 20 Mesolithic artefacts were subsequently col- lected from the site’s surface within a 20m radius of the excavation area in 2014. The Livari chipped stone assemblage is made up of two techno-typologically distinct components. The first comprises obsidian pressure-flaked blades of Bronze Age date (Fig. 4). The second component of the Livari material consists of a microlithic flake- based tradition, most of which were produced using local raw materials (Figs. 5–6); this material, we argue, is Mesolithic. The Bronze Age assemblage Just under half of the Livari chip- ped stone (n = 218/469) com- prises fragmentary prismatic blades (Fig. 4). Most of these im- plements are made of obsidian (n = 215/218, 99%), a raw ma- terial that is exotic to Crete, the closest sources being located in the Aegean islands (Carter 2009). These fine, razor-sharp blades were pressure flaked, as evidenced by their parallel mar- gins and dorsal ridges, even lon- gitudinal thickness, diffuse bulbs of ‘percussion’, and small or ab- sent bulbar scars (Carter 2015.114–115; see also Tixier 1984). Their dihedral plat- forms, lack of lip and over- hang attests to the use of a copper-tipped flaking tool (Pe- legrin 2012.485–490). The other three pressure blades were made of chert, one grey- ish- blue, the other two tan in colour (Fig. 4.CS10–C11). The recovery of obsidian pres- sure blades from a Cretan Bronze Age cemetery is enti- rely in keeping with the islan- ders’ funerary traditions of the 3rd–2nd millennia cal BC. This Livari material has numerous parallels. Indeed, Carter (1998;1999; 2010) has studied/published over 20 of these data sets from eastern and central Crete. These obsidian-dominated assemblages are highly structured, lacking cores or production debris. The fragmentary state of these implements is like- ly due to their post-depositional breakage, rather than deliberate fragmentation. The blades’ freshness and almost complete lack of use-wear further sug- gest that they were produced specifically for funer- ary consumption. While Crete is known to have small deposits of knap- pable cherts and other siliceous materials through- out the island (cf. Blitzer 2004.511; Brandl 2010; Carter 2007.685–688; inter alia), tools of these raw materials are rarely documented in these burial as- semblages. Moreover, such local resources tended to have been ignored by Cretan/southern Aegean Bronze Age populations, with obsidian being the Fig. 2. Map of the Livari plain and early Holocene coastline reconstruction. Fig. 3. View of Livari rock shelter from the south-west. Tholos tomb to the right, ‘house tomb’ to the left. Tristan Carter, Danica D. Mihailović , Yiannis Papadatos and Chrysa Sofianou 90 raw material of choice for both domestic and fune- rary products (Carter 2009.202– 204). The Mesolithic assemblage The remainder of the Livari assemblage is microli- thic in character (few pieces >2.5cm), dominated by local chert and radiolarite (Brandl 2010), and de- rived from flake (dominant, n = 220, 88%) and bla- delet traditions (n = 31, 12%), with the blanks per- cussion-knapped from pebble cores (Figs. 5–6). Such material is completely unknown from the numerous Cretan Bronze Age assemblages we have studied (Carter 2015, for references). Nor are the artefacts believed to be Neolithic, as Cretan assemblages of this date are almost exclusively obsidian-and blade- based (e.g., Christopoulou 1989); only at IN Knos- sos is there a significant component of flake-tools and bladelets, although here, too, obsidian prevails (70%; Conolly 2008). The relationship between the Livari and IN Knossos assemblages is discussed below. The lithics were recovered carefully, with all soil sieved through a 300 micron-mesh. While the chip- ped stone all seems to derive from secondary contexts intermixed with Bronze Age burial material (no stra- tigraphic distinction was noted), we highlight the fact that the distrib- ution of the chert percussion flake/ bladelet material does not mirror that of the obsidian pressure-blades (Tab. 1). We believe strongly that this contextual distinction is due to their chronological differences. For instance, the deposition of burials and grave goods (28% of the obsi- dian blades) deep in the rock shelter is a well-attested practice in Bronze Age Crete (Branigan 1988.153– 154), yet such a dark, cramped space makes little sense for Meso- lithic activity, thus explaining why only 3% of the chert artefacts came from here. For the flake tradition using local raw materials, we have the entire reduction sequence, with nuclei, cortical debris, and tools. The cores were reduced multi-directionally (Fig. 6.1), although there are a few unipolar cores and three (opposed platform) pieces esquillèes, a few being related to on-site percussion bladelet production (12%, n = 31), with cores, plat- form rejuvenation tablets, and end-products (Fig. 6.2–3). A high proportion of the percussion flake and bla- delet tradition material is modified (n = 110, 44%; Fig. 6.4–16, 18–22; Tab. 2); this is again quite dif- ferent to Cretan Bronze Age assemblages, which typ- ically have <10% retouched pieces (Carter 2015. 116). Most have simple linear modification (Tab. 2), followed by ‘spines’, i.e. pointed tools used as borer/ perforators or drills (Fig. 6.8–11), notches, dentic- ulates, composite tools, scrapers (Fig. 6.21–22), blanks with convergent retouch (broader tips than ‘spines’ (Fig. 6.6–7)), geometrics (Fig. 6.18–20), and backed pieces. There were two burin spalls, but no burins per se. Inverse retouch is common, noted on a third of the modified pieces (n = 34, 33%); this is a characteristically Mesolithic mode of modification (cf. Perlès 1990.Doc. II.11), quite distinct from Neo- lithic or Bronze Age tool-making traditions. Many of the artefacts also display macroscopic use-wear, whether retouched or otherwise. Fig. 4. Bronze Age pressure blades from Livari made of obsidian and chert (CS 10–11). The Cretan Mesolithic in context> new data from Livari Skiadi (SE Crete) 91 While our claim for early Holocene activity is consti- tuted primarily on the quintessentially Mesolithic character of its chipped stone, Livari also fits the Aegean Mesolithic site-location model forwarded by Runnels (2009.60–62) at the “intersection of wood- land and aquatic habitats”. The site is located in front of a rock shelter, offering protection from the strong north winds, with a nearby spring and small caves in the gorge, with the early Holocene coastline approx. 1.5km to the south (Fig. 2). This coastal wet- land plain would have provided a perennial water supply, and a rich array of animals, plants, and ma- rine resources for hunter-fisher-gatherer subsistence, a setting directly comparable to the “foraging coast- scapes” (Broodbank 2006.211) enjoyed by the well- documented Mesolithic populations of the southern Argolid (Runnels 2009). Dating the Livari material and its relationship to early Holocene traditions of the Eastern Me- diterranean Given the mixed nature of the Livari deposits, the chert/flake-dominated assemblage can be dated only through reference to comparanda from elsewhere. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the closest parallels come from the Plakias sites 180km to the west (Fig. 1), which are similarly flake-based and microlithic, with ‘spines’, denticulates, geometrics, notched, and back- ed pieces (Strasser et al. 2010.163–171, Tab. 2). Preliminary reports of the material from stratified Mesolithic deposits at Damnoni details a di- rectly comparable assemblage to the Liva- ri chert (Strasser et al. 2015.278, Figs. 7– 9), an impression that is further strength- ened through Danica Mihailovi≤’s first-hand study of both data sets (Fig. 7). With ab- solute dates yet to be published from Dam- noni, we need to consider parallels from overseas excavated assemblages in order to offer some thoughts on Livari’s chronolo- gy, with that from the mainland Franchthi Cave being particularly informative (Fig. 1). The Livari material has much to compare with the Lower-Final Mesolithic assemblages from Franchthi’s lithic Phases VII–IX (Fig. 6; Tab. 3) that span 8500– 7000 BC (Perlès 2001.Tab. 2.1). These assemblages are similarly microlithic and dominated by flakes (95%) struck from small pebble cores, with notches/ denticulates being the most common tools, followed by flakes with simple linear retouch, scrapers, backed pieces, and geometrics inter alia (Perlès 1990.23– 93, Figs. 5–8, 13–19, 21–22), although Livari has a significantly higher proportion of ‘spines’ (Fig. 6). The Livari material also includes proportionally more bladelets than at Franchthi VII–IX (12%; v. 4–5%), and instances of inverse retouch (33%; v. 17%); these are both features more characteristic of Final Palaeo- lithic assemblages (Perlès 1987), i.e. the Livari ma- terial is potentially of earlier Mesolithic date (Phase VII in Franchthi terms, second half of the 9th millen- nium BC). While strong links can be established with the Fran- chthi lithics, Livari is ultimately better viewed as part of the ‘early Holocene Aegean Island lithic tra- dition’ (Figs. 1 and 8; Tab. 3). This tradition was first defined by Adamantios Sampson et alii (2010.68– 69) through reference to material from Maroulas on Kythnos in the Cyclades (early-mid 9th millennium BC), the Cave of the Cyclops on Youra in the Spora- Fig. 5. Mesolithic artefacts from Livari made of local cherts. Context Pressure Pressure Flake\ Flake\ Blade # Blade % Bladelet # Bladet % Rockshelter 60 28 8 3 House Tomb 51 23 40 15 Tholos Tomb 29 13 143 55 Around the Tholos 78 36 68 24 Tab. 1. Distribution of chipped stone at Livari by context, raw material and technology. Tristan Carter, Danica D. Mihailović , Yiannis Papadatos and Chrysa Sofianou 92 des (c. 8600–7800 BC), Kerame 1 on Ikaria in the Dodecanese (Sampson 2008; Sampson et al. 2010; 2012), plus Stélida and Roos on Naxos (Carter et al. 2013; 2016; Sampson 2015). These assemblages are also flake-dominated, with denticulates, notches, perforators, scrapers, and backed pieces, but have few opposed platform cores compared to mainland sites (n = 3/11 at Livari). The Cyclops Cave aside, these assemblages, Livari included, also have notable quantities of ‘spines’, a further distinction from the Franchthi material (Fig. 8). The Livari Mesolithic lithics provide further proof of overseas connections through the presence of four pieces of obsidian (n = 4/251, 1.6%) which were cha- racterised by energy- dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy as being products of the Sta Nychia source on Melos (Fig. 1), 235km away in the Cycla- des (Carter 2016). These obsidian artefacts can be distinguished easily from the Bronze Age pressure blades on the basis of their technology, form, and size, comprising a retouched bladelet, a ‘spine’ on a blade-like flake, a retouched part-cortical flake, and Fig. 6. Mesolithic artefacts from Livari. 1 multidirectional flake core/micro chopper with spine, 2 blade- let core/pièce esquillèe, 3 core rejuvenation flake, 4–5 unidirectional retouched bladelets, 6–7 flakes with convergent retouch, 8–11 ‘spines’, 12–16 retouched flakes, 17 flake, 18–20 geometrics with backed ele- ments, 21–23 short scrapers on flakes (14–17 obsidian, 18–23 survey material). The Cretan Mesolithic in context> new data from Livari Skiadi (SE Crete) 93 a denticulated flake (Fig. 6.14– 17). While we believe this to be the earliest Melian obsidian on Crete, the exploitation of these raw materials at distance has an earlier heritage, having been procured by pop- ulations from continental Greece during the 11th millennium BC Upper Palaeolithic (Renfrew, Aspi- nall 1990). While mainland hunter-gatherers con- tinued to exploit this material during the early Holo- cene (9th–8th millennia BC), the primary Mesolithic consumers of Melian obsidian were insular hunter- gatherers with ready waterway access to the Cycla- des (Fig. 1); linear distance from source cannot alone explain the distribution patterns (Tab. 4). The tiny quantities of obsidian attested at the Franchthi Cave and Livari suggests that the inhabitants of the main- land and southern Crete likely relied on intermedi- ary exchange to access these Melian resources (Car- ter 2016.18). The obsidian artefacts at all of these Mesolithic sites were made in the same way as tools flaked from local materials, although at Livari there is no evidence for obsidian being worked on-site. Turning our attention eastwards and southwards, how do the Mesolithic assemblages of the Aegean islands relate to contemporary material from Ana- tolia, Cyprus, the Levant, or North Africa? Can one document early Holocene supra-regional lithic tra- ditions, i.e. common technical practices that devel- oped through close social interaction, such as the establishment of exchange and kin partnerships (cf. Carter et al. 2013)? More specifically, if we can de- fine hunter-gatherer networks linking Cretan popu- lations with their eastern contemporaries, then we conceivably have evidence for the bodies of knowl- edge through which outsider migrant farmers came to know of particular Aegean destinations and the routes with which to reach them. If we focus on well-dated excavated assemblages, then the Aegean material bears little resemblance to most Anatolian, Levantine and North African tra- ditions of the 9th–8th millennia BC (Fig. 9). Hunter- gatherer (Epi-Palaeolithic) assemblages of Mediter- ranean and central Anatolia are bladelet based with geometrics (Kartal 2009; Baird et al. 2012.194– 195), while the early farmers of Pre-Pottery Neoli- thic (PPN) south-eastern Turkey and the Levant had skilled blade industries (Shea 2013.213–260). In turn, the lithic traditions of the Western desert and Nile Valley (Quarunian) are bladelet/ geometric in character (Midant-Reynes 2000.72–74, 77–82), while those of the Typical Capsian assemblages of North CHERT Linear ‘Spine’ Notch Scraper Denticulate Composite Convergent Backed Geometric Flake 18 12 12 8 8 10 6 3 Blade-like flake 4 8 1 1 2 2 Bladelet 1 1 1 1 1 2 Core 3 1 Core-tablet 1 OBSIDIAN Flake 2 Bladelet 1 TOTAL (n=110) 25 (23%) 22 (20%) 14 (13%) 13 (12%) 12 (11%) 11 (10%) 6 (5%) 4 (4%) 3 (3%) Tab. 2. Modified tools from the Livari excavation by raw material and blank type. Tab. 3. Comparing basic blank types (relative proportion) and the retouched component of the Livari percussion flake and bladelet assemblage with late Pleistocene-early Holocene material from the main- land and Aegean Islands (UP = Upper Palaeolithic; L/U/FM = Lower/Upper/Final Mesolithic; Dent. = den- ticulate; Geom. = geometric; data from Perles 1990; Sampson 2008; Sampson et al. 2010; 2012). Site Date Flake Blade(let) Retouch Linear ‘Spine’ Notch\ Compo- Scraper Backed Geom. Other Dent. site Livari |M 88% 12% 44% 23% 20% 24% 10% 12% 4% 3% 6% Franchthi VI UP 91% 9% n.d. 9% – 8% – 7% 40% 28% 7% Franchthi VII LM 97% 3% n.d. 34% 3% 33% 4% 11% 8% 2% 6% Franchthi VIII UM 95% 5% 7% 34% 4% 41% 5% 10% – – 6% Franchthi IX FM n.d. n.d. n.d. 28% 3% 46% 12% 3% 1% 3% 2% Kerame 1 LM 97% 3% n.d. 22% 19% 20% – 22% 11% 1% 7% Maroulas LM 97% 3% 11% 19% 16% 26% – 24% 3% 4% 8% Cyclops Cave L\UM 93% 7% 25% 20% 2% 11% 9% 11% 2% 7% 33% Tristan Carter, Danica D. Mihailović , Yiannis Papadatos and Chrysa Sofianou 94 Africa are blade/bladelet-based with geometrics (Rah- mani 2004.70–75). One possible connection to the Cretan/Aegean Me- solithic material is Cypriot. While Cyprus of 9000– 7000 BC formed part of the PPN world with its fine blade traditions (Knapp 2013.74–119), a survey at Nissi Beach (south-east Cyprus) collected material (n = 2225) that allegedly resembles Aegean early Holocene assemblages. The lithics are ‘microflake’- based (from pebble cores), with scrapers, backed pieces, and spines, the material purportedly repre- senting the tool-kits of foragers who were either occupying the island during the late Epi-Palaeoli- thic, or early contemporaries of the earliest Cypriot farmers (Kaczanowska, Kozlowski 2014.52–55, Fig. 27). While a tantalising potential link to Meso- lithic Aegean populations, knowledge of which may have later been used by migrant farmers venturing westwards from Cyprus (as attested genetically; King et al. 2008), the current evidential basis is insubstan- tial given the lack of absolute dates. Finally, there is tantalising evidence for comparable material emerging from archaeological work in south-western and western Anatolia, i.e. the obvi- ous continental landfall en route from Cyprus, and/ or point of departure for anyone paddling to Crete from Anatolia (Kartal 2009.Fig. 15; Horejs et al. 2015.Fig. 15). The excavation of late 9th/ early 8th millennia BC deposits from the Girmeler Cave in SW Turkey (Fig. 1) produced a ‘flint’ percussion-knap- ped flake-based assemblage – with some bladelets – including multidirectional cores and modified forms such as scrapers and perforators, but no classic mi- crolithic types (Takaoglu et al. 2014.112–113, Fig. 6). The excavators note the materials’ distinction from central Anatolian and Antalya region lithic traditions of the period, while also drawing tenta- tive parallels with Aegean Island Mesolithic assem- blages (Takaoglu et al. 2014.114). The second as- semblage comes from a survey of the Karaburun Peninsula on western Anatolia, opposite the eastern Aegean island of Chios (Fig. 1). The 116 artefacts of ‘white patinated flint’ were the products of a non- Fig. 7. Mesolithic quartz artefacts from Damnoni. 1 multidirectional flake core, 2 pièce esquillée, 3–5 flakes with linear retouch, 9–10 endscrapers, 11–13 ‘spines’, 14 notch, 15 pseudo-trapeze, 16 denticulate. The Cretan Mesolithic in context> new data from Livari Skiadi (SE Crete) 95 standardised flake-based tradition (only three blades recorded), with the few retouched pieces (approx. 10%) including scrapers and notches (Çilingiroglu et al. 2016.3–5, Figs. 4–5). The survey team clearly contrasts this material with the bladelet- and blade- based traditions of the Epipalaeolithic and Pre-Pot- tery Neolithic Eastern Mediterranean, instead draw- ing comparisons with Aegean Mesolithic assemblages (Çilingiroglu et al. 2016.5–6). The relationship of Crete’s indigenous Mesoli- thic traditions to Initial Neolithic Knossos So what impact has the new Cretan Mesolithic finds on how we view IN Knossos? Firstly, we need to be clear about what these data do not change. For in- stance, we still lack solid evidence for an indigenous hunter-gatherer population inhabiting Crete when the migrant farmers arrived around 7000 BC. With elements of the Livari and the Plakias region sites finding their best parallels from Franchthi Phase VIII of the earlier 8th millennium BC (Strasser et al. 2010.164), there could conceivably be a lacuna in Cretan occupation of at least 500 years until Knos- sos was founded (Perlès 1990.46–47). Moreover, even if the island was inhabited by local hunter- gatherers, it does not change the newcomers’ impact on Crete’s subsistence economy, as it remains that their agro-pastoral basis was a package of foreign domesticated and proto-domestic plants and animals that they brought with them (Broodbank, Strasser 1991.236–237; Horwitz 2013; Isaakidou 2008; al- though Sampson 2008.210, 225 argues for some in- dependent Aegean Island domestication processes). Where the discovery of a Cretan Mesolithic does change the debate concerns how we view the ear- liest material culture at Knossos. The first detailed study of Knossian IN chipped stone was undertak- en by James Conolly (2008), part of whose work was dedicated to finding the best overseas parallels in order to locate the settlers’ homeland(s) and chart their migration routes. The assemblage com- prised 394 artefacts, 70% of which were made from obsidian (in stark contrast to Livari’s 1.6%), plus a wide variety of local raw materials. The assemblage was flake based (approx. 80%), with the blanks having been percussion-knapped on-site from multi- platform and bipolar cores/pièces esquillées (Co- nolly 2008.76–77, Fig. 5.1–5.2). There was also a small blade component (11 percussion, two possi- ble pressure), but no associated manufacturing de- bris. A quarter of the assemblage was modified (n = 100), mostly in the form of non-standardised re- Fig. 8. Composition of lithic assemblages from the main excavated Aegean Mesolithic sites discussed in the text. Tristan Carter, Danica D. Mihailović , Yiannis Papadatos and Chrysa Sofianou 96 touched flakes. For Conolly, the as- semblage’s closest parallel came from IN Franchthi Cave (phase X), material of perhaps only slightly later date (Perlès 1990.84–85, Tab. 5.3, Fig. 5.5; Perlès et al. 2013). Both were flake-dominated and in- cluded small proportions of more technically advanced blade tools (2% at Knossos and 10% at Franchthi). However, while Perlès (1990.115– 118) viewed Franchthi’s flake com- ponent as representing continuity from Mesolithic technical traditions (with the IN the result of ‘accultura- tion’ by local (ex-)hunter-gatherers; Perlès et al. 2013.1012), Connolly (2008.85) rejected such an implica- tion for the IN Knossian flake mate- rial based on the belief that Crete had no indigenous hunter-gatherer population, i.e. the entire assemblage had to be the product of a foreign tradition. The assemblages’ si- milarity was instead viewed as the result of the com- munities’ comparable environments, which led to the independent development of functionally analogous tool-kits. Conolly’s interpretations have recently been chal- lenged by Malgorzata Kaczanowksa and Janusz K. Kozłowski (2011), whose own study of the Knossian IN material led them to downplay the similarities with IN Franchthi and instead locate Knossos with- in their early Holocene Aegean Island tradition. In the light of the Livari material, we agree broadly with this position. Ultimately, we believe that the chipped stone from IN Knossos is culturally hybrid. It embodies technical and raw material choices de- rived from migrant farmer and local hunter-gatherer traditions, which we argue resulted from close pop- ulation interaction, conceivably through inter-mar- riage, as allegedly evidenced in the Argolid at Kli- soura Cave 1 (Koumouzelis et al. 2003.117–118; although, see Hofmanova et al. 2016; Kılınç et al. 2016 for recent aDNA studies that seemingly argue against forager-farmer admixture). The Livari and Plakias region assemblages now provide the IN Knos- sos flake-based material, not least the notched/den- ticulated component, with good Cretan Mesolithic antecedents, while the minority blade component, specifically the pressure blades, provide links to east- ern Neolithic traditions. More specifically we sug- gest that Aceramic Neolithic Çatalhöyük in central Anatolia (Fig. 1) provides not only good parallels for some of the IN Knossian material, but also a con- ceptual analogy for the site’s foundation. Çatalhöyük’s basal levels are dated c. 7100 BC (Bay- liss et al. 2015), with the population’s subsistence based on a range of non-local domestic and proto- domestic animals and cereals that members of this community likely brought with them from the east, possibly Cappadocia, where agro-pastoralism and se- dentism was already established (Hodder 2006.82– 84). The material culture provides further links to this region, with elements of Çatalhöyük’s earliest chipped stone forming the westernmost edge of Near Eastern PPNB lithic traditions (Carter 2011. 12). At the same time, the fauna includes significant quantities of wild taxa (Russell, Martin 2005.44– 46, Fig. 2.3, Tabs. 2.5–2.7), while the chipped stone contains hallmarks of local Epi-Palaeolithic hunter- gatherer knapping practices with its bladelet techno- logies, and geometric tool-types (Carter 2011.11). Çatalhöyük’s earliest material can thus be concep- tualised in terms of cultural hybridity (cf. Bhabha 1995) due to interaction between indigenous hun- ter-gatherers and non-local farmers; a century later, we seem to witness a similar situation at IN Knossos. In terms of actual links between IN Knossos and late 8th millennium BC central Anatolian lithic traditions, both Çatalhöyük and nearby Canhasan III (Figs. 1 and 8) produced numerous exhausted bipolar cores or pièces esquillées, plus small quantities of blades, a few of which were pressure flaked (Ataman 1988; Carter et al. 2005.492–495, Fig. 11.8a–8b; Conolly Fig. 9. Lithic traditions of the 9th–8th millennium BC Eastern Medi- terranean. The Cretan Mesolithic in context> new data from Livari Skiadi (SE Crete) 97 2008; Kaczanowksa, Kozłowski 2011). In making these comparisons, one is wary of literalism, as Çatal- höyük is the only well-published central Anatolian site of this date, and differences do exist between their chipped stone assemblages (e.g., the lack of geometrics from Crete); at Knossos this may be part- ly due to indigenous Cretan influences on migrant Anatolian traditions. To claim Knossian links with central Anatolia is not new, with Arthur Evans (1994. 5) positing parallels in mud-brick construction and aspects of the economy, while part of the modern Cretan population’s DNA can be traced back to cen- tral and Mediterranean Anatolia through the J2a hap- lotype, whose appearance on Crete is linked to the spread of farming and Knossos’ foundation (King et al. 2008). The state of play While our understanding of the Cretan Mesolithic re- mains in its infancy, it still forces us to rethink long- held views concerning the foundation of Neolithic Crete. Through reference to Livari and other Aegean island Mesolithic data, one no longer has to invoke the founder principle to explain the idiosyncrasies of Knossian IN material culture, i.e. cultural drift from ‘homeland’ practices due to the colonists’ isola- tion (Cherry 1985.26–27). For us, the Knossian ma- terial represents a hybrid product of farmer and hunter-gatherer traditions, conceivably via group interaction on Crete itself (or through forager-farmer contacts in western Anatolia). Moreover, the pres- ence of Melian obsidian on Mesolithic Crete attests to pre-Neolithic maritime networks connecting Cre- tans with other islanders (Carter 2016), the ances- tral knowledge of which may have then been em- ployed by those early seaborne farmers as they aimed for the island’s north coast (cf. Broodbank, Strasser 1991.238–239). The fact we have still to find Early Neolithic sites on the intervening islands between Anatolia and Crete continue to bolster the argument that this was not only a targeted migra- tion, but also a long-range process (Horejs et al. 2015.Fig. 15). In turn, John Cherry’s original (1981) claim for a 2000-year gap between the establishment of farming on Crete and the Neolithisation of the smaller Aegean Islands remains largely true (an ex- ception being Ugurlu on Gökçeada/Imbros; Erdogu 2013). This suggests that the Cretan-Anatolian dual cereal-livestock subsistence basis was incompatible with smaller Aegean landmasses, which tend to lack sizeable tracts of land suitable for arable develop- ment (<10–15° slope). Indeed, the Late Neolithic/5th millennium BC farming economy that eventually suc- ceeded in the Cyclades was underpinned by sheep/ goat herding and fishing, having filtered out the ce- real and cattle component seen on Crete (Brood- bank 2000.76–85, Tab. 1). Other lacunae need to be highlighted. The lack of Mesolithic sites in the southern Dodecanese arguably hampers our claim that Anatolian migrant farmers could have tapped into deep-time knowledge of the sea- and landscapes they were about to encounter via intermediary islanders (though alleged Mesolithic surface finds are documented from Chalki; Samp- son 2010.139). That said, with the recent discoveries of late Pleistocene-early Holocene insular sites fur- ther to the north on Ikaria and Lemnos (Sampson et al. 2012; Efstratiou et al. 2013), together with the new south-west and western Anatolian evidence (Çi- lingiroglu et al. 2016; Takaoglu et al. 2014), it is arguably only a matter of time before Mesolithic ac- tivity is documented on the islands of Rhodes, Kar- pathos and Kasos (Fig. 1). Another data lacuna we take more seriously is that of later Palaeolithic is- land occupation. While Livari has some features that might be viewed as transitional Final Palaeolithic- Lower Mesolithic (proportion of bladelets and in- verse retouch), it remains that Crete lacks a well-do- cumented Upper Palaeolithic. This was perhaps to be expected, as most Aegean sites were apparently aban- Tab. 4. Mesolithic Aegean sites with obsidian: date, proportion of assemblage, linear distance from source. Site Region Period Date Obsidian Km to (cal BC) % Melos Livari Crete Mesolithic n.d. 1.5 235 Franchthi Cave (VII) Argolid Lower Mesolithic 8500 – 8000 0.2 135 Franchthi Cave (VIII) Argolid Upper Mesolithic 8000 – 7500 2.8 135 Franchthi Cave (IX) Argolid Final Mesolithic 7200 – 7000 0.2 135 Schisto Cave Attica Upper Palaeolithic – Lower Mesolithic 10 000 – 9300 0.8 150 Cyclops Cave, Youra Sporades Lower – Upper Mesolithic 8600 – 7000 8.4 295 Maroulas, Kythnos Cyclades Lower Mesolithic 8800 – 8600 31.1 75 Kerame 1, Ikaria Dodecanese Lower Mesolithic n.d. 26 170 Ataman K. 1988. The chipped stone assemblage from Can Hasan III: A study in typology, technology and function. Unpublished PhD thesis. Institute of Archaeo- logy. University College London. London. Bayliss A., Brock F., Farid S., Hodder I., Southon J. and Taylor R. E. 2015. Getting to the bottom of it all: A Baye- sian approach to dating the start of Çatalhöyük. Journal of World Prehistory 28: 1–26. 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