^ad dally ««p» Saturday* Sundays and Holidays PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uradniški In upravniikl prostori: M07 South Lawndala Ara OttK» ol PubUoatlon. MÜ? South Lawndala Ar» lalaphone. Rockwall 4M4 ^yEAR XXXIX Itou je Mi» M «1 awn an-*. -d«*^ iSToS^g 3 ESVSK?. CHICAGO 23. ILL. SREDA. 2«. MARCA (MARCH 26). 1947 Accaptanoa far mailing at »pedal rate of porta«« provided for ln soction 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917. authorlied on Juno 1 1018 Subscription 19.00 Yearly ÔTEV.—NUMBER 60 Patterson priporoča hitro pomoč Grčiji Vojni tajnik izrazil bojazen pred strmoglav-Ijenjem grške vlade. Državni department objavil vsebino sklenjenih dogovorov Washington. D. C.. 25. marca. _Vojni tajnik Patterson je priporočal kongresu, naj takoj sankcionira pomoč Grčiji, da ne bodo oborožene grupe pod vodstvom komunistov strmoglavile grške monarhistične vlade in prevzele kontrolo. Predlagal je, naj Amerika takoj pošlje Grčiji sto milijonov dolarjev. Patterson, mornarični tajnik Forrestal in državni podtajnik Acheson so nastopili pred člani senatnega odseka za zunanje zan deve, čigar načelnik je senator Vandenberg, republikanec iz Michigana. Patterson in Acheson sta izjavila, da Trumanov načrt ne predvideva pošiljanja ameriških vojakov v Grčijo in Turčijo, zaeno pa sta priznala, da bo šlo dvesto milijonov dolarjev od predlagane vsote štiristo milijonov dolarjev za vojaške namene. Amerika hoče napraviti iz Grčije in Turčije trdnjavo proti komunizmu. Finančna pomoč ne bo posojilo, temveč darilo. To dejstvo je razkril pomožni državni tajnik William L. Clayton, ki je nastopil pred člani kongresnega odseka za zunanje zadeve. Forrestal je dejal, da je Amerika že prodala štiri bojne ladje Turčiji in da je tudi Grčija vprašala za bojne ladje in parnike. Acheson je priznal, da bo morala Amerika dati finančno pomoč tudi južni Koreji, ki je pod ameriško vojaško okupacijo. Načrt predvideva potrošnjo $600,-000,000 v južni Koreji v prihodnjih treh letih. Achesonova izjava je dokaz, da se je Amerika odločila za ustavitev širjenja komunizma povsod. Senator Pepper, demokrat iz Floride, je vprašal Forrestala, ah je odločitev glede pošiljanja ameriških bojnih ladij v grške in turške luke demonstracija političnega značaja. "Izjavil sem že, da bo ameriška zastava šla v vse kraje sveta," je odgovoril Forrestal. Naše bojne ladje bodo v vseh vodah. Mislim, da to ne bo pro-vociralo neobičajnega zanimanja." Clavton je pojasnil, kako bo vsota $400,000,000 potrošena. Za vojaško pomoč Grčiji bo šlo $150.000.000, za vojaško pomoč Turčiji pa $100,000,000. Ostala vsota bo potrošena za utrditev Rrškc ekonomije, živila in druge potrebščine. Poleg tega bo Grči ja dobila $50,000,000 iz sklada pomožne organizacije UNRRA. Skupna vsota, katero bo dobila ('re,ja. bo $350,000,000. Clayton j* naglasil, "da ameriška vojaka pomoč Grčiji in Turčiji v VV)t $250,000,000 je potrebna v interesu nase lastne varnosti." državni department je razkril vseb.no tajn.h dogovorov, ki so tnl sklenjeni na konferencah Ve,ik*' tr(,jice v Teheranu, Jalti Število samomorov v Berlinu naraiča v h':!' marca.—List Tages-ki izhaja z dovoljenjem Ja n kih vojaških avtoritet, po-I" i .«sli samomorov v Bel-^ J I.ist trdi, da je 333 Nem-{>rlinu izvršilo samomor jar.uiirju in februarju. Med te-' 186. ki so si kon-' 1 fj< iz bojazni pred la- CLr¿*i teroriiti of»o¡eni u AlbaniH u 11 2i> marca,—Poročilo la je bilo ae-tla nov teroristične '»vjjenih v zapor. I H ki ve k r i«-M'ande ra gržko aneksi-nega Epirij«. na Krimu in Potsdamu. Iz teh je razvidno, da je bil storjen pritisk na Turčijo že leta 1943, naj stopi v vojno proti osiščnim silam na strani zaveznikov. Dogovore so sklenili predsednik Roosevelt, premier Stalin in premier Churchill. Turčija je tyla "nevtralna" do februarja L 1945. Vojno Nemčiji in Japonski le napovedala 31. marca, ko je bilo očitno, da bosta obe državi poraženi. Napoved je bila le formalna gesta, ker Turčija sploh ni šla v vojno proti Nemčiji in Japonski. To dejstvo bo igralo važno vlogo v kongresni debati glede ameriške finančne in vojaške pomoči Turčiji. Domače vesti Obisk Chicago.—Glavni urad SNPJ je zadnji pondeljek obiskal br. Anton Divjak iz Sheldona, Wis. Is Johnatowna Johnstown, Pa.—Dne 21. marca je po enoletnem bivanju v bolnišnici umrl za rakom John J. Loushe, star 39 let, rojen v Johnstownu. Bil je član društva 82 SNPJ in pred par leti član atletskega odbora SNPJ. Po poklicu je bil premogar. Zapušča ženo in hčerko, kakor tudi tri brata in dve sestri, vsi poročeni.—Frank Granda, tudi član društva 82, leži doma težko bolan vsled pljučnice, njegova žena pa se nahaja v bolnišnici, kjer so ji že drugič odrezali nogo vsled sladkorne bolezni. Oba sta stara že čez 70 let.—Charles Miklaucich se že čez mesec dni nahaja v bolnišnici radi poškodbe v tovarni, kjer mu je strlo peto. On je vojni veteran in je bil težko ranjen v Italiji.—Mnogi ljudje tožijo radi čudne kostne bolezni, ki jim onemogoča vsakdanje delo. V bolnišnici Imperial, Pa.—John Lombardo st.. član društva 106 SNPJ, se nahaja v bolnišnici Mercy v Pittsburghu, kjer je srečno prestal operacijo. Članstvo mu želi hitrega okrevanja. Is Južne Amerike Buenos Aires, Argentina.—Prve dni februarja je tukaj izšla Bullitt svari pred Rusijo Amerika v nevarnosti napada? Washington. D. C.. 25. marca. —William C. Bullitt, bivši ameriški poslanik v Moskvi, je nastopil pred člani kongresnega odseka, ki vodi preiskavo neameriških aktivnosti, in izrekel svarilo pred Rusijo. Bullitt je znan kot vojni hujskač in sovražnik sovjetov. Bullitt je dejal, da bi bila Rusija, ako bi imela atomsko bombo, e že napadla Ameriko. Ruska letalska sila je močna in morda bo v bližnji bodočnosti prekosila ameriško letalsko silo. "Amerika ima še priložnost za ustavitev Stalina in pohoda komunizma," je dejal. "Dvomim, da se ameriško ljudstvo zaveda nevarnosti v polnem obsegu. Ruaija ne bo tvegala napada na Ameriko, dokler ne bo imela zadostnega števila atomskih bomb. Iz tega razloga mora Amerika držati zaloge atomskih bomb." Pred odsekom je nastopil tudi James F. Green, načelpik komisije za amerikanizem Ameriške legije. On je dejal, da je najmanj 100,000 komunistov v Ameriki. Ti lahko formirajo ogrodje desetih vojaških divizij za omeh-čanje Amerike. Green je predlagal likvidacijo komunistične stranke; zaeno pa je naglasil, da so komunisti lojalni le Sovjetski uniji. Likvidacijo komunistične stranke je prej sugeriral delavski tajnik Schwellenbach. Porotniki oprostili bivšega sodnika • Harrifburg, Pa., 25. marca.— Porotniki so oprostili bivšega federalnega distriktnega sodnika Alberta W. Johnsona, ki je bil obtožen zarote z namenom osle parjenja federalne vlade in sprejemanja podkupnine. Tožitelj se ni strinjal z izrekom porotnikov in naznanil, da bo vložil pri-ziv. prva številka makedonskega mesečnika "Federalna Makedonija". List urejuje Slavko Tno-kov in bo izhajal kot glasilo argentinskih demokratičnih Makedoncev.—Edvard Strosar, doma iz Trnovega pri Gorici, se je po 20 letih bivanja v Argentini podal v rojstno vas k ženi, hčeri in sinu. Tukaj se je udejstvoval več let v dramskem društvu Ljudski oder.—Poročila sta se rojak Lucijan Biecher iz Trsta in Vera Pintar iz Gorice. OSTRA OBSODBA POLITIKE DRŽAVNEGA DEPARTMENTA New York.—Naznanilo državnega departmenta, da Jugoslavija ne bo dobila pomoči v obliki živil in da Amerika ne bo prodajala žita Jugoslaviji, je obsodil Michael M. Nisselson, predsednik Ameriškega odbora za pomoč Jugoslaviji. Dejal je, da se je ameriška zunanja politika razgalila v najbrutalnejši obliki. "Očitno je, da državni department odklanja pomoč v živilih moškim, ženskam in otrokom, katerim preti stradanje, zaradi političnih razlik," pravi Nisselson. "Organizacija UNNRA je podprla prošnjo za pomoč Jugoslaviji, kjer 5,000,000 ljudem preti stradanje. Kljub temu je državni department odklonil pomoč, čeprav je morala Jugoslavija znižati odmerke živil na 1.240 kalorij dnevno za osebo Odmerke bo morala ponovno znižati, preden bo prihodnja letina pospravljena. Nieaelaon je razkril, da je Sune Krašovec, jugoslovanski re-prezentant pri organizaciji Združenih narodov, povabil člane po- sebnega pomožnega odbora, naj obiščejo Jugoslavijo in študirajo situacijo na licu mesta. Odbor tvorijo reprezentantl Argentine, Brazilije, Kanade, Kitajske, Danske, Francije, Poljske, Anglije in Rusije. V pismu, ki je bilo poslano vsem članom kongresa, je odbor naglasil, da je zapostavljanje Jugoslavije nadaljnji dokaz, da je Amerika šla preko organizacije Združenih narodov. Odbor je predlagal pomoč Jugoslaviji, Grčiji, Italiji, Poljski in Ogrski, toda državni department je izločil Jugoslavijo iz političnih razlogov. "Uporabljanje živil kot političnega sredstva je nevredno ameriškega ljudstva in zgodovine," pravi pismo "Prezrtje potreb lačnih ljudi v Jugoslaviji je tako sredstvo. Hočemo vas opozoriti, da so Jugoslovani pred šestimi leti revoltirali in strmoglavili one. ki so sklenili kupčijo s Hitlerjem. To ae je zgodilo v črnih dneh po Dunkirku, ko je izjfledalo, da ae ne more ničesar vzdržati pred Hitlerjevo vojno mašino." NEHRU APELIRA ZA ZDRUŽITEV DRŽAV V AZIJI Čez 250 delegatov pri• i/o na konferenco ZAPAD PODŽIGA KONFLIKTE New Delhi, I ni J a, 25. marca. —Jawaharlal Nehru, vodja vse-indijske kongresne stranke, je v svojem govoru pred delegati 20 azijskih držav apeliral za združitev, ki je potrebna v interesu miru in napredka. Čez 250 delegatov je prišlo na konferenco, katero je aranžirala kongresna stranka. Koreja in Filipini bodo tudi poslali repre-zentante na konferenco. "Viharji divjajo nad Azijo," je rekel Nehru. "Potrebna je združitev vseh azijskih držav in skupnih sil. Mi moramo zaupati tem silam. Zapad nas je že neštetokrat pognal v konflikte in vojne. Celo sedaj, ko je Šlo človeštvo skozi strašno vojno, se stara igra ponavlja. Podžiga se nova vojna v atomski dobi. Miru ne bo na svetu, dokler ne bo Azija vstala in zahtevala besedo v važnih odločitvah." Nehru je sicer naglasil, da konferenca ni političnega značaja, zaeno pa je dal razumeti, da bo kmalu prišel čas, "ko mi ne bomo igrača drugih držav." Sklicatelji konference so trdili, da ne bo ra*prav o vojaških problemih in na o notranjih političnih zadevah katere koli države. Kljub temu je bilo očitno, da azijske država lahko formlra-oj Mogočno organt/açijo, če bodo demonstrirale voljo in odločnost. Na konferenco so dospeli delegati iz sovjetskih republik v Aziji, iz Tibeta, Cejlona, Indonezije, Kitajske in drugih držav. Konferenco je odprla Sarojini Naidu, slovita indijska pisateljica. Muslimanska liga, manjšinska stranka v Indiji, ni poslala re-prezentantov na konferenco. Povabilu so se odzvale arabske dežele Srednjega vzhoda in posla le delegate, čeprav so voditelji lige skušali ustvariti vtis, da bodo delegati le lutke vseindij-ske kongresne stranke na konferenci. Ameriška baza v N ovifund land i ji Washington, D. C., 25. marca. — Poveljstvo letalske sile je naznanilo, da bo imelo stalno letalsko bazo pri Harmonu, Nova-fundlandija. Amerika je zgra dila bazo tamkaj po sklenitvi dogovora z Veliko Britanijo. Slednja je takrat odatoplla več baz na njenih otokih Ameriki v zameno za 50 starih bojnih ladij. __ Revolta proti paragvajski vladi se krha Asuncion, Paragvaj, 25. marca. —Predsednik Higmlo Morinigo je dejal, da se revolta. katere cilj je bil strmoglavljenje njego ve vlade. krha. Rebel! v sever mh krajih skušajo skleniti mir z vlado. Morimg) je naglasil, da je proti sklenitvi miru z rebel i. Revolta ae je pričela prve dni tega meseca Ifi zavzela obliko civilne vojne. T »•• • Turčija je oboroženo taborišče Armada naperjena tudi proti ljudstvu Ankara. Turčija, 25. marca.— Dočlm se ostali svet nahaja v atmosferi nezagotovljenega miru, je Turčija oboroženo taborišče in pripravljena na vojno. Dasi ni bila udeležena v drugi svetovni vojni med osiščnimi silami in zavezniki, ima največjo oboroženo silo po številu prebivalstva. Koliko mož ima Turčija pod orožjem, je tajnost. Mnenje prevladuje, da je 500,000 do 1,000.-000 mož pod orožjem, liesedni-kl vlade stalno naglašajo, da je turška armada pripravljena na vse eventualnosti. Bistveno vojno stanje ie v več turških provincah. Voditelji vla de poudarjajo, da je dežela v nevarnosti, zaeno pa odprto Izražajo bojazen pred možnostjo agresije s strani sovjetske Rusije. ■ Na drugi strani je med ljudstvom razširjeno mišljenje, da vlada drži močno oboroženo silo tudi vsled "domačih potreb"—da lahko zatira opozicijo v interesu svojega totalitarskega režima. O svobodi govora ali tiska ni nobenega sluha. Tajni razgovori med Stalinom in Bevinom Državnika se sestala v Kremlinu. Rusija razkrila dogovor o avstrijskih reparacijah Zasliianje reprezentantov Jugoslavije Mountbatten postal * podkralj Indije New Delhi. Indija, 25. marca. —Lord Louis Mountbatten je bil zaprisežen kot britaki podkralj Indije. Nasledil je feldmaršala Anglija bo pomagala grški vladi Londonski list kritizira Trumana London. 25. marca. — Vast iz zanesljivih viroV pravC da bo Velika Britanija poroagsla grški monarhistjčni vladi po 31. marcu. Nudila ji bo finančno in ekonomsko pomoč ter podprls o-fenzivo grških vladnih čet proti gerilsklm grupam v severni Grčiji. Poročils Iz Aten in Lsrisse pravijo, da je petnajsta divizija grške armade, podprta s topništvom ln letalsko silo, ža začela ofenzivo proti gerilcem v krajih v bližini albanske meje, V Londonu trdijo, da je delavska vlada dobila zagotovilo iz Washingtons, da bo kon gres odobril Trumanov načrt glede finančne in vojaške pomoči Grčiji in Turčiji. Načrt predvideva potrošnjo $400,000,000 za pofrioč obema državama," da se bosta lahko upirali poplavi komunizma." Alexander A. Pallia, besednik grškega poslaništva v Londonu, je naznanil, da bo Velika Bri tanija poslala grški armadi 90 bojnih letal tipa Spitfiros, ki sa bodo udeležila ofenzive, katere Moskva. 25. marca. — Britski zunanji minister Ernest Bevin se je sinoči sestal s premierjem Stalinom v Kremlinu. Imela sta dolg razgovor, toda predmet ni bil razkrit. Mnenje prevladuje, da sta razpravljala o potrebi revizije in podaljšanja veljavnosti pogodbe o vzajemni vojaški pomoči. Sestanek med Stalinom in Bevinom je bil najvažnejši dogodek, odkar se je pričela konfe renca zunanjih ministrov štirih velesil v Moskvi. Izgleda, da se je Velika Britanija odločila za rešitev kompliciranih vprašanj med njo in Rusijo. Rešitev vprašanj zahteva nova politika Trumanove administra cije, ki se je odločila za finančno in vojaško pomoč Grčiji in Turčiji. Velika Britanija bo skušala doseči nekakšen sporazum z Rusijo, da bosta obe državi na jasnem, kje stojita v naglem razpletu svetovne situacije. Pričakuje se, da bo ameriški državni tajnik George C. Marshall imel sestanek s Stalinom. Francoski zunanji minister Georges Bidault je Imel važen razgovor s Stalinom zadnji te den. Nadaljni tajni dogovor je bil razkrit n^ konferenci zunanjih ministrov. Sklenjen je bil med Rusijo, Ameriko in Veliko Brh tanijo na konferenci velika trojice v Potsdamu. Dogovor )e razkril Feodor Gusjev, namestnik ruskega zunanjega ministra Molotova. Velika trojica ja z dogovorom priznala, da je Jugoslavija upravičena do vojne od škodnine $150,000,000 od Avstrije. Gusjev je predlagal, naj reprezentantl Jugoslavije nastopijo na moskovski konferenci. De jal je, da dogovor, sklenjen v Potsdamu, Je še obvezen. Jugoslavija je upravičena do re prez.entacije v času, ko se bodo vršile diskuzije o avstrijskih re paracijah, Jugoslavija zahteva tudi slo vensko Koroško. Naletela je na opozicijo s strani namestnikov zunanjih ministrov štirih vele- cilj je zdrobitev grških gerilskih sil. ' Londonski tednik New States man je objavil članek z ostrim napadom na predsednika Trumana. Očita mu, da je šel preko organizacije Združenih narodov, ko je apeliral na kongres, nuj sankuionlra finančno in vojaško pomoč grški moriarhistlčni vladi. PRIPRAVE ZA SPLOŠNO" STAVKO TELEFONSKIH DELAVCEV Washington, D. C.. 25. marca —Odbor za smernice federacije telefonskih delavcev se je izrekel za oklic splošne stavki* proti American Bell Telephone Co. Stavka bo oklicana 7. aprila, ako ne bo prišlo do sporazuma s kom pan i Jo. Odločitev Je naznanil Joseph A Uelrne, predsednik federacije. Padla je na seji članov od> bom za smernice. Federacija uključuje 39 unij, ki Imajo 287,-000 članov. Beirne je dejal na sestanku s časnikarji, da kompanija ni ponudila ničesar unijam, ko ao JI bile predložene zahteve Unije zahtevajo med drugim zvišanje pleče za $12 na teden. Bei rne Wavella. Možno t je, da bo')« bil instruiran, naj navež* sti-Mountbatten zadnji britaki pod jke z W A. Glffordom ln C Cral-kralj Indije, ki je ¿e dve stoletji fom Prvi je predsednik, drugi pod britsko kontrolo, po polo I pa podpredaednlk American Te-žitvi prisege je novi podkralj lephone & Telegraph Co. Beirne apeliral na indijske grupe za kooperaajo. politične jt razkril, da je bil zaključek glede oklica stavke soglasno sprejet na seji članov odbora zn smernice * Chicago. 25 marca — Illino.s Bell Telephone Co. Je predlagala, naj m spor med njo in tremi unijami telefonskih delavcev predloži v rešitev nepristranskemu arbitražnemu odboru, da se odvrne preteča splošna stavka 7 aprila. To je prva kompanija, ki se je izrekla za arbitražo Senator Morse, republikanec i/ Ofegona, Je zadnji leden predlagal, naj telefonske komperilje ln unije predlože spor v rešitev arbitražnemu odboru. Naglasil je, da Je to potrebno v interesu javnosti. Nekateri uradniki federacije1 "7 telefonskih del.,vo* so ss že iz- biviih štavkarjcu rekli za mirno Izravnavo konflikta. Kompanija je predlagala, naj bi arbltružnl odbor tvorili goverrter Grem, načelnik vrhovnega državnega aodišča ln reprezentsnt centra za Industrijske odnošaje čikaike univerze. sil, ko so konferirali v Londonu o mirovni pogodbi za Avstrijo. Pričakuje se, da se bo Molotov zavzel za Jugoslavijo in podprl njene zahteve. Pravda, glasilo komunistične stranke, je objavila članek z ob dolžitvijo, da hočeta Amerika in Velika Britanija razveljaviti dogovore, ki so bili sklenjeni na konferenci velike trojice v Potsdamu. Dogovori se nanašajo na zasego nemškega premoženja v Avstriji, Anglija ne more znižati armade Demobilizacija bi ogražala varnost London. 25. marca. — "Delavska vlada ne more znižati brit-skih oboroženih sil pod točko, ki je bila že določena, čeprav je pomanjkanje delavcev," je dejal vojni minister A. V, Alexander v parlamentu. On je odgovarjal laboritu J. A. Callaghanu, ki je trdil, da vlada še ne ve, ali bo mir ali vojna. Alexander je naglasil, da bi pospešitev demobilizacije ogražala varnost Velike Britanijo. Ona mora braniti svoje interest v teku rasvoja organizacije Združenih narodov. Argumenti o potrebi znižanja britske armade, mornarice in letalske sile so se slišali v teku debate o ekonomski krizi. Celo konservativci so naglašall, da mora biti oborožena sila zniža na, du se zamaše vrzeli v industrijah. Vlada naj bi odpustila več tisoč vojakov in jih uposlila v industrijah, da se poveča pro dukcija. Cullugliaii je ostro kritiziral vlado v teku debate v parlamentu. "Po /aključenju prve sve tovne vojne," Je dejal, "se Je govorilo, du vojne ne bo najmanj deset let in generalni štab je se stavil načrte v tem smislu. Se daj, po /aključenju druge sve tovne vojne, ne vemo, kje smo. Izgleda, da smo v dobi med vojno in mirom. Velika Britanija ne more vzdrževati ogromne oboi ožene sile, zuto mora biti znl-žana. Ako vlada zavzema stali šče, du je iHiirianjkanJe delovne sile vzrok ekonomske krize, naj stori potrebne korake, da bodo imele industrije dovolj delavcev. V vzdrževanjem ogromne oborožene sile se zapravlja delovna moč in posledica Je ravlačeva nja programa in prizadevanj za ekonomsko okrevun|e." Alexander |e priznal, da ima Velik» HrltuniJa visoke stroške r. vzdrževanjem oboroženih sil. V tem letu bodo znašali $3,590,-000,000. On Je tudi priznal, da (e 450,000 delavcev uposlemh v industrijah, ki izdelujejo orožje, strelivo m drug vojni material. Unija ADF zmagala pri volitvah Chicago, 25 marca. Unija te« petrukov, včlurijeni v Ameriški delavski federaciji, Je zmagala pil volitvah med delavci, ki so uponlcni v tovarni Commercial Kurniture Co. Dobila je večino glasov in s tem postala predstavnica vseh delavcev pri kolektiv» nih (»ogajanjih. Volitve Je odredil federalni delavski odbor. Kompanija noče u posli• Milwaukee, Wis., 25. marca.-» Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. )e naznanila, da ne bo uposlila 94 bivših stavkarjev. Kot vzrok o menja, da so podžigab nasilja v teku stavke, ki je trajala 327 dni. Avtna unija CIO je preklicala stavko zadnjo soboto. S TZ PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT ^^aii^n IN LASTNINA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPO»«* JCDMOTI Orfu of «ad pobil«had by Slovo« Naročnina m Zdruiana Jršsve (Isvea Chlca«s) te aa telo. 13.00 ta pol teta. I1.S0 m četrt teta i aa Chicago te okolteo Cook Co~ 17.50 aa oolo teto. M.7I «a pol tete» «a Inosenastro OOJO. Subacriptlon rateai tor tha United State* (oaoopt Chlcapo) aad Caaada SSJO pav f—. Cblcago aad Cook Cooatr 97J0 por fser. toraign couatrtea »I.Oo par yoar. , ^ Cona oglasov po dogovoru.—Rokopisi dopisov ln n«naroč»nib 'laakov «a na vračalo. Rokopiti literarno vteblns (6rtlos. pavšali i. potmi Ud.) is rroajo pošli jatalju te w »lučaju, ¿s Ja priloMl AdvortUlaf ratet oa sgrosmsaL—MamaScrlpti of i sad untolicitad srtlclst will not bt rsturnsd. Otbor manuscript*, tucb at tlortet. pteft. poamt. »!c~ will bo rsturasd to tond ar only «ten accompanied by *H-id J rot tod sad ttampod anvslops. Naslov na v»e. kar lasa stik s liatomi PROSVETA 2SS7-69 So. Lawndalo Art. Chicago 29. lUlnote DRUŠTVENE PRIREDBE V SPRINGFIELDU Spring!iold. 111. — Društvo it. 47 SNPJ je na pretekli društveni seji, katera se je vršila 16. marca t. L, med drugimi zadevami vrelo tudi v pretres se-dajno kampanjo za pridobivanje novega članstva SNPJ. Sicer pa se društvo, odkar obstoji, kakor tudi posamezni člani, vedno zaveda, da je potrebno gledati na to, da se pridobi vedno kakega novega člana v društvo, kjerkoli nanese prilika za to. Tako se tudi društvo zaveda seda j ne kampanje in vsled tega je bilo soglasno zaključeno, da bode društvo in posamezni člani gledali in delovali, da bo naši določeni kvoti vsaj delno zadoščeno. Torej, bratje in sestre, skušajte že do prihodnje društvene seje pridobiti kakega novega člana ali članico. ' . Nadalje je bilo zaključeno na gori omenjeni seji, da priredimo društveno veseličo z uprizoritvijo primerne šaloigre dne 11. maja ob 3. uri popoldne. Po končani igri se bo pričela prosta za bava in ples. Vstopnina k igri in za ples bo 50c za osebo, toda podrobnosti o tej prireditvi bodo še pozneje poročane. Pred to društveno prireditvijo se pa nam obeta prilika viditi lepe in zanimive premikajoče slike, katera bodo predvajane v nedeljo, 0. aprila, ob 5. uri popoldne. Te filme bo predvajal SDD. Slike bodo izvajane ali kazane v gornji dvorani; vstopnina bo prosta. V spodnji dvorani bodo pa na razpolago vse druge dobrote, katere človeku pripomorejo do dobre volje. Dne 26. aprila pa bo priredil gospodinjsko klub S. D. D. veliko prireditev, za katero je že sedaj veliko zanimanja. Podrobnosti bodo članice gospodinjskega kluba same poročale Diiavljani te mogočne, na eni strani silno bogate in na drugi pravočasno. Vse te priredbe se ¿udi zelo revne Amerike smo res čudni ljudje. Vsakdo izmed nas bodo vršile v prostorih 6. D. D. lahko s sigurnostjo pričakuje, da bo prej ali slej zbolel, prej ali slej potreboval zdravnika in lahko tudi bolnišnico. V našem lastnem interesu, v interesu ogromne večine posameznikov bi torej bilo, da bi si preskrbeli čim boljše socialno zavarovanje za slučaj bolezni —• tako zavarovanje, ki bi nam dajalo —• kot pravico ne kot "charity" — vso zdravniško oskrbo, vključlvšl bolnišnico z najboljšo oskrbo in zdravili. In sicer za vso družino. Če bi potrebovali izvežbano bolničarko na domu, bi jo tudi dobili brez vsakega moledovanja. Lahko bi imeli tako zdravstveno zavarovanje, da nam bi bolezen ne delala nobenih skrbi, to je, kje bo denar /a zdravnika, bolnišnico in drugo postrežbo. Da, tak sistem bi lahko imeli /a majhne cente, ako bi bil zavarovan sleherni delavec, pa naj dela v uradu ali rudniku, sleherni farmar, sleherni profesionist, obrtnik ali trgovec. Tak sistem bi si lahko oskrbeli, ako bi prispevali po dva, tri odstotke od plače ali zaslužku in prav toliko tudi delodajulec. Strokovnjaki so izračunali, dn bi za okrog tri milijarde dolarjev na leto že lahko imeli prilično dober sistem javnega zdravstva, ki bi nudil vsakemu posamezniku, sleherni družini zdravniško in hospitalizaclj-sko oh k ilro Ce bi potrošili štiri ali pet milijard dolarjev na leto, bi pa lahko imeli naravnost sijajno zdravstveno oakrbo za vse, vključivši zobozdravništvo. To je približno toliko kot danes naše ženske potrošijo letno za lepotlčenje. Sicer dežela tudi sedaj potroši okrog tri milijarde dolarjev letno za zdravje, t<»da ker je sedanji sistem povsem neracionalen, si več kot polovico ljudi ne more privoščiti ne zdravnika niti bolnišnice v slučaju bolezni, /.ato je bilo pri vojaških naborih v zadnji vojni tudi 45'. nabornikov "škartlranih" — vsled slabega zdravja, telesnih deformiranostl in podobno. Kolikor nam je znano, se no-ben« evropska dežela ne ponaša s tako slabim rekordom. Prav' Potreba zdravstvenega zavarovanja Od vseh civiliziranih (in še kako!) držav je Amerika edina dežela na svetu, kjer ni nobenega socialnega zavarovanja za sluča bolezni. V tej deželi "free enterprizerstva" je vprašanje javnega zdravja prepuščeno vsakemu posamezniku in privatni iniciativ zdravniškega trusta, bolnišnic, mazačev, tovarnarjev patentiranih zdravil in "zdravil" in "charity". Družba kot celota se za posa meznika ne briga in socialna medicina je tabu — prepovedana Kdor ima denar, si v slučaju potrebe lahko privošči tudi zdravni ka in bolnišnko z najboljšo postrežbo. Kdor nima denarja, lahko v slučaju bolezni pogine v grabnu kot kužek, to je, če se ga ne usmili kak zdravnik in kakšna dobrodelna ustanova. Ker so zdrav niki odvisni od svoje privatne prakse, se seveda branijo tako zva nih "charity cases", kajti v teh ni denarja. Prav tako bolnišnice pa naj bodo privatne ali institucijske (navadno cerkvenjaške). \ velemestih so sicer občinske bolnišnice, toda te so navadno pre natrpane, in vanje ne pridete, vsaj v Chicagu ne, ako si ne poišče te jx>litičnega "pula'\ Ker je vsak človek podvržen bolezni ln tudi je le malo takih korenjakov, da ne bi prej ali slej potrebovali zdravnika, so v današnjih razmerah take podporne organizacije kot je SNPJ torej velike važnosti za delavce. Z enim ali dvema dolarjema bolniške podpore si v slučaju resne bolezni sicer ne morete kupiti zdravnika in bolnišnice ter dragib zdravil, toda prav ta zavarovalnina je lahko vaš ključ do zdravnika in bolnišnice. Toda o tem ne mislimo pi sati, kajti tega se zavedamo vsi člani. To omenjamo predvsem vsled tega, da ne pozabimo na naši) jednoto, na našo zaščitnlco Zato ji v tej kampanji skušajmo pridobiti kakega novega člana bodisi v odrasli ali mladinski oddelek. Naj se torej» zopet po vrnemo k predmetu. SREDA, 26. MARCA nu. Jfi* * asovi iz tako ostalo. To se vidi, da smo v Evelethu imenitne ženske in nas ée Jmvt ne mara. Začela se je spomlad, toda pri nas samo na koledarju, kajti tu je še dosti ledu in snega, toplo mer pa kaže 14 stopnij nad ničlo. Spomlad spominja človeka na mladost in z nastopom spomladi se vsakdo počuti mlajše ga, Čeprav ni. Mladina se tu pridno ženi, a primanjkuje ji stanovanj. Sedaj pa malo za smeh. Bilo je v starem kraju. Nekoč je šel mladi par >na izprehod po slabi stezi, nesreča pa je hotela, da je dekletu spodletelo in je padlo. Njen spremljevalec ji je pomagal ustatl in v strahu jo vpraša, če se je kaj pobila. Ona reče: "Nič se nisem pobila, nié me ne boli." On pa pravi: "Oh, srček moj, samo da te nič ne boli, pa je dobro/' Kmalu potem pa sta se poročila. Slučaj pa je nane-sel, da sta «ez dve leti hodila po prav iati stezi. Žena se je spod-taknila in padla ravno na istem prostoru kot pred dvema letoma. Mož j» pravi: "OjKkrava nerodna, kar ubi se." Kakšna sprememba v dveh letih! Seveda niso vsi možje tako dobrosrčni. ... ;> * • Josephine Frantar, tajnica. Na veselo svidenje! John Goršek, tajnik 47 SNPJ. t VABILO NA SKUPNO ZABAVO Caraon Laka. Minn.—Društvo Kremlin št. 125 SNPJ, Lettonia Local, Hibbing, Minn., in dru-, štvo št. 8 HBZ bodo skupno z Jugoslovanskim pomožnim odborom priredila zabavo z večerjo in plesom dne 12. aprila, začetek ob 6:30 v Hibbing • Me-morial Buildingu. Med večerjo bo igral Krmpotičev tamburaški zbor, za ples 'pa orkester Obr-star. Ves čisti dobiček je namenjen za nakup zdravniških potrebščin za pobijanje tuberkuloze v Jugoslaviji. Na priredbo vabimo tudi članstvo drugih društev SNPJ in HBZ. Vsi dobrodošli. I'Odbor bo skrbel za dobro po strežbo. Pridite In s tem poma gajte našim bratom in sestram v stari domovini, ki še vedno potrebujejo pomoči! Marko Mrkonich. VABILO NA ZABAVO PODRUŽNICE 54 SANSa S. Chicago. 111.—Poročano je že bilo, da bo priredila podružnica št. 54 SANSa domačo zabavo v soboto, 29. marca, začetek ob sedmih zvečer. Odbor je pridno na delu in bo vsem dobro postregel, za plesalce pa bo igrala dobra godba. Naša podrtižnica je bila dobro zastopana na prvem kongresu, prav tako na prvi konvenciji SANSa. Da tudi to pot delujemo za narodno stvar, je potrebno, da se vsi udeležimo te zabave in pripomoremo do boljšega uspeha. Naša blagajna je skoraj prazna, kajtbijmi pošljemo sproti vse prispevke v glavni urad. Konvencija organizacije SANS se bo vršila 30. in 31. maja v Clevelandu in naša dolžnost je, da pošljemo toliko delegatov, do kolikor smo upravičeni. Da pa bomo lahko to storili, moramo spraviti skupaj potrebni denar. Torej iskreno vabimo vse rojake in rojakinje iz naše okolice, da se gotovo udeleže naše zabave v soboto, 29. marca, v dvorani IOS, 101 st. in Ewing ave. Poslovilnica od zastave društva Delavec 8 SNPJ pa se bo vršila 18. maja. Imeli bomo pester program ln predvajali tudi filme iz Jugoslavije. V kratkem bom opisal malo zgodovine o društveni zastavi, toda poprej moram dobiti v roke "maršala", da se prepričam, kakšnega konja je tedaj jezdil v paradi. Frank Kooic. ta lekord je največja obsodba obstoječega privatnega "zdravstvo-1 —- nega" sistema, ki še vedno sloni na razmerah in konceptih 18. in POROČILO TAJNICE itw 19 stoletja. * Zadnja leta so bili storjeni prvi konkretni koraki, da tudi ta de-iela dobi rnodei en siatem splošnega zdravstvenega zavarovanja. V mislih imamo tako zvanl Wagner Murray-Dingellov zakonski ca nu tek, ki je bil pred par leti prvič predložen kongresu, toda Je bil položen nu polico. Za ta ali podoben sistem splošnega idrav-stvenega zavarovanja so se Izrekle mnoge organizacije, tudi CIO in ADF Naklonjen mu je bil tudi pokojni Rooeevelt in tudi Tru-man ga je priporočal že v par poslanicah kongresu. Toda pri tem je tudi ostalo - urno pri besedah, od nosno kratki omembi, nakar je Truman pozabil nanj. Ker administracija ni ganila niti z mezincem, da bi kongres prisilila na njegovo uvaževanjc In sprejetje, je enostavno ostal na mrtvi točki. Pred par leti je bilo v deželi precej agitacije ra sprejetje Wag-ner-Murray-Dingellovega načrta Na kongres so pritiskale razne organizacije, toda ker je administracija kazala popolno brezbrižno»!, ni bilo nobenega rezultata. Na drugI strani je pa Ameriška zdravniška rveza. ki prakticira najbolj trdno "zaprto delavnico1, pričela / veliko kampanjo proti temu osnutku kot sploh proti vsakemu tpMnemu zdravstvenemu zavarovanju. Z zdravniško zvezo sodeluje roko v roki tudt vsa industrija patentiranih zdra vil in mnogi drugi "frce enterpruerjl". In tako ta kombinacija troši velike vsote denarja za pobijanje socializirane medicine. Glavni argument te propagande je. da bi xploàno rdravatvenn zavarovanje kot ga določa Wugnei -Murtay Dingrllov načrt, po-j menilo uveucrije plastnega — socializma. Vsak drtavljan, vaak bolnik bi iM*tal »u>enj" države, kajti ona bi mu odrejala, kako j in kje se bo zdravil in pod katerim zdravnikom. &e večji "sužnji" pa bi bili zdrsvniki. kajti za svo| kruh bi bili odvisni od držav«. Prvi kot drugi bi "izgubili vso svobodo", ln da bo to strašilo še bolj dr/alo, gre ta "free enterpri/erska" propaganda še korak da> Jje ln pravt, da bi tak zdravstveni štetem ne bil nič vreden stokrat slabši od privatnega, kajti zdravniki bt izgubili van "privatno iniciativo", vae zanimanje do bolnikov. (Dalje v sredo.) J DRUŠTVA 130 SNPJ Eveleth. Minn.- Na moje povabilo so se članice udeležile v velikem številu zadnje seje dru štva 130 SNPJ. Po seji pa smo šle v spodnje proatore na prigri rek. Članice so se zabavale in tudi petja ni manjkalo. Bile so zelo zadovoljne, ker sem jim na pravila malo zabave. Pravijo, da roka roko umije, obe po obraz. Tako se Je tudi zgodilo. Meni so napravile veselje na dan mojega godu dne 19. marca. Nekaj članic me je preoenetilo in poalale so mi lepe cvetice Prav lepa hvala za tak pozdrav! Cvetice imam zelo ra da. Udeležite se prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila M. aprila. Je zelo lepo. če je na seji velika udelei ha. Sedaj se Je začela kam pa nja za novo članstvo. Pri našem društvu »prejmemo na vsaki se)i po par otrok Seveda, izgubimo jih pa tudi, kot vsako društvo Druftine se selijo v razne kra je za zaslužkom No. če član pusti SNPJ. nima izgube, izguba pe je. kadar umre član in mora jed nota plačati smrt m no Pri našem društvu smo »rečni glede smrti Zadnji smrtni slučaj smo imeli julija 1944 želim, da bi AKTIVNOSTI ' DRUŠTVA 254 SNPJ Bon Air. Psu—Naj malo poročam o društvu Napredni Slovenci 254 SNPJ. Naše društvo ima veselico vsako nedeljo, včasih pa na soboto. Kdor koli se udeleži naše veselice, pravi, da se je dobro zabavah Veselica se bo vršila zopet 80. marca, katero smo krstili "ples z balončki mi". Za ples bo igral Rudy Granda. On je imeniten sldvenski godec in s svojim vriskanjem in korajžo u-stvari takoj, veselo razpoloženje. , Dne 6. aprila pa bo igral Louis Kopier, dne 13. aprila pa Johnny Klyder. Oba sta Slovenca. Kdor hoče imeti nekaj ur pristno slovenske zabave, naj ne pozabi oa zgoraj navedene datume. Vabimo rojake in rojakinje od blizu in daleč. Veselični odbor bo vsem dobro poskrbel. Le pridite, kajti ples bo za stare in mlade. Ob tej priliki želim opozoriti članstvo našega društva, naj ?e udeležuje društvenih sej bolj redno v večjem številu. Seja se vrši vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu. Prosim članstvo v splošnem, da bi; kooperiralo z menoj in točno plačevalo asesment. Naša prihodnja seja se bo vršila 13. aprila, za našo mladino pa v pondeljek, 14. aprila, torej ne več na sredo, ampak od sedaj naprej na pondeljek. Na svidenje 30. marca! Tony Dolence, tajnik. Va PROSLAVA DRUŠTVA 609 SNPJ IN KAMPANJA Arma. Ksnaas —Angleško poslujoče društvo Sunflowera 609 SNPJ bo proslavilo svojo 20-let nico ustanovitve v nedeljo 13. aprila, v dvorani Community v Franklinu. Pričetek zabave ob dveh popoldne. Za ples bo igral dobro znani Emil Bogataj iz Franklina. On je mojster-har monikar Društvo vabi vse Slovence iz okoliških naselbin. Torej pridi te na zabavo in se povesebte v krogu znanoev in prijateljev. Prav gotovo vam ne bo žal. Vstopnina Je prosta za vse. Pripravni odbor ob vsem dobro postregel. Da pa ne pozabite na datum veselice, bom pripomnil, da Je to prvo nedelja po veliki noči, kateri sino rekli v stan do movini bela nedelja, dan, ko se ptice ženijo. Ha, to bi pa bil dan ravno za vas, samci In samice, vdovci in vdovice. Pridite na proslavo in se bomo lahko tudi ženili. Sedaj pa Se par besed o kam panji za nove člane. Kaj ko bi tudt mi v Kansa.su skušali odnesti eno nagrado? Naš brat ured ntk pravi, da je Štorklja vedno pridno na delu m nam nudi pri liko za kampanjo. Ali vražja stvar je to. da agenti privatnih j zavarovalnih družb čakajo štor kljo že na pragu Pa vseeno., kakor pravi hr John šular. poj-J dimo na delo m nekaj uspeha mora biti! Martin Goranc. NA MATERINSKI DAN BO VPRIZORJENA DRAMA "SIN' Chicago, I1L—Čikaška slovenska javnost bo imela letos zopet priliko videti krasno dramo "Sin", katera je bila igrana v Chicagu menda pred 25 leti. Priredba se bo vršila pod pokroviteljstvom Centralnega odbora čikaških podružnic SANSa na Materinski dan, 11. maja, v dvorani SNPJ. V igri nastopijo preizkušene igralske moči in tudi več mlajših igralcev in igralk. Da bodo igralci bili kos svojim vlogam, pričajo sledeča imena: Nick Mencinger, ki se je pred mnogimi ti veliko udejstvoval na slovenskem odru, Andrew Miško, poznan kot eden prvih igralcev in je pred leti tudi režiral mnogo iger, Helena Kušar, vsem Čika-žanom poznana igralka, Frances Vider je prav tako izvrstna i-gralka, zlasti v dramatičnih vlogah, Tone Krapenc je preigral že mnogo težkih vlog in reiiral veliko iger, Milan Medvešek je veliko nastopal na clevelandsklh odrih in sedaj tu; dalje nastopijo še: Oloria Bohinc, Frances Vidmar, Molly Thomas, Stanley Kužnlk in Joe Zupančič. Že danes opozarjamo, da ne zamudite te izvrstne drame, delo E. Gangla. Režijo vodi Milan Medvešek. Odbor. KONFERENCA IN BANKET Détroit. Mick.—Dna 30. marca se bo vršila konferenca vseslo-vanskega kongresa za okrožje Michigan, in sicer v hotelu Tul-1er, začetek ob eni popoldne. Ob sedmih zvečer istega dne in v istem hotelu pa se bo vršil ban ket v počast Zlatku Balokoviču in njegovi ženi. Vstopnice za banket lahko dobite pri meni. Moja sestra mi je pisala, če je mogoče zvedeti za Matijo Cepina. doma od Sv. Miklavža, obči na Št. Vid pri Planini. On baje jtivi v Detroitu in ima jonsko številko 3. Sodeč po tem, se ne nahaja daleč od mojega doma. Ako bi čital te vrstice, prosim da se mi javi. Za njim poizveduje njegova sestra, ki se nahaja v Zagrebu. Moj naslov: Katherine Krainz, 17838 Hawthorne, Détroit 3. Mich., telefon Tw 1 3306 Katherine Kralns. LETNA VESELICA DRUŠTVA SVOBODE 741 SNPJ Clavalaad. O*-Pred več leti je pokojna sestra Barbtč predla gala velikonočno nedeljo za veselico društva 748 SNPJ. Veee lica je bila zelo uspešna, zato imamo od tedaj naprej veselico vsako leto na to nedeljo. Upamo, da bomo tudi leto« uspeli m imeli lepo udeležbo. Prav vljudno vabimo tudi odbor in zastopnike izletniških prostorov SNPJ. Na zadnji seji so se na še članice izrazile, da čim večji bo uspeh veselice, temveč bomo primaknile v sklad za novo dvorano. Članice našega društva so tudi večinoma pri Progresivnih Slovenkah. Zadnja leta se tudi u-dejstvujejo in pomagajo za našo staro domovino. Darovale smo že precejšnjo vsoto za SANS in otroško bolnišnico. Torej pričakujemo velike udeležbe na naši Veselici na velikonočno nedeljo, 6. aprila. Theresa Gorjanc. . f» ■j1«' ■'■i r,( IGRA. PETJE IN PLES ' Cleveland. O.—Mladinski pevski zbor SDD na Waterloo rd. bo priredil igro s petjem v nedeljo, 30. marca, začetek točno ob štirih popoldne. Odbor kot otroci se trudijo, da bodo vam postregli kar najbolje, zatorej ste vabljeni, da se udeležite v velikem številu in s tem poka-žete dobro voljo, mladini pa daste veselje do petja. Mladini je udejstvovanje v kulturi prav tako potrebno kot starejšim. V pesmih se učijo tudi slovenskega jezijta in kar se mlad človek nauči, obdrži skozi vse življenje. Tega bi se morali zavedati tudi starši in poslati svoje otroke redno k pevskim vajam mladinskega pevskega zbora. Morda vas bodo obiskali otroci z vstopnicami. Ne odže nite jih, temveč kupite vstopnice in jim s tem dajte priznanje za njih trud. Saj c£na vstopni cam je samo 65c,. Slovenci moramo 'podpirati slovensko kulturo, naše pevske in dramske zbore, če hočemo, da obdržimo naše slovenske domove in druge ustanove. Najeli smo obe dvorani, kakor po rfavadi, tako da bo dovolj prostora za vse. Odbor bo poskrbel, da ne bo nihče ne lačen in ne žejen. Torej napolnite avditorij Slovenskega delavskega doma do zadnjega kotička. Na svidenje v nedeljo, 30. marca. Jarfcej Pajk. PLESNA VESELICA PODRUŽNICE 53 SANSa Johnatoarn, Pa.—Cenjeno občinstvo iz Johnstowna in okolice je vabljeno na poset veselice podružnice 53 SANSa, ki se bo vršila 3. maja v Slovenskem delavskem domu, Lorain Boro. Prosimo društva, naj ne prirejajo svojih veselic na imenovani dan. Ves čisti dobiček je name njen v prid otroške bolnišnice v stari domovini. Ples se bo pričel ob devetih zvečer in bo trajal do polnoči. Igrala bo poznana L. Koplerje-va godba. Za dobro postrežbo po poskrbel odbor. Torej na ve selo svidenje dne 3. maja! Frank Chuchek. KULTURNA PRIREDBA KLUBA 1 JSZ Chicago. 111.—Medtem ko je socialistični klub št. 1 JSZ zadnji dve leti vprizoril dve igri, bo pa letos podal krasen varijantni program, na katerem bodo nastopili tudi pevci in pevke zbora Zarje iz Clevelanda. Na programu bo sodeloval tudi naš poznani pevski zbor France Prešeren, prav tako mladinski krožek SNPJ. Podrobnosti bodo še poročane. Ta priredba se bo vršila 20. aprila v dvorani SNPJ. M. M. PLES "ROMANTIKE" Waukegan. 111. — Ples "večer romantike" v soboto, 29. marca, bo zaključil sezono plesov društva Little Fort. Ta zaključni ples bo nad kril jeva 1 vse prejšnje, torej ne pozabite se ga udeležiti. Vstopnina bo samo 50c, igral bo Gregorinov orkester. Pričetek ob oami url zvečer, kraj seveda Slovenski narodni dom. Predsedovala bosta temu zadnjemu plesu vam vsem znana Joseph i ne Bezek in Edward Leben. Albina L. Furlsn. POZIV NA SEJO PODRUŽNICE 2 SANSa Chicago. 111— Prihodnja seja podružnica 2 SANSa se bo vršila v soboto. 29. t. m., začetek ob osmih zvečer pri bratu L. Katzu, 2126 Magnolia ave Prijateljsko ste vabljeni in dobro došli ste vsi? - . John Turk. tajnik. TEŽAVE Z MLADINO Crivlt« Wu.-čakam, da bi se kdo oglasil iz nase naseli 1 ker se ne, se oglašam jaz. ' Blagajna društva 537 se ie t* polnoma izčrpala, ker že msmo imeli nad tri let nobene veseli ce. Starejši smo menda prestari za veselje, mladina pa si poj« drugo zabavo. Na zadnji seii sem omenil, da bi bilo pripo r oči j ivo, da bi priredili kakšno zabavo in z^ijo razveselili mla-dino ter jo podučili, da bi imela večje veselje in razumevanje za društvo. Mnogi otroci spadajo k društvu, a tega niti ne vedo, ker starši plačujejo zanje, kadar pa pride čas za prestop v odrasli oddelek, pa odklonijo našo organizacijo in rajši pristopijo privatnim zavarovalnim družbam. Da niso naši otroci bolj pove zanl z našo organizacijo, je če-stokrat krivda staršev, kajti mnogi se zanimajo za društvo le tedaj, kadar imajo dobiti kaj podpore, če pa so slučajno kaj prikrajšani pri podpori, jih pa ne vidite za dolgo časa na seji. Bratje lin sestre, potrebno j«, da podučimo našo mladino o na ši organizaciji ter jo skušamo prepričati* da je naša orgamza cija boljša kot kakšna druga. Bratski duh in zanimanje mladine za društvo bi lahko tudi povzdignili s kakšno primerno priredbo. > Vse to je odvisno od staršev.. Če bomo poživeli naše aktivnosti, bomo toliko laže tudi pridobili v društvo kakšnega novega člana. Naj omenim, da s temi vrsticami ne želim žaliti nobenega člana, saj smo vsi biv tje. Dobro pa bi bilo, da bi še kdo drugi podal svoje mnenje. Iz stare domovine sem prejel že mnogo pisem, ki pa so vsa žalostna. John Kaucic. r Federacije SNPJ IZ URADA TAJNIKA BRIDGEPORTSKE FEDERACIJE Bellaire, Ohio.—Naznanjam vsem okoliškim društvom SNPJ. da se bo vršila redna federacijska seja dne 27. aprila, začetek ob detetih dopoldne na Wind»or Heightsu. W. Vil. v Unijtki dvorani. Dnevni red bo obširen, kajti potrebno je rešiti več zadev v sploino korist federacije, članstva in jedno-te. Podani bodo tudi računi o dohodkih in izdatkih od zadnje redne seje. Že vnaprej pa z veseljem naznanjam, da dohodki prekašajo it-datke zadnjih vr let. kar it w*lu-ga otibora in delavcav na Silvestrov! priredbi, če bomo in.eli tudi to leto tako uspešno priredbo, bo nsSa blagajna na dobri podlagi. V imenu federacije pozivam drui-tva. da gotovo pošljejo svoje »ftop-nike na to važno sejo. knjti jrav zastopniki so tiita moč. ki lahko dajejo koristna navodila pri sprejemanju važnih zaključkov za bodočnost. Kažipot: Vozi z avtom iz Whetl-in*a do Shoft Cre- k a. tam kieni ^ desno v hrib do Šole. Ce pa se oe-IjeŠ z busom. vzemi avtobu? Steu-benville do Short Creckt. potem v* pojdi na desno pel v hrib do ioie Se nekajf Tamkajšnje ilanice bodo postregle s prigrizkom, č »ni * z "mokroto", torej ni treba nikomur rositi lunča s sebol. Na svidente npriin ob desetih dopoldne na Wma-sor Heightsu. W.'V*.! Loui» pavlinieh, taintk. Društvene vesti Herminie. Pa —Član.tvo druiivj 87 SNPJ obveščam, dt «•• i«4 večina članatva za preložitev ^ t prve nedelje v metecu aprmi " drugo, to je iS. april. Vrrok «J to spremembo je, ker je leto. Veli» noč na prvo nedelj« v sjrlJ » mnogi « isgovtrjtjo. dt bodo praznike na obisk, ali P* 001 skovalce. Torej Je seja v nedeljo. 13 spr« obligatna za vte «Isnstvjljr volili o «družitvi z mtk^fTzl ločim dnrftvom Tsk * bal tprejet ns marčev» Itev. Kdor te ne bi m<>H te vstne seje. se bo upo**vtl« r govo pitmeno izjsvo. RtrumrtJ«^ rste, da v slučaju adruiitrr * društveno potlovsnje in * J' 0 v sngleikem jetlku. **mtm T* bo v slovenščini vsem onim » bi razumeli, taksi gr* T^T' JL,. t.Utrteje 13. sprtis v vil..« >tnfofi Zornih. Mssofitmim + t va 570 SNPJ nainan) tm «¿^ io pratofcefla vsled veWJJJ praznikov na II. spriU ^ te to obvestilo in se udrUZ'" v velikem števila ^ frank Zapisnik polletnega zborovanja glavnega odbora ^■Slovenske narodne podporne jednote v glavnem sšanu S.N.P.J. v Chicagu. 111., dne 13. In 14. februarja 1947 (Nadaljevanje.) Br glavni blagajnik Mirko G. Kuhel predloži naslednje poročilo: Poročilo gl. blagajnika rmaneno poročilo jednote za lansko leto je zo-; ucodno Imovina zavarovalnega oddelka se je **Dovisaia in s Prosveto in tiskarno vred je decembra $12.848.814.46. V letu 1946 'T orej povišala za $674,118.11. in to vzlic velikanSaitku. ki je nastal tudi v naših izpla- Wp0 oddelkih je imovina razdeljena kot sledi: Oddelek odraslih ....................................$11,839,012.67 Mladinski oddelek .................._ 309,004.90 Sklad nedoletnih dedičev...................... 65,29.2.45 Prosveta ($59,991.33) in tiskarna ($75,513.11) .....................................-..... 135,504.44 .........................................$12,848,814.46 Skupaj Omenjena imovina je vložena: poslopje gl. urada.........................* Drugo posestvo (deloma rabljeno za uradne svrhe) .........................-......... Posestva prodana na obroke (bilanca) Posojila na prvo vknjižbo in druga vknjižba ($600) ...........................-.......* Posojila na članske certifikate............ Bondi vlade Združenih držav.............. 46,069.15 5,301.08 29,132.39 292,541.83 83,017.42 8,391,546.42 Bilanca 6/30 Vloge ............ Izplačila .............. Knjiž. bilanca ... Nevnovčeni čeki Harris Trust & Sav. Bank $ 130,297.02 . 895,209.00 $1,025,506.02 . 888,367.24 .$ 137,138.78 37,844.92 Bančna bilanca ........$ 174,983.70 $ 26,765.90 V tej dobi so nam dohodki od rednih investicij in pa dobiček od prodanih ali dozorelih bondov in delnic prinesli $193,281.31 čistega donosa. V prvi polovici leta pa je ta dohodek znašal $228,-468.04, torej skupaj za zadnje leto $421,749.35 čistih investicijskih dohodkov. Na podlagi povprečne skupne vsote imovine zavarovalninskih oddelkov ta donos predstavlja 3.40% obrestne mere ali % enega odstotka več kot donos za leto 1945. Ta nenavaden narastek ni bil pričakovan, zaradi tega je tem bolj razveseljiv. Izvira pa v glavnem ne iz izboljšanja splošnih in^sticijskih razmer, temveč zaradi srečne poteze, ki smo jo napravili v tem, da smo prodali za 745 tisoč dolarjev obrazne vredno-rti zveznih bondov ter pri transakciji napravili nad $60,000 čistega dobička. Obenem se je zvišala tudi mera investicijskega donosa na bondih, ki smo jih kupili za iztrženo vsoto. V tem letu pa bodo odpoklicani federalni bondi z 4 Va odstotno mero, za katere je ob času investiranja-bilo treba plačali, precej visoko premijo in katero bo treba letos odpisati od. investicijskih dohodkov. To pomeni, da bo lanska primeroma visoka donosna mera padla na staro točko, to je na mero okrog 2.75%. Investicijski dohodki v zadnji polovici leta 1946 so bili sledeči: Čiste obresti od bondov..............;..............$164,102.26 Obresti od vladnih zadolžnic pripisane k glavnici .................................................... 586.00 Obresti od jamčenih certifikatov pri hranilnih in posojilnih društvih.......... 3,579.97 Obresti od posojil na članske certifikate 1,658.96 Obresti od hipotečnih posojil,................... 7,407.97 Obresti od prodanih posestev.................... 771.18 Dividende od delnic (priznanih in nepriznanih) .................................................. 4,388.50 Dobiček od prodanih in dozorelih bondov .............................................................. 8,938.25 Najemnina in čisti dobiček od prodanih posestev (po odbitku deprecia-cije) .............................................................. 1,848.22 Skupni dohodki od imovine zavarovalninskih oddelkov in sklada nedoletnih dedičev ................................................$193,281.31 Podorobnosti o raznih transakcijah v zvezi z na Mini investicijami boste slišali iz poročila gospo darskega odseka, spremembe o stanju raznih skla-d"v ste pa slišali iz tajniškega poročila. Zopet lahko ugotovimo, da je finančno stanje naše jed note v zelo visokem stanju in se še znatno izbolj iuje. Meseca avgusta sem zopet sprejel vse redno delo Mngajniskegs urada in ne delim več uradnega ««'¡»a / delom pri Slovenskem ameriškem narod nem j vetu. Dasi sem še vedno tajnik dotične or ganizacije, vodim njeno delo kolikor mi je mogoče '• v svojem prostem času ' I • < glavnega odbora SNPJ ob tej priliki brat-k" pozdravljam, zlasti še nove odbornike, in jim n v njihovem delu za našo organizacijo naj- »'Ij^ga uspeha. MIRKO G. KUHEL, gl. blagajnik. Soglamo na /n;ini«» Br U P«TW i|J Bondi dominija Kanade....................... Državni bondi .......................................... Bondi okrajev, občin, mest, šol itd..... Bondi javnih naprav.............................. Industrijski bondi .................................. Zavarovane vloge v hranilnih in posojilnih društvih ............................... Priznane delnice .........!............................ Gotovina na bankah .............................. Asesment na rokah................................ Neplačane potrebščine .......................... 50,220.00 344,463.28 2,253,257.24 556,505.00 8,758.13 469,000.00 9,750.00 166,588 87 7,140.06 19.15 prejet predlog, da se poročilo vzame "ik fx»lniškr ga oddelka predloži naslednje Poročilo tajnika bolniškega oddelka STANJE BOLNIŠKIH SKLADOV 1 julija do 31. decembra 194« Rasred 91 Dohodki; ivii.j Aviv., s. P'' IM' t 9 24.631 50 . 21.698 20 . 23.110 56 .. 23.06490 . 22.925 40 . 26.450 95 redni asesment .'■■**rnent ........... 1 "«d pora -nt društva Lilije rezerve) ............„ » ^hodki .:;:i: 9141.281 30 8,292 93 393 00 32 50 Skupaj zavarovalni oddelek in sklad nedoletnih ......................$12,713,310.02 Imovina Prosvete in tiskarne ............ 135,504.44 Skupaj vsi oddelki......................$12,846,814.46 Finančni promet zavarovalnega oddelka je znašal v zadnji polovici lanskegs leta $2,242,320.08, in sicer vloge $1,121,202.09. izplačila, vključivši nove investicije, pa $1,121,117.99. Bilanca na naših čekovnih računih pod mojim nadzorstvom je znašala 31. decembra $162,567.25. Čekovni račun sklada nedoletnih dedičev je pod upravo gl. predsednika, od Prosvete in tiskarne pa pod upravo upravitelja jednotinih publikacij. Skupna bilanca na čekovnem računu predstavlja primeroma nizko vsoto in znači, da je presežek gotovine nad rednimi potrebami redno investiran, kakor določajo pravila. Račun čekovnih vlog zavarovalnega oddelka: Continental Ul. Nat'1 Bank & Tr. Co. $ 12,544.11 173,275.72 $185,819.83 177,215.90 8,603.93 18,161.97 -Bank of Montreal Chicago $11,460.58 48,126.76 $59,587.34 47,186.55 12,400.79 12,931.71 $25,332.50 Toronto $ 8,181.44 4,590.61 12,772.05 8,348.30 4,423.75 196.00 $ 4,619.75 Skupaj $ 162,483.15 1,121^202.09 1,283,685.24 1,121,117.99 162,567.25 69,134.60 $ 231,701.85 November ................................ 19,141.00 December ................................ 16,625.50 Skupni izdatki ................................... $110,345.40 Šestmesečni prebitek ..........................$ 40,032.23 Preostanek 30. junija.......*................. 523,717.01 Bilanca 31. decembra............................$563,749.24 Rasred $2 Dohodki: Julij ........... Avgust....... September Oktober ... November December 13,174.28 11,874.82 12,487.80 12,603.30 11,866.80 14,014.30 Skupni redni asesrr.ent. $ 76,021.30 Obresti .............................. 1,642.12 Izredni asesment ............ 444.00 Skupni dohodki .................................. $ 78,107.42 Isdatki: Julij .......................................t-$ 9,153.50 Avgust ...................................... 10,446.00 September ................................ 10,757.50 Oktober ................................... 11,011.00 November ................................ 9,901.00 December .................................. 9,132.00 Skupni izdatki .................................... $ 60,401.00 Šestmesečni prebitek ........................$ 17,706.42 Preostanek 30. junija........................ 103,679.92 Bilanca 31. decembra........................ $121,386.34 Rasred $3 Dohodki: Julij ............................................$ 1.626.40 Avgust ............................................................................M50.80 September ............................................................1,515.90 Oktober ........................................................................1 ,57iJO November ................................................................1,441.50 December ........1..........-............1,695.70 Skupaj redni asesment $ 9,305.10 Obresti .............................. 270.68 Izredni asesment .......... 18.00 Skupni dohodki ........................ Isdatkit Julij ............................................$ 1.329 50 Avgust .........................................1,336.90 September ...............-..............................1.057 00 Oktober ...............................— 1.662.50 November ................................................................1,333.50 December ....................................................................1,238 50 Skupni izdatki .................................... šestmesečni prebitek ....................... $ 1,616.29 Preostanek 30. junija........................... 16,964 47 9 9,593 78 Soglasno sprejet premog, da se poročilo vsame na znanje. Br. mladinski direktor predloži naslednje poro. čilo v angleškem jeziku, katerega prosti prevod se glasi:1 Poročilo mladinskega direktorja Članom glavnega odbora: Moje poročilo za zadnjih šest (mesecev leta 1946, v katerem je tudi vnešeno nekaj zadev, ki 6e tičejo prve polovice tekočega leta, je sledfče: Mladinski kroskl Napovedovanja, kako se bo število novih mladinskih krožkov pomnožilo po vojni, se niso do sedaj še uresničila, saj v taki meri ne. kot se je mogoče pričakovalo. Vendar pa vsa znamenja kažejo, da bo napredek v več krajih, kjer do sedaj še ni bilo ničesar opažati. Povod temu upanju je izvolitev novih uradnikov in sicer tako-zvanih ravnateljev mladinskih aktivnosti pri društvih, kateri urad je uatanovila zadnja konvencija. Doaedaj je 165 društev izvolilo tuke ravnatelje; v teh društvih so všteta tudi ona društva, ki so že prej organizirala mladinske krožke; slednjih je 26 in vsa ta društva pokazujejo izredno lep uspeh. Sedaj je še nekoliko prerano napovedati koliko društev, ki so Izvolila ravnatelje mladinskih aktivnosti, bo organiziralo tudi mladinske krožke. Beležiti pa smemo prvi uspeh v tem. da so se društva odzvala in izvolila te uradnike in pričakujem z gotovostjo, da bodo nekatera od teh društev eventualno tudi organizirala svoj mladinski krožek, kar je tudi naš cilj. Kjer pa nam ne bo uspelo organiziranje mladinskega krožka, bo treba podvzeti potrebno korake, da se v enem okraju društva združijo sa skupne mladinske aktivnosti in sicer s programom, katerega bo predložil oziroma priporočal glavni urad. V gl. uradu smo že pripravili potreben material in načrt za tekoče leto, in bil je tudi že razposlan ravnateljem mladinskih aktivnosti. Zaeno ali v soglasju s programom mladinskih aktivnosti, kot je bilo odobreno na 13. redni konvenciji. je v delu knjižica, ki bo vsebovula razne določbe za mladinske krožke; enako zbiramo primerni material za mladinsko knjižico, v kateri bodo različni programi za priredbe mladinskih krožkov ob raznih prilikah; vse to bo na razpolago mladinskim krožkom. Odškodnine ali nagrade direktorjem mladinskih krožkov se je do sedsj izplačevalo letno, običajno par dni pred božičem. Od sedaj naprej se bo izplačevalo mesečno do vsote $5 posameznikom; v slučajih, kjer se kateri od direktorjev mladinskih krožkov izkaže posebno dober v upravljanju svojega posla, se bo izplačalo več. Smatram, da je sprememba umestna in da bo prinesla dober uspeh. V letu 1946 je bilo izplačano direktorjem mladinskih krožkov $790.00 v odftkodninah ali nagradah; ostali stroški z mladinskimi krožki in nagrade v kontestu, ki je bil za mladinsko revijo "The Voice of Vouth" pa znašajo približno $1,375. Okrošni direktor mladinskih krožkov Pred kratkim smo uveljavili novo določbo programa mladinskih aktivnosti, ki je bil sprejet na zadnji redni konvenciji, namreč nastavitev dls-triktnega direktorja mladinskih krožkov, katerega naloga je, organizirati nove krožke v svojem dls-triktu in pospešiti aktivnosti že organiziranih. Prva je Ann Sannemann, članica društva It. 1 v Chicagu, ki je zelo uspešno vodila krožek It. 96 zadnja štiri leta in ima vse sposobnosti za dis-triktnega direktorja, ki nje bila nastavljena kot distriktna direktorica mladinskih krožkov. Samoumevno je, da to zahteva, da taka oseba posveti nekaj časa delu za jednoto, ki se ima vriiti izven glavnega urada in ne dobiva stalne ali red- | ne plače; odškodnina se bo izplačala na isti način in pod istimi pogoji, kot ostalim direktorjem mladinskih krožkov. V slučajih, ko bo taka oseba poslana izven Chicagu po uradnih opravkih, bo dobila plačane vožnje strolke. V načrtu imamo nastavitev več takih distriktnih direktorjev mladinskih krožkov, in stoer v zapadni Pennsvl-vaniji, v Clevelandu, in še v enem ali dveh okrožjih, kjer je izgled dober. Ako nam uspe, do dobimo zmožne osebe, bo jednota s tem veliko pridobila. Konferenca direktorjev mladinskih kreškov V smislu programa mladinskih aktivnosti, ki je bil sprejet na zadnji konvenciji, je bilo priporočano, da se vrli zaeno s proslavo letnega dneva SNPJ 29. ali 30 avgusta letos konferenca direktorjev mladinskih krožkov. Mnenja sem, da bi bil kraj te konference in tudi datum najbolj primeren in uspeh bi bil zagotovljen. Namen te konference vam je bil že pojasnjen, namreč, da bi se na manj le enkrat toliko kegljačev v raznih skupinah SNPJ, ki pa ne vprašajo za nobeno podporo. Žoeometne skupine so dobile podpore v skupni vsoti $969.40; ta vsota je bila poslana osmim društvom in trem mladinskim krožkom. Skupni stroški žogoineta so znašali preteklo leto $6,019.29. v čemur je všteta vsota 9307 JO, plačana članom atlet, skega odbora sa vošnje stroške, dnevnice in letna odškodnina. PotroAil! smo $19.29 več kot dovoljeno vsoto, toda posabiti pa ne smemo, da smo izplačali že za "National Duckpin Tourncy" sa leto 1947. Zgledi so zelo dobri za letošnjr leto v športnih aktivnostih in se lahko z gotovostjo pričakuje, da bodo nadkrilile vse prejšnje. Narodni "Duckpln Tournament". ki se je vršil i. januarja v Carricku, Pa., je bil do sedaj največji v kolikor se tiče udeležencev in obiskovalcev. Narodna kcgljarska tekma, ki se vrši 25., 26. in 27. aprila v Chicagu pod pokroviteljstvom društva Pioneer, bo nsjbrŽe tudi nadkrilila doaedsnje slične turneje, in enak rezultat se pričakuje sa mladinski telegrafski turnej. ki se vrši 19. in 20. aprila, in zopet potem v Clevelandu 21., 22. in 23. marca. Z gotovostjo je nadalje pričakovati veliko zanimanje in velik uspeh v žogometu, balini in golfu. Smelo luhko trdimo, da t* letošnji slavnostni dan SNPJ, ki se vrli v Clevelandu in ki bo v glavnem mladinski dan, nadkrilil onega s leta 1942. Znamenja so tukaj, da bo v športnem oziru letošnje leto precej živahno. Narodni atletski odbor Po zadnji seji glavnega odbora se je delokrog narodnega atletskega odbora povečal za dva dis* trikta; prej je bilo pet okrožij, sedaj je sedem in za vsako okrožje po en odbornik. Na tem zborovanju glavnega odbora bo treba izvoliti nove člane atletskega odbora. Razpis je bil uspe« šen. nominiranih je bilo 95, ml katerih so trije odklonili nominacijo; ostalo je torej 22 kandlda* tov, od katerih jih bo treba izvoliti sedem. Poročilo o isdatklh sa šport v letu 1949 Prva Druga pol. 1946 pol. 1946 Skupaj Nar. Duckpin turneja.J Narodni keglj. turnej... Mladinska telegrafska kegljaška tekma ...... Keglj. tekma osrednjega zapada ............ Keglj. tekma vzhodnih držav .......................... Tekma društva It. 559 (Invitational) Golf turneja osrednjega zapada .................. . Golf turneja vzhudnih držav ........................... Balincarska tekma osrednjega zepNde..... Mlad. turneja osrednjega zapada ............ , Srajce za kegljače ...... Podpora žo gometnim skupinam ...........„..... Baskettpll skupine .... Trofeje za golf ............ člani atletskega odbora: Odlkodnina, vožnja in dnevnice.......... Skupaj ............... 150.00 9 861.40 . 89.08 . 234.95 . 150.00 . 150.00 . 900.00 $ 168.00 625.00 35.00 298.90 51.80 195.50 71.52 87.26 1.407.00 244.74 25.00 25.00 200.00 861.40 99.09 234 95 150.00 150.00 51.80 195.90 71.52 87.16 1,575.00 869.74 90,00 25.00 9.00 307.90 ..................92,762.47 92,256.82 98.019.2f Zaključek Ob zaključku želim izreči zahvalo glavnim od< bornikom in uslužbencem v gl. uradu, kakor tud urednikom in članom posameznih drultev ln mladinskih krožkov sa dobro kooperacijo in pomoč ki so mi jo dali. Z ozirom na tekoče zasedanje glavnega odbora imam trdno upanje, da bo spre«* jel zaključke v interesu jednote in članstva. MICHAEL VHHOVNIK. mlad. direktor. Soglasno sprejet predlog, da se poročilo vzame na znanje. Br upravitelj jednotinih publikacij predloži ns-slcdnje poročilo. Poročilo upravitelja jednotinih publikacij in tiskarne MoJe poročilo je za zudnjih lest mesecev v letu 1946. PROSVETA Sredina izdaja ali glssllo se tiska v 33,700 isti sih, to je okrog 100 iztisov več kot v prvi polovici leta in to seveda vltavši dnevnik, Dnevnik se pa tiska v 7 350 iztisik, torej za 550 istlsov več kot v prvi polovici leta 1946 Ta prirastok Je po večini del zadnje kampanj« za 1000 novih naročnikov mp katera se je končala meseca oktobru 1946 in num taki konferenci sestali vsi direktorji mladinskih ; J« prinesla vsega skupsj 1,092 novih naročnikov, krožkov, da bi se skupno pogovorili in prereše-1 Glavna zasluga in priznsnje gre, kajpak, našim tali svoje probleme, izmenjali ideje ln priporočila dobrim in pridnim agitatorjem in tekmovalcem v $ 7,977.50 389 00 9150.377 68 1*4 • I* 9 16.224 JO . 19.106 60 . 18.244 90 20 9V3 00 Bilanca 31. decembra.............. ....... 9 18.600.75 V drugi polovici prošlega leta smo dosegli finančni napredek v vseh treh razredih. Na prvem mestu je, kot običajno, zopet endolarskl razred. Redni asesment skupnih rszredov znaša $226,-995 70, izredni asesment 9855.60, obresti 910,195 63, vrnjena podpora $32 50. Skupni dohodki $238.-078 83. Bolniške podpore je bilo izplačan« 9179,-723 90 Šestmesečni prebitek 959,354 «3 Bilanca ■kupnih razredov dne 31. decembra 9703.736 33. Dohodki so ae zvišali od zadnjih računov za $13,-133 94 kljub temu, da so obresti prinesle okrog dva tiaoč dolarjev manj. Podpore Je bilo izplačane 932.359 95 manj, kar je pripomoglo do sijajnega prebitka v vsoti $59,354 93 Torej kot razvidno ir računov, je premoženje bolniških skladov v dobrem stanju, in ker so pravila t malo izjemo ostala nespremenjena, nimam za to sejo nikakih poseb nlh priporočil. « Omeniti želim, da imam /oprt novo moč in bo vzelo precej časa da se izvežba, posebno pri nakazovanju podpore kjer se zahteva točnost in poaeb-no previdnost. Razume se, da )e vsb-d te spremembe prišlo več dela na moje rame. in da ne sa-osUJa. Je treba nadaljevati ob večerih Dandanes je povsod dober zaslužek kar potreni. da ni lahko dobiti sposobnih moči. poeebno pri nas. ko se le redko kdaj rabi kakšnega novega ualutbenes Ko operacija med uradniki kakor tudi uslužbenci ie potrebna, in če e» bomo vsi Ufa zavedali. bo šlo delo gladko naprej LAWRENCE GRADIŠEK. za uspešnejše aktivnosti mladinskih krožkov, in samoumevno, da bi se bolj seznanili med seboj. Načrt take konference sem pripravil in piedložen bo pozneje. , članska kamosnjs Prihodnji mesec bo pnUklo leto dni. odkar je bila zadnja kampanja končana. Kot vam je zna- , no. se ju ta kampanja vršila ob dvajsetletnici organiziranja društev z angleškim poslovnim jezi- ' kom. Trajala je lest me.ecev in tekom te kampanje je bilo pridobljenih 3,052 noviii članov v oba oddelka. Vsi strotkl te kampanje so znašali 97,750.00, v kateri vsoti s<> vštete nagrade tekmo- j valcem. zdravniška preiskava ln kampanjska II- | teratura. Ako se razdeli te strolke na posamez- 1 nega člana, ki je NI sprejet v času tej kampanje, je bila ta kampanja najdražja od vseh prejšnjih i kampanj. Vztrajam pa š<* vedno na stališču, da asesment, katerega vsak novi član plača v prvem ! letu. znala več kot pa strdki kampanje. Nadalje j Je dokazano, da jednota ne napreduje ali pu zelo malo v številu novih članov, ako ni kampanj«; včaaih Je le cek> nazadovanje v članstvu, posebno rado se to pripeti v m I «rimskem oddelku, iz katerega prestopi v enem KHu povprečno do tiaoč članov, katere Je treba nadomestiti z novimi. Za vzgled naj zadostuje preti klo leto. t. j. 1946. ako primerjamo prvo polovicc leta z drugo polovico; v prvi polovici leta 1046 je bil narastek za 1.263 članov, v drugi poli/vki h ta p« samo 46. Po naročilu Izvršnega odseka s-m priredil načit kampanje; ta načrt določa kv do za posamezna društva. po tem načrtu br* n< kakšna t« km« med posameznim društvi, kater društvo Ni pridobilo največ članov, in ne bo t k ms med poeemeznimi agitatorji. Načrt vam bo pozneje predložen, d« o njem razpravljate in nat ravite končni zaključek Športna aktivnosti In stroški lirezdvomno je bilo v /adnjl polovici leta 1946 z dodatnimi s prve polovice let* 1946 vrč športnih sktivnosti kot pa v isrti prejšnjih pet letih V oeloti Je bilo v celem elu deset turnejav, lest v prvi polovici leta; vse so bile kegljat ske tekme; fttirl turneje so bile v drugi polovici leta in sicer golf. belina in mlad naki turnej Računa se. I da Je bilo udeležencev v vseh teh turnejih okrog 1600. jednota Je potroši I s 1.99199 v to svrho , Za jopiče keglj «čem je )*lnoU plačala $1.575 00 , poslane so bile 26 društvom. Najnižja vsota, ki Je bila potrošena za eno dru9tvo. znale 99 00, največja pa 9222 00, alL po 960 povprečno za eno društvo Jopiči so Mli k«plJ*nl »29 članom ki, keglja>o in tekmujejo lokalno v skupinah SNPJ; | cena tem Jopičem Ja 93 JO Računa se, da Je naj. kampanji, kakor tudi vsem drugim posameznim društvenim uradnikom in članom, ki so po svoji možnosti pomagali pri agitaciji za nove naročnik« Imena tekirovalcev so bila priobčena od čaaa do časa in ob koncu pa sploh vsi, ki so sodelovsl! v kampanji. Krono ali glavno nagrado je odnesel naš stari zastopnik in agitator sa Proaveto, Tone Jankovič iz Cleveland«. Ohio. Za nagrad« vsem skupaj smo Izplačali $413.90 Poleg lega smo pu tudi dovolili oziroma plačali agitatorjem in tekmo valcem po 25% popu*ta pri dobljenih novih na ločnlnah Tako po odbitku provizij« in izplačil v nagradah liat finančno sicer ni Ml mnogo na kori sti, toda računamo, da se bo to izravnalo v bodoč nosti, ko bodo ti v kampanji doklJ«ni naročniki menda v precejšnji meri osiali Ae naprej naročniki in plačali svojo naročnin« Kot razvidno, Je do sedaj zalo majhen odstotek odpovedal nadaljno naročnino, osobito onih. ki »o s« naročili samo Ra pol leta ln ki sedaj ponavljajo naročnino. V«č se bo pokazalo, ko pótele onim, ki so a« naročili za celo leto. Omenim nuj, da z malo l/Jemo naroč nikl zelo dobro In točno plačujejo poteki« naroč nino, in kakor vidite iz poročil v Prosveti, dobimo pri lično enako število NOVIH naročnikov, kot Jih preneha bodisi Iz katerega koli vzroka. Z oglasi smo nekoliko nazadovali zadnje čase ker so se razmere v tem pravcu precej spremeni |e. — Večina oglašanja Je bila lakanj« d«l«vc«v kar pa s« Je zadnje čase z«lo zmanjšalo. Sicer J to izvrstna finančna pomoč listu Pri osobju ali uslužbencih ni bilo v tem času r. »banih spiememb. Kot Je razvidno Iz rsčunov. smo nekaj malega napredovali finančno tudi v ti zadnji polovici I« ta. česar pa kakor vse kal«, v bodoč« ne bo več Da ni večjega profita, je deloma vzrok tudi to, ker smo izdali za prilogo »700 00, Draginja, ki J« na. stala v zadnjih m«serih komam let« 1946 ter se nadaljuj® In narašča še po nov«m leto. J« nekaj neznosnega ln vsM tega bo v«liko trpela Pf»-sveta, kakor vsi drugi delavski Usti V Umi Mu nas bo stalo okrog 918,000 00 V«č kot prejšnja le U in treba bo najti si«dstve, za krltj« teh dodat nih stroškov, na en ali drugI na/in, da ohranimo dnevnik Prosveta vsaj še za nekaj let O tam spregovorim ob komu svojrgs poročila dolo/naj«. da se bomo vedeli ravnati i« ukreniti nekaj, kar bo v korist naše organizacij« ln članstva vobče NsJ omenim tudi to, da dolgujemo poročevalcu F Aleéu v Ljubljani za 4 m»sec« le is minulafs leU 9900 00. THE VOICE Or YOUTH Naša mladinska revija se tiska z malo Izjemo v tolikem Številu kot v prejšnji polovici leta in je, v kolikor Je meni znano, priljubljen in spoštovan list za našo mladino. Vse kar bi želel še povedati pri tem je, da bi bilo upravništvv v veliko pomoč, če bi naši tajniki malo bolj točno Sporočali uprav-ništvu SPREMEMBE, oziroma naznanili vae, ki prenehajo biti člani mladinskega oddelka. Upam in prosim, da bi to vpoštevalil TISKARNA V tiskarni tudi ni bilo nobenih posebnih sprememb. v kolikor se dela tiče, ga vršimo po najboljši možnosti točno in zadovoljivo. Kot sem že poročul v prvi polovici lanskega leta, je ena stvar, ki nas je hudo pi izadelu in nas še po novum letu tepe, je draginja. Razno potrebno tiskarsko blago oziroma vse se je |>odražilo in sicer najmanj zu 25% do 100% in celo več. Isto je s plačami osobju delavcev v tiskarni. Cena papirju se Je povišala za $20.00 na tono, mi ga porabimo nad 300 ton letno ter samo to pomeni nad $6,lH)0.00 več stroškov. Ruzne druge potrebščine za tiskarno so se in se še višajo, kar bo tudi znašalo najmanj par tisočakov več letno. To je že $8,000 00 več stro-škov. Poleg tega so se pred koncem proAlcgu le-ta in v mesecu Januarju povišale pluče stavcem in tiskui-Hkemu usobju ta $8,796.32. Torej ako seštejemo vse to skupaj, sledi, da se bodo povišali tiskarski stroški v tem letu za nad $14,800.00, kar pomefli, da bomo morali to vsoto porazdeliti deloma za dela za gl. urud, za revijo Tlm» Voice of Youth, največ pa bo odpadlo na Prosveto. Treba bo ceno listu znutno zvišali, du se bodo sorazmerno krili stroški v tiskarni. K sreči smo bili previdni lela nazaj in skrbeli, da se je gradila rezerva v tiskarni in pri Prosvuti. Toda ako bi se zvišani stroški krili samo z rezervo, je Jasno, da bi to zadostovalo le za par let. Vpoštevati pa Je treba tudi, da «e lahko kak stroj pokvari in bo treba novega. Kam po denar, če pride do tega? Toliko v kolikor se poročila tiskarne tiče. Sedaj pa xopet nazaj k poročilu o Prosveti: Du bomo na jasnum, naj omenim nekaj važnejših zvišanih izdatkov. Osobje v uredništvu in uprav-nlštvu se plača iz dohodkov Prosvete, ki Ima svoj sklad in akrbeti moramo, da je vse v redu in pravilno Izplačano. Povišanje na plačah v uredništvu: Gl, urednik, letno povlšunje $1,131.00; trije pomožni uredniki, letno povišanje $1,976.00, aH skupno povišanja sa leto 1947 $3,107.00. Povišanje na plačah v uprav-ništvu: Upravitelj letno $910.00; trije uslulkwnct, letno povišanje $1,638.00, ali skupno v upravni-štvu $2,548.00, Torej skupno povišanje za uredništvo ln upravništvo znaša $5,655.00. Zvišanje stroškov v tiskarni, to je za tisk, papir in dostavljanje na pošto bo znašalo okrog $12,-000.00; aH skupno z uredništvom, upravo ln tiskarno ter stroški za razne druge «unjše potrebščine bo letno zvišanje pri listu Prosveta za $18,-000.00 do $20,000.00. Vsled tega, ln ako hočemo, da bo Izhajala Prosveta kot dnevnik še nadalje in vsaj dokler smo starejši člani Željni čitatl v našem jeziku, Je potrebno, da nekaj ukrenemo in to brez večjega odlašanja. V sled tega priporočam, prvič, da ta seja glavnega odbora pooblasti izvršni odsek, da čim hitreje določi zvišanje naročnine vsem naročnikom brez Izjem« kako so naročeni, po pet, štiri, tri, dva uit en sam član v družini ln enako nečlani, ter isto za mesto Chicsgo In okolico In za Ino-aomstvo ln sicer VSEM za $2.00, tako da bo stala naročnina zu celo leto mesto $6.00 $8 00, za ChL o« g o $9.50, ter za inozemstvo $11,00, S tem bi, uko računamo nu 7,000 naročnikov, pridobili okoli $14,000.00,' Od tegu je »cved« treba št« odšteli pro> vizijo, do katere so upravičeni naši zastopniki po 20% in potovalni nekaj več, kar znaša okrog $2,-500.00, Torej bi čistega ostalo za Prosveto lo okrog $11,500.00. Ni veliko, o vendar preeejšnju pomoč, du se ne bo tuko hitro izčrpala naša rezerva, Alternativa bi bila znižunj« Izdajanja Usta s pet na štiri dni v tednu. N tem bi se stroški znižali vsak teden za okrog $150 00 ali letno za xa $7,-800.00, ln pil temu bi se moralo seveda tudi u-poštevatl tu, da bi se moralo odstaviti enega pomožnega urednika, kar bi pomenila nu plačah $3,-172.00, ali skupno $10,97200. Sevedu poleg bo treba tudi puziti še nu razne manjše stroške, ki so v sveži z izdajanjem dnevniku. Jaz odkriUisrčno povem, da ne vem absolutno zu noben drugi Izhod kot to, kar sem tu navedel. Torej prosim, du se to vpošteva ln naredi kakor najboljši zuključek zu nadaljnl obstoj lista mogoče "Bo šJo, dokler bo šlo"- piavl star pregovor. Naj pri Um omenim tudi to, da vsi drugI slovenski listi imajo že davno ceno povišano za en in tudi za dva dolarja. H Um končam svoje poročilo, Knjige so pregledali, kot nuvudrio, isčunski izvedenci in naš nad. zorni odbor. Računsko poročilo sledi Umu In lah ko razvldiu vse, kaj in kako s« Je poslovalo. Ob ti priliki m želim zahvaliti osobju v gl. uradu ku-kor tudi vsem diuštventm urudnlkom in zastopnikom Piosvete za izvrstno sodelovanje z upravo. Ako bo potrebno, sern pri volji podati še nadaljna pojasnila na tej seji. PHILIP GODINA, upravitelj. Finančno poročilo tiskarne SNPJ ad I. julija do 31. decembra 1946 DOHODKI: Tisk Prosvete in mladinske revij« The Voice of Youth $ 34,758 40 Naročila od zaver ovaIninskeg« oddelka SNI* J 2.93112 Tiskovine za upiavništvo in uredništvo Pros ve t« 112 10 Tiskovin« drugih odjemalcev ... 1,700 53 Tiskovine za urad tiskarne 4976 Skupni dohodki za izgotovljvno delo 9 39,5S0S1 39 00 103 34 657 47 93.77 45 00 Skupičak z« »tac papir Provizija . Obiestl od investicij Obresti od poaojila na prvo vknjižb«' Za prodani stati stroj SKUPNI DOHODKI . ... 9 40,499 49 IZDATKI: Tiskovni papir 9 9,017 96 črnilo 30617 Kazne druge pottebiOri« . ............2,192 32 Poštnin« za publikacij« , ... 1.092 19 Plača tiskarjev ................. ~ 21.059.32 Najemnina uradnih prostorov ...... ..........1,900 00 Zavarovalnina proti ognju . M 49 Znižana vr«dn««st pohištva .............«... 279 46 Elektrika za pogon — ..... ^ 473 27 Zavarovalnimi proti poškratbarn . 120 99 RurkUdanJa papirja ... ................96 29 Poprava strojev .......... ....................1,340.96 N« i/go^ovljeno delo 90 Junija 1946 ................1,270 06 (Dalje na 4. strani) Zapisnik polletnega zborovanja glavnega odbora Slovenske narodne podporne jednote (Nadaljevanje z 3. ft rani.) „ Skupni izdatki..................4 $8,976.08 Odi le to ne ugotovljeno delo 31. decembra 1946............................. »09.16 Obratni stroikl -.....................................J 38,066 92 Odpošilja t v eni stroikl .................~............105.28 Ofialanje ........................................----- 304.00 Plate uradnega oaobja ...........................2.054 28 Razni upravni stroikl.........-...............................58.80 Poštnina ..........................*__________________.. 103.86 Davek socialne zabite --------------............ 143.91 Davek za brezposelnostmi zavarovanje 115.13 Za pregled poslovnih knjig po račun, skih izvedencih .......:............................ 150.00 Skupni stroški ..........................................$41,102.18 Izguba v drugi polovici leta 1946 ....... 663.69 SKUPAJ ...»............................................$ 40,438.49 PREGLED PREMOŽENJA: Bilanca v Amalgamated Trust and Savings banki ...........-...................................$ 15,306.07 Neplačani računi .....................................................5,654ii8 Papir in tiskarsko črnilo (Inventar)................4,537.64 Nelzgoto*ljeno delo ...................................................909.1« Investicije obveznic in zadolžnic............................46,562.96 Investidje v prvi zemljiški vknjižbi............1,123.91 Stroji in druga oprema tiskarne .......................55,767.43 Nepotečena zavarovalnina ................................................212.00 Inventar odpotiljatvenega urada..........61.56 Časopisne pottne znamke ...............61.50 Poštne znamke ..........................................................45.13 Razno ......................................-............................................11-35 Skupaj „..................................................$130,253.78 Manj rezerva ......................................... 53,039.42 SKUPAJ PREMOŽENJA ......................$ 77,214.36 OBVEZNOSTI, IMETJE IN REZERVA: Plače delavcem ...........................................-$ 487.97 Neplačani računi ....................................................................278.17 Starostna zavarovalnina ........................................................106.84 Brezposelnostna zavarovalnina .........................135.38 Znižana vrednost strojev in opreme..........53,039.42 Vloga SNPJ .......................................................................50,000.00 Davok na plačah .........................................................571.94 Rezerva za počitnice ......................~................120.95 Prebitek ......................................................................25,513.11 Skupaj 1............................................$130,253.78 Manj rezkrva .........................................- 53,039.42 SKUPAJ OBVEZNOSTI IN IMETJE $ 77,214.36 Finančno poročilo Prosvete in The Voice of Youth DONODKI: Naročnina na dnevnik ............................$ 10,172.68 Naročnina na tednik ..........................................................30,187.32 Oglasi .......................................,............................................4,640.05 Od zavarovalntnskega oddelka SNPJ za Tho Voice of Youth....................................5,739.62 Za plače uredništvu in upravništvu ca The Voice of Youth.....................................780.00 Obresti od investicij ...................................................457.47 Delno plačilo za oglas ............................34 SKUPNI DOHODKI .............................$ 51,977.48 IZDATKI: Provizija od naročnin in oglasov --------$ 2,254.70 Tiskanje Prosvete in The Voice of Youth 34,758.40 Plača urednikov ih upravništva................9,754.14 Tiskovine in uradna potrebščine ..... .. 283 95 Znižana vrednost pohištva .........................26.65 Razno ........................................................................17.12 Za piegled poslovnih knjig po računskih izvedencih ......................................100 00 Najemnina uradov ...................................300 00 Poštnin« in ekspre« ....................182.22 Poštnina drugega poštnega razreda za Prosveto in The Voice of Youlh ..........2,39065 Rasni publikacijskl stroški ..................697.42 Davek ra socialno zaščito 93.20 Za bterposelnostno zavarovanje ........................74.56 Kampanja za Prosveto 413 50 Brisan dolg oglasov i 50 Skupni izdatki ..............$ 51,348.07 Dobiček v drugi polovici leta IU4J.... 629 41 SKUPAJ I 51,977.48 RAZDELITEV PREMOŽENJA: Gotovina v Northern Trust Companv banki $ 23,211 44 Neplačani oglasi ... 310 20 Od zavarovalninskfg« oddelka SNPJ sa tednik 5.592 90 Vloga za drugi poštni ia*»«-d Prosvel* 934.75 Vloga ?a drugi poštni raired za The Volce of Youlh «7 63 Zvezne vladne radolinire .. . 35,333.13 Pohištvo in opren a uiada (kupna cena) 6.328 24 SKUPNA IMOVINA $ 71,771 II OBVEZNOSTI, REZERVA IN PREBITEK: Neplačani računi I 5,138 00 Plače delavcem 144.70 Pristojbina za brerp se upajo izvršiti svoje na. oge ob krajšem delovnlku, bomo šli no 37.5 ur ta teden, siliti jih | a ne morem, kajti vem, d.« .o obloženi t delom. Zaae tudi vem. da ga imam tovolj, In sicer ne samo v uradu, marveč tudi v 'prostih urah", ko mora človek slediti domačim n svetovnim dogodkom in tudi zbirati material a tisk. Včasih pa je treba prečitati tudi kakšno injigo, i a kar pa. 1*1, ni časa. Kako se bo stvar rredila v cvezl s delovntkom, ne vem. ker še ni prišlo do sklenitve kolektivne •ogodhe s časnikarsko unijo CIO, v kateri so včlanjeni pomožni uvrdniki. Zdaj delamo v uredništvu še po starem — 40 ur na teden. V zvezi s sktajšanjem delovnika v uredništvu, la se izognemo večjim stroškom, naj omenim tuli to, da je bilo «ugoitlrano. naj bi rabili večje 'rke ra naslove in tisk in s tem prihranili na ča-u in materljalu. To bi res pomagalo, toda dobiti hi morali nove, večje črke »a oboje. Zk naslove es krvavo potrebujem« novih črk, toda da bi ia. vrgli M-danjl tisk (10 point) in dobili nekoliko jolj rarti gntene črke (10 point extended), ni pri poroči j ivo. Prvič bi tudi nabava teh črk stala lonarja, drugič, kar jo važnejše, tega ne morem<> tonti *«• i udi sredine Prosvete. ker bi bili potem ie bolj v škripcih ta pioator, tretjič bi pa Citate-¡jem nudili manj čtlva. kar tudi ni priporočljivo. Goap«d.ii«ko «tran Proavete vam je podal u-orsvnik. Ker »o se stroški diaitično rvilali in bo Proavsta delala deficit tudi če zvišamo naročnino a dva dolatja. nastane seveda vprašanje, kako hraniti pri irdatkih - predvsem v uredništvu če ikintmo slike, da bi s tem prihranili nekaj dolai* »ov na teden, če odpovrmo OfiA. bi prihranili ne. t «j dolarjev več na tederr: če odslovimo poročevalca v staram ktaju. prihranimo še par dolarjev več na teden — »k upaj neka) čer sto dolarjev na Vptašanje je. ali je vaa U». ali pa katera koli ir. med 'g«»r>«j navedenih postavk priporočljiva. List brat slik bi bil pust ONA nam pošilja kvalitetno dober materija! — članki nekaterih njenih depla-nikov so iiborni in tudi dot** prevedeni, ča <1*1*11 o»«, direktne «vene s stailm krajem rdaj, ko PROSVETA / tam vstaja resnično nova ljudska država, o kakršni smo sanjali, odkar smo postali delavsko in razredno zavedni — jaz za svojo osebo tega ne morem priporočati. Prav tako ne morem priporočati opustitve slik sli ONA. kajti trpela bi kvaliteta lista. Prihranili bi okrog $1,300 na leto. list bi pa kvalitetno poalabšali in ga potianili na precej nifjo stopnjo. Za list in organizacijo bomo storili bolje, ako skušamo hraniti kje drugje, da bomo v slučaju potrebe lahko subvencirali Prosveto In jo izdajali, dokler U generacija, ki ji je dala življenje in zgradila našo veliko SNPJ, ne leže v grob. Toliko smo dolžni spominu naših pijonirjev in spoštovanju našega dela. ANTON GARDEN. Soglasno sprejet predlog, da se poročilo vzame na znanje. Br. Anton Sular, predsednik porotnega odaeka, predloži za porotni ods<-k naslednje poročilo: Poročilo gl. porotnega odseka To poročilo se nanaša za čas od prošle kon. vencije oziroma od zadnje polletne seje. Tudi v tem času je gl. porotni odsek dobil nenavadno malo pritožb in obtožb, kar je iz moralnega stališča dobro znamenje za jednoto. Glavnemu porotnemu odseku sta v tem času bili predloženi dve zadevi: v eni je bila članu odklonjena bolniška podpora, ker je bilo jasno, da je prejel vse, do česar je bil po pravilih upravičen. V drugi zadevi ae pa gre za spor med društvom in bivšim društvenim tajnikom. Dasi se stvar vleče že precej časa, vendar prihaja na dan ša vedno nova evidenca, kar se bo vse moralo vpoštevati, da pridetno do pravičnega zaključka. Dve zadevi sta pa bili vrnjeni tožiteljem, ker jih še ni rešila prva instanca, društvena porota, kamor spadajo in kot določajo pravila. Imeli smo še nekaj vprašanj od strani članov glede izredne podpore in upravičenosti do bolni, ške podpore, kae se Je pa izravnalp, ne da bi moral celo zadevo reševati glavni porotni odsek. To je skupno poročilo glavnega porotnega odseka. Anton ftular, predsednik; Frank Vralarich. Andrew Vidrich. John Kobe, Camllus Zamik. člani porotnega odseka. Soglasno sprejet predlog, da se poročilo vzame na znanje. Br. Matt Petrovich predloži za gospodarski odsek naslednje poročilo v angleškem jeziku, katerega prosti prevod se (lasi: Poročilo gospodarskega odseka Naslednje je porodilo gospodarskega odseka, v katerem je vključen detajliran pregled vseh sprememb, ki so bile izvršene v zadnji polovici leta 1946 v investicijah, t. J. nakup novih obveznic, izkaz prodanih, odpoklicanih, itd. Nakup novih obvasnic V zadnjih šestih mesecih je gospodarski odsek kupil novih obveznic v nominalni vrednosti $645,. 750.00, za katere je bilo treba plačati $649,205.85. Kupljene so bile naalednje: 1.— Zadolžnice Zvezne vlade....................$253,000.00 2.—Zadolžnice javnih naprav.................... 225,000.00 3.—Vloge v hranilnih in posojilnih društvih ............................................... 160,000.00 4 —Zadolžnice Dominik Kanada.......... 4,000.00 5.—Posojilo na zemljiško vknjižbo.......... 3,750.00 ZADOLŽNICE ZVEZNE VLADE: Z združenjem Zveze Lilija je jednota dobila zadolžnic Zverne vlade in sicer izdaje F, katerih tržna cena je bila ob združitvi $21,501.00, in ko potečejo bo jednota dobila $28,000.00. Zadolžnic zvezne vlade je jednota kupila za vsoto $224,500, od katerih je za $83,000.00 po in za $141,500.00 po 2Va% obrestni meri. Faktično je bilo za $141,000 samo zamenjanih, ker smo prodali zadolžnice zvezne vlade in za isto vsoto kupili enake vrste. Poleg zadolžnic zvezne vlade je bilo gotovine, ki je bila na razpolago, investirane v zadolžnice javnih naprav; nabavili smo zadolžnice od osem različnih družb, in sicer za skupno vsoto $225,000.00. Smatra se za posebno dobre zadolžnice, in plačali smo za nje $229,562.50, In njih obrestna mera je ia polovico odstotka višja od obrestne mere zadolžnic zvezne vlade. Precejšnja vsota je bila vložena v hranilna in in posojilna društva, kamere vloge so vse zavarovane po zvezni vladi; v zadnjih šestih mesecih smo vložili po $5,000 v 32 društvih; vse te vloge so smatra za pctyolno varne, in obresti so prillčno dobre. V zadolžnice Dorr.inija Kanada smo vložili $4,-195.00, in za $3,750.00 smo napravili amortizacijsko izplačilo na posestvo, katerega je jednota prodala v Chicagu. Prodaja, «sme n Java In odpoklic ln vos tleli V zadnjem polletju je gospodarski odsek prodni zadolžnice zvezne vlade za vsoto $144,618.75, za katere je jednotn plačala $139.484 38, torej dobiček $5,134 37. Celo vsota, ki smo jo prejeli pri prodaji, Je bila zopet vložena v iste vrste zadolžnice zvezne "vlade z enako obrestno mero, toda potečejo precej pozneje. Gospodarski odsek je tudi prodal 200 delnic Detroit Ice Si Fuel Co., katero smo prejeli pri reorganizaciji prejšnje Detroit Service Co Cela ta vsota predstavlja dobiček v vsoti $3,600 00, ker vknjižena je bila v knjigah kot nepriznana imovina. Vsota potečenih zadolžnic v zadnjih še*tih me itecih znaša $69,000 00, med temi so tudi zadolžnic«-Clcero School District * obrestno mero 5%, pri katerih je izgube $1,250 2$, kajti toliko je bilo plača no pri nakupu teh zadolžnic nad nominalno ceno. toda ta izguba se krijs s visoko obrestno mero. katere je jednota dobivala ves čas. odkar je pose dovala te zadolžnice. Med oataliml /adol/rticami. katere so bile odpo klicane, so tudi ra $25,0)0.00 od Detroit Ice Co., zn katere smo prejeli nominalna ceno in ra $25.000 00 Wisconsin Electric, pri katerih je jednota utrpel» $250 00 izgube, ker odpoklicane so bile za nekolike nižjo ceno kot je jednola plačala. Odp'a«»nih je bilo tudi nekaj poaojll na prve remljUke vknjižbe in med temi je tudi pewojito Slovenskega delavskega doma na Waterloo, Cleve land Direktnih posojil na prve zemljiške vknjižbe ni bilo v zadnji polovici leta. lstotako nismo kupovali nobenih municipalnin zadolžnic Že precej ča»a Pričakuje se pa. da bo precej držav pričelo isdajati radolžnice v svrho Izplačila bonus* odsluženim vojakom: gotovo Je da r,obrne te vrste zadolžnice ne bodo nad 2"»- ob-tritro n cro m irdane imdo gotovo na daljš« dobo Vs!ed tako nizke nbn^lnc mere državnih In mu-nietpalnlh radoltnk, g<«podar»ki odsek raje vlaga ia/položl)lvo imovino v zadolžnice zvezne vlade To je tktipno poročilo gospodarskega odseka in za tem poročilom sled! detajlirani pregled vseh transakcij, ki jih je ta odsek napravil v zadnjih šestih mesecih Ako katerf izmed članov gl odbora žrli kaka nadaljnja pojasnila, smo radevolje na razpolago MATT PETROVICH prt-dsrdnik gospodarskega odseka. SREDA, 26. MARCA 8.N.P J. FINANCE COMMITTEE SECURITIES ACQUIRED JULY 1-DECEMBER 3L Description--- Pa* value Coat Data 1946 U.S. Treasury 2Vs due 12/15/68^3. U.S. Treaaury 2V4's due 12/15/72-67------ U.S. Treasury 2V4's due 12/15/62-59............ U.S. Savings Bonds Series F due 12/1/53 « m m m m 2/1/54 M 44 44 44 41 M 4/1/55 44 44 44 44 M « 2/1/50 44 44 44 44 44 44 7/1/50 44 44 44 « " " 12/1/56 44 «4 44 .4 44 44 g/1/57 M 4« ; 44 44 44 44 10/1/57 Total governments .......................... Dominion ot Canada, 3% 7th Victory Loan due 2/1/62-59 -........................................ Broklyn Union Gas Co.. 1st Mtg. 2Vs due 7/1/76............................................... Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation 1st Mtg. 2Vs due 11/1/75................................. Cincinnati Gas Si Electric Corporation 1st Mtg. 2%% due 10/1/75.............................. Northern States Power Company 1st Mtg. 2%'s due 10/1/75 ....................................... The Ohio Public Service Co. 1st Mtg. 2%% due 6/1/76............................................ Pacific Gas Se Electric Co. 1st & Ref. Mtg. 2%'s due 6/1/81............................................ Public Service Company of Oklahoma 1st Mtg. 2Vs due 7/1/75.................................. Texas Power and Light Company 1st Mtg. 2Vs due 5/1/75.......„................................... Total Public Utilities......................... Total bonds .......................«................. $ 8,000.00 75,000.00 141,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 6,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 $ 8,057.50 77,765i63 144,374.22 786.00 1,572.00 4,940.00 • 3,770.00 3,745.00 3,725.00 1,113.00 1,850.00 July July Nov. Sept. 24 16 13 12) ) ) Vendor Minors' fund C. F. Childs Sc Company Alliance ) "Lily", ) Milwaukee, ) Wis. ) ) $253,000.00 $251,698.35 4,000.00 25,000.00 4,195.00 25,750.00 Aug. July 21 16 Bank of Montreal, Toronto, Ont. H. H. Rollins & Sons 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,687.50 25,000.00 Sept. Sept. 23 23 Halsey, Stuart & Co. Halsey, Stuart & Co. 25,000.00 25,562.50 Sept. 23 Halsey, Stuart & Co. 25,000.00 25,562.50 Sept. 24 F. S. Kelly 50,000.00 50,250.00 Nov. 14 Halsey, Stuart & Co. 25,000.00 25,375.00 Nov. 14 Halsey, Stuart & Co. 25,000.00 25,375.00 Nov. « 14 Halsey, Stuart & Co. $225,000.00 $482,000.00 $229,562.50 $485,455.85 Real Estate Contract—8317 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago $ 3,750.00 Aug. 1 (Real estate sold) Federally insured Savings and Loan Associations: Chicago Savings and Loan Association, Chicago, Illinois............................—---------------$ 5,000.00 July 22 Citizens Building and Loan Association, Silver Springs, Md....................—................. 5,000.00 Sept. 2t Clyde Saving^ and Loan Association, Cicero, Illinois......................................—............... 5,000.00 Dec. 3 Davey Crockett Federal Savings St Loan Ass'n, Crockett, Tex.................................... 5,000.00 Sept. 2i East Texas Building, Loan Si Sav. Ass'n, Tyler, Tex........................................................ 5,000.00 July 22 Everglades Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n of Belle Glade, Fla....................................... 5,000.00 Dec. 3 First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Altadena. Calif.......................................... 5,000.00 July 22 First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Aberdeen, Wash......................................... 5,000.00 Sept. 2f First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Camden, Ark................................................. 5,000.00 Dec. 2 First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Denver, Colo............................................... 5,000.00 Dec. 2 First Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Gainsville, Fla. ............................................ 5,000.00 Dec. 2 First Federal. Savings and Loan Ass'n of Rusk, Texas .................................................. 5,000.00 Dec. 2 First Federal Savings ard Loan Ass'n of Torrington, Conn..................................-...... 5,000.00 Dec. 2 Grunwald Savings and Loan Association, Chicago, Illinois............................................. 5,000.00 Dec. 2 Guaranty Savings and Loan Association, Birmingham, Ala............................-.............. 5,000.00 Sept. 2( Highland Park Building and Loan Ass'n, Wauwatosa, Wis.............................................. 5,000.00 July 25 Illinois Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Chicago, 111.................................................... 5,000.00 Sept. 2( Lake Shore Buildiflg and Loan Association, Chicago, Illinois......................................... 5,000.00 Sept. 2f Lamesa Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Lamesa, Tex................................................ 5,000.00 July 21 Liberty Loan and Building Association, Houston, Texas.................................................... 5,000.00 Sept. 2( Liberty Savings and Loan Arsociation, Chicago, Illinois................................................... 5,000.00 July 2! Marshall Federal Savings ard Loan Association, Marshall, Tex...................................... 5,000.00 Dec. ! Ogden Federal Savings and Loan Association, Berwyn, 111.............................................. 5.000.00 Dec. ' San Luis Valley Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Alamosa, Colo................................. 5,000.00 Dec. : Southwest Savings and Loan Association, Inglewood, Calif........................................... 5,000.00 Sept 21 Standard Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n of Los Angeles, Calif..................................... • 5,000.00 Sept. 2( Stillwater BuiWlng and Loan Association, Stillwater, Okla............................................. 5,000.00 Sept. 2( United Savings and Loan Association, Chicago, Illinois.................................................... 5,000.00 Ju y 2; Universal Savings and Loan Association, Chicago, Illinois............................................. 5,000.00 July 2; Bloomington Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n. Bloomington, 111.................................... 5,000.00 Dec. i Colorado Federal Savings and Loan Aas'A, Denver Colo.......................:........................... 5,000.00 Dec. j Fort Bend Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. Rosenberg, Tex............................................ 5,000.00 Dec. . Total injured certificates..............................-...................................................................$160,000.00 Summary, ' Par value —Cost— US. Government bonds.............. .......................-.....-..................^«fiJS ^ . Su^ ........... "5-000.00 ™ Real Estate Contract................................................................................... 3,750.00 3.750.00 Savings and Loan Associations........................... .................................. 160'000 00 160'000 00 Grand tbtal ..........................................................................................$645,750.00 - $649,205.85 ' SECURITIES DISPOSED OF < Considara- Profit or _ Pwription--P"----'">— t-«"'1 P»P°""°- US Treasury 1V.'i due 6/1S/56/54-. $135.000 $139.484.36 $144.618.75 li.134.37 C.F. Child.Co_Nov.l! US Treasury due 12/15/68-63 . 8.000 8,057.50 8.057.50 ................ Minor, fund 7/24 Cicero, 111, 80,001 DUt #". " du. ^ ^^ u50 25. Matured 8/1 Gnr^du^ry'ndSiW" 15.000 14,643.75 15,000.00 58.25 Matured 11/1 Holme, County. Mi... 4V.;a due 1946 39.000 38.220.00 39.000.00 780.00 Matured 11/1 EleClHC >.»00 1.500.00 1.575.00 75.00 Called 9/1« WUconsin Electric *>»« Co. 3 V, ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ 10/1 DeUoU City Ice 4 Fuel Co. 4'. due ^ ^^ ................ CaUed 9/25 Detroit City ice * Fue, Co. common ^ ^ ^ ^ go|d (0 Com , al S.S BloCK ..................................................................per share Sept ¿3 Y*rChie.£~VaC"nl 1Mrd ................................ 600 00JU 503.98 W. Doemlin* 7/29 "SJJ^Cto?"............................w*» Re,27,h-st Ch°lc.£~V"C,"lM F" ...............................: 600.00 (2, 575,6 Oer.ld Cordell ./» Heal Estate Contract No. 168, 1658 Pasadena, Detroit, Mich. ............... Mortgage No. 4—Slov. Workmen's Home, Cleveland................................ FHA Loan 9—Chicago, 111.................. M 20—Chicago. Ill............... » 24—Cleveland, O............... » 39—Chicago. 111. ......... M 53—Chicago, III............ - 80—Chicago, III,................ Mortgage No 160—Cleveland. O....... 1,400.82 7,346.17 2,421.31 1,41928 1.226 16 2.917 84 3.07991 2 086 01 150 00 Balança: 1,400.82 7.346.17 2.421.31 1.41928 1.226 16 2.917.84 3,07991 2.086.01 150.00 ... Paid in full 7/1 44 44 4. j j/25 ............8/12 44 44 44 ]q 24 m « 44 g/2 44 44 « if/i® ......7/24 44 44 41 jo/7 44 44 4« g/j 2 Totals........... (1) Tax and legal $96 02 . $258,500 $289.531.73 $300.161 25 $10,449 38 (2) Legal $2412 Soglasno sprejet predlog, da se poročilo vrame na znanje. (Dalje prihodnjo sredo.) Glasovi iz naselbin C. U. I&ČE ŠTEVILKE CANKARJEVEGA GLASNIKA Clsvaland. O.—Cankarjeva ustanova je po tisi s meseci novembra lanskega leta iest setov v*eh letnikov Csnkarjcvegs glasnika Univeizitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani. Sklenjeno je bilo, ds se v kratkem odpoillje fe mtale letnike, ki jih imamo na rokah, raznim knjižnicam v'stari domovini. Vezati pa bomo dali ftc nakaj letnikov, ako bomo dobili sledeče števili»: Letnik I., koptember 1937 in november 919 1937; letnik II., oktober 1938 in jumj letnik IV., september 1940; letnik V« ° ber-september 1941, to je združena s < z zelenimi platnicami; letnik VI., sepf' 1942 Kdor ima katero navedenih Iteulk c ksrjcvega «lasnika na rokah in bi goslsvijn in njenTnr razvojem, do g»» ^ dal revijo in s tem poms*sl. ds se bo vezati ie nekaj letnikov Cankarjevega £ nika ter jih poslalo rsmim knjižnica* ustanovam v Sloveniji. . LttdTlkMad^* À Slovene Nafl Benefit Society in 44th Year of fraternal Serviced904-1947 PROSVETA ENGLISH SECTION Help to Increase Our Juvenile And Adult Membership wednesday, MARCH 26, 1947 Cavaliers Mark m Birthday niversary of ^Cavaliers, and it J customary to sponsor our annual Anniversary danoe on April 12. mu-; by the well-known A1 Medofer !nd his Polkateers from Strabane. a" the Slovenian Home. This occasion is our most successful event of the year and we are confident that it will remain so. Our regular monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1. at 7:30 pm Why can't you Cavaliers attend at least one meeting a year, especially since this happens to be the month of our 15th anniversary? What do you say? Members on the sick list are Mrs. Cathern Moskun and Mrs. Helen Acompora. Please make your required visits. Wishing you two a speedy and complete recovery. Three Cavaliers have had an increase in families, . Mrs. Virginia Bendick (our rec. sec'y), a bouncing baby girl; Mrs. Lena Mavrich, a bouncing baby boy, and Mrs. Mary Kopenshek. a bouncing baby boy. Congratulations and here's hoping I receive their applications for our Juvenile Department. New members added to our Juvenile Dept. are. little John D. Go-dish, Ruth Ann Harris and Clyde Mavrich Jr. Congratulations are a little late, but same applies to Cousin Margaret Sage< whose engagement was announced on February 13 to Jules Simon of Avella. Luck and happiness to you both. EMMA KOROSEC, Sec'y. Lodge Moderns Marching On! SHEBOYGAN, Wis.—Lodge Moderns 634 held its third meeting of the year on March 16, which was very well attended. There's no doubt about it, we are on our feet, working together as a group. Clara Resnick and Roman Aldag were initiated into our ranks, and we welcome them warmly. John R( snick nominated Ruth Ponaih and Janet Siefert for membership. Max Resnick is working hard lining up teams for the national bowling tournament. The men's bowling team holds first place in their league. Good luck, fellas, keep 'em rolling. Stan Loncar and George Lukich howled at Green Bay in the Wisconsin State tournament. In doubles they put together a score of 1150. George hit 605 and Stan 545. Wherever that "spot" was. Stan i"und it in singles, hitting the pocket consistently to the tune of 628. The following members of the Badgers attended our meeting: Marty Shappeck, Stan Sedmak and 'rank Lozar, Thanks for coming. | was nice having you here. After m« meeting adjourned a social time wa enjoyed, Frank Resnick brought portable record player along and some pepy polkas. With refrosh-and this music. I think 'Anybody present had a good time. '7n "»near was the lucky winner ' " NP«;cial door prize in the amount of $2. ■•'""bus. start planning now to - und our next meeting on April - we would like to see everyone ' nd. our meetings are getting / interesting every month. • th" increased attendance ' Mnerai stepped-up interest n 1 h"wn by so many of our , . 1 <-ome to one meeting. , 1 u,e you'll be sorrv if you ' v" have to mini the next ANN ALDAG. For Members of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenea PAGE FIVE Wit-0-Grams parti 1 11 'S, Mo.—Our veteran« "'w pleasant memory of ,,ut I'm sure all those who ' "t < very enjoyable time. ' fh>ng different from our nal affairs. •dud to see Pete Dolenc 1 t meeting as we mined ; t several months. Our ' '"> hadn't been doing as had been. Maybe some 'Oi some of the member* team along. Why the Bevn Bowling al-T ' vday nite? to ' beyond our control lfl I be able to participate ' •mi nt in Chicago this <«mmg along fine for " 1 am sure all rrem-¡'Port the dance commit-•"t#dly. The final re-PMxveds of our Valen-• " not yet in beratis* "»ember» failed to rm»k 'heir tirketa. ' '-mherthip campaign is so let's sll try to o to further it along. 4 v U'Y I1ERVATIN, 059 ONLY THROUGH MUTUAL EFFORT CAN WE ANTICIPATE SUCCESS Nothing in nature that wants to live, can remain still for any length of time. Any enterprise whose progress reaches the point of stagnation, demonstrates the beginning of its end. This fact is comprehensive to the Supreme Board and the Executive Committee of the Society, and shall not be underestimated by the members of the organization. To stimulate continued progress in our Society, we should get rid of our present tendency of indifference and step into action, especially during the time of a special membership campaign, as is under way at present. A campaign of this type can only be successful, if all of the members take part or interest in one way or the other, and to render help to those members who endeavor with especial vigor for successful achievement. Those members however, not able to solicit new members from house to house or other public places in this connection, may help the solicitors by rendering moral support with a favorable word, where necessary. Perhaps by describing the material and educational benefits attained by the members, it would undoubtedly strenghten our cause considerably. What we have acquired intellectually during the time as members would be useless if not used to advantage at the most momentous occasions or opportunities such as at the present time. The present campaign offers one of these opportunities! To reward the most active and successful solicitors for their efforts in securing new members into the 6ociety, the Supreme Board, upon recommendation from the Executive Committee, has granted liberal awards to all entitled individual members, and in addition also to local lodges. The lodges, through the cooperation of you members, which surpass the assigned quota of new members, as described in the special circular—which was sent to all the lodges and has also been publihed in the official organ—shall be eligible to receive generous awards. Members of those lodges whose financial status is possibly low, you now have a good opportunity to increase your treasury. Do not miss this wonderful chance, as it is very unlikely that you will have another such opportunity in the near future. Brothers and Sisters! Our Society is not exclusively an insurance or ganization, but also has higher and noble ideals, to promote cultural and educational activities among the members, therefore, deserving full support from the entire membership. v Today we live in abnormal times; here and there reaction ii rejoicing of victories, and deep graves are being dug for liberty and progress. But the present crisis shall pass as surely as day follows night and a new dawn will arise. Ideals and principles; social justice, freedom and liberty for all peopl#; these have been our symbols for almost half a century, and are also the hopes and ideas of the common men. This ideal cannot be suppressed, imprisoned with laws nor buried in a grave. Sooner or later this fact shall be acknowledged by those who today rejoice around the almighty dollar. Since this campaign is limited and shall close on June 30, we appeal to you, Brothers and Sisters, to take immediate action about the task before you. Practically all of our previous campaigns, mostly through your ef forts, have been successful and therefore, we anticipate the fulfillment of your duties again this time, in order that we may increase our membership to the highest level in the history of our organization. Let us begin with our slogan in this campaign: "BUILD YOUR LODGE STRENGHTEN YOUR SOCIETY." ★ ★ * In regard to questions from various lodges as to whether members belonging to an organization previous to merging with the SNPJ are considered meihbers from the date of entry into their own organization oi whether from the date of merger with the SNPJ. We wish to inform you that members acquired through a merger are considered a« member« from the date of admittance into their own society. According to thta ruling applications to all members of societies merged with SNPJ shall be accepted, and therefore, they shall be eligible for old age benefit according to the resolution passed at the thirteen regular convention. May we add, further, that benefits which shall be paid to the old members in the form of assessments, shall not, in case of death, be deducted from the mortuary benefit as there have also been a number of questions in this connection. F. A. Vider, Supreme Secretary. SNPJ Wolverine News J. Z. JRS. Bright Spots LIBRARY, Pa.—The next English speaking federation of western Penna meeting will be on Sunday, April 20, in Avella. At this meeting we should hear quite a few reports from the athletic committee, SNPJ Day committee, entertainment committee and the special investigating committee. Oh yes, It will be our first trip to Avella. According to a recent issue of the Prosveta, the entertainment committee has made arrangements fov a FedeAtion dance, to be held on May 10, at 57th and Butler, Pittsburgh, featuring Frank Porovne's orchestra. It would be nice if all the federated lodges would be represented with a group of members. It can be done, Just work on it and get the gang rounded up. This 'n' Thati—While a little late in reporting we would like our SNPJ friends to know that on February 12, a cerebral hemorrhage couscd the sudden death of Mrs. Frank Ambrosic. She was very active SNPJ member and was always willing to give the J. Z. Jrs. a helping hand. The J. Z. Jrs, will miss her very much as will her family, relatives and friend». Speedy recovery to Bros. Jos. Ko-kal, Jacob Zupancic and Bob Woods of Lodge 386. These men are all suffering from mine injuries. On the J. Z. Jrs. get-well list we hsve Sister Kay Ellison recuperating in the Magee Hospital. Our best wishes for a quick recovery, Belated congratulations and beat wishes to Mayme Triller on her recent marriage to Bill Stoltzl. To Art Peternel we wish the best of luck on hife ne#"Sdventure to California and on his new position. The Slovenian Dom in Library has been talking about building bowling alleys since 1938. The lateit report is that they will be built in time for the next bowling season Along with the present Improvements this should place the Slovenian Hall in Library on top of the list for an evening' of enjoyment. Frank "Strings-Spaga" Strimlan 1» now superintendent at Moutour 4 Mine in Hills Station. The next J. Z. Jrs. meeting is on April 2. Don't ipi*" it, they may be serving another delicious spaghetti dinner. Will try to get down to the Buckeyes' dance on April 10 in BarbcrtOn as we >yould like to get acquainted "With some of the SNPJers out this way. Barberton at one time was the stamping ground f»r the J. Z. Jrs. boys. Re member, Slapsie, Ambrosic, Vidmar and Waggett?—The Llkar household is on 75 Russell avenue in Akron. Drop in sometime. FRANCES D. LIKAR, 682. FLASHES By Donald J. Lotrlch DETROIT, Mich.—The entertainment committee and ah the Wolves wish to thank everyone who donated prizes and who helped make our game nite on March 15 a success. Our thanks also to Mrs. Modic (romcrly Mrs. Bozich) who took It upon herself to pass the hat around, then turned this money over to the Wolverines. The Wolves could always depend upon her to lend a helping hand at any of their affairs. Thank you and the best of luck always. Bowling: Every year the city of Detroit sponsors a brothers' tournament. Each team must be composed of five brothers. Two popular brother teams and well known at the John R club are the Bernick brothers and the Bablch brotherr. These two teams crossed alleys on March 8 in this brothers' tournament. A half barrel of beer wa« to be given by the losers to the victors. The Babich boys must buy a half barrel of beer for the Bernick boys to consume at some future date as they emerged the victors. But they aren't doing any bragging as they only bowled 2400. There will be no bowling for the Slovene Girls' League on Easier Sunday. Sunday jackpots have been won by Helen Steffler 191 and Mimi Selak 197. The girls have four teams all lined up for our Chicago trip. Two class A teams captained by Lena Yerman and Mimi Selak, and two class B teams captained by Berchie Naprudnik and Julia Ku-mulchlk Girls, pfcase turn your entry fee over to Lena this week if possible in order that we may send our entry blanks in esrly. Al Mac-cani is taking care of the men's teams Our it embers: Another name ha' been added to our list of sick members. The list now Includes Mary Pustovcr, her son Paul. Helen Steffler. Mary Pink and John Puhek March 16 was the day Hudy Bene diet had plans completed for a surprise birthday party for his wife Charlotte Came March 16 »nd Charlotte did the surprising Sh«-preernted Rudy with a S lb> 6 or baby girl Cluulotte Patricia. It's also a baby girl for Betty Phemester and another boy for Toni Bogutay. Congratulations to all. After our last monthly meeting the members held quite a serenade at John R. club. Joe Makstell proved to be quite a singer. Berchie Naprudnik Informs me that the Wolverines needn't import an orchestra for their dance on May 25. There is a Spike Jones Band at John R every weekend that are wrecking the dishpans, pie plates and silverware,. They are getting populur for their noise and unique rhythm. The round trip to Chicago on the train will be $13.05. Money for railroad tickets to Chicago must be turned in to Matt Pink or Berchie Naprudnik on or before Sunday. March 30. That is definitely the deadline.—Happy birthday to Rudy Bernick, our secretary. — Bertha Bernick spent last week in Cleveland with her parents.—Have you sent your name to Joe Kern so that he will reserve your hotH room in Chicago for you?—Bring in your new member at our next meeting and build up our lodge. MILLY BERNICK. 677. Integrity Broadcast CHICAGO.—The Integrity's reg-ular monthly meeting will take place Friday, March 28, at 2741 W. North ave., 2nd floor. All members are urged to attend. Those who do not know that all dues should be mailed or paid no later than the last dsy of each month, are asked to kaep this Irt mind. For your own benefit be on time- This is very important. „ Michael Jame* Salomon, son of Sis. Mary Salomon, waa home on furlough from the Navy. He hope* to be in Cuba in the near future with Uncle SamV Navy. Good luck, Michael. M R. FLEISCHHACKER, Sec'y. CHICAGO.—Pioneer Lodge 559 of SNPJ went on record last Friday night to send letters of piotest to President Truman, our Senators and Congressmen, against the present trends of the administration 'in regard to giving away four hundred million dollars in support of tfie undesirable Greek monarchy. We also went on record in support of the efforts of the Jugoslav government to purchase wheat and supplies for its inhabitants and against the pressure being used by reactionary interests in this country aguinst the Jugoslav government. These are In line with ¿he principles of the SNPJ and with the recent decision of the SNPJ executive committee In notifying President Truman that his present foreign policy, at least as it concerns Greece and Turkey, is bound to lead us to war. We urge other English speuking lodges to do the same because it was the English speaking lodge members who have had to join the armed forces to combat fascism in World War II, If World War III comes, it will be the English speaking lodge members who are most likely to be called Into the service so that they can be shipped to Greece to light for the rotten Greek monarchist government. We don't want this to happen, if we can help it. To prevent it from happening we must act now! Even as individuals, each one of you members have an obligation and a duty. Urge your Congressmen through letters to work against the present trend in American foreign rfffairs. • » » * At the meeting Friday night we initiated four new members and transferred two others from the Juvenile to the adult department. Another jnember was received by transfer. It was an interesting meeting, especially since so many participated in the discussions on the reports snd on tho attitude of another world conflict. Mary Hoche-var won the two dollar meeting award and her daughter Josephine was lucky enough to also win the juvenile awaid. Anne Curtler wua good enough to secure u hum free for the meeting.—All members are urged to participate In the membership campaign which is now in progress. We have but three months in which to reach our quota of 25 members. Let's go after them In earnest. • • • • The Pioneer girl bowlers are sporting nice new blouse». They will be all dressed up for the national tourney next month. Josephine Mersol worked with Marge Bo-zicnik to procure these. One men's team composed of Larry Grsdisek, Ed Mijulski, Frank Lotrlch, John Petras and Don Lotrlch participated in the eastern HNPJ invitational tourney in Cleveland last Saturday and Sunday. Sophie Svolioda and Josephine Mersol rolled In the dou* bles and singles. It was a record breaking tournament and the alleys were in good shape. Evenlhe pin spotters are to be complimented, When disputes arise over wage incentive plans, piece relet, workload or similsr technical matters, the Technical Division of Ihe Conciliation Service U. S. Department of I^abor, Is available to make impartial studies of the /acts in dispute. Though the Pioneers had a tough schedule being on the 8 am shift Sunday morning, we didn't complain, but we do hope thut the Col-linwood Dom will udd on eight more alleys to make it easier for Whitey Matthews and the rest of the SNPJ promoters to handle the tourney easier next year. In Cleveland we met many of our good friends from Detroit, Pittsburgh, Canonsburgh, Barberton, and other places. Just about all of them spoki of coming to the national turney in April. If these promises material' ize, we are going to have u real big 1947 national SNPJ bowling classic, mm We must emphasize the need for sending In entries early and stress the importance of sending in for •hotel reservations. The 'management at the Morrison hotel tell ut> they should have no difficulty in taking care of our needs. However, they do stress that tho reservation cards should be sent back quickly so that we will not be left out of sufficient rooms.—It was really nice to see how all the active SNPJers congregate for an SNPJ event, as In Cleveland last weekend. There la a potential and distinct asset for the Society in all such gatherings. • • • * Seven Pioneers have volunteered to work at the national tourney In April. That, too, is a fine attitude of our members. Because we will need many workers we request others of you to tell us how much of your time you can give to the successful operation of this big venture. The degree of success achieved will depend upon the amount of work we put into the project. Let's ull roll up our sleeves and Join in with those who are planning for its smooth operation.—We, too, are forming teams for Üie tourney, Many of our boys and girls roll regularly in the Pioneer league but we will need all of the rest of you, who for one reason or snother, do not hOwl In the league to muke up our quotiffyf twenty teams for the tourney. Fifteen outside bowlers have already signed up. We need at least that many more to complete our list.—To Frank Zordani goes the distinction of sending in the second entry for the national tourney. His team will be composed of Frank Zvokel, Frank Paulich, Stanley Zordani, Anton Cretnik, and himself. Only Stanley Zordani and Frank bowl in the Pioneer league, which mean« that Frank picked up three extra bowlers. • • • • Louise Allc has been taken off the sick list but in the last couple of days we had to add on our ever* active Brother John Simon and Imogene Pirok. John was caught up with by pneumonia while lino-gene underwent an operation for hemorrhoids. -A card from Mexico tells us that Joseph, Mary and Mitzi Oven are having an enjoyable vacation in the warm and sunny Mex* <0*e present at our next meeting on Saturday. April 19, at 8 pm to show his or her Interest In our promoting this type of entertainment more often during the coming season. It is my desire to have a lunch and dance on the evening of our next meeting, and in order thut this may me possible. I must receive a ».ill or letter from each and every member within several days after this article appears in the Prosveta. We are also proud to announce that we did initiate our fust new member of our present campaign. Joseph Markuvich Jr. hus Joined with us and he was very nicely greeted by the members St our past meeting. Bro. Joseph Markovlch Sr. is still on our sick list und we wish him a very speedy recovery. FRANK HRVAT1N Jr., Sec'y. Little Fort Lodge News WAUKEGAN, ill—The member* of the Little Fort lodge weie certainly busy this mouth. To sponsor four dsnces in one month is no small undertaking, This experiment worked out very well In every way. yet, so when we open our season next fall our guests will say, "Re-member that dance of romance?" I Progar and forth pn/e ma« won by Helen Meny and Billy Progar Mary P Chesnie and I/Miner d Mavrich won the low prize snd Mary C»esnlc slso won th" low singl* game «core The tournament proved to be s success but we tt ink It could be put on a bigger scide if the women members'of our odge would try to compete. It's all In fun and it's planned by the athletic committer as an sffair for your enjoyment This being the f r»t sffair tu*ld for our members, w« thought It to lie * success and the committee should be commended f pathy to hi« bereaved relatives, ALUINA L. FUltLAN. Young Americans DETROIT The Comet« made a one point gain on the HND and I know they will put in extia effort to keep Mi the lead, but we will lie )u«t as determined and try to gttlii another point, so look out, HND's. Helen HteffUr, a W< Iverine, ha« been In the ho«pl!ul for an operation and Is now at horn«. ! know •tie would appieciato a visit from members now and then. We wish you a speedy recovery, Helen, a« we miss your sunny smile around the alley«. The juveniles had a meeting at John It Satuiday Parts were given out to Ihe one« lhat were there for the Mother's Day program they plan to have, There si* mora pa its to la* given out Mr lie sura to come to the play practice Haturday, the 29th, al 3 prn and get your part. Every juvenile should lie Interested in this The final touche« will be com ph te by thia week for tha G. I Bust paity a« theie is to be a meeting of entertainment committee and standing of fieri« on the 27th, so be «ura and lir pit *ent We urge all G, I « to dd * frw ,rom Hy««n. p« • Detroit, Mich., Springfield. Ill. Indianapolia. Ind . and possibly one or two other logall-ties A total of 125 juvenile members are expected to participate In th«* three events. Si- .P#r,TC!,5lrclT bowUrt of Chicago directed by Ann Sannemann and Edward Udovich. art making good progress In their Sunday get togethers. «hey are not very optlmlatlc as to Uieir «han.es of winning the team championship in either division, boys or girts, they do. however, enter-tam high hopes in winding up at or near the top in the individual events Neveial of the boys and girls. Ion, hsve improved greatly in the oast month or two There u a good possibility thai Ploneet Lodge 56tf of Chicago will en-ler a team of juveniles in the coming telegraphic conteaU. and a team u also lieing organized on the Houthaide by Trailblaaet Lodge 100 with some hrlp from the Calumet Sentinels . . Report, from Strabane. Pa inform «. th.t both local juvenile Circles are organising team, and are holding practice sessio.». .egulaily Jamea Pudboy and Joseph Sedmak ate m charge of lining up the teams All «1 the defending champtena are expected to see action in the ram ing tourney Th« |a«s winners and their respective acorea are as fallows Boys' Division Olrle' Division rwi.u, fjrClT *!' Rh,,ron P* M7S Circle 7, tiicard. Ohio DOUBLES J Pod hoy 4 C M C.gorin It M Kenik. Khmmski, Circle 27 |047 Circle 24 HlNtiLES-C Kan.inski. Cir 27 823 M. Macek. Circle 7 All Events—__ C Ksminski, Circle 27 1646 763 445 1167 1615 M Kenik. Circle 24 The scores rolled last year, especially in the hoys' division, were escrjv Uotisll) «.„„i I, wy unlikely that they will be aurpoaaed. or even approached despite the fact that most of the bowlers, who «etahliaherf the reoid». will he keek «gain Sharon • great boys team has loat two 111 and Frank Zickar. by transfer and. unh-.s lhe> have hi < n replaced with equally good bowlers, will have a big Job on thru hands of duplicating or hetterins theu own record But, even If U»e> fail in doing thia, they will he a match for alnuwt any team. ««maid, enn* that their nearest opponents, last year finished nearly 300 pina be hind then. However competition will be much keener and more Interesting all around t*rli' •••«» champtana of the SNPJ. representing Circle 7,-Girard. Ohio has been fortunate in that It ha* Wwt none of its howlers by Wane fei or otherwise end. if they hove been practicing faithfully, should furnish th* ir E.S. Fed. W. Penna Duckpin League OAKMONT. Pa,—The ES federation of western Penna duckpin bowling league Is rolling along at a nice pace and everybody is having s good time I hope that thia will give the spirit that will be needed when we have a full schedule to go through this next bowling season. I fthe results of games are aent to me Ml have the standings published every two weeks. The federation athletic committee will hold a meeting In the very near future and will discuss the poasibil-•ty of having a men and women team tournament to be held in Pittsburgh soon The standings tf teems, men Sy. gan 6 0. Ambrldg» ||-1 Pittsburgh 12 6. Harmarvlllf 10-11. Universal 711, A veils 4-8. Verona 1-4, 1m-pertal 4-14; women Sygan Unl veraal 15 6. Ambrtdge 11-7, Ave lie M. Pittsburgh t-«, Verona 2-4, Har manrllle »16, Avails 3 IS LAWRENCE CASSOL Badgerland News MILWAUKEE. Wis.—News is at a premium this week so we will make it short and snappy. Again we appeal to *11 Badgers to send in any news they might have to our secretary for publication. It is not an easy job to keep this weekly column going by my cohort and myself. So give us a lift and send in your news now. March 16—This will be your last reminder to attend the monthly meeting of the Badger lodge. These are your meetings so make it a date to be present. Discussions sre always on the interesting side and all have a chance to throw in their two bits' worth. The usual reports will be heard plus the new business on the agenda. Time 8 pm and the place Rebernisek's hall, S. 6th and W. Bruce. March 30—This will also be your last reminder to attend the card party that will be staged by the ladies lodge Venera. This affair will take place at Rebernisek's hall. Card playing will start at 2 pm, prizes will be given at each table, tickets can be obtained at our sec. office. Be on hand if at all possible. Don't forget you people to get your entries in for the national SNPJ bowling tourney. Get your teams lined up now. A meeting will be held at Remic's alleys Sunday, March 30, at 10:30 am for those who can't be contacted otherwise. Time is getting short so get on the beam and get those entries in. Con. tact Stan Sedmak who will be glad to see that you are taken care of. Entries close April 10, so act accordingly. These and those. They used to throw overcoats out of clothing stores as an advertising stunt. Now they are sometimes thrown out of taverns—but they usually have men in them. No pun intended. SALTY, 584. Attention, Members SNPJ Lodge No. 446 NEW CASTLE. Pa.—All members of Lodge 440 are urgently requested to attend the regular meeting on Sunday, March 30, at which time the war bond will be given away. All sold and unsold tickets must be accounted for at this meeting and turned in to the ticket committee chairman. The committee wishes to thank every member for his cooperation in this undertaking. Be sure to be present at the meeting. NICK PACKOVITCH, Sec'y. A. S. Golf Ass'n To Hold Pin Tourney WAUKBGAN, 111.—The American Slovene Golf ass'n is planning on having a mixed bowling tournament on May 3, the Saturday following the SNPJ national pin tournament. Any Slovene or any person married to a Slovene is welcome to bow!. All details have not been worked out as yet. This tourney will be a handicap one so that competition will be keen. • VIC BELEC, 568. out of line and extend an invitation to all of those who wish to have good time at Bon Air Slovenian Hall Easter Monday evening. _ OTTO GROSNIK. News of Johnstown Trojans Lodge 749 JOHNSTOWN, Pa—Our March meeting was well attended and we're sure it was enjoyed by all present. To Bro. Victor Glavach and the committee chosen for enter-tainment-of-attendance-at-meetlngs we owe a kind 'Thank you." Bro. Glavach's idea of "feeding the kitty" proved to be not only a drawing card but also entertaining. As you enter our meeting room you will see the "kitty " Larry Lancer hole, our aegt-at-arma. will inform you just how you may share in the fun with kitty Bro John Bom-hech s little daughter draw Stanley Mrak s name, since he was not present. the sum will be added to the "Kitty of April " Our entertainment committee has been able to obtain the Slovene Hall for our first dance, details of which will be soon known. Sis. Ann Bricely. Circle director, has been working extra hard with the children lately. She JnV>rmed us at the meeting that the Juvenile Circle is planning an anniversary program soon. Bro. M. Vrhovnik Juvenile Director of SNPJ. will be asked to attend the program and show some of the SNPJ films. Ann also informed us that the juveniles gather at the Slovene Workers Home. Lorain Boro, every Tuesday and Wednesday of each week for meetings, movies, dancing and entertainment. It's a fine way for the youngsters to really get acquainted with each other and to alao find the spirit of close cooperation among themselves. We want to welcome back to Johnstown. Bro. Frank Yancar, formerly of lodge 648; he has transferred from lodge 53 of Cleveland. We are asking all our members for a little extra effort in the new new membership campaign now in progress. We have only until June 30 to reach our quota of 12 new members. Members. do your best; we are now luted in Claas B. The talented little girls pictured here are Greta and Gretchen Kauahep. twin daughters of August and Elisabeth Kaushep. both members of our h'dge. We are indeed fortunate, since they have both willingly accepted an invitation from our lodge to sing and play for our entertainment at our next meeting April 13 at 7 30 pm in the Skivene Workers Home in lorain Boro Don't mias our next meeting, members, we are sure you II all enjoy the way these talented twins sing and play Slovene and popular music DOROTHY GLAVACH. Sec y. Stragglers News-Gazette CLEVELAND.—At the time ,, this writing the invitational tourra ment is in full swing and accord* lag to the latest reports, Utot»an! are holding the spotlight with a S&i ungle game. This of course can be beaten and probably will by the time the tourney ends Next week! edition of the Prosveta will beyond doubt carry the list of members-names who emerged victorious the affair. dl The number of team entries ceeded those of previous years and that is the reason why so many 0f the home teams had to bowl the late shift. This of course confined some of the members and they re fused to bowl at that late hour even though the entry fee had been paid "Whitey" Matthews and his committee did a fine job considering the obstacles they had to overcome and before you start to criticize just place yourself in his shoes then pass judgment. Strugglers-Newsy-Noies Joe, T-olar has started the ball rolling by proposing a new member in the "SNPJ Lodge Campaign." The name of the prospective new member is FYank Kramer of Calcutta ave. who operates a meat market in that vicinity. Frank Rezek's column of several weeks back really hit the nail on the head and I agree with him I007t. Too many members believe in the adage of "Let George do it." We certainly are grateful to our many loyal friends who have pui-chased tickets for our 20th anniversary on April 13, and to Joe Durn and Vince Coff of our senior lodge who are publicizing our affair in the Slovene section of the Pro3veta. This so-called "Barbership Quartet" will really be a humdinger and is under the personal supervision of Vince Coff who has his heart and soul in making this the outstanding act on our variety show. If you fail to come to our affair you'll be sorry. , More news about the other acts in next week's edition of the Pro. sveta. And to Mike Vrhovnik, thanks for the personal interest in informing me of the movies of the national bowling tournament of last year. ANNE S. ZELE. Homemakers Club Dance April 13 DETROIT, Mich.—The Home-makers Club, formerly Women's Club, are sponsoring a 20th anniversary dance of the Slovene Workers Home, 437 S. Livernois, Sunday, April 13. Dancing starts at 4 pm, music by Frank Yankovich's orchestra from Cleveland. The SWH, founded some 20-odd years ago, late-ly has been very much modernized and it's fitting that the occasion be celebrated. The Homemakers Club with their many new members and a new name, invite everyone young and old, Wolverines, Young Americans, Yugo-Forward Club and others not to miss this dance. Refreshments will be served. Admission is 61 including tax. AGNES KRZISNIK. Treas Lodge 540 News ELIZABETH, N. J. — The last meeting was held March 9 with a fairly good attendance. Mfany important discussions were cleared away. On our sick list we had Mike Bratick Sr. and John Turk. Glad ty hear you are now recoveied. We want to welcome James Czarnato-wicz to our juvenile dept. He ii now 4 months old. The membership campaign is now on and every member of this lodge should try hia or her best to get new members. Any necessary form» can be secured from your secretary to help you explain the necessarv details to your friends. Pleas«' try for new members to help enlarge your lodge. We want to welcome home Ann Turk, who spent the last 18 month« in Bermuda working for the U. S. Navy. Best of luck to your future assignments, Ann. Coming Events: At long last the date has arrived which we've looked forward to. Our dance for Jugoslav relief sponsored bv Elizabeth. Newark, and Manvillf. on April 12 at 8 pm to 1 am. at Bo hemian Hall. S 17th st and W ave., Newark. N. J. Music by Michael Melnyk and his orcheftra. Ticket $1 including tax We certainly hope to set all of our members, friends snd neighl*" at this dance, along with our friend» and members from all New York lodges. You're welcome The danrr committee has been asked to n*»1' at the dance hall on April 12 ' pm. an hour earlier so thing» «n get started. Please meet at th« time, without fail, as it's lmp<>rtal», We earnestly ask every Ju«<»l»v 10 attend this dance and help tho ver* worthy cause There will be h< fumade klobaae and other rrfoments Lodge 540 will hold Its u•'«■ same manner that you do when ¡m; a suit of clothes at nearly ' '"»"«• than before the war, or other commodity.—They are * r " to have a big party for the Y fig American G.I.s at the Slo- National Home in Detroit this ;'V. March 29. We were sur-p'< "1 to see that the Young Amer • < tually lost five of their out of some sixty-two who '' the service. The Pioneem V three out of 137 We join '«•st of the active SNPJer* inH well lor the G.I. party "t Saturday. The first conference of the Directors of Juvenile Circles of the SNPJ ' will be held on Friday, August 29, 1947. The Directors will meet in the Slovene National Home on St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. This will also be the site of the National SNPJ Day celebration, the first in five long years, taking place during the same week-end. According to the outlined plan of the conference, which was approved in principle by the Supreme Board and recently in slightly reviaed form by the Executive Committee to whom it had been referred by the higher authority, all active Juvenile Circles, organized prior to July 1, 1947, will be entitled to send their Director to the conference. Should a qualified Circle Director be unable to attend thia important gathering, his or her assistant will, in that casei be the alternate. The outline of the plan will be published in the English Section of the Prosveta next week. Be sure to read it. . ; , . „ NEW JUVENILE CIRCLES Wa have witnessed, in the opening three months of 1947, what might be considered a "miniature boom" in the organization and revival of Juvenile Circles, for in this period no less than lix such units have been established in various parts of the Society's jurisdiction. New Circles have taken a firm hold in Cuddy and Aliqulppa, Pa. and, also, in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, while three other Circles, which were disbanded during the war. have been reorganized, one at Cleveland, Ohio, another at Milwaukee, Wis., and the third at Avella, Pa. The usual impression one gets on learning that a Circle has been revived or reorganized is that there wasn't much hard work connected with it, but actually almost as much time, effort, and planning is necessary to set the stage again as is required to organize an altogether new group. That's why full credit is given to the directors and assistants of the revived units, just as we do to the leaders who head the newly organized Circles. Both have problems and respon. sibilities common to each other, and both deserve full support from the officers and members of the lodge(s) with which the Circle is affiliated, as well as the parents of the juveniles who are its member. It takes that kind of cooperation for real success. In every locality where Circles are organised;"'let'« make'if our'business to see that they are adequately backed, morally and f^^ndajl^ & il th ■ CIRCLES JOIN THE CAMPAIGN ' Juvenile Circles, like the parent lodges to which they belong, have a definite Obligation to-perform in thé SNPJ Lodge Campaign. The slogan of the new membership drive—Build your lodge) strengthen your Society —applies to them and their directors, though ort a smaller scale, as it does to our senior lodges and their active workers and leaders. Circle activity, as every one must recofnite, te hot all play, but work, too, and one of the harder tasks, among ita seeetal functions, is the task of enrolling new member».to replenish 'its ranks. w ... . The SNPJ Lodge Campaign has been in progress for nearly a month and will continue to its conclusiojron June 30, 1947.' All Juvenile Circles are called upon and urged to jdin this campaign and accept it a* their number one project during the three remaining months—April, May and Jtine. Let us have a special contest among the Circles to see how many new members each can secure in this membership building effort. Do not overlook the fact that in building your Ibdge, you also build your Circle and, at the same time, give ngw strength to the SNPJ. Each new member enrolled by a Circle member or its director places the parent lodge that much neater to its aasigned quota and that much closer to> winning one of the special prizes and, also, the grand prise offered by the Society. Nor is that all, for each new juvenile member enrolled entitles the proposing member to a cash award of $1 or $2, and for each new adult $2 to $4. And that still isn't all, for the Juvenile Circle with the best "membership enrollment record in 1947 will receive, according to the plan previously announced in the Prosveta and Tho Voice of Youth, a htfndsome' achievement trophy from the SNPJ. This special award is really something every Juvenile Circle should strive for, not only during the period of the campaign, but throughout the entire year. Juvenile members, especially those in their "teen" years, can help build the membership of the lodge and the Circle by asking and encouraging relatives, friends and schoolmates, who are not yet members, to join the SNPJ in the ouïrent campaign. Thia they can aocompliah best by furnishing thë'hames and âddrekses of prospective members they have contacted, to the Circle Director, Lodge Secretary, or other adult member participating actively in the campaign and, as often as necessary, accompany them to the homes to introduce them to the parents and prospects. . , . Several Circle Directors have announced their intention to participate in the campaign, two of whom have already made a promising start. Every Circle is urged tO make the SNPJ Lodge Campaign its main project in the next three montha. And do not forget that, in order for the Circle to obtain full credit towards the special membership enrollment trophy to be awarded at thé end of the year, the new members must join the Circle after they are admitted into the SNPJ. MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, Juvenile Director. WEST ALUS, Wis.—As the saying goes, being prompt and on time for all dates and matters is qne of the greatest virtues a person can acquire. I wish I could acquire it. My apologies to all for missing the last issue.1 The Jolly Allis Lodge wishes to extend its heartiest welcome to our new members, Ronald John Gole and Frank Medle. - A toast to our good timea tonether. Soi-ry to hear that John Gole has had to have an 1 operation but we are very happy to ( hear you are coming along fine. See you at the next meeting, Johnny, i Congratulations to the Medles on a new addition to the family. I am sure she'll be the belle of the ball. As the time grows near all the fellows are out polishing their bowl ing balls. I am not saying that I arrt an expert in kegling but I bcliev4 Simonix works a lot better than furniture polish. We were wonder ing if our rivals the Wolverines could give us a little help on this matter. Any information that you could forward would gladly be ac cepted. Thank you. Here's a special note, Wolverines. Your tactics won't work, fellows. The wives and girl friends have got it eat that they'll put blinkers on their husbands and boy friends, so you won't have to worry about the boys bowling in the bleachers. So please, no decoys on the sidelinea. The fellows aren't interested in redheads and blonds. Brunettes, well that's another story. v ' ' AL ZUPAN, 688. ,-tttV ii it u if * oosters to »¡ih b< "•wing The I.«mp" we er* * hat a big job the Amer-"nmittee for the Protection I'n Horn is doing. They not interested in barring adulation, in making things the immigrants, but they ' * knit the immigrants native stock. Theirs ia a ' All of you young peo-H fupixnt K lie cause there intolerance among aom* r'ique* which always tell ' to go back from where f*'tsetting that they them '""•igners, because ft* ''uly the only American •M »peak that way. Reveliers' Column AMBRIDGE, Pa.—Dates to remember: April 6*—Dance at the Sygan Hall, music by A1 Medafor, held by Women's Club. April 13—Reveliers' monthly meeting at the SND at 7:30 pm. April 19—Dance at Verona, music by Musical Styliata. April 20—ESL federation meeting at Avella at 2i20 pm. All delegates to the next federation meeting at Avella are asked to keep in mind that the officers would like to start the meeting at 2:30 promptly. Keep that in mind and come early. This will be the meeting to organise a softball league among the lodges. The Revellers lodge has shown its appreciation to the softball play* ers of laat year by holding a party for them March 22. Andy Sporalich is on the local sick liat at a local hospital here; friends should pay him a visit. Here's hoping you a speedy recovery. The gang really misaes you and the ball season is around the corner alao. The regular monthly meeting of the SND fella on the firat Sunday of each month at 2:30 pm. * Members are aaked not to forget it. Welcome sign is put out for the Strabane Pioneers' who are coming back into the federation once again. . The inter-lodge bowling league is going along fine and etreng and here's hoping the athletic committee soon put the standings of the league in the Pmaveta. VAL KOSELA, 609 *"t ind SANS in calling ' March 27 to unify the ' ir people in the of Excelsiors 721 American Slav Cong re» end to wage a campaign against the attitude oT our administration against the Jugoeiav government All lodga« should attend. After all. Jugoalavie gave aa much, if not more, in pre. portion to Me «1» then any other country p. to lick Hitler They saved the lives of many thouaands of Americans therefore If the United States government cannot be friendly with such an ally, than these muat be something wrong m its make-up Let us all support the cause of the people of Jugoalavla ALIQUIPPA, Pa.—A reminder in case you have already forgotten about the dance this coming Saturday, March 29, in the Exoeieiors Slovenian Hall, West Aliqulppa. Music will be furnished by Johnny Krek and hi« boys. , ., 1 During the past two months our juveniles have had several get-together or shall we say get ec quainted parties before the officers of Circle 56 were elected. In this way the Director of Juvenile Activities got a good croaa-aection of the juveniles. Theaa affairs gave th -youngsters an opportunity to meet one another and also supplied ih-formatlon for future affairs. 9 The officers for Circle 86 were elected on March 16 and will be Installed at next month's meeting April 20, Two new members were propbeed at the Excelsior« meeting this month and now that we got started again in this campaign, how about eadh member doing his or her duty by bringing In a new member st our next mevUng in AprilT Let's not have just a few do all the campaigning again, -aa in the laat succeaaful drive, which saw the Excelaiors go over their quota. MIKE ZAKRAJSEK JR, 721 GOWANDA, N. Y — A dance will be held at the Slovene Club. Saturday, April 12. Ernie Benedict's well known orchestra from Cleveland will provide the music. Everybody is welcome. Saturday, April 19, the Dawn of Liberty lodge 30th anniversary dance will be held at the Slovene Club. The Juvenile Circle Is planning a program« also the older members are holding a play entitled "čarobna Brivnica." Dancing the tunes of the Mlacker Boys' or chestra after the program. Every one from far and near is welcome to attend. (l. The next Juvenile Circle meeting will be he'd Sunday. April 13, at 2 pm. Hoping to have a large attendance as preparation will be under way for the Mother's Day program to be Held in May. Deepest sympathy is extended to be Stibil family upon the loas of their husband ttnd father, and also to the Andolselc family upon the loss of their mother. The itork has been rather busy lately dropping the following bundles: a son, Richard, to Ted and Frances (Smrke) Lipintki; a son, Victor Irving, to Irving and Roae (Korbar) Kubusiak; a son, Charles Daniel, to Charles and Olga (Sera-bee) Povhe; a son to, Stanley and Dorothy (Ulvoi^) Korbar; and a daughter, Katleen Marie, to Frank and Mary (Maslo) Stibil Jr. Congratulations to all of you. On Feb. 26, a surprise birthday party was held for one of our outstanding members and first organ-iters, Charles Sternlaha Sr. He waa 74 on this date. Many of his friends attended and "Looch" Klancer with his harmonika kept the feet a-going. Hope to meet again on another grand occasion as this and wishing you many more birthdays. Charlie. The men's Slovene Club bowling team consisting of "Rex" Sladich, "Shine" Klancer, "Huzza" Victor. Frank Krall and John Batchen «till take the lead. The women's Slovene Club team consisting of 'Meet*' Bar t led t. "Stcvle" Sprawka, Olgs Curnmings. Dorothy Korhar and yours truly are still holding third place. Something cute In town. John Batchen giving up shaving for lent. The shaving episode should provide plenty of laughter. Wonder where MarUn Matekovich got all his luck the night of the birthday partyf Mayor Bohinc on the waterwagon. Wonder how many more months of thia? Must be his title is keeping him busy nowadays? VIOLET WIDOAY, 328 Aliquippa'g New Juvenile Circle ALIQUtPPA, Pa.—The newly organised Juvenile Circle of Aliquippa elected their officers at their first meeting on March 18. Bro. Mike Zakrajsek acted as chairman, and gave the highlights and fundamental« of the meeting procedure along with thedutiee of the officer* The following officers were elected: Mary Ann Rudic, president; Jovan Vukmarovtch. vice-president', Dorothy Rudic, secretary; Marlenc Smrekar, recording secretary; Harriet Jankovlch, treasurer. Now that we have elected our offioera, they should be able to get in and hustle and put our Circle on top. The Circle wishes to thank all friends for the contributions to our club. Plans were discussed in regard to our future activities. All member« are asked to bring a name for our Circle, along with a motto, colors, and a flower to our next meeting. A prize will be awarded for the best chonsen by three judges. So com« on, you members, get busy. Later refreshments were served by hostesses, Mrs. Frank Derglin, Mrs. Andrew Antonic and Mrs. Paul Yak-lich. Our Circle wishes to thank Sisters Eva Balich and Mary Tomilc, Circle No. 1 from Walsenburg, Colo., for their good wishes. Your Circle has been an inspiration to all the other circles of the SNPJ. Remember if you want to belong to Circle 56, all you have to do is to come to our meetings, which we will hold each first Sunday of the month. Since Easter is going to be on the first Sunday of next month, we have decided to postpone our next meet ing until April 20. If you want to have fun, Join our Circle and attend our next meeting. JOSEPHINE STRUBLE, Circle Director. or snow for that day our party will be held at the Doin at the some time that same day, so each member keep that in niind and tell the next one when you see them. After the meeting adjourned everyone joined in the fun and made Ei*itci- basket« and cards. The assorted paper and color combinations indeed made the most attractive group of baskets that we have seen. The Easter seats and artificial grass added the final touch and all are ready for the Easter bunny. Some of the boys and girls made Easter cards and with poem« composed by Mi mi Proctor the card« are a remembrance that will be ap preciaWd by the mothers or tern-he»-« that receive them. When the ba* kets and card« were completed and put away, each of us enjoyed some good cookiea and a cup of hot cocoa and it seemed that another success ful meeting day had come to an ending much too «oon. I want to take this opportunity to thank the mother« who have furnished our refre«hmcnt« for these meetings, namely, Uernice Kerar and Lois Volk for the February treat and Mury Mehelslc and Freda Klaiinz for the contributions this month. MARY AID1CH, Director Juvenile Circle No. 54. Jimtar AU SUr Circle Members MILWAUKEE, Wi«.—If you re-member at our Circle meeting, w« discuwed the possibility of our Circle entering team« In the Juvenile Telegraphic Bowling Tournament. We have secured Remle Bowling Alley« to hold try-out« on March M. It itf pos«tble for ui to bowl between the hour« of 10 to 12 am. If you cannot meet this time, let us know and we will arrange another time for you. We would like to ace you bowl one guriie. The coaches will decide who will qualify; they will organize teams and will give you pointer« on becoming a «tar. To cover the co«t of your bowling, we aik you to bring 30c with you. We do not have any funds to finance thia game. A« for details concerning the tournament, there will be no entry fee, only the price of bowling the game. The tournament will be held April 19 through April 20. MARIE ERMENC, Director Junior All Star Circle. Perfect Circle's Easter Social CHlCAGO.^Perfect Circlers are all set for their "Hurnpty Dumpty" Easter «ocial which will take place this Saturday, March 2» ,at 1 pm, It promises to be an afternoon of fun*, games, and «tunti, all built and planned around the "egg" theme. The "character eggs'1 made by Circle members at last Saturday's handcraft session will be displayed, and Judged for prises according to age group«. At thia «ocial, the Circle will also give away the pre««ure Cooker that ha« been a project of the Circle for the past few weeks. Parents ahd friend« are invited to drop in and enjoy themselves along with Perfect Circle member« at their Faster social. The "character eggs" mentioned before, will alao be on display Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, and If yoti are in the vie. inity of the SNPJ hall, drop in for a few minute« and you'll feel ro warded for the time spent In view ing this lntereatlng and colorful dis play. See you all Saturday after noon. ANN RANNFMANN, Director Perfect Circle 26-SNPJ. Cardinals Planning Anniversary Dance BRIDGEPORT. O—Thia. fellow members, ia a cordial invitation to attend the 19th Anniversary Dance of SNPJ Cardlnala 640. Saturday, April 26. at Boydaville. just outside of city limit*. You may all be aasuied of having a grand time for the Card« are light oet front and on their toe«, and everyone ia In there pitching to make this the moat successful dance we have ever had We will do our utmost to show our out-of-townrra the giarld<«t time they have ever had Natch, thia also goes for home-town««. So do reeerve April 26 for our dartre We ere having a very popular orchestra from Pen«wylrenie and ail know that good muetr ia one of the requlaita for a «ucceaaful dance BETTY B SEUSCHEK Spartans' Veteran Banquet Is Success CLEVELAN. O^It'« beaenoe of (He president, Shirley Davenport The minutes of the previoua meet, ing were approved aa read, A prospective member was intioduced, Judy Yenulia, and after the regular meeting «he will become a member of our Circle. Plana weie completed for our Eeeter party to be h*ld Sunday afternoon, March 30, at 2 o'clock at Lincoln Park, The party will be a wiener roast and the main attraction will be the Keater egg hunt held under the able direction «#f out ol<1«i (girta, Mlmi Proctor, Shirley Davenport end Mary Lou EHner These girl« have been wo faithful and coopers-live to the youngatera in our Circle and each and everyone of ua ap* preeiete them very mu«4i If the weathermen decides to give ua rain head our way home. I felt gUd to be a part of surh a *ondcrful crowd I'm only certain of one thing, the time ha« chang«d nothing Ever yen* was like I |in« w them for 611 fh*«e ifkanv, many yeara. LOUISE H RETTUER Circle 7 Plans May Program GI HARD, Ohio.—The first three meetinga of thi« year have been very poorly attended. Since there bus not been a sufficient number of member« present, we have not been able to hold very good and interest ing meetinga. The meetinga ara held at the Slo venlan Dom on the third Sunday of each month at 2:30 pm. Parent« pleaae urge your children to attend the«« meeting«. The director, Mr« Frances Matekovich, told the mem bera at the March meeting aboul the bowling tournament. The following membera received Juvenile Circle achievement plivt Bern ice Muster, Beatrice Muater Frelda I'erechlin, Jeanette Taricek Ru«e Marie Maeek, and Mary Ma* tekovlciv A program for Mother'a Day will be diacuaaed at the nest meeting Apnl 20. Please attend MARY M MATEKOVICH Roundup Circle Meeting April 13 ROUNDUP, Montr- Thia la a re minder to all Circle 26 member* that the Circle la very much alive and wiahes more lively membeia to attend the meetinga, Our next meeting will be held at my home on April 13 at I o'clock In the afternoon. Refieahmenta will lie served following the busin««« session. Each member I* here and alao invite any other HNPJ juvenile to come with you 'and lie initiated into the Circle. We have eome big plana to fulfill. For instance, a program to honor our moilter« on Mother'« Day, the annual spring picnic, etc. (icing a new Circle director, I am very ansiou« to meet all the Circle mernliers at one shot, so come ROSE HUYOK, Dlrectot Juvenile Circle No 2S Circle No. 21 Meeting Report SHARON. Pa -Our regular meeting /hi Mercii 16 wa« relied lo oider by Pi evident Fiank Zlckar. Ed Krernrt irpoited on tlieir basketball M»aa«in; they won 16 games out of 20, which la a very g'Kid recmd Patricia Okorn wa« presented her SNPJ sweater, which everyone think« 1« beautiful During the paat few month« we gained five new members. On March 9, the Duquesne IJnt. veraity tarnburltza gave a delightful concert at the Croatian hall, followed by a well attended dance in the evening Some of our Circle members attended a dance in Youngstown and enjoyed the music 'this anil That By Peter KUth Greece Should Be Helped I think no An erican will dispute the ungarnished fact that the Greek people are in dire need of aid, This is true of all European nation«. Greece has felt the full blow of AHiu aggreasion, and ita poverty is more intense than in other nations. The dispute on the aid to Greece centers a« to the amount, and the kind of aa«i«tance that we should render. No one «eriou«ly objects to the propoaed loan of 250 million dollar«. But if the proposed amount is only the beginning of underwriting the obligations of the Britiah Empire, then we are treading on dangerous ground«. Also, if it i« for the purpose of military aid to the corrupt Greek government that doesn't have a semblance of democracy, and if our commitment« mean a military mission to Greece, then w« must re. examine ourselves as to our moral obligations not only to ourselves, but to the world. It would be a sad commentary on the world's greatest democracy that haa carried the torch of liberty in the modern world to aupport a weak, larceny Infeated, cruel and oppressive dictatorial government. Let us look at the'facts. Lyall Wilkes, a young Hritiah MP in a recent article aaid, "Greece remain« the one country in Europe outside of Spain whoae army containa in po-alttona of authority a greater number of ex pro-Nasls «nd collaborators than thoae identified with tho re«i«tance." Wllke« believea that the number of auch officera ia close to a 1000. According to Henry Wallace, "tho terrorism of the present Greek government has been worae than that of Argentina." More than 600 EAM leaders and labor union leadera have been arrested, and aefttenced without trial to island prison«. There la no bonafide labor movement in Greeoe at the present time, Walter Winchell, in hia syndicated column called King George, "aa undemocratic aa aouthem fried bigotry." King George has long been known aa un opponent of democracy. Yeara ago, he approved of ban. ning the worka of Plato, the great-eat of Greek philoaophera. Ave we going to aupport that form of government, and thet kind of leadership in Greece? Surely, our fear of communiam should not extend to the point where we are going contrary to our basic principles of democracy. And «ince when can totalitarianism stop totalitarianism? The remedy in thia caae ia worae than the ilia Hy all meana, let1« support Greece In her economic rehabilitation, but let not one single penny be expended for taaoaDion« in office, or for military purpose. With our aupport alao a progrea-live Greek government could evolve out of the present mess. Men like the old liberal leader, Themistoelea Kofoulis could »come hack to power, and help pull the country together. If we are committed to support foreign countries, we «hould support thoae countrlea whoae Ideala •re democratic, for we are not do lag justice to our democracy, and to (hose boy« that «o recently gave the supreme sacrifice to destroy that form of govrnment that iome would desire to see perpetuated in pros-(i u le Greece MNapredni Slovene*" BON AIR, Pa. ~ The Bon Air Lodge No. 264 MNJ'J ia surely llv-ing up to ita name "Napredni Slovene!," meaning Hrogreaaive Slovene«. We are programing gradually god are having dam-Mi every Sunday and occasionally on a Saturday, ftalurlng a different mu«lcian every date, and believe me we nere are drawing nice crowd«. Aren't we, Mr. Koaa? Imagine a man al his age lhat tnunic geta him and has Ui polka. I don't blame hlrn or anybody elae; If you have troubles you forget them when you hit lion Air Hall. The committee ia doing Ita beat for enteitaining our many frtenda and wv can all aee the result«, for all of them keep c«iming back and they bring more along, The entertainment comm 1« going to have a big dance March 30, music by Rudy Granda and It 1« going Pi lie a balloon dance It'« iome thing Ron Air never had Come and enjoy yourself I know you won't lie sorry. We are going to have a zip a-dee do-do tmte April 6, Easter Sunday lx»uls Kopler la going to play for us, and on April I), Johnny Kly-der's music will entertain A good time is m atore for all, A little reminder to our I«odge membera. Come to our next regular meeting April 13. lite Juveniles have also a meeting April 14 The meeting date has been changed from Wedneadey to Monday «o It will be recti aeeond Monday of the m«iriih, And do pay your due« on time TONV DOLENCa Sec'y. of Frank Yankovich from Cleveland Date« to remember: On April 6, the Key«toners will hold e dance at the Slovenian Hall, muaic by Frank ZaK'a Pelketeere from Cleveland and on April 13, the juvenile« «rill hold a dance at the same place, Stan Kobal'« Jolly Jeaier« from Gtrard furnishing the musk DOROTHY PAULENICH. PROSVETA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 1947 ON THE ROAD OF A DANGEROUS POLICY A Statement of the American Slav Congress of Western Penna President Truman in his recent foreign policy speech proposed a MOO million credit to Turkey and Greece to begin a series of gigantic loans and military aid to "»top communism." These financial ventures in reality indicate a desire for a rebirth of full fascism in Europe and the world. Turkey was not on our side in the past war, instead she sold thousands of tons of Chrome to Nazi Germany, and her military clique rules as harshly as does the Greek King whose regime rest* on British pounds and bayonets. Aiding these two undemocratic governments has an objective with an 'oily touch.' to hold the Middle East pools grabbed by English snd American companies. Before Congress is also a proposal of $390 million in relief aid to coun tries in Europe, none of this money intended for nations such as Jugoslavia and Poland who fought valiantly for our cause. Wsrtime allies are further penalized by Mr Herbert Hoover who proposed an additional $900 million solely for relief of Germany, stating that aid to her comes first and that no other European should have a daily diet any greater than a German. On the world front President Truman undermines the UN by acting unilaterally without waiting for the assembly of nations to decide issues. On relief aid America scrapped UNRRA and obviously did it to prefer enemy countries to wartime allies, to prefer those whom Mr. Hoover considers friendly, using Germany as a measure. America through President Truman and Mr. Hoover is to turn to world conquest without regard for the UN; they atteirpt to force the "American Century" upon the world to hold its people in bondage. England's Tories cannot do it and we are to underwrite their bankruptcy with dreams of greater empire. Congress backs up the lead of Truman and Hoover in their world attacks by beginning to destroy democracy at home. Committee sessions are devoted to destruction of labor unions, the Supreme Court struck its blow against the miners, and now wild hysteria singles out the Communist Psrty through the mouth of s cabinet member Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach. Again the cry of "stop communism" is used to violate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, to destroy the heritage of the spirit which guided the heroes of our American Revolution. Furthermore, as sn organization that believes in and defends American democracy and is affiliated to no political party we say that if the American principle of freedom of political opinion and elections, of free speech and assembly are to be callously violated, then the next step would be to sever relations with the governments of Slav peoples and other nations because they have by democratic vote elected Communists into their governments. Hand in hand, on the foreign and domestic policy, President Truman and his allies Hoover and Schwellenbach want to prepare America for World War III. None of these plsns are in the spirit of the late President's program for world pesce. We demand a return to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's foreign and domestic policy and urge our nstion's leaders to work with the UN to aid the Greek people Vo establish democracy and say not a cent or gun should go to enemies of the people. We believe America's duty is to give unstinting support to help avoid starvation in Jugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslovakia and other Slav countries. We stand in defense of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, the two great possessions of the American people won at huge cost in common blood and suffering. To wipe away our democratic rights, to whip up a hue and cry under the guise of anti-Communism, to make the world hate America, to en-i slave peoples, all this is the familiar path of Hitler. He too, cried n0 lass loudly, babbling of "Communists" and his road led to desth and destruction. Over 1,000,000 Americans, dead, sick, wounded and missing are proof of t|»is today. As Americans we stand opposed, firmly snd stsunchly, to the pattern drawn by the 'triumvirate' Truman-Hoover-Schwellenbach; we support the Roosevelt policy and its present day spokesman Henry Agard Wallace. John Sobczak, President, George S. Wuchinich, Vice President, Matthew Cvetic, Executive Secretary. MASS HYSTERIA GRIPS AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY By Kenesaw M Land 11 II I think, gentle reader, that we are rapidly going nuts. A perfectly logicsl explanation can be made for our military loans to Greece and Turkey We are bailing out the British Empire. For more than 100 years it has been British policy to keep Russia out of the Middle East. In alliance with Turkey, she fought the Crimean War for that specific purpose. AMERICAN-RUSSIAN RELATIONS Who and What Is Behind the Current Tension and Current Crisis An address by LOUIS ADAMIC, delivered at a meeting sponsored by the Chicago Council of American-Soviety Friendship, March 9, 1947: About a year ago I clipped a little item from one of our big conservative magazines, and pinned it on a wall in my study. The little piece dealt with Rusia or, to be more accurate, with the Soviet Union and us. I have it here before me. It consists of only a few lines—a short paragraph—and I'm going to read it to you; but before I do so, let me em- There about it. has been In order no democracy to keep Russia And former isolationists have be- bottled up. Britain has supported | come screaming eagles. "We can't whatever governments have been useful for the purpose. And now, as Britsin weakens, we find that our interests are Identical with hers. Together we en|oy exclusive rights in the oil reserves of Ihe Middle East, the richest in the world. We can't fight another war without them. On the eve of President Ti uman's message to Congress, Standard Oil of New Jersey decided to invest more than $300.000.000 in this region Our interest must be protected« Yet the President didn't tell us these fscts Instead he got us all mesa«d up in an emotional ciusadc to save free peoples from totalitarian expansion. • • • He called the Greek government "democratic." although it is as corrupt and crurl a ««n« „( ftee-boot, em an ever tude rough-shod over a helph-ss and prostraU- nation. If lw look«-«! the whole world over, h« couldn't have found a rn<-re totalitarian government than that of Tuiki y, which Mas the |>lav«tound of G«-rm«n Ambassador Von I'apen during the recent hostilitn*. Russia is hud enough. t»ut no reasonable explanation can be «iven for the sudden wave of «-srttemrnt that has «ripped our Iradtts on the necessity of saving the woild from eomrnurusnj • • • When («e|< have lestxmd« ed to th. nr * l*ttl* cry of freedom Our obi l.llw ity L< ague is have omw berk to l,f(> • • • "Wf have pulled «Hit of China he caus* <.f ««.nditums that ar* dufcli «»ted in Greeee We should irturn.' say* Allied Lai »dun. kiss Communists in China and kick them in Greece," cries Senator Brewster of Maine. Most undaunted of all are the Republican Congressmen, who now propose to stop world communism with American dollars, while voting to reduce income taxes 20 per cent. a « a It would take a psychiatrist, versed ' in abnormal psychology, maas hysteria and autointoxication, to explain the present condition of American foreign policy. What has Russia done to provoke this crisis? The only new Indictment on the record is that Britain is getting out of Grcece, snd we find It to our interest to lump in. —The Chicago Sun. Palos Springs Available To Groups for Picnics CHICAGO-The msnagement of the Palos Springs Mineral Water Co., bottlers of Diana Mineral Water, have announced that their grounds at ssoo West 99th street, lust east of Mannheim road, will lie made available upon application to social and civic group«. Thirty acres of picnic grounds will lie n.ade available to properly identified aocial and civic organization who may apply for picnics by * t dm« the Palos Springs Minnal Water Company, »409 South West-ern avenue ChU'ago 20. Illinois Application must he made in writing Visitors are Invited to sample the | watei Nt the spring, which has a high ctmirnt of many minerals Including calcium, sulphur, iodine, and an important amount of fluorine. which has recently l>*en dis-covered to l»e of importance in tooth pi «-art vat ion The well house will aleo be avail* able to these same ki<»ui>» in caae of inrlement w« .dher and is capable of takin« .rare of loo |M-rsons indoot i T>»e Conciliation Heivice, U S Department of l^bor «tried in the peaceful adjustment of H 000 in-dusUlai diapub last ycai. phasize that it did not appear, say. in some so-called liberal or radical or Red publication, but in Collier's Weekly, a conservative mas« magazine. And let me give you the date of the isaua in which it appeared January J9, ¡946. I emphasize the date because it was published—in Collier's—bejore Winston Churchill delivered his speech at Fulton. Mo.; in other words, bejore the ideology and phraseology of the get-tough-with-Russia policy was put over on us. Here 1« what Collier's said in January 1940, in its department entitled Keep Up With the World": "Russia still suffers from thousands of derogatory newspaper stories which her enemies concocted and managed to have published during 1917 and 1918. Shortly afterward an American newspaper syndicate, the United Press, suspecting that it had been tricked into releasing anti-Russian propaganda, made an inve«-, ligation and discovered that 95 percent of the shocking stories which were supposed to have come from Moscow correspondents during this two-year period had originated in such countries as Finland, Latvia. Poland and Rumania." As I say, this appeared In a big conservative magazine, and was emphasized as a fact, bejore we began to get "tough with Russia;" before Winston Churchill got the American press and radio to bor-phrase "the Iron Curtain." Very phrase 'The Iron Curtain." Very few magazines publish truth of this sort any more; they leave it alone and feature mostly lies and distortions. I'm putting so much stress on this paragraph because It tells a large part of the story of the early beginning of the conspiracy of the lie against th« Soviet Union. I'm eager that some of you should do what you can to get the facts about the start of this conspiracy into the consciousness of your friends and negihors, of people in the shops and offices where you work, especially of those who think they are in favor of the "tough" policy which is in danger of getting "tougher", and which in the long run, if we persist in it. is apt to produce another war. The lie« about Russia, back there thirty years «go. are the foundation of the whole immense and dangerous distortion of the pictures that too many of us in America have of Russia and that the Russians must have of America. The 1917-18 news-stori«« about the Russian Revolution, which were 95 percent untrue, ar« a basis a low-down basis of our "tough" policy today. This policy would be impossible, for it would have no substantial support in American public opinion as it now has. were it not for those 1917-18 pioneers In lying «bout the Russian Revolution, and wore It not for their successors, who have been piling new distortions of the Soviet scene upon the old ones, doing their worst. In close cooperation with so celled statesmen of the Weatern Power«, to distort our and the Ru«-slans' thinking, «ttltudes and actions -—distort the prospects of good re lations between us. . The United States and the Soviet Union are today—obviously—the two most important powers on earth. World peace depends on us and the Soviets. It may well be that the very existence of mankind depends on us and the USSR getting «long in peace. But. to repeat, we «re caught In an enormous distortion. This distortion Is one of the worst thing« under the sun today. And if we the people of the United States don't watch out. if we don't get « move on and act on it soon it's apt to get worse «s time goes on. One sun* way to make It worse is to continue our "tough" policy which has lately been relabelled our "firm" policy toward Russia, but which, let me repeat, right now I In danger of getting even "tougher under General Marshall than it was under Mr. Byrnes Whether the word for it Is "tough" or "firm" this policy of course isn't really ours, yours and mine. It's our official policy conducted mostly by men whom politic«! accident, politi cat chicanerv driving self-interest and public Inertia have placed In strategic portions in the govern meni. It'« not your neighbor's policy either. «lthou«li he probablv think, he's for II. He hasn't rbnuohl it out' It's not the American peoplr' iH.licy. The people did not originate it. did not think it through did not think II out for themselves They he is a very important fellow, as I shall explain, and I suggest you pay special attention when I talk of him. He's a busy, harassed citizen who has to hustle to make ends meet. Much of the time he doesn't know if he's going or coming. His job or busineca do not permit him to do more than glance at the headline« or turn on the radio for a newscast just before he fall« into a restless sleep. He's been fed lies and in his weariness he's been reacting to them; now he thinks he's In favor of being "tough" or '"firm." Let's take a closer look at your neighbor. He's a good American, he wants to be a good American, he want« to do what's right; hut— his life is full of "but«." He's a complicated, interesting i n d i v I d u al. Word« like "tough" and '"firm" have a subtle appeal for him. His personal and professional life is such that he can't be tough or firm with anybody. He'd like to be. but he can't. He'« a little man who'd like to be a big «hot, but ha« had'trouble becoming one. 'Trouble" is his middle name. When he was young, his spirit got hooked to ambition on the purely personal level? he became Me, Incorporated1, and started to keep Map with the Joneses. But to make ends meet while in pursuit of hie ambition, to keep Me. Inc., from going bankrupt, he'« had to keep on the good side of all kinds of people abreast and ahead of him in the race for advantage—people who are in position to keep him from advancing. Of course he resents or Is afraid of those people who hsve him at their mercy, but he can't show it. This twists his spiritual innards, but he has to be nice outwardly. However, he'« got to express himself somehow, he ha« to resolve his confusion; and one way, the eaalest way, to do that 1« to hate «omething, somebody; so he hates Russia which he hears represented a« an evil, ac a menace to the American way of Mfe, and he takes to riling against Stalin or Molotov. This gives him the illusion that he's no longer confused! It relieves him. The trouble with your neighbor (to use his middtf name again) Is that he'« fn « bad *«y inside himself. He's an Individualist who«e individualism isn't "getting him anywhere fast. He lint getting any younger and is not realizing his ambition. Me, Inc., 1« spiritually bankrupt. or pretty nearly so. Shaving In the morning, he looks himself in the mirror and he doesn't like the sight. His face is getting flabby, •xpresslonles«. "What's the matter with me anyhow'^ he asks himself privately. But he can't afford to answer the question, even in private. He would fold up if he did. So. to overcome the complex frustration within him, to prevent a collapse of Me, Inc.. he hates the Slavs, the Reds, and all the other scapegoat« that are invented for him to hate: and. sure, he's all for being "tough" or "firm." and he's playing with the idea of joining the KKK or American Action. Inc.. which is really American Reaction, Inc., which 1« really American Frustration. Inc. This may be» an unpleasant portrait of your neighbor, but I don't mean to be unkind. He's never had a chance. That's important to bear in mind: your neighbor has never had a chance. Thi« goes for my neighbor. We who feel differently «bout our relation« with the Russians have to be« patient with our neighbor, help hint; we will need hi« help to save our country from fascism. to help prevent another war, to help straighten out our foreign policy, which isn't ours; to help bring peace and real progress to the world. That as I see it. Is the purpose of this rally. That is one of the aims of the Council for American-Soviet Friendship. That is why I wss eager to come to spesk to you this afternoon. There is no more urgent cause than the one. we represent here tod^r. The American people generally h0"' "ot had a chance to think *§ bc,w**n us and the " The press and radio have seen In that. We boest of the freedom of the press but in practice— With exceptu»ns of oourse—this freedom has of Ute been used mainly as freedom to lie and distort. espe> eiaUy when it come« to news and analyses of Ruaaia end of some of the other countries which are focal points in the world situation eoun-tnes like China. Greece. Spain. Po-land and Jugoalavla. For three decades now the American people have l«een fed he«. distorted fscts and half-truths about the SoviH Union neighbor whom I've tried to descrbe « moment ago. they know him better than you or I do. and they know his wife who hss more time than he. She has time to read books and magazines, to go to lectures. They know how to appeal to her. Sometimes they tell a dozen true facts in order to put over one lie that's sure to upset your neighbor's wife, or scare her out of her wits; then, in that state of mind, she tells her husband all about it at the dinner table in the evening when he's tired and ready to fall for anything. Too many people, your neighbors and mine included, think with their hopes and wishes and fears, rather than with their heads, rather than with facts and ideas and a sense of history; and too many writers and lecturers, seeking popularity, play on those hopes and wishes and fears —and this especially when they come to write or speak about Russia and the new Slavic upsurgence against imperialism. This is no new practice. According to Collier's of a year ago. this conspiracy of the lie began way back there in 1917 and '18. It was haphazard at first; nov it's expertly organized and handled. And naturally the Russians have reacted to this conspiracy. They are extremely cautious about foreign writers and newspapermen, and this makes matters even more difficult. I could be critical of the Russians. For instance. I think that when it comes to presenting their great experiment to America; when it comes to what we call public relations, they have—in some respects at least—a long way to go. So have the Jugoslavs, whom I know better than the Russians. In their contact« with America, some of them don't give sufficient consideration to the aort of people we Americans are, to the fact that our lower-middle, middle, and even upper-middle classes are somewhat different psychologically than were the corresponding classes in prewar Europe. When I talk to representatives of New Jugoslavia who come here for the United Nations* meeting« and on special mission«, I spend most of the time criticizing them, suggesting what they ought to do to get a better press in the United States and thus give the American people a better chance to understand the interesting development« in the Balkan«, where leaders devoted to the people's interests have taken over. Those talks of mine with those New Jugoslavs have been very interesting. I wish time would permit me to tell you about them. I'll just say that in talking with them I found that the people in carge of things in New Jugoslavia are too honest, are too lacking in sham and fakery to engage in the tricky practice, now a matter of highly specialized techniques, that has come to be called public relations, and that sometimes results in the sort of publicity that we over here—or some of us—go for. So far as I know there are no Russians from Russia here, and no Jugoslavs from Jugoslavia; and I think it wouldn't do any good if I or anyone else lectured from this platform at this moment on what the Russians or the Jugoslavs ought to do to improve the relations between them and us. We are Americans in America, and I believe that we can do no better on an occasion like this than to look at ourselves —at our foreign policy, which isn't ours, which isn't your and mine, nor your neighbor's who probably thinks he's for it; and which I In Memoriam did not define it for officials in high * great newspaper svndicsh can places to carry out They haven1 ' check on the stories it s been relea» had anything to do with il m a poet- »«a for two ve«r« and discover that live way. Large have been 99 percent of them have been lic«, and then go light on distributing same sort of «t or le« the ions of thr population pulltd. have been intimidated. into supporting it by means of clever i> mostly by h ______ mg a Ion« with Use Consult .«cv to keep the Amer*rgi| people from thinking things out.a« between the USA and CSSR Some of them are •ay about youi mighbuv, vrry clcvrr- They know yout - mnm T"° magazine writers hook »paganda concocted *u,hort rd,lor« and publishers, and snd distorted but I ,no m*nv lecturer« have been help-superficially convincing analyses Your neighbor haani had a chance «o think thing, out concerning us and the Russians | m «.,(ng to hav, a M to S/Sgt STEPHEN J FATUR, 19th U.S. Air Force, stationed in Italy. In memory of our son Johnny, missing in action over Germany, March 22. 1949. He was 19 years old at that time. He la Just Away I cannot say, and I will not say That he is dead,—He is just away! With a cheery smile and th« wave of the hand. He haa wandered into an unknown land. And left us dreaming how very fair Ita needs must be, sine« he lingers there. And you—O you. who the wildest yearn For the old-time step snd the glad return.— Think of him faring on, as dear In the love of There as the love of Here Think of him still as the same. I say: He is not dead.—He is just away' Missed very much by Mr Ar Mrs John Fatur. parents. Helen, sister snd friends and relative* Drlmont. Penna think is dangerous to this great country with its many wonderful aspects. Every now and then, in common with other peoples, we Americans like to pat ourselves on the back; we like to give play to our national egoism; we like to stick our collective chest out self-righteously over some idea that we have about ourselves—for example, that, unlike most of the other countries, we are a democracy. Now let'« take an honest look at this idea. True, we have a secret ballot and. except in large parts of the South, all of us can vote in elections if we want to. But who puts up the candidates? I don't think I need to answer that one; not in Chicago, the city of many political conventions. True, we have a two-party system over much of the country, but it doesn't work in the Solid South, not in Georgia where I was a couple of weeks ago, where fascism is openly in the saddle and riding high; and right now we're ruled—I think "ruled" is a more accurate word than "governed" . . . we're ruled by a coalition of Southern poll-tax reactionaries who call themselves Democrats and Northern and Midwestern Republicans; and most of these are not representatives of the people but of special interests. (Concluded next week.) Talm«* dli ZAVAROVANE HRANILNE VLOGE Vsa izplačila so bila izplačana brez ovire od leta 1889.> Denar naložen na hranilne vloge pred 10. dnem v mesecu nosi obresti od prvega dne. ST. PAUL FEDERAL SAV1NGS and Loaa Ass'n of Chlcago | Premoženje nad $19.000.0001 L'2116 W. Cermak Rd.| Chlcago, 8 CANAL 2137 Prlsnan in nadzorovan od | U. S. Oovernmenta EXPERIENCED I S0LDERERS AND , WIRERS like to work in the friendly atmosphere of Motorola | THE BEST RADIO PLACE IN X TOWN S EXPERIENCED RATE. 94c I ¡j AUTOMATIC INCREASE TO ^ $1.04 • WE TRAIN INEXPERIENCED GIRLS if STARTING RATE, 83c I 4545 W. AUGUSTA BLVD « AU GLEDATE ZA DOBRO PLAČO IM STABILNOST? Telefon kompanij« ima nekaj takih prilik HIŠNICE (JAOTTRE88ES) Tako] od «ačetka plača 72 Vte na ure. po tr«h na—edh 77%c na uro la po iestih mesecih po 12 ^ n* ŽENSKE ZA ČIŠČENJE V VSEH DELIH MESTA Delovne ur« od 5:30 pop. do 12 ure ponočL Oglasit« m pet ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ▼ uposlovalnem uradu «a iansks v pritličju 309 W. WASHINGTON ST. In Memoriam In loving memory of our d««r brother P. r. C. Frank Joseph Seibert i . who wss killed in action in North African area 4 y«ars «go. March 26, 1943. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sw«etly, i«nd«r, fond and tru«. Thar« is not a day, d«ar Brother. That w« do na£ think of you. Sadly missed by sUt«rs and brother: France«, JoMphin«, Alica. and Micha«!.—Johnstown. Pa. In Memoriam In loving memory of our D«ar Wtl« and Moth«r LUCILLE (SIJE) K0RACIN who passed away «ight years ago. March 24, 1939. » saa bar swasl fscs « cold, cold brow, as wa lava« har thsn. Mldnleht stars ara «lasmlng. In draams w Upon a IosmIt «rava. And kiss Ik Whoro slaaeiae but not drssmln« And whlspor Llos lha one wa could not ssva. Wo leva ha Wo think ol har In sllanca No oyos can mo us woo«. But still within our achln« haarts Har mamery wa shall kaap. Sadly and gr««tly missed by Joseph Koracin Sr.. husband. Joseph Jr., son. Theresa and Victoria Kern. Lucille Stachurski. Mary Rosih. Ann Raspotnik, daughters, also sons-in-law and four grandchildren.—Yukon. Penna. In Memoriam In loving memory of our beloved husband, son and brother who was killed in Germany March 23. 1945. while serving In the infantry of the U.S Third Army. Fifth Division. PVT. CARL PERIC How sadly wo a Worda aUnply cannot loll. Of Iho achln« pota within our hoartt Far you door Carl, who «aU In a far-away country of You louehl with iho Unttl your duty w cal tod la rast Sadly missed byi Mrs. Molile R. Perte, wife. Detreil. Mich k Mrs. Andrew Perk, mother and falber. Craei Haven. Mich., Frank. Ferdinand i Perte, brothers. Mirk®