Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished1 American Home over 100 years of serving American Slovenians Vol. 109, No. 23 American Home Ameriška Domovina- SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 23, 2007 Phone: (216)431-0628 *7(\A* E-mail: ahi)@buckeveweb.net / \| H* France Cardinal Rode visited the Slovenian community of Greater Cleveland on Friday, Aug. 10. He was the main celebrant at a 7 p.m. Mass in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church dedicated to the memory of Archbishop Dr. Alojz Sustar of Slovenia, with a full church in attendance. After the Mass a reception with pastries, fruit, and an assortment of meats and salads was held in Cardinal Rode’s honor in St. Mary’s parish hall. Among those at the large reception were, pictured above, front row, left to right, Rev. Frank Urbanija (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Cardinal France Rode, and Felix Gaser. Middle row, left to right, are Sophie Kosem, Julia Zalar, Mary Celestina, Millie Odar, Rudy Kolarič, Tina Štepec, Frank Medved of Minnesota, Poldi Bojc, and Anica Nemec. Back row, left to right, Paula Hauptman, Zalka Likozar, Helena Gaser, Frank Jeglič of Wadsworth, OH, and Ivan Hauptman. Tina Štepec of Richmond Heights, OH and Frank Medved were classmates with the Cardinal for three years in the displaced persons camp in Spittal, Austria. -(Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) ^20*011 *************** Parian mcmahon 3933 OHIO ST HtRRY oh 44081-9552 FOUR GENERATIONS of Grdina family are pictured at a graduation outing in Florence, KY recently. Left to right are, son Anthony, grandson Nicholas (holding great-grandson Alexander), grandson Scott, father Tony, and son Mark. All You Really Need is SLOVENIA Kres Plan Picnic, Performance The members of Folklorna Skupina Kres (dancers) are pleased to announce they will be hosting their annual performance - along with a picnic - at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersficld, Ohio on Saturday, Aug. 25. The picnic will begin at 3:30 p.m., followed by a performance at 6 p.m. As a special treat, Kres has invited various cultural groups from Canada, including Folklorna Skupina Soča, Pevski Zbor Majolka and St. Gregory the Great’s Women’s Choir. Admission is $4 for both members and non-members of Slovenska Pristava, and free for anyone under the age of 18. After the performance, Veseli Godci will play for your musical enjoyment. Please join Kres and the Slovenian community in making this year’s picnic and performance a success. Happiness... lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. -Bob Hopkins New Newspaper Schedule Due to unexpected increases in mailing and printing costs, and very little advertising revenue, beginning this month, the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) will only be printed twice a month, on the first and third Thursday of each month. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. In September, the American Home will be dated Sept. 6 and 20, In October, the American Home will be printed on Oct. 4 and 18. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. AUGUST 23, 2007 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik. Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche. Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike $35 letno za ZDA; Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published three issues per month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland. OH 44103-1692. No. 23 August 23, 2007 A Polka Mass in West Virginia by RUDY FLIS Our Slovenian community is an active one, including the very old to the very young. We have a variety of activities in our churches of breath-taking beauty, our halls for celebrations enjoyed by all, and the picnic areas supported by dependable groups involved in most everything. Most of these activities are broadcast on a local polka program. And last, but not least we are blessed with our own Slovenian newspaper, the American Home, published by Jim and Madeline Debevec here in Cleveland, and mailed to Slovenian-Americans who are interested in their wonderful heritage. A few weeks past, 1 received a letter from a Fr. Andy Kryance, of St. Elizabeth Church, Rt. 3 P.O. Box 257, Philippi, WV 26416. Fr. George Balasko gave him my name, when he forwarded the information Fr. Andy needed for his first Polka Mass to be celebrated on Oct. 7. There will be a church picnic following the Mass. Fr. George Balasko’s suggestion was to hire the “Delfi’s” band. Fr. Andy is from Johnstown, Pennsylvania (Dunlo) area, and his dad was related to Frankie Yankovic. This Polka Mass in WV will be the first for Fr. Andy, and 35 years after the first Polka Mass celebrated by Fr. Balasko, which the Slavic people celebrate often in our community in the Cleveland area, plus all those in the Youngstown Diocese and east of us. I’ll forward more details next month, and as you read these thoughts, please remember the American Home and its able crew who made this message possible. Tom Stepec’s Remarkable Birth Trek by JIM DEBEVEC Supposing you were born on the 4Ih of July and it was your 50"’ birthday this year. What would you do to make this auspicious occasion extra special? Tom Štepec If you were the personable Tom Štepec of Willoughby Hills, Ohio, you would take a hike. Not just an ordinary, hike, but a poignant one. He decided he wanted to walk from his home in Willoughby Hills, Ohio, to Slovenska Pristava in Harpcrs-field, Ohio, a walking distance of 36 miles. His mother, Tina Štepec, informed him that he was born at 3:45 a.m. So, naturally, Tom awoke early on the 4th of July and left his home at exactly 3:45 a.m. and headed east to Pristava. It was a long walk and Tom, being a former U.S. Marine stationed in Washington, D.C., was used to marching. It was a perfect Wednesday as the determined Tom set out on his remarkable task. His parents, Tony and Tina Štepec, knew about Tom’s proposed exploit, and was familiar with the road he was going to travel along Route 84. They jumped in their car and passed him up. Tina got out of her car and began walking in the opposite direction so the two would pass each other. As they ap- proached one another, Tina put her head down so as not to be easily recognized, scooted past her son and said, “Good Morning.” Tom responded in like manner, but because he was concentrating on his efforts, did not immediately recognize his mother. When she said, “Hey, Tom, how are you this fine morning?” The young man was flabbergasted to realize his mother had just passed him by. The two had been reunited once again as they were that early July 4th morning in 1957. Determined to reach his goal, the young accountant, continued on his quest and reached the Slovenian recreation center 10 hours and 34 minutes after his start. The Fantje na Vasi singer had completed his expedition in fine spirits humming a few Slovenian songs along the way. When not testing the endurance of his tootsies, Tom resides with his wife, Maria, and son Joey (violinist) starting his Junior Year at Ober-lin Conservatory this fall, and daughter Katie, a student at Lake Catholic, and Johnny a student at St. Felicitas School in Euclid. A hearty congratulations to all! Slovenian 78 Records Wanted It has been a few months since a reminder appeared in the American Home about the effort by Rich Tcrselic and Chuck Debevec to gain access to old 78 rpm phonograph records containing Slovenian polkas, waltzes and choral singing. It is our goal to preserve the “oldies” by converting them to compact disc (CD) format. Each reminder produces one or more new inquiries. Using modern computer technology, Chuck is able to produce excellent reproductions from even scratched or cracked discs. If you have no further interest in keeping your 78s, we will provide them a good home, or after converting them to CD format, will return them, along with a CD containing the selections from the 78s. Contact Rich c/o 9003 Harris Street, Frederick, MD 21704-7827. Phone him at (301) 874-2446 or email at rat@tidalvvave.net The difficulties, hardships and trials of life, the obstacles... are positive blessings. They knit the muscles more firmly, and teach self-reliance. -Roger Sustar PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster All Invited to Fed Picnic The Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens (Barberton, Euclid, Holmes, Newburgh, Maple Hts., St. Clair and Waterloo), invite all to their annual picnic on Wednesday, Aug. 29 at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road. Dinner served at 1 p.m. by Julia Zalar. Dancing to Ken Zalar Capt. Crew 2:30 to 5:30. Dinner, dancing and admission is $13.00. For tickets see members or call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 22. —Matt Zabukovec, Secretary DSPB Pilgrimage The annual memorial pilgrimage to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB Vestnik will be held on Sunday, Aug. 26. Memorial holy mass will be held at noon. Bus will leave from Col-linwood Slovenian National Home at 8 a.m., and St. Vitus Village, 6114 Lausche Avenue at 8:30 a.m. For reservations call Viktor Tominec (216) 531-2728 or Frank Sega at (440) 944-0020. When you’ve seen one shopping center you’ve seen a mall. 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina (Found on the Internet, author unknown) 1950’s and Now! • Billy breaks a window in his father’s car and his dad gives him a whipping. 1956—Billy is more careful next time. Grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman. 2007 — Billy’s dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster home and joins a gang. Billy’s sister is told by state psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy’s mom has an affair with psychologist. (NEED TO MAKE SOME MONEY? On E-Bay, vintage Slovenian cards with pictures from small towns are a hot commodity, earning the seller as much as $ 16.00 each) This and that from Emilee by EMILE JENKO July 26lh was a stellar day for Don and Nancy Slapnik. They celebrated their 5511' wedding anniversary. All your friends on St. Clair and thereabout wish you many more happy and healthy days ahead. Love and blessings from daughter Shclli and husband Bob March, and son Louie. Have a great day. Belated birthday wishes to Bob March August Is1 from Don and Nancy Slapnik and wife Shclli. Belated birthday wishes to Shirley Valencie. Bumped into her at a meet-'ng. Have a great day. Get well wishes to Olga Dorchak who had knee and spinal problems. We wish her well. Congratulations to all my Lodge #4 AMLA members 2007/2008 Academic Grant recipients. Good luck in the future. Happy birthday to a sweet young lady, a real cutie pie. faith Anne Tomsick, who "'as 4-ycars-old on August 11th. Parents are Joey and Lisa, and grandparents arc Ken and Anne. I just heard that one of the kitchen angels at SWH is on the sick list: Angie Zabjak. We’re all sending you thoughts for a speedy recovery- We miss your smiling face. Agnes Koporc’s last article >0 the A.H. regarding alumni scholarships and honorees f°r the St. Vitus Hall of fame was very thorough. fJecd I say more? It was such a good job. Congrats to all. As one of my readers said to me, “This is Louclla Par- s°ns signing off.” The you, Jeanette Ruminski. A good friend and lovi ^an, John Kozlevcl Passed away quite sudden ^ very active person w olrncs Avenue Sloveni ensioners and many otl jahtural projects. Wi eten, also is a very gracic aciy and also very active cultural affairs. John, n lr* Peace. You will be miss a lot. More hellos to shut-ins: ran and Millie Virant, olka Millie, Emma Yama ^ Dorothy Urbancich, fjarie Orazem, Frankie allec, Ed Arhar. Keep in toUch. p At Saturday Mass at SHA, ^ • John Kumse gave a syn-Ps's of his trip to Slovenia. They sure covered a lot of territory. I wonder when they slept. Thanks, Father, for the interesting talk. Glad you all are back safe and sound. At Zele’s funeral home for John Kozlevchar I was in line to extend my sympathies to Helen... when I struck up a conversation with Mary Mohar. A very pleasant lady and we exchanged info about John and Helen. We both agreed they were a wonderful couple. God bless them. The Funeral Home was bedecked with flowers and many mourners. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Mary Cizel was laid to rest and will be among the angels. She was a resident of the Slovene Home for the Aged. She is survived by daughter Frances (Babe) and many friends and relatives. She would have celebrated her 104lh birthday on August 11. God bless. The Federation of Pensioners will hold their annual picnic at the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road off Rt. 6 on Wed., Aug. 29. Come join us. It’ll be fun. Many accolades to John Telich Sr., a 30-year-member of the Euclid Rotary Club who recently became the first Euclid Rotarian to achieve Rotary International 5Ih level Paul Harris Society Fellow status. The Harris Society recognizes Rotarians who donate more than $1,000 annually to the R.F. John is an insurance underwriter for Sun Life Financial and a member of the financial group’s Hall of Fame. Živijo, John. Couldn’t happen to a nicer fellow. Our best wishes. September birthday wishes to Ret. Mini police officer Alan Kranc who was stationed on St. Clair Avenue at one time. Hoop de doo to Gene Drobnič of Cape Coral, Florida on winning the A.H. Quiz. What was the answer? (J. P. Morgan - was the original model for Mr. Monopoly.) Special Aug. 1st birthday to photographer Phil Hrvatin, State Representative Kenny Yuko, and to Johnna Bajc who is Executive Secretary to Consul General Zvone Žigon in Cleveland. Here’s a toast to all three of you. Just heard on Dale Bucar’s program (Sunday) Christine Hibbs singing, “What a Little Polka Can do.” What an entertainer. Happy 47"' wedding anniversary to Marty and Elaine Sintič. Čestitke. Attended Mass at SHA Saturday, Aug. 11 with Fr. Kumse officiating. He talked about our faith. Faith in our church, our friends, our family and in ourselves. Very This little cutie-pie is Faith Anne Tomsick, daughter of Joey and Lisa Tomsick, granddaughter of Ken and Anne Tomsick. She reached the wonderful age of 4 on August 11th. We all wish her a Happy Birthday with loads of love. This handsome fellow is John Kenozerski who reaches the happy age of a teenager on August 23. Many happy returns from mom, Jean Gurski, sisters Amanda and brother Rick, and relatives and friends. inspiring and food for thought. Thank you for reminding us. Some additional quips I picked up at Ch. 22 on the Time Warner cable educational channel. Did you hear the one about the roof? Never mind; it’s over your head? Here is one golfers Rudy Flis and Elmer Perme should like: Why did the golfer wear two pair of pants? In case he got a hole in one. Till we meet again. I will leave you with this thought. Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. -Wm. Jennings Bryan. Love ya. --Emilee Acupuncture is a jab well done. Stimbtfryjs Accounting Accounlinia & Income Tax 'Services 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax 1(216) 404-0992 lcLxtirrie@en.com http://stimburysp.ccounting.com Enrolled to Practice Sehte tie Internal Revenue Service Servicing Indmduals Corporations t Small fiisinesses. Annual Polka Dance 3 and Sausage Festival The National Clcveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame 4lh Annual Sausage Contest and Festival takes place on Saturday, Sept. 15 from 1 until 9 p.m. at SNPJ Farm, off Chardon Road (Rte. 6) and Heath Road in Kirtland, Ohio (3 miles east of Rt. 306). AH varieties of liquid refreshments will be available. Vote for the best sausage maker and dance to your favorite polka bands. Enjoy down home cooking and treats. There will be non-stop polka music by Brian Novak, Joe Novak, Milan Racano-vic, Joey Tomsick, Trontcl-Zagger, Eddie Vallus II, and Ken Zalar’s Captain’s Crew. Advance $6 tickets available at the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 East 222 Street in Euclid; otherwise pay $7 at the gate. Telephone (216) 261-FAME or toll free (866) 66-POLKA. —Tony Petkovšek Chairman —Wayne Tomsic, Event Chairman Biker Joke A little guy is sitting at the bar just staring at his drink for half an hour when a big trouble-making biker steps next to him, grabs his drink and gulps it down in one swig. The little guy starts crying. “Come on man. I was just giving you a hard time,” the biker says. I didn’t think you’d cry. I can’t stand to see a man crying.” “This is the worst day of my life,” says the little guy between sobs. “I can’t do anything right. I overslept and was late for an important meeting, so my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I discovered my car was stolen and I don’t have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife in bed with the gardener and my dog, Rusty, bit me. So I came to this bar trying to work up the courage to put an end to my life, and then you show up and drank the poison.” _______________________________—Stephanie Polutnik Retiree Joke A 70-year-old retiree was spending the afternoon fishing in his favorite pond. While sitting in his boat he heard a voice say, “Pick me up.” He looked around and couldn’t see anyone. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, “Pick me up.” He looked in the water and there sitting on a lily pad was a frog. The man said, “Are you talking to me?” The frog said, “Yes. Pick me up and kiss me. I’ll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I’ll make sure all your friends are envious and jealous because you will have me as your bride.” The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front breast pocket. Then the frog said, “Are you nuts? Didn’t you hear what I said? Kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.” The man looked at the frog and said, “Nah, at my age I’d rather have a talking frog.” —Phil Hrvatin Tony Petkovsek's Polka Radio America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 2^4 p.m. / Saturdays 12-2:30 p.m. WELW 1330 AM " Kollander World Travel, 971 E. 185 St, Cleveland, OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor Simulcast worldwide 247polkaheaven.com (216) 481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 45 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety” “At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community* 1’ Offering complete Community News Daily and phone-in Polka Opinion every Monday. Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women’s Interviews) ED 0STRY (Guest co-host) _______________MARK TOMC (Alternative Music) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 23, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 23, 2007 John Telich Sr. Receives Euclid Rotarian Honor Euclid, OH - John Telich, Sr., a lifelong Euclid, Ohio resident, is the first Euclid Rotarian to achieve Rotary International’s Fifth-Level Paul Harris Fellow. Mr. Telich has been a member of the Euclid Rotary Club for over 30 years. The Paul Harris Society is a special district recognition program designed for Rotarian who wish to support The Rotary Foundation in a more substantial way each year by donating $ 1,000 or more annually. Mr. Telich’s contribution total is $5,000. John is an insurance underwriter for Sun Life Financial and was the sixth inductee in Sun Financial’s Hall of Fame. Mr. Telich’s philanthropic efforts include the long-running annual sponsorship of Euclid Recreation Boys League Baseball team, various Slovenian causes, Henn Mansion, and the Cleveland State University Golf Technology Center. Mr. Telich has been married to Jan for 60 years. They arc the parents of five grown children living in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, and the grandparents of 16. Chartered in 1949, the Euclid Rotary Club meets every Tuesday for lunch at Alexander’s Restaurant in Euclid. Local philanthropic efforts include annual college scholarships for Euclid High School students and the Walter Schwegler Memorial Fund. Contact Dr. Jeffrey Jones, Superintendent of Euclid City Schools, at (216) 792-2901 for more club information. Rotary International, founded in 1905, is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. The Rotary Foundation funds many programs including matching grants for community-based and international service projects, group study exchange teams, and Ambassadorial and World Peace Scholars. Visit www.rotarv.org for more information. —Fred Siegel i’ Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. ;7/„ ’an \^odic Funeral Home C 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440-944-8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Director Our Slovenian Family Serving Yours St. Mary’s Slovenian School Schedule St. Mary’s Slovenian Language School for children from kindergarten through 8th grade will begin on Saturday, Sept. 15. Registration begins at 9 a.m., followed by class. Any students interested in learning about the language, customs and heritage of Slovenia are welcome to attend. Prior knowledge of the Slovenian language is not necessary. Red Peppers With Olives 6 sweet red peppers Vi cup plus 3 This, olive oil 4 cloves garlic, minced Vi cup Italian seasoned breadcrumbs 12 black Greek olives, pitted and quartered Clean out seeds from red peppers and cut into 8 strips. In skillet heat Vi cup olive oil and saute garlic, but don’t burn. Mix in breadcrumbs and turn offbeat. In 9x13 pan or casserole, put in 3 tablespoons oil. Add peppers, then olives, then dribble bread crumbs and garlic mixture over all. Bake at 350° uncovered for 45 minutes, stir every 15 minutes. Makes 8 to 10 servings. —Brother Richard Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe sale on Saturday, Sept. 1. Tourist Season Already a Success In the first six months of this year, the number of tourists in Slovenia increased by 10%, which is well above the European average of 6%. The most popular destination has been Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital, which can be easily reached by plane from all major European air hubs and is halfway between Venice and Vienna. Bled, Bohinj, and Postojna cave are still on the top of visitor’s lists, closely followed by Slovenia’s spas and mountain resorts- Three Vegetable Casserole \ 1(10 oz.) package frozen baby lima beans 1 (10 oz.) package frozen chopped broccoli 1 (10 oz.) package frozen Brussels sprouts 1 (10 V* oz.) can mushroom soup 1 (8 oz.) carton sour cream ; Salt, pepper and butter to taste 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese Cook vegetables according to package directions; | drain. Mix with mushroom soup, sour cream and : seasonings. Place in casserole and bake 1 hour at 350°. : Sprinkle grated cheese over top, half-hour before dish is ; done. : Makes 6 to 8 servings. : —Sr. Joan Christie, O.P. j DiDonato FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH (216) 5277 Jeff DiDonato, owner - Tom Corrigan, Danielle Dolan, Rick Tolley SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX we accept: We bill most major insurance plans • American Express „ • Discover _ * Pho,° Finishing • MasterCard • Visa • WIC - Food Stamps • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways • Manufacturers Coupons V/S/f Us! • Contact Lens Replacement The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25.000 of level final expense insurance and level premiums, There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800*843-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. “I used to gef a 1099 for my Bank CD, until I found kskj44/ *CUZ IyUMLfl JWlllCAH U CM r C * f 1. CX * Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-dcferrcd and even gave me options so 1 would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*. 'VI KSKJ Lile was the right choice. ^ | Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near you! ftr IV Trrf« on » pjr. &»f»i»thaUncrt**. , Story of St. Mary’s Parish (Coll.) 5 by Rev. Thomas W. Tifft, Ph.D. Rector, Professor of Church History, Borromeo College (Continued) One of the things that characterized al! of the early communities in the diocese was the importance people placed on building the parish church and the heroic efforts that went into building such churches. Need to remember that Catholics in the diocese tended to be very, very poor. Comment by Jay Dolan: “Most important event in American Catholicism since World War II was the G.I. Bill - Catholics began to go to college in great numbers and move into the middle and upper-middle class. The sacrifices people made ■n building churches seem almost incredible consider-■ng the poverty of the people. In Ashland, Wayne, and Medina counties we see the People themselves sacrific-■ng days and weeks and months of time to build their church - not to mention the money involved. In Cleveland the St. Stanislaus congregation built a church in 1889 which cost Si50,000 - an enormous amount at that time. Majority of the people '''ere Polish and worked at the Newburg Rolling Mill and earned S7.50/week. St. St. Michael on Scranton Road - a German parish ~~ people agreed to meatless Wednesdays and brcadless Fridays for four years and gave money saved to the church building fund. At St. Patrick’s on Bridge Avenue - the mother-church tor the West side Irish, people agreed to make more than 100 trips to a stone quarry south of Sandusky to carry back the stone for the church on horse-drawn wag-°ns. Stone was free and the Tip took about five days, and the whole project took more than three years to complete. Try to realize that the church had a great signifi-cancc for the immigrant peo-F'c- Symbolized their love thr God and their gratitude to G°d for bringing them to this Pew land. Symbolize the hopes for their children and grandchil-^rcn, hope for success and Prosperity. Sign to Protestant ^merica that we are here to stay _ not g0ing away. Like others, the people of Mary quickly desired a church of their own and yet 's led to some conflict. A ^crisus completed in Dccem-Cr> 1905 found that the new Parish was composed of 130 Emilies and about 230 single lcn- Seventy-one families and about 80 single men lived on the north side of the New York Central tracks while 59 families and about 150 single men lived on the south side of the tracks. On January 1 a representative group of 152 parishioners met in Shepherd’s Hall and voted that the church be built on the south side of the NYC tracks. Extremely close - 81 for the south side, 71 for the north side - a decision was made by a very small majority of 10 people. According to a letter written to Bishop Horstmann in July, 1906, the vote that the church be built on the south side was rooted in the strong sentiments of the homeowners on the south side and also on the belief that too many of those advocating the north side were not Slovenians, but Croatians, Slovaks, Hungarians and others. As we shall see, this decision to build on the south side will eventually lead to a schism in the parish. In June, 1906 five lots of land on Case Avenue (156lh Street) were purchased for $2,000). On August 3, 1906 ground was broken and on Sept. 17 the cornerstone was blessed by Msgr. Felix Boff, the Vicar General of the Diocese. Progress was very rapid and on the fourth Sunday of Advent, 1906 mass was offered for the first time in the new church. On August 18, 1907 Bishop Horstmann formally blessed the church which seated 400 people. This would serve as the parish church until the new church was opened in 1958. Cost of the church and the parish house which was also built at this time was $15,342. Need to realize that the people were very poor and this was an enormous amount of money in 1907. Tensions between and within different nationality groups: The tremendous diversity among nationality groups forming the diocese have lent a tremendous richness to the Diocese of Cleveland. Various traditions arc really part of Catholicism in this area: traditions such as the St. Patrick’s Day parade, the Feast on Murray Hill, and other processions characteristic of Italian parishes, the blessing of food on Holy Saturday, platki on Christmas, the devotions to various saints, the beautiful hymns characteristic of so many of the ethnic groups. All of these have brought a tremendous richness to our diocese. At times, however, the diversity of ethnic groups within the diocese have brought its share of tensions. The Slovenian community also experienced divisions. In the St. Clair area disagreements and financial pressures caused a rift in the St. Vitus community with the end result that the diocese created a new mission, Our Lady of Sorrows on East 55th street in an effort to bring harmony to the situation. This was a short lived adventure which began in December, 1906 and ended in August, 1907. Even Fr. Ponikvar, who succeeded Fr. Hribar and who had a talent for conciliation, experienced difficulties. Here at St. Mary, a number of those who lived north of the NYC tracks refused to accept the decision to build south of the tracks and began to deluge Bishop Horstmann with petitions for a parish of their own. The bishop sided with those who wanted the church to be built south of the tracks. It was in this situation that the people north of the tracks came into contact with Fr. John Tichy. Tichy had at one time been the priest at St. Ladislas, a Slovak parish, but had been dismissed from position. He had gone to Utrecht where the Old Catholic Church existed and had himself consecrated a bishop. He returned to Cleveland and formed several schismatic parishes. He banded together with the dissatisfied Slovenians living north of the tracks together with a number of Germans living in that area and formed a parish The Old St. Mary’s Church under the patronage of SS. Peter and Paul. The parish could not maintain itself financially and eventually dissolved with the Slovenians in the community eventually reuniting with St. Mary. It took a while for parish unity to be formed. The Slovenian experience was similar to that of many other groups of the newer immigrants. Things were not always peaceful in the Diocese of Cleveland and there was often a struggle for unity. Conclusion I could go on talking about the history of the Diocese but I think I will end at this point. Hopefully you have learned about the history of the diocese and about your own parish. You have a wonderful history here at St. Mary - your history is of hard-working people who faced numerous problems with faith and courage. Hopefully, we can all show the same courage and the same faith in meeting the problems of today and passing on the faith to our children and grandchildren. Thanks to Philip Hrvatin of Wachovia Securities for providing this article. Action is eloquence. -William Shakespeare stilt We Make House Calls A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs ... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! GORJANC i'i I žtl :* :l'S HEATING - COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com ANGIE S UST SOBR StRVKt AWARD Northsoit Ohio 2003 V Heating $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service yy May noc be combined with other Plumbing $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May nor be 9ombined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. AUGUST 23, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVIN The Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges receives honors upon its 80th anniversary. Proclamations were delivered by special visitors to SNPJ Farm for the Slovenski Piknik on July 1st: Dr. Zvone Žigon, Consul General of Slovenia; Joe Valencie, President of the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges; Karen Pintar, National Secretary of the Slovenian National Benefit Society (SNPJ); and Hon. Michael Polenšek, Cleveland City Councilman. The celebration continues on Sunday, Sept. 30 with a party at SNPJ Farm. Cleveland SNPJ Lodges Mark 80th Celebrate 80 years of the Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges with a party and prizes at SNPJ Farm on Sunday, Sept. 30. The members and friends of the Slovene National Benefit Society (SNPJ) invite you to help them blow out the candles at their birthday bash. Doors open at 2 for a happy afternoon of polkas, prizes and plenty of food and refreshments - all for only $10. Joe Novak provides the polkas and waltzes. Your Federation friends are in charge of the fun for a winning time. This is the last chance to dance and dine down on the Farm. It’s the final Sunday event of the season at SNPJ Farm, so let’s close out with the party of the year. Tickets are limited to only 200 guests and you’ll want to reserve today. Call Sophie Matuch, (440) 951-6906 or Joe Valencie (216) 481-1439, before you miss out. SNPJ Farm is on Heath Road in Kirtland, Ohio, off Chardon Road (Route 6), three miles east of Route 306. --Joe Valencie, President, Cleveland Federation of SNPJ Lodges CAN YOU IDENTIFY any of these men in the photo taken at the refugee camp near Judenburg, Austria in 1946. If you know anyone in the photo e-mail to zakeljfc^csjcom_________ Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it. -Phil Hrvatin A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness. -Bob Mills Failure isn’t falling down; it’s staying down. _____________—Bob Murphy LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor California’s almond crop is the biggest in the world. Coming Events Saturday, Aug. 25 Folklorna Skupina Kres 3:30 picnic at Slovenska Pristava with 6:00 p.m. performance at the Harpcrsfield, OH picnic grounds. Admission is $4 for both members and non-Pristava members. Veseli Godci provides the music after the concert. Sunday, Aug. 26 Annual pilgrimage to Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB Vestnik. Leaves Col-linwood Slov. Home at 8 a.m. and St. Vitus Village at 8:30 a.m. Reservations call (216) 531-2728 or (440) 944-0020. Wednesday, Aug. 29 Fed. of American Slovenian Senior Citizens picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner served 1 p.m. by Julia Zalar. Music by Ken Zalar’s Captain’s Crew from 2:30 - 5:30. Dinner & dancing $13.00. More info call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784. Sunday, Sept. 9 Annual St. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society benefit dinner in parish auditorium. Friday, Sept. 14 St. Clair Slovenian National Home Annual Social. Tickets $60 each includes appetizer, dinner, cocktails. Additional dinners $20. Doors open 6:15 p.m. For tickets call (216) 361-5115. Saturday, Sept. 15 4'1' Annual Slovenian Sausage Festival hosted by the Polka Hall of Fame. Vote for your favorite. Dancing 1 to 9 p.m. SNPJ Farm, 11000 Heath Road, south of Chardon Road (Route 6), 3 miles east of Route 306 in Kirtland. Saturday, Sept. 15 St. Mary (Coll.) Holy Name Society sponsors “Right to Life” Spaghetti Dinner in St. Mary School auditorium from 6 to 8 p.m. Adults $8. Children $12. Saturday, Sept. 15 4th Annual Sausage Contest and Festival from 1 until 9 p.m. at SNPJ Farm, Rt. 6 and Heath Road in Kirtland, OH. Polka Bands and sausages. $6 at Polka Hall of Fame or $7 at the gate. Sunday, Sept. 16 Vinska trgatev (wine festival) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Sept. 26 Collinwood Slovenian Home honors Adolph “Stash” Kocin with pork chops dinner served from 5-7 p.m. Cost is $9.00. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 29, 30 Bishop Baraga 150,h Anniversary Weekend in Sault St. Marie, Michigan. Oct. 5-7 St. Vitus trip to Washington, D.C. Visit various sites including new WWII Memorial. Saturday, Oct. 6 Fantje na Vasi concert at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Wednesday, Oct. 10 Opening Concert of City-Music Cleveland, 32 piece chamber orchestra in St. Vitus Church (evening). Social to follow in auditorium. Sunday, Oct. 14 Val Pawlowski’s 6Ih an-nual Bar Keepers Ball at Croatian Lodge 91 & Lake-shore, F.astlake. Sunday, Oct. 14 Koline - Pristava Pensioners at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 14 Collinwood Slovenian Home Music Fcst honoring Paul Yanchar from 1 p.m. until ? Saturday, Oct. 20 Štajerski Club Dinner Dance at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Saturday, Oct. 20 St. Lawrence Reunion Dinner Dance. Mass at St. Lawrence Church, 5:30 p.m. Officiated by Bishop Edward Pevec. Doors at Nash open at 6:30 p.m. Donation $15. Music by Joe Novak 7:30 . (440) 243-0312 or (216) 341-6135. Sunday, Oct. 21 St. Mary’s Alumni 17'h annual banquet in parish center. Preceded by 12 noon Mass. Sunday, Oct. 28 Annual Clambake of Slovenian (Newburgh) National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. from 2 to 4 p.m. Music, 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 by Joe Novak. Donation $25. Call (216) 341-6136 or (216) 475-7946. Sunday, Oct. 28 Annual Meeting of Slovenska Pristava members. Sunday, Oct. 28 St. Vitus Alumni Honorcc Day. Mass followed by dinner and induction ceremony. Saturday, Nov. 10 Slovenian (Newburgh) National Home, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland, Veterans Day Dance coordinated by Wayne Tomsic. Donation $5. Jam session 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 11 Fall Concert, of Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 SNPJ, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH - 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17 Glasbena Matica concert in Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Those who jump off a Paris bridge arc in Seine. It’s Cool To Be SLOVENIAN Death Notices MARY CIZEL Mary Cizel (nee Grdanc (age 103), passed away on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2007 at the Slovene Home for the Aged. She would have been 104 years old on Aug. 12. Mary was a member of St. Vitus Altar Society, and a lifelong member of the church. Mary worked at the Kovacic Recreation Center. She was the second of nine children born in Slovenia and came to the United States at age of three. Mary was married at age 19 to Anton. She was the wife of Anton (deceased); mother of Frances (Babe) and Anthony (deceased); sister of Margaret Tucker (Fla.), Stephanie Mlac (VT), and the following deceased: Anna, Joseph, Prances Jerman, Sophie Vol-censek, John Grdanc, and Albert Grdanc; and loving grandmother and greatgrandmother; and dear aunt of many. Family received friends Wednesday, Aug. 8 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the Zak Funeral Home on St. Clair. Mass of Christian Burial was on Thursday, Aug. 9 at 10 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. MARY A. PIKS Mary A. Piks (nee Lovko), age 86, wife of the late Prank; beloved mother of Prank J. Jr. (Mary) and Mary Jane (Wayne) Mesojedec; cherished grandmother of Thcrese (Bill) Ruffino and Ihe late Martin Wolf; greatgrandmother of Nicholas Ruffino; sister of the follow-lrig deceased: Josephine, Prank, Louis, John, and Joe Povko and Alma Kotar; aunt 1° niany nieces and nephews. Passed away on July 22 at lhc Slovene Home for the Aged. Memorial Mass was at 10 a ni. on August 11 at St. Fe-'•citas Church, Euclid, OH. hiurnicnt All Souls Cemetery. Arrangements by The Dan Posic Funeral Home. Love never dies as long as there is someone who -.__remembers. JOSEPH F. BRADDOCK Joseph F. Braddock, age 83, beloved husband of Virginia (nee Chcsnik); loving dad of Kathleen, Karen (Rick) Burns, Joyce (Greg) White, Susan (Anthony) Christopher and Joseph (Karen); papa of Penny, Laura, Corey, Vincent, Mitchell, Shelby and Sophia; brother of Vincent (Sophie), Mildred (Ed, deceased) Schurr and James (deceased) (Mary Alice); uncle and great uncle of many. U.S. Army WWII Veteran received three Bronze Stars and the Bronze Arrowhead for serving as a medic during the liberation of the Philippines. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home on Sunday, Aug. 5 from 2-8 where services were held Monday, Aug. 6 at 9:45 a.m., and at St. Paul church (Chardon Rd.) at 10:30 a.m. Donations in his memory to Hospice House, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. In Memory Thanks to Ann Zupančič of Broadview Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of her parents, Louis and Anna Zupančič, and sisters Mary and Margaret Zupančič. She writes, “Always enjoy reading the American Home newspaper.” In Memory Thanks to Gladys Luzar of Venice, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $75.00 donation in memory of her mother: Christine Pozun, her husband: Ernest Luzar Jr., and granddaughter Angela Luzar. Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Karl and Maria Rudi, Richmond Hts., OH $15.00 Frank and Olga M. Merela, Chardon, OH — $20.00 Ana Tasner, Westchester, IL - $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Janezic, Greenfield, WI --$5.00 Mrs. Frank Ljubi (Anne M.) Cleveland, OH — $15.00 Jean Kent, Flagstaff, AZ --$16.00 Frances Cerar, Sanborn-ton, NH — $15.00 Mary E. Jerse, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Jože and Amalie Kolenko, Willoughby Hills, OH -$15.00 Stanley and Marie Vla-sic, Chicago, IL — $15.00 Anica Lcnassi, Bridge-view, IL — $5.00 Bob and Marcie Mills, Cleveland, OH — $15.00 Karolina Topalov, Middle Village, NY $15.00 Margaret M. Rebel, Euclid, OH - $5.00 (in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rebel). In Memory Thanks to Mitzie Andrews of Lyndhurst, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her dear friend Josie Sustarsic. Donation Thanks to Joseph A. Divjak of San Diego, CA who renewed his subscription and added a $100 donation. Note Thanks to John S. Kromar of Cleveland, OH who renewed his subscription and wrote, “Keep up the good work.” Donation Thanks to Helen Drozin of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation. She wrote, “Keep up the good work.” In Loving Memory of the 15"' Anniversary of Mary Muniza-Klemencic f Aug. 26, 1992was a sad day for all who knew and loved you. We below, your family, can 'I forget who and what you were to us all. Love, Son - John Nieces - Carole, Mimi D. Mim A. - Tillie Nephews - John - Ed Granddaughters -Linda - Laura All Great-Grandchildren In Loving Memory OF THE 26™ ANNIVERSARY Mary Branisel who passed away on Aug. 28, 1981 Upright and just in all her ways, Loyal and true through all her days, Silently suffered, patiently bore; God took her home to suffer no more. Sadly missed by Frank, husband; Nancy, Frances and James, children, grandson Alan Euclid. Ohio In Loving Memory Albina Mršnik Born Feb. 6, 1907 Died Aug. 30, 2002 John Mršnik Born July 17, 1899 Died April 19, 1983 Dear parents; you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more. Still in memory you are with us, As you always were before. Sadly missed by Your Children, Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 In Loving Memory 7 of the 10th Anniversary of the death of Edward Avsec Died August 25, 1997 Always remembered With thoughts of love in our hearts and still so missed. Rest in God’s loving care, dear Ed. Wife, Daniella _______and Family______ In Loving Memory Of Our llushand. l atlu'r. Grandfather and I'alher-in-I a« Frank A. Zilko Died Vim. 15. 1994 SADLY MISSED BY: Dorothy - Wife Frank J. - Son Susan - Daughter Ann - Daughter-in-Law Grandchildren: Frankie and Mary In Loving Memory ol the 4th Anniversary of our dear husband, father, and grandfather Ernie Mramor Born Oct. 30, 1919 Died Aug. 29, 2003 He was always there to lend a hand, to give advice, to smile, To comfort or encourage or just be with you awhile. He was a special man whose love and caring seems to have no end. He was a teacher and supporter -He’s your father, and lifelong friend. Sadly missed by Wife: Mary Daughters Marsha McGill and Madelyn Mramor Son-in-law Craig McGill Grandson - Collin McGill AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 23, 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. AUGUST 23, 200 8 Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: In October, 1961 singer Patsy Cline sang a song written by Willie Nelson about a self-proclaimed mentally challenged person. It rose to #9 in the pop charts. What is the name of that love song? ANSWER: “CRAZY.” Correct responses were submitted by: Talented trumpeter Eddy Mejac, Anne Dular Lawson of Elizabethtown, KY, Lena Bullis of Strongsville, OH, Daniella Schultz of Euclid, OH, Stephanie Polutnik, of Elyria, OH, and Michael Prešeren of Wheatland, MO. NEW QUIZ: Eddie Ha-bat Orchestra recorded a football-themed song which sold 50,000 copies in the first two weeks. It was named a “Greatest All-Time Polka.” The last words on the record are “Man that was a crazy polka.” Name that tune. Send your answer to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. British explorer swims North Pole West Palm Beach -Investec announced last week that British explorer and endurance swimmer, Lewis Gordon Pugh successfully completed the extraordinary challenge of being the first man to swim at the Geographic North Pole. The 1 km swim took 18 minutes, 50 seconds in freezing temperatures of minus 1.8° centigrade - the coldest waters a human has ever swum in — and was conducted in accordance with Channel Swimming Association Rules in just Spcedo briefs, cap and goggles. It took place at 02.00 on July 15th (It’s daylight all hours). He described the swim: “The water was absolutely black. I shook Jorgcn Amundsen’s hand and then plunged into the sea. It was like jumping into a dark black hole. It was frightening. The pain was immediate and felt like my body was on fire. I was in excruciating pain from beginning to end and I nearly quit on a few occasions. It was without doubt the hardest swim of my life._________________ Thanks to James V. Debevec II for submitting this interesting article. AH You Really Need is SLOVEnia St. Mary’s Seniors Meet St. Mary’s Seniors (Col-linwood) will hold their meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 4lh in St. Mary’s Parish Hall on Holmes Avenue. Doors will open at 1 p.m., and the meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. A speaker from the Cuyahoga County Recorder’s Office will present information on Living Wills, Durable Power of Attorney, and the new Homestead Exemption. St. Vitus Post 1655 Picnic Looking for an afternoon of fun and good food, then come and join St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 3rd Annual Picnic on Sunday, Sept. 16 at the Eagle’s Picnic Grounds, 37299 Euclid Avenue, Willoughby. It begins at 1 p.m. with grilled hot dogs and refreshments, also a bocci tournament, so get a team of 4 together and come join the fun. At 4 p.m. the pig roast will be served. All this for $15.00 per person. For tickets or more information call Dan Rciger at (216)391-5428. P.S. - We are also looking for new members. Any man or woman who is Catholic and served in any branched of the U.S. armed forces is eligible to join. Adult Slovenian School Begins St. Vitus Adult Slovenian Language School will begin another year on Saturday, Sept. 15. Beginning through advanced classes will be held at St. Martin de Porres High School, 6104 Lausche Avenue, twice monthly from 9:15 to 11:30 a.m. Textbooks are from Slovenia. For more information, please contact either Lillian Centa at (216) 289-7253 or Mary Zorman at (440) 255-1178. Spaghetti Dinner St. Mary (Collinwood) Holy Name Society sponsors a Right to Life Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 15 in St. Mary School Auditorium from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 The Lesson of Life with Faith CHICAGO, LEMONT, IL - Two of our most wonderful Slovenian ladies have been called to heaven. We are saddened at the loss of our dear Lojzka (Louise) Schuck who passed away on July 19th and only two weeks later, news shocked us of the passing of Jožica (Josephine) Jakupovic who died on Aug 1st. They are both resting in peace after long-suffering illnesses that they bore with courage and grace. They each gave us enduring gifts of love. Lojzka came from Toronto, Canada, where her mother and sisters still live and immediately became active in the Chicago Slovenian community. She spoke beautiful Slovenian and had knowledge of classical music and literature that she performed for us through the years both in the church choir and at performances at the Slovenian Cultural Center. She was a huge asset to the Slovenian language school in Lemont and as a professional lay teacher at the Bridgeport Catholic Academy in Chicago. She shared much of her knowledge with students and teachers alike. How proud we were to have her active with us as well as her husband, Michael, and children Mateja, Aloysius and Franc, in church or school. When the Slovenian folk dance group Veselje was formed in 2000, she and Mike joined and added their smiling presence to many performances. Her illness came too early in her life and was of long duration, but it did not diminish her spirit and zeal for her faith. She taught us many lessons, among them to always trust in God’s mercy and love. In her eulogy, Lojzka’s sister Mary Babic thanked us for being close to her and loving her - we could only respond by saying that we thank God for giving Lojzka to us so we could learn from her the lessons of self-sacrifice and the deepest human love possible on earth. When we learned of the sudden loss of Jožica Jakupovic, a shudder overcame us as she was such a part of the Center and it didn’t seem possible to hear this news. Her beautiful smile, and friendly nature was evident in all our activities. She and her Tony were a perfect couple. Their son, Milan and daughter, Melita, had to give them up frequently due to the events they could not miss taking place at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont. One thing they loved was the folk dancing group, Veselje, that they joined when it was first formed. Jožica was as a little secretary for us (she was very petite) keeping records and photos, tapes of our dances, reminding everyone of where and when we had to be someplace, and making sure our costumes were perfect. She herself made some of our beautiful women’s headpieces, intricately stitched and decorated. Those will remain precious examples of handwork for each of us. Despite her breathing problems, Jožica always loved to dance, and Tony along with her, could follow any beat. They were so sociable. Playing balina on our Lemont Hill and attending the events throughout the year... Jožica always with a platter of goodies she baked. But, of all things, they especially loved taking care of their two young granddaughters she taught to cook and bake, sing and dance, just like them. We shall miss our two wonderful ladies and ask God’s mercy on their families. We know He has taken them to heaven straightaway, and we pray to join them as friends and family in eternity. --C.L. Book ‘Slovenia 1945’ Available Slovenian Bear Killed in France Francka, one of five brown bears from Slovenia let loose in the French Pyrenees to increase the native bear population, was killed in a collision with a car, according to police. The driver was unhurt, and the police said they will investigate. Opposition to the repopulation plan has been fierce, with local farmers accusing Francka of killing as many as 150 sheep. “If people had only listened to us, Francka would be living a happy and peaceful life in Slovenia,” Bernard Moulcs, a farmers’ union official, told Agcncc Francc-Presse. —John Tagliabue The New York Times Thanks to Patricia Cesen Wilks of Concord, OH for submitting this article. Probably you have heard about a very interesting book written by John Corscllis. The title is Slovenia 1945. In it he describes the time at the end of the Second World War when thousands of refugees from Slovenia and other parts of Yugoslavia fled the communist terror to Austria and Italy. The returning Domobranci under the pretext of being sent to Italy from Austria, instead they were sent back to Tito’s army which massacred them. Live witnesses describe this horrendous acts of merciless hatred, vengeance and murder. How the British occupying forces in Austria tried to force the rest of the refugees to return back to Slovenia. It tells of the hardship they suffered in DP camps and how they survived all that. And finally how they established themselves in the countries to which they emigrated. It is a book well written and easy to read and makes an excellent gift. The first shipment was sold out in four weeks. I did receive the second shipment, so if you want a book, please hurry as they are going fast. If you are looking for a Slovenian-English / English-Slovenian Dictionary, we have them. It has 36,000 entries, helpful pronunciation, and appendix of useful expressions. The price is only $24.95. Please call me at home at (216) 381-2602 or at Slovenska pisarna at (216) 361-0300 Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. or Sundays between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The book store is in the St. Vitus Village, 6114 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, across from St. Martin dc Porres school. —Felix Gaser Real friendship is shown in times of trouble. Prosperity is full of friends. -Al Zupan What does ‘Corpus delicti’ mean? Corpus delicti, first recorded in 1832, is NOT the corpse in a murder case, as is commonly thought. The term, translating from the Latin as “the body of the offense,” refers to the basic element of a crime, which in a murder would be the death of the murdered person.____ The Chronicle of Louis R. by Louis C. Erste, son (Continued) Chisholm & Moore Foundry Louie managed to get Tony a job at Chisholm & Moore Foundry and although Louie spent his career in gray iron casting, Tony left Chisholm & Moore to work in brass casting which ultimately killed him because of the fumes from molten brass. Before leaving the Chisholm & Moore Foundry let’s cover a few more things. To begin with, the way all the old folks pronounced the name was “Chisel-ma-morc” and it was more than 30 years before Lou learned the correct name of the place. For the unfamiliar, a foundry is a manufacturing plant where castings (parts) arc Produced by using a wooden Pattern to make a sand mold and then filling the mold with molten metal. Chisholm & Moore was a gray iron foundry and their furnaces, cupolas, etc., were dedicated to iron as opposed to brass or aluminum. At the beginning of the 20th century, foundries were common because other methods of manufacture had not yet been fully developed. They were very hot places to Work because of the molten 1T*ctal they poured into the •bolds and it was not un-eommon for the metal to sPlash when being poured, fusing serious bums to the •ben. No, there were no ^onicn working in the foundries in those days. Chisholm & Moore was •ndeed a sweat shop where tlle standard workweek was hours a day, six days a vveek. An increase in orders bieant 12 hours per day and seven days a week; with no °vcrtime premium. Most nicn worked on a piece-work ^asis and it was common for 'Pen to climb the fence and start work an hour earlier than their scheduled work day in order to make more Pieces. give an idea of the era rcfcrrcd to here, that Louie l°ld about a big casting they •Pade for a crane for Russia. c said it took six horses to PpII the wagon to the ship-PPtg dock. No telling how hcy got it on the wagon. ^p interesting anecdote °cciirred when the company Was attempting to produce ■ 0rPe heavy castings by us-& a crane to insert and re-jP°ve the pattern. A wooden ahern was used to create mold but needed to be Cmoved 50 the iron could be bbred into it. Every time lcy tried to remove the vattern with the crane it ratcd a little, causing de- lajlJ Bt.Sfč Sz fects in the sand mold. After weeks of failure and disrupted delivery dates, Mr. Chapclko asked Louie if he could produce these castings by hand using a helper. He said he could do it if his brother Tony was the helper. It involved heavy lifting coordinated by both men to accomplish the deed and the strain on their muscles was exhausting. But they didn’t mind doing it because the earnings per piece was extremely high since there was no other way of producing the parts. Louie and Tony exceeded the production expectations and made plenty of money, but one Monday morning when they arrived for work they found a tag on the job reducing the price dramatically. Louie complained to the blustery Mr. Chapclko and was told he was making more money than he, Mr. Chapclko. So he said, “And I work much harder than you, too.” Mr. Chapclko refused to reinstate the original price so Louie packed up his toolbox and went home. After a few days of no production on this critical part Mr. Chapclko tried different moldcrs and different techniques but failed miserably. So he told Louie’s friends and relatives to ask him to come back to work and he might give him his old rate back. Louie told these go-betweens he wouldn’t do it unless Mr. Chapclko himself came to his house and assured him his rate. After a couple of weeks Mr. Chapclko showed up at his door and he got his old rate back. He was back on the job the next day. Another story about the tediousness and strain of a sweatshop foundry 100 years ago concerns another man entirely. He, too, was a moidcr at Chisholm & Moore Foundry with the rest of the fellows and was given a small part to make thousands of. He produced these parts daily, working long hours for a year or two and was totally spent with the monotony of it. He tried to get a different product to make or anything to relieve him of the psychological burden. There was no relief given as psychological issues were not a consideration during that era. Finally, one day the fellow went to the bathroom (outhouse) and when he returned his pattern was missing so he started carrying on, hollering that someone took his pattern and how as he supposed to make a living now. “What kind of practical joke is this?” Everyone searched the entire shop for his small pattern but it was never found. All the while the fellow was making a ruckus over the whole thing. Of course, it was necessary for Mr. Chapclko to give him a different job to work on, which he didn’t mind in the least. Many years later when neither man no longer worked at Chisholm and Moore Louie asked him what had happened to his pattern and he was honest enough to tell him that when he went to the outhouse he put the pattern in his pocket and when passing the furnace, he threw it in so he could finally stop making those parts. Chisholm & Moore had a tendency to hire several members of hardworking families like Louie and Tony Erste. Another family who had a father and a few brothers as well as in-laws working there was the Cotman family. Eventually one of the brothers introduced Louie to his sister Rose. She was only 16-ycars-old but the chemistry worked well between them and before she turned 18 they were married. Louie was 23 at the time. In the year 1971 they celebrated 60 years of marriage before their deaths which occurred within the following year. There is an amusing story about Louie and Rose’s courtship in that Louie spoke Slovenian and Rose spoke German, so Louie asked the fellows at work to teach him some German to impress Rose. Of course, they taught him all kinds of bad words and she became embarrassed when he visited her with his new vocabulary. The not-so-funny part of the story is that Louie himself became so embarrassed when he found out what he had said that from that time on he refused to become versant in German or English or any other language for fear of saying the wrong thing. Because of this he spoke English with a heavy accent all his life. For example, he pronounced the word “work” as wurrrk and rolled the “r” besides. It should be noted that the word “work” itself had a special meaning in Louie’s life, but we’ll talk more about that later. Before leaving the Chisholm & Moore chapter of this story, mention should be made that as things transpired, Louie had a bad go-around making castings somewhere around 1925 and Mr. Chapclko fired him for making too much scrap after 17 years of faithful service. Working piecework meant he didn’t get paid for the scrap, and scrap castings were re-melted for future use, but job security was almost non-existent in those days. Although Louie worked for Chisholm & Moore for 17 years they were not continuous years. He came to America in 1906 and the country was thrown into a severe economic depression by J. P. Morgan and the railroad executives the following year. Louie was just starting to build his foundation in a new land and ended up with an entire year of unemployment, and there was Holmes Avenue Pensioners were shocked, and saddened by the news of the sudden death of our beloved HAP president - John Kozlevchar - on Friday, July 27. The hard-to-believe news traveled like wildfire throughout the Slovenian community. John has touched countless lives, and endeared everyone with his vibrant personality, generous heart, and loving kindness. Whether you knew him a long time, or just briefly, you won’t forget this outstanding man. Erste no such thing as unemployment compensation at that time. Once asked why he had not considered moving back to Slovenia, he said that in all the depressions he experienced it was never as bad as it always was back home on the farm in Slovenia. Depression of 1907 Thousands (maybe millions) of men walked the streets looking for employment during the 1907 Economic Depression and lawlessness bordered on anarchy at times. Louie told about watching men excavating for a new street on Hamilton Avenue (that’s the street Chisholm & Moore was located on). All the work was done by hand with cheap labor. He and many other onlookers were wishing they were one of the laborers when a big tough fellow came up to one of the diggers, knocked him down, took his shovel and his job along with it. No complaints from anyone; the one who had the shovel had the job. (To Be Continued) His untimely death will be deeply felt by all HAP members, and his many friends far and wide. Our deepest and heartfelt sympathy to his grieving wife, Helen, son, John, and daughter, Mary Jo, grandchildren, brother, Frank, and all other relatives. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May John rest in peace. But knowing John, he may already be “jamming” with Zeke and Charlie, and the rest of the heavenly band. Se vid ’mo, dear friend. --Unhappy Wanderer Dwell upon the brightest parts in every prospect... and strive to be pleased with the present circumstances. ___________________________________________--Bob Mills Sometimes the best deals are the ones you don’t make. _________________________ --Bill Veeck Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. > Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 Un-HAPpy News © © © AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 23. 2007 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. AUGUST 23, 2007 ine inernmi ui ^luvema Radenci Health Spa You can go to any spa in Slovenia not only for treating different ailments, but also to rest, and recover strength, to recuperate after injury and ailments, or simply to have fun. Many spas in Slovenia offer a wide and diverse choice of services, including a range of more or less exotic massage treatments. And if we also consider the latest tourist trends that show traditional holidays during which our leisure time is spent primarily lying around doing nothing, are no longer in vogue, we can see that we are keeping in touch with the times. With all the stress at work and life in general, increasing numbers of holidaymakers are opting for an active holiday. Even far back in history people in Slovenia had been taking advantage of the beneficial effects provided by thermal springs. Most of these springs can be found in the central and northeastern part of Slovenia, in the regions of Zasavje, Štajerska and Prekmurje, with a few of them located in the southeastern region of Dolenjska. Evidence of the long tradition of thermal spas in Slovenia can be seen in archaeological finds from the time of the Roman Empire. The first written records documenting thermal springs date back to 1147. Word about the healing powers of Slovenian thermal springs spread across the whole of Europe. Soon, not only the local population, but visitors from far and wide came to enjoy the beneficial effects of the thermal springs. The numerous health spas that have developed across Slovenia are the core of spa tourism in Slovenia and at the same time they are actively involved in the Slovenian health-care system. They enjoy special status in this respect, complementing hospital treatment and the health-care industry with the healing properties of natural elements. Favorable Natural Conditions The favorable conditions for the development of thermal spas and spa tourism are mostly due to the geographical position of the small country of Slovenia. The key ingredient is thermal water of varying properties and temperature, depending on the region and the individual spa, and, of course, mineral water. These include the world-famous water from Radenska and Donat Mg magnesium-rich mineral water. Other equally important factors are seawater and saltwater, organic and inorganic pel aids (therapeutic mud) and the Adriatic Pan-nonian and sub-alpine central mountain microclimates. Thermal spas are usually located around hills and vineyards where you can increase your strength by hiking over miles of countryside, enjoying the rich selection of culinary delights and tasting local wines. The world of thermal springs is also a winemaking country. Slovenian health spas offer something for everyone. The wisdom, experience, tradition, the natural environment, and the characteristic kindness and hospitality that can only be found in the countryside, make it possible for everyone to find what they are looking for. Visitors can also consult specialists at most of the spas. Original Methods of Treatment Far removed from the city bustle, Slovenian health spas have developed new methods of health treatment using natural healing agents, as well as various preventative programs based on modem medicine, and, of course, taking into account the modern way of life and the pace set by our work, career, stress and other factors influencing our everyday lives. Slovenian health spas are a suitable destination for a family vacation, a romantic weekend or simply to reinvigorate the body and soul. Most health centers also have attractive and well-equipped sports facilities where the guests can take care of their physical fitness by swimming, running, hiking, playing a game of golf or tennis, or any other type of sport, while learning more about a healthy lifestyle. More than 15 climatic and natural thermal spas have developed an extensive selection of beauty and wellness to complement traditionally offered spa services. Besides the modern pool and accommodation facilities offered by Slovenian health resorts, a variety of antistress and beauty programs is also available. The Radenci Health Spa is one of Slovenia’s most famous spas, a popular destination for many domestic and foreign guests. The characteristic countryside of Pomurje allows for many forms of relaxation and leisure activities, and even an opportunity for wine tasting in the wine producing hills beside the Mura River. The naturally sparkling water contains carbon dioxide. The combination of the favorable climate and the famous thermal spring is particularly suitable for the treatment of cardiovascular conditions, kidney ailments and rheumatism. Located in the town of Moravci, exactly 200 kilometers outside of Ljubljana, the Therme 3000 health resort practically floats on the waves of the Pannonian Sea. Well, that is not exactly true, as the sea is long gone. Today we can only see its remains stretching somewhere below the edges of the Goričko region, in the middle of the green Pannonian plains, and along the Mura River. The fascinating landscape and the possibility of combining a bike trip with rafting down the Mura River will convince even the least athletic visitor to embrace new adventures. The Pannonian plain also hosts the unique health resort of Terme Lendava, whose healing water is of fossil origin. The healing spring was discovered by experts in the sixties by pure coincidence when they were looking for oil in the region. Located on the borders of Austria, Slovenia and Hungary, the thermal spa finds itself in a colorful ethnic environment. As the water is rich in paraffin, it is especially soothing to the skin and suitable for treatment of rheumatic conditions. In the heart of the Štajerska region, the town of Ptuj hosts one of the most recently established spas, Terme Ptuj. On the plains of Dravsko Polje, the healing water, rich in sodium hydrocarbonate, is at 39 degrees Celsius. This water is especially suitable for the treatment of, and recovery from rheumatic ailments and postoperative conditions. In the small town of To-poiščica, sheltered by the Karavanke and Savinjske alp mountain ranges, we find thermal spas bearing the same name. The healing water was discovered as early as the 16lh century, and has been found to help treat problems with joints, minor cardio-vascular problems, and post-operative recovery. The Zreče Thermal Climatic Spa lies in the heart of the Zreško Pohorje mountain range and is renowned for its mild and healing mountain climate. This health spa helps treat difficulties related to post-operative conditions, rheumatic ailments, and diseases of the peripheral nervous system. The Rogaška Health Spa is famous all over the world for its Donat Mg mineral water, unique in the world for its rich magnesium content. The health spa has always been famous for its beneficial effects in treating gastro-enterological disorders, metabolic diseases, and psychosomatic conditions. The healing properties of the springs at Laško Thermal Spa arc well known, as people have been coming to them for relief since ancient times. The beneficial properties of the springs were discovered by the Romans. In the Middle Ages missionaries would stop here and rest, and during the reign of the Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph a popular resort sprang up here. They have recently introduced a popular relaxation technique using hot stones which was in' vented as early as 2000 BC Naturally smooth hot stones infused with essential oils help improve circulation, case muscle soreness, help the body get rid of harmful substances, and balance the energy. In the heartland of Dolenjska we can find the thermal spa of Dolenjske Toplice’ where, according to historical records, a thermal spu existed as early as the 13 century. Here, the blend traditional knowledge and modern-day discoveries about the beneficial proper' tics of the thermal spring5 has proven to be a true success story. The thermal water, with a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius, is particularly rich in calcium and magnesium, and is used f°r treating rheumatic diseases, post-operative condition5 and gynecological disorders- FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina HO/MrE AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMI.RIŠKA DOMOVINA (LISPS 024 I 00) Thursday, August 23. 2007 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Slovenija in Hrvaška obnovila pogajanj o nerešenih vprašanjih med njima - Po ■spodbudnem začetku kmalu nastale težave Da bi se stvari premaknile od mrtve točke, je slovenska vlada predlagala sporazume o določitvi državne meje med Slovenijo in Hrvaško, odpravi dolga zagrebške podružnice Ljubljanske banke hrvaškim varčevalcem, za odpravo nesoglasij pri upravljanju jedrske elektrarne Krško in za rešitev drugih odprtih vprašanj med državama. Čeprav so najvišji državniki obeh držav na začetku govorili spodbudno o nujnosti rešitve spornih vprašanj, ni vzelo dolgo, da niso nastali resni zapleti. Hrvaška vlada je naslovila noto na slovensko, ki je kazala, da Hrvatje želijo rešiti le spor o morski meji v Piranskem zalivu. Dali so vtis, da jih meja na kopnem ne zanima. Hrvaška je tudi zavrnila slovenski predlog, da bi o vprašanju slovensko-hrvaške meje razsodilo sodišče v Evropi. Hrvaško zunanje ministrstvo je pač predlagalo, naj bi spor glede morske meje rešilo Mednarodno sodišče za pravo morja v Hamburgu, Nemčija. Slovenski zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel je to v imenu vlade zavrnil. Na drugi strani pa velja poudariti, da kljub začetnim nesoglasjem med vladama se stiki med državama o rešitvi vseh odprtih vprašanj intenzivno nadaljujejo. V ozadju za Hrvaško je vedno dejstvo, da potrebuje za svoje eventuelno članstvo v Evropski uniji slovensko soglasje. Slovenska vlada še poudarja, da Slovenija podpira hrvaško članstvo v EU. Janševa vlada ostaja trdna, čeprav so se pojavila razna nesoglasja glede politike V zadnjem tednu je postalo jasno, da so znotraj vladne koalicije določena nesoglasja oziroma različna gledanja na nekatera . vprašanja. Tako se je stranka Nova Slovenija (NSi), predseduje ji finančni minister Andrej Bajuk, odločila, da nasprotuje vladnemu predlogu, po katerem naj bi v Sloveniji us- tanovili štirinajst pokrajin; stališče NSi je, da bi bilo dovolj le šest pokrajin. Gre med drugim za dodatne stroške upravljanja vseh pokrajin. V stranki DeSUS so pa jezni zaradi vladne podpore za sedanji predlog zakona o žrtvah vojnega nasilja. Stranka je namreč zagrozila, da bo izstopila iz koalicije, če bo vlada res vložila v parlamentarno obravnavo predlog zakona. Tudi v SLS so težave oz. trenja. Strankin predsednik Janez Podobnik trdi, da je stranka še vedno zanesljiv koalicijski partner, slišati, pa je, da Podobnik ni več tako priljubljen in da ni nemogoče, da bo svojo funkcijo izgubil. Kampanja za predsednika države Kandidatu Lojzetu Peterletu, ki je hkrati dejanski kandidat vladne koalicije, trenutno dobro kaže. Razne javnomnenjske raziskave ugotavljajo, da bi lahko on bil izvoljen za naslednjega predsednika Slovenije na volitvah 21. oktobra. Vendar komentatorji vedo povedati, da bosta njegova dva najmočnejša tekmeca, dr. Danilo Turk in Mitja Gaspari, v nadaljevanju predvolilne kampanje pridobivala nove privržence. Pomagalo jim bo tudi pričakovana podpora nekdanjega in sedanjega predsednika države, Milana Kučana in dr. Janeza Drnovška. Kandidat Peterle je storil nekaj nenavadnega za slovenski politični prostor. Govoril je precej odkrito o svojem zdravju. Med obiskom na Onkološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani je dejal, da bi v prihodnje javnost morala vedeti, kakšnega zdravja je predsednik države. Povedal je, da je sam prebolel raka na prostati. Tudi dr. Janez Drnovšek izjavlja, da je premagal raka in da je sedaj zdrav. S tem da bi javnost morala poznati zdravstveno stanje državnih poglavarjev, sta soglašala tudi predsedniška kandidata dr. Danilo Turk in Mitja Gaspari. Javnost sta torej informirala, da sta zdrava in v najboljši kondiciji. •SITKA ZA USTAVNE SODNIKE - V Sloveniji se je že začela kampanja za novega predsednika države, kajti volitve bodo 21. oktobra. Sedanji predsednik dr. Janez Drnovšek ne kandidira ponovno in tako bo jeseni letos odložil svoje dolžnosti. Pred te'n bo pa imel še eno veliko nalogo. Po ustavi mora parlamentu predlagati štiri nove kandidate za ustavne sodnike. V Sloveniji se prijavljajo tisti, ki želijo biti ustavni s<)dniki, izmed njih pa določeno število izbere predsednik države, parlament jih nato P'»trdi (ali ne). Vendar ima Drnovšek možnost tudi, da predlaga kandidata, ki se ni bil formalno prijavil. Do roka za prijavo se je javilo dvanajst kandidatov. Med njimi je nekdanji aktivist pri nekdanjih SKD in sicer Miroslav Mozetič. Kakor v ZDA, ima po s|,»venski ustavi Ustavno sodišče velik vpliv na družbo. Primer tega je nedavna odločba s°dišča, ki je preprečila vrnitev Blejskega otoka ljubljanski nadškofiji oz. blejski župniji. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Piknik fare M. Vnebovzete to nedeljo na Pristavi— Piknik se bo pričel s sv. mašo ob 12.30 pop. Sledilo bo kosilo (kurja ali goveja pečenka s prikuhi), pozneje si boste lahko naročili na ražnju pečenega prašička ali jagnjeta, tudi čevapčiče in druge dobrote ter osvežilne pijače. Letos bo zopet že znani “biergarten”. Popoldne bodo otroške igrice, kitajska loterija, za ples in zabavo bodo skrbeli Veseli godci. Lepo ste vsi vabljeni, piknik je pomemben vir dohodkov za faro, srečali pa boste številne prijatelje in znance! Novi grobovi Emina L. Urbančič Dne 10. avgusta je umrla 86 let stara Emma L. Urbančič, rojena Koprivnik, vdova po Franku, mati MaryAnn McNamara, Carolyn Sambrano, Michaela in že pok. Franka ml., 7-krat stara mati, 9-krat prastara mati, sestra Rose Myers. Pogreb je bil 14. avgusta s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Peter the Apostle v Brook Parku s pokopom na pokopališču Sv. križa. Ann C. Cekada Dne 9. avgusta je umrla 95 let stara Ann C. Cekada, rojena Sandusky, vdova po Grcgoryju, mati Grego-ryja ml., Dorothy Griff in Theresc Cappelletti, 11-krat stara mati, 10-krat prastara mati, sestra Rose DeSimone ter že pok. Helen Rovan, Mary Jane Urban, Dorothy Stanislav, Johna, Steve-a in Franka, faranka župnije Marije Vnebovzete več kot 65 let, tam je bila 13. avgusta tudi pogrebna sv. maša, sledi! je pokop na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin župniji Marije Vnebovzete, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. Mary Cizel Le nekaj dni pred svojim 104. rojstnim dnevom je u-mrla 103 leta stara Mary Cizel, rojena Grdanc, vdova po Antonu, mati Frances in že pok. Anthonyja, sestra Margaret Tucker, Stephanie Mlac ter že pok. Anne, Josepha, Frances Jerman, Sophie Volcensek, Johna in Alberta, stara mati in prastara mati. Pogreb je bil 9. avgusta s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Spominsko romanje— To bo v nedeljo, 26. avgusta, k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio. Prijave sprejemata Viktor Tominec (216-531-2728) in Frank Šega (440-944-0020). Dopis na str. 12. Obisk lepo uspel— Pretekli konec tedna se je mudil v našem mestu kardinal dr. Franc Rode in se je na raznih prireditvah srečal s številnimi rojaki. Veliko o obisku najdete v angleškem delu ter na str. 12. Pristavski upokojenci— Klub pristavskih upokojencev ima mesečni sestanek v sredo, 29. avgusta, na Slovenski pristavi. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni. Krofi— Oltarno društvo sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov v soboto, 1. septembra, vse dopoldne v Družabni šobi. Alpski večer— Ponudila se je zopet prilika, da se poveselimo in zavrtimo ob glasbi popularnega ansambla Igor in Zlati zvoki. Ansambel bo igral za ples v dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v soboto, L septembra, s pričetkom ob 7. uri zvečer. Hrano si boste lahko privoščili od 6. ure dalje. Vstopnina je $10. Vsi prijatelji slovenske narodnozabavne glasbe vabljeni na lep večer! Pričetek pouka se bliža— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti prične s svojim poukom v soboto, 15. septembra, ob 9. uri dopoldne. Šola je za otroke od vrtca do 8. razreda. Vsi zainteresirani učenci vabljeni. Pravica do življenja— DNU pri Mariji Vnebovzeti vabi v soboto, 15. septembra na špageti večerjo v korist kampanje “Pravica do življenja”. Serviranje bo od 6. do 8. zv. v šolski jedilnici, Cena večerji je $8. za otroke do 12. leta $4. Festival slovenskih klobas— Ta bo tudi 15. septembra, a na SNPJ farmi v Kirtlandu in sicer od L pop. do 9. zv. Tekmovalo bo šest mesarjev, prireditev je v korist Polka Hall of Fame in Museum. Vstopnice za vnaprej dobite pri Polka Hall of Fame na tel. 216-261-FAME. Zopet 6. septembra— Naš list bo zopet med vami v četrtek, 6. septembra. SPOMINSKO ROMANJE Eminenci g. kardinalu dr. Rodetu v pozdrav Pozdravljen, kardinal Rode, tu pri Mariji Vnebovzeti! Vi luč ste, ki v teminah sveti in žar, ki greje nam srce! Velika res za nas je čast, da knez Cerkveni ste med nami. Kot pri očetu tu smo zbrani: prinašate nam novo rast. Hvaležni smo, da Bog nam dal slovenskega je kardinala. Njemu in Vam stotera hvala, da čvrsto stal ste in obstal! Nič niste se napadov bal, podtikanj, žrtev in trpljenja. Glasnik vnet novega življenja ledino zvesto ste oral. Zahvaljen za trpljenje, zgled! Vi Cerkvi ste, Slovencem v čast! Po Vas v nas raste vere slast! Bog živi Vas še mnogo let! Hvaležni ameriški Slovenci Cleveland, Ohio, JO. avgusta 2007. Sence zgodovine Tino Mamič Primorski dnevnik 8. avgusta 2007 Trst - Nekaj deset centimetrov pod zemljo so našli poldrugi meter debelo plasti človeških kosti, ki je dolga kilometer. Grozljivo je daleč prešibka beseda za največji pomor v Evropi po drugi svetovni vojni, ki se je zgodil prav na slovenskih tleh. Samo v enem jarku pri Mariboru so našteli najmanj 15.000 žrtev, kar je toliko kot dve Srebrenici. Za primerjavo: pod streli slovenskih partizanov je v vseh vojnih spopadih padlo okoli 4000 okupatorskih vojakov. Do včeraj so v slovenskih breznih in jamah evidentirali 540 grobišč, v katerih je vsaj 100.000 mrtvih, med temi je petina slovenskih prebivalcev. Ker že od grške antike velja, da je treba mrtve pokopati, je današnje razpravljanje o tem nespodobna. Nespodobno je tudi prikrivanje resnice. Ni res. da so poboje izvršili neki famozni agenti partijske policije, ki so jih poslali iz Beograda. Večina pričevanj namreč trdi. da so krvniki Slovencev bili Slovenci. Hrvatov Hrvati in Srbov Srbi. Kljub svobodi, ki traja že 62 (za ene pa 17) let, pa se priče še vedno bojijo spregovoriti. Ko sem včeraj govoril z domačinoma. ki sta po vojni slišala za grobišča, nista hotela povedati vsega. Nenehno sta pogledovala okrog, da ju kdo opazuje. Da je pričevalce strah, vedo povedati vsi, ki so se strokovno ukvarjali s povojnimi poboji. Da nekdanji likvidatorji ali njihovi sorodniki molčijo. je logično. A v molk so se zavili tudi drugi. Molk je bil dolga leta edina obramba, saj so Ker je odpadla AD za 16. avg., ni bilo mogoče tega članka objaviti kot je bila želja avtorja, zato pa je posredovan danes in to pretežno v stilu, v katerem je bil napisan. Ur. AD WILLOUGHBY HILLS, O. - Kako nam čas hiti! Že je poteklo 64 let od prvih množičnih zločinov slovenske komunistične partije po italijanski kapitulaciji leta 1943, in 62 let najbolj tragične dobe slovenskega naroda, ko so po koncu druge svetovne vojne "rdeči tovariši” komunisti v imenu samozvane komuni- videli, kaj se zgodi tistemu. ki (pre)več ve. Ne gre se slepiti. Večina bo skrivnost odnesla s sabo v grob. Nekateri pa se vendarle odprejo. Med izkopavanji se na tiho približajo mestu izkopa in si radovedno ogledujejo, kaj so zgodovinarji našli. Nekateri se ojunačijo in povedo. da jim je pokojni sorodnik povedal za to-in-to jamo, kamor so vrgli tega-in-tega. Resnica je edino merilo zgodovine. Tudi načrtna pozaba ne bo preprečila, da bi resnica prišla na dan. Čeprav je prič vsak dan manj in vsak dan manj tudi ostankov, je zgodovina neusmiljena. Ko detajli izginejo, je število žrtev toliko bolj kruto. (Po)iskati resnico o pobojih je naša dolžnost zaradi sence, ki jo ta meče na naše prednike, nas in na naše potomce. Včeraj sem sredi gozda videl pobeljeno stegnenico, ki jo je verjetno divja žival izvlekla iz neke luknje. To ni bilo v kočevskem pragozdu, ampak na Pohorju, nekaj metrov od priljubljene pešpoti ... (Ur. AD: Tekst posre- doval iz Nove Gorice dr. Karl Bon ut ti. za kar se mu naj lepše zahvalim.) stične partije, ki ni imela pred drugo svetovno vojno niti en tisoč registriranih članov, izvedli največji zločin v zgodovini slovenskega naroda, slovenski "holokavst”. V imenu komunistične partije so množično morili najboljše, narodno zavedne, verne, in vse, ki niso bili po volji “rdečim tovarišem”, je bilo potrebno na en ali drugi način onemogočiti ali enostavno likvidirati-pobiti. Tako so nastali množični zapori in delovna taborišča, kjer je vladalo nepopisno mučenje, trpljenje, poniževanje in izživljanje rdečih tovarišev nad 10 in 10 tisoči zavednimi in vernimi sorojaki, ki so ljubili svoj narod in niso bili pripravljeni zatajiti svoje narodne in krščanske zavesti in prepričanja Težko je razumeti, da še po 15-letnem propadu absolutne oblasti preživeli partijci še dandanašnji dan člani komunistične partije prejemajo velike privilegije in pokojnine za vse hudo. ki so jo povzročili svojemu lastnemu narodu. Slovenska sodišča niso zmožna obtožiti in obsoditi morilcev 10 tisočev zavednih slovenskih rojakov. Svetniški škof Gregorij Rožman je še vedno uradno zločinec akoravno je bolj ljubil svoj slovenski narod kot vsi komunisti skupaj. Da je bil škof Rožman velik rodoljub, ni nobenega dvoma, saj je posvetil vse svoje življenje Bogu in delu za dobrobit za dušni in moralni blagor slovenskega naroda. Naravno je. da je moral po svoji vesti, dolžnosti in odgovornosti obsoditi zločine, ki jih je načrtno vršila komunistična partija z načrtnim pobijanjem in mučenjem narodnih zavednih in vernih rojakov. in to v času tuje okupacije. Več kot tragično je. da nekdanji partijci komunisti še vedno vztrajajo na trdtivi. da so se borili za svobodo. To je laž. Dejstvo je. da so v času okupacije izrabili stisko naroda in za 45 zasužnjili lastni narod s terorjem. ki mu ni para v slovenski zgodovini. OF ni bila čisto nič drugega kot inštrument komunistične partije za dosego absolutne oblasti in ni doprinesla k zmagi nad nacizmom absolutno nič. Zato ni bilo niti en dan preje konec vojne! Javna tajnost je, da je komunistična partija imela dobre zveze s fašisti in prav tako z nacisti. Partija se je obeh okupatorjev posluževala z laž-njivimi ovadbami proti svojim nasprotnikom, lastnim rojakom, ki so končali kot talci pred fašističnimi in nacističnimi puškami. Komunistični partiji se ni šlo za nič drugega kot, da si s terorjem, izdajo in lažjo prisvoji popolno oblast nad narodom, ne glede na ceno človeških žrtev. V tem se kaže, koliko je bilo v partiji ljubezni do lastnega naroda. Več kot dokaz, kako moralno propadli in polni sovraštva so bili komunisti do drugače mislečih pričajo številni množični grobovi, ki jih je več kot 500 širom naše stare domovine Slovenije Človeka obide groza nad dejstvom in obsegom zločina, ki so ga povzročili komunisti, člani istega naroda, da so si prisvojili totalno in absolutno oblast. Navkljub vsem zločinom in grozotam, ki so jih izvršili nad našim na- rodom komunisti, moramo ali. bolje, prisiljeni smo kot kristjani po Kristusovem zgledu morilcem odpustiti. Nikoli pa ne smemo, če smo količkaj kulturni, desettisočev naših najboljših, nedolžnih žrtev pozabiti. Zato - kot je že tradicija vse od zgodnjih 1960-ih let - organizira DSPB spominsko romanje za vse žrtve fašizma, nacizma in komunizma k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio. To bo to nedeljo. 26. avgusta. Tam se bomo z velikim spoštovanjem spomnili naših mučencev. Sveto daritev za vse žrtve, kakor tudi naših vojakov, ki so izgubili svoja življenja na Koreji in v Vietnamu bo ob 12. uri opravil naš že dolgoletni prijatelj, župnik dr. Pavel Krajnik. Vse rojake v ZDA, kakor tudi naše prijatelje in rojake iz Kanade, ki se nam že veliko let v lepem številu prisostvujejo našim romanjem DSPB, lepo vabimo, da se nam zopet pridružijo. Vsem žrtvam, ki so darovali največ kar človek premore - svoja življenja na oltar domovine: Čast in slava in večni spomin na veke! Frank Šega en Mav; ’-s HDC ISt&jn Diiicrcr ^on^lMelodies WC3U 8D J FM fcAmti nixnx 'MO »m Wedntjdiy & r pm from Beautiful Slovenia 2405 Soatnkfc Diiv* SfiHwni-aii fif.idio Aintilf Willau£tor tails. OH iUTM 440 WMWni/Wf wni: ui-ww.wcib.oig Poročilo v ljubljanskem tedniku Demokracija z dne 2. avgusta V Clevelandu bo študijski center Dokaj neopazno je mimo domačih medijev šla novica, da je vlada na seji 19. julija v sklopu rebalansa državnega proračuna za leto 2008 in predloga proračuna za 2009 zagotovila sredstva za ustanovitev Centra za slovenske študije. Baragovi dnevi 2007 v Sault Ste. Marie CLEVELAND, O. - Pokojni dr. Filip Žakelj je v svoji knjižici o škofu Frideriku Baragi zapisal: “Leta 1930 je bila v Chicagu ustanovljena Baragova zveza. Nekaj let je bilo njeno vodstvo v slovenskih rokah. Potem so jo prenesli v Marquette. Ta Baragova zveza dela za njegovo beatifikacijo. Vsako leto na jesen prireja Baragov dan, a vedno v drugem kraju." Tako se je zvrstilo že mnogo Baragovih dni, ki pričajo o naši vztrajni prošnji, da ga želimo častiti kot svetnika. Vsi. ki poznamo njegovo življenje, trdno upamo, da je v nebesih, saj se je vsega daroval za zveličanje duš. Upamo, da ga bo Cerkev kmalu prištela blaženim. Tudi letos se bomo podali na pot v Michigan. Baragovi dnevi bodo v Sault Ste. Marie. Odšli bomo v soboto. 29. septembra. Avtobus bo iz Eucli-da odpeljal ob 4.30 zjutraj, izpred St. Vitus Village pa ob 4.45 zj. Cena potovanja je S240 na osebo. V tem je vključena vožnja, dvakratna prenočitev, eno kosilo in sestanek z banketom. Prijave morajo biti plačana do 3. septembra. Z romanja se vrnemo v ponedeljek (1. okt.) zvečer okrog 10. ure. Za morebitna vprašanja, kličite: 216-481-1514. Ivanka Matič Zofi Kosem Cleveland, O. Obisk Slovenije v juliju 2007 MITJA VOLČANŠEK Čeprav je s tem narejen le prvi korak na poti do delovanja centra, gre vendar za izredno pomembno strateško odločitev, ki naj bi po zamislih strokovnjakov ne nazadnje pripomogla k ohranjanju slovenske kulture in jezika v ZDA. Izbira Clevelanda v zvezni državi Ohio je logična, kajti mesto že od prve polovice 20. stoletja predstavlja nekakšno prestolnico Slovencev v ZDA. Razpršen potencial Po podatkih iz leta 198o se je v ZDA kar 126.643 ljudi opredelilo za Slovence, pred tem pa so nekatere ocene iz petdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja njihovo število zaokrožile na četrt milijona. Zagotovo je k manjšemu, čeprav še zmeraj impresivnemu številu pripomogla asimilacija v ameriškem “talilnem loncu”. Prav Cleveland je bil svetilnik slovenske skupnosti v ZDA, kar se je zrcalilo v bogatem kulturnem življenju, ki je vključevalo marsikaj: od amaterskih pevskih in dramskih društev do skupno kar devetih slovenskih domov. Mirno lahko tudi zapišemo, da je intelektualni potencial tamkajšnjih Slovencev bistveno večji od njihovega številčnega deleža znotraj tristomilijonske populacije ZDA. Žal pa je ta potencial v precejšnji meri zaradi razpršenosti do sedaj ostal nekako neizkoriščen. Preprečiti asimilacijo Zamisel o ustanovitvi tovrstnega centra jc živela že nekaj časa, vlada pa Je prejšnji mesec dobila na mizo podrobno poro-čilo projektne skupine, zadolžene za pripravo strokovnih podlag za njegovo ustanovitev. študijsko središče naj bi po zamisli projektne skupine poskrbelo za interdisciplinarno preučeva-n.ie. ohranjanje ter spodbujanje slovenske kulture. Jezika in raziskovanja v Ameriki. Prav spričo o-menjene asimilacijske problematike bi center lahko bistveno upočasnil tovrstne procese znotraj slovenske skupnosti in pripomogel k ohranitvi materialne kulturne dediščine. Slednje bi bilo pomembno tako za kasnejše rodove izseljencev kot za zgodovinarje, študente in raziskovalce z obeh strani Atlantike. V dolgi zgodovini Slovencev v Ameriki, ki so prihajali v Novi svet vse od 17. in 18. stoletja, v večjem številu pa po t. i. zemljiški odvezi v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, materiala za proučevanje zlepa ne bo zmanjkalo (pomislimo le na Baragovo misijonsko delovanje ali na uveljavljenega ameri-ško-slovenskega pisatelja Louisa Adamiča). Partnerjev je dovolj CSŠ naj bi med drugim imel lektorat slovenskega jezika in različne študijske vsebine, ki bi sc izvajale na zainteresiranih univerzah. Interesa v visokošolskem sektorju naj ne bi manjkalo, so sporočili iz vladnega urada za komuniciranje. Med imeni univerz, ki so pripravljene podpisati pismo o nameri, naj omenimo Cleveland State University, Lakeland Community College, Bowling Green State University, Kent State University in predvsem slovito newyor-ško Columbia University. Načeloma so omenjene univerze pripravljene s projektno skupino podpisati medsebojni sporazum oziroma pismo o nameri. Poleg tega naj bi bile pripravljene ponuditi potrebne prostore za pouk, pisarne in honorirati lektorje oziroma predavatelje. Projektna skupina je naletela tudi na interes znotraj slovenske visokošolske sfere, predvsem pri novogoriški univerzi. Slovensko ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo bo seveda k sodelovanju poskušalo privabiti vse institucije v Sloveniji. ki premorejo primerne študijske vsebine. Seveda bo treba doreči konkretne oblike sodelovanja, na primer dogovore glede študijskih vsebin, predmetnikov, medsebojnega priznavanja o-pravljenih študijskih obveznosti (kreditne točke). CSŠ bo v tem sklopu koordinator sodelovanja, skrbel bo tudi za promocijo študija in dela ameriških predavateljev in raziskovalcev ter predavateljev visokošolskih zavodov v Sloveniji. Pravi človek Za podrobnosti smo se obrnili na Zvoneta Žigona. generalnega konzula RS v Clevelandu, ki je kot član projektne skupine sodeloval pri pripravi poročila. Žigona je vlada pooblastila. da s pomočjo ameriških partnerjev določi najprimernejšo pravno obliko za ustanovitev središča. Le-to bo moralo nastati v skladu z ameriškim pravnim redom, hkrati pa naj bi vsebovalo bistvene elemente ureditve po slovenski zakonodaji. Žal nam Žigon zaradi časovne stiske in “čezmorskega” usklajevanja do oddaje članka v tisk ni utegnil poslati podrobnejših informacij. Glede na njegovo priljubljenost med rojaki v ZDA in na poznavanje izseljenske problematike, ki ga odlikuje, pa ne dvomimo, da bo generalnemu konzulu uspelo prepričati ameriške partnerje. Štiridesetletni Postojnčan je namreč pozornost v svojem znanstveno-razi-skovalnem delu usmeril v temo dvojne etnične identitete v izseljenstvu, deloval pa je tudi kot novinar, urednik, publicist in raziskovalec antropolog. Bil je tudi svetovalec na uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, ko je ta še deloval pod okrijem zunanjega ministrstva. ■ % BRALCI! Priporočajte naš list! Slovenija je zelo obiskana v poletnih mesecih od turistov in romarjev. Tudi Clevelandčani smo se priključili potnikom letošnje sezone. Izbrali srno si sončni mesec julij, ki je postal letos zelo vroč v Sloveniji. Slovenija je čudovita, mikavna za turista. Vse je lepo pri rokah, od planin, Triglava. Alp do Jadranskega morja, podzemskih jam, toplic in še več. Pričeli smo z obiskom Brezij, priljubljenega romarskega svetišča, in se tam srečali s skupino Slovenske šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti iz Clevelanda. Udeležili smo se sv. maše, katero je daroval g. Janez Kumše. Brezje letos obhaja stoletnico kronanja Marije Pomagaj na Brezjah. Vem, da bo ta mladina na turi po Sloveniji, z navdušenjem pripovedovala o svojih krasnih doživetjih, saj so bili pod skrbnim varstvom vzgojnih voditeljev, polni energije in preizkušenj. Naš drugi obisk je bila Sora, kraj karmeličank, kjer pridne sestre molijo za nas, da nas ljubi Bog varuje vseh hudih nezgod, in varuje domovino in, da bi slovenski narod poglobil vero v Boga, in prosijo za mir na svetu. Kot sem že pred par meseci pisala, so sestre oz. samostan rabili novo streho. Sedaj je samostan že pod novo streho, a še ni vse delo dokončano, izdelujejo še zvonik in notranjščino. Samostanska hiša je bila zgrajena v zgodnjih letih po vojni s slabim materialom, ki je po 20 letih začel razpadati in zato so potrebne obsežne obnovitve. Sestra Emanuela se vsem dobrotnikom, ki so se odzvali na njeno prošnjo, prisrčno zahvaljuje. Bog lonaj vsem, ki ste pomagali gmotno in tudi za vse vaše molitve. Prav iskrena zahvala vsem, ki ste osebno srečali sestro in darovali po vaših močeh. Sestra se priporoča za našo naklonjenost in pomoč v bodoče. Prepričana sem, da bo vsak vaš dar dobra novica karmelu, v naših srcih pa pusti sled božje ljubezni. pozitivno izkušnjo vere in upanja v življenje. Podpirajmo dobre namene in misijone, bodimo zgled in navdušimo tudi mlade biti delček v dobrih delih, ki morejo prižgati nove lučke vere, upanja in ljubezni. Srečali smo se zopet s clevelandsko mladinsko skupino v Kočevskem Rogu 22. julija, kjer je imel g. Kumše mašo v čast vsem padlim žrtvam revolucije in povojnim u-morom. (DALJE na str. 14) Nepričakovani darili slovenskim dijakom Kočevski Rog, 22. julija 2007. Na desni č. g. Janez Kumše, župnik fare Marije Vnebovzete v Clevelandu. Obisk Slovenije v juliju 2007 (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 13) Mag. TINE GOLEŽ profesor fizike Radomlje, Slovenija Šolsko poslopje nekdanje Državne obrtne šole na Aškerčevi je bilo zgrajeno v začetku dvajsetega stoletja. Tloris poslopja (pravzaprav gre za dve stavbi) sta črki F in J. Na zemljevidu Ljubljane ali z Ljubljanskega gradu se da to obliko zlahka prepoznati. Brez dvoma je tolikšna vdanost cesarju Francu Jožefu, čigar začetnici sta dali poslopju obliko, pomagala razvezati dunajske mošnjičke. Vsekakor moramo biti na tedanje vodstvo in mestno oblast ponosni in jih ne imeti za klečeplazce zaradi te strateške vdanosti cesarju, saj so dosegli, da je bil pouk že od samega začetka, to je od leta 1911. v slovenskem jeziku. Po končani prvi svetovni vojni se je šola preoblikovala v Tehniško srednjo šolo. Različne smeri so dijakom nudile zelo kvalitetno šolanje, a po takratni zakonodaji vpis iz te šole na univerzo ni bil mogoč. Med dijaki pred drugo svetovno vojno je bil tudi g. DUŠAN BREZNIK. Kdo bi si mislil, da bo čez 75 let spomin na šolska leta prinesel nepričakovano zahvalo v obliki donacije, kakršne še nobena šola v Sloveniji ni prejela od bivšega učenca - vsaj kolikor je meni znano. In vendar v Springfieldu. Massachusetts živeči 97-letnik ni pozabil na svojo domovino. Dušan Breznik, ki je zaradi povojnih razmer zapustil Slovenijo, je kot univerzitetni inženir (civil engineer) zelo uspešno deloval v Združenih državah. Zelo se je razveselil padca komunizma in samostojne države Slovenije, ki je (delno) poravnala krivice izpred pol stoletja; tudi njegovi družini so namreč povojne oblasti zaplenile vse premoženje. A odškodnine, ki jo je po dolgih letih denacionalizacijskih procesov dobil, ni zadržal zase. Mnogi mladih, na katerih pravzaprav sloni prihodnost slovenskega naroda in države, so že in še bodo deležni velikega in nesebičnega darila g. Breznika. Dušan Breznik je bil torej absolvent tedanje Srednje tehniške šole le- ta 1930. Poučevala sta ga tudi. po njegovem mnenju, dva izjemna človeka - profesor Rudolf Škof in profesor Rado Kregar. Njima v zahvalo in v njun trajen spomin je Šolski center Ljubljana letos prejel 100.000 USD donacije. Vsem trem v spomin so namestili spominske plošče, na katere so navedli zahvalo za donatorstvo in imena profesorjev. Z darovanim denarjem so opremili 3 multimedij-ske učilnice, to pa pomeni: 76 osebnih računalnikov. 2 plazmi. 1 LCD projektor. 2 tiskalnika, ozvočenje in pohištvena oprema. Pred desetletji so se morali dijaki večkrat s težavo prebijati skozi šolska leta. A večini ni manjkalo želje in od tod izvirajoče vztrajnosti, da bi z izobrazbo presegli stan svojih staršev. Zato je bila njihova odgovornost za uspeh bolj zasidrana v njihovi zavesti. Danes dijaki vse jemljejo za samoumevno. Težko je le z opominjanjem skušati v njih spodbuditi odgovornost za lastno izobraževanje, ki v veliki meri temelji prav na prizadevanju posameznika. Nobenega dvoma pa ni, da lahko sodobna (DALJE na str. 15) gjgwwiwwiaiii^ v foag in nepozaben spomin Oh 18. obletnici smrti nam dragega moža in očeta Williama Dreu Umri 5. septembra 1989. Res rta svetu vse minljivo je, a spomin na Tebe dragi ne zamre. Odšel za vedno si od nas. Vsa radost, sreča je s Teboj odšla! In to bo ':. močno bod. a v naših srcih upanje budi, da te v trpljenju večna sreča dozori. Žaiujoči: žena Katica, sin Marjan in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. Velika sprememba je v Rogu od mojega prvega obiska leta 1995. Lep spomenik z napisom: “V Rogu ležimo, tako je velevala domovina, ukaz, zato nikar ne pozabite nas. Prikrito in očem zakrito.” Hitro po maši smo se razšli vsak po svojih poteh, mladi turisti so pa ostali povezani v skupini prav do zadnjega dne namenjene ture. in tako upam, da so ogledali in obhodili zanimivih krajev. Moja pot počitnic je bila letos raznotera, več odvisna od sorodnikov, tete Kati v Šmartnem pri Ljubljani, bratrancev in sestričen. Imela sem priložnost obiskati začetek tridnevnega duhovnega seminarja pri Mariji Kraljici miru na Kureščku nad Ljubljano, ki ga je vodil o. James Manjackal iz reda oblatov sv. Frančiškega Šaleškega. Tema seminarja je bila: "Ne s silo, temveč z božjim duhom!” Bila je naravna, hitra prestava v slovenščino. Začudila sem se nad številnimi udeleženci seminarja. Bilo je zunaj na prostem, na travniku pred cerkvijo. Veliki šotor jr bil napravljen, dajal uteho pred žgočim soncem in temperaturo 36° C (več kot 100° F). Navzočih je bilo veliko mladih in nekaj ne tako mladih. Danes ves svet potrebuje notranje in zunanje ozdravljenje. V skladu z večkrat izraženo Marijino željo v njenih sporočilih s Kure-ščka, je upravni odbor centra Kraljice miru Ku-rešček 6. januarja 2005 ustanovil Družino Marijinega in Jezusovega Srca. kar naj bi sc razširilo po vsej Sloveniji. Družine Marijinega in Jezuso- vega Srca so duhovni tok vseh, ki ljubijo Marijino in Jezusove Srce in se v njih želijo učiti in hraniti. To so molitvene skupine, ki molijo za potrebe Cerkve. Cilj članov in članic je posvečevanje sebe. svojih družin, naroda, kateremu pripadajo in vsega sveta. Želela sem hoditi na Šmarno goro nad Ljubljano in to se je tudi uresničilo. Vodil nas je bratranec Tone, ki je dober plezalec, ker je že parkrat hodil po stenah na Triglav. Seveda, vodil nas je preko Grmade— menda je hotel preizkusiti naše moči. Čutili smo Grmado po naših kosteh, še par dni. Pot domov iz Šmarne gore je bila lahka, bolj kratka in naravnost po dobro oglajeni stezi. Še preden sem se poslovila iz Slovenije, sem obiskala Zalog pri Ljubljani, kjer so v zadnjih osmih ali devetih letih zgradili novo cerkev Angelov Varuhov. Cerkev še ni posvečena, ker ni popolnoma dokončana. Gospod župnik je bil zelo prijazen in nam je razkazal notranjost cerkve, ki je prijetno opremljena in posede 400 do 500 ljudi. Povedal nam je, da jc ob nedeljah lepo obiskana, kar je skoro nenavadno v Sloveniji. Slovo iz Slovenije je bil 29. julija. Potovanje nazaj domov v Cleveland ni bilo brez zamud, a bila sem doma še isti dan. V Slovenijo smo hodili tri dni in pol, to zaradi vremenskih zamud. Hvala Bogu, sedaj je pa zopet najlepše doma. po vseh zamudah in preizkušnjah na potovanju. Zofi Kosem V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob prvi obletnici smrti Žalujoči: Sinova: Hčerki: Snahi: Zeta: Vnuki: Vnukinje: JULIJA MEJAČ umrla 26. avgusta 2006 Kako je prazen dom, oko zaman povsod Te išče. Nikjer ni Tvojega smehljaja, le trud in delo Tvojih rok za vedno nam ostaja. Stane in Edi Zdenka Zakrajšek in Bernarda Ovsenik Linda in Sonja Ivan in Tone Robert, Marko, Tomaž, Niko, Danny, Tony, Edi Katja, Lindy, Lisa, Julie, Kristina, Pamela Dva pra-vnuka Sest pra-vnukinj Ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. V LEMONTU JE LEPO CLEVELAND. O. - Gospa Ivanka Matič je vodila romanje Oltarnih društev iz Clevelanda na Ameriške Brezje k Mariji Pomagaj, kot le ona zna. Že na avtobusu je bilo lepo v prijetni družbi znancev in prijateljev. s katerimi se drugače redko snidemo. V molitvi smo se spomnili naših bolnikov, za dobro voljo sta pa skrbela Srečo Gaser in Julka Smole. Hvala Ivanu Hauptmanu, da nam je preskrbel lep DVD o pogrebu pokojnega ljubljanskega nadškofa dr. Alojzija Šuštarja. Malo pred tretjo uro smo dospeli v Lemont. Odprl se nam je lep pogled na samostan očetov frančiškanov, na desni strani pa krasen dom Slovenskega kulturnega centra. V romarskem domu sta nas sprejela pater Blaž in pater Bernardin. Po kratkem oddihu smo se podali v romarsko cerkev Marije Pomagaj, opravili spoved, nato pa zmolili križev pot ob jezeru. Postaje križevega pota so prava umetnina, a rabijo, da bi se z zračnim pritiskom očistila in bodo zglodale kot nove. V nedeljo so članice oltarnih društev po zgodnji sv. maši imele kronanje Marije v rožcnvenski dolini. Nato smo vsi romarji obiskali pokopališče, kjer leži pokopanih že 50 frančiškanov. Med njimi je tudi grob pokojnega ljubljanskega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana. Pokopališče je skrbno negovano, posebno škofov grob. Hvala vsem, ki za to skrbijo. Tudi blejsko jezero pod Lurško votlino je očiščeno alg in polno belih cvetov lokvanja. Glavna sv. maša je bila pri Lurški votlini. Ker je bil ta dan tudi piknik Slovenskega centra, je bilo pri maši veliko ljudi, še več jih je pa prišlo popoldan na grič. kjer so pridni člani Slovenskega centra spekli 18 prašičkov, 6 jagnjed in 90 kokoši. Vreme je bilo lepo, a le škoda, da smo se Clevelandčani morali poslovili že ob tretji uri in smo srečno ob polnoči prispeli nazaj v Cleveland. Vsi romarji smo bili veseli in presenečeni, da je Lemont tako lep, kako lepo so nas sprejeli patri frančiškani in člani Slovenskega centra. Center je na pravi poti, ker toliko mladine sodeluje. Hvala vsem v bemontu, posebna hvala pa naši dobri Ivanki Matič, katera že pripravlja romanje na Baragove dneve v Sault Ste. Marie. Vesela bo, če bomo napolnili avtobus za tja. (Dopis o tem tudi v tej AD, gl. str. 13.) Frank Urankar 'v' Duhovnik Franc Sodja 1914 - 2007 Ljubljana - V nedeljo. k5. julija, ob 17.30 po kanadskem času. je v ^omu Lipa v Torontu l>mrl ugleden izseljenski duhovnik in literat laza-r'st Franc Sodja. Rodil se je 31. avgusta '914 v Bohinjski Bistrici ^0t šesti izmed devetih °lrok očetu Janezu ter 'hateri Mariji, roj. Žvan. Otroštvo je preživel v čudovitem naravnem okolju 'er v trdni in zdravi *Vrtečki družini. Osnovno šolo je v letih '920-1925 obiskoval v bohinjski Bistrici, nato Se je vpisal v meščansko šo'o na Jesenicah z namenom, da postane uči-'e'j- Počasi je v njem do-z°reval duhovniški poklic. z3to se je preselil in štu-di' nadaljeval na škofijski ^'asični gimnaziji v Šent-V'du nad Ljubljano, kjer je maturiral 22. junija 1935. Leta 1935 je vstopil v ljubljansko bogoslovno semenišče in se vpisal na Teološko fakulteto v Ljubljani. V Misijonsko družbo je vstopil 12. marca 1936 v Grobljah. Po noviciatu je nadaljeval teološki študij, ki ga je končal z diplomo leta 1942. Mašniško posvečenje mu je podelil 13. julija 1941 v cerkvi Srca Jezusovega v Ljubljani tedanji ljubljanski škof Rožman. Na dan mašniškega posvečenja je spomnil svoje- Ob slovesni otvoritvi prenovljene učilnice je g. Breznika zastopal g. Hubad; slika je iz spletne strani naslednice Tehniške srednje šole oziroma (http://www2.arnes.si/~ssljles1s/donacija.shtml) NEPRIČAKOVANI DARILI... (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) šolska oprema tudi v današnji generaciji pomaga prebuditi ustvarjalnost in jih s tem pripelje k razvijanju svojih talentov. Hkrati moramo priznati. da tudi danes za marsikatero družino predstavljajo stroški šolanja otrok kar znaten zalogaj. Donacija Srednji tehniški šoli prav zato ni prvo in največje darilo gospoda Breznika slovenskim dijakom! ga predstojnika na željo, ki jo je izrazil ob vstopu v Misijonsko družbo, da bi ga po študiju poslali v misijone na Kitajsko. Zaradi vojnih razmer pa ni mogel tja, zato je bil ves čas dejaven pri reviji Katoliški misijoni. Po odločitvi predstojnikov je 25. novembra 1946 odšel v Beograd, (Dalje na str. 16) Omenjeni je pred dvema letoma in pol zelo okrepil Sklad za pomoč družinam dijakov Škofijske klasične gimnazije in Jegličevega dijaškega doma: oboje spada v tako imenovane "škofove zavode”. Tedaj je kar 500.000 USD namenil za knjigovodsko ločeni podsklad, ki se imenuje Breznikov sklad. V pravilih tega pod-sklada je določeno, da bo 60% štipendij dodeljenih dijakom štirih katoliškim gimnazijam v Sloveniji. ostale pa bodo po- magale srednješolcem tudi na drugih ustanovah. Nadarjenosti mladih so različne in nekdo po pač na poklicni šoli razvil svoje talente. Breznikov podsklad ni le močno okrepil že obstoječi sklad: pomoč srednješolcem se je tako razširila še na druge šole. tudi poklicne. Brez dvoma znajo dijaki pokazati določeno hvaležnost za darove, ki so jim na voljo po dejanjih tako radodarnih in vizionarskih ljudi, kot je gospod Breznik. Verjetno pa bodo šele čez leta, ko se bodo ozirali na prehojeno pot. spoznali, kako odločilno je na njihovo poklicno pot vplivala ta materialna pomoč. Prav zato smo danes mi. njihovi vzgojitelji in učitelji, dolžni ljudem Breznikovega kova tudi v javnosti izrečo besedo zahvale. Pisec teh vrstic tako upa. da bo tudi pričujoči skromni zapis zahvala za izraz ljubezni do rojstne domovine in njene prihodnosti, ki jo je pokazal bivši dijak Tehniške srednje šole. gospod Dušan Breznik. ■ Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNjISCE-LjUBLjANA '»iiir __j The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answer a few questions with one of our representatives. Call 1-800-843-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. ‘7 used to set a 1099 for my Sank CD, until I found Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options so I would never outlive my money. With rates as high as 5.40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1*800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near you! CUMWK#V5 fzr 13rrcrtrn re» • ?•'*#»» parv *r*> e*wr*e« »ihoufcnert** Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1609. Piknik Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije (MZA). ki je bil 8. julija na Slovenski pristavi, je lepo uspel. Sledi finaneno poročilo: Dohodki: Kosilo ............................ S 3278.00 Peeivo .................................. 486.30 Ročno delo / Rože ................ 125.50 Nabirka pri sv maši ..................... 481.00 “Watermelon" .................... 32.20 Srečkanje - Raffle ...................... 830.00 Darovi ................................. 9540.00 Skupaj: $ 14.773.00 Izdatki: Klobase ........................... S 114.40 Dovoljenje za prodajo alkolola .......... 150.00 Čiščenje .............................. 105.00 Pristava ................................ 649.60 Skupaj: $ 1019.00 Dohodek: S 14,773.00 Izdatki: S 1019.00 Čisti dohodek: $ 13,754.00 Strošek za kuhinjo (8520.00) je bil darovan v blagajno. Pijača je bila večinoma tudi darovana, le nekaj steklenic je bilo kupljenih na Pristavi. Hvala vsem ža vse darovano! Bog vam povrni! Dobrotniki, ki so darovali za potrebe misijonarjev in misijonov: Z Kosem (Karmel-Sora 81300, za vse 8500. za ob obisku v Sloveniji 8700) 82500: R.V. Kolarič 81000: A. Lamovec (za salezijanke-Bled 8200. za vse 8500) 8700: M. Celestina (za K-Sora 8120. za bogosl. 8400. za R.O. 860. za Rev. L. Podgrajška 820. za vse 840) 640: M. Ovnič 8500: L.I. Rozman 8500: A. Lipold 8300: A.Šega/F.Šega (za 2 vodni črpalki 8200. za R.O. 850. za vse 850) 8300: F. Merela 8200; P.C. Košir 8250; N.N. 8200; N.N. (za K-Sora 8110. za vse 850) 8160: R. Likozar 8150. A. Dragar (8100): K. Drew 8100: A.M. Frank 8100; R. Knez ml. 8100: A.R. Knez 8100: M. Kosem (za P. Opeka) 8100: L Košir 8100: A. Nemec 8100: N.N. 8100: M. Ribič 8100: V.M. Sleme 8100: V.M. Stefančič 8100: M F. Štrancar 8100: I. Tominec 8100: V.N. Tominec (za Rev. Buh 850. za Rev. Opeka 850) 8100: F.T. Urankar (v spomin L. Gosar ml.) 8100: V.M. Vrhovnik 8100: V.R. Zadnikar 8100. L Cerar (za K-Sora v spomin mame +Frančiške) 850: M. Ferkul 850; M. Krevh 850; F. Kristanc 850; P.F. Omahen 850; F.J. Pieman 850; M. Stanonik 850; U. Štepec (za K-Sora) 850: M. Stropnik 850: T. Ve-gel 850: I.Z. Zakrajšek 850: D.C. Gorše (v spomin +T. Jereb) 850: A. Cendol (sv. maše za +Marijo Ran-tezo) 830: A. Kurbos 840; M.M. Dular 830: M. Tav- V blag spomin Rozi Blatnik Viktor Blatnik Umrla 20. avgusta 2002 Umrl 20. februarja 1984 Leta so že minila, odkar sta šla od nas, a vedno lep je spomin na Vas, Pogrešamo Vas vsaki čas. Hvala Vam za vso ljubezen, vse moči in vse skrbi. Pri Bogu srečno prebivajta, v nebesih večno srečo uživajta. Žalujoči otroci: Viktor, Frank, Dennis, Mary z družinami čar 830; D.F. Androjna 820: M. Draginc 820: V. Jakomin (za K-Sora) 820: ga. P. Košir 820; 1. Matič 820: T.V. Oblak 820; L Volčjak 820: M. Žakelj 820: N.N. (za salezijankc-Bled) 8120. Hvala vam vsem v imenu vseh misijonarjev, ki bodo ob koncu leta prejeli pomoč za njihovo delo. Naj vam nebeški Oče poplača s svojim blagoslovom, saj On najbolj ve. kaj potrebujemo. Iz Malavija v Afriki je Viktor Tominec prejel naslednje vrstice od misijonarja jezuita Stanka Rozmana: “Dragi gospod! Sprejmite prav lep pozdrav! Iz srca se Vam zahvaljujem za poslani ček, Bog Vam plačaj! Ta zahvala pa naj se razdeli tudi na člane in članice Znamkarske Akcije, ki stojijo za tako velikodušnim delom. Bog plačaj Vam vsem! Med mojim obiskom pri Vas sem prejel dar za sestrsko hišo. Pa moram povedati, da je bil denar uporabljen za zasilno stanovanje za sestre. Za hišo. za katero smo planirali, nismo imeli dovolj sredstev. Ta še vedno zbiramo in ko bomo imeli vsaj polovico sredstev, bomo začeli. Denar za sirote in bolne se dobi. za zgradbe pa zelo težko. Še naprej se vam priporočam. Lep pozdrav vsem Vašim in tudi vsem članom Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije. Vaš vdani p. Stanko Rozman.” Jezus je dobro poznal ta naš svet, ko je dejal: “Reveže boste imeli vedno med seboj.” To se pravi, da je dovolj prilike za dobra dela. Pa vsem čitateljem prav lep pozdrav od nas vseh! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Duhovnik Franc Sodja (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 15) kjer je pastoralno deloval v župniji sv. Cirila in Metoda ter pri sestrah. 1 novembra 1947, ko se je ravno pripravljal na verouk, je prišel ponj kurir, češ da ga mora peljati na pogovor na notranjo upravo. Zunaj so ga čakali z avtom, ki je zavil v zloglasni zapor Glavnjača. Od tam so ga z vlakom prepeljali v Ljubljano. Sobratje in domači dolgo niso vedeli, kje se nahaja. Obsojen je bil na pet let zapora, ki ga je odslužil 3. novembra 1952. Teh let se spominja v knjigi Pred vrati pekla. Vzrok za aretacijo in zapor je bila njegova pomoč bogoslovcu Jerneju Jermanu, ki je pobegnil s prisilnega dela na Kočevskem v tujino. Najtežje mu je bilo, ko je bil sedem mesecev v samici in ob zasliševanjih. Nekoliko laže je bilo kasneje, ko je bil zaprt z drugimi duhovniki, ko so gradili bloke na ljubljanskih Žalah in hidroelektrarno v Medvodah. Sodja ni imel v sebi nikakršnega sovraštva, ničesar ni zameril, nikogar ni obsojal, ni obsojal svojih mučiteljev. Po zaporu je bil ponovno kaplan v Beogradu, nato je leta 1954 deloval v Makedoniji. Ko so ga od tam izgnali, je bil spet nekaj časa v Beogradu . Vrnil se je v Slovenijo, kjer je deloval kot ljudski misijonar. Oblast mu ni dala miru, trikrat je bil izgnan iz župnije, kjer je vodil misijon. Predstojniki so ga zato poslali v Peč na Kosovu. Leta 1958 je ponovno prišel v Slovenijo na Mirenski grad. Niso mu dali miru. Odločil se je za be v tujino. Konec avgusta leta 1958 je prišel v Toronto. V slovenski župniji pri Mariji Pomagaj je bil kaplan, ljudski misijonar, sodelavec pri Katoliških misijonih, sedem let urednik lista Božja beseda. Nekaj pa ga je vleklo v samoto. Bil je sprejet v kartuzijo Selignac v Franciji, kjer je prebil od 9. aprila do 14. maja 1961. Prepričan je bil, da je prišel na cilj. Ko so se za njim zaprla vrata, je bil prepričan, da bo tam ostal za vedno. Toda ni bilo tako. Že v Pleterjah mu je prior povedal: "Preveč ste apostol. da bi prenesli kartuzijansko duhovnost.” Vrnil se je v Kanado. Tam je nadaljeval z misijonskim delom, poma- gal na župniji, urejal Božjo besedo in sodeloval s Katoliškimi misijoni. Leta 1966 je bil poslan med rojake v Argentino, kjer je prevzel vodstvo Misijonskega zavoda v Slovenski vasi v Lanusu. Tu je našel svoj prostor, kjer je začel z delom, ki je bilo po njegovi meri. Leta 1982 se je vrnil v Toronto za kaplana v župniji Brezmadežne. Od leta 1986 je še kot upokojenec pomagal na župniji, 4. januarja 1988 pa se je preselil v Dom Lipa. kjer je duhovno skrbel za oskrbovance. Nazadnje je tako opešal, da je bil sam potreben oskrbe. Tu se mu je 15. julija izteklo zemeljsko življenje. Letos bi 31. avgusta dopolnil 93 let. Sodja je tudi pisatelj in pesnik. Lazaristom odkriva Vincencija in njegovo poslanstvo v knjigah: Duhovne vaje. Vincencije-va podoba. Karizma svetega Vincencija, Vincenci-jeva oporoka. V knjigi Pisma umrlemu bratu je zapisal: “Če kdaj. bi zdaj poslednje dni bil rad ves Vincencijev ... Morda je zdaj nastopil čas mojega najbolj pristnega življenja, kot si ga je zamišljal Vinencij.” Napisal je nekaj šmarnic, pisal je mladim (Lepo je biti mlad) in starejšim (Glejte že sonce zahaja). Na poseben način se je razodel kot literat v knjigah: Meditacije. Pred vrati pekla. Pisma mrtvemu bratu. Do zadnjega je bil tesno povezan z Bogom. Zapisal je: “Biti kristjan, to je čudež. Tako je zapisal Bernanos. Biti duhovnik. To je še večji čudež." Franc Sodja je bil duhovnik s srcem. Izpolnil je 66 let bogatega duhovniškega življenja. Gospod ga je rešil zemeljskih vezi. Sedaj ga objemajo prebodene roke križane ljubezni. Lojze Gajšek DRUŽINA. 29. Vil. 2007 A VE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemontu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery. 14246 Main St., P.O-Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Letna naročnina je za ZDA 820, izven ZDA pa 825. .^Ameriško Domovino porivamo slovenski s v gl