AR 2014/1 KONGRESI 70 snovanja prostorskega oblikovanja. Udeleženci so bili s celega sveta (Japonska, Kitajska, Bližnji Vzhod, Evropa, Egipt,…). Poleg javnih predstavitev prispevkov so bile organizirane tudi razprave. S kolegi smo sodelovali pri tematiki socialne vloge arhitekture in vplivom arhitekture na bivanjske navade ljudi. The paper presents the possible way to observe development of spatial structures from urban scale to architectural scale through the eyes of prediction of possible social events. There will be presented some examples of working settlements built in Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The industrial revolution has brought social changes and has changed a whole set of habits of citizens. The role of workers dwellings has been constantly at the edge of decent spatial organization. Generally the workers class was not concerned as an integral part of business management. Those general ideas may seem to be correct but there are several examples prove the opposite. In example one of the oldest set of dwellings for workers is Tell el Amarna in Egypt. Organizing the site and setting dwellings on plot played a key role how social life is going to develop. Rectangular array with quite narrow streets is an optimized composition of a squared plot. The factor of build vs non build area reveals rather dense habitation. This density has an effect on social habits of settlers. The idea that the place was meant for slaves could not be taken as granted, the has been exhausted and emptied. Objects were built that were created under the influence of striving for high economic profit. Identity was taboo or only a caricature presentation. Density of building was the essence. It was frequently a combination of maximisation of the exploitation of surface areas and, at the same time, following the minimum standards of design of space. ZUPANČIČ, Domen. Raumgestaltung in slowenischen Tourismuszentren, Ertrag vor Identität = Spatial planning in tourist centres in Slovenia, earnings before identity. ISG Magazin, ISSN 2309-1215, 2013, [H.] 2, str. 23-26, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2872196] Mednarodna konferenca je organizirana v okviru združenja DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Na konferenci je bilo veliko predstavitev s področja arhitekture, teorije načrtovanja in Domen Zupančič WORKERS DWELLINGS IN AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN MONARCHY: TRZIC SLOVENIA Function: Architectural and Social Function of Space ARCHTEO 2013 - Theory of Architecture Istanbul, Turčija, 4. – 6.12.2013 Identity and city. AR 2014/1 KONGRESI 71 ponds, canals). Ice house can be build in stone, with elements in wood, but smaller objects can be found almost in stone. Stone constructions are made mostly in dry stone walling system, with corbelling or they are vaulted, roofed with straw or reed (leaves), clay tiles or stone plates. Architecture of ice houses can be several, especially their elevations outside, with characteristics of the environment, and in local materials (slopy thached roofs, almost flat roofs in stone plates, circular shapes or leaned to the hill or to other objects). The simplest objects are real cylinders with spyral staircases down to the bottom, but professional built objects have the bodies narrower at the bottom, are made of double walls, with airation and straining canals, corbelled balkonies and sofisticated transport gears for digging out the ice. Examples of ice houses: Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia. Informative material consists sketches, plans, photos and reconstructions of some typical ice houses. Instalation into the environment shows all the possibilities: ice house could be hidden, deep under the fortress (Monza), leaned to the house, in distance from the homestead – but on the sight control, or far at the source of the ice, high on the mountains. Location depends of the source, and of the traffic possibilities (roads, paths: rack waggons, mules), but distance depends on reach to the final user. The names of ice houses depend on locations, languages, local slangs. They are based on the words for snow and ice: neve (neviere in Castillian, also in Italian), ghiaccio, led (ghiacciaia Italian, ledenica Slovene), or the well (pou de sa neu Catalonian), ice and eis (ice house in English, eishaus in German), cellar (eiskeller German, ijskelder in Dutch). Situation today shows all the possibilities of the state, age and the use: original state, destroyed or ruined, use as the cellar (the closest use to the origin), renovation and restauration, use as cultural object (museum), or just as the memory only (In Hungary there are a lot of guesthouses named as ‘jegverem’, ice houses). This is just understood: the roof collapsed in time, and the hole is dangerous: filling up is the simplest possibility to avoid the risks. Bibliography of ice houses is pretty rich, but very rare shows the system and comparison between several solutions in function, materials, construction and in shape. Ice house as an architectural object is undoubtedly very interesting object, built in local materials, in local styles, full of individual contribution of the builders, but every time in the most usable mode. Today is out of use, it is only the reminder of our past, but because of its rich culture would be preserved for next generations. A kozolec (plural kozolci: unproper translation into English is ‘hayrack’ – because the original use of kozolec was drying and storing cereals or corn, only in the last years it is hay) is a free- standing, open, wooden and always covered device for drying and storage. While wheat was formerly stored and dried in it, it is now precise look on plans could expose open fire places, communal rooms and some private rooms. We could set a hypothesis that houses were built not for single persons but for families or some kind of community. Narrow streets in-between the houses with one square at the entrance expose that this community had restricted access or exit of the settlement. Here the idea is the opposite: controlling the community. Narrow streets are helpful for controlling the traffic of people on the streets; they could reduce the speed of moving the people. Those are the benefits for security. The general question is: house units provide a quality of life with fire places and streets are provide quality of mass controlling for the ruler. This is some kind of ‘must to do’ symbiosis. In Austro-Hungarian Monarchy those working settlements were organized the same as described before. This formula helped both groups: the owners and the workers. In terms of economy this could be named: win - win combination. Here the story of architecture and spatial organization starts. ZUPANČIČ, Domen. Workers dwellings in Austro-Hungarian Monarchy : Trzic Slovenia. V: ÇATAK, Neslihan (ur.), DUYAN, Efe (ur.). ARCHTHEO ‘13 : conference proceedings, December 4-6 2013, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, [Istanbul], Creativity, autonomy, function in architecture. Istanbul: Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Yayinlari, cop. 2013, str. 36-42, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2955908] Historical background of the ice houses is well known from the 3rd Millennium BC. The oldest objects can be found in Iran, made of the stone and clay in circular shape of stepped cone.Water is the main material for maintaining the proper temperature: it has three aggregations – water, steam and ice. Needs for chilling the goods and producing ice are close connected to the life of mankind: low temperature lasts the food quality, and the quick cooling stops deterioration of the milk. On the other hand, ice can be used for cooling itself as well as for direct use, icecream for instant or frape. Icecream is not the invention of our days. Appearance of ice houses can be found in the natural underground caves, and as built objects, using the air streams, fresh water, or isolation facilities of the ground materials for retardation of losing temperature. Economy of the ice production can be: for individual use, as craftmanship and for industrial use. Function of the ice house is keeping the cool air inside: but the basic activity for this is collecting the ice. It can be gathered in free nature, collected with the sort of funnels, in the basins nearby, from the far ponds, or can be ‘produced’ with beating the snow. Objects for ice houses are built almost under the ground: some of them can be seen as the roof only, or as the monument (the pyramide, for instance). Elements of the objects are as follows: roof, body (sunk into the ground), entrances and outbuildings (as basins, Borut Juvanec TWO SQUARES AND ONE KOZOLEC ISIS Congress BJ member of ISIS Congress Scientific Committee Hersonisos, Crete Grčija, September 2013 Borut Juvanec LES GLACIERES DE SLOVENIE La foire de la glace Musee archeologic de Le Van, Mazaugues, Marseilles, February 2013