A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... 973–980 DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL DEPENDING ON THEIR SIZE AND CONCENTRATION PORAZDELITEV DELCEV Al2O3 V AVSTENITNEM NERJAVNEM JEKLU V ODVISNOSTI OD VELIKOSTI IN KONCENTRACIJE Ana Kra~un1,2, Bojan Podgornik1, Franc Tehovnik1, Fevzi Kafexhiu1, Darja Jenko1 1Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Jo`ef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia ana.kracun@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-04-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-09-22 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.042 Achieving a uniform distribution of reinforcement particles within a matrix is one of the challenges that impacts directly on the properties and quality of a composite material. Therefore, the aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of the reinforcing Al2O3 particles’ concentration and size on their distribution in reinforced austenite stainless steel. Austenitic stainless steel reinforced with (0.5, 1.0 and 2.5) % of mass fractions of Al2O3 particles was produced by a conventional casting route. In this study, an innovative pre-dispersion approach for the addition of particles into a steel melt was designed. The results of this investigation indicate that the concentration and size of the Al2O3 particles has an impact on the distribution of the reinforcement within the matrix. When the weight percent increased to 2.5 the concentration ratio of the particles’ distribution decreases towards the bottom of the cast ingot. In this case also the size of particles starts to play a role, with the larger particle size leading to an increased degree of incorporating particles into the steel matrix. The larger the particles the more particles are found in the cast ingot. Keywords: metal matrix composite, reinforced particles, distribution, conventional casting method Doseganje enakomerne porazdelitve delcev v matrici je eden izmed izzivov, ki direktno vplivajo na lastnosti in kvaliteto kompozitnih materialov. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti porazdelitev delcev v mikrostrukturi jekla glede na dodano koncentracijo in velikost. Med procesom konvencionalnega litja avstenitnega nerjavnega jekla so bili dodani delci Al2O3 v ute`nih procentih (0,5, 1,0 in 2,5). V tej {tudiji smo uporabili inovativni pristop dispergiranja delcev pred dodajanjem v jekleno talino. Rezultati raziskave ka`ejo, da je koncentracija in velikost Al2O3 delcev vplivala na porazdelitev delcev v matrici. S pove~anjem ute`nega procenta dodanih delcev na 2,5 se je koncentracijsko razmerje delcev zmanj{alo proti dnu ulitega ingota. V tem primeru ima pomemben vpliv na porazdelitev tudi velikost delcev, ve~ji kot so delci ve~ jih je vklju~enih v matrico. Ve~ji kot so delci, ve~ se jih nahaja v ulitem ingotu. Klju~ne besede: kovinski kompoziti, utrjevalni delci, porazdelitev, metoda konvencionalnega litja 1 INTRODUCTION The application of metal-matrix composites (MMCs) as structural engineering materials has received in- creasing attention in recent years.1–3 Ceramic particulates such as borides, carbides, oxides and nitrides are added to MMCs to improve their elastic modulus, wear resistance, creep and strength.4–5 There are different routes by which MMCs can be manufactured, and among all the liquid-stat processes are considered to have the most potential for engineering applications in terms of production capacity and cost efficiency. Casting techniques are economical, easier to apply and more convenient for large parts and mass pro- duction with regard to other manufacturing techniques. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain a uniform dispersion of ceramic nanoparticles in liquid metals due to the poor wettability and to the difference in specific gravity between the ceramic particles and the metal matrix.6–8 The current work aims at contributing to the knowl- edge and understanding of the conventional casting route and its possibility for ultrafine particle inoculation in a steel matrix. This production route seems to show potential and offers more cost efficiency in achieving the dispersion of second-phase ultrafine range particles compared to the typically used powder and metallurgical techniques used until now. The aim of the present work is to identify the distribution of particles in the steel matrix that were introduced through a conventional melting and casting method, and above all to determine the influence of the different concentrations, sizes and methods of adding Al2O3 particles on the distribution of the latter in reinforced austenite stainless steel. In terms of the methods the focus was on the influence of dispersion medium CaSi (Ca-30 %, Si-70 %) on the distribution homogeneity of the Al2O3 particles. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 973 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 620.17:669.15-194.56:621.74 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(6)973(2017) 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Material Austenitic stainless steel has been used for the work, mainly due to its distinctive two-phase microstructure of austenite and ferrite. It also belongs to the most used group of stainless steels. They are paramagnetic, have a face-centred cubic lattice and excel with a good combi- nation of hot and cold workability, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. The chemical composition of the base alloy is given in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of austenitic stainless steel in weight percent (w/%) Elements w/% Si 0.33 Mn 1.24 Cr 17.4 Ni 10.1 Cu 0.36 Mo 1.29 V 0.08 C 0.02 As reinforcement particles, commercial Al2O3 powder from the company US Research Nanomaterials, Inc. with a mean particle size of 500 nm (Figure 1) and 50 nm (Figure 2) was used. The Al2O3 particles were selected due to their high chemical stability with respect to Fe and high specific gravity. Particularly, it was reported that the wetting angle  between Al2O3 and molten iron alloy is less than 50°, even at high tempera- tures and in many different types of atmospheres.9 As a dispersion medium CaSi (Ca-30 %, Si-70 %) was used. Ca additions are made during steel making for refining, deoxidation, desulphurization, and control of the shape, size and distribution of oxide and sulphide in- clusions. However, elemental Ca is difficult and dange- rous to add to liquid steel because it has a high reacti- vity.10 Therefore, Ca in the stabilized forms of calcium silicon (CaSi), calcium manganese silicon (CaMnSi), calcium silicon barium (CaSiBa) and calcium silicon barium aluminium (CaSiBaAl) alloys or as calcium carbide (CaC2) is used. In the present work CaSi was used due to the fact that it is most commonly used as deoxidant element in steelmaking, and does not cause contamination of the steel melt. The aim of the CaSi addition was to control the shape, size and distribution of oxide particles added in the steel melt. 2.2 Specimens preparation First a weighed quantity (14 kg) of austenitic stain- less steel was melted in the open induction furnace (TYP SF 70 sl) with a generator under normal atmospheric conditions. The maximum temperature of the melt pro- duction is up to 1750 °C. In the first set of experiments six different batches were prepared using two different particle sizes (500 nm and 50 nm) and three different concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 2.5) % of mass fractions of Al2O3, as shown in Table 2. The Al2O3 particles powder was wrapped into the aluminium foil, placed into the mould and then the molten metal was poured over it into the mould. During casting the aluminium foil melts and dissolves in the metal. Table 2: Addition scheme for the first set of experiments – Al2O3 particles size and concentration used. Al2O3 particle size 500 nm 50 nm Concentrations (w/%) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 The second set of experiments comprised four batches where two different Al2O3 particle sizes (500 nm and 50 nm) in weight percent of 1.0 were used. In two cases the Al2O3 powder was mixed with the same amount of dispersion media – CaSi (Ca 30 %, Si 70 %) and filled into a cast-iron tube. For comparison two additional batches were prepared where only Al2O3 powder sealed into a cast iron tube was used, Table 3. The cast-iron A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... 974 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: SEI of Al2O3 nanopowder with a mean particle size of 50 nm Figure 1: SEI of ultrafine Al2O3 powder with a mean particle size of 500 nm tube had a length of 400 mm, outer diameter 12 mm and wall thickness 2 mm, as shown in Figure 3. The ends of the tube were sealed with pliers and the molten metal was poured over the iron tube into the mould. The iron tube melts and dissolves in the melt. Table 3: Addition scheme for the second set of experiments – Al2O3 particles mixed with CaSi and dispersion medium. Al2O3 particle size 500 nm (1.0 %) 50 nm (1.0 %) Dispersion medium (CaSi) (w/%) 1 1 0 0 2.3 Characterization The microstructural changes and the dispersion of the ceramic particles in the steel matrix were observed and analysed by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Samples for the microstructure analysis were taken at the bottom, middle and top portions of the cast ingot, Figure 4. Metallographic samples were prepared by grinding and polishing, followed by chemical etching and analysed to reveal the particle distribution. In the case of AES ground and polished specimens were ion sputtered and analysed in terms of the elemental composition in the surface region. Samples for TEM were prepared by slicing the specimens into thin 0.5–1.0-mm-thick plates with a length of up to 3 mm. After polishing to a thick- ness of 100±10 μm, final milling of the specimen was carried out with an ion slicer. For a representative analysis of the particles’ distri- bution, three specimens located at different positions within the ingot diameter were prepared for each posi- tion (top-G, middle-S, bottom-N) and ten images taken with a scanning electron microscope for each sample and position. In order to do particle analysis efficiently, all images were taken at the same magnification (1000×) with similar contrast. Then ImageJ commercial software was used to calculate and determine the particles distri- bution and their volume fraction. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Light microscopy (LM) Figure 5 shows a LM image of the microstructure of pure austenitic stainless steel with a distinctive two- phase microstructure of austenite and -ferrites obtained. LM micrographs of the microstructure with included ultrafine Al2O3 particles; produced by the casting process where the melted austenitic stainless steel was poured over the Al2O3 particles wrapped into the Al foil is shown in Figure 6 and 7. It is clear that the distribution of Al2O3 particles with a mean particle size of 500 nm is non-homogeneous and concentrated in several isolated areas (Figure 6). How- ever, the distribution of Al2O3 particles with a mean particle size of 50 nm, shown in Figure 7, is more homo- geneous with reduced clustering of the particles, as compared to the 500-nm particles size case. From the light micrographs in Figures 8 and 9 we can see that the distribution of ultrafine Al2O3 particles from the second set of experiments, Table 3. Distribution A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 975 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite Figure 3: Schematic diagram of a cast-iron tube, filled with nano- particles Figure 4: Schematic diagram of subtraction and preparation of metallographic steel samples 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Material Austenitic stainless steel has been used for the work, mainly due to its distinctive two-phase microstructure of austenite and ferrite. It also belongs to the most used group of stainless steels. They are paramagnetic, have a face-centred cubic lattice and excel with a good combi- nation of hot and cold workability, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. The chemical composition of the base alloy is given in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of austenitic stainless steel in weight percent (w/%) Elements w/% Si 0.33 Mn 1.24 Cr 17.4 Ni 10.1 Cu 0.36 Mo 1.29 V 0.08 C 0.02 As reinforcement particles, commercial Al2O3 powder from the company US Research Nanomaterials, Inc. with a mean particle size of 500 nm (Figure 1) and 50 nm (Figure 2) was used. The Al2O3 particles were selected due to their high chemical stability with respect to Fe and high specific gravity. Particularly, it was reported that the wetting angle  between Al2O3 and molten iron alloy is less than 50°, even at high tempera- tures and in many different types of atmospheres.9 As a dispersion medium CaSi (Ca-30 %, Si-70 %) was used. Ca additions are made during steel making for refining, deoxidation, desulphurization, and control of the shape, size and distribution of oxide and sulphide in- clusions. However, elemental Ca is difficult and dange- rous to add to liquid steel because it has a high reacti- vity.10 Therefore, Ca in the stabilized forms of calcium silicon (CaSi), calcium manganese silicon (CaMnSi), calcium silicon barium (CaSiBa) and calcium silicon barium aluminium (CaSiBaAl) alloys or as calcium carbide (CaC2) is used. In the present work CaSi was used due to the fact that it is most commonly used as deoxidant element in steelmaking, and does not cause contamination of the steel melt. The aim of the CaSi addition was to control the shape, size and distribution of oxide particles added in the steel melt. 2.2 Specimens preparation First a weighed quantity (14 kg) of austenitic stain- less steel was melted in the open induction furnace (TYP SF 70 sl) with a generator under normal atmospheric conditions. The maximum temperature of the melt pro- duction is up to 1750 °C. In the first set of experiments six different batches were prepared using two different particle sizes (500 nm and 50 nm) and three different concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 2.5) % of mass fractions of Al2O3, as shown in Table 2. The Al2O3 particles powder was wrapped into the aluminium foil, placed into the mould and then the molten metal was poured over it into the mould. During casting the aluminium foil melts and dissolves in the metal. Table 2: Addition scheme for the first set of experiments – Al2O3 particles size and concentration used. Al2O3 particle size 500 nm 50 nm Concentrations (w/%) 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 The second set of experiments comprised four batches where two different Al2O3 particle sizes (500 nm and 50 nm) in weight percent of 1.0 were used. In two cases the Al2O3 powder was mixed with the same amount of dispersion media – CaSi (Ca 30 %, Si 70 %) and filled into a cast-iron tube. For comparison two additional batches were prepared where only Al2O3 powder sealed into a cast iron tube was used, Table 3. The cast-iron A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... 974 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: SEI of Al2O3 nanopowder with a mean particle size of 50 nm Figure 1: SEI of ultrafine Al2O3 powder with a mean particle size of 500 nm tube had a length of 400 mm, outer diameter 12 mm and wall thickness 2 mm, as shown in Figure 3. The ends of the tube were sealed with pliers and the molten metal was poured over the iron tube into the mould. The iron tube melts and dissolves in the melt. Table 3: Addition scheme for the second set of experiments – Al2O3 particles mixed with CaSi and dispersion medium. Al2O3 particle size 500 nm (1.0 %) 50 nm (1.0 %) Dispersion medium (CaSi) (w/%) 1 1 0 0 2.3 Characterization The microstructural changes and the dispersion of the ceramic particles in the steel matrix were observed and analysed by light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Samples for the microstructure analysis were taken at the bottom, middle and top portions of the cast ingot, Figure 4. Metallographic samples were prepared by grinding and polishing, followed by chemical etching and analysed to reveal the particle distribution. In the case of AES ground and polished specimens were ion sputtered and analysed in terms of the elemental composition in the surface region. Samples for TEM were prepared by slicing the specimens into thin 0.5–1.0-mm-thick plates with a length of up to 3 mm. After polishing to a thick- ness of 100±10 μm, final milling of the specimen was carried out with an ion slicer. For a representative analysis of the particles’ distri- bution, three specimens located at different positions within the ingot diameter were prepared for each posi- tion (top-G, middle-S, bottom-N) and ten images taken with a scanning electron microscope for each sample and position. In order to do particle analysis efficiently, all images were taken at the same magnification (1000×) with similar contrast. Then ImageJ commercial software was used to calculate and determine the particles distri- bution and their volume fraction. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Light microscopy (LM) Figure 5 shows a LM image of the microstructure of pure austenitic stainless steel with a distinctive two- phase microstructure of austenite and -ferrites obtained. LM micrographs of the microstructure with included ultrafine Al2O3 particles; produced by the casting process where the melted austenitic stainless steel was poured over the Al2O3 particles wrapped into the Al foil is shown in Figure 6 and 7. It is clear that the distribution of Al2O3 particles with a mean particle size of 500 nm is non-homogeneous and concentrated in several isolated areas (Figure 6). How- ever, the distribution of Al2O3 particles with a mean particle size of 50 nm, shown in Figure 7, is more homo- geneous with reduced clustering of the particles, as compared to the 500-nm particles size case. From the light micrographs in Figures 8 and 9 we can see that the distribution of ultrafine Al2O3 particles from the second set of experiments, Table 3. Distribution A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 975 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite Figure 3: Schematic diagram of a cast-iron tube, filled with nano- particles Figure 4: Schematic diagram of subtraction and preparation of metallographic steel samples of Al2O3 particles (white arrows) is more homogeneous and not concentrated in certain areas. Furthermore, clus- tering of the particles is smaller than in the first set of experiments without using the CaSi. As shown in Figures 10 and 11, the microstructure of austenitic stainless steel and the distribution of the in- corporated nanosized particles is further modified when using Al2O3 particles mixed with CaSi dispersion media, from the second set of experiments, Table 3. In this case the distribution of Al2O3 particles (white arrows) be- comes much more homogeneous and almost equally distributed within the metal matrix. Furthermore, the A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... 976 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 11: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 nanoparticles (white arrows); nanoparticles powder (50 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30 %, Si-70 %) Figure 8: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (500 nm, 1.0 %) ultrafine particles (white arrows) Figure 7: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (50 nm, 1.0 %) nanoparticles (white arrows) Figure 6: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (500 nm, 1.0 %) ultrafine particles (white arrows) Figure 10: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (50 nm, 1.0 %) nanoparticles (white arrows) Figure 9: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 particles (white arrows); ultrafine powder (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30 %, Si-70 %) clustering of the particles reduced as compared to the first set of experiments, without using the CaSi. A size-dependent analysis show that Al2O3 powder with a mean particle size 50 nm is more homogeneously distributed than the 500 nm powder. In the cases when we added the CaSi to Al2O3 the distribution of particles was more homogeneous in all three sampling areas (top-G, middle-S, bottom-N) of the cast ingot; from the top to the bottom of the cast ingot. 3.2 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) After the metallographic examination the specimens were subjected to SEM analysis in order to confirm the incorporation/presence of Al2O3 ultrafine particles in the microstructure and to analyse the particles clustering. From the SEM/EDS elemental mapping analysis, shown in the Figure 12, it was confirmed that the bright, small, spot-like features represent the Al2O3 ultrafine particles, A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 977 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 12: SEM/EDS elemental mapping of Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 nm %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, from the first set of experiments, without using the CaSi Figure 14: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6% of -ferrite and Al2O3 particles (white arrows); ultrafine powder (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30%, Si-70%) Figure 13: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (500 nm, 1.0 %) ultrafine particles (white arrows), without using the CaSi Figure 15: AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, without using the CaSi of Al2O3 particles (white arrows) is more homogeneous and not concentrated in certain areas. Furthermore, clus- tering of the particles is smaller than in the first set of experiments without using the CaSi. As shown in Figures 10 and 11, the microstructure of austenitic stainless steel and the distribution of the in- corporated nanosized particles is further modified when using Al2O3 particles mixed with CaSi dispersion media, from the second set of experiments, Table 3. In this case the distribution of Al2O3 particles (white arrows) be- comes much more homogeneous and almost equally distributed within the metal matrix. Furthermore, the A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... 976 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 11: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 nanoparticles (white arrows); nanoparticles powder (50 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30 %, Si-70 %) Figure 8: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (500 nm, 1.0 %) ultrafine particles (white arrows) Figure 7: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (50 nm, 1.0 %) nanoparticles (white arrows) Figure 6: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (500 nm, 1.0 %) ultrafine particles (white arrows) Figure 10: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (50 nm, 1.0 %) nanoparticles (white arrows) Figure 9: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 particles (white arrows); ultrafine powder (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30 %, Si-70 %) clustering of the particles reduced as compared to the first set of experiments, without using the CaSi. A size-dependent analysis show that Al2O3 powder with a mean particle size 50 nm is more homogeneously distributed than the 500 nm powder. In the cases when we added the CaSi to Al2O3 the distribution of particles was more homogeneous in all three sampling areas (top-G, middle-S, bottom-N) of the cast ingot; from the top to the bottom of the cast ingot. 3.2 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) After the metallographic examination the specimens were subjected to SEM analysis in order to confirm the incorporation/presence of Al2O3 ultrafine particles in the microstructure and to analyse the particles clustering. From the SEM/EDS elemental mapping analysis, shown in the Figure 12, it was confirmed that the bright, small, spot-like features represent the Al2O3 ultrafine particles, A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 977 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 12: SEM/EDS elemental mapping of Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 nm %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, from the first set of experiments, without using the CaSi Figure 14: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6% of -ferrite and Al2O3 particles (white arrows); ultrafine powder (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30%, Si-70%) Figure 13: Cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel with 6 % of -ferrite and Al2O3 (500 nm, 1.0 %) ultrafine particles (white arrows), without using the CaSi Figure 15: AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, without using the CaSi which are incorporated but non-uniformly distributed in the steel matrix. Furthermore, a high degree of particles clustering was observed. Concentration-dependent analysis shows that at the 0.5 % to 1.0 % of mass fractions of the distribution of particles is more homogeneous throughout the cast ingot than in the case of 2.5 % of mass fractions. Size-depen- dent analysis show that Al2O3 powder with a mean particle size 50 nm is more homogeneously distributed than 500 nm. The addition of CaSi plays an important role in case of distribution and clustering of A2O3 particles, as shown in Figures 13 and 14 where Al2O3 particles were mixed with CaSi dispersion media, from the second set of experiments, Table 3. From Figures 13 and 14 we can see that distribution of Al2O3 particles (white arrows) becomes much more homogeneous and quite equally distributed within the metal matrix when using CaSi dispersion media. A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... 978 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 18: STEM – line profile of Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, without using the CaSi Figure 16: AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30%, Si-70%) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel Figure 17: STEM/EDS elemental mapping of Al2O3 ultrafine parti- cles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, without using the CaSi 3.3 Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) In the next step a surface analysis of the sample using Auger electron spectroscopy technique was performed. In Figure 15 the AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel is shown. The AES spectra of particles (P1 and P2) showing only O and Al peaks and line scans over the particle/matrix interface confirm the successful introduction of Al2O3 particles into the steel matrix (P3) without any intermetallic reactions taking place, which is true for all the Al2O3 particle sizes and concentrations used. In Figure 16 the AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30%, Si-70%) in the cast microstructure of the austenitic stainless steel is shown. The AES spectrum of particles (P1) shows only O and Al peaks. Also in cases when CaSi was added to Al2O3 ultrafine and nano-particles no intermetallic reactions or presence of Ca and Si were observed. However, as already men- tioned the distribution of particles was more homoge- neous. 3.4 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) In the context of the microstructural changes a cha- racterization and analysis of the ceramic particles incor- poration in the steel matrix transmission electron mi- croscopy (TEM) was also employed. With STEM/EDS elemental mapping shown in the Figure 17 and STEM – line profile analysis shown in the Figure 18 successful incorporation and coherent bonding of the Al2O3 nano- particles in the steel matrix was confirmed. No discon- tinuities at the particle/matrix interface, modification of metal matrix or formation of intermetallic phases could be observed. 3.5 Particles distribution The particle distribution analysis performed on the specimens from the first set of experiments revealed that Al2O3 particles of 0.5 % to 1.0 % of mass fractions, regardless of the mean particle size of 500 nm or 50 nm, results in a relatively homogeneous distribution of Al2O3 particles throughout the volume of the cast ingot. For low particle weight percents of 0.5 % and 1.0 % the distribution of Al2O3 particles in the cast ingot was found to be more or less independent on the position, concen- tration and size of particles, resulting in about 0.01 particles/μm2. However, as the weight percent increased to 2.5 the particle concentration ratio starts to decrease toward the bottom of the cast ingot (Figure 19). Further- more, with the increased particle mass fraction, also their concentration in cast ingot increased by up to 3 times, with the size of particles starting to play a role. The larger the particles the larger is the volume fraction of the incorporated particles. The particles distribution analysis from the second set of experiments (Figure 20) shows that the use of dis- persion agent reduces the influence of particles size (500 nm or 50 nm) on the particles’ distribution in the steel matrix. It results in a difference in the particles’ concentration throughout the ingot being reduced from about 0.01 particles/μm2 to less than 0.002 particles/μm2. 5 CONCLUSIONS The results of our investigation indicate that steel reinforced with ceramic ultrafine/nanosized particles can be produced by using a conventional casting route. Ultra- fine particles and nanoparticles where successfully incor- porated into the steel matrix, being confirmed by diffe- rent analysing techniques, including light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Auger elec- tron spectroscopy (AES) techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By using CaSi as a dispersion media and introducing Al2O3/CaSi mixture through a sealed iron tube reduced A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 979 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 20: Influence of different sizes of Al2O3 particles and CaSi on distribution of Al2O3 particles (1 %) Figure 19: Influence of different concentrations and size of Al2O3 particles on their distribution in the cast ingot which are incorporated but non-uniformly distributed in the steel matrix. Furthermore, a high degree of particles clustering was observed. Concentration-dependent analysis shows that at the 0.5 % to 1.0 % of mass fractions of the distribution of particles is more homogeneous throughout the cast ingot than in the case of 2.5 % of mass fractions. Size-depen- dent analysis show that Al2O3 powder with a mean particle size 50 nm is more homogeneously distributed than 500 nm. The addition of CaSi plays an important role in case of distribution and clustering of A2O3 particles, as shown in Figures 13 and 14 where Al2O3 particles were mixed with CaSi dispersion media, from the second set of experiments, Table 3. From Figures 13 and 14 we can see that distribution of Al2O3 particles (white arrows) becomes much more homogeneous and quite equally distributed within the metal matrix when using CaSi dispersion media. A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... 978 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 18: STEM – line profile of Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, without using the CaSi Figure 16: AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30%, Si-70%) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel Figure 17: STEM/EDS elemental mapping of Al2O3 ultrafine parti- cles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel, without using the CaSi 3.3 Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) In the next step a surface analysis of the sample using Auger electron spectroscopy technique was performed. In Figure 15 the AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) in the cast microstructure of austenitic stainless steel is shown. The AES spectra of particles (P1 and P2) showing only O and Al peaks and line scans over the particle/matrix interface confirm the successful introduction of Al2O3 particles into the steel matrix (P3) without any intermetallic reactions taking place, which is true for all the Al2O3 particle sizes and concentrations used. In Figure 16 the AES spectrum of the Al2O3 ultrafine particles (500 nm, 1.0 %) mixed with CaSi (Ca-30%, Si-70%) in the cast microstructure of the austenitic stainless steel is shown. The AES spectrum of particles (P1) shows only O and Al peaks. Also in cases when CaSi was added to Al2O3 ultrafine and nano-particles no intermetallic reactions or presence of Ca and Si were observed. However, as already men- tioned the distribution of particles was more homoge- neous. 3.4 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) In the context of the microstructural changes a cha- racterization and analysis of the ceramic particles incor- poration in the steel matrix transmission electron mi- croscopy (TEM) was also employed. With STEM/EDS elemental mapping shown in the Figure 17 and STEM – line profile analysis shown in the Figure 18 successful incorporation and coherent bonding of the Al2O3 nano- particles in the steel matrix was confirmed. No discon- tinuities at the particle/matrix interface, modification of metal matrix or formation of intermetallic phases could be observed. 3.5 Particles distribution The particle distribution analysis performed on the specimens from the first set of experiments revealed that Al2O3 particles of 0.5 % to 1.0 % of mass fractions, regardless of the mean particle size of 500 nm or 50 nm, results in a relatively homogeneous distribution of Al2O3 particles throughout the volume of the cast ingot. For low particle weight percents of 0.5 % and 1.0 % the distribution of Al2O3 particles in the cast ingot was found to be more or less independent on the position, concen- tration and size of particles, resulting in about 0.01 particles/μm2. However, as the weight percent increased to 2.5 the particle concentration ratio starts to decrease toward the bottom of the cast ingot (Figure 19). Further- more, with the increased particle mass fraction, also their concentration in cast ingot increased by up to 3 times, with the size of particles starting to play a role. The larger the particles the larger is the volume fraction of the incorporated particles. The particles distribution analysis from the second set of experiments (Figure 20) shows that the use of dis- persion agent reduces the influence of particles size (500 nm or 50 nm) on the particles’ distribution in the steel matrix. It results in a difference in the particles’ concentration throughout the ingot being reduced from about 0.01 particles/μm2 to less than 0.002 particles/μm2. 5 CONCLUSIONS The results of our investigation indicate that steel reinforced with ceramic ultrafine/nanosized particles can be produced by using a conventional casting route. Ultra- fine particles and nanoparticles where successfully incor- porated into the steel matrix, being confirmed by diffe- rent analysing techniques, including light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Auger elec- tron spectroscopy (AES) techniques and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By using CaSi as a dispersion media and introducing Al2O3/CaSi mixture through a sealed iron tube reduced A. KRA^UN et al.: DISTRIBUTION OF Al2O3 REINFORCEMENT PARTICLES IN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 973–980 979 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 20: Influence of different sizes of Al2O3 particles and CaSi on distribution of Al2O3 particles (1 %) Figure 19: Influence of different concentrations and size of Al2O3 particles on their distribution in the cast ingot particles clustering and more homogeneous distribution of reinforcement nanoparticles in the steel matrix were obtained. It was found that the concentration and the size of particles have an impact on the distribution of the reinforcement within the matrix. When the weight percent is increased above 1.0 it starts to affect the particles’ distribution, with the concentration ratio de- creasing towards the bottom of the cast ingot. In this case also the size of the particles plays a role: a larger particle size leading to an increased degree of incorporated particles in the steel matrix. In this study, an innovative pre-dispersion approach for more the effective addition of ultrafine particles and nanoparticles into a steel melt through a conventional casting route was designed. It is based on mixing ultra- fine particles and nanoparticles powder with dispersion media. Acknowledgment This work was done in the frame of the research programs P2-0050, which are financed by the Slovenian Research Agency. The authors would also like to acknowledge help from Miroslav Pe~ar, in`., from Insti- tute of Metals and Technology for the AES analysis. 6 REFERENCES 1 R. Casati, M. Vedani, Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced by Nano-Particles – A Review, Metals (Basel), 4 (2014) 1, 65–83, doi:10.3390/met4010065 2 S. H. Lee, J. J. Park, S. M. Hong, B. S. Han, M. K. Lee, C. K. Rhee, Fabrication of cast carbon steel with ultrafine TiC particles. Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China (English Ed.) 21 (2011), 54–57, doi:10.1016/S1003-6326(11)61060-1 3 Y. Q. Liu, H. T. Cong, W. Wang, C. H. Sun, H. 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MEHLE et al.: SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION OF PLATINUM STIMULATING ELECTRODES ... 981–988 SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION OF PLATINUM STIMULATING ELECTRODES USING AN ELECTROCHEMICAL SCANNING METHOD KARAKTERIZACIJA POVR[INE PLATINASTIH STIMULACIJSKIH ELEKTROD S POMO^JO ELEKTROKEMIJSKE VRSTI^NE METODE Andra` Mehle1, Janez Rozman2,3, Martin [ala4, Samo Ribari~3, Polona Pe~lin2 1Sensum d. o. o., Tehnolo{ki park 21, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Centre for Implantable Technology and Sensors, ITIS d. o. o. Ljubljana, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Institute of Pathophysiology, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Zalo{ka 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 4Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (L04), National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia janez.rozman@guest.arnes.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-04-25; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-06-28 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.044 The purpose of this article is to investigate the electrochemical performance of platinum stimulating nerve electrodes (WE1 and WE2) with different surface structures to define which one is able to produce a higher neural activation function during nerve stimulation than that achieved by conventional electrodes. The purpose is also to present a method that enables the electrochemical scanning of stimulating electrode surfaces. The surface of WE1 was modified using rough sand paper, while the surface of WE2 was modified using fine sand paper. The potential at the different roughened surfaces in the sodium phosphate mixture, when excited with specific current pulses, was measured against a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Voltage transients were recorded to determine the polarization across the electrode-electrolyte interface. The results indicate that the surface of WE1 could deliver more current to the nerve tissue and more activation for a fixed input voltage than WE2. Namely, it is shown that the mean |Zpol| of WE1 was lower than that for WE2 (237.1 vs. 251 ). Accordingly, the platinum electrode that was superficially modified using rough sand paper is more suitable for safe and efficient nerve stimulation than the electrode that was superficially modified using fine sand paper. Keywords: platinum, polarization, interfaces, potential parameters Namen ~lanka je preiskati elektrokemijske lastnosti platinastih elektrod WE1 in WE2 za stimulacijo `ivca, ki imata razli~ni povr{inski strukturi, s ciljem dolo~iti katera od njiju je sposobna povzro~iti ve~jo aktivacijsko funkcijo vlaken med stimulacijo glede na konvencionalno povr{ino. Namen je tudi predstaviti metodo, ki omogo~a elektrokemijsko vrsti~no preiskavo povr{in stimulacijskih elektrod. Povr{ina WE1 je bila obdelana z grobim brusnim papirjem medtem, ko je bila povr{ina WE2 obdelana s finim brusnim papirjem. Potencial razli~no grobih povr{in v fiziolo{ki raztopini pri vzdra`enju s specifi~nimi stimulacijskimi impulzi je bil merjen glede na Ag/AgCl referen~no elektrodo. Napetostni prehodni pojavi so bili zajeti z namenom dolo~itve polarizacije na prehodu med elektrodo in elektrolitom. Rezultati ka`ejo, da lahko WE1 dovede na `ivec ve~ toka in s tem dose`e ve~jo aktivacijo pri konstantni napetosti kot WE2. Izkazuje se namre~, da je polarizacijska upornost |Zpol| pri WE1 manj{a kot pri WE2 (237.1 proti 251 ). Potemtakem je elektroda, ki je bila bru{ena z grobim brusnim papirjem, bolj primerna za varno in u~inkovito stimulacijo `ivca, kot elektroda, ki je bila bru{ena s finim brusnim papirjem. Klju~ne besede: platina, polarizacija, prehodi, parametri potenciala 1 INTRODUCTION In recent decades, considerable scientific and techno- logical efforts have been devoted to understanding and characterizing the interface between a stimulating elec- trode and its surrounding medium. In this region, a trans- duction of charge carriers occurs from electrons in the metal electrode to ions in the tissue, which is exception- ally important in determining how the electrodes respond to charge injection. To be specific, characterizing the electrode-tissue interface is crucial to determining safe charge delivery to the nerve.1–3 In implantable prosthetic devices, electrodes are the interfaces between the electronic circuitry and nerve tissue and can be used for neural stimulation and/or neural signal recording. In the past few years, implanted electrodes have been used extensively for efficient stimu- lation of peripheral nervous systems. Although much effort has been made to find optimal anatomical targets for different nerve-stimulation techniques, little work has been done to improve the efficiency of nerve stimulation using analytically driven designs and configurations of the stimulating electrodes. The electrode geometry itself plays a significant role in controlling the activation of neuron populations.4 In this connection, the electrode geometry can affect the impedance, spatial distribution of the electric field in the tissue, and consequently the pattern of neural excitation. One approach to enhance the efficiency of neural stimu- lation is to increase the irregularity of the surface current profile, which can be quantified by defining a metric known as the topological edginess.5 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 6, 981–988 981 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 62-4-023.7:669.231.6:621.35 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(6)981(2017)