f*k dsn rs»*® i« Pr ^ ročilo ''■deset mil »^■J«- Nemške /i util. j"gnalo- Delavski odbor odredil zaslišanje International Har-vester Co. podal jiala delovni teden Waahixtgion, D. C.. 8. apr.-t Federalni delavski odbor je odredil zaslišanje glede reprezen-tacije delavcev pri kolektivnih pogajanjih v petih tovarnah In-ternatipnal Harvester Co. Te tovarne so v Chicagu, West Pull-manu, East Molinu in Rock Fall-su, 111., ter v Milwaukeeju, Wis. Peticijo glede odreditve zaslišanja sta vložili unija Ameriške delavske federacije, naslednica "neodvisne" (kompanijske) unije, in unija Farm Equipaient Workers, včlanjena v Kongresu industrijskih organizacij. Obe trdita, da prédstav-ljata večino delavcev, uposlenih v tovarnah omenjene kompa-nije. Delavski odbor je odredil tudi volitve glede reprezentacije v tovarnah Ford Motor Co. v Detroitu in Dearbornu, Mich., In jeklarnah Bethlehem Steel Co. v Lackawanni, N. Y. Razpis volitev v tovarnah Ford Motor Co. v Lackawanni, N. Y. Razpis volitev v tovarnah Ford Motor Co. je udarec magnetu Fordu, ČLANI AVINE UNUEODOBRIH" U SPORAZUM Domače vesti Oblaki C h i c a g o.~Frances Haas in Rose Rashoy iz Chlcaga sta 8. t. m. obiskali gl. urad SNPJ in uredništvo Prosvete. Tovarne AUis-Chalmer» \ Mfg. Co. obnovile obrat Umetniški dar Jednotl C h i c a g o.—Josip Bogdanlch, umetniški allkar, kateri biva v Evelethu, Minn., je te dni poalal SNPJ krasno sliko v barvah, katera predstavlja sloveco cvetlico ZVIŠANJA MEZD | na v naravni velikosti in slika je vdelana V lep okvir. Predi MUwaukae. 8. apr.—To-1 dnevi smo poročali v Prosvetl o varne Allls-Chalmers Mfg. Co., uspehu tega, doslej med nami še ki so počivale 76 dni zaradi stav- malo znanega jugoslovanskega ke, katero je oklica)a avtna uni- slikarja, ko je pred kratkim do-ja CIO, so danes obnovile obrat, bil avtoritativno priznanje za Obnova obrata je ttla naznanje- eno svojih slik, ki jih je razata na potem, ko so č|ani unije na vil ob neki priliki v Duluthu. masnem shodu ratificirali spo- Mr. Bogdanichu želimo še več razum, dosežen na konferenci v | uspeha. Washingtonu, D. C!., v nedeljo I zvečer. Konferenco} katere so se udeležili predstavniki unije in 1 Slovenaki kandidat La Salle, 111,—Anton Grego-rlč, član SNPJ, kandidira za bitki z Italijani zasedle nove in utrjene pozicije v Albaniji. U jele so tudi 500 italijanskih vojakov in zaplenile velike količine orožja in bojnega materiala. Pavelic obljubil pod < -t—^ poro Mussolinijul Izrekel je večno -hvaležnost Italiji I Rim, 8. apr. — Dr. Ante Pave-lč, vodja hrvatskih nacionalistov, ki je bil obtožen, da je skoval zaroto, ki je rezultirala v u-moru j ugoslovenskega kralja A-eksandra v Marselllesu, Francija, 9. oktobra 1. 1934, je včeraj o-bljubll podporo svojih tovarišev diktatorju Mussollniju. Musso-iniju je iz svojega zavetja v Tu-rinu, Italija, poslal telegram, v katerem mu izraža "večno hva-ežnost, ker je odredil napad na Jugoslavijo." Pavellc je izrekel tudi upanje, da bodo Hrvatje dobili neodvisno republiko kot rezultat Italijanskega sunka proti Jugoslaviji. Dr. Pavelič se Je izognil obravnavi po umoru jugoslovanskega kralja v Marseillesu z begom v Italijo. Ameriški vojaiki veičaki v Kairu Kairo, Egipt. 8. apr. — Trije nadaljnji ameriški vojaški veš-čaki so dospeli v to mesto t namenom, da ugotove, kakšna bojna sredstva najbolj potrebuje angleška oborožena sila v Afriki TI veščaki ao major George W. Read, polkovnik Edwin W. Plburn in major Francis P. Tom-kins organizacijo varnah je bil obrat ustavljen zaradi stavke, katero je oklica-la avtna unija CIO. Predstavniki kompanije so zdaj obdolžili člane te unije sabotaže. < Chlcago. 8. apr.—Uradniki International Harvester Co. so na znanlli, da je bil delovni teden v šestih izmed devetnajstih tovarn podaljšan na 48 ur. Tovarne bodo obratovale Šest dni v tednu in delavci bodo prejemali plačo in pol za osem ur dodatnega dela. kompanije, je sklical federalni mwtnega blagajnika. Volitve so posredovalni odbor. Predstavnik kompanije je dejal, da je bilo 7800 delavcev pozvanih na delo in da bodo vsi 15. aprila. Is Cantona. O, Canton, t}.—Dne 29. marca sta . J bila tukaj civilno poročena Mike departmenti operirali 24 ur na jurekovič in Adele Frankovič, dan in šest dni v tednu, nekate- ¿Unica društva 315 SNPJ. Obilo n pa celo sedem ? ^^ sredel Društvo se priporoča za Kompanije ima ~ vladnih naročil. za $45,000,000 Sporazum, sklenjen v Washingtonu in odobren po stavkar-jih, določa Imenovanje nepristranskega posredovalca za iz ravnanje sporov, pogajanja gle- novega člana. Smrtna nesreča slovenskega častnika Cleveland.—Dne 6. marca, ne* kaj dni po nesreči Ludvika Med vaška, se je v Rlo Hatu, Pana- Anglija zvišala dohodninski davek V ! Davčne izjemsčine odpravljene London. 8. apr.—Vlada je naložila prebivalcem dodatni dohodninski davek, d« bo lahko krila ogromne stroške financi ranja vojne, istočasno pa je naznanila, da bo v fiskalnem letu, ki se zaključi 31. matca 1. 1942 potrošila dvajset milijard .«tolarjev za nakup orožja in boj nega materiala v Združenih državah. ' , Španski tisk zagovarja Hitlerjevo agresijo Madrid. 8. apr — Tukajšnj časopisi zagovarjajo Hitlerjev napad na Jugoslavijo in Grčijo Ponovili ao tipično nacijako pojasnilo. da sta državi provocirali napad Odnotaji med dpanfjo ln Grčijo so ae ohladili že pred več tedni, ko Je slednja odpokllcala svojega poslanika is Madrida. Zvišanje dohodninskega davka je bilo naznanjeno zaeno s predložitvijo proračuna v vsoti $16, 828,000,000. Davkoplačevalci so dobili zagotovilo, da jim bo del davčnih plačil povrnjen po za-ključenju vojne. Doslej je dohodninski davek znašal 42tt'/;, zdaj pa bo 50%. Izjemščine so bile odpravljene in nadaljnjih 2.000,000 prebivalcev bo moralo plačevati davek. Poročena oseba, ki zasluži $540 na leto in več, bo morala pleče-vati dohodninaki davek, samska pa od letnega zaslužka $320 Prej so plačevale dohodninski davek poročene osebe, ki so za služile $880 in več. samci pe od od $400 naprej Finančni minister Kingsley Wood Je pojasnil, da Je dohodninaki davek dosegel najvišjo točko. de zvišanja mezd ^f podpisu t K» «mr no ponearečil Viktor da zvišanje stopi V-veljavo rJ M^vešek njegov sin, ki Je bil dan obnove obrate. Sporazum Subni •frže1nt Pri b^btrd" dalje določa, da ne sme biti stav-J »^vadronu ameriške ar- ke ali izpora v doii enega letal Aeroplanska nesreča se je Vsi delavci, up*lii pri kompa- J«^ ^L niii 22 ienuaria ¡Lee ie začela Wu« tPM»* J® bil konf^i 31 ,tl stavka, ^TZS^&X^' * 'T™? "rmadl, V zapostavljanja. Unija je šla ta- h , ! , n ^ V- krat v boj za zvišanje plače, za- dod« en 1® »1, vuu D*1 ^ prto delavnico ln starane pra- P;ebil na Filipinskem in Havaj-Jlce r skem otočju, pred nekaj mesec je pa bil poslan z newyorškega New York. 8. marca.—Fede- vežballšča v Panamo. V Ameriki ralnl posredovalec John R- zapušča ženo, očeta ln tri brate Steelman ae še vedno trudi, da v starem kraju (2abja vas pr pridobi reprezentante ruderske Novem mestu) ps mater, tri bra unije UMWA ln operatorje za te ln sestro. To vest Je zadrža sporazum. Slednji se ne morejo megec dni njegov brat Milan z ' c iiniti glede pogodbe, ki bi namenom, da ne bi preveč vpil on ogočlla obnovitev obrata na vaia „a zdravje očeta, ki je bi polju mehkega premoga. Opera- ka| tiste dni v slabem položaju torjl s severa so prlstsll na za-1 htevo unije, da se plača zviša " Pannaylvanlll za dolar na dan ln da rudarji Rockingham. Pa.—Dne 31 dobe petdnevne počitnice s plsčo marca je tu umrl Jos. Cerollo na leto, dočim se operatorji z Ju- gar, star 57 let ln rojen v Gor Ha upirajo. Znamenja kažejo, da nji Opčlnl pri Spodnji Idriji na bo sporazum kmalu dosežen Notrsnjskem. V Ameriki je bi' kljub opoziciji s strani teh ope- 27 let in tu zapušča ženo, sins rstorjev. * hčer in vnukinjo. Bil Js Član „ ..........društva 389 SNPJ. Ellaabeth. N. J.. 8. apr.—Okrog 1700 delavcev je zastavkalo pro- Smrtna nesreča v starem kralu ti Phelps-Dodge Copper Pro- Sheboygan, Wis.—Frank Ssje ducts Co., ki ima za trideset ml- član društva 344 SNPJ, Je pre-Iijonov dolarjev naročil za boj- jel šahatno vost, da Je na njeno opremo. Stavko je okllcala gov rojstni dan, dne 17. decern unija United Electrical, Radio St bra 1940, v MalenSki vasi pri Machine Workers CIO, ko je Mirni peti na Dolenjskem umr kompanija odbila zahteve za za- njegov polbrat Anton Saje, p* prto delavnico, sedmih plačanih domače Matjakov Tone, sUr 25 praznikov na leto, plače in pol za let. Umrl je za težkimi poškod delo ob sobotsh. dvojne plače za bami, ko je pri delu v gozdu delo ob nedeljah ln letne počit- bukev padla nanj ln mu zlomila nice s plsčo. V konflikt so po- hrbet. V Ameriki zapušča poleg segli federalni posredovalci ln njega še strica v Braddocku, Pa., sklicali konferenco, ki pa ni pri-|ln teto v Portland Mlllsu, Pa , v nesla nobenega rezultata. San Franclaco. Cal„ 8. apr Cez 5000 delavcev je prizadetih zaradi stavke, katero Je okllcala unija strojnikov, včlanjena v Ameriški delavski federaciji, proti American Can Co. ' Konj Siam se morda pridruži osišcu Japonski zunanji J minister v Moskvi BatavUe. holandaka Vahodna ndlla, 8. apr.—Sem dospela poročila se glase, da se bo Siam pridružil osišču Rim-Berlln- To-tio, kar pomeni, da se bo kriza na Pacifiku osredotočena v Singapore poostrila. „ Vstop Slama v oaišču bo raz-allnil vse dvome o stališču, ki ga zavzema Japonska napram Singaporu, angleški pomorski Mizi in trdnjavi na Daljnem vzhodu, Malajskem polotoku ln holandski Vzhodni Indiji. Očitno ^e, da bo skušala Japonska rastegnltl svoj vpliv na ta o-zemlja. Tokijska vlada je v zadnjih mesecih že večkrat na-glasila, da je njen cilj ustunnvi-tev "novega reda" v Aziji. Moskva, 8. apr,—Japonski zu nanji minister Josuke Matsuoka je včeraj dospel sem po obisku Rima in Berlina, kjer je imel razgovore z Italijanskimi in nemškimi voditelji. Tu ga je sprejel Venčeslav Molotov, sovjetski premier ln zunanji komisar. Ta je bil že drugi sestanek mod njima. Prvi je bil 24. marca, ko se je Matsuoks ustavil v Moskvi ns svoji poti v Berlin. Ali bo sledil konkreten reaultat iz raz govorov med njim in Moloto vom, ni znano. Masuoka bo zapustil Moskvo in odpotoval v Tokio v četrtek. Danea bo Imel sestanek z ameriškim poslanikom L, A. Stein hard toni. Sovjetski tisk je včeraj prvič objavil poročila o Hitlerjevi in varljl Grčije In Jugoslavije brez komentarja. Transportacija orožja v Afriko Roosevelt pravi, da bo pot kmalu odprta Waahinglon, D. C.. 8. apr. • Rdeče morje in Sueški prekop postaneta črta, po kateri bo Velika Britanija dobivala orožje ln bojni material iz Amerike. Predsednik Roosevelt Je v razgovoru z reporterjl omenil, da bodo a-meriški parnikl vozili bojne potrebščine v egiptske luke, v teh pa bodo preložene na angleške parnlke, ki bodo odhajali v grška pristanišča. Koosevclt je dalje dekel, da znamenja kažejo, da bo italijanska oborožena sila kmalu poti» njena iz vzhodne Afrike. Razgovori glede kooperacije pri transportaciji bujnega materiala v Afriko se. vrše med Ameriko in Veliko Britanijo. HULL POZDRAVJA RUSKO JUGOSLOVANSKI PAKT Petain posvaril Anglijo zaradi blokade FRANCIJA DOBI AMERIŠKA ŽIVILA Waahlngton. D. C.. 8. «pr.— Amerišku vladu je z zadovoljstvom vzela na znanje sklenitev nenapadulnega ln prijateljskega pakta med Jugoslavijo ln sovjetsko Rusijo. Državni tajnik Cor-dell Hull je dejal, da ta pakt po-1 meni, da se čim dalje več držav zaveda svetovnega značaja o«vo-jalnega gibanja, ki Je sdaj v razmahu. Hull je pohvalil tudi fran-coskegu premierja Petain«, ki Je v svoji deklaraciji naglasll, da čast Francije ne dopušča pod-v vzetja akcije proti njenim bivšim zaveznikom. Državni tajnik je namignil, da so bili storjeni koraki za pospešitev transportacije orožja ln bojnegu materiala Jugoslaviji. Tuka pomoč je bila Jugoslaviji obljubljena takoj, ko se je uprla nacijski Nemčiji in ae odločila r.a borbo, da zaščiti svojo teritorialno integralnost in nood-. visnost. Vichy, Francija. 8, apr,—Premier Petain je v svojem govoru po radiu opozoril Veliko Britanijo, da admiral Jean Darlan, podpredsednik vlade in zunanji minister, ušiva njegovo popolno zaupanje in da on podpira Dar-lanovo politiko, ki je proti brlt-skl kontroli trgovine na Bredo-zumskem morju med Francijo ln njflumi kolonijami v Severni Afriki. Angleška blokada tega morja je udarec Franciji. Maraeillea. Francija. 8. apr.— Admiral D. Leahy, ameriški poslanik, Je bil deležen velikih ova-clj, ko se je pojavil na pomolu te največje francoska luke ob Sredozemskem morju, da uradno izroči tovor živil, katera je pripeljal parnik - Ameriškega rdečega križa Kxmouth. Več tisoč ljudi, med temi mnogo otrok, se Je zbrarlo na pomolu in po-zdruvljulo poslanika ln Ameriko. starem kraju dva polbrata pa starše, brijta, ln dve polsestri. Francija razbremenila generala Corapa Vichy, FtanetJa, 8 npr. — Ge neral Andre Corap, poveljnik devete armade, ki je bila poraže na v bitki z Nemci pri Sedanti v maju preteklega leta, je bil po odbila zahtevo mezde. Is Chlcaga 'Chicago.—Sledeči pari »o si fllkt Je nastal, ko Je kompanija I vzeli dovoljenje za poroko: H. glede zvišanja N. Beatty in Agnes Petrovich (28-25), Wm Hackett in H« len Omehen <25-21) ter Bronie Yur-kom is in Julia Vershey (25 25). —Za ločitev toži Jo*. Buchar svojo ženo Dorothy in ločitev Je Iztožila Madeline Bavčevtč od svojega moža Fill|»a. Clevelandake veetl Cleveland.—Dne 6 t. m. Je na- 50 Frank Saje ga Je zadnjič videl | Petainovi vlad! razbremenjen leta 1928, ko je oblakal stari krivde. Keynaud, takratni pr««d lii-aj 1 s<*dnlk vlade, je obdolžil genera la, da ni storil ničesar, da iista- Leeliy je zagotovil predstavnika Petainove vlade, da bo Amerika še nadalje pošiljala Živila in druge potrebščine l/i s tem lajšala bedo med francoskimi reveži. Psrnik Kxmouth je pri|>eljsl kondenslrano mleko ln druga živila, ki bodo razdeljena meri francoske otroke ln prebivalce, ki trpe pomanjkanje. Norveška izgubila mnogo parnikov London, S. epr, — Trygve Hal vdan Lie, zunanji minister nor veške vlade v Izgnanstvu v Lon donu. Je naznanil, da Je NorveA- ka izgubila 77 parnikov od ». a-|«lo umrl Frank Replč, star pri le do 31. decembra l. 1940." Skupna tonaža teh je znašala 354.322 ton. Nekatere ao ae potopile, ko ao zadele ob mine, druge pa an uničile nemške podmornice. _________ vi pohod nemške armade Vlada v Vichyju je odredila preiskavo, ki Je ugotovila, da Je Corap odredil uničenje mostov čez re* ko Meuse, toda Nemci so vseeno prekoračili reko po mostovih iz čolnov. 1 » vreči se je morala operaciji na slepiču. Člani ji Žele hitrega okrevanja. Is lušnega Illtnola« Staunton, 111^—Pred dnevi je let ln rojen v Cerknici Bil je ¡tu naglo umrl, zadet od kapi, ro* dve leti vdovec in v Ameriki Je jak Anton Jerman, star W let in bil 33 let. Zapušča aina ln štiri rojen v Dolenji vasi pri Cerknl-hčere—V bolnišnici se nahaja d na Notranjskem V Ameriki Msry S ter, člsnles društva 53 je bil okrog 40 let in zapušča SNPJ io žene Petra Stera. Pod- sedem sinov Ui dve hčeri. Unijsko bojkotira-n je legalno Važen odlok vrhovnega eodiiča Washlngton. p. C.. H, apr. Ki 'h i ¿ilno vi hovno sodlŠČS j«* jh»-trdilo načelo, da delavake unl|e lahko vodijo stavke, bojkote ln droge aktivn'wtl proti firmam, ki uvajajo stroje In s tem zniža-vajo Atcvllo delavcev. Unije ne morejo biti zaradi lega podvržene |»ioHi kin ijI na obtožbo kršenja protitrustmh zakonov, Ku/kodba MMlišea je raztegnila doktrino, katero je )xMlal sodnik Kell* Kiankfurter v februarju v Mutchesoftovem slučaju, da pro-tltrustril zakon ni naperjen proti urnjum. Vrhovno sodišče J« tUdI potrdilo odlok federalnega sodnika Sullivana v Chicagu. ki je zavrgel obto#nieo proti uniji H«nI Ca rr ie rs in delavskemu svetu, ki sta bila obtošena kršenja Hherinanovega protitrustne-ga zakona V tem in dveh drugih sličnih slučajih Je vrhovno sodišče zadalo udarec justlčne-mu departmentu, ki vodi kampanjo proti rakctirjem V unijah. . Društvene priredbe Veselice društva 60 LloydelL' Pa.—Naie društvo Simon Gregorčič 60 SNPJ pri redi plesno veselico 3. nyija ob S. zvečer v Slovenskem domu v tej naselbini. Godba bo izvrstna, orkester Joe v a Plesivca—pet mož—in dobra postrežba vam je zagotovljena. Priporočamo se vam za obilno udeležbo od blizu in daleč, ob priliki pa vam vrnemo. Vstopnina bo 35c in 25c. Na svidenje. • Rslpb Jerman. Priprave se dve proelavt Oivard. O.—Čas hitro teče in potrebno bo, da sivbo tukajšnje članstvo SNPJ zavihalo rokave in pripravilo vse potrebno za praznovanje dveh vsinih priredb, ki se vršita letos v Girar du. Prva slavnoet se vrši 30. maja (Decoration day), ko bo naše društvo 40 slavilo svojo 35-letnico v Avon Parku. Priprayi 11 bomo primeren program, o katerem bomo poročali pozneje in imeli bomo tudi glavnega odbornika jednote, ki bo govornik dneva. Že sedaj se priporočamo za obilen posel. Druga važna slavnost pa bo drugi ohijski dan SNPJ, ki ga prirede štiri ohijske federacije 4. julija v Avon Parku. Naia okrožna federacija je delegirala tukajšnji društvi 40 in 643, da pripravita vse potrebno. V ta namen smo že imeli par skupnih sej in izvolili odbor, ki je pridno na. delu, da pripravi vse potrebno za ta pomembni dan, da bo uspešen kot je bil prvi lani v Clevelandu. Načelnik tega odbora je mlad in energičen član angleško po-slujočega društva. Potrebno je, da mu gremo vsi na roko, ker se jako trudi, da bo ta slsvnost čim bolj uapešna. Posebno je potrebno, da mu gre na roko mlado članstvo društva Golden £agles, mi starejši bomo itak naredili svojo dolžnost, seveda nekateri več kot drugi, kot jim bolj čas dopušča. Polžnost nas vseh je, da skušamo aranžirati čim bolje in po-setnike zadovoljiti, čeprav smo majhni po številu. Sevedu bomo potrebovali pomoči tudi od drugih društev, ki so včlanjena v naši federaciji. Nekatera društva so že poslala imena članov, ki so priprsvljeni prevzeti kakršnokoli delo na 4. julija. Naj še ostala društvs to nspravijo in pošljfjo nam imena svojih članov in članic. Na skupni seji obeh naših društev je bilo tudi zaključeno, da za to slavnost izdamo spominsko knjižico s programom. Skušali bomo dobiti pozdravne oglase od posameznikov, federacij, društev in trgovcev. Dobili boste spel od tsjniks pripravljalnega odbora in upamo, da se odzovete z oglasi ,po možnosti —to se tiče društev in federacij. Tudi posamezniki lahko pošljejo pozdravni oglas tajniku odbora Johnu Rovanu. 62 Smithsonian st., Girard, O. Cena oglasom je: Cela stran $12, pol strani $7, četrt atrani $4. oeminka strani $2.50. Imena posameznikov bodo tiakana po dolarju. Torej federacije, društva, trgovci in posamezniki, odzovite se temu apelu. ker. ako bo uapeh, bo uspeh nas vseh. John Tsncek. 40. Nasnsntlo o pikniku Mllwaukee.- - V sej slovenski jsvnosti v Milwaukeeju, posebno pa članatvu SNPJ, naznanjam, da bo naše društvo Vijolica 747 priredilo piknik v nedeljo, 22. junija, na prostorih starega jednotarja Franka Klop-čtča, ki se nahajajo približno šest milj zapadno od West Al-lisa Br Klopčlč je ns svojem novem posestvu zelo zaposlen in pridno urejuje svoj vrt in pripravlja vse potrebno, da bo vsakdo zadovoljen z njegovo postrežbo. Poleg lepega sadnega vrta je velika in Mia/na dvorana t odrom in bo vsem našim ptknikarjem gotovo ugajala. Smelo rečem, da se bo. do v bodoče naia društva in klubi poaluiili tega prostora, ki je za piknikarje zelo pripraven moderno njam, da se ravno na tem prostoru vrši strankin letni piknik 20. julija. O obeh piknikih bomo še poročali v Prosveti in Mladinskem listu, ker je tudi mladina dobila pogum za dopisovanje. Okoliška druitva pa prosimo, da upoštevajo ta dva datuma, da ne bomo v teh kri tičnih časih po nepotrebnem drug drugega bičali. Loj se Ambroslch. 747. Learning While Recoverini Veselice društva 311 Baggaley, Pa«—Kot je bilo že parkrat poročeno, priredi naše društvo 318 SNPJ svojo prvo letošnjo veselico v soboto zvečer, 12. aprila. Mislim, da ta dan ne bo nobene priredbe pri sosednjih druitvih, vsaj slišati ni. Zatorej najuljudneje vabim vse rojake in prijatelje od blizu in daleč, da nas obiščete v soboto zvečer |Pipetownu. Godba bo prvo-vrstns, Joe Kramer ml. in njegov trio iz Brownsvilla in postrežba najboljša. Na svidenje na naši veselici. Thereea Metko, tajnica. 15-letntca društva 611 I St. Mary's. Pa.—Letošnjo pomlad je ravno minilo 15 let, odkar smo ustsnovili društvo 581 SNPJ. Da proslavimo to obletnico, smo sklenili* da priredimo ples v soboto zvečer, 19. sprils. Igrsl bo White Eagle orkester Franka Rebamika iz Yukona. Ti muzikanti so že enkrat igrali tukaj in zato jih hoče članstvo zopet imeti. V tem orkestru je »et fantov, ki imajo nove električne inštrumente. Ples bomo imeli v Folk Skat-ng Rinku blizu Berwind Base Bali parka, takoj za srednjo šolo (high school) na So. St. Marys kjer je tudi prostor za parka-nje avtov. Vstopnina je 40c— davek uključen. Vabimo vse člane in vse druge rojake od blizu n daleč, da nas obiščete ta večer. Želimo tudi, da pridete vsi oddaljeni člani, ki ne morete priti na seje, da se vidimo vsaj enkrat v letu. Gabriel Uljon. tajnik. Plesna sabava društva 331 Virginia. Minn.—Društvo 338 SNPJ je na januarski seji sklenilo, da priredi veselico v prid avoje blagajne. Ta zabava se vr-v ponedeljek zvečer, 14. apri-v Moose Halli. Obenem je bilo tudi sklenjeno, ds morajo vsi člani in članice vzeti vstopnice, če se udeležijo sit ne, ker dolžnost nas vseh je, da pomagamo društveni blagajni. Torej vabimo vse člane in pri-atelje od tukaj in iz sosednjih naselbin, da nas obiščete ta večer. Za ples bo igrala izvrstna godba Johna Vidmarja. Pokažimo, bratje in sestre, da smo lo-slni člsni društvs in jednote in se omenjeni večer vsi skupaj snidimo v Moose Halli. Angele Schneller, tajnica. Negro firfc recovering (rem tuberculosis, receiving Instruction la art. Tuberculosis associations are conducting campaign this month to Had MB with early tuberculoail. rani v Newarku na 19. ulici in 17. cesta. Upamo, da se boste odzvali v velikem številu in nam pripomogli do boljšega uspeha. Ob priliki smo pripravljeni vam povrniti. Na veselo svidenje v soboto zvečer, 19. aprila. - Leo Bizjak. 25-letnlcs društva 270 Lyons. 111. — Se enkrat apeli ram na vse člane društva George Washington 270 SNPJ in na vse druge okoliške člene jednote in prijatelje, da se udeležite nsše 25-letnice, ki se vrši v soboto zvečer, 12. aprila, v dvorani Sokol Slovan na 41. certi in Gage ave. v Lyonsu. Govorila bosta gl. predsednik Vincent Cainkar in Don. Lotrich in sodeloval bo tudi pevski zbor Prešeren. Za ples bo igral orkester Jima Ru-byja. Dobro postrežbo vam jamči pripravljalni odbor. Prank Vidmar, tajnik. ši Majsko alavje ln 15-letnlcs Bridgeport. O. — Kot je bilo te poročeno, priredi naš klub Naprej 11 JSZ majsko slavje in svojo 15-letnico v soboto zvečer, 26. aprila v dvorani na Boyds-villu. Na programu bo aodelo-val dekliški kvartet pevakega zbora Zarje iz Clevelanda in bodo tudi pozdravni govori. Za ples bo po programu igrala iz-borna godba Louisa Simončiča iz Clevelanda. Program bo zopet tak kot se malokdaj prireja v naših krajih. Ker smo pri Nspreju večinoma vsi člani SNPJ, ki delujemo za SNPJ pri društvih in federaciji in sploh kjerkoli prilika nanese, in ker je to edina postojanka JSZ v teh krajih in ker se dalje zavedamo, koliko žrtev je treba, da taka organizacija obstoji kot je klub Naprej, zatorej se obračamo do vsega članstva SNPJ v teh krajih kot tudi drugod, da p» •© v dnevniku "P#o •veti.** Ali lih čltate vsak danf WilkeS Barre jo in Forest City-I lu* I hilll .wl.Uli t..t k., »k.... urejen Car na lepem kraju Priporočam vaem organi-1 Ju? !><>brodošll vsi, ker aabave /at ijam. da al te prostore ogleda-1 bo dosti za vae. Igrala bo tudi jo za avoje piknike Nahajajo ar j izvrstna tfotlba—tudi harmonike v New Berlinu pod imenom Klm niamo pozabili in jo bo raztrg-Grove Park ob državni eeati 15 nil "l.indy". Postrežba prvo- CUostvu alovenskr aeketje aor vrstna stranki in vaem drugim na/na- Ta /atmva se vrel v Crikt dv«e V SLUŽBO SPREJMEM eterrjio Jmtk«. katera naj bi ml poma«ata in stregla. ker arm Solana Rrm um« Imela hn Hoher dom Pie»-a pil e " IS»? g lawn dak- Ave. Chirggo. 1*1. -hiAtlv » Glasovi iz naselbin Za nabavo farme Detaeit,—Cital aem že nekaj dopisov v Prosveti o pomoči starim članom. Tudi gl. predsednik V. Cainkar je že povedal ne-• kaj glede podpore starim članom. Ampak kot ae mi vidi, se vse omenja tako, da bi bila koza cela in volk alt. Cenjeni bratje in sestre, zapomniti ai je treba, da brez samnints v to svrho ne bo nič —ne podpore, ne zavetišča. Če bi prihodnja konvencija določila vsaj p*t centov v ta sklad, bi se mogoče dalo nekaj narediti, to je, če bi jednota založila potrebni denar za nakup zemlje in zgradnjo zavetišča. Moje mnenje je, da bi tudi stari člani lah ko dosti {»omagali k temu uresničenju. Na primtr član, ki je do zdaj delal in plačeval za vladno penzijo in star toliko, da je upravičen do nje, bi lahko prepustil polovico penzije zavetišču, polovico od druge polovice bi dal hraniti zavetišču, da bi imel za obleko itd., z ostalo vsoto (četrtino penzije) bi pa raz-polsgal kakor bi hotel. V zavetišču bi imel hrano, stanovanje, zdravniško oskrbo, sploh kar je za življenje potrebno, in pomagal bi delati, kar je sposoben. Mislite si, kje moreta mož in žena živeti v mestu s penzijo $20 —$30 na mesec? Tudi če ima svojo hišo, bo to komaj za davke in elektriko, kje so pa hrana, kurjava, bolniška oskrba, obleka in druge stvari? Ali bi ne bilo bolje, da napraviš tako kot je zgoraj omenjeno? Mogoče se zanašaš na otroke, da bodo že oni skrbeli zate v starosti? Dobro, ampak brez razočaranja ne bo Šlo. Ne rečem, so otroci, ki skr->e za svoje starše, alj ti so kot bele vrane med črnimi. Jednota : naj bi Jcjuula ^večji kos zemlje> za pftfopotrebo vsaj par kvadratni« milj, na kateri bi zgradila podtopje v četvero-kotu. Spodaj Vi bili hlevi, shrambe, delavnice—kot za čevljarja, krctfača, mizarja, kovača, elektromebanika — mlin, žaga, garaži za avte in troke, na vrhu pa bi bile sobe, .kuhinja, bolniška ii>, op*r*cijska soba, čitalnica, mrtvašnica in kapelica, da bi bilo vsem ustreženo. Na dvorišču bi bil zvrtan vodnjak s "pumpo" in nad njim tank za vodo, to jf, če bi ne bilo prilike za napeljavo vodovoda. Zemlja naj bi se kupila kje zapadno od rekel Mississippi, na primer v okrožju Ozarkskega gorovja, kjer je bolj enakomerna klima in padavina zadostna. Zemlja bi se mogoče dobila poceni od kakšnega šolskegs okraja. Nekatere šole imajo na primer več kvadratnih milj svoje zemlje in mogoče bi bila tudi prosta davka, ko bi vlada videla, v kakšne svrhe bi se rabila. Nabavili bi par traktorjev, poljske stroje, par trokov, par konj (kobil), nekaj molznih krav, bika. praSiče in kokoši. Vodja zavetišča bi bil oskrbnik. Potreben bi bil tudi zdravnik, par bolničark, par hlapcev, kuhar, avtni in električni mehanik Kar bi rabili drugih rokodelcev, bi lahko opravili stari člani in članice. Upam, da bi imel vsak član in članica veselje do nekega dela, ker bi bili z vsem preskrbljeni v zavetišču. Člani, ki nimajo sorodnikov, bi lahko pustili svojo smrtnino i zavetišču, vsaj pa deloma. Kar i se tiče asesmenta, ima skoraj i vsakdo polico, na katero se nabira rezerva in bi iz te rezerve plačeval asesment za smrtnino, druge podpore pa bi itak ne rabili, ker bi bili z vaem preskrbljeni. Jednota naj bi imela te člane vpisane v posebni rubriki. Če se združimo s SSPZ, njeni člani že imajo tak asesment, pri SNPJ naj bi ga pa uveljavili. Nekaj časa bi bilo nekaj godrnjanja, toda čez čas bi se pomirili. Naj sinovi in hčere malo pomislijo, kako dolgo- so morali starši plačevati zanje! Sicer oni ne bodo samo za starše plačevali, ampak tiiHi ^a sebe, ker tudi oni bodo postali stari in si želeli zavetišča. K$j pa stroški in dohodki? Letne plače uppslenih moči bi znašale okoli $20,840. Asesment od 42,0000 članov (toliko bi jih bilo približno, če se združimo) bi po pet centov mesečno znašal $25,200 na leto. Mogoče bi bilo $8000 do $10,000 dohodkov od članov, ki bi prejemali vladno penzijo. Seveda, prvih par let bi bili stroški večji, potem bi se pa vsako leto zmanjšali, ker bi se na farmi dosti živeža pridelalo. Kaj mislite o tem? Anton Potokar, 518. zaštrajkali povsod, kar je unij-Skega (CIO) dela v Detroitu. Dalje naj omenim, da je 6. a-prila hotel ves Detroit videti stavko pri Fordu. Vse ceste, vodeče k tovarni River Rouge,* so bile natrpane z avti, ki ao bili po tri in štiri vrste na milje daleč. Največja konfuzija pa je bila pred tovarno samo. Člani unije, lqi so na piketni liniji, imajo po dva dolarja na dan in lonč. Upamo, da bodo v tem tednu zmagati. Anion Potokar. NA NOVO SO SE NAROČILI NA DNEVNIK PROSVETO SLEDEČIi Adam Copua Ogleeby. Illinois John Močnik Springfield. Illinois Štrajk pri Fordu je 100% Detroit. — Štrajk pri Fordu je 100%, razen par sto zamorcev in delavcev, ki morajo biti na delu, ki je neobhodno potrebno. Lokalne unije avtnih delavcev so imele seje 6. aprila in so sklenile, da plača vsak član 25c na dan toliko časa, dokler se Ford ne pobota z unijo. Če bi pa Štrajk le predolgo trajal, bodo SLOVENSKI ZADRUŽNI POGREBNI ZAVOD (Tka People's Undertaking Ce.) v Frontenac, Kanta« TELEFON 5042 AMBULANTNA POSTREŽBA PROSTA Obiski p Clevelandu Cleveland. — Tukaj so se mudili na obisku pri svojih prijateljih Pavla Vidergar iz Forest Cityja, Pa., iz Detroita pa njen sin Frank, njegova žena mary, rojena Pregelj, in njen brat Andy Pregel z ženo. Upam, da se jim je metropola dopadla in da nas o priliki še obščejo. Vsi so člani SNPJ. ^ '"a ^--......~ k Vo*al " Mi ute že naročili Preaveto ali Mladinski Ust svojemu prijatelju sli aorodnlku t domovino? To je edini dsr trajne vrednpatl, ki ga zs mal denar lahko pošljete svoj-v domovino. Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN A SIJKCBON oppica aouaa at t 2724 W. 26th Street 1:10—1:10—« ¡10—a :|0 Dally r TsL Crawford till st 1S5S W. Cermak Rd. 4 :S0—< :00 p. », Daily TeL Cens! UM Wednesday g Sunday by appointait only Sesldewce TsLi Crevferd MM IP HO ANSWER—CALL AUSTIN STM »ss^se»»»«»!»« M»»». » 0 i«, KABEL IN RADIO V sedanjih krtittnlk in neeleurnlh «o-sih Is rasmerah nudila kabel ta radio hitro ta sanesljlvo sveso i nailm starim krajem, aalo nam Je mo«ote isvrte-vaU denarne potUJatvo v starem kraju v teku enota tedna, ako so poelene po brsojevu. Tudi Vato poMlJka ko enako kitvo dospela, ako se poelullte brsojsvs ta nato tvrdke. Cene sa potil) k* v Ju-eoalavijo ta Italijo eot Din. 150 ss.....It.- Ll* 100 se .J 4.71 " " J... I__J 11.111 MO - I.TI " 100 " MO ".. - 1.— 100 " IM« ".. 17M " MO " MM".. ~ M.— " 1M0 " sooo " ... Il M MM Pripombe: - Prt vetjlk snes SREDA, Naročita Mladij mladino 1 «ADBTBžiT «°veka za delo na delau . konj, m ^ mleat, Piača * Je: J<* Ha^IT^ —-— — __ ^ FRANK^u2 D MJU. Peatlat-firtk^^ Zebotdr«»^ (Izravnava i ¡Nto Cfm tu luasaALL «zlo um u a. ****** it KJ? POSKUSITE ČI8TA PQ|fl zdravila-^ zeliščne Čaje fiUtr. i. PRSNI ČAJ—u ^ tri* nled kailj» ali u^ nsnjs od prehlada, _ Coni I1.M u Štev. 2. ŽELODČNI ČAJ-, ki trpe radi telodčn^ 4 ▼einega nereda: pii^ i povzročene vsled ¿nuas lodin« kisline in učum. nice. Cena $1.00 u Štev. J. DUURETIČEN Ca one, ki trpe na drtanjt pekoči n« ▼ mehurju ln odvi vode, ter bolečin y hrbtu a «enih od prehlada. Cena $1.78» Naročila poiljite na: 3 ! v MRS. GRETA LESKOVj 507 E.t7Srd 8t. ♦ New T«i "PROLETARY Socialistično-delavski tednik Glasilo Jugoslovanske sveže in Prosvetne matii Pisan v ilovenskea in angleškem jezika. Stane $.1 za celo, $1.75 a SI éetrt leta NAROČITE KI G Al Naslov: PROLETAREC 2301 So. Lawndale Ars CHICAGO, ILL. moron popust. — Mevedene cene veljajo aa pollljanje po sretel polti. — Za brso-Jevno is vrli ta v Je trebe poslati 11 ve« pri vsekl nnllljkl. - Za iteUJo sprsjems-mo same kspojavna nakastle. „ Vse pe-llljatve naslovite ns: • LEO ZAKRAJŠEK General Travel Service Inc. 302 E. 72nd St.. New York. N. V. ZAHVALA Iikreno se zahvalimo vttn karkoli ste nam dobrega sta časa bolezni ln imrti drsgep «a in očeta Antona Tauzeloi . Posebno lepa hvala u pod cvetlice, tolažbo, ter dino po uri žalosti.—Žalujoči o*UU: Aalhony Tauzel in druiiaa. Mi landi. Pa. revmatizbm Hltse pomol boleUaam rerastlsmej eno-stavno vmvmlte Sbumo-Tsto. Te tableta ae-r£ne ee Wtre po-o« «d lekerwja. .1 tbedljiva la - al aaitoUtoa. Bkamo-Tabe ¿¡f g*» srthrltU, Beletlei, Ooota Hi drudl. oblik revamtlsaa. Oeaa ea dolar PMUlle ao dolar v pel tal aofcasaiel. C. O. D. ee ae polllja. Plerteo Dn« C*. II00-C So. OrawfoH ~ III. Chiehelm. Mlnneeote Marke OenOk Bulle. Montane Joseph Semee Clevelend. Ohio Joeeph Re nice West WinftoM Penne. VLOGE v tej posojilnici zavarovane do 95,000.00 »e Federal Savings A Loan Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne ta društvene vloge Plačane obresti po 3% St. Clair Savings k Loan Co. 0205 St Clair Avenae - Hand. 5070 CLBVBLAND, OBIO Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega irea neznan jamo prijateljem in znancem po üi Ameriki tuino vest. de je po dolgi bolezni umrla naia ljubi)! mama ROZALUA ČERNIVEC a je 24. marca 1041 doma na svojem domu. Rojeni j« bih bra 1103 v Krtini pri Domželah. ob zmrti itan 51 d bila nad 32 let. BiU je členice druživa žt. 2M t» 1 /mestu se najlepže sahvalimo družlvu za podarjeni na Umrle je 24. marca 1041 doma na svojem domu. Rojena je bik septembre 1003 v Krtini pri Domžalah, ob smrti itan S« fe Ameriki Na tem;_____________________„Pl I H predsedniku br. J. Mavcu sa poslovilni govor doma v hiši iaUjd br. J. Kunaielju sa tolaiilne besede in vio dsno pomoč pri »p*™ Srčno se sahvelimo vsem, ki ste darovali cvetlice in vence, ter n* ki ste dali svtomobile na raspolago aa pogreb, vsem prijatelje» sosedom in družtvenikom aa udeležbo pri pogrebu, kikor iu.-10. marca v^seh ozirih uspeh. Sedaj se pripravljajo za bowling tournament, ki bo v Detroitu ' > • uvršni odborniki ni sebnega poročila. Br. t c,u račune. Blagajna $414.30. Nadzorni od svoje poročilo na di alovenako poslujočemu društvu. Pogoji so isti kot za angleško poslujoča društva. Sklenjeno, da se skliče sestanek vseh odbornikov clevelandskih društev SNPJ, na katerem se bo razpravljalo samo o kampanji. (Ta se je vršila v nedeljo, 30. marca v SND.) Izvrševalnemu odboru se da nalogo, da študira, na kakšen način ae bi izvedla uspešnejša proslava 15-letnica federacije. Zaključek seje ob 12. uri o-poldne.—Louia Zor ko. zapisnikar in poročevalec. ji. Za* atletični odfcor se še dodatno poroča, da bo vožnja na bowling tournament v Detroit in nazaj Igralcem se je do- ločilo $100 za stroške. Se eno prireditev bodo imeli 13. maja. fo zadružni farmi se poroča, da te bodo aktivnosti kmalu pričele. Druitvo 614 je postalo aktiven član farme in njih predsednik br. Sila je bil izvoljen v di-rektorij farme. Na današnji seji je zastopan združeni st. clairski mladinaki krožek, kT ga zastopata sestri A-nica Čebul in Marion Tratnik. Pravita, da se mladi člani zelo zanimajo za našo farmo in jo bodo pomagali olepšavati. Sodelovali bodo s federacijo po svoji zmožnosti. Želijo pa več zna nja, kako pomagati jednoti v splošnem. Federacija jih "prizna kot polnomočne zastopnice pri razpravah in glasovanju. Na današnji seji so zastopana sledeča društva: št. 5, 53, 126, 129, 135, 139, 142, 147, 158, 257, 264, 442, 450, 477, 544, 566, 614, 742 in 748. Zastopniki poročajo o regularnih društvenih aktivnostih, kampanji za nove člane in o po« težkočah pridobivanja novih čla nov radi konkurence drugih or ganizacijah. O tem se obširno razmotriva in splošno mnenje je, da bi gl. odbor za Cleveland večkrat moral napraviti. izjeme, ce se pomisli, da imajo vse dru ge vodilne slovenske podporne organizacije tu svoja glasila in ena svoj glavni stan. S tako moralno in gmotno podporo* ki jo dobiva Cleveland iz gl. urada in v pričo tako velike konkurence j« še dobro, da toliko napredujejo. To je znak, da ima naša jednoto v Clevelandu lepo število Jtivnih članov, ki balancirajo aevilo. Federacijske seje so dobro posecane in Vedno zanimive. Br. Dum še dodatno poroča o nJ'H mladinskem krožku. Pravi, k SO si naložili 15 centov me-»enega asesmentk, kateri defer bodo rabili za svoje aktiv-Odobrili so kampanjo za pojacanje krožka. Večina zaupnikov poroča, da se knjižice * konst farme jako dobro prosijo. Več društev že razmotri-Povila in nekatera so si iz- r ^re za pravila. Več strinja s priporočllom « večjo reprezentacijo - večjih J*". nekaj jih je pa, da o-Z* P° star™ Vsa se pa stri-X w Upe,j* e"dowmentne Manjša društva so že ve- V»;** korake za zdru-J^vsvrho izvolitev delegata. £«vtw zastopniki tudi pripo-J?^ l»iMnja konvencija J *obn mlad.nske konven- [Smbd ^<,mirfl0 jednoto »*de na razpravo K* večinoma vsi Uilv°' ki 1,0 dobilo lioTfLi •b,> (Hežno trof®- «'¿Z4;;;:;«nv> čUna v «C Štejeta za enega od-Meranje za angleško po-I^Jg. da m. kupi trofejo tu- Seja in sabava coloradako fade-' racija Sugariia. N. M. — Opominjam društva in članstvo SNPJ v tem okrožju na sejo federacije za Colorado in Novo Mehiko, ki 8e vrši 20. aprila v Walsenburgu ob 9. uri dopoldne. Društva ao pro-šena, da gotovo pošljejo svoje zastopnike na to zborovanje, tudi ona društva, ki ne spadajo v federacijo. ___. . Na tej seji bo na razpravi vec stvari, ki so važne za federacijo in jednoto. Razpravljali bomo tudi glede proslave jednoti-nega dneva na zapadu. Po seji se prične slavnostni banket društva 299 SNPJ, s katerim bo praznovalo svojo 25-letnico. Nastopili bodo mladinski krožki in tudi Mici Koser-nikova iz Aguilarja bo navzoča ter nam gotovo zapela tisto — "Al' me boš kaj rada imela ..Ona pravi v Mladinskem listu, da se ji ta pesem najbolj dopade. Nastopili bodo tudi govorniki. Več o tem bo društvo poročalo. V soboto zvečer, 19. aprila, pa se pod avspieijo društva 299 vrši veselica v korist federacijske blagajne. V imenu federacije vabim članstvo, da se te veselice udeleži po možnosti. Vabljeni so tudi drugi rojaki in občinstvo, da pomagate do boljšega rezultata in napredka. Vsakdo, ki se je že udeležil kakšne priredbe v Walsenburgu, bodisi društvene ali federacijske, je bil deležen užitka kot ga malokje dobi. Priredbe 19. in 20. aprila pa bodo nekaj izrednega. Torej člani in rojaki, pot iz vseh naselbin naj nas vodi oba dneva v Wal senburg. Jacob SkerlJ, tajnik. ■ Zborovanja bridgeportake fade racija Wlndaor Heights, W. Vs.— Kot je bilo že poročano, se 27. aprila vrši seja naše okrožne federacije društev SNPJ v tej naselbini. Pričetek ob 2. popoldne. 2e več članov me je vprašalo, kako se pride na Windsor Heights, čeprav je federacijaki tajnik br. L. Pavlinich že pojaa-nil v Prosveti. V Wheelingu vzemite cesto št. 2 in vozite vzhodno od Short Creeka; tam zavijte pri gasolinski postaji desno in potem v hrib do šole, kjer vas bomo čakali. Če greste z busom, storite prav tako. Torej še enkrat apeliram na vsa društva, pridružena in ne-pridružena, da gotovo pošljete zastopnike na prihodnjo sejo naše federacije. Prank Kolenc. predsednik. novega člana. Tajnike društev s tem obveščam, da je federacija zaključila, da se izplačajo te nagrade potem, ko so novi člani nad tri mesece pri društvu in ednoti. Na prihodnji seji bodo torej izplačane nagrade za tiate člane, ki so Bili sprejeti v jednoto zadnje tri mesece leta 1940. a j n i k e pridruženih društev prosim, da napišejo imena in certifikatne številke teh članov na uradni društveni papir in jih overovijo s podpisi uradnikov ter izroče zastopnikom svojih društev, da se vam izplačajo nagrade na prihodnji seji. Toliko prijazno naznanilo. Ker je v tem okrožju še nekaj društev, ki ne spadajo v federacijo, opozarjamo njih uradnike in posamezne člane, da vzamejo to stvar v razpravo in se pridružijo federaciji, da bomo skupno delali za večjo SNPJ. Jacob Ambrosič. tajnik. Seja minneeotake federacija »E Mlan«—»Poročano je že bi- lo, da se vrši prihodnja seja minnesotske federacije SNPJ 27. aprila v Buhlu, začetek točno ob 1. popoldne. Apeliram na vse zastopnike in vsa društva, da ae v politem številu udeležite tega zborovanja. Naj ne manjka nobenega društva na železnem okrožju, ker je samo še nekaj mesecev do konvencije. Na svidenje v Buhlu 27. aprila. Frank Eraar. predsednik federacije. Zborovanja federacija sapadna Moon Run, Pa. — Prihodnje zborovanje federacije društev SNPJ v zapadni Penni se vrši v nedeljo, 27. aprila, v Sloven-akem domu na Prestu, pričetek ob 10. dopoldne. Ker bo to zborovanje važno, se pričakuje, da bodo društva dobro zastopana. 1 Na zadnji seji federacije so bi li izvoljeni razni odbori, ki bodo dali svoja poročila. Izvoljen je bil na primer odbor za priprsvo pennsylvenskega dnfcva SNPJ, ki se vrši 22. Junijs v Dreniko-vem parku v Strsbsnu. Prsv tako je bil tudi izvoljen odbor, da priprsvi vse potrebno zs konvencijo SNPJ, ki se vrši meseca aeptembra v Pittabur-ghu. Ds se bo lsžje vse uredilo Je nujno potrebno, da bomo vsi člsni skupno sodelovsli, ker le tedaj bomo lahko aigumi dobrega rezultata v korist federacija in SNPJ. Ker je v teku kampanja za pridobivanje novih članov, tm derscijs tudi letos plsčs pridru ženim društvom 50c za vsskegs PROSVITA ■i 11 m ti "i ii caarrsan——sa dobi eno vstopnico za našo proslavo. Prosim, da to upoštevate vai, posebno pa tisti člani, ki pošiljate asesment po pošti. Od tajnika društva 270 SNPJ sem prejel 10 prostih vstopnic za njih proalavo 25-letnice, ki se vrši že to soboto zvečer v dvorani Sokol Slovan na 41. ceati in Gage ave. v Lyonsu. Kdor želi iti, naj se zglasi» pri meni za vstopnico. Končno še enkrat pozivam vt* na prihodnjo aejo 16. aprila. Po seji bomo imeli prost prigrizek in nekaj pijače. John Potokar. tajnik. Aurora, Mlnn.—Prosim člani« ce društva Zvezda lil SNPJ, da se udeležite prihodnje seje v nedeljo, 13. aprila ob 2. pop. Na tej seji moramo' rešiti več važnih reči in tudi nominirati delegati-njo za prihodnjo konvencijo. Julia M odeta, tajnica. Strv drul. T——«i 1 Slev. 1 ft tov. j Ra*ie da se udeležite vsi člani in članice obeh društev. Ta skupna seja se zapne ob 2. popoldne. Bodite točni in pridite vsi. John Zl0man, tajnik. Indlanapolia. Ind.—S tem se obvešča članstvo društva 34 SN PJ, da je stari tajnik reaigniral, ker gre iz države in sem torej podpisani sprejel tajništvo. Torej proaim članstvo, da ae v naprej obračate na moj naslov v vsem, kar ae tiče društva in pla čevanja asesmenta. Anten Ivsnčlč, 933 N.tHolmes sve. Chicago, HI.—S tem opozarjam člane društva Slavije, da bo v petek, 11. aprila zopet redna aeja v navadnem prostoru. Zad nji dve seji sta bili zelo alabo obiskani, toda krivda je mogoče bila v tem, ker je bil drugi petek Sele 14. vitiwecu. Torej pridite na to sejo V večjem številu. Do sedaj še nismo začeli razpravljati o zadevah društva in jednote, čeprav bo konvencija že v septembru. Tods ni še prepozno, imamo Še šest sej pred konvencijo in lshko Še precej razmotrivamo o naših proble mih. Priporočljivo je, ds vsak Član letos malo več časa posveti problemom, katere imamo staN no pred nami in da se o tem na sejah akupno pomenimo. Dobro IzlušČene ideje za izboljšanje na Še organizacije potem lahko pri poročimo konvenciji v sprejetje Naša organizacija je Še demokratična in če se bomo zavedal svojih pravic in dolžnosti, bomo tudi tako obdržali, če pa postanemo brezbrižni, bomo pa polagoma prijadrali do atališča, na katerem je danea večina smeri kanskih organizacij, kjer članstvo nima "besejde". Na prihodnji aeji imamo zopet sprejeti novo članico v oddelek odrsslih in tri v mlsdinskegs. Anton Trojsr, tsjnik, l. Chicago. Ill.-Vsi člsni in čls-nice društvs Narodni Vitezi 39 SNPJ ste prošeni, da se udeležite prihodnje seje 16. sprils. Sejs je zelo vsžns radi jubilejne pro-slsve 35-letnice, ki se vrši 26. msjs v dvorsni SNPJ. Društvo bo priredilo veliko veselico s programom in igro "Nevtralni Amor". Ns tej seji bo nadzorni odbor poročal o poslovanju v prvem četrtletju. Rszdsl bom tudi vstopnice za predprodajo. Nekaj članov me je vprašalo, če se bo druitvo dalo slikati in je tre-bs tudi to vprašanje rešiti na prihodnji seji. Nsj Še omenim, ds je društvo ns zadnji seji zaključilo, da vsak član plača meseca majs 35c izrednega ssesments, v zameno pa UKAZ DOHODKOV IN IZDATKOV BOLNIŠKIH SKLADOV OD 1, JULIJA DO 31, DEC. 1940 STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of SICK BENEFIT FUNDS from JUL. I to DEC. 31. 1M0 (Nadaljevanje is slednje srede) Glasovi iz naselbin Novakov besednjak Chicago. — Med prispevki in plsčsnimi naročili, ki sem jih zadnji teden prejela za Novakov, beaednjak, je bil tudi ček v znes-ku po $3.61, ki mi ga je poslalo v angleščini poslujoče podporno društvo št. 631 SNPJ za en izvod omenjene knjige. Če bodo sledila temu posne^ manja vrednemu zgledu še vsa drugs društvs SfrPJ in ostalih naših podpornih organizacij, nI prsv nobenegs dvoma o tem, da bi ne mogel iti rokopis Novako-vegs besednjaka že v dveh mesecih v tisk. Mrs. Agnes Novak. 2506 N. Clstk Street. Chicago, Illinois. — 4M 3? 44« 4SI 463 491 597 AM ste naročesi m dnevnik Trse veta"? Podpirajte svej IM t asi M7 •01 aas 44 S I ¡IV S IS «SI a, •m r m 9*] 4>l 13 II III70, 41 00 ISS SO 177 10 IM «t. r*>. »4* »7 50 ITI 00 ISSOO 117.00 14 00 17 M i IS tail II «o 37 M IIM 5170 1100 II «o 10140 1100 1550 71.30 117 SO II «0 II «O MHO 37.10! 11 70 1100 1140 liao li«o 74 40 l««0. 5« «S MSI» IM «0 M 40 «IM 144 10 144 SO II« 30 IM IN) IM SO 310 M 13130 II 00 SIISO I MS .00 15 «0, III 40 IM 40 IIS 10 «17 10 117 10 M 70 54 00 171M 7100 17410 I,IM 50 IM) 10 101 IN) II« 4i 7» 50 M3 00 IM oo 11400 47.Ml M00 103 00. • 0U. 17400* 4 00 174 Ml so oo i IM 50; M00 « Ü¡ 103 00 33« 50 M00 «00 107 00 1300 »....-f... .IM M 17 00 M00 51 00 3 00 40 00 MOO 177 50 MOO 411 OU 40 00 MOO III M M00 1400 M00 M00 77 W 114 00 Moo 37 M 51.00 IMOO M00 4M Ik) 747 M 173 00 MM 00 II3M MOO 104 00 77 M 17100 IMOO MOO 14100 II 00 MOO IMM MM 7M00 71 M g IK i IMOO IMOO 114 M IMOO MOA 37« IM) 4 00 IMOO III 00 110 00 7MM 47 M 147 to 34 00 MM 74 ooj M)4 Mi MOO, IM INI MOO1 mm! 7100 MM M| I.535 00 44 00 145 50 IM N M M 4M M 17« Ml MOM ANN IMOO s UM MM 00 II INI MOO III M 7M oo 7M00 IM INJ M3 M M UU M) INI 4M 00 MM IN) M 00 IMM| «4 00 4M IN) mas 1M 70 13 to! HUM IM M «na MM 1M OU .71 M «I 10» 107 M *"* M 70 37 70 MM 17 40 71 Mi MM 171M 144 M UM M4M I MM 00, 17« M 117 M 4M IUI II M MS M MM 17 M 44 M' to so IM 10 II M MM 113 10 107 M 70 M 71 M M 70 147 M MM 71M MM 57 M Ml) tO m.m M 40 MM IMM M 10 IM 70 37 M 40 SO 171 M) M 40 < IMM lil M MM IMM MM IMM IMM MM I4AM IMM 44 10 7» 10 15M IMM Ml M IMM lili M 341 4U M7 00 5*7 70, II M 14170 113 70i M 00 114 M) IMM ■m 7 oí MM) »7 M) 1100 304 70 KI« INI ... /.., MM IM M) í 101 M m«) II7M 51 «0 MOO IMOO mm M) 00 M at) •MM MM« Ml m u 4M M moo MIM IMOO -3 > i Ml 00 110 00 IM M 130 00 M* Mi III 00 MI Ol) M M imm; . IMM . IHM S04 M IMM« MM« M ou um 3« M« 1 mm 44 Ml imsm . IMM SI no IM« —i . Ml M. M 00 IMM 4.« M» IIIM «Mut» IMM) L IMM 107 10 MOO .'1 M 4« itn 7* Ml 40 ' IM M 47 M í 1. IS M' 71m JI 3M.10 70 MMQ Ml M iH lt7 70 30 M 41 «0 IM i.o 173 M _ 30« Ml I« M 5« 70 IM.MI 11140 103 40 III Ml MM 157 MI «I 50 M 40 M M na 74 10 IU to 10.1 ¡MI MM 71M 4MM i MM M7M OU M MOM MM !*! "'I III Mi ... .-„i M «M M4M 3MM M7 0U, I MM IM 001 IM I«.! 1*7 3« 132 OU. IM Mi M»i 7S7S1 UM Ml M 101 00 «I OS ^ Anniversary Celebration of "GEORGE WASHINGTON", ISiirÄT Sat. Evening, April 12th, 1941 L S Music by Jimmy Ruby and hie Orchaetra _ Society "France Preiereo" * Slovene and Enfluh tpeeker* * Excellent entertainment after program * Entree SiOO P. M. Admi»»ion 3Sc * WELCOME ALL! PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT auuiilo ni lastnima ilovoiikc maaookc rooroamc jedmots r*ku,M sr i s—m immt HvočmU** m KdrulMM dri«V« (U-v «m OUemtMt In KmmOo 9$ M as tela, p« m pol tete. II-M u «Hrt tete. trn Chicago ln Cicero «740 u celo tete. »37» m pol late; sa inosomstvo pmo ■ufcacflpuon rates: lor IKs Um tod atetes taacapt Chicho» «na Cs/»*da HH ^ year. Chicago and Cicero »7 a» p« y mu-, loman counims «ooo _ ___po dogovoru Rokopisi dopisov asoarototUh člankov m nc vraéajo. Rokoptst Utersrn« vs^ln« trtic«. povwU. drsmf. pssmi Itd.) se vrnejo po*il)sl*lju I» v slu£cju. te * prUnftll poitnlno. Advertising rates on agre«m«nt --«tsnuscrlpts oi communication» snd i nao Ud Ud srtlctes will not bo r«-turnad Other manuarrlpts. such sa »tortas, plays, posma, etc. will ba r«. turned te sender only when accom> («anted by sel/ sddreasad and stamped .«valopc. «astev m vss. kar teu stia s Uslom PROSVETA MT-S sa. La «rédate Ave. Chicago. kkmbeb or the r ED CRATED press Datum v oklepaju na primer (A pri J SO. INI), poteg vatega imena na naslovu pomeni, da vam Je s tem datumom potek« Ia naroCnina Ponovite Jo pravotssne, da sa v fin llat na ustavi IM Urednikove pripombe SOLVEHTNOST SNPJ - * Zadnji teden je bil v Pro«veti objavljen "Valuation Report" naše jednote, katerega je sestavil na! aktuar Ralph L Booth. Poročila te vrste, ki kažejo sol-ventnost naie organizacije, objavljamo vssko leto v tem času, kar je članom že znano. Iz letošnjega poročila je vidno, da je solventnost smrtnin-skegs sklsds oddelka odraslih SNPJ 31. decembra 1940 znašala 121.56%. Tako visoke točke solventnosti naša jednota doslej I« ni imela. Pred štirimi leti (1930) je naša solventnost znaša-la 113.37% in od takrat je stalno naraščala do zgoraj omenjene točke. Važno dejstvo je, da ima naša jednota precejšen rezervni fond, ki drži našo solventnost na zmerni stopnji; če bi bil ta fond manjši, bi bila naša solventnost lahko precej višja. Vse to dokazuje, da je gospodarsko stanje naše jednote na dobri podlagi in članom se ni treba bati, da ne bi brez odlogs dobili, do čessr so oni in njihovi dediči uprsvičeni. To dejstvo Ishko služi članom in čisnicsm v naši tekoči kampanji za mladinski oddelek in za angleško poslujoča društva. JUGOSLAVIJA NASTOPILA POT NA KALVARIJO Diktator Hitler je zadnjo nedeljo'po tolovsjsko,udrl v Jugoslavijo in z njim sodelujejo Italijani in po prvih poročilih tudi Bolgari. Nscijske bombe dežujejo na Belgrad in druga srbska mesta, ampak na slovenska in hrvaška mesta mečejo prefrigani naciji /.a enkrat samo letake a pozivom, naj Slovenci in Hrvatje ustvarijo drugo Slovukijo pod "zaščito" Nemčije . . . V tem hipu je jasno samo eno in to je, da se bo /daj v Jugoala vi ji ponovilo ono, kar je bilo preti poldrugim letom na Poljskem in pred enim letom na Norveškem, Danskem. Nizozem-skem in v Belgiji—rszcn če Ima Anglija toliko m«*i na Balkanu in če bo ameriška poinoe prišla pravočasno, da bodo Angleži lahko preprečili j m. po I no okupacijo Jugoslavije in Grtke. Poldrugo leto ae je nafta stara domovina otepula Hitlerjeve voj ne. dokler ni Hitler končno odločil, da mora iti * njo ali proti njej. To je nov doka*, da Je dane»» vsaka nevtralnost nemogoča. tudi Stalinova "nevtralnost" je gol bluf in prrj ali slej 'bo Stalin primoran sneti maako Amerika je pt*v«K-a5no «priznala. da je nevtralno»! nemogoča, zato m« jr odprto |>o*lavila na stran onih. ki m» upirajo Hitlerju In t«» jf/t-dina pot' Vse druge | m »t i vodijo v ur a moten pora/ In m- Ha mot ne j ki Mi/noat Jugoslavija .— Po našem mnenju je 90% teh stavk upravičenih. Izzvali so jih reakcionarni in požrešni Fordi, McCormicki, lastniki Malega jekla, premogovni baroni itd., ki bi radi izkoristili program obrambe proti delavcem. Pričakujemo pa, da Roosevettova vlada ne bo dolgo trpela tega izkoriščanja in stavke bodo prej ali slej poravnane. Zavedamo se, da je v današnji zmešnjavi težko našim bratom ločiti dobro od slabega. Pri unijah CIO in AFL so dobri in slabi voditelji, so iskreni nameni in so intrige. Naši delavci morajo biti previdni. Za pravično stvsr je vsak dostojen boj upravičen, ni pa v nobenem slučaju upravičeno nasilje in kršitve zakonov, v katere ponekod zavajajo delavce komunistični intriganti in razni rsketirski voditelji. Glasovi iz naselbin Veliko grmenje, malo dešja Chicago.—Razprava o večji podpori starim članom, ki so v potrebi, sploh o nekakšni pen-ziji za člane, ki dosežejo 60 let, je v Prosveti že precej narasla, ker to je pač'vprašanje, ki zanima slehernega, posebno pa starejše člane. Ampak kot je razvidno iz številk gl. tajnika, je bilo v jednoti ob začetku 1941 3638 članov, starih 60 ali več let in bi morali plačevati v penzij-ski sklad po 50c na mesec, da bi taki člani prejemali na primer po $5 na mesec. Kot je iz teh podatkov razvidno, bo najbrže ostalo "vse po starem". Vsaj o kakšni penziji torej ni govora, razen če je članstvo pripravljeno na zvišanje aaeamcnta za okrog 50c na mesec, kar pa je dvomljivo. Potrebni člani, mladi ali stari, pa že sedaj dobe izredno podporo, za katero tudi sami prispevajo in torej ni noben milodar. Vseeno pa bi bilo mogoče dobro. če bi zvišali prispevke v izredni sklad za nekaj centov, na primer do pet ccntov. Glavni namen tega zvišanja naj bi bil, da bi se pripravili "za deževne dni", za veliko krizo, ki bo sigurno nastala po tej vojni in po izgoiovitvi obrambnega programa. 'Lahko ae znajdemo prav v taki ali |ni še hujši krizi ko I. 1931-34, ko je bila večina članstva brez dela in ko je jednota izgubila nad 15,000 članov v o-beh oddelkih. Močna rezerva v tem akladu bi zeltt prav prišla v "deževnih dneh", |ut tudi lažje bt bilo uvesti kakšen sistem za redno plačevanje ali zalaganje asesmenta /a onemogle i(i potrebne člane. In tudi dajanje pogoni za ases« rnent na račun bolniške podpore ni priporočljivo—bolje je na račun smrtnine, kjer Je to potrebno. Ko je človek bolan, v dal številke. Do danes ni še nihče podal konkretnega načrta za starostno pokojnino,'ali kakor že hočete to imenovati. Po mojem mnenju to vprašanje sploh ne spada k razpravi o pravilih, ker je neizvedljivo brez lepega poviška asesmenta. Toda, bratje in sestre, povišanja asesmenta se moramo bati kot hude ure, ker nas je preteklost precej naučila in še danes niso zacelje-ne rane, ki so bile storjene pred več leti z raznimi dokladami. Končno pa bi naša jednota ne zmogla tega bremena in misel, da ga lahko mi rešimo, je utopija. Toda argument, da naša organizacija ne nudi nič svojim onemoglim in potrebnim Članom, ne drži. Mislim, da nudi več v raznih podporah kot katera druga organizacija. Samo malo poglobimo se, bratje *4n sestre in videli bomo, kaj dobe pri nas člani v potrebi in kaj dobe drugod. Znana mi je slična bratska organizacija. ki je ustanovila pen-zijski sklad. Predno je začela h plačevanjem, se je v ta sklad skozi več let nabrala že lepa vsota. In ko je pričela plačevati po $20 na mesec, kar je že lepa pomoč za starega člana, je v organizaciji kmalu nastal glavobol. Pričeli so se priglašatl tudi člani, ki so pri vstopu v organizacijo navedli par let mlajšo starost; ko pa je pričela plačevati po $20 na mesec, so prišli na dan, češ jaz sem tudi star 70 let in sem upravičen do penzije. Zadnja konvencija te organizacije je morala znižati izplačila iz tega sklada za polovico in se še ne ve, koliko časa bo mogla vztrajati pri tem. Članstvo plačuje po 10c na mesec v ta sklad. . x Torej, če smo mislili kaj take- * Pri tem vprašanju je dobro zadel tudi br. Vidrich, ko je dal primero dru^ organizacije. Socialno vprašanje prihaja vedno bolj v ospredje. Delo socialistov v preteklosti, ko smo vedno propagirali razne socialne zaščite, se uresničuje. Vlada bo morala v bodoče bolj skrbeti za stare, izgarane ljudi. Dpkler bomo imeli ta družabni sistem, bo vedno več zgaranih starčkov med nami: ne le starih celo srednje-letnikov ne marajo več v tovarnah. Rešitev tega problema bo morala od nekje priti, in to bo morala vršiti vlada*_ V naši jednoti smo to vprašanje že zamudili. JCot je razvidno iz poročila br. Vidra, imamo že nad 3600 takih članov in članic, ki bi bili upravičeni do te socialne podpore. In kje naj dobimo vir te pomoči? Ne glejmo na teh osem do devet milijončkov, ki so tukaj za druge potrebe in podpore. Vsaka krava se enkrat izmolze. Do danes smo še vedno zmagovali in vsakdo je dobil svoje, za kar je plačeval — nekateri tudi dvakrat ali trikrat več kot so vplačali. Torej kaj hočemo še več? Če smo pa za to, da plačujemo nekaj dolarjev mesečno v posebni sklad, dobro. Naj se priglasijo vsi, ki to žele in bomo videli, koliko se jih bo odzvalo. Jaz mislim, da malo. Torej bi apeliral na članstvo, da opustimo vsako nadaljnje razpravljanje o tem vprašanju in se dotaknimo bolj važnih in izvedljivih vprašanj, ki se tičejo vseh članov. Raje razpravljajmo, kako pridobiti novih članov in kako organizacijo pomladiti. Mladini moramo nuditi vse prilike, da se zavaruje pri nas. J. P. Durn. tajnik društva 53. Predkonvenčne razprave Mlhraukee. — Za temeljito razpravo o pravilih in za delanje dobrih zaključkov se potrebuje časa. Ampak, kot je naša navada, tudi tukaj brez pomisleka trdimo, da je še dovolj časa in se z prazpravo nič ne mudi. Zdi se nam, da doma ne utegnemo študirati pravil, na seji je čas prekratek, poleg tega menimo, da posameznim društvom sploh ne velja ukvarjati se s tem, ker to spada na seje federacije, tam pa se sliši, da je še prezgodaj, ker je dovolj časa za X» razpravo mesec pred konvencijo« sploh ni vredno kaj ukrepati radi pičle udeležbe itd. Tako naziranje in odlaganje znači, da med pretežno večino članov ni pravega zanimanja za rešetanje pravil in da nas ima še vedno v oblasti brezbrižnost, ki se je nad nami že tolikokrat maščevala. Radi lastne brezbrižnosti trpimo zle posledice ne le pri svojih organizacijah, nego tudi v drugih ozirih — pri povzetih ukrepih po vodstvu, pri socialnih, strokovnih in političnih organizacijah. Naša v koreni njena brezbrižnost je tudi največja zapreka pri širjenju zna nja o socialnem razvoju, od katerega so odvisne naše življenjske razmere. Smisel predkonvečne razprave je izboljšanje pravil, da bi izdatneje odgovarjala predvidevajo-čim zahtevam sedanjih razmer, da bi v čimboljši meri pokrivala članske potrebe in zaeno vodila organizacijo na dobri podlagi po poti uspešnega razvoja. Ker pa to ni lahka naloga, je treba od strani članstva temeljite razprave in globokega premisleka. Da bomo v tem čim bolj uspe-ga u peljati pri nas. bi morali to!šni. se moramo zavedati, da je storiti ob rojstvu organizacije.' ko smo bili vsi mladi. Danes je organizacija stara že preko 35 — Novica is Moon Runa Moon Run. Pa.—Od našega društva RH SNPJ sta šla že dva člana v službo Strica Sama. Ka-kor se sliši, prihodnji teden zopet odideta dva Pri društvu še dovolj dobro napredujemo —- Bolnike imamo sedaj tri, in sjcer Rudolfa («orjupa. ki je že nad tri leta bolan. Franka Za-godo, ki je že tudi 22 mesecev bolan, in Franka Slabeta. ki se | Je moral podati v bolnišnico. Društvo želi vsem skorajšnjega zdravja. Priporočala bi, tla bi ae člani in članitH malti bolj zanimali za «tiuštvene aeje. Ni lepo, društvo ! iteje IM članov, seje se pa ude» 1 leži 20 do 25 članov i Sedaj ko je pomlad tu in se i bo vse bolj oživelo in ae razveselilo, je tudi' naš gospodinjski let In z njo vred je tudi članstvo starejše. Tt»da ali ne nudi na- pretresanje pravil za nas vse vitalnega pomena in sploh naša dolžnost, ker ne smemo pustiti, da bi drugi za nas mislili in odločali. Sedaj je čas za to, da mi- ša organizacija dobršno mero'selno sodelujemo s prihodnjo podpore že sedaj? Vir, katere-1 konvencijo in prispevamo kaj ga se naši člani lahko poslužijo,1 dobrih idej in priporočil na poje sklad izrednih podpor Zad- dlagi naših izkušenj, da čim nja konvencija pa je tudi skic- bolj izpopolnimo organizacijo, da nila, da noben star član, ki je v bodoče ne bomo več slišali pri-brez dela in sredstev za ases- tožb. To je edina prava in prak-ment, ne more biti črtan, če je,tična metoda, da skupno deluje-že član jednote 30 leU ^ j mo za razčiščenje pojmov in pri-Bralje in »egtre. jaz vidim re- demo do dobrih zaključkov v šitev v bodoče le v tem. če upe- mejah braUke vzajemnosti v Ijemo 20-letno izplačljivo zava- našo skupno korist, rovanje (endowment). Ako bi Dejstvo je, ds so nam pravilo zavarovanje imeli še od po-¡la temeljna pot. po kateri vodi-četka, bi danes ne bilo takegs mo gospodarstvo organisacije in jamranja. ker član bi lahko čr- merimo člansko podporo. Za iz-pal, oziroma prejel svoje, ko je boljšaoje iatih je potrebna iskre-še živ in bi mu bilo v pomoč na j ns pozornost vsegs članstva, da Stara leta Torej je bolje, da rez- ¡je ne sa vozimo, kajti kar se ža-pravljamo o drugih važnejših nje. to se tudi seje Naša pra-vprašanjih — nekaj kar je lived- ■ vila in smernice organizacije so Ijlvegs in v korist Vgemti član-'odsev in sad našega zanimanja j _ Ns seji tukajšnje federacije 23. marca je bila po društvu 192 predložena resolucija in sprejeta kot čitana.. Poleg te je bilo predloženih tudi nekaj dodatnih točk k pravilom, ki so bila tudi v načelu sprejeta. Zaključeno je bilo, da se pošlje oboje v javno predkonvenčno razpravo članstvu in odboru za pravila v pretres. Sklenjeno je tudi bilo, da federacija prične z razpravo o pravilih na prihodnji seji. Torej so vsi zastopniki vabljeni, da se udeleže, kakor tudi članstvo na splošno, da pomagate pri razpravi s svojimi ideja-i mi in priporočili. Chrisiina MomUj. 192. Koncert Napreja Detroit. — V nedeljo, 13. aprila, je dan detroitskega Napreja, ko priredi svoj koncert z opereto "Kovačev študent" v dvorani SDD na 437 S. Livernois. Priče-tek ob treh popoldne. V imenu zbora vabim vse občinstvo k veliki udeležbi, posebno pa ljubitelje petja in iger. Za dobro postrežbo bodo skrbele članice gospodinjskega odseka SDD, ki so nam obljubile vso kooperacijo. Še nekaj: Člani društva SNPJ v Toledu, O., prirede plesno zabavo v soboto zvečer; 19. aprila. Ker nas Toledčani obiščejo na vsaki večji priredbi, je naša dolžnost, da jim tudi mi vrnemo. Za obisk Toledčanov na tej zabavi se je priglasilo že precej rojakov in mislim, da nas bo šla večja skupina. Zberemo se najbrže pred SDD, toda o tem se bomo lahko pogovorili v nedeljo na našem koncertu. Ker bo to zadnja priredba v tej sezoni v naši naselbini, pričakujemo, da se vsi udeležite. Na svidenje v nedeljo v SDD. John Barich. 518. >A, 9 Pojasnilo Barberton. O. — V mojem dopisu od zadnje srede je tudi odstavek, ki se nanaša na tukajšnje razmere, toda ni bil namenjen za priobčitev. K temu naj pojasnim, da ne želim polemike z nikomur, zato tydi ne bom nikomur odgovarjala, ker ni krivda na moji strani. Tončka Može. Uredniška pripomb«! Vso odgovornost za omenjeni del dopisa prevzame uredništvo; priobčili smo, ker smo tudi iz drugih poročil razvideli, da odgovarja resnici in ker smo mislili, da bo zanimalo tudi širšo javnost, kakšne so zdaj razmere v Barberto-nu. X- Rasna priporočila Sacramento. Cal.—Kot dolg ldtni član SNPJ se želim tudi jaz oglasiti za izbolišanje naših pravic pri jednoti. Člani so pričeli pridno razpravljati o pomoči starim članom, kar je hvale vredno. Toda mišljenja med člani in gl. odborniki so različna. Gl. predsednik piše, da brez povišanja asesmenta se ne bo mogla dati pomoč starim članom, gl. tajnik pa piše o petdolarski mesečni penziji članom, ki so stari nad 60 let. Meni se zdi tako izvajanje nepravilno. Mi plačujemo po šest centov v sklad izrednih podpor, toda je 50% članov, ki ne vedo za ob-stoj tega sklada, 50% od druge polovice pa nc veseli, da bi delali prošnje preko društev na glavni urad za pomoč iz. tega sklada. Vsled tega bi bilo priporočljivo, da se obrne polovica dohodkov tega sklada v sklad za plačevanje asesmenta starim članom, ki so v jednoti neprenehoma nad 30 let. Jaz mislim, da denar, ki se potroši za filme in atletiko, naj bi šel v sklad za stare in onemogle člane. Od filmov in atletike imajo užitek samo nekatera društva, starostni sklad pa bi koristil članom pri vseh društvih. Prav tako bi se lahko prihranilo v ta namen nekaj tudi pri govornikih, ki gredo na društvene proslave. Vsako društvo, ki želi imeti govornika, naj bi plačalo vsaj polovico stroškov, pa naj bo govornik iz glavnega urada ali zunanji člani. Plačevanje ases m en U bi gotovo morslo biti prilično za vse enako, to je do neke meje. na primer do $600 ali $1000 smrtnine in dolar bolniške podpore. Kdor bi bil zavarovan za več, bi imoral opustiti ali sam doplačati. Gotovo bo kdo rekel: Ali ga vidiš sebičneža* Bratje in sestre, starim pionirjem se godi krivica Poglejte v bolniško lestvico Članu, ki je zavarovan za $1 bolniške podpore 28 let. ae odmerek ne dvigne, članu, ki je za- APRiJ varovan za h boin*» 31 let se odmerek nt dv\T $3 skladu pa se ne ^tih plačevanja v u & odmerek se ne zniža ml/ gne ne glede, če je boln*££ pora izčrpana ali nedot^Jg Kje so pa druge stvari k, Jih pomagali zgraditi stari • 1 na primer glavni sUn ¿S? tiskarno in še kaj drugZ* kar člani, ki so prislonili* njih 20 letih, nisin/p^ Glavni tajnik je objavil L ko je pri jednoti članov J2 nad 60 let. Ali jaz ^ zadovoljen, le bi se glasilo, je nas pri jednot, nad j let, ki redno plačujemo obveznosti. Pred 31 leti naT bilo pri jednoti od 6000 do 70 in smo plačevali po 15c v upr» ni sklad. Danes nas je pri SNI nad 50,000 skupaj z mladinski oddelkom in plačujemo po 25e ta sklad. (V upravni sklad dl cujejo le člani odraslega odi ka, ne pa otroci.-Ured.) Goto, gre lOc za Prosveto, toda m smo imeli Glasilo. Potem m zgradili glavni urad in tiskan, s posebno doklado. (Doklada j bila le za tiskarno, ne pa za a slopje gl. urada.—Ured.) Kar se tiče konvencije, jaz n» slim, da je prav, da si sami Mihellrti »I3M Mary Keehir M« IM Ann« »ttifl« »II. Mike Hanta an Angeta VerpaeuN »M. Fifteenth Annivt ofSNPj English Speaking j SNPJ in tfth Year of Continuous Service 1904 ..... 1041 ENCLISH SECTION For Members of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes WEDNESDAY, PAGE SIX Our Eighth Nat'! SNPJ Pin Tournament Commodores Log Washington News Three week* from now, on May 3-4, the eighth annual National SNPJ Bowling tournament will open in Detroit, Michigan, with preliminaries scheduled for "May 2. On this occasion the official hosts will be our two Detroit ESL'% namely, the Young Americans, Lodge 664, .and the Wolverines, Lodge 677. The other Jour local SNPJ lodges there-—121, 518, 711 and 761—wrf! no doubt join in alleviating the task of the former by offering their help in whatever capacity they may be able to serve. For an event of this scope calls for the united support of all our members in Detroit in order to assure success. Checking of entries in this year's bowling classic, likely to be completed early next week, is expected to show that more than 100 teams will compete in the event The total may run above last year's record entry of 91 man and woman teams, with doubles and singles entries proportionately higher than last year's 133 and 262, respectively. Last year's event, held in Waukegan, was the biggest success in our indoor sports annals both in number of participants as well as socially. Will this year's event surpass last year's record? Early reports coming from various sections indicate that the 1941 tenpin tournament will break last year's bowling event. For there is a strong indication that within the past year the popularity of the game among our members has been growing. Moreover, our members in Detroit are geared for action. And when Detroit is set to go, it never fails to demonstrate its ability in promoting large-scale events, and their genuine hospitality is never lacking. Therefore, it is a foregone conclusion that Detroit will be out on the firing line ready and willing to do its part in the interest of our Society. Of all this we are quite certain, as we are also certain that this event will help to advertise our Society. However, at this point it is fair to ask ourselves, what will this enterprise bring our Society in terms of actual results? That is, to what extent will it enhance our Campaign chance*? Agreeing, as we should, that moral as well as social success will be attained by promoting this event, the next all-important thing is to see to it that it will be productive. We must not lose sight of the fact that this is our Anniversary Year and that we are engaged in a Jubilee Campaign. It is of particular importance not only to the two Detroit ESL's to take advantage of the bowling event, but to all the rest of the ESL's as well. The annual allotment of $4,000 for SNPJ sports activities was set at the 1987 convention in Cleveland. For the past four years an average of this amount has been spent for this purpose annually. For the annual national bowling event, alone, a Hum of more than $600 is spent, and for the annual national SNPJ Day events, an amount of more than $1,000. How well the ESL's utilized this fund in the four-year period and of what advantage it has been to the SNPJ in promoting its interests, will be clearly shown at the coming convention. And on that record the future appropriations for «ports activities, to a very large extent, will de|>end. > v * —^ It is not too late to prepare now to convince the delegates to the twelfth convention that our Athletic Fund has not been spent in vain. The best way to do this is by establishing a Campaign Record which will speak for itself! By Jan« Pradal _ WASHINGTON. D. C.—At last we got together and decided to organise an SNPJ lodge here in the Nation's Capital. Bra Emil Hrast waa temporary chairman and Sis. Suglick was selected secretary. The group decided that the next meeting will be held April 29 (Tuesday) at 8 p. m. at 1749 Lyman PI. N. E. We have fourteen members to start the foundation of the lodge. We still are eager to hear from any other Slovenes who may be working in the city, Drop Sis. Suglick a tine or come to our meeting on April 29. Among the new members who have come to our first meeting is Mis» Helen Sperlik from Lucerne, Pa., whose picture was in the Feb. 7 issue of "Life" magazine. She »works for the Wer Dept. Miss Theresa Kastelic of Delmont, Pa., is another new members for us. Three girls who alreedy are SNPJ members end come from families active in SNPJ ere Sis. Josephine Stonich of Pueblo, Colo., Sis. Erzen from Center, Pe., and Marjorie Steblaj of the Buckeyes in Barber-ton, O. These girls ere ell enxlous to help Isunch the first SNPJ lodge in the District of Columbie. Once more we eppeel to all Slovenes in Washington, D. C., to come to our meeting on April 29 (Tuesday) at 8 p. m. If you don't know anything about the SNPJ, come and find put what it is all about. If you do know about the SNPJ, you know it's worthwhile coming. We welcome all Slovenes. By Freak Zvanut CLEVELAND.—The new officers of the Commodore Lodge 742 have been well pleaaed with the good ettendence at the meetings so far this year. . * Commodores were glad to have the New Era members with us at the last meeting March 18. We hope your crowd will be well represented at our May Frolic, May 3, at the West Side Slovene Home, 6818 Denison Ave. Thoe& of us who will not be able to attend the SNPJ Bowling Tournament in Detroit on that week-end will find the May Frolic an excellent substitute. Special Announcement One hundred percent attendance of Commodores rhembers is desired at each of the following meetings: 1. Regular monthly Commodore meeting, Tuesday, April 15, at 8 p. m. at West Side Slovene Home. 2. Joint meeting with Lodges 135 and 572, Sunday, April 20, at 3 p. m. at West Side Slovene Home. At the meeting No. 1, the Commodores will select their candidates for the delegate election which will be held at Meeting No. 2. Watch the Prosveta for further details. (Pres. Lodge 742). Lucky Stars' Dance Saturday, April 26 ' IMPERIAL, PA.—The Imperial Lucky Stars are sponsoring a dance in the local Slovene Hall, Saturday, April 26, featuring Freddie Joy and his Joy Makers. A cordial invitation ix extended to all lodges to attend. Bro. A. Grum from Detroit has a good idea about nominating speeches' at conventions. Certainly they would be helpful In securing the best meterial for the supreme board. He should be commended for his thought. Let's have more support and really go to town at this convention. The Sixth Annual Pennsylvania SNPJ Day will be held in Drenik Park, Strabane, Pa., on Sunday, June 22. Complete details will be available about April 30. The Federetion Bowling Day at Sygan, Sunday, April 27, should be attended by all federated lodges. You will have a good time so get around. From reports of Bro. Kumer, the convention committee is hard at work. 'Tlfe a big job, Mike, but you enjoy it. Support the committee and make it a very successful convention. JAMES MAGLICH, Lodge 718. E. Moline Lodge 286 Benefit Dance Apr. 12 EAST MOLINE, ILL.—L o d g e Mississippi 286 of SNPJ will sponsor a benefit dance Saturday, April 12, at the Bohemian Hall, Seventh Ave. and Twentieth St., Eest Moline. Ed Penca is chairman of the affair with Martin Papish and Frank Penca as cochairmen. Music will be furnished by Yuvon's orchestra of Depue. We extend an invitation to our neighboring lodges to attend this dance as an enjoyable evening is assured. Tickets may be obtain-able from members at the door. We welcome Martin Dernovsek, who was recently transferred to our lodge from Kansaa, into our midst. Joe Sherek recently wae drafted under the Selective Service. He left on« April 1. SYLVIA C. PENCA Lodge 288. Silver Jubilee Dance of Lodge 270 Apr. 12 LYONi ILL—A cordial invitation is extended to ell members of George Washington SNPJ lodge 270. aa well as to all other SNPJ members and frienda. to attend the 25th anniversary dance and program of our lodge. Saturday. April 12. at So-kol Slovan Hall. 41et and Gage eve. Our guest speakers will be Supreme Preaident Cainkar of the SNPJ and Bro. Donald J. Lotrich. Aa an added feature will be the Singing Society "Preieren." Jim Ruby's orchestra will play for dancing. Good refreshments wttt he served. FRANK VIDMAR. Secy "You say this woman shot her husband with this pistol, and at close range?" asked the coroner of the eye witness to a colored tragedy "Yaaeuh " ' ^ "Are there powder marks on his body?" ' Yaaeuh. das why she shot him." a Be askamad te die until you he™ worn mow victory for humanity —HORACE MANN CHICAGO. ILL.—The Pioneers heve taken the leed in the diepoeel of subscriptions for the Netional SNPJ Day picnic on August 31. Five members have made returns on these subscriptions. Frank Oroeer leeds the peck with eighty sube. Don Lotrich Is right behind with fifty subs. Mae Oroeer thirty, and Frank Lotrich and Lee Kemuchar each ten. Fifty-seven members have started the work of securing these subscriptions. Thus, we have an excellent start and if the beginning indicates anything at all, the Pioneers will be right up on top when the final returns are made. We are still soliciting the aisistance of other members for this worthy venture. All necesaary arrangements have been made for a special coach on the Michigan Central ftailroad to the National SNPJ Bowling tournament in Detroit, Michigan, on Friday night, May 2. As previously announced, a special round trip fare of 88.38 haa been secured. We intend to leave on the 11:59 p. m. train, arriving in Detroit at 7:30 a. m. We will return in two groups. The first group will leave Detroit at 4:45 p. -n. Sunday and will arrive in Chicago at 8:30 p. m. While the second group will leave on one of the night trains to arrive in Chicago early Monday morning.v The round trip fare will be 88.30. Christine Striter of the Little Forts of Waukegan called to tell us that thirty-five Waukegani|es were planning to make the trip with the Pioneers. All of our other friends and members are invited to make the trip with us. So that we will have sufficient accommodations, it is necessary to advise the Pioneer Secretary for the number of reservationa. This fare is good only with our group movement. We anticipate that the Badgers and Calumet Sentinels and Integrity will make the same trip with us. ' , Lodge McKinley'f 10th Anniversary April 26 CANTON, OHIO.—When an SNPJ member accepts the president's office in a lodge during its tenth year, he ought to realize that he will be in for an elaborate tenth anniversary celebration of one kind or another. " Lodge McKinley 733 is now near-ing the end of the first ten years of its existence and some of those who were with us then in the first few years of organization are still with us today, while some of the other charter members have been carried by the tide of circumstance to different ports. —* Such a milestone of lodge history aa ten years calls for a real celebration and Lodge McKinley is planning just that. Nothing would add more to this celebration than to have all of our frienda in outside lodges Join us in this happy occasion. The date 0 This information should aasur«* a full aItendance of not only thr lodge» aMurtaUd with the fedet»- tion, btfl alao the officers and other members of the senior federetion. Aa a reeult of thia Saturday being an open date In W. Pa., there should be a sou-able crowd attend the dance in Girard. Let's get to-gether with the Oolden Eagles that night. Interest la continuing to run high and aentimenta for the trip to Detroit 1« spreading. We want ' to transfer that interest Into action, ■o all members planning that trip, get your train fare Into tha hand« of either Lsrry Cassol or the writer without delay Anangementa for llu. I ... ,,, »»>. i.l 1 ... ,,».,,-M "h** ninr tti aavinrs, and only after you deposit 88 88 with the above for the round trip Comet, member« are reminded that .Stefan« 5hifrar 1« HI. and all thoae member« residing tn the neighborhood should slop In to see her and have a pleaaant chat with her MICHAEL R KUMER 718 Woman (in subway): I wish that good-looking young man would gel up and give me his «eat | Sis men got up My Week By Louis Ban*« move swiftly Last Sun-I Nazi dictator in- because she re- ^/Tinto bondage without • *¿*And promptly. Uithtoú to ^ am'F announced- it America to Ju- Forward, Loyalites! PROSTITA » .11 P-a* Spuria. _ - ^The^edHZ£ *with ** SrX against the common * 5 W wasparticularly Amen-TLX which the Jugoslav. hour of their mo- . .decision; it is America to ho^ful^the (ail them. Tto Jugoslav/ proved to the world that they are a united peo-1 that they value their freedom ¡J »re willing to fight for it ?ieirs was a hard decision, but ilv are facing the stark reality heroically! The number of victims Of affression all around them did not »often their spirit. Today the entire world is admiring valiant stand. their Today thousands upon thousands of Jugoslavs , are going through the horrors of an invasion by modern warfare. Cities are being destroyed, families driven from their homes and men, women and children killed. But no matter what happens to Jugoslavia now, they are confident that this is an unavoidable temporary ipferno, thp prize which they must pay for their eventual 'freedom. As for us here in America it must be clear to everyone that we must tUnd behind our people across the tea They will need the help and encouragement which it is our duty -to extend to them. America has promised them airplanes and other sorely needed implements of war. But it will be up to us to send them additional aid in various forms. To efficiently administer this aid there is no doubt that there will be local relief committees operating through a central committee which will see to it that the relief is speedily delivered and properly distributed. For this purpose our fraternal and other central organizations would constitute the best representation of the various Jugoslav peoples in this country. , . L , ~~ f , I. ! It is hard to understand, however, how some of our people still persist in failing to sec any,difference whatever between a Nazi and an Allied victory. To them it is one •nd the same thing, But in order to cover their true desires, they occasionally say that they would like to see Hitler's downfall. . It is this «ort of muddled "arguing" that plays directly into Hitler's hands . . CLEVELAND, O.—This week we bow our heads in memory of John Rusnov who was killed by a truck on March 24. 1941. The Loyalites have been extremely fortunate in that in their fifteen years of existence, this is the first time a member has passed away. Loyalites Frank Cheligoy, Justin Pirnst, Tony Adams, Peg Yakos. Gus Peterlin-ker, and Tony Fortuna acted as pallbearers. Zora Cheligoy acted as the representative of the Loyalite girls; Tony Kastlic carried the lodge flag, and President Frank <$regocic made a very touching euology at the cemetery. The Loyalites wish to extend most sincere sympathy to the members of the bereaved family. John shall be long remembered by the Loyalites who were his friends. Our Easter Dance Flash! We're sending out a last reminder to all of you. Don't forget to attend the Loyalite Easter Dance on Sunday, April 13. Girard, Detroit, Barberton, Universal, Pittsburgh, and all the rest of you. We'll be looking for you, and we're promising all of you a darn good time. As we advertised before, the dance starts promptly at 7 p. m. We want all of you to get your money's worth of the "bestest time ever" by coming early.—Frank Yankbvich and his musicians will swing it for the dancers. By all indications there should be a record crowd present. Marty Paul is going right to town on his ticket-selling campaign. Up-to-date he's already sold 50 tickets. Nice going, Marty. All roads, streets, and what have you will lead to the Loyalite Dance on Easter Sunday and we know there'll be a big time for everyone there that night. Saturday nite, April 12, a group of Loyalites will be headed for Girard and the Golden Eagle's Draft Dance. They are the first to sponsor a dance right in tune with the present. And we're counting on the Golden Eagles to absolutely guarantee a good time for every body. We hear that a group of De troiters will also be Girard-bound Saturday. By the way, Detroiters, don't forget it's the Loyalite Easter dance on your way home Sunday nite. We intend to kidnap some of Little Fort Newt (Continued from pay* <) - AH those members of Little Fort *ho wiah to participate in these plans are urged to communicate immediately with Mis. Frances Belski J our Secretary, Mrs. Christine Stritar. Eastar Concsrt The annual Easter Concert, pre jmted by the Choral Society of the .¿0Vi!m' Nationa' Hall, will be one of me best ever presented by the group. The.musical program will be filled ! £ S1(Tn,> and English numbers, a short operetta as the feature. The Concert will be given or ^ v Unday' Apri) 13- at th* Slo rational Hall. See your ticket 'he time of the program. Addenda Edith Dobniliar was elected V*e- ttnidem at the last meeting Murd Peklay * now al hJc .tm S .V vThc "Jo,,y Juveniles" JJJd the YMCA last Friday . . . ten *un on thc moderniza- •C.n n: ,.mam ,toPt of th* Wau-ria ;r,h Co-operative »rrr w,thin a »h°rt » * * the model store in this dis ACRES," Lodge 568. J*Prej', Concert and -uP*retta on April 13 D*™OIT. MICH.—The Singing t» X 1 " ?nc,'rt -n opcret- ><<** « m 7 *,Udt nl'" - Uv*]Y ™ « W 'n lhrw> on East- ^dV&V3' at 3 p - UI* II r UwrB* Avenue. "Hgh- ■■ J™ » »his " " il and enjoysble vening of enter- r,(1 fun The |f'"th »,y the Li! ">ake )t mi put ALlot ■Atn*«, Wmw •foiti A* utu-* *rv.«d «mí arni *k<> le h energetic members well worth attending Sunday's R--1 'V thi The r,f"«hmenta will Women*» Club of operetta will no % «««k,' Vrr^be and ao will th,? * whlch he asion. Alao. good r,»v id sant Valley Hall on April 12 ' DANCE COMMITTEE, Lodge 41. VERONA, PA.—April 2« is the date for all our good friends to come out and spend an enjoyoble evening with the Veronians at their Athletic Club Dance sponsored for the benefit of the softball team, Smiling Joe Koracin and his Slovene Aces will provide the music for the evening (heard on WHJB each Wednesday at 2:15). Also, good refreshments will be obtainable, On April 1st, the Veronian girls Journeyed to Pittsburgh to have some fun together. The evening started off with a movie and the next stop wus a hotel for some appetizers, and from there to Tito's Club in Oakland where steak dinners and dancing topped off the evening's fun. After the floor show everyone was ready for the bus trip homp. i Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zolet. the proud parents of twin girls. Csn we expect two new juvenile members? Any Veronian planning on the trip to Detroit to attend the Nationa) SNPJ Tournament will pleas«* get in contact with Larry Caasol. A group of Veronians is planning to attend—why not you? Thanks to Kumer for the announcement of our dance. Two nearby events in Msy which the Veronians will attend are the Comet Dance on the 10th, and the Morning Star Dance on the 17th. _ Rudy Stanik has been called to serve Uncle Ssm, and a few more Veronians will toe leaving soon. We are looking forward to our bowling banquet. Noticed a few if our soft-ball players getting in trim —Members, don't forget to attend our next meeting. « " JOSEPHINE BURSIC, JUSTINE KRULC, 680. CHICAGO—There is a good report coming out of South Chicago inaofar as the Sentinels are con* cerned. The last meeting had its best turnout in recent months. Not only that, there was some fun and entertainment after the meeting. It just goes to prove the Sentinels can occaaionally give themselves a good meeting. We aeem to have started on the right path—we ought to con<-tinue. About twenty-seven members, in* eluding juveniles, were present. And, true to their promises, each brought a gift. After the aoasion games were played until all gifts were distributed. One gift, Bro. Malnarich's, waa retained for anoth er more auspicious occasion. While the lodge is grateful to the members bringing the gifts, we feel there is still room for our other members to join into our activities. The next meeting is on April 21. Sister Frances Kosic is authorized to-eeloct assistants and plan anothcr i»>si-meeting social. At the meeting the Sentinels approved combining with lodge 400 for the purpose of electing a convention delegates. More details of this matter will be discussed at our next meeting. The Chicago District Federation of SNPJ lodges goes busily on in its preparations for the official SNPJ Day celebration. In oil these early plans three South Chicago lodges are taking an active part. iwOdges 5. 400 and 610 are jointly promoting interests on behalf of the SNPJ Day affair. In order to put across a really effective and well patronized affair tin' Federation ia giving all thought to publicity, program and thqpc nee easary details to complete a well rounded program. The South Chi cago lodges will assist in lining up contributors for the SNPJ Day Souvenir booklet. Also, facilities to transport South Chicago members to the picnic grounds are being studied. There shall be more published in regard to the SNPJ Duy nffnir. The new Chevrolet car that will be given uway that duy is one of the big things of the celebration. The three duys' affair is carded for Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 1. The Sunday picnic and program is oxpecUnJ to draw up wards of 5,000 members and friends i ALL THAT SORT OF THINO There was cheering in the Sentinel camp when it was announced that Capt. Emil Kuhel's Sentinels cami' in second in the recent Pioneer In vitational tournament. The team included Emil Kuhel,^ Ladi Kuhel, Steve Mulnurich Jr., Mlrko Kuhel und Louis Kosele. Emll's two games in the 200 pins' brackets put the team 'way up in the ratings. Stevo's 188 game proved quite valuable, too. . . . The girls' team included An-geiine Kuhel, Zora Yurkas, Ruth Krause, Anne Kuhel and Helen Mi lanovich. Those girls didn't come through In the prize winning col* umn, yet the Sentinels feel proud of their work* ' Joe Spelich ia the first Sentinel to hsve been drafted 4ntq Uncle Sam's military forces. Steve'Malna-m li Jr. has his paperx already on file with the draft board Little Josnne Kuhel was in the limelight in the entertainment world recently, She made her debut as a dancer in the Park Field House presentation. A week later she gave a piano recital at the Plaisance Hotel . . , Emil Kuhel was the winner In tne $3 meeting award drawing ... A few of the Sentinels are talking of SNPJ Lodge 581 Dance Slated for April 19 ST. MAHYS. PA.—SNPJ lodge Mil will bold their first dance this Spring at the foa Skating Rink Hall, in reor of Public Sehool. Ber wind Park. one of the largest halla in this aet-tmn of the State. Sstur-day, April If, featuring the ever* popular frank flebernlek's orehes-tra of Yukoo. hesrd »ver mmny radio statkms cpgularly. Gnod refrssh-manu will be servrd and an elabórate pjogiam has b**n arranged by the oommitles Widespresd in teres t ta already ahown and delegations from maiby U»was and cita*« are < xpct led in al teod We eordailly invite all memheri of lodge« and fiiends from far and neer. The ad> mise ion m 40 cents (ineluding tas) per peraoti GABRIEL J. UUON, feey going to Detroit for the tournament. . Riu Go re nee was complimented on the excellent dinner he served for the Federation delegates last Thursday. Carl Bozlch has already disposed of two books for the Chevrolet car. and he took three more. Richard Kuhel took one himself. Msny more of the Sentinels should take books. .'Lodge 490 is having Its card and bunco party on April 27. The Sentinels should bear the date .in mind and attend 490 s first affair in many months . . . Barberton's am-baaaadorettes Olga, Mary and Ndle were a welcome trio at the Pioneers' recent tournament ,. Peter Sopcic is another one to be missed as he leaves for Uncle Sam's army this week . . . The Pioneers have the "go" spirit as they continue to grow in membership. Many lodges could achieve a greater membership if they strive as do the Pioneers . Sentinels will be with the Budgers on the 18th . . . G'wan. be a sport, Bear up under the Easter bun nets' invasion . . So long, until uguin ... LOUIS KOSELE, 610. Young Americans DETROIT. MICH.—The Young American monthly meeting will be held kt the SND. 17113 John R., Sunday. April 13, at 10 a. m. sharp. This being our last meeting before the 8th National SNPJ Bowling tournament on May 2. 3 and 4, it ia your duty to attend. There are many important things to he discussed and therefore I urge ull members to be present. All > (hose wishing to bowl In the tournament and have not notified Spnrta Committee Chairman Joseph Golla, can do so at the meeting. Even though you do not bowl in the Slovene-Croatian League, you can •till participate In the tourney for it is open to all SNPJ members. Be sure .and let Brothel QoUl know if you intend to bowl before the deadline which is April 14. Remember, the new shares for the SND are now on »ale ul $20 share and can lie purchased from any member on the salea committee. Now Is the time to show your interest in wanting u new home here by buying shares—NOW. appeal to all Young American members and the Slovenes of De truit to buy at leaat one share so wlthiu the very near future we will be able to start building that new home so long needed in Do troit. As soon as all the new shares are snld a new SND will got under wmy. bont wait any lonfcer, btiy your shure» now I There is dancing each Saturday and Sunday at the SND, so why not come and enjoy yourself at the SND and be among our Slovene people. The baliua courts are now open and in between dances you can play balina. The deadline for ull entries for the 8th Nutionai SNPJ Bowling tournament here In Detroit on May 2, 3 and 4 is APRIL 14, Be sure your entries are in by thon. Attend the meeting Sunduy, April 13, at 10 a. m, sharp. Get your new members! AL PETERNKL, Lodge 584 They Knew Granny; "'You girls are so useless nowadays. I don't believe you know even what ncedlea are for," Flapper: "What a dear old granny you are! Why, they are to make the gramophone play, of course." Off the President's Bat ——__ By J. r. rifell. Lodge §66 CLEVELAND.—Comrade Bowl- transpm lution ers' Dai ice last Saturday, while not our usual success, turned out a little on the credit side of the ledger. The usual gang of dependables were on hand, however, . members who had not been at our previous affairs and />n whom we counted to show up. failed up. Andy Sila from thc Struglgera was here and tliero advertising their Iteadpln tournament. Mickey Cesen and her shadow Pauline Suhadolmk were seen enjoying themaelves Milan Medvesek stopped in with the good news that his dad is slowly on the way to recovery. The loyalites were represented by Frankie Yan-kovic and his boya, who played in rare form, also Lady Ceftnsky, minues his side kick Azman, stationed at Columbus pending word from Uncle Sam aa lo ins nest stripping point. All in all, Pauline and Frank Spik, A linns Veher, her dad. Marie Zak. Smole, Ed Grum. Stefanlc sisters, brother Kd. the Korens. Be* IJans, Popotnlk sisters their dad and his friend. Joe PrijatelJ. Pauline •nd Frank Roas, Vie ami Jack Ve-bar, Mr. Tavrar, Secretary of the National Home, Yankie and hts boys, performed their job well. Thanka, gang mmm mm -- Don't forget to/attend the Ath let« League meeting. Vntuy, April II, at the Waterloo Horn*. All rep. resentstive« should lie piipsred to dtacuas the Detroit tournament, and room reservation. Also hsve a list of workers uvuiiable fur the May 17th dance On the agenda we'll have the question as to whether or not • baseball league should be sponsored. How about getting a gronp and travel lo the Golden E«gl<- affair in Girard, Saturday, April 12? Loyalites Easter Sunday dance ahould hi' the gathering place of SNPJ'ers on April 13 From what I hear • packed house Is expected The girls will nnl bowl on Easter Sunday but will conclude theii highly successful aeason on April 20 Comrade» No 3 team Is Still in the lead Paced by Pauline Splk's third game of 222. for a aeries that waa cloae to high three, Ihey copped two games last Sunday. April 20 will the last chance to see the girl« in action, I .el's have a crowd In attendance, The month* do toll «{pund Nest Tuesday will be the monthly meeting, an IMPORTANT one Ws hope for better attendance than evidenced the previous few months We say (he meeting will be Important. first to discuss the membership campaign, *4 keep pace with the Tribune in this respect, f' e To anyone Interested: there Is an ...ii>l< entitled "Americana All" in ths Travel magazine fur March, '41. It la faintly remlniaeent of the kind of work Adamic has been propagandizing. except that the emphasis is not on the later immigranta. SNPJ Lodge 631 Orders Novak's Dictionary CHICAGO—Among Ute contributions and pout orders i have received laal week for the publication of Novaks English-Sloven» Die* liona i y there was also a check of 63 61 from the Integrity l/idgc 631 SNPJ foi s copy of the book If this fine eaample of understanding and helpfulnesa will be followed by the rsat of the lodges of SNPJ and other similar organisations of ours, there Is no doubt that the msnusrript of Novak's dictionary msy tie able to gn lo press in two months from now, MKS AGNES NOVAK. 2*16 N Clark St Chicago, Illinois. r S.N.P.J. Sports 8th National SNPJ Bowling Tournament CHICAGO—An unusual amount of interest ft being shown by the SNPJ lodges in the National SNPJ Bowling tournament to be held in Detroit, May 1 3 and 4. Cleveland, Penn and the Midwest have set up committee» to arrange for special excursion rale*. All member« interested should contact them as soon as poasible. , Cleveland The Cleveland group need 25 passenger« or more to get the «pecial rate of 34.00 round trip. All members in Cleveland Interested in going lo Detroit «hould avail themselves of this special rate. Thus« planning on going by train should contact Marie Stefanic, George Cur-da. or Joe Fifolt The train will leave Cleveland Sat., April 3. at 7:45 a m. arriving at Detroit at 10 35 a. m., and leaving Detroit, Subday, May 4, at 10 p. m. arriving in Cleveland at 1:15 a. m Monday. If 100 paasangers are secured arrangement 1 will be made by the committee to get a special coach. Petoasyfvenie * Pennsylvania for the first time is taking a great interest in this year's National SNPJ Bowling tournament, which is unusual since their game of bowling is different from tenpins. The duckpin pin«ten are determined to show the ten pin keglcrs how the game should be bowlod. They have set up a committee to arrsnge transportation to Detroit. A «pecial rate of $8.85 for the round trip can be «ecured if 25 paasangers make the trip. The train will leave Pittsburgh on Friday. May 2. at 11:30 p. m. and- will arrive ill Detroit at 7:25 a. m. Saturday. The return trip can be made any time within 20 days. The train leaves Detroit at 13:^5 p. m., 5:25 p. m.. and 12:01 a. m. All those going should send check or money order for $10.05 (regular fare) to cither Larry Cassol, Penn St.. Verona. Pa., or Michail Kumer, Universal, Pa. Should the 25 paasangers be secured the difference will be refunded. ' Midwest All midwest bowlers are invited to go to Detroit with the Pioneers who are leaving Chicago, rriday. May 2, at 11:55 The return trip from Detroit can be made on two different trains, one leaving in the afternoon and one at midnight. The round trip fare Is only $8.30. Waukegan lodges haVe already reserved 3ft scats If more are Interested, they should contact Sylvia Kirn. In Milwaukee. Utose interested in going should contact either Leo Schwclger or Marko Shappek. In Chicago, mak* your reservs-tions by calling D J. Ixjtrich at Lawndalc 2344. Let's make the Midwest Special a reality by having at least 100 passenger«. Privileges for any of the above three excur«ions are not limited to bowlers alone; all SNPJ members and friends are invited, Tournorncnf With prospect of this year's tournament being the largest, all lodges are uiged to «end in their entries at the earliest opportunity. Let's forget our old custom of sending the entiles after the deadline date, which in this instance la April 14. The Detroit committee is planning on publishing the complete list of trams and howlers and the bowling «chedule in their program book and in Prosveta This will only be possible if the lodges will aee that their entries are wnt in prior to the deadline date Lodges are urged to aend in entries a« soon a» tea nut are formed and not wait until the lust day lodges which did not receive entry blank« ot those that need more of them, are urged to wMte Tournament Treaauier. Al Maccani. 7182 1 " -aea—n Mackenzie, Detroit. Mich. Western lodges planning to bid for ^he 1042 tournament should do so by presenting their bid to the Sec y of the Athletic Board by April 14. The Athletic Board at their meeting in Detroit will determine which lodge or lodges are to conduct the tournament In 1042. Important factors in making their decision will be the number of alleys available, the number of teams entered by lodge Interested in the 1041 tournament and the activities of the lodge in the present membership campaign. Softball All lodges planning cm having softbail teams this year are urged to notify their District Athletic Board member so that the Board at their meeting In Detroit can determine how much money will be allotted to softbail teams from the athletic fund. Also, sll lodges that plan u> compete for the National Softball championship must notify their District Athletic Board member by April 30, 1041. At this meeting definite plans will be made in regard to the playoffs. Last year there were four district winners in Strabane for the finals, two from Penn, one from the Detrolt-Cleve-lund District end one from the Midwest. Railroad transportation will be paid for the four district winners to Chicsgo to the finals. Golf Tournament? Athletic goard members should all he notified of the members' interest In golf; If enough interest Is shown a National SNPJ Golf Tounamcnt will be held in. Chicago In connection with the National SNPJ Day during the Labor day week end. To date, the Universal Comets, Detroit Young Americans. Little Fort of Waukegan, Milwaukee Badgers and Pioneers have signified their intention of compete-ing in such a tournament. AH oth-i Interested should contact their Board members. FINAL: Get your bowling tourna-ment entries in at the earlteat pot-Bible date. Deadline—April 14. FRANK GR08ER, Secy. SNPJ Athletic Board. Attention, Struggler Lodge Bowlers! CLEVELAND. —All Struggler bowlers going to Detroit must pay for their bowling by Sunday, April 13. «All entry blanks and money must be sent in by that date. Entry without payment will not be considered. Bowling fees will be $1.25 per person for each eveht. Anyone wishing to go can mske reservation and payment at my home. Also, If anyone has no way of going to Detroit let me know and arrangement will be made If at all possible. FRANK J. KOSS. Sec'y 814. National SNPJ Pin Tourney Facts Tha Ith annual National SNPJ Howling tournament will be held May S 3 4 In Detroit. Mirh.. at the Palmer Park Reetreturn Woodward and Hi« Mile R, with 3d howling Ian«-» al oui disposal The bowling danco will take placr May 3 at the UAW Hall. 51 Sproat St, featuiins Ftankle Yankovich and hi* orchestra of Clevriand Tha main liewdquaiters will be thr SND at 17153 John H Htinet I Tha doodlina for all entries la Morula) April 14. All entiy blanks, ptoprrly filled, must tie irnl U> Tourney Treasurer Allied Mat-earn at 71 S3 Mark en* tr Detroit, Mich . not l«ter Utan April 7 idea for Uie Supreme Office to issue a statement In this regard by explaining what the law requires and the different ways we can help our old members and the moot essential thing, the cost to our members if we do establish a fund for old age. Brother Klarlc of Lodge 170 suggests that we should change the name of SNPJ to American Slovene Society which is a good name. All members should discuss and consider thia question. Brother Prislan of Lodge 27 suggests that we change our by-laws to elect only one delegate for every 500 members. If this Is done we will have to change our ways at the convention, because by the time we elect our convention committee, there wouldn't be many delegates left on the floor to discuss the problems of the SNPJ. I think our present system Is all right with the exception v,pf giving our larger lodge« their just representation of one delegate for 100 members and one for every additional 150. Convention Thoughts. At our next convention we should add to our present Supreme Board an English Speaking Lodge Director who would also have charge of the juveniles. His work could also Include, promoting membership campaigns, athletics and various other problems arising. Old Timer, ANDREW GRUM, JR., Lodge 584. Last Year s Tournay The 7th annual Nst'l SNPJ How I mg tournament was held May 3 4 S in Waukegan III . when II five-per* son teams 133 double* awl Ml s»n S le« entered This year's entry is en|*eeted It» surpaa* U»e numhei whtth appneffd o*tnbrrm, at Waukegan. ^»»hUikt Highlights DETROIT. MICH—After wit* nessing the large crowd at the John R. SND la«t Saturday night, with Frankie Yankovich furnishing the muaic, wr are more than convinced that a new home is greatly needed in Detroit. The concert and operetta given by the Singing Society Svoboda proved to be a great success. May we thsnk Frankle Yankovich for bringing his two nieces to sing with his orchestra. Union activiUes at the Ford Muter company. A strike has been called at the River Rouge plant. Recently an SNPJ member, who had been fired three times from the Ford Co. for union activities, was again called hack to work^after being off for six weeks. During this time he worked for another company on defense work, under better conditions and more money, and he hated to go back to the Ford plant but in order to keep the union and its members on the legal side, he could do nothing else. In the issue of the March 28 Pro-sveta. several Slovene article« were omitted and waiting for their turn. As this is convention year why not have our official organ increaaed one or two pages. We know that many more articles will be coming in from now until September. Taffy Domovina's orchestra of Harberton„ Ohio, will |jlay at the Omlia Cafe on Sunday. June I. at 3 p. m. I agree with Slater Mary Udovtch of Lodge 102 and her suggestion In the Prosveta of March 12. In regard to having more democratic ways st our convention She su gests that some women should be I fleeted to the Supreme Board It 1» surr that our women did a lot in «he paat 30 year« to help build our Society Even today we con i our Engliah Speaking girl members working very hard tor the SNPJ For e«ample the Roaaa sis tors. Julia flogatay and many oth ers are helping to make it a better ami bigger organisation Many articles srr being crowded m to our Pt ««veto's Slovene see-«»i«m in rygard to helping our old b> giving them ..Id «gr it .»ould be a good Badgerland News MILWAUKEE^ WIS.—On Saturday, April 10, the Badgers are celebrating their 15th anniversary with big danoe at the K. P. Hall, So. 20th and W. National. All members and friends are cordially invited to attend. Good music will provide the tunes for dancing and good refreshments will be served. As we understand It now, the Pioneers are sending up five man teams to challenge the unconquerable Badgers for a match game. Bring the best you have, boys. Our teams for the National SNPJ Pin toUVnament are practically all lined up, and we will be well represented. Just keep an eye on the Badgers, and If you can't see us— well, I guess you'll certainly be able to hear us. At sny rate we want to be kept in mind, because we want to be your hosts for the 1042 tournament! Now that I've built up our group, I think that we should be bawled out a bit. Why? Well, it seems that we have forgotten that there is a Membership Campaign in progress. So how about it, folks, let's get going and tplk It up a bit. We can never haVe too many members, you know, and we all enjoy meeting new people. Not only that, but tell 'em all just whst fraternalism does for one. To relate now just what the SNPJ offers would only be repetition of what we sll know. So let's get out and hustle! What do you say? The Juvenile All Star Chorus Concert will take place on Saturday, April 28, at the Harmony Hall. Those of you who attended last year's concert know what a swell entertaining program you «aw. Well, I can only tell you that this year's program is going to be much better; 'n fact, it's Uic I tetter of the brat. Matt Sinole is on the sick list. Matt is a member of SNPJ lodge 18 and Is a very active worker with our Juvenile Circle. We wish to express our sincere sympathy to.the Evanich and Ver-bick famille« on their recent bereavement. EYES L EARS, Lodge 584. Flashes ICwIIniwI from ^ s| Gage Ave., Lyons, 111. Jimmy Ruby's well known bsnd which has performed for the Pioneers on many occasions, will play. Ernest Dre-shar will pass out the complimentary tickets lo all who inquire.— John OUp and his wife postcsrded from Hot Springs, Arkansas, where they enjoyed the early spring sunshine for a week —Elaine Turpln and her mother ChrtsMne. have spent a week in Hot Springs, also — Mary (Oroser) Hougen has stopped in Chicago for a short vocation. Her husband Rtohard is with her. We had a sort of a reunion.—You should remember to tune in on Station WHIP every Sunday at 4 SO p. m. and hear Norman Thomas on the problems of the day. The Jugoslavs were attacked by the horrible war machine of Uie Germans as many had expected The standard of living of the Jugoalavs is low enough in normal times with-out this catastrophe making it lower. While we cannot say that the Jugoslavs went into the war to defend democracy, still, most of us feel for them because of the courage they i * «»eased in doing so agaiqst such great odds For many years, we have known that there was very little democracy in Jugoslavia Censorship was strong Many American publications which told the truth about economics and political slhgnmenU were bar ted from Jugoslavia. Still, the world «tood up and took notice ot their bravery and In their dark hours wilt stand beside them • DONALD J LOTRICH, 550 Official Proceedings SNPJ FINANCE COMMITTEE Meeting of Feb. 12 Meeting was called to order at 0 a. m. at the Society's headquarters. Present were officers Cainkar, Lot-rich. Ollp. Petrovich and Vider; absent. Vogrich, because of illness, and Zupan, due to work. - Minutes of previous meeting approved. Chairman Petrovich checked the Pasco county (Fla.) bonds, which Moody's service recommended for sale in 1030 at 73 but which we retained and are now selling around 100; this saved the Society a considerable sum of money. Interest Is current, deferred interest Is payable at maturity or when called, tax collections are good. The Sump-ter county (Fla.) bonds quoted In 1038 as low as 88 and also recommended by Moody's for sale at that time, will be called about July 1st at par plus interest. Our judgment in both cases was good in retaining the bonds. Report accepted. He prepared report for Supreme board meeting. Unanimously agreed to put the amount of nearly $90,000 of the refunded State of Arkansas bonds back into the new bonds. Sec'y Vider reports receipt of letter from Sygan (Pa.) Slovene home regarding appraisal and amortization plan to which they object for loan but to date he received no reply to his letter. The property on which we have Loan 35-A has been very Irregular with payments on the mortgage; original mortgage was $2700; paid only $300 on principal In ten years. Only minor children are in the family. He has instructed them that the property be re-appraised. Concurred. Property with loan 123 was sold on contract to former owners who are not fulfilling conditions of contract, taxes have not been paid for three years. He has notified them that they must pay up their taxes or forfeit the eontract. Report Is filed. He had reserved $25,000 Chicago Park District bonds through the Harris and Savings Bank and needs a confirmation for the purchase today. The bonds would be 2%% to yield 2.15. Unanimously approved. We have $100,000 to invest. The mortgaget°#tio has loan 08-A asked lot an extension and Is prepared to pay interest at the rate of 5% and $150 annually on principal; balance Is $1700: Granted unanimously. Letter from the management of the Racine Hotel Co. shows a much healthier situation, extensive improvements were made and paid for from ciXTrent income. Notice of the annuel meeting was also submitted tfrtd' the present management entrusted with our proxies. i Phillp H. Heller's bills for work In connection with the Westchester bonds amounting to $150 and Frlschkorn Realty Corporation amounting to $171 were checked. The charges wertf deemed high and criticised but flnttlly approved for payment. • Afternoon session began at 1 p. m: Zupan is present. Investments. Unanimously approved that $25.000 he placed in Buffalo Sewer Authority—2.80 bonds. 1080-83 maturity, to yield 2.55 and rated A, Channer Securities to be given the order. $25,000 ordered placed In East Chicago, Indiana. Water Works 2Vfc bonds. 1082 maturity, to yield 2.50 and rated A, through M. B. Vick and Co. By unanimous consent $50,000 was ordered placed In U. S. treasury, and 2 V«* bond« to yield 1.82 and I.05 respectively, with respective maturities of 1955-53 and 1958-54. The matter of FHA loans was taken up. Petrovich reads report for the Supreme board which was accepted. - It was decided that the Committee shall have one report on the conduct of the business for the 12th convenUon. Meeting adjourned at 5 p. m. Maft Petrovich, Chairman-. FA Vider, Secretary Donald J. Lotrich. Record Sec'y. Spirit-o-Grams By WHoorit ST LOUIS. MO.—The regular monthly meeting will be held April II. at Concordia Hall, 13th and Araenal, at 8 p. m. Members are urged to attend because some very Important discussion« will take place. We are glad to hear that Bro John Spiller will preside. A group of Spirits are planning to attend Uie April 13 celebration given by Lodge 230 In Granite City, III., at Brincicl Hall, 14th and Madiaon All those attending will have an opportunity to meet our Supreme Pre« V. Cainkar and our Supreme Sec'y Fred Voider. Also Uie latest SNPJ filma of Jugoslavia will be shown. You may get tickets either at the April II meeting or by calling Hud-■on 2050 Tranaportation to this affair is very convenient The Granite City Street cars that paaa In front of the HaU. leave the local Terminal at 12th St every 15 minutes, and you get there in 30 minute« Let s bring a large crowd to Granite City on April IJ I hope the members did not for- get about bringing new members into the organization. At the next meeting we will greet a eouple of new members, so let's have a large attedance and welcome them into our organisation. I'm sure there are many persons who would be glad to join our organization only jf one of" our members would talk to them, and explain the benefit they would get from joining the lodge. Let's all do our part. THIS AND THAT: Bros. Stanley Shobcr has reported sick again. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. Sis. Julia Cepak and Bro. A. Hervatin are off the sick list which is good news to everyone. Sis. Mildred Hervatin has a new position with the Wolff's Clothiers, and is very much satisfied with her new job. " Bowlers are still going strong. High singles for the week are, Tony Sveglich 204 and Mitze Svegllch 107. Good luck to all the bowlers. The Spirits will close their bowling season AprU 30. We hope to see more articles from Jane FradeL I know the readers really enjoy her articles. Detroit Spotlight DETROIT, MICH.—O n 1 y t h r e e more weeks before our members everywhere will be leaving on that early morn via the train, bus and automobile bound for DetrolL Young Americans and Wolverines will welcome all bowlers and SNPJ members most cordially and we'll do all we can to make things very pleasant for you. We're looking forward to every bowler, old and young, to come to Detroit oil May 2, 3 and 4 for the Nat'l SNPJ tourney. All Indications up to date show that this will be the largest tournament ever held. Juvenile Spirits Circle 29 of Detroit Is progressing along at a high rate of speed. Members are certainly Interested In their work and are to be complimented as all credit and success Is due them. Every juvenile is in the Circle to stay in to cooperate with everyone and to make our circle one of the best. At the March meeting officers were chosen to take over for three months; this gives all members a chance to try, and later a good president and officers can be reelected. Our past officers have done very fine work and are to be congratulated. May our new ones do as well. Already members are busy selling tickets for the drawing which will be held May 24 at the SND. We're asking each and everyone to buy tickets from any juvenile member selling them, as you will be helping to make our circle grow and prosper. I Notice to all juvenile members of Detroit! We are planning to hold a Circle Skating Party at the Madison Gardens. We would very much like to have your names if you're planning to attend. If we have a group, tickets will be bought and will cost each member 20c. All juveniles must wear their SNPJ emblems. Many of the members do not know each other and this way you can meet all of the boys and girls of our circle. A cordial invitation is extended especially to Y. A. and Wolverine members to attend the skating party. The date will be set at our April 27 meeting at the SND. Refreshments * were served after the meeting, and we wish to express our «inccre thank« to Mrs. Korun for donating the cakes. Later, pictures were taken and a very enjoyable time was had by all. A very fine program is in store for all juveniles on April 27. The boys and girls are working hard and know we'll give an afternoon full of the best entertainment possible. Everyone is invited to listen in. Members, come to the meeting snd be happy and gay with the rest. Pickups: That Wolverine gang will be on their way again, on Easter, too. Girard. here we come! Y. A's will be that way, too. Lone Ranger says. "Hi-ho, on to Barber-ton!" Oh. Nellc and Mary you'll be seeing that man again. L Mary Poklar: I've received your card, and read you articles. I'm certainly glad to know you're interested in a Nat'l Circle Day and will answer soon. Can't tell I may be down to talk the matter with you on your meeting date. Congratulations! Waukegan rates Congrats on the fine work they have done in the past, and success to all of your activities in the future. Hats off to the Waukegan Jolly Juvenilea! Let us hear from you. Another circle, this time in Warren. O. Here's hoping all members In that vicinity attend your meetings. May you be successful In your undertaking. To Oh: Now you can do IL round up all thoee kiddies and get that circle sailing. We're ready to give you s helping hand and success is bound to be spelled In that Ohio circle What do you say. Oh and Nelle? Dorothy and Rose, the two Slovene sweethearts, took the Detroit people by surprise. Their beautiful singing IS one which everyone loves to hear The girls made a smash hit w|th the people In Detroit We're going to send in cards to WGAR to have Ute girls on the program more often. Frankle Jankovich and boys more popular each time they play in Detroit All of the Cleveland folks are welcome to our dty st any time, i especially Dorothy snd Rr*e WEDNESDAY 1 Aid Bill Was Important Factor In Jugoslavia's Decision, Says Adai® The following is an address delivered by Louu Adam at the dinner of the Common Council for Amen^^uJJ at Hotel Astor, New York, on April 3, 1941: In recent weeks, two countries— one large, the other small, but both great in the instinctive values of their peoples—have made their democratic decisions. \ Here, in America, in compliance with the majority will of the country, the Congress passed and the President signed Bill 1778, and, with few exceptions, we Americans now are once more moved by a dear and deep purpose. In Jugoslavia, the people suddenly experienced their greatest moment and said. "Nothing Doing!" if I may translate their revolutionary mood and act into a good American phrase. These two events arc locked in close kinship. The passage of *Bill 1778 was an immense factor In what happened In Jugoslavia. The manner in which the Jugoslav people asserted themselves is an inspiration and great help to us here. I happen to be an American who was born in Jugoslavia, and as such I feel a specially keen satisfaction in these two developments. I think that this is true now of nap$t Americans of Jugoslav derivation. We believe that we had a hand in what occurred in the Balkans this past week. We sent hundreds of cables to Jugoslavia, urging resistance. Some of these cables were published over there because they came from America and because it is-a rare family in Jugoslavia that hasn't someone In the United States, and we think that that played a role in the Jugoslav drama, which unquestionably Is eg great importance to the United sJles from the point of view of her difficult position in the whirl of this general human upheaval. We sent our cables because we are Americans and because we are of Jugoslav birth or descent. I know that when I filed my cables, my primary thought was this country. It seemed urgent to me, from the American angle, that Jugoslavia should stand up just then. At the same time, I found it close to Intolerable to think that the Jugoslav people would go into bondage without a battle. I believe this was true of most Jugoslav Americans who cabled these past weeks. Our American and our old-country motives met and worked together, and In this we were typical of new Americans of other strains. A writer recently pointed out that William Knudsen's attitude toward the European events crystallzed when his native Denmark was invaded, and that that was a factor in his eagerness to serve the United States In his present capacity. In Sidney Hlllman Is the traditional passion for freedom he brought here in his immigrant baggage. Clarence Dykstra, who administered the draft, has in him the heritage of the Hollanders who came here eighty-odd years ago socking religious freedom. Recall the stirring appeal that Wendell Willkie addressed to the people of Germany a« an American of German parentage. Behind him is the tradition of 1848. Probably no man has a more dynamic interest in democracy than Fiorello La Guardia, a leader in our current cooperation with Canada. In him boils a mingling of the spirit, ideas and propulsions of Mazzei. Jefferson, Mazzini, Lincoln and Garibaldi. And what is true of these important men is true of many immigrant« and their American-born children who function in more humble ways. There are efforts, organized and individual, on the part of Czech. Polish, Hollander and German and Italian Americans snd refugees to cooperste with the pro-democratic forces in the land« now In the grip of tyranny. And many of these people, including the newest immigrants, are finding their places in our armed forces. In the last issue of Common Ground we have the personal story and statement of a young man who feels a special satisfsction in «erving now in the new American Army because he is an immigrant from Oermany. The loyalty to the United States of most of the foreign-born, including the aliens, is almost beyond adequate statement. The majority of them, like the majority of their American-born children, are passionately in line with thia country's recent decision and this not only becauae they are Americana, but also—and in many cases particularly —bcckuse they or their parents were born in certain foreign countries In the Old World: In Norway. Sweden. Holland. Denmark. Belgium. France. Britain. Bohemia. Slovakia. Ger- Circle 22 of Midway. Pa., is in the race of our Circles and seems to be among Ute top-notch winners We'd very much like to hear from you. The best of hick _ To all bowlers We welcome you to Detroit on May 1 2 and 4. OLGA MARIE KNAPICH. 877, many gary Syria, I k study ' Italy. Pound Hi. Rumania. Greece. ¿¿J Armenia, or Jug0«Uvu know this from very „ This country is beginning to I «re clearly than ever befo^J diversity of ,t* ^¿J of its greatest advanta«J now In this emergency ZT, long run. I am eager that^ advantage should be exploited t used to the full, now and later It is noteworthy, I think thi two of Uie most heterog^Ji countries in Uie world, the Uniu States and Jugoslavia, have w ^ moment of crisis begun to «¿ul the most dynamic and effect unity. more this one both the Slovene Center Social Club's 5th Birthday CHICAGO.-The Slovene Centa Social Club will observe iu 5th an niversary on Saturday 9Venu April 28, with a domača zabava, the Slovene Center, 2301 S. Lawn dale Ave. Admission is free ai refreshments Only a nickel. Got music will play for dancing, a members and friends are cordial invited to attend. During the past few years ther has been a growing demand thj more of these socials be held, an the executive board has respond« by scheduling two other social»,« on Sept. 27 and the other on Nov. lj both to be held at the Center. Al these Saturday night socials are i be known as ''nickel nights," for al refreshments will go at a nickel there is no admission charge, an there will be good music for dane ing. Those of you who have not i yet renewed your membership, wil have an opportunity to do so. Mem bership is only $1 per year and «t titles you to all the privileges a the club including free admissia to these three socials with thei nickel night advantage Rcnei your membership, and bring a that prospective member. In tlx spring and summer you can enjoj a tussle at balina with your Jrienck the balina alleys are being im proved at present and will be read) soon. , FRANK SODNIK, Sec'y. Give Easter Concert at SND Sunday, Apr. 13 WAUKEGAN, ILL.—The Slove« National Choral Society invites ai lovers of music to attend their sev enth annual Easter Concert Sunday April 13, in the SND at 3 p. m. Tha year's Concert will vary quite a M from the concerts presented in tha past years. Several numbers will Is sung by the entire chorus. Ths newly organized men's ensembk will also render a few songs. The highlight of the program will be the operetta, "Little Red Ridug Hood," which will bo presented i* the women of the chorus. The story Of "Little Red Riding Hood" ha* «4 been changed, but a Slovene atmosphere ha« been added. The okfcr women will be seen working, while the children will be playing Wrtn this background, the women wiH sing the following songs: "Slovenska deklica." "Tam gori za naio vasjo, "Pastirc pa pase ovce tri" and 0j. lepo je res na deželi." \ The advance admission i* only » Following the concert a dance will be held. Everyone is cordially invited. LILLIAN PpTOCHNIK Sa Then It Started Spinster: "You src the most da-%usting drunk I've ever wen." ^ Drunk: "Lady, you're the homeliest woman I've ever seen ^i«* other thing: tomorrow I'll be v»wr. but you—Wow. wow'" Notice of Death Following a heart attack al * homo In Staunton. IllirwU- ANTON JERMAN passed away March » wastha husband oiJ^J^ Josephine JackUch 1S* December tMk. " was the father of Andy Charles. Oe~ee. W^JTS Christine and ^ was laa Staunton M«mar»-Cemetery. Card of Thai*^ We wish to *» é »hanks «« aU ter »M m-J ^ ktod»*~ during ^¿^Va and death of **** Anthony T.uxel w. «^d se~»' floral tributes snd sympathy Mrs- Antheor T,ttM ✓