URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE ®sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER, 1981 VOLUME 53 ST -3 7. HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY Branch 47, GARFIELD HGTS.,OHIO Organized June 17, 1931 Anniversary Celebration, September 10, 1981 Bringing memories and interesting speculation on the occasion that prompted this wonderful picture, we present the officers and members of Br. 47 as they were in 1931. In the front row we can identify the following: beginning second from left, Jennie Pugelj, Recording Secretary, Antonia Dolinar, Treasurer, Mary C. Bates, Vice-President, Louise Zidanic, President, Rev. John J. Oman, Spiritual Advisor, Founder, Marie Prisland, Helen Tomazic, Secretary and Organizer, Ida Brozic, Frances Bricel and Valentina Bizjak, Auditors. They are before the Slovenian National Home in Newburgh. The branch won first place in the membership campaign that year with Mrs. Tomazic herself enrolling 104 members in less than one month. CALENDAR I SEPT 13 14, Euclid, CARD PARTY 23, Ely, MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION SEPT 20 47, Garfield Hgts., 50th ANNIVERSARY SEPT 27 1, Sheboygan, WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION SEPT 27 OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, S.N.D. Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH OCT 10 100, Fontana, CALIFORNIA— WASHINGTON —OREGON STATE CONVENTION OCT 11 50, Cleveland, 50th ANNIVERSARY OCT 31 103, Washington, D.C., DINNER—DANCE NOV 22 MEMORIAL MASS FOR ALBINA NOVAK, St. Vitus Church, Cleveland, Oh, 10:30 a.m. ZARJA - THE DA WN CONGRATULATIONS 35TH MUSICAL ANNIVERSARY! On Sunday, Sept. 27th, Roman Possedi, well-known midwest musician and band leader will hold a 35th anniversary Grand Reunion Polka Party at the Condessa Del Mar Supper Club, 12200 South Cicero Ave., Alsip, 111. Father Perkovich and the Joe Cvek Orchestra from Minnesota will be on hand for the Polka Mass at 10:30 a.m. A Prime Rib Dinner will be served at noon and a musical afternoon is scheduled until 5:00 p.m. Tickets for the dinner, music and beverages will be $18.00 per person. The 35th anniversary party will present an array of out-of-town and local polka musicians who will hold a super jam session at 3 p.m. followed by a button-box jam session at 4 p.m. Roman Possedi played for the SWU Heritage Festivals in Joliet and everyone in attendance can attest to the excellence of his orchestra, and the friendly personality that accompanies him wherever he goes. Roman started to play the button-box accordian at age 7 and by his teens switched to the piano accordian. At the age of 15, he started a two-piece band which later grew in number, and he played at weddings, dances and taverns. While in military service, for 4 years, Roman kept his accordian with him and entertained in Phoenix, Arizona and Fairbanks, Alaska meeting many Slovenes in both cities. Roman’s parents are both Slovenian. His dad was born in the town of Izakovei near Murska Sobota, close to the Hungarian border. His mother was born of immigrant parents; hs grandmother came from near Celje and his grandfather from Ljutomer. The parents NO. 9 (ISSN 0044-1848) SEPTEMBER, 1981 VOLUME 53 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne Številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00— naročnina $10.00 lemo za ne-člane. For Social Members, .65 per month — za drutabni članice. 65 mesečno. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 4M, No. Chicago St., Joliet, //. 60432 Telephone (SIS) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, II. AH communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. r mesecu. Editor, COKINNELESKOVAR Editorial Office, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, II. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-667') HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN SEPT National Officer: Sept. 1 — Barbara Rosandich, Nat’l Auditor, Ely, MN Presidents Sept. 5 — Ann Kapel, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Sept. 7 — Freda Michelitch, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. Sept. 14 — Mary Ann Samuelson, Br. 89, Oglesby, IL Sept. 17 — Stavia Dobersek, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wl Sept. 24 — Mildred Lipnos, Br. 42, Maple Hgts, OH Secretaries Sept. 2 — Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, OH Sept. 10 — Mary Oezman, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wl Sept. 16 — Mary Satkovich, Br. 97, Universal, PA Sept. 19 — Louise Puchreiter, Br. 83, Crosby, MN Sept. 22 — Rosemary Mlakar, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Sept. 25 — Wanita Helmer, Br. 24, LaSalle, IL Sept. 26 — Josephine Turk, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Sept. 28 — Patricia Emerson, Br. 105, Detroit, Ml Sept. 30 — Minka Chrnart, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, PA MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! operated a delicatessen across the street from St. Stephen’s Church in Chicago from 1937-72, until his mother, Eva, passed away. Roman’s father, still lives in Chicago and has reached the young age of 78. He undoubtedly will be extremely proud of his talented musician son on the occasion of Roman’s 35th anniversary. Roman is a member of Br. 20, Joliet, II. /T.NDEPENDENT ^PAVINGS 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731- 8865 920 E. 185th. Cleveland, Ohio44119 486- 4100 A DREAM COMING TRUE The dream we had in 1979 of a lasting memorial to the Slovenian Miner and Laborer is quickly becoming reality. On the weekend of April 24-25, 1 traveled to the Iron Range of Minnesota to meet with the local committee consisting of John Primozich, Victoria Bobence, Anthony Gornick, Rudy Gazvoda, John Skull, Barbara Rosandich, Veda Ponikvar and Anna Hodnik. Also present at the meeting was Mr. Joseph Engles, Director of the Iron Range Interpretative Center located in Chisholm. It was decided at that meeting to pursue the Slovenian Miner’s Project and that the site of the memorial would be at the Interpretative Center in Chisholm. We now have the task of determining what type of memorial to erect. We are still hoping to have the project completed by 1982. This project will be a unified effort of all willing Slovenian organizations and individuals who desire to spell out more clearly the contributions of our Slovenian people in the area of mining and labor. This first meeting lg was most successful with the response and thoughts of committee members most gratifying. I really enjoyed my short stay on the range and had the chance to visit many of the local communities, receiving gracious hospitality. The people of the Range have been blessed with some beautiful country. If you have a chance, be sure to visit the Interpretative Center. It is truly an enjoyable and educational experience and as Slovenians, we will be a big part of its future growth and success. Who said dreams don’t come true? Sincerely, Fr. David Stalzer Co-Ordinating Chairman Slovenian Miners Project iron range interpretative c VPDA TE: Since the initial meeting in Minnesota, Fr. David has had encouraging response from the Slovenian Fraternal Societies of the United States which are favorably supporting the Memorial. Currently, project designer, Lillian Brule, internationally known artist-sculptress, is in Minnesota meeting with Mr. Engels at the Interpretative Center and others who will be involved with us. The decision will then be made as to the form the Memorial will take, and this, indeed, is the major step in the whole process. Indeed, the “dream” is coming true! Editor PRESIDENT'S MESS A GE As the heat of the summer abates, we feel more refreshed and anxious for the beautiful weather of the fall season. Our Conference was enjoyed very much by those who attended. The group from Minnesota, numbering 32 can vouch for it’s success. I was disappointed in the poor showing of membership; perhaps they don’t feel as I do about strength in numbers. Father Athanasius, our able Spiritual Director, opened the Saturday Conference with a short talk, which was followed by a very invigorating question and answer session. It was so interesting, Father had to call a halt so that we could hear from Michael Morison, our young seminarian, son of Branch No. 2’s Fran and husband Percy, who are very active supporters of the SWU; his talk was on prayer and he was able to answer many queries directed to him. Bishop Aloysius Ambrožič arrived in time to have supper with us and made all feel at ease with his easy repartee. Candelite procession to the grotto of Our Lady followed Mass in the chapel. It was very impressive, seeing all the candles twinkling in the darkness. Litany to the Blessed Mother and singing closed the day. This is always a solemn occasion. Because of the inclement weather, Sunday’s Mass was in the chapel with the Bishop as celebrant and homilist. His talk was most inspired and enjoyed by all in attendance. Dinner was followed by our second conference, lead by Bishop Ambrožič. This one proved even more interesting and many questions were directed and answered in kind. There was much humor and lively rapport throughout. I’m sure that all present received some satisfaction as a result of this program. Our accommodations were excellent and the meals superb, thanks to our hosts, the Franciscan Fathers in Lemont. We had the assistance of Branch 2, 16, 20 and 95 at various times during the weekend. Corinne Leskovar, Editor and Jean Zubek, secretary of Br. 2 worked tirelessly from the beginning to the end getting things in order. My sincere thanks. On Monday we and the Minnesota ladies were joined for breakfast at “The Sanctuary,” a quaint restaurant in Plainfield that was converted from a church, by officers and members of Branch No. 20. Then, Corinne, Jean and I took the group on an all-day tour of Chicago, ending with dinner on the southside as members of Branch 16 and 95 joined us. We visited St. George and St. Stephen’s churches, Lake Shore Drive along the Lakefront, Watertower Place, Sears Tower and the Museum of Science and Industry, to name a few spots of interest. We enjoyed it as much as the Minnesota ladies did and hope they will come again, so we may show them more. The two southside branches were responsible for the success of our excellent dinner, Ann Lustig of Br. 16 having made reservations at the Golden Shell. In June, National Secretary, Olga Ancel; Editor, Corinne Leskovar and I had an opportunity to go the State Capitol in Springfield to meet with the Deputy Director of the Illinois Insurance Department. At that time, we inquired about a possible change in the term of office for our Board of Directors. We had for many years hoped to change the 3 year term to 4 years, thereby making it possible to have our conventions every 4 years as do many fraternal organizations. To our happy surprise, the Director was able to suggest a way this could be achieved and subsequently, the law was amended to allow our organization as a burial society to elect on the basis of four year terms. This ruling has already taken effect in the Illinois Insurance Code and we are now able to apply it to our next convention. Our lawyer has been in communication with us in this regard and feels it is a timely decision which does not have to wait for the decision of the convention body. The Board is empowered by the present by-laws to act on matters pertaining to the betterment of the organization which we feel this is. Because the last convention voted to pay 3 per diems plus travel expenses to all delegates the cost will be tremendous and by utilizing the new law immediately, and postponing the next convention from 1982 to 1983, we can be more prepared. A four year interval will also give the hostess branch more time to plan. All the branches will be notified on the decision and have a chance to discuss it and understand it. Because Chisholm, Minnesota is the hostess branch for the next convention, I was happy to be in touch with their president, Frances Samsa, and receive her reply that Br. 38 is willing to postpone their plans for the following year of 1983. We thank them for this courtesy and great amount of understanding which will help us to present the idea to all the members in due course. While our Minnesota ladies were here in Lemont for the Conference, I was happy to meet with the various branch officers and members of Br. 38 to explain the change more thoroughly and was pleased at their expression of good will. Congratulations to Branch No. 47on their 50th year of togetherness. I wish you many more years of progress. All of the best to Birthday and Anniversary celebrants. May God grant you health and happiness. Have you visited or sent a card to an ailing friend member? You could bring them much joy. We pray that our deceased are in God’s care. May God Walk With You. Mary Muller CAMPAIGN EXTENDED TO 1983! CHISHOLM BOUND CAMPAIGN - 2 month report! (April 1 to June 1) A total of 37 members were enrolled during the first two months of the campaign. Branch No. 50 of Cleveland added ten new members to their membership roster. The top individual worker thus far is Elizabeth Henricy of South Chicago’s branch No. 16 with four new members. Following close behind with three new members each arc: Dorothy Brezonik of Sheboygan, WI branch 1, Pauline Klemens of Cleveland, Ohio branch 50 and Helen Golich of South Chicago, IL branch 95. Keep up the pood work! Olga Ancel, Secretary Being together..... July 18 and 19 are history; as is the Slovenian Women’s Union planned two days of prayer and reflection. All who were present were pleased and expressed their opinion and wishes for the future. Listening to the participants of our congress, they were glad they came. Here are a few thoughts expressed during those two days: “The whole world is in a turmoil, therefore it is good that we come together to reflect on our lives; what can we do to bring peace of mind and stability wherever we are.” — “It is necessary that we listen to each other — what happened in our public and private discussions — and so encourage each other.” “We can do a lot of good and people expect a lot from us, because we call ourselves Christian women; the time has come when we have to show the world around us with deeds, that we are Christians.” — “It was refreshing to go away from home and be with the members of our own organizaiton; we not only started to know each other better, but we felt that we belong together.” — “Much good was said in Lemont, but now it is up to me to spread the seed of good will in my own branch.” These are only a few remarks regarding our two days in Lemont. Just the fact that something was planned and put into action is good. A group, an organization that does not grow inwardly is slowly dying. If there was a time when we needed good Christian women in our homes and in public life, it is today. For our organization to be strong it is necessary for the members to cultivate the spiritual side and not look so much at the obstacles. The field is wide open to us, there is much work to be done and this work is entrusted to each one of us. Working and praying together always brings good fruit; no wonder that there came a Thank you card from the Duluth branch to Lemont with the remark: “I know we will all be better people for going there.” 3rd ANNIVERSARY MEMORIAL This month, on the 13th of September, we remember with sadness the death of our beloved Founder, Marie Prisland. May God give her eternal rewards for her selfless work among us. We continue to offer our heartfelt prayers. SUMMER BUSY FOR ALL! This has been a busy summer, with abundant outdoor activities of all the lodges across the country. Topping all, of course, was the Christian Women’s Spiritual Conference in Lemont. What a wonderful way to gather together in prayer! For those who could attend, it was truly an experience, and to those who couldn’t were happy to hear all about it. The women in the Cleveland area have been very fortunate to have had the pleasure of meeting our President Mary Muller, who attended the Cotillion Ball, Plus other affairs in the past few months. They were equally happy to have to have met Hermine Dicke, of Scholarship, and Pots & Pans, who was here on business. This will surely boost the interest of women, as they are Perfect examples of Leadership. And, we are especially proud because they do represent our “Slovenian Women’s Union.” ALBINA VEH LEIN Director, Women’s Activities I was one of the fortunate ones who attended the first Christian Women’s Conference held in Lemont, 111., in July. About 32 women from Minnesota chartered a bus. We had such a great time traveling to and from Lemont. Everyone was so agreeable which made it all the more pleasant. Our State President, Tory Bobence, did a super job in planning the trip. It was a lot of work for her and I want her to know that we appreciate her efforts. I had always wanted to go to Lemont because one of my elderly aunts from Sheboygan, Wis. had gone many times and I heard about it from her. Our Nat’l President Mary Muller and ZARJA editor Corinne Leskovar really put themselves out for all of us. I was so happy that I had this opportunity to get to know them better. Our spiritual Advisor Rev. Athanisius Lovrenčič greeted us each day with the most charming smile. That smile set the tone for the whole day. Included in the trip was a visit to the Home Office in Joliet. It was good to see the progress in our heritage center. One of the very special highlights for me personally was getting a chance to meet Kathy Nusko and her family at the picnic. Kathy is one of my junior members who has been contributing articles to ZARJA. What a lovely girl she is and I heard glowing reports about her fine family. I want to thank Jean Zubek from Br. No. 2, Chicago for arranging this meeting with Kathy. I could go on and on about the events of that weekend but I’m sure others will be reporting more of the details and accomplishments of the conference. I came back to Minnesota spiritually and physically refreshed. I firmly believe that our organization is going to need more of this type of get togethers so that we can all get to know each other better and discuss our common problems. Conferences like these will help us build a better and stronger Slovenian Women’s Union. September is here and we will be resuming our meetings and other activites for the year. Please make a special effort to enroll more junior members include them in some of your meetings. Recognize them in special articles for the junior section of ZARJA. Some of you are just writing them up in your reports. 1 think it would be more effective if it is done separately. It takes little more time but I’m sure it will be time well spent. I would again like to ask that you try to appoint someone who would be the youth chairman for your branch. I feel that this is the only way that we can deal with our juniors fairly and effectively. When someone is put in charge of something they naturally will start thinking about what they can do about it. Each branch has different circumstances so that what may work for one branch in the city may not be effective in a small town branch. Please give it a try. ANNAL. HODNIK Thank you, Bishop A mbrožič! The eloquence and thoughtfulness of Bishop Aloysius Ambrozic’s talks at the Conference were very much appreciated by all those present. We thank him and hope that there will be more opportunities in the future for our members to learn and perceive the will of God in our everyday living as described by His Excellency, Bishop Ambrožič. We hope God gives him continued good health and happiness that he may continue to serve as a leader of the Catholic church in North A merica. NEW ILLINOIS INSURANCE STATUTE WILL HELP OUR SOCIETY OPERATION Through a series of fortunate moves and contacts, the Slovenian Women’s Union was able to have the Illinois Insurance stature amended which stipulates the term of office for our Board of Directors from three to four years. This change was made possible through the cooperation of legislators in the Illinois General Assembly, namely, State Senator John D’Arco, chairman of the Insurance Committee of the Senate, also Senators Leroy Lemke and George Sangemeister. The approval of the Insurance Department was granted to this proposed change and in July, 1981, it was passed by both Houses as an amendment to House Bill 1073. As now stated, the law allows us as a burial society to hold elections every four years, which by reason of the fact that elections are held at National Conventions, now allows us to change the sequence of conventions to every four years instead of three. For many, many years, this change was desired by the Board of Directors and on numerous occasions requested. It was a happy time, indeed, when we found that we would succeed this time. Accordingly, the Board of Directors, which is in unanimous agreement will circulate a Resolution to this effect to every State Convention in 1981, advising that the next convention will be postponed until 1983, in accordance with the new statute. We can take advantage of this law immediately, and it is desireable that we do in order to begin a better sequence of conventions in the future. In this yar 1983 we will then meet in Chisholm, Minnesota, our hostess branch which has consented to the change with gracious agreement. In 1983, therefore, we shall be better prepared financially to undertake the cost of the convention which will be subject to the payment of per diems to each delegate plus travel expenses. This decision was made at the 1979 National Convention in Duluth, and subsequently in Duluth, and subsequently confirmed by the Board of Directors at the annual meeting. Also, by 1983, the Slovenian Immigrant Minor Memorial to be erected under the joint auspices of the Slovenian fraternal societies with members in Minnesota, will be finished and ready for dedication at that time. All the preliminary arrangements and membership campaign will be continuing under the new schedule. Debutante Joyce Zabukovec Joyce is the only child of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zabukovec. Her contributions to the S.W.U. have been great. She was a performer with the Euclid Twirlettes during her teen years and later became a baton instructor. She helped and attended every function sponsored by her branch No. 14. She was awarded a S.W.U. Scholarship grant in 1978 and now attends Bowling Green University studying to become a medical technologist. Her activities are sports of all kinds. The S.W.U. was proud to present Joyce as their Deb in 1981. Debutante Michelle Salay Michelle Salay, one of our 1981 beautiful Cleveland Debutantes, is one of four daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salay. She attends Villa Angela Academy. Her goal in life is to become a good secretary. Bowling, softball, Exercises, Ceramics and Sewing are the things she likes to join in. The Salay family was all in attendance at the Cotillion Ball on April 4th. They were especially happy to be hostesses for the visit of our National President, Mary Muller of Chicago who is a relative. Thank you, Michelle for being one of our Debs. rln Memoriam \ V BLAG SPOMIN ? 1 — Agnes Knaus 10 — Jennie Gorišek member 52 years 106 years old Josephine Obserstar Jennie Zagorc 14 — Mary Zgonc -50 yr member 16 — Steffenee Sheehy Charter member br. 72 21 — Josephine Blazic 25 — Anna Hočevar 26 — Mary Hudak -53 yr member Charter member br. 26 28 — Mary Palosaari 32 — Frances Gerjevich Mary Weber 33 — Rose Louise App 37 — Frances Udovich 38 — Julia Grahek 39 — Frances Ahcin 41 — Mary Novak 43 — Jennie Desnikar 47 —■ Mary Kresevic Jennie Segulin 56 — Mary Gruden 63 — Ellen G. Nortnik 67 — Ivanka Tonija 68 — Angela Lunka Godec Charter and branch’s first secretary 71 — Mary Elizabeth Koval 86 — Elizabeth Zakrajšek 92 — Frances Saya 94 — Theresa Rochus TWO LOVELY DEBS OUR FOUR 1981 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS REPLY Our four 1981 scholarship winners express their ethnic association and appreciation through essays entitled “What the Slovenian Women’s Union Means to me”. Three are lifetime members while the fourth has been a member for 12 years. We extend our warmest Congratulations to: Susan Terselic of Rockville, Md., of Branch No. 103; Mary Renee Vertacic of Sheboygan, Wis., of Branch No. 1; Douglas Walsh of Greendale, Wis., of Branch No. 43 and Dennis Piechowski of Raymond, Minn., of Branch No. 23. With best wishes, Respectfully submitted, Hermine Dicke, chm., Scholarship Committee What the Slovenian Women’s Union Means To Me ❖♦H Since 1 was a child, I have been able to experience the many facets of the Slovenian culture, especially those customs and festivities prominent during holiday seasons. Not a Christmas or Easter has passed in my eighteen years without tempting aromas coming from my grandma’s kitchen. Among the goodies, I have always found potica. From the time 1 was old enough to realize what Christmas and Easter preparations meant, I anxiously awaited the time to “help grandma” make potica and listen to stories of her childhood. 1 have grown. Christmas and Easter preparations have taken a different perspective and their meaning has grown deeper. 1 will still visit grandma when she makes potica. Today, with patient help, 1 “learn the tricks of the trade.” Covered with Hour from head to toe and suffering from aching arms (it’s tough rolling potica dough) the finished product is ready to be taken out of the oven. For some reason, my potica is never quite as good as grandma’s. The Slovenian Women’s Union is like the example of grandma and me. Just as she helps me to learn how the best potica in the world is made, members of the SWU help each other to keep memories alive, preserving the Slovenian culture. At the same time, the progressive organization recognizes the needs of the future which need to be met. The annual scholarships awarded to young women of the organization and which I have been so honored to receive, are a fine example the SWU concern for a fuutre of educated women. I am proud to be a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch 1, Sheboygan, Wl. The late Mrs. Marie Prisland of Sheboygan was the Founder and Honorary President of the Slovenian Women’s Union. She set out to unite Slovenians, helping the culture to remain strong. Her daughters, Mrs. Margaret Fischer, Branch 1 secretary, and Mrs. Hermine Dicke, Scholarship Committee Chairman are both notably active in SWU. The example set by mothers and daughters of the SWU should be recognized by mothers and daughters everywhere. Thanks mom, grandma and members of the Slovenian Women’s Union for the knowledge and example you have set and your loving support and encouragement. Mary Renee Vertacic ❖❖❖ The Slovenian Women’s Union means a lot to me and my heritage. For one thing it makes my Slovenian heritage stand out more for me. Where 1 live, there are no other Slovenian families around, and me, being part Slovenian, gives me something to be proud of and share with the other people of my town. A special benefit of the Slovenian Women’s Union has been their concern for education. Today, education is an important part in our society. I feel that this is an ex- cellent club trying to help the younger people with their education and future plans. 1 consider it a great honor to accept this award from such an involved organization in our education. This fall I plan to attend the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota to major in Business Education. Your scholarship award will be of great help to me in my college studies. Thank you very much. Dennis V. Piechowski Box 29, Raymond, Minnesota 56282 There are three words which, 1 think, describe my feelings about the Slovenian Women’s Union: growth, encouragement, and identity. As a child, I grew up with the Union. Memories of playing “Lepa si, Lepa si, roža Marija” at countless Mother’s Day celebrations on the piano, learning “Oče Naš” with the other children, and making handicrafts with Grandma and Mom at the monthly meetings bring smiles to my face. The encouragement I received when 1 seriously began Slovenian language lessons was abundant and touching. At each meeting the ladies tested me on my increasing vocabulary. The Slovenian Women’s Union also gives me a sense of identity that is very important to me. When 1 visited Slovenia last August and again this May I felt a strong bond between the members who 1 know here in Washington, myself, and those Slovenes who 1 had contact with in the “domovina”. Thank you, SWU, for helping me to grow, developing my character, and reinforcing the pride that 1 have of being an American Slovenian. SUSAN TERSELIC The Slovenian Woman’s Union means very much to me. 1 am very fortunate to have been associated with the Slovenian Woman’s Union all my life. My grandmother and mother have been very active in our lodge, Branch No. 43 of Milwaukee. I’ve enjoyed the many functions that we attended throughout the years. 1 am pleased that a group that is dedicated to preserving our cultural heritage also concerns itself with the youth of their organization. 1 am extremely proud to have been chosen a recipient of the worthy Slovenian Woman’s Union scholarship. It gives me a real feeling of accomplishment, opportunity and thankfulness. As 1 prepare for my university studies, this scholarship will help me attain my lengthy educational goals. 1 wish to express my sincere gratitude and deepest appreciation to all the members of the Slovenian Woman’s Union who have made this Scholarship possible. This is an honor 1 will always remember. Gratefully, Douglas Walsh inn ki ki im WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION SEPT. 27TH AT SHEBOYGAN NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WI Hello! Just a reminder of our coming events. Our annual card party will be held September 14, in the Church Hall at 7:30 p.m. There will be refreshments and door prizes. Do try and come. The Wisconsin State Convention with registration at 8:15 a.m. and the annual meeting at 9:15 a.m. will be held in our city on September 29th. We cordially invite all members to attend. We regret the loss of Agnes Knaus who was most interested in the S.W.U. Scholarships for the young. Her generosity to the Scholarship Fund was most appreciated. Our deep sympathy to her husband, Anton, and the family. Also our belated condolences to Mrs. Johanna Mohar and her family upon death of her son, Robert. It is another anniversary of your passing away, dear Mother and Dad. You arc sadly missed by Hermine, Ted and I. May your soul and all departed members rest in Peace. Our meeting will be held September 15th at 7:30 p.m. We would be most happy to see you present. Get well wishes to all the sick and shut-ins. MARGARET FISCHER lector for the past five years. Naomi is called upon to narrate concerts and programs associated with the church and “Slovenska Pesem” chorus of which she and members of her family are active members. Naomi has cultivated a sincere interest in her Slovenian heritage. She was a member of the Slovenian American Radio Club folkdancers since 1975, along with her brother, Dale, and the two of them joined the group of American students who went to Celovec for the study program in 1979. With her dancing abilities, she also won a dancing role in the festival scene of Arther Penn’s movie, FOUR FRIENDS, filmed this past summer in Chicago. She has enjoyed researching her family’s “roots” since she had the opportunity of visiting her dad’s ancestral village “TRINKO VAS” which is located a few miles from the Slovenian border north of Gorica. Besides dancing, music and foreign languages, Naomi enjoys theatre and radio work. During her years at Loyola University where she majored in psychology and mass media communication, she performed as news director and anchor for the university daily newscasts over WLUM, FM. She made the Dean’s list for her excellent scholarship. We thought you would enjoy hearing about one of our members who has now begun an interesting career. We wish her the best. Rose Zielinski’s report on her recent visit to Br. 45 in Portland, Oregon was grand to hear. She had dinner with the president, Mary Roso and 10 of the members. Wilma Franciskovich, their secretary, was in the hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Violet was busy with a spaghetti dinner and we hope it was a success. Let’s hear from you in Portland! Write in ZARJA! Ladies, do come to the meeting and hope to get some more news for the next issue. Remember your out of town friends like to know how you’re doing as do all our other members. See you on Sept. 10th. ANN SCIEZKA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI June being a warmer month helped bring more of our membership out. We had a very good attendance. Frances Plesko led us in Slovenian prayer to start the meeting. All officers were present and all gave satisfactory reports. The picnic for junior members was our main topic of discussion and plans were completed. Mary Kiel reported hiring a bus for the State NO. 2, CHICAGO.IL The leisure summer days are over so it’s back to business. Our meeting will be Sept. 10th at 7:30 p.m. at St. Stephen’s lower hall. We hope to have a good turn out since we have a busy session ahead. The Illinois-Indiana State Convention will be held here on Oct. 4th. Br. 2 will host the day’s events. The day will start with the Holy Mass at 10:00 a.m. following by the meeting and dinner will be served at 1:00 in the gym hall. Cakes and prizes are needed. Our Christian Women’s Conference in Lemont was a beautiful and special occasion. It was nice to see such a lovely group from Minnesota. Moderator of the first conference was our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič. The main celebrant, homilist and speaker at the second conference was the Bishop of Toronto, Most Rev. Aloysius Ambrožič. On our sick list are the following members: Josephine Dolinar in a nursing home called Oak Ridge Convalescent Home. Barbara Frank, the mother of Rose Garcia, is also ill and Joseph Gregorich, the husband of our member, Mary; John Simec, husband of Angela is also reported ill. Christine Pirman had a stay at the MacNeal Hospital as did Patricia Zubek due to a sudden illness. Let’s remember them all in our prayers. Congratulations to Frances Zumer of New Port Richey, Florida who celebrated her Golden Anniversary in August. Lil Putzell celebrated her 35th on Aug. 24th. Congratulations to all. Angela Jeras went to New Jersey to attend her granddaughter’s graduation. She then traveled to Wisconsin to attend the Slovenian reunion in Willard. Margaret Stefanic from Mayslake made a trip to Mackinac Island. Hope all the ladies enjoyed their vacations. Thanks to Steffie Osterman for the nice letter commenting on the articles in ZARJA. The compliment was appreciated. The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. will be the scene of the 10th anniversary of the Slovenian Chapel. Br. 2 members helped a lot in the collection of funds for this chapel. The Washington committee have invited us to attend the celebration on Sept. 11th and 12th and anyone is welcome to go to Washington for these two big days. My apology to Jo Bare and Fran Kuca for omitting them in my last article. They are our members and daughters of our long-time member, Frances Kozelj. Jo is grandmother of the new baby girl welcomed by the family and Fran is the new baby’s aunt. JoLynn Bare is an aunt and Carrie Kuca a cousin. Here’s another one of my series of news about our young members: Scholarship winner of 1976, Naomi Trinko, finished her university studies in 1980 and has moved from Chicago to assume a new position with a radio advertising firm in Minneapolis, Minn. She was a very active girl while here at St. Stephen’s where she has been a member of the parish council and education committee. She also was a ILLINOIS - INDIANA STATE CONVENTION OCTOBER 4,1981, CHICAGO, ILL. Hostess Branch No. 2 Schedule of the day: Holy Mass at St. Stephen’s church, W. 22nd Place & Wolcott, 10:00 a.m. Coffee and rolls served in Lower Hall from 9:00 a.m. Convention Meeting at Church Hall beginning at 11:00 a.m. Dinner at 1:00 p.m. followed by program. All branches of Illinois and Indiana are cordially invited to attend the Regional State Convention which is scheduled annually on the first Sunday in October. This year Branch 2 will be the hostess for the convention on October 4th. Coffee and rolls will be served at 10:00 a.m. in St. Stephen’s Church, West 22nd Place & Wolcott, Chicago. The convention meeting at 11:00 a.m. will be in the Church Hall, followed by a 1:00 p.m. dinner and program. Most branches have already considered their delegates and their proposals. Please have these ready when my forms will be mailed to you with the final details. These convention suggestion sheets should be returned to me prior to the meeting. Do have your delegate make her own copy of notes for her presentation. The Slovenian Women’s Union Christian Conference in Lemont was especially satisfying. As you know, this was not a retreat. All the hard working ladies are especially to be commended for their well organized weekend to allow all of us to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The most Rev. Aloysius Ambrožič, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto, honored the ladies with his charisma and religious philosophical inspirations. Fr. Athanasius Lovrenčič's services added spiritual stimulation during the masses, penetential services and the candlelight rosary and litany which certainly made us feel closer to God. The choirs and music were beautiful and the food superb. For those unable to attend, we wish you were there. Hope all the nice ladies had a good trip home. Wishing everyone good health, especially Mary Vidmar of Ely. Bless you all. Angela Nico, Illinois-Indiana Regional President. Convention in Sheboygan this month. We had no information to report about the dinner there as none was reported as yet, but just about everyone said they would be going. Stavia Dobersek will again be our delegate. Jo Wilhelm and Stavia led the Prayer to conclude the meeting. Our luncheon consisted of cake, strudel, served with ice cream, a treat from °ur birthday girls, Mrs. Pipan, Mrs. Urankar and Sophie Stampfel. We also had wine to start with. Happy Birthday was sung for them and the attendance prize was called as were door prizes donated by Mrs. Pipan, Mrs. Plesko, Mrs. Bizjak, Sophie Stampfel, Evelyn Laurich, Alma Hoelzer, Fanny Seston and of course, Stavia Jo and Mary Starich who always help us with the serving as does Olga Fredericks. No one seemed in a hurry to leave so we played quite a number of sets of our favorite game which also helps to build our social treasury. Thanks to you all for your generosity and help. Pauline Schweigel was reported in lhe hospital as was Bernice Del Boro. Theresa Gmeiner also is on the sick list. Mary Debelak called to ask me to thank everyone who remembered her ar>d visited her during her illness and hospital stay. She really enjoyed all (he visits, cards and attention. She is much better now and will be returning to her home in Lincoln. The Junior picnic was very well-attended and for a change we had a n,ce sunny day which helped make it a more enjoyable day. There were Sames and contests with prizes for the juniors — all seemed to enjoy the lunch, drinks and games. They even joined in with the oldsters for a few games and several were winners there, too. 1 wish to thank all the youngsters, their mothers and grand mothers as well as relatives and friends and especially those who so nicely took over the grill and serving. It’s good to have the generous cooperation of our excellent bakers who always over-supply us with the goodies. Wishes to you all for a very good and healthful late summer. Hope to see you in September. God Bless All. MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA The trip to Reno was once again a huge success due to the efforts of Jo Aiuto, our President. The accomodations at the Motel were superb. If one went on a trip and stayed at the Sierra Motel it would cost double but because we travel with Betty’s Tours we were given delightful rooms costing just a minimal fee. Thanks to Jo and Betty’s Tours. And while on this subject, Betty’s Tours has numerous trips throughout the year to many places of interest, just call Jo and she will put you in touch with a helpful person who will take care of your wants. July 30th was our luncheon at the Bank. Thanks AGAIN to our beloved, ever-ready and working President, Jo Aiuto. This marvelous day proved to be a real success and also always enriches our branch as whatever money is realized is donated back to us by the Bank. Agnes Kamnick has been missed at our meetings and we are so happy to learn our NES1A is doing just fine. It is difficult for Nesia to come to the meetings in the evening as going out a night is dangerous. Our thoughts and love are with you, Nesia, even we don’t see you too often. Katie Radovich has returned from the hospital once again, this time for a fractured knee. Katie you are getting like an old horse falling apart, but just keep that wonderful happy spirit going and nothing will hold you down. Katie is our only charter member and we do miss her delightful company and constant laughter. Get well quickly. Mayme Springer has asked to be remembered to all our sister members. Distance does not allow Mayme to be with us but we are on her mind and prayers always. Thanks, Mayme, for the good wishes. You can be sure we certainly wish all that is good for you. Olga Kastellic asks also to be remembered to all our members, Olga and her husband, Antony, were always such active members of so many of the organizations at Slovenian Hall and ever ready with a helping hand. It is impossible to forget such fine people. Even tho Tony has been gone for a while we think of him often and know the emptiness Olga feels as this was truly a TWOSOME, always working together. We want Olga to know we think of her often and send our very best regards to her. God watch over you and take care, Olga. No meetings were held in July or August so it you know of any news that will interest our members just call me FRAN 824-8204 and we will see that it gets into ZARJA, as our wonderful Magazine is printed each and every month except August. God was asked “Why, when I need you so badly, are you so hard to reach” to which God answered “Why do you only call on me in time of trouble? If you called me each day 1 would recognize you more easily and answer more quickly as 1 would know you better and could take care of your wants more easily.” Why do we only seem to find time for friends when we need them? Let’s make every day FRIEND DAY and let them know we appreciate just having them around. Happiness to all FRAN E. CHIODO, Reporter NO. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, IL Our June meeting was very relaxing after our past two months of parties. Helen Gornick, who was chairlady, gave a very satisfactory report of our annual May party. A note of thanks was read from Zora Yurkus who was honored at the party as Woman of the Year. Particulars were given on a weekend trip to Marquette, Michigan for Baraga Days. The bus will leave from St. Stephen’s Chuch on September 4. Gladys Buck introduced her cousin Maria Kozelj and seven year old daughter Maria who were visitors from Metlika, Slovenia. Young Maria and juvenile member Stephen Schwer, Anna Lustig’s grandson, helped Mary Krznaric set the tables for our refreshments after the meeting. Alvina Sreboth won the sunshine prize and gave it to Maria for being such a good helper. On our sick list in June, cards were signed for Mary Brebrick, Anna Novack, Mary Crnokrak and Julia Vrlich with best wishes for improved health. June and July birthdays were celebrated by Mary Maricich, Ann Ksiazek, Marge Spretnjak, Anna Buck and Marge Prebil. Many happy returns! The evening ended with a slide show of our activities dating back to 1952. They were all happy memories but it was also sad to see many of the members now missing from our ranks. The next day Helen Gornick, Ann Ksiazek, Mary Krznaric, Sylvia Spretnjak and I acted as honorary pall bearers at the funeral of Stephanie Sheehy. Formerly a member of Br. 72, seventy-six year old Steffi was the mother of James Sheehy and Mary De Vries, grandmother of four and great grandmother of three. Funeral services were held at St. John the Apostle MOURN 106 YEAR-OLD MEMBER Johanna (Jennie) Gorišek Born 1875 - Died 1981 Johanna Gorišek, member of Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio, for 52 years, passed away on May 10th, 1981. She born on December 5th, 1875 in the village of Št. Vid, Dolenjsko, Slovenia, emigrated to the United States in 1901 and settled in the Collinwood area of Cleveland, residing there for all the years and on Pepper Ave. for the past 35 years. In 1952 she had a severe disabling stroke. She moved to live with her only child, a son, Louis, who passed away in 1961. Her daughter-in-law, Vivian, cared for her until 1966 when she went to the Castle Nursing Home in Millersburg, Ohio and it was from there that she passed away. Was always proud to say she born on “Miklavšev večer,” the eve of St. Nicholas. She became a member on March 7th, 1929 and was one of the free ladies of 1964. To Alice Struna, Christine Bolden, sisters, she was their “botar’ca”. We escorted her to her resting place with the honorary guard of pallbearers including the Struna girls, Anna Markovich, Antonia Alic and yours truly. Our love and prayers are with her. May she rest in sweet peace. SOPHIE MAGAYNA Church with internment at Mount Olivet cemetery. Vice-president Helen Gornick read the burial rite at the cemetery. Our heartfelt condolences to all the family members. In July some of our members attended the Christian Women’s Conference at Lemont, Illinois. It was a lovely weekend, both spiritually and socially, and we are sorry more of our members were unable to participate. On Monday the largest contingent of members from branches in Minnesota toured Chicago and joined members of Branches No. 2, 16 and 95 at our Golden Shell Restaurant for a farewell dinner on Monday nite. Congratulations to National President Mary Muller and her committee on an inspirational, well planned weekend. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WI Wisconsin State Day is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 27th at Sheboygan, Wisconsin with Br. 1 being the hostess branch. A bus has been chartered by our branch for that day and reservations are being taken now, so kindly contact the president of Br. 17, Marion Marolt, phone 327-3871 or yours truly, 327-1444. More details will be given over the phone as to cost, banquet and time of departure. Get in your reservations today as you will then be able to join our group. We will start the monthly meetings as of Sunday, Sept. 18th at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Baraga Hall, lower level. For admittance, please use the church rear door. Regarding the USPEH annual affair, it will be a repeat of a dinner-dance at the Red Carpet. It is located at the airport of Mitchell Field and will be held on Saturday, Nov. 14th Tickets can be obtained thru the President or Secretary. Please reserve them early for this big event as they are limited. Let’s make it a huge success as in the past year. On Sunday, Oct. 18th, we will hold another Booster Sale Award by giving an Afghan, scale, travel bag, quilt, ladies’ hand-crocheted cape plus 15 beautiful other prizes. The booster sheets were distributed to you. Please remit by Oct. 1st as all proceeds will go into our treasury to help defray the expenses of our branch for the coming year. I wish to thank you all for your cooperation in donating the beautiful prizes.and cooperating in this special project. God bless you all with good health and happiness. Sat. June 27th a surprise party was given by the children of Rose and John Schubert on their 40th wedding anniversary. It was held at the Colony Hall on West Beloit Rd. attended by many relatives and friends. Rose is branch recording secretary for many years. Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes for many more years of happiness and good health to both of you. Best wishes are extended to all the shut-ins and a speedy recovery to all who are ailing. Our prayers for good health and wishes to all members. MARIE FLORYAN, Sec’y NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Water balloons, squirt guns, volleyball, baseball, treasure hunts, many, many prizes, hot dogs with all the trimmings and desserts were on tap for the Junior picnic on Wednesday June 24 at the Ancel’s backyard. It was a most exciting and happy day for 40 juniors and a relaxing time for the mothers and many branch officers. Many thanks to our congenial hosts Olga and Ed Ancel and especially to Marie Ancel and Margaret Dou of Palau Island of Guam, houseguest of the Ancels for organizing the games. Anna Mae Lukančič was nominated as a “Church Giver” a weekly feature of the Joliet Herald News religion page. Anna Mae is a lector at St. Joseph’s Church every weekend. She organized and directs one of the church’s two choirs. The choir sings every Sunday under her direction. There are weekly choir practices and during the holidays extra practices are scheduled. Under her direction, the school children perform during the Christmas season at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago and at special church and school events. She also encourages children who have a singing talent. Anna Mae serves on the Liturgy Committee of the parish and St. Joseph School Board. We are fortunate that this very pleasant, outgoing, cooperative person is our member. She has been invited to sing at many of our events and all enjoy her beautiful renditions. On Sunday July 26, Johanna Krall was specially honored by her 3 daughters, 19 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren as she celebrated her 90th birthday. We are happy to add our congratulations to a lady who is known as an outstanding baker of delicious cookies, strudels and poticas and many times her delicacies graced our desert table. In • 975 she was honored as our “Mother of the Year” and is a member for 53 years. She is a very religious and dedicated person. At the age of 64 she helped organize and is a charter member of St. Joseph Senior Parishioners and was nominated by this group into the • 981 Hall of Fame. She was responsible for preparing the club’s monthly dinners and served as chairlady of the bakery booth for • und-raising events. Johanna was vice-president of St. Genevieve’s Lodge KSKJ for 35 years and President for 6 years, resigning at the age of 81. She was also committee chairperson of sports tournaments and awards banquets for the lodge resigning from this post at age 87. She was also vice president for 30 years of the Altar and Rosary Society retiring at the age of 87. Between the ages of 65 and 75 she found time to be a part-time cook at St. Joseph’s Rectory. May her retirement days be happy and healthy. After extensive auditions our junior member Cathy Goss received a full scholarship from the Joliet Ballet Society and participated in a 2 week work shop at the Evanston School of Ballet and studied with Kirsten Simone, prima ballerina of the Royal Danish Society. We are very happy for you. A surprise party was held on Sunday July 12 at the home of Fred and Dorothy Jursinic in honor of Roman Possedi marking his 35th year as a musician. He was presented with 2 cakes, one shaped as an ac-cordian and the other as a horseshoe, along with a 10 feet scroll signed by his many followers. Roman and his son provided the entertainment. Many guests also contributed to the musical entertainment. Branch 20 takes this opportunity to congratulate Roman on his musical career of 35 years. If you are interested in bowling with our branch on Monday evenings at Rivals Bowl contact our secretary Agnes Lovati at 727-3475. During the 1980-81 Bowling Season the following mother-daughter were registered: Rose Costelli and daughters Virginia, Mary Lou and Carol Kroviak; Ann Sternisha and daughters Ann Mulvey and Pauline Sternisha; Agns Lovati and daughters Judy Kozol and Kathy Lovati. Mother-Daughter bowlers at the Bowling Tournament in April 1981 held in Sheboygan, WI were Betty Fassiotto — daughter Cheryl Kopta; Agnes Verbiscer — daughter Helen Walsh; Rose Costelli — daughters Virginia Kroviak and Carol Kroviak; Ann Sternisha — daughter Pauline Sternisha; Agnes Lovati — daughter Kathy Lovati. On the School Honor Roll are listed Jill Muren who was named to the Spring Semester Honor Roll at Tarkiow College, Tarkiow, Missouri; and Anthony Michelic, son of Mary and Tony Mihelič who placed on the Dean’s list at Butler University, Indianapolis, IN. Our congratulations! We send our Get Well wishes to Bernadine Ukovich and her mother Frances Ukovich, Rose Sekola, Betty Tezak and Frank Sternisha, husband of Ann. Our deepest sympathy to Marie Malnerick and Agnes Troutman on the death of their nephew David Muller. Wedding Congratulations to Olga and Ed Ancel who celebrated their 35th Anniversary on August 24. We thank the following members who contributed bakery to the Christian Women’s Conference held in Lemont, IL on July 18 and 19: Julie Kaluza, Agnes Lovati, Emma Nosse, Mary Marolt, Dorothy Koncar, Mary Anzelc, Carita Girman, Agnes Lodwyck, Olga Ancel and Mildred Pucel. Our Second Annual “Grape Festival” (“Vinska Trgatev”) Dance will be on Saturday, October 10, 1981 at St. Joseph’s Park, Joliet, IL from 8:30 to 12:30 with Roman Possedi Orchestra. Make plans to attend. Bring your family and friends and have the time of your life. To all our students, may your school days be rewarding and happy. See you at the September meeting, Tuesday, the 15th at 7 p.m. and tell us about your summer vacation. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC NO. 21, WEST PARK, IL Greetings from Br. 21. Summer is almost gone and hope you all had nice vacations. My article will be short. No meetings during the summer months. We express our deepest sympathy to the family of Mary and Mollie Sanker upon the loss of their brother, Ralph; also to the family of our departed member, Josephine Blazic. May they rest in peace. On the sick list is Ann Jesenko, hospitalized and recuperating at home. Mary Zaman Csory is in a nursing home. Anyone wishing to drop her a card may send it to Rocky River Manor. We wish them speedy recovery. Congratulations to... Proud grandma, Frances Cimperman, who attended the commencement exercises of her grandson, Ralph J. Cimperman, Jr., who graduated cum laude as a chemical engineer from Virgina Tech. (V.T.I.) in Blacksburg, VA. Granddaughter Ellen Cimpeman was selected as a Governor’s scholar, the only one from her high school of 1200 students, for a five week course at the College of Charleston. Frances also had an enjoyable visit with son, Ralph and family in So. Carolina. Our next meeting is the 2nd Wednesday in September. Please attend. STELLA DANCULL NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL It was a perfect night at our June meeting. The weather was ideal, the attendance good, and our hostesses, Ely is host to Minnesota Day Libby Kinder and Mollie Starasinich were most gracious and hospitable. Mollie McIntyre, vice president, presided over the meeting in the absence of our president, Mary Rittmanic. The letter from Mildred Pucel, vice president of branch 20, was read concerning National Baraga days in Michigan. What a beautiful, worthwhile trip for those who can attend! Libby Kinder donated a tote bag she made which reaped S10.50 for our treasury. The lucky recipient was Helen Sebatiani. Mollie Starasinich presented a “thank you” card for her “Mother of the Year” gift. She also was pleasantly surprised by a letter received from Agnes Galleberg of Duluth, Minnesota, who also shares the same maiden name. They will have to dig into the family tree to check for relationship. Agnes is an interesting person who recently wrote a book called “Daughter of an Outlaw”, which we would all like to read. This is another example of connections through our Zveza magazine. Mary Rittmanic, Toni Legris, and I, Marge Planton, were guests at St. Mary’s Hospital Volunteer Mass and dinner buffet. The Mass was composed by one of the nuns and was most touching. They appreciate all the volunteers and we are grateful that we can help in this worthy cause. Hostesses at our August meeting will be Helen Sebastiani and Josie Zalatel. You all come! Hoping you are enjoying these beautiful summer months. We’ve had more than our share of rain but never has the grass been greener, the trees more abundant with leaves (a lot of raking come fall), nor the flowers more beautiful, especially the roses. Our Lord, the greatest artist among all, has given us a feast for the eyes to behold. God bless you all with joy, health, and safe vacation days. MARGE PLANTON, Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Dear Members and Friends: It is September and I wonder, where did the summer go? I hope you had nice vacations and are ready to resume meetings etc. On May 13th, Br. 25 hosted the Mother-of-the-year party for Frances Macerol. We had a luncheon at Sorn’s Restaurant with a good attendance. It wasn’t the happiest luncheon as we didn’t sing our favorite songs for it was the day our dear Pope John Paul II was shot. We were anxious to get home to hear more news. We are happy to know NO. 23, ELY, MN Summer is slipping by. Here it is already the end of July as I write this and before Sept. 13th, the women of Br. 23 have plenty of work ahead to make it a successful Minnesota Day. Tentatively plans are for a 9:00 a.m. general meeting and 11:30 a.m. mass. The banquet will be at 1:00 p.m. Plenty of surprises will be in store for the women attending, so we are looking forward to seeing all the Minnesota members on Sept. 13th. how well he has recovered. We also had a young guest, Antonia Ribic, a graduate of Villa Angela. She was sent to us by the American Home to do a story on the event. She did a fine job. We wish her success in her future. We have many wedding anniversaries this summer: 60th for Thomas and Margaret Tedesco; 50th for Albert and Julia Giambetro; 46th for Frank and Chris Glavan; 35th for Frank and Josie Godic, Michael and MaryAnn Selan (my daughter), Carl and Mildren Feme (my stepson); 29th for Donald and Nancy Slapnik (our florists). We wish them all many more in health and happiness. Happy birthdays to members who celebrated the past few months and to Mary Braidic who will be 99 on Sept. 15th! She is at Broadfield Manor Nursing Home, County Line and Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, OH 44057. Please drop her a card. She is blind but her daughter will read it to her. We also have about 8 members in Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd; visiting hours are from 2 p.m. Dorothy Sternisa will welcome you and take you on a tour. We also have many members as volunteers there. Hvala vsem. Death was busy also: Ann Hočevar died in May, Loretta Slapnik, (our dear florist), also Josephine Brodnik who was a resident in the Slovene Home for years. James Vovk, brother of our member, Albina Stupar. Lord give them heavenly peace and our condolences to their loved ones. Our three new members are Rose Poprik, John and Cecilia Ker- mavner. John and Cecelia opened up the Special Effects Gallery at 6612 Bliss Ave., tel. 431-1927. They sell pictures, framed, at reasonable prices. When you have to buy a toaster, mixer, etc. for a shower gift, why not visit the Gallery first? I’m In May, approximately 90 ladies honored Molly Zupančič at our Mother’s Day Banquet. Molly led the group in the praying of the Rosary. In attendance were Molly’s daughter and daughter-in-law. A lovely banquet catered by Vertins was enjoyed by all. Our condolences to the families of recently deceased members. Our prayers are with these families. Until September, see you at Minn. Day, Sunday, Sept. 13th. DARLENE NEMANICH, Reporter sure you will get what you will like. They had an exhibit in Baraga Home last April. Call them for an appointment or just visit the Gallery. Our Sec’y-Treas. Cirila Kermavner is John’s mother. Please check your dues books and make sure you are paid for this year is coming to a close. Also, check your beneficiary. A member had her husband as beneficiary and he was dead 12 years. Makes it inconvenient for the family. Do you get your ZARJA at the correct address? Let our secretary, Cirila help you with these things. Our meetings are 1:30 p.m. every second Wednesday of the month. Next evening dues collection will be Oct. 26th at the Social Room at St. Vitus, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. JENNIE FEMC NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Starting on a sad note, we regretfully accepted the resignation of our Recording Secretary, Phyllis D’Amico. She suffered a severe fall in the driveway of her home and since has been forced to curtail many activities. Our prayers are with her for a complete recovery. I, Ester Garbincus, was voted in to replace her for the rest of this year. 1 will do my best to fill her shoes. It’s June and picnic time as I write this report. The ladies complied with a delicious assortment of hot and cold dishes and pastries. Hank Kershman and Chuck Krivec provided us with gay renditions of polkas and waltzes on thier button-box accordians. Again, we called on our friendly bartender, Al Comenshek, to do the honors behind the bar. Thank you all, for giving so generously of your time. The June birthday ladies were serenaded appropriately. Josephine Jevec’s daughter, Janet, became Mrs. James Short on May 16th. May they enjoy many years in their lifetime together. Josephine was going to White Water Rafting with the Milan Racanovic group in July and then off to Alaska in August. How we envy her. Have a great time. Jo! Celebrating their 25th anniversary recently were Mr. & Mrs. Radisek in Slovenia with her mother and relatives. God bless them with many more years. Happy 40th anniversary to Carmen and Carmella Carotenuto. Congratulations! Joanne Weglarz is visiting relatives in Penna this month. Chris Verch became grandmother for the second time. A son was born to Janice and Tony Verch. Michael Joseph will be joining a big brother, Anthony Jr., at home. On a sad note, Anne Urban’s mother passed away in Scotland and Anne attended the funeral. Our deepest sympathy to Anne and Family. Emily Kershman’s mother, Jennie Dobronich was ninety years young on May 10th. God bless her. One of the most beautiful weddings was that of Deborah Petkovič to Robert Gramc. It was held at St. Richard’s church in North Olmsted with the reception at Casa De Borally. Congratulations to the bride and groom. Emily Jelenič won a beautiful rosary at the St. Christine’s Guild party. It was donated by Father Paik, our spiritual director who brought it back from Rome where he was on a 3 month special training program. Josephine and A1 Comenshek celebrated their 40th anniversary on August 30th. Jo is our financial secretary. Congratulations! Long-time member, Mary Webber, passed away in July. Daughters, Elsie Nicholson and Dorothy Linhard were former members of the St. Christine’s Cadets. Mary Zakrajsek’s son, Jim, recently graduated from College, summa cum laude. He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree. Congratulations and good luck, Jim! Theresa (Cvetka) Benedejcic’s son, David, and her two sisters left July 12th for a trip to Slovenia where her parents, Jože and Barbara Golobic celebrated their golden wedding. The Benedejcic’s spent three weeks there. Cvetka and her family recently moved from Euclid to Chardon, where they have a beautiful new home on four acres. What a great Place to raise four young boys. Good luck. We send our best wishes to Christine Cook, daughter of our member, Ann Cooke and grand- daughter of Ann Godlar. Chris married Ronald Brinko on Aug. 7th. She is a computer operator for Leasing Dynamics and the groom is employed by Sawyer Research Products in Eastlake. In September we resume our regular meetings. Hope to see you all there. ESTHER GARBINCUS NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Hello everybody. Greetings from Chisholm after an absence of a couple of months. We had a wedding at our house in May, and I went into a state of confusion. Am back on track now and it looks like Branch 38 is having a lot of excitement again. We gave the national board a bad time when they called to ask us to change the National Convention dates from 1982 to 1983, and we voted in favor of 1982. Well - to make a long story short, we had a special meeting on July 1 and decided it was best to do as requested, so plan on coming to Chisholm in May, 1983. The National Conventions will be held every 4 years, instead of every 3 years, as they have been held in the past. We lost one of our members, as Sister Julia Grahek died in California, and was buried here in Chisholm. We prayed for her and for the health of Sisters J. Bevka, J. Perkovich, and M. Bashel who have been in the hospital recently. May God bless them and all other S.L.U. members who are ill. We welcomed two new members to our branch. We feel honored to have Gloria Bonato and Pamela Zalec join us. Now we’re waiting to hear about the bus trip to Lemont, III. some of our members took in July. We’ll be seeing some of you at Minnesota Day to be held in September in Ely. For now, here’s hoping you all have a delightful, blessed summer. Love to all, FRAN KELLY, Secretary NO. 40, LORAIN, OH With the summer months about over, I hope all have enjoyed their vacations - holidays - good crops both in vegetables and fruit -everything in general and now looking forward to school openings, grandparents day, citizenship day and watever else you have to celebrate. Now, I’ll write of summer past. In June, the attendance prize was won by Angie Zgonc, the birthday girls were Helen Kozjan, Angeline Martin, Ann DeLillo and Elaine Uehlein. We welcomed back Ann Rozanc and Mary Kurjan — both having recovered from eye surgery — so happy you’re doing so well. To “Jimmie” Tomazic a good recovery from surgery and a Happy Anniversary. Also to Joe and Molly Glavan, Happy Anniversary! and to all celebrating in June, July, August and September. In July books were audited by Angie Voytko and Agnes Boucher; all found in good order. The attendance prize in July was donated by Mary Matos and won by Jean Balogh — so come on; lets go to the meetings. Second Wednesday in the month at the Slovenian Home on 31st and Pearl Ave. Please get your dues in to our secretary, Angeline Kozjan; don’t make her job impossible. Birthday girls serving a dessert lunch were; Julia Tomazic, Mary Kordeleski, Beverly Popovič, Suzanne Popovič, Bertha Blazina, Mary Ferlic and Ann Rozanc. Happy Birthday to all! To Rose Kragley who has been in the hospital - hurry and get well, our prayers are with you. Get well wishes to Ann DeLillo’s brother, Frank Mahnic. On their way to Europe; and Slovenia in particular are Frank and Angie Zgonc and Bill and Agnes Bucher. Have a great time! George and Mary Ferlic have reasons to be proud of their daughter Mary Ann Teitelbaum; she has received her Masters in Counseling from Cleveland State University. Congratulations, Mary Ann. If you have any news please call me at 288-0712. Many of you have read these wise words of John Harsen Rhoades: “Do more lhan exist — LIVE! Do more than (ouch — FEEL! Do more lhan look — SEE! Do more than hear — LISTEN! Do more than talk — SAY SOMETHING!” Have a nice Fall, MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS, OH Here it is, September already. First, a great big “Happy Birthday” to Frances Prhne on her Sept. 17th birthday. We wish her many more with good health. The other ladies celebrating are Theresa Filips, Mary Prhne and Ann Marie Buehner. Congratulations to Mitzi and Lou Champa. They became great grandparents for the first time. Granddaughter Tammy was our debutante in 1978. Congratulations GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY EVENT Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Sunday, Oct. 11, 1981 The officers and members of Br. 50 invite you to attend the 50th anniversary celebration on Sunday, October 11th. There will be 10:30 a.m. Holy Mass at St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood, celebrated by Rev. Victor Tome, their Spiritual Director. The MARIE PR1SLAND CADETS will lead the procession. Dinner will be served at 3:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. in Euclid followed by a program, then dancing to the music of the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Members and friends from near and far are most cordially invited. For further information, call on Br. 50 President, Ann Tercek. to Tammy and Joe Billy, (the new family). A beautiful wedding for the granddaughter of Mary Filips — Andrea Romito. Congratulations to the newlyweds. Visiting Mary Ann Filips were her niece’s family, Peter and Darlene Stavohar and his mother from Duluth, Minn. They were on their way to Massachussetts to their daughter Sue’s graduation from Harvard University. Betty Gawor and her husband were here from Florida. They are now visiting her daughter at Lake Villa, 111. Fishing vacation was enjoyed by Ed and Lillian Sadowski at Buck Horn Lake in Canada. Wishing a speedy recovery to Mary Stimetz who had surgery in July at Marymount. Also, a speedy recovery to Ann Rezin’s son Andy who, too, had surgery at St. Alexis. Her daughter Ann is doing nicely, we hear. Gee, Anne, when it rains it pours! Glad your family is all getting better. Bless them. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Filips on the loss of husband, Fred. We’ll all miss Fred; to Cilka Hočevar who lost a brother in Ljubljana, suddenly. May they rest in peace. Our picnic was great. To those who did not come, you missed a nice time. They hayride was great. Bob and Carol Kastelic have a lovely place and it was so nice to be there. They call it “Moj Mili Dom” and it’s written on a sign at the entrance. Frances Tomsic was really surprised to receive a gift from the Home Office for her 50th anniversary as a member of our branch. We sang to her. Welcome to new members, Frances Wenchus, Lee Hawkins, Sally Prhne and two juniors, Joyce and Jennifer Kosak. Congratulations are sent to Br. 47 on the celebration of their 50th anniversary this month. Sept. 16th is another big day for us ladies — our luncheon. See you all there. Oct. 11th is the annual SNH Grape Harvest Festival. Sept. 8th is our next meeting date. Please attend — lots to talk about. Remember our members with a card when they are ill or for any occasion. MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI Here we are back in the fall routine with children back to school and most vacationists home from the place of activities. The weather is turning somewhat cooler. Our branch picnic was a great success; a small crowd but a happy go-lucky group. The weather was ideal, music by three musicians and plenty of refreshments. There were several members and their families who could not attend due to other commitments. The Rcberniseks are spending the summer in their Florida home and the Galluns are visiting their two daughters in different parts of Florida. The Udovichs are vacationing in Florida, too, visiting relatives. Mrs. Fritzel, her son and daughter and son-in-law made a trip to Wyoming and the trip was fantastic. The Bregants spent a few weeks in Krivitz. Mitzi needed the trip as she is on the go steadily. The Leon Sagadins were at the Dells for a couple of weeks relaxing and taking in the beautiful scenery. Marcella Misiewicz vacationed up north with her family. Theresa Kotar and children left for Slovenia to visit their relatives and friends. The Delopst brothers and sisters, a family of six, are taking in the Adriatic Tour and then will stay overseas for a few days for a big reunion. Mari Lynn Delopst, one of our past debutantes, was married in August. Irene Marlin will be taking a tour to Ireland, Switzerland, England and several other places. Christine Stein spent a week up north with her sister Ann and relatives. Karl Dovnik, the son of Mr. & Mrs. Karl Dovnik has graduated from Marquette University School of Law. He is a graduate of Cudahy Senior High and University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. He also served four years in the U.S. Air Force. He is presently employed by the Milwaukee law firm of Murn, Ferr and Gumina. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Dovnik, Sr. and to Karl Jr. The daughter of Joe and Jean Luzar, Jan, was married to Tom Gehm on May 16th at St. John the Evangelist Church. H was a beautiful wedding with DuSanka Stojsavljevic as maid of honor, James Wilson as best man, bridesmaids, Jean Hynek and Lisa Gehm, goroomsmen James Lugar and Robert Gehm, Jr., Flower girl, Kristi Luzar, ushers Melvin Hynek and Don Ciampa. Mitzi Bregant was the organist and soloist was Susan Sajdak. The celebrants were Fr. Joe Purpora and Fr. Richard Bidwell. The reception was held in the evening where a scrumptious dinner was served and dancing, refreshments followed. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Joe Luzar and Mrs. Margaret Gehm. To the newlyweds, our best wishes and congratulations. Our sympathy to Lucille Cancel whose sister passed away and also to Zenobia Dybul on the loss of her brother who was visiting her from California. In conclusion, we have the Wisconsin State Convention in Sheboygan on Sunday, Sept. 27th. I have a bus chartered and we must fill it so please make your reservations as soon as possible. It is the duty of each member to attend these state meetings. Call yours truly for details. ROSE KRAMER NO. 50, EUCLID, OH The June meeting was conducted by Vice President Dorothy Winter in the absence of President Ann Tercek, who is on tour in Europe with husband, Charlie. 60 members were present on this pleasant summer evening. Most of the meeting was spent finalizing the plans for the Pot Luck Picnic August 25th at Briar-dale, Center since there will be no meeting before then. At our September 15th meeting we will honor sqmeone! It might be you! We are all looking forward to the 50th Anniversary of the Slovenian Women’s Union Branch No. 50 HAPPY SOTH, BR. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO! Our branch will celebrate the 50th Anniversary this month. We were organized June 17th by Helen Tomazic with the help of Antonia Dolinar and Louise Zidanic. The first meeting was held at the home of Ursula Zala on Vineyard Ave. One hundred four members and Supreme Auditor Albina Novak were present. Of the three organizers, we have Antonia Dolinar still with us. She will be 85 years old this coming January and God willing, will celebrate with her husband, John, their 65th Wedding Anniversary in September and his 95th birthday in May. We send our heartfelt wishes for many happy returns to this fine couple. May the good Lord bless you both and keep you in His care. We all wish you many more happy and healthy years together. Sister Helen Tomazic passed away October 1966 and Louise Zidanic in August of 1970. May they rest in peace. They were most dedicated to Br. 47. Another charter member and most devoted, conscientious secretary of the branch for more than 25 years was Jennie Pugelj. At the last convention which she attended as a delegate, she was presented an award for writing in ZARJA for 25 years. She received a most beautiful leather bound volume of all the ZARJAS for the past 3 years. It’s a remembrance she treasured and her family keeps in her memory. After her many years of hard work, we will miss her and hope she is with us in spirit on Sept. 20th, the date which happens to be her birthday, and our 50th Anniversary celebration. We could not have picked a better day. Jennie passed away on Nov. 12th, 1980. May the perpetual light shine on her and all our dearly departed members. The first officers who were elected were President, Louise Zidanic, Vice-president, Mary C. Bates, secretary, Helen Tomazic, Recording Secretary, Jennie Pugelj, Treasurer Antonia Dolinar, Auditing President, Eda Brozic, 1st auditor, Frances Bricel, 2nd auditor, Val Bizjak Mervar. The present officers are, president, Jennie Gerk, vice-president, Mary Mundson, secretary and treasurer, Mary Taucher and auditors, Ann Harsh and Elsie Lavrenčič. On September 20th, we invite you all to the Holy Mass taking place at 11:30 a.m. at St. Lawrence Church on E. 80th off Union Ave. Dinner and short program will follow at the Slovenian National Home in Maple Hgts. Tickets for dinner donation, $7.00. Call the secretary at 663-6957 for the dinner tickets and moneymaker tickets. Deadline for dinner reservations is Sept. 8th, so the caterers will know how much food to prepare. We will appreciate your cooperation. We started off 50 years ago with 104 members. In the course of these years, 95 are deceased and 12 charter members are still living. Presently we have 47 Class A and 44 Class B, with 15 juniors — total 106 members. Our salute to these charter members who are still with us, Jennie Bizjak, Frances Bricel, Antoinette Davies, Antonia Dolinar, Danica Ducic, Mary Frank, Mary Godec, Rose Kočevar, Val Mervar, Mary Richards, Roselyn Shuster, Jennie Stemberger, Mary Železnik. Happy Birthday to all members who have celebrated in the months of July, August and September. On the sick list are Mary Kresevic, Mary Godec, Jennie Bizjak, Jennie Cvelbar, Mary Železnik, Stefie Novak, Frances Britcel, Jennie Mazgec. We will remember you in our prayers. Sincere sympathy to Segulin and Sarnecki families on the recent passing of mother and grandmother, Jennie Segulin. We will miss her. May she rest in peace. Don’t forget ladies, our annual Bake Sale and Bazaar to be held at the Grape Festival Oct. 11th at the Maple Hgts., Slovenian National Home. MARY TAUCHER BRANCH 47 officers met with the Mother of the Year, Rose Kočevar, left, for the above photo. They are, Mary Mundson, vice-president, Jennie Gerk, president, Jennie Praznik, Recording Secretary and Mary Taucher, secretary-treasurer. October 11th. There will be a 10.30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Church, with the Cadets leading the procession. Father Tome will be the spiritual advisor for the Anniversary. The reception will be held as a Dinner Dance at Recher Hall. So far this year we have received $250.00 for scholarship awards. Get Well Wishes: Mary Champa, Mary Vadnal, Toni Turek and Helen Petsche. Anne Hočevar, former cook at the St. Vitus School Cafeteria, mother of Anne Archar, passed away recently. May she rest in peace. News: Ann and Dorothy Winter, Rose Zalneratis and Justine Zak are going on a Nashville Tour in July. Jane Berkopec, president of the Mothers of Ursuline Nuns Club, was installed again as president at luncheon May 19th at Ursuline College. Mary Jo Rom was elected President of the St. Vitus Christian Mothers Club. Stella Baum will visit son Jerry and family in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.Mary Cesnik's son Robert and two grandchildren, Cassandra and “Gunner” are moving to Portland, Oregon in July. Bea Tome’s son Thomas came home for the weekend of Mother’s Day from Chicago, as did daughter Patricia and granddaughter Daniela from New York. Ann Marie Zak, granddaughter of Vi Zak, received the H.K. Doc Donaldson award at Case Institute of Technology in Metalurgy; she is a junior and also on the Dean’s Honor list. Thanks! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Branch No. 16 members who made the “Evening of Appreciation” on Thursday, April 9, 1981 such a memorable occasion. It was an evening that will be long remembered by me and my family. To view the unbelievable variety of food that the members brought together that evening made me realize that 1 have many friends within Branch No. 16. I shall always cherish the beautiful Book of Memories of S.W.U. events which Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak compiled for me — it is truly a work of art. Also, I was thrilled to receive the miniature musical Greek Bazouki to add to my collection. To all who attended the party that evening including Anne Kompare, our National Vice-president and member of Branch No. 95, I am deeply grateful. May God Bless all of you. Ann L us tig OHIO MEMBERS, MARK YOUR CALENDARS! IMPORTANT! What: S.W.U. STATE CONVENTION Where: Slovenian National Home 15810 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Ohio When: Sunday, September 27, 1981, 1:30 p.m. Main Discussions: Getting ready for more Ohio Branch activities and National Convention news. All officers and members of every Ohio and Michigan Branch should plan to attend. Bring your ideas and suggestions. This is the time for us to plan our year ahead. We will learn from each other. Bring prizes or our games. Please respond at once. Send your reservations to: SOPHIE MAGAYNA, State President 315 E. 284th Street Willowick, OH 44094 Wishes to our wonderful member, Carole Traven, that she’s feeling better. She had a successful cataract operation recently. Anniversaries: Rose & Clarence Roesch 37 years, Alice & Lou Debeljak 40 years, Vi & Joe Zak 47 years, Josephine & Ermin Melle 40 years, Carole & Max Traven 41 years, Vera & Joe Mateyka 47 years, Ann & Charlie Tercek June 20th 6 years, Bea & Martin Tome September 14th 46 years, Vera & Frank Šebenik 46 years. Congratulations! Margaret Gorensek daughter of Juliana and Frank Gorensek received her degree of Doctor of Medicine from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in May. She will further her internship and residency at Cleveland Clinic. Ann Glavic vacationed for two weeks with relatives in Sterling Heights Michigan. Rose and Pat McHugh went to Chicago for granddaughter’s graduation and to visit their son and family. They are also celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary. Br. No. 50 attended Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Rd., Sunday June 28th with our Marie Prisland Cadets leading the procession to the 9:30 a.m. Mass. It was a beautiful, sunny Sunday, just perfect weather for an outdoor Mass and over fifty members attending. After Mass we all had a delicious breakfast at the Shrine’s cafeteria. Jean Tomsic, our member, is a volunteer there and she gave us good service. Chuckle: Old Age: The time of life when you don V care where your wife goes, just so you don’t have to go with her. Have a wonderful and safe summer. Your reporter, VERAMATEYKA Anna L. Hodnik: Learn Slovenian! I don’t know how many of you have been reading the Mimi in Tina articles that are appearing in the Nova Doba a paper put out by the American Fraternal Union. They are written up in the way some elderly Slovenians now converse - half Slovenian and half English. I was surprised to learn on the bus to Lemont that the author of the articles is none other than Katherine Peshel, a S.W.U. member from Ely, MN. Your articles are really a hit, Katherine and I understand they have been mentioned on a radio station in the Chicago area. A friend of mine got a call from her brother-in-law in Cleveland asking her if she knew how to say butterfly in Slovenian. She didn’t, so he told her it was “Pooter Muha”. Well, that didn’t sound quite right so I looked it up. Butterfly in Slovenian is metulj. Our words this month deal with illness: Sickness - bolezen pain - bol or muka fever -- mrzlica pulse -- pulz patient -- bolnik - ica contagious — nalezljiva vitamin - vitamine cancer - rak appetite -- tek serious - resna chronic — kronična acute — akutna prescription - recept to prespire - potiti se to X-ray — rentgenizirati high blood pressure -visok krvni pritisk heart attack — srčni napad pnuemonia - pljučnica rheumatism — revmatizem SPECIAL 15 DAY COMPLETE VACATION AT GREAT SAVINGS On the Beautiful Adriatic Coast FOR SLOVENIAN RETIRED CITIZENS ONL Y! In PORTOROŽ $709 In DUBROVNIK $759 On the Island of HVAR - $689 Price includes: Round trip air fare from New York, accommodations in first class hotels, 2 meals daily, 1/2 day sightseeing, transfers and baggage handling, farewell dinner, full time services of a professional escort/guide, flight bag and document portfolio. Also available: Optional tours, optional courses in painting, dancing and cooking. FROM CHICAGO PLEASE ADI) $100 TO ABOVE PRICES. Depart Oct. 15 - Return Oct. 29 Depart Oct. 22 - Return Nov. 05 HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. In Cleveland-971 E. 185th St., Cleveland, 44119 (216) 692-2225 In Chicago - 5792 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago 60659 (312) 878-1190 Toll Free Outside Ohio - 800-321-5801 BRANCH NO. 50 ■ OUR GOLDEN YEAR Yes, one half century has gone by and now on Sunday October 11, we will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary! Much has been accomplished in these fifty years, with many good and happy memories. The late Albina Novak and Josephine Seelye were our organizers of the first English speaking branch which took place at the St. Clair Bath House, now known as the Edward Kovacic Recreation Center. Twenty members were at the first meeting. We now have a total of 352 Class A and B members, among them are seven charter members and eleven 50 year members. In addition there are 83 Junior members and many Social members. The earlier years were not such easy ones, as there was little money to be had, but with good leadership, cooperation and hard working members, progress was consistent. Mention must be made of Toni Turek and Mary Bostian, both hard workers for our Branch. God bless and reward them. Our Branch has been very active during the last ten years — sincerest thanks to you dear members (Naša prisrčna hvala vsem) for being so generous, willing and giving of yourselves, and for the great attendance averaging one hundred every month. We are proud of the long history of our branch and our service to you members and our country. We have sponsored many socials and benefits which were beneficial to various clubs and organizations. Events held were dances, picnics, bazaars, bowling tournaments, bake sales, mystery rides and card parties. The MARIE PRISLAND CADETS played a big role through the years for lodges, parades, Cultural Garden affairs and were competitive with SWU drill teams at Euclid Beach Park. Success in all social events was made possible due to the wonderful cooperation of the officers and members. So much for a little bit of our history. We are cordially inviting all combined Branches, former members and friends to join with us to celebrate our 50th year, remembering the past and planning for the future. There will be a 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave. with the Cadets leading the procession. Dinner will be served at 3:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. in Euclid. Our member, Julie Zalar, will prepare a delicious meal, as usual. After a short program, dancing to the music of Jeff Pecon Orchestra will follow. For information call yours truly 261-3615 and for tickets call Sec. Irene Jagodnik 442-0647. The deadline for tickets will be October 1. Hoping to see you there. ANN J. TERCEK, President NO. 54, WARREN, OH Our October meeting will be held at the home of our president, Josephine Kassan on Tuesday, October 20th at 7:30 p.m. Josie lives on Howland-Wilson Road. Please try to attend and those of you in arrears with dues please pay up. When we don’t have meetings every month people forget about their dues and it’s hard on the treasurer, since we don’t have any major moneymaking projects to perk up our treasury. Most of our members are doing Well. Mrs. Pavline is still ailing after a fall. Karen Majeski, our young molher member, has moved to Texas with her family. Her husband was transferred. They really are missed by grandparents, Chuck and Ann Tomazin and great-grandma, Louise Tomazin. Hope you’ve all had a lovely summer and are ready to face the fall season with busy monihs ahead. JOANNE PONIKVAR NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS The National President announces •hat after September 1st, her new address will be: Mary Muller 19 E. 140th Cl. Riverdale, III. 60627 NO. 67, BESSEMER, PA No meeting in June due to graduation parties. But, I am writing to let you know that we lost a longtime member. Ivanka (Jenny) Tanya passed away June 13th. Her husband died in 1951. Surviving are three daughters, Amelia Deniakis of Poland, Ohio, Doris Laney of Struthers and Frances Juran of Danville, Cal.; also, three sons, Michael of Louisville where Jennie lived for 11 years, Joesph of New Middletown and Paul of Beaver Falls. There are 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. A Christian burial was celebrated at St. Anthony’s church and interment at the parish cemetery. We all extend our sympathy to the family. Mrs. Snezic is still on the sick list; also, Mary Morotich who is home now. May they get well soon and be with us at our next meeting. Bless everyone. MARY PERC1C NO. 71.STRABANE, PA Hello to all of our members and a happy summer — hoping everyone is still enjoying the outdoor activities. On May 20th, we held our meeting and annual Mother’s Day social with a wonderful attendance of 21 members. It was great to see many members that are unable to attend every meeting and many that have been on our sick list. Role was taken and reports from the officers were read. Under old business, it was announced that Marge Striner was the lucky winner of our March project. Congratulations, Marge! The profits helped to defer the costs of the Mothers’ Day social. Secretary, Lucille Smith presented Mary Tomsic, Mary Kocian and Mary Koklich with wallets and pins sent from the Home Office for their participation as officers for 25 years and more. We are so proud of them for all their dedication to the branch through these many years and we say “thanks”! Under new business was selection of Mother of the Year and she is Agnes Boštjančič. Agnes is a wonderful mother, dedicated member and very deserving of the honor. The membership presented Agnes with a springtime corsage of mixed flowers to show our appreciation. To raise additional funds for our socials, Peggy Gricar donated a wooden cutting board as a prize and guess who the lucky winner was? Yes, our Mother-of-the-Year, Agnes. All members in attendance and celebrating their birthdays in May, June, July and August were given a chorus of “Happy Birthday to you”. We were glad to hear that no additional names have been added to the sick list. It was wonderful to see Josephine Cushma. She was seriously ill in January and now has recovered and is back with us. The luncheon committee of Sharon Boštjančič, Dorothy Bruce, Dr. Margaret Gorensek New Medical Doctor NO. 55, GIRARD, OH Our community, like many, has been blasted with high humidity and heat these summer months. We are sweltering, but it’s better than winter, eh? I am sending the Editor a picture of my mom, Mary Krašovec and her brother, my uncle John. She was single when the picture was taken. They were both born in the village of Prečne near Novo Mesto. My mother came to the USA in May 1901 by boat. Her relatives lived in Canonsburg, Pa. where they stayed for a while. She was a charter member of Br. 55 and was very loyal to our branch. My mother met my father, Joseph Cekuta in Pittsburgh. He came from Mokronog, in Dolenjsko, Slovenia and also came to America in 1901. They were married at St. Mary’s Catholic Slovenian Church by Rev. John Markel. The church is still there and I’d like to visit it sometime, The five of us children were all born in Pittsburgh, Joseph, Mary, Sophie, William and Frances, later my brother, Eddie and Sisters Caroline and Virginia were born in Girard. So you see, my mother had a lot to do and heavy work to raise such a big family. My mom and pop celebrated their golden wedding in 1953. It was a beautiful occasion. 1 thought this picture was appropriate to be published as my mother was one of the charter members and we are celebrating our golden anniversary. Best wishes to all. SOPHIE CEKUTA Mary & John Krašovec, sister and brother, photo circa 1900 On Wednesday, May 27, Margie Gorensek, daughter of Frank and Juliana Gorensek of Wickliffe, Ohio, graduated from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Margie did her undergraduate studies at Case Western Reserve University as well, receiving her B.S. in Chemistry with high honors in 1975. While still a pre-med student at Case, she was elected to the Tau Beta Pi engineering honorary society and the Iota Sigma Pi chemistry honor sorority. Dr. Margie Gorensek is proud of her Slovenian heritage. She speaks and writes Slovenian fluently and has been an active member of the choral group Korotan for the past 15 years. She is also a member of KSKJ and the Slovenian Women’s Union branch No. 50. On June 25, Dr. Gorensek began a five-year internship-residency program at Cleveland Clinic with a combined specialization in internal medicine and pediatrics. Numerous friends join with the Gorensek family and their relatives in wishing Margie the best of luck and God’s blessings as she enters her chosen profession. Marlene Tkach and Marge Valenčič will be in charge of the social for the September 10th meeting at 7:30. If you have a friend or family member interested in joining our branch, please feel free to bring them along. Following the May meeting, the luncheon was provided by Sharon Boštjančič, Dorothy Bruce and Julia Cushma. Many other members donated goodies that really added to the festivities. Thanks so much. Door prizes were won by Frances Dixon, Mary Kocian and Mary Progar and several members won grab-bag prizes. No one went home empty handed for Sharon had an azalia plant for each lady present. It certainly was fun and everyone seemed to have a good time. Hope to see you at the next meeting, each and everyone of you. PEGGY GRICAR NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS, OH I should have written last month regarding our Annual Cook-out to be held September 7, 1981, but since I didn’t think that far ahead I am informing the membrs at this time, hoping that the ZARJA is delivered prior to this affair. Last year’s Cook-our was outstanding in all respects, and hope that the members remember that this won’t be our regular monthly meeting night but a gala affair. Forgive me — members! We would like to congratulate Adeline Trzaska who recently received recognition for having worked one hundrd volunteer hours at Marymout Hospital. This is a wonderful way to remember the ill and less fortunate. We also want to thank everyone from our branch who so faithfully collects and saves cancelled stamps. We also want to thank those members in branches out-of-town who also participate. I recently received a large box of stamps from member Anne McGee of Branch No. 105, Detroit, Michigan. Anne sends us stamps on a regular basis and we are really very appreciative of same. Our branch would like to extend our congratulations to Vera Kozak and husband Charles who recently celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary, and also to Nettie Kainec and husband Steve of Leesburgh, Florida who celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Our branch held a Rummage Sale the latter part of May and also June 18th. We first of all want to thank all the members who contributed items for same, and also thank all the ladies who gave tirelessly of their time and efforts in helping this sale to be a success. A Rummage Sale is a lot of work, getting the articles ready Chemical Manufacturer’s honor Rev. Bernard Horzen receives Catalyst Award The Rev. Bernard Horzen OSB was presented with the Chemical Manufacturer’s Association Catalyst Award as a national regional ‘‘Chemistry Teacher of the Year” at St. Bede Academy. Pictured after the presentation are (from left) Abbot Marion Balsavich OSB, the Rev. Henry Fritz OSB, the Rev. Horzen, Paul Carus and Blouke Carus. Paul presented the award, which included a certificate, an engraved medalion and a check for $500. During an assembly, the Rev. Horzen also received the Westinghouse Science Talent Search Teacher Award and the American Chemical Society Illinois and Iowa Section Teacher of the Year award. Paul Perona named Rev. Horzen as the most influential person in his quest for the science career for the Westinghouse award. The American Chemical Society Award will be formally presented in September. It consists of a plaque and $100. Fr. Bernard is well-known in the LaSalle, Illinois area and for his many years at St. Bede 's A cademy. He is a good friend of Zveza 's, oftentimes asked to celebrate mass for special occasions and to present his thoughts either as homilist at mass or guest speaker at banquets. His kind words and reflections on his own Slovenian background and how much it means to him, have always been a source of inspiration to us. We extend our heartiest felicitations. for sale, priced, and properly displaying same to their greatest advantage. Thank you again, ladies! After all the rain we have had this spring, hope that everyone’s garden didn’t wash out and have to be replanted. Can’t wait for some home grown tomatoes as no greenhouse grown ones can even be considered tomatoes in comparison. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary NO. 89, OGLESBY, IL Sixty members and guests attended the May Mother-Daughter Banquet at Cedar Point Motel Restaurant. All who attended received a potted plant. Door prizes were also awarded. Fr. Dennis Mackessy gave the opening prayer and Chairman Ann Antkowiak introduced organist Herb Hummer who led a sing-along of oldies bui goodies! A short business meeting was then held and sunshine chairman, Darlene Wasleski reported that Celia Hobneck, Ann Batty and Anna Muhich were on the sick list. Congratulations were given to our bowlers, Mary Kernz, Lena Dawson, Josephine Argubright, Helen Komater and Anne Rogers. Helen Komater won two first place trophies at the Slovenian Women’s Union Midwest Bowling Tourney at Sheboygan, Wis. Georgia Bima had a baby girl. Congratulations! Thanks to the May Committee for making this event a success. Chairman, Ann Antkowiak had Angie Nico, Mary Stuebler, Eunice and Ann Komater assisting. The Dickinson House was the scene of our June 8th meeting. It was learned that Angie Nico, our 111.-Ind. Regional President would be attending the Christian Women’s Conference in Lemont, in July. Magdalen Skoporc celebrated her 92nd birthday. Happy Birthday and many more. A White Elephant Auction Sale was held and most of the articles donated were sold. It was to help boost our treasury. Your correspondent conducted the sale. Door prizes were also awarded. The refreshment committee was headed by Helen Komater assisted by Mitzi Banich, Darlene Wasielski and Rose Kellet. They did a fine job; thanks. It was learned after the meeting that our member Mary Dornik had passed away at Methodist Hospital in Peoria. Our sympathy to the family. Serving as honorary pallbearers were Cathering Glick and Helen Komater. Charter was draped at July meeting. The summer was a pleasant one and we wish to give our salute to those members celebrating their birthdays in May, June, July and August. We all enjoyed the Slovenian Polka Festival in June held in our town. Don Lipovac of Kansas City was the featured orchestra along with the famous Button Box Band of Chicago. We also welcomed a new member, Ann Rogers. Anne is from Spring Valley. We had a short meeting in July — it’s always nice to have our summer meetings at Oglesby Lehigh Park but this year the mosquitoes were too bad so we could not be outdoors. The Dickinson House installed a new air-conditioner for the comfort of all clubs holding meetings there and they have a nice kitchen and dining area, so we are all comfortable and happy to have our meetings there. A bake sale is planned for Sat. Oct. 10th. Goods must be there by 9:30 a.m. It will be held at the Oglesby Royal Lanes Bowling Alley in Oglesby. Mary Kernz is chairman and co-chairman is Lena Dawson. Sunshine chairman reported Celia Hobneck and Anna Vogrich at Heritage Manor Nursing Home at Peru. Congratulations to Antoinette Muhich on her 97th birthday celebrated June 8th! And, a happy birthday also to Darlene Wasielski who does such a fine job as our sunshine chairman. Wedding anniversary congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. William and Rosanne Prey of Oglesby on their 33rd. They own and operate the Prey Funeral Home. Their three children helped them celebrate. July refreshment committee was headed by Lena Dawson with Frances Gorišek, Honorine Corpus and Alvine Jerin. Ann Antkowiak won the door prize and the social games were enjoyable. For the August meeting, refreshment committee was headed by Roseanne Prey with Molly Borovac, Anne Krancic and Mary Dittle. For the Sept. 14th meeting at the Dickinson House, Anne Batty will be social chairman with Georgia Dooley, Lorraine Munson and Betty Hamilton assisting. We will be discussing the bake sale and the State Convention in Chicago on Oct. 4th. See you all then. MARY ANN SAMUELSON NO. 92, GUNNISON, CO Meeting was held June 23rd at the home of Margaret Malenšek. Freida called the role and eight members were present. All reports were approved as given. We heard from Addie who also sent a donation of articles she had made and they were sold as soon as she put them out. Didn’t have time to get all items on display when they were all bought. Thank you, Addie, for all your have done. A letter from Barbara Peterson and a thank you card from Elsie Massane. We all wish Elsie a speedy recovery. She has been in St. Mary’s Hospital and is now with her daughter in Grand Junction doing well. By the time this is printed, she will be home again. A letter and check from the Home Office on the Success With Unity Campaign — awarded to Sharon Mills and Fern White. Sincere sympathy to the family of Frances Saye who passed away, to Margaret Depew who lost her mother and Beth Weaver who lost her father, our condolences. A donation by all members was made toward the ham that was brought for these families. We do hope to have Beth as a member of our lodge by the next meeting. Fran Austin reported on the birthday party at the nursing home. Thanks to all ladies who helped making this a special day for the residents there. Mystery Box was donated by Fern and won by Margaret Depew. Card game winners were Frieda, Loretta, Fran and Fern. Our August meeting was at the home of Linda Mikus. Hope everyone had a nice summer. It started to be nice and warm this summer and we would be thrilled to have some rain. FERN WHITE NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, IL Thirty-six members attended our final meeting. Plans are in the making for a trip to Springfield on Tuesday, October 13th. Sylvia Vukadinovich will be in charge, she will give a report on this trip at our September meeting. Also, our Christmas Party will be finalized as to where it will be held at this meeting, too. A report was given by Mary (Bob) Perkovich on the success of our Mother’s Day Party. Also Sylvia Vukadinovich read a thank you card from Manda Dosen for the honor that has been conferred on her as our 1981 Woman-of-the-Year. We also officially welcomed Florence Senzel and Ann Starcevich to our group. Once again, Evelyn Driscoll has accepted our once-a-year money making project, and it will be concluded in November. The books will be $5 each. We hope that all of you will participate, and demonstrate your deep interest in our branch, to make it a huge success! Our Secretary, Mildrd Poropat, reports that she is still waiting for some members who are not paying their dues. Those in arrears, please take note and get in touch with her by calling her at 312-687-6434 or write to her at, 15311 Sequoia St., Oak Forest, 111. 60452. She will certainly be happy to hear from you. Our members join me in expressing our heartfelt sympathy to Helen Santy on the loss of her beloved brother Anton J. Santy, and to Mary Kulchar on the loss of her beloved brother Frank P. Fulayter. Our members salute Maria Mazza Kompare, daughter-in-law of Ann Kompare, who was selected for the citation of the President’s Medal fromSt. Mary’s College, of which she is a 1964 graduate. As all of you know, Maria lives in Tuba, Arizona and is a loyal and devoted member of our branch. Her courage, loyalty, understanding and vision to work with the Indian people and their culture has earned her the award. Her long range goal is to continue her life and interests of Indian children. We are proud and honored for Maria’s many achievements. There is no doubt that a gal of her abilities is destined for even greater accomplishments and higher service. We extend our sincere good wishes and hope that she will continue her outstanding public service for many more years to come. Ann Kompare attended the commencement, along with Maria’s mother. After our business session, the ladies sat back and enjoyed the goodies by: Ann Brkljacich, Lou Goldina, Charlotte, Fryza, Helen Alb, Dolores Hennelly, the above also were hostesses. Evelyn Driscoll and yours truly arranged the table decor. Cash by Bernice Morrison, $2. September Birthdays: Helen Santy, Helen Jerbic, Frances Pavich, Matilda Cacich, Mary (Bob) Perkovich, Dragica Vukasovich (Fla), Mary Hecimovich, Michalcnc Pujdak, Manda Spehar, and Helen Perkovich. Attend our Sept. 2, meeting, see all then! MILDRED JAMES NO. 100, FONTANA, CA Happy birthday 'to all our celebrants. May He bless you with many more healthy years. Our Western States Convention is our primary topic at the meetings and plans are already forming for its inception and finalization which will be Oct. 10th at the KSKJ Hall in Fontana. Everyone is cordially invited to attend; the more the merrier. Get well prayers are wished to all the across the many miles, from Fontana to Chicago; recovery prayers are heartily extended to Elise Melissa and Chris Pirman. In order to economize on printing costs, the SWU allots designated space for our monthly articles, consequently, my writings have had to be shortened from time to time. Next time I will learn not to be such a yakker and just send in statistics. Hi, Steffie! EDITH DRAWENEK NO. 105, DETROIT, MI Our June meeting was held at the home of Frances and Vince Hostnik. It has become somewhat of a tradition these past few years to have our June meeting out on Frances and Vince’s farm. This year we were blessed with beautiful weather which really complimented the farm. We were fortunate to have all our members present for this occasion in addition to two guests. Along with all the lovely women, we were graced with the presence of six handsome men. This meeting was really a “family” affair. All our members brought one of their specialties to supply us with the delicious picnic lunch. The gentlemen, with their generous donations, paid for the lucious ham which was our main dish. After we all sufficiently stuffed ourselves, Frances and Vince let all who wanted to, help themselves to their huge garden. The big attraction was fresh strawberries. Those who were patient enough to look beneath the top leaves were rewarded with the fruit of their labor. I, personally, found that the berries were delicious. 1 hope everyone else enjoyed them as much. It was really a pleasure to enjoy a day out in the country. Many thanks to Frances and Vince. During our meeting various methods of raising funds were discussed. We will investigate the possibility of a bake sale to be held at the Slovenian National Home sometime in the early fall. We also decided to hold a meeting in July to see if a summer meeting could be successful. The July hostesses were my sister, Sharon and myself. Our grandmother, Catherine Musick, donated her home to us for the meeting. It was unfortunate that it was not as successful as we would have hoped, but we found that all of us try to pack in as much as possible in our short Michigan summer and sometimes we can’t be in all the places we’d like. Best wishes to all of our members on the sick list. To our July and August birthday celebrants, including Pauline, Amelia Banks, Marie Dye, Rose Hostnik, Mary Jamsek, Ann McGee, Donna Medina, Annette Pfaff and Gail Simon, have a happy birthday and a wonderful year. Our next meeting will be held by our President and Secretary/Treasurer, Pauline and Patricia Adamic. They chose Sep-tember26th which is the last Saturday in September. We hope to see many members present. Until then, may the rest of your summer be filled with fun and good health. KATHLEEN EMERSON Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 During the Sunday morning breakfast at the successful and meaningful Christian Women’s Conference held in Lemont, several ladies asked if I had “Močnik” for the cookbook. “No, I didn’t.” Immediately thre were many suggestions. The recipe which follows was given by Christina Zupančič of Duluth, Minn., and Katie Tuzak of Chicago. A thinner “Močnik” was submitted by Josephine Železnikar in 1966 which you might want to try or just add more liquid to the recipe given. Two recipes obtained were of delicious food donated by members for the reception held the night before. Jean Zubek of Chicago brought Angel-Cheese Squares and Frances Jasbec of Evergreen Park, III., came with her Pineapple Upside Down Cake Roll. Hope you like the new format! Fondly, Hermine MOČNIK An old Slovenian recipe that goes far for lunch especially for a large family. pinch of crushed mint (milesa), if desired tablespoons butter cup bread crumbs snipped parsley 2 quarts (8 cups boiling) salted water or chicken or beef broth 1 3/4 cups flour 2 2 eggs 114 1 1/2 teaspoons salt Bring salted water (add bouillon cubes, if desired) or broth to a boil. Meanwhile in bowl mix flour and eggs with a fork, and then work with fingers to form fine crumbles, using up all the flour. Very slowly (or a mass will form) add crumbles to the boiling liquid, stirring constantly with a fork. Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until consistency of thin oatmeal. Add salt and pinch of crushed mint, if desired. Melt butter and add bread crumbs to brown. Pour Močnik into soup bowls; garnish with browned bread crumbs and parsley. Options: Josephine Zeleznikar’s recipe: 1 cup sifted flour, I egg with 6 cups water or broth and 1 teaspoon salt. Option: “My mother used milk instead of water or broth and served it to us for breakfast. When using milk she added 1 tablespoon butter and 1 teaspoon sugar”, added Katie Tuzak. ANGEL-CHEESE SQUARES 1/3 1/3 cup butter cup brown sugar 1 1/2 cup flour cup chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans) Cream butter and sugar. Add flour and nuts. Pat into 8-inch square pan. Bake in 350° oven for 12 minutes. Remove. Filling: 1 package (8 ounces) 1 egg cream cheese, l tablespoon milk room temperature j teaspoon vanilla 1/4 cup sugar Mix together all ingredients and beat well with electric mixer. Spread over baked crust and bake in 350° oven for 15 minutes or until filling is set. Cut into small squares when cool. PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE ROLL 3/4 tablespoons (112 stick) butter or margarine cup firmly packed light brown sugar can (20 ounces) crushed pineapple, well drained cup sifted caked flour 1 1/4 1/4 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt eggs cup granulated sugar cup water teaspoon vanilla confectioners’ powdered sugar whipped cream 1. Heat oven to 375°. Melt butter or margarine in a small saucepan; stir in brown sugar and pineapple. Spread evenly in ungreased jelly-roll pan, 15 x 10 x 1-inch. 2. Measure flour, baking powder and salt into a sifter. 3. Beat eggs until foamy in a medium-size bowl; slowly beat in granulated sugar until mixture is thick and fluffy. Stir in water and vanilla. 4. Sift flour mixture over top; fold in until no streaks of white remain. Spread evenly over pineapple mixture in pan. 5. Bake in moderate oven (375°) for 15 minutes or until center springs back when lightly pressed with fingertip. 6. Cool cake in pan several minutes; then loosen around edges with a knife; turn cake upside down on a towel sprinkled with powdered sugar. Starting at one end raise towel to roll up jelly roll fashion; cool. Cut in slices; serve warm or cold with whipped cream. 10servings. IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Reston, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT DOROTHY FROM BASILIJOVA, CROATIA September 28, 1878, my birthdate, is a long time ago, over a century, and it’s not easy to remember all the events of my life so far back, but 1 will try. 1 was born in Basilijova, Croatia near the Slovenian border. My parents, Barbara and Matt Stokam, had eight children -a boy and seven girls. There were two sets of twins. Clara and I were twins, and the youngest of eight children. 1 am the only twin left. My twin sister, Clara, came to America also, but died about 15 years ago. She lived in Indiana and had three sons. My parents lived on a small farm a long distance from the nearest village. Their house consisted of a kitchen and one bedroom where everyone slept. Since we lived too far away from the school, I never received an education except at home in the kitchen where 1 was taught to cook and bake. Mathematics at that time seemed unnecessary. As a small girl, I worked on our farm, hoeing potatoes and corn, harvesting wheat, and also watching the cows. Learning to make linen cloth was also important to a woman, so these skills were a basic part of my education. We made linen day and night.and from this linen was made our clothing. First, the spinning wheel, which required using both hands and feet, was used to weave the flax into thread. The thread was then put on spools, and when a sufficient number of spools were filled, the thread was woven into linen cloth. The next step was to wash and bleach the linen in the sun till it was pure white. At that time, linen cost about five cents a yard. My only brother, Joseph, came to America first, and then helped me to come here. When I received my passport for my trip to America, where I would stay with my brother, I boarded the Lusitania in Le Havre, France. I had very little clothing with me, in fact, only two dresses. I traveled the cheapest way, with the steerage class at the bottom of the boat. "Steerage” was the large room below the deck compartments of the ship, close to the steering equipment at the stern of the ship, which was used when the automatic steering controls on the bridge didn’t work, as in a storm. The steerage compartment was an unpainted room approximately six to eight feet high, without portholes or ventilation. The men and women were separated by nothing more than a few blankets tossed over a line in the middle of the compartment. there were no beds in which to sleep, toilet facilities were inadequate, and the smells from the galleys and the steerage area were nauseating. Many passengers became seasick. When the weather wasn’t bad, most of the people in steerage went up on the lower decks for air. We were not allowed to mingle with the first or second class passengers, but only the steerage group. It was good to finally arrive in New York. I stayed with my brother who worked in a steel mill n McKeesport, Penn., and this is where I met my Ireni' I*. ()ilori//i I‘>K I husband to be whom I had already known from Slovenia. We decided to get married. My wedding ring cost 10c. A seamstress made my gown for me, and the wreath and bouquet were arranged of flowers picked from the garden. We walked to the church as we had no wagons or cars, and were married by a Polish priest, Father Falusha. Our home was small, only four rooms. We also kept boarders. I would rock our newly born son with one hand, and wash clothes with the other. I worked hard during the day and well into the night, in fact, I would scrub floors at 11:00 p.m. Floors had to be washed frequently because there were no sidewalks and many of the streets were still unpaved at this time. There was mud everywhere and it was tracked into the house. The boarders would sleep in shifts. 1 had very little sleep and when I did sleep it was usually in a chair. When our son was two and a half years old, we went back to Croatia for a visit. My mother commented about my appearance, “You look very bad, not at all as if you had gone to America!” My.aunt added, “Even though you are young, you look tired and worn.” I replied, “Teta, if you would see what my job in America is like, you would...” I couldn’t go on. Soon after World War I was declared, we returned to America, otherwise my husband would have had to serve in the Austrian Army. We set up our residence this time in Joliet, Illinois where my husband worked as a John & Dora Cepuran, married in the year 1901 crane operator in the Steel Mill; they called the crane a “Zinky.” Our first home was in Bozich’s house on Bluff and Ruby Streets near St. Mary’s Croatian Church. Then we rented a saloon from the Yurkovich’s and lived in the apartments above the saloon. My husband was a good worker, but enjoyed to drink. One time 1 found $10.00 in his shirt pocket, just before I started to wash clothes, and asked him about it. He had forgotten that he put the money there. Fortunately, the shirt had not yet been washed and we didn’t lose the money. He realized that he had better go back to the Steel Mill; that operating the saloon was not the best type of work for him. 1 agreed and he returned to the Steel Mill. We had to move to another location and chose Divjak’s on Broadway street where we had a garden and raised everything from pigs, chickens, geese and cows, to fruit. The work was very hard for me, but God gave strength. Our two cows provided “extra” milk which we sold at five cents a quart. It was my job to deliver the milk, even in freezing weather, wading through high snow during the winter months. All of this hard work was done by hand; we had no machinery in those days. In comparison, today is paradise. I sewed clothes for the children, usually at night, since that was the only spare time I had. They went to school barefooted in the warm months. When we washed clothes, we would carry the basket of clothes on our heads to the spring nearby for washing. We would buy 100 pounds of flour at a time. I even made my own yeast at home. I baked so much bread! How good it was! We had very little meat at home, and I cooked mostly potatoes, beans, soup, barley, polenta, and we all ate without complaint. This type of food probably contributed to the lovely complexions of my girls, even as children. All our daughters were attractive, brought up well, and we didn’t ever need a dowry for them when they married. When I gave birth to my children, 1 didn’t go to a hospital, but had them at home with the help of a midwife. One time I couldn’t get her, so I said to my daughter, “Mary, bring me scissors and string.” “Why do you want them mama?” she questioned. “Just bring them to me.” I replied, and “please close the door so you won’t see what I’m doing.” The baby was born and I cut the cord myself. When the midwife came, she said, “You did a good job, how nice it looks.” She washed the baby, but didn’t charge me the usual $5.00. Then one day, a few months after the birth of my child, Mrs. Stimac’s daughter came to our house and said, “Teta, come to our house and help.” She was very excited, so I asked her, “Why should 1 come?” She replied, “Mama is going to have a baby and we can’t get a midwife. Mama said you should come and do what you did when you delivered your baby.” 1 went to see Mrs. Stimac who pleaded with me, “Please do it like you did for yourself.” 1 said, “I did it for myself, but I’m afraid for anyone else.” But she begged me, so I delivered the baby. The midwife came later and said, “How nice you did it. Just like a real midwife.”“I know how!” I told her. Then 1 helped wash the baby and get the crib ready, and I didn’t do it for $1.00 or $5.00, but for no pay whatsoever. 1 wasn’t always healthy, and at those instances would never have counted on living for 100 years. There were times when I was so sick, but didn’t go to the doctor; I prayed that God would help me and I tried to cure myself at home. I’ve always liked to work; that is probably why I’ve always stayed the same size. Recently, my daughter said, Mrs. Cepuran, center with her two daughters, Rose Kon and Anna Kobe. She had 8 children, 3 of whom have passed away, 13 grandchildren, 28 great grandchildren and 5 great, great grandchildren. This month on the 25th, she will be 103 years young! “Do you have to have a vegetable garden at your age?” I said, “If I don’t have the vegetable garden, I would have to cut the grass.” Now I live alone in the house we built over 60 years ago. I cook, knit, and work in the garden. I love home-cooking, and don’t care at all for sandwiches. I’m a vegetarian, but once in a while I will eat a chicken wing. My daughters, Mary, Anne, and Josephine, have been a joy to me and care for my needs in my advanced age. My life had been a very hard one when I first started out, but as my family matured and my husband and I were able to accummulate a little savings, it became easier and happier. If someone had told me I would live to over 100 years of age, I would have laughed! The End NOTE: This story was video-taped on August 16, 1979 at the home of Mrs. Cepuran in Joliet, Illinois by Kenneth and Irene Odorizzi. Mrs. Emma Planinšek assisted with interviewing Mrs. Cepuran in her native Croatian language and in translating from Croatian to English. 9 Day SLOVENIAN PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND Hosted by Father Joseph Gole, Milwaukee, Wisconsin December 2 to December 10 From Chicago $1098- From New York $986 Price includes: First class hotels, meals, sightseeing, Return airfare from Chicago or New York. Father Joseph Gole will celebrate Slovenian Mass in Jerusalem HOLLANDERTOURS 971 East 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 (216) 692-2225 5792 N. Lincoln Avenue Chicago, IL 60559 (312) 878-1190 (Continued from page 22) FINANCIAL REPORT January 1 to June 30, 1981 FINANČNO POROČILO 1. januarja do 30. Junija 1981 Gain for first half of the year ................6,634.23 Balance January 1 ............................689,771.95 Balance June 30, 1981 .......................$696,406.18 Ledger Assets: Union National Bank and Trust Company Checking..................................$13,482.42 Deposits in banks on interest............... 35,930.65 Bonds and stocks........................... 568,361.40 Real estate................................. 65,823.70 Furniture and fixtures....................... 8,356.01 Song books and From Slovenia to America . . 4,450.00 $696,406.18 Be a Zveza ^ Booster SIX MONTHS’ REPORT OF BRANCH ASSESSMENTS January 1 to June 30,1981 Branch Amount Adults Junior 1. Sheboygan, WI $ 950.00 166 36 2. Chicago, IL 1,330.60 281 111 3. Pueblo, CO 1,437.55 255 75 5. Indianapolis, IN 299.40 69 5 6. Barberton, OH 377.10 75 11 7. Forest City, PA 160.15 28 0 8. Steelton, PA 72.95 22 0 10. Cleveland, OH 854.85 221 20 12. Milwaukee, WI 551.95 111 29 13. San Francisco, CA 652.35 100 16 14. Euclid, OH 1,235.40 245 6 15. Cleveland, OH 591.65 121 0 16. South Chicago, IL 927.50 157 42 17. West Allis, WI 889.30 163 68 19. Eveleth, MN 339.95 68 4 20. Joliet, IL 2,154.45 466 123 21. Cleveland, OH 446.15 87 12 22. Bradley, IL 84.30 14 0 23. Ely, MN 1,103.70 214 21 24. LaSalle, IL 490.45 104 18 25. Cleveland, OH 1,543.30 386 32 26. Pittsburgh, PA 727.15 130 19 27. North Braddock, PA 228.00 27 0 28. Calumet, MI 419.15 57 6 29. Browndale, PA 18.00 15 0 30. Home 92.00 16 5 31. Gilbert, MN 243.25 50 1 32. Euclid, OH 1,179.55 211 20 33. Duluth, MN 1,005.05 181 39 34. Soudan, MN 259.90 38 2 35. Aurora, MN 355.50 63 4 37. Greaney, MN 46.50 11 0 38. Chisholm, MN 407.05 82 1 39. Giwabik, MN 247.50 44 4 40. Lorain, OH 506.10 94 0 41. Cleveland, OH 383.25 90 6 42. Maple Heights, OH 383.30 64 13 43. Milwaukee, WI 1,174.40 176 85 45. Portland, OR 143.50 46 8 46. St. Louis, MO 148.20 19 1 47. Garfield Heights, OH 480.00 90 16 50. Cleveland, OH 2,425.80 351 83 52. Kitzville, MN 227.10 44 2 54. Warren, OH 184.20 36 4 55. Girard, OH 322.35 56 20 56. Hibbing, MN 355.55 75 1 57. Niles, OH 260.70 52 4 59. Burgettstown, PA 168.35 27 6 62. Conneaut, OH 2 0 63. Denver, CO 134.60 34 1 64. Kansas City, KS 106.70 26 0 65. Virginia, MN 24 5 66. Canon City, CO 247.80 44 4 67. Bessemer, PA 289.90 51 0 68. Fairport Harbour, OH 297.45 49 0 70. West Aliquippa, PA 104.15 11 0 71. Strabane, PA 546.30 112 28 73. Warrensville Hts, OH 434.75 81 27 74. Ambridge, PA 216.00 20 0 77. NS Pittsburgh, PA 94.35 21 4 79. Enumclaw, WA 346.10 41 7 80. Moon Run, PA 8 0 81. Keewatin, MN 120.50 25 2 83. Crosby, MN 47.70 12 0 84. New York, NY 69.00 26 1 85. DePue, IL 160.20 29 0 86. Nashwauk, MN 72.90 14 0 88. Johnstown, PA 170.05 28 0 89. Oglesby, IL 219.45 51 1 90. Bridgeville, PA 18.60 10 0 91. Oakmont, PA 116.80 33 0 92. Gunnison, CO 182.50 24 3 93. Brooklyn, NY 149.25 37 0 95. South Chicago, IL 741.30 156 5 96. Universal, PA 59.40 35 1 97. Cairnbrook, PA 44.10 9 0 99. Elmhurst, IL 24.75 7 0 100. Fontana, CA 396.55 47 20 101 Bedford Heights, OH 139.50 20 9 102. Willard, WI 268.40 38 0 103. Washington, DC 242.90 33 8 105. Detroit, MI 423.60 42 0 106. Meadowlands, PA 89.10 19 0 TOTALS 35,458.45 6717 1110 Socials 332 Income — Dohodki: Balance of Report on page 21. Assessments....................................$35,458.45 Bond interest.................................. 25,485.98 Stock dividends .................................. 375.00 Bank certificate and checking account int..........423.97 Rental income .................................... 570.00 Taxes withheld......................................63.46 Miscellaneous ......................................30.00 $62,406.86 Disbursements — Stroški: Death claims — 84..............................$10,050.00 Salaries........................................ 9,750.00 Administrative, traveling per diems............. 5,445.55 Unemployment tax...................................175.30 FICA.............................................. 723.62 Department of Insurance.............................25.00 Real Estate tax....................................640.08 ZARJA - THE DAWN................................22,692.00 Electricity, gas and water...................... 1,445.62 Advertising, printing and stationery.............. 287.05 Postage and telephone ............................ 628.42 Loss on bond sale...................................82.50 Maintenance........................................964.92 Junior, bowling, secretary, campaign awards 1,448.70 Illinois Fraternal dues ............................25.00 Convention expense................................ 330.00 Miscellaneous..................................... 845.79 KSKJ Open House floral tribute......................33.08 Baraga Association .................................30.00 Scholarship Fund - Memoriam, past national officer Frances Gaspich ........................25.00 Scholarship Fund - Occasion of Msgr. M.J. Butala 60th ordination anniversary..............25.00 Slovenian Chapel National Shrine - Washington, DC.................................100.00 $55,772.63 NOVI ILINOISKI ZAVAROVALNINSKI ZAKON JE UGODEN ZA DELO ZVEZE S poznanstvi in zvezami je Slovenska ženska zveza uspela, da je ilinoiski zavarovalninski zakon spremenjen glede termina direktoric od treh na štiri leta, kakor to velja za vse bratske organizacije. To spremembo so omogičili naklonjeni državni poslanci in senatorji, posebno čikaški senator John D’Arco, ki je načelnik zavarovalninskega odbora senata v Springfieldu, dalje senatorja Leroy Lemke in George Sangemeister. Zavarovalninski oddelek je predlog odobril in obe zbornici sta ga sprejele v juliju 1981 kot zakonski osnutek (House Bill) 1073. Po novem zakonu je dopuščeno, da imajo pogrebniške organizacije konvencije vsake štiri leta. Mnoga leta so direktorice in konvencije želele to spremembo, zato smo vesele, da nam je končno uspelo to doseči. V skladu s tem, so direktorice glavnega odbora SŽZ, ki so soglasne v podpori te spremembe, poslale resolucijo vsem državnim konvencijam leta 1981 s predlogom, da se prihodnja konvencija vrši leta 1983, v skladu z novim zakonom. Tako se bo naša redna prihodnja konvencija vršila leta 1983 v Chisholm, Minnesota. Naša podružnica gostiteljica je velikodušno sprejela to spremembo. Tako bomo leta 1983 finančno bolj pripravljene za stroške konvenčnih zborovanj in stroškov delegatinj. Sklep je bil storjen leta 1979 na konvenciji v Duluthu in pozneje potrjen od direktoric na letnem zasedanju. Tudi, leta 1983 bo postavljen spomenik Slovenskemu rudarju pod skupnim pokroviteljstvom slovenskih bratskih organizacij in slov. članstva Minnesote. Vse predpriprave in članska kampanja se bo vršila v skladu z novim sporedom. d o r isi ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, CO Čas je za pisanje poročila. Johana Klun, naša članica 48 let slavi svoj častivredni 100 letni rojstni dan dne 15. avgusta. To je izredna slovesnost, katero samo redki dosežejo. Vse članice naše SŽZ, posebno še čla. št. 3, na katero je bila ses. Klun vedno ponosna, se združimo v en zbor in zapojmo: Happy birthday to you Johana. Bog te živi in Ti nakloni še mnogo zdravih let med nami, čeprav živi pri hčerki v Chicagu. Hčerka ji lepo streže in krajša ure življenja. Vsa čast hčerki Mary za lepo skrb matere. Pri nas je več slučajev srčnega napada. Več ljudi je nenadoma umrlo za srčnim napadom. Pauline Yamnik je zgubila brata Louis Mohorich. Dosedaj je bilo že šest slučajev bratov, ki so vsi podlegli srčnemu napadi, vsi iz ene družine. Po dolgi in mučni bolezni je umrl naš sorodnik Louis Babich. Soses. Gabrieli Trontel je umrl soprog. Vsem sorodnikom prerano umrlih naše sožalje. Ostali so spomini za pokojnimi. Frances Babich se počuti hudo osamljeno, saj je toliko let živela v lepi ljubezni s pokojnim dragim soprogom Louisom. V tem času je že vse predolgo bolana Frances Babich. Sam Bog ve koliko trpi. V bolnici je tudi Millie Pechek za težko okrutno boleznijo. Vsem bolnim naj Bog nakloni ljubo zdravje. Moja draga sosestra Antonia Kostelic iz Kans. City, Kans., nam bo opisala svoje vtise iz prijetnih obiskov rojstne domovine. Pozdravljene moje drage sos. naše Zveze! ANNA PACHAK ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OH V soboto dne 15. avgusta je bil izlet v Carey, ki je priljubljena božja pot. Vodila ga je Mary Dolšak. In v nedeljo dne 23. avgusta, je bil piknik na Šuštarjevi kmetiji, Maple Grove, Willoughby Hills. Dne 13. septembra bo pa kartna zabava v Euclid Park centru. Začetek ob i uri popoldne. Za tiketce pokličite tajnico 481-7473. Dobrodošlico izrekamo novi članici, Mary Lenotic. Iz obiska po Sloveniji sta se vrnile Agnes Tomc in Alice Kuhar. Na obsku iz Floride sta Mr. in Mrs. Son, ki bosta praznovala 50 letnico poroke predno se vrneta nazah domov. Olga Zimerman in soprog bosta tudi slavila zlato poroko. Čestitke obema paroma. Imamo več bolnih članic: Josephine Čebul, Mary Kovačič, Frances Žužek in Millie Sadar. Naša želja je, da bi se jim kmalu vrnilo ljubo zdravje. Umrla je članica Mary Zgonc. Zapušča moža in sina. SyIvi Tanko pa je umrla mati Kati Lenasi. Naj obe v miru božjem počivata. Žalujočim družinam pa naše sožalje. Tajnica je naročila, da naj opomnim vse članice, ki še niste plačale članarino za to leto, da poravnajte — ker ona ne more za vas zakladati. Prav lepa hvala vsem, ki vedno kaj darujeta pri raznih zabavah in tudi ki darujete v blagajno. Vesele rojstne dnevem vsem, ki praznujete v teh poletnih mesecih. Voščimo, da bi bile zdrave še dolgo vrsto let. Pozdrav vsem članicam SŽZ, posebno pa članicam št. 14. Poročevalka MARY CHICAGO Podružnica št. 2 POTA IN USPEHI SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE Voditeljice SŽZ so letos vabile svoje članice na vsakoletni Zvezin dan ali piknik s praznovanjem v Lemontu z naslovom “Prva konferenca krščanskih žena dne 18. in 19. julija. Organizacijo sta poleg glavnega odbora vodili podružnici iz Jolieta in Chicaga. Duhovna razmišljanja je prevzel duhovni svetovaleu društva Rev. Atanazij Lovrenčič; kot glavnega gosta in govornika so žene povabile slovenskega škofa iz Kanade dr. Alojzija Ambrožiča. Urednik verskega lista Ave Maria je napisal v Ameriški Domovini o tej proslavi tale dopis: “Dan Slovenske ženske zveze v Lemontu se je letos vršil pod naslovom “Duhovno zborovanje krščanskih žena". Zborovanje je bilo 18. in 19. julija. Vodil ga je duhovni svetovalec p. Atanazij Lovrenčič OFM. Glavno konferenco pa je imel škof Alojzij Ambrožič. Z zborovanjem, so bile združene romarske pobožnošti. Narejen je bil spored, ki je bil natančno izveden. Med udeleženkami je vladalo zadovoljstvo, kar niso skrivale. V soboto zvečer je bila slovenska maša v samostanski cerkvi, nato procesija s prižganimi svečami iz cerkve proti Romarskemu domu in skozi Baragov park, ki je bil razsvetljen z baklami, k lurški votlini. Tam so bile pete litanije Matere božje. Pel je zbor “Slovenska pesem’’ pod vodstvom p. Vendelina Špendova OFM. V nedeljo je bila od enajstih romarska maša, ki jo je imel škof Alojzij Ambrožič. Njegova pridiga je bila razlaga evangelija in je razumljivo pojasnila priliko o hudobnem človeku, ki je vsejal ljulko med žetev, z naukom, ki ga je dal Jezus Kristus in velja za vse čase. Pel je pevski zbor šolskih sester. Njihovo petje je povzdignilo službo božjo in presenetilo vse navzoče. Božja previdnost je uredila vreme tako, da je bila maša v cerkvi. Na prostem in brez dobrih orgel učinek ne bi bil tako močan.” Udeleženci smo pri tej slovesni maši videli mlado skupino v slovenskih narodnih nošah, od katere so trije nesli darove k oltarju, kar je zelo prijetno učinkovalo. Kakor angleško tako so tudi slovensko članice krepko odgovarjale. Popoldanski škofov govor v knjižnici Romarskega doma je vseboval, kakšno naj bo stališče mater in starih mater v današnji družini. Nesigurnost časa in zbeganost mladine! Nesebičnost in ljubezen žena naj rešujeta svet. “Vsak dan storiti nekaj dobrega”, je bilo vodilo duhovnega svetovalca, in “žena bodi svetal vzgled svoji okolici!” Ob sklepu konference so udeleženke izrazile veselje in zadovoljstvo ter hvaležnost prirediteljem. Posebno pozornost je vzbudilo 35 članic iz Minnesote, ki so se pripeljale v Lemont s posebnim avtobusom. Obiskala sem urednico našega mesečnika Zarje (the Dawn) Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, da bi v razgovoru z njo prehodila pot Slovenske ženske zveze od njenega nastanka naprej: Prav gotovo je bilo treba velikega poguma in dalekovidnosti Mrs. Marie Prisland, da je pred 55 leti t.j. leta 1926 ustanovila Slovensko žensko zvezo, ne kot podporno ampak kot kulturno in izobraževalno društvo, ki naj bo nekaka sesterska skupnost. Ustanovni občni zbor so žene imele v Chicagu, na kraterem so določile, da se po vseh krajih — naselbinah, kjer živijo Slovenci ustanove podružnice: Sheboygan št. 1, Chicago št. 2, Pueblo št. 3 itd, itd. — danes šteje Zveza 93 podružnic v 14 državah Amerike. Nesluten in nepričakovan razmah! Velika pridnost in sposobnost žena sta podrli vse predsodke. Ob ustanovitvi Zveze so Pravila postavila kot prvo točko krščanski svetovni nazor članic, kar so letos v Lemontu znova potrdile. Na tej podlagi je bila Slovenska ženska zveza sprejeta v National Council of Catholic Women. Cilji Zveze so bili mnogostranski: dvigniti samozavest slovenske žene, ki so bile v največjem številu gospodinje; utrditi njih slovensko pripadnost, ki je izginjala v ameriški mnogo-jezičnosti; pokazati svetu njeno sposobnost. Še danes so te točke aktualne. Samo dom in družina sta za žene postala pretesna, ven v javnost — žene so pridobile volilno pravico in otroci so postajali Amerikanci; število članic je raslo in doseglo do 2. svetovne vojne rekordno število 10.000 članic. Tudi Ameriki je ta vojna prinesla gotove spremembe. Kmalu se je pokazala potreba po samostojnem glasilu, ki bi povezala članice v ameriški prostranosti. Začele so izdajati že 1. 1929 mesečnik ZARJA — the Dawn, skoraj vsa v slovenščini, z majhnim dodatkom v angleščini za mladino. Po dobrih 50 letih je nujnost narekovala in čedalje bolj narekuje prav obratno. Sedanje članice Zveze so povečini hčere, vnukinje, pravnukinje prvih članic in ima tudi nekaj članic drugih narodnosti. Njih število je 8.000. Mesečnik ZARJA je lepa in kvalitetna revija, ki jo članice hranijo. Izhaja v 7.000 izvodih, vsebuje pa v največjem obsegu poročila mesečnih sej na podružnicah. Skrbno jo urejuje sposobna urednica Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, ki bo drugo leto pri tem odgovornem delu že — 30 let. Tudi ta revija se v naraščajočem dvigu cen bori z finančnimi težavami. Ali bo zmogla to kvaliteto papirja in tiska še dalj časa? Pred dvemi leti je izšla ob 50-letnici izhajanja jubilejna številka ZARJE, nekaka zakladnica Slovenske ženske sveže, njen ponos! Tukaj so zbrana imena vseh zaslužnih žena tako v glavnih odborih kakor po podružnicah, imena vseh predsednic, vseh tajnic in urednic, vseh duhovnih svetovalcev in prijateljev. In to v petdeset-letih! Bila je to doba dela, težav in kriz, pa tudi doba uspehov! Nekaka krona Slovenske ženske zveze je gradnja lepe slovenske kapele v katedrali Brezmadežne v Washingtonu, ki prav letos praznuje 10-letnico otvoritve. Kakor hitro je bil izrečen predlog potom K.S.K.J. v prid kapele, so se dvignile žene s Mrs. Albino Novak na čelu, da bodo storile vse, da ŠT. 17, WEST ALUS, Wl Drage sestre: Po dolgim času, se zopet malo oglasim. Sicer nimam dosti za poročati. Z veseljem poročam, da je vse v redu pri naši podr. Za enkrat nas Bog kar s prijaznim očesom gleda v to solzno dolino in že precej časa ni poklical nobene članice v nebeško domovino po plačilo, za kar smo mu iz srca hvaležne. Seveda imamo bolne članice, katerim On, ki je vsemogočen daje tolažbo v trpljenju. Ses. folary Ann Jaban, se je pred kratkim vrnila iz bolnišnice ter ji vsi želimo ljubo zdravje. Čas hitro beži ter leto je kratko: pride zima, pomlad in že je tu poletje in skoro bo jesen ter čas državne konvencije v Sheboyganu, za kar imamo pripravljen bus. Vse, ki želite iti z nami, pokličite tajnico ter si zagotovite sedež. S seboj pa prinesite glavo in srce polno dobrih idej za Zvezo, saj to je čas, da posadimo dobro zrno, da bo rodilo uspeh za društvo. Dne 18. oktobra pa bo dan žrebanja pri seji v nedeljo ob 2 popoldne v naših navadnih prostorih pri Mariji Pomoč kristjanov. Glejte, da bo uspeh vsaj tako velik kot lansko leto in če je mogoče še bolj usepšen. Pokažite ljubezen do Zveze s prodajo tiketsov, katere vam je že tajnica poslala. Če jih pa želite več, pa jo pokličite in vam jih bo z veseljem poslala. Pridite na to sejo polnoštevilno, saj je to edina prireeditev za leto 1981. — Mislim, da bo tudi malo zabave po seji. Dobitki so številni in oh mogoče vas sreča čaka 18. oktobra — pridite! Na svidenje 27. septembra v Sheboygnu in 18-tega oktobra na seji in žrebanju! Bog Vas živi! ŠT. 20, JOLIET, IL Prisrčne čestitke JOHANNI KRALL, ki je slavila 90 letnico rojstva in je bila imenovana v “dvorano slave” starejših državljanov ali Senior’s Hall of Fame. Johanna je bila počaščena za njeno izredno delovanje v društvih n pri cerkvi Sv. Jožefa. Bila je so-ustanoviteljica Kluba starejših državljanov pri slovenski fari, dalje časa predsednica DRUŠTVA St. Genevieve, Ameriško slovenske katoliške jednote in 50 let zavedna članica Slovenske ženske zveze, ki je vedno rada pomagala dokler ji je zdravje dopuščalo. Bog živi Johanno Krall še mnoga leta! Prva konferenca krščanskih žena SŽZ je za nami. Bili so to nepozabni dnevi. Posebno smo bile vesele lepega obiska članic iz Minnsote, ki so prišle z velikim busom in drugi od blizu in daleč. Ob tej priliki so obskale tudi Zvezin glavni urad in slovensko cerkev. Naš dom je vse očaral. V nedeljo so se odpeljale v Lemont in slovenske Brezje. Na predvečer je bila slovenska maša in pridiga, katero je daroval naš duhovni svetovalec, Fr. Atanazij Lovrenčič, OFM ob asistenci naše župnika Fr. Tadej Terpin, OFM in kaplana Fr. Krist Cimerman, OFM. Hvaležni smo jim za lepe obrede in krasni nagovor. V nedeljo je imel slovensko sv. mašo škof dr. Alojzij Ambrožič iz Toronta, Kanada, ob asistenci domačih duhovnikov. Škof je imel krasni nagovor v lepi slovenščini, kakor tudi v angleškem jeziku. Vodil je tudi popoldansko duhovno zborovanje s prav pomembnimi nagovori. Potem je bilo razvedrilo na lepem hribčku. Škof iz Kanade je bil vesel lepe udeležbe na teh slavnosti. Vse udeleženke te konference, so bile navdušene nad lepim uspehom. Posebno pohvalna je bila udeležba iz Chicaga in Jolieta. Naša gl. preds. Mary Muller je pridno delala in uspeh ni izostal. Iz Slovenije se je vrnila Mary Ivanich. Upam, da se je prav lepo imela v domovini. V tem času smo imele tudi našo sejo. Vse članice so obljubile, da bodo podvojile delo v prihodnje. Seje se je udeležila tudi Mary. Iz Washingtona se je vrnila predsednica Ema Planinšek, ki je obiskala hčerko Irene Odorizzi. Vem, da seje lepo imela. Vsem članicam želim nadaljnjega zdravja. Bog vas živi in na veselo svidenje! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Drage članice in prijatelji: Smo že v septembru. Kam neki je čas zbežal? Upam, da ste imele lepe počitnice in ste pripravljene zopet priti na seje in pričeti z delom. Dne 13. maja je naša podr. št. 25 počastila zaslužno mater leta, FRANCES MACEROL s kosilom v Šornovi restavraciji. Udeležba je bila lepa. Ni bilo najboljšega razpoloženja in nismo pele naše običajne vesele pesmi ker je bilo ravno v času ko je naš priljubljeni papež Janez Pavel II, bil zadet od krogel. Bile smo vse nestrpne, da odhitimo domov, da poslušamo novice v upanju, da bo ozdravel. Seveda smo bile vesele, ko smo slišale ugodna poročila. Imela smo med seboj mlado poročevalko, Antonia Ribic, ki je diplomirala na Villa Angela. Poslala jo je med nas Ameriška Domovina, da napiše poročilo za list. Svojo nalogo je odlično opravila. Želimo ji mnogo uspehov v bodoče. Obhajamo mnogo poročnih obletnic: 60 letnico zakona sta slavila Thomas in Margaret Tedesco. 50 letnico Albert in Julia Giambitro; 46 obletnico MARY MURN se potrebni denar zbere in kapelo posveti brezjanski Materi božji. Po podružnicah se je pričelo tekmovanje nabiranja in v razmeroma kratkem času je bila vsota — $70.000 tukaj in še nekaj čez. Prav vsak Slovenec je ganjen, ko poklekne v Washingtonu pred ta oltar "Marije Pomagaj”. Sedež glavnega odbora SŽZ je že nekaj let v Jolietu. Pisarno krasi lepa slika ustanoviteljice, nepozabne Mrs. Prisland. Glavno sedanjo predsednico Mrs. Mary Muller in urednico Mrs. Corinne Leskovar imamo pa v Chicagu. Sedanji duhovni svetovalec je p. Atanazij Lovrenčič OFM v Lemontu. Obstoj Slovenske ženske zveze in njenega glasila Zarje je zagotovljen, če vsaka clanica pridobi eno novo — mnenje urednice Mrs. Leskovar. A.G. 50 LETNICA ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OHIO Kakor vidite na naslovni strani te ZARJE, so se članice št. 47zbrale za to sliko leta 1931, samo neka mesecev potem ko jih je organizirala njihova prva tajnica Helen Tomažič. Bila je najboljša delavka, ki je v kampanji pridobila 104 članic za podr. Bile so počaščene in so prejele posebno "spominsko knjigo", katero jim je izročila ustanoviteljica, Marie Prisland na slavnostnem banketu, ko je bila posneta ta slika. Podr. št. 47 bo slavila 50 letni jubilej dne 20. septembra. Na sliki v prvi vrsti lahko spoznamo naslednje: druga od leve je Jennie Pugelj, zapisnikarica, Louise Sidanič, predsednica, č.g. John Oman, duhovni svetovalec, ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland, Helen Tomažič, tajnica in organizatorka, Ida Brožič, Frances Bricel in Valentina Bizjak, nadzornice. Slikane so pred Slovenskim narodnim domom v Newburghu. Podružnica bo posebno počastile vse, ki so dočakale 50 letnico društva. Frank in Chris Glavan; 35 letnico Frank in Josie Godič, Michael in MaryAnn Selan (moja hčerka). Carl in Mildred Feme (moj stepson) in 29 letnico zakonske zveze Donald in Nancy Slapnik (naš cvetličar). Vsem želimo mnogo let sreče in zdravja! Vesele rojstne dneve želimo vsem, ki ste slavile zadnje mesece, posebno še Mary Braidic, ki bo 15. septembra dosegla zavidljivo starost 99. let. Nahaja se v Broadfield Manor starostnem domu, County Line in Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, Ohio 44057. Prosim, da ji pošljete voščilno kartico. Čeprav ne vidi, vendar ji bo hčerka prečitala. Imamo tudi 8 članic v Slovenskem domu za ostarele na Neff Rd. Ura za obiske je ob dveh in Dorothy Strniša vam bo radevolje vse razkazala. Imamo tudi mnog članic, ki prostovljno pomagajo. Hvala vsem! Tudi smrt ni počivala. V maju je umrla Ann Hočevar. Umrla je tudi naša draga cvetličarka Loretta Slapnik, dalje Josephine Brodnik, ki je živela v slov. domu ostarelih več let. Preminul je Janes Vovk, brat naše članice Albine Stupar. — Naj Bog nakloni vsem rajnim nebeško srečo. Žalujočim naše sožalje! Naši novi člani so: Rose Poprik, John in Cecilia Kermavner. John in Cecilia sta odprla Galerijo posebnih efektov na 6612 Bliss Ave. Telefon: 431-1927. Prodajajo slike in okvire po zmernih cenah. Kadar kupujete toaster, ali mixer in podobne stvari za “shower”, obiščite Galerijo najprej. Prepričana sem, da vam bosta postregla v vaše zadovoljstvo. V aprilu sta imela razstavo v Baragovem domu. Lahko jih pokličete, ali pa kar obiščete Galerijo. Naša tajnica Cirila je Johnova mati. Prosim, da pogledate vaše članske knjižice, če ste plačale svojo članarino. Tudi poglejte kdo je vaš beneficiary, ker se je zgodilo, da je članica imela svojega moža zapisanega, ki je bil že 12 let mrtev. Tako so potem nepotrebne sitnosti za družino. Dobivate Zarjo redno? Če ne, potem sporočite tajnici Cirili Kermavner. Naše seje se vršjo vsako drugo sredo v mesecu ob 1:30 pop. Naš prihodnji večer pobiranja članarine bo 26. oktobra v Social Room od 5:30 do 7:00 ure. Pozdrav in na svidenje! JENNIE FEMC ŠT. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Po dolgem času se zopet malo oglasim v naši prijubljeni Zarji. Od podružnice nimam kaj poročat, ker imamo bolj malo aktivnosti. Župljani sv. Družine smo prav veseli, da bomo še imeli farno šolo to prihodnjo leto. Čast in hvala Rev. Mejaku, čast sestram in šolskemu odboru, ki se močno trudijo, da so dobili dovolj otrok in drugim darovalcem, ki dobro darujejo za šolninske stroške. Dne 8. aprila je mirno v Gospodu zaspal Anton Kostelec, ljubljeni mož naše članice Anne K. Poleg nje zapušča tudi dve hčere in eno vnukinjo. Bil je drugi sin od petih otrok pokojnih Jože in Neže Kostelec iz Drašič pri Metliki in je zadnji zapustil ta svet. Moj mož, ki je preminul lani 12. maja, je bil najstarejši. V starem kraju so umrli brat Ivan in dve sestre. — Drte 11. aprila dopoldne so pokopali strica Toneta, zvečer ob enajstih so pa z avijonom prišli na letovišče v K. City nečak Edward Kostelec z ženo Milico in sta najprej vprašala kako je stric Tone. Bila sta zelo žalostna, ko smo jima povedali, ker sta se z njim in teto Ano spoznala leta 1964, ko sta bila tam na obisku v Drašiče. Z nami sta tukaj ostala 23 dni. Pokazali smo jim kar smo mogli v obeh mestih, K.C., K. in Kansas City, Mo. Moj sin John jih je tudi peljal v glavno mesto Kansas, Topeka in jim pokazal velika polja. Mr. J. Tomec jih je peljal v veliko tovarno automobilov, kjer je on delal in so jim vse razkazali. Njegova žena Jeni Jim je pa postregla z okusnim obedom, kakor tudi teta Ana se je potrudila, da jim je postregla in Tony in Frank Simonich so jim postregli v njihovih domovih. Tudi moji otroci so jih imeli na njihovih domovih za večerjo in so jim razkazali kar so mogli. Obiskovalci so se čudili veliki deželi in kako lepe hiše imajo ljudje. — Seveda naravne lepote Kansas se ne dajo primerjati naravnim lepotam Slovenije. Zadnji večer smo jim tudi pripravili lepo odhodnico v eni dvorani. Naš Donald Lipovac je igral vesele in poskočne polke in druge melodije in seveda vsega je bilo dovolj. Edi je tudi prepeval slovenske pesmi z našimi prijatelji, ki so vsi tukaj rojeni. Ena izmed teh je bila tudi Agnes Lipovac, ki jo je zadnji teden obiskala huda bolezen in upamo in Molimo, da bi kmalu popolnoma ozdravela. Ona je mati Donalda Lipovac in naša dolgoletna prva nadzornica. Druga je bila z nami na tem večeru Geneviev Sambol, ki se je veselila z nami, a je žal dne 15. julija nagle smrti umrla stara samo 59 let. Preminula je ravno 9 mesecev za svojim možem. Bila je tudi članica Zveze in hčerka naše pokojne ustanoviteljice podr. št. 64, Terezija Cvitkovič, obenem moja soseda črez vesto, vedno dobra in postrežljiva vsakemu. V juniju je tudi nagle smrti umrla dobra župljanka sv. Družine, Frances Vesel, ki zapušča moža, 3 sinove in hčer ter 3 vnuke. — Preminul je tudi dobri bivši župljan, Viktor Maček. Zapušča ženo, 8 sinov, eno hčer, enega brata, 28 vnukov in 3 pravnuke. Bog daj vsem pokojnim večni mir in pokoj. Preostalim naše sožalje. Naše čestitke dobrima župljanoma Mr. & Mrs. Peter in Mary Gergich, ki sta v krogu svojih dveh sinov, treh hčerk in 17 vnukov ovršavala 50 letnico zakona v cerkvi sv. Družine z zahvalno sv. mašo 17. julija ob 10. uri. Peli so jim največ slovenske Marijine pesmi in tudi angleške, ker Mary je cerkvena pevka že od enajstega leta in dolga leta bivša organistinja in članica Zveze. Peter je cerkveni redar že dolgo let. V krogu vseh svojih otrok in vnukov so imeli domače veselje pri najmlajši hčerki. Vama čestitam in želim še na mnoga leta. Čestitkam se pridružuje moj brat Frank Mikulich iz Tyler, Texas, in moj sin Edward z ženo iz daljne Californije. Najlepši pozdrav dični organizaciji. ANTONIA KOSTELEC ŠT. 68, FAIRPORT HRB. OH Skoraj je bla suša po vrtovih, trava rujava, posebno po gredah se je poznalo, treba je bilo zalivati in pa cvetlice okrog hiš, ki jih vsi ljubimo so prosile vode. Danes proti jutru nas je zbudilo lahno šumenje po strehah in oknih. Ljubi Bogec nam je poslal potrebnega dežja; nebi bilo nič preveč, ako celi dan polagoma pada. Ljudje se zelo pritožujejo, zajci delajo škodo, tudi na našem vrtu imamo take težave. Hič ne pomaga karkoli hočem zavarovati, fižolu pojedo vršičke in cvetki ki ostanejo se posuše in brez sadu odpadejo. Tako sem pretekli teden zopet nekaj fižola posadila pa ne vem, ali bo za nas, ali za zajce. Drugo leto, če nam Bog da zdravje, ograjo obrog grede, ali jo opustiti. Ko smo navajeni na domačo zelenjavo in tudi dosti razvedrila je zunaj na svežem zraku se gibati; to je naše zdravje. Pa še posebno sedaj ko je po trgovinah taka draginja je le dobro, da se na vrtu pridela kar rabimo. Je sveže, ima še vse vitamine v sebi, če se otrga prav takrat kada rabimo pa naj bo to solata, paradajz i.t.d. Bradačevi so slavili dne 12 junija. Tiho v domačem krogu skupno z družino nečakovo, katera stanuje začasno pri njih. Ker si postavljajo blizu njih hišo, so imeli kosilo v Hotelu Hellrigel za lepo obletnico 42 let zakonskega živlenja, sprejmita Rozi in Stanko naše iskrene čestitke z željami, da bi dočakala zlato in še biserno obletnico. Obo zakonca sta zelo pridna, marljiva pri našem slovenskem klubu. Rozi je tudi že več let predsednica naše podružnice S.Ž.Z. št. 68. v Fairportu. Bog vaju živi! Danes nadaljujem na petek 24. Julija. Moj mož je kosil travo pred hišo, kjer stoji veliko drevo, spodaj obraščeno z pikacen-drami, kar naekrat pokliče, da se pri drevesu med pikacendrami nekaj giblje, ali je podgana ali kaj. Sem skočila in res mladi zajček, počakaj grem pograblje da nam ne uide, seveda pospravit ga je blo treba, pride sosed z metlo in še drugi in tretji skaklja okoli drevesa niso nam ušli. Skrito gnezdo sem potem našla pod drevesom. In to je le par korakov od hiše. In drugo jutro na soboto okoli 8 ured gledam skozi okno na vrt kjer imamo okroglo gredo z posajenimi belagonjami in petunjami, da je kar precej gosto v sredini pa malo prazne zemlje opazim staro zajko, ko je grabila zemljo sem in tja eno uro je bla zaposljena. Ko sem šla pogledat sem zopet našla novo prazno gnezdo, kar precej globoko med gostimi rožami. No sedaj bomo pa počakali, da bomo videli kaj bo. Kaj ni čudno kako hoče biti žival blizu domov in v bližini ljudi in da ima zaupanje v človeka. Vsak dan se pasejo okrog hiše, ker raste mlada deteljica. Saj bi jih kar pri miru pustila, če nam nebi delali škodo na zelenjavi. Pa mi je ena soseda povedala, da naj potresem z Babi-pawdrom in tudi to ni dosti pomagalo. Tako sem opisala to nadlogo od zajcev, ker vem, da imate tudi katera od Vas take nedolžne živalice po vaših gredah. Moj mož me pa potolaži pravi veš vse mora živet, Bog nam je dal na svet tudi zajčke. No pa naj bo tako kar Bog stori vse prav stori. Smo v času piknikov, povsod se oglašajo, veselje za stare in mlade. Tukaj v bližini Painesville imajo Clevelančani Lovski klub. Imeli so na pretečeno nedeljo tudi piknik in seveda s sveto mašo to je bilo nekaj posebnega. Na obisku je tukaj duhovnik gospod Kovačič doma nekje iz Primorskega, Krasa iz Bača. Je pa zelo dosti naseljencev iz tistega kraja v tej okolici in gospoda Kovačiča poznajo in tako je bil tudi on povabljen na ta piknik. Zelo so ga pohvalili kako je domač in družaben. So povedali, da je že dolga leta tam na isti župniji pase svoje ovčke. Po maši so imeli pripravlenega za lačne in žejne in obujali so spomine iz mladih let. Lepo je da tudi duhovniki pridejo na obisk iz stare domovine in obiščejo svoje bivše farane. In še drugi piknik, v soboto 25. julija na AMLA Recreation center, Leroy Township polka sv. mašo ob 5 uri. Lep sobotni popoldan je privabil res veliko udeležbo ljudi iz vse okolice. Fr. Joseph Ozimek je maševal za žive in mrtve člane AMLA. Godba pa je igrala The Richie Vadnal Orchestra. Pesmi so godci peli v spremljavi harmonik. Le od ene sem si zapomnila katere melodija je od slovenske pesmi: Adijo pa zdrava ostani na koncu maše. V angleščini, Adijo, the mass is ended. We go with God’s peace in our hearts. Brothers and Sisters together. Lord Jesus united our hearts. Čast smo imeli se pozdraviti z Fr. J. Ozimek. Imela sva družbo z možem, z gospodom Tonetom Žnidaršičem in njegovim sinom in soprogo in nečakinjo Anica Korene, ki je na obisku pri stricu Žnidaršič, prišla je iz Logatca. Tako sem malo opisala naše piknike. Družabnost Med tem poletnim časom, mnogi izmed nas smo bili na potu ali na počitnicah ali zaradi druge zaposlitve. Lepo je in celo koristno, da od časa do časa gremo od doma, da vidimo druge kraje, obiščemo svoje prijatelje in tako duhovno obogateni s^ zopet obrnemo nazaj domov. Kljub temu da smo se imeli dobro, neka sila nas vleče nazaj domov, kamor spadamo; tukaj je kraj, katerega nam je Bog odločil v tem življenju. Vse naše življenje je potovanje domov v večno domovino, ki nam jo je pripravil Kristus. Karkoli smo, naš cilj so nebesa. Kot je potovanje veliko lažje če imamo družbo, če nismo sami, prav tako je življenje lažje, veliko bolj bogato, če hodimo v družbi drugih. Vsak izmed nas ima ljudi, s katerimi smo v stalnih stikih, so ljudje v naši družini in na delu. So pa ljudje ki jih srečamo le tu in tam. In to smo imeli priliko doživeti v Lemontu zadnji mesec. Križ je težak, če ga mora le en sam nositi, a s pomočjo drugih je veliko lažje. Pogovor z drugimi, razpravljanje naših problemov nam pokaže, da nismo sami na tej težki poti v večno domovino; pokaže nam, da so ljudje, ki enako mislijo, imajo iste cilje in predvsem, se zanimajo za naš dobrobit. Bog nas je ustvaril kot družabno bitje, zato On pričakuje, da se med sabo podpiramo, kajti blagor bližnjega je naš lastni blagoslov. Obogatimo se, če pomagamo drug drugemu. Sebičnost zmiraj prinaša nezaupanje, nezadovoljnost, kjer dobra volja in družabnost zbližuje osebe in jih utrdi v skupnem cilju. Otrok ki je sam, ali ki noče družbe drugih otrok, se ne bo duhovno razvil v zrelega moža ali ženo; nujno je potrebno, da je v družbi drugih; to mu bo pomagalo, da se izoblikuje in postane sposoben zaživljensko nalogo. Prav tako v našem lastnem življenju, ne smatrajmo pričujoč-nost drugih kot nekaj neznosnega, ampak priliko, da se obogatimo in celo zlajšamo pot proti večni domovini. V polnem razmahu smo tudi že pri našem slovenskem klubu v Fairportu z balincarksim tekmami od 1. junija v katerem se nas udeležuje 14 timov z moškimi in ženskami. Igramo v ponedeljek, torek, sredo in četrtek zvečer ob 7/30. Ob sredah pa imamo rezervirano eno balinišče za naše članice SŽZ pa ob 6/30 zvečer, potem pa še malo karte igramo. Pa še veselo novico, naš slovenski klub bodo povečali. Tako so sklenili klubovi očetje še spomladi, čakali so le kon- traktorja. Sedaj je že v teku. Ko pa bodo jesenske tekme, upamo da do takrat pa bo že gotovo. Tekme se bodo vršile, začetek v petek 11. soboto 12. in nedeljo 13. septembra. Prva nagrada bo $250, poleg te pa še druge tri. Skupno bo razdeljno za nagrade zmagovalcem $500. Le škoda, da ne morejo dobiti prostora za večje parkališče avtomobilov. Obisk iz domovine je dobila Jenni Mohorčič, mlajšo sestrico Francko Turk iz Ljubljane. Želimo ji prijetnega bivanja in da bi se dobro počutila v naši ljubljeni deželi. V septembru pa bodo praznovale rojstne dneve Mrs. Frances Pillar in Mrs. Vandervort Loretta. V imenu vseh članic podružnice Vam kličemo prisrčne čestitke še na mnoga leta. Lepo pozdravljene vse, ki čitate Zarjo. JULKA KLAMMER RESOLUCIJA SPREJETA NA PRVI KONFERENCI KRŠČANSKIH ŽENA SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE, DNE 19. JULIJA, 1981: KER so krščanski principi po katerih si ameriško-slovensko ženstvo ureja svoje življenje, vtisnjeni v duh naše narodne dediščine; KER smo kot žene in matere trdno odločene nadaljevati sprejete naloge, da se tudi naše družine usmerjajo po teh načelih; KER se zavezujemo, da bomo vodile naše življenje z molitvijo, da prejmemo potrebno milost od Boga, ki bo pomagala nam, našim otrokom in otrok otrokom pri iskanju zemeljske in večne sreče; KER preznujemo veselje skupne družbe v duhovni kon- ferenci in pričakujemo nadaljnji dobrobit prijateljstva in pridobljenega znanja; KER podpiramo duhovne molitve in delo za kanonizacijo prvega ameriško-slovenskega svetnika, škofa Friderika Barage; KER se ponosno pridružujemo to leto slavju 10 letnice SLOVENSKE KAPELE MARIJE POMAGAJ v katedrali Brezmadežne v Washingtonu, DC., ki je v čast članstvu slovenskih bratskih organizacij in posebno še Slovenski ženski zvezi, ki je pričela z nabirko; ZATOREJ se sklene, da iščemo večjo duhovno zavest med nami kot članicami Slovenske ženske zveze tako, da bo bodočnost razvijala edinost, zavednost in sodelovanje med nami vsemi v utrjevanju krščanskih načel in tako postanemo vzgledne v delu usmiljenja. Gornjo resolucijo je predložila urednica ob zaključku prve konference krščanskih žena SŽZ. Predlog, da se resolucija sprejme v celoti, je stavila ses. Alvine Sreboth (št. 16) in podpirala ses. Rose Puce! (št. 23) ter je bila soglasno sprejeta. SLOVENSKA KAPELA 1971-1981 Petnajstega avgusta letos, na praznik Marijinega Vnebovzetja, bo poteklo deset let, odkar je bila slovesno posvečena slovenska kapela Marije Pomagaj v Narodnem svetišču Brezmadežnega Spočetja v Washingtonu, prestolnici Združenih Držav. Prav je, da se že sedaj spomnimo tega dogodka — gotovo enega največih v zgodovini ameriške Sovenije — in tudi pomislimo, kako bi ga najlepše proslavili, v Washingtonu se je medtem že 'sestal odbor, da primerno proslavi slovesni dogodeka pred desetimi leti. Kdo od takrat prisotnih bo kdajkoli pozabil ganljivo veličastnost dnevov, ko so se tisoči ameriških Slovencev zbrali in ob sodelovanju duhovščine iz rodne domovine, sosednje Kanade in zastopstev iz Evrope in Južne Amerike proslavili posvetitev spomenika Mariji Pomagaj, kraljici Slovencev — edini kraljici, ki smo jo Slovenci kdajkoli imeli? Kapela Marije Pomagaj je v tem desetletju dobro služila svojim namenom. Čeprav mala, pa vsebinsko in duhovno bogata, je brez vrat široko odprta vsem, ki iščejo tolažbe pri Pomočnici kristjanov. Cankarjev vklesani izrek jih vzpodbuja: "Ozrle_se bodo nate usmiljene oči Matere božje z Brezja in Potolažen boš..." Priča pa tudi, kako si mali slovenski narod ni pomišljal žrtvovati težko prislužene dolarje, da je lahko postavil spomenik Njej, ki mu je vselej in mu še sledi na trnjevi poti življenja. A kapela ni samo pričevanje svetemu materinstvu in tolažba vernikom vsega sveta. Kot vedno, se tudi slovenski rojaki zatekajo k njej — v skupinah ali posamič. Doživela je že dokaj slovenskih romanj. Rojaki iz Steeltona v Penn-sylvaniji jo kar redno obiskujejo. Rojaki iz Bridgeporta so se ji slovesno poklonili ob priliki dvestoletnice ameriške neodvisnosti. Dokaj obiskov so ji izkazali rojaki iz Clevelanda kot, na primer, skupinsko romanje preteklega maja. Zlasti pomemben je bil obisk lanskega novembra is fare Svetega Lovrenca. Romarje je s svojo prisotnostjo počastil sam nadškof James A. Hickey. Zbranim je v kratki pa prisrčni pridigi povedal, da je kapela Marije Pomagaj prva narodnostna kapela, ki jo je obiskal kot washingtonski nadškof. Bil je namreč v Sloveniji in se je pravkar vrnil z Brezij v Ljubljano, kjer je prejel novico o imenovanju. Z vzpodbudnimi besedeami za zbrane se je potem tudi spomnil svetinškega škofa Barage. Priporočil je, da ga vsi posnemamo. Ne le v telesni moči — in on ga gotove ne more, je pristavil. Lahko pa ga vsakdo posnema v požrtvovalnosti, vztrajnosti in vdanosti pri delu za božjo slavo in čast. Modre besede, vredne tehtnega premisleka. Baragove besede, vklesane v steni kapele nas pri tem le vzpodbujajo: “Kar želim je le to, da bi bil tam, kjer me Bog hoče..." Tudi mi smo po božji volji tam, kjer smo. In kjerkoli smo, bodimo Bogu hvaležni za vse, kar je vzel in še bolj za vse, kar nam je dal in ohranil. Zlasti pa za novo domovino, kjer smo si ustvarili z lastnimi napori in težkim delom svoje lastne domove, pa vkljub temu uspeli, da smo v srcu tujine postavili dom tudi Njej, pomočnici in zavetnici kristjanov, nas in vseh dragih, ki verujejo v njenega Sina. Lepo je to povedal pokojni pesnik Marijan Jakopič ob priliki posvetitve kapele: “Naj ljudstvo, ki tukaj živelo še bo, naj ve, da je zidal svetišče nekdo, ki je goreče Marijo častil, pri Njej je, edini, pomoči dobil. Naj priča o veri slovenskih domov. Od tu, daj, Marija, svoj blagoslov." Bogomir Čokelj Pripisek. Washingtonski odbor si prizadeva, da bi desetletnico posvetitve čim lepše proslavili. Ker pa slovenski metropolit, nadškof Dr. Šuštar, pride v združene države šele 27. avgusta in se utegne ustaviti v Washingtonu le za kratek čas je bilo sklenjeno, da se proslava vrši tekom njegovega obiska od petka do sobote, 11. do 12. septembra. Zavoljo kratkega bivanja gospoda nadškofa odbor ne more prirediti proslave, kot smo je bili deležni pred desetimi leti. Vsekakor pa upa, da se bodo pridružili washingtonskim Slovencem tudi rojaki od blizu in daleč — ako jim je to le mogoče — in z njimi obnovili spomine na slovesni dan petnajstega avgusta leta 1971. Odbor za proslavitev desetletnice posvetitve slovenske kapele v Washingtonu, D.C. OUR LA9Y OF BREZIf: PATRONESS OF SL0\ I NIA DEL OLTARJA SLOVENSKE KAPELE MARIJE POMAGAJ ^ ANA GABER: U X ŠT. 2, Chicago, IL y |naša slovenska? l DEDIŠČINA 5 MLADA BREDA Povest dr. Ivan Pregelj I del. I. vesela svatba in žalostna nevesta Daleč po dolini je bilo čuti poznopoletnega večera hreščeče glasove harmonike s ponosnega kmečkega dvorca na Peči. Večer je bil zgodenj in mrzel, sive megle so se pasle po dolinah in se oprijemale gozdnatih gričev, legle sedaj prav nad vas in se za nekaj trenotkov gričev, legle sedaj prav nad vas in se za nekaj trenotkov zopet dvignile. Iz megla je pršilo venomer, od drevja je kapljalo in so kaplje dolble v premočena tla. Od vseh strani so šumele vode in se umazane vlivale v potok, ki je bobnel globoko pod dolinsko cesto. Cesta pa se je samotna vlekla ob zidovju gora, izvila se izza slamnatih in lesenih vaških streh po okrogli dolini in stopila z drznim ovinkom v dolino, ki si jo je bil v tisočletjih preril potok. Tam pa, kjer je cesta zavila iz vaških polj v sotesko, se je odcepljal od ceste kolovoz, se zavihtel v drznoločnem kamenitem mostiču na drugo stran potoka in se vspel do petsto korakov v breg, odkoder je kakor vojak na straži gledalo nekaj belih poslopij čez obronek sem doli na cesto. Oni, ki so se bili ustanovili tu gori, so dobro označili to rodovitno polico nad dolino z besedo »Peč«, kajti povsem kmečki peči je bilo podobno to mesto, in nemalo njih, ki so hodili po cesti, je z nekako zavidnostjo gledalo na Peč, češ, blagor njim, ki so gori na toplem in varnem. Čim vztrajneje in kljubovalneje je legal zgodnji megleni mrak tega večera, tembolj razposajeno in zasmehujoče mrazeče in pusto vreme je kipela poskočnica harmonike raz Peč. Nekaj čudovito nesoglasujočega, nekaj surovoveselega je bilo v teh glasovih, pronicajočih se v blatna tla, stresajočih kaplje z vej, zamirajočih v sunkih visoko pod oblaki kipečih vetrov in šumenju sivkastorjavih voda. Nehote je obstal do kolen blaten in do srca utrujen berač ob razpotju, otresel s klobuka vodo in se zagledal na Peč, kjer je ravnokar sinilo par svetlih oken v somrak. V naslednjem hipu je berač — Lazar vseh svatovanj in sejmov ter shodov— že lezel po opolzkem klancu na Peč. Mrzla sapa je nagibala njegovo nemarno in uborno postavo v stran, ko je lezel po ovinkih nad potok in zapuščeni mlin in se z zadnjimi močmi dovlekel do hleva, izza katerega se je belila mogočna dvonadstropna, z rdečo opeko krita hiša. Na levi in desni je bilo opaziti nekaj skromnejših hiš in shramb. Pred hišo pa je bilo obširno dvorišče sedaj preplavljeno od mlakuž in gnojnice, izlivajoče se od hleva. Pod leseno streho je bilo nekaj tovornih voz, jarmov in poljskega orodja. Sicer pa je bilo dvorišče čisto zapuščeno in nihče ni beraču zastopil poti, ko je krenil proti dvonadstropni hiši in se vspel po stopnicah iz kamena k odprtim durim. Prostorna veža ga je sprejala, z leve in desne se je vsipalo nekaj soparne svetlobe vanjo, osvetljevalo dolgo, s praznimi steklenicami in umazano posodo pokrito mizo, nekaj sodov pod njo in široke stopnice v ozadju. Skozi vrata na desni je bilo čuti šum in glas hreščeče polke. Berač se je stisnil skozi vrata prav tedaj, ko je harmonika utihnila. Nekdo, ki je hotel skozi vrata, se je zadel vanj, da je priletel berač z glavo ob vratni rob in se mu je od bolečine zameglilo pred očmi. Berač je videl kakor skozi meglo dolgo belo pogrnjeno mizo, obloženo s pecivom in mesom ter vinom. Nekaj zardelih in razgretih ljudi se je vračalo skozi vrata iz sosedne sobe, kjer so bili doplesali, za mizo. Šum in ropotanje s stoli je za hip preglušilo vse druge glasove, samo nekdo je klical na ves glas: »Godec je žejen, noče gosti!« Izza mize se je dvignila krepka in rejena ženska, zardela v obraz in nekako hripava. »Dajte godcu polič vina! Pa da se mrcina ne upijani!« »Saj je dobil že dva!« je nekdo ugovarjal. »Godcu polič vina. Če pa zaspi, ga vržem na dež!” je pripomnil znova isti ženski glas. Tedaj je berač pristopil k mizi, se ozrl po gostih in se ponižno klanjaje obstal nasproti poveljujoči ženi in rekel: »Bog daj srečo vsem skupaj, nevesti in ženinu pa vsega, česar si želita. Ubog revež sem, lačen in moker.« šele sedaj so se ozrli svati na berača in ostro oko poveljujoče žene je premerilo njegove mokre cape od nog do glave. Trd in osoren je bil njen glas: »Odkod pasi, potep?« »Od Sv. Jakoba, žlahtna mati. Od daleč sem,« je odgovoril berač. »Kaj?« se je hudobno začudila žena in se pri tem ozrla po svatih »ste slišali? Od Sv. Jakoba, pa pride k nam beračit! Ali nimamo domačih dovolj?« »Imamo, imamo!« je pripomnil ženi nasproti sedeči mož in pri tem pomežiknil nevesti, ki mu je sedela z ženinom nasproti ob boku krepki, poveljujoče žene, »potepuhov in beračev«. Hrupno se je zasmejal. Za hip je švignil krepki ženi vesel izraz čez ice in z glavo je prikimala možu. »Ti Tomaž, molči, si že pijan.« In tedaj se je zasmejala, vzela kozarec in ga izpila. Svatje so se umirili, ko da čakajo njenih besed. In res se je ona dvignila in udarila ko moški ob mizo. Pri tem so ji nemirne oči begale po gostih in obstale na nevesti s čudovito presunljivostjo, tako da je nevesta povesila pogled in nehote izpustila kozarec. Žena pa se je obrnila k beraču in velela: »Od daleč si prišel, daleč pojdeš. Nočem, da bi pravil nemarnim kmeticam okolu, da te je gospodinja na Peči zapodila! Neža, daj mu kos gnjati in potice. Pa vina mu nalij. Tja za peč mu postavi!« Koncem mize se je dvignila mlada dekla in postregla beraču, ki se je zahvalijeval in klanjal vsem gostom po vrsti. Žena pa se dalje niti zmenila ni več zanj. Berač je stopil k peči. Toda tu je že sedel nekdo, in videti je bilo, da mu ni nič kaj ljubo, da prihaja tujec delit njegov miren in gorek kotiček. »Ali nimaš v veži prostora?« je govoril mal, suh možiček sedeč v zapečku in se pri tem trudil prepričati berača, da za pečjo ni za dvoje njiju prostora. »Saj vidiš, da sedim jaz tu. Le v vežo pojdi!« »Kaj?« se je oglasila sedaj znova gospodinja, »kaj je to, Luka? Mu ne privoščiš, da bi se zagrel? Takoj se mu ognil« »Katra«, je zaprosil možic. »Tvoj brat sem, pa naj sedim z beračem? In njemu si dala vina, meni ga pa nisi.« Žena se je dvignila izza mize in stopila k peči in potegnila berača s seboj ter ga posadila drugemu ob stran in rekla: »In če ti ni prav, lahko greš. Ali zdaj veš?« Možic se je potuhnil in si z raskavo roko potegnil čez obraz in se obrnil v stran. Žena pa se je, v bokih se zibaje, vrnila k mizi. Pijani Tomaž se je zasmejal in nekaj gostov ž njim. Z izzivalnim pogledom se je ozrla gospodinja na nevesto in ženina. Onadva se nista smejala. »Nevesta na Peči, pa tako kisla!« se je ponorčevala žena. Ženin Juri pa je prišel nevesti na pomoč in dejal: »Anica ni take vesele narave, ko vi mati!« Že zardelo obličje je ženi še bolj zardelo. »Ali morda ne smem biti vesela?« Ozrla se je po mizi in Kocijan, boter Jurijev s svojo suho ženo Jurijevo botro, je prikimal trikrat, zamahnil nato z roko pred se in rekel: »Še vprašaš Pečanka. Če bi ti ne smela biti, kdo pa naj bo? Pa je tudi res, da ga ni v devetih župnijah bogastva, ko na Peči.« »Srečna nevesta!« je zamrmrala sladko in ljubeznivo suha Jurijeva botra, Cilika. »Ši slišala?« je pogledala Pečanka nevesto. Nevesta se je po sili nasmehnila. »Še smejati se ne zna tvoja nevesta,« je ogovorila Pečanka svojega sina in ga gledala nekaj hipov. Nekako nevoljna je pristavila nato: »Pa saj si tudi ti ko sama skrb in žalost.« Sedaj se je Juri posili nasmehnil. Bil je šibek in droben človek. Na bledem, čudno starikavem obrazu je ležala utrujenost. Oči so bile žalostne. Na licih je plamenelo nekaj rdečice, kakor poleti pozno v večer večerna zarja. Te rože na licu niso bile pomladne. Mogoče se je zasmilil ta hip celo materi. Rekla je: »Veš li Juri, kaj je pikolit?« »Pri moji veri!« je odgovoril mesto Jurija hlapec Tomaž. Pečanka pa je udarila ob mizo: “Neža, prinesi pikolita!” Dekla je vstala in šla. Mati pa je govorila sinu: »Vidiš Juri, saj sem ti pravila, da nisi za ženitev, ne ti ne tvoja nevesta. To je treba biti vesel. Kadar je Pečanka vesela, morajo biti veseli vsi v hiši! Ali ni tako prav?« In doli konci mize, kjer so sedeli posli, je bilo čuti veselo pritrjevanje. Nekdo je hripavo ponavljal: M. GASPARI: Ples na prostem »Tomaž sedi više, pa nič ne de, nič.« Tomaž se je ozrl čez mizo in odvrnil: »Kaj je? Komu ni kaj prav? Ali ni tebi, Lipe?« »Meni je vse prav,« je odvrnil lep, krepek fant in pokazal izpod navihanih brk zdrave zobe. »Le Šimna vprašaj, kaj hoče.« Šime je bil drugi hlapec in čisto malo podoben Lipetu. Cel večer je jedel in pil, mejtem ko se je Lipe vsakokrat toliko ča’sa dvignil izza mize in odšel iz sobe. »Na tvoje zdravje!« je klical Šime Tomažu, ki se mu je bil približal. Tomaž je prijel kozarec in ga izlil na tla. »Bom pikolit.« »Ježeš, kakšna škoda!« je zajavkala suha Jurijeva botra. V tem se je oglasila harmonika, in Tomaž je začel kriliti z rokama in se vrteti. Lipe se je dvignil in šel iz sobe. »Ženin in nevesta pa nič ne plešeta,« je zaklicala Pečanka in pahnila Tomaža, ki se ji je bil približal. »Ti si pijan, Tomaž, pa na nogo stopaš.« Hlapec je omahnil na stol in se krohotal pred se. »No, ali ne bosta plesala?« je priganjala Katra sina in nevesto. »Ne bom, mati!« je dejal sin. Nevesta se je nagnila k njemu. On pa je vstal in odšel v vežo. Pečanka je potegnila za seboj Kocijana. »Stara sva, taki mevži pa še ne, kaj?« »Tisto pa ne,« je dejal mož. Botrica pa se je zasladkala: »Katrica, še ob pamet mi ga spraviš.« Pečanka se je zasmejala in izginila v sosednjo sobo.Prišla je Neža s pikolitom.Tomaž ji je vzel vino, Šime pa njeno roko in jo odvedel plesat. Nevesta je bila obsedela skoro edina pri mizi. Strmela je kakor zamišljena na odprta vrata sobe, kjer so se prerivali plesavci. Tedaj ji je položil Tomaž roko na rame. »Veš kaj, z menoj pa bi zaplesala eno.« »Ne!« je dejala ostro. »Pa pila boš.« Tomaž je držal steklenico pikolita v roki in ji nalil kozarec. Prijela je in se dvignila ter stopila k peči do možica. »Stric, nate!« Naglo je prijel in nesel plemenito vino na ustnice in je pil slastno. Po strani pa je gledal na hlapca, ki je stal še vedno doli pri mizi, odpiral usta in iskal pripravne besede. »Hvala, stokrat hvala,« je zašepetal hvaležni mož toda nevesta je bila že izginila v vežo. »Drži se, presneto se drži,« je mrmral Tomaž za mizo, in glava mu je hotela zlezti na prsa. Hipoma pa to je vrgel kvišku in se zasmejal. »Ne mara plesati. — Pa bo vendarle, pa ne — kakor bi sama ho-hotela.« Nato se je dvignil in potrkavanje z nogo in majaje z glavo stopil k plešočim. Nevesta pa je stopila v vežo in iz veže v kuhinjo. V kuhinji je bilo čuti vikanje dekle Mar-janice. Pomivala je posodo in se jezila ne Nežo, češ, da samo pleše in da ni nikogar, ki bi delal. Za ognjiščem je sedel pastir Anže, mala deklica je pometala. »Ali ni mojega moža tu?« je vprašala Anica. Marjanica ni odgovorila. »Tu ga ni!« je dejal Anže. »Kaj?« je vprašala sedaj Marjanica. »Na dvorišču je!« je zaklical nekdo za Anico. Bil je Lipe. Za hip sta si gledala nevesta in fant iz oči v oči. Fant je stopil k ognjišču, Anica je odšla, ko je bila rekla: »A tako. Hvala!« Stopila je na plan in zahipno ni videla ničesar. Bila je oslepljena od luči. Dežavajo ni več, samo pod oblaki je šumelo in od strehe je žuborelo. Nevesta je zaklicala polglasno. Onstran pri hlevu se je zganila senca in se ji bližala. »Juri!« je ponovila, »ali si ti?« »Sem!« je dejal, »ali ne plešeš?« »Ne plešem« je dejala trpko in mu segla v roko. »Ali ti je slabo?« »Ni mi dobro!« je odvrnil za hip, »pa ni zaraditega.« Privila se je k njemu in čisto blizu lica mu je položila usta. Čudna žalost, strah in bridkost sta jo obdala, komaj je vedela, kaj govori. »Ni zaraditega,« je ponovila, »vem!« In krčevito je dostavila: »Juri, midva bi se ne bila smela vzeti!« V tem hipu, ko je izrekla te besede, jih ji je bilo žal. Zazdelo se ji je, ko da se jo ves stresel, in da je nekaj zaječalo se ji je,ko da se je ves stresel,in da je nekaj zaječalo v njem. Videla mu je v obraz. Kljub temi je opazila njegove plahe, začudene oči. Čutila je, da se mu trese roka ko otroku. Kakor jok se mu je izvilo iz grla. »Zakaj?« Usmiljenje do njega in neizrečena lastna bridkost sta se borili v nji in ni vedela, kaj naj reče. »Ker sem boječen?« je vprašal toplo. »Juri« je zaklicali* skoro na glas in se tesneje privila k njemu. »Ni res, kdo pravi da si bolan. Saj nisi — Juri. Tako sem rekla, zdaj mi je žal. Hudo mi je bilo. Juri! Ti ne boš hud.« Prijel jo je za obe roki, s katerima je zamahnila v zrak. »Anica! Vem, kaj si mislila. Moja mati te ne mara in tega ti nisi vedela.« Ona je zajokala. »Toda ne boj se, Anica, ali nimaš mene?« In glas se mu je ogrel, ko je govoril dalje. »Trda ženska je, še meni ni prijazna. Potrpela boš Anica. Nocoj je pila, pa je razposajena, jutri bo drugačna.« Ona se je umirila. »Ne govoriva več o tem!« »Ne!« je dejal mož. »Govoriti morava. Zdaj si moja žena in nihče te mi več ne vzame. Anica! Samo iz strahu, da te izgubim, ti nisem povedal pred poroko, da se je mati ustavljala moji poroki. Zdaj veš, Anica. Umrl bi bil brez ustavljanja moji poroki. Zdaj veš, Anica. Umrl bi bil brez tebe. Ali moreš biti huida? Ali hočeš biti?« »Nočem!« je dejala ona krepko in mu zopet položila ustnice blizu lica in šepetala: »Zato ker te ljubim! In ljubila te bom in delala in potrpela.« In če bo hudo, Juri, zanesla se bom nate. Vsaj pred hlapci me čuvaj, Tomaž dela v hiši, kar hoče.” In glasneje je dostavila: “Pokorila se ji bom, morala me bo imeti rada, čeravno nisem prinesla ničesar k hiši.” »Ti moja dobra, dobra žena!« je dejal mož. Par trenotkov sta stala v nemi sreči in žalosti objeta ne meneča se za dež, ki se je bil ulil znova. »Idiva nazaj, Juri. Pa veselo!« je rekla Anica. Za roke se vodeč sta stopila mej svate in začudena obstala na vratih, čuden in oduren prizor se jima je nudil. Ob steni je stala Pečanka in nategovala harmoniko, da je hreščala v neubranih glasovih. Sredi sobe pa sta se trudila, da bi plesala berač in godec. Ker je bil godec šepast in berač truden, je bil pogled na nju še smešnejši. Tomaž se je držal mize in se stresal od smeha, da se je po mizi polivalo vino. Venomer je vikal: »Presneta Katra, o presneta Katra! Take pa še ne!« Juri je naglo stopil k materi. »Mati, kaj počenjate. Ali ste pijani?« »Kaj?« je zahropela žena, »kaj si rekel?« »Ljudje se vam smejejo!« Pečanka je vrgla harmoniko godcu in stopila k mizi ter nalila dvoje kozarcev in se obrnila k godcu in beraču. »Plesala sta, pijta. Zaslužila sta.« Nato se je obrnila k sinu in rekla zaničljivo: »Ludje se smejejo. Kaj pa so meni mar ljudje. Kdo pa je gospodar ne Peči, ali jaz ali ljudje?« »Take pa še ne, Katra, take pa še ne!« se je še vedno smejal Tomaž. Za pečjo pa je godrnjal Pečankin brat: »Za berače ima pikolit, za brata ga pa nima.« Tedaj je planila žena proti peči. Zardelo in tolsto lice ji je od jeze zahripelo in besno je mahala z roko. »In kaj si ti, pritepenec! Čegav kruh ješ, kje sediš? Ven greš, na mestu greš iz hiše. Pijanec nemarni!« »Sama sebe poglej!« je odvrnil mož. »Ven pojdeš!« je klicala ona in ga popadla za noge, katere je bil varno potegnil na peč. Ko pa ga je prijela, je sunil, da se je žena opotekla, in pristavil: »Vidiš, da si pijana. Ne boš me Katra, nocoj me pa ne boš!« (Nadaljevanje prihodnič) ( “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” ) A Time to Move On Hi Boys and Girls, Once upon a time, deep in the forest of make-believe, there was a brook. The water in this brook was so clean and clear, that the bottom of the brook could be seen with no problem. Trees would stretch their roots in the direction of this brook. Animals from all ends of the forest came to the brook to refresh themselves in her gentle flowing waters. The fish loved to splash and play in her tiny current. Farther down the way the brook entered a stream. The stream had a more rapid and swifter current which continued to build up speed until it reached the waterfall at the stream’s end. One day a group of beavers came to the brook for a drink. While they were splashing around in her waters the brook expressed her dislike of entering the stream. “It flows too fast for me,” the brook cried. “But the worst part is the waterfall. It scares me. Besides, I’m happiest right here with all the forest plants and animals.” The beavers decided that if they built a dam by the entrance of the stream the brook wouldn’t have to enter it and go over the waterfall. Instead she could with her friends in the forest. At first, the beavers idea worked Pen Pal Writes: SPECIAL PEOPLE There are two relatives who should be very special in not just my life but everybody’s life in general. The two people I’m talking about are grandmothers. I’m proud to be the granddaughter of Mrs. Albina Novak because she was one of the founding members of S.W.U. She held many important offices in the organization and was loved by all. She was very proud to be Slovenian. If I can be half as active as her I will feel as though I have accomplished something. My other grandmother who lives in Wisconsin is just as special. She has a quieter life style. Her life is centered mainly around her family, IT’S 11» EVERY s(£av^niaim just fine, but then the brook began to notice that the fish that swam in her were becoming less and less. She asked one way this was and he told her that because she no longer moved the water was too warm. As time passed the brook began to notice moss growing on her banks and algae developing in her waters. The more algae that formed on her water, the less the forest animals came to her. When fall came and the trees lost their leaves, the leaves fell in the brook, and there they stayed and rotted. One day a couple of campers were hiking along the banks of the brook. “Whew, what’s that odor?” asked one camper. “It’s the pond. Looks like some beavers were here and blocked the flow. Without the current, the waters can’t clean themselves,” said the other camper. The two campers walked down to the dam and started to take it apart. When enough of the logs were removed the brook took over. With all the current she could muster up she crashed through the dam. Into the stream she merged. The current of the stream stripped the brook’s waters of the algae and rotten leaves. She was no longer afraid of the waterfall. The little brook now realized that everything has it’s time to move on and grow. Not to change means to stagnate. ‘Til next month DAVY home, and work. One of her favorite hobbies is fishing. Her name is Mrs. Leona Nusko. I am most positive that both of my grandmothers are very special in my life. KATHY NUSKO, age 14 Member of Branch No. 2 SECRET JOY of ETHNIC COOKING COOKBOOK Over 300 European and American Recipes. Stain-resistant pages. Ring bound. Buy 3, get 1 “free”. $7.99 each plus $1 postage Make check payable to: ETHNIC COOKBOOK DEPT. Z 1863 Timothy W. Mifflin, PA 15122 From Nobel Foundation President: “BEST OF LUCK TO ALL YOUNG SLOVENIAN AMERICANS7” Dr. Edward Gobetz, professor of sociology and anthropology at Kent State University and director of the Slovenian Research Center of America, received a letter from Dr. Stig Ramel, president of the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Ramel thanks him for the SLOVENIAN HERITAGE book and adds: ‘7 very well remember my meeting with the promising young Andrew Zupan. I wish him and all other young Americans of Slovenian origin the best of luck for the future. ” Andrew, the son of Slovenian immigrants from Columbus, Ohio, won the First Prize (Grand Prix) at the International Science and Engineering Fair in San Antonio, Texas, in 1979, at the age of 16, and represented the American youth at the Nobel Prize ceremonies in Stockholm in December of that year. He is one of young Slovenian Americans to whom Prof. Gobetz’s book on Slovenian heritage was dedicated. His picture appears in the book, together with Nobel Foundation President, Dr. Ramel, Dr. David S. Potter, vice president of General Motors, and Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, former head of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and a Nobel laureate. SLOVENIAN HERITAGE, Vol. I (642 pages) edited by Dr. Gobetz with assistance of Milena Gobetz and Ruth Lakner, has become an ethnic bestseller. Completely sold out in less than two months, it has now been reprinted and is again available at $16 per copy, plus $1.50 for postage and mailer. Order from: SLOVENIAN RESEARCH CENTER, 29227 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092. NEW ENLARGED & REVISED EDITION! Slovenian-International Cookbook Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen To order, send $6.00 (includes Postage) per copy A book about the time Slovenian immigrants came to America. “FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME” By Irene M. Odorizzi $6.00 (75C postage) Order bolh from: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 431 N. CHICAGO ST. JOLIET, IL. 60432 X-81 1RNEZ JOHN A. •0-BOX 232 JEW YORK, N.Y. 10032 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone: 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 1053 East 62nd St. 431-2088 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Rd. 531-1235 Cleveland, Ohio ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. I WO COMPLETE KUNERA1. HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAk ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R ZEFRAN MARILYN E. 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