^wakdan lo praznikov. J^ucd dailj eacept 8aturdays, Sundajn «»<1 Holldajs. PROSVETA ■ • ' * i i i • " • • * 4 > * * GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE ' Uradniški ln upravniškl prostori: 1067 South Lawndala Av«. Offica of Puhlica Uon: >687 South Lawndal« Ava. Talaphona, Rockwall 4604 leto-teah Cena UaU Ja 66.00 tSVci^Z 2 SL^TSST CHICAOO 11 ILU SREDA. U. A VOU STA (AUOUST U). 1M3 Subecription 66.00 Yearty STEV.—NUMBER IM Acccptanca for maillna at special rate of poataga provided ter in aetion 1103. Act of Oct 8, 1917, authorized on June 4. 1618 I 1 i m i w 1 1*\ ir I I ..... NEMCI RUSIJO KOMUNIKACIJE V SICILIJI Ruske armade ee bližajo Harkovu z dveh strani japonske baze bombardirane Zavezniški stan. Afrika. 10. avg.—Bežeče nemške čete rušijo komunikacijske zveze v Siciliji, da zavro prodiranje zavezniške sile, se glasi komunike. Zavezniške bojne ladje bruhajo izstrelke na osiščne pozicije na obrežju. Ameriške čete, ki so se izkr cale v ozadju osiščne bojne črte pri Cape Orlandu, so ujele 1500 nemških vojakov. Enote ameriške in britske sile so se danes združile v bližini prelaza Ran-dazza in spravile v past nemško vojaško posadko, iz katere se najbrže ne bo izmotala. Zavezniški stan. Afrika. 10. avg—Odpor nemške oborožene sile v Siciliji se naglo krha pod udarci zavezniške sile, ki je v prodiranju zasedla nadaljnjih sedem mest. Ameriške čete so se izkrcale v ozadju osiščne bojne črte na Severnem obrežju. Nemci beže proti Messini v upanju, da se jim bo posrečil beg preko Messinske ožine v južno Italijo. Angleški in ameriški bombniki neprestano bombardirajo (siščne ladje in parnike v tej ožini. Ameriške čete so po izkrcanju v tc zasedle štiri milje proč od San Agate, brez odpora s strani sovražnika. Osma britska armada je kon-solidirala svoje pozicije okrog gore Etne in začela prodirati proti Messini. Prvi oddelki so dospeli do točke, ki je oddaljeni samo 40 milj od Messine. Izgleda, da bo odpor osiščne sile v Siciliji kmalu zdrobljen. London. 10. avg.—Ruske armade prodirajo proti Harkovu, ukrajinskemu jeklarskemu središču, s severne in zapadne strani in zasedle so točko, ki je oddaljena samo dvanajst milj od nemške vojaške baze. Cilj ope-rac'j je obkolitev nemške voja-tte posadke, ki jo bo morda zadela ista usoda kot je ono v Sta-lingradu zadnjo zimo. Uradni komunike, objavljen v Moskvi, trdi, da so Rusi zasedli Stalmo, dvanajst milj severno od Markova, in Nikltovko, tride-m»lj zapadno od Harkova. V zadnjih dych dneh so Rusi za-pleni,» 212 nemških tankov, 13» tokih in lahkih topov, 323 strojna in 618 tovornih avtov. Ruski kialci so v tem času sestrelili 80 nemških bojnih letal. Od padca . ,n Belgoroda so sovjetske "kupirale čez ato vasi in naselbin. Važni vojni dogodki napovedani Roosevelt se vrnil v VVashington iz Kanade VVashington. D. C.. 10. avg.— Povratek predsednika Roosevelta v VVashington iz Kanade, kjer se je en teden mudil na počitnicah ob jezeru Huronu, je sprožil govorice in napovedi, da so važni vojni dogodki na pragu kot odmev Jcrize, ki se je pojavila v Italiji in Nemčiji. Podrobnosti RooseVeltovega odhoda v Kana-dod niso bile razkrite. Povratek Roosevelta ni utihnil govoric o konferenci med njim in premierjem Churchillom. Izjava, katero je predsednik podal po povratku, ne potrjuje in ne zanika teh govoric. Roosevelt je imel važne razgovore z državnim tajnikom Hullom, generalom Marshallom, šefom ameriškega generalnega štaba, in lordom Halifaxom, brit-skim poslanikom, po povratku v Washington. Hull je po sestanku z Rooseveltom dejal, da ameriška vlada še ni dobila informacij, ki bi potrdila poročila, da je bil Hitler odstavljen in da je Nemčija dobila vlado treh mož. Ta so se glasila, da trovlado tvorijo državni maršal Hermann Goering, felmaršal Keitel, šef generalnega štaba, in admiral Kari Doenitz, vrhovni poveljnik nemške bojne mornarice. Mnenje prevladuje, da se bosta Roosevelt in Churchill kmalu sestala. Nekateri krogi celo trdijo, da se bo ruski premier Stalin udeležil sestanka, meriSKe čete so po izkr- .» ♦ • • • i»tmjejo črto na Balkanu Zavamiiki stan. Avstralija. 10. av« -Ameriški letalci so v zad-"Jih 24 urah zmetali 224 bomb na^^H ton Ictslske in japonske ^'rnarične baze na severo-v*n<*Jnem obrežju Nove Gvine-jj »n otoku Kolombsngsru, se "aznanilo. Glavni stan ge-Douglaat MacArthurja je ^ J mročal, da ao ameriške če- Muiui,. t» >ct*ti le ozemlje v bližini japonske baze, ki jc padanji četrtek. °ix>zicija proti vladne- mu kupovanju živil V^ngton, D. C., 10. avg.-m » živ,lake administracije J pojavila močna opozicija finemu kupovanju in ^janju živil, ker bi to lahko «ra,fc?.r*zmah nelegalnih kCf Predložen ^ ^ *•- v avo- '**danju 14. septembra. Bojazen pred invazijo Grčije Iatanbul. Turčija. 10. avg.— Nemci so poslali štirinajst vojaških divizij in več tisoč satelitskih vojakov na Balkan, da zamaše vrzeli v obrambni črti, ki so nastale zaradi delnega u-mika italijanskih čet iz balkanskih držav, se glase sem dospela poročila. Ta dostavljajo, da se Nemci pripravljajo za srdite bitke za vzdržjtev kontrole nad južnovzhodno Evropo v slučaju zavezniške invazije. (Poročila iz Francije, ki jih dobiva ameriška časniška agen-tura United Press v Madridif, trdijo, da so med nemškimi divizijami, ki so bile poslane na Balkan, štiri oklopne. Poveljnik teh je feldmaršal Erwin Rommel, čigar glavni stan je v Solunu, grškem pristaniščnem mestu. Nemška sila drži bojno črto, ki se raztega od Jannine, sevcrozapadna Grčija, do Alex-androupolisa v bližini grško-turške meje. Ob tej črti so Nemci zgradili nove letalske baze. Člani nemškega generalnega štaba so uverjenl, da bodo zavezniki skušali invadirati Grčijo.) Veliko število bolgarskih delsvcev je bilo poslsnih v Albanijo, kjer grsde utrdbe ob obali Otrantske ožine med Albanijo in iulijo. Naciji so mobilizirali moške in ženske v Jugoslaviji za gradnjo obrambne črte. Senator zahteva zniianje ktevila vladnih uslužbencev VVashington, D. C., 10. svg — Senstor Millsrd E. Tydlngs, de-mokrst Iz Marylanda, je dejsl, ds bo zahtevsl drastično znižanje števila civilnih uslužbencev v vladnih departmentih. V teh dela sedsj čez tri milijone uslužbencev. Senator je dejal, ds bo začel kampanjo za znižanje števila uslužbencev, ko se kongres ponovno sestane v svojem danju v septembru. nemcuatiplje za sporazum z rusijo? Konfuzija med voditelji nacijske stranke MOŽNOST MILITA-RISTICNEGA PUCA Bern, fivlcs. 10. avg.—Zunanji diplomatični krogi, ki opazujejo razplet vojn^ trdijo, da skuša Nemčija doseči sporazum s sovjetsko Rusijo. Kot posredovalca v pogajanjih sta omenjena general HiroŠi Oš ima, japOnski poslanik v Berlinu, in Naotoke* Sato, japonski poslanik v Moskvi.. Odločitev, da Nemčija sklene sporazum z Rusijo, je baje padla na konferenci članov nemškega generalnega štaba, ki se je nedavno vršila v njegovem glavnem stanu. Oni generali, ki so odsvetovali Hitlerju napad na Rusijo, so zavzeli stališče, da bo bodočnost Nemčiji zagotovljena, če sklene mir z Rusijo. Sklenitev miru z Rusijo je zadnja karta v rokah Nemčije po izjavi zunanjih opazovalcev. Položaj v Nemčiji se je pogoršal kot posledica zavezniškega bombardiranja nemških mest in industrijskih središč. Bombni napadi povzročajo paniko med prebivalci. "Italija, katero vodijo slepci, nam daje zgled," piše Voelki-scher Beobachter, glasilo nacijske stranke. "Zdi se, da je mnogo slepcev tudi v Nemčiji, ki lahko postane pozorišče vojnih operacij." ^ - Da je nastala velika konfuzija med voditelji nacijske stranke kot posledica strmoglavljenja Mussolini je vega režima v Italiji in udarcev, ki jih dobiva osiščna sila na frontah, je priznal celo Goebbels, minister nacijske propagande. On je primerjal bombardiranje nemških mest zavezniški blokadi Nemčije v prvi svetovni tfojni, zaeno pa je naglasil, da vlada ne more storiti več kot ie mogoče v sedanji situaciji. Dasi poroč*la, da so generali potisnili Hitlerja v ozadje, niso potrjena, se govorice, da se ti pripravljajo na milltsrlstičnl puč, vzdržujejo. Zadnji odpor Remcev v osrčju Evrope Gradnja Atlantske •tene ustavljena Bern. Ivics, 10. avg.—Poročila iz Nemčije trdijo, da so nsciji zavrgli idejo "evropske trdnjave" in osvojili idejo zsdnje in končne obrambe v osrčju kontinenta. t Odkar zavezniška sila drobi trdnjave v Siciliji, nacijski tisk nsglaša važnost notrsnje obram-bne črte. To ie ne omenjs možne izgube Italije, južne Grčije in Atlantske obrembne stene na francoskem obrežju, dasi je bils grsdnjs te ustavljens po porszu osiščne sile v Afriki. Nemčija, kskor kažejo /name- Domače vesti CHICAOO^One 10. avgusta Je nsglo umrl kr. Viljem Rus. gl. pomošni tajnik BNPJ in gl. tajnik jblvše SSPZ. Mirko K uhelj, gl. blagajnik, ga Jo našel sjutraj mrtvega v postelji. Star Je bil 56 let la rojen ▼ v#al Braše. občina Jersevica v olpraju Kočevja na Dolenjskem, tena mu Je umrla sadnjo Jasen ln ed takrat ni bil nič prav zdrav. BU Je ustanovni član društva 8 SNPJ ▼ South Chicagu. o4 katerega pa Je kasna J a odstopil* Njegov dom Je bil v Pullmanu. 111. Glada pogreba in drugih podrobnosti bomo poročali v prihodnjih številkah Prosveta. Seja gl. odbora SNPJ Chicago.—Jutri (četrtek) se prične polletna a#ja gl. odbora SNPJ v jednotini dvorani. Seja bo trajala, kakor po navadi, najbrže tri dni. Neagoda gl. tajnika Vidra Chicago.—V tortk, dne 10, avgusta, zjutraj je bil br. Fred A. Vider, gl. Ujnik SNPJ, odpeljan v bolnišnico. Dn* 25. julija je bil Fred v Milwaukeeju in tam je na uličnem hodltfku padel tako nesrečno, da mu je—kakor je zdaj pokazala alika "X-Ray" —počila kost v kolku. Zdravnik je rekel, da bo morsl ležati v mavcu "bkrog šest tednov. Želja Članstva, zlasti pa njegovih aodclavcev v gl. uradu jednote je, da Fred čim prej okreva in ae vrne na delo. fastanek y Delavakam centru v Chicagu četrtek, dne 12. avgusta, zvečer ae^vrši v Slovan« skem delavskem centru sesUnek z gl. odborniki SNPJ. Na dnevnem redu je razgovor o naših problemih. Mirko Kuhelj bo poročal o zborovanju Združenega odbora Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev v Clevelandu. Vstop je prost vsakomur. Knjigovodja SNPJ odšel v armado Chicago.—Zsdnji teden je odšel v službo strica Ssma Frank Žordani, dolgoletni knjigovodja v gl. tajništvu jednoU in član Pionirjev 559 SNPJ. Srečen povratek, Frank! Nov grob v Indlsnapollsu Indianšpolls, Ind.—Dne 4. avgusta je umrla Magdalena Kle-menčlč, stara 56 let in doma iz Gradiša, Šmartno pri Kamniku, članica društva 575 SNPJ. V Ameriki je bila 23 let in tukaj zapušča moža, brata in tri sestre. Pogreb je bil civilen. Is Mtnnasote Duluth, Minn.—V tukajšnji bolnišnici St. Mary's je prešteta težko operacijo Kose Burger, hči Antona ln Angele Blatnik ter članice društva 205 SNPJ. Zdravje se jI obrsčs ns bolje,— Albin Boben je prlšifl od vojskov ns dopust in Ukoj je zbolel in se nahaia v bolnišnici St. Luke'*. On je tudi član društvs 205 SNPJ. Članstvo želi obema čim hitrejše okrevanje. Is Mlchigaaa L'Anse, Mith^-Dr.e i. t. m je v Chicagu v bolnišnici umrl Avgust Ksvšek, stsr 58 let ln rojen v Dobju pri Mirni peči ns Do-Bja, a, ho branila v notrsnjostl V Amerkl Je živel svojih mej centrslnl Evropi. £kro« 48 * tuk") Zavezniški vojaški veščaki svare brf>u> pred optimizmom In izražajo mnenje, ds se Nemčija ne bo zrušila, dokler ne bo obkrožena od vseh strsni po zsvezniški oboroženi sili. Nemški delsvsll bataljoni, ki so grsdili Atlantslu> steno, so zdaj na delu v krajih oh Msgi- Bolgarski poslanik v Švici pozvan domov JsUnbul, Turčija, 10. avg.-Ju-rij Kios*'vanov, bivši bolgarski premier in sedaj ponlanik v ftvi-ci. le bil porvsn v Sofijo, kjer not-Siegfrieldovi trdnjsvski črti' bo konferirel s kraljem Bori- v severni Frsndji in južni Nemčiji. Notranja obrambna čria bo uključevsla pole« Nemčije tudi Ogrsko Rumuni jo In Den-sjm, osUla Evropa pe bo osUla nekakšna zemljs brez darja. som. Ko Je bil prrrieednki vlade, je priporočal nevtralnost Bolgarije Možn'*l je, ds bt) Klosetvanov nasledil prem »er js Bogdana Fllova, ki je naklonjen goapr>- j osišču. ^n se začel pogajatf i zavezniki za sklenitev miru. voditelji adf zahtevajo znižanje cen Kampanja za revizijo mezdne formule ŽIVILSKA UPRAVA KRITIZIRANA Chlcago. 10. avg.—Člani ekae-kutivnega sveta Ameriške delavske federacije, ki so se sestali na svoji poletni seji v hotelu Drake, so zahtevali znižanje cen, ker so mezde ustaljene, da se vzpoatavi ravnovesje. Udarili so po uradu za kontrolo cen ln Živilski administraciji, ker niata Izpolnili pričakovanj, in izjavili, da bodo začeli kampanjo za revizijo mezdne formule malega jekla, če ne bodo cene potisnjene, na točko, ki je pre-vUdovala v aeptembru preteklega leU. VVilliam Green, predsednik ADF, je dejal, da je bil informiran, da Rooaevelt sestavlja nov stabilizacijski program in da se je izrekel za subvencije, ki nsj bi ustsvile naraščanje draginje. Federacija je za to, da vlada subvencira farmarje. "Mi ne zahtevamo zvišanja mezd, ker smo za preprečitev Inflacije, zahtevamo pa, da vlada stori korake proti onim, ki navijajo cene,M je rekel Green. "Zahteva je upravičena." Člani ekaekutlvnega aveta še niso razpravljali o prošnji Johna L. Levvisa, predsednika rudar-ake unije umwa, glede vrnitve te v federacijo. Zadeva bo prišla najbrže danes ns dtieimi red, ko bo odbor, ki se je pogajal z Lewisom in drugimi voditelji rudsrske unije, poročal p rezultatu. Lloyd Thrush, predsednik progresivne rudarske unije, včlanjene v ADF, je dejal, da ustava ADF garantira njegovi organizaciji Izključno jurlsdikcijo v premogovni industriji. On vodi opozicijo proti vrnitvi UMWA v federacijo pod I^ewisovlmi pogoji. Kksekutivn! svet je potrdil Greenovo imenovanje dveh do- j legatov, ki se bosta udeležila zborovanja britsklh strokovnih unij, ki se prične fl, septembra v Southportu, Anglija. Delegata sts Issdor Nagler, podpredsednik oblačilne unije International Ladies Garment Work-ers, in H. D. UJrich, uradnik bratovščine železniških klerkov.| Arnold Zander, predsednik unije držsvnlh, okrajnih ln mestnih uslužbencev, bo reprezeiiti-ral ADF na konferenci kanadskih unij, kl se prične 23, avgusta v Quebecu. Španija hoče ostati nevtralna Poslanik se sklicuje na Rooseveltovo zagotovilo Alšir. Alšertja. 10. avg.-"ftpa. nija je zdaj M j nevtralna nego je bila kdaj prej In hoče se ligniti vojni," je dejal Jose Anto f rilo de Sangronlz, novi šuuiihkl| poalsnlk zs Alžerijo In Maroko j Poslsnik je rekel, da ao se Izgledi zs vzdrževsnje špamke nevtralnosti Izboljšali kot |*»le-| dura ve« jih zavezniških vojnih aktivnosti. ()n je dostavil, da »U predaadnjk Kooa*velt In premier Churchill zagotovila Španijo, da njena nrvtralnoal'ne bo kršena, ko so zavezniške armade okupl-rs le francoako eeverno Afriko ftsngroniz Je zanlksl poronls, ds Je prišel v Alžlr i namenom, ds se posvetuje z voditelji zavez> mkov o mir ovnih nač rtih Badoglio razcepil svo je sovražnike : Socialisti izpuičeni is zapora Bern, Švica. 10. avg,—Maršal Pietro Badoglio, predsednik italijanske vojaške vlade, je povzročil razkol med pacifističnimi delavskimi grupami v severni Italiji, se glase sem dospela poročila. S svojo potezo je vsaj začasno uspel in končal izgrede ter demonstracije za sklenitev miru med Italijo in zavezniki. Badoglio je pridobil na svojo stran grupo socialističnih voditeljev, katere je izpustil iz ječ in jih postavil na važne pozicije v delavskih unijah. Ti so baje podprli njegov režim in apelirali ns delavce, naj ostanejo pri avojem delu ln prenehajo z agitacijo proti Badoglijevi vladi, ki jim bo prineala mir. Voditelja novega gibanja, ki ata razcepila delavsko grupo na dve frakciji, sta Flllppo Amdeo in Bruno Buozzl, bivša sindikalista. Voditelji gibanja "Giustl-zla e Liberta" (pravica In' svoboda), levlčarakega krila, so obdolžili Amdeoja in Buozzija, da sta se prodala Badoglijevi vladi. Levičarji so razdelili več ti-aoč letalov a obsodbo Badoglije-vega manevra med ljudi v industrijskih središčih severne Italije ps angleškem bombardiranju Milana, Turina ln Genove. Ti ao vsebovali tudi poziv na delavce sa oklic generalne stavke. i Stalin se vrnil v Moskvo Poljsko vpraianje spet v ospredju London. 10. avg.-~P r e m 1 e r Stalin se je nepričakovano vrnil v Moskvo s fronte, se glasi vest iz zanesljivih virov. Povrstek je izzval presenečenje, ker „ so poročila, ko je odšel na fronto, trdila, da bo ostal tam najmanj šest tednov. Doznava se, da je bil Stalin na fronti, ko so ruske armade zasedle (Vel ln Uelgorod. Njegov povratek v Moskvo je povzročil različna ugibanja. Osiščne radioposteje še vedno trdijo, da se bo SUlin sestal z Rooseveltom In Churchillom in razpravljal z njima o vojni straU-glji, l5oznava ae, da Ui admiral VVilliam Standley, ameriški po-hlnnlk v Moikvi, konferlral s Stalinom o poljukl zadevi. Pri-(<*kujt siv-da Ui piitiskai na Stalina, naj dovoli povratek Poljakom iz zspadnega dela 1'oljske, ki m) zdaj v Rusiji, »ličen pritisk se pričakuje s strani britskega poslanika Arehlbalda Clsrk-Kerra. Mnenje prevladuje, d s ae bodo razgovori nanašali tudi na Ustanovitev odbors za osvoboditev Nemčije v Rusiji, Angleški zunanji minister Anthony Eden je izjavil v parlamentu, da je bil ts odUir ustanovljen brez | >« »svetovanja z britsko vlade Amerika in Abesinija podpisali pogodbo Washington, D C., 10 svg.~-Državni department je nszna ni! jiodpls pog * "i • i .». / t m menam goljufanja federalne vlade, so na obravnavi pred federalnim sodiščem zanikali krivdo. Obtoženi uradniki so Frederick N. Eaton, Paul F. Cordes in George King Odprava vladne kontrole farm naznanjena VVashington, D. C., 10. avg.— Ms t vin Jones, načelnik živilske administracije, Je naznanil od pravo vladne kontrole farm v svojem govoru po radiu. On Je dejal, da bo ta odpravljena v prilog neomejeni produkciji pridelkov na podlsgi prostovoljne kooperacije med vlado in far* mar ji Anglsii zasegli norveške ladje London, 10. avg.—Admiraliteta Ja naznanite zaaago treh norveških ribiških ladij v blokiranih vodah Severnega morja. Ladje s člsni posadk vred so bile pripeljane V angleške luke. Dr. John J. Zavertnik PfcTSIClAN k SURGEON V/24 W. 26th Street T«L 0n*toi4 Ulj orne« hours t JO—i P. U. Saecpt w«d ind • JO to S 40 P. M. Eac.pt ^ and Sun " 1 Residence: 2211 8. RidH.way An PSOM Cnvford IM tr no hmvmr-cAu, aostim »tt PHODA SE popolna oprava za l kroiačnico. 5915 Wentworth ave. 1 iKlifeti-l | čistilce potrebujemo . 4**37.43 za čiščenj« po dnevi in po noči. „ ■■ ssfpffil ■r==:s==r Mrene, uniformo preskrbimo mi. STOtWERS RESTAURANT ) 156 North Wabash ave. I -i----- DELAVCI ( za nakladanje poŠte in "BAGGAGIMBN" železniiko delo je vojno potrebno. 1 • Stalno dllpi Skušenost nl potrebna. I Starost 21—80 let. 48-orno delo. ) $9.20 ne dan. Povitenje v 6 do 12 » mesecih. C as in pol za nadurno delo. Morate govoriti angleško. ' Prinesite Social Securlty Card. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE CHICAOO UNION STATICJN r 516 W. Jackson St ShodL eeie soetanki la prireditve Iz urada podruinke štev. 56 SANS za Mllareukse la okolico se nairf poroča, da ho U podružnica imela tamkaj SLOVENSKI DAN dne 12. septembra leto« v prostorih S. S. Turn Hali. Podružnični blagajn Id sestri Jose* phini Schlosar, kl je tudi načel-nica odbora za prodajanje vojnih vladnih obveznic med Slovenci v Milwaukeeju in okolici, ji uspelo dobiti tisto dvorano za cel dan 12. septembra. Tako bodo imeli Slovenci v mllwau-škem okrožju svoj 4sn takrat ln predsednik nsšegs narodnega sveta Etbin Kristan jo povabljen z« glavnega govornika v slovenščini ob tisti priliki. V prid nakupovanju vojnih vlatlnih obveznic pa bo govoril v angleščini nekdo iz Washlngtona na tistem zborovanju. Kakor Je Čuti, bodo imeli tamošnji Slovenci tudi veliko parado tisti dan. , . Kakor se nam poroča, se v Clevelandu pripravljajo na to, da si ustanovijo Osrednji odbor, ki bo poleg drugega dela tudi pomagsl voditi nsše gibanje v veliki elevelandski slovenski naselbini. V ta namen se je že vršila ena seja vseh Štirih cleve-landskih podružnic Slovenskega ameriškega narodnega sveta. Drugi tak sestanek bodo imeli dne 20. svgusie. Nanj so povabljeni poleg krajevnih podružničnih odbornikov in odbornic tudi vsi clevelapdski člani širšega in izvrševalnega odbora te organizacije pa uredniki vseh slovenskih listov v Clevelandu. Tedaj se bodo izvolili odborniki za Osrednji odbor ln zasnovsle priprave za SHOD, kl se bo vršil enkrat proti koncu meseca septembra ali pa v začetku oktobra. Naši ljudje v Indlanapollau bodo imeli dne 12. svfvsts v Slovenskem narodnem domu skupno sejo vseh društvenih zastopnikov in zastopnic, da se izvoli stslnl odbor za SANS. Znani slovenski' tenorist Tomaž Cukalo bo Imel pred svojim odhodom k vojskom konoert dne 31. oktobra v Češki ameriški dvorani na 143« W. llth Street v Chicagu. Pol čistega prebitka te glasbene prireditve pojde v enakih deležih za Slovenski ameriški narodni svet in slovenski pomožni odbor. Vstopnice so že ns prodaj po 50 contov in se lahko dobijo tudi pri vseh slovenskih društvih v Chicagu. Naše gibenje Od 22. julije do 5. avgusta so se nam prijavile sledeče nove podruinu e: Štev. 69 SANS, New Tor k. N. V« nastala iz dr štev. 56 SNPJ; štev. 83 SANS, Wal-aenburg. Colo.. nastsla lz dr. šlev. 299 SNPJ ln štev. 101 ABZ; štev. $4 SANS, New York. N. nastala lz Slovenskega semostoj-negs bolniškega podpornega društva.• Dne 5. avgusta je ta orfceaiaačijs štela štihinosemde-set podružnic. Zanimanje za našo stvar že sega preko meja te velike dežele. Kajti te dni Je nam lz Kirkland Laka v Kanadi sporočil tsjnik tamošnjega dr. štev. 619 SNPJ Max Skube, da bo poskusil s pomočjo drugih tamkajšnjih slovenskih ustanov ustanoviti našo podružnico. Kskor poroča tajnica podružnice štev. 56 SANS za milursu-i ko ekroiie sestra Mary Musich, je dalo dr. štev. 520 SNPJ iz Cudshjrjs, ki šteje samo dvanajst člsnov, že 153.50 zs SANS; ts densr js nsbrala med to maloštevilno društveno družino Til-ka Borstner in sklep, da daruje vsak člah tega društva enodnevno plačo v tem letu za SANS, še zmeraj drži. V istem času, t. j. od 22. julija do 5. avgusta—so prispevale sledeče podružnice: Stev. 3 SANS, Pittsburgh. Pa.. $140.13 ($25.00 od te vsote jO podaril Slovenski narodni dom v Plttsburghu); štev. 8 SANS, Weet Newion. Ps., $13.80; štev. 15 SANS, Sprlngftsld. I1L $7.50; štev. 21 SANS, Cleveisad. O.. $150.00; štev. 22 SANS, Mtdwsy. Ps.. $10.75; štev. 24 SANS, Vlrden, Ilbt $3.09; štev. 25 SANS, Chics-go. lil« $5.50; štev. 30 SANS, Sharon. Pa.. $100.00; štsv. 32 SAN8, Cleveland. O.. $6.00; štev. 38 SANS, Acmeionla. Pa.. $25.00; štev. 39 SANS, Clevelsnd. O.. $500.00; štev. 40 SANS, Kom-merer, Wyo.. $14.25; štev. 48 KANS, Cleveland. O* $149.00; štev. 56 SANS, okrošjs Milwsu-kee. Wls.. $125.00; štev. 63 SANS, Brooldrn, N. Y.. $13.00; štev. 78 SANS, Srtdgevllle. Pa.. $160.00; štev. 79 SANS, Oirsrd O.. $100.00; štev. 83 SANS, Wslsen-burg. Celo.. $20.00. Podružnica štev. 48 SANS, Cleveland. O., nam je te dni poslala tudi še $10.00 za 50 Izvodov Čokove brošure. Skupni dohodki Isdatki e Juliju: Stanarina za ursd......................................... Poltnt znamke ........... ........................-In)„ „ Poštnins ......................................................... < Telegrsmi ...........................................................,n„ Urednikova plača .........................„.................. Davek zs zmsgo (5% ur. plače)........................... Davek za soc. zaščito......................................... Tiskovine ............................................ Luč v uradu.................................................I_______;..., Naročnino zs ameriški tisk................................ Voznlni in dnevnica—shod v Pittsburghti, Pa Prispevks podr. štev. 9, SANS, Willoek, Pa ($6.17) in štev. 42 SANS, Hsckett, Pa ($22.00) za JPO-SS............................................... Skupni izdatki ......i........„..................... Ročna blagajna ............................. Bančna bilanca 31. julijs..................... ^^ v tej posojilnici seVarovnae do IMOO.OO po Ftdsrij Sevings A Loen Insurancs Corporation. Wsshington. D. c Sprejemamo osebne In društVene vloge LIBERALNE OBRESTI St. Clair Savlngs k Loan Co. •235 SL Clair Avenue Hand. SI70 v CLEVELAND. OHIO st alko delo sedaj in po Vojni utemsljfena ' '(> JEDILNA INDUSTRIJA,.' vojno potrebnih izdelkov. Moški ih ženske za splošno tovarniško delo. C0RN PttODUCTS REFINING CO. Archer Ave. in 63rd Street Lahko se prijavite tudi v ursdu ns 333 No. Michigdn Ave. Soba 725 $14,032.96 POTREBUJEMO ŽENSKE POKANJE in -s -T ZAVIJANJE SKUŠENOST NI POTREBNA Stalno delo Dobra plača 6 drti—40 ut na teden C as in pol za nadurno delo Prijavite se osebno Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srca nasaanjemo sorodnikom in prijateljem luiao vest. do Je preminul noš ljubljeni soprog in oče Prosia sabsva ns termi SNPJ Cleveland«^ Ohlo*—V nedeljo, 15. avgusta, se vrši prosto zabava ns fsrmi SNPJ. Ob tej prlll- FRANK MOSKON Sr Umrl Jo II. junija 114$ v Cto Elum. Wash. Rojen Je bU v Kopriv-niči n« Štajerskem v Jugoslaviji 2. decembra 1879 in ob smrti js bil star 13 let. BU je mnogoletni član društva šft. 371 SNPJ In vsi let predsednik in tajnik toge društva. Tem potom so šelimo najlepše sahvelltl vsem. ki ste nam pomagali in nas iolašlll v uri i« losti. Se ppsebno se telimo aahvaliti društvu št. ITI SNPJ sa dano nam pomoč in sa tako lepo ureditev pogreba, kakor tudi noailcsm. ter sledečim: mr. la mrs. Louis Labor ls Clarldga. Pa., miss Ann Cbiplicb ls HaTrlson Cltyja. Pa., mr. In mrs. Louis Javorssk is Belllnghema, Wash., mr. in mrs. Bartol Medved Sr., mr. ln mrs. Bartol Medved Jr.. mr. in mrs. Louis Medved in mr. ln mrs. Vsi Maynlck is Rent ona, Wash., mr. in mrs. Frank Stark. ihr. in mrs. Mike Kolar. mr. ln mrs. Fred Chopp a Fridd, mr. in mrs. Georgs Butalo, mr. in mrs. John Lehman, mr. in mrs. Joe Glando ls Ros-lyna. Wash.. Pvt. Joe Maratich Jr., mr. in mrs. Anton Oussia družini. mr. in mrs. Norman Glauner in sinu, mr. in mrs. Bailisla Bosso, mrs. John Murattl. mrs. Mary Simon. mr. ln mrs. John Bro-aovich, mr. In mrs. Ruseell Sherman, mr. Moreus Prila. mr. John Hlbbler, mr. Jacob Blsijack, mt. Molvin Ackermen In mr. Emil Pevllaovich. Nešo nejlepšn hvala sa darovano kresne vence in cvs-tice. tor sa sprejem pokojnika k mirnemu počitku na mlrodvor. Tebi. dragi soprog ln oče, pa šelimo. počivaj v miru ln lahka nsj Ti bodo ameriška semljlca.—Žalujoči ostali: mrs. Mary Moskon. so peogoi Rudolph ln Frank Jr., sinova; Mary Ann Moskon. mrs. Adilakle Brooovieh in mrs. Vustlna Murattl, hčere. Bon 211. CU Elum, Wash. lo. Kosilo,bo mM ono in tretjo uro popoldni. Ds ps bo mft. Gorjsnc priprsvils dovolj kosil, si rezorvlrsjte kosilo nsprsj, ln sicer pri predSOdnlku farme Mi-lsnu Mcdvešku, sli ps pri tsjni-cl Ceciliji Šubel. Pridite! Pohitite v prosto nsrsvo! Odbor farme SNPJ. WAREHOUSE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE NATIONAL TEA CO. 1000 North Crosby Street NA PRODAJ IMAMO DRUŠTVENA VEST BukL Minn. - Vsi Člsni društvs Buhl 314 SNPJ ste vsblje-nl, ds io udeležite prihodnje seje, ki so vrli 18. svgusts ob pol osmih zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Ker morsmo ns tej ssji rešiti več stvsrL se torej" udeležite v polnem številu. Max Mgrts. predsednik. Slovenski ameriški narodni svet POROČILO O FINANČNEM STANJU 31, JULIJA 1149 Rilsncs v banki ($9,376.41) in ns roki ($19.14) 30. Junijs. $ 9,395.55 Dohodki v juliju: Podružnics štev. 1 SANS, Detroit, Mlch.............$ 100.00 " 2 M ,Chicsgo, 111. 40.00 " 3 " , Pittsburgh, Ps..................U "6 " , Ely, Minn........................49M " " H " ,West Newton, Pa..........,13.80 M 9 " , VVillock, Ps..............12.34 " 12 M , West Allqulppa, Ps.. 12.45 " 15 M , Springfield, IU..................7.15 " 17 M ,Unlontown, Ps..................132J0 " 20 " .Cleveland, 0..........................82.00 21 " .Cleveland, O 150.00 " 22 " , Mldway, Ps. 10.34 " 23 " , St. Louis, Mo..................35.00 " 25 " .Chicago. III. 12.00 ' 26 " , Salem, O 13.75 " 27 M , Arcedia, Kans......................19.00 " 31 .Pueblo, Colo, 15.00 M 32 M , Cleveland, Ohio ............12.00 " 33 " , Bridgeport, 0......................20.00 " 36 M , Waukegan-North . Chicago, IU..............«W00 " 38 , Aemetoma, Po......................MM " 39 M .Cleveland, O..........................AOOOO M 40 M , Kemmer«T. Wya.......Mp 42 , llackett. Pa 32.00 M 4:» 44 i8heb..y«an, Wis..............* 190 " 46 H , Itrooklvn, N Y......................7.30 " 47 - »Pueblo, Colo...........'5 00 " 4H M '.Cleveland, O...............100 00 " M M , Borben' n. O. ...__________25050 M 53 M , Johnatou n Pa 130.00 " " 54 M ,Chieego, III.......1BS5 M "Mi " , Canonsburg- Hrobane, Ps. ... .. 240 50 " 56 M .okrolje MiUaukee, Wioc<>nsin ..............12500 M f»tt M , Brooklvn. N V..........1S00 M 67 M t, Los Angelee. Ca&iL.« 114 00 " 74 " .ShebovKan, Wia .U.. 100 00 " 75 M , Pueblo. Colo.............30 00 M 76 " , Pueblo. Colo ________15 00 M 77 M , Shebogpm, Wls. . 25.00 " 78 M , Rridgeville. Pa IS0.0O M 81 u ,Hheboyga:>. Wis______51.75 - 82 ** • , fHovnn. Ps. . ..........5.00 - 83 M , Wsls«nburg. Colo..., 30.00 BALKAN MUSIC CO. 1425 W. llth SL - Cklcsgc Naznanilo in zahvala žalostnega srca naananjamo sorodnikom, snancem In prijateljam, ds Je umrl naš ljubljeni brni ANTON RAVNIKAR *s* ** USalAi plešejo psi ssesmoniu SLU os 110 pelUSJe k eSselelnl Torej eedo) nl vsroko. reči. ■Ml oo Msao SNPJ. List Prosveta Je velo lastnine ls eskl drullnl nekdo, fel M rod Mkol Met vsak doa. VootaJ kskor hHro ksteri teh članov preneha biti član ■ preseli proč od drulltio ia bo rahteval sam svoj list moral tisti član Is dotične druHne, kl Jo tal« skupno toevnlk Prosveto, to takoj naznaniti upravnlštvu lista, spločou dotične vsoto listu Prosveta Ako tega ne ers upravniitvo snllail datttin is to vsoto naročniku. Zatisnil Je svojo blago oči 4. julija 1141. Pogreb se Je vriil I. Julija lS43Ja August F. Svetkovih prostorov na Lake Vlesr poko palltče. kjer smo pološlU njegovo truplo k večnemu počitku. Po* kojnl Jo bU rojen 11 feb. IM1 v vosi PokoJUče. fore Borovnica na Notranjskem. V Ameriko Je prišel lote 1111 v Jemea Clty. Ps. Leta 1111 ^ tel v Waukogan. I1L, ia Waukogana, IU po leta 1111 v Loroin. Ohio. kjer Jo bU do loto 1121. ootem ae Je proseUl v Clsve-Uad. Ohlo. Zadnjih 14 M je bU soposlon pri Eaton Mig. Co. ' Clevelandu. Ohlo. De Je bil sovedon delavec Je pričelo to. da i« Ml vodao ns delu v delavskih vrstah, kjer so go povsod posneli kot dobrego In pridnega dala t ca. BU Je član društvo V hej * »3 SNPJ la dnsšfve Blejsko Josote ŠL 2T SDK. V deMaoot si štejomo. do se tem potem najlepše sahvoiiuM vsem enim. ki ste potešili tako kresne vence cvetje h krsti dragega brste. Ts dokea vete ljub»«n» ■oprem nJemu nam Je bU v veUfto tolašbo. Zahvalo iarekamo sle dočlmt dr. V boj M. »3 SNPJ. dr. Blejeko Jeooro št It SDZ. pri)«, teijoes la sodsloocsus pri Ca too Mfg Co.. uniji MJCSJL ŠL II. Tb* Koten Mig. stricu In druMsd Joka Debevec Is Weuhogena. UL. stricu In druiim Jack Debevec Is Jemea Clty. Pa., druiinl Wm. Holllaa. Klrria. O., družini Louis Mohnič. Loroin. O. sledeči vsi is Clevotenda. Ohlo: brotroaec la druUal Jack Debevec, druiini U« Uvite. druMni Joeoph Menart, druiinl Fronk TurUč. druiinl Frank Bupnik. druiinl Anton Peirič. druilni Jeeonh Godec, druiinl Frank Dordich. druiinl Frank SoUs. druMni Besi Mren. sooedom la draiini kjer Je lmst stessssan»s os Derete Avo. Srčno hvala vsem en"" ki ste so prlSII postevU od pobojniks ko Jo letel ne n^eikem odru ter vnem onim. ki ste go soremlM no n|sfsl aodnH eeeseljaki p®n. NoJtepte aah vete noj sprejmete osi prt jatelJL ki so deli svoje avto osobile b'*ipito»iugo on p Odsiv akronskih rojakov . Akron. O. — Z zanimanjem čitamo v Prosveti, kako zavedni rojaki po naselbinah širom Amerike delujejo za SANSa in prispevajo tej organizaciji. Pa tudi odborniki SANSa pridno' delujejo na političnem polju v, tem ali onem oziru. Cilj vsega tega je seveda delovanje za do-' sego združene pa avtonomne Slovenije in vrnitev vsega u-kradenega ozemlja po sovražnikih Jugoslavije. • Radi hitro spreminjajočih se razmer sedaj po padcu Mussolinija, ni morda več daleč čas, ko bodo prekucnjeni tudi naciji s Hitlerjem vred. In Uko je več upanja kot kdaj prej, da bo-1 do Slovenci kot osUli Jugoslo-1 vani kmalu osvobojeni od su-J ženjstva in tiranije roparskih' naci fašistov. Ameriški Slovenci se ne mo-1 remo izogniti naši dolžnosti ln' moramo sedaj še podvojiti zbi-j 'anje prispevkov za osvobojenje 'n pomoč trpečemu narodu v stari domovini. Kdor Ima kockaj čuta v srcu, bo napravil svojo dolžnost ln prispeval ge-' nerozno. Čim več bo prispev-kov ^ SANS ali za JPO-SS, to-llk" več bomo lahko storili' za nune nesrečne brsU onkraj morja. Tudi v naši naselbini smo se Potrudili v Uj zadevi ln prilo-iena je vaoU $76 ze SANS. U-Panje je, da se bo še kaj nabrs-P"zneje, kajti jih Je ie nekaj! v ''J naselbini, kl lahko kej prispevajo, a niao še v seznamu. | Gotovo bodo tUdI oni nepravih' fcvo)o narodno ln človekoljubno "olinost, tako da bomo lahko " kli. da Je naša naaelblna vsej jeloma Ntorila svojo nelogo * "»pevali so sledeči: J,"*ph I rman $28, Mike Koro-, P^ P« dolarjev pa: Marf-" B>lha, J. PetoUn, Louis Va-Po tri doUrje: Jennle Pen-'Jjj± Math Klarich. Mike Tan-P° dva dolarje: Vincent J"hn Slanovec. Peter Angele Kocjenčič, Maver, Frank Andorluh, doUrju; Joe Goleč, Jeck Puc*1J- i Zantini, K*»r, M Antolovich, P. Zr^ ** A Zimmer-rV1 Barich. Skupaj 17«. Sa\v . nm»*«» podružnice - radi male neeel- a in JPO-SS blne članstvu ni zdelo vredno jo ustanavljati, je predsednik te akcije Math Klarich, član društva 170 SNPJ, podpisani pa je , tajnik-blagajnik. Vsi prispevki so bili meni prostovoljno dani na seji. Joseph Irman. 535. Shod ln domača sabava Ely. Mlnn.—Da se poživi ideja JPO-SS v naši naselbini, je odbor oziroma zadnja seja sklenila, da priredimo shod in domačo zabavo v soboto zvečer, 14. avgusta v Jugoslovanskem narodnem domu. Dvorana bo odprta od osmi uri. Glavni govornik bo Janko Rogelj, direktor publicitete JPO-SS in član eksekutive SANSa, ki nam bo razložil pomen organizacije, ki nam je vsak dan bolj potrebna. Apeliram na vse, da se udeležite tega shoda ln zabave, na katero nt nobene vstopnine. Pokažimo, da smo dobri sinovi in hčere slovenskega naroda, ki je že nad dve leti pregai-njan in zaničevan pod kruto peto nacifašizma. Da bo us&eženo vsem navzočim, je odbor preskrbel zvočnik, da boste govor lahko vsi slišali —tudi v spodnjih prostorih. Važno je, da se udeležijo tega shoda oni, ki vedno radi stavijo vprašanja domačim uradnikom in prepričan sem, da jim bo govornik drage volje pojasnil, ako ga bodo vprašali. od čUnov $9.75; po $3.00-Mike Geiser, Steve Mohorko; po $2.00 —Matt Radelj, Rudy Singer, John Klopcich; po $1.00—Mary Vršnik, Mary Ujcich, Louis Marr, John Jenko, Jennie Jenko, Joe FriU, Anton Demšar, John Vidergar, Matt Musich, Mary Musich, Mike Rupj>e, Joe Radelj, Josephine Slspnik, Msry Mihelcich, Mary Camer, Mary Šular, Mary Owen, John Pauch, Vinc. Pugelj, Antoti Groser, Frank Puneer, Christlna Podja-vorsek, Rpzie Bizjek, John Ti-sel, Joe Jtrainz, Rosle Jenich, Anton Kfstiger, Matt Smole, Leo Schwei$er, Anton Ermenc, Theresa Kaytna in Rosie Jenko; po 50c Frank Britz. Pri društvu Št. 520 SNPJ, Cudahy, Wis., je nabrala Tilka Borstner $53.50. Darovali so: po $10.00, Mstt Rsdelj, Franl^ Borstnar, Frank Berčič; po $8.00 Peter Zaic, po $5.00 Anna Panik, po $4.00 Andrew Se-, dušak, po $2.00 Geo. Shimeta, po $1.00 Geo. Skerbiah, Mary Borstner, Anton Skrbish, L. CespelU, po 50c J. Sklander. Poročano je, da pri tem društvu še zmlraj drži ena dnevna plača od vsakega čUna na leto. Ti člani imajo «*es srce do svojih ljudi—posnemanja vsedno. Omenim naj tudi, da dne 12. septembra bo Slovenski dan tukaj za nakup vojnih bondov. NajeU je dvorana S. S. Turn. Ta dan bo posvečen naši novi domovini Ameriki, kateri moramo pomagati do zmage s Um, da kupimo Čim več vojnih bondov in znamk. Vem, da tudi pri tej nalogi ne bomo zaostali za dru- Ker že poročam o shodu in za-1 «jmj narodi. Ta "Bond Rally" bavi, naj vas opozorim tudina j^pod vodstvom mr«. Josephine naše redne seje SANSa in JPO- fcehlosar. Slovenci, ki kupujete SS, ki se vrše vsako četrto nedeljo v mesecu ob dveh popoldne v Narodnem domu. Udeležite se teh sej tudi oni, ki še niste člani. Namesto da kritizirate po rudnikih in na cesti, pridite na sejo in tam povejte svoje mišljenje. Ako sami nečete prispevati, vsaj ne strašite drugih in jih nagovarjati, naj sC drže proč. Zora puca, bit če dana! Sedaj je čas, da stopimo na plan vsi brez izjeme in vsaj deloma pomagamo tem nesrečnim bratom kettt-am,*« niso po lafethi krivdi pribil v to sužnost ln strašno trpljenje. Torej že sedaj apeliram na vas, kadar pridejo nabiralci v vašo hišo, bodite radodarni in sprejmite jih prijazno, kajti oni izvršujejo narodno dolžnost. V soboto zvečer torej vsi na shod in domačo zabavo v Jugoslovanski narodni dom. Andrew Plrts. 251. i u>-Ja >b(o trk, Zu.c Is urada podružnica št. 56 SANS sa milwauško okrožja Waat Allls, Wle.—Malo pozno, a vendar ne prepozno smo se milwauški ln wesUliški Slovenci le zdramili in usUnovill podružnico SANSa ter dobili št. 56. Podružnica JPO-SS je bila usUnovljena že dolgo prej, za kaUro se je tudi splošno kolek-talo. Dosegla se je vsoU $3000, kar je hvale vredno. To je nekako cilj ln želja tudi U nove podružnice SANSa. Ako se potrudimo in sodelujemo, bo tudi pri tej usUnovi Uhko dosežena slična vsota. Strnimo rej svojo energijo in pojdimo delo skupno, neglede na osef prepričanje. Imejmo pred očmi le naše zasužnjene brate in sestre v sUri domovini. Nsšl bratje ln sestre Um trpijo ln glnejo pod kruto tujčevo peto noč ln dan. Kljub Umu se Junaško borijo proti fašističnemu nesilstvu z občudovsnjs vredno vztrajnostjo ln žllsvost-jo. Trpe ps grozne muke ln žrtve so velikanske. Le tisti, ki ime kamen v sebi namesto srce. se cinično umika delu zs njegovo rešitev. Neše podružnica še precej dobro nepreduje, e popolen uspeh bo še le takrat, ko bodo pristopite vsa društvs ln organizacije Ur bomo vsi pomagali po svojih močeh našemu narodu. Od 30. maj s do sedaj so prispevali posamezniki, društva ln klubi 1269 75 Od U vsoU Je bilo poaleno na gl. urad $25000, stroški podružnice so $460 ln preoeUnek v blagajni je $15.15 Priapevali ao sledeči: Po $90.00 —društva * 104 SNPJ ln društvo Št. 3 JPZ Sloge, po $15.00— klub bivših rudarjev, po $12X10 —društvo it 5*4 SNPJ; po $10.00 društvo št 686 ln št. 192 SNPJ; po $5 00—Joaeph me Schloeer. drušivCšTm in 1« KmU tajnik društva it 234 SNPJ nabral centov bonde, ste naprošeni, da jih kupite na omenjeni dan kar največ mogoče. Za ta dan je povabljen tudi predsednik SANSa Etbin Kristan kot eden govornikov. Vršila se bo tudi velika parada tn na delu te bo rešilni voz (»m-bulance) za Rdeči križ, katerega bomo tudi kupili združeni Slovenci v milwauškem okraju. Proai se rojake, da tudi v U namen sedaj darujejo kolikor kateri more. ' Prihodnja'iaeia podružnice it 56 SANSa ho četrto nedeljo v avgustu ob 2. url popoldne v So-štaričevl dvorani. Društva so naprošena, da pošljejo zastopnike. Vabljeni so tudi vsi čUnl in tisti, ki se žele pridružiti. (Prosimo, pišite prihodnjič "double space"—ured.) Mary Musich, tajnica. Darovi ae JPO-SS. št. 7 Si. Loula, Mo. — Lckalni odbor št. 7 JPO-SS je poslal glavnemu tajniku Josip Zalarju vsoto $93.25, katero so darovali sledeči: Louis Speck $10; po $5 so prispevali sledeči: Anns Kocin, Rudi Gabrljan, Joe Hočevar, John Ancal, John Težak in Prank Zvanut. Po $4 sU darovala: John Franko ln Cecilija Florjančlč. Po $3 SU darovali: Anna Hočevar in Anna Slmajer. Po $2 so prlspevsll: Joe Ten-clk, Msrtln Petrovich, John Zgur, John Čepek, J. Gabrljan. U. Bukovic, A. Bukovic, F Sa-Jovfc, Slovehskl narod dom, J. GregorlČ, J. Skuplc; Mr. Zlo-gar $1.25. Po $1 so dali: J. Dolenc, M. Stoker, J. *frost, A. Strukel, Joe Barut, John Mihelčtč, J. Trebeč, R. Trost, F. Jsrc, J. Pe-trič, F. Risar, M. Zalusi, Anton Zorko, Mrs. EmpssUto, J. Rsu-nič In Mrs Voli Hvsla vsem darovalcem! Frank Zvaaut. Canonaburg-Strabene sa SAVS Strabane, Pa. — Tukajšnja podružnica štev. 95 SANS mi Je neročila kot svoji blagajnlcl. naj pošljem svetovemu blagajniku $200.00 lz njene blagejne ln pe $40.50, ki Jih Je nebrel Jakob Pavčlč med tukajšnjimi rojaki. V to zadnjo vsoto so daroveli: Po $1.50 Viktor Fr, Vodišek, John Cveten; po $100 Jakob Pavčlč, Anton Mertinčlč. Frsnk Pogorelčnlk, Anthony Hartman. Anthonv Lesnik, John Napotnik. Frank žele, John Koamač, Andy Posega, Anthony Mavrich, An-thuny Kotar. Justin Mertinčlč, Ignac Tomšič, Louis Bertol, John Skok, Joe Koklich, Rudolf Okleien, Avgust Oklešen, Justin Bed mak. Frencia Drenik, Ane Cveten, Tony Bevec. Pevel Frank Gorup; po 90 Affton Bamea. rrank PttO&VBTA Gorslch, John Vrhovnik, Johaoa Vrhovnik, Joe Senkinc, Frank Mikec, Katarina Kogovšek, John Bobner, Frank Hejtz, Geo, Čur-tls, Frank Potočar, Mirko Kruleč, Mike Helay, Joe Jarkosky, Steve Jarkosky, Anthony Bol-ume, John Kovach, Henry*Her-vole, Jacob Martinčič, Frank Tomšič, Joe Koklich ml., mrs. John Bevec, Rudy Cidešen ml., Avgust Bišks, Robert Klsnov-ski; po 25 eentqv Frank Kruleč, Frank MartinČi^, Avgust Sim-člč, Mary Kavšek; skupaj $40.50. Mary Tomšič, bl I Hermlnlf Herminie« P kajšnje pet JPO-SS ae Je avgusts. Pošto, nl drušUv 67 va sejs tu-| SANS ln v nedeljo, 1. tvorijo čla-613 SNPJ ter 154 AŠZ. Odbor, ki je bil izvoljen ne usUnovnl seji 18. julijs, je bil ns tej seji potrjen. Potrjen je bU tudi načrt za dolar letnih priapevkov (Članarina) ali 25c na tri meeece- Na prvi aeji se je vpisalo 30 članov, ki so vplačali $24.25. 2e od prej (od veaelice) smo Imeli na rokah $52, klub pa ima še dati $10, Skupaj torej $86, kar bo že če4na vaota. Upamo, da bo prihodnja aeje privabila zopet mnogo članov lz domače nssel-hlne in iz okolice. Seje se bodo vršile vsako jprvo nedeljo v mesecu okrog štirih popoldne v domačem Domu. Sejs je j>odprU tudi resolucijo podružnice 8 JPO-SS iz Chicaga za nabiranje obnošene obleke za naše rojake v aUrem kraju. Kar se prej omenjene vsote tiče, je bilo zaključeno, da se denar drži ie tukaj dO prihodnje seje, ln sicer lz vzroks, da še kaj naberemo, Uko da bo sto dolarjev za obe akciji.. Odbor U postojanke je sledeči: Predsednik Joe Batls ml., podpredsednik Mlchael Stern, tsjnlk Anton Zornik, blagajnik John Klauchlssar (?), zaplsnlka-rica Ida Klauchlasar. Njih imena navajam zato, ds boste vedeli, s kom stopiti v zvezo, kadar hočete posuti član te koristne organizacije. Od JPO-SS smo dobili številko 40, od SANSa pa številko 73. Mnenje podpisanega je, da bi morala Imeti ta naša postojanka —obe skupaj—najmanj 200 članov v tej okolici. Dragi rojaki, kaj rečete k temu? Uljudno ste vabljeni na pristop, kar bo čaat-no za vas in kar boste spoznali (x>zntjc. Torej nc bodite "Janez Nedam" ali "Mica Skopuh" ln pristopite k naši postojanki. Anton Zornik. tajnik. Olaa ls Warrena Warrea. O.—Naša priredba, kl se je vršlU 27. junija v korist Slovenskegs smerlškegs.narodnega sveU, je povoljno Izpadla. Čisti prebitek je znašal $49.1*. V lati namen so darovsla Bledeča društva ln posamezniki: Po $10: društvo 321 SNPJ, Slovenska ženska zveza št. 54 ln društvo Bratska sloga SDZ; po pet dolarjev: Frank Petrieh ln žena, Anton Žuga at., John Petrlch ln žena, Frank Gradtšer ln iona; po dva dolarja: Frank Pavlin, Mary Jankovlch, Jos. Ješ ln še-na, Anton Gorenc, Frank ln Roae Recher, Vincent Habič ln iena, Tony Sajn ml.; po dolarju: Vincent Tomšič, John Star, Jennle Remlk, Ladle Gorenc, Anton Ru-dln, John Rlffe, Elizabet Peršln st., Joseph Glevsn, Jacob Peršln ml., Anton SUvsns, Jacob Peršln st., Frank Modlc, Karollna Smuk, Roae Korošec, Anton &ajn st., Štefan Dolgan, AntonU Kocjan, Blaž Rek; po 75c: BreglU Gllha; po 50c: Anton Martinčič, Kari Tomažln, Vlncent Matok, Mary Waltko, Simon Mrvaš; po 36c: Matilda Rek in John Sobo-tln 25c. Skupaj $134.94 (?). Prlsrčns hvala vsem dsrovsl cem, posebno pa Johnu Petri-chu za brezplačno predvsjsnje filmov ln Jscobu PerŠinu ml. ln njegovim godbenikom, ki so Igrali brezplačno na omenjeni veselici. Če kdo najde kakšno pomoto, naj mi oprosti ln obenem sporoči, da se popravi. Joaeph Ješ. 321. Članica moraarišna reserva (WAVES) proslavi)ajo prve obletnico. Priprave sa peksaovanje letošnjega dneva SNPJ Chicago. I1L—Poročano je že bilo, da ae letošnji dan SNPJ vrši v Chicagu pod okriljem federacije za člkaško okrožje. V zvezi t dnevom $NPJ bo tudi proelava 30-l#tnice obstoja mladinskega oddelka f>rl jednoti. Radi neprillk s transpoi tacljo se bo vršilo vse v dvorsni SNPJ, Uko da ne bo potrebno računati a slabim vremenom. V soboto, 4. septembra bo sprejemni plee, v nedeljo, 5. popoldne pe proelava z Izbranimi točkami, kaUre bodo vredne vstopnine 40c. Zato apeliramo na člane in članice SNPJ, da posetljo to prireditev. Čeprav so Izredne razmere, bomo z vašo kooperacijo napravili manifestacijo za SNPJ. Obenem pa boste vssj sa U dneve popafolli tla vse krile ln Uževe, katere povzročajo sedanje razmere. Kakor ne prejšnjih dnevih SNPJ, !>osU imeli tudi letoa priliko, du ae boste sešli z znanci in prijatelji. Zato se od-ločiU Ukoj, ds obiščete Chicago 4., 6. ln 6. sept<*mbre. Ker bo priredba v zvezi z delom, katerega bodo morali Izvršiti člani ln članice društev, kaUre spadajo k federaciji, se apelira nanje, da v Uh dnevih Žrtvuje vssk neksj ur čsss ln bo vse delo zedovoijivo izvršeno. Zato sa ves proal, da se za delo prijeviU pri tajniku vašega društva. Na zadnji seji federacije so bile razdeljene vstopnice za U priredbe, katerim cena Je 40c Društva so deležns cela vsote za prodane vstopnice razen 4c, kateri gredo sa dsvek Zato ae društvom nudi prilika, da napravijo nekaj denarje za svoje blagejne, obenem bodo pe pripomogla d Al'VšČje Udeležbe, ker zanjo so nejboljša agitacija prodane vstopnice Zato pojdimo vel na delo ln uspeh obeh priredb nem bo zagotovljen Frank Alesfc. Ujnik Slavij« se pripravila na 40 letnico Chicago. Ill, Kot Je bilo že poročeno v Proavetl. bo društvo SUvija št I SNPJ praznovalo 40-letnico svojega obstanka v nedeljo, oktobra v dvoren! SNPJ Za proslavo Uga važne- MAKE EVEftV PAV DAY BOND DAY J0IN THI MM0LI e IAVINSS PLAN e gs dogodka, ko je bilo ustanovljeno prvo društvo nsše sedsj velike jednote, bo Sl*vijs preskrbela tudi zelo lep program. Spodobi se, da dostojno proslavimo ta tako važen dogodek v življenju našega naroda v Ameriki. Saj lz tega tako malega začetka je vendar zrastla našs organizacija SNPJ, kaUra je že zelo veliko dobrega storila zs svoje člane in to delo opruvlja vodno in povsod kjerkoli doseže njeno območje, Pomagati svojim članom v potrebi—la mnogokrat tudi drugim—to je namen nsše Slovenske narodne podporne jednote, poleg pridobivanja naših l|udl, da se za primerno ceno zavarujejo za slučaj nesreče sil smrti. Ds to delo vrlo dobro izvršuje, je dokaz v Um, da je Že Izplačala okoli 20 milijonov dolarjev zavarovalnine avojim članom in poleg Uga ie blizu pol milijona v razn'h podporah Izven zavarovanja. In ta organizacija se Je začela pred 40 leH, ko se je organiziralo druitvo Slsvlje, ali boljše rečeno, iz tega počet ka ar je iz-clmila in zrastU v največjo slo-, vensko jednoto v Ameriki. Društvo Slavlja Je tudi delovalo v svojem okviru ne breUkem polju in pomagalo kjerkoli je moglo ln kjerkoli je bile potrebe. Zato apeliramo na vae člane v Chicagu ln okolici, da sl,rezer-virate dan 10. oktobra ln pridlU v dvorano SNPJ, da dostojno proslavimo te važen dogodek CUna Sle vi Je opozarjam, da se v obilnem številu udeležiU seje v oeUk, 13. evgusta v navadnih prostorih. Na Uj seji bo podrobno poročano o proslavi dneva SNPJ, kateri bo letoa v Chicagu. Obenem bodo na razpolago vstopnica se U dan kot tudi ze našo proslavo Zdramita ae nekoliko vsaj ss 40-letnico. Mi ne praznujemo Vsake obletnice, smpek enkrat v petih letih se pe spodobi In vsak člen ln članiee M se morala Uga zavedati. Ne svidenje v petek na seji. Aašea Trojar. Ujnik Velika je naša moč Janko N, Rogelj Velika je naša moč, ako je trdna ln udejstvujoča tudi naša volja, kadar srce ln pamet delata nerazdružljlvo na polju slovenskega samarltanstva v Ameriki. Vprašanje pri tem je Iv to, kako nam Je mogoče poraziti vsakdanjo sebičnost in brezbrižnost, ki se Je sadnja leta naselila v srca ln razum smeriških Slovencev ln Slovenk. Tods vsi niso taki, najdejo se ljudje, kl so že zsživell v sodobno in resno situacijo, v kateri živijo sedaj naši trpeči in zasužnjeni bratje1 in sestre onkraj morja, Pred dvema tednoma sem imel pogovor z zavednim ln Iskrenim Diovencftn, Kt poaeouje m nora- tuje novo tovarno, v kateri izdelujejo potrebščine za ameriško vojno obrambo. Njegovo ime Je Peter Lustrik. V družbi njegove razumne žene smo se pogovarjali tudi o težkih In mračnih dnevih, kutere preživljajo naši ljudje v domovini. To zaželjeno srečanje vam enkrat opišem v posebnem dopisu, kajti zaključek našega pogovora Je bil ta, da ml je Lustrik lsročll $500.00 za Jugoslovanski pomožni odbor, slovenska sekcija. Hvsla mu ln njegovi ženi sa pravilno razumevanje sedanjega družabnega reda, kjer je vsak ismed nas poklicahs da pomaga In rešuje, kjer koli je pomoč in rešitev potrebna: Glavni blagajnik JPO.SS, brat Leo Jurjovec, mi je poslal sledeče poročilo za mesec Julij: Prispevali so sledeči: Lokalni odbor št 9, VVauke-gan, III., $50,00; Frank Meglich nabral $1000; naročniki Glasa Naroda poslali $13.00; lokalni odbor št 35, okrožje Collintfood, Cleveland, Ohio, $200,00; lokalni odbor št 21, Denver, Colo., $25 00; lokalni odbor št. 7, St Umit, Mo., $93 25; lokalni odbor št. 37, West Park, Ohio, $60 00; lokalni odbor št. 9, Wil-lock, Pa., $617; lokalni odbor št. 29, Barton, Cfito, $2000; podružnica it. 42, HANS, Jiackelt, Pa., $22,00; podružnica it, 47 SANS, $25.00; Mike Kusel, Chi-csgo, 111., $600; in lokalni od-bor it. 2, Cleveland, Ohio, $1000.00. Skupni dohodki za mesec Julij so $1,529 42 fikupns blagaj-na JPO.SH, je bila dne 31. julija $54,666 44] Lokalni odbor it. 2 v Clevelandu, Ohlo, katerega blagajnik je dobrovoljni in delavni Slovenec, Joseph Okorn. glavni urad-, nik Slovenske dobrodelna zveze, je zopet poslsl na glavni urad $1000 00 S to pošiljatvijo je lokalni odbor it. 2 že poslal $6000 00 Predsednik John Pol-loek in Ujnik Frank Turek pravi U, da morerpo v tem letu do-aeči deset tisoč dolarjev, ali pa ia več Lokalni odbor it. 35 CoIIIn-wood-Cleveland, Ohio, kjer vodi, piše in dela s nvutrudljlvo voljo poznani in zavedni primoraki rojak, UjrHk odbora, Joaeph Durn, Je tudi poslal $200 00 Br. Durn Je zaposlen v svoji trgovini vaak dan, toda ga ni narodnega, društvenega, pomol naga ali kulturnega dela med nami Slovenci v Clevelsndu. da se ne bi on udejstvovel s nasveti, pripomočki in rasnim delom. Hvala mu lepa* 1 »kalni odbor it 37. West' Park. Ohio, Je tudi priapeval $60 00, Cacilla Brodnik Ja Um1 tajnica, vadno na delu s avdji-! mi prtjeUl|!rami, ki čutijo bolest in trpljenje sUre domovine Tudi Slovenci v St. Louisu so nsm poslsl 1 $93.25. Posebno se zsnims za našo pomožno akcijo rojak Frank Zvanut, kl želi, da bl naii bratje dobili ssdostno pomoč po vojni. Hvsla vsem, ki io dsrovsll! Naslov temu dopisu sem dsl: Velika je naia moč. Ali se st-vedemo te moči? Rea je tot Silno moč imamo v sebi, ako jo ob pravem času spoznamo. Med nami imamo ljudi razllčnege mliljenja, udejstvovanja In nazorov. Malo jih Je, ki so pripravljeni delati sastonjsko delo za nsrod, mslo jih je, kl bl hoteli prejšnjim slediti ln pomsgatl. Veliko Jih Imsmo, kl so gmotno dobro zasidrani, tods ilh ne po-iičemo, ds bi se odzvali naii pomožni akciji. Pomožna akcija potrebuje v vaaki slovenski na* selblnt ljudi, ksterlh imena 61-tate v časopisih, ki se udejstvu« Jejo pri JPO.SS ln sedaj tudi pri SANSu. V Klelnu, Mont., šivi prlpro-ata ln dobroarčna Slovenka, kl je bila v domovini vsgojene v revni hiši. Niso imeli dosti kruha, morda so gs pekli enkrat ns mesec. Bils je večkrat lačna kot sita, zato Je poprosile večkrat za košček kruha pri aose-dih, Globoko v spomin se jI je vtisnilo to življenje ls domovine, ona ga nl pozabila. Ko je hesre-fri zadela njeno domovino onkraj morja, spomnila se Je s po-ftivljenim spominom, kako sedaj trpijo ljudje v Sloveniji, Stopila je od hiie do hiie, od vasi do vasi, od mesta do mesU, nabirala, prosila ln dokasovale ljudem: Slovencem, tujesemcem in Amerlkaneem, kako velika nesreča je zadela njen narod ftlirlnajet mesecev je kolekUla. dobila otiske na nogah, da ml Je poslala $226 (17 za našo pomožno akcijo, To Je plemenito delo usmiljenja In pomoči, Kje Jt Je enaka slovensks žene v Ameriki? Koliko dolarjev bl ie bilo v naši blagajni, da ima one sodelavko v vsaki slovenski ženi v Ameriki! Tu se pokeže, kako veliko moč Imamo v našemu slovenskemu ljudstvu v Ame--lanšek iz Kamnika, član SNPJ. Zadevo 8KPJ. V gl. uradu jednote je razptoana služba hišnika. Dolavake veetL Jeklarski trust je obljubil oaemurnik "čim bo dovolj delavcev na razpolago' Ameriška vaatl. Predsednik Hard ing Je naglo umrl v San Franciacu. Zadela ga je kap. Njegov naalednik je podpri aednik Calvin Coolidge. laooometvo. Iz Italije poročajo, da Benito Muaaolinl, fašisti • ni diktator, živi v večnem strahu, de ga kdo ubije; nikam« t * ne upe brez močne telesne atrs* la . . . Sovjetska Rusija V Moskvi so odprli prvo mednarodno razstavo po revoluciji SRED^ Slovenska Narodna Podpo rna Jednota 2057-59 So. Laorodala At«. Chicago 23. Illiaou GLAVNI ODBOR Isvrlal od«. i. i/incENT CAINKAS. fl. predaednik... ^ VIDER, fl- tajnik—.---5- Lii i JAM HUS. pomol. tal---- s&0g. kuh bl. «l blagajnik........ m!wRENCE GRADISHEK. tajnik bol MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. dlrekt. mlad. o PHILIP godina. upravitelj gto«il« John molek. urednik glasila. ..«857 So. Lawndale Ave., ..2857 So. Lawndale Ave. .2857 So Lawndale Ave. .4857 So. Lawndale Ave. odd.....8657 So Lawndale Ave. •2887 So. Lawndale Ave. 2857 So. Lawndale Ave, 2857 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago SS. III. Chicago 23. III Chicago 23. IU Chicago U. IU. Chicago 23. III Chicago 23. III. Chicago 23, (U. Chicago 23. IU. Podpredsednika michael r KUMER. prvi podpredsednik — SoilLUS ZARNICK. drugI podpredsednik..-.. PM JOS CULKAR. prvo okrotje TiiiES MAGLICH. drugo okrožje.. ..................Box 84, Unlversal. Pa. 3587 W. 83th St.. Cleveland. Ohio. Dtolrlkksl podpredsedniki ------ - - - ,__-417 Woodland Ave., Johnstovm. Pa. JAMES MAGLICH. drugo fttojj«™.......................R D. j, oakdale. Pa. FAVMOND TRAVNIK, tretje okrotje------7928 Mlddlepointe. Dearbom. Mich john SPILLER. Četrto okrotje ------- ' l... . iilDDnTirU naln nk hrsula ambrozich. peto okrotje. EDVVARD TOMSIC. testo okrotje-- 3979 Randall St.. St. Louis. Mo. ------418 Pierce St.. Eveleth. Minn 823 W. 7th St.. Walsenburg. Colo MATH PETROVICH. predsednik. VINCENT CAINKAB f A VIDER ......... MIRKO G KUHEL JACOB ZUPAN------------ Gospodarski odsek DONALD J LOTRICH rudolph lisch- ............283 E lSlit St.. Cleveland. Ohio -2887 So. Lawndale Ave.. Chicago 23. IU. ...2887 So. Lawndale Ave.. Chicago 23. UI —2887 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 23. 111 -----1400 So. Lombard Ave.. Berwyn, III. -1937 So. Trumbull Ave., Chicago 23. 111 -------TOO E. 260th St.. Cleveland. O ANTON SHULAR. predsednik.. FRANK VRATARICH.------ FRANK BARBIC------- ANDREW VIDRICH------- JOSEPHINE MOČNIK.---- Porotni odsek --------------Box 27, Arma, Kansas ---------------------315 Tener St., Luzerne. Pa Muskoka Ave., Cleveland 19, Ohio ...........708 Forest Ave, John«town, Pa. --—----772 E. lUth Street. Cleveland. Ohio Nadsornl odsek FRANK ZAITZ, predsednik......... MILAN MEDVEŠEK........................ ANDREW GRUM............................... JOHN OL1P............:- TRED MALGAL------- ------.2301 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 23. 111. ...............18013 Up ton Ave., Cleveland 10. Ohio »---.................»17182 Snowden, Detroit. Mich. ...431 So Prospect Ave., Clarendon Mills, 111. ------------29 Westclox Ave.. Peru. IU CR john j. zavertnik...... O lavni sdravnlk --------------2219 So. Ridgeway, Chicago 23, UI. Predsednikova kolona Dobro se obeta Kak°r vsa znamenja kažejo, bo letošnja slavnost dneva SNPJ, ki se vrti v Chicagu, vse bolj velika reč kot smo prvotno pričakovali. Poleg domačih društev je dober odziv tudi od sosednjih naselbin, kakor Wau-kegan, Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, La Salle, Joliet, Gary in še nekaj drugih. Seveda tudi iz bolj oddaljenih krajev namerava prisostvovati večje število gostov, naši Čikažani pa so pridno na delu s pripravami in prijazno se vabijo na udeležbo vsi od blizu in daleč!— 0 certifikatih in bratstvu Med nami Je očividno še zmeraj preveč članov, ki le bolj površno čitajo naše uradno glasilo, zlasti pa, ki radi spregledajo uradna naznanila in vse ono, kar ima več ali manj uradni značaj. Posledica tega je, da ostanejo nevedni glede marsičesa, tikajočeg*. se jednote in je lahko prav važno za vsakega posameznega članj, tudi /a tistega, ki ne čita. Taka površnost in brezbrižnost seveda ne more koristiti jednoti in ne članom. Ni redek slučaj, ko se je član začel zanimati za kak sklep kon vencije ali glavnega odbora ali spremembo v organizaciji še le po dolgem času in ko je že utrpel škodo ali se čutil kako drugače po kiivem prizadetega. Naravno je, da v takem primeru sledi pritožba in posebno zanimivo pri tem je, da vsakdo zvrača krivdo na druge—navadno, na društvenega tajnika ali na glavni urad ali pa na oba, namesto da bi malo pomislil na svojo brezbrižnost ter krivdo pripisal sam sebi. In če je tak član še nasedel propagandi inšurencev ali so drugi taki značaji okoli njega, potem seveda Udi ne manjka zlonamernih argumentov in neosnovanega zabav-'janja čez društvo in podporne organizacije sploh. Ena reč, ki rada izzove nejevoljo pri članih, je nevednost glede naših zavarovalnih certifikatov ali polic, kot jim pravijo pri inšu-reneih. Večkrat se kdo pojavi in .vprašuje, kako je ta stvar in seveda so tudi taki, ki se pritožujejo, misleč, da se jim krivica Kodi. Eno tako pritožbo smo prejeli spet te dni. Članica pravi med drugim: "Dvajset let sem že članica, sedaj sem pa dognala, da moja polica ni zanič, ako je gl. odbor ne preuredi, naprej pu plačevati ne morem. Torej čez dvajset Jet sem zastonj plače vahi . . * Na prvi hip res izgleda, kot da se tej članici krivica godi. In to seveda ni edin tak slučaj. Sedaj pa poglejmo, kako ta stvar v "snici stoji. Človeštvo se je družilo v večje in manjše skupino u' vse «»d pamtiveka. Spoznalo je koristnost skupnega delovanju davno, na sc zato organizir£ v razne svrhe medsebojne pomoči. ' laka svrha medsebojne pomoči je bratsko zavarovanje. In r sm'J slovenski delavci v Ameriki že tudi davno prišli do spoznanja, da potrebujemo skupne ustanove za življenjsko in zdrav-s,Vt n" zavarovanje ter kulturen podvig in splošno bratsko pomoč, si ustanovili SNPJ. Zavedali smo se nadalje tudi, da Jc povprečni zaslužek naših ljudi bolj majhen, pa smo morali temu I" imerno določiti tudi članske prispevke za to bratovščino. In t"1"' je prišlo, da smo izbrali certifikate po lestvici NFC, ki jc "a inneja in zaeno zanesljiva, in katero je tedaj rabila večino žalskih podpornih organizacij. •Naš) prvotni certifikati so torej vsi po lestvici NFC in takega m';> tudi sestra, ki se pritožuje. Pozneje smo uvedli seveda tudi "'tifikate s podaljšano vrednostjo in raznimi drugimi priveski, r 'roajo inšurcnci, razume pa se. da to ne more biti zastonj, '••mveč da morajo prispevki za te certifikate biti toliko večji, ,k"r večje so obveznosti, oziroma riziko. vP'ičo dejstva, da so certifikati NFC ravno tako dobra garan-7* smrtnino, ako so predpisani prispevki redno plačani, na-« vpričo dejstva, da so toliko ceneji in da je bilo članom s temi '"■'likati dovoljeno spremeniti v certifikate po Icstvici A. K. a"»"ru priveski, kakor hitro smo jih uvedli, peč ne more biti a v hY nega razloga za pritožbe. In tudi nihče ne more reči, da (*'"!»ja!i nove certifikate ter delali kake take spremembe KaJti vprašanje o tem je bilo najprej na splošnem glasovi popbeni, da Je bilo večkrat priobčeno v Prosveti kot " i>oleg tega smo o nJem razpravljali v dopisih ter se Je vsak •ahko temeljito seznanil z njim na U način. Pozneje smo o ,r ali na konvencijah in Je spet bilo priobčeno v glasilu 'U t konvenčnega zapisnika, poleg tega pa smo pojasnjevali iz " ia jn člane nagovarjali ter ukorekoč skoraj prosili, da sprejo »voje certifikate NFC v nove ali "te boljše", kot nekateri Zapisnik seje gospodarskega odseka Redna seja gospodarskega odseka SNPJ 18. marca se je vršila v gl. stanu jednote ob 8.30 dopoldne. Navzoči so bili vsi odborniki gospodarskega odseka. Zapisnik prejšnje seje se sprejme. Petrovič poroča, da se je poslovanje detroitske družbe Fuel Sc Ice znatno izboljšalo in odsek sklene, da se zadolžnice obdrže. Hotelska družba v mestu Racine, Wis., je naznanila, da so izgledi za dividende dobri, zato se sklene, da se te -vloge začasno obdrže. « Kuhelj poroča, da so bile izvedene sledeče vloge: Vsota $100,000 se je vložila v vojne obveznice vrste G po 2Vi%^z dozorelostjo 2/1/65 po vrednosti potom Jugoslovanskega hranilnega in posojilnega društva* vsota $5000 se je vložila v obveznice zmage po 2Vi% z dozorelostjo 12/15/ 68 po 100.72 potom Harrisove banko za mladinski oddelek in vsota $8000 se je vložila v obveznice zmage po 2Vl% z dozorelostjo 12/15/68 potom Harrisove banke za sklad mladoletnih. Odpoklicane, dozorele in plačane so bile zadolžnice Čikašfce-ga dištrikta parkov v vsoti $25,-000 dne 1. marca, zadolžnice istega distrikta v vsoti $2000 dne 1. niarca, vvestalliške v vsoti $3000 dne 1. marca, floridske v vsoti $50 dne 3. marca, posojilo št. 187a v vsoti $1000 je bilo plačano 16. marca in posojilo št. 184a v polni vsoti $500 dne 10. februarja. V dividendah smo prejeli vsoto $49.80 od firme ^ade Park Manor dne 1. marca in $200 od družbe Kansas City Crush Stone. Dolžniki posojila št. 59J želijo, da se posojilo v znesku $1300 podaljša za pet let, kar se soglasno dovoli. Na posojilu št. 33 FHA je zaostalo šest odplačil, zato se sklene, da se skušajo dobiti večja mesečna odplačila. Posojilo št. 66 FHA je tudi zaostalo s plačili za januar in februar in podvzell so se koraki, dano zadeva izravna. Stanje raznih obveznic. Ma-nufakturni distrikt je znižal svoje dolgove s $120,000 na $46,-000, dobiček je znašal $10,242.82 in dividende na delnico so lani znašale po $2. Philip B. Heller poroča, da so dohodki narodne banke presegali izdatke za $14,- »h it- '"rej ne plačuje pri SNPJ zastonj, ps nsj ima certifikat i ^'rT,ak. kajti jednota Je zanesljiva in pošteno izplača vse upra-•"•ne terjatve? • V. Cainkar. gl. predsednik. POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI Nakasaae dne ti. (ulita 1141 REPORT OP SICK BBHBFIT PAVMBHT P-vm.nl ol Julr 21, I Ml 10 Petor Mualch 83«. » 13 Cathfiin«* Bradach 820 IU Martin Obentan 82M, John Benedtot $4. Jennle Sheme IU. 26 Msry Slrjko MO 30 John Bobnar MO, Loula Zupančič I2S, Frank Zupančič $28. Anton Murenc 178 33 Martha Bi/le $40, Mary Jerman 87. Ra. mond Krdel jan $21. Joaaph Pele $3ii John l.lcow«kl $20 30 Anton 1'tiatovrh $18. John Koron $21) M), John Roje $44. Frank Huatek $82 60 8J Mary Kune tok $32 57 Frank Orebek $21. Frank Orehek $34 80 82 Anton Grahel $28 81 Marko Fsygel $14. Fannie Mlrfkar $2M 84 Hermlna' lr wln $20. Cathrrine Sla- vvk $MI Joalp PonM' $M 09 Anion Kulin $28. JoM-pti Kaio $7 80. Fr#»k l'<-lke Ml 106 Row RanMt 918 80. Rom Dank- $1810 118 Martin l'a<>*«»v $6 120 Frank Korelkkl $2». Frank Mailnaek Jr $1», John Suatar $W 122 John Jankovk- $21 Milka Hadaalno-vk- $72. Mike liarila $14. Nick Ma.l.k $20. Anjr« lo Verpeclni $40 80, CeUMr-m*- Papevtrli $8. 14» ».lualn-th Vrhove«- $14, 18« Frank Znuiarelc $2V IM Kaiollna l.ukancU- $2& 178 Vletotia Uibas $21 118 Fran« «» B« r lec $1« M. Mary Z«n»an rir $20 Mar v 7M%tmne\e S20. lan Frank Ota>tda $2«, Jakob Martah $28 107 MIU Ho tor ar $84S 200 Katarina Itonlc $28, Minger $16 M. JrMMptitne Oor ah• $17 John Orasem $120, i An'"" Ivendelaetoti 912 _ l Annie JetM^i $28 226 Ma»y Siartha $28 Frank Mr*«b r $28 $41 Matt Rormua $12 28, f»nny K Ujm« v. wk $28 Barbara Jandraairb $14. Matt Jereb $28 247 JM « H-n !'»• Mary Vuk«» $1$. Mike Kanaova-b $28 Anna M»u< u T Anna HsUcle $7. Ignac Mllielrle $42 80 aam »ai^.a»vleb $1$ 2$7 Mart ZnidaiMr $2 280 Juro Tomaate $28. M teb Murikk $84 tli 7«ma Divjak $14 W> S*4rlM« Ffatfke 828. T M0 Jtr-in CV«Sier 8S8 281 BmruM Kolar $8 Frank NapoUtlk $8 m Jaht- Janetrb »V* Kart Mmu 8M 2T Ma> f »Miaaeae $12. a#rfl)a 288 Joe Mertmnr $88 Ml iaM Car $81 288 Frana*« Rrrgant ITI Jaaapb H»»fa# $12. K 2SI 1'aaS Uretrb 88 tam 9S7 m Tmr Ofs8wi 994 9S8 amalu rrfavi JabM PavlM 924 534.42 in da se je stanje teh za-dolžnic znatno izbo I j šalo, kar je dokaz, da je uprava te družbe v dobrih rokah. Stanje korpora-cije American Rsrt^ ays tudi izkazuje napredek. Sklenjeno, da Petrovič sku&a prodati zadolžnice korporacije Wade Park Manor. Družba Nuveen poroča, da jc preosnovala poslovanje zadolžnic in du želi nabaviti jednotine zadolžnice v znesku $15,000 po vrednosti, kar se vzame na znanje. Soglasno sklenjeno, da se prodajo zadolžnice družbe Nevv Produce Building, Ponudba firme M. B. Vlek, ki želi nabaviti edinburške zadolžnice v znesku $25,000, sc vzame na znanje, tako tudi pbročllo korporacije Terminal & Transportation, ki izkazuje poslovni prebitek. Sklenjeno s 6 proti 1 glasu, da sc prodajo zadolžnice korporacije Interstate Securities, ki znašajo $39,000, do zneska $14,-000% Soglasno sklenjeno, da se ves previšek za mesec april vloži v vojne obveznice. Na razpolago sa nove vloge je vsota $105,000, Soglasno sklenjeno, da vsota $5000 se vloži v zadolžnice kanadske vlade, vsota $25,000 pa se vloži v zadolžnice družbe Seattle Light it Power po 2Vfc% z dozorelostjo 1967 po 98 V4 in z donosom po 2.60, s posredovanjem firme Channer Securities. Dalje je soglasno sklenjeno, da vsota $75,000 ae vloži v vladne obveznice po 2Me% z dozore-lotsjo 1968-62 in z donosom po Mfc—-'b. ,,'.> ' --—-- Zapisnikar želi, da se ga razbremeni tega dela zaradi nusta-lega izrednega dbla, o čemer sc bo razpravljalo na prihodnji seji. Pronašlo ae je, da ni zapisnikar za svoj^ de)u od leta 1937 prejel nobenegs pačila, nakar se sklene, da se,fhu plača $50 za dosedanje dety; v bodoče pa po $3 od vsake ssje. Na pojasnilo bf$ta Liša, kl se vsled vojnesa delp v tovarni ne more udeleževati odsekovih sej ipa tretji Četftek v, mesecu, se sklene, da sejoCKi^e seje gospodarskega odselt" SNPJ vršijo vsako tretjo sobotp v mesecu. Zaključek K-je ob 12.30 po poldne. ;: Matt Petrovič, predsednik F. A. Vider, tsjnik D. J. Lotrit. zapisnikur, 418 Anton Vsrbic $20. 1 Valentin Mftfert $18, Anton Leakovlr $30 431 Nick Kudlck $««' John Prelec $40 478 Simon SUvero $47. 482 Louis I.vaak 911 800 M8rv Oiatch 920 A01 Anton Mavrln 992 508 Msry Znnatak $11, Uoar Hrlelich $1390 81» Louiae Amlevai $13.80. 81« Frank Oartner $27 037 Anna Blrlak $2» 847 Oeorga Licina $20 880 Roae Otip $40 Ml Margaret Prfrlno $1 M2 Joarph B« raant HO 80« OalMiella GltofJ »20 811 Francea PrfmovK $49. Carolbie 1'hil lipa $14. 813 Roa« Angelo $20 «1$ Ann Ilauaaail $11 *2'» F rama« Hala* $«i Wllllarn Orl»oll $2 824 AntonU Ornlakopf $14 «37 Frank Sajpvir $14.' «41 Carolbie Prevar »20, Francea MaUko- vlrh $17. «87 Frank Burleh 921 «88 Mary Klmoniuli »20 John Krant/ $10 «M|0 An Um Taakar $:h. Dan Su«ar 170 «ao Edith Luklna« $21 «00 Hoddy Pek' $2ft Margar«! Petrella $14 704 ^nnla M« dv< d $>« # 781 Sophia Slrnoriu'i »20 722 CsUMrlAc MuSai »20 788 Ameiia Panepmlo »IS, Ameba l'an« pmto $io 722 SU*lla Ib-lbaek $2" HKUPAJ TOTAL $3,79« M Levrenee OrediSak, tal ih>i odh Kra)« 914, Novak $14. Marjeta T ur »k »28 J«Meph Oarrdkar $22, Frank Zaktkar $M. Fbrrl)an M. ae|adee 984 atenby Anrlovar »2u Janrb Por«m 910 * '**k Stelanrk 80 Jmw Zupančič $13 M 128 Angela Truden $8 127 Marion Suaiuan $20. Marion Susnian <$$. 141 Joaeph Oardlc $28 142 Joaephlne Plvanlcar $3 144 Margaret O llern $8 147 Frank Kovae $27. John ZadlUk 928. Joaeph Lustlk $38 1M Rudolph Samaa $22 80. I.outs KuUat $18. John RmrUitk $40 101 John Oberastar $8 UMI Tereaia Muhic $8. Jk.-ph Stertnev 918 80. 171 Pungrac Cvlrn 943 80. Msry Kotchar 984. Charlra Lukellch $28, Hoae Cvlrn 920. Mary Simrak $13. 181 MIlan Seplch $33 , IM Victor Knaus 914. 100 Frank Godina 918 204 Mary Plga 98 111 Loula Asleh 919 224 Barbara Tomaakovlch MS $0. 243 M ar.v Strah 914. 14(1 Joe Reanlk 911. Joaeph Hcanik 911. M« Frank daljo! «18 170 Albina Rutkovicli |lo. Albina Rut. kov teh $8 202 Jennle Estentch $2«. Klaalreth Penlch $18, Franoea Katenich $M00, 200 Peter Krcel 918. 208 Vtolet Trucsl 910. Joseph UaaieJ 991. I0U John Fstur 928. John Mlakar |98. Anton Kocjaacic 929, Anloir Paaku 917 917 Mary Kohoaek 91. 320 Francea Bohinc 921 333 John Mlhelclc 921. Marths Mi Kay 91$ 338 Roae Rupnik 98. 3M Kva Kurtlko $34 304 Annle Mlatovlch $20 379 Frank Bruc« 914, Joaeph Suhadolnik 920. Joaeph Urslc 910, John BesuU 910 380 Fred Rrecelnlk 922 300 Mary Srebernak 931 400 Sophte Burke 998, Bll*«b«lh Skarl 919 422 Mary Starkovlek 98 428 Freda llsseck 98. 438 G«orge Meaivh $32 44« Catherine UuRU«lml $12, 447 John llojak $14, John llo|«k 942. 404 Annle lleaich 9$. 477 Frank Koneatabo 933, frsnk K on en- tabo 90«. Cdward Oerk $19. 483 Mary Uolohluh 934 408 Louisa Zdravje 927. ' OM Mandhlena Sirola 993, Tsdo Ivkovle 917. 828 Sava Bumba 920 840 Mandii Ivauualc 988. Nikola Pocuoa 133, Jsck Radlch Ml. Ml Joaeph BeiKant 931 MO (Jabi lella Oirod M 800 Anton Blaslch 918. 87« Roae Jeram 919 884 Molly Obluck 990, tophle Rowley 91$. Sophl« Howley 99. Msry Schoenfald 99 827 MI]o Barkovleh 919 000 Helen Uartner 99. M4 Frank Kaleic 930, Josapli Psrkelj 9M, Anton Tomaio Jr. M 800 Mary Tatarko 910 , O00 A maha Karns M 914 Mildred Marali M 919 Luka Ra>aleh »28 998 Veronika' Brajvc 997. Malt Tonkovloh S B l)ept, 91 Ttf«mea <*m»»\m' »M. Keta Mitiebrh 914, J«*wi Oran k • 9'i 20 91 Mihael Petar 11 ge* «1 Jtihft M #i.n Modi/ M J" aseMaa ManaM 917 l«aeaMiae 0U nan 9192« U «9 Vmu*di MiSuliei. 9» m 40 Ce»*!yn P.«« I M 40 A«4r»» Janrar »IIM, Aa4i*« J«a eer 901 J—apiibi« '*erew $M !•»•« Bee4« SM fievM 8r«|M M $9 Berha«• KarvtMaa 980 9r«aiube Temala 9M Annle lch*niiir»i 988 78 Frana Mar*w«i ltt IS Mm Mrak« 088, Frana |M)«««« 91920 90 M h« l«a*4lrb 910 s$. j«lm k"*'t«a 91429. . ^ Društvene vesti Nokomla. IU. — Naznanjam, da je naše društvo 200 SNI M iz-gubilo dva članu v enem dnevu, Leo|x>Jdu Hočevarja in Irco|)ol-da Kruelu. Ko sta 2. avgusta delala nu železniški progi, je pridrvela lokomotiva in ubiiu devet delavcev ns mestu. Med njimi slu bila tudi U dva naša člana, Leopold Hočevar je bil samski, Ix*opold Kruel pa oženjen. To Je velik udarec za naše dru-,, štvo in seveda ie večji za njih sorodnike. Ilrat Hočevar je bil rojen 15. novembra 1883 v vasi Obih v novomeškem okraju, brat Kruel pa 7. novembru I UM v vasi Zabukovca v celjski m o-kruju na štajerskem. Oba ata bi Ju svesta ČlanS druitva in ju bomo težko fiogrešali. tittunini-kom naše aožalje! John Dasalak. tajnik. Rich mond, Cel.—Članom in prijateljem želim poročati, da jv pred par mi*seci prišel semkaj M OiMsgs John Volk, član društva 1 SNPJ. Ker on ni poznan tukaj, se je najprej aeznanil a tajnikom društva 038 (podpiaainm) in z družino brata Joeepha Kuzi-cha. Potem smo ga vzitli na "ride" In se je »poznal z mnogi* mi drugimi člani. Brst Volk je takoj dobil delo v ladj<*di-irilci it. 3 In pravi, da se mu dopade delo in naselbina, želimo mu vso srečo ln vi**elje. Morsrri ke poročati članstvu, da se riaia sestra Petrine Turko .m h nahaja v bolnišnici, kjei je| bila operirana 21. Julija in je operacijo dobro prestala. V ime. n«4 druitva 838 JI želim hitrega in popolnega okrevanja Adro Barluloekk, tajnik. Pripte brala Volkar Bratu Bar* t u lovki i u ln bratu Buikhu s« moram zahvuliti za prijaznost in postrežbo. Čikaške balinarje pa povabim, da pridite semkaj ba-linat. Tult^i balinajo poleti m pozimi in so precej izurjeni. Pozdrav!—J. Volk. Chieago.<*A|*>ročam članstvu Narodnih Vitezov 39 SNPJ, da sem prejel od taj. čikaške federacije sto vstopnic za predprodujo. Federacija, čije član jc tudi naše društvo^uamreč priredi letošnji dun SNPJ, ki se vrši vsuko leto za LabU- day v tem ali drugem kraju. Slavnost se bo vršila dva dni ^dvorani Jednote, ln sicer bo pl^lv soboto zvečer, 4. septembra*!* nedeljo popoldne pu program, na katerem bodo sodelovali pevski zbori in mladinski krožki. Vstopnina je 40c. ~ Uljudno vabim naše članstvo, da sc udeležite prihodnje seje 18. avgusta in vzamete nekaj vstopnic za predprodajo, Zaključek federacije Je, da priključena društva smejo obdržati ves denar od prodanih vstopnic v svoji blagajni, le davek povrnejo federaciji. Želeti je torej, da prodamo čim več vstopnic in ta-1 ko nekaj napravimo za društve-' no blagajno. Kdor se seje iz kakršnega koli vzroka ne more udeležiti, naj naroči drugemu bratu, koliko vstopnic Icli. Upam. da boste segli po njih in se udeležili slavnoati v velikem številu. Pokažimo, da sc zanimamo za društvo in fcderacijo, ki nam o božiču obdari tudi člane mladinskega oddelka in jih zraven še razveseli s programom. John Polokar. tajnik. Cleveland.—Redna seja druitva Svobode 748 SNPJ se vrši v petek zvečer, 13. avgusta v čitalnici Slovenskega delavskega doma. Članice ao proiene, da se udeleže v obilem itevilu. ;Anna Barblč. tajnica. IZK^^i IZPLAČANIH OPERACIJ IN ODftKODNIN v juliju 1N3 REPORT ON OPERATIONS AND DISABIUTIBS PAID ln July. 1143 Carl. U. »I* 3i V se »a Jaeob Ouaal I t....... Slapkanl« Rru** ...... Kalbariaa Anselo r . ... r rakca« Kriv«« ...... ....... Martka SUlc CllK .u.-..... Mary Savi .. ............. Annl. B«k«mlMM ....... Wllllam 8um .t_______ Frsak Suunaa. ,.»......... Malhaw Bomoula ......... Bllaabelb Oermola ....... Marv Martlactc Margarelh MercIUea ,..„ fMHMI SbMMO ................ Joaaph Via«a ,y ....... Anaela R ravnik .„.....,. Marr Kurlleb 7'........... Bllsakelh PlalfHvk I ranh OalaM^^. ■■_ leaepktne OraMS(... . A malta OUva«h ,, .,. r annl« Laartka t. .. „r Frank Bel . . Fraak Kaa«l«k ,... ,. Lllllan Braee m. ,.,,.. Waneel PeM9a|k ..,,„ ... Jaka Kapel IT K.!....... OeUUe Rusnav » Jesepk Lusllb ... .. Aaas Bele Mary Ckleekl ...,............ Ceellla Kaslcll« >, ^ ... Edmund Sapami«,. Martarelk Sapa Joka VukaUak ' .... Ana Slav«« ....„.,....... Mlokaei Tarka ............... Radelpk Malasr .. ......... Or«get Vranlb „ J.......... Jeka Orgarieki i j rTrJn Mlak Mudlab , Mika RriavM , , Marv KarlUnlk ' Marg«relk Olnk^vt« frank Badar ' L Jeaepblna W«rlk Marr Temalek Mary Reaegelbi Joaepb Marlineie ' Anna 99. Oren|){ - Je« Oreanik ..... ,., Jeaapk 2r«f«r Fred kracalnlh Anle« Babalv • U. . Je« Vadalcb ,/»..... laaepk Uaaiaa Jennle OaUaar1 l-i ...... rrmiiTSl Frsak Kenealabo ......'. Olare Lamaieb S.»aa Ollp ui . Margavelk Farlae Merv Vldergar AM)sl|s Makri« Ana«Hn« Macbnivb Bdtrard Well Mu«« Orabnar Franees SelMetdar iuallna Ptrnal Anaeto Snbia« Samuel J. P r »bar I raronlka Bra|a< kalbariaa akttjl ... Marv Pbik ISi ,-.. Clarence 0. JH»aoea Merr A. Ban Matilda Marali« ,Li..... Kila SiaiNiarmap "hrtsllai Seall . JOeaMaS, SlUMf •un »I »M •TIM HM l IMM 11117$ 8MI8 $l$M ■ITN 7TTI IIIIM 88184 mm M9I9 •im MIM UUI IM98 Mirt 119999 IMtT »I4M 199991 97 IM 11199 110799 IIIIM II9M 111999 199919 47999-I18888 M799 87917 II94M 79SM I9I9M 4184» 114999 7MI9 IM 71 I7M? III99V MM NIM IIIIM 010M 9MI9 * I9IMS II 199119 97M9 8IM4 9 9 II 14 II II M M U M »I 77 M X IM IM 119 III 119 111 119 191 IM 199 IM IM 141 149 IM 147 IM 179 199 Bvsaa. P«. Chlea«o III. Wsal»|aa, |U. Pslas«dsls CleveUna. O. ' ludtanepeiia. |«d. Clavelan«. O. • Clav«l«nd. O. ... O« Kslk. IU. Meea Run. Pa. 99ld«ar. Pa. .... ». tailaaaipaSo. lad. lospartol P«. ..... a. e.. Aurevs. Mina Plltskarak, p«. Si III UI PllMkurgk. pg, , Oelrell, Mlak r»r*t CUv, Pa. Glevelaad. O. Bvalalb Minn. ! tfalroooal. Po..... Clavelan« O...... ClaveUa«. O..... devalan«. O. ... Bualld. O. ........ MlfMMt Pli * M Mi Mtlvaak««. Wls. Lusera«, Pa. Vlr«lnla VOftnl« Poaooo, 999 999 SaHa. m K.-saft »» U9 Farmtaalen. IU. M4 Glevslaad, O. M7 K«wm«rir Wye. III TIr« Mili, Pa.......... IM W«laankur« ■M »rev *a > CaSI UI Warrea. O. UI Skartdaa. Wre. M9 Weed«ra#d. le«« ..... IM Wsr«reed. W. Va. Ml Blkerl. W. Vs. ITI Sllekvlito. Pa. •M Darrea. Pa. .. ..... IM Ukrarr. Pa. III Craalad Bali«, Cela UI Cavardato. Pa. Ml Cavardato. PO. 4U Mlaers Mllto Pa. 441 Cleveland, O. ;.. .'.. 471 Ctov«toad, O. »II Kulb, Nev »M Cktoaa«. III Ml C«rUnvlito. III. »M Oelrell, Utok. »M N«w BHaklaa. Pa. •M La Salto. tU. »M Bivakira M. V. M4 Mllwaukee, Wto. 8M Mllwaukee. Wto. •M Clavalaad O. 8M Cleveland. O. 8M WkasSag. W, V« M« ga«l Plltakurgb Pa, Ml Cktoaa*. IU. iN IMmpi. Wis »M Bvalalb. Mlaa. 8M Ptllsberfk. Ps Ml Ctovvtoad. O. (M AmM49#i 711 Baltoto. M. V. III Vale«r«al. Pa. SKUPAJ TOTAL F. A. VIOBR «1 lalnia MM MM 99J9 7»M MM MJ9 MM MM 7949 7IJ9 MM MM 8MM ha MM tuS MM MM M49 MM TIM M M M49 MM MM 7140 MM MM MM MM MM M<99 MM 9I.9M49 aofp. IZKAZ IZPLAČANIH SMRTNIN V JULIJU IS4J H I: POST OM DEATH CLAJMS PAID IN JULY. IMS ^Ima UM^toga Mena ^ Vba|»i ČUm d« Ml v a Maaaba« el Ledpe T VsMa I rm Jto.1 M Ha »al l.uba« OaratvMk Mary IbMSdi Franaa« J Lauto Lak MI9 Mary Plaiartok "ooto* , „ Jaaapb Orel Ceellla flw|iMb Narlla Papaak Bbaabalb 2al«ttmti laka Temllaaeetok rraab Vaae« iaatfOa I r«»< « r^rnk K« J«aapb aa.r.fc Paul Tampl«r laaala Cwaaa Fr«nk MapalntS laka B«altu Bari Iakaa k Ffenk M—kaa Mak|a Tarb Stoee BeMeaa Bka Mreaak 0TM 8099 0MI MI0 0MI Ml 9 9 I II II 19 M 41 M M IM 101 III IM IM IM l»T IM |T» III 00M IM Si MM 9VI MIT Ml MU 424 !!! 8y«aa P«. Cktoaa« UI W«ua*«aa IB Wawkeaa«, IU Mlheeekae Wto. Skabaroan. tPto Avim« Mlaa Ctovetond O Clavalaad O He« Darrr, Pa. Cblaaaa IU laiparial Fa 91142 SI Jakai UI Oeltoe 91. Laatoala Ctoeetoad. O. Clavalaad O. PreeM P« Ctovelead O BlvaMk Mka« Maketoea Uiak Adaa Pa Tira mu Pa. Wm«uli>. IH OtavOk. IH. Cto BIMB SVatk Feeaai OMr. Pe gtae CIN ar. Ve t Ve IMM Crlrtia W|* CarMavtlto IH Paek CM v V tek f» Ml IM Oraaa VeHar. CeM. SKUPAJ TOTAL .„ f> A. VIOBR. fL I4M49 9SS49 8M49 I 9 i I49S49 I49S49 SNPJ in 40th Year of Fraternal L_ tforvtce ---J904 -1043 - PROSVETA ■ * 3 ENGLISH SECTION SOih Anniversary o/ SNPJ Juvenile Dep't Fifth of Juvenile CiVc/ei PAGE SIX For Membere of Slovene National Benefit Societv and American Slovenes The Planning for Things to Come On July 28, in his address to the nation, President Roosevelt covered much ground in his report on the progress^ the war and the governmenfs plans for future peace. t That the President is alive to all problems concerning the war as well as peace, was amply demonstrated in hia address. Much of what he said was important to the people a*conaumers and producers, and so was his waming against complacency now that we can see the beginning of the end on the war fronta. President Roosevelt said that "it's not too much to say that we must pour into this war the entire strength and intelligence and vvill povver of the United Statea. We are a greet nation— a rich nation—but vve are not so great or jo rich that we can afford to weste our substance or the lives of our men by relax-ing along the way.H He also said, "We shall not settle for less than total victory. That is the determination of every Aiperican on the fighting frontf. That must be, and vvill be, the determination of every American here at home." . m» The Chief Executive stressed the essential unity betvveen the fighting front and home front, a point which some rea^tionaries —including many members of Congreaa—do not seem to graap. We all knovv that a defeat on the home front has immediate repercussions on the fighting fronta. For example, vvhen the commercial farm bloc holds food pricea up at hunger levels, not only is it harming conaumers and work*rs, but, by its fffecta on produetion, it is also endangering the men in our armed forces on every battle front in this global war. • • • The President stated the point very clearly vvhen he said: M... the longer the vvar goes on the clearer it becomes that no one can draw a blue pencil dovvn the middle of a page and call one side 'the fighting front' and the other side 'the home front*. For the two of them are inexorably tied together." . "Every combat diviaion, every naval task force, every squa-dron of fighting planeš ia dependent fof, its equipment and ammunition and fuel and food, as in^ed lt ls for ita manpovver, dependent upon the American people in civilian clothes in the offkes and in the factories and on the farms at home." U should be clear U) everyone that both the miljtary and home fronts are "inexorably tied Uigether," and that's why we feel that it is all the more necessary to defeat the filibuster waged by Congress against stabilizing the vvar economy. Every day that food prices are not rolled back, every day that the muddle here at home is permitted to grow worse, sees harm done to our armed forces because the morale and efflclen-cy of the civilian population are being lovvered. The President correctly criticized those reactlonarifft vvho say that "we ara failing miaerably on the.home front," becauae it is sU too clear that the soldiers of produetion on the home front are doing their job well. And vvhere the home front situstion ia bad, it ls the commercial farm bloc and the food txusts vvho sre primarily responsible; • • • The President told the people that "your government ls dravv-ing up . . . serious, construetive plans for certain immediate S>rward moves. They concern food and manpower and other omestic problems that tie in vvith our armed forces." Finally, the President drove home the point that in vvinfltng the war we muat also plan for the peace. The problema of re-converslon to pcacetime economy are as difficult, If not more so, as the conversion to a vvartime economy. Said the President: "While concentrating on miliUry vlc-tory, we are not neglecting the planning of things to come, the freedoms vvhich we knovv vvill make far greater decency and greater justice throughout the vvorld." He went on to outline specific proposals for the proteetion of the men and women in the armed serviees vvhen they return home after the war is won. But he put these meastlifcs vvithin the larger framework of planning for the peacetim+vfuture of the naUon, He said. "the returning soldier and sailor and marine are a part of the problem of demobllizing the vest of the milllons of Americans vvho have boen vvorking and living in a war economv since 1041. That large objeetive of reconverting wartime Americs to s neacetlme basis is one for vvhich the government ts lavin« plsns to be submitted to the Congress for aetion." *y g I*t us hope thst the people vvill see to It that Congreas vvill act for the best interest of the people. , Jit snpj wohrerine news WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1! News of Yoang American Lodge DETROIT.—In recent vveeks. ' have had several of our fellotvs home on furlough. Ernest Jacklich, who completad his training at Great Lakes before he came home. told ua that after his firat fevv workouta, hu m use les and vvhole body ached But, he said that the end of the training period find« Uur.men physicaily hardened to meet -the rigorou« requirements of vvar. 'jeJk Albert Plankar vvas home, too. He is stationed in Texas. vvhere his buteher i duties give him the pleas-. snt task of eutting ehoiee, unra-tloned «teakg and chops. (Well, the hamburger I had today wasn't so bad—I like eereal anyway.) Home from North Carolina fcjr ten day> vvas Lt John Krainz. We had a house party for him, and Rudy Maaser played hia accordion. The girls had a special polka for John, during whteh time we unfortunate male clviliaas took the role of vvsll-flowers. Due to arrive this vveek are Sgt. Ray Travnik and Lt. Herman Koss, vvho is my little brother. The Young Americans are holding war-bond dravving for the benefit of our members in serviee. So don't be baahful, folks. Step right up to the fellovv or girl vvho has s flock of orange ticketa in his hsnd and plače your order. At our nest meeting Friday, August 13, we*l! dlscuss bovvling for the coming season. If some of you guys and gals are interested in bowl-ing vvith us this season, contact Joseph Golia, or better yet attend the meeting at U1S3 John R at 7:30 m. ADPjPPH KOSS, 564. ■■ ......" lntegrity Broadcast CHICAGO.—It has been quite some time since there hss been any vvriteups in Prosveta from our locjge. So I thought I'd write again. The men?bera were very poor-ly rep rese nted at our last meeting. Try and make s better represent!a-tion st our next meeting. In behalf of our Lodge vve ex-tend our most sincere condolances to our members, Brother and Sister Vopatek, and the Hrubecky family, in their recent loss of their brother-in-law, Hrubecky. father of tvvo of our members, and Brother Vopetek's sister vvho passed away recently. We also extend our con-dolences to Sister ll$ary Spehar in her recent loaa of her father. In the past aeveral months the following members under went operationa and are on the way to reeovery—namely: Sister Catherine Kindernay. Siater WUma Ulepieh, Brother Anton Knez and Brother Ray McCarthy The follovving members are ill or vvho have been: Sister Agne* Mejash, Sister Frances Kosuk and Jean Aravac. Many of our Juvenile members have been sick or have sprains snd freetures. Congratulations to Sister and Brother Lato« and Frnacaa Kosuk on the arrival of a nevv baby girl, MarJory Lols. to Siater Helen Relf-}er on the arrival of a son; snd to former Bister Ella Langner on the arrival of a daughter, Beverly Mae; and to Siater Mary Hague on the asrival of a new daughter. Many of our members spent their vacationa in varioua statea and all report hav In« a niče Ume. DCTROIT, MICH-It s been a long t lil M ilnee vvr had nevv* about a Wolverlne mrrting Our meetings atr h«Id Uir last Sunday of rach month Mt th«- Slovene Home at Kurt St at 10 a m So why not make It yuut duty to attend the ne«t lodgr inrrlmi Wr had m ntrr turnoul at our last tneettng wiUi thr »iii mid im>w mem-l**ni getting togrthrr for a very ln-u restlng ar««i»n Hrrr are aomr n« w nun** addrd to inir giowing metnbet«l|ip lut Mit IVimlicI. Mr« Orrhutt. aml Um- ih>w juvenile« arr Arlenr Borith. Krnil Yu-i«m. und Carol K Um h fnendlv V»rwi |>o you know that thr Wolvrnnr« havr 2« Urt tn thr anned fotcea? Hu w« h« aid that l.add*«- Ztndar la dolng »rti •• «n Air Cadrt at Lyndeii Ki« Id m rilofida L.ddtr ia a cadet • •ffkert at Uiat Camp in rharge of «»MMit 1400 mrn Mure nrw« about oyr auidier '»rmbrrt In Nrw Z»aland la Staff Srr«rant Paul Folkar and m Afrlea M Sgt Krt Mart mark U Any»cli >• tn England Erntr Jack I ich la homr f«* a ruuplr uf day« lo say heUo iu all h ta many frtend«. ha ts •tattoned at the Oreat Lakaa Naval Stat km Wr printing new« "Uf mrmbri > m th* armed su wt»> not gtva us a ring and give about u little Information, about any uf yuur frienda. brothers, sisters, rte., that are serving in this great army of fighting heroas. IVari Cowling, Snd Lluet.. serving m the army. dropped In town for a ahort furlough Pearl ia one of the fevv Slovene women of Detrolt now helplng to win thia vvar on the fighting front. VuralUming bark In Kanaaa la our old pal. Frank "Leftjr" Hatg and Halg" Kovaeh aad vve hupe Frank oan 1 očete hia mtjeh treaaured atraw ha t laat seen near Uie Omire Cafi- or waa It the HunltngUm? Als. back to Kanaaa for a short atay went Mr and Mrs Hank Siuyne and her molhiei Congratu-lettona are In order for the nevv popular brlde and groom—nooe other than thr ever popular Mr. and Mra Tunjr Uoiear A aueeeaa-ful »hovver waa held In their honor at thr home of her siater-ln-iaw. Mra L J. Uoiear Wr f»rgot U> mitiiion thal Mra An)trk ta alao a nr ta member of the Wolvrtine« So again vre «ay don t for a* t to gtve us any infot mation that oi yoyt fi landa vvould lihe to I pi tnted ln the ProaveU. For vrrtt-l U Ing ia our hobby and vve vvould be ertiy Uo glad to prlnt yaur re-aueata m Ihr nest taataa. Call Var-imaint MM or R O TSIS R HKNKY HUPKST I bf MARV SCNED1CT ln the pa »t frw months several of our meml h-r« aald "I do." Sister Ann BeSa Strah vvaa married to Vletor Fak of the Coast Ouard. He is a aaphe* of our member Sioti i Cdlth Podle»mk and ia sUtioned In Saltlmorr vvhere they are making their home Siater Mary Spehar alao vvaa married reeently. We wlah you both a vvorld of happineaa OtW| of out, Juvenile members left laat vveek to aerve in Uncle Samt Na v v and ia stationed at Farragtftt. td»ho namalf. Ray E Colrrarkl , , This is thr rtimplete llat of our members in the armed force« ot our country Albert Brili. John Hetdenretch. Harry llelds m1 r lelt Joaeph Muat Anton Jaaeateh Jr, Joaeph Jereb. John Klanenik. An dre« Suanutn Georfla Seberg. Fred Knes. Le.. Kotar. Alvin Kovik. Henrv La Frana. La« Marrela. Jaa Pajonk. Alfrrtl Relflar, Rud v Try-balaki. Victor Zajac. IUymond Po-terasi.. M ICH A KI Kt KISCHH ACK ER. Sec'y " Strabane Pioneers STRABANE, PA —The August meeting of the Strabane Pioneers vvas very poorty attended. Every meeting vve have the same fevv persons attend We vvonder vvhat we raust do to attrect our members to the meeUng. It surely isn't sueh a difficult thing to spare about an hour onoe a mosith to attend these meetings. is it? We hope to see more st our next meeting on Sept. i. At the August meeting s motion vvas passed to purchase' another S1J0S vvar bond. This makes a total amount ol S3A00 in vvar bonds vvhich vve have purchased. At this meeting vve vveloomed another nevv member, Stella Casper, and the juvenUes proposed vvere Ouy and Lee ffouston, Dennis Ross and the infant son of Mr. and Mrs Henry Smith. The $2 prize vvas won by Mrs. MUdred Krulce. Make a note of it, members, and attend the next meeting on Sept. S at 6:30. Majrbe some nevv ideaa for our fall and printer aeaaon can be brought up for djacussion. The SNPJ-Hinton softball team started off the second half a much improved team. The "Oldtimers" are shovving us that they stili have the špirit. This vveek four games vvere to be played but due to the vveather eonditions theae games vvere not playad. Good luck, boys, vve all hope you take the second half. The team hast>een hard hit by the departure of so many of ita boys for the armed serviee. The Sunday night affairs at the club are stili bringing in a large attendance and all seem to enjoy the music vvhich ls provided for dancing every Sunday night. We vvould like to see more of our members at theae affairs also. ,(#f( • fr— The Pioneers ftre proud of the EIOHTY*OME members they have in the serviee of,our country. This is about ose-third of our member-ship. Departing for the Seabees this Friday are Frank Podbey. the fifth son of John I3odboy.io enter the serviee.Also lo the Seabees goes Joe Progar vvtiolMS two brothers in the Army also. To the Nsvy vvent Eddie Zuzek. Passing for the Army snd scheduled io leave in three vveeks are Mike Dohaniah and Emory Kotar. News of Our Boys Walter Vercheck vvrites from New Caledonia aaying, he .is doing fine; letter from *'Jock" Germovsek in Nevv Orleans and also a card from Rudy "ERF" Krulce aomevvhere in Africa saying hc is getUng plenty to drink. Home on leave during the past vveek wcre Albert Nackoal from Tennessee, Frank Batista from Texas;' Carl Podboy, Pete Mehoric, Max Mezek, and Vincent Braddock. These beys have returned to their campa and vve trust the visit home vva« enjoyed. At home at the present vve hsve Joaeph and John Sterle, Max Sen kine, Max Chesnic and Joe Holaey. The Pioneers wish to extend their sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs Frank Sterle and famtly on the loaa of their son. Frank. wha was killed in aetion aomevvhere in the Pacific Frank vvas s member of Lodge 5S9. Uie firat of our boys to be killed; although the «rcond_ft*m Strabane, Bobby" Verchek being Uie first. Congratulations U> Sgt. and Mrs Joe Curnarskl on the birth of a baby daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Hqn ry Smith vvho are the proud parenta of a son. The membera ai our lodgr novv on the sick list ara Frances Verhonic and Orače Progar, the latter being at the Canonsburg Hospital st present. A speedy ieeovery to you both Remembrr, meaihria, our nest meeting Sept 5 at 1:30 FRANCES PODBOV MS you|BUy a Share In Amorica Mvi | Mid%resl JWPJ AtbUtk Leaaue N«ws CHICAOO -Tia vvlnners in the special drive for aevv members. oon ducted among Sw Lodges of the Midvreet SNPJ Athletic League dur Ing the Vktory Campaign. have fiaaUy been determined and the avraetfa fto vvhich they are enUtled vvill aoon br distrlbuted l personally received forty $1 00 War Savings Staaips from Uie SNPJ ss a revvsrd for my vvork m Uie campaign. vvhich 1 certainty appre Cble vrry mush. I bellevr that evert lodge irted lo do Rs baet during the Victor) campaign A meeting wUl be called sosne-time la lSeni«mfear the purpoae of wblch w«l be U. make srrangementa for Uie League • Bovrling Tourna ment Hc Thete vvill be thls later LOUIS RAErrrn TMaa Mtdvraat SNPJ Ath S1SS N Lotus Avenue. Chka#a «1. IU. Muskegon Lodge Has 5 in Service MUSKEGON. MICH—At this writing ouf SNPJ lodge 266 has five members in the armed torces of Uncle Sam. They are: Pvt Frsnk Dolar, in California; Pvt. Louis Pavlich, in Texas; Sgt. Ed-vvard Richards; in North Africa; Sgt. Joseph Gradisher, in En g land; and Sgt. Robert Gradisher, at an undisclosed destination. Remember "Wrong-Way Cor-rfgan"? Well, he had nothing on some Badger member vvho vvent "around the vvorld" to visit Muskegon. It vvould have been much quicker if they waited for the nest boat instead of taking the bus. I guesa Rudy and Freddie Pugel and Emily Habernik and Rose Pike Ifke to trsvel. the longest distance from one plače to another. Hovv about that? My congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zupančič, also of the Badgers, are a little )ate. Also from Badgerland are. Mr. and Mrs. John, Smanz vvho are visiUng in Muskegon. FRANCES GRADISHER, 366. -o-Grams By WhqesU ST. LOUIS, MO.—Another month has rolled around and that means that our next meeting vvill take plače tomorrow night (Aug. 13) at eight o'clock at the Concordia Turn-er Hali, 13th and Arsenal. All members are urged to attend this meeting since definite plans vvill be discussed for the Juvenile Party to be held sometime in September or Oc-tober, ♦ Members are reminded that the Juvenile Campaign is stili in progress and that means vve should try to build our Juvenile Department so that our lodge will be assured of large adult membership in the future. The English seetion of the Pro-svets contained many .interesting article« laat vveek and members are urged to read this sectlon thoroughly. What has happened to our boys in the serviee? They evidently are kept busy since they haven't been vvrit-ing latalK, ' The vveather has been rather warm lately and too hot for writing letters but members are reminded that a letter to a boy in the serviee means more than anything else sinee it shovvs thst we are thinking of them. So come on, members, }et's all vvrite to the boys regularly. THIS AND THAT: Whoozit heard that Walter Boranich is novv in Port-land, Oregon. If anyone has his latest addreas pleaae send it to the sec-retary so the correipondence committee may get it. Edvvard Pavletich, our popular accordion player of the past vvas re-cently home on furlough from New Mex leo vvhere he is going to college. Hc sure does make a good looking soldier. Stanley Hervatin recently cele-brated his blrthday ln the South Pacific. Hope he has many more and mav they bc celebrated at home The Third War Loan Drive is start-ing soon, so members are reminded to buy their vvar bond« and s tam pa from the secretary or treasurer. I)on t forget our monthly meeting tak as plače tomorrovv night Auguat 13, at the Concordia Turoer Hali, 13th and Arsenal. st eight o clock. Lodge 24 Juvenile Member Passes Awty JENNV UND. ARK.—We sin-cereljr regret to report that juvenile member Jlmmy Albin Kline, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albin Kline, d led at a Ft Smith hoepital on July 30 at I p. m. from an attack of ap-pendicltis. He vras three ycars <>ld He vvas burled at the CaUiolic Cemetary at Ft Smith. Ark Sur vivors bealde« his parenta include tvvo sisters. Dorls Maric and KUa Mac. one brether. Edvvard Joaeph. and llls matemal grandpareata. Mr. and Mrs Anton Logi, Jaanjr Und, Ark. JUSTINA GRIU:, Scc'y of SNPJ I <»dgr No. 24 No Other Oi/ftc«ltp Film Star—Think of tt! Just think of It! They vvant to photo-sraph mslnmjr bath! Film Magnate—What's thc snag. honay? Havent you got a ba*f ~' a Took Big Chonoo 1 envjr Uie man vrha sang the Realljr—I thought hc had a v«ty --- nttm " did L but >uet think of hia Oood humor is the baalth of Uie saul; sadneaa is its A Few Facts Worth Knotoing While the percentage of cancelled members, vvho vvere admitted into the SNPJ during the Victory Campaign, ia so far surprbingly low, yet it would not hurt if some of our lodge aecretaries spent a little time investigating reasons why certain members have al-lowed their certificates and membership to become cancelled and making a special note of the important cases. It is interesting to note that of the 155 adults and 169 juvenile vvho vvere cancelled since the beginning of the Victory Campaign nearly 30% dropped out before the expiration of the third month of membership, vvhile ot the remainder, the average period of memberahip vvas a fraetion over six months. It vvould be valuable inforipation for the Society to knovv why many of theae members dropped out. Could it be that there was misunderstanding about the insurance proteetion or the rates charged? Was it because some did not approve of the way meetings vvere conducted, or because of personal grudges? Was it because they felt the Society too extreme in its principles, or had they no real serious intention of remaining a member for long in the first plače? Whatever the reason, the knovvledge could cer-tainly be used to advantage in treating similar cases in the future. What are the main reasons for excessive delinquency in your lodge? Let's find out and do something about it before it is too late. Lefs not mls-reprSsent vvhat vve have to offer. State the facts clearly and as simply as possible. Form a habit of giving every prospect the right "slant" on vvhat the SNPJ stands for vvith no mincing of vvords, and vve vvill save the Society many dollars and headaches and, at the same time, lower the rate of cancellation. Lefs emphasize the truth, that vve have a fraternal organization numbering over 62,000 members, based on free, liberal and democratic principles. Our assets amount to more than $11,500,000 and boast of a solvency ratio of better than 124 percent and a mortality rate of less than 80 percent. We are an organization that is pro-gvefsive and, beyond a doubt, 100 percent friendly to good labor movements and unions, and loyal to our government as is evid-enced by the more than $5,000,000 vvorth of Federal bonds in our investment portfolio. Last year alone, vve boosted our assets by more thgn $600,000, and in the past eighteen months our membership, in both departments combined, has been increased by more than 2500. Fevv fraternal societies in the country have a record that compares favorably vvith ours. We can't lose by sticking to facts and the truth. Stand by the Cooperative Movement One of the things that vve common people must constantly be on our guard against in sueh times as these, vvhen vvork is plen-tiful and the vvages are reasonably good, is not to lose ourselves away from the desire to think, vvork and live under a cooperative sistem. Perhaps I'm vvrortg ln my conclusions, but it seems to me that too many people, vvho formerly believed in the cooperative idea, are breaking away from it and are trying to live "unto themselves." Fevv people are able to do this and thrive succesi-fully. The mass of common people can never get away vvith it. For the average person, it's much, much better to remain organized in lodges, clubs, unions, etc., to protect himself and the farnih interesu. Sticking together through thick or thin, looking out after one another's vvelfare, sharing at least to some extent the things vve knovv and have is, after all, the best way of life. The neceasity of the cooperative movement and fraternalism is expanding more and more as the vvorld is drawn eleser and closer together by modem inventions. There's no tvvo ways about it-the cooperative system is the best. —- Avella Lodge Organlaee Juvenile Circle A report has juat been received from Sister Helen Riba rich, Secretary of Lodge 292, Avella, Pennaylvania, that a nevv Juvenile Circle was organized there on August 1. The letter further state« that 21 members attended the firat meeting and that more are expected to join at the next meeting. We congratulate Lodge No. 292 on this nevv and progressive undertaking and extend best vvishes for a most successful future to the Circle. Michael Vrhovnlk. Juvenile Dlreetor, SNPJ DOCTOR (The followlng poem vvaa vvritten by Miss Pansy Davvcs of Colorado Springs. Colo., after read ing Louis Adamics article, "What Hitlei Utd to My Friends," in Uie July 3rd issue of the Soturday Evening P«»t The poem is s tribute to Dr. Bozha Ravnikar, vvho died ln gucrrtlu vvarfare in Slovenia.) The tvounded knew the pledpe all dociort Uke, To »ave. Save what? Save life, till torture wrung The hidknQ-place of partieant from the tongue? There mipht be other thinfs Ihan life, at »take. Behind the gun the »urgeon tvatehed, awake. ' Dotvn in the waiting chaem they overhung, The »ecret pathway to their cave way* free. Her gun deal t death to foe» on the nearer trail— It »umng to comrade i, thodou)* Hi pater stone. Swiftly »he saned their elesn integrity, Then leaped far out and dovm, to »ave her otrn PANSV Notice to Members oni Lodges in the Stste ef Ohio |a 4fH|j rof i ai Okla. H ša XIV JUVENILE Our Front It has been often aaid that Vice President Wa!lace ia the leading rr**New Deti orwt 11181 [hj, iS 50 ha« been proved by Wal-lace himself on many occastons In fact he i« the outstanding spokes-msn in thst setup who is not afraid l0 speak frankljr and bokily for the common men. Branded as a fooliah dresmer by the reacttonarles, Wal-lace is m reality a true friend of the people vvith a clear viaion of the Jhspe of things to come. In him President Roosevelt has a worthy collsborator and America an able and sincere leader. In Detroit recently, with phrases thst sizzled, Vice President Wallaee chsllenged the reactioharies who are taking advantage of the war emer-geney to destroy organized labor and ali social and eeonotnic gains won for Američana during the past decade. In his address he declared that if certain small bli t powerful groups "which put money and power first and people last" have their way, the four freedoms for which we are fighting vvill becom« empty phrases and this country will be 'forced "back to the 'good old days' when there vnras plenty for the few and scarcity for the many." He added that labor must play a heroic/ role in preventlng the success of this conspirscy against humanity. Wallace said that labor will be the chief sufferer if the reactionary in terests succeed in their machlna-tions. "The people of America know that the second step toward Naziam is the destruction of labor unions. There are midget Hitlers here who continually attack labor. There are other demagogues blind to the er-rors of every other group who shout, We love labor, but ... Both the midget Hitlers snd the demagogues are enemies of America. Both would destroy labor unions if they could. Labor should be fully aware of its friends and of its enemies." Golden Eagles The war vvill have been fought in vain, Wallace aaid, if peace means nothing but "a breathing plače betvveen the death of an old tyranny and the birth of a new one." And he emphasized that we vvill not be satisfied "with a peace vvhich vvill merely lead us from the concentra-tion camps and maas-murders of Fascism into an International jungle of gangster governments opersted behind the scenes by povver-crazed, money-mad imperiallsts. Starvation has no BiU of Righta, nor slavery a Magna Charta. . ." Spcaking ol.oRgaiOzed. labor,. it Js interestingito knovv that labor unions are now at the peak of their strength. Union membership in' the United States and Canada was placed at an all-time hlgh of 13,000.000 by the OWI last vveek. The AFL strength vvas put at close to 6,500,000, CIO at 5.000,000. railroad unions not affill-ated vvith the AVL, at 420,000 and other unafflllated unions includlng the UMW, at 1,000,000. The most spectscular advances in the past year were seored by the machinists and various unions in the shipbuild-in| iiWustry. While the OWI does not give separate figures of union membership ln Csnada, it can be said that st the present union membership in the United States is more than 12 millions, vvhich could be made into a povverful forcc polit-ically. . . been War National War Fund Aliott $2,238,000 For Jugoslav Relief A total of $1,288,000 haa (i<*ignated by the National I Fund for the United Jugoslav Relief Fund in a detailed budget for *hlch the National War Fund will "ppesl to the American people in its nation-wide campaign this Fsll. The detailed budget, showing sllot-mmts to the seventeen member ncies, has Just been msde public hy Winthroo W. Aldrich, President "t the National War Fund Bnrt Andress, National Direetor of th«. Jugoslav Fund. polnta out that th< amount announced for Jugoslsv » lief does not represent a baslc in-crease over the $1,800,000 budget 1*43 as set forth ln UJRF llters-ture. The $2.288,000 represents the amount asked of the Nstloful Fund for Jugoslav Relief for 1plus allowanees for the first months dt t»14. Th total of 8128,000,000 sought by »m National War Fund this Fsll has TI illotted ss follovrs: 'SO. $61,227.000; United Sea rn*n 1 Srvice, $4,128.000; War Prls-n Aid, $2.220,000 .Belgian War • Uef Sodafe $828.000; Brttlsh War • *f Soelety, $8,808.000; French Fund. 82,188,000; Friends of i.usi'mboury, $121.000; Greek War *'!»ef AkKoelatkm, $8,121000; Nor-*'giM R« li#f $200.000; Poliah War K' $3 780,000; Que*n Wilhelmi-'a/und. $200.000; Rusalen War Re ;810 1S8,000; Unitod Chln. Re • »871,000: United Caachestovsk $224.801; United Jugoala v '- -f Furul. W,lie.000, Kofuge* Re-s, , $1800.000. United 'r ** Cc»*mtttee for the Care of ^'"pean Children, $811000. GIRARD, OHIO.-The regular meeting of the Eastern Ohio and W. Pennsylvarua Federation of SNPJ lodges vvill be held at Povver Point. Ohio, Aug. 12, at 1 p. m. Eagles' Minute. On the second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 is our regular meet-mg day now. Bro. Rerek reported on the organization of the Braneh of SANC in Girard. Further discussions vvere held sbout the service flag the G. E. are to have. Ali members vvill be asked to donate lOc or more tovvards buy-ing it as we knovv everyone vvants to feel they have contributed to such a vvorthv projeet. Sec'y Mary Maček and Frances Rezek vvill have charge of seleeting the flag or buy-Ing the material. For the seventh consecutive month Sec'y Mary Maček reports no sus-pended or esneelled members. Mrs. Anna Jones vvas initiated into our lodge. The bank avvard vvas vvon by Sgt. William Umeck vvho is in the Air Force. Absenlse List The follovving list of names is of members vvho consistently do not fulfill their obligation* as members of a fraternal organization. The list is not meant to cmbarrass but to remind you qt our meetjngs and to let you knovv that your pres-1 ence is needed to help our lodge keep aetive. Many of the names belovv are also of some former very aetive member, but novv vvhen ao many of our members are in the Ljubljana members journeyed to Povver Point to attend their 35th anniv. danee. The follovving vvere in the oartv: Mi. and Mrs. Tancek and daughters. Frank Reiek, Mary Golob of Milvvaukee, Mary Maček, Stan and Frances Hribar. Th« crovvd vvas not larg«, but a good time vvas had by jll. It was very niče to see the Brelih family,'John Steber and Frank Weeder and fam ily of i East Palestine. Charles Bo-gatay, Tom Mercina, Matt Tusek and aH theiBergants of Povver Poiht. Mrs. Mihevic of Salem and Val Božič of Detroit. To ^haron Keystoners. I vvish to explsin the absence qt the G. E from your danee. A promise vvas msde in May to attend the Povver Point dsnee. We knovv you vvill un derstand and we hope to attend your next danee in a large grpup. Bro. Joe Umeck has completed his boot tralning at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station and is novv home on furlough. STANLEY HRIBAR, 643. Roosevelt Lauds Women Workert: "Doing a Grand Job," He Sayi , President Roosevelt praised vvorn en vvar vvorkers for "a grand Job." Mr. Roosevelfs tribute vvas in a letter to Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins an the 25th birthday of the Women's Bureau of the Labor De-Service and they are needed most, I partment. Miss Perkins read it on they ore letting the G. E's dovvn.' the Nfijtionnl Radio Forum. So for the members in the Armed Forces let us ali attend and keep the G. E. aetive until they come home again. Wm. Preveč, Ed Preveč, Frances Ross, Frank Verzic, Lud Milavec, Frances Milsvec, Mary Selak, Doro-try Hake, Margaret Umeck, Henry Cigolle, Andy Kocjan, Mary Seitl, 'Charles Jacobs, George Ritter, Our SANC Braneh The SANC braneh vvas organized in Girard on June 11. Members of six organizations met and formed a braneh of the SANC here on that date. The follovving officers vvere elected: Pres., Louis Blazich; Vice Pres., Joe Piškur; Treas., Matt Kp-govsek;^ Financial Sec'y and Rec. Sec'y, Frank Rezek. Membership cards are to be obtained soon and a campaign vvill be started to collect funds in Girard. 'Circle Skating Party The Davvn of Youth JuvenUe Circle held a skating party at the Avon Roljer Rink July 8.' Ten members tbe, Warren .Circle attended vvhich made the total attendance of tfO.' It vvas very successful and a good time vvas had by ali. Slda Olancast It is Lt. Anthony Barkovich novv. Bro. Barkovich graduatod from the officers' training school recently. Betty Rezek, a member of the G. E. and Edith Tancek, a member of the Ljubi jaha lodge of Girard, spent vveek's vaeation at their home«. They are both employed at the main offices of our Society and enjoy their vvork very much. Mary Golob of Mllvvaukee, a member of the Badgers, vvas a visitor at the home of Bro. Rezek for s vveek. I vvrote ln a recent article ol Bro. Rezek's trip to Mllvvaukee to visit certain young miss. I novv had the plessure of meeting her. Seeing those tvvo together I knovv the G. E. can look forvvard to gaining a very aetive member in the future and the Badgers losing one. Congrstulstions to Ed snd Carolyn Preveč on the birth of a son. To those wondering why Ed has been vvslklng around vvith his chest out, this ls the reason. A group of G. E. members snd THt President said 16,000.000 vvomen are employed, 2,000,000 of them in munitions industries. More and more vvill go td vvork in vvar planta soon, he added. "Thcy are doing a grand job, ali of them," he vvrote. "Working under vvhat are nevv conditions for most of them, they are shovving the skill and efficiency vvhich make for high production. "We owe th« m and their sisters, vvho are taking the places of men in many drudging civilian Jobs, a great debt, and I join vvith Americans here und those on fighting fronts ull over the world in ac-knovvlcdging it upon an occasion such as the anniveraary of the gov ernment agency vvhich is so much concerned vvith their vvelfsre." The Sky's the' Limit on Railroad Profitt The sky is stili the limit on rsil-road profits. Dlzzy heights reached .last jraar are, ^fing surpassed, re-, ports filed by carries this vveek reJ veal. For example, the Nevv York Central for the first six months of the yesr, reported a profit of $SS,-023,232, just sbout 100 per eent larger than for the same period last year. The Milvvaukee really "took the cake," vvlth a profit of more than $17,000,000. or al most 700 per cent larger than for the corrcspondlng period of 1041 The Chicago Grest Western just about doubled Its profit, as dlfl the Ročk Istsnd, -vvhile the Burlington bousted its "velvet" almost 100 per cent. There is not s rosd on th« list thst did not do better. Msny reported esrnings rsnging from 80 to 70 per cent above those of last year. A significant feature of the reports is that they teli the same story for rosds located in ali aec-tions of the country, indicatlng that prosperity is wide|y dlffused. Sr)rm' are born great, some schieve greatness. snd som« hsv« grestness thrust upon them. —SHAKESPEARE v - A Faalt - "i fuupd } the hus- 'FAMItY REUNION' IN AFRICA Juvenile Circles Chlcago Circle No. 18 Wllt Meet Satordey. Aug. 14 CHICAGO.—AU members of Circle No. 26 are asked to pleaae nota that th«r« wlll be no rahaf rsal or meating this Thursdayi Aug. lt. There has baan a chang« in our program for Labor Day and thase changes wlll ba diseuss«d at the regular meetiny Suturday. Aug. 14, at the SNPJ hali. Pleaae attend. DOROTHY SODNIK, Circle Adviser. 1 to Greenfield as th« mosi < riies, So pačk vvill be pl«nty n «A8 A HAm SHtTllia !■ North AfrIra Um DavM I drtver for tU« BrlUali Eightii Am.fr, and kis sMar, Capi ni the VAC. Dava has a asuvsnlr tat Ruth arfce If aide t« a ma** *sn«rsL Aney Asks Members pi Circle No. Wrtte to the M. L. WALSENBURG, COLO. —The members of Circle No. 1 ar« asked to bring th«ir letters lntended.for puhlica tion in the Mladinski List to our next meeting Sundsy, Aug. 18, at Mark's HaU. % At the meetlngs aU members ususlly agree to write for th« |1L. but when the time comes most of them see#n to forget their protnises I hope that in the future more members wlll bring their contrlbu-tions for tha ML to our Cli-cle meetlngs. Don't forget te attend tho ČiTcle meeting SundaOur main acUv-ity after the mteting for this month is to play lotto. Ali members who sre able to attend aru urved to be present. \. — . MAJtY TOMSIC. Mgr. Circle No. I« WU1 Held Outing Sunday. Auguat 16 MILLWAUKEE WIS,—! vvish to inform our Cirole members, espe-clally thoae wh<> have negiacted our meetlngs o( IsU?, that I have again taken ovir the managament, and a better aMendiiitca vvould ba quite appreclated Our meetlngs hsve been changed to each laat Monday of the month to make it more convenl«nt for ali vvho vvish to enjt>y their Sunday at the beaches dT other summer smusement. y We are aU look ing uagerly for the 15th of AurfOst, that is the dsy vve hsve selactad for our outing snd our committee conslstlng of three good loofc^ng girls and tvvo handaome chapa, *really got th«lr hands full vvlth nrepsrstions for tho big day. has b—n selected lUnt spot for plei our luneh, there fun, gsmes snd prlzes and a qusrgnty of plenty of marshmellovrs. Tlfls lnviutlon g o— to aU senior and juvenile members ot lodge 747. We shaU start put qult« e«rly; in fact, those vvho wish to go vvith the group. should be at my house at 8 p. m.; otherr that prefer the later hour, shodld come to the Public Seetion Greenfield bus 78 takas you right on th« spot. I bet most of you people sre vvondering vvhat happened to Mus-»olini, sine« he vvas abendoned from hI« burning sest. WeH, yoti,ll see hlm st the outing. wh«r« you'll have a privliege to pok« hlm in the ey«, and if the Yanks vvill keep up with Iha plastering of Hsmburg, Hitler vvill take his refuge there, too. HELEN AMBROEICH, Mgr Dewn of Teuth Juvenile Circle Ne. 7 Skale Party GIRARD, O —Just thought thst I vvould remind you of our n**t skating party. It wlll b« held the evening of August II, at the Avon Park Roller Rink. AU Circle irfem-bers and friends are invited to attend thia get-together. ftince ali vvho attended the last psrty hsd v«ry enJoysble evening I b*lleve that vre shall hsve s very nlce erowd of fkaters I vvould Uke to se« s large num ber of our tnemherp at the month-ly meeting on Aug. 1$, st tvvo o'ciock |n the a/t< rnoOn. There wlU be important tmsineas Matu m to ms« concerning our plenic st LibertF Park. B<*eause or certain clrcumstances the dat« for this a f-fatr ttmf have to b« changed Don't forget alKMit the oontest' We hope that you ar« erorking as hard as you ean to earn youraelf s pile ot points If you hsv« been late in gettlng rtariad In Ute con-teat ask yourseH these qu*etlons Don t I hsve aome sale« tas ntsmps lying sound the house? Hbouldn'1 I alt- ud Clrrte meetings falthfullv? Sheuldn't f wnle an artlel« to the M. L or to iha Prosveta* Shouldn t I Uke an aetive psrl In aH Ctrrle affalrs snd get-together«* Don't I ha Ve s pieture of myself thet woetd be sultohla for the rirete sr-rap Ths- anevver to sil of Uiese ques-ttonc Is sn emphatk Yttf Come 'ml LM's show "Ut adviser that we are arUHng and ramdy to aup-port tmr Cirtlf and work for it gladlf, eonslder mg alt the oppf*-tunHIes that ar« deri ve front Hs Vehonian Nevvs Comrades' Noti Book Derr't let u« b« eaught shtrkmg our rseponalt>llity and leyslMy to th Vn./nUine From Herminie No. S the Py«ra. ElIsabrOl and Anthony. arere alao saen In Veronian eompany To some of our boys who are at Ft Relvolr, Va. Get In touHt artth Dwrothy Hr**jgtt, War IMaeh. Ut—lst • Unil This glrl was th« first Wm to v Uit th« Veronian club areompaniad by Fr »UI snd Ksy Miller. Filtri« brother and hM wife B#y, vou ean bet yoer Ide thst there never was a dull moment thet night By J F. Flfolt Our Sympatky CLEVELAND. OHIO.-Comrades extend sincer« sympsthy to Mary snd Rudy Doijack and the rest of the famlly in the loss of their mother recently. Dane« Sept. U Bntei tsinment committee meating vvill be held rriday, August 13. st Albins Vehar s plače of restdence, 8801. lllnd street. Tak« the strett-ear, bas and a short walk le reach lt. Meihbers receivtng cards should make an effort to attend, o then alao w«lrome. Final details for the danee wltt be lined up at this meeting. Vlsiten Cd wsrd Tamsle, Dtstriot 6 Vle« Preshient, haa been Ut tovvn the past f«w vveeks. The vvriter had tho attendance was small. hoping te see uleasme uf a short discussion vvlth more of our m»mb«rs st the n«xt Ed Incldentallt, h« lik*« Clev«-monthly nteetlng. | land. H« ia slowly on th« mend Our Sunday night soclals are go- fronv injury h« reeetved som« time ing off wtth great success We ar« ago. hoping to ea« some of our nelgh-1 ShortlV thervafter ran into Mirko borlng lodges vlslt vvith us, after Kuhel, Treaiurtr ln talklng shop pleaaure diinking ban is off snd he «xplalned sonte of the ld«a« the vve vvould lik« to do Ukewise. jahecutiv« committee ls plsnning to We slso hsve danclng st DranUff^1 i»8lHult, whlch wlll tend to imprtive Park «very Sunday night aponsorMl cerUin administrative vvork aa r«. by the SNPJ Women's Auxllisry Juvenllfls. for the benefit of our men ln aerv-l Juv«nll«s iee. AU men ln sarvlee uniformi Wlsh to call mambars' sttention for Miss McDonough. espaeietty vvhen one is in the company of thoae tvvo Veronians, Ksy snd Fritsi. i We had a nlce Ihti« get-togethor laat 8alurday night vvhen the Hudg-ars. Ma i on les snd s fevv others came ifound So vvith this reminder to get around to the elub ss much ss you can and to keap buying thoae U>nda, 1*11 sav "So long' until next wrek." MIHAEL L1PESKY, «80. Pioneet News STRABANE, PA.—The regular monUtly me«tlng of the Straban« Pioneers, SNPJ lodge Bflt, vvaa held Sund«y. Aug. lst. st 6:80 p nv The admitted Ml This to Mr. Vid«r's notiee of laat wevk, calling atteatlon to th« fact that ln HIP Ohlo n0W lt In not n»-eessary for m w mdnth our Honor Roll tor Juvenile« to b« eaamtned by th« doc- free. Honor Roll the boys n service vvill lh< »nueh ter prlbr to admlssion to the lodge. »•rg^lt is probablv the la.gest of,This should mske It much oasier to any SNPJ lodge. We are sddlhg Uie nevv members Kemem- 2?!! tem.lL* S.* L1"1, ^Iber, new juveniles sre ellglble foi admlttanct» froip birth to th« age are Mik« Dohanich, Edvrard Zu rek, Joe Progar. John Ahacic and Frank Podboy. Mike Dohanich has beon a member of our lodge for afmost four yearsi ha vvill serve the Army. Edvvard Zurek and Jo« Progar are of 16. Don t fot get to retum your stubs far the Farm benefit affair.—Th« writ«r has sent csrds to msny of . .. oUr meni bera ask ing thst th«y set to ^siSLSr ,N!;yi Jot,lc?liiUn'» aglde part of their ralion, to help us Ti«"* « ^e danee Sapi. ll.-Cstn 2.1 tStff and* A^a John Aliaolc and Frank Pudbev'^ tth lnfre<|u«m danee; the Rosa-alao enllated tn r„>,iui..M o., mana back from their vsestion, Julia en,l""U lhe Huehar keeping he, be«uty parlor let iss he pr epe red to hold II hlgh Remember Ing this. let ua have a record breeking allendanet al our meeting' IRENE ROWAN Pre«. latter beihg s former vvestern Puma Athletlc Board member, and »ecretary uf our lodge in 1841. Frank vvill be tha ILjth member of his famlly in Ubil« B«m's service. The Navy recrults left Frlday. Aug. 6, snd Mike Dohanich will lesve arithfo three weeka Nšutt Tipa Mr«. Franeas Bevec, th« former Frances Oki«««on, ls back from g trlp from Orlando, Florida, vvhere sh« spent slmost tvvo wa«ks vvith her huflbsnd Sgt. John B*vec. Jim Tnmskr I« novv vlclllnr wlth hI« wlf« in D«nv«r, Colorado. Anthony Sirca ia our member on the slck lisi this month. He ls cen« vslescing Ih the St, Frsncis Hospital In Pittsburgh We wiah hlm a speedy reeovery. Wo also wlsh the apiek and spen. Our R«cordlng S«c'f / fto hav« slwaya said that quite a nUmbor of our members are very rspsblo ot »flting articles If they uAly qult hiding their light under tha bushel baaket Msry Krlsman-clc's artkle last vveek on "Libers-tlon of Slovan««" brought msny fa-vorable commenta We hope Mary wtll contlnue to wrlte an this subject 8« vreli ss others thst she Is so aapabl« of doing. Mestih« August II Again Wv mene s long to lamliid you (tt our meating, Tuesday, August 18. With tha approaeh of eooier vveather, attendance should Inorea««. Fram Teaas A csrd from Ann Golob, loestod V^P ,«t Sit s Rlo Grande. Uickhart, Koval« suooaas vvlth their new eon- T«a«a, fl/e N. S. Bosarth. part ef feetiuuerjf flore. \wh\tii reada: "Frank vvaa home on The members bom« on lesv« or « forleugh but I dldn't go vvith hlm. furlough are Pete Mohorlc, Sylves- The vvasthsi ls re«lly hot h«b, b« ter Chesni«, Frank Batkrta. Carl Podboy, Mas Mezek anA Lavvrenee Kaininakl, f good friend of th« Pioneer mambars. The neW govemment housing projeet that Is going up on the Neon Fsrm In Strabane ls program-Ing very rapldljr. It ls supposad to huose 480 fsmllies. This suraly wlll inerease th« pouulation of Strsbane Mra ANR KAMINSKI, m Profiteers Try to "Pasi Buelt" A desperata effort Is being made by propagand lits to free buslnem from the sligms of proflto«rlng «1 the «apen«e of the vvsr effort. ■tvpieal of the argumenta being esploitod I« the elaim of "Colller's" thal an snalysis of the 1841 earnlngs of 40 leading eompanlas engaged In war production ahotvs Ihelr profila on sales averaged «mly llltl« over 4 per cent. "Cettler s" laalsU thl« Is a mod«^ margln in ellher war or peare" and tegs atiyb l>efore him. 'The crazy vveavers," vvomen cac-kled fiom their doorstepa when one of t h« vveavers went by "The crazy vveavers." even the children jlbed, hopptng about the men aa though they vvere drunken trampa 'The craiy vveavers." vva« heard in every quarter ln tha clty, until even the waters of th« river Roch seemed to babble the vvords "Let them yell." aald VVilIlam Cocpet Some d«y they11 be craziei vet from a bit more of nunger and even they wlll jotp ua • Thr rrny w e a v e r s had achKvcd t beti lirtt goeL * The Co-oparative Society vvas actually establ&hed. Nor had thst first step come eaaily. There had been a« many different minds ss there vvere heads, for beside their monotonous vvork the weavers had fashioned ms-ny ideas. Each one had his own plan, snd each one vvanted to be the new savior. In reality, al these many different ideas had only led to further confusion Now, however, Charles Hovvarth had buccesafully taken a hand and steered in the right direc tion. < j^ffilgf VVhat vva« in the con«titution and by-lavy«? VVhat vvere the men after? They vvanted to erect their own Store, to build and buy dvvelling« for home«, to «e- cure lsnd, and factories-And vvhat else did they seek? They proposed to oircanize production and distrlbutfbn in all things needful to a secure and happy life! -L VVilliam Cooper srni led as though at a happy thought, and then declared «eriously and vvith conviction: "Novv vve are going to bring paradise to Rochdale!" * And how was thi« proposal to be carried out? VVith tvvo pence a vveek! 'Thst is too little," the men considered gravely, and decided to raise ths payment to three penee. They vvere the Pioneers! A remarkable people. Hard forged English steel, tough and stubborn as their Saxon forebears. A people cooped up n factories, given over to the driving machjpes, bound to the anvil of dire want. Yet their eyes vvould light as if they had sighted another land, vvhich hey could see vvith some sus-taining miracle of inner vision and vvhich onee more their kind vvould seek and populate. In every one of them vvas something of a špirit that refused to die, something ot that same courage hat kept a Columbus bound to dl« course through every dis-couragement. Even Rochdale'« •parrovvs seemed to chlrp knovv-ngly from the housetop« that he we«vers, a ragged army of day-laborers, proposed to gain nevv vvorld. BtA the vveavers didn't mind the sparrovvs. Nor did they mind the babble and gossip about tovvn. Instead hey set their lips a little more ghtly, and stuck to the task onee they had set themselves to To get together that Twenty Pounds! It vasn't easy, but they made it. They had to give up drinks and even tobacco; they ata plain bread, and they grevv bit more thin. Their nights' rest they sacrificed for their ^lans. But the flag of courage lad onee again been ralsed high in their hearts and it vva ved to the breeze of a nevv hope. Thus they came to the month of December. (Continued ncxt vveek) The Upper Crust "I've told that union delegation you're on vacatlon, Senator* Bul they «ald you'll have a longer vacatlon next vrintfr li you don't aee them novv." America Is Fully at War Unions Ask Government Reduce Prices or Drop Little Steel Formula •i (ILNS).—Th* International Long-shoreman'« Aasociatton. in conven-tion in New Y«>rk City. called on tha national government "to roll Mtk prieea or st>andon the Little Steel formula " "American labor should no longer be aaked to lower its standard of livini In erdn to adhere to a mechanical formuls whleh by thii Uma haa outllvcd ita usefulneaa." a reso) u t ion ado()td by the con ven-tion declared ' Lar«ely due to the fact that the War Labor Bourd »>l»ndly hold« to tha so-called Little Steel formula ln adiudteattn« sppllcationa for wa«e lnereasr«.* tha conventlon said. "labor and prople of amalt Uvcoma have borne the burden of Ihe t5 pere«nt incrsaae In the coat of Uvtnf aince July. IH1.N Tha raeolulion contandad that tha formula "hss placed the waa* and saisry aam < rs In Amarlca In a poaiilon where itaiitf coata of Uv ma hav« eteartv <>utrun tha llailta-tlens whieh onsinaUy aave rta* lo that formula.' snd added that H "has workrd a rest hardahip upon millkMis of American workers, 4 spite th« much pubtlciaad Mfh wa«ea tn a few induatrtaa" The Little nuel formula limita wafl* tnevvaara to 11 per cant sbove Jsnuary, |S4l levels. lo compfnaale for aoal of llvrn« Inrrnaats batan Jsnuary 1. 1041. and May I. IMt —or Maee Toa* Msr v had a little tsmb Vou vt heard thla ofi before-And than she paa«» i hm pUle a«stn And had a IMtle mor« If a man emptiet his purse Into his he«d no one ean lake H away frena htm Sen Franklm (FollouHng are excerpts /rom a broadcast on Auf/utt i over the United Nations radio tn Algiers by ELMER DAVIŠ, Ditector of the U. S. Office of War Information:) Tvvo vveeks ago, I vvas in Wash-ington, a capltal of a nation at war. America is a natjon at vvar, ful-ly at vvar, and ww remain a nation concentrated on the vvinning ot the vvar until the last ,of our anemies beaten dovvn. A vveek ago, I vvas in London . . . Also, the capltal ot a nation at vvar. You all remember vvhen England stood alone sina England stili stands. Not aH' tlie povver of the Luftvvaffc at its |troqgest could beat lt dovvn. Tvvo years ago, vvlten I vvas last in England, its cities vvere scarred and battered from that dreadful winter. but England vvas stili holding out and no Englishmen doubted that his country vvould win. Today, England is no longer the scene of a heroic doferfre. It is the base o^ a great s^d grovving of-fenslve. • And novv. for the third time vvithin three vveeks, I am in the capltal of a fightinfl nation: for Alaiers. for the moment is the capltal of Francc at vvar until the day vvhen the republic is restored and liberatod. All around me. I see the signs of tha growihg vvar stre^gth of France. The nevv uniform« and much more Important, the new vveepons of vvar vvith vvhich the srmies of France are being equipped, the nevv moral strength and reaolution lhat have come vvith tha unifiaation of French At my Command. ( But it ia not merely French und Britlah and Američana that mska up the army and man the naviaa that are mov-tng from their Afričan baaas for tha liberaUon of Europ«. In these fleet« und theae armies of the land and ot the alr, there are Poles and Czeoba, Greeks and Dutchmcn, Norwc>g^|na and Jugo-slavs all fightina te free their people from the oppt ossipna. And on thoa« oppreasora who have com-mitted erimes aaalašl the occupeid people « just vmitoanee erill surely fall. A ven«oane4 thst comes clearer every day. Three hundred jgrars *s<> . . . 900 y«ara ago . . . lOB /ears a«o. our s ner sle rs came le America Mrkim freedom. Nova to aafeguard that freedom vvhlch they won ,.. ara are eomin« back lo irmlotv freedom ln Europe. and we kngar vve have Allies in ewry occuptsd nation and some have bMS Ion« continu-tn« under around ^sststanc« and countlaaa others sil i%edy to and strlk« for th«!t (reedom when Ihe moment faUs tli« free peoplea ot th« vvorld ara oa tha march. and no povver on aarih can stop them One« iherr wer« man m Ilaly arho loved rreedoaa and yaa, in Oermany too. I am the frandson of a German revn|Ullonary of ISO. a man who lovad Oarasaiur... But he came to America, a« iti many thousands of other Germans. when h« had to chooaa batvaasn j German and beta* fr««. If ther* ara stiU Germana whe W>ve freeclom, not th« fr««wn thouahu and lo speok out and to Ita« the Uf« of fr«« m«n . . . tf there are German« who f**| that way. let them show their feelin«s by their acttona. m tune . . . mere word. afWr lhry have lost tbe war. arill nol be enough. A« for Holy, Um government that drsaged lialy lato a diaastrous war has fallen, but the Germans vvhom that government served are stili in Italy. But the Italian people and the Italian government, if there is a government in Italy ... let them remember that if they vvsnt to re-gain their honored plače among the nations of the vvorld, the first thing to do ls to throvv out ^be Germans. Onee more, as in the days of Maz-zini and Garibaldi,. yas and of Cavour and Victor the Great, onee more the first duty of Italians is plain. Novv, Mussolini is gona, but the, Germans are stili there. Remember that as our SecreUry of SUte, Mr. Hull said last ye«r . . . A nation provaa its right to freedom only by being witting to fight for it Wallace on Labor ♦ i■ r :-t In a hard-hitting spaaeh laahing out at enemies of President—some of vvhom ha dubbed "American Fascists"—Vice-President Henry A. VVallace told a large mass meeting of the Detroit Committee for the America Tomorrovv that some of the same forces seek the deštructlon of American unions. Praising labor's record in vvar production, VVallace said: "Labor is beginning to do its part in enlightenlng the public. It is beginning to make crystal clear that 97 per cent of -labor has cooper a ted 100 per cent vvith our Government ip the vvar effort figure« r. but I that shovv this even better, vvanted to hav« these figures absoluten immune to any erities. And so I say, let that group vvhich can shovv a more comprehensive effort throvv tha first stone. "The people of America knovv that the second step toward faacism ls the deštructlon of labor unions. There are midget Hitlers here veho cantinually attack labor. There are other demagogues blind to the error« of every other group vvho shout 'Wa love labor, bul . . "Both the midget Hitlers and the demagoguea are anemies of Amarlca. Both vvould destroy labor unions if they could. Labcp should be fully swsre of its frienda and of its enemlea." * } e Who's Punishing VVhom? So the Smith-ConnaUy bili vvaa supposed to be an anU-strike bili. apeclaltv dealgned to punlsh John L. Lewia. T ' But look vvho popa un aa tha firat man to make use of this near act for his own purpoae« Ifs none other than John L. Levvis himself. large aa Uf«. And vvhaf« he using the act Ipr? To call a »trike in a vvar plant At Ihe Allis-Chalmers plant in Sprincfkkl. ni.. Lewia Diatrict »0 «s attempting te raid the CIO Farm ^uipment Workerl' Union, vvhlch choaan by thr emplojra« in a Labor Board eleetlon le rapreaent th«m and whlch haa a contract with Uve eompanir. Lewla haa found Ihe Smlth-Con naUy act juat vvhat he naeded to provok« a strlk« dlraetod against Ih« unien choaan by the vvorkers. and to dtarupt arar production Hf haa proce«d«d. under Ihe Mrtke-provakJn« provU.on« of thla allaged anti-strlke act lo flla strik« notte« and to call for a strik* vol« for ■ If _ _ th« Smlth -Connany eet aak hhn tf h« can stili elahn tt to an anU-■trtke. snli - Lew is meaaurv—or if he docan t agrae I dent Roaaevalfs that tt Is a mrasurr whkek -vvould Sive government aanrtkm to strlk* •g Ua t »ona "—CIO Netvs Official Proceeding: SNPJ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Maatlng of Juna 9 Meeting is called to order at 1 p. m. Present are all members of the eaecutive committee except manager vvho is vacationing. Minute« of the previous meeting are approved vvith a minor correction. Secretary Vider submits a letter frokn the Federation of Fayette and Orcene counties asking for Bro. Cainkar as speaker, and at the same time to shovv the Society,s filma at their celebration of the 90th anni-versary of tbe Juvenile Department and Sth of the Juvenile CirCles on Juna 97. Request approved. Conlmunication from the American Red Cross for additional con-tribution is submitted and $100 again granted. Secretary reports resignation of Frances Kochevar vvhich makes it necasaary to trein a nevv girl for bookkeeper; he vvas fortunate enough to obtain 30 days induetion defer-ment for the bookkeeper vvho may be drafted into the army. Juvenile Direetor asks for Bro. Cainkar to appear as speaker at the June 6 affair sponsored by Circle 96. Request is granted: Special benefit of $95 each vvas appraved for the follovving in lieu of pperation benefits as recommend-ad by the supreme medical direetor: Michael Mbnikar (86), John Kapelj (149), John Trepal (149), Anna Ver-bich (999) and Frank Shemrovv (460). Applications for aasessment loan and special benefit vvere also approved. (Detalls in Slovene minutes.) Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p. m. Ifleetiaf of Jun« II Meeting is called to order at 1 p. m. All executive officers are present, except the Juvenile direetor. Minutes of the previous meeting are approved as read. Pres. Cainkar submits a request from lodge 1. vvhich is celebrating its 40th anniversary the latter part of this year. The lodge asks for the Society's films and for a speaker for the occasion. Request for the filma is approved and Bro. Cainkar is delegated aa speaker. He recommends that something should be done vvith the hali vvin-dovvs in order to oonceal the light ooming thru vvhile shovving irtoving pietures. Considerable discussion ensued on this question and finally it vvaa decided to leava this matter in his hands to find some šblution to this problem. y He also submits a bili for repairs on the roof of the home offlce building vvhich is iapproved for payment. , 9ec'y Vider submits tbe request from Anthony Cvetkovich of lodge 56 for some compensation for his injured hand for vvhich he vvas not entitled to any operation benefit according to the by-laws. Supreme medical examiner recommended the sumi of $35 from the disability fund, vvhich recommendation is approved. He further reports that Dr. Arch has instituted a lavv suit against the Society to recover salary as supreme medical examiner. Decided that Bro. Cainkar should take carc of this matter and hire an attorney to safeguard the interest of the organization. • ' J Applications for assessment loans and aoecial benefit are approved. (Detaila in Slovane minutes.) Postal Unit Numbering Is Speeding Delivery Our fighting men vvho are offer-ing their livas for their country on battlefields all over the vvorld. also are doing the most to help alleviate a difflcult veartime postal problem here ai home. Soldiers and sailors are leaving nothing undone to aaaure that their letters get the most ezpeditious serviaa poaaible, and the percentage of mail from military personnel car-rying delivery district numbers is far higher than even the good per-' centages noted on civilian mails, ac-coridng to Poalmaater E. J. Kruet-gan of Chlcago. The nevv deltvery tone number «y«tem recenUy Inaugursted ln Chlcago and other large citles conslsts of the addition of a number placed after tha name of the ctty, ind les t-ing the district In vvkich Uie mail Is to ba delivered. The tncluaion of this number permits the employlng of lnexperienced personnel ln the separatlng or roullng of mail for de-llvery. vvithout any pralimlnary training. thua avotding delays lhat vvould othervvlae occur during peti ods of haavy maillng Almoat ltOO Chicago posUl em ploreea ara novv In our armed foreaa, and jmur poat off iee la faced with an acula shortage of manpovver and tha arholeheertod cooperallon af Ihe maillng public Is a naoaa»t»y If vva ara lo maioUtn the prompt mail serviea vvhlch you hav« always en- ---a Tha lact Uvat our fighting men ovirsaaa ara Uiduding the cone number a« a part of tha addrem b indicaUv* of lhat cooperatlon. How-ever. you are further urged to ad-vlaa nai only th« "bey" te Service, rtth may have Meeting adjourned at 3 p. m. M—tlng of Juna 30 Meeting ia called to order at 2:30 p. m. All members are present, e*. cept Bro. Cainkar, vvho vva« out of tovvn. Bro. Godina vvas selected m chairman of the meeting. Secretary submits the follovvmg: Frank Augustin, president of lodge 106. asks for reimbursement of $25 vvhich amount vvas paid for the grave of the late John Jankovieh who died on May 90, and vvhose bene-ficiary vv^s the Society. Payment approved. • Lodge 89 vvill celebrate its 35th anniversary Sept. 95 and they ask for Juvenile Direetor as speaker for the occasion. Request approved. Date for the semiannual meeting of the supreme board is discussed. Decided to have the meeting begin August 19. Juvenile Direetor submits a re-quest from Circle 16 for financial assistance, and $95 ls spproyed. Circle 90 also asks for financial aid; $90 approved. Operation benefit is approved for payment in the amount of $75 for Frank Zitko of lodge 959. Special benefit of $95 each is approved for the follovving in lieu of operation benefits as recommended by the supreme medical examiner: Martin Novlan (9), Joseph Hrastar (5), Mary Jerman (33), John Kapel (149), William Skerbetz (940), Peter Garbic (581), and Agnes Sarish (741). Applications for assessment loan and special benefit vvere approved. (Detalls in Slovene minutes.) Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p. m. VINCENT CAINKAR, president. F. A. VIDER, secretary. Labor Highlights Recently Philip Pearl, A. F. of L. $ublicity direetor. vvrote as follovvs in his vveekly column, "Facing the Facts": "Never in our memory has any legislative body shovvn itself so impotent and corrupt and con-temptible as our present-day Congress of the United States. Never have representatives of the people failed io dismally in their duty of representing the people." Those vvords certainly apply today. An-grily svveeplng aside the sound reasons given by President Roosevelt for his veto the Connally-Smith Bili, a hysterical Congress on June 9i overrode the veto. The nevv lavv has already seriously damaged labor morale. C. F. HuKhes, business editor of the conservdtive Nevv York Times and preaumably not a labor parti-san, spoke of the recent berserk conduct of Congress thus: "Congress began to look last vveek like a čase for the FBI to investigate in order to find out if enemy agents have sneaked loco vveed into the fodder of the honorable gentlemen. In a hysterical effort to 'regain its povvers' it paased a contradictory and confused anti-strlke bili over the sound reasons advanced by war production experts and military arms. By turning dovvn the sub-sidies vvhich have made priče control vvork in Cgnada and England. it voted for inflation and plenty of labor trouble." Under the noaes of the Japanese invaders, skilled Chinese vvorkers are being smuggled into Free Chi-na. reporta Matthevv Woll, presid« nt of the United Nations Relief. are not afrakl to make this news public," says Mr. Woll. 'The Japanese knovv that an elaborate un-derground railroad system is vvorking gainat them, but they can t stop it." A Board of Custody of the American Labor Fund has been sot up in Chunking vvith Chu Hsueh-fan, president of the Chinese As*<>-etation of Labor, as chairman. Principal object of the Fund is the evacuaUon of akilled vvorkers from Jap-held territory to Free China U. S. Shipyards in the first aeven months of 1943 delivered mor< merchant tonnage than in sil of 1949. Tha total output in the first seven month« of the current year vvas 1046 ships of 10.485.500 dead-vveight tons. This achlevement com-pares vvith 747 vcsaels of 8.089.732 tons turned out ln all of last year. The Maritime Commission reveal* that during July 158 ships vvere built The merchant ahipbuildin« goal for 1943 la about 19,000.000 deadvveight iona. The American Institute of Puhlic Opinion. of vvhlch George Gallup la the direetor. made a nation« "J' survey to delermine hovv manv Americans have bought arar bonH^ and vvho buy« tha moat. The raport. appearing ta nevvspapers of July 4. contatned thla statement The record of purchaaea by member« of labor unions to conslderabty higher than the a ver«* for th« vrholr country H For raeaons beat kn<>« " to thenfMelvaa. some nevrspet"'v ellminated this fadual tri but. U> the patrlotlam of Amerlcen tradr Ammcsr, F«ierst.or Both Sidas Friand—lt's too bad Oarence an