ZARJA - THE DAWN OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 1997 VOLUME 69 NUMBER 10-11 ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 NO. 10-11 OCT.-NOV. 1997 VOL. 69 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published eight times per year - osemkrat na leto. Annual Subscription for non-members, $15.00 — naročnina $15.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 Telephone: (773) 548-8878 DATES TO REMEMBER Oct. 24-26 LAS VEGAS REUNION for all members, Contact Kathleen Emerson, Ph. (810) 370-0015 Oct. 26 FALL CARD PARTY, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN Nov. 13 PENNY SOCIAL, Br. 2, Chicago, IL, 6 p.m. MASS FOR ILL MEMBERS, St. Stephen’s Church, 8 a.m. CHRISTMAS PARTIES Dec. 4 Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI, South View Woods, 12 noon Dec. 6 Br. 2, Chicago, IL, JUNIORS’PARTY, 12:30 Dec. 9 Br. 105, Detroit, MN, 7 p.m. Call Pat Hostnik. 810-939-3891 or Doreen Preston, 810-751 -1470 Dec. 10 Br. 40, Lorain, OH, Mountain Jack’s Rest. 1 p.m. Dec. 10 Br. 54, Warren, OH at Joanne Ponikvar’s Home Dec. 11 Br. 2, Chicago, IL ADULT MEMBERS’ PARTY, Dinner 6:30 p.m. Dec. 13 Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI at The Columns, 12:30 p.m. Dec. 14 Br. 50, Cleveland, OH at Kristy’s Rest., 434 E. 200th St. at Tracy Ave., Euclid See COVER information on page 7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN OCTOBER National Officers: Oct. 9 - Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Chicago, IL Oct. 13 - Olga Dorchak, Regional President, Ohio-Michi-gan, Solon, OH Oct. 26 - Kathleen Dorchak, Nat’l Vice President, Silver Lake, OH Presidents: Oct. 5 -Oct. 12 -Oct. 15 -Oct. 15 -Oct. 17 -Oct. 23 -Oct. 28 - Secretaries: Rose Ann Prey, Br. 89, Oglesby, IL Edna Winters, Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL Rose Bradach, Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, OH Mildred James, Br. 95, So. Chicago, IL Charlene Kobe, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Nancy Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, PA Mary Bratovich, Br. 79, Enumclaw, WA Oct. 11 - Mary Jermene, Br. 85, Depue, IL Oct. 22 - Mary F. Mohr, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Oct. 31 - Mary Taucher, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN NOVEMBER National Officers: Nov. 9 - Beverly Menart, Nat’l Treas., Duluth, MN Nov. 11 - Marion Bowers, Food Columnist, St. Helena, CA Nov. 11 - Mary Muller, Past Nat’l Pres., Oakbrook, IL Nov. 16 - Marion Marolt, Past Nat’l Auditor, West Allis, WI Presidents: Nov. 5 - Genevieve Grilc, Br. 85, Depue, IL Nov. 13 - Josephine Aiuto, Br. 13, San Fran., CA Nov. 13 - Linda Kusar-Fischer, Br. 108, VA Beach, VA Nov. 15 - Joanne Trunkel, Br. 102, Willard, WI Nov. 23 - Steffie Segulin, Br. 10, Cleveland, OH Nov. 28 - Valeria Carlson, Br. 56, Hibbing, MN Secretaries: Nov. 13 - Dorothy Jamnik, Br. 35, Aurora, MN Nov. 15 - Dolores Hennelly, Br. 95, So. Chicago, IL SLOVENIJA MAGAZINE Quarterly issue/$30 USD per year. Personal checks accepted. Send your subscription to: Slovenia Magazine, Cankarjeva I, P.O. Box 169,1001 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA, Europe It’s truly beautiful magazine! AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION Ask About "KSKJ ANNUITIES” A New Beginning HOME OFFICE: 2439 GLENWOOD AVENUE • JOLIET, IL 60435 • (800) 843-5755 115*798 JEAN KORSIUIAN, NATIONAL PRESIDENT HARVESTING A GOOD YEAR’S WORK It’s HARVEST TIME! Even though our area experienced a very dry summer and we had cut our acreage in half, we have been blessed with an abundant crop of those luscious tubers. We receive many calls for “new potatoes” at this time of year as our customers are anxious for the freshly dug treat. The scrubbed, antiseptic smell of the empty warehouse has rapidly been replaced with the good earthy smell of the first four varieties safely unloaded. The fans are blowing 24 hours a day to dry the sandy loam that clings to the spuds, and they are being prepared for the brusher, the bagger, and finally, the sales! What joy! All the stress of “too cold spring nights, too hot-dry summer days, weeds that fight for the minimal moisture, ravenous Colorado Beetles, and three visits by the rigid State Inspectors, melts away as soon as we drive the machinery into the field and bring up that first load! Fall has always been my favorite time of the year. The HARVEST of our planted crop is one of the most gratifying experiences of a farmer’s life; the fruits of the long season’s labor. In a similar vein, our SWU Branches, mostly inactive over the summer, come to life with the resumption of their monthly meetings. For those states that continue to convene annually in the fall for their wonderful “ZVEZA DAY HARVEST”, all the stress and hard work that goes into preparing for a convention is rewarded with the happy reunion of old friends from the Region. It begins with the morning registration and “coffee an’” and continues through the meeting. Problems and solutions can be addressed, suggestions and decisions for trying different fund-raisers can be discussed, and the tried and true methods for achieving success and harmony can be shared. The primary goal of all the Branches is still recruitment of additional members. In all seven regions of the country we are constantly reminded to enroll interested friends, relatives, children and grandchildren into our organization; and to encourage them through our own loyalty and enthusiasm for ZVEZA, in the search for their own Slovenian roots by their participation in Branch activities. The positive energy we put into our local meetings will inspire others. Where there is dissention, rivalry and self-promotion over the good of the “group,” drops in membership will outnumber the gains. A joyful and productive HARVEST of our labors in SWU will result if we remain dedicated to the same hopes and goals Marie Prisland aspired to 71 years ago. Her years of laboring to recruit and unite Slovenian women must continue if we are to reap a HARVEST of progress and unity far into the next century. STRENGTH IS IN TOGETHERNESS The SWU has been an overwhelming success with approximately 100 branches throughout the USA. The ladies have proven that with the diligence they have shown, we have an organization that we can all be extremely proud of. As the organization continues to grow, so do the necessary expenses. The branches have been extremely generous in their charitable contributions, especially during the Christmas season. Please review the recipients of our generosity each year, and make an effort to afford priority to our own organization to ensure that we can continue to maintain the high standards shown in the past. To refresh our memories, the following is a list of SWU activities that are desperately in need of financial assistance—so, let’s keep the SWU alive: (1) ZARJA (The Dawn): We all look forward to receiving this most interesting publication. The issues are decreasing due to the prohibitive costs associated thereto. (2) Slovenian Heritage Museum: Since the museum is located in Joliet, Illinois, many of us have not had the privilege of visiting it, or may not even know of its existence. This museum is a very important project as it contains Slovenian memorabilia that will endure for generations to come. Our contributions for this cause will be very rewarding. (3) Scholarship Fund: This fund began with Mrs. Prisland, founder of the SWU. She had a great desire to be a teacher; therefore, it is understandable that she was devoted to the education of Slovenian youth. Four scholarships of $1,000 each are given yearly, depending, of course, on the donations received from the branches. This appeal to all branches is a sincere reminder to review your annual charitable contributions, and hopefully your generous donations will be firected to the ZARJA, Heritage Museum, and the Scholarship Fund. Matilda Ausich Recording Secretary, Branch 103 Washington, DC., MD, VA NATIONAL SECRETARY - - KEEPING UP-TO-DATE As fall approaches and you think about raking leaves, preparing the ground for next year’s garden and clearing out the flower beds—we are thinking of the billing that has to be done for 1998. It has been a month (August) of cleaning up the odds and ends that will make it easier for us. Letters and phone calls are received from family members who have placed their mothers in nursing homes. Many of them apply for Medicaid, and those of you who have gone through that process know what is involved. Likewise, inquiries are received from members who have belonged to SWU for umpteen number of years, and their question is the same as the Medicaid applicant, “What is the cash value of my certificate”? We want to address that issue today. The answer to the question is: There is NO CASH VALUE to the certificate. We are a death benefit society. Payment of the benefit is made only upon receipt of a death certificate for the certificate holder. We offer no argument as to the amount that has been paid in as compared to the value of the certificate. The explanation is simple. When SWU was organized (almost 72 years ago) the founders felt that those who had expressed interest in its formation should be given some sort of recognition, award a gift for joining the group. The death benefit was thus inaugurated. The amounts are minute, however, consider the fact that seventy-two years ago, $100, $200, $300 was quite a lump sum towards the expense of a funeral. What does it cover today? From experience, the casket spray would not be covered by $300, nor would the use of a funeral parlor, to say nothing of the opening/closing of a gravesite. The benefit can almost be considered as a token of appreciation for the years the deceased member has given to us. This inquiry leads to other questions, i.e. “My mother can no longer read ZARJA, if the magazine is discontinued, will 1 still have to pay her dues?” The answer is “yes.” Still another inquiry, “The original amount of the certificate is $100, what is the value now-what has it increased to”? The value remains the same, it does not increase in value over the years. Beneficiaries still present somewhat of a problem. Many members who responded to a ZARJA request in 1995-96 used the form asking for information when paying a benefit. Secretaries and members: When submitting a claim for a death benefit, please check to see if the beneficiary is current. Many of our elderly members initially made their spouses the beneficiary; perhaps if that spouse has passed on the change was never made. A short notation at the bottom of the “Official Proof of Death” should be made such as “Beneficiary, (name) is correct,” or “Beneficiary (name) deceased.” and the current information should be given. We receive many notes stating that ZARJA has not been received, members report it to their secretaries, or directly to us. We have questioned several of these with Corinne Leskovar, editor. Each one we inquired about came back as “on current mailing list, address OK”. First, do you know that ZARJA is NOT published every month? If you receive a ZARJA one month, that is not to say the next issue will arrive the same time next month. Checking the cover of the issues, the Volume number and Issue Number, will tell you immediately if you have missed an issue. If you feel you have not received ZARJA over a given period of time, please, send a note to ZARJA (address is inside the front cover). There is still another delay when you notify us, and we, in turn, notify ZARJA. Always include your old address, your proper current address, your branch number and your certificate number. This information is printed on your address label on each and every issue of ZARJA. It is amazing how many members, when asked what branch they belong to, will say they don’t have that information. We are preparing the 1998 billing. It is not too soon to again advise you, PLEASE, do not send any money until you receive an invoice. When you do receive your invoice, if there is any question, regardless of what problem there may be, there is no need to phone us. If you will write and explain the problem, on the invoice and return it to us, we will handle it for you. We do receive calls from all over the country. Save your money. For 32 cents you can receive the same answer. And speaking of postage, you are well aware that there is a postage hike due this year (1998). If your problem requires a written answer, a self-addressed stamped envelope would be appreciated. The increase in the postage rate will mean another adjustment for us. Your cooperation is needed. Thank you again for your cooperation and understanding. We look forward to the New Year with anticipation of good things to come. Have yourselves a Happy Holiday Season. Starting with Halloween, on through Thanksgiving and right into Christmas and the New Year, may health and happiness be yours. Respectfully, Evelyn A. Majercik, National Secretary athleen’s iv onnection Please send your donation as soon as possible. The goal for the restoration will be reached with your contributions, individual or group, for any amount you wish to give. Thank you. Kathy Emerson, Women's Activities Director SLOVENIAN WOMEN S UNION BISHOP BARAGA STATUE FUND Yes, I/we wish to help in the fund drive for the restoration of the statue of Bishop Baraga in the Slovenian Cultural Gardens in Cleveland, Ohio. My/Our donation is enclosed. $5 __________$10 $15 $20 Other Please make check or money order payable to SWU Baraga Fund and send to Kathy Emerson, 41 Sparrow Hill, Orion, Ml 48359. Name: ________________________________ Branch No.: _____ Address:_________________________________________________ MINNESOTA REGIONAL CONVENTION 1997 The day started very early, especially for the Keewatin ladies who had to board the bus at 5:45 a.m. for the trip to Duluth and the Minnesota Slovenian Women’s Union convention on Sunday, September 14th. Two bus loads of ladies and a gentleman from Ely to Keewatin made the trip to Duluth. 146 members including 16 guests attended the convention. After everyone registered and enjoyed juice, coffee and rolls, the meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m. Vice President, Ann Orazem, opened the meeting with a short but meaningful prayer. We had hoped our National Secretary, Evelyn Majercik, could have attended our convention, but because of a conflict of dates, she was unable to be there. She did send us a letter which was read to those in attendance. Some of our Minnesota branches were not aware that they could obtain pins for their 50-year members from the home office. That point was brought up and clarified. National President, Jean Korsman, addressed the convention regarding the travel book, Slovenia, and also the new cook book which is to be published. All members were urged to send in their favorite Slovenian-ethnic recipes. Beverly Menart checked with a travel agency in Duluth regarding the trip to Las Vegas in October. She reported on the air fare from Duluth and also Minneapolis and although several members were interested in going, they felt it would be just too expensive. After all other business was taken care of, each branch gave a report on their activities during the past year. Most of the branches seemed to be doing well or at least holding their own. All branches again requested an up to date print out of their branch membership. National President, Jean Korsman, baked a luscious looking potica and brought it to the convention to be used for the raffle. The membership decided that the proceeds from this raffle should be donated to both the Heritage Fund and the ZARJA. $51.00 was sent to each of these funds. The next state convention will be held in Chisholm in September, 1998. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:35 a.m. and all the members then went to St. Elizabeth’s Church for the 12 noon mass and the delicious banquet which followed. Rev. Patrick Moran presided at the mass and also gave the invocation at the banquet. Duluth Mayor, Gary Doty, welcomed everyone and gave the main banquet address. It was a beautiful, warm autumn day and he stressed how very fortunate we are to live in this area of beautiful changing seasons and rich ethnic heritage. Musical entertainment was provided by Frank Bucar and Bob Logergren. They played accordian renditions of many of our favorite Slovenian songs. The Mothers of the Year who were in attendance were introduced. Names were drawn for the monetary raffle prizes and the many other prizes that were donated by the members of the Duluth Branch. On behalf of all the Minnesota Branches, President Charlotte Laurich thanked the Duluth Branch for hosting such a wonderful convention. She then wished all members a safe trip home and asked them to return to their home branches and continue to work hard to keep the Slovenian Women’s Union and that rich ethnic heritage alive. Charlotte Laurich Minnesota Regional President * * * On a beautiful, sunny Sunday, September 14, 1997, two busloads of S.W.U. members from the Mesabi Iron Range arrived at the new Environmental school in Duluth, MN to participate in Minnesota Day. Branch 33 was the host. “Coffee an’” was served and MN State Pres., Charlotte Laurich called the meeting to order. A prayer was read. One hundred and thirty women were in attendance. Dorothy Jamnik, Secretary/Treasurer, read the minutes of the last meeting. National Pres., Jean Korsman, reported on some pressing matters concerning “sLOVEnians to cook” to be published in the near future. The Pres, of the various branches gave their annual reports. It proves that the Slovenian heritage carried on by S.W.U. women is dedicated to God, filled with paitence, love, faith and good works. Mass was then held in St. Elizabeth’s church. The offertory gifts were presented by Charlotte Laurich, Jean Korsman and Beverly Menart. “Češčena si, Marija" was the meditation hymn. During this time a bouquet of flowers was placed at the Blessed Mother’s altar by Eileen Fedo, Mother of the Year from Branch No. 33. We heard comments from Jean Korsman and Charlotte Laurich and Beverly Menart who thanked everyone that worked for such a wonderfully successful convention day. Many prizes were then distributed and all were invited to attend the next year’s Minnesota day which will be held in Chisholm, MN. Eleanor Indihar SCHOLARSHIP FUND REPORT August 1997 Donor Amount Anton Malenšek In memory of $10.00 Mary Taucher Mary Turkovich 5.00 Frank & Frances Shepel Joseph Stupnick, Sr. 5.00 AnneM. Orazem Madeline Theodore 5.00 SWUBr. 16,Chicago, IL Madeline Jerich 10.00 Edna Winters Madeline Jerich 10.00 Gladys K. Buck Madeline Jerich 10.00 Ann Saari Agnes Swift 5.00 Fall is here and school is beginning for many anxious, ambitious young people. We wish them all success in their new ventures; attaining an education as well as finding many new friends and good experiences. Those who continue to support our Scholarship Fund Program are to be congratulated for their fine work, too. Mary Turvey, Director 52 Oakridge Drive Marquette, Michigan 49855 Slovenian ^lonwn i ^linlon SJiotaxJiifi ^Pioyum 0 (CUE J ZllcfoiS $ ____________________________________ iJn fionor of______________ _— -------------------------------------------- kvarne ana llOccasion LIn m^rnouj of_____________________________________________________________ a Contxibution ______________________________________________________ [j^onox \ Caqoi[o => #5 TJ UJ ■D H : S ffi 25 V) C Z 2 ss 0) Z £ Z± 2.5° o .«* Iz O < 0) z J* UJ £ > s o -J C/) WWW SLOVENIA Travel Book WWW SLOVENIA is a very current travel book by Steve Fallon of Lonely Planet Publications. The reader will find more information packed into its 300 + pages than in any other book around. In addition, there arc dozens of color photos, maps and drawings in this well-bound paperback. (Marion's note: Many people I've talked to have said they've already ordcrd it.) The first portion of the book is devoted to facts about Slovenia - history (especially WW1 to the present), geography, llora, fauna, economy, arts, food, festivals, sporting events etc. There is a chapter devoted to Ljubljana plus chapters for each of the eight provinces. SLOVENIA is good arm-chair reading for anyone who has been there or is planning to go there. Our Zarja editor, Corinnc Leskovar says, "The author has done a masterful job researching and compiling information on Slovenia that will surely provide the traveler, or just reader, a wealth of good facts. So many young families arc looking for this kind of resource! We hope families will want to have SLOVENIA as a part of their libraries at home". Kathleen Emerson, SWU's Women's Activities Director, said, "This book is a very good way to share the beauty and culture of SLOVENIA with relatives and friends. If you or anyone you know is looking for a new place to visit, this book would certainly make you put Slovenia on your list. Don't forget. Christmas is right around the corner and it would make a very nicc present." Gcxxl idea, Kathy, 1 know Keith and I will be giving it to relatives this Christmas. The Triple Gift: SLOVENIA can be a gift for Christmas, birthdays, graduations or other holidays or special occasions. It is often difficult for people to afford many gifts these days especially if they have a lot of grandchildren. Parents or grandchildren can purchase as many books as they have children and, gift #1, give them as gifts to grandparents. They will use these gifts from their family members to give gift #2, using their creativity, wisdom and love to individualize the book before they give this same book on to their grandchildren. And gift #3, grandma will have the fun of reading the book while she is doing this! Clothes, toys etc. wear out and arc discarded, but grandma's memoirs will become a more valuable treasure with the years and will be appreciated more as time goes on as children get older. The same can be done by aunt or uncle for nieces or nephews. Grandparents often look upon the idea of writing their "memoirs" as a frightening, "too big" job. This book would make it easy to do. (Marion's note: Dear SWU "sisters", even if you don't do it with this bk, do write your "story" somehow, somewhere for your loved ones. As 1 mentioned in my food column in April, 1997, Keith gave me this book as a gift last Christmas and I suggested it to the Executive board for sale by SWU bccausc it was such good reading.) To personalize SLOVENIA, grandparents can write a dedication inside the front cover, highlight words or phrases (with a yellow pen) and, with a regular pen, write in the margins throughout its pages plus write their spccial little stories in the 10 blank pages titled, "Notes" in the back of the book. It would be a good place to write in the names and addresses of relatives and ancestors who live or lived there. (Marion's note: Keith and I find it more difficult to do my family genealogy without this kind of information.) The four member Executive Board voted to have Kathy Emerson handle the sale of this bk. To order the SLOVENIA travel book, please send $16.00 ($13.95 + $2.05 packing and mailing) to: KATHY EMERSON DIRECTOR OF WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES 41 SPARROW HILL ORION MICHIGAN 48359 vrrvvvrrvrvvrrvvvvrrvvvrvvvv HOW TO SEND IN YOUR RECIPES SLOVENIANS TO FOR THE ZARJA OR TO: COOK (updated information) BOOK So we all can crcatc more uniform recipes for Zaija and the ax)ktxx)k, please use the following formal: A. INTRODUCE YOUR RECIPE with something interesting about it, such as a funny anecdote, history (origin), poetry, memories, etc. It will give a better feeling for your recipe and for Slovenian customs and history. Example: A nicc memory of childhood was coming home from school and having the delicious smell of homemade soup meet me at the door. Here is mom's recipe for GOVEJA JUHA (BEEF SOUP): B. Write recipe TITLES IN ENGLISH AND SLOVENIAN if you or someone can translate. Example: above. C. ENTER ALL INGREDIENTS to be used in the recipc IN A LIST ABOVE the preparation procedure, and LIST THEM IN THE ORDER THEY ARE USED. Example: Sec recipes in this issue. D. GIVE EXACT MEASUREMENTS, when applicable, for all ingredients - with exceptions like "salt and pepper to taste" and "cover with water". Example: 1 C milk, 1 Tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp. salt 1 can (3 OZ.) tuna fish. The size of the can or Jello or pudding box is very important to make the recipc turn out right. E. To avoid errors, use C_. for cup, Tbsp. for tablespoon and tsp. for teaspoon, etc. F. Include information about PAN SIZES. COOKING TEMPERATURES, COOKING TIMES, etc. Example: 9" x 13" baking dish, Bake 375° for 35 minutes. G. INCLUDE AMOUNTS THE RECIPE MAKES, if applicable. Example: Serves 4, Makes 3 dozen etc. H. Make your recipe to test for CORRECTNESS OR COMPLETENESS of ingredients before submitting it.. I. PROOFREAD your recipe, plus HAVE SOMEONE NOT FAMILIAR WITH IT PROOFREAD IT J. Following the recipe, INCLUDE SUGGESTIONS OR OPTIONS., Example: See recipes in this issue. K. Include your NAME. ADDRESS. PHONE #. BRANCH #. MAIDEN NAME AND AGE (Age is optional). smv£nuuv> m mo Ji FAMOUS smn&MJUM fRcejjpčs. Let's hear it from your branch with favorite recipes! Last month, Keith and I drove from Washington, D. C. (there for his WWII battleship, INDIANA, reunion) to Syracuse, NY for my niece's wedding. I talked to Mary Zalcs, Br. #8, Steelton, PA on our way and we stopped for some famous PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH food. Now it's our chance to make PENNSYLVANIA SLOVENIAN food famous!! Let's have recipes from all branches in PENNSYLVANIA and ALL SWU BRANCHES across the USA for good Slovenian dishes! A lot of branches have members in their 70's, 80's, and 9(Vs. IT IS YOUR RECIPES THAT ARE NEEDED MOST!!! You arc the "KEY"! Even if you arc housebound, you can have the lun of writing down a recipe with your memories and sending it to the address below - so you can sec it in this column or the cookbook some day. The younger generation needs your good old SLOVENIAN recipes.' Our harvest time has been busy. Keith, our son, John, and 1, with a crew of 40 workers, picked 22 tons (a good crop) of Merlot grapes and sold them to Beringcr Winery. Also, the back of our vineyard touches Sutter Home Winery which makes While Zinlandcl that a lot of you have told me you like. Today, Keith and I finished processing 26 quarts of our olives which arc great to serve and give at holiday time. We arc eating our tasty tomatoes, figs, pomegranates now and our persimmons will be ripe next. I didn't plant our big vegetable garden this year. We're too busy building our flood wall (been flooded 4.x in the last 10 years) but next year the vegetable garden will be back. It is so nice to live here in the Napa Valley because it reminds me of the area in Slovenia of my grandparents (my mother's side). Bela Krajina, near Metlika - beautiful vineyards and rolling hills. Please share YOUR memories by sending YOUR Slovenian recipes. ^ f God bless you, V ' _ Marion Send recipes to: ZARJA FOOD EDITOR |rrfj' c/o Marion Juricic Bowers (jjn 940 Galleron Road y]|D) St. Helena CA 94574 (707) 963-7795 Please sec "HOW TO SEND IN YOUR RECIPES" in this month's Zarja. Item "K" on the list is important, as is translating your Slovenian recipe title. This is a gcxxl example of "borrowed" recipes, Goulash is indigenous to Hungary, polenta to Italy. Connie Turk Menart, 41, Br.# 35, Evclcth, MN says, "This is a recipe from my mother-in-law, Mary Menart. She was an excellent cook in the traditional Slovenian way. Many weddings and funerals would serve her delicious krofe and strudels. This recipe was one of her (and my husband's and our kids') favorites. I serve it over polenta. I use the polenta recipc from Pots and Pans cookbcxik my mom gave me so 1 could learn to cook Slovenian style. SLOVENIAN GOULASH (SLOVENSKI GOLAZ.) 11/2 # beef stew cut into bite size pieces 3 Tbsp. garlic powder 2 to 3 Tbsp. oil 5 Tbsp. paprika 1 medium onion, choppcd 4 to 6 ounces tomato paste 1 tsp. salt Water 1/2 tsp. pepper, or to taste Butter or oil for bread pans Brown meat in oil. Add onion to browned meat and cook until onions arc golden brown. Add remaining ingredients. Add water to cover meat and to keep ingredients from scorching. Simmer 1 or 2 hours until fork tender. Serves 4. Juanita DeLeon Miller, of Dillon, Montana, Branch #30 (at large) writes, "Life in Glendale, MT (a mining camp) was very hard for my great-grandmother, Oshula Kambich. When an animal was butchcrcd, everything that could be used was used. 1 loved it when a pig was butchered. Grandma thoroughly cleaned the pig's head, removing the eyes and cleaning the ears. She boiled the head for several hours until tender. With 2 forks, the cooked pork was shredded into fine pieces. She then made scrapplc. Here is my rccipc for her scrapple." Memories! SCRAPPLE (ŽGANCI S SVINJSKO MESO) 2 # lean, boneless pork butt 2 C. cold water Water to covcr pork 1 /2tsp. pepper 1 large onion, coarsely choppcd 1 /2tsp. savory 2 tsp. salt + aadditional salt to taste l/2tsp. sage 11/2 C. cornmcal Covcr pork with water. Add onion. Boil until the meat is falling apart. Remove the meat and shred into fine picces. Bring 2 quarts of slock to a boil with 2 tsp. salt. Mix corn meal with cold water, stir into boiling mixture. Cook, stirring constantly until thick like mush. Add seasonings and salt to taste. Stir in meat and c(x)k 5 minutes. Pour into 2 buttered large bread pans. Cool until firm. Covcr and refrigerate or freeze. To serve, slicc 1/2" thick and brown on both sides in butter or bacon fat. Serve with butter and maple syrup. Here is a HAPPY THANKSGIVING recipc! Jean Troha Železnikar, Br.#2, Chicago, sent this + 15 recipes from 9 Br.#2 members. She mentioned the nice time their members had at a rcccnt picnic in Lemont. Slovenians love picnics! APPLE AND SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE 1/2 C. melted butter + butter for dish 1 C. apple juice 3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled, sliced 1 tsp. vanilla 3 medium apples, peeled, sliced 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 C. brown sugar 1/2 tsp. cinnamon Butter baking dish. Single layer sweet potatoes, then apples. Repeat and repeat until all arc used. Pour butter over all. Mix sugar, juicc and vanilla. Pour over mixture. Sprinkle with spices. Bake about 45 min. at 350°. Serves 6 to 8. Add a nice Thanksgiving prayer and, to go with the turkey, a glass of wine. flCTIUITIES NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WI Meetings: 3rd Tuesday Fr. Cherne Hall Our meeting was called to order by Kathy Schroeder, our Vice President. President, Ruth Sheck was visiting her sister, Carolyn in Portland, Oregon for a month. Happy vacation, Ruth. We miss you. Discussion on when and where to have our Christmas Party and annual meeting was held and more on this later. Hope to have a better turn out for our next meeting - Oct. 21st at the Parish Resource Center - a Halloween Party! Congratulations and best wishes to Billie Jo McCue and Tom Steffen who were married July 12, 1997 at St. Cyril’s. We had quit a few members in the hospital this ummer. Doris Spender had surgery on her knee and is doing well. Dorothy Be-henke had eye surgery and Aggie Gruenke had surgery on her arm. Several members are ill: Mary Zigenhom, Millie Mueller, Caroline Hoelle. We pray for their speedy recovery. Before the snow flies please plan to visit our shut-in friends in nursing homes in the area. Pray for them! If there are members who have not paid their 1997 dues, please do so soon. Send to Evelyn Majercik, Secy., P.O. Box 46539, Bedford, OH 44146. Regular meeting will be Nov. 18th, a Tuesday, at the Parish Resource Center. Thank you. DOROTHY BREZONIK NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Meeting: 2nd Thurs. St. Stephen’s lower hall Picnic Report Continued A great big thank you to the workers who spent much time and effort to get Zveza Day 1997 rolling. We could not have done without these wonderful people: Percy Morison, Fran Morison, Mayme Fabian, Helen Fitzgerald, Irene Smid, Fran Kuca, Jo Bare, Elsie Cis-zek, Mary Podder, Anne Hozzian, Pat Mladic, Nicole Mladic, Gen Buol, Mary Reich, Jean Cerjak, Meta Hanzlik, Maria Rigler, Mary Vrhovnik, Jack Gale, Jean Gale, Johanna Oblak, Debbie Zefran, Jean “Daisy” Železnikar, Dolores Puhek, Jo Lukas, Louis Pasdertz, Anne Bunnetta. For the donations in the kitchen: Amelia Smith (baked 6 cakes) also the sauerkraut, Jean Hraster - baked beans, Marija Rigler- Slovenian Potato Salad, Millie Paisoli - Cheese Strudel - Jean Gale - Slovenian Torte and many cookies, Frank Morison-Sloppy Joe. Our band was Vince Rigler and Johnny Amon - “The Heritage Ensemble.” Everyone really enjoyed the music. Many thanks to Dolores Puhek and Gen Buol who really put in many miles running up the hill and around the grove selling the chances. Dolores again sold the most books. And most thanks goes to our Lord who provided us with a beautiful day. Rosaries have been said for our ill members and we have so many, please remember them in your prayers: Percy Morison, Mary Foys, Angie Blatnick, Albie Cecich, Elsie Melissa, Mary Vrhovnik, Marie Ovnik, Lillian Seibert, Gerri Kramer, Mary Koziol, Mary Foys Lauretig, Mary Jager and Mary Ann Partyka. Sympathy goes to our members in their time of grief. Our condolences to the family of Tekla Kerzich who was our 50 year member. Also, to the Del Russo/Zefran Families - on the loss of Frank and Mary Del Russo, who were the father and mother of Fran Zefran and grandfather and grandmother of Debbie Jerry, Frankie and Johnny Zefran. Mary was our member for many years; she was also a Police Crossing Guard for 25 years. Please remember them in your prayers that they are resting in peace. Dolores read a beautiful letter from Elaine and Dan Bell (our members from Arizona). They are planning a trip to Slovenia next spring and they have asked if any of our members have any information regarding the Banich or Taucher family. Rev. Gregor Gorsic renewed his First Mass at Marija Pomagaj in Lem-ont. The church was decorated beautifully (as it would have been in Slovenia). There were over 300 people attending the dinner afterwards. He also renewed his First Mass at St. Stephen’s, where he was baptised. At our September meeting, a bit of history for the Parish was shared by Father Blase. He told us about the priests who made their First Masses at St. Stephen’s besides Father Gregor. They were: 1910 - Father Anton Schiffler; 1933 - John Trinko; 1935 -Leonard Bogolin; 1937 - A1 Madic; 1940 - Michael Železnikar; 1943 -Charles Madic; 1943 - Warren Pet-ronelle; 1953 -Blase Chemazar; 1973 - Msgr. Roger Foys; 1978 - Jack Zibert; 1993 - Bernard Sciana; 1997 -Gregor Gorsic. We were so happy to have Father Gregor with us, he will be stationed at Naperville. Please keep the date of December 28, 1997 open. Father Vendelin will be celebrating his 50th year as a Priest. Mass and Dinner will be held at Lem-ont. For more info please call Terese Krampač at the Slovene Cultural Center/Lemont, 1-630-243-0670. Dates to Remember: Nov. 2, 1997 - St. Stephen’s Benefit Dinner after 11:30 Mass, $15.00 Adults and $8.00 children under 8 years old. November 13 - S.W.U. Penny Social - 6:00 p.m. Mass for our 111 Members - 8:00 a.m. November 16 - St. Stephen’s Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast. December 6 - S.W.U. Childrens’ Christmas Party - 12:30 December 11 - S.W.U. Adult Christmas Party - Mass 6:30 p.m. Dinner to follow. December 13 - K.S.K.J. Childrens' Christmas Party. It’s up to you to decide if you are: Good or Bad — Rich or Poor - Loyal or Disloyal. Try to get out and enjoy the autumn colors - Time is passing so swiftly. Love, DAISY NO. 3, PUEBLO, CO Meeting: 1st Tues.-Sept. thru May St. Mary’s Church Hall After a summer recess, our first meeting was held September 2 with 17 members present. A beautiful tribute was given by Eileen Kaplan-and prayers by all present in memory of Lillian Germ who passed away in July. A trip to Cripple Creek was planned for October 12. These trips are great, enjoyed by all and help our treasury immensely. The response has been great. Hostesses for our September meeting were Frances Ondovchik and Rose Zupančič. After dessert, Bingo was played. Congratulations are in order for Bernice Krašovec who was named Colorado 1977 Fratemalist of the Year. The award, from the Colorado-Wyom-ing State Fraternal Congress, includes nominations for national honors. She was nominated by KSKJ St. Joseph’s Lodge 7 for the award which was presented in Westminster, a Denver suburb. St. Mary’s Harvest Soup Festival was held October 19 and, as usual, was a success thanks to all of our supporters, those who brought baked goods and the wonderful volunteers, many of whom are members of the Slovenian Women’s Union No. 3. Belated congratulations are in order for Helen and Joe Kaplan who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and Susan and Jon Kinischiske on the birth of a baby boy named Aaron John on May 29. Susan was our Choir and Music Director for many years. On a sad note, condolences are extended to the families of Lillian Germ, Floyd Keller, Michael Hiza, Sr., Jennie Shields, Frank Hribernik, Sr. Cecile Bouchard and Jim Blood. Get well wishes go out to all who are ill and remembered in our prayers are the home-bound and those in nursing homes. Since this issue will be received in late October, remember our next meeting will be November 4 at 1:00 in the parish hall. PAULINE PAUCHICK NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH Mourn 66 Year Member! Our dear member, Rose Vicic passed away on August 26th at the age of 101 years. She resided at the Slovene Home for the Aged in her last years but had a very memorable life as a businesswoman in the Collinwood area. Rose (Simcic) was bom in Vedrijan, Slovenia in 1896. She came to the U.S. in 1920. Rose received a blessing from the Pope on her 100th birthday, and a letter from President Clinton. Rose and her husband Andrew owned and operated the Upson Delicatessen from 1937 until they retired in 1952. Rose was the loving mother of Don (wife Bonnie), cherished grandmother of Linda Vicic and Douglas (wife Sheila) Vicic great grandmother of Andrea, Carla and Amy Vicic, sister of Paul Simcic of Slovenia and 11 brothers and sisters, all deceased in Slovenia. The Zele Funeral Home took care of the funeral and we attended mass in thanksgving for Rose’s life at St. Mary’s Church. She is interred at Calvary Cemetery. Memorial donations were accepted at St. Mary’s instead of flowers. She was a member of Br. 10 since 1931! May she rest in peace! STEPHANIE SEGULIN, Pres. THERESA DAGG, Secretary NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Meeting: 3rd Thurs. St. Peter’s Church Hall except July & Aug. Our September meeting was well-attended with many discussions. We voted to send $25.00 to ZARJA and $25.00 to the Heritage Museum. Also brought up about members not receiving their invoices for dues. Our secretary is overworked; for one, you are not reading the ZARJA thoroughly. From now on you must write to Evelyn Majercik, P.O. Box 46539, Bedford, Ohio 44146 regarding your dues. If you will refer to the July and August issue there is a coupon. Use it. Also we must maintain $500.00 in our checking account so as not to pay a penalty. Theresa’s first job was to get our checking account going. Nice work. I hope the banks don’t raise the dead money. Looking at it we are rich but we are poor because we have to leave it in the bank. She does a good job paying our bills. The girls in the kitchen will take over for this year again. Many birthday girls brought their favorite cakes. With July-Aug.-Sept. we had many calories to put away. Thank you, kitchen crew. Our Pres. Stavia Dobersek celebrated her 80th birthday in style. She treated us at the meeting, also. Evelyn Laurich missed two steps at the bottom in her basement and will be in a cast for 3 months. We miss you, get well! Long time member, Mary Skusek and organizer of the Slovenian Retiree’s Club passed awat at age 94. She was a social member. To her family we extend our sympathy. May she rest in peace. Ann Grambow and Julie Pesec traveled to Notre Dame, Ind. for the wedding of their great niece. They report the church is beautiful and a gala affair followed. Molly Macht is entertaining her daughter and husband, Carol and Albert from the Virgin Islands. She also visited relatives in Minn, but because of a virus had to cut her visit short. Our Regional Convention is next year 1998 at St. Mary Help of Christian Church. Our Christmas party is at South View Woods on Pennsylvania Ave., Dec. 4, 12:00. You are asked to bring 1 dozen cookies for dessert. Tickets available at the meeting. It was nice hearing from Sophie Stampfel. Your letter was great with all the news. Her address is 992 Lynx Loop, N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87122. Dana and her family are taking good care of her. To our sick and shut-ins we wish you the best. Take care. MARY KIEL NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Meeting: 1st Thurs. Slovenian Hall on Mariposa St. I haven’t had much news as we don’t meet during the summer. We had a meeting on the first Thursday in September but I personally had to miss it. But some of our members had a wonderful summer. Mary Shockley and daughter, Ina Henderson spent 6 weeks in Slovenia. They stayed with family, visited friends and enjoyed all the beautiful sights this little country has to offer. They used the “Lovely Planet” guide book on Slovenia and give it rave reviews. “The wealth of information in this little book is truly astounding and a copy should be in the home of anyone who has an interest in this lovely country” says Ina. Mary, by the way, celebrated her 87th birthday among family and friends in Ljubljana. Agnes Leach took a marvelous trip to Alaska with her son and family. They all had a wonderful time. Louise Petrusich visited family in Chicago and Pittsburgh. She especially enjoyed her trip to the Amish country in Pittsburgh. Everyone seems so very pleased with the new Pastor at the Church of the Nativity. They are so happy to have mass again in the little church with the magnificent choir. The people worked long and hard to get their church back. Our good wishes go out to everyone on the sick list. You are always remembered and in our prayers. And, hoping that Rudy Sustarich is having an easier time. I had a most delightful phone call from Joli Jacksa Plut who said she always reads about my belief in angels and she has had an angel of her own. Martin Joseph Plut was bom April 17, 1997 - over 9 lbs. and 21 inches long. Proud parents, Jozi and Frank Plut are totally enthralled with this beautiful “Angel.” Good luck and God bless this wonderful family. I also had a call from Marion Luc-chesi who now lives in Danville. She sent good wishes to all and is very happy living close to her daughter; she misses our meetings, though. Josephine Aiuto had some wonderful interesting “one day” bus trips this summer. We went for a tour of Stanford University that was terrific. We also went to a beautiful museum in Monterey and had lunch at the same restaurant where the ’95 conventioners ate on the Monterey Pier. Jo’s group has just returned from 3 days in Salvang -a beautiful little Danish community in sputhern California. This reporter leaves in a few days for 8 days in Hawaii with my sister, Barbara. Wishing everyone a beautiful autumn. And remember: Don’t worry about your wrinkles. They only indicate where your smiles have been. BEVERLY JACKSON NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Meeting: 3rd Tues. except June to Sept. St. Joe’s Park Hall Dear Members, I am going to start out by telling you all what a wonderful time we had at the Slovenian Grape Harvest Festival Dance at St. Joseph’s Park, Sunday, Sept. 28. Dick Tezak, Jr. was our honorary Mayor. The Polkas were extraordinary as usual by the Bob Doszak band. I want to thank everyone who helped decorate on Saturday. All in all, the dance was a huge success. If you weren’t there, you missed a good time. Joe Muren won free dues for a year. $25.00 was won by Rose Konopek and Daryl and Lydia Marquarte. A trip to Slovenia, Sept. 4 thru the 20th by Olga and Ed Ancel, Bemice Ogulin, Mr. & Mrs. Art Hrvatin, Dorothy Koncar and Bob Kostelc. A good time was had and they can’t stop talking about all the things they saw. Marsha Fedo will be going to Germany to attend her sister, Diane Ryzner’s wedding. It sounds great. Maybe she will tell us about it when she gets back. Linda Grisham wrote me a nice note about her daughter, Jennifer who graduated from the University of Arizona in Tucson (my home for 18 years) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, magna cum laude. Her daughter Lisa graduated from Joliet Catholic Academy, on the honor roll and received a dance scholarship for the fall semester at 111. State U. It’s always great to write about our young children doing so well. Rob Schlyer, son-in-law of this reporter, Kathy Stonich, graduated from the John Marshall Law School in May. He resides in Chicago with his wife, my daughter, Penny. I am so proud of both of them. Jonita Ruth tells me that we need volunteers for the Heritage Museum, so please give Millie Pucel a call at 723-7307. We want to preserve our heritage, but we sure need help. Bob and Joyce Vicich celebrated LITTLEST DARLING Member of Br. 13 Isabel Katherine Lehane is just celebrating her first birthday this month on Oct. 5th! Her mother, Mary P. Lehane has already enrolled her in Br. 13, San Francisco, California. What a precious smile she gives us! their 25th Anniversary Sept. 7th and had a family dinner at Stefanich’s Restaurant hosted by their children. Recently, Dr. & Mrs. Richard Tarizzo celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and will celebrate the event with a Mediterranean cruise and a visit to London. Dr. Tarizzo is in practice in vascular and general surgery in Joliet. A 50th wedding anniversary is being celebrated by Ed and Dolores Am-brozich. A party is planned by their children. Tanja Cepon became engaged to Mike Beilis and they plan to be married on May 23. Kris Cepon recently passed the State Board for nursing. These are the children of Frank and Lillian Cepon. She’s our chef at most of our doings at St. Joe’s and boy can she cook - especially when she cooks polenta at our Senior dinners. Theresa Derlinga and Matthew Klover were married on July 4th. Theresa is the daughter of Judy Derlinga. Barbara Zelinski, daughter of John and Sharon Zelinski was married to Erick Hallick, September 13th at St. Joseph’s Church in Joliet. n 70th anniversary Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio We remember the dedication of our departed members and appreciate the continued loyalty of all our present members! U - H .... L- M.V M tt w w w. —M- Jill Cahill, daughter of Joe and June Muren had a baby boy, Calvin Joseph on Sept. 3rd. Judy Stewart, daughter of Delores Kirziak had a baby girl Aug. 12. They live in Flemington, N.J. Get well wishes to: Marie Kanta, Michele Judnick, Mary Marolt, Bradenton, Florida and also to Agnes Dobczyk, who slipped and broke her arm. And now we offer sympathy to the families of our deceased members and friends. Anne Fandak on the passing of her sister, Olga Gregorash, a 22-year member who passed away Aug. 1st, Isabelle Russ, at rest Aug. 30th; Frank Brule, at rest Sept. 3rd, brother of Lucille Dragovan and Lillian Brule and one of our past Grape Festival Mayors, (1990), Rudy Deichman passed away Sept. 17th at the ripe old age of 96 years. He was an orchestra leader with the Deichman Orchestra for many years and was well known in Joliet. Thank You again for all the nice comments regarding my articles, so keep those letters and cards and phone calls coming so we can continue to let you know what’s happening. Also, please send the name and address or call Pat Figurowski to let us know of any members that are shut in. 216 Reedwood Dr., Joliet, 1L 60436. KATHY STON1CH NO. 23, ELY, MN Meeting: 1st Monday St. Anthony’s Church Hall Sept. thru May Branch 23 of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Ely, Minnesota, met on August 4, 1997, at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Jane Yadlosky. President Jane reported we had 82 members at our Mother of the Year Dinner, and also commented on the very nice editorial by our National President, Jean Korsman, in the ZARJA. Jane had attended a meeting, together with Charlotte Laurich, our State President and other officers of the various branches, and said it was a very good meeting. Thank you notes were read from Jean Korsman for having been invited to the Mother of the Year Dinner, and also from our Mother of the Year, Sally Davidson, for having made her day. Angela Mobilia reported on the plans for Minnesota Day to be held in Duluth. We will be having a bus going down for this event. Coffee an were taken care of by the following committee: Jane Yadlosky, Faye Smuk, Dodi High and Marcy Zupec. Pat Lammi volunteered to be our representative for the Linkage Project. Jean Polyner was the winner of the 50/50 drawing. Thirty-four members from branch 23 in Ely, MN, attended Minnesota Day in Duluth on September 14, 1997. We did not have a meeting in September because our meeting date fell on Labor Day; so I will report on the group of enthusiastic women who attended Minnesota Day. When we arrived, we were treated to coffee and assorted goodies; and following that, we had our meeting. We were fortunate to have both our national President, Jean Korsman, and our State President, Charlotte Laurich, speak to us. We also had reports by representatives from the those Branches who were present. Our Treasurer from Branch No. 23 gave an account of the activities for the past year. Following the meeting we attended Mass at the Church of Saint Elizabeth; and then had dinner served by the Duluth ladies. They certainly did an outstanding job. The dinner was excellent; and we were entertained with some wonderful accordion music. It was a very nice Minnesota Day; and we all had a great time. Respectfully submitted, MARCELLA ZUPEC, NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Catholic School Library Mar.-Apr.-May-June Sept.-Oct.-Nov. We had a nice attendance at our September meeting plus one guest. We hope to sign her up as a new member. The main focus of the meeting concerned the upcoming State Convention which will be held a few days after this article is written. This enthusiastic group is well organized and we feel that the convention will be successful. I was pleased to read a letter from Wanita Helmer thanking the members for the "Care” gifts and cards. It was especially gratifying to see that she is able to use her hands so well after the serious injury of her wrists. She is a patient at the Regency Care Center in Springfield, and is undergoing therapy to both knees. She is working hard to get well so she can come home to La Salle. Jane Sherman had surgery at IVC Hospital recently and is making a good recovery at home. Vice President Minnie Carter has been having some health problems and we hope she will be with us for the convention. Our long time Treasurer, Anne Serri and her husband, Dom, have both been ill during the past few months. We pray for all of our sick and shut-in members at the beginning of each meeting and we remember our deceased members at the close of the meeting. We wish a Happy Birthday to our November birthday celebrants: Marilyn Cielieski, Mary Gomik who will be 100 years old on Veterans Day, Florence Smorkol, Anne Matthews, Geri Lynn Bima, Mary Senica, Loretta Story, Helen Swietek and Mary Ann Piec-zynski. Have a great day as you celebrate. Our next meeting will be held in La Salle Catholic School on Thursday, November 20th, at 7:00 p.m. Christmas Party plans will be presented at that time. We hope to see many of you at our meeting. Let’s keep the Convention momentum going! ANNE M. WANGLER No. 25, CLEVELAND, OH 2nd Sunday, 1:30 p.m. St. Vitus Social Room The summer has come and gone. Hope your summer was enjoyable. Now back to serious business. Fran Gazvoda returned from her Vegas vacation. She was accompanied by her sister and brother in law. Hope she was a winner on the slots. Welcome home!!! Going back a few months, we had our annual picnic at St. Vitus in their social room. We were honored with guests from the Ohio-Michigan group, namely, Olga Dorchak, state president and Elsie Spellacy. Hot dogs with all the trimmings were served with salad and garnishments. The ladies did a great job in the pastry department: Chocolate angel food cake, flancate, nut horns, cookies...mmm good!!! Many prizes were awarded for the games we played. Olga and Elsie donated flower arrangements which were raffled off, the proceeds going to the American Heritage. Even though it was very warm in the social room... a good time was had by all. Playing bingo is always fun. Say a prayer for all our sick and shut ins. We planned to have election at the October meeting, so hope everyone was in attendance. Don’t forget your pennies!!! nice to yourself. Submitted by... EM1LEE JENKO, Reporter NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Meeting: 3rd Wed. SSH Recher Ave. Good day everyone. Our last meeting was held on September 17th. Frances and Frank Ogoreuc went away on a trip to Michigan to visit the Casino’s with their AARP organization. Hope they got lucky. Adrienne Jager is planning a trip to Mackinaw Island for a long weekend with her sister Nadine and her sister-in-law Dori. Ann Cooke visited her daughter, Christine and son-in-law, Scott in Erie, Colorado over the Labor Day Holiday. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Happily we would like to extend best wishes to Pam (Perdan) Dirk on getting married to Bill Dirk. They celebrated their wedding on September 13th which took place at St. Robert’s Church in Euclid and the reception was held at LaVera in Willoughby. They are now honeymooning in Smokey Mountain, Tennessee. Pam is the granddaughter of Frances and Frank Ogoreuc and the daughter of Charlotte and Rudy Perdan. Congratulations! On the get well list are Faye Starman and Mary Tushar. Emily Kerschem is going to have hip surgery and she will recuperate at Heartland in Mentor. Elizabeth Perme is still awaiting surgery and is staying at Gateway in Euclid. Dorothy Lamm’s husband. Bob had a stroke and is now recuperating. Alma Eppich reported that Josephine Baron, one of our members, passed away. Frances Ogoreuc also reported that Louise Horbat passed away and was laid to rest on September 22nd. May they rest in peace. We pray that the sick and hospitalized will recover soon. The next meeting will be our Chinese Auction on October 15th. And at our meeting in November we will have Election of Officers. Also in December at our meeting we will have our annual Christmas Party. Take care and until next time please stay safe and healthy. Good day. FRANCES OGOREUC ADRIENNE JAGER NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Meeting: 3rd Wed., 1 p.m. St. Martin’s Church Hall Jan. to May; Sept. & Oct. Right now we are having a most beautiful fall day, our trees were especially pretty this year, despite the fact that we had very dry weather. Our first meeting was held on Wednesday, September 17. We decided to have afternoon meetings at I p.m. in the parish hall and I think it will be much better. We don’t have to worry about driving at night during the winter months. Lorraine Berg and Angeline Grahek were the hostesses and we had a nice turnout—we enjoyed being together again. A report was made on MN Day neld at St. Elizabeth’s in Duluth and it would take some doing to improve it. All went so well, from the beginning to the end; it was well planned and all our ladies enjoyed their day. So many door prizes, too! Chisholm agreed to host MN Day next year, which should have been our turn. I asked to have the date changed for us because Branch 34, Soudan, will celebrate the 70th anniversary in 1999. Chisholm (and Jennie Samsa) were very gracious in taking it for 1998 -thanks! At the convention, mention was made of 50-year pins being available to our members. Those from our branch who are eligible are Mary Gomick, Angela Planton, and Frances Yapel Nemanich, of Long Prairie, MN. Our branch had 12 members attending, for which we are proud. Another celebration at St. Elizabeth’s was the Bishop Baraga Commemoration on June 29th, with nine of our branch attending. It was a great time and so interesting—with a beautiful Mass with Bishop Schweitz celebrating Mass, a picnic with lots of delicious food and closing out the day with the Baraga Exhibit being opened at the Depot, for which all of us received complimentary tickets. We extend our sincere congratulations to Tony and Eileen Poderzay, who just celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary... they had a lovely dinner at the Aspen in Britt, with the Poderzay family providing the wonderful Slovenian music. Eileen was honored as our Mother of the Year in 1993, she has also served as our Treasurer. A baby girl, Marina Kie Lindsay, was born to Jean and Jess Lindsay of Iowa Falls, Iowa. Jean is a member of Branch 34, as is Helen Adkisson, her mother. Marina is the 11th grandchild of Helen’s, who also has 2 great grandchildren. We congratulate them all-Jean also happens to have been a SWU Scholarship winner in 1982. Hostesses for our October meeting were Margaret Mesojedec and Agnes Mattson, the door prize being brought by Theresa Berg. At our September meeting the door prize was brought by Helen Adkisson and won by Tory Bo-bence. Other winners during the social hour were Angela Tekautz, Emma Be-toume, Agnes Mesojedec and Helen Adkisson. Have a nice Thanksgiving, we all have much to be thankful for. ADELINE MUSTONEN NO. 35, AURORA, MN Meeting: 6 per year Community Sr. Center At our Aug. 6th Luncheon meeting we honored our 50-year members with special honors. They each received a 50-year pin and a red carnation. Those present were:. Ann Royer (56 years), Anna Hodnik (51 years), Virginia Moroski and Josephine Trost (each 50 years). Another 50 year member, Frances Peyton passed away this past June so we sent her pin to a son in Tacoma, WA. In the presentation it was noted that Anna Hodnik was Br. 35’s Sec.-Treas. and Nat’l. Youth Director for many years and Ann Royer was our 1994 Mother of the Year. After the meeting several members went to Clayridge to visit our 1997 Mother of the Year, Mary Smolich. President, Florence Holland presented her with her pin and a carnation, too. Mary is a 56-year member. She enjoyed having coffee and visiting with us on the patio. (We were unaware that these 50-year pins were available until we read about a presentation in ZARJA.) Plans were made to attend the Regional Convention in Duluth on Sept. 14th. Thanks to Charlotte Laurich who arranged for the bus so no one had to drive - and a pick-up was made here in Aurora. Congratulations to Tom and Carol Ferris on their 25th Wedding Anniversary in August. Our sympathy and prayers are with the family of Carl Ceglar who passed away in August. May he rest in peace. September Report: Fall beauty and Mother Nature with her wonderful temperatures gave us a beautiful season. The leaves were all gorgeous with their “paint brush” artistry. No meeting this month but we enjoyed a beautiful day and had a productive meeting at the Duluth Convention. Thanks to everyone who worked to make it a special day for all of us. It was good to see so many active young members of Br. 33 taking part. This is a “promise” that our S WU will continue in the future! Thank you for the lovely Slovenian doll and “Cross in my pocket” favors that were made by two very dedicated ladies; they will be treasured! Chisholm Br. 38 will host the 1998 Convention Congratulations to the Mesabi East Volleyball team - keep up the good work. Three members, Janelle Antilla, Katie Martinetto and Courtney Kalar belong to our branch. Get well wishes and prayers for Mary Smolich who is in the hospital. Happy holidays! ANNE M. ORAZEM NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Meeting: 1st Wed. except June & Jul. Slovenian National Home O suns and skies and clouds of June and flowers of June together, We cannot rival for one hour October's bright blue weather. -Helen Jackson Indeed - our North country is ablaze in color—all for the glory of God! During our September meeting a brief discussion was held concerning the fall card party and fund raiser. Details and assignments to be made at the Oct. meeting. The date is set for Oct. 26th. This has become an annual affair for the faithful regulars who come to have fun, cards, food and friendship. It is always a success. On Sunday, September 14th ten of our members joined with our local branch President, Catherine Sandvick and traveled to Duluth to attend the SWU state convention. We linked up with members of other branches from across the Iron Range and traveled together in a chartered tour bus. Because the National President, Jean Korsman lives in our area we were fortunate to have her in our company. And, of course, our State President, Charlotte Laurich is a member of our own branch and she, too, was with us all the way. How could we be so lucky!! Upon our arrival we were greeted with fresh coffee and bakery—after which we proceeded to the meeting room in the new Stowe grade school near the church. The meeting went well with reports given by each branch. REST ASSURED Marion, that Pres Korsman made a most fervent pitch on your behalf—begging the crowd to send you their special recipes for the cookbook. She also highly recommended us to purchase the travel guide book “SLOVENIA.” During her “short talk” (ahem) she came across loud and clear— and we DO get the message! She cer- tainly is a great and dynamic president for SWU. Much to the dismay of our two young and faithful members it was announced that Ely would take the convention in ’98 and that Chisholm would be the host in the year 2000. These two young ladies wasted no time—campaigning heavily and quickly and they got what they wanted-CHISHOLM IN ’98. Their big argument was that they might not be here in the year 2000! Jenny Samsa is on her way to becoming 93 years young and Fran Zalec is not far behind. The gals don’t want to miss a thing before they get old! Now this is REAL DEDICATION!!! The Vegas trip came up and surprisingly there was not too much enthusiasm shown. Seems the gals here don’t want to miss a single bit of our Indian Summer in Minnesota. Our gathering and convention was hosted by the Duluth Branch 33 at St. Elizabeth’s Church and social hall. In this same church we celebrated the 200th anniversary of Bishop Baraga’s birth. - only a few short months ago. The church and grounds are very inviting and we were happy to make this return visit. Father Moran celebrated the noon time mass. For someone who is 1000% Irish, he definitely seemed to be enjoying our Slovenian company. At the offertory he used the chalice that was a gift to Msgr. Buh from the Ely parish back in his missionary days following the Baraga era. The girls of Branch 33 served us a most wonderful banquet of roast turkey with all the trimmings. As if that was not enough — each of us was sent home with a prize. We couldn’t miss. They had ALL our names in the bucket. Anniversary congratulations are in order for Louis and Lorraine Novak who celerbrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Lorraine has been a long time member of our branch. God Bless You. In my last article for ZARJA I reported that Fran Komidor’s husband passed away. Now Fran, too, has gone to her eternal reward. Remember them in your prayers. We thank the loyal few who come to our meetings regularly. However I make a plea for the rest to come. We miss you-We need you. GERT ZAKRAJŠEK NO. 40, LORAIN, OH Meeting: 2nd Wed. SS. Cyril & Method Hall Mary Ferlic, Rose Jancar and Mary Ann Ferlic Teitelbaum served a delicious dessert to 17 members on Aug. 13th. Molly Glavan got the door prize. Agatha opened our meeting with prayer in the absence of our Pres, who was ill. She read us a letter with regard to the Ohio-Mich convention which held in Bedford Hts. on Sept. 28th. We sent a get-well cards to Kathy Russ and to Ann Bobrowski who is in the Amherst Manor Rest Home. Mary Ann Ferlic Teitelbaum, Ph.D. opened her private practice. Her office is providing individual and family psychological therapy for children, adults and adolescents. In addition to her private practice Dr. Teitelbaum is a psychologist with Cleveland Public Schools where she works with Pre-Schoolers and their parents. We wish to congratulate her. We had a beautiful wedding in our family. My grandson, Michael Mer-curio and Jill Sechowski were married on Aug. 30th at St. Anthony’s Church. Jill is from South Bend, Indiana. They are both in the Air Force. We closed our meeting with Irene Kokinda leading us in singing a beautiful hymn to our Blessed Mother whose Assumption into heaven we observe on Aug. 15th. At our Sept. 10th meeting our hostesses were Olga Love and Stephanie Polutnik. Agnes Drstvensek was lucky and won the Door Prize. We started early to make plans for our Christmas Luncheon. We hope to have it at Mountain Jack’s on Dec. 10th at 1 p.m. We will contribute $2 towards our lunch for each member who attends, taken out of our treasury. Call 245-3919 for reservations. Agnes Drstvensek and her sister, Angie Grayson entertained in October and our Pres, and yours truly will entertain in November. Then comes our Christmas Luncheon in Dec. We signed a birthday card for Rose Knezetec who was 90 years young on Sept. 30th. Hope you can all come and celebrate the holidays with us. Love, MARY MATOS LETTERS FROM THE MAILBOX Please find enclosed a check for $6.00 requesting the Christmas Madonna cards. The study of the Blessed Mother and Child with Slovenian accents of carnation, etc. should he a successful and popular Christmas card. Promoting "Christ back in Christmas' deserves many thanks from our Slovenian Community. I, for one, search for religious Madonna cards and find the card industry has gone to great strides to minimize the true spirit of the season - and the very meaning of Christmas. More general, whimsical animal cards are evident and the spreading of Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men has taken a back seat in the very large selection of holiday cards. Again many thanks. Perhaps upon seeing the cards it may encourage a larger distribution. Genevieve Drobnič, ,,, , . Cleveland, Ohio (See page 6.)------------------------ NO. 42, MAPLE HTS., OH Meetings: Quarterly, 2nd month of the quarter, 2nd Saturday Maple Hts., Library Although only six members attended the meeting on August 9th at the Library, it was nonetheless very productive. As you may know, extensive renovation of the Library will preclude our meeting there until further notice. On the same date, we were saddened by the death of Frank Kroczka, husband of Albina and father of Jeannette Offutt and Diane Balach. Our heartfelt condolences to all of his family and friends. On September 8, Joseph McHenry, Jr., died unexpectedly. He is survived by his wife, Mary Lou, daughters Mary Jo O’Neill and Karen Ruppe, son Joseph, III, and mother-in-law Mary Fink. May the Risen Lord console his family and friends. Member, Joanne Kosak, 53, wife of Daniel J., mother of Douglas J., Jennifer Salonia, Joyce M., and Daniel, Jr., died on September 27. She is also survived by mother-in-law Betty Gawor and sister-in-law Betty Ann Harr. Our sympathies are with family members. Eight of our members were privileged to attend the Ohio-Michigan Convention at Holy Trinity Church on September 28. From all reports, branch 101 members prepared a wonderful program and arranged for a delicious meal, and they should be commended for their efforts. Reaching another milestone of their birth dates are members: Jo Stoltz, Louise Toth, Elyse Harr, Betty Gawor, Cecilia Hočevar, Jennifer Salonia, and Teresa Gorup. Our congratulations to all! The next meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 8, at Demetrios Restaurant, which will be followed by lunch. We look forward to seeing you at this enjoyable get-to-gether, when we will make plans for our holiday party. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not comment on the death of our beloved Mother Teresa, who was an inspiration to all and left this world a better place. A part of her legacy follows: The fruit of prayer is faith The fruit of faith is service The fruit of service is love The fruit of love is peace. ALBINA SKOCAJ NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI Meeting: 4th Wed. St. John Evangelist Rectory I noticed some of our trees are turning to bright colors, which means that autumn is here. I hope all of you had a safe and happy summer visiting and vacationing. Our September 24th meeting was well-attended, minutes were read and the financial report was given. We were treated to a wonderful lunch by our Birthday Girls, Lorraine Johnson, Frances Sagadin, Catherine Oliver, and Rose Vodnik. Wishing you many more Happy Birthdays. We were also treated to a delicious cake by Frances Zortz. We also have a new member, June Smarella. We are very happy to have her as one of our members. If you are interested in hearing the USPEH CHORUS in your home, the chorus recorded Naše Pesmi, Slovenian Folk songs and some in English. CDs are $15.00 and Cassettes are $10.00. If you wish to purchase these, call Mici Bregant at 543-6695. Fifty is a lucky number for Cleveland’s Branch 50! Among their distinguished 50-year members is Jane Somrak who was feted at a party in June by her sister members. On the picture left to right are, (seated) Emily Kersman, Jane’s good friend from Br. 32, and Millie Pike; (standing) Josephine Arko and Ann Tercek. Ann reported that the members prepared a “This is Your Life” for Jane at the meeting in order to tell her interesting life story. Jane was the widow of Frank Winter with one daughter when she remarried and chose Adolph Somrak as her second husband. They lived on a farm. Jane told us how farm living went, even explaining how they changed chickens into capons! This was told in detail to the delight of all the members! Jane is a super baker, at holiday time she makes 30 to 40 Poticas, besides baking all her own breads and delicious sticky buns. On Ash Wednesday she has Open House and makes hundreds of krofe that she serves with her own jellies and jams. One of Jane’s sons, Larry, is a deacon at St. Noel’s church in Willoughby Hills and she has three daughters and 12 grandchildren. With her gentle and friendly personality, everyone loves Jane. The members of Br. 50 wish her many happy returns of the day - good health in abundance and lots of good times with her family and friends! C. =K= =*%i Our Christmas Party will be at The Columns on December 13th with dinner at 12:30 p.m. Your friends and relatives will be most welcome. Let’s make this a S.W.U. No. 43 Family Day. One of our members, Anne Reber-nisek was called to her heavenly home. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to her husband, John, her family and friends. Hoping to see all of you lovely ladies at our October 22nd meeting, and don’t forget to keep in your prayers our sick and deceased members. ANNE E. KONCZAL NO. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OH Meeting: Mar.-May-Sep.-Dec. SND Maple Hts. We were all sad to see summer go but we welcome autumn with all its beauty and forthcoming holidays. Our Ohio State Convention hosted by Br. 101 of Bedford Hts., was held on Sept. 28th. Belated congratulations to Beth Marie Kociancic who graduated from Bowling Green University with her degree in Elementary Education in Dec. of 96. She has been substituting teach- ing grades K to 8th at Highland School in Brecksville and other elementary schools until she gets permanent assignment. During summer months worked part time at American Greetings . Our best wishes to you, Beth from Br. 47. Best of luck. Laura Bossard, our junior member was busy at volleyball camp at Beaumont School, Ohio Northern University and Kent University. It’s quite a lot of fun for her. Surprise Happy 75th birthday for Julie Mezgec which was on 7/15, celebrated with her family and many friends. Also, our junior member, Julie’s grandson, Anthony celebrated his 15th birthday. To both of you, many more happy, healthy birthdays. Mass for living and deceased members was well attended followed by dinner at Sterle’s. Br. 47 was well represented for Mass and luncheon for the feast of Saint Ann’s at Vincentian Shrine in Bedford. Sincere sympathy to the family of Mary Turkovich. May God grant her eternal peace. Mary was a member for 56 years of Br. 47. To all our ailing members on the sick list get well soon and stay warm. MARY TAUCHER NO. 50, EUCLID, OH Meeting: 3rd Wed. Euclid Park Clubhouse except July & Aug. Can it be? What a year is almost ending! Things are quickening. One thing for sure, our annual picnic on Sept. 17th was its usual success. Thanks to Evelyn Pipoly and Mary Blatnik, our many hungry members and guests enjoyed a wonderful catered dinner and many special desserts brought in by various gracious members. Thanks, gals, for making good things even better, including the dice game enjoyed by everyone! The Ohio/Michigan Convention on Sept. 28th, hosted by Branch 101 in Bedford, Ohio, turned out super: Beautiful Mass - delicious dinner - wonderful attendance - many prizes and money giveaways. National Secretary, Evelyn Majercik and National Vice President, Kathleen Dorchak had many important things to say guided by the Mistress of Ceremonies. Kathleen’s mother, Olga Dorchak. Congratulations and thanks to all. Recently, a little fellow who is des- tined for greatness made Mary Budas a great grandmother for the first time the very first day he arrived. Best of luck to all of you. By the way, we must add 10 years to the 52 mentioned in the September issue of ZARJA for Ella and Frank Skoda’s Wedding Anniversary. Let’s hope another 10 years at least will be added to that. We also send “Get Well Wishes” to the following members! Jane Ber-kopec, Helen Bonac, Alice Debeljak, Bertha Vidmar; also, Ann Parker along with Justine Pieman who each recently had knee replacements. Jane Novak is staying at Heather Hill until she feels better, too. Our president, Ann Tercek visited Eleanor Karlinger at the Wickliffe Country Place. Eleanor sends greetings to all the members. In addition, we wish to send mending wishes to Corinne Leskovar who accidentally broke her toe but it didn’t keep her from enjoying a trip to Slovenia! During our October meeting we reviewed our coming Christmas dinner at Kristy’s Tavern and Restaurant, 434 East 200th St. at Tracy Avenue in Euclid, OH which will take place on the 2nd Sunday (12-14-97) in December. The cost of this yearly event, including tax and tip, will be $12 each. Guests are invited, including men and women, no cats or dogs! We will review our final plans for this at the November 19th meeting when we will have our election of officers. Please send your Christmas dinner reservations to Louise Troglea, 100 E. 212th St., Euclid, OH 44112 - Phone 732-8123 by deadline, December 6th. Make the check out to SWU Branch 50. Just a reminder to send in your dues for 1998 when you receive your bill. It goes directly to Evelyn A. Majercik, National Secretary, 31 Eldred Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44146. Happy Thanksgiving to close out the fall season when you can start looking forward to spring again. In the meantime, during the winter in between, cover your ears to keep warm and put something in them that will open your eyes. NASVIDENJE! VI MORAVCHEK NO. 54, WARREN, OH Meeting: 3rd Wed. Feb. thru May, Sep., Nov., Dec. Our group enjoyed the last meeting at Vic Zuga’s lovely condo. There were six in attendance and Vic served us a tasty brunch. We made plans for our Christmas luncheon, most likely on Dec. 10th at I p.m. at my home on 4010 Greenmont Dr. You will be called about the correct date and what you can bring - we’re planning a covered dish luncheon, a $1 gift exchange and dry goods for our raffle basket. The women enjoyed our Mother-Daughter Luncheon at my home in May and decided to do it again. The members all signed a card and we sent it to Angela Kaferle who is in an assisted living Home. Traveling for California will be Vic Zuga to visit her son and wife - she’s very excited. They are moving to Columbus, Ohio after many years living out of state. Harry and I are going to Frankenmuth, Michigan for a few days on sightseeing and relaxation. Happy 50th Anniversary to Anne and Chuck Tomazin. They are a wonderful couple and have two children and four grandchildren. They were honored at a family dinner recently. Chuck is very active in their parish, serving as altar boy, etc. and Anne still works part time. Our daughter, Pat and son-in-law visited us from South Carolina and they were able to see two Cleveland Indians games and loved it! We had a most happy time with them. Happy Thanksgiving to all and God’s blessing. Glad Mary Zuga is doing well after her knee surgery. Remember, I’ll be calling you for the Christmas luncheon reservation. There’s a chance that the date of Dec. 10th might be changed later. Please note that you’ll be hearing from us. JOANNE PONIKVAR NO. 55, GIRARD, OH Meeting: 2nd Wed., 7-8 p.m. Girard Free Library “But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 15:57 Happy Thanksgiving!! We are so blessed to be free to worship God as we choose and to read God’s word in the Bible. Many people do not have this choice. We have much to be thankful for. Jenny Selak is still recovering from her falls. Dori and the baby are doing very well. I hear the baby is a doll. Anka and Mike were in the cousin’s wedding on Aug. 30th. Tillie Cigolle is traveling to Virginia with Sister Jean to visit her son and family. My two granddaughters were visiting here from Idaho. We had a great time. September Birthday: Nettie Juvančič Buy “SLOVENIA” for family and friends! See back cover for details. iJn jlouin^cjyy^mo'vj MOLLY M.MAUER 5_13_16 — 8-16-92 Dearest mom & grandma: We thought of you with love today but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday and days before that, too. We think about you in silence, we often speak your name. All we have is memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake with which we’ll never part; God has you in His keeping but we have you in our heart. With our eternal love and devotion Diane & Sherri (Branch No. 50 Cleveland, OH) October Birthdays: Mark Selak, Monica Selak November Birthdays: Joan Twaddle, Ivanka Selak, Katherine Sefcik JOAN KRISTIN TWADDLE, Reporter NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE, OH Meeting: Mar.-Apr.-May-June Aug.-Oct.-Nov.-Dec. Sec’y Epley’s Home 20294 Emery Rd., No. Randall If you could hardly wait to read this column, you may be a bit disappointed. Life has ben so busy for all of us, that no one has taken time to let us know what’s happening. My “informant” had to search for something newsworthy. Josephine Turk is recuperating a little more each day and at last report was doing well, it is always nicer to hear the good news on our laid-up members. Josephine Nowak (mother of our recording secretary) is still a resident at MacGregor House, but has had a room change. We wish her well. William Mandich (grandson of Alouise Epley) graduated from Benedictine High School. We are sure he faces the decision that other graduates have to make-do I continue my education? Do I find a job? Do I try to give back to mom and dad what they have given to me? We wish all our graduates the best of luck in whatever paths they choose to take. What were you doing when you heard the news about Princess Diana? Did it make you reflect on what you were doing when you heard about President Kennedy? Isn’t it amazing how our lives can be affected by someone we never knew, someone we could never hope to meet, someone so endeared by millions and millions of people. It does teach us a lesson, that no one (be they rich and famous, or poor and unknown) can take life for granted. Maybe it is a wake-up call that God has built into our lives. I do hope you took time to say a prayer for Diana, and her family. Personal note: Our son Michael underwent bypass surgery on August 19th. Five (5) bypasses were accomplished and he seems to be doing well. He and his family have moved from Bedford to the Bay Village area. We wish him well with his recovery, and we send best wishes to the family for a happy life in their new surroundings. Fall is definitely upon us. Won’t the colors of the leaves be a welcome change to see and enjoy. It is definitely time for a ride through the countryside. 3{C 5|C 3fC 3}C Fall moved in on us rather quickly, with temperatures in the 80’s one day, and into the 60’s the next. Just as we were preparing to delay putting away summer clothes, we had to dig out sweatshirts and jackets. Yesterday, in a trip along an interstate, there was a hint of the leaves beginning their annual show of color. Does it make you wonder what happened to summer? Branch 73 did not meet in September. As Labor Day passed (our usual meeting day) the following Monday proved to be unsuitable for many. This issue of ZARJA will not reach you in time for ur October meeting, so we ask that you consider joining us on Monday, November 3rd. We will need this meeting, since our new arrangement of meeting dates has us skipping January and February, the cold months when everyone seems to want to stay inside. We lost another long time, faithful member, Helen Kainec passed away rather suddenly, considering that she had not been ill, complaining only of simple ailments, etc... As we reported in the April issue of ZARJA, Helen had moved to her son’s residence. We are sure that she received a lot of TLC for the few short months that she was there. Her family will miss her, as will Branch No. 73. We extend our deepest sympathy to them, and pray for the happy repose of her soul. Sympathy also to Dorothy Godfrey (nee: Zbaznik) on the loss of her husband, John. John has been ill for a long time. Sometimes these are the ones it is hardest to say goodbye to, because you say it so often. Take care of yourself, Dorothy. Our prayers are with you and your family, and also for John. May he rest in peace. A small group of us will be in Las Vegas the end of October, joining with other SWU members who are able to make the jaunt. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all come back as winners. If you celebrated a quiet Halloween, and have taken time to pray for all the saints who we keep imploring for help, and the Poor Souls who need our prayers, you will have time to count your blessings in time for Thanksgiving. Many of you are probably already in the “swing of things” for Christmas. During this busy season, the closure of another year, we hope you will keep in touch with us. We always enjoy hearing from you. Respectfully, EVELYN A. MAJERCIK NO. 89, OGLESBY, IL Meetings: 2nd Mon except Jan and July Dickinson House Our Sept. 8th meeting was held at Hardee’s Restaurant due to the loss of our “haven” which we treasured all these years. Dickinson House has been converted to a pre-school and kindergarten school. We went Dutch Treat. It will serve our needs for now. Mitzi Banich was happy to report her son, Christopher graduated 8th grade from La Salle Catholic School with honors beyond belief (4 to be exact)! He received the Groleau Memorial Award for Academic and athletic achievement, The Presidents Award for Educational Excellence in recognition of Outstanding Academic achievement (Bill Clinton), the Patty Battaglia Memorial Award for highest scholastic average and the Knights of Columbus award for academic achievement. We all extend our congratulations to Chris. Kitty Bruch, daughter of Barbara Bruch (a 7th grade student at Putnam County Jr. High won the American Legion Auxiliary Essay contest on a theme "America, I Care.” Kitty is one of our Junior members of Br. 89. Congratulations, Kitty. Adam Gunderson, grandson of Marilyn Argubright received 3rd place in the same contest from Oglesby American Legion Auxiliary. Adam was an 8th grade graduate of Holy Family Catholic School. He also won 1st place in the K of C essay contest, also, superior rating on a project about his grandfather’s 3-year Pacific WW II exploits. Congratulations, Adam. Anne Batty’s daughter, Georgia Dooley and son-in-law were on a Caribbean Cruise. They visited four islands and reported a good time and a beautiful scenic cruise. Marilyn Argubright had company for ten days this past winter. Her cousin, Slavi and her husband, Drago Florindo came to visit from 1 1 1 Slovenia. She fell in love with Chicago and the next visit will be in the summer raj time with her two daughters. A big “hello” to all of our nursing home members and also to the shut-ins. “ Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. [|§ Love, H] EUNICE KOMATER [3] 1 ---------------------------------------------- 9 NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, IL [§j Meeting: 2nd Wed. Apr.-May-June [p- Sep.-Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 12:30 p.m. [j|] Sacred Heart Church Hall g ---------------------------------------------- i September meeting was our “Wei-come back” meeting with 11 members attending; it also was preparing time to [§ all of us because it has affected our jjv budget and donations have dropped as ~ our yearly money making project is no more. I don’t think we will be able to exist or grow any more. This has been our major discussion and nobody seems to find the solution to the problem. Please understand that. On a happy note, our Secretary-Tre- IS asurer, Dolores Hennelly has fully re- [1 covered from the many surgeries she [j^ had with her eyes. She will be leaving with hubby for Florida in November and will be back in April. Enjoy the raj warm weather and have a safe trip, Do-lores. Get well wishes to Lucy and John Kopilash. They both underwent surgery and feel fine at the present time. Lucy and John will be celebrating their 61st wedding anniversary, October 20th! Congratulations and the best of luck [jg and ever increasing happiness as the years go by. Our condolences to Helen Alb on the loss of her beloved husband. Our thoughts and prayers to all of our members who are ailing, Sylvia Vuk-odinovich and Julie Hansen. IS; Hostesses were Helen Santy, Ann Yosue, Marie Maras, Dolores Hennelly, Eleanore Bandera, Bernice Morrison, Harriet Isek, and Mary A. Perko vich. I wish to express our deepest regret on the passing of two of our members, Rose Mary Cacich and Mary But-kovich. Rose Mary just had become our 50-year member. They were in every sense two of the finest ladies. The officers and members join me in 1 1 1 1 Jennie Flisek: In Loving Memory nniz J^oinada Our dear mother, Jennie Bozich Zornada, passed away Thursday, August 21, 1997 at the age of 91. She had been in failing health for some time. She was a 58-year member of the Slovenian Women’s Union, having become a member in 1939 of Branch 91, Verona/Oakmont, and was also a faithful member for many years of Branch 100 in Fontana, California. While living in Fontana, Mom became a member of the ladies auxiliary of the Fontana Slovenian Women’s Club and enjoyed baking strudels and štruklji for the club dinners and festivals. Mom was born in Oakmont, Pennsylvania on April 30, 1906 and was the first born of Jennie Skerl and Joseph Potepan, who were in the United States on a work visa to make money to pay for the large mortgage on their farm in Mala Bukovica, Ilirska Bistrica. Shortly after her birth the family moved to Davis, West Virginia where her father found work in the lumber camp and her mother cared for the loggers. The family stayed in the lumber camp for two years and then returned to Slovenia. My grandfather returned several more times but my grandmother never did return to the United States. Nine more children were bom to the family and in 1923 when Mom was 17 years old, her father arranged for her to come to Oakmont. Mom did not have to wait for quotas as she was a United States citizen. She obtained a job as a housekeeper for the Anton Starcevic family of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1926 Mom married Frank Bozich from Sabonje, Slovenia. “Ata” had come to Verona, Pennsylvania in 1923 and worked in the steel mill. This union produced two daughters: Jennie Flisek of Oakmont, and Frances Messenger now of Fair Oaks, California. Mom and “Ata” worked hard and were so very happy when they bought their own house. During World War II she worked in the steel mill where my dad also worked. They both encouraged and stressed the importance of an education. I went to nursing school and became a registered nurse and Frances went to secretarial school and later graduated from college with a degree in education. My dad died at the age of 50 on November 8, 1948 in Verona, just three weeks after my marriage to Carl Flisek. In 1950, mom with my sister, Frances, moved to California. There mom met Frank Yurada whom she married in December of 1950. He had a son, Feno Yurada and a daughter, Agnes Blazevich and three grandchildren. They had 16 happy years together until Frank’s untimely death in September, 1966 in Fontana, California. In 1969 mom married John Zornada and they lived in Fontana, until his death in January, 1985. Mom returned to Oakmont in March that same year to live with me and my husband, Carl. She lived with us for many years and then in a nursing home until she passed away. She enjoyed traveling and accompanied us on many trips to Florida and up to Maine to visit our daughter and son, and to Cleveland, Ohio to visit our aunt, Jennie Skerl, and a friend, Mary Mersnik. On one of our return trips from Maine we visited a cousin, Agnes Potepan in Canadaigua, New York. My sister, Frances and I, along with our families, sadly miss our mom as do the other surviving members: a step-son, a step-daughter, 11 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and 2 sisters, Vida Potepan and Nada Mersnik in Slovenia. We know that all who knew and loved her will keep her in fondest memory. extending to their bereaved families our deepest sympathy. May God grant them rest and peace they so richly deserve. Our next meeting will be November 12th at 1:30 p.m. In conclusion, Thanksgiving Day is a day for counting our blessings, and showing affection to our families and friends with good cheer, which all adds up to a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. MILDRED JAMES NO. 102, WILLARD, WI Meeting: When convenient Parish Center Signs of autumn are here - time for harvesting. The days are getting shorter, with cooler weather and less humidity. The Kaschak family reunion was held on Aug. 2nd at the Willard Athletic Club. The reunion was represented by 4 generations, with over 100 people attending. Out of state guests came from California, Fla., N. Carolina, Neb., N.Y., Nev., 111. and Minn. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Lesar from England also attended the get-together. On Sunday evening, Aug. 10th, some of the Slovenian singers of Willard went to Ana Dmytrenko’s home in rural Neillsville, to help Ana celebrate her 90th birthday. We were wined and dined and spent the evening singing and visiting. Mary and Vitko Staut helped prepare the food and get ready for Ana’s party. About twenty people attended plus four friends from the state of New York. The Cerne get-together was held on Labor Day weekend at Dole’s North Mound tavern of Willard. Guests came from the states of Washington, Texas, N. Carolina, Missouri, Colorado, Idaho, 111., and Wisconsin. At a recent Slovenška Družba meeting, it was decided to hold a Vinska Trgatev on Sun. Sept. 28th at the West Side hall. The Slovenian singers, plus some youths, all in Slovenian national costumes sang and danced during the afternoon. Slovenian sausage, wine, krofe and buns were served. Apple strudel and ice cream was sold to those attending. Florence Klinke of Greenwood went to Arizona to spend some time with her sister, Mayme Cesnik. The deceased of our area are Joe Plautz, Rudy Holman, Johanna (Jeras) Klarich, Rose Arch and Ann (Zager) Merlak. Our sincere condolences to their families. Let’s remember in our prayers the sick, the shut-ins, those in Nursing Homes and in hospitals. May they enjoy good health. FRIEDA KLANCHER NO. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Meeting: 1st Sun. except July & Aug. St. Columba’s Ch. Albemarle St. Our first meeting of the new season was convened on Sunday, September 7. As always, it was nice to welcome everyone and hear about their fabulous vacations this past summer. This was primarily a “working” meeting, preparing for the upcoming dinner-dance schedule for October 10. Preparations are progressing in the usual excellent manner. Member, Maria Paulin and family are now making their home in North Carolina. President, Mary LouTerselic read the very interesting letter from Maria — we will miss her, but hope she and family can join us occasionally for any activity that we may have. Freda Michelitch was missed at this meeting on September 7 — her birthday. We always sing the happy brithday song for her in both English and Slovenian, which Freda truly appreciates. Freda is recuperating from a recent illness, and we all wish her the very best. Sabina Bartol was also greatly missed. Sabina is much improved after her serious illness and is recuperating at home. Sabina is blessed with her children being close by, and who give her sc much loving care. Sabina and Freda are both former presidents of Branch 103. Let’s all offer prayers for their complete recovery. Best wishes to all members of the SWU, and hopefully everyone will have fun on Halloween, even though it may be scary. Also, our wishes to all for a very happy Thanksgiving Day which will arrive sooner than we expect. MATILDA AUSICH, Recording Secretary ^/Kuslc fot tl\e button 'Box ?plus cassette ^ t/bix 4-BOOKS ^ qOP Ccam jt-iaukic Spctich's stifle ( 'OV toll free Call 1-888-883-0773 or write: Keyboard Cue Corporation M|)| ' 'ISA . I PO BOX 564 \ „ \ KX7 Barberton OH 44203 \ W ■/\ccoiiiions b\i /\. Železnik available NO. 105, WARREN, MI Meeting: 2nd Tuesday, 7 p.m. SNPJ Northern Home 31690 Mound Rd, Warren Our first fall meeting was held on September 10, 1997 in the new SNPJ home on Mound Rd. 15 members were in attendance. I was not able to attend due to a dear friend’s funeral in Ohio. It was decided that future meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the home. Our next meeting will be October 14,1997. The Dinner-Dance which was originally scheduled for Sept. 27 has been postponed until the Spring of 1998. Please attend our meetings or keep up to date on our events by reading the ZARJA. Hostesses were also picked for the October and November meetings. The Christmas party will be held on our regular meeting night. It will be held on Dec. 9, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. at an area restaurant. The location has yet to be decided. For details on the party, please call Pat Hostnik at 810-939-3851 or Doreen Preston 810-751-1470 as the date approaches. October is the month which is dedicated to the Blessed Mother. Those of us who are mothers turn to the Blessed Mother for guidance so that we will set good examples for our children. I have only recently become a mother, and I can honestly say that only now do I realize what my own mother, Milka Kregar did for me when I was a baby. Hvala lepa. Mama. Naj ti ljubi Bog stotero poverne za vse tvoje delo! As a special gesture this month, take a few minutes each day and say a Hail Mary to honor the Blessed Mother. Until next month, Na Svidenje! DORI KREGAR FOOY MflŠR SLDUEMSKfl DEDIŠČINA v„;,, BARAGA Začetki Katoliške Cerkve v Ameriki FRANC JAKLlC IX. BARAGA REDNI ŠKOF SAULTSKI LETO 1862 Poleti je dal Baraga zgraditi v Baie de Gaulais cerkvico, seveda na dolg. Stala ga je 252 dolarjev. Ko njegov življenjepisec Verwyst to omenja, hudomušno dostavi: “Iz tega bo čitatelj lahko sprevidel, da ni bila ravno tako velika kakor cerkev sv. Petra v Rimu." - K sreči je Baraga v letu 1862 prejel od pariškega društva za širjenje vere zopet lepo vsoto 1428 dolarjev. Tudi za to cerkvico v Baie de Gaulais je Baraga v Saultu z lastno roko naredil več stvari. Strežaj Gašper Schulte mu je bil v veliko pomoč. V znak priznanja mu je Baraga podelil tonzuro in dva nižja redova (ostiariat in akolitat). Schulte je pred njim napravil obljubo, da bo vse življenje ostal neporočen. * ★ * ★ * 14. februarja 1862 je Baraga pisal nečakinji Mariji v Trebnje: “Tvoje pismo od 3. januarja sem predsinoč-nijim prejel. To pot pišem Tebi, ne Amaliji, ker praviš da je za vse skoraj neobčutljiva in da skoraj ves dan prespi. Jaz sem zmerom zdrav in spet lahko hodim na dolga pota kakor pred 40-imi leti. Predvčerajšnjim sem se vrnil s šestdnevnega utrudljivega potovanja, ne da bi bil na potu ali pa zdaj čutil kakršno koli težavo ali tesnobo. Drugi teden, če Bog da, se bom spet vzdignil na štiri ali pet dni dolgo pot, pa v drug kraj, kjer so tudi Indijanci." Pismo je kratko; Baraga se opraviči, da ne utegne kaj več pisati. Amalija je do poletja še životarila, 10. avgusta je pa umrla. Dočakala je 67 let. Na novem trebanjskem pokopališču imajo Gresslovi na levi strani ob zidu ograjen prostor s kapelico, v kateri je zgoraj križ in slovenski napis: "V tem znamenju boš zmagal." Pod križem so vzidane kamnite plošče. Prva nosi Amalijino ime in življenjske podatke. Zraven Amalije počiva njen sin Karel, ki je umrl že leto pozneje, star šele 41 let. Napisane ima Jezusove besede: “Blagor usmiljenim, ker oni bodo usmiljenje dosegli." Te besede pričajo, da je bil tudi on, kakor njegova mati, še prav posebno usmiljen in radodaren. Tako je torej dokončala svojo življenjsko pot Baragova starejša sestra Amalija, s katero sta si bila od detinstva do smrti zelo velika prijatelja. Brez njene nežne, razumevajoče sestrinske ljubezni bi bil težko živel, zlasti do odhoda v Ameriko. Njene molitve in njene pošiljke so mu v Ameriki zelo olajšale misijonsko delo. Skoda, da Baraga njenih pisem ni ohranil. NADALJEVANJE Ana Tushar Lep Zvezin dan v Minnesoti Letna konvencija Minnesotske Ženske Zveze se je vršila v Duluthu 14. sept. Komaj dva meseca je minulo odkar smo bili deležni izrednega sprejema pri cerkvi sv. Elizabete njih g. župnika in njegovih vernikov za obhajanje 200 1. rojstva škofa Barage. In zdaj, v teh lepih, čeprav že hladnih jesenskih dneh, smo bili zopet deležni njihovega gostoljubja. Naše Železno Okrožje je bilo polno zastopano ta dan. Kar dva polna autobusa sta vozila tja, mimo drugih, ki so šle s svojimi vozili. Ker je bilo še zgodaj zjutraj, se je prilegla kava in pecivo po dolgi poti. Konvencijo je odprla preds. Charlotte Laurich. Zbranih je bilo okrog 130 žena. Poročila podružnic so povedala, da organizacija se zelo živi v našem Minnesotskem področju. Veliko dobrega se napravi med letom in smo vse lahko ponosne na naše skupno delo. Seveda pa zelo opažamo, da nam primanjkuje mladega naraščaja, ki bo moral kmalu nadomestiti tiste, ki niso več 'tako mlade’ in jim pojemajo moči za ^lo pred nami. 3v. maša se je pričela ob dvanajsti uri, katero je daroval g. Patrick Moran. Skupaj z slov. zborom sv. Elizabete je prepevala vsa skupina žena in tako globoko doživljala Jezusovo ponovno daritev na križu za nas vse. V lepi pridigi smo slišale, da je potrebno biti ponižen in slediti zvesto volji nebeškega Očeta. Za meditacijo po sv. obhajilu je zadonela s kora vedno vsem priljubljena" Češčena si Marija", je prinesla šopek rož Mariji Eileen Fedo, ki je bila letos počaščena kot “Mati leta" pri podružnici št. 33. Takoj po sv. maši je bilo servirano okusno kosilo, vse skrbno in vestno pripravljeno po Beverly Menart in njenim zvestim pomočnicam. Med vsem ter smo bili deležni tudi igranja in petja lepih slov. melodij, katere sta spretno izvajala Frankie Bučar in Bob Logergren. Spregovoril je tudi župan mesta Duluth, Gary Doty, ki je prišel s svojo ženo. Povedal je, da on nima v svoji družini take dediščine, kakor jo imamo mi tukaj navzoči in priporočal, da to ohranjamo tudi v bodoče. Slišali smo še potem pripombe naših gl. predsednice Jean Korsman in tudi Beverly Menart; ki se je vsem sodelavcem tega dneva želela iskreno zahvaliti za tako lepo u?pel Minnesotski dan. Prihodnja konvencija bo v jeseni, 1998 na Chisholm, MN. In končno smo bile deležne tudi daril, ki so bila kar nepregledna in je marsikatera odšla domov v prijetno doživelim dnevu. Prisrčna hvala podružnici 33 za izredno lepo konvencijo. Happy School Days? YES! Hello again! It’s me, Julie. I hope you’ve enjoyed your first few weeks of school, and my previous article. I know I did! Here are the answers to last month’s search a word! Enjoy! I hope you saved the last article!!! It started. The big S word... SCHOOL! Sure did. On August 25th I started school as a “FRESHIE!” Also known as a Freshman or 9th grader'. I like it. I go to Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville. You probably heard it on the news for the week of 8/25-8/29. I was on the news and in the Daily Herald. (But, just the top of my head. It was me!!) If you’re starting to go to High School, don’t be nervous! I know I was but after the first day, I couldn’t understand why? It was the best day of my life! I don’t have many of my closest friends in any of my classes, but there are a bunch of students I don’t even know. So, now it’s my chance to make even more friends! Have you ever heard any of your elders say, “High School are the best years of your life”? Well, I’ve heard it many of times and I never wanted to believe it. Now that I’ve only been in school for a short time, I can say right now that’s it’s true. Enjoy it! It’s a lot of fun and you get to meet different people! I’m not the type that likes to get up in the morning, especially 6 o’clock! But when I get up I know what I have to do. And dragging myself out of bed, getting ready, eating breakfast and getting myself to the bus stop, isn’t a huge problem. Although I’d rather sleep another 6 hours and stay home to watch T. V., I still don’t mind going to HIGH SCHOOL! My point is. You may have to get up early but you only have to do it 9 months out of the year, and if you’re like me, you won’t mind! (P.S. Don’t think I LOVE school! It’s just, I know I have GOT to go some time!! You TOO!) How many of you are involved with sports? Not me, at the moment, but I’m doing basketball in the winter. I hope you all get the chance to play a sport and are very involved academically as well. I know I’m involved with plenty of clubs at school. I also do volunteer work at our local YMCA! Get involved! It turns out to be fun! Here are a few questions that can always start a fun conversation: For Girls: What’s your favorite store at the mall? What’s your favorite movie? For Boys: What’s your favorite sports team? Who’s your favorite band? (These questions really can go either way.) Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and you have a great few weeks until I will talk to you again! Remember get involved, and have fun! If you’d like to meet a new friend try those questions! Good luck in everything you do! Until Next Time, Julie Haberman — Zimmer Funeral Homes Traditional to Contemporary Funeral Services - Cremation Services 805 N. 6th Sheboygan Pre-Arranoed Funerals -Tltia 19 Funeral Trusts Educational Programa - Swing All Faiths UowtMd PutwraJ Mraotor 117 N. Wisconsin Dr. Howards Grove 457—7012 Mark S. Zimmer / 'Serving Sheboygan A Sheboygan County Since '400 X ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. 452 East 152nd St., Cleveland, Ohio (216) 481-3118 At Your Service During Lifts Most Difficult Moments Louis “Hon" Zelran Connie Rodriguez Frank J. Zefran Debbie Zelran Jerry 1-800-249-9150 (773) 847—6688 <)3un£.xciC PtA. 1941 West Cermak Road, Chicago, EL 60608 SHELIGA DRUG INC. 6025 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH. 44103 (216) 431-1035 Serving our neighborhoods' daily needs TliZAX FUNERAL HOME “First In S«rvlc« Sine* 1908” Licensed Producer’s; Richard K. Tezak Lydia Marquardt LUTCF (741-0427) (Forethought Trust) American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Call for information and a free booklet "For Future Reference" (815) 722-0524 HOMES IN THE JOLIET AREA COLDWELL BANKER HONIG-BELL Realty 25224 W. Eames Street, Chennehon, IL 60410 Otlice: (BIS) 467-3140 Home: (815) 726-4129 FAX: (615) 467-3146 ROSANNE RUTH REALTOR Member of Branch 20, S.W.U. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID CHICAGO ILLINOIS A LONELY PLANET TRAVEL BOOK BY STEVE FALLON The author of this travel guide and “survival kit series book” has done a masterful job researching and compiling information on Slovenia that will surely provide the traveler, or just reader, a wealth of good facts. He is a journalist with a great curiosity and resourceful enough to find people to help him get these facts. It then assures the reader that everything you want to know about Slovenia is in this little book! So many young people are looking for this kind of resource! We hope families will want to have SLOVENIA as a part of their library at home. Slovenian Women’s Union is proud to bring our members and friends the availability of SLOVENIA at nominal cost and convenience. Please send your orders to Kathleen M. Emerson, Women’s Activity Director, Proceeds from the sale of SLOVENIA 41 Sparrow Hill, Orion, MI 48359. will go toward our 1999 Convention Fund. Cost is $16.00 ($13.95 plus $2.05 postage and handling) Ron Strle Proprietor Stefanich's Restaurant 1 457 North Scott Street Joliet, Illinois 60432 (815)722-9751 Fax'(815) 722-5750 First Midwest Bank National Association 50 W. Jefferson Street Joliet, Illinois 60431 (815 727-5222 gjj*