Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae: new rock crevices association from the Julian Alps (South-Eastern Calcareous Alps) Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae: nova asociacija skalnih razpok v Julijskih alpah (Jugovzhodne Apneni{ke Alpe). Bo{tjan SURINA University of Primorska, Scientific and Research Centre of Koper, Garibaldijeva 1, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia; e-mail: bostjan.surina@zrs-kp.si Abstract. Vegetation of rock crevices in the Krn Mts. (the Julian Alps) is briefly presented. The association Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova was newly described. It was classified into the alliance Cystopteridion fragilis. Other confirmed or identified associations are Valeriano elongatae- Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii (Cystopteridion), Potentillo clu- sianae-Campanuletum zoysii, Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosae, Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris, Saxifragetum squarroso-crustatae and Potentilletum nitidae (Androsaci-Drabion tomentosae). Keywords: vegetation, phytosociology, phytogeography, Asplenietea tricho- manis, Cystopteridion, endemism, Alps Izvle~ek. V prispevku je kratko predstavljena vegetacija skalnih razpok v Krnskem pogorju (Julijske Alpe). Asociacija Ranunculo traunfellneri- Paederotetum luteae je opisana na novo in v sintaksonomskem oziru pripada zvezi Cystopteridion fragilis. Ostale ugotovljene ali potrjene asociacije so Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii (Cystopteridion), Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii, Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosae, Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris, Saxifragetum squarroso-crus- tatae in Potentilletum nitidae (Androsaci-Drabion tomentosae). Klju~ne besede: vegetacija, fitocenologija, fitogeografija, Asplenietea tri- chomanis, Cystopteridion, endemizem, Alpe Introduction The vegetation of calcareous rock crevices in the alpine belt (Potentilletalia caulescentis, Androsaci helveticae-Drabion tomentosae sensu T. Wraber) and alti- montane-subalpine belt (Potentillion caulescentis) of the South-eastern Calcareous ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2005 Vol. 48, [t. 2: 3-13 Sprejeto (accepted): 2005-12-6 stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 3 Alps (the Julian Alps, the Karavanke Mts. and the Kamnik Alps) is fairly well known and has been the subject of research of many phytosociologists (e.g. AICHINGER 1933, WRABER 1967, LORENZONI 1967, WRABER 1969, SUTTER 1969, POLDINI 1969, WRABER 1970, 1972, 1978, 1980, HADERLAPP 1982, WRABER 1986, 1990, DAKSKOBLER 1994, 2000, DAKSKOBLER & ^U{IN 2002, FRANZ 2002, SURINA 2005). As a result, many new syntaxa for the South-eastern Calcareous Alps have been recorded and subsequently confirmed, e.g. Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii, Potentilletum caulescentis, Spiraeo-Potentilletum caulescentis, Potentilletum nitidae, Paederoto luteae- Minuartietum rupestris, Potentillo caulescentis-Ostryetum carpinifoliae, Phyteumato scheuhzeri- Moehringietum villosae and Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosae. In contrast, rock crevices communities of shaded calcareous rocks from the montane-alpine belt (Cystopteridion fragilis) are only poorly known. The only relevant phytosociological researches were carried out by LAUSI & GERDOL (1980), who studied stands of the association Caricetum brachystachydis in the western Julian Alps, and SURINA (2005), who identified stands of the associ- ation Valeriano elongate-Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii also for the Julian Alps. The aim of this paper is to present some novelties in the vegetation of shady and moist calcareous rock crevices (Cystopteridion fragilis) of the Krn Mts. in the Julian Alps. Material and Methods Phytosociological research of rock crevices vegetation (Asplenietea trichomanis) was conducted by applying the sigmatistic method (BRAUN-BLANQUET 1964). The two indices were calculated for each taxon, while we first performed a linear transformation of coverage values for individual taxa (van der MAAREL 1979): (a) coverage index (Ic) and (b) a share of coverage (D%) (LAUSI & al. 1982, SURINA 2004). Using the SYN-TAX computer programme (PODANI 1993) and an extensive synoptic phytosociological table, comparisons with similar stands from the Alps were made (see also SURINA 2005). The measure of dissimilarity was the complement of the coefficient »similarity ratio«. We used the Furthest Neighbour – Complete Linkage clustering method (CL), Minimization of Increase of Error Sum of Squares (MISSQ) and the ordination method of Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA). Groups of diagnostic species were formed on the basis of our own criteria, but with regard to numerous authors. The floristic composition of the researched stands was analysed according to chorological groups and Raunkiaer's plant life forms. Here we followed Flora alpina (AESCHIMANN & al. 2004), which was simultaneously a nomenclature source for the phanerogams. Names of moss- es are in agreement with the Annotated Check-list of the Mosses of Slovenia (MARTIN~I~ 2003), while the nomenclature of higher syntaxa is according to THEURILLAT and co-workers (1995). The research was carried out at the Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana (Slovenia). Results and Discussion Altogether 82 relevés of the class Asplenietea trichomanis were made in the Krn Mts. By means of cluster analyses and diagnostic species, the relevés were classified into lower rank syntaxa (Tab. 1). We have identified seven rock-crevices associations in the Krn Mts. (Tab. 1): Valeriano elongatae- Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii (1), hygrophilous stands with predominating Paederota lutea (2), Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris (3), Potentillo clusianae-Campanule-tum zoysii (4), Potentilletum nitidae (5), Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosae and stands with predominating Saxifraga crustata (Saxifragetum squarroso-crustatae). The two last were not included in the present con- sideration. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (2), 2005 4 stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 4 Bo{tjan Surina: Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae: new rock crevices associations ... 5 Table 1. Reduced synoptic table of syntaxa of the class Asplenietea trichomanis in the Krn Mts. (Julian Alps) – only characteristic and differential (d) species of syntaxa of the class Asplenietea tricohmanis are listed; 1 – Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii var. geogr. nova, 2 – Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova, 3 – Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris, 4 – Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii, 5 – Potentilletum nitidae. Tabela 1. Skraj{ana sintezna tabela sintaksonov razreda Asplenietea trichomanis iz Krnskega pogorja (Julijske Alpe) – navedene so samo zna~ilne in razlikovalne vrste (d) sintaksonov razreda Asplenietea tri- chomanis; 1 – Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii var. geogr. nova, 2 – Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova, 3 – Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris, 4 – Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii, 5 – Potentilletum nitidae. stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 5 Stands with predominating Paederota lutea are clustered together with stands of the association Valeriano- Asplenietum from the Dolomites of Lienz (1), Vette di Feltre (4), Erera-Brendol-Campotorondo (5) as well as from the Krn Mts. (2), apart from stands of the associations Potentillo-Campanuletum (6-9), Saxifragetum burserianae (10-11), Paederoto-Minuartietum (12) and Campanuletum morettianae (13-15; Fig. 1). The unique synsystematic position of these stands is clearly seen in the synoptic table and was subsequently con- firmed by principal coordinate analysis and other methods of hierarchical classification (e.g. Fig. 1). Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova Floristic composition of the association Characteristic and differential species of the association are Paederota lutea 1-3 with the highest presence and share of coverage (D%=11,9), and Ranunculus traunfellneri +-1 (D%=3,8), which is present in more than 70 % of relevés. Most (10 out of 26) rock crevice species (Asplenietea tri- chomanis) are characteristic and differential for the alliance Cystopteridion fragilis (Tabs. 2-4): Cystopteris fragilis +-1 , C. regia + , Cerastium subtriflorum + , Silene pusilla + , Aster bellidiastrum +-1 , Viola biflora + and Adenostyles glabra + . Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (2), 2005 6 Figure 1. Dendrogram of some calcareous rock crevices associations in the South-eastern Alps (MISSQ, similarity ratio); Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis (1, 2, 4 & 5), Ranunculo traunfellneri- Paederotetum luteae ass. nova (3), Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii (6, 7 – var. Potentilla nitida, 8 – var. Rhodothamnus chamaecistus & 9 – var. Campanula zoysii), Saxifragetum burserianae (10 & 11), Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris (12) & Campanuletum morettianae (13-15) (for localities see Appendix). Slika 1. Dendrogram nekaterih asociacij skalnih razpok na karbonatni podlagi v Jugovzhodnih Alpah (MISSQ, similarity ratio); Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis (1, 2, 4 & 5), Ranunculo traunfellneri- Paederotetum luteae ass. nova (3), Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii (6, 7 – var. Potentilla nitida, 8 – var. Rhodothamnus chamaecistus & 9 – var. Campanula zoysii), Saxifragetum burserianae (10 & 11), Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris (12) & Campanuletum morettianae (13-15) (lokalitete so razvidne iz priloge). stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 6 Bo{tjan Surina: Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae: new rock crevices associations ... 7 Table 2. Analytical table of the association Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. Tabela 2. Analizna tabela asociacije Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 7 The presence of Valeriana elongata (9 %) in stands of the association Ranunculo-Paederotetum, in comparison with stands of the association Valeriano-Asplenietum var. geogr. Campanula zoysii (88 %) is rather low as well as presence of Athamantha turbith + (Physoplexido-Potentillenion), Phyteuma sieberi + and Minuartia rupestris + (Potentillenion). The most frequent species and with the highest shares of coverage from the alliance Potentillion are: Campanula carnica ssp. carnica +-1 , Saxifraga crustata + and Festuca stenantha + as well as Campanula cochleariifolia +-1 , Primula auricula + , Valeriana saxatilis +-1 , Asplenium ruta-muraria + and Saxifraga burseriana + from the order Potentilletalia. Asplenium viride +-1 is the only characteristic species of the class Asplenietea tri- chomanis with a higher presence (55 %). Other relatively frequent species are Euphrasia salisburgensis + , Hedysarum hedysaroides ssp. exal- tatum + , Juncus monanthos + (Elyno-Seslerieta s. lat.), Pimpinella alpina + , Saxifraga aizoides + (Thlaspietea rotundifolii s. lat.) and Rhodothamnus chamaecistus + . The complete floristic composi- tion of the association Ranunculo-Paederotetum is shown in Tab. 2, while species that occur only in one relevé are listed in the Appendix. As in other syntaxa from the alliance Cystopteridion, the moss layer is well deve-loped and covers from 1 to 20 % of the relevé area (mean value is 10 %). The majority of the relevé area is covered by hemicryptophytes (D%=79,4) and chamaephytes (D%=11,7; Tab. 4). Therophytes (D%=3,3) are well represented only by Euphrasia salisburgensis, and geophytes (D%=2,1) by Anemone narcissiflora. Among phanerophytes (D%=3,5) there are only two heathers: Rhodothamnus chamecistus and Rhododendron hirsutum. Table 3. Phytosociological groups (characteristic, differential and diagnostic species) of the association Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. Tabela 3. Fitocenolo{ke skupine (zna~ilne, razlikovalne in diagnosti~ne vrste) v asociaciji Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (2), 2005 8 Table 4. Plant life form spectrum in the association Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. Tabela 4. Spekter `ivljenjskih oblik v asociaciji Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 8 Bo{tjan Surina: Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae: new rock crevices associations ... 9 Chorological groups in the association In terms of number of species (13) and share of coverage (D%=22,8), the south-European-mon- tane geoelement predominates in stands (Tab. 5). There were also higher numbers of species of the E-Alpine (11; D%=18,8), E-Alpine – Illyrian (9; D%=20) and SE-European – montane (8; D%=5,4) geoelement. Five species belong to the European – Asiatic – north-American (5; D%=7,4), and four to the Arctic – Alpine geoelement (4; D%=6). The number of species by geoelements, together with their coverage indices and shares of coverage are shown in Table 5. According to AESCHIMANN and co-workers (2004), there are four endemic (Cerastium carinthiacum ssp. austroalpinum + , Hedysarum hedysaroides ssp. exaltatum + , Phyteuma sieberi + and Saxifraga burseriana + ) and seven subendemic species (Campanula carnica ssp. carnica +-1 , Cerastium subtriflo- rum + , Ranunculus traunfellneri +-1 , Rhododendron hirsutum + , Rhodothamnus chamaecistus +-1 , Saxifraga hostii ssp. hostii + and Valeriana elongata + ) for the South-eastern Alps. Ecology, variability and syndynamics of the association Stands of the association Ranunculo-Paederotetum thrive in similar ecological conditions as those of the association Valeriano-Asplenietum s. lat. (e.g. WIKUS 1959: 40, MUCINA 1993: 254, see also SURINA 2005) and other syntaxa from the alliance Cystopteridion: shady, moist and frigiphilous rock- crevices. In contrast to stands of Valeriano-Asplenietum s. lat., sites are significantly more mesophilous, since stands of Ranunculo-Paederotetum prefer lower altitudes and they are not restrict- ed exclusively to northern exposures (Fig. 2). Consequently, stands are floristically richer, since the ecological conditions are less extreme and thus suitable for less sciophilous taxa. In the Krn Mts., the median altitude of stands of Valeriano-Asplenietum var. geogr. Campanula zoysii is 1737 m (max. 2090 m), whereas that of Ranunculo-Paederotetum is 1560 m (max. 1960 m) (see also SURINA 2005). Figure 2: We noted 65 taxa in 11 relevés; min. 9 and max. 36 per relevé area. The coefficient of variation is 36.2 % and is relatively high due to the number of accidental species which thrive well in less extreme ecological conditions: lower altitude, better light conditions, thus warmer and dryer sites as well as longer vegetation period. Table 5. Chorological groups (geoelements) in the association Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. Tabela 5. Horolo{ke skupine (geoelementi) v asociaciji Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 9 Syntaxonomical position and distribution area of the association Classification of the association Ranunculo-Paederotetum into the alliance Cysopteridion is not questionable and is based on coverage and presence of diagnostic species (characteristic and differ- ential), floristical composition, high frequency of species of the alliance Cystopteridion (Tabs. 1-3), and numerical analysis (Fig. 1). The combination of relatively hygrophilous species is due to the eco- logical conditions of the stands. The association has no exclusive characteristic species and it is dis- tinguished from other similar syntaxa from the alliance Cystopteridion by a characteristic combina- tion of diagnostic species, negative differentiation, as well as coverage and presence of differential species. The characteristic and differential species, Paederota lutea (as edificatory) and Ranunculus traunfellneri, are relatively frequent in other stands of the class Asplenietea trichomanis (Tab. 1), but the highest frequencies (presence) and coverage indices (Ic & D%) are reached in stands of the asso- ciation Ranunculo-Paederotetum. Stands of the association Ranunculo-Paederotetum are syntaxo- nomicaly intermediate between stands of the association Valeriano-Asplenietum var. geogr. Campanula zoysii (Cystopteridion) and Potentillo-Campanuletum (Potentillenion); with the latter especially the hygrophilous variant Rhodothamnus chamaecistus (see also SURINA 2005). To date, stands of the association Ranunculo-Paederotetum have been phytosociologically doc- umented only in the Krn Mts. (the Julian Alps), but similar stands have also been observed in the Italian part of the Julian Alps (L. Poldini, pers. comm.) and the Kamnik Alps. The area of distribu- tion of the association probably extends throughout the South-eastern Calcareous Alps. Nomenclature type (holotypus) of the association Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova: Tab. 2, Relevé No. 3, holotypus hoc loco. Acknowledgements The paper presents some results of research on subalpine and alpine vegetation in the Krn Mts. (Julian Alps), which was the topic of my PhD thesis. Dr. Igor Dakskobler (Institute of Biology, Science and Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana), my men- tor, has guided me in many field trips in the Julian Alps. Prof. Tone Wraber (Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana), Dr. Branko Vre{ (Institute of Biology, Science and Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana) and Emer. Prof. L. Poldini (Department of Biology, University of Trieste) have allowed a continuous exchange of experience and immediate feedback on potential problems during my research. My sincere gratitude goes to all of them. Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (2), 2005 10 Figure 2. Exposure of stands of the associations Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii (bold line) and Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae (grey area) in the Krn Mts (Julian Alps). Slika 2. Ekspozicija sestojev asociacij Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii (odebeljena ~rta) in Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae (siva povr{ina) v Krnskem pogor- ju (Julijske Alpe). stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 10 Appendix Accidental species to Table 2 Elyno-Seslerietea: Achillea clavenae + (10), Alchemilla sericoneura + (7), Arabis vochinensis + (11), Galium anisophyllon + (11), Gentiana anisodonta + (3), Laserpitium peucedanoides + (3), Minuartia sedoides + (10), Pedicularis rostratocapitata + (3), Poa alpina + (7), Polygonatum verticillatum + (3), Pulsatilla alpina ssp. alpina + (10), Ranunculus hybridus + (3), Silene acaulis + (10); Thlaspietea rotun- difolii: Cerastium carinthiacum ssp. austroalpinum + (11), Festuca nitida + (11), Saxifraga sedoides + (2); Other species: Alchemilla velebitica + (5), Asperula aristata + (8), Lotus corniculatus + (11), Parnassia palustris + (3), Soldanella alpina + (5) & Thymus praecox ssp. polytrichus + (11). Sites of the relevés in Table 2 Slovenia, the Julian Alps, the Krn Mts. 1-2. moist and shady rock crevices on the western slope of the hill Palec above Pl. La{ca pasture. MTB: 9748/143, UTM: VM02; leg. & det.: I. Dakskobler & B. Surina, 8.8.2002; 1: Ctenidium mol- luscum +, Orthothecium rufescens +, Tortella tortuosa +; 2: Orthothecium rufescens +, Tortella tor- tuosa +. 3-7. moist rock crevices on the northern slope of Mt. Lipnik above La{ki plaz gorge. MTB: 9748/143, UTM: VM02; leg. & det.: I. Dakskobler & B. Surina, 9.8.2002; 3: Ctenidium molluscum +, Plagiochila asplenioides +, Orthothecium rufescens +; 5: Ctenidium molluscum +, Tortella tortu- osa +, Orthothecium rufescens +; 6: Conocephalum conicum +, Tortella tortuosa +, Distichium capillaceum + Fissidens sp. +. 8. shady rock crevices between the mountains Rde~i rob and Vrh Lipnika. MTB: 9748/143, UTM: VM02; leg. & det.: I. Dakskobler & B. Surina, 9.8.2002. 9. shady rock crevices on the western slope of the hill Palec. MTB: 9748/143, UTM: VM02; leg. & det.: I. Dakskobler & B. Surina, 9.8.2002; Orthothecium rufescens +, Tortella tortuosa +. 10. moist and shady rock crevices of a gorge on the eastern slope of Mt. Maselnik. MTB: 9748/134, UTM: UM92; leg. & det.: B. Surina, 14.8.2002; Orthothecium rufescens +, Tortella tortuosa +. 11. moist and shady rock crevices on the northern slope of Mt. Krn~ica. MTB: 9747/224, UTM: UM92; leg. & det.: B. Surina, 23.7.2003; Tortella tortuosa 1. Sites of the relevés in Figure 1 1 – Dolomites of Lienz (WIKUS 1959; Tab. 1, 7 rel.), 2 – Krn Mts. (Julian Alps) (SURINA 2005; Fitosoc. tab. 1, 8 rel.), 3 – Krn Mts. (Julian Alps), 4 – Vette di Feltre (Dolomites) (PIGNATTI & PIGNATTI 1983; 7 rel.), 5 – Erera-Brendol-Campotorondo (Dolomites) (LASEN 1983; rel. 6-9), 6-9 –Krn Mts. (Julian Alps) (SURINA 2005; Fitosoc. tab. 5; 6-rel. 12-17; 7-rel. 24-28, 8-rel. 1-11, 9-rel. 18-23), 10 – Vette di Feltre (Dolomites) (PIGNATTI & PIGNATTI 1983; 16 rel.), 11 – Erera-Brendol- Campotorondo (Dolomites) (LASEN 1983; rel. 1-5), 12 – Julian Alps (WRABER 1986; 12 rel.), 13-14 – Dolomites (PIGNATTI & PIGNATTI 1978; 13-rel. 1-8, 14-rel. 9-15), 15 – Vette di Feltre (Dolomites) (PIGNATTI & PIGNATTI 1983; 12 rel.). Nomenclature of the syntaxa mentioned Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris T. Wraber 1986 Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii Aichinger 1933 var. Rhodothamnus chamaecistus Surina 2005 Potentillo caulescentis-Ostryetum carpinifoliae Franz 2002 Phyteumato scheuchzeri-Moehringietum villosae Dakskobler 2000 Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosae Dakskobler 2000 Campanuletum morettianae Pignatti & Pignatti 1978 Saxifragetum burserianae Pignatti & Pignatti 1983 Saxifragetum squarroso-crustatae Surina 2005 Bo{tjan Surina: Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae: new rock crevices associations ... 11 stevilka 2_05.qxp 14.2.2006 9:33 Page 11 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 48 (2), 2005 12 Spiraeo-Potentilletum caulescentis Poldini 1969 Potentilletum caulescentis Aichinger 1933 Valeriano elongatae-Asplenietum viride Wikus 1959 var. geogr. Campanula zoysii Surina 2005 Caricetum brachystachydis Lausi & Gerdol 1980 Ranunculo traunfellneri-Paederotetum luteae Surina 2005 Povzetek Prispevek podaja kratek pregled vegetacije skalnih razpok v Krnskem pogorju (Julijske Alpe). S pomo~jo srednjeevropske (sigmatisti~ne) metode je bilo opravljenih 82 fitocenolo{kih popisov, ki so bili na podlagi diagnosti~nih vrst (zna~ilnic in razlikovalnic) oziroma klasterske analize razvr{eni v fitocenolo{ke tabele. Iz zveze Androsaci-Drabion tomentosae je bilo ugotovljenih pet asociacij: Potentillo clusianae-Campanuletum zoysii, Paederoto luteae-Minuartietum rupestris, Potentilletum nitidae, Saxifragetum squarroso-crustatae ter Campanulo carnicae-Moehringietum villosae. Slednjih dveh nismo vklju~ili v nadaljnje analize. Sestoji vla`nih in hladnej{ih skalnih razpok iz zveze Cystopteridion pripadajo dvema asociacijama, in sicer asociaciji Valeriano elongatae- Asplenietum viridis var. geogr. Campanula zoysii ter novo opisani asociaciji Ranunculo traunfell- neri-Paederotetum luteae ass. nova. Zna~ilni in diferencialni vrsti asociacije sta Paederota lutea in Ranunculus traunfellneri, ki se v sestojih pojavljata z najve~jo stalnostjo in pokrovnostjo. Sestoji asociacije uspevajo v vla`nih in hladnih skalnih razpokah na prete`no osojnih legah. V primerjavi s sestoji asociacije Valeriano-Asplenietum viridis so ti manj hladnoljubni, uveljavljajo pa se tudi na manj{i nadmorski vi{ini. References AESCHIMANN, D., K. LAUBER, D. M. MOSSER & J.-P. THEURILLAT 2004: Flora alpina. Band 1-3. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien. AICHINGER E. 1933: Vegetationskunde der Karawanken. Pflanzensoziologie, 2. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 329 pp. BRAUN-BLANQUET J. 1964: Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Auflage. Springer Verlag, Wien – New York, 865 pp. DAKSKOBLER I. 1994: Prispevek k flori ju`nih Julijskih Alp in njihovega predgorja. Hladnikia 2: 19-31. DAKSKOBLER I. 2000: Fitocenolo{ka oznaka rasti{~ endemi~ne vrste Moehringia villosa (Wulfen) Fenzl (Caryophyllaceae). Razprave IV.razreda SAZU 51 (2): 41-93. DAKSKOBLER I. & B. ^U{IN 2002: Floristi~ne novosti iz Poso~ja (zahodna Slovenija) – II. Hladnikia 14: 13-31. FRANZ W. 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