R. SOKOLAR: NON-TRADITIONAL WHITEWARE BASED ON CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENT 885–889 NON-TRADITIONAL WHITEWARE BASED ON CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENT NETRADICIONALNI PORCELAN NA OSNOVI KALCIJ ALUMINATNEGA CEMENTA Radomir Sokolar Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveri 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic sokolar.r@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-27 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.182 The article introduces the differences in the properties of whiteware (porosity, strength, thermal expansion coefficient) when a non-traditional binder is used. Pure calcium aluminate cement and a mixture of kaolin and calcium aluminate cement compared with traditional plastic raw material for whiteware – kaolin – are used for the preparation of whiteware bodies with a constant content of non-plastic raw materials: K-Na feldspar and quartz sand. The results are discussed in connection with the micro- structure of the fired body of prepared whitewares (mineralogical composition). Calcium aluminate cement (CAC) in whiteware raw-material mixtures is an interesting alternative to kaolin for a higher strength of the green and fired bodies. Using calcium aluminate cement reduces the sintering temperature of the fired body and significantly changes its mineralogical composition: anorthite is the main mineralogical phase instead of mullite, which is typical for standard porcelain bodies made from raw-material mixtures based on kaolin. The coefficient of thermal expansion increases with an increasing content of CAC in the raw-materials mixture. Keywords: calcium aluminate cement, kaolin, whiteware ^lanek predstavlja razlike v lastnostih porcelana (poroznost, trdnost, koeficient toplotnega raztezka), ~e se uporabi neobi~ajno vezivo. ^isti kalcijev aluminatni cement in me{anica kaolina in kalcijevega aluminatnega cementa, v primerjavi s tradicionalno plasti~no sestavino porcelana – kaolina, so bili uporabljeni za kerami~na telesa s konstantno vsebnostjo neplasti~nih surovin; K-Na glinenec in kvar~ni pesek. Rezultati so razlo`eni v povezavi z mikrostrukturo telesa pripravljene keramike (mineralo{ka sestava) po `ganju. Kalcijev aluminatni cement (CAC), v me{anici surovin za keramiko, je zanimivo nadomestilo za kaolin, za vi{jo trdnost zelenega in `ganega telesa. Uporaba kalcijevega aluminatnega cementa zni`a temperaturo sintranja `ganega telesa in mo~no spremeni njegovo mineralo{ko sestavo; anortit je glavna mineralo{ka faza namesto mulita, ki je zna~ilen v standardnih porcelanskih telesih, izdelanih iz me{anice surovin na osnovi kaolina. Koeficient toplotnega raztezka se pove~uje z ve~anjem vsebnosti CAC v me{anici surovin. Klju~ne besede: kalcijev aluminatni cement, kaolin, porcelan 1 INTRODUCTION Whiteware is a traditional ceramic material that has been manufactured for centuries from a mixture of kao- lin, quartz and feldspar. A new type of porcelain body – the anorthite porcelain body – from feldspar, quartz and calcium aluminate cement without using any other binders and plastic ceramic raw materials (clays, kaolins) – was fabricated at a temperature of 1300 °C and the physical and mechanical properties were investigated. The addition of calcium aluminate cement as a substitute for clays exhibits a relatively high green strength and lowers the density due to the formation of anorthite in all the fired bodies.1 Increasing the strength of the green body, reducing the coefficient of linear thermal expansion and increas- ing the whiteness of the fired body can be achieved primarily by replacing the kaolin for calcium aluminate cement (70 % of Al2O3). A negative aspect of using calcium aluminate cement with a high Al2O3 content is reducing the sintering activity of the body and therefore the need for higher firing temperatures.2 The single-phase anorthite ceramic was fabricated (from a mixture of ball clay, quartz, calcite, feldspar and alumina) by slip casting and sintering at 1230 °C for 1 h. It has a high flexural strength of 103 MPa, which is higher than that of the conventional porcelain. The single-phase anorthite ceramic had a relatively low (4.9×10–6 K–1) thermal expansion coefficient, which can be easily matched with an applicable glaze and achieve an excellent thermal shock resistance.3 A new, porcelainised stoneware material based on anorthite was prepared from an undefined ratio of wollastonite, alumina, quartz, Ukrainian Ball clay and magnesia. After firing at 1220 °C we obtained a porce- lainised stoneware body containing 70 % crystalline and 30 % glassy phases with a high modulus of rupture (110 MPa) that is two times higher compared to conventional porcelainised stoneware materials based on mullite.4 Calcium aluminate cements are white (according to the Al2O3 content), high-purity hydraulic bonding agents providing controlled setting times and strength develop- ment for today’s high-performance refractory products. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 885–889 885 UDK 67.017:621.315.612:621.742.45 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(6)885(2016) There are only laboratory results in the area of re- placing kaolin with CAC for the production of whiteware without any practical industrial impact. The aim of the article is to introduce the differences in the properties (porosity, strength, thermal expansion coefficient) of whiteware when pure calcium aluminate cement or a combination of the binders – a mixture of kaolin and calcium aluminate cement – instead of kaolin is used. The results will be discussed in connection with the mineralogical composition of the fired whiteware body. 2 CHARACTERIZATION OF USED MATERIALS Calcium aluminate cement SECAR® 51 (CAC51) with 51 % of Al2O3 content (on average) was used for the experimental study. Calcium aluminate cement contains mainly CA and C12A7, C2AS and CT as minor minera- logical phases. The chemical composition is clear from Table 1. SECAR®51 is a fused hydraulic binder with a mineralogy focused on mono-calcium aluminate to give a strong hydraulic activity and impart excellent mecha- nical properties to conventional concretes. This binder is recommended when rapid hardening properties are required. It is adapted to all types of placing methods, particularly casting and gunning at a service temperature of 1400 °C and above. The surface area is about 4 m2 g–1. The equivalent mean spherical diameter (Laser PSD) of CAC51 is d(0.5) = 14 μm. Table 1: Typical chemical composition of used binders: calcium aluminate cement CAC51 and kaolin Tabela 1: Zna~ilna kemijska sestava uporabljenih veziv: kalcijev aluminatni cement CAC51 in kaolin Material CaO Al2O3 (K)Na2O SiO2 Fe2O3 MgO LOI CAC51 36.9 52.2 0.5 4.9 1.8 1.0 0.0 Kaolin 0.7 36.6 1.2 46.8 0.9 0.5 13.2 LOI – lost of ignition Kaolin Zettlitz Ia is the most renowned and the oldest product of the company Sedlecký kaolin a. s. It has been produced since 1892 when the company Zettlitzer Kaolinwerke AG was founded; the present company Sedlecký kaolin a.s. is its successor. The major features of kaolin Zettlitz Ia are: • relatively high plasticity, which enables good work- ability in the raw state, • easy deflocculation with available deflocculants (addition of 0.1 % Na2CO3), • high content of Al2O3 and a low content of alkalis, which provides high stability in fire. The original use of the kaolin Zettlitz Ia was in porcelain production. Many producers use it today as the main plastic component in bodies for plastic moulding, slip casting or isostatic pressing of tableware. Good plas- ticity in the raw state and high stability in fire are also employed in the production of ceramic rollers for fast firing kilns. A low content of harmful substances and plasticity play a significant role in pencil production. This feature is also important for use in cosmetics. The mineralogical composition of the used washed kaolin is 91 % of kaolinite, 2 % of quartz and about 7 % of mica minerals. The surface area of the kaolin is 17.5 m2 g–1. Industrially milled potassium-sodium feldspar rock and pure quartz sand were used for the experiments as non-plastic materials. The mineralogical composition of the sodium-potassium feldspar is potassium feldspar (microcline) 20.0 %, sodium feldspar (albite) 22.6 %, calcium feldspar (anorthite) 2.4 % and quartz 55.0 %. The chemical composition of the used feldspar rock (Table 2) reflects its mineralogical composition and the volume of different types of pure feldspars (potassium, sodium and calcium). The micro-milled quartz sand ST 6 from Sklopísek Støele~ Company (Czech Republic) was used. The ma- terial is produced by milling in an iron-free environment, by classification with the use of air separators. The raw material used for the production of micro-milled sands, i.e., silica flour, is treated silica sand with a SiO2 content above 99 %. The chemical purity, favourable particle size distribution, chemical inertness and the hardness of the micro-milled sands – silica flour – is appreciated in the production of glass fibres, ceramic enamels, glazes, as a filler in plastics, in the production of special mortar mixtures, tile adhesives and in the foundry industry for the production of moulds. The surface area of the used micro-milled quartz sand is 4.38 m2 g–1. Granulometries of the milled feldspar and milled quartz were determined according to the particle size distribution (laser particle size analyser Malvern Master- sizer 2000). The equivalent mean spherical diameters d(0.5) = 20.8 μm (feldspar) and 16.0 μm (quartz sand) are suitable for the production of the porcelain body.5 3 METHODOLOGY Three different raw-material mixtures on the basis of different binder bases (calcium aluminate cement R. SOKOLAR: NON-TRADITIONAL WHITEWARE BASED ON CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENT 886 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 885–889 Table 2: Chemical composition of used non-plastic materials: K-Na feldspar rock and quartz sand Tabela 2: Kemijska sestava uporabljenih neplasti~nih materialov: K-Na glinenec in kvar~ni pesek Content, in mass fractions (w/%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O LOI Total Feldspar 79.76 12.37 0.42 0.00 0.05 0.48 0.10 3.35 2.67 0.80 100.00 Quartz 99.60 0.20 0.03 – – 0.10 0.10 0.00 – – 100.03 LOI – lost of ignition CAC51, washed kaolin and its mixture), industrially milled K-Na feldspar rock and industrially milled glass quartz sand were prepared (Table 3). Table 3: Composition of raw-material mixtures (test samples) in mass fractions, (w/%) Tabela 3: Sestava me{anice surovin (preizkusni vzorci), v masnih odstotkih, (w/%) Sample Kaolin CAC51 Feldspar Quartz sand A 25 50 25 B 25 C 15 10 Raw-material mixtures according to Table 3 were homogenized for 24 h in a homogenizer. The dry mixture was then moistened with 9 % mass of water. The moistened mixtures were pressed through the 1-mm sieve. The pressing granulate was thus prepared and subsequently mixed for 12 h in the closed plastic vase of the homogenizer to produce a homogenous moisture. Test samples with a green-body size of 100 mm × 50 mm × 10 mm were uniaxially pressed in a steel mould at 20 MPa with 30 s of soaking time at the maximum pressure. Drying in air at a temperature of about 21 °C was followed by final drying in a laboratory drier at 110 °C to achieve a constant weight. The green bodies were fired in an electric laboratory furnace at different temperatures with a heating rate 10 °C/min and a 30-min soaking time at the maximum temperature to achieve the sintering temperature, which is defined as the temperature when the fired body has a water absorption E = 2 %. The subsequent cooling proceeded spontaneously, following the natural cooling rate of the furnace. After firing, the body properties (6 test samples) were defined according to the official standard EN ISO 10545 (vacuum water absorption Ev, modulus of rupture MOR). The mineralogical compo- sitions of the pure feldspars and fired bodies were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The XRD analysis was performed with a Phillips PW 1170 diffrac- tometer using a Cu anti-cathode (1 = 0.15406 nm), accelerating voltage 40 kV, beam current 25 mA and scanning rate 1° 20’ min–1. 4 RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS The mixtures containing CAC51 (B and C) show a significantly higher sintering activity (the ability of the body to create a compact body during the firing through the merging of the grains) according to dilatometric curves (Figure 1). The sintering activity is described by the shrinkage of the tested samples during the firing. The higher content of CAC51 in the raw-material mixture caused a lower sintering temperature of the body during the firing (Table 4). The sintering temperatures (tempe- rature when the fired body has water absorption E = 2 %) are: Sample A: approximately 1270 °C, Sample B: approximately 1150 °C Sample C: approximately 1250 °C Table 4: Water absorption of fired bodies depending on the firing tem- perature Tabela 4: Absorpcija vode v `ganih telesih v odvisnosti od tempera- ture `ganja Sample Water absorption after the firing (in mass fractions, (w/%) 1150 °C 1250 °C 1270 °C A 10.7 4.5 1.6 B 1.8 C 7.6 1.5 These are different results than when the calcium aluminate cement with a higher content of Al2O3 (70 %) was used.2 This situation reflects the different chemical composition of CA cements: CAC51 contains a higher portion of fluxing oxides (Fe2O3 and CaO especially) to CAC70. The mineralogical composition of all the tested bodies after the firing is characterized by the existence of the quartz and the glass phase. The fired body based on R. SOKOLAR: NON-TRADITIONAL WHITEWARE BASED ON CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENT Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 885–889 887 Figure 2: XRD of fired bodies based on different binders: kaolin or CAC51 (M-mullite, Q-quartz, A-anorthite) Slika 2: Rentgenogram `ganih teles na osnovi razli~nih veziv- kaolin ali CAC51 (M-mulit, Q- kvarc, A-anortit Figure 1: Thermal dilatometric analysis during the firing (1200 °C, 5 °C/min without soaking time) Slika 1: Termi~na dilatometri~na analiza med `ganjem (1200 °C, 5 °C/min brez ~asa zalaganja) kaolin also contains mullite, while the fired bodies based on CAC51 contain anorthite without mullite (Figure 2). In the case of a combination of the binders, the mullite phase is missing. By comparing the modulus of rupture (MOR) of the fired samples at their sintering temperatures (with similar porosity), it is evident that anorthitic type of body (Figure 2) with a lower content of glass phase (based on calcium aluminate cement) comprises a higher modulus of rupture. This confirms the results published in 3,4. Table 5: Modulus of rupture of tested whiteware bodies after the firing at the sintering temperatures Tabela 5: Prelomni modul preizku{enih porcelanskih teles po `ganju na temperaturi sintranja Sample Modulus of rupture (MPa) A 34.4 (1270 °C) B 37.4 (1150 °C) C 33.8 (1250 °C) The thermal expansion coefficient is the main factor when considering the thermal matching between the glaze and the body, and indirectly influences the thermal shock resistance.6 The coefficient of linear thermal ex- pansion was calculated from dilatometric curves (Figure 3) in the different temperature ranges from 30 °C to 1000 °C (Table 6). The whiteware fired body based on calcium aluminate cement CAC51 (samples B and C) shows a higher coefficient of thermal expansion com- pared with the kaolin-based sample A (Figure 3). This is an unexpected result due to the formation of anorthite in the samples B and C (Figure 3). A very important tech- nical property of anorthite is its low coefficient of linear thermal expansion coefficient of 4.82×10–6 K–1 7 (com- pared with mullite 6.00×10–6 K–1).8 Different results are achieved when the CAC with 70 % of Al2O3 has been used as the replacement for kaolin: the coefficient of linear thermal expansion decreased from 9.24×10–6 to 8.08×.10–6 K–1.2 This may be connected with the higher content of Fe2O3 in CAC51 (Table 1). Table 6: The values of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion  (K–1) depending on the temperature range and raw-materials mixture Tabela 6: Vrednosti koeficienta linearnega toplotnega raztezka  (K–1) v odvisnosti od temperaturnega obmo~ja in me{anice surovin Temperature range A C B ·10–6 (K–1) ·10–6 (K–1) ·10–6 (K–1) 20-200 °C 5.73 6.43 6.35 20-300 °C 6.05 6.74 6.85 20-400 °C 6.42 7.13 7.31 20-500 °C 7.01 7.63 7.83 20-600 °C 8.25 8.71 8.73 20-700 °C 7.63 8.07 8.20 20-800 °C 7.15 7.71 8.20 20-900 °C 6.69 7.46 7.92 20-1000 °C 6.12 7.03 7.23 5 CONCLUSION The presence of calcium aluminate cements in the raw-materials mixture significantly changes the mine- ralogical composition of a fired whiteware body, i.e., anorthite is the main mineralogical phase instead of mullite, which is typical for standard porcelain bodies made from raw-material mixtures based on kaolin. The anorthite type of porcelain body is very suitable for the high strength of the fired body. Using calcium aluminate cement with a lower content of Al2O3 (51 %) reduces the sintering temperature of the body, impairs the whiteness of the body and increases the coefficient of linear ther- mal expansion. Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the Czech Science Foundation, research project No. P104/13/ 23051S "Anorthite porcelain body on the basis of aluminous cement". 6 REFERENCES 1 W. Tai, K. Kimura, K. Jinnai, A new approach to anorthite porcelain bodies using nonplastic raw materials, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 22 (2002) 4, 463, doi:10.1016/S0955-2219(01) 00317-X 2 R. Sokoláø, L. Vodová, Whiteware Bodies without kaolin, Inter- ceram., 63 (2014) 1–2, 19–21 3 X. Cheng, S. Ke, Q. Wang, H. Wang, A. Shui, P. Liu, Fabrication and characterization of anorthite-based ceramic using mineral raw ma- terials, Ceramics International, 38 (2012) 4, 3227–3235, doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2011.12.028 4 M. U. Taskiran, N. Demirkol, A. 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