Razprave |n gradivo, Ljubljana, december 1986, št. 19, s. 15—23 15 Silvo Devetak ravnatelj inštituta DELO INŠTITUTA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA V LETIH 1981—85 Težko je o obširnem vprašanju na kratko napisati tisto, kar je bistveno. Še teže pa je, če gre za stvari, ki so ti pri srcu in ki so postale del tebe. Takrat je velika nevarnost, da boš nekritičen in da boš poskušal stvari prikazati lepše, kot so v resnici. Na to sem bil dolžan opozoriti bralca, preden se bo (morda) lotil branja tega spisa o dejavnosti našega inštituta v preteklem srednjeročnem obdobju 1981—85. V pričujoči reviji smo poskušali s članki in z bibliografskim izborom pri- kazati izseček iz naših raziskovanj narodnega vprašanja. Na tem mestu pa bi radi povedali nekaj besed o dejavnosti inštituta kot celote, da bo bralcu vsaj približno jasno, kaj smo v preteklih letih počeli in kako smo trošili dru- žbena sredstva, ki so omogočala naše delo. Začnimo najprej pri ljudeh, ki so naredili, kar želimo prikazati javnosti. Deset se jih ukvarja z raziskovanjem (trenutno zaradi bolezenske odsotno- sti samo 8), šest jih dela v INDOK centru, pet pa jih opravlja druge posle, ki so potrebni za normalno delo inštituta (tajništvo, računovodstvo, čiščenje prostorov itn.). Na inštitutu se na različne načine srečuje veliko število zunanjih sodelavcev in prijateljev inštituta, saj so njegova vrata zmeraj odprta za vse, ki se želijo ukvarjati z narodno problematiko ali ki jim sode- lavci inštituta lahko pomagajo pri njihovem strokovnem razvoju na tem področju (študenti, doktoranti itn.). Večina sodelavcev je prišla na inštitut na začetku preteklega srednje- ročnega obdobja (1981) ali pozneje. Kadrovska sestava inštituta je izrazito multidisciplinarna, saj je zastopanih devet znanstvenih ved, poleg tega pa se vsak sodelavec še posebej specializira na enem od področij, ki se tičejo takšnega večplastnega družbenega fenomena, kot je narod oziroma narodno vprašanje. Povprečna starost raziskovalcev je okrog 33 let, a tudi povprečna starost vseh sodelavcev inštituta ni dosti višja. Zaradi mačehovskega odnosa RSS do financiranja inštituta v prete- klem srednjeročnem obdobju (zagotavljali so sredstva za manj kot polovico mladih raziskovalcev!) si je moral inštitut pridobiti preostala sredstva s svo- bodno menjavo dela. To pa je predstavljalo dodatno obremenitev za razi- skovalce. Zategadelj je še toliko bolj pohvalno, da je v tem obdobju eden doktoriral, dva pripravljata doktorsko dizertacijo, trije so tik pred zagovorom magistrske naloge, vsi drugi pa študirajo na tretji stopnji. 16 S. Devetak: Delo inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja v letih 1981—85 Na strokovnem področju se je inštitut usmeril na spremljanje in prou- čevanje vprašanj, ki se tičejo: — narodne problematike v Jugoslaviji, še posebej položaja in pravic narodnosti; — manjšin narodov Jugoslavije v sosednjih deželah, zlasti slovenskih manjšin v Avstriji, Italiji in na Madžarskem; — mednarodno-pravnega varstva manjšin in dejavnosti OZN ter drugih mednarodnih organizacij vladnega in nevladnega značaja (še posebej evropskih) na tem področju; — regionalizma v Evropi s stališča etničnih gibanj; — boja za zahodno jugoslovansko-italijansko mejo v letih 1941 — 1977 (ra- tifikacija osimske pogodbe). V petih letih (1981—85) so delavci inštituta in zunanji sodelavci pripra- vili 30 raziskovalnih nalog in drugih študij in elaboratov in okrog 190 stro- kovnih ekspertiz, informacij in manjših študij (za uporabnike v okviru svo- bodne menjave dela). Inštitutski sodelavci so v tem času objavili 150 član- kov v domačem in v tujem tisku. Več desetin člankov in študij je pripravlje- nih za objavo v domačem in tujem tisku (v ilustracijo glej zadaj izbor biblio- grafije). O zagnanosti sodelavcev inštituta pričajo tudi številke o njihovi udele- žbi na strokovnih sestankih in znanstvenih srečanjih. V petih letih so z refe- rati ali diskusijami sodelovali na 16 domačih in več kot 15 mednarodnih znanstvenih srečanjih. Kot strokovnjaki so sodelovali pri delu OZN (komi- sija za človekove pravice in njena podkomisija, CERD itd.) in Evropskega sveta (Stalna konferenca lokalnih oblasti). V okviru regionalnega sodelo- vanja v t.i. delovni skupini Alpe-Adria sta dva sodelavca inštituta nosilca slovenske dejavnosti pri pripravi skupne publikacije o položaju manjšin v tem prostoru. Inštitut je leta 1980 (Brdo pri Kranju) organiziral jugoslovansko znan- stveno srečanje o možnostih razvoja mednarodno-pravnega varstva manj- šin v okviru sistema OZN. Leta 1983 je skupaj z obema inštitutoma sloven- ske manjšine v Avstriji in Italiji — SZI oziroma SLORI — organiziral medna- rodno posvetovanje v Celovcu (Avstrija) z delovnim naslovom »Vzgojno- izobraževalni vidiki dvojezičnega pouka in pouka slovenščine na Koro- škem«. Naslednje leto (Ljubljana, 1984) je skupaj z Društvom za uporabno jezikoslovje in inštitutom za sociologijo organiziral jugoslovansko posveto- vanje z naslovom »lndividualne in družbene razsežnosti dvojezičnosti«. Leta 1985 je skupaj z OECD iz Pariza organiziral v Ljubljani in Lendavi/Len- dva mednarodno konferenco o vzgoji in izobraževanju v večkulturnih dru- žbah. Prihodnje leto (1988) pa predvidevamo, da bomo sklicali medna- rodno znanstveno srečanje o vlogi etničnih manjšin v kulturnem sodelova- nju med deželami, ki sestavljajo delovno skupnost Alpe-Adria. V zadnjih petih letih se je iz razdrobljene dokumentacije in arhiva ter že prej solidno organizirane knjižnice razvil močan INDOK center. Zboljšala sta se izobrazbena struktura (vsi razen enega imajo visoko izobrazbo) in Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljana, december 1986, št. 19 17 jezikovno znanje (»pokrivajo« skoraj vse jezikovne potrebe inštituta) zapo- slenih. Nabavili smo najnujnejšo računalniško opremo in se povezali z ustreznimi računskimi centri, vendar postopek računalniške obdelave podatkov teče počasneje, kot bi si želeli. Brez lažne skromnosti pa lahko zapišemo, da je naš INDOK center ne le v Jugoslaviji, temveč tudi v Evropi priznan in upoštevan kot pomemben referalni fond podatkov za narodno problematiko. O tem pričajo tudi stalni delovni obiski strokovnjakov iz tuji- ne, ki uporabljajo inštitutsko gradivo. Knjižnica ima občasne delovne stike z okrog 100 knjižnicami in drugimi institucijami v svetu. S pomočjo publika- cije »Informator« pa INDOK center sproti obvešča uporabnike v sloven- ščini in srbohrvaščini o svojem fondu podatkov, ki zadevajo slovenske manjšine v sosednjih državah ter italijansko in madžarsko narodnost v Slo- veniji. Ravno razvejani mednarodni stiki inštituta in posameznih sodelavcev kažejo na strokovno rast inštituta. Mirno lahko zapišemo, da ni pomem- bnejše znanstveno-raziskovalne ustanove ali podobne organizacije v sve- tu, s katero ne bi inštitut vzdrževal — na različnih ravneh — delovnih stikov. CIEMEN v Barceloni, Irska univerza v Galwayu in Center za manj razšir- jene evropske jezike v Dublinu, Inštitut za jezikovne raziskave v Bruslju in Meduniverzitetni center za vzhodnoevropske študije v Gentu, Frizijska akademija na Nizozemskem, Fondacija za mednarodno sporazumevanje v Kopenhagenu, Inštitut za etnografijo pri Sovjetski akademiji znanosti, raziskovalna centra pri Državni knjižnici Maksim Gorki in pri madžarski akademiji (oba v Budimpešti), INTEREG v Munchnu, univerze v Benetkah, Celovcu in Salzburgu — to so orientacijske točke o približnem okvirju, ki ilu- strira širino inštitutskega sodelovanja v Evropi. Izven nje pa segajo naše delovne povezave do Havajev, Aljaske, Guatemale in Australije. Medna- rodni stiki so tako razvejani, da jih inštitut s svojimi finančnimi in kadrov- skimi možnostmi preprosto ne more več v celoti obvladovati in jih bo treba v prihodnje razvijati selektivno. Posebno tesno je sodelovanje z obema zamejskima slovenskima inštitutoma — s SLORI v Italiji in SZI v Celovcu. V Jugoslaviji je inštitut razvil delovne stike s številnimi ustanovami in organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo z narodnostno problematiko, zlasti pa z Inštitutom za nacionalna pitanja Veljko Vlahovič pri CK ZK Bosne in Herce- govine. Vendar ne moremo reči, da so se iz teh stikov, kljub prizadevanjem, razvile skupne raziskave, ki pa bi bile v jugoslovanskem prostoru nujno. potrebne. Sodelavci inštituta so rezultate svojega dela, skupaj z drugimi strokov- njaki iz Jugoslavije in tujine objavljali v reviji »Razprave in gradivo«, ki je že našla enakovredno mesto med sorodnim strokovnim tiskom v svetu. Zavo- ljo majhnih finančnih sredstev ni bilo moč pripraviti drugih večjih založni- ških akcij. V angleščini je inštitut izdal dve majhni brošuri o problematiki ita- lijanske in madžarske narodnosti v Sloveniji in o vlogi manjšin v čezmej- nem sodelovanju. Največji podvig bomo naredili prihodnje leto (1987) spo- mladi, ko bosta budimpeštanska založba pri Inštitutu za kulturo in ljubljan- 18 S. Devetak: Delo inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja v letih 1981—85 ski Komunist izdala v madžarščini in slovenščini obsežne rezultate raziska- ve, ki so jo raziskovalci našega inštituta in ljubljanske filozofske fakultete ter raziskovalnega centra Državne knjižnice Maksim Gorki iz Budimpešte skupno opravili v Prekmurju v Jugoslaviji in Porabju na Madžarskem in ki se nanaša na probleme madžarske oziroma slovenske narodnosti. Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja se ni nikoli zapiral v kabinetsko raz- glabljanje o narodnem vprašanju, temveč je vedno poskušal prisluhniti živ- ljenju. Izhajajoč iz prepričanja o pomembnosti tega, prireja stalne delovne stike s strokovnjaki iz Jugoslavije in tujine, še posebej s predstavniki slo- venskih manjšin v zamejstvu in s predstavniki drugih etničnih gibanj v sve- tu. V neposrednih razgovorih lahko slovenski strokovnjaki primerjajo svoja teoretična dognanja z drugimi in jih oplajajo z novimi praktičnimi izkušnja- mi. Na začetku leta 1987 se bo uresničila še ena velika želja sodelavcev in prijateljev inštituta: v kratkem bo inštitut dobil nove prostore, ki bodo, upamo, pozitivno vplivali na še večji ustvarjalni zagon njegovih sodelav- cev. Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljana, december 1986, št. 19 19 Silvo Devetak Director, Institute for Ethnic Studies PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR ETHNIC STUDIES IN THE PERIOD FROM 1981 THROUGH 1985 It is far from being easy to deal with a complex matter concisely without omitting any of the essentials. This is even more difficult if the matter under consideration is special in that one has one's heart in it and treats it as part of oneself. In such a case, one is invariably in great danger of casting an uncritical eye on the matter and thus presenting it not guite in the harsh light of reality. | feel obliged to enter this caveat for the benefit of the (prospecti- ve) reader of this essay on the activities of our Institute in the course of the medium-term period of 1981—1985. The present issue of this journal brings the articles and bibliographic items that attempt to present a segment of our research into the ethnic gue- stion. The present essay, however, intends to outline the activities of the Institute regarded as a whole; it is hoped that this integrated survey will teli the reader the basic facts about our work in the past years, not excluding our expenditure of social resources allocated for our work. Let us start with the people whose work has resulted in a body of wri- tings that we wish to acguaint the public with. Ten of them are engaged in full-time research work, (actually only 8), six work in the INDOK (iInforma- tion-Documentation) center that spcializes in problems of ethnicity and our neighboring countries, while the remaining five do a variety of jobs reguired for our day-to-day work (secretarial work, accountancey, cleaning of the pre- mises, etc.). The Institute is a meeting place of a large number of outside consultants, contributors, associates, and friends, because we always wel- come all the people who are interested in ethnic problems or who can be asssisted in their professional development in this particular field of research by our staff members. These people include undergraduates, graduate students, and doctoral candidates. Most of our statf members began to work at the Institute early in the last medium-term period (i.e. in 1981) or later. An examination of their gua- lifications shows marked inter — disciplinarity taking into account that the researches »cover« nine scientific disciplines concerning ethnicity (law, political sciences, sociologyetc). Aside each of them specializes in one of the fields bearing on the multi-layer social phenomenon that is the object of NI 9. Devetak: Delo inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja v letih 1981—85 our investigations. The average age of our staff members is some 33 years, conting only those engaged in research work; the average age of ali the people employed in the Institute is only slightly higher. Since in the last medium-term period the governing bodies of the public funds were guite stern towards the Institute in terms of financing it fundamental scientific work (providing for less than half the funds reguired for our young researchers), the Institute had to acguire the remaining funds by other activities, which was an additional commitment and obligation that our researchers had to shoulder. We are therefore ali the more pleased to 'be able to point out that in the period under consideration, one of our researchers earned his Ph.D., two are working on their dissertations, three wili defend their M. A. theses very soon, andali the others pursue graduate studies. In terms of its professional work, the Institute specializes in monitoring and investigating the issues that concern: — national problems in Yugoslavia, with special reference to the status and rights of nationalities (ethnic minorities); — Yugoslav minorities in neighboring countries, especially the Slovene minorities residing in Austria, ltaly and Hungary; — international-legal protection of minorities and the activities of the Uni- ted Nations and of other especially European international organiza- tions, whether governmental or non-governmental; — regionalism in Europe from the viewpoint of ethnic movements; the historical process of regulatins issues concerning the western Yugoslav-ltalian frontier in the period 1941—1977 (ratification of the Osimo Treaty). In the five years under discussion (1981—85), the Institute resear- chers and outside contributors prepared 30 research papers and other stu- dies and about 190 articles, informative essays and small-scale studies (commissioned by various users in the framework of »free exchange of labor«). In the same period, our staff published 150 articles in both Yugo- slav and foreign publications. Furthermore, several scores of articles and studies are ready for publication in this country and abroad (cf. the selective bibliography in the back). . The fatc that our Institute staff show great zeal for knowledge and work can be easily supported by giving details of their participation in professio- nal meetings and scientific conferences. In the five period concerned they participated in 16 national and more than 15 international conferences and symposiums, at which they delivered a number of papers and took part in discussions. ln their capacity as experts they have taken part in the work of the United Nations (Commission on Human Rights and it Subcommission, CERD, etc.) and of the Council of Europe in the fields of ethnicity, human rights, racial diserimination, and racism. In the framework of regional coo- peration carried out by the so-called Working Community Alps-Adria, the Institute researchers are in the forefront of the activities of srof Slovenia, Razprave in gradivo, Ljubljana, december 1986, št. 19 21 one of the members of this community, aiming to prepare a joint publicia- tion on ethnic minorities living in the Alps-Adria regions. In 1980, the Institute for Ethnic Studies organized (at Brdo near Kranj), a national conference on the pssibilities of developing international-legal protection of minorities in the framework of the United Nations system. In 1983, the Institute cooperated with the two institutes set up by the Slovene minorities in Austria and in Italy (SZI and SLORI, respectively) in organizing and international conference, which was held in Klagenfuri/Celovec (Au- stria), whose working title was »Educational Aspects of Bilingual Instruc- tion and of the Teaching of Slovene in Carinthia.« Soon thereafter (Ljublja- na, 1984) the Institute organized together with the Slovene Association of Applied Linguistics and the Institute of Sociology the national conference under the title »Individual and Social Dimensions of Bilingualism.« In 1985, it was in cooperation with the Paris-based OECD/CERI that the Institute organized an international conference on education in multicultural socie- ties. The next year (1988), we plan to convene an international expert mee- ting on the role of ethnic minorities in the cultural cooperation between the countries from Austria, Italy, FR of Germany, Hungary and Yugoslavia that make up the Working Community of Alps-Adria. In the last five years, an effective INDOK (Information-Documentation) center came into being. This center was formed out of fragmentary docu- mentation, archives, and an already well-organized library. The gualifica- tions and knowledge of foreign languages of those working there have improved considerably (all except one have university education; they cover almost all of the linguistic/language needs of the Institute). We have acguired the essential computer eguipment yet computerized data proces- sing obviously takes more time than we thought it would take. Without false modesty, we can point out that our INDOK center is a recognized and valuable collection of data on national/ethnic topics not only in Yugoslavia but also in a wider European framework; this witness freguent visitors from abroad who utilize the Institute materials for specialized studies. The library occasionally cormmmunicates with about a hundred libraries and other foreign institutions it has established contact with. Finally, there is also the publication Informator (Informer) that the INDOK center utilizes as a chan- nel of regularly updated information on its collection of materials on the Slo- vene minorities in the neighboring countries as well as on the Italian and Hungarian minorities living in Slovenia. Informator is pubilshed in Slovene and Serbo-Croat. The professional growth, as it were, of our Institute can be best illustra- ted by a highly diversified body of international contacts that the Institute or its individual staff members have established and maintained. We can sately say that the Institute has maintained contact — on various levels of professional activities — with virtually all the major research institutions and related organizations active in this field, regardless of their location. By way of illustration, the following institutions may be cited that show the span of 22 S. Devetak: Delo inštituta za narodnostna vprašanja v letih 1981—85 our contacts in Europe alone: CIEMEN of Barcelona, the National Univer- sity of Ireland at Galway and the European Bureau for Lesser Used Lan- guages in Dublin, the Institute for Language Research in Brussels and the Inter-University Center for East European Studies at Gent, the Frisian Aca- demy in the Netherlands, Foundation for International Understanding in Copenhagen, the Institute of Ethnography at the Soviet Academy of Scien- ces, research centers within the State Library of Maksim Gorki and at the Hungarian Academy (both located in Budapest), INTEREG of Munich, and the Universities in Venice, Klagenfurt/Celovec and Salzburg. Outside Europe , our professional contacts reach as far as Hawaii, Alaska, Guate- mala, and Australia. This ramifying network of international contacts has already proved a formidable task for the Institute due to its limited funds and the relatively small number of its personnel; hence it is imperative that we be more selective in developing contacts in the future. Of special impor- tance is our cooperation with the two Slovene institutes over the borders (SLORI in Italy and SZI in Klagenfurt/Celovec). Within Yugoslavia, the Institute has made professional contact with numerous institutions and organizations that are engage in work on ethnic issues, in particular the Institute for National Studies Veljko Vlahovič in Sarajevo. These contacts, however, have not resulted in needed joint research work within Yugoslavia, our willingness to encourage them not- withstanding. Both our staff members and other Yugoslav and foreign experts have published the results of their work in the journal Treatises and Docu- ments, which has already become a respected publication among those that specialize in similar fields of research worldwide. Other major publis- hing activities have been thwarted by the lack of funds. Nevertheless, the Institute managed to publish two booklets — both in English — on problems of the Italian and Hungarian nationalities in Slovenia and on the role of minorities in transfrontier cooperation, respectively. In this respect, we must note that the year 1987 will witness our greatest achievement, viz. the publication of the results of a joint research project that we and the resear- chers from the Ljubljana College of Liberal Arts carried out in cooperation with the research center of the State Library of Maksim Gorki of Budapest. This research concerns the problems of the Hungarian and Slovene natio- nalities respectively; it involved fieldwork done in the areas of Prekmurje (Yugoslavia) and Porabje (i.e. the region along the Raba river in Hungary). The book will be published jointly by publishers from Budapest and Ljublja- na, probably in the Spring of 1987, in both the Hungarian and Slovene lan- guages. The Institute for Ethnic Studies has never in the course of its existence opted for armchair observations and opinions on the subject of national/ ethnic identity and related issues. Rather, we have always tried to observe, record and respond to everyday life; it has been out of deep conviction that such an approach is of paramount importance that the Institute has been