Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 34/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 19. 8. 2018 20. Nedelja MED LETOM 20th Sunday in Ordinary time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Jezus je resnično med nami Jezus je navzoč je pod podobo kruha in vina. Blagor vsem, ki radi prejemajo Jezusa pod podobo kruha pri sv. obhajilu. Gotovo ni dovolj, da ga prejemamo samo iz navade ali zaradi drugih ljudi. Sprejeti ga je treba v veri, da resnično živi med nami, da je resnično navzoč v sv. hostiji. Jezus nam pravi, da je živi kruh, ki je prišel iz nebes. Če pa je nebeški kruh, potem je nesmrten, in tisti, ki ga uživa, ne umrje. Jezus se tudi v današnjem času za nas lomi, se daruje, da bi mi kljub temu, da smo grešni, živeli. To je kruh življenja, ki nam daje upanje, da bomo vstali skupaj z Jezusom poslednji dan. Jezus nam govori: »Kdor je moje meso in pije mojo kri, ima večno življenje in jaz ga bom obudil poslednji dan«. Po kruhu, ki ga Jezus daje, postajamo ljudje med seboj bratje in sestre, sposobni ljubiti, sposobni deliti med seboj svoj kruh. Kruh in vino, ki ju prejemamo, pomenita, naj tudi mi, delamo tako, kakor je on storil. Pomno-žitev kruha ne pomeni v prvi vrsti skrbi za snovne dobrine, pač pa pomeni napoved postavitve svete evharistije - daru ljubezni, ki jo ta pomeni. Kako nas Bog ljubi, nam je pokazal, ko nam je dal svojega edinoroje-nega Sina. Ta nam je skazal svojo največjo ljubezen s tem, da se nam je dal v hrano. »Vzemite in jejte, to sem jaz.« Tudi vi delajte tako, kakor sem vam jaz storil. Vsak izmed nas je lahko iskreno hvaležen za svoje življenje, ki nam ga Bog daje. Mnogi ljudje so danes globoko ranjeni zaradi svoje preteklosti; zaradi slabih medčloveških odnosov ali pa tudi zaradi svoje grešnosti in nepopolnosti. Kristus pa nas očiščuje in ozdravlja vsega, če le verujemo vanj. Tragika sodobne kulture je v tem, da je pozabila na krščansko sporočilo odrešenja. Veliko ljudi ne išče več pomoči in duhovne ozdravitve pri Bogu. Po pomoč se zatekajo k drugim sredstvom in osebam: bioenergetikom, astrologiji, napovedovalcem usode in drugim šarlatanom. Vsaka rana, tudi duhovna, kliče po ozdravitvi. Kje jo bomo verni ljudje iskali? Odgovor je samo v Bogu. Odprimo se božji ljubezni, da bomo tudi mi postali ljubezen. Bodimo hvaležni Bogu in ljudem, da se bo naše življenje napolnilo s srečo. Oprimimo se Jezusovega Rešnjega telesa, ki želi, da mi pridemo k njemu. Ne daje nam morda na začetku toliko ugodnosti, sčasoma pa nas bogato nagrajuje s svojimi milostmi in darovi. Končno pa skupaj z njim potujemo proti večnemu življenju. Včasih so kruh, preden so ga zaužili, prekrižali in ga držali z velikim spoštovanjem v rokah. Bilo je večje pomanjkanje hrane, kot je danes, in so kruh bolj spoštovali. Pri mnogih ljudeh današnjega časa je neka mlačnost, nemarnost in naveličanost - pa ne zaradi pomanjkanja kruha, ker tega pomanjkanja ni, ampak zaradi pomanjkanja vere, upanja in ljubezni. Za te tri stvari bi se kot kristjani morali še posebej truditi. Največja pa je ljubezen, kot pravi sv. Pavel. Ta ljubezen je bratska ali sestrska ljubezen med ljudmi. Ne pomeni pa samo te ljubezni, ampak tudi ljubezen do vseh stvari, do vsega, kar je Bog ustvaril. Pomeni torej tudi ljubezen in spoštovanje do kruha, do hrane, s katero se preživljamo. Ko gledamo zoreča pšenična polja, se zamislimo, koliko pšeničnih zrn je v enem klasu, koliko zrn na celi njivi. Da nastane hleb kruha, je potrebno kar nekaj človeških rok (njivo je treba zorati, pšenico posejati, jo požeti, zmleti, iz moke pa spečemo kruh). Zato je kruh simbol edinosti in ljubezni. Jezus pa je živi kruh, ki je prišel iz nebes, in kdor bo jedel ta kruh, bo živel vekomaj. Verujmo to in bomo srečni. Ne bojmo se Jezusa. Jezus trka na vrata in vstopi skozi tista, ki se odprejo. Odprimo vrata svojega srca in bodimo ponosni, da smo kristjani v tem svetu, ki je tako zelo nasproten Jezusu in Njegovemu nauku. 357 I VESTNI K 2018 Another great year at our Slovenian Summer Day Camp... the whether was pretty good and the fun was fabulous! We had just over 40 campers and leaders this year with many of the same favourites... the Bouncy Castle, ice cream, Magic, crafts and sports along with a lot of water fun! Kids were everywhere and spirits were high but nothing can beat the excitement of our BBQ and parent vs campers soccer game. Parents gave it a good try, they even had a "fifa" worthy penalty shot, but Matthew Mramor shut that down! Congrats to our campers for playing so well! Also, we need to send out a huge thank you to St. Joseph's Society, our CWL, Gospa Eržen who sponsored our ice cream truck and of course Moya Financial for continued support. We could not run this week without all of your help. To our leaders, thanks for enduring the many tasks as required and a special thank you to Fr. Jože Bajzek who was very supportive throughout the week while Fr. Drago was away. This was our 18th annual camp... let's see if we can keep it going for the kids! - Heidy Novak Sem vesel, da Day Camp že 18 let pomaga graditi našo slovensko skupnost in je spodbuda za otroke, da se spoznavajo in tako na poseben način vključujejo v župnijo. Tudi z moje strani iskrena zahvala Heidy Novak, ki nosi vso težo organizacije in odgovornosti. Hvala tudi animatorjem, ki ji pomagajo pri vodenju posameznih aktivnosti. Hvala tudi vsem sponzorjem, ki ste tudi finančno podprli in vsem, ki tudi z molitvijo spremljate vsakoletno dogajanje. - Fr. Drago Gačnik VESTNIK 2018 | 358 359 I VESTNI K 2018 VESTNIK 2018 | 13 361 I VESTNI K 2018 A LESSON ON VALUE..._ Joe has a friend who used to say that he misplaces and loses his pen very often. He would use only cheap pens so that he need not worry about losing them. He was worried about carelessness becoming a habit. Joe suggested to him to buy the most expensive pen he could afford and see what happened then. And so his friend purchased a 22 karat gold Cross pen. After nearly 6 months Joe met him and asked him if he was still misplacing his pen. His friend said that now he has become very careful with his costly pen and he is surprised at how he has changed! Joe explained to him that the value of the pen made all the difference and there was nothing wrong with him as a person. This is what happens in our life. We are careful with things which we value most. • If we value our health, we will be careful about what we eat; • If we value our friends, we will treat them with respect; • If we value money, we will be careful while spending; • If we value our time, we will not waste it; • If we value our relationship, we will not break it. Carefulness is a basic trait that all of us have; we know when to be careful. Carelessness only shows what we don't value. VESTNIK 2018 | 362 Congratulations Julia! At their recent graduations in June, four students from four Niagara secondary schools were the recipients of the 2018 St. Kevin Social Justice Scholarship. St. Gregory the Great's young Parishioner Julia Labricciosa of E.L. Crossley Secondary School, received one of the four $1000 scholarships awarded. The fundraiser for the scholarships is Soup's On!, the popular soup luncheon held annually at St. Kevin Parish hall the last Friday of January. High school graduates must apply and interview with the selection committee. They are then evaluated across several criteria including competency in social justice and their involvement as an activist for social justice. We congratulate Julia on receiving this scholarship and we wish her on-going success as she pursues post-secondary education. With thanks, Jessica On behalf of St. Kevin Social Justice Scholarship Committee >-• 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. First Reading Proverbs 9:1-6 Wisdom teaches us that eating the bread and wine that God gives us will bring us everlasting life. Second Reading Ephesians 5:15-20 St Paul reminds us that we need to be careful about how we live our life. There are many things that could lead us away from God so we are urged to live by the Spirit and deepen our relationship with God through prayer and thanksgiving. Gospel John 6:51-58 Jesus invites us to eat his flesh and drink his blood so that we may have everlasting life. "Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever." Illustration "Food, glorious food! Hot sausage and mustard! While we're in the mood, cold jelly and custard." These famous lines from Lionel Bart's musical Oliver! express the immediate longing of a group of workhouse children in nineteenth-century England. They are hungry, but of course there is no chance that they will receive the food they desire. Such food is for the rich. Then one child, Oliver Twist, has the temerity to ask for more. Wanting more is not uncommon. We are human; we are often hungry. Food occupies a great deal of our thoughts and, within our own culture, food seems to dominate our every waking moment. Television commercials pro- 363 I VESTNI K 2018 mote fast food, television programmes encourage us to "get cooking" and countless numbers of cookery books are now available in our bookshops. Despite all that is available, we still hunger for more. Gospel Teaching This Sunday we continue to hear John's discourse on the Eucharist. We may remember that it began with the feeding of the five thousand. Since then we have heard Jesus telling us that, though the bread we eat is perishable, the bread that he offers us will last for ever; that he is the bread of life, the living bread that has come down from heaven. Today Jesus invites us to go beyond the fulfilment of our physical needs and eat his body and drink his blood. In doing so we will be given a life that is beyond words, the kind of nourishment that feeds our souls and can transform us. When we eat his body and drink his blood we take in all that Jesus is: a person of mercy, compassion, forgiveness. We digest his way of being, his way of seeing, his way of relating to the world and to God. Jesus was vitally concerned with those who were poor. As he went about his ministry he met great numbers of hungry people and he fed them. His disciples failed to see the deeper significance in these events. For them the bread shared was bread, fish was fish, something for an empty stomach, which would become hungry again. Nothing more. When Jesus spoke of eating his own flesh and drinking his blood some were so horrified by this suggestion that they walked away. Those who remained gradually came to understand that Jesus was not talking about physical food (though he provided that anyway) but something far more lasting. Today we know that this is fully realised for us when we participate in the Eucharist. Application Participating in the Eucharist is not only a great gift for us but it brings with it a great responsibility. St Augustine reminds us that those of us who receive are charged with becoming what we have received - that is, we become Christ for one another. We receive the body of Christ to become the body of Christ. Like Augustine, Pope Francis, through his daily actions and interactions, reminds us that communion with Christ is deeply tied to communion with our brothers and sisters. It is no accident that the Communion Rite starts with the Lord's Prayer and the sign of peace. We ask God to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Only then do we approach the table of unity and love to receive the mystery that unites us not only to Christ but to our brothers and sisters. We call the Eucharist "communion", and gathering around the table is our strongest sign of communion with Christ and one another. Today the world will only come to encounter Christ by the witness, the prayer and the love of our desire to share this gift with others. Words set by the British liturgical composer Bernadette Farrell capture the heart of the matter: "Bread for the world: a world of hunger. Wine for all peoples: people who thirst. May we who eat be bread for others. May we who drink pour out our love." Receiving Christ's body and blood is never just about us. We receive so that we may reach out and share what we have received with everyone. In doing so we not only nourish our own souls but take on the responsibility of seeing and meeting the needs of those who hunger and thirst, not only for food but for love, for justice, for peace and for hope in a world where there is so much suffering and so much deprivation. VESTNIK 2018 | 364 Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti_ ♦ 25. avgust-sobota: Društvo sv. Jožefa -Tekmovanje v balinanju - Bocce Tournament ♦ 1. september: Društvo Bled - Labourd Day Picnic, Ansambel Sašo Avsenik - 4. p.m. ♦ 31. avgust-3. september: Slovenski park Long weekend. 1. sept.-sobota: Baseball Round Robin, Bar, Food, Corn Roast, DJ Joe; 2. sept.-nedelja: Picnic, Baseball playoffs, Band: Šibaj; Mass at 1:00 p.m. gift bearers - darove prinašajo ♦ 19. avgust 10:00 a.m.: Gizela Hauzar ♦ 26. avgust 10:00 a.m.: Zorka Rev in Sonya Peternel darovi - donations_ Ob pogrebu Marthe Hočevar sta Štefan in Francka Antolin darovala za gradbeni sklad $ 100. Ob smrti Mike Simončiča je Cecilija Sobočan darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. romanje v midland_ Romanje v Midland bo 8. septembra 2018. Program v Midlandu: ob 10:30 je program pri križu in nato križev pot v parku ob postajah križevega pota. Ob 12:00 je cerkvi kanadskih mučencev slovenska sveta' maša. Kdor bi želel iti na romanje, naj se čimpre prijavi pri Tereziji Sarjaš, tel.: 905 560 1218. Če bo avtobus poln, bo cena $35. sveti krst - baptism V soboto, 18. avgusta 2018, je v naši cerkvi zakrament svetega krsta prejel deček, Mason Matthew Yeardsley. Oče dečka, Matthew in mati Elissa, rojena Gill se veselita ob krstu drugega otroka. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in varstvo Matere Marije, da bi bila otroku dobra starša na poti rasti v veri. pokojni V Sloveniji je ta teden umrl Anton Oberman, brat naše faranke Stanke Malevič. Za pokoj njegove duše smo darovali sveto mašo v četrtek zvečer. Iskrene sožalje Stanki in sorodnikom, pokojnemu Antonu pa večni mir in pokoj. 365 I VESTNI K 2018 Ta teden, v sredo 15. avgusta, na praznik Marijinega vnebovzetja pa je Bog nenadno poklical k sebi našega farana, Mike Simončiča. Pokojni Mike je bil star samo 48 let. Ta pogreb je bil z žaro. Žara je bila v soboto, 18. avgusta od devete ure dopoldne v naši cerkvi, kjer ste se lahko poslovili od njega. Pogrebno sveto mašo St. Joseph Society-Drustvo Annual _Bocce Tournament_ Saturday, August 25, 2018 Tournament Registration: ** $12.00 (Includes Prizes, Refreshment Drink & Lunch) ** $8.00 (Includes Lunch only) Open to all members, potential members, and Slovenian youth 14 years and up. Each team will be comprised of 4 members. This year, you may enter your own team by entering 1, 2, 3 or 4. If less than 4 are entered, we will add to complete the foursome. Total # of teams will be 8! We encourage you to register early with full payment and avoid disappointment. Contact: Frank Erzar: 905-643-0285 or Jerry Ponikvar: 905-333-5813 Frank will be available to take registration this Sunday after Mass. smo imeli nato ob 10:30 in pogreb na pokopališču Our Lady of the Angels. Po porebu so domači povabili na pogrebščino v našo dvorano. Iskreno sožalje ženi Sandy in sinovoma Aidan in Braedan, prav tako bratu Štefanu. Pokojni Mike pa naj uživa večni mir pokoj. 2018 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards Application Now Available The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, who are pursuing post-secondary education, and reside with the Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, or Niagara region, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Selected applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. This year's awards will be presented on Sunday, September 23, 2018 at St. Gregory the Great Parish's Fall Banquet. The applications can be found at the back of the church or can be requested by emailing Teresa Zupancic at or calling 905-930-7545. Completed applications should be emailed to by September 14th, 2018. -t, svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are don bosco welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2018 | 366 od 19. 8. 2018 do 26. 8. 2018 svete maše - masses 20. Nedelja med letom 19. Avgust Janez Eudes, duhovnik Za žive in rajne župljane f Anna Hochevar f Janez 10:00 a.m. Peter in Francesca Kure Sestra Jožica Erzar z družino Ponedeljek - Monday 20. Avgust f Dominik Zorčič, obl. 8:00 a.m. Sestra Jožica Vegelj z druž. Bernard, op.uč. Sreda - Wednesday 22. Avgust Marija Kraljica f Ivan Dobršek, obl. f Ivan Dobršek, obl. 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc Manja Erzetič Četrtek - Thursday 23. Avgust Roza iz Lime, dev. f Po namenu (20/22) f Zdravko Troha 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic Danica Maradin Petek - Friday 24. Avgust Jernej, apostol Za duhovne poklice 7:00 p.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo f Marija Hauzar Matilda Prša Sobota Saturday ff Pokojni iz družine Sraka 5:30 p.m. Amalija Štadler z družino 25. Avgust f Mike Simončič Cecilija Sobočan Ludvik, kralj f Martha Hočevar Manja Erzetič Patricija, devica 21. Nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 a.m. med letom ff Pokojni Klemenčič in Rev Družina Rev 26. Avgust ff Starši Veronika in Leopold Jože Gimpelj z družino Tarzicij, mučenec ff Darinka Ferletič in starši Julija Sagadin z družino 367 I VESTNI K 2018