NOVEMBER, 1963 NUMBER 11 VOLUME 35 November is the month of te,nembrance. Among those '"ho have departed from this 'v°r/d in the past year, and l,om we remember with ie^rtfe/t prayers, is the be-|)°Verf Archbishop of Ljublja-1^’ Slovenia. A saintly man, guided and guarded his °c k through uncertain until his untimely ae*fA on July 7, 1963, at the of 63 years. May his soul and the souls of Ur faithful departed rest in Kače. Uvo + ARCHBISHOP ANTON VOVK ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1920 in the State of Illinois Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Enter'd as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, tinder the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. MNOŽICE SE POSLAVLJAJO OD SLOVENSKEGA NADŠKOFA Dne 7. julija je v starosti 63 let preminul priljubljeni nadškof ljubljanski dr. Anton Vovk. Rojen je bil v Vrbi na Gorenjskem. Izšel je iz iste družine, ki je dala Slovencem dr. Franceta Prešerna, največjega slov. pesnika. Leta 1923 je bil posvečen duhovnika ter bil v službi v Metliki in Tržiču, nakar je bil imenovan za kanonika in leta 1945 je postal generalni vikar, a naslednje leto je bil posvečen za pomožnega škofa. Po smrti škofa Gregorija Rožmana, ga je papež Janez XXIII imenoval za rednega škofa in lani, ko je ljubljanska škofija postala nadškofija, je dr. Vovk postal njen prvi nadškof. Udeležil se je vatikanskega koncila, kjer ga je bolezen zopet napadla. Na njegovo prošnjo mu je papež postavil pomožnega škofa v osebi dr. Jožeta Pogačnika. Pokojni nadškof bo ostal v neizbrisnem spominu Slovencev kot eden neustrašenih in zvestih nadpastirjev, ki je vodil svoje vernike skozi najbolj razburkane čase. Prizori s pogreba nadškofa dr. Vovka na Zalah pri Ljubljani. Ogromne množice ljudstva so se poslednjič poklonile spominu svojega duhovnega vodnika. Očividci pravijo, da Ljubljana takega pogreba še ni videla. Throngs of friends in final tribute to Archbishop Vovk at the cemetery in Ljubljana. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Nov. 3—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Nov. 6—Br. 95, So. Chicago, III. Turkey Night Nov. 1C—Br.2, Chicago, III., Penny Social 2 p. m. Nov. 17—Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo., Popular Games Party Nov. 17—Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio, Bazar — 8 p. m. Dec. 15—Br. 2, Chicago, III., Anniversary Mass YEARLY MEETINGS OF OUR BRANCHES: Nov 14—Br. 55, Girard, Ohio Dec. 1—Br. 27, N. Braddoclt, Pa., 2 p. m Dec. 3—Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa., also Christmas Party Dec. 4—Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo., also Christmas Party Dec. 4—Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, also Christmas Party Dec. 4—Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio, also Christmas Party Dec. 12—Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1I\ NOVEMBER! Supreme Officers: Nov. 5—Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary, Chicago, III. Branch Presidents: Nov. 1—Frances Plesko, Br. ]2, Milwaukee, Wis. Nov. 4—Angela Susnik, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Nov. 7—Anna Markovich, Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio Nov. 15—Antonia Kostelec, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Nov. 15—losephine Artac, Br. 102, Willard, Wis. Nov. 16—Marion Marolt, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Nov. 25—Katie Triller, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OP THE DAY! ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXV.—NO. 11 NOVEMBER, 1963 LETO XXXV.—ŠT. 11 REV. CLAUDE OKORN: SAINTS CYRIL AND METHODIUS This year we celebrate 1100 years since these two fine brothers started their mission work among Slavs. It is appropriate for us to dedicate these lines to the memory of theirs. Cyril was born in Thessalonica, and was baptized on the name of Constantine. Only shortly before his death he assumed the name Cyril. As a brilliant young man, he was sent to Constantinople to study at the imperial university. Here he earned the appelation “the philosopher.” Methodius was also born in Thessalonica. He became governor of one of the Slav colonies in Opsikon province. In 861, Methodius was sent with his brother Cyril to convert the Khazars in the Dnieper — Volga region. On his return, he was elected abbot of an important monastery. At the request of the emperor of Moravia, they were sent in 863 to vangelize Moravia. Because of their knowledge of the Slavonic tongue they were extremely successful, but they incurred the enmity of the German clergy. They were particularly handicapped when the German bishop of Passau would not ordain their candidates for the priesthood. They went to Rome to secure papal support, bringing the alleged relics of Pope St. Clement, and were warmly received by Pope Adrian II, who approved their use of the liturgy in Slovanic and decreed they were to receive episcopal consecration and their candidates for the priesthood to be ordained. Soon after, Cyril died while still in Rome. On the death of his brother, Methodius returned to Moravia where, at the request of Kocel, prince of Panonia, he was made metropolitan of Sirmium (now: Srem; Yugoslavia) and his ecclesiastical territory extended to Bulgaria. Despite papal approval, the German clergy continued to oppose him and had him imprisoned. Pope John VIII finally had him released after two years, but forbade him to use Slavonic in the liturgy. In Rome, he convinced the Pope of his orthodoxy and regained permission to use Slavonic, returned to Moravia, but had to spend the rest of his life fighting the German bloc. According to the legend, he translated most of the bible into Slavonic. SS. Cyril and Methodius are called the Apostles of Slavs and to this day the liturgical language of the Russians, Serbs, Ukrainians and Bulgars is that of two brothers who also reputedly designed the characters of the languages from the Greek. These two brothers are a great inspiration to all those who want to worship God in their own language and want to preserve their cultural background. ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. This is the month of our fun-filled Penny Social on Nov. 10th, Sunday afternoon at St. Stephen’s Lower Hall. We are all looking forward to it! The members hope you will all attend and those of you who can, will bring some donations of bakery, prizes or what have you. The proceeds will go toward our Christmas Party for juniors which will be held on Sunday, Dec. 15th at 2 p. m. A members are invited to attend the party as well as our jr. members. Another date to remember is our annual Holy Mass observance on Sunday, Dec. 15th. This is the anniversary mass for all living and departed members of S. W. U. Please be there. We remember this month, our sick and hospitalized members. Mrs. Vra-sich, our Mother of the Year, brought a lovely cake which was enjoyed by all members present. Pray for our deceased members this month, the month of the poor souls! We have lost six members in 1963, they are: Caroline Bicek, Christine Šinkovec, Mary Mravla, Catherine Osterman, Rose Possedi and Anna Balazic. God grant them eternal happiness. See you at the Nov. 10th Penny Social and Games Party! Corinne Leskovar Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. All members attention! We have a wonderful event coming up and that is Nov. 17th, our popular games party. It will be on that Sunday evening at 8 p. m. in the lower hall of our church. Turkeys and many other grand prizes are going to be given away. Come one, come all! This will help our treasury a lot. We will be happy to see you all there. The yearly meeting of our branch will be on Dec. 4th. We will also have, in addition ot election of officers, our annual Christmas Party and exchange of gifts. We will especially prepare for our youngsters, so mothers, please bring them along. Christmas presents for all of our juveniles! See you Nov. 17th and Dec. 4th! Anna Pachak, Pres. No. 7, Forest City, Pa. Last Aug. 29th, we had our annual outing at Mr. Joseph Kameen’s summer home. We played popular games for beautiful merchandise — there were some very nice prizes. We all enjoyed singing some of the good old Slovenian songs. There were all kinds of goodies to eat and of course, delicious beverages. So, we all had a nice time. Members, please come to the meeting and take care of your dues. My best wishes to all our members and also, regards to all the “glavne uradnice.” God bless you all. Josephine Gostisha, Sec’y. HAPPY GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prince who observed their 50th wedding anniversary in Sept. at St. Joseph’s Church, Forest City, Pa. Rev. Andrew Krasinski, pastor, celebrated mass in their honor at 10 a. m. followed by open house all day. Their union has been blessed with five children. Mrs. Ann Pelick of Washington, D. C. is their only daughtei and they have three living sons at home, Joseph, Henry and Albert. They are also the grandparents of eight children. We pray that God will give them courage, strength to live in happiness and contentment and good health. Happy anniversary! Josephine Gostisha, Sec’y, Br. 7 No. 13, San Francisco, California. Golden Anniversaries are a thing of great pride and happiness. Two wonderful people were honored by their children at a wonderful party and celebration at the Slovenian Hall on September 8, 1963. Tony and Mary Klepec celebrated fifty years of wedded bliss and you can be sure these two people know what the words love and understanding really mean. Sorrow entered this home during the World War II. with the loss of their son, but, sorrow drew these two fine people ever closer. GOLDEN JUBILARIANS FROM THE GOLDEN WEST Tony & Mary Klepec Congratulations to you Mary and Tony; may God bless you both with years of good health. Daughters Sophie Troya, Ann Nanut, Mary Udovich and son, Eddie honored their parents with a party for over one hundred guests, all old and dear friends. This is truly a family who prays and stays together. Sophie and Rudy Troya have daug-ters Nancy, Carol and a son Rudy. Ann and Joe Nanut have son, Joe Jr. Gene and Mary Udovich have 3 sons, Gene Jr., Richard and Ronnie. Eddie is at home with the folks. So you can see this is a large and wonderful group, all active in church and always working together. Joe Nanut Jr. and Rudy Troya Jr. furnished the polka music with Buzz Sube so the walls really jumped. A good time was had by all. Happiness to you all! Mary and Tony were married in St. Joseph’s Church in Joliet, Illinois—50 years ago. Was so nice to see Mary Slanec at the party and looking so well. Mr. and Mrs. Slanec came arm and arm as always. These wonderful folks have always been together; quite a team! Ženska Zveza was well represented as Mary has been quite an active gal so we all came to honor her. With a heavy heart we learned a-bout the death of Christine Menart. It was my pleasure to have corresponded with Chris for many years. It would be a tribute if the Junior Branch from Vandling be called the Christine Menart Branch. This fine lady worked dilligently for the advancement of Zveza and despite many sorrows and adversities always held Zveza upermost in her heart. Junior work seemed to be her goal and all her time was spent toward this aim. She enrolled more junior members with each campaign and worked to make the junior members proud of Zveza. God Bless her and may her place in His garden be a happy one. Bless your home during the Thanksgiving season and may your tables be filled with all the goodies. My daughter, Barbara just became the wife of Walter Rathbun. May the newlyweds find a life of happiness. Our new son-in-law comes from Detroit, so, now the East will seem e-ven closer to us. Wishes for good health is extended to all our members who are not up to par. Fran. E. Chiodo, Reporter. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. With the cooler weather now approaching, our October meeting was very well attended, and we hope it will continue to be so. Congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rupert, who recently married. Mrs. Rupert was the former Rose Leskovec. Mrs. Anna Troha and her husband observe their Golden Anniversary, October 7th, 1963. A Mass was said in their honor Saturday, October 12th, at St. Christine’s Church in Euclid. This was followed by a dinner party at Geneva. Congratulations to the Tro-ha’s on this happy event from all of our members. Mr. and Mrs. John O’Kicki celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on October 21st, 19G3. Mary O’Kicki is our President. We wish them many more happy anniversaries. Mrs. Mary Kusar has been in Eu-clid-Glenville Hospital the past three weeks, suffering from a broken arm. Mrs. Josephine Strnad is laid up at home with a broken leg. We wish both of them a very speedy recovery. The 17th of November is our big day of 19G3. It is the date of our Bazaar. The more important features of this affair will be the turkey drawing, and other very valuable prizes to the lucky ones. A Bake Sale will also be held, which will include potica, strudel, and krofe; as well as sandwiches and other goodies. Good music will be available for your dancing pleasure. So come one, come all. Molly Sodja, Secretary No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Please take note that we will not hold our regular meeting in November. Our next meeting will be on December 12, and this will be the most important meeting of the year and also election of officers. The National Convention will take place in Chicago next May and now is the time to discuss on points which will be of future benefit to the members and the organization. I wish to hereby remind all the members who owe dues to please pay up because the year will soon come to an end and it is the duty of every member to have the assessment paid up. To all who celebrated their birthdays during the recent months I wish to extend congratulations and best wishes for many happy returns of the day! God bless you all! Mary Lenlch, Sec’y Br. No. 20, Joliet, III. Our condolences to the families of our members who have passed away recently. To the family of Apolonia Lockner from Eliz. St. She was born May 27th, 1889. joined Mar. 18, 1934, recommended by Anne Pluth. She died Sept. 14th. Survived by two daughters and two sons. She was buried from St. Mary’s Nativity Church to the church cemetery. Her husband died several years ago. We also lost Theresa Kodrich, born July, 19, 1882, recommended by Josephine Kolenc. She was survived by four daughters and five sons. Her burial was from St. Joseph Church to St. Joseph cemetery. Mrs. Theresa Trishener lost her mother-in-law, Mrs. Yuvanc. To her and her husband, as well as to all who who have passed away recently in our branch, may they rest in peace — and our sympathy to the surviving families. ; | I Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mihelič from 915 Vine, who celebrated their COth wedding anniversary at St. Mary Nativity Church. We wish them many more years of health. Cards with best wishes for recovery were sent to Mrs. Barbara Gregorash, to Mrs. Lil Berge, and Mrs. Helen Pluth. Mrs. Antonia Struna returned to her home from the hospital. Sunday, November the 24th, was chosen for the combined ladies society church festival (card party). All ladies’ societies of St. Joseph Church are requested to cooperate and attend to help make it a success. Prizes will be appreciated, especially pillow cases, and please bring them along when coming to our meeting. On Oct. 6th, the Holy Rosary Society of our church held a pilgrimage to Belleville, 111. Many of our members attended this beautiful pilgrimage, dedicated to our Blessed Mother of Snow. The Lourdes Grotto was also well attended. It was a well worth two days spent at this beautiful shrine; a place of prayer and meditation. Our pastor, the Mon-signor M. J. Butala also joined the group where he held Holy Mass. With best wishes to all. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, III., BOWLING NEWS — As of Oct. 1st, we have three girls who shot the 500 series and two over 200 games. Gen Klainsek has high series of 528 and shot three 200 games, 200, 204, and 224 — nice bowling, Gen. Mary Gaspich has a 513 series, and Marge Wajchert 501. Jo Mlakar also has a 2)00 game but missed a 500 series by 3 pins. I’m sure by the next issue Jo will reach her 500 and over. Edna Grohar has picked up some nice splits — the 4-7-9 and 5-7; Marge Ra-chor, G-7-10; Millie Ellena, 3-7, and Agnes Lovati, 5-10. In first place: leading by eight games is Merichka’s Supreme President’s Message Dear Officers and Members, Pre-Convention Campaign is on and I am appealing to each and every one to get at least one new member; let us all try and exceed our last campaign which we enrolled 339 new members. It is very important that we do so, as our older members are leaving us very fast and we have to fill their places by getting new members. This is a very good campaign, so get busy for who knows, you might be the lucky one to receive the crown and title of Convention Queen (Plus) round trip to the convention city Chicago, 111. A very happy lady with a smiling expression on her face was in last month’s Zarja. This could be you at our Convention in May 1964. Cookbooks are now ready. With holidays here, they would be very nice to give as gifts. The new revised Cookbook, “Women Glory— The Kitchen” will be larger with many more new recipes and a short story on the holidays as it is spent in a Slovenian Home. Send in your order with check or money order to yauirs truly and the book will be mailed immediately. Month of December is very important for all the branches and members of our Zveza, for this is the time that your Officers shall be elected to take over the reins for year 1964. Officers are very important for every branch, for they are the ones who take the responsibility to guide you and take care of all the business that is involved for the coming year. Each and every member is asked to go and attend your branch meeting of the year. Congratulations on the 35th Anniversary of Br. 25 of Cleveland, Ohio, celebrated on September 29th, and Br. 17 of West Allis, Wis. on Oct. 6th! Pennsylvania State Convention was held at Strabane, Pa., on October 6th, with State President, Mary Tomsic, presiding. Meeting was very well-attended and the hall was filled to capacity at the banquet. Attending this day were buses from Cleveland, Ohio, Pittsburgh, Universal, Oakmont, Presto and Meadowlands, Pa. Birthday greetings to all November members and speedy recovery to all who are on the sick list. Thanksgiving Day will be observed on November 27th, and on this day we give our thanks for the health and abundance that we had cherished the past year. Have a very nice Thanksgiving! Toni Turek Restaurant; followed closely by Shep’s DX Service Station; Northwest Recreation Club, and American Slovenian Home with 7 games; and coming in strong is our new sponsor, Bluth Sausage with 6 games; Kraus Radio & TV, Papesh Funeral Home with 5 games, and Ellena Builders with 4 games. Thanks to Bernie Bluth for subbing for Therese Jurcic and Sophie Štiglic. We were awful sorry to hear of Sophie Stiglic’s daughter’s illness, and all of us would like to wish her a speedy recovery. Agnes Lovati, Sec’y. No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. We invite everyone to attend our December 4th meeting, especially those members who attend infrequently. Since it will be our yearly meeting, it will be necessary to make plans for the next year and to elect deserving officers. We want to adopt some new ideas, good suggestions, etc. We will be able to please more this way, and not only some. Maybe it will give new members a chance at some office. Here’s your opportunity. After the meeting, there will be our annual Christmas Party with a gift exchange. Members are requested to bring a gift for exchange in the value of $1. This is not compulsory; but, if you don’t bring anything, you don’t receive anything in return. Belated: Special thank-you to Mary Gustinic for donating a smocked pillow for our recent project. Please accept my apology for the error. Wedding bells for one of our members! Mrs. Carl Daly is the former Loretta Vidmar, daughter of Alice Vidmar and granddaughter of Mrs. Josephine Weiss. And, Yonne Marie Kane became the bride of Leonard Brodnik, grandson of Mrs. Cele Brodnik. To the newlyweds we exetnd our sincere congratulations! Deepest sympathy to Mrs. Dorothy Pelcic on the loss of her beloved son and to Mrs. Sophie Borek on the loss of a granddaughter. Reported on the sick list was Ann Kosak to whom we wish a speedy recovery. Same good wishes to all who are ill. I also urge you to please make all dues payments so that by the end of the year, the books will be in good order. Do hope to see you at the Christmas Party — it will be a nice one. Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 23, Ely, Minn. On behalf of our branch, we wish to thank hostess Branch No. 56, Hibbing, Minn., for the wonderful Minnesota Day celebration held there on September 8th. We chartered a bus and had 32 members attending. The ladies really enjoyed themselves and going home on the bus I don’t think they missed singing a single song, in English or Slovenian. As we arrived in Hibbing, coffee and . . . was served at the hall and the members were happy to meet one another from the different range cities. Then we all attended mass at 11 o’clock at their beautiful church, celebrant was Father Marin-cel. A short business meeting was held after mass with Barbara Rosan-dich, State President, presiding and our happy and friendly Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar of Chicago was the special guest. She gave us a report on plans for the national convention in May to be held in Chicago. After her encouragement, I believe there is enough for a chartered bus from Minnesota for this event. We were all happy to see her and meet her again. A banquet was served by the Hibbing ladies and it really was enjoyed by all. The entertainment was really something, especialy the junior tamburltzans and the singing by Olga Prašnik. Mrs. Theodore did a fine job as toastmistress. Next year we’ll be seeing you all in Biwabik, God willing! Our branch will be celebrating its 35th anniversary soon. Plans have been made for November, at the meeting. Hope to see you all there. Fraternally yours, Mary Shikonya, Reporter No. 24, La Salle, III. Just a brief reminder to all the members who owe for assessment to please come to the December meeting and pay up, because our treasury is gone and I cannot be paying for you with my money. Please do your duty! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Pet-kus and Mr. and Mrs. Whittington, who were blessed with new additions. Good health to the mothers and the babies! Mr. and Mrs. John Frankovich celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Sept. 21. May they live in health and happiness for many more years to come! Congratulations! We mourn the loss of another faithful member, Mary Yaklic. May her soul rest in peace. To the bereaved SUCCESS ATTENDED BR. 25 ANNIVERSARY family, we extend our sincere sympathy. Hope to see you all at our impoitant meeting in December. Angela Strukel, sec’y. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Our meeting in Sept. was opened with a prayer led by our president, Mrs. Trontel. It was good to see so many members attending this meeting of the season. At the Sept. session, we discussed plans for chartering a bus to Stra-bane for their State Day in October. After the meeting, we played games and then, cake and coffee was served. I hope the members had a delight !ul evening. Get-well wishes are sent to Mag-daline Widina who at present is at Shadyside hospital. Mrs. Widina had an accident and fractured her hip. As I mentioned in a previous report, she is the organizer of Br. 2G in Pittsburgh. Thanksgiving greetings to all our members and God bless you all! Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. Greetings to all our members! We officers would like to take this opportunity to inform all the members of Br. 27 that we are having a very special meeting on the first Sunday of December — Dec. 1, 1963. The meeting will begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon at the Pierce home, 1629 Ridge Ave., North Braddock, Pa. This is the first general meeting we have called in many years and we would appreciate it greatly, if you would all come. If any of you wish to come but have no means of transportation, please call 82E' 5479 or 823 6549 and we will try to have some one pick you up. Let’s all come and get together again. Light refreshments will be served and many things are to be discussed. We shall also have election of officers for 1964. Let’s see if we can put some life into our organization; come and let us see all those strange faces that haven’t been around in such a long time. Mary Stepheson, Pres. No. 28, Calumet, Mich. Our guest party held in Sept. was a huge success. It was wonderful to see so many present. In November, we will hold election of officers. A large attendance is desired. Our annual Christmas Party will take place on Wed. Dec. 11. Supper will be served at 6 o’clock followed by exchange of gifts. We have several side members — our best wishes to them for quick recoveries. We will continue to pray for them. Regards and good health to all the members of S. W. U. Anne Heinemann, Pres. N. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. We’ve just finished celebrating our 35th anniversary — it really was a tremendous success. It is the support of wonderful people like you that make affairs given by our organization to score and succeed. Branches from far and near attended, but especially to those who came by bus and accomodations could not be furnished — we humbly apologize. (Standing room only!) It seems we had an unexpected run of luck having so many help us celebrate with branch 25 on Sept. 29, 1963. One of these days in this column, I will write down all the names of the ladies that are forever helping out whenever necessary. At the drop of a hat, they’re there with donations or any form of assistance. Thanks to all the members who gave of their time at our banquet. The junior department of S. W. U. keeps busy also. Bowling, baton and No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. The meeting in Oct. was short and it may seem early, but we have our annual Christmas party to think about. We will exchange names again and gifts make everybody happy and we also have a nice party with birthdays included. For our juniors, we ask mothers who have members among their children and would like Santa Claus to bring them something to get in touch with us at KB 1-5478 so we know ahead of time if we should prepare drill teams are in progress. Another campaign is under way from Oct. 1st on; if anyone wishes to sign new members in they are welcome to join our organization and participate in current activities. In the next issue of Zarja, more exciting news will be written about the bazaar, which is being held Oct. 13, at St. Vitus Auditorium, by the combined branches. A wide variety of prizes and demonstrations, plus awards given to members who enter contests. It is nice to know and hear that the men folks enjoy reading these write-ups. Thanks, John P. Tony, H. and Prank T. A little remembrance in your prayers for a lovely little sick girl, Julie Telban. “Sweetest Heart of Jesus, Be My Salvation” — as you say this ejaculation, offer is up for her — our junior member. Thank you! Vicki Faletič this feature. It’s too much bother if the majority of members don’t wish it or support. So, call at least a week before the Dec. 3rd meeting to let us know if you think we should have Santa come to our meeting. You can always call your treasurer, Molly Gregorič at the above number and she will explain further. We hope to see all our members at the meeting, and to those who won’t be able to make it, we wish them a happy holiday season. May the Christ CALUMET MEMBERS MEET THE PRESIDENT CHARTER MEMBERS OF BR. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Supreme President, Antonia Turek visited the officers and members of Br. 28 this summer. Here she is with charter members, left to righ:: Mrs. Turek, Mrs. Ann Stanfel, Mrs. Katherine Kure, Mrs. Angeline Sekada and Mrs. Theresa Augustine. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mrs. Mary Kocjan is a past president of the Slovenian Women’s Union. She was president for 15 years when she resigned due to ill health. At that time her daughter, Ann Hei-neman, became president and has held the office for the past 12 years. Mrs. Kocjan will be 82 years of age in December. She has lour daughters and one son. Three daughters are members of Br. 28. She has five grand sons and nine great granchild-ren. Three grand daughters are also members. Mrs. Kocjan was very active in the Slovenian Women’s Union and also in other organizations in Calumet. Child be in our hearts all this time. In Sept., we lost another member, Katherine Turk. We sympathize with the family and offer our prayers for the repose of her soul. May she rest in peace. Mrs. Katherine Golinar lost her husband also very suddenly and what a great loss it is to her. May our prayers with hers, help him rest in peace. We are sorry to hear that Annie Chenchar’s husband is in the hospital. We send our wishes for good health to him. Also, Antonia Nemec is still on the sick list, may she and all the sick members we have, be better soon and up and around again. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Clasen on their new arrival, an addition to the family. Anna Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y No. 34, Soudan, Minn. First of all a-pologies from Branch 34 for not having any one at Zveza Day in Hibbing on Sunday, Sept. 8. Those of us who had planned to go found ourselves involved with other activities and couldn’t go to Hibbing. My husband and I, in company with my sister and her friend were on the second day of our trip — the Circle Tour of Lake Superior — on that day. We traveled 1800 miles, visiting such interesting places as Bishop Baraga Shrines in Minnesota and Michigan; also traveled into the upper peninsula of Mi- chigan and toured an abandoned copper mine, and visited Ft. Wilkens (built by the government to protect early settlers from the Indians), and watched the big ships come and go through the Soo Locks — a most in- teresting and fascinating experience. We made the trip in one week, during the early part of September, when the trees were in beautiful color and the scenery was breath-taking. I would recommend that trip — accommodations along the route are very good and one wakes up refreshed and ready to journey the next day. Rock-hounds would find this trip most interesting and worthwhile as there are miles of beautiful, accessible shorelines to pursue such a hobby; and I have specimens to prove it. Our first meeting of the Fall season was attended by many members who enjoyed a social hour after the meeting. Winners at cards were Mrs. Joseph Jamnick, Mrs. Louis Chiabotti, Mrs. Joseph Skala and Mrs. Mary Pa-hula. Mrs. John Pahula was awarded the attendance prize. The evening was concluded with a delicious luncheon served by the hostesses, Mrs. Anton Zollar and Mrs. Ernest Mustonen. Mrs. Victor Chiabotti and Mrs. Herman Mesojedec were named on the hostess committee for October. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. We had our first meeting in Sept. after three months vacation. Hoping that all of the members had a pleasant summer. First of all, I would like to thank the Hibbing branch for the wonderful time we had at their Minnesota Day. Congratulations on a job well done. Your food, entertainment and hospitality was tops! I always look forward to this day for it gives us a chance to meet so many members from all over and see their happy faces. Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, must also be thanked for her fine talk. The women were impressed by her description and talk on a future trip to Chicago for the convention and to Lemont, 111., during that time. It would be possible to attend. I’m sure, if we had enough interested members. A nice discussion was also held in regard to Zarja. Br. No. 39 was chosen as the hostess branch for the 1964 Minnesota Zveza Day. The date in September will be decided later. Make your plans during the year to come to Biwabik for Minnesota Day. We had plans made for our annual joint communion and breakfast to take place on Oct. 27th. Hope it will result in a nice memory for us all. This treat comes out of the general treasury. The hostesses for the Oct. meeting were Mae Globokar and Mary Berkness. In Sept. we had two lovely guests from Pa., namely, the former Ann Sherek and Ann Yidas. They had a nice time. We played games and then, were served a very nice lunch. Frances Anzelc took the kitty from the penny collection. Ann Kos-telez being on vacation, the presiding officer was vice-president, Mary Geržina. She did a very good job. Thanks girls and hope that everyone attends our next meeting. God bless you all and keep you and yours till we meet again. Get out and visit the sick and lonely. Angeline Karish, Reporter No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Well, it was nice seeing my picture in the Sept. issue of Zarja, along with my cousin. I hope next year more members from our branch will decide to go, not just talk about it. As I wrote in that issue, I said it was nice seeing Sister Cecila again; she has charge of the novices. I also mentioned the Sister who takes care of the garden and flowers. Sorry I don’t know her name, but, she gives me flower seeds and I do apppre-ciate it. Hope to see both of them again next year in Lemont. Helen Skoff, daughter of our secretary, is in Washington, D. C. working for the government. I don’t know too much about her position. I also have a cousin, Eda Webb living near Washington, at 4420 Aspen Hill Rd., Rockville, Maryland. Her husband is in the Coast Guard in Washington in the Photo Dept’ I’m sure she’ll be glad to meet someone from home, so if you read this Helen, call Leonard Webb at that address. By the time we get the Nov. Zarja it will almost be Thanksgiving. We will be having a meeting on Sunday, Nov. 10th at 2 p.m at 4309 California Ave. It was nice seeing Mary Grabyn and husband, Mike, sister-in-law of Theresa, our member, who are here from Long Beach, Calif. She belongs to the branch in California. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last year and had a picture and write-up in Zarja. They are staying with Mary Grabyn, our member also. Frank Yankovich is out of the hospital and doing fine. I am looking forward to going to Cleveland, Ohio at the end of October for the wedding of his daughter, Linda, who sings with Frank on some of his records. So, till Nov. 10th, be seeing you. Marie Thompson No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Now, back to work after a month’s vacation. Meeting was opened as usual by Rose Želodec, our president. She is doing a wonderful job and girls, let’s all show her our appreciation and cooperate with her all we can. Let her know we love her and are at her side. It isn’t easy for an officer to do her job as she wishes to, without the cooperation of all the members. We must all stick together to be good soldiers, o. k. girls? We surely had a large attendance and a lovely pot luck party. Oh, so much food — how could we resist and keep our weights down with such tempting food? We ate as if we were starved — sample this, sample that! And, oh, at last there’s everything eaten up! Our girls are all such good cooks and bakers! Frances Sietz and Frances Glavan returned from their European trips and are ready to be active again. Frances Sietz visited her son in Germany and it was a wonderful reunion. She won’t ever forget this trip. It was her dream and her dream came true. She never thought she would ever have the opportunity. She traveled under the auspices of S.W.U. We hope she will write some of her experiences in Zarja. We are proud of our branch and happy to know it came in second place in the last campaign with 38 new members. Theresa Komat won fourth place with 12 new members of her own. Thanks to her and also all our other hard-working members who lielped to make this possible. At the Sept. meeting, we also were excitedly planning a trip to Strabane, Pa., for Penna. State Day in Oct. We enjoy going out together and will report on this later. Oh! oh! leave it up to our gals! So many new ideas, that I can’t mention them all, but it’s for sure, we middle aged gals know lots of ideas and soon you’ll be hearing about them. Watch for our secret in next month’s report. I am very proud of all our members being so active and so cooperative. We had so much fun at the last meeting, that time was too short. Our lovely member, Ernestine Jevec is also a very active worker in spite of her work at home. She is the director of our Junior drill team strong and active. She is great. Bless her heart. We wish the husbands of Mamie Marin and Catherine Kodrich a speedy recovery and we also hope to see Cecelia Žnidaršič and Julia Horvat back after their long illness. Hope by now they are both o.k. Our hearty thanks to Ann Žnidaršič for her lovely work and beauti-tifully done it was, in making an af-ghan for our stand at the Oct. 13th bazaar. I envy her when she could do such wonderful work. We won’t forget you, Ann. We’ll have more to report on the bazaar later on. Oh, we must not forget our lovely Mary Kobe. Her mother is very ill and hospitalized. We extend a speedy recovery and get well wishes to her Mary has her hands full besides trying to keep up with her job and looking after her mother, to take care of her home and husband. We wish Mary lots of luck and may God bless her. I will finish for now — soon it will be winter and we hope it will be a mild one. Do take care of yourselves — and keep the colds away and keep healthy. Don’t forget to keep in touch with our wonderful seceretary. Make it easier for her and send in your dues. She will be grateful to you; she can’t be any nicer or more pleasant. That’s Marie Beck. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all. Mary Bostian, Reporter No. 55, Girard, Ohio. The September meeting opened with our annual covered dish dinner. It was well-attended, but could have been better if I did not have this sad news to report. Three of our members were hospitalized: Mrs. Mary Turk, Mrs. Jennie Leskovec and Mrs. Emma Zore. Also, Mrs. Katherine Ansek suffered from a fall and was unable to attend. Best wishes for a speedy recovery was sent to all. May God bless you all with good health in the future! We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mary Lukz and sons on the great loss they suffered with the passing of their beloved husband and father, Mr. Joseph Lukz. And, to Mrs. Katherine Ansek on the great loss of her beloved husband, Mr. John Ansek. May God give you folks the needed strength to carry on. Miss Beatrice Brayer presided at the business meeting. There will not be a bake sale as planned. But, each member will be assessed one dollar ($1.00) for tho year 1963. I wll appreciate it, if all paid up members will send their dollars as soon as possible. Thanks! After the meeting, we had a white elephant sale, which was a success. Games were enjoyed with prizes going to Mrs. Angie Bernard, Mrs. Mary Nigut and Mrs. Mary Ann Mehalco. The next meeting will be Nov. 14, 1962' at 7:30 p.m. It will be an important meeting. Election of officers will take place. Mrs. Jennie Selak, chairman and Mrs. Mary Turk, Mrs. Katherine Ansek, Mrs. Frances Serca and Miss Theresa Susnilc will assist her. Let’s have a good turn-out. So long till next month. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn.. Our regular monthly meeting was held Sept. 10th, at the Assumption Hall. The main topic of the evening was Minnesota Day, which was held in Hibbing the previous Sunday, Sept. 8th, and which is now just a pleasant memory. To begin with, the day was made to order; a beautiful sunny day, and it seemed the guest’s faces reflected the day, as they came in on buses, cars, etc., to check their tickets and have coffee before Mass at the Blessed Sacrament Church. After Mass, a short business meeting was held from which the women adjourned to the dining hall, where a delicious dinner was served which included chicken with all the trimmings, pohanje, potica and a piece of the beautiful 30th Anniversary cake which was made for the occasion. The program was very entertaining. The invited guests and speakers made their talks short and interesting. Mrs. Mary Theodore was the delightful toastmlstress. The welcome address was given by Mr. I. R. Golob, fellow Slovenian, who took the place of our mayor who was unable to attend. A few remarks were given by our President, Ann Satovich and Mrs. Joseph-in Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer. Our main speaker was our State Senator, R. G. Perpich, who shared his time with his guest, Senator N. Coleman of St. Paul. Entertainment was furnished by Olga Prosnik Fisher, who sang several selections including one about “The Ladies of the Zveza”. Her enchanting voice touched us all. .Tanle Draskovich, junior member, played several walzes and polkas on her accordion and the Junior Tamburitzans of Hibbing presented several selections. After joining our voices in community singing, Rev. Fr. Frank Marincel gave benediction and our friends departed. This was the end of a wonderful day. Our special thanks go out to the ladies who worked so diligently in publicity, kitchen, dining room, etc., to make this day a succcess. After our discussion of Minnesota Day came to close, minor business was attended to, lunch was served and prizes In games awarded to Ann Staudohar, Antonia Rapinac, Anne Satovich, Valeri Carlson, Frances Proznik and Amelia Domen. We would like to see more of our members turn out for the fall meeting before our long, cold winter sets in. Liz Draskovich, Reporter No. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. Our Oct. 6th meeting was well-attended and the committee as usual served a nice lunch and gave nice prizes. Our deepest sympathy to the Suder family on the loss of their mother, Mary Suder. May she rest in peace. The family was grateful for the nice turnout of members who prayed the rosaries at the funeral home. Mrs. Josephine Pintar is still on the sick list. Try to remember her with a card or visit. A trip to Pittsburgh to see the Slovenian Oktet concert is being planned. Most of the members are planning to attend. Our next meeting will be Nov. 5th. Hope to see you all there. God bless you. Ann Lounder, Reporter No. 66, Canon City, Colo. In your prayers for the poor souls, don’t forget our deceased members. We are happy to hear that Christine Konte’s grandsons are attending the Holy Cross Abbey school here. They live In Anchorage, Alaska. Arlene Busch with husband and baby, visited here with her parents, the Vincent Legans. Their home is in Iowa. Josephine Kursinick visited with daughter and family in Loveland, Colo. Frances Dremel, who has been on our sick list for quite some time, had the misfortune of falling and had to have stitches taken on her forehead. It could have been much more serious. Please, members! Notify me for any news of interest concerning our members. Extending our best wishes to all the members on our sick list and wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day! Cecile Adamic No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. It seems hardly possible that three months have passed by so quickly. No meetings were held during the summer months. When September came around, however, the meeting was poorly attended. September must have come so fast that the ladies forgot about the meeting. Even I, the reporter forgot. Our twelve ladies attended our Oct. meeting. We still would like to see more at our next meeting. We are going to plan on “Where to Go” for our Christmas Party. Our town of Bessemer celebrated its 50 anniversary in August. The ladies went all out to help make it a success. Some of the ladies even got their pictures in the Jubilee Book. Everyone wore old-fashioned clothes. Many went up in their attics to hunt for old clothes worn by their mothers 50 years ago. Boy, we younger ones sure found out that our mothers had a time keeping them clean, and it really was hot wearing all the tilings they did. But we all enjoyed it; the old pictures of the town, and most of all, the pictures of people who lived in Bessemer, but have long passed a-way. A parade summed things up and the St. Anthony’s Church float took first prize. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Cecile Hulina whose husband Tony passed away in April. Also to the family of Mrs. Katherine Germanovich and to the family of Mrs. Anna Ribarich who was one of our oldest members. A speedy recovery is sent to Mrs. Albina Bukovich, who is sick at home. We also send get-well wishes to our other shut-in friends. Our President is a great-grandmother again for the fifth time. Congratulations, again! See you all at our next meeting. Mary Percic, Reporter No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. — After an absence of two months, it seems good to attend the meetings again. Meeting was called to order on Sept. 15th with prayer. Minutes were read by Mrs. William Ulle. On our sick list we have Mrs. Edith Hrvatin. Hoping to see her up and around soon so that she may attend our meetings. Congratulations to Christine Mahne and John Ludwig on their recent marriage. And, the same to Stanley Modic on becoming editor of S.D.Z. He is the son of Mrs. Modic, our longtime members. Sunshine prize was given to Mrs. Julia Kramer. Everyone enjoyed the annual picnic held at Debevec’s Farm in Madison, Ohio. It is wonderful that so many members and their families attended. See you at the November meeting. Julia Grabelsek, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. First of all, I would like to tell you that our meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month, at 2 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Angela Bezlaj, 1st floor, 11433 Champlain Ave. Mrs. Zadnik has been ill, but we understand she is now greatly improved. We hope it won’t be long before she is attending our meetings again, as we miss her presence. Mrs. Bezlaj moved into her new a-partment, which is just downstairs of where she was before, and our September meeting there was a combination meeting and housewarming. We hope to see many more of you there in the months to come. Wilma Zagar Marie Prisland; L and * * * . * PUMPKIN PIE (Recipe by Supreme President Antonia Turek) You can serve this pie with or without whipped cream. It is an ideal dessert for your Thanksgiving dinner. 11/2 cups canned pumpkin % cup white sugar % cup brown sugar \/i cup milk % cup cream 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon ginger i/2 teaspooon nutmeg (mace may be substituted) 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons butter Cream sugars and butter. Add eggs and continue to cream until light and fluffy. Fold in pumpkin, spices, cream, and milk. Add vanilla. Pour into 8-inch unbaked crust and bake in oven about one hour at 350° F. to 375° F. Cranberry-Orange Relish Salad This is a simple salad to prepare. It’s tart flavor complements turkey as well as meat. This frozen relish is available the year around. To retain the tart flavor, one-half cup less water is used than usual with a package of jello. It can be served as a single mold or individual servings on lettuce leaves and for those who like a dressing, have on hand mayonnaise thinned with a little cream. 1 package of regular size orange jello. 1 and 1/2 cup water 1 package frozen Cranberry-Orange Relish (Indian Trail, excellent brand) Add 1 cup (8 oz.) boiling water to jello. Stir to dissolve completely. Add i/? cup cold water. Chill. When jello starts to thicken, mix in the package of thawed relish. Chill until set. Household Hints Instead of chopping with a knife, try kitchen shears to cut vegetables into small pieces. To get all that catsup from the bottle, add a tablespoon of wine and shake well. For better volume, an hour before you bake that cake, take the eggs and milk out of the refrigerator; if butter is to be used, it should come to room temperature along with the eggs and milk. It’s permissible to place your elbows on the table, but. not while you are eating. Our so-called typical American diet is a blending of many foods which reflect the countries of origin of our people. We are indebted to homelands all over the world for so many foods which have an accepted place in our menus through widespread use over the years. Now, due to improved communications, marketing method advances, and the current trend toward gourmet taste pleasure in everyday meals, an increasing number of European-originated favorite foods are still further enriching the already established food pattern. Americans traveling in foreign lands often bring home recipes which they have found interesting and delicious. Visiting Europe this summer, I too tasted a variety of foods; soups, especially appealed to me. Slovenian beef soup is served with homemade noodles, farina dumplings, or with "fried peas”. (These are not actual peas, but tiny bread balls in the form of peas fried to a crisp in butter.) Green pea soup of Switzerland calls for a small linked pair of sausages in each bowl. Austrian chicken soup has crisp thin bread sticks as an accompaniment. Garden vegetable soup in Italy Is served with fine grated cheese. The usual daily menu in the Hotel Palace at Portorož on the Slovenian Adriatic coast was as folows: First course: thinly sliced sausages or liver paste, fruit slices, tomato juice or soup. The main course offered a variety of four meats. One day, I selected a calf’s heart stuffed with finely sliced potatoes and bechamel sauce (a white sauce flavored with carrots, onions, seasoning, etc.), topped with grated cheese and baked in a casserole; cauliflower and fresh peas, tossed green salad with vinegar and oil dressing, home made bread; yogurt, torte or fresh fruit for dessert. Wine was served with every meal. This cuisine was enjoyed very much by my friends. EMBASSY ROW Mrs. Nikita Krushchev is still a rugged individualist. During the Krushchevs’ recent visit to Yugoslavia, President Tito’s wife sent her personal hairdresser to attend Mrs. K. The coiffeuse returned with this message; “Nina Petrovna says thank you very much, but she has combed her own hair for over 50 years and doesn’t intend to change now”. (Newsweek Magazine) New issue of the cookbook Woman’s Glory— The Kitchen will he out this month! sxxxxxxxxssxxxxsxxxxsxxsxx No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. — Our fall schedule opened with a lovely picnic at J. Turk’s back yard. Also, the birthday girls got their beautiful cards and hankies for the month of September. You must be present at the meeting the month of your birthday or no hanky! Hope you and you and you, will attend your birthday meeting and get yours! I got mine and it was very nice. Thank you! We all extend a warm welcome to our new member, Betty Adamovich, and hope she enjoys our get-togethers. On our sick list is Stella Kneazak who was in the hospital for three weeks but is home now and feeling better. Ann Butorac had an operation but is better. We all hope God continues to bless them with good health and any of our other members who may be ill as well. Rose Zbasnik was in a car accident. We wish to send our deepest sympathy to F. Kainic on the loss of her sister; to Mary Jane Boryczka on the loss of her mother and may their souls rest in peace. Four of our members went to the Br. 25 anniversary celebration and had a very nice time. They were F. Sklenicka, C. Eble, A. Walters and L. Epley. This note is at the bottom of the column, but it is the most important. Please pay up your dues — the year is coming to a close and the books will have to be balanced for 1963. You may not be in the branch any longer if you do not straighten this matter up immediately. Thank you. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. Twenty members were present at the Sept. meeting which was held at sister J. Deblock’s home in Riverton. Nine members attended the Minn. Zveza Day held at Hibbing on Sept. 8th — all reported having a wonderful time and they are looking forward to next year’s Zveza Day at Biwabik. Sorry to report the loss of two long time members. Sister Ann Ger-val passed away on Aug. 9th at the age of 79; she is survived by 4 sons and 4 daughters. Sister Evka Perpich passed away on Sept. 1st at the age of 72. She is survived by 3 sons and 5 daughters. They will be missed by all their friends and families. To the bereaved, we extend our deepest sympathy. Eternal rest grant unto them o Lord. Bessie Novak was welcomed as a new member. Glad to have you in our circle, Bessie. Mr. and Mrs. George Zauhor returned from their 3 month visit in Jugoslavija. They enjoyed the trip and had a wonderful time. To our hostess, many thanks for the delicious luncheon. The evening was enjoyed by everyone. Mary, we’re wishing you luck and happiness in your new home. To all sick members, speedy recovery. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Dear sisters! Well, here it is, fall! That means that Old Man Winter is on the way. We hope God will speed our sick members to rapid recoveries. Also, best wishes to all the members whom we haven’t seen for some time. Our next meting will be Dec. 3rd and we will have our Christmas party and gift exchange. Each member should bring a gift for this. Lunch will be served also. Please come out for an evening of fun. I would like to thank Mrs. Mary Bostian for coming out from Cleveland, Br. 50, to pay us a visit. We certainly enjoyed her short visit. Well, this is it for now. Happy anniversary and birthdays to all who have them this month and in December. God bless you all and keep you in the best of health. Yours truly, Anna Kastelic No. 95, So. Chicago, III. With a room full of members who attended our October meeting, to say the least, got a big kick out of the Taylor School mothers who entertained us with their many antics. Rigorously self-disciplined, these mothers make up their own material and as the result of it, all was frantic, hysterically organized confusion. After the program, everyone settled into her pleasant, comfortable chair for a social hour with refreshments donated by Evelyn Driscoll and yours truly. I just have to say thanks again to the following who contributed cash towards our treasury: Eva Cora, Kate Markulin, a full tray of delicious crullers on the Katherine Rajcic, Phyllis Perko and Ann Sorak ($3). My thanks to the unknown member who slipped in and left table. At this meeting, it was motioned and moved that we donate $25 to Sacred Heart parish for an ad commemorating the 50th anniversary of the parish. Get well wishes are extended to Andrijana Bandera, Manda Perkovicli and Johanna Malcich. Our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kompare, 9132 Constance Ave., who observed their 25th anniversary. God bless them and their family. We extend our profound condolences to Mary Kostec-ka and Matilda Stevens on the untimely deaths of their beloved husbands. May God bless the both of you in this, your hour of sorrow. Again, with unexpected suddeness, death has come among us. May Mazar, 9522 ESxchange Ave., has silently closed the door of life and departed from us, never again to return. She had served our branch with distinction and honor and deserves to be remembered with special gratitude. I know her passing will not only be a personal loss to her family, her death represents a great loss to our branch. The expression that has never left my mind speaks volumes: “You never lose what you love if you love what you lose.” I join with the officers and members and all the rest of Mary Mazar’s fine family in saying fondly, Farewell, Mary! It’s a great joy to salute the following November birthday celebrants: Doris Cuzella, Mary Duich, Anna Gre-po, Anna Jovanovich, Frances Mata-novich, Kate Musa, Helen Nowicki, Mary Perkovich, Heen Plantz, Mary Plesha, Katherine Satalic, Mary Si-munic, Fedelia Svalina, Ljuba Trgovac and Dorothy Worteska. I would like to keep in touch with all the members, so as space permits, I will record personal data. So far, most of the announcements refer to members who are now or have been active in our branch. This is only because we are in close contact with these members. Please help out by informing me of any of your personal data by attending our meetings. Last, but not least, Mary Perkovich was chosen to be our chairlady for the Christmas Party on Dec. 4th and her co-chairman are: Mary Nicksic and Matilda Svalina. May I urge each and everyone of you to try and attend our Nov. 6th meeting when we will have some turkey “business”. Thanksgiving Day is a time for counting your blessings. Good cheer and plenty, the love of your dear ones, the affection of friends, may all these contribute to a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Mildred James, Pres. No. 96, Universal, Pa. As is our custom, we opened our meeting with prayer. Many of our members were present which made me happy. We thank Mary Sacsalc for the nice lunch served. We had the usual games after the meeting, too. At this time, I must report that our Christmas meting will be at my home on Saturday, Dec. 14 at 6 p. m. Everyone please bring a $1 value exchange gift. No less please. We will have some games also. So, come early and when everything is over, we will have a surprise for everyone. We had a very nice trip to Strabane and thank the ladies for their fine hospitality. The lunch was delicious. Thanks to Mary Klemenčič for saying the rosary at the wake of Charles Fontana, my sister’s husband. Don’t forget, Sat. Dec. 14th at 6 p. m. at 2820 Reiter Rd., when you will have a big surprise in store! Get well wishes to all our sick members. Best wishes to all members of Br. 96. Pauline Kokal SVETA BRATA CIRIL IN METHOD Leta 863 pa je prišla prošnja moravskega kneza Rastislava na Carigrajskega cesarja Mihaela, naj pošlje misijonarjev med njegov narod. Grški cesar je ustregel njegovi želji. Poslal je sveta brata sv. Cirila in Metoda in to zaradi tega, ker sta znala slovanski jezik. Njihovo misijonsko delo je bilo zelo uspešno prav zaradi poznavanja jezika. Priljubljenost pri ljudeh pa jima je nakopalo zavist in jezo nemških duhovnikov. Posebno hud udarec je bil zanju, ker nemški škof v Passau-u ni hotel posvetiti njihovih kandidatov v duhovniški poklic. Da bi si zagotovila nemoteno delo med Moravani sta se podala v Rim in tam iskala zaščito pri papežu. S seboj sta vzela na poti v Rim ostanke sv. Klementa. Papež jih je zelo gostoljubno sprejel in z vsem razumevanjem poslušal njihove težave. Dal jima je dovoljenje za slovansko bogoslužje. Določil je celo, da se jih posveti v škofe. To se je tudi zgodilo. Škoda je bila le ta, da je Ciril kmalu na to v Rimu umrl. Metod sam se je podal nazaj v vinograd Gospodov med Moravani. Na prošnjo Panonskega kneza Koclja je postal metropolit v mestu Sirmiju, ki je današnji Srem v Jugoslaviji. Njegovo ozemlje je segalo tudi v Bulgarijo. Čeprav je sv. oče odobril slovansko bogoslužje, se mu nemška duhovščina upirala še naprej. Da, vrgli so ga celo v ječo. Še le na posredovanje papeža Janeza VIII so ga Nemci po dveh letih izpustili. Metod se je zopet podal v Rim, da izkaže svojo pravovernost. Ker mu je bila nekaj časa prepovedana raba slovanskega bogoslužja, je sedaj Metod papeža prepričal, o svojem pravilnem delu in mu je sv. oče slovansko bogoslužje zopet dovolil. Ko se je vrnil na Moravsko, se je njegovo življenje izčrpavalo v boju proti Nemcem. Nekateri zgodovinarji trdijo, da je prestavil večino sv. pisma na slovanski jezik. Sv. Cirila in Metoda imenujemo apostola Slovanov. Iznajdba pismenk ki sta jih sv. brata povzela po grški abecedi, je pomagala, da sta bogoslužne knjige rabila v slovanskem jeziku. Njihov bogoslužni jezik se danes uporabljajo tako Rusi kakor tudi Ukrajinci, Srbi in Bolgari. Borba svetih bratov še danes navdihuje tiste, ki hočejo služiti Bogu v svojem jeziku in ohraniti kulturne prodobitve svojih očetov in mater. Letos praznujemo 110 letnico delovanja sv. bratov Cirila in Metoda. Po rodu Grka sta se odločila za delo med Slovani. Njihov pomen za Slovane je tolikšen, da ne moremo in ne smemo prezreti. Sv. Ciril in Metod sta bila rojena v Solunu. Ciril je bil znan kot zelo učen mlad mož. Poslali so ga na univerzo v Carigrad. Zaradi svojega znanja si je pridobil naslov “filozofa”. Metod je bil poslan za governerja v neko slovansko provinco. Obema bratoma je bila dana prilika, da sta se naučila slovanskega jezika zaradi neposrednega stika z raznimi slovanskimi rodovi. Kot sposobna moža sta bila najprej poslana k Kozarom, da jih privedeta v katoliško vero. Po dveletnem delovanju sta se vrnila v svoj rojstni kraj in Metod je bil izbran za predstojnika nekega znamenitega samostana. KATERA BO KONVENČNA KRALJICA? PRE-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN Oct. 1963 to March 31, 1964! The title: Convention Queen of the 13th National S.W.U. Convention, May 17-20, 1964, PLUS, Round trip train fare to the Convention City, Chicago, III., and many special prizes! And finally, the respect of all our membership will be crowned with love! He an entrant in the contest and you, too, may become the S.W.TX. Convention Queen! Other prizes: Runnerup will bo the “Princess” — Cash awards: $1.00 for every Class B member; T>0 oil1 !J> 1. 79.50 160 44 78. 22.20 25 9 •> 195.05 358 161 79. 18.10 33 20 3. 144.00 291 165 SO. 19 4. 5.00 19 81. 8.20 25 5. 109 42 * S3. 12.00 24 5 6. 49.55 125 10 84. 34.00 09 6 7. 76.35 11? 148 85. 11.70 29 5 8. 103.00 61 1 & 86. 9.95 20 9. 43 4 88. 41.08 34 8 ID. 152.80 303 19 89. 42.80 98 58 12. 218 02 $ 90. 21.65 53 17 13. 52.20 119 21 91. 28.45 51 8 14. 141.80 321 20 92. 13.80 24 2 15. 118.70 255 29 93. 68 10. 142.10 139 80 94. 17 3 $ 17. 71.85 165 53 95. 103.25 177 43 IS. 2-4.45 56 2 96. 23.65 51 2 19. 60.95 112 43 97. 11.90 22 6 20. 179.60 434 129 99. 9.04 21 21. 85.90 93 52 100. 21.90 44 7 22. 23 $ 101. J0.40 49 18 23. 101.35 226 57 102. 28.50 23 'I # £'4. 98.50 175 81 104. 9.60 24 25. 385.45 787 261 105. 8.35 17 5 2(i. 47.20 112 12 100. 2-0 1 27. 28. 69 S2 6 0 $4,042.31 9005 2650 29. 13.25 ?3 7 $ paid in June; * paid in May; & paid 30. 52.15 21 $ for May, June July, August; @ paid 31. 106 40 for July and August; c/r paid for April; 32. 56.94 112 31 # paid for July, August and Septem- 33. 69.60 135 73 ber. 34. 20.00 43 7 Income in July — Dohodki: 35. 40.65 79 41 37. 9.50 28 5 Assessment trom members $4,042.31 38. 00.45 155 2 Rental income in July 155.00 24.85 60 23 Interest — obresti 890.85 40. 11.50 90 6 41. 84.00 213 37 Total — skupaj $5,088.10 12. 22.70 49 Disbursements — Stroški: 43. 53.20 112 04 Mary Zore, br. 1, Sheboygan $100.00 45. 14.40 52 7 Agnes Racuba, br. 7, Forest City 100.00 40. 31 r, Rose Turk, br. 10, Cleveland 100.00 17. 50.10 109 26 Mary Rangus, br. 12 Milwaukee 100.00 IS. 4.30 13 3 Anna Morel, br. 18, Cleveland 100.00 49. 38.45 37 @ A. Gregorich, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 50. 7.80 131 70 Mary Stark, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 51 17 A. Amigoni, br. 25, Cleveland, 100.00 52. 26.S0 54 16 Ursula Ivnik, br. 41, Cleveland 100.00 r»3. 17.60 37 8 Matilda Sabljak, br. 95, Chicago 100.00 54. 37.80 71 00 Zarja — The Dawn, July, 55. 68.10 78 9 16-page 962.94 50. 48.55 112 19 Salaries and administration 955.00 57. 39.25 75 38 Rent for Home office .... 75.00 59. 34 9 Director of Internal Revenue 419.04 01. 13 Postage, telephone, sundries 122.80 02. 17.10 35 1 03. 65.30 123 04 Total — skupaj $3,534.84 0 1. 20.55 57 2 % 05. 29.55 65 25 Balance June, 1963 $486,575.54 «0. 26.05 52 18 Income in July, 1963 5,088.16 07. 81 29 68. 21.55 41 4 $491,663.70 70. 14 o * Disbursements in July 3,534.84 71. 47.45 104 21 72. 13.05 33 5 Balance July, 1903 $488,128.86 73. 48.90 104 49 Albina Novak, Secretary Pre-Convention Membership Campaign Oct. 1, 1963 till March 31, 1964 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois R.GRDIHHS SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 59 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio We have a home U fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFHAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Velika množica Ameriških Slovencev bo obiskala prelepo Slovenijo v letu 1961. Potovali je najbolj prijetno v domači družbi. Najboljše boste potovali v skupinah, katere organizira najstarejša slovenska potniška pisarna: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC., Odhodi z letalom JET: June 15, June 22, June 27, July 18 skupino vodi A. Kollander Odhodi z ladjo “Queen Mary,” 27. maja; “S. S. France”, 28. maja; skupino z ladjo “Leonardo Da Vinci , 19. maja, vodi Mr. Anton Schubel, dirigent Glasbene Matice, izlet za prijatelje Glasbene Matice. Člani slovenskih organizacij kateri potujejo v skupini imajo popust. Povratna vožnja New York-Zagreb z jet letalom, $104.00 Za informacije in rezervacije pišite na urad AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio Phone HE 1-4148