ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2015 Vol. 23, št. 2: 117-134 THE DISTRIBUTION OF CRYPHIA OCHSIBOURSIN, 1940 AND CRYPHIA ALGAE (FABRICIUS, 1775) (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) IN SLOVENIA AND CROATIA Stanislav Gomboc1, Toni Koren2 1 EGEA, Institution for Nature, Šiškovo naselje 19, SI - 4000 Kranj, 2 Croatian Herpetological Society - Hyla, I. Lipovac 7, 10 000 Zagreb, Abstract - The distribution of the C. algae/ochsi species complex in Slovenia and Croatia was never a target of any systematic survey. Until now, C. ochsi was known only from the Krk island, Croatia, while no records from Slovenia or other parts of Croatia existed. We carried out a study of these two species in Slovenia and Croatia, based exclusively on the examination of the male and female genitalia to gain an insight into the distribution, phenology and altitudinal range of these two species. The results show that C. ochsi is present mostly in the coastal, generally Mediterranean and Sub-Mediterranean areas of Slovenia and Croatia. On the other hand, C. algae is a widely distributed species, present in most parts of both countries, but is less frequent in the Mediterranean region. C. ochsi is new to Slovenian Lepidoptera fauna. Both species prefer the lower altitudes, i.e. C. ochsi occurs mostly below 200 m a.s.l. The flight periods of both species range from June to end of September, in a single, long generation. The peak in their activity is in July and August, with some outstanding findings in April and October. Key words: Cryphia ochsi, Cryphia algae, Noctuidae, Northern Adriatic fauna, phaenology, vertical distribution, new records, genital structure Izvleček - RAZŠIRJENOST VRST CRYPHIA OCHSI BOURSIN, 1940 IN CRYPHIA ALGAE (FABRICIUS, 1775) (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) V SLOVENIJI IN NA HRVAŠKEM Razširjenost kompleksa vrst C. algae/ochsi v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem doslej ni bil predmet sistematičnih študij. Vrsta C. ochsi je bila znana le iz Hrvaške, z otoka Krka, za ostale dele Hrvaške in Slovenije pa ni bilo znanih podatkov. V prispevku 117 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 predstavljamo pregled novih podatkov za Slovenijo in Hrvaško, preverjenih na podlagi preiskav struktur spolnih organov samčkov in samic. Podajamo tudi nove podatke o razširjenosti, fenologiji in višinski razširjenosti vrst. Vrsta C. ochsi je razširjena v glavnem ob obali, predvsem v mediteranskem in submediteranskem delu Slovenije in Hrvaške. Vrsta C. algae je širše razširjena, pogosta predvsem v celinskem delu obeh držav in manj pogosta v sredozemskem območju. C. ochsi je nova vrsta za slovensko favno metuljev. obe vrsti se pojavljata na nižjih nadmorskih višinah, C. ochsi pretežno pod 200 m nadmorske višine. Sezoni aktivnosti metuljev obeh vrst sta v času od junija do septembra v eni raztegnjeni generaciji, z največjo številčnostjo v juliju in avgustu in nekaj izstopajočimi podatki v aprilu in oktobru. Ključne besede: Cryphia ochsi, Cryphia algae, Noctuidae, severni Jadran, favna, sovke, fenologija, višinska razširjenost, nove najdbe, strukture genitalij Introduction The Bryophilinae is a predominantly Holarctic Noctuidae subfamily, with about 150 species present in the Palaearctic region and 36 species occurring in Europe (Fibiger et al. 2009; Witt & Ronkay 2013). The members of this subfamily are small to medium-sized noctuids, usually of conspicuous colour, mimicking mosses and lichens, on which their larvae feed. Due to their similar appearance, the identification based solely on their external morphology can be difficult and imprecise (Fibiger et al. 2009). Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 is a small noctuid species, belonging to the Cryphia algae Fabricius, 1775 species complex. There are four externally very similar species of this complex occurring in Europe which are easily distinguishable by the differences in the genitalia, which are prominent and diagnostic in both sexes (Fibiger et al. 2009). As C. ochsi was described rather late, only in the middle of the 20th century (Boursin 1940), all historical records of C. algae prior to that time are open to doubt as they could refer to C. ochsi. C. ochsi is distributed in the Mediterranean area of Europe, eastern Turkey and Iran (Fibiger et al. 2009); a record is known, however, from central Europe (Switzerland, rezbanyai^eser 1990), showing the need of a thorough survey to clarify the distribution of this species (Patočka & Turčani 2009). According to the known distribution, C. ochsi is a xerothermophilic species preferring the Mediterranean area, while C. algae is more widely distributed, ranging from the mediterranean to the northern part of Europe. The revision of the literature data of both species is needed, especially in the areas where they (may) occur sympatrically. our main goal was to gain an insight into the distribution, phaenology and vertical distribution of C. ochsi in the eastern Adriatic shoreline, in Slovenia and croatia. Material and methods Specimens from the C. algae/ochsi species complex were collected during the last 20 years by S. Gomboc, and during the last several years by T. Koren. All individuals 118 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) of both species were collected in Slovenia and Croatia wherever they were found (Appendix I). To attract specimens, pyramid-shaped tents with two UV tube-shaped superactinic Philips TLD 05/15 W bulbs, powered with lead-acid batteries were used. After collecting, specimens were set and placed into the authors' collections. In order to their correct identification, the abdomen of each collected specimen was removed and boiled in 10% KOH. After that, the genitals were removed from the abdomen, cleaned and placed into lactic acid for five minutes and, after then, in pure ethanol for five minutes. Later they were stored in microvials filled with glycerol or fixed in Euparal. For the identification of specimens we used the illustrations and diagnoses of Fibiger et al. (2009). Dates used in the text follow the format: day.month.year. Results In total, more than 300 specimens belonging to the C.algae/ochsi species complex were collected throughout Slovenia and Croatia. After the examination of the genitalia, 239 specimens were identified as C. algae, and 61 as C. ochsi. The distribution of C. ochsi is limited to the Mediterranean and Sub-Mediterranean parts of both Slovenia and Croatia, while C. algae is present in all other regions of both countries (Fig. 1). A clear lack of data in inland Croatia is still visible on the map 119 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 as this gap is supposedly a result of unsystematic data collecting. The altitudinal distribution of C. algae ranged from 0 to 1100 m a.s.l., with most of the records occurring below 500 m a.s.l., with one record on 1680 m a.s.l. in the Julian Alps, on Planina Krstenica. C. ochsi was recorded at altitudes from 0 to 841 m a.s.l., on Mt. Dinara. Most of the records are from altitudes below 200 m (Fig.2). According to studied data, the flight period of C. algae ranges from the beginning of June to the beginning of September, with the peak in activity from mid of July to the end of August, with outstanding records in April and october. Flight period of C. ochsi ranges from mid-June to mid-September, with the peak of activities in July and one outstanding record also in october. Discussion Even in the most recent publication dealing with the genus Cryphia in Europe, the distribution of C. ochsi in the Northern Balkans was not clearly defined. A clear gap existed between Slovenia and montenegro, and its known range did not include either Slovenia or croatia (Fibiger et al. 2009). In general, not many published records exist for this species from the balkans. In Serbia, C. ochsi is known from the central-west 1600 - 1700 m , 1100 - 1200 m 1000 - 1100 m 500 - 1000 m 800 - 900 m <11 ■n 700 - 800 m ¿S 600 - 700 m < 500 - 600 m 400 - 500 m 300 - 400 m 200 - 300 m 100 - 200 m O- 100 m O 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 Number of records Fig. 2. Altitudinal range of C. ochsi and C. algae in Slovenia and croatia. 120 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) 35 "E O y Ï! 20 XI E 3 1.1. J L 1 l.lll I C. algae I C. ochsi I 1.1 W V fc- W A ^VV n> ? ^ iT v ^ V1' ^ Jgr Jj?" ^ V" v" Dates Fig. 3. The flight period of C. ochsi and C. a/gae in Slovenia and Croatia. and east Serbia (Stojanovic & Curcic 2011), in the Republic of Macedonia it occurs in central and western parts of the country (Kasy 1961, Thurner 1964), in Romania in the southern Dobrogea region (Rakosy 1996), it is also present in Greece (Hacker 1989) and Bulgaria. Regarding the neighbouring countries, no data are known from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Lelo 2004) or Montenegro. Our records of C. ochsi from Slovenia represent the first records for the country, as no literature records are available. The species is known from croatia by a few records. A single male specimen from Croatia (without exact locality) was used by Patocka & Turcani (2009) to describe its pupa. The only records with exact data originate from the island Krk, where Habeler (2008) recorded it on five localities; no further records of this species were found for the country. Our newly collected data closed the distribution gap that existed along the Adriatic coastline (Fibiger et al. 2009), and showed that C. ochsi is present from the coastline of Slovenia, throughout peninsular Istria, the Kvarner islands of Cres, Losinj and Krk, towards northern Dalmatia and south Dalmatia including the islands of Brac, Korcula, Vis, the Neretva river delta, across the whole Konavle region, down to the border with Montenegro. While C. ochsi is present mainly in the Mediterranean region, C. a/gae is distributed in all regions of both countries. As it seems, the contact zone of these two species is still incompletely known. While most records from the coastline and the islands belong to C. ochsi, several specimens of C. a/gae were also recorded from the same area. The two species occur here sympatrically, rendering the identification based solely on the geographic location unreliable. Both species prefer lower altitudes, with only occasional records from the higher altitudes. 121 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 Cryphia ochsi Cryphia algae Fig. 4. Specimens of C. ochsi and C. algae: A - C. ochsi, male, Croatia, Krk island, Konobe camp near Punat, 16.6.2001, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 320. B - C. ochsi, female, Slovenia, Slovensko primorje, Osp, cave depression, Osapska jama, 23.8.1999, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 322. C - C. ochsi, male, Greece, Epiros, Plataria near Igoumenitsa, 5.7.2000, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 318. D - C. ochsi, female, Slovenia, Primorska, Podgorski kras, Movraž near Hrastovlje, 2.9.2006, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 323. E - C. ochsi, female, Slovenia, Slovensko primorje, Osp, cave depression, Osapska jama, 23.8.1999, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 326. F - C. ochsi, male, Slovenia, Slovensko primorje, Osp, cave depression, Osapska jama, 23.8.1999, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 324. G - C. algae, male, Slovenia, Primorska, Skalnica near Nova Gorica, Sv. Gora, 4.8.2001, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 321. H - C. algae, female, Slovenia, Celjska kotlina, Lom near Topolščica, 31.8.2002, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 319. I - C. algae, female, Slovenia, Primorska, Podgorski kras, Movraž near Hrastovlje, 2.9.2006, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 329. J - C. algae, male,Primorska, Slovensko primorje, Sečoveljske soline, Fontanigge, old saline's with halophytes, 4.9.2010, Gomboc S. leg. K - C. algae, male, Slovenia, Primorska, Skalnica near Nova Gorica, Sv. Gora, 4.8.2001, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 328. L - C. algae, male, Slovenia, Prekmurje, Gančani, 15.6.2007, Gomboc S. leg. In the butterfly fauna of the Adriatic islands, there is a clear differentiation between coastal species, and species inhabiting both the islands and the coastline, which are usually more common and widely distributed (Withrington & Verovnik 2008). This 122 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) Cry phi o algae k \ 4 K t fj' Cryphia ochsi Fig. 5. Male and female genitalia of C. algae and C. ochsi: A - C. algae, male with everted vesica, Slovenia, Primorska, Skalnica near Nova Gorica, Sv. Gora, 4.8.2001, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 321. B - C. algae, female, Slovenia, Celjska kotlina, Lom near Topolscica, 31.8.2002, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 313. C - C. ochsi, male with everted vesica, Greece, Plataria near Igoumenitsa, 5.7.2000, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 318. D - C. ochsi, female, Slovenia, Slovensko primotje, Osp, cave depression, Osapska jama, 23.8.1999, Gomboc S. leg., Euparal slide nr. 322. may indicate that C. ochsi can be regarded as a common species, and many new records are to be expected from other islands, as well as from the coastline. While most of our records originate from the islands and the coastline, we have several records from the inner part of Istria and Dalmatia, which indicates that this species could be present in other warmer parts of the country. Especially interesting is the record from the Dinara Mt., where C. algae and C. ochsi were recorded sympatrically. Accordingly, records of C. ochsi from Bosnia and Herzegovina are also to be expected, as the locality on Mt. Dinara is located only a few kilometres from the Bosnia and Herzegovina border. Also, this species will probably be recorded in the coastal part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the vicinity of Neum. 123 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 Our records on the phaenology of C. ochsi somewhat widened the known flight period of this species, from July-September (Fibiger 2009) to June-October. The records from April and October of C. algae/ochsi can be regarded as unusual deviation from the main flight period. To gain a more complete knowledge on the distribution of C. ochsi in the Balkans, additional surveys of the inner parts of Croatia, as well as other Balkan countries, are needed and recommended. Acknowledgments The first author would like to thank all our lepidopterist colleagues from Slovenia and neighbouring countries, who contributed with their suggestions and discussions to this paper, especially to Dr. Laszlo Ronkay from Budapest, Mojmir Lasan from Ljubljana, Dr. Carlo Morandini from Udine. We also thank the collectors who contributed their material for this study. A part of the study of the revision of some noctuid species of the first author was also supported by the SYNTHESYS EU project Grant No. HU-TAF-1453. A part of the field study of the second author was supported within the EU Natura 2000 Integration Project. References Boursin, C., 1940: Contributions à l'Étude des « Agrotidae-Trifinae » XXIX. 1° Note sur deux Bryophila nouvelles pour la faune française, avec description d'une espèce nouvelle. Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon 9(7-10): 109113. Burgermeister, F., 1964: Makrolepidopteren aus dem Raume Dubrovnik (Süddalmatien, FVR Jugoslavien). Zeitschrift der Wiener Entomologischen Gesellschaft 49: 137-152. Fibiger, M., Ronkay, L., Steiner, A. & Zilli, A., 2009: Pantheinae - Bryophilinae. Noctuidae Europaeae 11. Entomological Press, Sor0: 1-504. Habeler H., 2008[2003]: Die Schmetterlinge der Adria-Insel Krk - Eine ökofaunistische Studie. Esperiana - Buchreihe zur Entomologie: 1-221. Hacker, H., 1989: Die Noctuidae Griechenlands. Mit einer Übersicht über die Fauna des Balkanraumes (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Herbipoliana 2: 1-589. Kasy, F., 1961: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Micro- und Macroheteroceren-Fauna Westmazedoniens. Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft österreichischen Entomologen 13(3): 65-82. Lelo, S., 2004: Revizija Rebelovog popisa leptira Bosne i Hercegovine. Coronas d.o.o., Sarajevo: 1-295. Patocka, J. & Turcani, M., 2009: Contribution to the knowledge of pupae of the Western Palaearctic erebids (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Herminiinae) and noctuids (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Acronictinae and Bryophilinae). Biologia 64(1): 143150. 124 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) Rakosy, L., 1996: Die Noctuiden Rumäniens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums, Linz, Stapfia 46: 1-648. Rezbanyai-Reser, L., 1990: Cryphia (Euthales) algae FABRICIUS, 1775, pallida BETHUNE-BAKER, 1894 und ochsi BOURSIN, 1941, ihre Genitalmorphologie sowie Phänologie und ihr Vorkommen in der Schweiz (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Nota lepidopterologica 12(4): 303-318. Stojanovic, D.V. & Curcic, S.B., 2011: The diversity of noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Serbia. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 63(1): 47-60. Thurner, J., 1964: Die Lepidopterenfauna Jugoslavisch Mazedoniens. 1. Rhopalocera, Grypocera und Noctuidae. Prirodonaucen muzej Skopje, Posebno izdanie Nr. 1: 1-159. Withrington, D. & Verovnik, R., 2008: Butterflies (Rhopalocera) of the Croatian islands. Entomologist's Gazette 59: 3-25. Witt, T. & Ronkay, L. (Ed.), 2012: Lymantriinae - Arctiinae, including Phylogeny and Check List of the Quadrifid Noctuoidea of Europe. Noctuidae Europaeae 13. Entomological Press Sor0: 1-448. Received/Prejeto: 29. 10. 2015 125 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 Appendix I. Records of C. ochsi and C. algae used in this study. Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altitude Cryphia algae HR: Baranja, Podolje - Branjina, hill 25.08.2012 KT 45.80977 18.698926 198 HR: Brezovac valley, Mount Dinara 04.08.2012 KT 44.10471 16.345163 1027 HR: Dalmatia, Vis island, Komiža 17.7.2015 GS 43.01638 16.009693 255 surroundings, Podhumlje, maquis HR: Dinara, Kruškovac, 05.08.2015 KT 43.81327 16.692615 841 Kodžomanove staje HR: Dugi Otok, Kruševo Polje 02.07.2014 KT 43.93285 15.160478 39 HR: Hrvatsko Zagorje, 07.07.2012 KT 46.09811 16.157557 248 Klimen village HR: Istra, Livade, 500m S 14.08.2012 KT 45.35038 13.830685 19 from the village HR: Istra, Motovun, inside the village 10.09.2011 KT 45.33601 13.827880 253 HR: Istra, Pazin, Drazej 18.07.2008 KT 45.23463 13.944495 316 HR: Istra, Ponte Porton, 2 km E 05.06.2012 KT 45.35092 13.777430 21 of the village HR: Istra, Ponte Porton, 500 m E 17.04.2013 KT 45.35224 13.774108 9 from the village HR: Istra, Premantura near Pula, 31.7.2015 GS, KT 44.7934 13.9075762 17 Kamenjak, near the pond HR: Istra, Trombal, 1.5 km NE 20.06.2012 KT 45.34623 13.801922 10 of the village HR: Istra, Valica village 02.06.2011 KT 45.4701 13.573231 99 HR: Istra, Valice-Krti, forest path 06.06.2012, KT 45.33685 13.910153 25 near the village 17.08.2012 HR: Ivanščica, vojni poligon na vrhu 10.08.2015 KT 46.17927 16.130032 1020 HR: Krapinsko-Zagorska županija, 4.7.2015 GS, KT 46.22663 15.892777 400 Durmanec, Gornje Jesenje, Lužani Zagorski HR: Krapinsko-zagorska županija, 2.8.2014 GS, KT 46.15702 16.063817 296 Ivanščica, Lobor, stone-pit HR: Krapinsko-zagorska županija, 2.8.2014, GS 46.18014 16.124256 1015 Ivanščica, peak of Ivanščica 30.8.2014, 24.7.2015 HR: Krapinsko-zagorska županija, 3.7.2015, GS, KT 46.06173 15.711178 295 Klanjec, Risvica, 25.7.2015 Sv. Marija Risvica church HR: Krapinsko-Zagorska županija, 20.7.2014, GS, KT 46.17689 15.939217 490 Strahinjščica, Radoboj, Sv. Jakov, 29.8.2014, Plat, xeroterm meadows 9.9.2014 HR: Krapinsko-zagorska zupanija, 23.7.2015 GS, KT 46.1704 15.900504 390 Strahinjscica, Strahinje Radobojsko, south part HR: Krapinsko-zagorska zupanija, 20.7.2014, GS, KT 46.17638 15.910485 356 Strahinjscica, Strahinje 3.8.2014 Radobojsko, thermophile forest on south slope HR: Krk island, Cizici-Rudine 20.8.2001 GS 45.17019 14.605460 1 126 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altitude HR: Krk island, Doline under Hlam 17.6.2001 GS 45.02546 14.695897 200 HR: Krk island, Mali Hlam, 18.8.2001, GS 45.02953 14.704049 400 path to the sheep pastures 24.8.2001 HR: Lika, Kaštel Žegarski 03.07.2010 KT 44.16211 15.861761 58 village surroundings HR: Slavonija, Papuk, Vranduk 09.06.2012, KT 45.46574 17.652506 297 24.08.2012 HR: Velebit, Visočica, Jadrina Poljana 12.08.2015 KT 44.43816 15.353560 1185 SI: Benečija, Goriška brda, 4.8.2001 GS 46.00584 13.646981 500 Skalnica N.G., peak SI: Celjska kotlina z okolico, 3.7.2002, GS 46.30321 15.128203 440 Kale near Šempeter 14.7.2002, 19.7.2002, 21.7.2002, 26.7.2002 SI: Celjska kotlina z okolico, 12.7.2002, GS 46.35638 15.156330 480 Lipje near Velenje 14.7.2002, 19.7.2002, 21.7.2002, 24.7.2002, 29.7.2002, 1.8.2002, 2.8.2002, 4.8.2002, 6.8.2002, 8.8.2002, 10.8.2002, 19.8.2002, 21.8.2002, 22.8.2002, 23.8.2002, 24.8.2002, 28.8.2002 SI: Celjska kotlina z okolico, 9.7.2002, GS 46.40646 15.008060 580 Lom near Topolščica 28.7.2002, 5.8.2002, 14.8.2002, 31.8.2002, 21.8.2002, 26.7.2002 SI: Dolenjska, Gorjanci, 19.7.2006 GS 45.8493 15.558979 388 Kamence (Brežice) SI: Dolenjska, Žadovinek pri Krškem, 5.9.2014 GS 45.93084 15.490580 155 dry meadows at Sava river SI: Gorenjska, Jeseniška planina, 18.8.2011 GS 46.45428 14.091400 978 Javorniški Rovt SI: Gorenjska, Kamniško- 16.8.2006 GS 46.27742 14.570661 720 Savinjske Alpe, Kamniški vrh, Slevo 127 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altiti SI: Goričko, Bukovnica 22.7.1994, 22.7.1994 GS 46.68705 16.327859 200 SI: Gorjanci, Novomeška dolina, 2.8.2003, GS 45.83672 15.191105 350 Trška gora near Novo mesto 18.7.2003, 31.7.2003 SI: Julijske Alpe, Stara Fužina, 26.7.2013 GS 46.32501 13.850636 1658 Planina Krstenica SI: Krško hribovje, Ajdovska cave 17.6.1999 GS 45.94863 15.424480 450 near N. vas SI: Krško hribovje, Podsreda, Oslica, 25.8.2005 GS 46.06246 15.496475 650 dry grasslands SI: Krško hribovje, Sremič, 12.8.2003 GS 45.97384 15.494521 400 vinogradi, Krško SI: Krško hribovje, Vetrnik, 9.8.2003 GS 46.05812 15.551493 650 Kozjansko SI: Krško hribovje, 19.7.2004 GS 45.84724 15.451760 300 Zavode pri Kostanjevici SI: Ljubljanska kotlina, Gajniče, 2.8.2012 GS 45.97343 14.595793 302 wet meadows SI: Ljubljanska kotlina, 29.7.2006, GS 46.23828 14.345612 380 Kranj, Stražišče 8.8.2006, 25.7.2008, 3.8.2008, 4.8.2008, 4.9.2008, 2.8.2009, 18.8.2009, 18.8.2004, 27.8.2004 SI: Ljubljanska kotlina, Ljubljana, 27.7.2006 GS 46.05058 14.469832 297 Vič, Biotechnical Faculty SI: Ljubljanska kotlina, 19.7.2004 GS 46.24239 14.302732 830 Sv. Jošt near Kranj SI: Notranjska, Cerkniško jezero, 16.8.2009 GS 45.77207 14.354313 549 Dolenje Jezero SI: Notranjska, Cerkniško jezero, 29.7.2009 GS 45.72392 14.412576 548 Gorenje Jezero, wet grasslands SI: Notranjska, Cerkniško jezero, 2.9.2009 GS 45.74025 14.368572 552 Otok (Cerknica), Otočec SI: Notranjska, Cerkniško jezero, 12.8.2008, GS 45.74117 14.37734 548 Otok (Cerknica), Otoški grič 22.8.2008 SI: Notranjska, Cerkniško jezero, 18.7.2007 GS 45.72653 14.384092 550 Otok (Cerknica), Tresenec SI: Notranjska, Hrušica, 30.7.2005, GS 45.79377 14.018947 782 Nanos, Strmec 16.7.2014 SI: Notranjska, Menišija, Begunje 26.8.2009 GS 45.82083 14.359683 625 pri Cerknici, Ruparjev vikend SI: Notranjska, Menišija, Bezuljak, 23.7.2007, GS 45.84174 14.354577 606 Senožeti 14.7.2009 128 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altitude SI: Notranjska, Menišija, Dobec 5.9.2008, GS 45.85165 14.358260 677 21.8.2009 SI: Notranjska, Menišija, 31.7.2008 GS 45.86755 14.339398 591 Padež (Vrhnika), Brejnice SI: Notranjska, Menišija, Rakek, 28.7.2008, GS 45.82829 14.320843 660 Rjava luža 18.8.2008 SI: Notranjska, Rakov Škocjan, 6.8.2009 GS 45.79515 14.287733 550 Naravni most SI: Notranjska, Slivnica, Cerknica, 24.7.2008 GS 45.79107 14.410251 1097 Velika Slivnica, peak SI: Notranjska, Slivnica, Grahovo, 16.8.2007 GS 45.77981 14.430556 628 Strmec SI: Notranjska, Suha krajina, 1.7.2008 GS 45.79237 14.291091 517 Rakov Škocjan, Rak SI: Podgorski Kras, Brkini, 11.7.2011, GS 45.54299 13.917032 500 Debeli hrib pri Podgorju, 14.7.2012 south slope SI: Podgorski Kras, Brkini, Prešnica, 17.7.1996, GS 45.56523 13.938485 460 grasslands with shrubs 2.7.2002 SI: Podgorski Kras, Brkini, 23.8.2012, GS 45.66477 13.993329 424 Škocjan pri Divači, 31.7.2013, Škocjanske jame, cemetery 29.7.2015 SI: Pohorje, Hmeljišče, 25.7.2001, GS, VD 46.61362 15.211393 370 Radlje at Drava river 8.8.2004 SI: Pohorje, Smrečno, Kolonija 13.8.2000, GS 46.44505 15.514186 800 9.8.2001 SI: Prekmurje, Dobrovnik 28.7.2001, GS 46.64606 16.322334 174 9.6.2000, 21.7.2004, 14.7.2007, 17.7.2010, 16.7.2010, 28.7.2012, 24.8.2012, 20.7.2013, 22.8.2015 SI: Prekmurje, Dolnja Bistrica 20.8.1990 LM 46.53126 16.302519 170 SI: Prekmurje, Gančani 13.7.1996, GS 46.62842 16.259323 179 19.8.1993, 13.6.1993, 6.8.1991, 20.7.1988, 13.8.1993, 6.7.1999, 9.8.1999, 19.8.2007, 15.6.2007, 21.6.2008, 2.8.2008, 129 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altiti 17.7.2009, 27.7.2012 SI: Prekmurje, Gančani, Pišnjače 25.7.1998 GS 46.64354 16.227357 180 SI: Prekmurje, Genterovci 13.7.1983 GŠ 46.61271 16.399950 165 SI: Prekmurje, Mala Polana, črni log 23.6.2002, 20.7.2004 GS 46.59229 16.356545 166 SI: Prekmurje, mala Polana, 21.7.2013 GS 46.59449 16.361237 163 črni log, pond in the forest SI: Prekmurje, murska šuma 16.7.1998, 16.7.1998, 14.8.1998, 24.7.1998 GS 46.48707 16.535209 160 SI: Primorska, Benečija, 23.8.2011 GS 46.19231 13.624129 1073 Goriška brda, Kolovrat, Livške Ravne SI: Primorska, Komenski kras, 28.9.2014 GS 45.80103 13.764589 241 Komen, Volčji Grad SI: Primorska, Koprsko primorje, 3.9.2006, GS 45.56445 13.758642 2 Koper/capodistria, Srmin, reeds 27.7.2007 SI: Primorska, Krajinski park 9.8.2013 GS 45.53759 13.617540 41 Strunjan, Strunjan/Strugnano, Rtič Ronek SI: Primorska, Podgorski Kras, 13.7.2012 GS 45.54767 13.902074 427 črnotiče, Klavznik, Kraški rob SI: Primorska, Podgorski Kras, 2.9.2006, GS 45.47313 13.929102 284 movraž pri Hrastovljah, 23.9.2006 Kraški rob SI: Primorska, Šentviška planota, 22.7.2011 GS 46.13672 13.843727 813 Ponikve (Tolmin), Lovska koča Ponikve SI: Primorska, Sežanski Kras, 19.7.2012 GS 45.84719 13.901964 386 Planina (Ajdovščina), Koboli SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 13.7.2010, GS 45.5491 13.762284 1 Koper/capodistria, 17.8.2010, Škocjanski zatok, eastern part 11.9.2010, 20.7.2012 SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 24.6.2010, GS 45.46486 13.612567 1 Sečoveljske soline, Fontanigge, 11.7.2010, old saline's with halophytes 20.7.2010, 23.7.2010, 2.8.2010, 10.8.2010, 21.8.2010, 26.8.2010, 4.9.2010, 14.9.2010, 2.8.2011, 27.8.2011, 21.7.2012, 7.9.2012, 130 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altitude 27.9.2012, 11.8.2013, 13.9.2013, 10.8.2014 SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 28.7.2010, GS 45.47918 13.619327 1 Sečoveljske soline, 11.8.2010, old mine, reeds 2.9.2010, 15.7.2011, 14.9.2012, 10.8.2013, 13.8.2013 SI: Sežanski Kras, 4.10.2012, GS 45.81269 13.603130 25 Brestovica pri Komnu 26.9.2013, 20.7.1998 SI: Škofjeloško-Polhograjsko 5.8.1995 GS 46.0794 14.358827 630 hribovje, Belo, Polhov Gradec SI: Škofjeloško-Polhograjsko 5.8.1999 GS 46.2521 14.170555 700 hribovje, Dražgoše SI: Škofjeloško-Polhograjsko 21.8.2000 GS 46.08435 14.414134 400 hribovje, Toško čelo SI: Slovensko primorje, Osp, 4.8.1999, GS 45.57232 13.861229 60 cave depression,Osapska jama 23.8.1999 SI: Slovensko primorje, Osp, 1.9.2011 GS 45.56748 13.861477 60 Pod Steno near village SI: Slovensko primorje, 20.8.1998 GS 45.45919 13.662420 125 Sv. Peter at Dragonja SI: Štajerska, Kozjansko, 16.8.2011, GS 46.04277 15.594339 349 Kozjanski park, Podsreda, 26.8.2011, Stara sveta gora 3.8.2012, 6.8.2013, 17.7.2014 SI: Štajerska, Kozjansko, 13.8.2014 GS 46.05854 15.546676 610 Kozjanski park, Vetrnik, forest road and clearings SI: Štajerska, Posavsko hribovje, 12.8.2014 GS 46.09842 15.063603 891 Dobovec, Kum, Lontovž, abandoned ski slope SI: Štajerska, Posavsko hribovje, 1.9.2015 GS 46.07015 15.197182 466 Radeče, čelovnik, Obrežje SI: Štajerska, Zasavje, Lisca, 23.8.2013 GS 46.06723 15.285057 921 Tončkov dom SI: Trnovski gozd, Hrušica, Nanos, 16.7.2014 GS 45.78436 14.025966 869 Strmec, 900 m, south slopes SI: Vipavska dolina, 23.8.1995, GS, CB 45.8963 13.624489 48 Bilje near Nova Gorica 21.8.1995, 6.9.1995, 25.8.1995, 19.8.1995, 17.8.1995, 12.8.1995, 131 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altitude 7.8.1995, 4.8.1995, 1.8.1995, 29.7.1995, 28.7.1995 Cryphia ochsi HR: Ciovo island, Slatine, 17.07.2013 KT 43.48562 16.368627 50 along roads and tracks above chapel of Gospa Prizidnica HR: Cres island, between Hrasta 17.07.2015 KT 44.81478 14.399491 193 i Grmov HR: Dalmacija, otok Brač, Postira, 9.7.2015 RN 43.37374 16.632625 30 settlement HR: Dalmacija, otok Korčula, 2.7.2014, GS 42.91065 16.809907 133 Opcina Blato, Prižba, local field 6.7.2014 road from Prižba to Blato HR: Dalmatia, Vis Island, Komiža 17.7.2015 GS 43.01638 16.009693 255 sorroundigs, Podhumlje, maquis HR: Dalmatia, Vis Island, Rukavac, 15.7.2015 GS 43.02155 16.211200 20 village, parking to the beach HR: Dinara, Kruškovac, 05.08.2015 KT 43.81327 16.692615 841 Kodžomanove staje HR: Istra, crveni Vrh, Parencana 15.09.2014 KT 45.48909 13.553014 61 HR: Istra, Pazin, Drazej 18.07.2008 KT 45.23463 13.944495 316 HR: Istra, Pazin, Vela Traba village 24.08.2009, KT 45.46891 13.517807 300 10.07.2014 HR: Istra, Premantura near Pula, 31.7.2015 GS, KT 44.7934 13.907576 17 Kamenjak, entry point at Premantura HR: Istra, Žudetici, 400 m souther 22.07.2012 KT 45.35297 13.744194 31 of the village, Motovun forest HR: Konavle, Mikulici, 500m E 29.07.2012 KT 42.47864 18.430648 168 of the village HR: Konavle, Molunat 30.07.2012 KT 42.45818 18.432475 70 HR: Konavle, Radovčici, 500 m N 30.07.2012 KT 42.5143 18.343512 182 of the village HR: Krk island, Cižiči 18.7.1999 GS 45.15134 14.594771 3 HR: Krk island, Draga Bašcinska 18.07.2015 KT 45.01296 14.69949 119 HR: Krk island, Hrusta 23.7.1996, 19.7.1999, 21.7.1999 GS 44.97833 14.661488 150 HR: Krk island, Konobe 21.7.1996, 12.7.1999, 16.6.2001 GS 44.98688 14.632308 50 HR: Krk island, Mali Hlam, 22.6.2005, GS 45.02953 14.704049 400 path to the sheep pastures 18.8.2001 HR: Krk island, Malmašuta, 17.7.1999, GS 45.01556 14.676985 350 forest clearings with Pinus nigra 22.8.2001 132 Stanislav Gomboc, Toni Koren: The distribution of Cryphia ochsi Boursin, 1940 and Cryphia algae (Fabricius, 1775) Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altil HR: Krk island, Malmašuta, 23.8.1997, GS 45.01961 14.674803 290 forest road 24.7.1996, 29.8.2005 HR: Krk island, Punat surroundings, 20.7.1999 GS 45.0249 14.645606 240 footpath on Veli vrh HR: Krk island, Punat, maquis 25.8.1997, GS 45.00961 14.625681 20 near the coast 16.7.1999 HR: Lošinj island, Osor, Osorščica, 20.10.2014 GS, KT 44.69342 14.359089 130 northern slopes HR: Lošinj, western from Artatore 15.07.2014 KT 44.56599 14.386524 43 HR: Mali Lošinj island, Mali Lošinj, 30.6.2012 GS 44.51633 14.494283 170 south part, stony pastures, Kalvarija HR: Mali Lošinj, south part, 30.06.2012 KT 44.51633 14.494283 136 stony pastures, Kalvarija HR: Neretva, Rogotin, 500 m S 07.08.2012 KT 43.04005 17.477583 21 HR: Neretva, Strimen village 07.09.2012 KT 43.0637 17.529805 50 surroundings HR: Pašman island, SW of village 27.07.2015 KT 43.97344 15.335652 36 Nevidane SI: Benečija, Goriška brda, 4.8.2001 GS 46.00584 13.646981 500 Skalnica at nova Gorica, hill peak SI: Primorska, Krajinski park 9.8.2013 GS 45.53759 13.617540 41 Strunjan, Strunjan/Strugnano, Rtič Ronek SI: Primorska, Podgorski Kras, 13.7.2012 GS 45.54767 13.902074 427 Črnotiče, kraška planota, Klavznik, Kraški rob SI: Primorska, Podgorski Kras, 2.9.2006 GS 45.47313 13.929102 284 Movraž pri Hrastovljah, Kraški rob SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 17.8.2010 GS 45.5491 13.762284 1 Koper/Capodistria, Škocjanski zatok, eastern part SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 20.7.2012 GS 45.54698 13.755927 1 Koper/Capodistria, Škocjanski zatok, eastern part SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 24.6.2010, GS 45.46486 13.612567 1 Sečoveljske soline, Fontanigge, 11.7.2010, old saline with halophytes 2.8.2011, 27.8.2011, 7.9.2012, 10.8.2014 SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 2.9.2010, GS 45.47918 13.619327 1 Sečoveljske soline, 10.7.2012, old mine, reeds 14.9.2012 SI: Primorska, Slovensko primorje, 10.7.2012 GS 45.46575 13.614936 1 Sečovlje/Sicciole, Fontannige, shrubs with Prunus spinosa 133 Acta entomologica slovenica, 23 (2), 2015 Locality Date Legit WGS84 N WGS84 E a.s.l. m Altitude SI: Slovensko primorje, Osp, cave 23.8.1999 GS 45.57232 13.861229 60 depression, Osapska jama SI: Slovensko primorje, Osp, cave 1.9.2011 GS 45.56748 13.861477 60 depression, Pod Steno SI: Slovensko primorje, Socerb, 1.8.1996 LM 45.58842 13.869255 400 on the plateau SI: Slovensko primorje, 10.7.1998 LM 45.45919 13.662420 125 Sv. Peter near Dragonja_ Legend to legit authors: CB - CARLEVARIS Branko GS - GOMBOC Stanislav GŠ - GALIč Štefan KT - KOREN Toni LM - LASAN Mojmir RN - RABUZA Nejc VD - VRHOVNIK Davorin 134