SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 24/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 12.6. 2022 SVETA TROJICA HOLY TRINITY Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Bit in živeti v ljubezni s Sveto Trojico Niste še nikoli slišali govoriti o človeku, ki si je v polnem jutru prižgal svetilko, odšel na trg in vpil brez prestanka: »Iščem Boga! Iščem Boga!« Ker je bilo na trgu veliko ljudi, ki niso verovali v Boga, je v njih vzbudil veliko dobre volje. Nekdo reče: »Si ga morda izgubil?« In drugi doda: »Se je morda izgubil kot otročiček? Morda pa se je kam skril?« Tako so kričali in se posmehovali. Človek še kar naprej vpije: »Kaj veste o tem Bogu? Jaz vam bom povedal. Mi smo ga ubili: jaz in vi! Mi smo njegovi morilci! Vendar kako lahko to naredimo? … Bog je mrtev in mi smo ga ubili! Kako naj najdemo mir, mi, ki smo morilci, večji kot vsi drugi? Kdo nas bo opral te krvi? S kakšno vodo se moremo očistiti? Ali ni treba, da sami postanemo Bog, da mu bomo dovolj primerljivi? V tem trenutku neumnež obmolkne in se znova zastrmi v poslušalce, ki so tudi tiho in začudeno gledajo. Zatem na tla zabriše svetilko, ki ugasne in se razleti na koščke.« Ta znani zagovor je vzet iz knjige »Vesela znanost« nevernega nemškega filozofa Nietzscheja, ki je duševno bolan umrl leta 1900. Gre za nenavaden prikaz strahu človeka, ki v trenutku skrajne ošabnosti ubije Boga in ga zbriše s svojega obzorja. Vendar se ta človek znajde sam in prizemljem, potreben nekega drugega boga, z razumom, ovitim v norost in mračnost. Božja beseda današnje nedelje pa Boga predstavi zelo živo pa čeprav ga je človek morda izrinil s svojih poti in iz svojega srca. Gotovo, Bog, ki se pojavlja, ni tisti mrzli bog, kot ga poznajo filozofi, ni niti arhitekt vsega vesolja. Namesto vsega tega pa je res, Bog TrojiVESTNIK 2022 | ca, izraz popolne ljubezni, ki se izkazuje in razširja, ki stopa v odnose in je oseba, ki se utelesi, da bi lahko postala solidarna s človekom. Tri svetopisemska besedila današnje slovesnosti nam skušajo približati dejstvo božje trinitarnosti. Ustvarjalno Modrost iz prvega berila je krščansko izročilo prepoznalo kot znamenje Kristusa, »po katerem je vse ustvarjeno in brez katerega ni ničesar, kar obstaja«. Božja navzočnost v stvarjenju je namreč tudi osrednja tematika hvalnice iz knjige Pregovorov. Božja modrost je naslikana kot pravo zaporedje slapov, ki upodabljajo kozmične prizore in udejanjajo harmonijo božjega načrta. Vendar pa je najbolj izvirna zadnja upodobitev, v kateri je upodobljena Modrost, ki pleše s človeškimi sinovi. Za Boga je ustvarjanje praznik, je veselje, je umetniško delovanje, je mir. Človek pa, ker zna odkriti skrivnost bivanja, sodeluje pri tej harmoniji in božji sreči. Sveta Trojica je v samih koreninah stvarjenja in odrešenja, prodira v vesolje in zgodovino. Jezus je pri zadnji večerji petkrat obljubil nenehno, navzočnost, to je dar Svetega Duha. Oče je Sinu izročil vse, kar ima, to je vse svoje življenje in vso resnico. Kristus nam je to življenje in to resnico posredoval, vendar neskončna skrivnost Boga, ki se razteza v času in prostoru, presega dojemljivost naše majhne pameti. Zato torej poslanstvo Svetega Duha, ki ga vstali Kristus podarja Cerkvi: »On vas bo vodil k popolni resnici«, v polnosti osvetljuje božje bogastvo, ki ga je prinesel Kristus. Današnje praznovanje nam torej ponuja zaris nedosegljivega božjega obličja. Bog ni neki nemogoč in osamljen vladar, zagrnjen z oblaki svoje transcendence v tišini neskončnosti, temveč se je povezal z nami kot Stvarnik, Odrešenik in Razodevajoči. Njegova beseda ustvarja, odrešuje in usmerja k poslednjemu cilju, v tisti popolni objem z njim, kajti »takrat bomo vedno z Gospodom« . (Prim. Oznanjevalec - leto C_2006/7, štev. 4) 198 | VESTNIK 2022 HOLY TRINITY Response: O Lord, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth! First Reading Proverbs 8:22-31 The figure of Wisdom is God’s companion in creation and in communicating with human beings. Second Reading Romans 5:1-5 It is our faith and commitment to Jesus Christ that puts us at peace with God. Gospel John 16:12-15 The Spirit will help us understand more fully the teachings of Jesus. “The Lord created me when his purpose first unfolded.” Illustration A young couple were out walking one day, pushing a pram that was carrying the newest addition to the family. As they passed through the town, they met an older acquaintance, who peered into the pram and asked about the child, “What is it?” The father was very offended at this line of enquiry and made his indignation known when relating the incident years later. The way in which we refer to people is important: we do not usually talk about anyone, even a baby, as “it”. That is a depersonalising, even a dehumanising form of speech. It reduces a person to the level of an object, and most people would regard it as a lack of respect for a human being. Language, in this case the use of pronouns, is important and can reveal our way of thinking. St Thomas Aquinas tells us that when we speak about God, we use analogy: we express what we believe as we understand it, but human language can never capture the essence of God, to “it”; but this is hardly a respectful way to talk about the third Person of the Trinity, so usually the pronoun used is “he”. So we have two masculine words and one neuter term. There is, therefore, often no feminine aspect suggested in our language or vocabulary about the God we believe in. This lack of a feminine perspective seems to be at odds with the thinking of the Bible. The opening chapter of the book of Genesis tells us that God created human beings “in the image of God”; and, just in case we missed the point the author is making, we are then told that God created them “male and female”. The point is that, according to Genesis, women are just as much the image of God as are men. The reading from Proverbs presents the figure of Wisdom as God’s companion, God’s helper or instrument, in the work of creation: in the Old Testament, the figure of Wisdom is typically presented as female. This is the figure that the evangelist John presents as “the Word” in the Prologue to his Gospel and applies to the person of Jesus. It is through the Word that God creates, communicates with human beings and invites them into relationship: it is their decision whether they accept or not. Application and it can affect our conception of who God is. One of the reasons for the Jewish forbidding of making images of God was that this practice limited people’s ideas of God and confined their thinking to the product of their own imagination, excluding other notions that could be just as valid. In some ways, this is a form of idolatry, where we worship our own idea, rather than the God who is beyond all human comprehension. Gospel Teaching When we come to think about the Blessed Trinity, we are faced with three Persons: Father, Son and Spirit. The first two are masculine in grammatical gender, so the appropriate pronoun for each is “he”. The Spirit is actually neuter in the text of the New Testament, so the correct reference would be One of the features of the Catholic Church has always been devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Perhaps part of the reason for this emphasis on Mary could be a feeling in people that there is something missing in our idea of God, that all three Persons of the Trinity are often referred to in masculine terms. The absence of any feminine language may suggest a lack in our appreciation of who God really is, especially if we take seriously the teaching of Genesis about both genders being created in God’s image and likeness. Writers have described Mary as “the feminine face of God”, but this may be missing the point. Mary is not part of the Trinity or the Godhead: she is a human being, like any of us. If there is a feminine aspect to God, then it belongs within the Trinity. Could we think of the Holy Spirit as fulfilling this function? Might we appreciate the Spirit as representing a feminine aspect of the Trinity? This would then encourage us all to think about the place of women in the Church. In that way, might our understanding of the Trinity, of God and of the Church be greatly enriched? VESTNIK 2022 | 199 200 | VESTNIK 2022 The Hamilton Diocesan Council Of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada Invites members to join in the 100+ Anniversary Day Celebration With the Bishops of Hamilton Diocese Saturday June 25, 2022 4:00 pm Tree Blessing Ceremony with Bishop Douglas Crosby On the grounds of Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, Hamilton 714 King St. W. Hamilton L8P 1C7 5:00 pm Mass at Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, Hamilton 6:00 pm Anniversary Dinner with Bishop Wayne Lobsinger At St. Lawrence Parish, Hamilton 125 Picton St. E. Hamilton L8L 0C5 Dinner $30/person Rolls, Tossed Salad, Penne with Homemade Tomato Sauce, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Peas & Mushrooms, Oven Roasted Chicken, Veal Parmesan, Dessert – Assorted Pastries Deadline for dinner registration is June 20, 2022 Contact Treasurer Mary Clark at E-transfer available or send a cheque All cheques payable to: The Catholic Women’s League – Hamilton Diocese Mail to: Mary Clark 138 Halls Drive, Elora, ON N0B 1S0 VESTNIK 2022 | 201 SPOMLADANSKI BANKET - LATE SPRING BANQUET Že v mesecu aprilu smo na sestanku župnijskega sveta razmišljali, da bi, četudi malo pozneje, kljub temu imeli »spomladanski banket«. Tako smo se odločili za 5. junij, po birmi in prvemu obhajilu in pred poletnimi dogodki po raznih društvih. Praznovanje smo začeli v cerkvi s sveto mašo ob 10h, pri kateri je pel angleški zbor. Mašo smo dvojezično obhajali. Obisk je bil malo manjši, vendar za prvič, zelo dober. Nekaj čez 90 se nas je zbralo v dvorani, nekaj pa jih je vzelo kosilo domov. Med čakanjem na kosilo so si lahko ob slikah na platnu, osvežili spomin, kaj vse se je, kljub Covidu in ustavitvi vseh dejavnosti, vseeno dogajalo v teh dveh letih. Hvala župnijskemu svetu, ki je nosil vso težo organizacije in dela. Hvala Tereziji Sarjaš, ki je zopet prevzela rezervacije in Pameli, ki ji je pomagala. Hvala Toniju Horvatu, ki je poskrbel za bar. Še posebej pa vsem, ki so v kuhinji pripravili dobro, okusno in obilno kosilo. V prvi vrsti Elizabeth Gimpelj, ki je kuhala, vsem, ki so pomagali in mladim, ki so servirali. Lahko si jih vse ogledate na sliki, gotovo boste vse prepoznali. Mladi so v teh dveh letih pošteno zrasli in nekateri se tudi spremenili, da jih je bilo komaj za prepoznat. Hvala Heidy, predsednici župnijskega sveta, ki je nosila 202 | VESTNIK 2022 glavno skrb organizacije in enako tudi Sonyi, Elki in Mary Ann. Kot pravijo, kratko in sladko, smo se razšli vsak na svoj dom v upanju, da se v jeseni dobimo še v večjem številu. Last Sunday was a wonderful day. We enjoyed the company of family and friends at our Spring Banquet with a delicious lunch prepared with Betty Gimpelj as head cook guiding some new cooking hands in the kitchen! Thank you to Elka, Sonya, Majda and Natalie for coming in to prepare the meal. Vanessa, Olivia, Ava, Antonio and Kyle - thank you for coming in to serve and to our ladies for preparing the noodles. Everyone chipped in and a nice afternoon was had by all - hopefully we will see you all again at our next function! - Heidy Novak VESTNIK 2022 | 203 204 | VESTNIK 2022 24 Annual GOLF TOURNAMENT JUNE 4, 2022 th Thank you Slovenski Park Membership, Families, and Friends for making this year’s Golf Tournament a resounding success! It was so nice to see our “Golfers” back on the Greens after the long Covid Break. Everyone was excited to participate and we were so happy to see all your smiling faces once again. It was a beautiful day – sunny and warm – perfect for golf. Thanks so much to those who help prepare, organize, and execute this huge undertaking. We were warmly welcomed by Cambridge Golf Club followed by an amazing Banquet back at Slovenski Park Hall. Thanks to those who set up the hall and tend the gardens and lawns and clean the restrooms and facilities. Big thanks to the lovely and talented Ladies in the Kitchen, Pečenka Roasters and Cutter, Bar Keeps, our Golf Girls - at the Welcome Reception Desk and at the Holes and back at the Hall with handing out the prizes and selling raffle tickets back at the hall. CONGRATULATIONS TO the winners of the Tournament and winners of the Contests at the holes. Thanks to those who sponsored the holes and donated golf and raffle prizes A big shout out to the Tournament Organizer: Dan Demsar and kudos to Peter Novak who looked after the details of the day at the hall. And of course – a great big thank you to you the Golfers who donated so generously – those who have been golfing with us year after year, those who are new this year, and to you the Members - for golfing and attending the banquet meal and to Family and friends of Slovenski Park for your support. We will be posting the Pictures on our Webpage: and like us on Facebook. Mary Ann Demšar Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Slovenski Park VESTNIK 2022 | 205 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV PO DRUŠTVIH: - June 12, 2022 - Lipa Park - Open HouseFolk arts Picnic - June 12, 2022 - London - Mass & procession - 3:00 p.m. - St. John the Divine Church - June 18, 2022 (Saturday) - Bled - Fathers Day Picnic, Mass at 1:00 p.m. - June 25, 2022 (Saturday) - Slovenski park Slovenski Dan - July 1 to 3 2022 - Slovenski park - Canada Day Long Weekend - Mass on Sunday, July 3rd at 1:00 p.m. - July 10, 2022 - Lipa Park - Summerfest picnic - July 23, 2022 - Slovenski park - Pečenkafest - July 24, 2022 - Bled - Prošččenje, picnic DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $500 - Joe Pust - $100 Ana Razpotnik v spomin na pokojnega moža V spomin na pokojno Miro Špiler so za gradbeni sklad darovali: - $100 Frank Pavlakovič z družino - $100 Ivanka Vukšinič (London) V spomin na pokojnega Franka Mramorja so za gradbeni sklad darovali - $40 - Sosedje Mike in Mary Zrinšćak - $75 Frank Defilippis - $100 Sonja Langenfus $20 - Nick in Darlen Bubaš Hvala Vam vsem za vaše darove. 206 | VESTNIK 2022 Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 9. junija 2022: $134,040. - Obljubili / Pledged $112,410. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. ČIŠČENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH June 25th - Jožica Vegelj and team July 9th - Gosgnach team July 23rd - Groznik, Erzar, Lukežič V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Zrim Mertuk Molec Brezničar Zabukovec Obal Sarjaš Napast Mustar Zajšek Zupančič Toplak Ernest Ivan Marko Marija John Veronika Marija Frančiška Felix Anton Milan Slavko Alojz SVETA TROJICA SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY 12. JUNIJ ESKIL, MUČENEC DON BOSCO †† † † † † † † † † † † †† June 13, 2016 June 15, 2004 June 15, 2007 June 15, 2009 June 16, 1972 June 16, 2014 June 17, 1978 June 17, 2014 June 18, 1986 June 18, 2007 June 19, 1982 June 19, 1997 Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Magda Udovč Frank Mramor Frank Mramor Anton Muršič Milka Ferko Marija Špiler Marija Špiler Marija Špiler Karel Volčanšek, obl. Susan Gentilcore Pokojni Slovenci iz Londona -------Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. SLOVENIAN Udovč - Levstek Families MASS Zlatko in Marija Berkovič 9:30 A.M. Toni in Marija Franc Vera Gonza ENGLISH Toni in Mirja Franc MASS Sestra Ivica Burgar (Slovenija) 11:00 A.M. Sestra Milena Artič (Slovenija) Družina Benko Milena Volčanšek Olga Peternel 3:00 P.M. St. John the Divine - London SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905561-5971. VESTNIK 2022 | 207 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 13. 6. 2022 - 19. 6. 2022 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 13. JUNIJ † Milka Ferko Za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Štefan in Francka Antolin Marija Košir † Marija Podrebarec † Elizabeta Grubeni 7:00 P.M. Olga Čulig Helena Kwasniewska SREDA - WEDNESDAY 15. JUNIJ † Frank Pinter † Marko Molec †† Olga in Branko Šertelj 7:00 P.M. Sonja Langenfus Štefanija in Mark Štefanija in Mark ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 16. JUNIJ † Slavko Štern † Hilda Žigon † Ivan Glavač (Montreal) 7:00 P.M. Žena marija z družino Jožica Novak Jenny Antolin z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 17. JUNIJ † Frančiška Napast, obl. † Frančiška Napast † Frank Mramor 7:00 P.M. Družina Pinter Kathy Simončič Ana Gergyek †† † †† † † † † † † † † † Pokojni člani društva Bled Lojze Lesica Marija, obl. In Jože Rajter Angela Papič Alojz in Marija Mes Štefan Horvat (London) Joe Lackovič Hilda Žigon Stanko Bratuž Joe Hanc Ivan Glavač (Montreal) Matija Balažic 1:00 P.M. Maša pri društvu Bled Žena z družino Družina Mes Družina Mes Hči Amalija z družino 5:30 P.M. Vera Lackovič z družino Žena Vera z družino Marija Korošec z družino Žena Matilda Žena Olga z družino Družina Vera Lackovič z družino Za žive in rajne župljane Ignac Prša, obl. Jože Razpotnik, SR. Miro in Marija Kolenc Lojze Prilesnik, obl. Joe Prša Ignac Korošec Pokojni iz družine Car -------SLOVENIAN Družina Volčanšek MASS Anica Blaš 9:30 A.M. Manja Erzetič Žena Marija z družino ENGLISH Družina MASS Bernardina in Martin z družino 11:00 A.M. Družina Berkovič Anton Padovanski, uč. TOREK - TUESDAY 14. JUNIJ Valerij in Rufin, muč. Vid, mučenec Beno, škof Albert, duhovnik SOBOTA - SATURDAY 18. JUNIJ Marko in Marcelijan, muč. Romuald, opat. SV. REŠNJE TELO IN KRI † † THE MOST HOLY BODY AND †† BLOOK OF CHRIST † (CORPUS CHRISTI) † 19. JUNIJ † †† NAZARIJ, ŠKOF 208 | VESTNIK 2022