-AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 01G4-680X) CLEVELAND, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, M81 VOL. LXXXIIJ ^2 Heagon skusa zmzati P s«i • -I i. . velik pnmanjklgaj v zveznem proračunu LJUBLJANSKI NADŠKOF IN SLOVENSKI METROPOLIT DR. ALOJZIJ ŠUŠTAR ter lastnik Slovenian Country House na E. 55 St., Frank Sterle, na uradnem sprejemu, ki ga je v sredo, 9. septembra, priredil v mestni hiši clevelandski župan George V. Voinovich. Na desni je Avgust B. Pust, med nadškofom Šuštarjem in g. Sterletom pa Steve Valenčič. iapo^ejši pesktss atentata na ameriške : vojake prepreean BONN, Zah. Nem. — Dva ameriška vojaka, ki sta bila na poti v službo na ameriškem letališču Rhein-Main, blizu Frankfurta, sta slučajno opazila dva peklenska stroja, nastavljena na železniški progi, ki vodi na letališče. Vsak peklenski stroj je tehtal 13 funtov. Obe bombi sta bili odstranjeni. Poskus atentata je bil peti v zadnjih 3 tednih, naperjen proti ameriškim vojakom, nastanjenim v tej državi. Za-, hodnonemški preiskovalci so prepričani o tem, da so odgovorni za val atentatov pripadniki teroristične skupine Rdeča zastava. Notranje ministrstvo zahod-nonemške vlade je izdalo tiralico za 37 let staro teroristko Inge Viett, ki je že o-sumljena umora. Viett je na seznamu 15 najbolj iskanih teroristov v Zah. Nemčiji, očividci so jo menda opazili, ko je vozila avtomobil v bližini ameriškega letališča v Stuttgartu. Gen. Frederick J. Kroesen, poveljnik ameriških vojaških enot, nastanjenih v Evropi, je bil lažje ranjen pretekli to-,rek, ko so vrgli ročne granate in streljali na njegov avtomobil teroristi. Zaseda je bila izredno dobro pripravljena, pravijo ameriški preiskovalci, kar je rešilo generalovo življenje, je bilo to, da se je peljal v avtomobilu, v katerem so bili vgradili neprebojno steklo in železo. ------o----- VREME Spremenljivo oblačno in vetrovno danes z naj višjo temperaturo okoli 60 F. Jutri deloma sončno in nekaj toplejše. Najvišja temperatura okoli 70 F. V nedeljo zopet spremenljivo oblačno, a nekaj hladnejše. Naj višja temperatura okoli 64 F. Novi grobovi Rose Luzar V torek, 15. septembra, je v Euclid General bolnišnici po večmesečni bolezni umrla 59 let stara Rose Luzar z. 18015 Harland Ave., rojena Ivančič v Clevelandu, vdova po leta 1965 umrlem možu Johnu, mati Dale-a, hčerka Franka (pok.) in Rose, roj. Valencie, Ivančič, sestra Mary Mramor, Franka in Marge Slopko, teta in pra-teta, zaposlena nekaj let kot uradnica pri Royal Globe Insurance Co. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes, v petek, ob 8.30 zjutraj, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete ob 9.15, nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za 'ostarele na Neff Rd. ali lokalni podružnici American Cancer Society. Frank G. Cherveny V ponedeljek, 14. avgusta, zvečer je v Deaconess bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrl 72 let stari Frank G. Cherveny, mož Rose, roj. Smrekar, sin Mathewa in Mary Cherveny (oba že pok.), brat Andrewa, Steva, Frances Bacha, Mary Drabik, Ann Henning ter pok. Victorja in Josepha, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve kot strojnik pri Lewis Machine Co. Pogreb je bil včeraj, v četrtek, iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 62 St., v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10. dopoldne, od tam na Kalvarijo. Slovanski plavaleo Borni Petrič dosegel evropsko prvenstvo SPLIT, SFRJ. — Na 15. evropskem plavalnem prvenstvu, ki je bilo v tem mestu, je postal Borut Petrič prvi slovenski in jugoslovanski plavalec, ki je kdaj dosegel evropsko prvenstvo v plavanju in sicer na 400 m kravl. Da je bil uspjeh še večji, je njegov mlajši brat Darjan o-svojil tretje mesto in bronasto kolajno. Oba sta člana slovenskega plavalnega kluba Triglav. —----o------ žrtvujmo se za svoj tisk, ohranimo naš slovenski list Ameriško Domovino! WASHINGTON. D.C. — Predsednik Ronald Reagan si prizadeva, da bi bil primanjkljaj v zvezne;'i proračunu za finančno leto 1982, ki se bo začelo že 1. oktobra letos, čim manjši. Ker je zvezni kongres odobril predsednikov predlog za znatno znižanje davkov, ki jih plačujejo posamezniki in podjetja zvezni vladi, je edini izhod v zmanjšanju izdatkov vlade. Težava tu je v tem, da je Reagan obljubil precej več izdatkov za usposabljanje ameriških obrambnih sil. Te razmere so prisilile predsednika in njegove gospodarske svetovalce, da so si poiskali možnosti za nova znižanja izdatkov predvsem v programih socialne narave. Reagan sedaj razmišlja o tem, kateri programi bodo prizadeti. Kot kaže, bo predsednik priedagal odložitev povišanja pokojnin vsem prejemnikom Social Security prihodnje leto za tri mesece. Po zakonu bi bili vsi prejemniki Social Security upravičeni do povišanja svojih pokojnin v skladu z inflacijsko stopnjo prihodnjega leta. Predsednik bo predložil Kongresu, naj bo to povišanje pokojnin odloženo za tri mesece, torej do oktobra 1982. Na ta način bi bilo prihranjenih 2.8 milijarde dolarjev. Prav tako bo Reagan predlagal trimesečno odložitev napovedanih povišanj plač u-službencev obrambnega tajništva in tudi vseh drugih vladnih uslužbencev. Nadalje bi omejevali izdatke za bone za hrano (Food Stamps) in še nekatere druge programe. Ti ukrepi bi prihranili zveznemu proračunu nekaj milijard dolarjev. V teku so pogajanja med Belo hišo in vodilnimi republikanskimi senatorji in kongresniki. Republikanci v o-beh domovih Kongresa še vedno podpirajo predsednikova prizadevanja, priznavajo pa, da je težje najti programe, katerih obseg je mogoče bistveno skrčiti. Demokratski poslanci menijo, da bodo Reaganovi u- Ronald Reagan krepi škodovali upokojencem in raznim od zvezne vlade pomoči potrebnim slojem a-meriške družbe. Predsedniku nasprotujejo in so mnenja, da se jim bo pridružilo tudi precej republikancev. Liberalci menijo, da je Reaganova gospodarska politika zgrešena in da bodo razmere v ZDA postajale bliže tistim, ki prevladujejo v Veliki Britaniji pod vlado Margaret Thatcher. Jedrska elektrarna Krško bo začela obratovati letos KRŠKO, Slov. — Pretekli teden je pričel proces priprav reaktorja v jedrski elektrarni Krško za začetek nadzorovane verižne reakcije. To je odločilna faza pred postopnim vključevanjem proizvodnje električne energije v jugoslovanski e 1 e ktroenerget-ski sistem. Ako bo vse šlo po načrtu, bo elektrarna delovala s polno zmogljivostjo že letos. Jedrska elektrarna Krško je prva te vrste v Sloveniji in SFRJ. Imela bo 655 megavatov električne moči. Načrtujejo, da bodo zgradili do leta 2000 v SFRJ še šest jedrskih central. Jugoslavija ostaja na isti poti Sedanji jugoslovanski oblastniki ne kažejo ne sposobnosti ne volje, da bi zapustili uhojeno pot. Državno gospodarstvo tiči v od petdesetih let najgloblji krizi. Sedaj so se s pripetljaji na Kosovu pojavile še politične in nacionalne težave. Vsaj nekatere sedanje težave izvirajo iz razbijanja enotnega jugoslovanskega trga, zastoja pri graditvi samoupravljanja, okrepitve vpliva skupin, naraščajočega poseganja države v gospodarstvo na ravni republik in avtonomnih pokrajin. Poleg tega Jugoslavijo mrtvijo preživele oblike in je preobložena s papirjem. Tuji opazovalci v Beogradu prihajajo vedno bolj do sklepa, da so sedanji jugoslovanski oblastniki komaj zmožni dobiti pregled nad težavami, ki se množijo. V letih, ki jim ostajajo, bi še kako radi vladah po Titovem vzoru mirno, z vsemi takratnimi puhlicami agitropa in u-domačenim partijskim ceremonialom. Lahko si je misliti, kakšen udarec so pomenili kosovski dogodki za te voditelje. Gotovo so razbili ti pripetljaji tudi v zahodnih deželah prene-katero samoprevaro in sanjarjenje o Jugoslaviji, naj je iz- hajalo iz političnih ali kakšnih drugih nagibov. Pod političnim vidikom bo komaj kdo še lahko trdil, da je sedanji jugoslovanski režim za trdnost te dežele edino poroštvo. i Gospodarski položaj se ni obrnil na boljše, marveč se je rajši še poslabšal. Predvsem kar ne uspe najvažnejši pogoj za ozdravitev gospodarstva; zvišanje izvoza. Odložitev odplačevanja dolgov naj bi baje stala zdaj tudi pred vrati Jugoslavije. Brez preureditve sistema tečejo vsa zahodna posojila v sod brez dna. Kako težko je spremeniti mišljenje, se je pokazalo spet zdaj na Kosovu: tam je mogoče slišati le staro marksistično pesem o prvenstvu industrializacije in o prednosti, ‘"družbenega sektorja”. O zasebnem kmetijstvu in zasebni obrti je čuti komaj kakšno besedo, čeprav so tu ogromne rezerve, za katerih poživitev ne bi bil potreben niti denar, marveč samo znanje. Ni mogoče vedno hoditi le na postajo, nikdar pa stopiti na vlak. Pred to izbiro stoji danes Jugoslavija. Vlak pomeni tržno gospodarstvo, pluralizem in demokracija. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Iz Clevelanda in okolice Rev. Ivan Lavrih pred težko operacijo— Rev. Ivan Lavrih. Kansas, bo prihodnji teden operiran na raku na želodcu. Priporoča se v molitev. Priporočajmo ga škofu Baragu, naj mu izprosi popolno ozdravljenje. Seja— Klub slovenskih upokojencev v Nevburgu ima septembrsko sejo v sredo, 23. septembra, ob 1. popoldne v Slovenskem narodnem domu na E. 80 St. Na seji bo zadnja prilika za rezerviranje sedeža za izlet v Marietto, Ohio. Zahvala Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu— Ga. N. Kozjek je darovala tej šoli $20, ga. Z. Domines pa je darovala $15. Odbor staršev Slovenske šole se jima iskreno zahvaljuje. Rojstni dan— Danes praznuje naša dolgoletna naročnica ga. Frances Gazvoda svoj 74. rojstni dan. Čestitamo in ji želimo še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let! Poroka— Jutri, v soboto, ob 12.30 popoldne se bosta v cerkvi sv. Vida poročila g. Thomas Lobe in gdč. Kirn Trimboli. Tom Lobe, odvetnik po poklicu, je sin pok. Hinkota in Berthe, roj. Eršte, Lobe. Novoporo-čencema želimo ves božji blagoslov na skupni življenjski poti! 25 let kot urednik— V oktobrski “Ave Marija” sporoča p. Fortunat Zorman, da je poteklo 25 let, od kar je prevzel dolžnost kot urednik tega edinstvenega v ZDA izhajajočega slovenskega verskega mesečnika. Obletnica je šla. mimo tiho, zato se pa na tem mestu zahvaljujemo p. Fortunatu za vestno opravljanje svoje odgovorne naloge tekom vseh teh let. Konvencija— V nedeljo, 27. septembra 1981, ob 1.30 popoldne bo v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. konvencija vseh podružnic Slovenske ženske zveze v Ohiu. Vabljene so uradnice in tudi vse članice vseh podružnic v Ohiu. Na konvenciji bodo razpravljale in odločile o delu v prihodnjem letu. Vse ideje so dobrodošle. Prijave sprejema Sophie Magajna, ohijska predsednica SŽZ, na naslov 315 E. 284 St., Wil-lowick, Ohio 44094. Spominski darovi— Namesto cvetja so darovali za koroške pomoči potrebne študente v Mohorjevi oskrbi sledeči: V spomin umrle Marije Ošaben sta darovala F. in J. Kuhel, $20, Frank P. Pustotnik (Geneva, O.) je daroval $20 v spomin pok. Janeza Juhanta, neimenovani pa $10. Lepo se za darove zahvaljuje poverjenik Mohorjeve Janez Prosen. Požar na Hecker Ave.— Včeraj zjutraj je požar zajel tri hiše na Hecker Ave. Neznanci so zažgali prazno hišo na 7201 Hecker Ave., požar se je potem razširil še na sosednji hiši. Človeških žrtev ni bilo, 14 ljudi pa je ostalo brez strehe. Vinska trgatev na SP— V nedeljo, 20. septembra, popoldne bo na Slovenski pristavi tradicionalna vinska trgatev. Vstop je prost za vse, otroci bodo dobili balončke in sladoled. Za odrasle bodo razne zanimivosti, posebno privlačna bo tekma med izdelovalci domačega vina. Prijavite svoje doma izdelano vino! Za zabavo in ples bo igral Matt Grdadolnik orkester (Sonet). Ne pozabite, da bo na SP pečenje školjk in stejkov in sicer v nedeljo, 4. oktobra. Vstopnice bodo naprodaj na SP to nedeljo, jih imajo člani SP odbora ali pa lahko pokličete predsednika SP Ed Veiderja na 944-7009. Kosilo pri Sv. Vidu— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida vabi na letno kosilo, ki bo v nedeljo, 20. septembra, od 11.30 do 2. popoldne v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu na Glass Ave. Cena za odrasle je po $5, za otroke do 12 let pa le $3. Kosilo se bo tudi lahko vzelo domov. Prodaja peciva bo v soboto, 19. septembra, od 4. do 7. zvečer ter v nedeljo, dokler ne bo vse razprodano. Pridite in pripeljite s seboj tudi sorodnike in prijatelje. Za Milakovicha— Kampanjski odbor zastopnika nove 13. varde Johna Milakovicha vabi na večerjo, ki bo v ponedeljek, 21. septembra, ob 7. zvečer v Hof-brau Hausu na 1400 E. 55 St. Cena za večerjo je $12 na osebo. Rezervacije sprejemajo: Dick Mott (531-4556); Gene Drobnič (881-6962); Emilee’s Beauty Salon (431-6224) in sam John Milakovich (391-3930). Vstopnice bodo naprodaj tudi pri vhodu. ------o——— Zadnje vesti • Washington, D.C. — Nasprotniki prodaje letal AWAC in drugega sodobnega ameriškega orožja Saudski Arabiji trdijo, da bodo zmagali v zveznem senatu. Voditelja kampanje sen. Robert Pack-wood (R.-Ore.) in sen. Henry Jackson (D.-Wash.) sta izjavila, da je več kot 50 zveznih senatorjev zanesljivo proti prodaji. Predsednik Ronald Reagan in državni tajnik A-leksander Haig pa vztrajata in upata, da bosta končno tudi zmagala. • Varšava, Polj. — Poljski voditelji so dobili ultimat od sovjetskega vodstva, naj pod-vzamejo najodločnejše ukrepe zoper Solidarnost, sicer bo prišlo do sovjetske zasedbe. Sovjeti tega niso trdili neposredno, poljski komunistični voditelji pa so. Analitiki poljskih političnih razmer sklepajo, da bo vendarle moralo priti slej ko prej do obračuna med režimom in Solidamost- .i°- • Washington, D.C. — U-prava ameriške pošte,bo menda že prihodnji teden predlagala povišanje poštnih storitev. Navadno pismo bo stalo 20 centov namesto sedanjih 18. Ako bo predlog odobren, bodo nove cene postnih storitev začele veljati že 2. oktobra. Načelnik pošte William F. Bolger bi rad videl, da bi navadho pismo stalo kar 22 ali 23 centov. . -f. . ' i-. ^ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. SEPTEMBER 1§S 1901 TT^.:. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 ST. CLAIR AVE. — 431-0628 — Cleveland, OH 44103 ! M - Beseda iz naroda... AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Owner, Publisher \ Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za 3 mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $15.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja: $15.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States: $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 0 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $15.00 for three months Fridays only: $15.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20.00 yr. Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 &{ No. 98 Friday, Sept. 18, 1981 Konfrontacija? Med ljudstvom prevladuje na splošno prepričanje, da vsak delavski štrajk pusti za seboj manjšo ali večjo, včasih zelo veliko, škodo. Škodo namreč v gospodarskem oziru; a koliko povzročijo štrajki moralneg'a zla, neudobnosti in naravnost trpljenja širokih množic zlasti takrat, ko štrajkajo delavci in uslužbenci javnih (federalnih, državnih, municipalnih) naprav in ustanov, se sploh ne more izmeriti in točno ugotoviti. Z o-zirom na tak značaj in posledice stavk so gospodarsko in zlasti socialno najbolj napredne države na svetu, kot sta npr. Japonska ali Zahodna Nemčija, ustvarile tak gospodarsko-socialni sistem, da so postali štrajki odveč. Pojavljajo se zelo redko in zares v takih okoliščinah, ko so vsa druga sredstva sporazumne rešitve spora med delom in kapitalom postala nemogoča. To pa ne velja za Ameriko. Tu so štrajki nekaj vsakdanjega, skoraj tako potrebni kot vsakdanji kruh. Dan za dnem beremo v listih in poslušamo na televiziji, da je stopila v štrajk unija tega ali onega podjetja; zadnja leta se ga poslužujejo v prav znatni meti učitelji, ognjegasci, smetarji in celo policaji. Vsi ti so u-službenci javnih ustanov, in kot takim jim je stavka zakonito prepovedana. Pa je prišlo že kar v navado, da se unijski voditelji, ti brezobzirni, slavohlepni in mogočni predstojniki svojih unij, sploh za zakon ne brigajo, kadar vidijo ugodno možnost ne le za izbolj-šanje zaslužka ter delovnih in življenjskih pogojev svojega članstva, ampak tudi za utrditev svojega osebnega prestiža in za čim večjo publiciteto in javno ekspozicijo. Do sedaj se jim je ta obsodbe vredna igra vedno posrečila brez kakih usodnejših posledic. Oblast (država ali občina) je bila prešibka in premalo pripravljena, da bi bila mogla uveljaviti zakon o prepovedi štraj-ka in je klecnila pred zahtevami unijskih bossov. En zgled zmage nad zakonom je rodil vrsto posnemovalcev — in stavke javnih delavcev so se vrstile zakonitim predpisom v brk z vnaprej zagotovljeno zmago unij. Sedaj smo priča, kako se je ta proces ustavil, sunkoma je zadel na trdo oviro. Unija kontrolorjev zračnega prometa, čije člani so federalni uslužbenci agencije Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), je zavrgla že doseženi sporazum z delodajalcem in oklicala štrajk v času največjega zračnega prometa. Njen boss Poli in drugi voditelji unije so se temeljito urezali. Ali niso dovolj poznali, ali pa so podcenjevali dva faktorja: 1. odločnost predsednika Reagana, ki v važnih za-de vali, n e pozna šale, in 2. načrtno pripravljanje rezervnih kontrolorjev za primer, da bi redni kontrolorji prekinili delo. To akcijo je začela že pred letom dni Carterjeva vlada, kar je omogočilo, da so takoj ob začetku štrajka prevzeli mesta zračnih kontrolorjev za to določeni “rezervisti”. S četrtinsko omejitvijo se promet ob času tega pisanja redno odvija in vzdržuje. Unija je zagazila v velike škripce. Kontrolorjem je štrajk zakonito prepovedan, razen tega so se pa tudi slovesno obvezali, da ne bodo štrajkali. Zahteva unije, da se morajo njih plače (sedaj povprečno 34,000 dolarjev na leto) povišati za 10,000 dolarjev, delovni čas pa skrčiti od 40 na 32 ur, je z ozirom na formalno, izobrazbo kontrolorjev in vladno antiinflacijsko politiko očividno zelo pretirana. Vse to je dalo Reaganovi vladi v roke močno orožje. Proglasila je štrajk za neveljaven, kontrolorjem pa sporočila, da so v smislu dane obljube prenehali biti federalni uslužbenci. Med tem se zračni promet v nekoliko skrčenem obsegu nadaljuje, vsi poskusi unije, da bi jo podprla mednarodna organizacija kontrolorjev, so bstali pri besednih izrazih simpatije. Spor je notranja ameriška zadeva, v katero se svetovna zveza kontrolorjev ne more in ne sme vmešavati. Kot stvari stojijo ob času tega pisanja, je kazno, da bo unija igro zgubila. Kakšen naj bi bil racionale tega sindikalnega spora? Predvsem je skrajni čas, da be štrajki delavstva in uslužbenstva v javnih ustanovah (federalnih, državnih, lokalnih) dokončno nehajo. Mora se^namreč razlikovati med javno in privatno ustanovo.. Dočim je prva predstavnica in izvrševalka splošne ljudske volje Fantje na vasi zopet navdušili slovensko občinstvo s svojini koncertnim nastopom CLEVELAND, O. — Preteklo soboto zvečer je bila glavna dvorana Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave. zasedena prav do zadnjega kotička, isto je veljalo tudi za balkon. Prišli so Slovenci od blizu in daleč, da In prisostvovali koncertu mladega moškega pevskega zbora. “Fantje na vasi” iz Clevelanda. S temi mladimi fanti pa naj bi nastopili zrelejši fantje iz Toronta. Napovedano je bilo tudi, da se bo koncerta udeležil ljubljanski nadškof in slovenski metropolit dr. Alojzij Šuštar. Zaradi sprejema pri Sv. Vidu tisti večer, nadškof ni prišel v SND do začetka drugega dela koncerta. Ko se je prikazal v dvorani, so vsi poset-niki vstali in ga sprejeli z o-vacijo. Že pred prihodom nadškofa pa so bili navzoči v dvorani prijetno presenečeni, ko je prišel v SND novi clevelandski škof Anthony Pilla. Menda je bilo prvič, da je bil škof Pilla na slovenski prireditvi v SND po prevzemu svojih dolžnosti. Spremljal ga je rev. Frank Kosem. Malo kasneje pa se je škofu Pillu pridružil še sen. Frank J. Lau-sche, ki je prišel v spremstvu Jožeta Melaherja. V pogovoru s članom “Fantov na vasi” Tomažem Sršenom sem zvedel, da so postavili 600 sedežev na parterju. Ker gre na balkon lahko nekaj sto ljudi, nekateri so pa morali stati zadaj ali ob straneh dvorane, mislim, da je bilo obiskovalcev okrog 1000, če že ne več * že ko je zadonela prva pesem “Pobratimija”, je bilo razvidno, da ne bo nobenega razočaranja. Fantje iz Clevelanda so začeli koncert s petimi pesmimi, odobravanje je rastlo iz točke v točko. Pesmi so bile: Slanica; Flosarska; Planike ter Hej, kuril si jaz pipo bom. Po teh pesmih smo obiskovalci pričakovali takojšen nastop Fantov iz Toronta, a smo bili malo prevarani. Najprej malo za šalo, potem pa zares, je nastopil kvartet, v katerem so bili Peter Dragar, Tomaž in Janez Sršen ter Nejci Slak. Pripravili so bili zgodbico, ki je bila polna smeha za obiskovalce, nato so pa odlično zapeli. Sledil je nastop Fantov na vasi iz Toronta, pod pevovodjem Nacetom Križma-, nom. Dobra poteza v pripravah na koncertu je bila odločitev clevelandskih Fantov, da so raztegnili oder za kak meter ali več v dvorano. Bili so bliže občinstvu,, bolj Vidni, skoraj bi dejal, da je bila tudi akustika boljša. ; Medtem, ko pevovodja clevelandskih F a nt o v Janež Sršen poje skupaj z ostalimi fanti, g. Nace Križman dirigira takorekoč bolj “klasično”. Tokrat je stal pred svojim zborom na parterju. Zapeli so: Domovina, mili kraj; Dober večer, ljubo dekle; Nocoj pa, oh, nocoj; Moja ljubca m’ je pošto posvava ter V gorah zvoni. V primeri s clevelandskimi fanti so bili ti razviti, moški glasovi. Oba zbora sta bila res odlična, a sta se prijetno razlikovala. Takšnega občutka, mislim, ne bi imeli, če bi bili člani obeh zborov iste starosti. Pred nedavnim sem dobil ploščo “Domovina, bodi zdrava”, ki jo je izdal sorazmerno nov ljubljanski oktet. Glasovi so mladi in se močno razlikujejo od za moje sicer za glasbo nešolano uho še vedno neprekosljivega Slovenskega okteta. Isti občutek sem imel, ko sem poslušal oba zbora Fantov na vasi preteklo soboto zvečer. Ne gre za to, da je en zbor boljši od drugega, marveč da sta različnega značaja, kar je vsaj meni ugajalo. Po odmoru je najprej nastopil zbor Fantje na vasi iz Clevelanda. Kot novost ha svoj h koncertih so zapeli dve angleški, in sicer Lida Rose in Lonesome Road. Pesmi sta bili dobri, upati pa je, da bodo Fantje na bodočih koncertih nastopali še vedno v pretežno -slovenskem formatu. Prepričan sem, da bodo. Na kakem bodočem koncertu oz. nastopu bi bilo dobro slišati od teh fantov ameriško in slovensko narodno himno. Ti himni, mislim, bi bili na mestu na sobotnem koncertu, posebno, ker sta bila navzoča in služi širokemu javnemu blagru, je druga namenjena po volji nekaternikov zasebnemu krogu in je njen temeljni cilj blagor in dobiček tega kroga, služba javnosti je zelo drugoten, včasih izkoriščevalen namen. Zato je štrajk v privatnem podjetju povsem nekaj drugega kot oni v javni ustanovi. Vrh tega so štrajki v javnih službah prepovedani po zakonu, to pa prav zaradi imenovane razlike. Če gredo v stavko recimo delavci General Motors, ljudske množice niso med štraj-kom nič prizadete; če pa štrajkajo delavci newyorske Transportation Authority in se ves promet ustavi, nastane veliko neugodje, trpljenje in škoda obširnemu sklopu ljudstva. Isto bi se bilo zgodilo v zračnem prometu, ko bi ne bilo v ozadju primerne rezerve, ki jo mogla promet v znatni meri ohraniti. Zdi se, da bi bile samo take zasilne “rezerve” zmožne štrajke v javnih napravah onemogočiti. Potem pa še trdna volja oblasti takih rezerv poslužiti se in stavku joče delavstvo postaviti pred dejstvo, da s štrajkom ne’morejo ničesar izsiliti. Kajti za izsiljevanje pri štrajkih'dejansko gre. Javna oblast izsiljevanja ne more in ne sme trpeti, kajti ona ima mandat vladanja direktno od ljudstva. Na drugi strani bi kazalo ustanoviti zanesljivo mašinerijo za arbitracijo ali še kaj boljšega. Kako “rezerve” pripraviti, je vprašanje zase, vendar ni nerešljivo, tudi za učitelje, policaje, ognjegasce, smetarje itd., ne. Tukaj je Narodna garda, druge podobne poluradne organizacije in končno še vojaštvo. Od teh edink bi se gotov del izuril za zasilen ,prevzem raznih operacij, v primeru štrajka. Taka preusmeritev odnosov javne oblasti do svojih uslužbencev bi njihovo nagnjenje za štrajk omejila, če ne odpravila. Ne konfrontacija, raje reorientacija. ?: , L.Pv . , “ i.'V i- ! ,, i- " nadškof Šuštar in škof Pilla. Zopet so prišli na oder Torontski fantje in zapeli: Mi smo Dolenjci, pesem, katera je sovpadala z navzočnosjo nadškofa Šuštarja, ki je dolenjskega “rodu”, Spomini; Večerni zvon, po kateri je žel ovacijo odlični solo nastop Danila Volka; Zelenica; Pesem “Slovenskih fantov” ter Oj, zbogom ti, planinski svet. Po tem nastopu se je pred-' stavnik clevelandskih fantov: Janez Tominc zahvalil nadškofu za obisk in ga tudi/povabil na oder ter mu- poklonil darilo. Nadškof se je v zbranih besedah zahvalil za gostoljubje in poudaril važnost o-hranjevanja slovenskega izročila. Potem je vzel nekaj trenutkov, da se je osebno zahvalil vsakemu članu Fantov na vasi in se z njimi rokoval. Tudi v drugem delu koncerta je nastopil kvartet Fantov na vasi z Clevelanda, zbor pa je podal pesmi Jes ’mam , tri 1’ubece; Katrca in S’noči; s’m pa v anmu kraju biv. Kot zaključek prvovrstne-' ga programa in večera sta nastopila oba zbora skupaj z dvema pesmima: ’Mam dro fleten ter Vasovalec. Po končanem sporedu so Fantje in njih pomagači hitro pospravili sedeže, da je bil prostor za plesišče. Za ples in zabavo so pozno v noč igrali glasbeniki Alpskega seksteta. Skratka, bilo je res prijetno srečanje slovenskih rojakov in rojakinj. Poleg domačih Fantov, je upati, da nas bodo še in še obiskavali torontski Fantje! Rudolph M. Susel •-----o—•—— Romanje v Frank CLEVELAND, O. — Ko bomo letos romali v Frank, O., bo že vsa narava obarvana z žarečimi jesenskimi barvami. To romanje že mnogo let u-spesno organizira Društvo S.P.B. Cleveland. Prijazna romarska cerkev v Frank-u je postala priljubljeno zbirališče Slovencev iz Clevelanda in okolice, ki se v vedno večjem številu, udeležujejo teh romanj. Letos bo to romanje v nedeljo, 27. septembra. Odhod avtobusov bo iz Collinwooda izpred cerkve Marije Vnebo-vzete ob 7.30 uri zjutraj, izpred Baragovega doma na St. Clair ju pa ob 8. uri. Odbor prosi, da ste vsi, ki ste še priglasili za romanje, ob določenem času odhoda na mestu, ker avtobus ne more čakati na zamudnike. Sv. maša v Frank-u bo ob 11. uri predpoldne. Tam bo objavljeno, ali bo v cerkvi ali v cerkveni zgradbi oziroma novi cerkvi. Lansko leto je bila cerkev premajhna, da bi v njej bilo prostora za vse romarje, zato smo imeli sv. mašo v novi cerkveni zgradbi, ki je na vse strani odprta. A za naše občutke je lepše v cerkvi, ker nas njena notranjščina spominja na naše cerkve doma — oltar Žalostne Matere božje. Po sv. maši je čas za kosilo. Nekateri prinesejo jestvine s seboj/kdor želi, pa more imeti kosilo v tamkajšnji cerkveni obednici kar zraven cerkve. Ob dveh popoldne se začne križev pot na prostem po prijaznem gozdičku, le v slučaju slabega vremena bo v cerkvi.. Po križevem potu imamo pete litanije Matere božje. Odhod okrog 4. ure popoldne, da smo okrog šestih zvečer že doma. Dva naročena avtobusa sta 1)1 la kar hitro napolnjena, da je odbor moral naročiti še en avtobus. Zato vodstvo romanja prosi, da se vsak, ki se namerava udeležiti tega romanja, čimprej priglasi, ker je v zadnjem tednu pred romanjem nemogoče naročiti še en avtobus. Priglase sprejemajo: Vinko Rožman, tel. 881-2852; Marija Meglič (Mauser) tel. 761-1060 in Lojze Bajc, tel. 486-3515. Voznina za avtobus je $7 za odrasle, za otroke pa $3.50. Jože Melaher Kaj je to? CLEVELAND, O. — Uganka: Slovenska mavrica s 140 nogami — kaj je to? To je folklorna skupina Kres, ki vam bo v kratkem priredila večer slovenskih plesov. Letos so* vam pripravili krasen program v treh delih. Eden izmed teh je zbirka pokrajinskih plesov, s katerimi so nastopili naši plesalci letos na Koroškem in Primorskem. Nastop bo v soboto, 3. oktobra, ob 7.30 zvečer v dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Ave. Izredno zanimiv bo tudi del programa, v katerem bo predstavljeno “kožuhanje na Štajerskem”. Kdor ne ve, kaj je to, bo moral priti na to prireditev, da se nekaj novega nauči. Tisti, ki vedo, pa vem, da itak nameravajo priti. Plesi bodo izvajani na glasbo orkestra ‘Veseli Slovenci’, ki bo igral tudi po koncertu za zabavo. Letos nastopa na programu 70 plesalcev. Njihovo delo in zanimanje zanj raste, kot tudi njihov ponos do vsega, kar je slovenskega. Tisti nasmeh, ki oživi obraze, ni samo zaradi nastopa, ampak tudi vsled tistega ponosa in užitka, ki ga plesalci in gledalci občutijo v sebi. Ples nekako pomladi, naša srca razveseli. Zares je to za vse ljudi — zato prisrčno vabljeni vsi! S. ------o------ Romanje Zveze oliarnili društev v Lemont zelo lepo uspelo CLEVELAND O. — V imenu Zveze oltarnih društev se vsem, ki so se udeležile letošnjega romanja v Lemont, prav iskreno zahvalim. Enako tudi čč. pp. Fortunatu in Ata-naziju ter bratu Robertu za lep sprejem romarjev in za vso naklonjenost in sodelovanje. Spored obredov pobožnosti se je vršil pravočasno in končal v popolnem zadovoljstvu nas vseh. Ves dan v nedeljo je sijalo sonce tako, da so bili vsi določeni sporedi zunaj. Okoli 4. ure popoldne se je pričelo o-blačiti ravno pred kronanjem naše ljube Fatimske Gospe in smo se bale, da se bo vlil dež in nam delal nepriliko. Toda, ravno ko je Carol Rožic, članica Oltarnega društva sv. Vida kronala Marijo, je posijalo sonce skozi oblake na Marijin obraz. Bilo je čudovito znamenje ljubezni. Zdelo se nam je, da bi nas Marija hotela objeti in pritegniti na svoje srce. Bil je čudovit prizor, ki ham ostane trajno v spominu. Eno uro pred odhodom se je vlil dež tako, da smo zaključne molitve opravile V Baragovi kapeli. Imele smo lepo romanje. Duševno okrepčane smo se Vračale na svoje domove z željo, da se drugo leto zopet vrnemo na ■sloveh-sko-ameriške Brezje v Lemont. Ne smem tu pozabiti treh duhovnikov, ki so se nam pridružili, in sicer: ‘Če. gg. Mirko Gogala, Albin Augustin in Jože Guštin, iz Argentine, ki so somaševali pri sv« : • z ^ Maks Simbn&c: Si i Mamici Postaj oblaček bel, postoj, popelji v hribe me s seboj, da videl bodem jamico, govoril s svojo mamico ■ ■ • Odplul oblaček nad goro, se zjokal fantič je zato. “Odpusti mama,” daleč je do tvoje hladne jamice. Vso pot je jokal fantič tnUi^ in v srcu čutil mrzli hlad; to bile hladne so solze njegove ljube mamice ... mašah in nas z molitvijo s?' rožnega venca, petjem in pV povedovanjem življenja v M' gentini dajali lep zgled pra‘ vega krščanskega življenj3* Bog naj Vam stotero popU^ za sodelovanje! Vesele sN0' da ste se nam pridružili 1 nas s svojo navzočnostjo veselili. Sedaj, ko smo srečno čale naše letno romanje, naše pridne članice pri ‘5' Vidu pripravljajo na k o s i lo “Chicken-Roast Dinner”, ki se bo serviral0 ^ Svetovidskem a v d i t orij° nedeljo, 20. septembra. Pr* . te od blizu in daleč, da se prijetni družbi, pri dobr6^ kosilu,' skupno poveselim0 pozdravimo. Še prav posebno vabim nice od vseh štirih fara; A kažimo, da smo vse eno> Zvezi oltarnih društev povezane, da želimo so0 , vati pri vseh farah, kok pač moremo. Na svidenj6' Vas prisrčno pozdravlj3 Mary Marinko, preds. Zveze Zahvala iz Toronta TORONTO, Kan. vensko lovsko in ribiško glo' štvo iz Toronta se najlep®6 •, hvaljuje uredništvu ške Domovine za po^od in oglase v Ameriški ^ vini ob priliki 10. oU6^« obstoja našega Lovskega štva. Nadalje se iskreno Ijujemo gospodu Tonetk kovšku za radijske objAe priliki našega jubileja. ^ Prav lepa hvala LovS^^j društvu St. Clair Rifle Hunting Club iz CleV6 ^ m za udeležitev tekmovah.) proslave naše obletnic6' ^ Iskrena hvala plesni ^ ni “Slovenskemu f°U mu inštitutu” iz Cim*0 ^ za čudovit program, ki ^ veselil mnogo slovenski ^ Naj se še zahvalim0 ^ skemu društvu Planica ^ ronta in Lovskemu o j Slovenske telovadne zVe ^ Toronta za udeležbo Prl mah v streljanju. m Odbor Slov. Idvsk6^^ ribiškega društva T° Misijonar na TajvalJ rev. Francis Re&° pri Sv. Lovrenoa pr» CLEVELAND, O- - M p pri j atelj i, pozdra vijerl3 * no som prišel s TaJV^*, počitnice v Cleveland' / zdraviti hočem ih se liti vsem prijateljem, ^ mi pomagali vsa ta e ^ posebno pa zadnjih ' j/ cev, ko smo popfavlj0 novi misijon v Peitok- ^ p Onim, ki se jiin.’? jd) mogel osebno zahvah 6 ^ kam zahvalo preko te v Ameriški Domovini- y V Clevelandu biv3^# svojem bratu, župnik3 . p? nyju, pri cerkvi Sv. U°. $ na’ E. 80 St. Telefon5 vilka je 341-0496. ^ Francis Rebul, Catholic Mission Peitou, k21 TAIWAN, ROL o<=r>oo<==>oo<~>oooo000()0()00<=>000() * WILLOUGHBY HILLS. 10 acres. $52,000. CAMEO REALTY Anton Matic, Broker 531-6787 (FX) FOR RENT E. 71st & Donald - 6 rooms (up), remodeled, garage, immediate occupancy. Call 476-1959 (97-100) FOR RENT 5 rooms (down), E. 43 & St. Clair. — Call after 2 p.m. 431-0281 (97-98) Hillwood Mtg. Co. 21700 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44117 Hillwood Mfg. Co. is looking for individuals interested in working and learning about the nail manufacturing business. Mechanical ability necessary. We have openings in the following depts., heat treating, wire twisting, wire drawing, packaging, maintenance, & threading. If interested, call 531-0300 ask for BiH Mohline. (97-100) FOR SALE Double bed, spring and mattress. — 431-2736. (96-99) FOR SALE Washer and dryer. Call 881-3824 (96-99) Stanovanje v najem 4 sobe in kopalnica, na E. 47 St. Vse prenovljeno. Kh' čite 391-1941 po 4. uri pop. (X) 1-družinska s 3 spalnicami. Nova kopalnica. Preprogi. Klet. Garaža. $13,500. 8-sobna enodružinska na Edna Ave. $8,900. 2-družinska in 1-družinska. E. 31 St. $12,900. Dvojna, 7-6. Možnost, da tm lastnik financiral. Dvojna, 6-5, blizu sv. Vida. Modema kuhinja, preprogi in opaž. Gostilna in stavba na St. Clair Ave. Kličite nas za podrobnosti. A.M.D. REALTY 6311 St. Clair Ave. 432-1322 (F-X) FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, up. Near 185 & Lakeshore. Prefer middle aged working woman. 481-3894 . (98-99) OGRAJE POSTAVLJAM Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Tudi prodajam potrebni material za ograje po zmerni ceni in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Lahko pokličete vsaki čas na 391-0533. (94,96,98,100) 6321 Carl Ave You must see this well kept beautiful 5-5 double. Exciting large modern kitchen. Carpeting. Copper plumbing. Newer furnace. Cyclone fenced deep lot. Immediate possession. In the 20’s. For apt. call Goldie Gonakis 261-3900 office, 731-7461 home. CAMEO REALTY & ASSOC. INC. (97-102) 3 rooms and bath. St. Clair Ave., St. Vitus area. Call 881-1393 or 888-2765 (X) WANTED Live-in health care & bob'2 maker for 90 yr. male inv^* lid. Skilled, responsible, cap3' ble of sympathetic care. Be' ferences. $200 per week. ^ E. 185 St. Call Mrs. Joyce 531-3302 (X) CLEANING WOMAN WANTED Bratenahl. 1 day a week. Call 249-2963 (96-99) FOR SALE Highland Hts., 3 bedr. Ranck-IVa bath, double car garagL’ Good condition. Broker-owner 442-3246 (96-99) FOR SALE 6701 Bonna Ave. Single house. 5 bedroom5. Full basement. 2 floors. minum sided. New furnace-new boiler. Copper plumbia-?-3 garages. Nice landscapi11^' All furnishings included. Call 391-9161 (97-98) APT. FOR RENT 5 rooms up. Norwood Rd. children. No pets. 432-2976. (97-98) FOR RENT 5 rooms, down. Edna A'-0- Call 692-0661 before noom (97-98) FOR RENT 5 rooms, up. Security dep° sit' & references required. 11 vicinity of St. Francis church. E. 71 St. Call 1-294-2626. (96-99) Y OV R VIEWS THE LATEST NEWS AND VIEWS YOUR ETHNIC FORUM WEEKLY • Jame* V. Debevec, Editor FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 OUR NEWS Archbishop Sustar Given Warm Reception in U.S. Visit FATHER JOŠT MARTELANC, Mr. Rudy Knez, Pastor Father Vic Tome, Canon Raymond Hobart precede Archbishop Sustar. (Photo by Jim Debevec) By JIM DEBEVEC Editor A special guest in the Cleveland area last week was Msgr. dr. Alojzij Sustar, Archbishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia who was shown the full hospitality of the Slovenian people. He began his pilgrimage to the Slovenian community last Wednesday, Sept. 9 with a 9 a.m. visit to the American Home newspaper. He was accompanied by St. Vitus priest, Father Joseph Simcic. The Archbishop took a tour of the office and print shop and met all the workers here. That afternoon, he was special guest of Cleveland Mayor George Voinovich and his wife, Janet, at City Hall. About 100 dignitaries greeted Sustar and welcomed him to the city. Later, Father John Kumse led Archbishop Sustar on a tour of the Barberton area. Father Martelanc from St. Patrick’s parish in Ljubljana accompanied Archbishop Sustar during his visit to the U.S. and drove him out to Slovenska Pristava, recreation area in Geneva, Ohio. The Archbishop was very impressed with Pristava. Thursday evening a reception was held at St. Vitus auditorium. Father Joseph Boz-nar, pastor, was in charge of the event and welcomed Dr. Sustar. Speeches were given by Joseph Baškovič and Majda Cimperman. On Friday Msgr. Sustar traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the Mass and banquet commemorating 10 years since the Slovenian Chapel was dedicated in the shrine of the Immaculate Conception. On Saturday afternoon, a 5:00 p.m. Mass was held at St. Vitus with Archbishop Sustar as Main Celebrant. Also sharing honors were Cleveland Bishop Anthony Pilla, Father Joseph Boznar, Father Joseph “ Simcic, Father Frank Kosem, Father John Kumse, and Father Julius Slapsak, Jost Martelanc, Frank Godec. Father Baznik joined the group later. The church was completely filled. The clergy entered in procession following a large number of persons dressed in Slovenian national costumes. The church choir sang in Slo- venian and did a magnificant job. Following Mass, a reception was held in the auditorium. Mayor and Mrs. Voinovich also were present and were entertained by the voices of the Men’s Chorus from St. Vitus. Senator Frank J. Lausche also gave words of welcome. Probably the largest parade of Slovenians dressed in “Narodne Noše” assembled on Sunday morning, Sept. 13, in front of St. Mary’s to march into the church in front of the Archbishop, pastor Father Victor Tome. Father Louis Tomtz, and Father Canon Raymond Hobart. There were 190 in national costume. After the church service, a swift reception was held in St. Mary’s auditorium over coffee and sweet rolls. Archbishop Sustar’s visit was warmly received by the multitude of Slovenians across the country. His only regret was he could not spend more time with his people. He struck everyone as being a warm, holy man whom each fondly respected. It was one of the largest gatherings of Catholic Slovenians the city has ever seen and gave evidence that when called upon the Slovenians will unite with their background as the common bonding factor. -----o—---- MMovish Dinner The John A. Milakovich for Council Committee is sponsoring a Buffet Dinner on Monday, September 21, at the Hofbrau Haus, 1400 E. 55 St. at 7:00 p.m. Donation is $12.00 per person. Tickets are available from Dick Mott (531-4566), Gene Drobnič (881-6962), Emilee’s Beauty Salon, 6412 St. Clair Ave. ' (431-6224) or John A. Milakovich. 5813 Prosser Ave. (391-3930). -------------o------ Card Party St. Mary’s (Collin.) PTU, is sponsoring a Card Party, which will be held on Sunday, September 27, in the school auditorium, starting at 3:00 p.m., featuring door prizes, table prizes, a raffle and refreshments. Admission price $1.75. Groundbreaking Signals Start of 63 Bed Expansion of Slovene Home for the Aged Kres Concert is Two Weeks Away First Cleveland Slovenian JOHN PINTAR PIONEER TRAILRLAZER By RUDOLPH M. SUSEL The official groundbreaking ceremony for the new 63 bed addition to the Slovene Home for the Aged was held on the grounds of the Home at 18621 Neff Road last Saturday afternoon, September 12, 1981. Present were the members of the Board of Trustees, many past members of the Board and Plonorary Trustees, invited guests and numerous longtime friends and supporters of this wonderful Slovenian institution. Although threatening in the earlier part of the day, the weather became favorable and quite sunny during the ceremony and after. Board President Marie Shaver qpened the festivities shortly after 3:00 p.m. and remarked how delighted she and the members of the Board were that this day had finally come. Those of us familiar with the myraid of problems that needed to be overcome know how difficult, time-consuming and, frequently, simply aggravating were the obstacles. The honor of turning the first spade of earth for the new a'ddition was given to the selfless Alma Lazar. Alma is one of the original members of the Board of Trustees still serving in this capacity. The others are Marie Shaver and John Cech. Present with Alma for the ceremony was Cleveland Mayor George V. Voinovich. Both sported special “hard hats” with Slovene Home for the Aged imprinted on them. In his brief remarks, Mayor Voinovich praised the supporters of the Home for their generous contributions and said that while as Mayor he is called on to attend many ceremonies throughout the City, this one was especially enjoyable and meaningful to him. Marie Shaver said that un- fortunately a prior commitment kept Euclid Mayor Anthony Giunta from attending, but that the Mayor had called her to his office and preseht-ed her with a $500.00 personal check as his donation to the Building Fund. Representing him was Tim Misney. Also present were Congressman Dennis Eckart and his father, Euclid Councilman, Edward. Both turned a symbolic shovelful of earth. The Councilman for the old 32nd and now 11th ward in Cleveland, David Trenton, 26th ward Councilman Michael Polenšek and 23rd ward Councilman John Milakovich, State Representative Ron Šuster and State Senator Tim McCormack were among those assembled. The list of personalities is-far too long to include everyone, however Tony Petkovšek, August Praytel, Jacob Strekal, Edmund Turk, Stanley G. Ziherl, and Dr'. Anthonk Spech were present. After the introductions, Marie Shaver read a list of donations to the Building Fund and the attendees were invited to partake of light refreshments available in the dining room area. Most remained to engage in conversation and conviviality. During the past week the construction crews have been busy clearing away trees to permit access of cranes and other heavy equipment. The first part of actual construc-toin under way is the installation of a sewer line and Walter Lampe of the Board has been on the scene observing the work as it progresses. The key to successful construction is adherence to the specifications called for in the architects’ plans and the contract with the builder and Walter, John Cech and the architects will be taking the lead in ensuring that what (Continued on page 2) What’s Slovenian, as colorful as the rainbow, has 140 legs, and perspires a lot? It’s the 1981 Kres dance group preparing for its annual fall concert. s The 70 dancers will be performing at Slovenian Home on St. Clair Ave. on Saturday, October 3rd at 7:30 p.m. Their costumes are not only colorful, but they are authentic reproductions of those By JIM DEBEVEC The largest crowd ever to see a Fantje Na Vasi concert filled the St. Clair Slovenian National Home on Saturday evening, Sept. 12. Special guests Were Archbishop Dr. Alojzij Sustar of Ljubljana, Slovenia along with priests from Slovenian parishes from throughout the greater Cleveland area, U.S. .. Congressman Dennis Eckart, and various other government figures. The Fantje was up to their usual high standard of singing a variety of songs in Slovenian. For the first time, however, they started the second half dressed in everyday clothes and sang a couple of songs in English, Barbershop style. They began with “Lida Rose” and the second was “Lonesome Road” featuring director John Sprsen as soloist. It was a delightful and welcome worn for hundreds of years by Slovenians on festive' occasions. The costumes come alive to the music of Duke Marsic Orchestra “Veseli Slovenci”). Many of you have seen condensed, 5 or 6 number performances at AMLA, the Oc-toberfest, Shaker Heights, and Willoughby Hills Home Days this year. Here is your chance to enjoy the group in break which drew a tremendous round of applause. Another interesting variety from the normal compliment of 18 male singers was the quartet of Tom and John Seršen, Pete Dragar, and Bart Slak. The male singers from Canada, also named Fantje Na Vasi returned to Cleveland and added their superb harmony to the evening’s entertainment. The extra large crowd gave proof positive that Slovenian culture in our area is appreciated and people are looking for quality entertainment and are proud of their ethnic heritage. Congratulations to Fantje Na Vasi for another outstanding performance and we applaud each and everyone of you for continuing to superbly display your quality breeding in a manner to loft our Slovenian background to the forefront. a full-length production. The program includes many new dances sprinkled with old favorites. A special addition will be the recreation of the corn-husking gatherings that were both social and industrious in nature. Another segment of the program will spotlight the dances of the various regions of Slovenia in regional costumes. These were part of the joint singing group Korotan — dane group Kres tour to Slovenian regions of Italy and Austria in July-August. The dancers are a hardworking group under the direction of Bernie Ovsenik and Breda Lončar who also choreograph most of the group’s dances. They practice long and hard to enjoy it. That is the key to their success. Those smiles you see on stage are not just stage-smiles. They reflect the pride and enjoyment the dancers feel when that first measure of a polka or waltz is sounded. You are all cordially invited to bring your friends and neighbors, especially those who have not previously attended a concert. Dancing to the Duke Marsic Orchestra will follow the concert and for those who enjoy Slovenian cooking and spirits (and who doesn”t?) both kitchen and bar will be open. Donation is $4.00. Tickets are available at Petrie’s Barber Shop, Slapnik Florist, Frank Sterle’s Country House, Tony Petkovsek’s Polka Village, from all members, and at the door. Children under 12 admitted free. S. ------o------ By FRANK ZUPANČIČ It is pretty well agreed that John Pintar was the first Cleveland Slovenian, arriving here in 1879. However so little has heen written about him, that I took it upon myself to secure more information about this unheralded trail-blazer, John Pintar. * ❖ * When John Pintar left his village home of Andol in the parish of St. Gregor in 1879, he came to Cleveland and lived here for only five months. He soon became homesick for his homeland, and since the economic conditions were not at all rosy at that time, he returned to Slovenia. In 1883, he again decided to immigrate to the United States. He went directly to Ely, Minnesota', joining a Slovenian farming community and remained there for seven months. He then returned to Cleveland where he secured employment but after two months, he again was out of work. Persistently he searched for a job and taking Horace Greeley’s advice “Go west, young man,” he walked all the way from Cleveland to Pueblo,Colorado. There the job outlook was no better than in Cleveland, so, very disillusioned, he went on foot back to Cleveland. The trip took 66 days, his lodgings and food were provided by kind-hearted souls along the way. Si me years prior to the turn of the century, he married a Slovenian wife, who bore him three daughters and a son. The Pintar family resided in the Newburgh area on Rural St. which later became E. 80 St., south of Union Ave. John Pintar at that time was working for a brick yard. In 1918, Pintar became seriously ill and. was taken to the Cleveland Infirmary in War-rensville. Ohio. There he (Continued on page 2) >*+***+*** Missionary Father Rebo! Visits Here Dear Friends, I wish to say “hello” to all of you while I’m here on a short vacation from Taiwan. I wish to thank all of you personally for all the help that you have given me through the years, but especially in the last six months, during which time we repaired the “new” Mission at Peitou, where I am stationed at present. and put the Catholic Church back on the “social map. If I won’t be able to reach you personally, let me use “A.D.” to thank you all. While in Cleveland. I will be staying at St. Lawrence Church at 3547 E. 80 St. (Phone: 341-0496). Yours Truly, Francis Rebel. M.M. Catholic Mission Peitou, Taiwan, ROC 521 ----------b------ LARGE CROWD SEES FANTJE CONCERT - LOUIS BOLDIN, (left) secretary of AMLA, chats with Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Spech, and Joseph Baškovič (right) national officer of KSKJ at the Mayor’s Reception for Dr. Aloysius Sustar, Archbishop of Ljubljana. (Photo iby Dan Shimrak) ’iour Excellency, Archbishop Alojzij Sustar, Reverend Fathers, and Guests: We' are very pleased and honored to have with us this evening, the Most Reverend Alojzij Sustar, the Archbishop of Ljubljana, Yugoslavia and the Metropolitan of Slovenia. I have often wondered what the distinction is between an Archbishop and a Bishop. Perhaps many of you have also pondered this question. And so with a little research on my part I learned that a Bishop is the spiritual overseer of a diocese, and that an Archbishop is a Bishop of the highest order. And So you see we are doubly honored today by Archbishop Sustar’s presence. May I, Archbishop Sustar, in behalf of this gathering welcome you to Cleveland, and most especially to our parish family at St. Vitus. Strangely enough, I attended a wedding this past Sunday at the Case Western Reserve University Campus. The wedding was officiated by a priest (Father Ronald) who, during the course of our conversation after the wedding, told me that he was on assignment in »the United States from Switzerland. Somehow the name of Archbishop Sustar entered into our conversation. Father Ronald told me that they consider Archbishop Sustar to be Swiss not Slove- * nian; and, of course, after reading a short biographical sketch about Archbishop Sustar I can readily understand why. He spent about a quarter of a century, in Switzerland, distinguishing himself in many phases of theological and civil assignments. I will not delve into any of his many accomplishments since I am sure that you are all familiar wRh them. Our gathering this evening, Archbishop Sustar, is rather unique. It is unique in the sense that our pastor, father Boznar, thought that it would be proper to single out the leaders, of the many phases of Slovenian community life that •take place in what we refer to as Greater Cleveland. These are the principals, if you will, of the numerous St. Vitus Parish Organizations, as well as other fraternal and cultural societies. These are what we consider the “Grass Roots” level of the Greater Cleveland Slovenian community. These are the prime movers, the organizers, and the decision makers. These then are the folks that are called on to accomplish the many diverse activities that take place in our Slovenian Catholic community. We are individually proud of our accomplishments in each of our specific endeavors. Those of us who are second and third generation Americans, although not too fluent in the Slovenian language, are especially proud of our forefathers who laid the groundwork for what we have today. Without their zeal and personal sacrifices, and the many indignities that they were forced to endure, we would not be here today to continue their dream. The representatives here this evening have made a firm commitment to the Slovenian community to carry on. The commitment is not always eas3r, and often requires seif restraint, fortitude, and dedication. But we are determined to continue our efforts in this pluralistic society. We have noted a trend developing in our younger generation to identify with their ethnic background. A trend that is most welcome, for not too many years ago a reverse condition existed. It is our fervent desire that the current trend will continue. And so once again, Archbishop Sustar, may I extend to you, in behalf of the Slovenian people of the Cleveland area, and especially St. Vitus, a most hearty welcome. May your short stay with us be a most pleasant and memorable experience. Pozdravljeni. (Continued from page 1) needs to be done will be done. Those familiar with construction projects realize the significance of this. It is the intention of the builder to bring the structure under roof by the onset of severe winter weather, so that work can continue inside without any interruptions. This is vital to successful completion of the project within the stipulated 365 days. This is why, these first’ months of. construction are so crucial. With actual building now going on, of course, the most important activity for the friends' and supporters of the SHA is' in the area of fundraising. While Jean Križman and her Committee are now preparing detailed plans for this, which will be announced in the coming weeks, it is essential to make one basic point: The high interest costs of the mortgage dictate that it should be retired as rapidly as possible. This can be done since the Independent Savings Association under the leadership of Mr. Harold Swope has agreed 'that the mortgage can: be repaid as quiqkly as the Home can manage without any sort of penalties for early payment. Those familiar with paying off home mortgages and conventional mortgages know how much of a benefit this privilege can be. Also, potential donors should remember that every dollar donated now or in the near future will save the Home an enormous amount of interest costs over the 10 year life of the mortgage. This in turn will enable the rates for residents to be lower than thej otherwise would have to be. The accountant for the 3'! A, Mr. J.ames Richlak, who is one of the more loyal friends and supporters outside the Board of Trustees, calculates that every dollar donated now or in the next year really means a gift of about three dollars. The difference is in the amount of interest on the mortgage that will never have to be paid. . The Board of Trustees and the supporters of the SHA hope this will be just one of the inducements that will persuade you to make as generous a contribution as your circumstances permit:.to this • 'remarkable Slovenian • facility. All dohatiorls,will of course be most gratefully acknowledged. 1 The Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch- No'.-50,/ will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary on Sunday, October 11. One half century has gone by. and a lot has bean accomplished with good leadership and friendly1 cooperation of the members. Organizers of the Branch were Albina Novak and Josephine Seely e, with 20 members at that first meeting, we now have 353 adult members and 83 juniors. Our Branch No. 50 was the first English, speaking branch to be organized. Sophie Posch was our first, president; Sophie Ora-zem (Ambrosic) vice president; Josephine Seelye, secretary; Josephine Bencin, treasurer; and Angela Hlabse, recording secretary. As of now, there are seven Charter Members and eleven 50-year members, who will be honored on this day. Many social events and benefits have been held throughout the 50 years, such as dances, picnics, hay rides, bake sales, bazaars, mystery rides, and card parties. The Marie Prisland Cadets also played a big part through the years for lodges, Cultural Gardens, conventions, and were, competitive with other drill teams at Euclid Beach Park. The proceeds from these events make it possible for us to make donations annually to organizations such as SWU Scholarship Fund, Slovene Home for the Aged, Holy Family Cancer Home, Hattie Larlham Foundation, Rose Mary Home, Mary Mavec Op- portunity School, and Edi Go-betz of the Slovenian Research Center. It being impossible to list all names of our hard working pioneer women, still, mention must be made of the late Albina Novak, Jo Seelye, Frances Sietz. Mary Bostian, Carole Traven and Toni Turek. God bless and reward all of you. . ... Our present officers are: Ann Terček, President; Do-rothyann Winterf Vice President; Irene Jagodnik, Secretary Treasurer; Ann Winter. Recording Secretary; Auditors, Marie Dolinar and Frances Marold; Sentinel, Jean Tomšič; Zarja Magazine Reporter, Vera Mateyka. Everyone is cordially invited to this gala occasion, an event of friendly socializing with old and new friends, also former Cadets. There will be a 10:30 A.M. Mass on Sunday, October 11, at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave., with the Marie Prisland Cadets leading the procession. A delicious dinner, prepared by our member Julie Zalar, will be served at 3:30 P.M. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20731 Recher Ave. A delightful, short program will follow. The Jeff Pecon Orchestra will furnish music for your dancing pleasure. Donation $8.00. Tickets will be limited, so get yours soon. The deadline is October 1st. For tickets information call Secretary Irene, 461-0647 or 261-3615. See you there. Ann J. Terček PiNTAR... (Continued from page 1) lingered until August 13, 1919 when he passed awaj' of pneumonia at the age of 70. Two days later, on the Feast of the Assumption, a funeral Mass was held in St. Lawrence Church. The celebrant of the IT am. Mass was Rev. John Oman, son of a first pioneer in the Brockway, Minnesota farming colony in 1866. The late John Pintar’s body was laid to rest in Calvary Cemetery in Section 47, Grave 3203. Though John Pintar’s life was not a rags-to-riches saga, he, nevertheless demonstrated that he had the courage and verve to leave his Slovenian homeland and venture ,toi America, that remarkable and distant land across the, sea. And many thousands of his Celebrate the arrival of Autumn at the Second Annual Fall Dance, sponsored by the Lorain Slovenian Button Accordionists Association. . The date is Saturday, October 3rd, 1981; the place is the Lorain Slovenian Club, 3114 Pearl Avenue, Lorain, Ohio. Danciqg from 8 P.M. ’till * Midnight to the music of the popular Joe Fedorchak Orchestra of Youngstown. Also featured will be a special apperance of the Lo- rain Slovenian Button »Accordionists. Food and refreshments will be available. Admission is $3.00 per person. For tickets . information or directions to the Slovenian Club, you may call in Lorain (216) 988-7661; in Cleveland (216) 524-9421; or in San-Musky (419) 626-3281; or you may write ticket chairman, Jim Kamnikar 8262 Vermilion Road Amherst, Ohio 44001. ———o——-— : ape Festival Tim It’s Grape Festival time again in Maple Heights. On October 11, the directors of the Maple Heights Slovenian National Home at 5050 Stanley Avenue will hold a Grape Festival or “Vinska Trgatev”, which has become an annual affair. Beginning at 2:00 p.m., there will be crafts for sale, cheese, baked goods, artifacts and much more. . Mr. Frank Globokar from Madison, Ohio, will again furnish the grapes which will actually be pressed by our congenial wine maker, John Krofi. He will even let you taste the juice or “mošt”. The ladies - of the Planit3 Singing Society will offer tlMr own specialty. “Planineke”,3 finger donut the ladies ori$' nated. There will be continuoU5 music provided by the MapJe Heights Button Box Club a11 the Eddie Zabak Orchestra. If any group, or persd1 wishes to rent a table, plea35 contact Chairman A1 Glav'c at 662-9731. This is a great family affa^ and everyone is cordially ‘n’ vited. Admission is free! Anne Ranih IASBENA MATICA FALL CONCERT OCTOBER 24 fellow countrymen spurred by Pintar’s initial journey, followed the traiiblazing pioneer to Cleveland for the following one hundred years, AFTERWORD: This writer recently visited the grave of pioneer John Pintar. After a silent prayer, I wondered if the time had not arrived that some recognition is due this first Cleveland Slovenian. A monumental marker inscribed “John Pintar — First Cleveland Slovenian — 1879,” would be a fitting tribute. Maybe some grateful Cleveland Slovenians with generous hearts will make this memorial stone a reality in the not-too-distant future. Right now there is no stone or marker to signify the final resting place of Cleveland’s prst Slovenian. The summer season is virtually over, as well as summer vacations; the children havb returned to school, and soon, Mother Nature will be decorating the countryside in resplendent fall colors. Glasbena Matica members enjoyed their individual summer vacations, and as a group, also visited the fabulous Trink Haus Manor in May and enjoyed a combination dinner-theatre tour in July to the College of Wooster viewing a superb rendition of “A Night In Venice” by Strauss. The usual summer break during July was not taken this year, however, and Monday night rehearsals continued throughout the summer in preparation for our annual Fall Concert. This concert will be presented on Saturday, October 24th, at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Many beautiful Slovenian and English melodies will be sung, including “Napitnica”— the drinking song from “La Traviata”, “Navesta Roza-munde” by Schubert, the Russian “Kalinka”, “Tradi Nuka” a kolo and a medley from “Fiddler on the Roof”, The chorus will also perform the Brahm’s “Lovesong Waltzes” which so delighted our audience last year. \ Following the program there will be a social featuring the happy tunes of the popular Alpine Sextet. Delicious hot sandwiches and other refreshments will be served in the annex. For tickets, contact any Olass Reunion Cleveland, Ohio . . . September 18, 1981. The June 1932 graduating class of Collin-wood High School will hold its first reunion in 50 years on June 19, 1982. William Hamilton, class president, announced the reunion will be held at the Bo-rally Party Center on Chardon Road in Richmond Heights. Other class officers, assisted by classmates James Stakich, Ed Seitz, Josephine Debeljak Tomsic, Mary Marn Sinkovič, ajid Amelia Oblak Seege, among others, have conducted exhaustive research to locate members of the class. Of the 304 graduated, they have located and contacted 172 members, received reports of 65, deceased, leaving 67 class-f mates unlocated. For details and reservations' call Bill Hamilton at (216) 261-8665, or Gus Amendola at (216) 261-2262. ----—o—— Glasbena member or chairwoman, June Price (*“) 8567). Cabaret seats are each and balcony seats, ^ Remember the date j tober 24th — and plan to sp6^ an evening with the Glasb611 singers. We “aim to entet^ yuh” and look forward to coming you and to the Pie sure of your company. Dolores Sierputowsk1' Publicity Don’t Forget the Senior Oitizens Editor: ^ In November 1981, the v» ^ House is holding a confer® on aging in Washington, L I urge all interested and pension clubs who ^ be willing to attend the ^ ference as a delegate 1° tact their Congressman appointment. Old age and nursing y should be very interest6 having a loud input and 6 ^ to improve conditions t°r aged. If you do not telj ^ vfi' see the needs for any imP1,0 ment. administration, they ..-M targets for assaults on&, / Not only are senior c^l‘n, and t01 beries, they are told that cial security is in ie0^ (JC' they should speak up a11 ^ mand better guaranty political rhetoric. , jiji' In todays times we nee , 1 proved health and ^s' care, like they, the cong men and senators ge\ _ $ Poor countries ^ doing it, why cannot tde ^ Why let the hospita*s doctors exploit the p0°r’ the aged. ^ Lets get out and strate for adequate PeIj.ei $ and complete health ca jp! the federal governments billions for neutron and other inhuman ar to destroy men, let the*11 m| more billions for apPrC> CV health care. Let yolir gressman know it. . Ask him to be an e _ {01 congressman., get resU his district, and his eo ^ ants; we have for t0° ci# veh1. waited for improv^t while other countries re ^ foreign aid paid for ,,s with our tax dollars, -w o0i the sK * talkers who only more allergic to the at the trough, and re cj# a fat pension at our et0 b1'3 If you are opposed i1 ing, call your congress j Washington, ask him ^ the Mottl Anti Busim^ ^ This call will have a pact. 1-202-224-3121- 041$ Jacob bu SM1RIIKS DOMOVINA, SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 * Jolm Cimperman, director of the Cleveland Landmarks Commission, is teaching a course on the new tax incentives for the renovation and restoration of older buildings. The course, credited by the Ohio Division of Real Estate, is open to realtors and others. For further information, call 251-5800. * * * ' Congratulations to Sutton J. Girod, son of Sutton and Justine Girod, who received his Funeral Directors License in June. He is employed for the Zele Funeral Home, Inc. * * ❖ MAYOR AND JANET VOINOV)CH of Cleveland greet Madeline Debevec of the American Home newspaper at City Hall reception for Archbishop Sustar (background). Memo: From Madeline By Madeline Debevec The Slovenian Grape Festival (Vinska Trgatav) will be held at Slovenska Pristava on Sunday, Sept. 20 in the afternoon. There will be wine grinding, wine pressing, and wine tasting, and a home-made wine contest. Enter your home made wine in this contest. There will be free balloons and free ice cream for the children. Free admission to all. Plan a fun-filled family day for all! Matt Grdadolnik Orchestra (Sonet) will volunteer their talents for your listening and dancing pleasure. Also, reserve Oct. 4 for Steak or Clambake Dinner at Pristava. Tickets will be available at the Grape Festival, from any board member or from Ed Veider, President of Pristava at 944-7009. * * * LAURICH-BOROUGH ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Borough of Freemont, Ohio announce the engagement of their daughter Pam to Rick Lavrich, son of Drs. James and Kathryn Lav-, rich of Richmond Heights, Ohio. Miss Borough is a registered nurse at University Toledo Hospital and getting her B.S. degree in March, 1982. Rick is a graduate of Toledo University and getting his Masters in Banking and Financing at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana in May of 1982. .t The wedding date has not been set yet. Congratulations! * * * St. Vitus Altar Society of Cleveland, Ohio will sponsor their annual Chicken and Roast Beef Dinner on Sunday, Sept. 20 at St. Vitus Auditorium. Serving time will be from 11:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Donation adults £5.00, children under 12 only $3.09. The meal also includes homemade soup and dessert. Everyone welcome! * • * ❖ 1 RAVEL NEWS — Matevž Plevnik and Simona Rus of Ljubljana are being sponsored on a trip to the U.S. by Dr. John P. Nielsen. Matevž comes from the Plevnik homestead of Spodnej Ka-shelj, of. which Dr. Nielsen has tabulated there are close to 200 living descendants from an Ivan and Marija Plevnik in the 1880’s, about evenly split between Yugoslavia and the U.S.. with a small scattering in Italy. Matevž is also a recent -electrical engineering graduate and will be working for Radio Ljubljana this fall. Miss Rus is obtaining her dental degree this fall. Her father is a distinguished dentist in Ljubljana. ^ After two weeks in New York City1 the two will come to Cleveland to visit relatives, some of which axe: Pauline Burya, Frank Ferkulj, Edward Grum, Betty Kazen, Mary Jane (Sesek) Larsen, William Marn, Deborah Sesek, and Mary Sesek in Lorain. While in Cleveland they will be staying with Deborah Sesek. S I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oswald of Euclid, Ohio sent greetings \ from Biwabik, Minnesota. They are visiting Louis’ 89 year old sister, and her daughter and husband celebrating their 50th anniversary. The Oswalds enjoyed the cold temperatures. * * * Tabor DSPB of Cleveland will sponsor its Annual Dinner Dance on Saturday, October 17 at the Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Dinner will be served from 7-9 p.m. The meal will be prepared by Steffie Smolič and her crew. Following the dinner, music will be provided by “Veseli Slovenci”. For tickets and further information, contact Phil Oreh at 943-4681. * * * WE HEAR THAT — Sister Margaret Whittaker, OSU, replaces Sr. Donna Mikala as principal of St. Mary’s School in Cleveland. Thomas Ryayee, of Willo-wiek, a senior project geologist of Picklands Mather & Co., has been promoted to manager-coal services in its coal operations department. Kyavec began his Picklands Mather career in 1975 as a junior geologist in the mineral development department. He was named senior project geologist in 1980. Ryavec earned his bachelor of science degree in geology at Cleveland State University. Picklands Mather & Co, operates iron ore mines in the United States, Canada and Australia, coal mines in West Virginia and Kentucky, a Great Lakes fleet and has coke and linestone -facilities. The company is a wholly-owned subsidary of Moore McCormack Resources, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut. ❖ Reverend William A. Jerse has been appointed Mastor of Ceremonies for Bishop James P. Lyke, -OFM, effective immediately. This appointment is in -addition to his primary assignment as Associate Pastor, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church,. Cleveland. ❖ Boris G. Music is president of Hanna Import House, Inc., 2717 Lorain Ave., Cleveland. Ohio, specializing in German imports. A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO— Frank Wolf of Richmond Heights, Ohio has returned from Alaska and is recuperating at home. * Alyce Royce underwent surgery at St. Vincent Charity Hospital. Vic Svete of Cleveland Heights is recuperating in St. Vincent Charity Hospital. ❖ :i: ❖ The St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor a “Krofe Sale” in the social room of St. Vitus Auditorium on Saturday, Sept. 19. * * * ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS TO: Dan and Mollie Postotnik of the American Home are celebrating their 24th anniversary on Sept. 28. * On Oct. 6 Pat and Mary (Kokal) O’Boyle will celebrate their 8th anniversary. * Happy 31st Anniversary to Joe and Millie Legat of 849 East 197 St., Euclid, Ohio. * Frances and Tom Legat of Euclid, Ohio celebrated their 57th Anniversary on Sept. 20. ❖ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godic of East 8-1 St., Cleveland, O., celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary on Sept. 14. ❖ ❖ * FRIENDS OF ST. ANTHONY MISSION CLUB SPONSOR CARD PARTY The Friends of St. Anthony Mission Club will sponsor a Card Party on Friday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Robert's Hall, 23802 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio. There will be prizes and refreshments. Donation $2.00. * %. * Tom Lobe will marry Kim Trimboli on Saturday, Sept. 19 at St. Vitus Church. Tom is the son of the late Bertha and Hinko Lobe, well known in the Slovenian community. Tom is an attorney. MAYFIELD TO OFFER FOREIGN LANGUAGES Beginning September 21st, s.everal foreign language classes will be offered by the Mayfield City School’s Adult Community Education program. Ten-week programs in both beginning and intermediate will be taught in the following: French, German, Italian, Slovenian and Spanish. For further information or a free brochure call 442-2200, Ext. 303. v * * * Robert Pesek was recently named director of the English as a Second Language Institute at Siena Heights College, Adrian, Mich. The institute will provide English language instruction for international students in preparation for study at American colleges and universities. Pesek was previously an instructor at the University of Toledo American Language Institute, where he specialized in curriculum development, reading, and writing instruction. Following the completion of his master’s degree in applied linguistics from the University of Indiana, Pe'sek taught English language at Kerman University in Kerman, Iran. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Ohio’s Miami University. As a Peace Corps.. volunteer in 1975,.Pesek taught English language in Zaire, before the revolution in neighboring Angola warranted the evacuation of Peace Corps volunteers from the area. He has also traveled to Costa Rica, Mexico, Poland, Israel, and the Netherlands, and speaks Spanish, French, and Portugese, Pesek explained that international students enrolled in the English as a Second Language Institute will be instructed in academic English skills of grammar and composition, reading, listening, and speaking. American culture will also be taught. The instruction, program will be designed for international students with varying levels of English language competency. Upon entry into the program, students will be tested and placed at the appropriate skill level. “International students enrolling in the English language program at Siena will be expected to know the English alphabet and basic, primer-level reading skills,” he explained. “The incoming international students will have at least a high school education before they come ho Siena. Most foreign high schools teach basic English.” * * * SWU TWIRLETTES SPONSOR BAZAAR The Slovenian Women’s Union Twirlettes are sponsoring a Christmas Arts and Crafts Bazaar Nov. 13-14 at the Euclid Park Clubhouse. Parties interested in making reservations for table space should contact Mrs. Dorothy Hodnichak at 731-5289. * * * GOODSICH-GANNETT 85th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Goodrich-Gannett Neighborhood Center, located at 1368 East 55th Street is the oldest settlement house in the city of Cleveland and was founded in 1896. For the past 85 years they have been providing com-, munity and family services to the Goodrich-Norwood area. Friday, September 18 — Community Talent Show at 7:30 pm. Sunday, September 20 —• Community Parade and Fair from 12:00 until 4:00 pm. * * * CEBUL-STERMOLE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cebul of Breckenridge Drive announce the engagement of their daughter, Sherri, to Daniel Lee Stermole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stermole of Coulter Avenue. Both future bride and groom are 1977 Euclid High graduates. Miss Cebul, a May graduate of the School of Interdisciplinary Studies at Miami (6.) University, is an audio-visual training program specialist within the training and education department of Mt. Sinai Hospital. Her fiance is a fourth-year major in fine, arts and drawing at the Cleveland Institute of Art. He plans to seek a career in illustration or freelance drawing. Arrangements are being made for an autumn 1982 wedding. * PSWA CIRCLE NO. 1 PICNIC SEPT. 20 PSWA Circle No. 1 of Cleveland, Ohio will sponsor a picnic on Sunday, Sept. 20 at SNPJ Farm. The dance will be from 3-7 p.m. with Eddie Buchner's Orchestra. * # * WALK-A-TH0N TO AID RETARDED During this, the International Year of , the Disabled Person, some very special disabled people will be participating in the 4th Annual Waik-A-Thon to benefit children who are mentally retarded. In spite of their handicaps, they will be “walking” the 20 mile routes with the support of their wheelchairs and friends. The Walk-A-Thon will take place on Sunday, September 27th. This year there will be two 20 mile routes. EAST begin and end at Bor-romeo College, 28700 Euclid Ave.,. Wickliffe. WEST begin and end at St. Augustine Academy, 14808 Lake Ave., Lakewood. REGISTRATION and walking will begin at 8:00 A.M. at both locations. A special one-mile walk for mentally retarded and handicapped children will take place at both locations: West side Special Walk will be led by Mrs. Julie Bell and “Wendy” at 12:00 p.m. at St. Augustine Academy. East Side Special Walk will be led by Mr. Dick Russ of Channel 8 at 1:00 p.m. at Borromeo College. Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers will provide complimentary hamburgers for all 20 mile walkers, and live entertainment will be provided throughout the day at both locations with the bands “Sunrise” (West Side) and “Damon Wildeve” (East Side). Other sponsors for the event include Christ Child Society, Pepsi, The Alhambra, The Catholic Universe Bulletin and W. J. Spear Printing, Inc. The money raised will benefit children who are mentally retarded served by the Apostolate for the Mentally Retarded in Cleveland. For pledge forms and more information, call Sis Ricchiuto at 696-6525, Ext. 270. * * * Robert Meglich of Euclid was released yesterday from Charity Hospital following his coronary surgery (four bypasses). -----o------ Recipe RAISIN CREAM CHEESE POUND CAKE 6 tablespoons chopped nuts Sugar 1 cup butter 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 eggs 21/i cups sifted cake flour 2 teaspoons halting powder Vi teaspoon salt 1 Vz cups chopped seedless raisins Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Grease 2 (5-cup) pans heavily. Sprinkle each with 3 tablespoons nuts, then lightly with sugar. Beat butter and cream cheese together until soft. Gradually add 1V2 cups sugar, beating until light. Add vanilla. Beat in eggs, one at a time. (Batter may look curdled). Blend in flour re-sifted with baking powder and salt. Mix in raisins. Turn into nut coated pans. Bake in preheated slow oven about 1 hour and 5 minutes, until cakes test done. Let stand 10 minutes, then turn out onto rack to cool. Makes 2 cakes. Mamie Feiklovicz Cleveland, Ohio Lpn Irko Explains Ifesit Em Wmi 13 Lynn Arko, Cleveland City Council Candidate, today, released a map of the New Ward 13. Arko stated, “The New Ward 13 includes the neigh-borshoods of St. Clair-Sup-perior, Tremont, Downtown, North Broadway, and Superior 40th. The uniqueness of Ward 13 is that it comprises 5 of the City’s neighborhoods with Cleveland’s downtown as its hub. Our St. Clair-Superior neighborhood is the forerunner in the city’s revitalization program. It is imperative that the neighborhoods work together to form a cohesiVe program to insure that these revitalizations attempts continue. The new ward 13 combines the old ward 23 and 31. The number of constituents nearly doubles to a figure of 27,-000 residents. With the increase in residents and the expanded territory it will be necessary for the residents to do their part in bringing matters in need of attention to their councilman. As your councilman I will be there to listen. If you have any questions as to the boundry of the ward or your voting location please feel free to call me at 431-3655. -------------o----- Happy Birthday Josephine Alich of 6722 Bonna Ave. (Sept. 27). Stephanie Chiappetta of Richmond Hts., O. (Oct. 4). Stella Rupe of Cleveland, Ohio (Sept. 21). Jimmy Košeni of Willoughby Hills, Ohio celebrated his 8th birthday on Sept. 12. Dave Vegh of Mentor, Ohio celebrated his special day on September 23. Jeanne Oblak (Sepf. 21), Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Tony Kaplan of Warrens-ville Hts., O. (Sept. 23). Mitzi Globokar of Cleveland (Sept. 23). Angela Winter of Cleveland, Ohio (Sept. 9). Her nieces and nephews from California phoned her and sent their love. Helen Jarem of Euclid, O. celebrated her 14th birthday on Sept. 9th. Matthew Carl Fordyce celebrated his first birthday on Sept. 21. Fondest wishes from grandma Josephine St wan of Euclid, Aunt Carol and Uncle Jim. Jennie Strumbel, 1233 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio, celebrated her birthday on Sept. 17. -------------o----- PfiDRE PI9 GROUP MEETS SEPT. 20 The Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet Sunday, Sept. 20 at 5:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21320 Euclid Ave. (Chardon Rd. entrance). We begin with the Rosary followed by Mass. Social follows in the Knights Room. Please join us and bring a friend. Peace, Padre Pio Prayer Group Rose Kovacic, Director -------o------ '~v •d*, »iwuttA'IUUUL ♦ lamp Self Results By ELMER PERME Saturday, August 22 founc the Briardale Greens Gol: Course of Euclid. Ohio in vaded by 28 participants o: Baraga Court 1317 Catholic Order of Foresters. There were eleven of the golfer: deserving mention. Low Gross — Lefty Gian-betro — 76. Low Ijlet —- Herman Dulc— 83—3^73. Pinshot No. 2 — Ken Vog-rig. Pinshot No. 8 — Bobb} Spech. Pinshot No. 16 — Anthonj Spech, Jr. Long Drive No. 17 — A Kaporc. Long Drive No. 18 — Gar: Jakomin. Low Putts — Buddy Kovacic — 32. High Gross — John Pristor — 127. High Net — Anthony Urbaf — 112—32=80. High Putts — Mike Koczar — 48. The final tourney for 1981 will be this Saturday, September 19. Tee-off times stari at 10:00 AM. The banquet will be on September 26, 1981. Make you: reservation with Elmer Perme at the final tourney. -----o------ So. Florida Slovene Club Miami, Fla. — The Slovene Club of South Florida helc its September meeting on th< 6th. Only a handful of members showed up. It was fui though, as a house party us ually is. Weather is a bit confusec these days. Consequent!] we have a good deal of rain It is welcome. Rain, however keeps folks at home. Never since our existence have we had so many people ill. Seven. Frances Drenik, Nan Gas paric, Walter Gaus, Waite: Salmon, Christine Kebe, Jus tine Moser and Bill Pene are on the sick list. We wisl them all a speedy recovery It is disheartening to hear o: so many under the weather or at home. We lost Dorothy Turk An derson to the grim reaper She was a devoted Slovene Our sympathies to her fain ily- We were informed of th< passing away of Joe Birk. Be ing a friend of many of ou: members he will be missec by many. Our sympathies t< his family. Our Frank Kosmach jus returned from a cruise t( Alaska and is now packing tt go to Europe in late Septem ber. He never lets gras; grow under his feet. It is j pleasure to see him so> excitec about going. He does wonder; at his age. No place is too fa; to go for him. More powe: to you, Frank. Have fun. H< has one desire — to fly tin Concord. It will not be toe difficult, we expect it in Mia mi soon. So much for today. People planning on a trij to South Florida, stop anc visit us. Our meeting is th< first Sunday of the month ii Pompano Beach — 2 p.m. a 301 NE 3rd St., Carpenter Union Hall. M. Willis -----o------ WRITE to Letters to Editor, American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. 44103. In. elude name, address, phone number. Ill Death notices LOUIS ZIGMUND jU JOSEPH MAJCE r Joseph Majce, age 72, of 10911 Lake Avenue, Cleveland, passed away at Lutheran Medical Center on Friday, September 11. He was the husband of Frances (nee Bra-dach), the father of Frances Fay Moran and Joseph, grandfather of Niki and Stevan, brother of Alice Smole and Edward Kosmač. He was born in Cleveland. He has lived at his present address for 18 years, he was formerly from East 159th St. and Saranac Road. He was employed by the city of Cleveland as a maintenance engineer until his retirement. He was a member of SNPJ No. 147. Services were held at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.) on Saturday, Sept. 12, at 9:30 a.m. Interment was at Calvary Cemetery. Zele Funeral Services. Louis Zigmund, beloved husband of the late Frances (nee Speh), dear father of Betty and Louis Jr., father-in-law of Jean Marie, and grandfather of Louis Stephen and Susan Stephany. Louis ran the Deli, across from Hodge School, and is a retired employee of American Steel and Wire. Fie is a member of SDZ No. 14. Louis has 4 sisters in Yugoslavia; Mildred, Josephine, Annie and Frances. Services were Tues., Sept. 15, 9:30 a.m. at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Mass 10 a.m. at St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. ------o----- FRANK ARKO Cleveland, Ohio — Frank Arko, beloved husband of Anne (nee Horvath), dear brother of Jennie Prime, An-tonette Gerbic, Louis, Joseph, and the following deceased; Mary Turek, Sophie Turek, Frances and Victor. Frank was the owner, operator of Prospect Window Cleaning Co. and a member of KSKJ. Services were held Wed., Sept. 16 at 9:30 a.m., at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Mass 10 a.rn., St. Vi-tys Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. -----o------ ROSALIE RAKUŠE ŽAGAR During World War II when many male employees of Žagar Inc., a machine tool manufacturer in Euclid, were away for the duration, Rosalie Ra-buse Zagar frequently represented the company at trade shows and exhibitions across the country. The company was widely known for developing a special gearless drill head for industry. Mrs. Zagar’s husband, Walter, was a co-founder of the company in the 1920’s. ' Mrs. Zagar, 88, died Sept. 13 at Euclid General Hospital where she had been for two weeks. She had a heart ailment. Her husband died in 1953 and Mrs. Zagar had been in the borad of directors since. F’or many years, Mrs. Zagar carried the title of social secretary in the company and made it her work to visit em-plyoees who were ill. She also planned and supervised the giving of large company parties twice a year for employees and their families. She was born in Slovenia. Mrs.Zagar lived in Richmond Heights and had a winter home near Palm Beach, Fla. She is survived by a son, Frank G., president of Zagar Inc.; daughters. Mary Choura, Alma Zurga and Betty Pelle-grin; 14 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandson. Services were Wednesday, Sept. 16, at St. Felicitas Catholic Church, 140 Richmond Rd., Euclid. -----o------- MARY OŠABEN Cleveland, Ohio — Mary Ošaben passed away Sept. 3 at Women’s Hospital. Her maiden name was Urbas and she was the beloved wife of the late Matija. Mary was the mother of Franci. Cecilia ’Kosir and Michelle lie, grandmother of 7, and has a sister and brother in Yugoslavia. She was a member of KSKJ No. 162, Mary Magdalene, The Legion of Mary and Altar Society of St. Vitus, Slovenian Womens Union, Slomškov Krožek, Baragov Dorn and MZA. Services were held and attended by many on Thursday, Sept. 10, 9:30, at Zak Funeral Home, and Funeral Mass 10 A.M., at St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. -------------o------ IZ SLOVENIJE Grafofonake plošče • Knjige • Radenska voda • Zdravilni čaj Spominčki • časopisje • Vage na kilograme • Semena • Strojčki za valjenje in rezanje testa TIVOLI ENTERPRISES ESC. 6419 St. Clair Ave., Clevland, O 431-52M 2-FAMILY — 2 bedroom units in excellent condition. Good rental income and assumable VA Mortgage. For more details call Fred Zele at 289-2445. $46,900 GROVEWOOD 2-Family — Special reduced interest rate on this aluminum sided home with good income. Formal dining, eat-in kitchen, 2-car garage. $54,900. Helene Kane 289-2445. GROVEWOOD COLONIAL — Assumable mortgage on this 3 bedroom home. Maintenance free exterior, enclosed porch, rec. room with bar. $47,900. Marge Hufg'ard 289-2445. OWNER WILL FINANCE — Brick master bungalow in Euclid with four bedrooms plus expansion, rec. room, den, attached double garage, deck overlooks large back yard. $79,-900. Tomye Sherrill 289-2445. OWNER TRANSFERRED — Owner leaving state must sell this 3 bedroom colonial with 2 baths, formal dining room plus eat-in kitchen, finished third floor 4th bedroom or playroom. $44,900. Linda Mizek 289-2445. BEVERLY HILLS BRICK BUNGALOW — 4 bedroom 3 bath home with walk out basement, 5th bedroom or family room, woodburning fireplace. Owner will help finance. $86,000. Molly Guenther 289-2445. EUCLID BRICK BUNGALOW — 3 possible 4 bedrooms, recently redecorated inside and out. Offers 2 full baths, finished rec. room and 2-car garage. $58,500. Fred or Tomye 289-2445. HGM HILLTOP REALTORS Euclid Office 333 Babbitt Road 289-2445 Register to vote at any AmeriDnst office. Take advantage of your American freedom by preparing now to vote in the November election. Register at any AmenTrust office before October 2. For your information these offices also have demonstrator models of the new punch-card voting units which will be used in the upcoming election. /hierflhist Member FDIC NEW RELEASE Maple Heights Button Box Club PRESENTS “T0MT T0 SL0¥EIIIA” Album $6.00 8-Track and Cassette Tapes $7.00 Plus $1.00 Postage and Handling Send Check or Money Order To: Maple Heights Button Box Club P.O. Box S068 Maple Heights, Ohio 44137 Together we ARE doing it Promises Made.. .Promises Kept! Re-Elect Mayor George V. Voinovach. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) The Promise • Increase Total Responses '''5 VV/W:. ■ 5 . v Fire Department The Premise • 164 Additional Firemen • All Closed Fire Stations Reopened • Improved Arson Protection The Record • 189 New Firemen Hired • Fire Department Now at Full Strength • Fire Prevention Bureau Reorganized with 8 Additional Positions • $30,000 Arson Investigation Van to be Delivered by October, 1981 Street Resurfacing The Promise • 50 Miles of Resurfacing in Non Block Grant Areas Over Three Year Period The Record • Over 15 Miles to be Completed by End of 1981 Season • 75 Separate Streets Resurfaced in Areas Not Eligible for Federal Funding (non-Block Grant areas) • All Wards Receiving Resurfacing in 1981 Police Department The Promise • 290 Additional Patrolmen • 400 Police Radios • 400 New Police Cars The Record • 135 Police Graduated from Police Academy and Assigned to Basic Patrol • 70 Police Cadets to Start Training in August with Graduation in October, 1981 • 90 Police Officers Transferred from Administrative Positions to Basic Patrol • 68 New Patrol Cars on the Streets • 140 New Cars Ordered This Fall • 70% of Police Force Assigned to Districts . the Highest Ratio in History • 300 Police Radios on Order with 100 Already Delivered • Increase Total Response • Reduce Response Time • 3 New EMS Units The Record • 4 New EMS Units • 3 New and 2 Remounted Ambulances • 57 New Emergency Medical Technicians Fully Trained _ ELAND MAYOR VOINOVICH Voinovich fo» Mayor Commilie«. Solly Fyrlieh, Set'y 187Q9 Kewonee Awe.. Cleveland. OH 44119 Electric heat; Keeping it in, adding it on, and leveling it out. .•> An R for an R. A customer considering electric heating called to ask whether loose fill or blanket insulation would be better in his walls. Well, we couldn't answer him — at least not from the information given. The type of insulation or its thickness doesn't necessarily tell you what you need to know about its insulating ability You need to know.the R-value. This is a number that indicates how well the material keeps winter heat in, summer heat out. The higher the number, the greater the material's capability ’ to insulate. The R-value will be printed on the 9 insulation package. Or ask your insulation contractor or supplier. Mitll p I / for- / o * ^7' ii-mhi -MmmL You should also know that ditterent R-values are recommended tor different parts of your house. Our tree booklet "How to Insulate Your Home" will give you all the tacts. Call or write for your copy The know-it-all heat pump. It you'd like whole-house air conditioning in addition to a super-efficient heating system, consider the add-on electric heat pump. It's installed as part ot your present forced-air system to cool your house in summer and share ■the job of heating in winter. Heating is big plus. Its auto-matte controls know it all when it comes to splitting up the heating u job between your furnace and the heat pump for top efficiency—and economy When the temperature's below freezing, the sensor tells your furnace to do the work. Above freezing, the more efficient heat pump gets the nod. And that can save you energy and money Want to know more? Call your heating contractor. Or us. . On the level. Speaking ot heating, did you know you can level out winter's higher electric heating bills over the whole year? Budget billing lets you pay the same amount every month by spreading your peak electric costs over the yhole year. The amount ot your budget payment is based on your past usage and is reviewed periodically for any necessary adjustment. It you'd like to enroll in budget billing, call our Consumer Services Department. Answers from The Ulimmiating Company.