Let Not The Light [~ Of Freedom Be Extinguished American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians- =: i Tp / Amewcj L£SZ XOZZZ VA NOilONiriHV 01Ll ^ oh asnoRLHnoo xoei xooseo vrNVAVHx nviiw Vol. 102, No. 31 USPS 024100 Serving over 200,000 American Slovenians •Amcriska domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 17, 2000 iSSN Number 016A68X 60C Ground Breaking Set for St. Vitus Village The official ground breaking ceremony for St. Vitus Village, a proposed new three-story independent senior housing facility, will be held on Sunday, Aug. 27. The schedule is as follows: ^ 10 a.m. Mass with The Most Rev. Anthony M. Pilla the principal celebrant and homilist. ^ 11 a.m. Blessing of instruction site. . ^ 11:30 a.m. Hospitality ‘n Parish auditorium. The 10 a.m. Mass will be the ONLY Mass in St. Vitus Church on Aug. 27. The church , is located at 6019 Glass Avenue in Cleveland. Invited dignitaries include the Honorable Mayor Michael R. White, City of Cleveland, The Honorable Michael D. Polenšek, president, Cleveland City Council, and Joseph M. Cimperman, Councilman, Ward 13, City of Cleveland (in which St. Vitus is located). The general public is certainly most cordially invited to attend this wonderful historic occasion. Who Is Your Friend? Don’t spend major time VVlth minor people. If there are people in your hfe who continually disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your dreams, are t0° judgmental, have differ-ent values and don’t have your back during difficult times... that is not a friend. To have a friend, be a friend. Surround yourself with people who reflect your values, goals interests and lifestyle. The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is ost, truthful and virtuous. —Frederick Douglass Left to right, sitting, Dorothy Urbancich, Jennie Kogovšek, Rina Skender; 2nd row, Madeline Debevec, Alice Poremba, Sister Mary Anastasia, O.S.S.T., Raphaella Peric, Mary Ziherl, and Madeleine Žnidaršič; 3rd row, (in center) are Marie Frank and Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič. Missing from the photo are Sister Mary Nicholas and Jennie’s daughter, Francine J. Novak. ______________________________________________________(Photo by Sister M. Christine, O.S.S.T.) Sr. Anastasia and Sr. Nicholas celebrate jubilees On Wednesday, August 9, two Nuns at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., in Euclid, Ohio celebrated their jubilees with a 2 p.m. Mass and reception following in their honor. Sister Mary Anastasia of the Holy Eucharist observed her 60^ Jubilee. Sister Mary Nicholas of Our Lady of Perpetual Help marked her 50fb anniversary with the order. A Mass was celebrated at 2 p.m. in the chapel on the shrine grounds. A reception followed with hundreds of well-wishers in attendance. Friends were delighted to see the presence of well-known Jennie Kogovšek, who had suffered a stroke in February. 'he Life and Times of Frances Baraga Chukayne 0 ^rances Baraga was born ^ Vil 11, 1900, a anHSday of Holy Week ^ Was baptized Frančiška. P*ace of birth was Dane > Stari tri pri Ložu, pa^Ven'a> which was then £ tke Austr'a_ Hungary the^6, k°uncted by Italy to Ho r* and Austr’a to the east and Huhsaryt0 tke baD?°dparents at Frances’ V|arj1Sm were Janez and the ^ ^an Cilka and the Cerar amily went to midnight ass while I stayed home '''bh the boys and listened on e radio to singing from the dihedral. Pr'day, Dec. 25,1953 Christmas Our fifth Christmas ii ■Perica. We went to Mas: , a-rn., and to devotions a 2:30. ne ^'lica joined us for din-She still can’t accept her brother Rafko died ■Po °rea ^t S been a*rnost ^ j^hs since the tank he was r°ve over a mine. If the e a|. had ended a few days .r ler> he would still be alive. ^P the evening, we hac , ayers with the Cerar fam- Rihtar and Svajs( m,1|es visited. Sunday, Dec. 27, 1953 tast there was food i hr0u Santa Claus who Weft presents for the kids. Q nesday, Dec. 30,1953 ^'shUr S^0P S owner, Mr fr