Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 37/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 8. 9. 2019 23. Nedelja med LETOM - Rojstvo Device Marije 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Prava bratovska ljubezen Današnje drugo berilo ima le nekaj vrstic in ga Pavel pošilja prijatelju Filemonu in verjetno njegovi ženi Apiji ter drugemu prijatelju. Pismo je zelo osebno in ga je lastnoročno v celoti napisal Apostol sam, kakor da bi šlo za neko osebno obveznost. Ni naključje, da pismo, vplete »celotno skupnost, ki se zbira v Filemonovi hiši«, da bi obhajala evharistijo in poslušala božjo besedo: v Kristusovem telesu, kar Cerkev je, osebne zadeve niso nikoli zgolj »zasebne«. Pavel, ki je verjetno v ujetništvu v Efezu, napiše te vrstice in jih obarva s strastjo in prijateljstvom, kajti problem, s katerim se ukvarja, je velikega pomena za novo krščansko moralo. Priložnost za pismo je znana. Eden izmed Filemonovih sužnjev, Onezim, je pobegnil in se zatekel k apostolu Pavlu. Če bi ga ujela policija, bi ga privedla k njegovemu gospodarju; ta pa bi ga kaznoval po svoji presoji, celo tako, da bi ga ubil ali preprosto prodal. Morda je ta nesrečni človek slišal spoštljivo govoriti o Pavlu v hiši svojega gospodarja, in je potem, ko je zaslutil, da ga lovijo, pohitel k Apostolu, iskaje zavetje. Pavel ga je sprejel z ljubeznijo in ga spreobrnil h krščanstvu, medtem ko ga je skril pri sebi. A sedaj mu skuša omogočiti, da bi se vrnil v Filemonovo hišo; to pa naredi izredno tenkočutno in hkrati izjemno izvirno razkriva krščanske socialne izbire. Doslej se je Pavel srečeval z vprašanjem suženjstva le posredno, tako da je oznanjal enakost vseh ljudi pred Bogom, zato ker so vsi grešniki, vsi potrebni odrešenja. Tukaj pa se pokaže jasno prizadevanje krščanstva glede človeškega dostojanstva: vse meje morajo biti izbrisane, kajti »v Kristusu ni več sužnja ne svobodnega« in VESTNIK 2019 | 61 »bratovska ljubezen naj bo med vami vsemi«. To prizadevanje se je uresničilo v Pismu Filemonu. Neki preučevalec sv. Pavla piše: »Bratstvo, edinost v Kristusu se doseže v odnosu gospodar-suženj tako, da ga pretrga in ga spremeni v nekaj povsem drugega. Onezima ne bodo imeli samo za sebi enakega, za drugega člana Cerkve, ampak bo tudi član Filemono-ve družine, v polnem pomenu bo brat.« »Ne več kot sužnja, ampak več kot sužnja, kot brata, ki je nadvse ljub meni, še toliko bolj pa tebi.« In tukaj je zdaj velika krščanska novost. Za Pavla pa je, tako z verskega kakor z zgolj človeškega stališča (»bodisi kot človek bodisi kot kristjan«) nujno biti vsem ljudem brat. Kristjanovo zavzemanje za obrambo človekovega dostojanstva mora prekašati vse druge ideologije ali vere. Vsak človek je božji otrok, njegova podoba, Kristusov brat, odrešen in določen za polnost bivanja v večnosti. Kristjan mora torej biti v prvi vrsti za obrambo svobode, pravic, dostojanstva vsakega človeka prav zato, ker gre vedno za brata. Tole je zapisal Martin Luter o tem Pavlovem spisu neko nedeljo v septembru leta 1522: »To pismo na mojstrski način predstavlja prisrčen primer krščanske ljubezni. Vse, kar Pavel prosi Filemona, ga prosi ponižno in nič ne zahteva, kakor da bi imel pravico do tega; vendarle spomni na svoje pravice, da bi pripravil Filemona do tega, da bi se on odpovedal svojim pravicam. Prav isto, kar je Kristus storil za nas v odnosu do Očeta, je Pavel naredil v odnosu do Filemona v korist Onezima. Tudi Kristus se je odpovedal svojim pravicam in je z ljubeznijo ter ponižnostjo prepričal Očeta, da je »odložil« svojo jezo in se odpovedal svoji pravici, da nas je tako sprejel v svoji milosti in ljubezni. Kristus nas vse predstavlja pri Očetu in vsi smo mu pri srcu. Mi vsi smo njegovi Onezimi.« - (prim. Oznanjevalec 2004) Why Should Your Child Learn Slovenian? Our lives are busy. Our children's lives seem to be even busier than our own. Parents spend several evenings a week at music lessons, dance class, soccer fields, baseball diamonds, hockey rinks, pools, and volleyball courts. They spend several weekends every month at games and tournaments, meets, or recitals. They do this without blinking an eye because there is a benefit to children learning instruments or playing sports. Yet, when someone suggests that a child attend a language class for a few hours on a Saturday morning, everyone is "too busy" or doesn't see the worth in doing so. You may wonder why should you wake up early on Saturday mornings to take your son or daughter to school when you could be sleeping-in instead? Several studies have been done looking at children who learn a second or third language in comparison with those who don't. These studies show that there are clear benefits to children learning their mother tongue. I'm going to tell you about six: Greater Connection to their Cultural Background and Heritage: Learning your mother tongue allows the speaker to have a closer tie to their own cultural and linguistic community. Language and culture go hand in hand; you cannot learn one without the other. This is particularly important in smaller communities like ours. The greater the tie to the community, the stronger the community grows, and the longer it 402 | VESTNIK 2019 lasts. Learning Slovenian allows our children to develop a connection to our small community and allows them to learn the value of their culture and heritage. It fosters a sense of belonging and teaches children the importance of cultural diversity to society as a whole. Our cultural uniqueness should be celebrated, not ignored. Better Brain Development: This is particularly true for young children. Learning additional languages plays a huge role in the development of the executive functioning of the brain: multi-tasking, concentration, and focus. Studies have shown that children who learn multiple languages are better able to complete multiple tasks at the same time, are better able to focus their attention, and are better able to problem solve when compared to children who speak a single language. Brain scans of children who speak multiple languages show more grey matter (the good stuff) in the regions of executive functions. Improved Academic Performance: Children who are bilingual or multilingual also perform better on school standardized tests. They have higher literacy rates and are more creative in their thinking. Greater creativity in thinking leads to better problem-solving skills as they are better able to see multiple viewpoints. The ability to see a problem from different sides is the cornerstone of problem-solving. Better Future Career and Earning Opportunities: The ability to speak languages other than English literally opens doors for your child in his or her future. It increases your child's future career opportunities as ability to speak other languages will distinguish your child from other applicants. Studies have also shown that bilingual/multilingual children earn on average 2% more per year than their single-language counterparts. That may not sound like a lot, but it adds up over your child's future working years. Long-Term Health Benefits: All those benefits regarding brain development also have long-term health benefits for your child. They help prevent or delay age-related cognitive decline in your child's later years. This would have a positive impact on any future Alzheimer's or dementia. Most Importantly... It's FUN!! For parents too! This is the most important reason!!! Slovenian School is fun!! Your child will make new friends within their own cultural community. Our classes are not like it was 20-30 years ago. We try to make them fun with games. The best learning happens when children don't realize they're learning and that's what we try to do. There is of course the usual seatwork, but we also use games and singing to teach our students the Slovenian language and culture. If you don't believe me, just ask some of our kids! It's also fun for parents! You get 3.5 child-free hours to do whatever you want., .literally! Go grocery shopping (imagine VESTNIK 2019 | 403 how much faster that will go without the kids!), go to the gym, enjoy a coffee without squabbling siblings, or just revel in the sound of a quiet home. Now that I've told you about all the benefits, here are the disadvantages of your child learning their mother tongue: NONE! Yup, zero disadvantages! Your child may not want to go to school on Saturdays. They'll want to stay home and sleep-in, play video games, or pretty much anything else. But there's a reason that kids generally can't make decisions for themselves: they don't know what's in their best interest. It's the same reason why you make your kids eat their veggies even if they don't like them: because it's good for them. In a similar way, learning Slovenian is also good for them. They don't know it now, but they will understand when they're older and they will appreciate it. I know this from personal experience. I hated going to Šola but now I'm glad my mom kicked my butt into the car every Saturday morning as a child. She knew better than I did. You know better than your child does. Registration for Slovenian School will be on Saturday September 7, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The cost is $75.00 for 1 child, $140.00 for 2 children ($70.00 per child), and $195.00 for 3 children ($65.00 per child). The cost is for 1 full school year. We look forward to seeing everyone come back and especially look forward to meeting our new students. We accept any child from kindergarten to Grade 8, regardless of how much/little Slovenian they know. It may seem hard at first, but the long-term rewards are worth the effort. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at or 905-9778464. Sandy Ferletič Društvo sv. Jožefa Tekmovanje v BALINANJU Slovensko Društvo sv. Jožefa je tudi letos organiziralo tekmovanje v balinanju. Že dobre tri tedne prej so pripravili balinišče, da so tekmovalci lahko trenirali. V soboto, 7. septembra 2019 ob pol desetih dopoldne, se je na dveh stezah balinišča pri Villi Sloveniji zbralo kar osem tekmovalnih skupin s po štirimi igralci. Tekmovale so naslednje skupine: 1. Team Miketič: Ivan Miketič, Frank Škerl, Eric Škerl, Mark Škerl 2. Team Pavlakovič: Frank Pavlakovič, Horvat Šte- ven, Peter Novak, Drago Horvat 3. Team Erzar: Jožica Erzar, Frank Erzar, Jožica Groz- nik, Jože Groznik 4. Team Mramor: Frank Mramor Jr., Matthew Mra- mor, Thomas Mramor, Jaka Muhič 5. Team Novak: Frank Novak, Mirko Kolmanič, Milan Ferletič, Frank Rihar 6. Team Benc: Vinko Benc, Magda Benc, Miha Špilar, Vinko Arh 7. Team Demšar: Dan Demšar, Rob Jagatic, Marko Centofanti, Anthony Salvatore 8. Team Groznik: Jože Groznik, Larry Micheli, Julie Micheli, Majda Lukežič Po uvodnih formalnostih se je začelo tekmovanje. Vsaka skupina je najprej odigrala po tri tekme, nato so igrale skupine za uvrstitev. Ob koncu so ugotavljali, da so se igre kar precej zavlekle, ker bile zelo dobro razporejene po sposobnostih. Zadnji dve tekmi pa sta se odvile zelo hitro in tako smo dobili tudi zmagovalce. 1. mesto Team Miketič, 2. mesto Team Erzar, 3. mesto Team Mramor. Po končanem tekmovanju smo se zbrali v prostorih društva, kjer je vse pozdravil Jerry Ponikvar. Sledilo je dobro kosilo, ki ga je pripravila Nancy Dundek-Taylor. Ob koncu sta Peter Novak in Dan Demšar podelila nagrade prvim trem ekipam. 404 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 405 406 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 407 408 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 409 The summer came to a close at Slovenski Park with our Annual Labour Day Long Weekend Picnic and Baseball Tournament. It was an exciting time. Saturday featured the Baseball Round Robin with 13 teams participating. In the evening after the corn roast, members and players danced the night away under the stars to DJ Joe. Sunday, we celebrating mass indoors due to the weather but the Baseball Playoffs continued and we ended the day with the musical entertainment of Spotlight Orchestra. Congratulations to Burger Buddies who won the Baseball Tournament defeating London 2 in the final 21-15 in an entertaining final game. Congratulations to Cody Kunder and Brittney Kosir, the male and female MVP"s for the tournament, and to Travis Blackwell, the winner of the Snider Sportsmanship Award. Shout out to Frank Gimpelj for running the tournament and to Dan Demsar for running the event weekend. Thanks to the Executive Members who assisted Frank and Dan and to all members who volunteered to make this weekend a success. Together all things are possible. And so ends another season at Slovenski Park....but the fun is not yet over....Slovenski Park is hosting "OCTOBERFEST", Saturday October 19, 2019, featuring from Slovenia, Ansambel Smeh!! Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 at the door day of the event. Octoberfest - Slovenski Park Style! For tickets and details contact Dan Demsar at Slovenski Park - A Tradition and a Legacy Dan Demšar , Mary Ann Demšar Labour Day Long Weekend at SLOVENSKI PARK 410 | VESTNIK 2019 Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa - Toronto International Film Festival A Slovenian film will be screened at this year's TIFF in Toronto. The Slovenian film Stories From The Chestnut Woods (directed by Gregor Božic), is included in the Discovery section of the Toronto International Film Festival. The festival begins on September 5th and is one of the most important film festivals in the world: https://www.tiff. net/films Here are the details of the public screenings: - Sept 8, 2019, 6:15 PM TIFF Bell Lightbox Cinema 4 - Paul & Leah Atkinson Family Cinema - Sept. 10, 2019, 3:30 PM Jackman Hall - Sept. 14, 2019, 8:45 PM TIFF Bell Lightbox Cinema 4 - Paul & Leah Atkinson Family Cinema (150) We would be pleased if members of the Slovenian community also attended the screenings of this Slovenian film. Uradne ure za konzularne zadeve v Torontu - torek, 24. sept., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 22. okt., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 19. nov., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 17. dec., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. Konzularne ure so v prostorih Generalnega konzulata na naslovu: 731 Brown's Line, Toronto, Ontario M8W 3V7. Priporočamo, da pred nameravanim obiskom konzularnih ur v Torontu, preverite termin na Veleposlaništvu v Ottawi. Telefon: + 1 613 565 5781 VESTNIK 2019 | 411 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 15. SEPTEMBER, NEDELJA SVETNIŠKIH KANDIDATOVUUBUANSKE_METROPOUJE_ Nedeljo svetniških kandidatov ljubljanske metropolije - škofa Janeza Frančiška Gnidovca, škofa Friderika Baraga, nadškofa Antona Vovka, duhovnika Andreja Majcna in profesorja Antona Str-leta - bomo letos obhajali v nedeljo, 15. septembra, v cerkvi Srca Jezusovega na Taboru v Ljubljani. V ospredju praznovanja bo lik božjega služabnika škofa Janeza Frančiška Gnidovca, katerega 80-letnico smrti obhajamo letos. Ob 16. uri bo v cerkvi molitvena ura. Sledilo bo somaševanje, ki mu bo predsedoval ljubljanski nadškof metropolit mons. Stanislav Zore. Maša bo nedeljska v beli barvi. Po maši bo v cerkvi še kratka predstavitev beatifikacijskih postopkov. Response: Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. First Reading Wisdom 9:13-18 God in wisdom made the earth and the heavens and all they contain. Humankind cannot comprehend fully the mind of God or what is on earth. Second Reading Philemon 9-10. 12-17 In this short letter, Paul appeals to Philemon to take back his runaway slave, not just as a slave but as a brother in Christ. Gospel Luke 14:25-33 The importance of serious commitment to following Christ. Jesus calls for undivided loyalty above even family loyalties. "Anyone who does not carry his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple." Illustration A Filipino diplomat reviewed his life in 2013 after super-typhoon Haiyan devastated his home region of the Philippines. Yeb Sano's family lost their homes and he knew some of the six thousand people who were killed. "Haiyan was catastrophic but it has woken the Philippines at least to the reality of climate change," he said. In 2015, he resigned as a negotiator of the Philippines Climate Change Commission and announced he would be working with various faith groups across the world, as part of the larger global climate movement. He became a climate justice pilgrim and started a global campaigning movement. As a Catholic mindful of the Church's social teaching he decided 412 | VESTNIK 2019 that climate change is part of a larger struggle for a more just, peaceful and caring world. He led a pilgrimage from the Vatican to the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris. It was a sixty-day walk, and upon arrival in December 2015 he was part of a delegation that presented almost two million signatures of people of faith to the United Nations and to the French government, calling for an agreement on climate change. Last year he walked nine hundred miles again, this time from the Vatican to climate talks in Poland, lobbying that the Paris Agreement be fully implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are warming earth's climate. In his mission he often has to leave his two children, but he feels called to protect the well-being of future generations. He reflects, "It is not someone else's job to protect young people and the planet." Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel Jesus says that his followers must be willing to give up everything for him. Such total commitment could mean separation from treasured possessions and family. The passage speaks of the importance of loyalty and allegiance to Jesus over all other competing loyalties. The two parables remind us of the need to weigh up the costs of discipleship. Following Jesus seriously is a demanding way of life. It offers an interior freedom that understands that material possessions can be real obstacles and that even family can stand in the way of a vocation. Discipleship is a venture that demands total dedication. Everything else must become secondary if Jesus is to be the Lord of our life. The harsh-sounding words about "hating" are intended to indicate that if a conflict of interest arises, a disciple will prefer to follow Jesus and not let family ties, personal wealth or possessions, or work or leisure activities interfere. God always surprises us. The first reading calls us to remember that we cannot know God's inten- tions and should use the gift of wisdom to spend time discerning our paths in life. A surprise comes in the second reading where Paul appeals to Philemon to take back his runaway slave, not just as a slave but as a brother in Christ. Paul is challenging the practice of slavery which was common at that time throughout the Roman Empire. Application The people of God are continually tempted to accommodate and assimilate the values of society. However, compassion replaces ambition among them; equality supersedes competition and achievement. Jesus reverses assumptions and expectations and encourages his followers to be a gift to the world. The search for meaning and purpose in our lives is continuous, but serving others helps us to be the fullest versions of ourselves. Our attachment to possessions and comfort zones is challenged by our growing relationship with Jesus. We have plenty of inspirational Christians in our world. Yeb Sano has stepped off the career ladder to raise awareness and prompt action on the climate crisis, which is so devastating to poor communities in the Philippines and elsewhere. Christians are heavily involved in tackling human trafficking, which is an ongoing form of slavery in our world, undermining human dignity. In Britain some religious orders offer safe houses for women freed from this modern slave trade. Many find it life-affirming to volunteer at food banks and at projects offering overnight accommodation and an evening meal to people who are homeless. Others are involved in peace education with young people, helping them to build a better world for the common good. We all have to make choices between the call of the Lord and the pull of family, possessions and worldly values, which can sometimes block God's invitation and grace. How far are we able to let go of our old securities? In what new ways can we follow and serve to build God's kingdom? VESTNIK 2019 | 413 Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 14. september: Midland - Slovensko romanje ♦ 15. september: Triglav-London - Mass 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Divine Church ♦ 22. september: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m.; Fall Banquet & Scholarship awards presentation to follow GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 8. sept. 9:30 a.m.: Joe in Carmen Horvat ♦ 15. sept. 9:30 a.m.: Zdravko in Sue Augustin ♦ 22. sept. 10:00 a.m.: Poppa family ♦ 29. sept. 9:30 a.m.: Zorka Rev & Sonja Peternel MASSES IN SEPTEMBER 2019_ On September 15th and 29th, Slovenian Mass is at 9:30 a.m. and English Mass is at 11:00 a.m. On September 22nd is only ONE MASS at 10:00 a.m. because of our Fall Banquet celebration. PEVSKE VAJE_ Za mešani pevski zbor so odslej vaje vsak četrtek po večerni maši. V septembru se pripravljamo za naš JESENSKI BANKET - ŽUPNIJSKO ŽEGNANJE, ki bo 22. septembra. Maša je ob 10:00 a.m. DAROVI - DONATIONS_ Za gradbeni sklad so prispevali: -$ 100 Olga Čulig v spomina na pokojno Irmo Dorenčec - $ 100 Julija Sagadin v spomin na pokojna Maksa in Maximiliana Sagadin. Oltarnemu društvu je Marija Korošec darovala $100 za rože. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. SV. KRST - BAPTISM_ V soboto, 7. septembra 2019, je zakrament sv. krsta prejela deklica Ella Ivanka BRAJKO-VIČ. Starša deklice sta Michael in Jessica, roj. Novak. Iskrene čestitke ob krstu otroka. Naj družino spremlja božji blagoslov. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 414 | VESTNIK 2019 Prelat Vinko Vegelj je bil na obisku pri svojem bratu Ivanu. Večna ga poznate iz njegovih prejšnjih obiskov. Zahvaljujemo se mu za mašo v soboto in nedeljo, saj nam je s svojo bogato duhovnostjo natrosil veliko globokih misli za premišljevanje ob nedeljski božji besedi. CWL - KŽZ: Meeting Our first General Catholic Women's League Meeting after the summer time will take place immediately after 7:00 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, September 11th, 2019. All ladies are most welcome to attend! SLOVENSKOROMANJE VMIDLAND_ Slovensko romanje v Midland bo v soboto, 14. septembra 2019. Ob 10:30 a.m. spo-vedovanje v cerkvi ter slovesnost pri križu, v počastitev žrtev vojne in revolucije (društvo Tabor). Za tem križev pot. Ob 12:00h sveta maša, ki jo bo daroval upokojeni nadškof dr. Anton Stres. Sledijo pete litanije Matere Božje in blagoslov. The Slovenian Canadian /Tc-^ Scholarship Foundation ^^^^ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, who are pursuing post-secondary education, and reside with the Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, or Niagara region, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Selected applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. This year's awards will be presented on Sunday, September 22, 2019 at St. Gregory the Great Parish's Fall Banquet. Application forms are available at the back of the church or can be requested by emailing Teresa Zupancic. Completed applications are to be submitted via email to Teresa Zupancic ( by 4:00 p.m. on August 30th, 2019 for award consideration. . f # SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 415 od 8. 9. 2019 do 15. 9. 2019 svete maše - masses 23. Nedelja med letom 23rd Sunday in OT 8. September Rojstvo Device Marije Za žive in rajne župljane t Ernest Drvarič tt Pokojni prijatelji t Ana Nedelko t Karel Volf 9:30 a.m. - - - Milka in Karol Ferko Ignac Horvat z družino 11:00 a.m. Milka in John Sobočan Kathy in Joe Prša Ponedeljek - Monday 9. September Peter Klaver, red. Za zdravje 8:00 a.m. N.N. Torek - Tuesday 10. September Ines, mučenka t Marija Klemenčič t Ivan Mertuk t Tugomir Šribar, obl. 7:00 p.m. Sestra Emilija Žena Emilija Manja Erzetič Sreda - Wednesday 11. September Bonaventura, redovnik t Marija Bukvič t Marica Gričnik t Karel Volf t Karel Volf t Irma Dorenčec 7:00 p.m. CWL - KŽZ N.N. Žena Marija Janez Lovrenčec Marija Volf Četrtek - Thursday 12. September Marijino ime t Ernest Hull t Ivan Kovač t Ana Nedelko 7:00 p.m. Družina Kolmanič Marija Korošec z družino Emilija Mertuk Petek - Friday 13. September Janez Zlatousti, škof-c.uč. t Jože Zelko t Zdravko Troha t Angela Ovčjak 7:00 p.m. Hči Bernarda Milosavljevič Danica Maradin Manja Erzetič Sobota Saturday 14. September Povišanje sv. Križa Kalist, papež-mučenec tt Marija in Nik Skalij tt Rudi in Terezija (obl.) Hajdinjak t Alojz Sampl t Ana Nedelko t Ana Nedelko t Ante Čule 5:30 p.m. Jožica Vlašič z družino Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Fani Adamič z družino Rose in Joe Kolenko Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak 24. Nedelja med letom 24th Sunday in OT 15. September Za žive in rajne župljane t Irma Dorenčec t Jakob Muhič, Jr t StaneNapast t Ante Čule 9:30 a.m. - - - Terezija Dunko (TO) Družina Muhič Družina Pinter 11:00 a.m. Kathy in Joe Prša Žalostna Mati Božja tt Pokojni plani društva Triglav 4:00 p.m. St. John the Divine Church 416 | VESTNIK 2019