Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 Modelling Parallel Service Systems in GPSS Marko Žibert1, Miroljub Kljajić2 1ZZZS, Miklošičeva 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, 4000 Kranj, Kidričeva 55a, Slovenia, This article treats parallel service system modelling in the GPSS simulation language. The transactions entering such systems select between numerous different servers and we can mostly detect two rules in the selecting of the appropriate server. The first rule always gives the first few (regarding its position in the system) entities (either servers or queues) precedence over the others, while the second rule always treats all the equal entities evenly and selects among them quite randomly. Since GPSS normally operates by the first rule, we frequently come up against difficulties when modelling systems that serve by another rule. The present article offers a methodology how to solve this problem within GPSS. Key words: discrete simulation, modelling, GPSS, parallel service systems, queuing theory Modeliranje sistemov paralelne strežbe v GPSS-u Članek obravnava modeliranje paralelnih strežnih sistemov v simulacijskem jeziku GPSS. Transakcije, ki vstopajo v takšne sisteme, izbirajo med večjim številom strežnih mest. Pri zasedanju teh mest pa lahko v grobem zasledimo dva različna pravila. Prvo pravilo daje prednost zasedanju prvih (po svoji poziciji v sistemu) entitet (bodisi strežnikov, bodisi čakalnih vrst), medtem ko drugo pravilo obravnava te entitete enakovredno in izbira med njimi povsem naključno. Ker GPSS v svojem delovanju privzema prvo pravilo, lahko pri modeliranju sistemov, ki strežejo po drugem pravilu, pogosto naletimo na določene težave. Pričujoči prispevek ponuja metodologijo, kako znotraj tega jezika reševati omenjeni problem. Ključne besede: diskretna simulacija, modeliranje, GPSS, sistemi paralelne strežbe, teorija vrst 1 Definition of the Problem The parallel service of complex systems is currently an increasingly important research area. This area is gaining in significance as computer science progresses and a lot of scientific periodicals and reviews are now occupied with this field of studies (Katwijk and Zalewski, 1999). Namely the most common problem in service systems recently is the increasing demand for processing a large volume of transactions in real time. These requests could be normally complied with by simply decomposing the original system and its base activity into more dependent subsystems, each with its own activity. But by doing this, new problems can turn up. One of them is the distribution or allocation of the incoming transaction evenly to all the subsystems (the problem of load balancing). The problem can be solved using a variety of theoretical approaches, for instance by intelligent agents (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1995), by Markov chains (Rosenthal, 2000; Song et al., 2004), by Petri nets (Murata, 1989) and by the simulation method (Guariso et al., 1996). In this article, the simulation method, carried out by digital computer, is being used (the computer simulation method). For the necessity of the simulation and the modelling, a lot of simulation languages (compilers as well as interpreters) have now been developed (Sang et al., 1994). They are being executed on various computers and on the different types of operation systems. One of the first of these languages, and at the same time also the most common, is the GPSS language (General Purpose Simulation System), which was developed in the early sixties for analyzing the responses of the IBM mainframe systems (Blake and Gordon, 1964). At that time it was called General Purpose Systems Simulator (Gordon, 1962). The main GPSS emphasized characteristics (Crain, 1997; Crain, 1998; Crain and Henriksen, 1999; Henriksen and Crain, 2000) that made it very popular among the end- users, such as: n It was developed for different computer environments (IBM 370 mainframes, personal computers, etc) n Different versions of GPSS are executable under different operation systems (Multiple Virtual Storage – GPSSSV, Disk Operating System – GPSS/PC) n The base components of the simulation language (blocks) represent the constituents of the system very well, so we can quickly and easily model any service system taken from reality. n It creates precise default statistics and reports during the execution of the simulation. n It is able to perform additional statistics and reports on request. n Through the HELP block it can access an external user-written program (in FORTRAN). One of the most important characteristics listed above is certainly the structure of the simulation language. 635 Its main components, semantically meaningful model building blocks, are trying to functionally imitate a particular constituent part of the serving system. So the block names, such as ADVANCE, ASSEMBLE, ENTER, LEAVE, RELEASE, SEIZE, TEST, TRANSFER, QUEUE etc., allow even the uninitiated user to follow the logical flow of a model, at least roughly (Chisman, 1992). In fact, these blocks are just more or less adequate computer projections of the functioning constituents. Thus, without much knowledge of programming and by simply arranging these blocks as they can be seen in reality, we can quickly and easily build precise computer model of the real world system. In spite of the fact that GPSS is a very user friendly simulation tool, users are not always successful in their modelling of reality. Although in some cases the simulation model is properly built according to the modelling methodology rules (and is also submitted to the syntax rules of GPSS) some considerable discrepancies between the behaviour of the model and the real system can be noticed during the phase of the model evaluation and validation. The discrepancies described are particularly visible when the simulated system has more equal parallel servers and each of them has the same service characteristics. This means that the service times of each server have the same mean, the same variance and the same statistical distribution. In most cases, as we can also expect, the workload in such systems is evenly distributed among all of the servers. However, the GPSS simulation model that ought to represent such a system, contrary to our expectation, shows unequally loaded servers. In other words, the results of the simulation always indicates that the utilization is the highest at the first server and then it gradually decreases. If the occupation rate per server in the model – the utilization rate that is defined as the fraction of the time the server is working (Adan and Resing, 2001) – increases then the differences in the workloads among particular servers lessen, but the declining trend of the server utilization (from the first server to the last) still exists. Considering this declining trend, it can be concluded that the discrepancy (the deviation from reality) is especially notable when the modelled systems have more parallel servers than they really need on behalf of system reliability and availability. Under normal circumstances most of these servers would simply be redundant, but in the area of informatics we are frequently dealing with automatic server systems that must be firmly reliable and continuously available, sometimes even under conditions of emergency and under minimum control by the operator. These requirements can be easily complied with some additional parallel servers that could normally be spared. In this way (by adding additional parallel servers to the system) we are, of course, decreasing the occupation rate per server and, as was said before, we are also increasing the unsuitability of the GPSS model by contrast with the real system. Such a model usually shows that only first few servers are somewhat utilized while the others are completely free and standing idle. The reasons for the problem described are in special GPSS blocks – the TRANSFER and SELECT blocks – designed for routing transactions to the target server. Various attributes of some sequential permanent entities, such as facility and queue, are compared in these blocks. The compared attribute of the facility entity is its current state of occupation (whether it is busy or not) and the compared attribute of the queue entity is the current length of the queue (the number of transactions waiting in the queue). If these compared attributes are equal then the current transaction always picks out the first positioned feasible entity (in GPSS programme code). For example, if the first n parallel servers in a model are occupied and if the next servers from n+1 to n+k are free, in this case the GPSS simulation always chooses the (n+1)-th server to execute the current transaction. In reality the server systems more often than not behave quite differently under these circumstances. When the attributes of the compared entities are equal then one of the suitable entity is chosen by transaction clearly at random in most cases. We can experience this especially in the area of informatics where the randomness is even coded into the programmes, subroutines, macros, distribution modules etc. (Cicsplex SM Concepts and Planning; Žibert, 2005). So in the above case the transaction wouldn’t precisely pick out the (n+1)-th server but, on the contrary, it would select any among the free k servers (from n+1 to n+k). Although the server systems with the characteristics described are not very numerous, they can still be found in the real world. Mostly they are connected with the single queue that leads to the very first service facility. All the other service facilities are arranged in a row, one after another at some proper physical distance to each other (this discipline can be often carried out in banks where the customers join a single queue and the first person in line physically engages the nearest free bank-teller), so the transaction (the client, customer, etc.), after leaving the single queue, always seizes its nearest server. Regarding our brief outline of the activities in the parallel server systems, we can conclude that the real issue is the order in which transactions seize one entity among all the equivalent entities (in case that the entity is a server facility), or enter one entity among all the equivalent entities (in case that the entity is a queue). Although there are also some other possibilities from the real world – especially where people (customers), with their characteristic behaviour, represent the transactions in a system (Azar et al., 1994; Mitzenmacher, 1997) – we would stress that in both cases the transaction serving could be: n in random order, or in disorder (which is more frequent, even standard in some cases – and we could name it as service in random order); n in an order of precedence (which is not very common in the real world but it is always used in the modelling with the GPSS programming language – which we could name the service in order of precedence). As a result of the approaches explained, we can state that GPSS modelling of the parallel server system with the service in order of precedence is very easy and uncomplicated. Namely, both the system itself and the GPSS model use the service in order of precedence, so the simulation results are usually in accordance with what happens in the real system. We always come up to against difficulties, on the Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 636 other hand, when we try to build a GPSS model of a parallel server system with the service in random order. The reason is obvious because the system and its model use different types of service order. As we said earlier the modelling problems are even bigger when the occupation rate per server in the system is low. In this case the simulated utilization of the parallel servers in the GPSS model would be completely inadequate. That is why, in the following chapters, we are trying to develop a new GPSS methodology of modelling and simulating parallel server systems with the service in random order. 2 The Two Main Types of Parallel Service The existing GPSS methodology of modelling parallel server systems depends on the general type of the parallel service we want to simulate. We can distinguish two main types of parallel service and each of them has its special solution within the normal (classical) usage of the GPSS programming language. That means that it has its own sequence of various GPSS blocks that should illustrate the functioning of the system. The term “sequence of blocks” is not something that is fixed and defined once for all by the GPSS developers. We should consider it just as one variation among the many possibilities that GPSS programmer can normally use. The stress here is not just on the “sequence of blocks” but also on the normal or classical usage of the GPSS language. Generally speaking we have two main “sequences of blocks” in classical GPSS programming for depicting parallel server systems. Although there are certainly many individual variations in recording these blocks, they are almost always based on either the SELECT MIN or the TRANSFER ALL structure. These two main types are: n multiple servers, each with its own waiting queue (Figure 1) n multiple servers, all with one single waiting queue (Figure 2) At first sight it seems that both systems are very complex and thus hard to model in the GPSS language. It seems that by attempting this we couldn’t avoid many pages of long block sequences contributing to almost completely unclear, complicated and messy programme code. But the boot is on other foot. Lots of tough work and tiresome coding can be saved by simply using indirect addressing (Chisman, 1992). But on the other hand, by using indirect addressing we also loose something. The visual flow of transactions through the system becomes clouded and confused. The following programme codes show us the possibilities of how to use indirect addressing in classical programming for such parallel systems. Figure 3 represents the GPSS model of a multiple server system where each server has its own waiting queue, while Figure 4 shows a model of a similar system with a single waiting queue. 3 The Graphic Representation of the Problem If we tried to persuasively demonstrate the functioning of the GPSS models presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4 we would have to establish some requirements first, namely: n the number of parallel servers in the system n the service time distribution of each server n the distribution of transaction time between arrivals into the system. We can also use data from the real world for the purpose of our research, especially from the computer world. So for the time between the arrivals function and for the service time function we can use the tables published in (Žibert, 1999). For the sake of simplicity let us also assume that all the servers are equivalent in our model (meaning that the service time function is the same for all the parallel servers in the whole system). In this way Figure 5 and Figure 6 show us complemented and developed programmes (based originally on Figure 3 and Figure 4). Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 ............................ ......... ......... ......... ........ ........ ......................... ......... ......... ......... ............................ ......... ......... ......... ........ ........ ......................... ......... ......... ......... Figure 1: The scheme of the multiple servers system, each server with its own waiting queue Figure 2: The scheme of the multiple server system with a single waiting queue 637 Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 REALLOCATE COM,32720 SIMULATE * * Parallel server system – n servers each with its own waiting queue. * SERVER1 EQU 1,F SERVER. EQU .,F SERVERN EQU N,F n servers QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q QUEUE. EQU .,Q QUEUEN EQU N,Q n waiting queues PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES. EQU .,Z PROCESN EQU N,Z n process functions PROCES1 FUNCTION RNx,Cx Service time distribution 1 0,../1,.. PROCES. FUNCTION RNx,Cx Service time distribution . 0,../1,.. PROCESN FUNCTION RNx,Cx Service time distribution N 0,../1,.. PRIHOD FUNCTION RNx,Cx Time between arrivals distribution 0,../1,.. GENERATE FN$PRIHOD * The TRANSFER block determines which entity in the range from * QUEUE1 to QUEUEN has the minimum content and then places the * number of this entity into parameter 1. SELECT MIN 1,QUEUE1,QUEUEN,,Q QUEUE P1 SEIZE P1 DEPART P1 ADVANCE FN*P1 RELEASE P1 TERMINATE 1 * START xxx The number of processed transactions END Figure 3: Classical usage of GPSS blocks for modelling a system of n servers, each with its own waiting queue 638 Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 REALLOCATE COM,32720 SIMULATE * * Parallel server system – n servers with one single waiting queue. * SERVER1 EQU 1,F SERVER. EQU .,F SERVERN EQU N,F QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES. EQU .,Z PROCESN EQU N,Z PROCES1 FUNCTION RNx,Cx Service time distribution 1 0,../1,.. PROCES. FUNCTION RNx,Cx Service time distribution . 0,../1,.. PROCESN FUNCTION RNx,Cx Service time distribution N 0,../1,.. PRIHOD FUNCTION RNx,Cx Time between arrivals distribution 0,../1,.. * GENERATE FN$PRIHOD QUEUE QUEUE1 *The TRANSFER block will see if the engaging transaction can go to the first *location (BCPU1); if not, it will try to go to the next (BCPU2);if not, then to *(BCPU3), until it tries the last location (BCPUN). If it cannot send it anywhere, *it starts all over again, until it can finally move transaction to one of these *locations. TRANSFER ALL,BCPU1,BCPUN,3 BCPU1 SEIZE 1 ASSIGN 1,1 TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPU2 SEIZE 2 ASSIGN 1,2 TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPU. SEIZE . ASSIGN 1,. TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPUN SEIZE N ASSIGN 1,N DALJE DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P1 RELEASE P1 TERMINATE 1 * START xxx The number of processed transactions END Figure 4: Classical usage of GPSS blocks for modelling a system of n servers with one single waiting queue 639 Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 REALLOCATE COM,32720 SIMULATE * * Parallel server system – n servers each with its own waiting queue. * SERVER1 EQU 1,F SERVER. EQU .,F SERVERN EQU N,F QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q QUEUE. EQU .,Q QUEUEN EQU N,Q PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES. EQU .,Z PROCESN EQU N,Z PROCES1 FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution 1 (in seconds) 0.0000,0.0/0.3867,0.1/0.5693,0.2/0.6829,0.3/0.7604,0.4/0.8117,0.5/ 0.8463,0.6/0.8702,0.7/0.8887,0.8/0.9036,0.9/0.9150,1.0/0.9319,1.2/ 0.9476,1.5/0.9648,2.0/0.9795,3.0/1.0000,5.0 PROCES. FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution . (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 PROCESN FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution N (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 FPRIHOD FUNCTION AC1,C62 Time between arrivals distribution (10 hours) * The same data as above in PROCES1 VPRIHOD FVARIABLE FN$FPRIHOD*(ABS(LOG(1-(RN2/1000)))) GENERATE V$VPRIHOD,,ST The simulation begins at time = ST SELECT MIN 1,QUEUE1,QUEUEN,,Q QUEUE P1 SEIZE P1 DEPART P1 ADVANCE FN*P1 RELEASE P1 TERMINATE * GENERATE DT The simulation lasts DT seconds TERMINATE 1 * START 1 END Figure 5: The classical model of a system with n servers and n waiting queues that processes statistical data from (Žibert, 1999) 640 Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 REALLOCATE COM,32720 SIMULATE * * Parallel server system – n servers with one single waiting queue. * SERVER1 EQU 1,F SERVER. EQU .,F SERVERN EQU N,F QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES. EQU .,Z PROCESN EQU N,Z PROCES1 FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution 1 (in seconds) 0.0000,0.0/0.3867,0.1/0.5693,0.2/0.6829,0.3/0.7604,0.4/0.8117,0.5/ 0.8463,0.6/0.8702,0.7/0.8887,0.8/0.9036,0.9/0.9150,1.0/0.9319,1.2/ 0.9476,1.5/0.9648,2.0/0.9795,3.0/1.0000,5.0 PROCES. FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution . (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 PROCESN FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution N (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 FPRIHOD FUNCTION AC1,C62 Time between arrivals distribution (10 hours) * Data for this function are defined in FPRIHOD in Figure 3 VPRIHOD FVARIABLE FN$FPRIHOD*(ABS(LOG(1-(RN2/1000)))) GENERATE V$VPRIHOD,,ST The simulation begins at time = ST QUEUE QUEUE1 TRANSFER ALL,BCPU1,BCPUN,3 BCPU1 SEIZE 1 ASSIGN 1,1 TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPU2 SEIZE 2 ASSIGN 1,2 TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPU. SEIZE . ASSIGN 1,. TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPUN SEIZE N ASSIGN 1,N DALJE DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P1 RELEASE P1 TERMINATE * GENERATE DT The simulation lasts DT seconds TERMINATE 1 * START 1 END Figure 6: The classical model of a system with n servers and a single waiting queue that processes statistical data from (Žibert, 1999) 641 Having enhanced our models with real data, we are now able to carry out the series of simulations. In each simulation we can apply some modifications, such as the number of concurrent servers (N), the starting time (defined by letter Z in our programme), the duration of the simulation (defined by letter Y in our programme) etc. First we can try using the model from Figure 5. For testing purposes we can accept the following parameters: n the starting time is zero (ST = 0) n the duration time is one hour (DT = 3600) n the number of servers is increasing from the minimum to the maximum reasonable number (meaning that there are at least certain number of servers with the attention of avoiding queues that are too long in the model and that all N servers in our model have some traffic -min. <= N =< max.). The results are represented in Table 1. As we can see from the table above, the utilization of the servers in the first few positions in the programme code (SERVER1 and SERVER2) is quite high – considerably higher in comparison with the servers positioned at the end of the code (SERVER4, SERVER5 and SERVER6). Furthermore, we can’t fail to observe that the utilization of these same servers (SERVER1 and SERVER2) is not changed much by adding additional servers in the model. This can also be seen by looking at the number of transactions (and their percentages) passed through the individual servers (Table 2). Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 Table 1: Average server utilization (column 3) and average queue content (column 5) depending on the number of servers in the model (column 1) Number of servers Average server utilization Average queue content 3 SERVER1 0.924 QUEUE1 2.712 SERVER2 0.832 QUEUE2 2.388 SERVER3 0.697 QUEUE3 2.143 4 SERVER1 0.874 QUEUE1 0.932 SERVER2 0.740 QUEUE2 0.738 SERVER3 0.529 QUEUE3 0.506 SERVER4 0.310 QUEUE4 0.307 5 SERVER1 0.865 QUEUE1 0.705 SERVER2 0.722 QUEUE2 0.527 SERVER3 0.497 QUEUE3 0.325 SERVER4 0.259 QUEUE4 0.158 SERVER5 0.110 QUEUE5 0.065 6 SERVER1 0.865 QUEUE1 0.657 SERVER2 0.713 QUEUE2 0.495 SERVER3 0.495 QUEUE3 0.308 SERVER4 0.254 QUEUE4 0.144 SERVER5 0.097 QUEUE5 0.044 SERVER6 0.030 QUEUE6 0.012 0,3550,2830,1990,1070,0440,0120,0000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9001,0001 2 3 4 5 6The position of the server in the model ni snoitcasnart devres eht fo noitroP]%[ ledom eht0,167 0,167 0,167 0,167 0,167 0,1670,0000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9001,0001 2 3 4 5 6The position of the server in the model ni snoitcasnart devres eht fo noitroP]%[ ledom eht 0,3550,2830,1990,1070,0440,0120,0000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9001,0001 2 3 4 5 6The position of the server in the model ni snoitcasnart devres eht fo noitroP]%[ ledom eht0,167 0,167 0,167 0,167 0,167 0,1670,0000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9001,0001 2 3 4 5 6The position of the server in the model ni snoitcasnart devres eht fo noitroP]%[ ledom eht Table 2: The number of transactions (column 3) and their percentages (column 4) passed through the individual servers (column 2) in the model with N (column 1) parallel servers Number of servers Server Number of transactions Percentage [%] 3 SERVER1 8.587 0.378 SERVER2 7.729 0.341 SERVER3 6.366 0.281 SUM 22.682 1.000 4 SERVER1 8.189 0.361 SERVER2 6.658 0.294 SERVER3 4.887 0.215 SERVER4 2.949 0.130 SUM 22.683 1.000 5 SERVER1 8.120 0.358 SERVER2 6.372 0.281 SERVER3 4.625 0.204 SERVER4 2.501 0.110 SERVER5 1.065 0.047 SUM 22.683 1.000 6 SERVER1 8.032 0.355 SERVER2 6.430 0.283 SERVER3 4.516 0.199 SERVER4 2.436 0.107 SERVER5 999 0.044 SERVER6 270 0.012 SUM 22.683 1.000 Figure 7: The distribution of the service in the classical GPSS model with six parallel servers Figure 8: The expected distribution of the service in the classical GPSS model with 6 servers 642 The same can be seen more obviously in a graphic way, especially for the model with six parallel servers (Figure 7). Here we can clearly observe the declining trend of the server utilization. Thus, the first server in the model executes almost 36 percent of all the completed transactions and the sixth server executes only one and if we expanded our model by adding some new servers then they would be completely idle. Of course, considering the service in random order, which was our presumption, we would expect that the above graph would be quite different and similar to Figure 8. But what would we get if the traffic in the model (the number of entering transactions) diminished rapidly? Let’s now change our GPSS programme from Figure 6 (the model with n parallel servers and with a single waiting queue) as follows: n the starting time ST = 33000 (though the density of the transaction arrivals is much lower) n the duration time is again one hour, DT = 3600 n the number of server is increased from 2 to 6 (2 <= N =< 6). The results are presented in Table 3 and in Figure 9 for the model with six servers. Straight away we can see that the model shows quite unrealistic situation during conditions of low traffic density (and by that also a low occupation rate per server). Barely more than one server is utilized in the model (i. e. the first one). In our case it is (only by chance) fully loaded while all the other servers are practically unattached. This example clearly demonstrates the discrepancy of the model and its dependence on the occupation rate per server explained earlier. Hence it follows that each and every possible solution should be proved under the same conditions – i.e. models with a low occupation rate per server. 4 The Solution of the Problem In the previous chapters we established and proved that classical (ordinary) usage of GPSS blocks in modelling doesn’t take into consideration the principle of service in random order. So whenever we model a system in GPSS that operates in this way we always come up against difficulties. However, in spite of everything, this principle can be achieved. Taking into account that there are two main types of parallel service (described in Figure 1 and Figure 2) we will also offer two different solutions for each type. For the first type (the systems containing n servers each with its own queue) this difficult task could be tackled in the following way. At first the GPSS programme determines the length of the shortest queue in the system (SELECT MIN). Then it randomly (variable VAR1) chooses one of the feasible queues (ASSIGN) and compares its length with the length of the shortest one (TEST E). If both lengths are equal then the transaction is normally sent to the randomly chosen queue (QUEUE). Otherwise the programme picks out another waiting queue (the execution of the programme returns to label “PONOVNO”). Figure 10 shows the principle part of the GPSS programme explained above. Our sample programme as a whole, upgraded using the method described, would look like that shown in Figure 11. 0,0530,000 0,000 0,000 0,0000,9470,0000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9001,0001 2 3 4 5 6The position of the server in the model ni snoitcasnart devres eht fo noitroP]%[ ledom eht Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 Figure 9: The distribution of the service in the classical GPSS model (with six parallel servers) on condition of low traffic density Table 3: The number of transactions (column 3) and their percentages (column 4) that passed through the individual servers (column 2) in the model with N parallel servers (column 1) during conditions of low traffic density Number of servers Server Number of transactions Percentage [%] 2 SERVER1 449 0.947 SERVER 025 0.053 SUM 474 1.000 3 SERVER1 449 0.947 SERVER2 025 0.053 SERVER3 000 0.000 SUM 474 1.000 4 SERVER1 449 0.947 SERVER2 025 0.053 SERVER3 000 0.000 SERVER4 000 0.000 SUM 474 1.000 5 SERVER1 449 0.947 SERVER2 025 0.053 SERVER3 000 0.000 SERVER4 000 0.000 SERVER5 000 0.000 SUM 474 1.000 6 SERVER1 449 0.947 SERVER2 025 0.053 SERVER3 000 0.000 SERVER4 000 0.000 SERVER5 000 0.000 SERVER6 000 0.000 SUM 474 1.000 643 Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 VAR1 VARIABLE ((RN3*N/1000)+1) GENERATE .... SELECT MIN 1,QUEUE1,QUEUEN,,Q PONOVNO ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 TEST E Q*P1,Q*P2,PONOVNO QUEUE P2 Figure 10: The section of the GPSS programme that solves the problem in a model with n servers and n queues REALLOCATE COM,32720 SIMULATE * * Parallel server system – n servers each with its own waiting queue. * The upgraded variant * SERVER1 EQU 1,F SERVER. EQU .,F SERVERN EQU N,F QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q QUEUE. EQU .,Q QUEUEN EQU N,Q PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES. EQU .,Z PROCESN EQU N,Z PROCES1 FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution 1 (in seconds) 0.0000,0.0/0.3867,0.1/0.5693,0.2/0.6829,0.3/0.7604,0.4/0.8117,0.5/ 0.8463,0.6/0.8702,0.7/0.8887,0.8/0.9036,0.9/0.9150,1.0/0.9319,1.2/ 0.9476,1.5/0.9648,2.0/0.9795,3.0/1.0000,5.0 PROCES. FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution . (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 PROCESN FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution N (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 FPRIHOD FUNCTION AC1,C62 Time between arrivals distribution (10 hours) * Data for this function are defined in FPRIHOD in Figure 3 VPRIHOD FVARIABLE FN$FPRIHOD*(ABS(LOG(1-(RN2/1000)))) INITIAL X$SERVNUM,N Number of servers = N VAR1 VARIABLE ((RN3*X$SERVNUM/1000)+1) A randomly chosen queue GENERATE V$VPRIHOD,,ST The simulation begins at time = ST SELECT MIN 1,QUEUE1,QUEUEN,,Q PONOVNO ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 TEST E Q*P1,Q*P2,PONOVNO QUEUE P2 SEIZE P2 DEPART P2 ADVANCE FN*P2 RELEASE P2 TERMINATE * GENERATE DT The simulation lasts DT seconds TERMINATE 1 * START 1 END Figure 11: Our upgraded model of a system with n servers and n waiting queues that processes the same statistical data as the programme in Figure 5 644 When the upgraded GPSS programme is executed under the same conditions as before (the starting time ST = 33000, the duration time DT = 3600 and the number of servers ranging between 2 and 6) we get the following simulation results (Table 4) and the following graph for a model with six servers (Figure 12). Right away we can recognize that the behaviour of the model is quite different to that in all the earlier cases. As we can see, each server now seems to complete approximately the same percentage of the incoming transactions so the workload in our upgraded model quite realistically seems to be evenly distributed among all of the servers in the system. That hypothesis was even statistically confirmed using the chi-squared test in (Žibert, 2005). For the parallel service model using a single waiting queue (earlier defined as the second type) it is much harder to find a solution. The classic GPSS system uses a long sequence of blocks for this purpose. Thus in our sample we controlled the flow of a transaction within the blocks declared in the transfer block (TRANSFER ALL, BCPU1, BCPUN, 3). That means that we controlled it all the way from the TRANSFER ALL block to the block labelled BCPUN plus three additional subsequent blocks. It seems that all the blocks in between form an indivisible entity where randomness of any kind can not be taken into account. However, the problem here can be also grappled with. By applying indirect addressing in the SEIZE blocks we could always use one of the transaction parameters (P1, P2, P3, etc). That means that the transaction occupies the facility that is coded in that parameter. Thus, if we changed the contents of all those parameters belonging to the transaction at the time of its birth (generation), we would y = 0,001x + 0,1670,0000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9001,000123456The position of the server in the model ni snoitcasnart devres eht fo noitroP]%[ ledom eht Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 Table 4: The number of transactions (column 3) and their percentages (column 4) passed through the individual servers (column 2) in the upgraded model with N (column 1) parallel servers Number of servers Server Number of transactions Percentage [%] 2 SERVER1 225 0.475 SERVER 249 0.525 SUM 474 1.000 3 SERVER1 152 0.321 SERVER2 154 0.325 SERVER3 168 0.354 SUM 474 1.000 4 SERVER1 114 0.241 SERVER2 111 0.234 SERVER3 121 0.255 SERVER4 128 0.270 SUM 474 1.000 5 SERVER1 84 0.177 SERVER2 96 0.203 SERVER3 95 0.200 SERVER4 93 0.196 SERVER5 106 0.224 SUM 474 1.000 6 SERVER1 71 0.150 SERVER2 81 0.171 SERVER3 73 0.154 SERVER4 81 0.171 SERVER5 78 0.164 SERVER6 90 0.190 SUM 474 1.000 Figure 12: The distribution of the service in the upgraded GPSS model with a dotted trend line INITIAL X$CPUNUM,N Number of servers = N VAR1 VARIABLE ((RN3*X$CPUNUM/1000)+1) GENERATE ... QUEUE QUEUE1 ASSIGN 1,X$CPUNUM-1 ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 PONOVNO TEST L P(X$CPUNUM-P1+1),X$CPUNUM,ZACETEK ASSIGN (X$CPUNUM-P1+2),P(X$CPUNUM-P1+1)+1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZACETEK ASSIGN (X$CPUNUM-P1+2),1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZANKA LOOP 1,PONOVNO Figure 13: The complex section of the GPSS programme that solves the problem in a model with n servers and a single queue 645 Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 REALLOCATE COM,32720 SIMULATE * * Parallel server system – n servers with a single waiting queue. * The upgraded variant * SERVER1 EQU 1,F SERVER. EQU .,F SERVERN EQU N,F QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES. EQU .,Z PROCESN EQU N,Z PROCES1 FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution 1 (in seconds) 0.0000,0.0/0.3867,0.1/0.5693,0.2/0.6829,0.3/0.7604,0.4/0.8117,0.5/ 0.8463,0.6/0.8702,0.7/0.8887,0.8/0.9036,0.9/0.9150,1.0/0.9319,1.2/ 0.9476,1.5/0.9648,2.0/0.9795,3.0/1.0000,5.0 PROCES. FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution . (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 PROCESN FUNCTION RN1,C16 Service time distribution N (in seconds) * The same data as above in PROCES1 FPRIHOD FUNCTION AC1,C62 Time between arrivals distribution (10 hours) * Data for this function are defined in FPRIHOD in Figure 3 VPRIHOD FVARIABLE FN$FPRIHOD*(ABS(LOG(1-(RN2/1000)))) INITIAL X$CPUNUM,N Number of servers = N VAR1 VARIABLE ((RN3*X$CPUNUM/1000)+1) A random number from 1 to N GENERATE V$VPRIHOD,,ST The simulation begins at time = ST QUEUE QUEUE1 * The start of filling our parameter table ASSIGN 1,X$CPUNUM-1 ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 PONOVNO TEST L P(X$CPUNUM-P1+1),X$CPUNUM,ZACETEK ASSIGN (X$CPUNUM-P1+2),P(X$CPUNUM-P1+1)+1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZACETEK ASSIGN (X$CPUNUM-P1+2),1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZANKA LOOP 1,PONOVNO * The end of filling our parameter table TRANSFER ALL,BCPU1,BCPUN,5 BCPU1 SEIZE P2 DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P2 RELEASE P2 TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPU. SEIZE P. DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P. RELEASE P. TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPUN SEIZE P(N+1) DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P(N+1) RELEASE P(N+1) DALJE TERMINATE * GENERATE DT The simulation lasts DT seconds TERMINATE 1 * START 1 END Figure 14: Our upgraded model of a system with n servers and a single waiting queue that processes the same statistical data as the programme from Figure 6 646 also change all the facilities at hand in the SEIZE blocks. All we must do is to create a table of parameters for each generated transaction and fill it randomly with the numbers that represent the appointed facility. Figure 13 shows us how to do it. This time, our complete sample programme, upgraded using the method described, would look like the that in Figure 14. The results of the above GPSS simulation model (under the same condition as earlier, with the starting time ST = 33000, the duration time DT = 3600 and the number of servers ranging between 2 and 6) are once again presented as a table (Table 5) and as a graph for a model with six servers (Figure 15). As before, we can perceive that the servers in the model are treated approximately much the same. So the workload in this upgraded programme could also be considered as evenly distributed among all of the servers (Žibert, 2005). y = 0,0007x + 0,1670,0000,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9001,000123456The position of the server in the model ni snoitcasnart devres eht fo noitroP]%[ ledom eht Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 Table 5: The number of transactions (column 3) and their percentages (column 4) passed through the individual servers (column 2) in the upgraded model with N (column 1) parallel servers Number of servers Server Number of transactions Percentage [%] 2 SERVER1 226 0.477 SERVER 248 0.523 SUM 474 1.000 3 SERVER1 155 0.327 SERVER2 155 0.327 SERVER3 164 0.346 SUM 474 1.000 4 SERVER1 117 0.247 SERVER2 111 0.234 SERVER3 122 0.257 SERVER4 124 0.262 SUM 474 1.000 5 SERVER1 87 0.183 SERVER2 96 0.203 SERVER3 96 0.203 SERVER4 93 0.196 SERVER5 102 0.215 SUM 474 1.000 6 SERVER1 73 0.154 SERVER2 82 0.173 SERVER3 73 0.154 SERVER4 81 0.171 SERVER5 78 0.165 SERVER6 87 0.183 SUM 474 1.000 Figure 15: The distribution of the services in the upgraded GPSS model with a dotted trend line * * The definitions of macro IZBIRAQ for systems with n parallel * servers and n waiting queues * * Macro parameters: * #A – the number of parallel servers – N * #B – random number (1 – 9) * * The exit is parameter 2. * IZBIRAQ STARTMACRO #A,#B VAR1 VARIABLE ((#B*(#A+1-P1)/1000)+P1) SELECT MIN 1,QUEUE1,#A,,Q PONOVNO ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 TEST E Q*P1,Q*P2,PONOVNO ENDMACRO * * The end of macro IZBIRAQ Figure 16: The IZBIRAQ macro for models with n parallel servers and n waiting queues 647 5 Practical Forms of our Solution Perhaps it would be helpful for many of us if we also introduced our solution in a rather different form – using so-called macros. This would make the solution more common, even user friendly and (we hope) more applicable. Macros are not just used to be easily and repeatedly called from every possible point inside the programme. They are also applied to shorten large source codes and to make them much easier to understand. In this way, we present the GPSS macros for the models in Figure 16 and Figure 17. In next figures (Figure 18 and Figure 19), there are two simple samples of how the above two macros can be used, so the readers can learn by examples. Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 * * The definition of macro IZBIRAF for systems with n parallel * servers and a single waiting queue * * Macro parameters: * #A – the number of parallel servers – N * #B – random number (1 – 9) * * The exit is a table of parameters from P2 to PN. * IZBIRAF STARTMACRO #A,#B VAR1 VARIABLE ((#B*#A/1000)+1) ASSIGN 1,#A-1 ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 PONOVNO TEST L P(#A-P1+1),#A,ZACETEK ASSIGN (#A-P1+2),P(#A-P1+1)+1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZACETEK ASSIGN (#A-P1+2),1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZANKA LOOP 1,PONOVNO ENDMACRO * * The end of macro IZBIRAF Figure 17: The IZBIRAF macro for models with n parallel servers and a single waiting queue 648 Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 SIMULATE * * System with 5 servers, each with its own waiting queue. * The programme calls macro IZBIRAQ. * CPU1 EQU 1,F CPU2 EQU 2,F CPU3 EQU 3,F CPU4 EQU 4,F CPU5 EQU 5,F QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q QUEUE2 EQU 2,Q QUEUE3 EQU 3,Q QUEUE4 EQU 4,Q QUEUE5 EQU 5,Q PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES2 EQU 2,Z PROCES3 EQU 3,Z PROCES4 EQU 4,Z PROCES5 EQU 5,Z PROCES1 FUNCTION RN1,C2 0,1/1,1 PROCES2 FUNCTION RN2,C2 0,1/1,1 PROCES3 FUNCTION RN3,C2 0,1/1,1 PROCES4 FUNCTION RN4,C2 0,1/1,1 PROCES5 FUNCTION RN5,C2 0,1/1,1 INITIAL X$CPUNUM,5 * * The definition of macro IZBIRAQ * IZBIRAQ STARTMACRO #A,#B VAR1 VARIABLE ((#B*(#A+1-P1)/1000)+P1) SELECT MIN 1,QUEUE1,#A,,Q PONOVNO ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 TEST E Q*P1,Q*P2,PONOVNO ENDMACRO * * The end of the macro * * * The main programme * GENERATE 0.6,0.5,,,,27 IZBIRAQ MACRO X$CPUNUM,RN6 QUEUE P2 SEIZE P2 DEPART P2 ADVANCE FN*P2 RELEASE P2 TERMINATE 1 * START 10000 END Figure 18: A simple programme showing how to use the IZBIRAQ macro 649 SIMULATE * * System with 3 servers and one waiting queue. * The programme calls macro IZBIRAF. * SERVER1 EQU 1,F SERVER2 EQU 2,F SERVER3 EQU 3,F QUEUE1 EQU 1,Q PROCES1 EQU 1,Z PROCES2 EQU 2,Z PROCES3 EQU 3,Z PROCES1 FUNCTION RN1,C2 0,1/1,1 PROCES2 FUNCTION RN2,C2 0,1/1,1 PROCES3 FUNCTION RN3,C2 0,1/1,1 FPRIHOD FUNCTION AC1,C7 00000,1.2/00600,1.4/01200,0.9/01800,0.8/02400,0.75/03000,0.9/03600,1.2 VPRIHOD FVARIABLE FN$FPRIHOD*(ABS(LOG(1-(RN2/1000)))) INITIAL X$CPUNUM,3 * * The start of macro IZBIRAF * IZBIRAF STARTMACRO #A,#B VAR1 VARIABLE ((#B*#A/1000)+1) ASSIGN 1,#A-1 ASSIGN 2,V$VAR1 PONOVNO TEST L P(#A-P1+1),#A,ZACETEK ASSIGN (#A-P1+2),P(#A-P1+1)+1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZACETEK ASSIGN (#A-P1+2),1 TRANSFER ,ZANKA ZANKA LOOP 1,PONOVNO ENDMACRO * * The end of the macro * * The main programme * GENERATE V$VPRIHOD QUEUE QUEUE1 IZBIRAF MACRO X$CPUNUM,RN4 TRANSFER ALL,BCPU1,BCPU3,5 BCPU1 SEIZE P2 DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P2 RELEASE P2 TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPU2 SEIZE P3 DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P3 RELEASE P3 TRANSFER ,DALJE BCPU3 SEIZE P4 DEPART QUEUE1 ADVANCE FN*P4 RELEASE P4 DALJE TERMINATE * GENERATE 3600 TERMINATE 1 * START 1 END Figure 19: A simple programme showing how to use the IZBIRAF macro Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 650 6 Conclusions As we said in chapter one when describing the problem, the GPSS modelling of parallel server systems with the service in random order always causes some problems. The final effect of these troubles (and our problem) is more or less presented as a discrepancy between the model and the real system. In some extreme cases the discrepancy could be so large that we are talking about an inadequate model. In this article we tried to show a methodology of how to surmount the obstacles represented in this simulation language and how to correctly model some prevailing types of parallel service systems. The suggested solution is mainly composed of some additional control statements (as declarations at the beginning of the GPSS programme) and an extra section of block sequence that randomly chooses one of the suitable entities in the model. To make the solution more applicable among users we also went a step further. In this respect, we made it easily available as a macro called from the main programme with some additional parameters. 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Marko Žibert received his Master degree in information systems management at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Science, in 2005. His major research interest includes discrete simulation for the optimization of various information systems. He is employed as a system programmer in the System Department of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS). Miroljub Kljajić is Professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor. His brief biography is published on page 634 of this issue. Organizacija, letnik 39 Razprave številka 10, december 2006 651