ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE <3 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME III No. 17 - 21 June 1950 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Ediloriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1950 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 113 INCREASE OF COMPENSATIONS DUE TO PERSONS CHARGED WITH THE REGULATION OF COMMON USAGES (USI CIVICI) WHEREAS it is considered advisable to increase the compensations due to persons charged with the regulation of common usages (usi civici in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The allowance for loss of time, the sojourn indemnity and the travelling indemnity (computed at number of kilometers made on road) due in terms of articles 3 and 5 of the Regulations approved by R.D. 15 November 1925, No. 2180, to technical delegates, to instructors and to experts charged with the regulation of common usages (usi civici), are hereby increased thirty, forty and twenty times respectively. . ARTICLE II This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref.: LDIA/50/29 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 114 PROVISIONS REGARDING „ENTE NAZIONALE DI PREVIDENZA E DI ASSISTENZA PER I LAVORATORI DELLO SPETTACOLO“ WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to issue provisions in respect of „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e di Assistenza per i lavoratori dello Spettacolo“ in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, 1, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The „Cassa Nazionale di Assistenza per i Lavoratori dello Spettaeolo“, constituted by collective bargaining contract dated 28 August 1934 and published in the Italian Official Gazette No. 278, dated 27 November 1934, has taken the denomination of „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e di Assistenza per i Lavoratori dello Spettaeolo“ (hereinafter referred to as the „Ente“). ARTICLE II Section 1. — The „Ente“' shall, within the limits and with the procedure laid down in this Order, provide for the following : a) assistance, in case of sickness, to inscribed persons and their family members ; b) benefits due in case of old age, invalidism and survivors. Section 2. — The inscription with the „Ente“ shall, for all purposes, substitute the compulsory sickness insurance under the Law No. 138, date 11 January 1943, and subsequent amendments, and the compulsory insurance for invalidism, old age and survivors, under R. D.L. 14 April 1939, No. 636, and subsequent amendments thereto. ARTICLE III All persons belonging to the following categories shall be compulsorily inscribed with the „Ente“ : 1) lyric artists ; 2) drama, operetta, revue, variety shows and entertainments actors ; 3) ordinary film and all-round film actors, film doubling actors : 4) theatre and film director and assistants ; 5) directors, inspectors, cinema production secretaries, cashiers ; 6) stage and film doubling directors ; 7) orchestra conductors and substitutes ; 8) orchestra players and professors ; 9) „tersicorei“, chorus singers, dancers and extras ; 10) administrators of theatre companies ; 11) technicians in cutting („montaggio“) and in sound technique, printing and developing of films ; 12) projection machine operators, assistants and craftsmen of cinema, theatre and broadcasting services ; 13) decorators, architects, theatre scene designers, theatre and cinema dress designers : 14) make-up artists and hair-dressers ; 15) engineers, electricians, fitters, joiners and upholsterers ; 16) dressmakers ; 17) painters, plasterers and „formatori“ ; 18) artisans ; 19) movie operators ; 20) ushers, watchmen and cleaning staff. Section 1 — For the purposes referred to in the preceding Article II, enterprises employing inscribed persons shall pay special contributions on the basis of percentages calculated on the gross daily earning received by each inscribed persons. Section 2 — The daily earning of each inscribed person shall be computed by dividing the total amount of the fixed remuneration by the number of days of duration of the contract. Section 3 — The same procedure shall be followed for compensations paid „pro rata“ also where they are not foreseen by the contract. Section 4 — The provisions set forth in General Order No. 47, dated 20 March 1946, in respect of family allowances shall be followed to determine the elements of the earnings on which calculation of the contributions has to be made. ■ Section 5 — The numbers of groups shall effect payment of the whole contribution to be calculated on the amount of pay received on the basis of the quota-shares due to each of them. ARTICLE V Section 1 — The contributions due to the „Ente“ shall be to the full charge of the enterprises in terms of Article IV of Order No. 150, dated 12 June 1946. Section 2 — However, in respect of inscribed persons belonging to the categories Nos. 1 to 14 of Article III of this Order, receiving a daily earning exceeding 3200 Lire, the enterprises may claim reimbursement of half of the contributions due. The amount of reimbursement shall in any case be limited to the amount by which the daily earning exceeds 3200 Lire. ARTICLE VI Section 1 — Payment of the contributions shall be made by the enterprises not later than the tenth day following the periodical maturity of pays. Section 2 — If the contributions are not paid within the time-limit prescribed in the preceding Section or if the contributions have been paid in an amount lower than that due, the enterprise concerned shall: 1) pay the contributions or parts thereof which have not been paid, both for its own quota-share and for the quota-share due by the inscribed person ; 2) pay an additional amount equal to that due pursuant to preceding paragraph 1 ; 3) be punished with a fine („ammenda“) ranging from 100 Lire to 500 Lire for each inscribed person for whom payment has been either totally or partially omitted or delayed. Section 3 — Within 30 days from the filing of the request by the „Ente“, or in case of a fine being imposed prior to the first hearing in the first instance or prior to issuance of the penal decree, the enterprise involved may submit an application for the administrative settlement of the controversy to the executive Board of the „Ente“. Section 4 — Should the application be granted, in lieu of the additional amount referred to in paragrah 2 of Section 2 the enterprise shall be obliged to pay the interest due for delay in payment, at the rate fixed for legal interests, increased by two points, as well as the amount of fine not exceeding the minimum amount fixed in paragraph 3 of Section 2 and to be determined by the Executive Board. ARTICLE VII Section 1 — The contribution for sickness insurance shall be due at the rate of 4.50 per cent of the pay. Section 2 —- The maximum amount of daily pay on which calculation of the contribution is hereby fixed at 1400 Lire. ARTICLE VIII Section 1 — The contributions due for invalidism, old age and survivors benefits shall be due at the rate of those set forth by R.D.L. 14 April 1939, No. 636, converted with amendments into the Law 6 July 1939, No. 1272, and subsequent amendments, and of those set forth in respect of the integrative allowances for pensions and shall be calculated on a unique percentage resulting from the summing up of the following percentages : 1) a percentage of 2.40%, corresponding to the contribution for invalidism, old age and survivors insurance in terms of R.D.L. 14 April 1939, No. 363, and of R.D.L. 18 March 1943, No. 126, on the maximum daily pay of 250 Lire ; 2) a percentage to be yearly fixed and relating to the contribution due for payment of the integrative allowance for invalidism, old age and survivors pensions ; 3) a percentage to be yearly fixed pursuant to Article IV of Order No. 462, dated 11 September 1947, and relating to the contribution due for the payment of an extraordinary contingency allowance to pensioners under the compulsory insurance for invalidism, old age and survivors. ARTICLE IX Section 1 — All enterprises shall notify to the „Ente“ the persons employed by them, specifying their daily pay and any other details requested by the „Ente“ and concerning the inscription of the employed persons and the assessment of the contributions due. Section 2 — Besides, the enterprises shall notify to the „Ente“ any variations of data indicated in the initial notification. Section 3 — The notifications set forth in the preceding Sections shall be made to the „Ente“ within five days from the date of stipulation of the contract or from the date of occur -rance of variations. Section 4 — The failure to comply with the above provisions shall be punishable with a fine from 100 Lire to 500 Lire, for each employed person for whom the notification has been omitted, delayed, or faulty. Section 5 — The total amount of the fine may not exceed 10,000 Lire. Section 1 — The „Ente“ shall release to each enterprise a certificate containing the data appearing from the notifications set forth in the foregoing Article. Section 2 • — Such certificate shall be exhibited upon any request of the officials charged with the assessment or collection of the contribution. ARTICLE XI Section 1 — To each inscribed worker the „Ente“ shall issue a personal book. Section 2 — The employer shall be obliged to enter into the personal book of each worker the periods of employment, the amount of daily pay and of the contributions paid. Section 3 — Tne „Ente“ shall, moreover, enter into the book all indemnities and other benefits granted to the inscribed worker, and at the end of every year the total amount of contributions relating to sickness insurance and those relating to invalidism, old age and survivors insurance. Section 4 — The entries incumbent on the enterprise shall be made every week at the most and in any case at the termination of employment of the inscribed worker or upon his request. Section 5 — Any false or defective entry of data into the personal book shall be liable to a time for contravention not exceeding 10,000 Lire, unless the case constitutes a graver offence. ARTICLE XII The inscribed worker is entitled to the benefits under the sickness insur-occurrance of the insured case the enterprise has not yet met the contri- Section 2 — In such case, the „Ente“ shall collect from the enterprises the expenses arisen from the benefits granted during the period for which contributions have not been paid. The provisions of Article VI hereof shall continue to be applicablo. ARTICLE XIII Section 1 — The daily indemnity due to the inscribed worker in case of sickness is equal to 50% of the average of the last hundred daily pays received. Section 2 — The indemnity may not exceed 200 Lire daily. Section 3 — For the granting of the daily indemnity and of medical assistance there shall be applicable till issuance of new provisions in terms of Article XVII the provisions set forth by the collective bargaining labour contract dated 28 August 1934 and published in the Official Bulletin of the former Ministry of Corporations and in excerpt in the Italian Official Gazette dated 27 November 1934. Section 1 — ance even if at the butions. Section 1 — The family members of the inscribed worker for whom at least 60 daily contributions have been paid or due as from 1 January of the preceding year, shall be entitled to medical assistance comprising: a) medical and surgical general assistance at the patient’s home and the dispensaries ; b) medical treatment by specialists in dispensaries ; cj assistance at confinements ; d) hospitalization in hospitals bound by special convention for a maximum period of 40 subsequent days. Hospitalization shall not be due in cases of nervous, mental or cronie diseases. Section 2 — The medical assistance in dispensaries of the „Ente“ and in those bound by special convention shall be inclusive of the supply of nesessary medicines for the treatment followed there. Section 3 — The following persons shall be considered family members of the inscribed workers entitled to above mentioned assistance : a) the husband or wife, provided the wife does not perform a paid activity, or the husband is permanently disabled for work ; b) the legitimate natural and adopted children up to the age of 15 years, or more if permanently disabled for work, and up to the age of 18 years if attending schools ; c) the parents if the father is more than 60 years, or the mother more than 55 years old, or if they are permanently disabled ; d) the brothers and sisters up to 15 years of age - or more if permanently disabled, and up to the age of 18 years if attending schools. Section 4 — In any ease the persons referred to above must live with the inscribed person and be fully dependent on him. Section 5 — The benefits set forth in the preceding Article are granted under the same rules, terms and limits as established for the principal beneficiaries, unless otherwise established by the same Article. ARTICLE XV Section 1 — The invalidism, old age and survivors benefits will be established by rules foreseen by Article XVII. Section 2 — If the conditions entailing the liquidation of benefits under the general compulsory insurance for invalidism, aid . age and survivors for the inscribed workers should occu- prior to the issuance of said provisions, the „Ente“ shall be obliged provisionally to grant such benefits at the rates and according to the provisions and requisites set forth by the provisions governing the said insurance. ARTICLE XVI Section 1 — The surveillance and control of the proper enforcement of this Order shall be the responsibility of the Labour Inspectorate. Section 2 — For the purpose of surveillance the enforcement of this Order the Labour Inspectorate is authorized to make use of the officials appointed by the „Ente“, who shall be allowed free admittance to the premises of show enterprises. Section 3 — Officials in charge of control shall be provided with documents issued by the appropriate Labour Inspectorate and are obliged to exhibit such documents to the manager of the enterprise where the control is to be made. Section 4 — The enterprises shall be obliged to put at the disposal of officials charged with control, the pay and matriculation books and may not refuse any further investigation deemed necessary by the said officials. Section 5 — Any enterprise refusing to officials in charge of control the inspection of entries and labour documents, shall be liable to a fine („ammenda“) from 500 Lire to 5000 Lire. ARTICLE XVII All provisions necessary to supplement the provisions of this Order in respect of the kind, limits, conditions, and the procedure for the granting of the insurance benefits, as well as of coordination of the functioning of the „Ente“ with that of the „Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale“ and „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“ will be established by a subsequent Order. ARTICLE XVIII Entertainment workers subject to compulsory Social Insurance in this Zone with the „Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale“, and to Sickness Insurance with the „Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Malattia“, to whatever category out of those listed in Article III they may pertain, are temporarily exempted from compulsory registration in the rolls' of the „Ente Nazionale di previdenza e di assistenza per i lavoratori dello spettacolo“ and shall continue to be subject to compulsory Social Insurance with the above mentioned Institutions for such a length of time as the same insurance benefits warranted by the said Institutes are not guaranteed to them by the aforementioned Corporation. ARTICLE XIX The provisions of Articles IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XIII, XIV and XV of this Order shall be operative as from 1st January 1950. ARTICLE XX This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of June J950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U.S. xArmy Ref. : LD/A/501116 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 115 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 132/1946 REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE „ENTI COMUNALI DI ASSISTENZA “ WHEREAS it is considered advisable to amend, certain provisions of Order No. 132 dated 16 May 1946 concerning the composition and appointment of Administrative Committees of the „Enti Comunali di Assistenzain that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Paragraph b). Section I of Article I of Order No. 132 dated 16 May 1946 is hereby substituted by the following : ,,b) The members of the Committees shall be appointed by decision of the Communal Council. The decision shall be approved by the Zone President. The members shall hold office for a four years term.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 16th day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref. : LDIA/501116 Director General, Civil Affairs MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY BUILDING CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1st December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by building contractors the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 II lodo arbitrale concernente il personale iti premessa pi'onunciato con Avviso No. 25 e pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 1° ottobre 1949, successivamente modificato con Avviso No. 5 pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’ll febbraio 1950, s’intende prorogato sino al 30 giugno 1950. ARTICOLO 2 Oltre alle competenze fissate nei lodi cui si accenna nell’art. 1, ai dipendenti a partire dall’ll aprile corr. anno sarà dovuto un assegno straordinario come più sotto indicato. Uomini Donne giornaliere L. 48 40 44 32 36 28. sotto ai 16 anni 24 24 Tale assegno sarà ragguagliabile ad ora. ARTICOLO 3 11 presente lodo verrà a scadere il 30 giugno 1950. Sarà ammessa una revisione anteriore alla scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico goduto dai lavoratori disciplinati dal rispettivo contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Trieste. 12 aprile 1950 Il Presidente: Sgd.Walter LEV1TUS 1 Componenti : „ Bruno MARI „ Renato CORSI „ Giuseppe BUBNICH „ Guerrino BRADASCH1A 1 Consulenti tecnici : „ Giovanni POLI „ Nicolò PASE Approvato : 24 maggio 1950 Sgd. : E. de PETR1S Capo Dipartimento Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of June 1950. E. de PETP.IS Ref. : LDjCI50j27 Ghief, Department of Labor MINIMUM WAGES FOR WORKERS EMPLOYED BY CRAFTSMEN FIRMS IN THE IRON TRADE Notice is hereby given that the Minimun Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1st December 1947, has issued in respect of workers employed by craftsmen firms in the iron trade (black and coppersmiths, mechanicians, motor-mechanicians, plumbers, tinkers, lighting, water, gas, sanitary and heating-fitters, scale makers, electricians and melters, chrome- platers) not registered with Association of the category the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 A partirò dai 15 aprile 1950 ai dipendenti in premessa sarà applicata la tabella salariale sotto indicata : 1) Operai specializzati ................................................ Lire 40,30 or. 2) Operai qualificati .................................................... „ 35,45 „ 3) Manovali specializzati ................................................ „ 32,95 „ 4) Manovali qualificati ................................................. „ 29,05 „ SUPPLEMENTI PER LAVORI SPECIALI 1) Fabbri da fuoco ..................................................... . „ 1,95 „ 2) Bandai ....................................................... .. .. „ 2,45 „ 3) Stagnini ........................................................... 1,95 „ 4) Fonditori ............................................................. „ 1,95 „ 5) Cromatori ............................................................ „ 1,95 „ ARTICOLO 2 Dalla stessa data verrà pure corrisposta l’indennità di contingenza nella misura e nella forma in vigore nel rispettivo settore delle aziende artigiane. ARTICOLO 3 L’orario normale di lavoro è di 48 ore settimanali e 8 giornaliere. Il lavoro straordinario, compiuto oltre l’orario normale giornaliero, sarà compensato con la seguente maggiorazione calcolata sulla paga base (esclusa l’indennità di contingenza) : per le prime due ore ................................... il 25% per le successive tre.................................. il 40% per le successive ...................................... il 75% 11 lavoro compiuto nei giorni festivi sarà compensato con la maggiorazione seguente, calcolata come sopra : per le prime 8 ore .......................................... il 45% per le successive ........................................... il 75% 300 A.M.G. - F.T.T. Cazette — Voi. HI, No. 17 — 21 June 1950 11 lavoro notturno, quello cioè effettuato oltre le. 12 ore dall’inizio dell’orario normale, sarà compensato con la maggiorazione del 20%. ARTICOLO 4 Nelle festività infrasettimanali previste dalla Legge, per le quali il relativo contratto di categoria preveda espressamente l’obbligo di corrispondere la normale retribuzione, ancorché non vi sia prestazione d’attività vige l’identico obbligo anche per le aziende cui il presente lodo si riferisce. ARTICOLO 5 In coincidenza con le festività natalizie, i dipendenti interessati avranno diritto ad una gratifica della misura di 200 ore di retribuzione globale. Nel caso di inizio e di cessazione del rapporto di lavoro nel corso dell’anno, essi avranno diritto a tanti dodicesimi del suddetto importo, quanti saranno stati i mesi di servizio compiuti ARTICOLO 6 Il presente lodo decorre dal 15 aprile 1950 e verrà a scadere il 15 ottobre 1950. Sarà legittima una revisione anteriore alla scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico del personale disciplinato dal relativo contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 8 maggio 1950. Il Presidente : Walter LEVITUS I Componenti : „ Giovanni GRUDEN „ Sergio STERMIN „ Giuseppe MUSLIN „ Paolo ROSSETTI I Consulenti tecnici : „ Ruggero TIRONI ■„ Nicolò PASE Dipartimento del Lavoro Approvato : 27 aprile 1950 Sgd. E. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of June 1950. E. DE PETRIS Ref. : LDIC/50/28 Chief, Department of Labour MINIMUM WAGES FOR WORKERS EMPLOYED IN OFFICES OF LAWYERS, ATTORNEYS, CERTIFIED, ACCOUNTANTS, GRADUATES IN COMMERCIAL SCIENCES, FISCAL ADVISORS, HOUSE-STEWARDS AND COMMERCIAL EXPERTS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1st December 1947, has issued in respect of workers employed in offices of Lawyers, Attorneys, Certified Accountants, Graduâtes in Commercial Sciences, Fiscal Advisors, House-Stewards and Commercial Experts the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 A partire dal 1° aprile 1950, la tabella di cui all’art. 2 del lodo pubblicato con Avviso No. 14 nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 27 dellTl/6/1948, viene modificata come segue: Uomini Donne Lire Segretario di studio, mensili................................... 20.782 20.782 Impiegato di concetto, mensili................................... 9.982 8.156 Impiegato d’ordine ............................................ 4.582 4.106 Fattorino, settimanali.................................... 231 — Donna di pulizia, orarie.................................. — 37 ARTICOLO 2 A partire dalla stessa data l’indennità di contingenza di cui alTart. 3 del lodo citato nell’articolo precedente, è pure modificato come segue : GRUPPI DI ETÀ’ Giornaliera Mensile U D U D a) Non capi famiglia oltre i 20 anni 493 429 12818 11154 dai 18 ai 20 anni 444 345 11544 8970 dai 16 ai 18 anni 370 310 9620 8060 sotto i 16 anni 197 197 5122 5122 b) Capifamiglia oltre i 20 anni 493 458 12818 11908 dai 18 ai 20 anni 458 394 11908 10244 ARTICOLO 3 Del lodo citato all’art. 1, sono confermati gli articoli 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 e quanto degli articoli 2 e 3 non risulta modificato dal lodo presente. Il lodo decorre dal 1° aprile 1950 e verrà a scadere il 30 settembre 1950. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 8 aprile 1950. Il Presidente : I Componenti : I Consulenti tecnici Dipartimento del Lavoro Approvato : 24 maggio 1950 Sgd. E. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of June 1950. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LDICI50I29 Chief, Department of Labor Notice No. 33 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY OIL-REFINING COMPANIES Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1st December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed, by Oil-Refining Companies, not members of Category Associations, the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 A partire dal 1° aprile 1950 ai dipendenti da società petrolifere non aderenti ad Associazioni di categoria locali, sarà corrisposto un assegno straordinario della seguente misura : Uomini Donne Oltre i 20 anni.................................................... L. 48,— giorn. 40,— giom. dai 18 ai 20 anni ................................................. L. 44.— giorn. 32,— giorn. dai 16 ai 18 anni ................................................. L. 36.— giorn. 28,— giorn. sotto i 16 anni.................................................... L. 24.— giorn. 24,— giorn. Di tale assegno fruiranno anche gli apprendisti nella misura sotto indicata : Uomini Donne dai 18 ai 20 anni ............................................ L. 32,— giom. 29,— giorn. dai 16 ai 18 anni ............................................. L. 24,— giorn. 22,— giom. sotto i 16 anni................................................. L. 18,— giorn. 16.— giorn. Sgd. Nicolò PASE „ Livio NOVELLI „ Giudo NAS SI GUERRA „ Mario DAVANZO „ Guido BORZAGH1NI „ Ruggero TIRON1 „ Giovanni POLI Dell’assegno di cui al precedente articolo sarà tenuto conto anche nelle ferie, festività generali e infrasettimanali, gratifica natalizia o 13a mensilità, nel trattamento per malattia, gravidanza e purperio e infortuni, nel lavoro straordinario, preavviso e indennità di licenziamento. ARTICOLO 3 Il presente lodo decorre dal 1° aprile 1950 e verrà a scadere il 30 settembre 1950 Sarà legittima una revisione del medesimo anteriore alla scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico .dei lavoratori disciplinati dal contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modifiche in relazione al contenuto del contratto del 20 febbraio 1950. Trieste, 27 aprile 1950. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Il Presidente, : I Componenti : 1 Consulenti tecnici Dipartimento del Lavoro Approvato : 26 maggio 1950 E. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 16th day of June 1950. E. de PETRIS Rei. : LDICI50I30 Chief Department of Labour Notice No. 34 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED IN WOODENWARE INDUSTRIES Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1st December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed in wooden-ware industries the following award : Sgd. .Walter LE VITUS „ Zoltan HALASZ „ Ruggero TIR ONI „ Giacomo LEVI „ Alfredo ROERICH „ Nicolò PA SE „ Giovanni D’ ELIA LODO ARTICOLO 1 A partire dal 1° maggio 1950 ai dipendenti in premessa sarà corrisposto un assegno straordinario giornaliero delle seguenti misure : Uomini Donne Oltre i 20 anni.................................................... L. 48. — giorn. 40. — giorn. dai 18 ai 20 anni ................................................. L. 44.— giorn. 32,— giorn. dai 16 ai 18 anni ................................................. L. 36,— giorn. 28.— giorn. sotto i 16 anni.................................................... L. 24,— giorn. 24,— giorn. Per gli apprendisti la misura sarà la seguente : Uomini Donne L. 32,- giorn. 29,- giorn. gion. gio-n. L. 24,- giorn. giorn. 22.- sotto i 16 anni L. 18,— 16,— ARTICOLO 2 L’assegno suddotto è ragguagliato ad ora secondo l’orario normale di lavoro. Di esso sarà tenuto conto in tutti gli istituti contrattuali. Il presente lodo deve intendersi integrativo di quello citato in premessa, e pubblicato con avviso No. 13 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale N. 6 del 1° marzo 1950 e del medesimo seguirà le sorti. Trieste, 4 maggio 1950 Letto, sottoscritto e confermato Il Presidente : I Componenti. I Consulenti tecnici : Sgd. Walter LEVITUS „ Carlo FRANDOLI ,, Renato CORSI „ Giacomo LEVI „ Bruno MARI „ Ruggero TIRON1 Giovanni POLI Dipartimento del Lavoro Approvato : 26 maggio 1950 Sgd. E. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE this 16th day of June 1950. Ref. : LDICI50I31 E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labour MINIMUM WAGES FOR WORKMEN EMPLOYED BY WATCHMEN AGENCIES OR COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1st December 1947, has issued in respect of workmen employed by watchmen Agencies or Cooperative Societies not members of Category Associations, the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 Ai dipendenti in premessa sarà applicata a partire dal 1° maggio 1950, la seguente ta- bella salariale : Guardiani addetti ai servizi di sorveglianza di piroscafi, stabilimenti e in genere locali chiusi effettuati per conto di un solo utente ................. L. 43.— orarie Guardiani addetti ai servizi di sorveglianza in una zona di sorveglianza oppure in un posto fisso per conto di più di un utente.......................... L. 50. — orarie ARTICOLO 2 Nel caso di riduzione dell’orario di lavoro fino ad un minimo di 8 oro giornaliere, l’indennità di contingenza rimarra invariata. Il computo della quota oraria della stessa, agli effetti del calcolo per il lavoro straordinario, sarà fatto dividendo l’indennità giornaliera per 8. ARTICOLO 3 11 presente lodo decorre dal 1° maggio 1950 e vorrà a scadere il 31 ottobre 1950. Sarà ammesso un riesame del medesimo anteriore alla scadenza solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico dei dipendenti disciplinati dal relativo contratto di categoria a-vesse a subire delle modificazioni. Trieste, 8 maggio 1950. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Il Presidente : Sgd. Walter LEVITUS I Componenti : „ Paolo BELTRAMINI „ Egone NAUMANN „ Renato CORSI „ Deodato DECOLLE I Consulenti tecnici : „ Nicolò PASE „ Giovanni POLI Dipartimento del Lavoro Approvato : 26 maggio 1950 Sgd. E. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE this 16th day of Juno 1950. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LDfCI50l32 Chief Department of Labour MINIMUM WAGES FOR WORKERS EMPLOYED BY CRAFTSMEN HAIRDRESSERS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum, Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of workers employed by Craftsmen Hairdressers the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con avviso No. 5 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del 1° aprile 1949 e successivamente prorogato con avviso No. 34 pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 30 del 1° novembre 1949, si intende protratto al 15 settembre .1950. ARTICOLO 2 Sarà legittima una revisione del lodo anteriore alla scadenza solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico dei lavoratori disciplinati dal rispettivo contratto di categoria avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, conformato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 15 maggio 1950. ' Il Presidente: Sgd. Walter LEVITUS I Componenti: „ Ermanno FRA GIACOMO „ Giuseppe RODR1GUEZ „ Renato COR SI „ Deodato DECOLLE 1 Consulenti tecnici : „ Giovanni POLI „ Ruggero TIRONI Dipartimento del Lavoro Approvato : 27 maggio 1950 Sgd. E. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 10th day of June 1950. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LDICf50f34 Chief, Department of Labour MINIMUM WAGES FOR WORKERS IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF CRAFTSMEN BARBERS Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of workers in the employment of Craftsmen Barbers not members of Category Associations, the following award : LODO ARTICOLO 1 L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con avviso No. 6 nella Gazzetta Ufficiale del 1° aprile 1949 e successivamente prorogato con avviso No. 35 pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 30 del 1° novembre 1949, si intende protratta al lo settembre 1950. ARTICOLO 2 Sarà legittima una revisione del lodo anteriore alla scadenza solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico dei lavoratori disciplinati dal rispettivo contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Il Presidente : Sgd. Walter LEVITUS I Componenti : „ Giuseppe RODRIGUEZ „ Ermanno FRAGIACOMO „ Renato CORSI „ Deodato DECOLLE I Consulenti tecnici : „ Nicolò PASE „ Ruggero T1RON1 Dipartimento del Lavoro Approvato : 27 maggia 1950 Sgd. E. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 16th day of June 1950. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LDfCf60f35 Chief Department'of Labour CONTENTS Order Page No. 113 Increase of compensations due to persons charged with the regulation of common usages (usi civili)..............................................;.. 291 No. 114 Provisions regarding „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e di Assistenza per i Lavoratori dello Spettacolo'1 .............................................. 291 No. 115 Amendment to Order No. 135/1946 regarding the Administration of the „Enti Comunali di Assistenza“ ................................................... 298 Notice No. 30 Minimum wages for personnel employed by building contractors........... 299 No. 31 Minimum wages for workers employed by ciaftsmen firms in the iron trade 300 No. 32 Minimum wages for workers employed in offices of Lawyers, Attorneys, Cer- tified Accountants, Graduates in Commercial Sciences, Fiscal Advisors, House- Stewards and Commercial Experts ......................................... 302 No. 33 Minimum wages for presonnel employed by oil-refining companies ........ 303 No. 34 Minimum wages for personnel employed in woodenware industries ......... 304 No. ' 35 Minimum wages for workmen employed by watchmen agencies or Cooperative Societies ................................................................ 306 No. 36 Minimum wages for workers employed by Craftsmen Haidressers............ 307 No. 37 Minimum wages for workers in the employment of Craftsmen Barbers..... 308 \ A.M.G. - F.T.T. Gazette — Voi. Ill, No . 17 — 21 June 1950 309