VESTNIK 2022 | VESTNIK 2022 | 307 VESTNIK 2022 | 309 VESTNIK 2022 | 311 21. NEDELJA MED LETOM 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 34/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 21.8. 2022 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Vstopiti skozi ozka vrata »Egipt in Babilon štejem med tiste, ki me poznajo; glej, Filisteja, Tir in Etiopija pravijo: Ta je tam rojen.' ... Gospod bo štel med vpisovanjem ljudstva: Ta je tam ro-jen.' Pojejo kakor plesalci: Vsi moji stu-denci so v tebi!« (Ps 87). V Lukovem evan-geliju pa beremo: »Prišli pa bodo od vzho-da in zahoda, od severa in juga in bodo sedli za mizo v božjem kraljestvu.« Nobe-no tuje ljudstvo sveta se ne sme pocutiti tujec duhovnega Jeruzalema, kajti tam je maticni urad, ki vpisuje tudi njihova ime-na in je Bog sam tisti, ki jih ureja. Vsi se morajo na Sion vrniti z veseljem, plesom in petjem, podobno kot njihova domovina, »ne vec kot gostje in tujci, temvec božji sodržavljani in božji domacini« (Ef 2,19). Prvo berilo je iz preroka Izaija (ta je živel v 8. stoletje pred Kristusom) - ceprav je ta odlomek delo nekega drugega neznanega preroka, ki je živel dve stoletji kasneje, ob koncu babilonske sužnosti. Izraelu, ki se je vrnil v domovino ocetov in ga je zadela skušnjava, da se kakor jež zapre sam vase, prerok predstavlja kot nekakšno videnje množico ljudstev, tisocerih jezikov, ki jih je osvojila božja beseda. Jezikovna razdelitev je bila znamenje prekletstva in razpršenosti znotraj oblastnih zidov Babilona (1 Mz 11); sedaj pa so znotraj Jeruzalema vsi narodi deležni edinosti v veri, skupaj s hebrejskimi »brati«. Vemo, kako ostre so bile dolocbe glede cistosti rase, rodu, družine in obredov, kot je bilo to pri levitskem duhovništvu. Tu pa je videti, kakor da so padle vse ovire in obzorje se je odprlo. Gre za vizijo, ka- teri se pridružuje tudi Jezus, kot ga predstavlja Lu-ka. Za Luka je bil razpoznavno znamenje vzornega vernika že tujec, kakršen je bil kot Samarijan. Ven-dar pa v današnjem evangeljskem branju Kristus na vprašanje enega izmed svojih poslušalcev o ugo-tovitvi, »ali je malo tistih, ki se bodo zvelicali?«, odgovori s tematiko rabinske teologije. Nekateri ugibajo, da bodo vsi Hebrejci odrešeni in bodo deležni prihodnjega kraljestva že s tem, ker pripadajo izvoljenemu ljudstvu; drugi pa omejujejo obzorje na nekatere izbrane pripadnike. Jezus raz-bija model, ki je bil vezan na ozkosrcno in »kolicin-sko«. Nic ne pomeni, ce smo vpisani v neko versko skupnost, ce izpolnjujemo tradicionalne zahteve in se zatekamo k natancnemu izpolnjevanju zunanjo-sti ali pa pripadamo nekemu verskemu gibanju. Pomembno je namrec, kako prehoditi »ozka vra-ta«, ki pomenijo osebno resno prizadevanje za iska-nje božjega kraljestva. To je namrec edino poroš-tvo, da si na poti, ki vodi k svetlobi odrešenja. Jezus to razmišljanje ponazori s priliko o ozkih vratih, ki vodijo v obednico božjega kraljestva; veli-ko ljudi se drenja pred njimi in so prepricani, da bodo z lahkoto vstopili. Predvsem tisti, ki so prepri-cani, da so »kristjani« in so boljši Kristusovi prijate-lji. Vendar pa jih Jezus dvakrat dokaj hladno odvr-ne: »Ne poznam vas, ne vem, od kod ste.« Ni dovolj »jesti in piti« pri evharistiji, gre za izbiro celotnega življenja po veri in v ljubezni, ki odpira vrata praz-novanja. Tja bodo torej vstopili »zadnji«, celo »oddaljeni« pravicni, ki pa bodo pravi verniki. Ti bodo prisluhnili Jezusovim besedam, ki bodo namenjene clanom prave božje Cerkve, brez pro-storskih omejitev: »Pridite, blagoslovljeni mojega Oceta! Prejmite v posest kraljestvo, ki vam je pri-pravljeno od zacetka sveta! Kajti lacen sem bil in ste mi dali jesti, žejen sem bil in ste mi dali piti, tu-jec sem bil in ste me sprejeli« (Mt 25,34-35). (Prim. Oznanjevalec - leto C_2006/7, štev. 4) 306 | VESTNIK 2022 308 | VESTNIK 2022 310 | VESTNIK 2022 312 | VESTNIK 2022 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Go into all the world and pro-claim the good news! First Reading Isaiah 66:18-21 The Church must be the Church of all the world, or it is not the Church of God. Second Reading Hebrews 12:5-7. 11-13 There is no healing without change. The Father is healing us by changing us. Gospel Luke 13:22-30 The narrow door makes us concentrate on the entry, not the door itself. “Through towns and villages Jesus went teaching.” Illustration There is a place in Lourdes, called Cité Saint-Pierre, sometimes wrongly called the City of the Poor, which provides free or cheap accommodation for those who cannot stay in the expensive hotels. It fundraises by giving tours of the place, usually conducted by semi-narians. When visitors arrive, the bus stops beside two rocks and the visitors are asked to go between the two rocks, to be greeted by a statue of Our Lady with arms open wide. The symbolic meaning is that each visitor is greet-ed by Our Lady as an individual. It’s a nice idea, though on one occasion a tour guide witnessed visitors rushing towards the rocks and some people getting jammed between the two rocks. So much for the theory. Still, it makes a valid point. We come to salvation as individuals, and each of us enters into the kingdom as an individual. Gospel Teaching When we come to some magnificent building, with a wide, impressive doorway, entry into that building seems easy. Yet we would probably only be visiting that place for a short time. To really enter a building, that is to really belong to that place, needs more than a grand entrance. We need to find some indication that this is a place we belong to, a place that has been prepared for us. Perhaps this is behind the idea of the narrow door that Jesus asks us to try to enter through. How narrow is it? Just as narrow as we are, because it fits us and no one else. What exactly that doorway means in our own lives is something we have to discover for ourselves. It probably means accepting some sort of sac-rifice in our lives. Our lives are limited, and that is as it should be. We waste a lot of time and energy thinking of the things we do not have and haven’t done, and miss what is laid out before us. This is the way we are to go. The great doorway, the magnificent arch we might want to walk through, can give us the delusion that we are great, as the doorway is great. The small way teaches us humility, but it also shows us that we enter the kingdom through a doorway shaped by God just for us. Application The easiest way to get lost is to join a great crowd of peo-ple who seem to know where they are going. The crowd can make us feel safe, but crowds can get lost. More worryingly, they might be going to the wrong place for us. Yet we won’t feel lost, because we are surrounded by so many people, and we don’t have to make any decisions for ourselves. Jesus speaks to the crowds in the Gospels, but they don’t listen. It is the few individuals whom he encounters who seem to change their lives. This is why we have to have personal prayer in our lives. We are called to take personal responsibility. We need to be one of the people who stand before Christ and look for our salvation from him. After that we may have companions on the way. They can be challenging too. But our companion-ship with them can also be an important part of our journey of discipleship. Isaiah is trying to teach this message by listing the vari-ous means of transport that those who will come to Jerusa-lem will use. The Jerusalem that Christians believe in, as the place where the world will be gathered, is not the physical city of Jerusalem, but it is real enough. To this city, many will come from throughout the world and throughout the ages of the world. They are drawn towards the place of life. The journey will be completed by those who do not look too far ahead. They will not ask themselves about how many are to be saved, but only ask themselves the simpler questions: “What must I do now?” “What choices must I make now?” “What is my next step?” Even those questions may not al-ways have an answer. In that case, we simply need to wait in prayer. It will soon become clear enough for us to be able to take another step forwards. BARAGA DAYS 2022 - TORONTO Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 4:30 pm Slovenian Litany 5:00 pm Slovenian Mass 6:00 pm Showing of the EWTN documentary Walking with Baraga: The Joe Gregorich Story. Q & A Session to follow 7:30 pm Banquet and entertainment in hall ($45.-) Cash bar will be available at banquet and luncheon RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Sunday, September 4th, 2022 9:00 am EWTN Documentary – They Might Be Saints Bishop Frederic Baraga Q & A Session to follow 10:00 am English Mass 11:30 am Luncheon in hall ($30.-) RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 12.30 pm Bishop Baraga Association annual meeting Bring or send reservation & payment by August 22th to: Rose Nesich - 739 Browns Line, Toronto ON M8W 3V7 Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Email: 416-255-2721 DEVETDNEVNICA K ŠKOFU FRIDERIKU BARAGI Od cetrtka 25. avgusta do petka 02. septembra bomo imeli, devetdnevnico k škofu Frideriku Baragi vsak dan v Torontu pri Brez-madežni ob 6.30 pm (brez maše). V soboto 27. bo devetdnevnica takoj po vecerni maši. Molitve bodo dvojezicne. Boste lahko sledili tudi preko Facebooka na: NOVENA (without mass) TO BISHOP FRIDERIK BARAGA: From Thursday, August 25th to Friday, September 2nd, we will have a novena to Bishop Friderik Baraga every day at Our La-dy of the Miraculous Medal Church at 6:30 pm. On Saturday 27th, the novena will be right after the evening mass. Prayers will be bilingual. You will also be able to follow via Facebook. Ce bil kdo želel daro-vati za Baragov sklad, bodo zelo veseli. Svoj dar lahko oddaste v župnišcu, Tereziji Sarjaš ali pa osebno v Torontu, ce se boste udeležili srecanja. BRESLAU - »SAVA« V nedeljo, 14. avgusta 2022, smo se v Breslavu zo-pet zbrali ob enih popoldne pri sveti maši - kar lepo števi-lo - nato pa se okrepcali z dobrotami - tokrat kar iz »popotne« kuhinje. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS KRST - BAPTISM V nedeljo, 14. avgusta 2022, je zakrament svetega krsta prejela deklica Mya Celestina Pacheco. Oceta otroka je Brandon Pacheco, mati pa Cynthia, rojena Mosca. Iskrene cestitke staršema ob krstu prvega otroka; naj mu bosta kot starša dober zgled kršcanskega življenja. Naj družino spremlja božji blagoslov in varstvo nebeške Matere Marije. DOGODKI: AVGUST - OKTOBER - August 28, 2022 - Bled - Summer picnic - September 3-4, 2022 - Toronto - Brez-madežna - Baraga Days - Sept. 4, 2022 - Slovenski Park - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - Sept. 10, 2022 - Midland - Sept. 11, 2022 - London - Mass 3:00 p.m. - Sept. 17, 2022 - Društvo sv. Jožefa - Bocce Tournament - Sept. 18, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great - Fall banquet - Oct. 2, 2022 - Lipa Park - Thanksgiving lunch - Oct. 8, 2022 - Bled - Oktoberfest Take Out - Oct. 12, 2022 - St. Gregory - SCON meeting - Oct. 16, 2022 - Kanadsko Slovensko zgod. Društvo - Remembering May 1945 - Slove-nian Exodus - Luncheon and short program at St. Gregory the Great Hall - Oct. 22, 2022 - Slovenski Park - Oktoberfest SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Na racun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 7. avgusta 2022: - $134,040. - Obljubili / Pledged - $114,275. - Vplacali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. DAROVI - DONATIONS V spomin na pok. Franka Pavlako-vic so za gradbeni sklad darovali: - $250 Mihael in Marija Fabina - $50 Družina Malevic - $50 Marija in Zlatko Berkovic Hvala za vse vaše darove! Dobršek Fr. Ivan August 22, 2010 Peternel Agnes Hildegarde August 23, 1981 Leskovec Božidar Theodor August 24, 1995 Božnar Ann Louise August 26, 2021 Hauzar Drago August 27, 1996 Udovc Magda August 27, 2021 Perhavec Šteficha August 28, 1995 Slobodnik Alojzij August 28, 2016 New branch hours effective Tues-day July 5, 2022; T: 905-578-7511 Tuesdays 11:00a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thursdays 11:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fridays 11:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Outside of these regular office hours please call 1-888-728-1742 to reach our Browns line staff; if you get the voicemail please leave a message and someone will call you back. You can also reach us via email or online at SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 21. 8. 2022 - 28. 8. 2022 21. NEDELJA MED LETOM 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 21. AVGUST PIJ X., papež † †† †† † † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Ivan Dobršek, obl. Karel in Stanko Ceglar Peter in Marija Markeš Frank Rojc Frank Verdinšek, obl. Branko Temlin Tony Krajc 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Štefanija Molec Teresia Verdinšek in družina V. Teresia in V. Marija Žena Marilyn PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 22. AVGUST Devica Marija Kraljica † † † Ivan Dobršek, obl. Ivan Dobršek, obl. Rudi Korošec 7:00 P.M. SDB Manja Erzetic Gertrude Korošec TOREK - TUESDAY 23. AVGUST Roza iz Lime, dev. †† † Pokojni farani Marija Bregar 7:00 P.M. Olga Glavac Kathy Prša z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 24. AVGUST Jernej (Natanael), apostol † † Fr. Ivan Doberšek Alojz Drobež 7:00 P.M. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Jožica Vegelj CETRTEK - THURSDAY 25. AVGUST Ludvik, kralj † Biserka Kostelski Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Štefka Eržen N.N. PETEK - FRIDAY 26. AVGUST Tarzicij, muc. †† † Angelca in Ema Doberšek Marija Špiler 7:00 P.M. Ana Gergyek Družina Škrban SOBOTA - SATURDAY 27. AVGUST Monika, mati sv. Avguština Amadej, škof. † † † †† † † †† † †† Jožefa Mes Ciril Kovacic Joe Lackovic Pokojne sestre Štefan Kricaj Štefan Kricaj Pok. iz družine Kotnik Milka Ferko Katarina in Vinko Antolin 5:30 P.M. Družina Mes Družina Mes Žena Vera z družino Marija Košir Frances Stegne Family Struna Frances Stegne Aranka Dundek Rozalija Cule z družino 22. NEDELJA MED LETOM 22ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 28. AVGUST AVGUŠTIN, ŠK-UC. † †† † † † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Ana Božnar Magda, obl. in Stane Udovc Mira Špiler Marinka Žumer Elizabeth Farkaš Frank in Pavla Kovic Darinka Ferletic, obl. 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - John Božnar z družino Families Udovc - Levstek Ivan in Irena Strgar Paula Kunej Družina Kolmanic Družina Kolmanic Milan in Sandy Ferletic