IVANKOVIĆ, Željko Željko Ivanković, born in 1954 in Vareš, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a poet, story teller, novelist, essavist, literary critic and translator. He graduated in literature from the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. So far he has published the following books of poetrv: Something of What Is, 1978, Racing Snails, 1982, Time ivithout Verbs, 1986, Lost Birth-place, 1995, Seeking Birth-place, 1997; books of short stories Tales ofLove and Death, 1987, A Stanj Day, stories for children, 1990,; novels With a Touch the World Begins, 1992, Love in Berlin, 1995; Who Lit up the Darki 1995; and the diary 700 Days ofSiege, 1995. Željko Ivanković, pjesnik, pripovjedač, romanopisac, esejist, književni kritičar i pre-voditelj, roden je 1954. godine u Varešu, Bosna i Hercegovina. Diplomirao je študij književnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Dosad je objavio knjige pjesama: Nešto od onog sto jest, 1978, Utrka puževa, 1982, Vrijeme bez glagola, 1986, Izgubljeni zavičaj, 1995, Traženje zavičaja, 1997; knjige pripovjedaka Priče o ljubavi i smrti, 1987, Zvjezdan dan, priče za decu, 1990; romane: Dodirom i svijet poče, 1992, Ljubav u Berlinu, 1995, knjigu proza Tkoje upalio mrak?, 1995; i dnevnik 700 dana opsade, 1995. Sodobnost 2001 I 152 ŽELJKO IVANKOVIĆ War Was Invented by Poets Boys are being shot at by poets from their textbooks. Girls lost their shame in a dream. Their mothers in longing for unattainable passion. People who in their previous lives were regarded as writers blow up trams, bark like dogs at traffic lights, inaugarate new cemeteries. In a moonless night woods are ashamed for hiding them. Stili, finally something niče: my son is no longer afraid of films about werewolves. End of Lovef They say the war began on Sunday but already I can't remember any details. Ali I remember is the cloudy afternoon when a warplane flying low broke the vaginal barrier of what today we call definitive past. The girl in my bed said - end of the world, but it was so divine. Sodobnost 2001 I 153 Zeljko lvankovć If we subtracted the inevitable pathetics - what would remain of truth? She thought that this was the peak of love, and I... that this is, unfortunatelv, its end. Night in a Cellar We talked about poetrv but the town was being shot at by former poets We talked about death but night was being lit up by streaks of colour We talked about God but outside there raged a godless war We did not talk about women our women were there beside us. Christ in a Transport Vehicle The good shepherd, with his finger pointing ahead and with a look which cuts the horizon with razor sharpness in full armour, mechanised, goes into the future without his flock. An image unknovvn in the Bible: the flock is looking for its lost shepherd. How can the flock go to the Father by itself, even if complete, without its shepherd, without Christ? But he, eternal and imperishable, and even, so they say, merciful, in a transport vehicle, so triumphant, so distant, unreachable. But the flock, his or whichever nation, goes to its God vvithout its good shepherd, praving, crying - are we a good flock, Father, if we come to you vvithout our shepherd? Sodobnost 2001 I 154 Želj ko Ivanković___________________________ Christ Goes to War Tearful Mother of God sits on the edge of the pavement Christ hurries past her he has no tirne for tears he is off to war with an open shirt hairy-chested and with the body of a man in his prime A recentlv emptied can of coca-cola rolls down the steep street in front of him in the hills around glisten sun-kissed barrels of guns shop windows hide from rare passers-by in a hurry tramlines forgot their trams only a lame dog looks back in amazement at the tearful lonely Mother of God. Translated by Evald Flisar ' Sodobnost 2001 I 155 Želj ko I vanko vić In praise of the barbarians The barbarians come from the East with sleepy eyes, with longing in their nostrils, epically tearful and strong in multitudes. The barbarians do not understand sunset, sweet dreams, and the intoxicating fragrances of modest breasts, they pour out ali their life into a scream. The barbarians go to a grave, they wail wildly, leave food for the dead on the mound and stare at the distance Avith the eyes of a sad dog. The barbarians do not hate, they merely do not understand. In fact, they hate and are hated. The barbarians have invented hatred. Translated by Mario Suško Sodobnost 2001 I 156 ŽELJKO IVANKOVIĆ Rat su izmislili pjesnici Na dječake pucaju pjesnici iz njihovih čitanki. Djevojčice stid izgubile u snu. Njihove majke u žudnji za nedosegnutom strasti. Ljudi za koje u bivšim životima držahu da su pisci ubijaju tramvaje, psečim glasom laju na semafore, na novim grobljima presijecaju vrpce. U noči bez mjesečine šume se stide što ih skrivaju. Najposlije, ipak, nešto lijepo: moj sin se više ne plaši filmova o vukodlacima. Kraj ljubavi Kažu da je rat počeo nedjeljom a ja se več sada ne sječam detalja. Pamtim tek rano oblačno popodne kad je avion u brišučem lijetu probio vaginalni zid onog što danas zovemo definitivna prošlost. Djevojčica u mom krevetu rekla je - propast svijeta, a tako je bilo božanstveno. Sodobnost 2001 I 157 Zeljko Ivanković Oduzme li se tome neizbježna patetika - što je ostalo od istine? Ona je mislila da je to vrhunac ljubavi, a ja ... daje to, nažalost, kraj. Noč u podrumu Govorili smo o poeziji a na grad su pucali bivši pjesnici Govorili smo o smrti a noč su obasjavale živopisne boje Govorili smo o Bogu a vani je bio bezbožni rat O ženama nismo govorili naše žene su bile pored nas. Krist na transporteru Dobri pastir, s kažiprstom ispruženim naprijed i s pogledom koji rasijeca horizont vrškom žileta, oklopljen, mehaniziran, ide u budučnost bez svoga stada. Slika kakvu Pismo ne pozna: stado traži svog izgubljenog pastira. Kako če stado ocu, samo, makar i na broju, kako bez pastira, bez Krista? A on, vječni i neprolazni, kažu k tom još i milosrdni, na transporteru, tako trijumfalan, tako dalek, nedokučiv. A stado, narod njegov, ili čiji več, ide k svome Bogu, bez svoga dobrog pastira, i moli, ječa -Oče, jesmo li dobro stado, ako ti bez pastira dodemo? Sodobnost 2001 I 158 Željko Ivanković Krist ide u rat Plačna bogorodica sjedi na rubu trotoara pored nje žurno prolazi Krist nema vremena za suze krenuo je u rat raskopčane košulje maljavih grudi i sa stasom muškarca u najboljim godinama Strmom ulicom pred njim kotrlja se netom ispražnjena limenka coca-cole okolo na brdima svjetlucaju suncem dirnute cijevi izlozi se skrivaju pred rijetkim prolaznicima u žurbi tračnice zaboravile na svoje tramvaje tek hromi pas u čudu se osvrče na plačnu usamljenu bogomajku. Pohvala barbarima Barbari dolaze s istoka snenih očiju, s nosnicama punim čeznje, epski plačeni i u množini jaki. Barbari ne razipniju zalazak sunca, lijepe snove i opojne mirise čednih grudi, oni sav svoj život pretaču u krik. Barbari odlaze u grob, nariču divlje, mrtvima na humku ostave hrano i gledaju u daljinu očima tužnog psa. Barbari ne mrze, oni samo ne razumiju. U stvari, oni oni mrze i njih mrze. Barbari su izmislili mržnju. Sodobnost 2001 I 159