LITERATURA S PODROČJA BIBLIOTEKARSTVA IN INFORMATIKE V NUK IN CTK V LJUBLJANI TER UK V MARIBORU Jožica Pare, Helena Mlekuš, M ajda Spes ALLARDYCE Alex. Letters for the Internationail Exchange of Publica­ tions: a Guide to their Composi­ tion in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish / Alex Allar- dyce; transi, by Jacques I. Lethö- ve . . . [et al.]; ed. by Peter Genzel. — M ünchen; New York: Saur, 1978. — 148 s tr.: ilustr.; 22 cm. — (IFLA Publications; 13) — ISBN 3-7940- 4433-9. — CTK 33856/13 ALRED Gerald J. Business and technical writing: an annotated bi­ bliography of books, 1880—1980 / Gerald J. Aired, Diana C. Reep, Mohan R. Limaye; with the assi­ stance of Michael A. Mikolajczak. — Metuchen, N. J.; London: The Scarecrow Press, 1981. — IX, 240 str.; 23cm. — ISBiN 0-8108-1397-1. — NUK b 320759 AMERICAN library directory / ed. by Jacques Cattell press. — 32 nd ed. — New York; London: Bowker, 1979. — XI, 1666 str.; 29 cm. — ISBN 0-8352-1139-8. — UK II 19392 BAKER D ... Philip. Library m e­ dia programs and the special lear­ ner / D. Philip Baker and David. R. Bender. — Hamden: Library Pro­ fessional Publications, Shoe String Press, Inc. — 384 str.; 24 cm. — ISBN 0-208-01852-2. — NUK b 330860 BATESON Frederick Wilse. A guide to English and Am erican literature / F. W. Bateson and Harrison T. Meserole; assisted by M arilyn R. M um ford. . . [et iai.]. — 3 rd ed. — London; New York: Longman, 1979. — VIII, 334 str.; 22 cm. — ISBN 0-582-48417-0. — UK 95231 BECCO Horacio Jorge. La obra bi- bliotecolögica de Carlos Victor Penna / Horacio Jorge Becco. — Tucuman- Universidad nacdonal de Tucuman, Biblioteca central, 1981. — 62 str., [1] f. s sliko C. V. Penne; 24 cm. — (Cienaia de la documen­ tation. Serie 3, La bibliografia; no 2). — NUK b 324466/2 BEITRÄGE zur Arbeit der Univer­ sitätsbibliothek Berlin in Vergan­ genheit und Gegenwart / [heraus­ gegeben von W altraud Irm scher; Enredaktion Joachim Krueger], — Benlin: U niversitätsbibliothek, 1980. — 143 Str., [4] f. pril.; 21 cm. — NUK b 316679 BENGE Ronald Charles. Libraries and cultural change / Ronald C. Benge. — [Reprinted]. — London: Clive Bingley, 1975. — 278 Str.; 22 cm. — NUK b 332068