Ophthalmic manifestations in Lyme borreliosis OPHTHALMIC MANIFESTATIONS IN LYME BORRELIOSIS J. Bergloff, R. Gasser ABSTRACT Lyme Borreliosis is a multisystem disorder caused by tbe spirocbete Borrelia burgdorferi. Altbougb many ocular manifestations bave been attributed to Lyme Borreliosis, tbey remain a rare clinical feature of tbe disease. The spirochetes invade the eye early and remain dormant, accounting for both early and late ocular manifestations wbich range from conjunctivitis and keratitis to intraocular inflammatory syndromes and neuro- ophthalmic manifestations. Especially in endemic areas, ophthalmologists need to be aware of Borrelia burgdorferi as a possible causal agent. Tbe aim of tbis article is to present a short review of opbthalmic disorders resulting from Borrelia burgdorferi infections. KEY WORDS Borrelia burgdorferi, Lyme Borreliosis, eye, ophthalmic manifestations INTRODUCTION There bas been a growing awareness of Lyme Borreliosis (LB) during recent years. Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) infection can be associated witb a variety of signs and symptoms including neurologic, dermatologic, cardiac and ophtbalmic disorders. The infectious agent causing LB is tbe spirocbete Bb wbich is transmitted by ixodid ticks (1,2). Recently, Bb has also been found in mosquitoes and deer flies (3). The clinical course of LB is divided into tbree stages ( 4,5). Stage I directly follows the bite by an infected tick. Patients develop a typical skin lesion, erytbema migrans (EM) (6) and, in some cases, non-specific intluenza-like symptoms and fever. After several weeks, spirochetes spread throughout tbe body and patients may develop neurological, skin acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 and cardiac manifestations (Stage 11) ( 4,7-9). Stage III is mainly cbaracterized by polyartbritis, progressive encephalomyelitis similar to multiple sclerosis ( 4,5,8) and skin disorders with acrodermatitis cbronica atropbicans (10). However, not every patient follows tbis course (6,11,12). In fact, no clear line can be drawn between tbe tbree stages, neither witb respect to tirne of occurrence nor to symptoms. Bb bas been isolated from blood, cerebrospinal fluid and various tissues (7,13). Althougb Borrelia bas also been identified histologically in tbe iris, tbe retina and in the vitreous humour (14-19), little attention has been focused on the ophthalmic manifestations of LB. Since LB can be associated with a number of ophthalmic manifestations, · Bb sbould be considered as a possible causal agent. However, strict criteria should be applied to avoid 147 Ophthalmic manifestations in Lyme borreliosis overdiagnosis. The aim of this article is to review the reported ophthalmic disorders associated with Bb infection. OPHTHALMIC MANIFESTATIONS OF BORRELIABURGDORFERIINFECTION 1. OPHTHALMIC MANIFESTATIONS IN STAGE I (SEE TABLE 1) 1.1. Conjunctivitis, periorbital edema (5,13,18,20,21) Follicular conjunctivitis with photophobia and peri- orbital edema have been observed in 10% of patients m the early stages of LB. 2. OPHTHALMIC MANIFESTATIONS IN STAGE II (SEE TABLE 1) 2.1. UVEITIS 2.1.1. Iridocyclitis (5,17-20, 22-37): Several case reports of LB and granulomatous iritis with posterior synechia have been published. Kauffmann and Wormser showed that panuveitis with disseminated chorioretinitis may follow iridocyclitis (19). 2.1.2. Pars planitis (25,27,28,31,35,38-40): Chronic intermediate uveitis with classic snowbanking and severe cystoid macular edema was reported by Bree- veld et al. (38). In spite of the fact that the patient had suffered for 10 years, the ocular symptoms responded promptly to intravenous antibiotic therapy. Another case of pars planitis associated with facial palsy was presented by Winward et al. (35). 2.1.3. Vitritis (15,22,27,28,35,38,41-43): Several case reports of vitritis have been described. In 1991 Rothova et al. reported a case of spiderweb vitritis in the Lancet ( 43). Although it is only one single case report, it demonstrates the variety of ophthalmic manifestations of LB. Kuiper et al. observed vitritis in association with Lyme meningitis and cranial polyneuritis 6 weeks after a tick bite causing EM ( 42). Winward et al. described severa} patients with positive laboratory findings of borreliosis who had recurrent bilateral vitritis and granulomatous iridocyclitis relatively resistant to therapy (35). 2.1.4. Chorioretinitis (5,15,22,31,44,45): Two cases of bilateral diffuse chorioiditis, cystoid macular edema and exsudative retinal detachment have been described. These patients also suffered from lymhocytic meningitis secondary to LB. The dramatic improvement of ocular complaints in these patients after doxycycline therapy suggests LB as a possible cause. 148 2.1.5. Pigmentepitheliitis (16,33,46,47): Bialasiewicz et al. observed a patient with hyper- and depig- mentations in the macular region in association with Bb seroconversion ( 46). It was similar to pigment- epitheliitis. Recently, Wiegand described cases of presumed acute multifocal posterior placoid pigmentepitheliopathy in association with LB (33,47). Further investigations need to prove the relevance of this coincidence. 2.1.6. Retinal vasculitis (5,22,28,31,37,48): Several cases of retinal vasculitis in LB associated with vitritis and pars planitis have been presented. One patient with positive Bb serology developed retinal neovascularization and cystoid macular edema. He received oral tetracycline therapy and showed marked improvement. In two other cases of severe retinal vasculitis associated with Bb infection, surgical therapy was applied after antibiotic treatment was unsuccessful (28). Retina} vasculitis can be expected to occur in LB as similar findings are frequently seen in the later stages of syphilis, another spirochetal infection (28). 2.2. Endophthalmitis (17,19) Kauffmann et al. described a patient who showed severe unilateral panendophthalmitis following an insect bite causing EM (19). A lensectomy and vitrectomy were performed; Lyme spirochetes were found in the vitreous specimens. 2.3. Neuro-ophthalmic manifestations 2.3.1. Optic neuropathy Optic neuritis (5,8,16,18,22,24,29,31,35,49-51): To date, there are only a few reports of optic neuritis associated with LB. Winward et al. observed a case of bilateral optic neuritis and mild vitritis (35). In these patients, central scotoma and afferent pupillary defect were present as well as other neurologic manifestations. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (32,34, 52,53): A case of ischemic optic neuropathy secondary to LB with an inferior altitudinal field defect was reported by Schechter et al. (53). Pizzarello et al. described another case of ischemic neuropathy following a tick bite causing EM (52). Temporal artery specimens showed the typical appearance of giant cell arteritis, but a silver stain suggested spirochetes within the multinucleated giant cells. Ceftriaxone therapy led to a marked improvement of visual acuity. Optic atrophy (11,18,20,25,34,48,54,55): Optic acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 Ophthalmic manifestations in Lyme borreliosis Table I. Ophthalmic manifestations of Lyme Borreliosis by stage. conjunctivitis periorbital edema photophobia uveitis iridocyclitis pars planitis vitri tis chorioretinitis pigmen tepi theli tis AMPPPE* retinal vasculitis endophthalmitis neuro-ophthalmic manifestations optic neuropathy optic neuritis ischemic neuropathy optic atrophy papilledema pseudotumor cerebri Leber's neuroretinitis cranial nerve palsy oculomotor palsy (III, IV, VI) facial nerve palsy pupillary disorders Argyll Robertson pupil Horner's Syndrome paralytic mydriasis keratitis interstitial keratitis peripheral ulcerative keratitis episcleritis myositis neuro-ophthalmic manifestations optic neuritis ocular nerve palsies visual field defects nystagmus primary affect erythema migrans lymphadenosis cutis benigna generalization fever, malaise, cephalea organic manifestations dermatologic multiple erythemata neurologic meningitis radiculoneuritis cranial neuritis cardiac myocarditis pericarditis artrioventricular block rheumatologic mono-, oligoarthritis organic manifestations dermatologic acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans neurologic progressive encephalomyelitis rheumatologic oligo-, polyarthritis chronic erosive arthritis * AMPPPE = acute multifocal posterior placoid pigmentepitheliopathy acta dermatovenerologica A .P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 IgG negative IgM negative IgG increasing IgM high IgG high IgM low 149 Ophthalmic manifestations in Lyme borreliosis neuritis, ischemic neuropathy and chronic papilledema in pseudotumor cerebri may each be responsible for optic disc atrophy in patients with chronic LB. Bertuch et al. described a case of progressive optic disc pallor following a presumed diagnosis of LB without previously observed optic nerve disorders (55). Papilledema (5,11,18-20,27,35,37,39,48,49,51,56- 58): Optic disc edema may result from various causes. Only a minority of patients with Lyme meningitis develop disc edema. The latter leads to blurred vision and is usually not associated with elevated intracranial pressure (39). Optic perineuritis (11,18,19,57) is probably the reason for disc swelling in the cases described by Kauffmann et al. and Reik et al. (11,19). LB associated pseudotumor cerebri with increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure has been reported in several cases (35,49,56-58). Leber's stellate neuroretinitis (5,20,48,49,59,60): This disorder is caused by vasculitis of the optic nerve head, causing distinct disc edema, venous congestion and star-shaped lipoid exudation. It has been reported in viral diseases and neurolues. Recently, a few cases of Leber's stellate neurretinitis in LB have also been observed (59). 2.3.2. CRANIAL NEUROPATHY Facial nerve palsy (8,11,27,28,35,49,51,54,56,61- 65): Facial nerve palsy, occasionally associated with exposure keratitis, is the most common cranial neuropathy occurring in approximately 50% of patients with Lyme meningitis. Sometimes it is the only manifestation of the disease, although multiple re- currences have also been observed (35). Oculomotor palsy (8,9,11,24,30,31,35,42,49, 51,62,63,66,67): Cranial neuropathy with oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerve palsies have been reported. Diplopia is the typical ocular complaint in this case. These palsies may occur individually or in combination with other neurologic abnormalities. LB has been reported in children suffering from late onset strabismus and diplopia (31,66). 2.3.3. Pupillary disorders (11,22,68) In the literature, there are only anecdotal reports about the association of pupillary dysfunction and LB. Argyll-Robertson pupil was described in Reik's report in 1986 (11). This disorder is also common in neurolues. A case with reversible Horner's Syndrome was observed by Glauser et al. (68). Karma et al. reported a case of bilateral paralytic mydriasis (22). 150 3. OPHTHALMIC MANIFESTATIONS IN STAGE III (SEE TABLE 1) 3.1. CONJUNCTIVITIS AND EPISCLERITIS (51,69-71) Zaidman observed a case of chronic LB with tarsoconjunctival scarring, symblepharon and episcleritis (71). These manifestations are common in autoimmu- nological eye diseases. Thus, an immune-pathogenesis can also be considered in this case of late LB. 3.2. KERATITIS 3.2.1. Interstitial keratitis (5,19,31,49,55,69,70,72-77): Interstitial keratitis in chronic spirochetal infections (Treponema pallidum) is well known. In LB, several cases with scattered hazy infiltrates of the deep and superficial stroma have been observed. Only one patient, however, exhibited corneal neovascularization unlike the typical syphilitic keratitis parenchymatosa with early stromal vascularization (19,74). It is interesting to note that these cases of Lyme-associated interstitial keratitis responded to local steroids but not to antibiotic therapy, thus suggesting an immun- pathologic origin (74). 3.2.2. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis: A patient with peripheral ulceration secondary to LB was presented (78). It should be mentioned that this manifestation is commonly seen in autoimmune diseases. 3.3. ORBITAL MYOSITIS (79) A single case of orbital myositis was described in the literature: a five year-old girl with typical mani- festations of late LB. This child developed unilateral orbital pain, proptosis and diplopia. Computerized tomography disclosed myositis of the medial and inferior rectus muscle and haziness of the retrobulbar fat. Complete resolution was seen after corticoid therapy. 3.4. NEURO-OPHTHALMIC MANIFESTATIONS The typical CNS manifestation in chronic LB is a progressive encephalomyelitis with fatigue, dementia, multiple . cranial nerve palsies as well as cerebellary and extrapyramidal defects and recurrent strokes (80). These disorders are thought to be caused by occlusive cerebral vasculitis (5). MRI scanning shows multiple paraventricular and subcortical demyelinating· lesions (5,11,16,18,48,49) similar to those seen in multiple sclerosis. Ocular symptoms in progressive encephalitis acta dermatovenerologica A.P A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 Ophthalmic manifestations in Lyme borreliosis are visual field defects, diplopia and/or nystagmus depending on the site of the cerebral lesions. CONCLUSION and subsequent immunologic reactions resulting in vascular occlusions in chronic stages of the disease (7,31,74). Bb has been cultured from blood, cerebro- spinal fluid and directly from brain parenchyma (7,13,49), but it has also been identified histologically in the iris the retina and in the vitreous humour (14-19). Ophthalmic manifestations of LB are common Th~ immunlogical reactions which are believed to and can mimic features of other systemic disorders. play a predominant role in chronic LB (31,74), however, A variety of ocular disorders can be found in each have not been elucidated in detail as of yet. stage of LB. The growing awareness of Bb infections In early LB oral antibiotic therapy shortens the has certainly contributed to improved diagnosis, but duration of systemic symptoms and prevents the there are still diagnostic difficulties. Especially in development of delayed disease in most patients. cases with uveitis, optic neuritis or oculomotor nerve The specific recommendations for antibiotic therapy palsies, it is necessary to consider Bb as a possible have changed over the past few years, but treatment causal agent (35). It is advisable to investigate the failures have occurred with every regimen. Oral possible history of tick bites, EM and diseases such tetracycline or penicillin are the current recommended as arthritis. However, 30% - 40% of cases may show drugs for Stage I of LB. In later stages parenteral no history of tick bites. Serological tests for Bb antibiotics, such as penicillin or cephalosporins, are antibodies can be helpful to support the clinical required (12,18,30,34). The use of cortiocosteroids diagnosis of LB, but one must be aware of the fact in chronic LB is controversial. Steroids apparently that, in endemic areas, positive IgG titres may be an have been helpful in treating keratitis, myositis and occasional coincidence. On the other hand, a negative certain neurologic symptoms in Stage III of LB result does not necessarily exclude the diagnosis in (12,55,74,76,79). However, caution should always be any clinical situation. Depending on the test used, taken when using steroids in LB, since they may LB may be seronegative in up to 50% (34,81 ). In cause severe exacerbation of ali the clinical symptoms. cases with neuro-ophthalmic involvement, an exami- Once Bb infection is diagnosed, steroids should only nation of the CSF is recommended (66). In some be used together with high doses of intravenous cases of severe intraocular inflammation, a vitreous antibiotics, even in the late stages of LB. tap is required for diagnosis (20), however, it is The increasing number of reports of Lyme associated difficult to prave Bb infection histologically. Rigorous ocular disorders should alert ophthalmologists to criteria should be applied in order to avoid an consider Bb as a possible causal agent. Serologic overdiagnosis of the ocular manifestations of LB investigations for Lyme antibodies are recommended (30). The US. Centers for Disease Control proposed in cases with ocular inflammatory diseases, optic the definition of LB, as shown in Table 2 (30). neuropathies and cranial nerve palsies. In complex The postulated pathophysiologic mechanism of the cases interdisciplinary cooperation with neurologists disease is the direct bacterial invasion of the tissue and infectious disease specialists is crucial. Table II. Diagnostic criteria for Lyme Borreliosis according to the US. Centers for Disease Control (30) . endemic nonendemic * musculoskeletal, neurologic, cardiac acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 l. Erythema migrans with exposure not more than 30 days prior to onset 2. 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AUTHORS' ADDRESSES 154 Jutta Bergkiff, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz Auenbruggerplatz 4, A-8036 Graz, Austria Robert Gasser, MD, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine, Karl-Franzens-University Graz Auenbruggerplatz 15, A-8036 Graz, Austria acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4