ARTIST MARY FOYS LAURETIG AND HER EXTRAORDINARY DOLL COLLECTION Zarja — The URADO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE NUMBER 7-8 ^ '' ' Dawn OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION ON THE COVER: Slovenian Museum Doll Show The Slovenian Heritage Museum in Joliet sponsored a Doll Show April 29 and 30 by Mary Foys Lauretig, vice-president of Branch 2, Chicago, accompanied by Frances Morison, president of Branch 2. Mrs. Lauretig is known for her artworks, oil paintings, hand-painted plates, pen and ink, acrylic and decoupage. The display of 55 dolls were in ethnic costumes of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, France, England, Hawaii, American Indian and Korea and the various periods of American dress, ranging from Colonial to present day. The costumes were authentic to the finest detail. Because of her deep interest in the Museum, artist Mary Lauretig also donated a tall Slovenian doll as a prize. Winner of the beautiful doll was Dorothy Zupancich, a new member and sister of Branch 20 secretary Ardis Gre-gorash. This plus donations netted the Museum a total of $236.00. A sincere thank you is extended to Mary Foys Lauretig, to all who helped and the many who visited the doll show during the two days. It was a very enjoyable, lovely show. Ann Dragovan, Museum Co-director HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JULY & AUGUST ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: ZARJA -THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 NO. 7-8 JULY-AUGUST, 1989 VOLUME 61 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except January, June & August — izhaja vsak mesec razen januar, junij in avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 — naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615 Telephone: (312) 548-8878 National Officer: July 8- Olga Ancel, National Secretary, Joliet, IL July 13 - Bernadette Kovačič, Co-Director, Women’s and Youth Activities, Silver Spring, MD July 23 - Ann Tercek.Ohio-Michigan Regional President, Euclid, OH Presidents: July 4 - Ann Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, MI July 12 - Marge Prebil, Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL July 27 - AnnSaari, Br. 23, Ely, MN Aug. 4- Betty Matjašič, Br. l6l,BedfordHgts.,OH Aug. 7 - RoseIvancic, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Aug. 23 - Mildred Pucel, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Secretaries: July 14 - Ann Pease, Br. 57, Niles, OH July 18 - Mary Djubinski, Br. 102, Willard, WI July 19 - Mary Percic, Br. 67, Bessemer, PA July 20 - Phyllis Kukar, Br. 31, Gilbert, MN July 23 - AlouiseEpley, Br. 73, WarrensvilleHgts., OH Aug. 1 - Cheryl Striner, Br. 71, Strabane, PA Aug. 2- Mary Satkovich, Br. 97, Caimbrook, PA Aug. 13 - Virginia Bendich, Br. 59, Burgettstown, PA Aug. 13 - Moreen Spencer, Br. 13, San Francisco, CA Aug. 14 - HelenStrukel, Br. 23,Ely, MN Aug. 16 - FrancesUlle.Br.68,FairportHbr.,OH Aug. 20 - DonnaTomc, Br. 14, Euclid, OH ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★•A:****** JNDEPENDENT AVINGS BANK 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865' ' 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 SOM Center Rd„ Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Road, Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 dVatiorzat 5, 1 1 medium-size onion, diced 2,/i cups bite-sized cooked chicken ' | 1 garlic clove, minced 1 can (12 ounces-whole | kernel corn, drained | , In 10-inch skillet over high heat, heat sweet potato, chicken stock or bouillon i and water, onion, garlic and thyme to boiling. Reduce heat to low; cover; and simmer 1 5 minutes. Add zucchini and simmer 10 more minutes or until vegetables are tender, ' 1 stirring occasionally. Stir in chicken and com and heat through. 4 servings. About 1 | 295 calories per serving. HAPPY NEWS! Dear Readers: In response to the thoughtful announcement by Corinne Leskovar in the April issue of ZARJA of my husband’s heart surgery, I am happy to report that Bob is making good recovery. He is now exercising three times a week under the direction of the hospital’s cardiac rehabilitation staff. Bob is most appreciative of your many responses showing concern, good wishes and prayers which have been answered. He wishes all of you good health and happiness in return. Affectionately, Hermine NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Eighteen members enjoyed the May dinner at the Maples in Peru on Thursday, May 25. There was no 1989 Mother of the Year-all members are special! Thanks to Chairman Betty Stack who made all the arrangements and provided a door prize which was won by Adele Gensler. Frances Baznik is now a resident at Heritage Manor, Peru. Mary Gornik returned to her home from Monte Cas-sino in Toluca. We were pleased to have Mary with us for our May dinner. Tillie Crase passed away on May 30th at Heritage Manor. She is survived by one daughter, Janice Clark, and 2 granddaughters, three sisters including our member Trese Hollerich, and two brothers. Our sincere sympathy to her family. We also offer sympathy to Rose Furlan. Teresa Kinczewski and Irene Mauser whose sister-in-law Helen, (Mrs. Rudy) Furlan passed away in Florida. May God grant Eternal Rest to Tillie and Helen. Congratulations to Michelle Gende who graduated from Hall High School in Spring Valley and to Tom Stack who graduataed from La Salle-Peru High School. Tom will spend some time in Germany with a group from the L-P German Club in June. Fr. Bernard Horzen, OSB, will also be doing some traveling this summer. He is taking a group of students to Russia. We will not meet in July and August due to hot weather so our next meeting will be on Thursday, September 21, at 7:00 p.m. in La Salle Catholic School-Resurrection Bldg. 1 hope all of you will have an enjoyable, restful summer. Take care as you travel and come back safely so you can join us as we begin our fall season. ANNE M. WANGLER, Reporter NO. 32, EUCLID, OH April meeting was called to order by president, Dorothy Lamm. Prayer was led by vice-president, Ceal Znidar. Final plans were discussed at this meeting for our Mother’s Day dinner honoring Marge Sas. We hoped it would be a very memorable day for Marge with a very nice-turn out by members and her family and friends. Veronica Dalton read two poems: "Senior Citizens” and a poem that was brought in by Esther Garbincus entitled: “Surprise in Heaven”. Sgt. at Amis, Caroline Lokar was absent. Thanks to Esther Garbincus for giving a helping hand at this meeting. Congratulations to Mary and Stanley Žnidaršič. They became grandparents on March 1st. Son, Henry and his wife, Trish presented them with a grandson. Nicholas Henry. Hope the new family is doing fine. Mary Zifko is delighted to have her brother, John Kutnar and his new wife visiting Mary from Sun City, Arizona. She hasn’t seen him for eight years. They had a very nice visit together. President, Dorothy Lamm read "This is Your Life” about our member, Josephine Comenshek. She has been our finance secretary for many years and is a member of SWU for 52 years! She was presented with a read carnation corsage and a gift. Josephine was really surprised and pleased. She deserves it. She thanked everyone very sincerely. Some of the members that we haven’t seen at the meetings were present: Ann Pozar, Ann Adams, Alma Eppich, Phyllis D’Amico, Josephine Kostenich, Betty Karich, Josephine Baron and Mary Drobnick back from her vacation in Florida. It was nice to see all of your smiling faces at the meeting. It makes a better meeting when more members attend. Sick members are: Angie Zust in the Euclid Beach Nursing Home, Ann Tekavec who at one time was a very loyal, active member, also was an officer at one time and a Guard, now resides at the Wickliffe Country Place. A card or a little visit may cheer our sick members and let them know that they are not forgotten. We wish all our sick members a very speedy recovery and good health. Happy Birthday to all our members in April. May they have many more with good health and happiness. Thanks to our hostesses, Rose Branceley, Veronica Dalton and Mary Zifko for doing such a very good job with the refreshments. We planned our picnic meeting in June. May Report Our Mothers Day dinner for Marge Sas turned out to be a beautiful evening for her. Pres. Dorothy Lamm lead the guests in saying grace before dinner was served. It was a complete, delicious menu. We even had strudel for dessert. Compliments to Mary Ster and her workers who always do a very wonderful job serving the food and it was great as usual! Ann Cooke read a poem about Mothers which was very appropriate for this occasion. Pres. Lamm introduced our State President, Ann Terček, who gave a very nice greeting. It was nice to have Ann at our dinner as she is one very busy person. Pres. Lamm introduced our Mother, Marge Sas, her husband and the rest of the family. Marge has been married for 53 years, has five children and 13 grandchildren. Present at the dinner were all her children, 11 grandchildren, two brothers with their wives, sister Helen and her husband and many cousins. Many members and friends were there also to help Marge celebrate her big day. Marge received many gifts. Our State Rep. Ronald Suster gave a Proclamation for Marge that was presented by his wife, Pat. Marge thanked everyone for coming to the celebration and for everything that was done for her. She said it was just wonderful. Our faithful music man, Chuck Krivec did a fine job making us all happy with his music. Thanks, Chuck. Working as usual was our faithful bartender, A1 Comenshek. Thanks all for making the refreshments. May and June were months for graduations: Agnes Ward’s granddaughter, Karen Lieety from Dennison College in Columbus; Vicky Holny’s two grandchildren, Brian Gallion and Lorie Holny from high school; Frank and Frances Ogoreuc’s daughter, Charlotte Perdan received her Bachelor’s degree in Business from Ursuline College and granddaughter, Beth Perdan, Charlotte’s daughter, from Euclid High. Beth will be going to Ithaca College in New York. She also received the National Orchestra Music Award - a trophy -and her name will be placed in the music room at the high school. Esther Garbincus’ grandson, Matthew, Jr. made the summer high school baseball team this year. He is a sophomore. Robin M. Hegeduc, daughter of Dorothy and Bob Lamm was promoted to Manager Operation Control Retail Marketing at Standard Ohio now called British Petroleum or B.P. America. Congratulations to all. May they all have a lot of fruitful years ahead with much success, happiness and good health. Rose Brancely, all excited about her granddaughter, Rhonda who with her husband, Richard Horton, presented her with a great grandson, Levi Johnson, born May 16th. Levi weighed in a 8 lbs. 13 oz. They live in Wasilla, Alaska. Much happiness and good health to the family. Visiting Polly Pike was her sister-in-law, Joanne Preston, from California, for a week. They had a great visit together. Joe and Emily Bucher spent most of the winter in Cape Coral, Fla. They came back just in time for all the rainy weather that we have been having lately. Correction on the date of our 60th Anniversary and State Convention. It will be on Sunday, Oct. 1st, 1989 with Mass at 12 o’clock at St. Christine’s Church. After Mass will be the meeting, then dinner and dancing. It will only be a one day affair. Thanks to Rose Brancely, Mary Zifko and Veronica Dalton for being such wonderful hostesses for the four months. Hostesses for the months of Sept. Oct. will be Josephine Koss and Agnes Ward. FRANCES OGOREUC NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Helen Mosack was "Queen" for April and Helena Ellena missed the attendance prize. It was decided that during the “cold months” of January and February regular meetings would not be held. “Musicale Compadre", the Italian men singers from the All American Club, provided a very delightful, varied program enjoyed by all. We may have less “Italian” mem- bers than other ethnic groups, but they certainly did themselves proud with the “Italian Ethnic Night.” Sentina Spehar, Mary Giacomini, Clem Spehar, Lucy Sornin, Helene Abbot, Madeline Abbot, and Barbara Fletcher provided a variety of very delicious foods from “pasta to pizzelle”. In August, Danish and Swedish members will be in charge. Virginia (Sever) Mikrut was honored May 3 as our Mother of the Year. Her husband and family were among the 65 persons in attendance to honor her on her “special night.” Martha Parenteau presented the lovely afghan she made and donated that will be given at Minnesota Day, Sept. 10. Emily Skull reported on the Regional meeting she had attended. Rene Doble turned in $100.30 from Knife sales. Rose Krall won $25.00 attendance prize. Sophie Malchow will be “Queen” in June. Prayers of sympathy to Gertrude Dunalski, brother; Jean Popovich, brother; Carol Jacobson, grandson; Dorothy Jacobson and Mary Hinnen-kamp, great grandchild; Betty Mrak, husband; Margaret (Mrak) Boben and Robert Mrak, father. Prayers for many members on the “sick list" including Peggy Colland and Elizabeth Smolnikar. Congratulations to Lisa (Menart) McDonnell. The birth of baby son gives Beverly Menart, her first grandchild. Winifred Ellena, new grandchild, and Rose Kresky, has new great grandchild. Rose Kresky will have a grandson’s wedding also to enjoy. Travelers: Clem Spehar and Lucy Somin, Las Vegas; Rene Doble, Arizona; Ruth Boben and Thyra Rukavina, Rhode Island. Enjoy a “Beautiful Summer” and plan to join us in Duluth for “Minnesota Day” Sept. 10. LOIS M. PELANDER, Reporter NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Branch 34 has now recessed for the summer and we are looking forward to Minnesota Day being held in Duluth on September 10th. Our branch will be celebrating their 60th anniversary in October and we hope to do something special at that time. Our Mother of the Year dinner was held on May 17th, when we honored Lorraine Berg. Our ladies prepared the dinner, the tables were decorated in white, pink, and mauve colors for the placemats, candles, napkins, etc. Lorraine was presented with a lovely basket of pink silk flowers from her mother, Louise Chiabotti, and her daughter, Patty Berg Hujanen. A beautiful ceramic Madonna was given to Lorraine from Theresa Berg, of Rockford, IL. During the program, Lorraine’s husband, Ray, gave a moving speech about Lorraine. Guests of the branch included Lorraine’s mother, daughter, and husband, as were Father LaPatka, and our National President, Victoria Bobence. Emily Skul, Regional President, sent her best wishes and was unable to attend because she was not feeling well. We missed you, Emily. The ladies must have enjoyed themselves because no one wanted to leave the hall, they just visited. The door prize for the evening was brought by Agnes Mesojedec and won by Angela Jamnick. At our April meeting, we planned our Mother of the Year party and also heard the report of the meeting I had attended at the Rustic Rock for branch presidents, conducted by Emily Skul. These meetings are so helpful and we learned many things concerning the SWU. We welcomed Barbara Pirjevec, into our branch-Barbara is not Slovenian, but her husband, Bernie, is! The hostesses for the meeting, Emma Betourne, and I, served birthday cake and ice cream—to celebrate Emma’s birthday, which was on April 20th--we sang happy birthday to her! The door prize was brought by Agnes Mattson and won by Emma Betourne, the prize being two sets of gift wrapping paper with bows to match—a clever idea. Winners during the social hour were Margaret Mesojedec, Sophie Sollar, Ann Stefanich, and Mary Gornick. Our next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20th, with Sophie Spollar and Angela Tekautz as hostesses, with Margaret Meseojedec bringing the door prize. I wish all of you a pleasant summer. I’m sure all of us will be busy with friends and relatives visiting on vacation. Enjoy yourselves and 1 hope to see many of you in Duluth in September. ADELINE MUSTONEN, Reporter 'ZJoniato and “With a garden there is hope. ” —Grace Firth, American naturalist Late July and August are joyous months for tomato gardeners. The small seedlings have emerged into strong, stocky plants and the care in watering, fertilizing and nurturing has all paid off. However, for some of us tomato gardeners, the month of August can become troublesome. Some of the tomato fruits have become misshapen or cracked. Leaves have spots or the plants have wilted. As seldom as this may happen, few of us garden without such an experience and we often don't know why it happened or how it happened. There is only a small group of disorders and diseases that occur regularly in our Northern area. By understanding the cause of a particular problem, we can prevent the problem from becoming severe or we can minimize the damage. Verticillium Wilt. The first symptom of this disease is a yellowing of older leaves and a slight wilting of new shoots during the day. Eventually the yellow leaves drop and may continue to progress up the plant causing the wilting to worsen. Even though verticillium wilt does not actually kill the plant, it stunts growth resulting in smaller than normal fruits. Once this soil-borne fungus invades the soil it remains a permanent resident in our garden due to the fact that it can survive even our coldest winters. It is especially difficult to control as it is found virtually everywhere. If left unchecked, verticillium wilt becomes worse each year. The disease is spread by wind, surface groundwater, contaminated soil, infected debris (compost not completely decayed) and potato tubers. Your best strategy is to plant resistant tomato varieties by looking for a “V” after the cultivar name. If you clear up all plant debris, pull up the infected plants and destroy them (DO NOT put them in the compost pile) and rotate tomatoes and tomato relatives (pepper, eggplant, potato) each year, you can prevent a rapid buildup of an agent which causes this fungal disease. Septoria Leaf Spot. In our region this fungus disease is regarded as the most serious of all the tomato diseases. Spots which start out as yellowish specks form on the lower leaves. By the time the gardener notices the symptoms, it’s usually too late to do much. These spots enlarge and turn grayish brown and are encircled by a narrow yellow band. Often the centers of these spots develop black dots where the fungal spores are produced. These leaves eventually die and the symptoms climb up the plant until most of the foliage has been killed. While the fruits are unaffected, the disease does bring an early end to the tomato harvest season. This fungus causing disease is spread by splashing water. Rain hitting the leaves of an infected plant spreads great distances adding new infections when they land on the plants. Septoria fungus has many weed hosts and can survive on plant debris which compounds the problem. The fungus requires moist conditions for infection to spread. We do have some practical preventative options to control Septoria leaf spot. Since the fungus also lives on weeds, the obvious solution is to keep your garden weed-free. Because Septoria overwinters on plant debris, remove and destroy all infected debris in the fall. Watering only at the base of plants (no overhead sprinklers) and carefully applying and approved fungicide can slow the disease. Early Blight Alternaria Solani. Early blight has symptoms similar to Septoria leaf spot. Beginning with the lower leaves, small irregular brown spots form and enlarge and develop a target-like appearance. This fungal disease climbs to the upper plant; however, early blight can result in spotting of the stems. If the spots are sighted near the ground level, this causes partial girding of the stem, known as collar rot. It also can cause fruit damage in the form of dark sunken spots at the stem end of the tomato. Early blight fungus overwinters on weeds and plant debris. Warm, humid weather and wind are prime causes for this infection. The methods for control are identical to Septoria leaf spot. Fusarium Wilt. This disease has symptoms very similar to verticillium wilt, however, it does not do well in our cold climate, therefore does not pose a serious problem in the Upper Midwest. It is often impossible to distinguish fusarium wilt from verticillium wilt. Both cause wilting and yellowing of leaves. Long, hot summers can kill a single stem before the rest of the plant is affected. To prevent this disease plant tomato varieties marked with an “F”. Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). This is a highly in- fectious virus caused by numerous symptoms: Leaf mottling, dark green splashed with light green areas, stunting, browning of the interior of fruit, distorted leaves and reduced yields. Tobacco Mosaic Virus is caused mainly by man. As the name implies, it is found in tobacco. If you smoke, wash your hands very carefully with soap and water before handling any tomato plants. It can be transmitted readily from the sap of a broken leaf hair to another plant with your hands. Blossom End Rot. This disorder usually affects the fruits when half grown. A dark spot at the blossom end forms and enlarges until half of the surface is covered. This spot becomes leathery and sunken. Excessive nitrogen in the soil prevents calcium to be absorbed by the plant; therefore, be cautious when applying fertilizer. Balanced nutrition and mulching to maintain a steady water supply are effective controls. Catfacing and Cracks. Both of these disorders are weather related. High temperatures and excessive rain create rapid growth which forms cracks around the stem end of the tomato. Catfacing produces tomatoes which are malformed and scarred—very unsightly and unappetizing. Cool weather during blossoming causes this disorder. Experimenting with different tomato varieties claiming resistance to both disorders is advisable. Fungicides which are environmentally questionable have limited value once infection has occurred. Sanitation and resistance summarize the prevention and control of most tomato diseases and disorders so that we can enjoy these luscious, red, juicy tomatoes. Happy Gardening! HAPPY 90TH, MRS. STARESINIC! On March 30, 1989, 50-year member of Br. 26, Pittsburgh, PA, Barbara Starešinič of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, celebrated her 90th birthday. This landmark was recognized with a birthday celebration April 8, given by Barbara’s daughter and son-in-law, Lil and Nick Balkovec. More than 80 relatives and friends gathered in Barbara’s honor at a local hall. Barbara enjoyed dining and visiting with her many friends and family members and watching as her guests danced. Relatives and friends came from as far as Florida and California to help her celebrate. Great-granddaughter Leigh Balkovec of Rossville, Indiana, presented Barbara with a rose as the guests sang “Happy Birthday.” Barbara has two children, eleven grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. NO. 35, AURORA, MN The SWU Regional President of Minnesota held a luncheon meeting on April 19th at the Rustic Rock restaurant in Eveleth with Emily Skull presiding. National President, Victoria Bobence was present and gave a report on the National Board Meeting held in Joliet, IL in March. Many important issues were discussed and here are a few: The importance of increasing our membership. Paying our SWU dues annually which makes the branch treasurer’s job so much easier. Did you know that 65% of our dues is used for the expenses of the organization? It is important to sell the cookbook, “Pots and Pans” as these profits go toward our National Convention expenses. Tote bags, tee shirts and other heritage items are also for sale. Any proposals you wish to have brought up at the state convention should be discussed at your meetings now. Then, write them up and send to Emily Skull. This gives her a chance to research the answers for the state convention in September and discussion can be put on the agenda for the convention. The State Convention will be held on Sunday, Sept. 10th at Duluth. Olga Kluser is in charge of a 47 passenger bus going to the convention from the Range. If you arc interested, give Olga a call at 741-2177. Reservations must be made by August 25th. Many grandmothers are paying for their children and grandchildren. Have you thought of making this a Christmas or Birthday present, paying their dues annually? This would be a treasured gift; I know it is for our family. The SWU family picnic was tabled until next year, not enough time to plan one now. Members were encouraged to attend the Am. Yug. Assoc, picnic on July 23rd to be held at the Museum of Mining in Chisholm from noon until 6 p.m. We will have a booth there with our members dressed in their Slovenian costumes selling the Pots and Pans cookbooks and tote bags. Maybe we can plan to have our picnic there next year and start to plan for it this fall. Last year’s Assoc, picnic was a success - good music, food and meeting with all our SWU sisters from all the branches and exchanging ideas. See you all at the State Convention. On April 26th we met at the Holy Rosary Church hall. President, Florence Holland opened the meeting with prayers for all our members and their families. We completed our plans for our Mother of the Year celebration to be held on Sunday, May 21 st. Theresa Beloy was honored this year and her daughter said she was really looking forward to this day. We planned Mass with Theresa and all her family in attendance then to gather in the church hall for a brunch and program. Congratulations to our junior members, Amy Turk and Nicole Klandar who made their Confirmations and to Rebecca Klandar and Stephanie Hanka who made their First Holy Communion. Congratulations and good luck to Brent Kalar who graduated from high school. God bless all of you! Did you read, “A Remembrance of My Mom, Mary Barton", in the May-June issue of ZARJA? It was written by her daughter, Julianne, a member of our branch Thank you, Julianne for taking the time to write and share your memories - it was beautiful! The Happy Quilters of our parish completed another season. Many of these ladies are members of our branch. This year they made 55 large quilts and donated them to the Glen-mary Missioners, Sharing and Caring Hands Project, St. Joseph’s Indian School, Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army. A few quilts are kept on hand for local emergencies. In 10 years, this group has made and donated a total of 597 quilts, 44 baby quilts and lap robes. Thank you, ladies, for your dedication. Plans for our branch 35 ’s 60th anniversary in October will be made at the next meeting. Bring along your ideas and suggestions; we want this to be a special celebration. Get well wishes to Ann (Fritz) Mis-mash and Mary Smolich’s husband, Rudy, and all our members who are ill. Our sympathy to the family of Ann R. Mismash who lost her sister, Mary Phillipich. May she rest in peace. Our thanks to the ladies who provided the coffee and delicious cake and bars. Remember, ladies, Dorothy Jamnik has the Pots and Pans cookbooks and tote bags for sale. * * * On Sunday, May 21st we honored our Mother of the Year, Theresa Beloy by attending mass with her. Before Mass we gathered in the vestibule of our church and President Holland presented her with a lovely red carnation corsage. Many parishioners stopped to greet Theresa; this was a real “Homecoming” for her. After her (Continued on page 26) Departed Members 2 - Verona Gorkos (92) 40-yr member 2 - Rev Thaddeus Trpin (60) 2-yr member 2 - Anna Vozel (86) 34-yr member 2 - Frances Zumer (78) 35-yr member 3 - Rachel Francel (100) 54-yr member 6 - Mary Kumse (76) 59-yr member 10 - Sophie Barton (88) 48-yr member 10 - Stefanie Koncilija (91) 62-yr member 10 - Anna Strukel (84) 51-yr member 10 - Frances Zalar (92) 60-yr member 10 - Josephine Zernic (93) 49-yr member 12 - Mary Natlačen (89) 56-yr member 14 - Molly Tomaric (81) 32-yr member 15 - Agnes Kainic (81) 46-yr member 15 - Frances Zimerman (83) 50-yr member 16 - Josephine Margraff (70) 29-yr member 16 - Mary Maricich (89) 40-yr member 17 - Antoinette Hagner (93) 56-yr member 20 - Anna Jerisha (94) 61-yr member 21 - Edith Cimperman (82) 53-yr member Pauline Stepic (76) 40-yr member Josephine Jamnick (73) 25-yr member Josephine Tratnik (74) 47-yr member Jeanette Vidmar (64) 37-yr member Mary Grivitz (82) 47-yr member Mary Hudoklin (96) 50-yr member Albina Jerman (84) 55-yr member Pauline Laurencic (84) 54-yr member Frances Luzar (84) 51-yr member Catherine Takacs (71) 14-yr member Julia Dombrowski (97) 51 -yr member Josephine Novak (79) 50-yr member Anna Jeray (92) 48-yr member Mary Frank (98) 58-yr member Agnes Fakete (76) 31 -yr member Rose Chiodi (76) 52-yr member Mirni Guchek (86) 38-yr member Mary Lesar (91) 38-yr member 21 -23 -23 -23 -25 -25 -25 -25 - 25 - 26 - 31 - 32 -43 -47 -50 -52 -93 - 102 - 105 - Antoinette Lindich (77) 47-yr member AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION ± LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE FAMILY HOME OFFICE: 243) GLENWOOD AVENUE • JOLIET, IL 60435 (815) 741-2001 Anna L. Hodnik: Leam Slovenian! Every morning at 7:30 a.m., eight friends who live in the Sunset Acres suburb of Aurora, MN and I go for a daily 3 mile walk (summer and winter). We go at a very fast pace and finish the walk in about 40 minutes. About a month ago, one of the ladies, Mary Mulari, who is a very talented seamstress, sweatshirt designer and author of several sweatshirt design books, was on a trip to Naperville, III. where she presented a showing of her sweatshirts and books. She mentioned that she was from Aurora, MN. A young lady came up to her after the show to ask if by chance she knew Anna Hodnik. Mary told her that we were very good friends and “walking buddies.” This young woman’s name was Janet Clark from Aurora, III. I met her a few years ago when Tory Bobence and I attended a National Board meeting in Joliet. Janet and the Wiggins from Aurora vacation at Tory and John Bobence’s Clear Lake Resort every year. Meeting friends like Janet is one of the fringe benefits of belonging to the S.W.U. It’s summertime and time for fun. I thought I would use a couple of riddles for my column this month. Wishing all of you a very enjoyable summer! Barbara Vodovnik from the Twin Cities and I are hosting a trip to Slovenia, Italy and Austria, Sept. 28 - Oct. 6. If anyone is interested, they can get in touch with me for more information. 706 Summit St., Aurora, MN 55705. SLOVENIAN RIDDLES (English Translations by A. Vovk) Nese, nese, ni nosač, bele sodčke za kolač. (Črtomir Šinkovec) It carries, carries, it is not a porter, a little white barrel for yeast breads (Pastries) (Answer): (Kokoš...Chicken) Nese...It carries... Ni It is not — Nosač...Porter, carrier — Bele...White — Sodčke...Barrel — Za...For — Kolač...Round pastry Bleste se bolj kot biseri, a vidiš jih samo v temi. (Matej Bor) It glitters more that pearls You see them only in the dark. Answer: Zvezde...Stars Bleste...It Glitters... Bolj...More — Kot...Than — Biseri...Pearls — Vidiš...You see — Jih...Them — Samo...Only — V Temi...In the dark. No. 35 Continued: husband, Rudy passed away she moved to Hoyt Lakes from Aurora to be near her daughter and family. Last year she had a stroke and is now living Že od daleč ga poznamo, ko opravlja svoj poklic, dasi v glavi nosi slamo, nam koristen je moiic. (Črtomir Šinkovec) From far away already we know him, While he is doing his work, Although in his head he carries straw, To us he is a useful little man. Answer: Strašilo...Scarecrow Že...Already — Od...From — Daleč...Far away — Poznamo...We Know — Ga...Him — Ko...When, While — Opravlja...Doing, performing ( do, to perform) — Svoj...His — Poklic...Work, profession, vocation — Dasi...Although — V Glavi...In his head — Nosi... He carries — Slamo...Straw — Nam...To us — Koristen...Useful, profitable, beneficial — Možic...Man at the Arrowhead Health Center in Virginia. After Mass we gathered in the hall for a delicious brunch with a Birthday Cake and ice cream for dessert. Theresa’s birthday was the following Sunday so we decided to celebrate it that day. We sang Happy Birthday to her and to our young Mayor, Alan Hodnik who was with us - it was his birthday that day. The program was opened by our Toastinistress, Anna Hodnik. President Holland congratulated Theresa and welcomed her family, her sister, Cecil, our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. John Sustersic and Fr. Joseph Vovk. Poems about Mothers and a Modern Grandmother were read by Anna Hodnik, Florence Holland and Dorothy Jamnik. Then Theresa was presented with a gift by President Holland. The Festival Singers sang several beautiful selections accompanied by Anna Rose Smolich on the piano. Theresa sang along with them. Today we found out why “You are my Sunshine” was her husband Rudy’s favorite song. When their daughter, Virginia was bom, he was holding her and another new father asked if he wasn't disappointed that she wasn’t a boy. His reply, as he held his daughter in his arms was "No, she's the most beautiful gift God could give me - she is my sunshine!" Virginia is their only child and she has two daughters, Michelle and Mary. They said Rudy always signed his letters and cards to them with the words, “You are my sunshine - the light of my life.” Michelle said her grandmother always told her to remember to “Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone” and she has found this to be true. Mary said she always enjoyed visiting her grandmother because she was always so happy and fun to be with. As Michelle and Mary were growing up they always found time to call their grandparents at 9 p.m. to wish them goodnight. What happy memories! Virginia and her husband. Bill said Theresa was a wonderful mother and was always there for their family. Several members and her sister, Cecile related happy memories of Theresa and the family. It was such a pleasure to watch the happiness radiate from Theresa as she was listening to all these comments with a happy smile on her face. She is a happy person and an example of a person with many handicaps enjoying life to the fullest. Since her stroke she is confined to a wheelchair but this doesn’t keep her from being a very active member of the Health Center. She has a loving and caring family, including a new grandson, which is her greatest joy. Theresa’s family thanked everyone for all they did to make this day so special. Theresa also thanked everyone and said, "This has been a wonderful day; I’ll never forget it. I have one criticism - it was just too perfect!” God bless you, Theresa. We enjoyed sharing this day with you. We were happy to have five junior members, Katie Martinetto, Allysa Hodnik, Kyle, Janelle and Lindsey Antilla with us, too. Our thanks to our hostesses, Dorothy Jamnik, Martha Gunerson, Barbara Urick, Gabriella Garitchan, Vida Marinšek, Betty Carlson, Ann Rayer, Mary Hudy and Josephine Trost and everyone else who helped. Today at Mass, Fr. John Sustarsic presented Ann Rose Smolich, our church organist for many years, with a Papa! Blessing from Pope John Paul II. Congratulations, Anna Rose! At the Saturday evening mass another parishioner, Vi Froele received a Papal Blessing for years of service in our church. Congratulations, Vi! Wishing you all a happy summer. ANNE M. ORAZEM NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Our May meeting was attended by 27 members. As this was the Eve of the Ascension, most of us went to Mass at 7 p.m. and our meeting began at 8 p.m. President Laurich gave a detailed explanation of the Regional SWU meeting which she attended. It was a very interesting, informative report. The history of Branch 38 is completed and will be mailed just as soon as some revisions are made. Hopefully many members will be able to attend Minn. SWU Day in Duluth on Sept. 10th. Our next meeting on August 2nd will have details regarding the convention. Members who had birthdays this month are Teresa Gerzin and Carmen Cardini. The ‘-aveling prize was won by Mary Jane Gilman. Attendance prizes: Charlotte Laurich, Mayme Gazvoda, Rose Niemi, Ann Nusich, and Edith Dolinar. In your prayers please remember Frances Enrico and Florence Fryckman who are ill. We missed you, Florence and Frances, at our Mother’s Day brunch. Hope you will be well enough to come to our next meeting in August! Lunch committee for August: Ann Marie Loushine, Fran Techar, Fran Komidar, and for September: Fran Verant and Ann Techar. May 7th, 1989-A brunch honoring all mothers. Members attended Mass at St. Joseph’s Church at 7:30 a.m. after which we attended the brunch. 38 women participated. Rose Niemi had the wonderful idea for the program, and it really produced good results. The idea was for each member to either read a poem to Mother or give a short talk about her own mother, and the memories. We heard so many wonderful stories, some funny anecdotes, and some tear-jerkers. They all gave us something to think about, and it somehow makes Mother’s Day really meaningful. So on May 15th, we shall put less emphasis on a good time and more on thoughts of our own mother, living or dead. Please remember to say a little prayer of gratitude, happy that our mothers gave us life and left us with a heritage to be proud of. See all of you on August 2nd! Have a good summer vacation. Submitted by: ANN NUSICH, Rec. Secretary NO. 40, LORAIN, OH Our April 12th meeting with 14 members present commenced with prayer - also for our deceased members and especially for recently deceased, Mary Koziura. Door prize was awarded to Francine Pavlovčič. After reading reports we finalized plans for the Mother of the Year celebration at Campbell’s on May 10th. Birthday girls who brought refreshments and prizes were Angie Kozjan who was celebrating her 88th birthday, and Genevieve Wenzel who says she’s “39”! Rose Jancar supplied us with paper products. Thanks to all. Stork News! A haby girl was born to Allen and Mary Jo Zgonc. They named her Alexandra Alaine. The grandparents are Angie and Frank Zgonc. Kaitlen Malobabic was born on April 27th. She is the first great granddaughter of our Mother of the Year, Angie Martin. Joe and I became great grandparents for the third time - this time a baby girl named Deanna, born in California. The family will be coming to Ohio soon and we are anxiously waiting to meet her. Anthony Russ made his first Holy Communion at St. Anthony’s Church. His parents are Kathy and Bob Russ. Our grandson, Jeffrey Matos graduated from Lorain Hi School in June and has already enlisted in the Army. He will be leaving for the service in August. The Kiwanis Club staged a Recognition Day for honor students in Lorain schools and among them were Michael Cioffi, grandson of Agnes and Bill Bucher and Laura Pogacher, granddaughter of Sophie and Andrew Pogacher. Michael will graduate from Lorain Hi and Laura from Lorain Catholic where her dad is also a teacher. Best wishes to all. Melissa Forest made her First Holy Communion at St. Joseph’s Church in Avon. Christopher Forest won a bowling trophy recently. They are the grandchildren of Helen and Edward Kozjan. Great grandma is our Angie Kozjan. Angie Voytko’s grandson, Jason Bicklik graduated from Hi School. He will enter Bowling Green University in the fall. Laura Englert of Plano, Texas also graduated from Hi school. She also is a granddaughter of Angie Kozjan. Travelers: Joe and Molly Glavan went on a Vagabond Tour recently. They visited the cheese house in Middlefield and Burton, Ohio noted for maple syrup and candy making. They saw the historic home built in the 1800’s and visited the settlers’ farm and craft shoppes. They also ate a delicious meal at Mary Yoder’s restaurant. Joe and Molly celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary in June. If I remember correctly, Molly was our Mother of the Year in 1982. Thanks to editor, Corinne, of our ZARJA, for the publicity. Molly, with her two grandchildren, was on the cover of ZARJA that year. On a sad note we wish to express our sincere sympathy to Genevieve Wenzel on the recent death of her grandson, Robin Szantay. Let’s pray for our sick members who are Agnes Bucher, Angie Voy-tko, Mary Ploszaj and Sophie Pogacher. Our President, Agnes Tomazine is a member of the Erie Shore Button Box Band. They made a cassette tape entitled, “Our best to you!” Anyone interested in purchasing one can get in touch with Agnes at 245-3919. Our Mother of the Year dinner honoring our Angie Martin was a lovely affair. Twenty-five well wishers came to pay tribute to this lovely lady. Her daughter, Nancy presented her with a corsage. Among those present was our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Krajnik who led us in prayer. After our meal, the president congratulated Angie and read a poem to all the Mothers present. Angie thanked everyone for coming and for the gifts presented her. As usual, Angie wished to share something with us so she donated 8 ivy planters which she decorated with pink chocolate roses that she made. These were awarded to the following: Sue Tomazic, Molly Glavan, Angie Zgonc, Mayme Botoki, Lori Schmir-mund, Francine Pavlovčič, Agatha Donges and Fr. Krajnik. Thanks, Angie. We hope you enjoy your reign - God bless you! Lorain is beginning to hum with activity in preparation for the International Festival which is held every year. This year it is No. 23. Twenty-nine princesses have already been picked by various organizations. The Slovenian princess picked by the Heritage Association is Anna Marie Janezic. The Festival week started on June 24th and lasts until July 2nd. There will be a parade, dancing, socializing and good food. Since Lorain is known as a melting pot of languages, this is a good time to learn about the traditions of the various nationalities. Belated Happy Father’s Day to all fathers. Have a safe and happy summer. MARY MATOS NO. 42, MAPLE HTS., OH Greetings to everyone! As stated at our last meeting of April 11th, I, Olga Ponikvar, will try my best to replace Donna Stubljer as your recording secretary and ZARJA reporter. Donna has performed faithfully and successfully, dedicating her time and talents to our lodge, but because of her health and eye surgery, she requested to be relieved of her duties until the end of the year. So here I am--where do 1 begin? I’ve been a faithful reader of ZARJA, enjoying every issue of each branch-but little did I dream I'd accept this assignment. Our Mother of the Year (honoring all mothers) was held on May 9th with Mass at St. Wenceslas Church. Father Tome was our celebrant. “Češčena si Marija” was sung by the ladies as Marge Church crowned the Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Tome remarked that he thought he was back at St. Vitus Church. Nice complement, ladies! The potluck dinner was well attended. The variety of foods received a No. I rating. Everything was oh! sooo good! You just wish you could continue to enjoy this Smorgasboard on and on and tomorrow etc. Thanks ladies—’twas super delicious! Our secretary, Marge Church surprised us by informing each one of us of the number of years we’ve been members of Zveza. Mrs. Mary Yemec was honored to be the longest-standing member—59 years membership. Congratulations, Mary and thanks, Marge. Oh yes! we had quite a number of door prizes. The main prize was won by Eleanor Dragonic (a lovely basket filled with yellow mums and small plants). Excitement and interest is always added to our meetings—like birthdays! Happy June Birthday to Mary Ann Filips, Jennie Intihar, Katherine Gruden, Betty Ann Kastelic, Dolores Lip-nos, Sally Prhne and yours truly, Olga Ponikvar. We have some happy news! Congratulations to: Patricia Wenckus who became a grandmother for the 5th time. Her daughter Leslie Fuller delivered a baby girl, Ashley, on April 26— which makes Frances Wenckus a 5th time great grandmother. Congratulations to Pat Wolf. Her son. Dr. John Wolf and his wife, Karen, had a baby girl, Kristina Maria, on April 15th. That makes me, Olga Ponikvar, a great grandmother and a grandmother of nine! Christening was held in Columbus where the couple is residing. On the sick list we have Mary Filips, now recuperating at her daughter, Ruth Romito’s home and Dorothy Ponikvar, who fractured her ankle. Albina Mroczka is feeling better. She attended our May Banquet. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, ladies. May you feel better each dav. Thank you—Vida Shega—our thoughtful member, once again remembering the ladies with a Mother’s Day Spriitual Bouquet. Betty Kosak’s grandson graduated from Normandy High School, June 15th. Her granddaughter, Karen Los-toski, was joined in marriage to Fernando DeUrguidi in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on April 22nd. We wish you happiness and many years of togetherness. Please call me at 662-6128 with any news you may wish to share. Remember the date of our September 24th bus trip to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, Ohio. Make your reservations today. I wonder if anyone baked the 100 year old bread which recipe was printed in the May-June issue? Thanks for the recipes and history, Lillian Brule. ’Twas interesting! I saw the stoves and all you described. Lucky are we that we have modem ovens and microwaves. Do spend a few hours with our shut-ins. If you can bring some sunshine into their days, they’ll love you for it. And God will shower His blessing on you in return. Smile, love, share, and keep in touch! Heavenly Blessings! Have a safe, pleasant summer. Until we meet again — Nasvidenje! OLGA PONIKVAR, Reporter NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI Now is the time to contact friends and relatives to join our Slovenian Women’s Union. The weather is nice and you can go visiting. Our April meeting was finalized with the exception of the card party which will be on Sunday, November 5, 1989 at John’s Hall, 35th and Lincoln Ave. Mark the date on your calendar. Tickets will be available in the near future, so you can sell them to your friends this summer. Big prizes and door prizes will be needed, also bakery. If you can donate anything, please let me know. Please check your policies for beneficiary changes. Melissa Puzia, our junior member was in the hospital but is now recuperating at home. Antonia Velkovrh is at St. Francis Hospital. If you have a few minutes to spare, go and visit her or send her a card. To the above and all shut-ins, our fast get well wishes. Some of the members needed a vacation, so Jim and Marge Peters decided to go to Hawaii. They were gone for 10 days and enjoyed themselves and can’t wait until they can go back. Congratulations to the Karl Dovnik Sr. and Jr. families. Karl Jr. and his wife were blessed with a baby girl. This is the first grandchild for the Sr. Dovniks and they are very thrilled. Grandma Dovnik will have to enroll her as soon as she gets home! The Galluns, Eddie and Elsie, are celebrating their 48th Wedding Anniversary; also the Kokaljs, Christine and Vince, with their 50th Anniversary. Special congratulations and best wishes with many more years. Knights of Columbus Trinity Council #4580 established the Father Joseph Gole Scholarship Fund in honor of his 18 years as its chaplain. Several hundred attended the liturgy and reception in honor of Fr. Gole’s 45th Anniversary of the priesthood. Congratulations, Father Gole. Anna Yerey, 93 years of age, passed away. She was our member for many years. To Connie Lewandowski on the death of her brother-in-law and Agnes Sagadin and Lucille Ganzel on the loss of their nephew - to relatives and friends of these three families, our sincere sympathies and may their souls rest in peace. May Report Wednesday May 17th we honored the Woman of the Year, Matilda Simčič, at Country Gardens Restaurant with a good representation. A delicious lunch was served; after lunch door prizes were called. Mary Musich, who is very talented in crafts, donated vases and crosses made from plastic sheets; Josephine Verbick and yours truly also donated prizes. Thanks to all who participated in one way or the other in the event. The Woman of the Year was crowned by Chris Kokalj who was Mother of the Year in 1988. A beautiful corsage was placed on her shoulder by Stella Pousha, who made this beautiful arrangement. Gifts were given to Matilda by the branch, Stavia Dobersek and Stella Pousha. Her big surprise came when Fr. Laurence, our pastor from St. John the Evangelist Church, walked into the dining room. She was thrilled. Thanks to Fr. Laurence for attending. The following Wednesday, May 24th we had our regular monthly meeting. Discussions on the Wisconsin State Convention in Willard were finalized. The delegate, Stella Pousha, and alternate, Matilda Simčič, were informed about our 40th Anniversary in 1990. Our Card Party to be held on Sunday November 5th was the important event. Members, the following items are needed: games prizes, door prizes, canned goods and other items for the food basket. Bakery also is needed. Watch for sales in different stores, buy a few items in advance. Our sympathies to Ceil Groth on the death of her nephew, Mike Korošic, and to Shirley Schulta, a cousin. Sincere condolence to the Cummings Family on the death of her sister and aunt, Anne Yeray. She had been ailing for sometime. Just received word that Ella Udovich passed away. She resided at the Cameo Nursing Home. To her son, Tom, and Rita, Kristin and Neil. Our heartfelt sympathies. To the above deceased, may the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Last, and most important, check your dues if you are in arrears. For all shut-ins a speedy recovery. No meeting in July and August but will resume Wednesday, September 27th. Have a safe and enjoyable summer. The meeting closed with prayer. Sandwiches, cake and coffee were served, ending with our favorite game. Happy 4th of July. R.K. NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OH Rain, rain and more record breaking rainfall for the month of May in Ohio but that didn’t keep 75 women from attending a dinner at Sterle's to honor our Mother of the Year, Millie Petrovič. Secretary of Br. 25, Janet Krivacic, Amelia Derenda, age 87, mother of our auditor Mary Maxin, Mary Agh, Agnes Miller, Pauline Siefert and sisters, Ella Zupančič, #25, and Theresa Funsch and Theresa Clements from Florida were some of the guests. An appropriate poem by Carole Traven was read by Ann Tercek for Millie, our smiling mother. Visiting, enjoying dinner, laughs and jokes were rampant and all left in good spirits. April meeting with 70 ladies present - had initiation of new members with our cadets officiating by candlelight and Carole Traven’s marching piano music. Evelyn Pipoly did the swearing in of the new members who are: Ann Kronik, Helen Novinc, Frances Kozar, Mary Rudolph. Molly Strunge and Sue Yanek. Hat parade was hilarious with “Oldie” creations modeled by would-be actresses (members, of course) and striding akimbo down the aisle like Mae West, Hepburn, Scarlet or Shirley Temple. Last one was "Kranjska Meetzka Kovacheva” (Mary Chesnik) in a babuska carrying a basket of klobase which ended in a clamor worth hearing. Our $2 drawing was won by Lillian Chase. Also, our cadets were joined into the Polka Foundation. Have you seen the museum? You should. Will be a "Great”! Ann Orlikowski slipped and fell and bruised and pulled muscles enough to be strapped and bandaged when helping neighbor Paula Suhay into her house coming home from the hospital and almost landed there again. Take care and you may call 911 next time! Hopefully convalescing are John Nestor, husband of Christine, Rosemary Mam and Sophie Yapple of Florida, Tony Jagodnik, husband of Irene, Virginia Mlack and Paula Suhay. Our well wishes and prayers. Frank Berkopec, husband of Jane and brother-in-law of Mary Hrovat died after a long illness and Anne Cem lost her sister. Mary Petrovič lost her 95 year old mother, Mary Hudoklin. A deserved peace to them and strength to the survivors. Honored our 50th year members: Mary Žnidaršič, Julia Tousel, 86 years old and Bea Tome, an active member who attended Andrews School for Girls and sold high fashion clothes at Lane Bryant and May Co., and also was a past Mother of the Year who vividly recalls past meetings and activities. Frances and Joseph Stariha celebrated their 80th birthday with Mass and a grand party with many guests on their 34th Anniversary approaching soon. Also celebrating their 50th Anniversary in Cleveland were Frank and Rose Ziherl of Florida. Many more for both couples. Fr. William Jerse, cousin of Vera and Vincent Nosan baptised their 5th grandson, Bradley James Nosan at St. Vitus Church. Bradley’s brother came in from Spain to attend the baptism and for a family togetherness. Vera, you have catching up to do as Amy Gad become a great aunt for the 28th time when her niece in Connecticut had a baby girl. Molly Strunge is a happy grandmother because Steven and Penny Strunge of Delaware, Ohio had a beautiful first daughter on March 13th, weighing 8 lb. 11 oz. with red hair and blue eyes. Molly is one of our new members. Congratulations! Sharon Mrs...or, granddaughter of Ann Tercek, grac ated from O.S.U. as a registered nurse. Jimmy Debevec, Jr., son of Jim and Madeline Debevec of the Ameriška Domovina, graduated from the University of Miami. Christine Šebenik, my granddaughter, was accepted by Colorado State to further her studies in Occupational Therapy. Again, she had a 4 point average and will be a junior in August. I’m so proud of her. but aren’t we all proud and happy paients and grandparents when our young do well! My grand nephew, Michael Politi did graduate from St. Joseph High School and will attend the Unviersity of Akron to pursue a law course. This class might be the last to graduate at St. Joe’s before it becomes co-ed with Villa Angela High School. I had a grand nephew, Arthur Knaus who was in the first graduating 4 term class in 1956. My sons graduated from there in 1959 and 1961 and Roger of ’59 is still interested in what the school does, so “Mom” sends him all the clippings. Trips and Travel! Carole Traven visited son, Max, on Mother’s Day and stayed over to see granddaughters, Amy and Jill who participated in a band concert in Columbus. Ella and Frank Skoda visited daughter, Charlotte in New Jersey and to see granddaughter, Lisa graduate from high school; she was attending her prom at the time. Ella said, “Oh, she was just beautiful in silver and black and escorted, too, in silver and black!” Mary Blatnik and daughters, Bonnie and Cathy, who incidently are our new members, too, drove to a lodge in Lake Ontario, Canada for a few days and on their return picked up Evelyn and Mike Pippoly and drove to Sunset Beach, No. Carolina, to visit Evelyn’s daughter, Sharon and husband. Dr. John Roberts. An all-in-the-family event. Helen Bonac travelled to Atlantic City and won $ 130 but she left it there in succeeding tries on the machines. Next time? Anne and Gus Ryavec traveled to California missing all the rain here and Jane and Angela Vidic did the same when visiting their family in Oregon State. Mary Drobnikar visited in Minnesota, a cooler state. Bon Voyage to Ann and Dorothy Ann Winter who fulfilled a dream of a lifetime as they took a 13 day Alaskan Cruise with Milan Tours. Seven days on the S. S. Rotterdam and 6 days on various other modes of transportation. Had a safe trip because they remembered the caribou moose have the right of way and they know it! Mary and John Chesnik went to the Indian country in Montana to visit a nephew but the Indians had a celebration and no access to his home allowed, so they had to be satisfied with a phone call. Better luck next time. In spite of the slow rain ali day on Anne Ryavec’s bus trip, it was a terrific event. Kent State Museum was very good - could have stayed there longer - dinner at the Tri-Crown Inn was excellent. Aurora Farms is something to see and wonderful ladies to talk to. Looking forward to another trip this fall. Pittsburgh? When leaves change color? See you at our pot luck dinner on August 15th at 6 p.m. at Euclid Club House on the Lake off 222nd St. Have an enjoyable summer with friends and family. Remember, the best time to make friends is before you need them. Z Bogom... VERA ŠEBENIK, Reporter NO. 54, WARREN, OH Our Mother-Daughter Luncheon was a lovely affair. We honored our president, Joe Kassan as “Mom of the Year.” She had a beautiful red chiffon dress and shoes to match! Her daughter, Barbara Jaras took the day off from work to help Jo enjoy the afternoon. The tables were pretty with im-patiens flower plants which were then given away as prizes and favors were individual marigold plants. It all looking very springy and naturally a statue of the Blessed Mother was the focal point of the main table. After a delicious lunch, poems were read by several members and Slovenian music was in the background. Thank you, Millie Pollock for helping me out and it was good to see you among us. Millie had been hospitalized for awhile but is doing much better now. Helen Kohli came from Geneva, Ohio and brought her delicious grape wine for our pre-dinner cocktails. Seems like each year our group gets smaller. We have no solution to this problem. Goodness knows, we try hard enough, calling etc. Happy and safe traveling this summer season and God’s blessing to those ailing. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Sept. 20th at noon at the Elks. JOANNE PONIKVAR NO. 55, GIRARD, OH Our Mother’s Day banquet was at Little Peppino’s restaurant in Girard. We had a very nice turn out, with 35 people present and the food was very good. Our Mother of the year was Milka Kregar, she has a beautiful family. You can tell they all love her very much. Betty Ann Ambrose graduated fron the University of Pittsburgh on Apri. 28, 1989 with academic honors. Betty Ann is the daughter-in-law of Ambrose. She started to work on May 8th at the Allegheny Hospital in Pittsburgh. Marci Caisango was Prom attendant at the Girard High School for the Junior high class. Marci is also running for the Girard Homecoming Queen. She is the granddaughter of Martha Ambrose. I know Martha has to be very proud of these young ladies. I know the rest of our family is. I’m very happy to say that I also have a joy. My son, Thomas Gordon Jr. has made the Dean’s list again at the Youngstown State University and I’m very proud of him. Ladies having birthdays in June were Marian Cigolle, Milka Kregar and Anna Racick. And in July they are Nancy Dombrosky Anna Kalan and Maria Selak. Our junior member in June was my grandson, Seth Gordon. I’m sorry to say that in the May ZARJA I made a mistake. Our Junior member was Andrea Selak, and not Monica. Happy Birthday to all. Love, ROSEMARY NO. 56, HIBBING, MN Our April 11th meeting was mostly dedicated to making plans for the annual Mother and Woman of the Year party. Veronica Martin, General Chairman reported that the day would be May 8th at the VFWHall. President Ann Selvo suggested that we have Rose Maras, past State President, as our special guest. This was unanim ously approved. Ann Selvo reported on her visit to Barbara Dosen, an old friend who is Continued on page 32 MARY BLATNIK. TORY’S GREENHOUSE CAMPAIGN WOMAN OF THE YEAR “Valentine Queen” Mary Blatnik, center, with her sister-in-law, Lillian Homar, left, and sister, Frances Kajfez. Since April 1 or the beginning of the Tory’s Greenhouse Campaign and until June 1, a total of eighteen workers enrolled 38 members. Said members include 8 Class As including 3 transfers, 14 Class Bs including 1 transfer and 16 juniors. The top three workers are: Jonita Ruth of Branch No. 20 of Joliet, 1L with 7, Marjorie Church of Branch No. 42, Maple Heights, OH with 5 and Josephine Mohorčič of Branch No. 25, Cleveland, OH with 3. Jonita’s new members included Joan Cardwell and her four children, namely Jeffrey, Kristin, Lysa and Scott. Marjorie’s new members included Amy Thompson and her 10-month old twins, Samantha and Shawn and her sister, Jennifer Yemec. It ought to be the concern of every member to enroll a new member. In this way each one of us would help maintain our heritage and preserve the hard work of our organizers and other dedicated workers through the years. Won’t you help plant a few seedlings, male or female, and thus beautify our enrollments? Our appreciation is extended to all the workers in Tory’s Greenhouse. May you have a super summer with many God’s blessings! Olga Ancel This was the first time that this honor has been bestowed on both husband and wife. With Harry and his mother both being so active with the Slovenian Hall on Waterloo Rd, Mary followed their footsteps, and got involved in many Slovenian Organizations; right now she is a very good memberof about fifteen. Belonging to all of these organizations she gives of herself and helps and undertakes duties in the kitchen, working with food. She is known as an excellent Caterer. Her buffets, dinners and cocktail receptions are just beautiful with the tables in full, gorgeous skirts in all colors, with the silverware, candelabras, centerpieces, flowers, etc. For our 50th Anniversary of SWU Br. 50 Mary decorated our Honored Guests tables, they were just gorgeous — all done up in yellow. Mary is a member of our branch for nine years and has enrolled many members including her sister Frances Kajfez, and sister-in-law Lillian Homar. Her sister-in-law Evelyn Pipoly is our new Membership Secretary of Branch No. 50. In February, Mary was selected as our “Valentine Queen” for 1989. In 1987 she was also a delegate to the 1987 National Convention in Joliet. 111. Despite her busy schedule, her hobbies are playing cards, travelling and of course cooking, baking and decorating for the different occasions. On Sunday, March 12th was the day for all ten of the Men and Women of the Year of all the Slovenian Halls to be honored, and it was Mary’s Special Big Day. She looked stunning in her beautiful pink all beaded dress. Her family, relatives and many friends were there to help her celebrate this great occasion. “Congratulations, Mary” Branch No. 50 is proud of you to receive this deserving honor. May you enjoy many more years of Good Health, as you are an inspiration to everyone. God Bless You! Ann J. Tercek What a beautiful honor was bestowed to our lovely member Mary Blatnik, selecting her as the Federation of Slovenian Homes, Woman of the Year for 1989. Mary was bom in the Collinwood - E. 140th Street area, her maiden name was Homar. She has one brother and three sisters. Mary attended Longfellow Elementary School and Collinwood High School, also attended Slovenian School at St. Mary’s. She worked at the Richmond Brothers Company and Thompson Products in Euclid. In 1944 she and husband Harry were married at St. Mary’s Church, of their marriage they had two lovely daughters, Bonnie and Cathy. In the 1970’s two unforgettable things happened as Harry was named Man of The Year representing the “Slovenian Workmans Home on Waterloo Rd” in 1972; and again in 1976 he was selected by the Federation of Slovenian Homes as its “Man of the Year”! Unfortunately The Strategic Consumer: b, REDUCED-CHOLESTEROL EGGS? Since the early 1970’s consumer oriented publicity for healthy foods and tips for reducing cholesterol levels through diet has been escalating. Although high cholesterol is more likely to occur in older people, it has been found in all age groups, thus blood tests measuring cholesterol levels are common medical practice for a routine medical exam. Consumer health education campaigns and doctors have warned the public of heavy consumption of eggs and other egg products to be one of the primary culprits leading to high cholesterol. Americans have responded by decreasing their egg intake. Since 1970 the egg industry has noted that per capita consumption of eggs dropped from 309 to 249; these figures indicate that on the average, Americans presently eat nearly 21 eggs or egg products per month. This decrease in egg consumption for the $3.5-billion egg industry has created an incentive to develop a substitute. We are already accustomed to butter and sugar substitutes, and even “Egg Beaters,” but can you imagine cracking two real eggs and making scrambled eggs that will not increase the serum cholesterol in your body, but may have the potential to lower serum cholesterol levels instead? It sounds unbelievable! Japan’s Mitsubishi International Corp., claims that it has produced a hen-feed supplement that can produce eggs that actually lower cholesterol. Bob Fuhrman, president of C.R. Eggs in King of Prussia, Pa., has secured the U.S. and Canadian patent rights to this hen-feed supplement. The word is out that this small egg company in Pennsyl- vania has invested several million dollars for New York ad agencies to begin work to create advertisements for the “cholesterol-reducing egg.” Fuhrman plans to build franchises throughout the U.S. and to be the first to introduce this egg in our nation. The miracle feed formula contains iodine-rich kelp and seaweed; an increase in the human system of iodine results in a higher metabolic rate which helps process serum cholesterol. Fuhrman differentiates between dietary and serum cholesterol; dietary being harmless and not a factor in causing atherosclerosis and heart disease; serum cholesterol being the most destructive since it is produced by each individual’s body in response to factors such as metabolism, weight, diet and exercise. These new eggs will have dietary cholesterol; however the product will reduce enzymes related to the production of serum cholesterol in the body. Undoubtedly, the concept of egg production by C.R. Eggs sounds incredible, but some poultry scientists and professors are questioning the validity of the miracle claims. The company is still testing the formula before submitting it to the Food and Drug Administration for approval. Since American standards are currently stricter than Japanese for such approval, it may take at least 20 years or more for the “cholesterol-reducing egg” to reach our supermarket shelves. Perhaps it will take a bureaucratic miracle for this incredible egg to be approved before the vear 2000. No. 56 Continued: living at a nursing home now. Barbara is in good spirits and sends her greetings with a sincere invitation to all to come visit her. Liz Spolar read the names of our April birthday ladies and since only one member was present we were happy to sing Happy Birthday to Amelia Domen, a charter member. Liz also brought up a discussion of Heritage Days and plans for a meeting April 27th at her house in order to organize the gathering of material, pictures, etc. to send in for the History Book. Minnesota State Day will be held in Duluth this year and we will look into the possibility of renting a bus together with one of the other branches on the Range. Our next meeting in Sept. 11th and hostesses will be Mary Sikich, Mary Micheletti and Dorothy Oberstar. Jackpot went to Liz Spolar and lunch was served by Agnes Barkis, Fran Tobey and Mary Enge after which games were played with prizes won by Anna Pintar, Anne Satovich and Ann Selvo. May Report On May 8th, we met at the VFW Club to honor our Mothers and Women of the Year. 30 members attended. Pres. Selvo recognized our past president. Rose Maras, for her 23 yrs. as a devoted member and 20 of those years as our president. Rose worked hard to make our Branch the success that it is and we all appreciate her “labors of love”. Liz Spolar presented Rose with a pretty gift. The Secretary did not have the minutes of the last meeting with her. In lieu of that, she read a comical story about “Petey, the Snake”, which everyone seemed to enjoy. Financial Secretary, Liz Spolar is still working diligently on our Heritage material and requested our older members to fill out a paper detailing information about our Branch to be returned to her as soon as possible. Liz read off the birthdays for May, June, July and August, and the traditional birthday song was sung. At this time, Liz wanted to remember and to honor the following members; Frances Strojan who was 99 in Jan.; Veronica Schwartz, 93 in Mar.; Lucy Paun, 92 in April; Anna Soldenski who will be 90 in July; Barbara Doshen who will be 89 in Oct.; Amelia Domen who was 87 on Jan. 28 of this year. It is with pride that we mention that Amelia is our only living Charter member, and we hope she will be around for us to enjoy for many, many years! As guests. Rose Vukich brought her 2 daughters and her granddaughter to our dinner. It was a pleasure for all of us to meet these lovely girls. Our President gave special thanks to Chairman, Veronica Marter for a job well-done with our Woman of the Year dinner. We were proud and happy to learn that our President, Ann Selvo, was awarded a 3,000 hour honor pin from the Mesabi Regional Medical Center of Hibbing for donating 3,000 hours at the hospital. She is only the second woman to have received this award, and we proudly announce that the other recipient was the late Hilda Pogorelc, one of our loyal deceased members. This is another indication of the caliber of our members. Congratulations, Ann! Jackpot winner this month was Mary Micheletti. Games were played and prizes won by Ann Pintar in “B”, Dorothy Oberstar in Canasta and Sylvia Latick in 500. MILENA KOEHLER NO. 57, NILES, OH Our April meeting was opened with a prayer by 17 members present, a very nice turn-out. It was a beautiful day, and we hope just one of many more as the weather was perfect. Our minutes were read and approved and also our treasurer’s and secretary’s reports were given and approved. We are going to try to increase our treasury by contributions from each member beginning next year. Plans were completed for our Mother’s Day Luncheon at Applewood Gardens on May 9th. Our new social member is Helen Havaich Misel. Welcome. Your Reporter read a letter from our Editor in regards to the deadline for material in ZARJA and also noted that there is no ZARJA in January, June and August. A lovely lunch was served by Ann Pease and Mary Strah and they also brought a lovely door prize which we used for the “B" game. This money went into the treasury. The prize went to Elizabeth Havaich. Thanks, girls. We also had a faithful member celebrating her 87th birthday, Mrs. Mary Opalka, who has missed very few meetings and when we have a party of any kind, she attends with her daughter, granddaughters and daughter-in-law. That is loyalty! We are all happy to see her as she is a lovely person. Summer is here and that means a lot of weddings, graduations and vacations on our lists, but members, do add our meetings to your list of events as it is a very enjoyable time for all. A lot of members have been down with colds and other ailments but we wish them all get well wishes. Hope to see you at our next meeting. Making someone laugh can do worlds of good for both of you, ’cause laughter is a feel-good sound that’s always nice to he around. * * * Our May meeting was our Mother’s Day luncheon at Applewood Gardens. It was well attended with 25 members and guests. We honored our Mother of the Year, Mary Lukz. It was a lovely afternoon as one of our members, Elizabeth Hovaich and her husband made beautiful favors for each member. We played “B” and everyone went home with a prize. We also had a door prize donated by our Mother of the Year which was won by Marge Mollica. Our June meeting was at the home of our president. The lunch committee was Viola Logar and her daughter, Mary Ann Leonard. We shall report on that next month. May God bless all our sick members and wishes to them all for a speedy recovery. “A sorrow shared is by half a trouble; but a joy that's shared is a joy made double!" FRANCES STANEC NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE, OH Have hardly put the Hag away from Memorial Day, and it's time to put it up again for Independence Day. And summer rolls on! You undoubtedly are all wondering where the time has gone. Before the next issue of Zarja, preparations will be well on their way for children to return to school — and 1990 is just around the corner! Our birthday celebration held on May 5th at the American-Croatian Party Center was a success. With 52 in attendance (19 were No. 73 members), the evening was filled with good food, music and dancing. From all reports, a good time was had by all. This is the one time during the year we celebrate anyone/everyone’s birthday. Wish I could have been there. We have some Juvenile/Junior members who have made their mark in society, and we want to give them recognition. Too many times we fail to praise the younger people for their accomplishments, and they do work hard to achieve their goals. Leslie Dusek had the honor of being Mayor for a day in Oakwood Village, this was for “Government Day” which is a special event for the Bedford School District. Ironically, her uncle (Ed Ozog) is the official mayor of the village. We hope you gave him a few helpful hints, Leslie. Leslie’s Mom is our secretary, Gloria. Kathy (Vorisek) Jones, a new member, has double reason to be proud of her children, students at Chamberlin High School in Twinsburg. Daughter, Kim, a senior, has won first place in Columbus, Ohio for Extemporaneous Speaking for Business Professionals of America. This award came after she had taken the first place in another contest in Dallas, Texas where she spoke on the Impact of Imports in America. Kim graduated June 9th, and we send our best congratulations, on the awards and on the diploma. Son, Bill, a sophomore, has been inducted into the National Honor Society. Maybe Mom can get us a picture of these two very accomplished students, so we can share them via Zarja. Kathy is the daughter of long-time member Antoinette (Keglovic) Vorisek. GET WELL wishes are extended to Marge Kozelka who broke her arm at work, and to Alice Bican who recently underwent surgery. We hope that by this time both of you are well on the road to recovery. While the two of you were recovering, Helen and Ben Dodyk were in Las Vegas also trying to "recoop” — however, it was some of their losses that they were working on. (I’ll “recoop” the same way in Atlantic City). THANK YOU: Aloise Epley asks that her appreciation be expressed to each and everyone of you for the many Get Well notes that she received after her surgery in February. I did visit with her; she is doing well and trying to get back into the swing of things. Take it slow and easy, Aloise, it may take longer — but you will feel much better. PERSONAL NOTE: Many of you may be aware that Steve and I returned to Ohio much earlier than expected. On April 13th our daughter, Mary, MOTHER OF THE YEAR was taken to Cleveland Clinic after a diagnosis of Leukemia had been made. I don’t think I need to put into writing our feelings. Devastation seems to say it all. As of this writing (May 15th) she is still at the Clinic, she has received two Chemo treatments, and will need several more. Her spirits are high, she has suffered thru the ordeal like a real trouper, and asks only for your prayerful support. Mary is 31 years old, and has a six-year old son who is presently under our watchful eye. Her husband (Bill) is a police officer for Warrensville Heights. Needless to say our lives have been changed by this illness. We will remain in Ohio indefinitely until we arc sure she has been stabilized. We do want to thank those of you who have called and who took the time to send us notes of encouragement. It is at such times that true friends surface, and we thank God each day that our lives have been blest with understanding and compassionate people. And Mary, please, get well soon!! We arrived home on a Friday, and the following Monday had to face the reality of death, when Steve’s sister, Sister Florine Therese, Dominican Order, Adrian, Michigan passed away. Sister was 77-years old, and had been in the order for 57 years. She was a sister-in-law also to Louise Majercik. Again, thank you for the expressions of sympathy that many of you sent. We truly appreciated each and every one. We hope that your summer will be an active one, filled with lots of sunshine and only good things. If you are traveling, have a safe journey. Keep in touch as you move about, so we can share the comings/goings with other members. It will be cookout time in August, you will be hearing from us, and God willing, we will see many of you at that time. Take care. God Bless us, each and everyone. Respectfully, EVELYN A. MAJERCIK NO. 79, ENUMCLAW, WA Our branch has been active and held two very successful events in the recent past. First, the dance that was held on the 29th of April at the VFW Hall in Enumclaw was the first such event we have had in five years and happily we may now report it was a success, a good crowd, many good vibes on the food as well as the music. c^-j-nn Ann Batty was born to Philip and Julia Minarcic in Oglesby on July 22, 1917. Ann survives her parents along with a brother, Joe, and a sister, Sophie. Joe resides in the family home here in Oglesby and Sophie makes her home in Texas. There were six children in the family and Ann’s parents were of Bohemian descent. Ann is a graduate of Washington Public School and attended La Salle Peru High School. She is also a graduate of Brown’s Business College. Her hobbies include golfing, bowling, baseball and tending to her garden. She raises beautiful roses and has a large vegetable garden that is very time consuming as all gardeners know. In the fall of the year, Ann will be found in the beautiful wooded area of our community picking mushrooms and enjoying the trees in color. Ann and William Claudic were married at St. Constantine Church in Oglesby on August 17, 1941. He passed away on December 17, 1952. They had two children, William, Jr. and Georgia Dooley. Ann raised her children by working as a waitress for twenty-five years. On July 15, 1960 she married Ralph Batty. Her son, William has two children, What a lot of work was done by many, including Monica Podolak in supervising the kitchen with lots of help from all those who brought those luscious lasagnas, Annette Johnson, Fran Potočnik and Dorothy Kovacevich for helping to set up, Dorothy Sleigh and Mary Kell with the games, and most certainly our door hosts, Kenny Tasker and Joe Kovacevich. All members are to be congratulated on a job well done. On May 21st we had our annual Mother’s Day reception honoring our Mother of the Year, Mary Paterson. This was beautifully hosted by Lyn-nette Ellertson and Mary’s family, including husband Mark, son Bob and daughter Pat and their respective families, all on hand to honor Mary on her special day. Again we enjoyed delicious party fare, good friends topped by a well-received presentation of Mary Paterson’s life by Dorothy 1UŠattij Philip William, age 3 and Katie, age 5. Georgia has three children, Patrick, 14, Andy, 10 and Kelly, 13. Ann has been a member of Br. 89 for 48 years. She holds the office of auditor since 1985. When the bowlers were active for S.W.U. Ann bowled with the team and helped in all candy sales and bake sales that the bowling team ran to help fund their expenses. “Bones” as she is called loving by all, has always been generous with her time to help out any organization that needs help. Her leadership has won her many friends through the years. Her grandchildren are her greatest delight. You can see her teaching them to ride their bicycles. She has a lot of patience teaching them how to play baseball and how to swing a golf club. Her grandchildren are her greatest fans, too. They are always sampling grandmother’s cookies. Our heartiest congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life to you, Ann, your husband, Ralph, and all your loved ones. Your dedication to Br. 89 will long be remembered by all. Congratulations, “Bones” - we love you! Sleigh. Our president of long standing, Mary Mihelich was able to be present. MARY BRATOVICH, Reporter NO. 89, OGLESBY, IL Thirty-one members and guests entertained Ann Batty, our Mother of the Year at Karol’s on May 8th at dinner and a social evening. Mitzi Banich, chairperson, assisted by Rose Ann Prey and Jo Schmidt, were in charge of the arrangements. Ann was presented a beautiful rose bush which she will plant in her rose garden to enjoy for many years. Names were pulled and each of the following took home a beautiful potted plant: May Smith, Betty Hamilton, Georgia Dooley, Bonnie Claudnic, Marilyn Argubright, Josie Argub- E.K. Branch 89, Oglesby, IL tf- -tr -u- Mildred James: sail: Sometimes we are reluctant to acknowledge a birthday, but that’s not the case with our branch. Yes, we are fifty years old and proud of that accomplishment. While we take pride in this achievement, we pass along praise and thanks to our organizers, Mary Mar-kezich, Agnes Mahovlich, Cvita Chorich, Mildred James, Anna Tumpich, Andrijana Bandera, Josephine Bogovich, Agatha Mesin, Helen Mazar, Benedicto Marino, Matilda Turico (who is 95 yrs old and living with her son, Mike, in Calumet City), also Rose Adams, Kate Garvey, Irene Cutich, Antonette Ross, Katherina Markulin, Johanna Malcic, Ljuba Trgovac, and Mary Caspar. For that reason our bithday celebration can be observed by the past and present members who have supported our branch for 50 years. Thank you. To recognize our 50th Anniversary I am planning our heritage book edition which will be published later with special activities, including a souvenir edition. We will pack it with names, and recollections from the past 50 years. We again raise a toast to that! Things looked different then. Today, we have the conveniences, comforts, health protection, and opportunities denied our immigrant parents. We are the first American generation of immigrant parents, who have been born, grown up, and died during the past 50 years. Their accomplishments and, yes some disappointments, have been reported by yours truly and was reflected the news of our branch. Yes, we have gone through a lot together since that date. I don’t want this 50th Birthday to sound like an obituary. I have stated many times, both publicly and privately, my high regard to, Evelyn Driscoll, Rec. Secty., Mildred Poropat, Secty., Helen Golich, Treas. and Sylvia Vukodinovich, Vice Pres, and all officers and members whom I have learned to admire for their personal qualities and have appreciation for the splendid fashion in which they cooperated with me in the performance of my tasks. Nor am I unmindful of their unfailing courtesy at all times and their loyalty to me. Now it is up to my successor to carry out the demands of our branch. I will say “Farewell: I will miss all of you! May God bless all of you, and Happy Birthday Br. 95, May we have many more!” PEACE! right, Helen Komater, Pamela Nosalik and Eunice Komater. A special gift donated by Jo Schmidt went to Ber-nadine Bukovic. It was a lovely authentic Indian bracelet and earrings to match. The lovely hanging plant went to Ann Querciagrossa. The program for the evening was a display of The Family Tradition Porcelain Art Studio Collection -porcelain dolls which are made by the family. They are a fourth generation in the business of China and Glass Lamp Shade painting, doll making and custom dress-making for dolls. One of the dolls was called “Sugar Britches” that was enjoyed by all the ladies. It was a joy to have Lisa tell us about the making of the dolls and what work is involved. She had an interesting program for the ladies. I’m certain it will long be remembered. EUNICE KOMATER Above, Mildred James proudly displaying her pin and below, Matilda Turico who was unable to be with us. They are the only two surviving fifty year members of Br. 95, So. Chicago. NO. 92, GUNNISON, CO Twenty-two members and guests gathered at Josef’s for the annual Mother’s Day luncheon. Beth Weaver was honored as our Mother of the Year and was given a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a corsage. Betty Stefanic did the honors of crowning the new Mother of the Year and Loretta Szaller gave an informative introduction, complimenting Beth on her loving personality. A book of Mother’s Day poems, cartoons and pictures was presented to Beth as a memory of her special day. Loretta Szaller deserves praise for her biography of Beth in the last issue of Zarja. I enjoyed it very much. I combined the two months reporting because I was on a cruise in the Car-ribean with a group of people from Gunnison. Those were nine great days that went by so quickly. Our former member, Fran Austin, joined us on the cruise. Plans were made at the April meeting for several activities. Thanks to Rose Carricato and Margaret Malenšek for giving me the information. The Fathers Day picnic will be held on June 18th. Fun things are planned for that day. Then on July 15, the members will meet at Webster Hall to make poticas for the booth which we will have during Cattlemen’s weekend. Frances Guerrieri will supervise this neat project. Plans were also continued for having a food booth during the Denver Post Colorado Bicycle Tour, which was expected to bring in some 2500 riders on June 19. After all of the reminders. Bunny Spritzer had the drawings for the gifts which the members brought for themselves and their guests. Lovely surprises pleased everyone. The luncheon was very good, giving us an opportunity to visit with each other. Margaret informed me that the mystery box was one by Betty Stefanic at the April meeting. Hostess gifts were won by Beth Weaver, Frances Guerrieri, Rita Bartelli, and Loretta Szal-ler. We missed Margaret Depew at our dinner. Hope she feels better by the time we have our picnic. Sally Duck was also out of town. Looking forward to a busy summer and company. FRANCES SOMRAK, Reporter NO. 100, FONTANA, CA Our April meeting was held at the home of Rosemary Mlakar on April 9 after we had enjoyed a wonderful brunch at Harry C’s Restaurant in Rancho Cucamonga. President, Ann Kapel initiated new members: Elfie Chesnic, Mary Lou Haight, and Linda Sand. We were all happy to see and welcome these new members. Rosemary Mlakar introduced a prospective new member, Frances Ambrozik. Our rummage sale was finalized, and was to be held June 10 in cooperation with the Slovene Rest Home in Fontana. This was to be a main fund raiser, and we hope to have a brisk business. We also discussed final plans for our Mother of the Year banquet, which was held May 5 at the Golden China Restaurant to honor Nell Phillips our Mother of the Year. Nell's family was in attendance at the banquet, and we all had an enjoyable evening. I even received some Slovenian lessons from Frank Kapel. It was nice to meet Nell's family, and we were glad they could attend. We normally don't have meetings in July & August, so I hope everyone has an enjoyable summer. See you at the next meeting in September. Members will be notified by phone of date and place. LINDA M. COSTELL NO. 102, WILLARD, WI Spring has really sprung! And summer isn't too far away. It’s so nice to see all the grass and trees so fresh and green again. Many of the early bushes and flowers are in full bloom as I write and the fields and gardens already planted. With the help of a little more rain we can look forward to a bountiful harvest. Our May 7th Plant Sale was quite successful. Thanks to all the ladies who brought so many goodies for our Palm Sunday Bake Sale which made it rather profitable. Our Charter Member, Anna Volov-sek, celebrated her 96th birthday on April 19th at the Neillesville Memorial Nursing Home. About 20 family members gathered there to celebrate and that made it an enjoyable afternoon for her with birthday cake, salads and coffee service. Mrs. Volovsekhad 12 children, two are deceased. She now is grandmother to 42 and has 85 great grandchildren!!! Three of them are deceased. She is my mother. God love her! Our “Lady of the Year”, Agnes Lesar was honored with a delicious pot luck dinner held at the Parish Center on April 23rd with 25 people attending. Agnes received a beautiful corsage of red and while carnations and a gift from our local Branch. Best wishes were extended from all. May Crowning was held on May 7th at the 10:30 Mass at Holy Family Church. The selected Queen was Sherry Stremikis, a co-valedictorian of the 1989 graduating class at Greenwood High School. The other graduating students served as a Court of Honor as Queen Sherry crowned our Blessed Mother. Our pastor. Rev. James Lesczyinski celebrated his Silver Jubilee of Ordination on May 28th. After Mass, an open house was held and luncheon at the parish center. Since Feb. 1st we have had to share Fr. Jim with our neighboring parish 96th! Anna Volovsek, charter member of Br. 102, Willard, Wisconsin, celebrated her 96th birthday in April. ol St. Mary’s in Greenwood, so both parishes took part in the celebration. Our sympathy goes out to Mary Koschak and families on the loss of their sister, Frances Butala Aiuto. Aimee Staut, the 1987 S.W.U. Scholarship winner from our branch 102, has been attending La Crosse State University for the past two years and had been on the Dean’s List for both years. She has been selected to be an exchange student to Australia for the next semester and will be attending Darling Downs Institute of Advanced Education in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. This is located about 80 miles from Brisbane. Aimee is majoring in Medical Technology. We certainly wish her the best in her new adventure. Our next meeting will be in July with serious preparations for the upcoming Regional Convention here in Willard in September. See you (hen. MARY STAUT NO. 103, WASHINGTON, I).C. Since we did not have a formal meeting in March, we had many important subjects for discussion. In lieu of the March meeting, we had a special program beginning with a discourse by Conrad Mejac, who is in charge of the Slovene Desk at the Voice of America. He gave a talk on “Current Developments in Slovenia”. This was indeed very interesting, and at the conclusion several questions were asked. We next viewed a video tape of Slovenia (furnished by Nika Kovacic), pointing out the important tourist attractions, as well as the life of the inhabitants. After seeing the pictures of beautiful Slovenia, I’m sure all those who have not yet visited there hope to do so in the near future. Finally, we enjoyed a display of original paintings by Dora Plestenjak, a Slovenian Artist. Most, or all, of her lovely paintings were sold — a real tribute to the Artist. Several group pictures were then taken of the members, after which we enjoyed a very lovely buffet that the members of Branch No. 103 are famous for. Our April meeting was well represented, and dealt with preparation of future events. The ladies are to be congratulated for their efforts in preparing for these events which require a great deal of time and dedication. Nika Kovacic shared with us a letter she received from Br. No. 103 member, Barbara Puchnick, who lives in Forest City, Pennsylvania. It was nice to hear from Barbara. She gave a very comprehensive background of her family and of the Slovenes who came to Forest City, the first having arrived there in 1886. In addition, she mentioned the many activities they have planned for the coming months in Forest City. Thank you Nika for sharing this most interesting letter with us. On the 28th of April, this reporter was privileged to travel to Springfield, Illinois with our National Heritage Director, Irene Odorizzi and her husband Kenneth, to attend the Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and museums 1989 Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon. We were happy to be joined by Jonita and Fred Ruth, Helen Plut, and Helen Horwath, members from Branch No. 20 in Joliet, Illinois. Many awards were presented. We were, of course, very proud when our National Heritage Director, Irene Odorizzi, was presented a Certificate of Excellence for her Projector Slide Sound entitled "Golden Times” which can be viewed at the Slovenian Heritage Museum in Joliet. She also received the superior rating for the Oral History Video Tape of Slovenian Immigrants. Following the luncheon meeting, we all enjoyed sightseeing in Springfield, the highlight of which was the Abraham Lincoln Home, and also the Museum and Visitors’ Center. The next day, I joined Irene and Kenneth for a sightseeing expedition of St. Louis, Missouri, visiting the famous Arch — The Gateway to the West — more impressive than I had ever imagined. We enjoyed the hour-long river boat ride on the great Mis-sissipi. The evening was finalized with a delicious dinner at the Clarion Roof Top Revolving Restaurant. While the restaurant revolved, we had a perfect night view of the entire city and waterfront — this was indeed a most enjoyable trip. On Saturday, May 6th, Branch No. 103 once again participated in the 10th Biennial Northern Viriginia Folk Festival. The Slovene booth was interesting as always. Maps and pictures were displayed which proved to be an attraction to many who are not familiar with our culture. Samples of our traditional foods were sold, and special recognition should be extended to Nika Kovacic who made her special recipe of Slovenian Honey Heart Cookies and Slovenian Boys and Girls Cookies. The time-consuming job, including the intricate decorations on the cookies, was rewarded by the interest shown by the public, and all were sold! Thanks, Nika. Also, thanks to all the other members of Br. No. 103 who offered so much of their time and efforts to make this event a huge success; those who deserve recognition for working in their particular capacities are Mollie Thomas, Regina Raspet, Mary Lou Terselic, Matilda Tersclic, Nancy Terselic, Maria Paulin, Freda Michelitch, Nika Kovacic, Bernadette Kovacic, Angela Daly, Mara Chokel, Tončka Cigale, Mrs. Ivanka Antolin, Matilda Ausich, Anna Skopec, and Jana Bevec. The following also helped: Freda Michelitch, Maria Paulin, Regina Raspet, Mary Lou Terselic, Matilda Terselic, Nancy Terselic. Our Slovenian food made a big hit! HAPPY SUMMER TO ALL. MATILDA AUSICH Recording Secretary YOUNG ACHIEVERS! Daughter of Ann Kristoff, Sister Donna Kristoff, O.S.U., an Assistant Professor of Art did present her article “Light that is not light; a Consideration of Thomas Merton and the Icon” at an international Merton symposium at Ballermine College, a society with a group dedicated to the research study and reading of Thomas Merton works. Sister Donna and two other scholars in the presentation had topics that included his influences on literature, poetry and human dignity. Her study of Merton took her also to St. Bonaventure and Columbia University and Rome. Thomas Merton, a native of France, became an American Trappist monk in 1941, a prolific author and poet. Sister Donna’s article will appear in the Merton Annual Vol. II which is scheduled for publication in 1989. Jean Miller’s daughter, Audrey Ann graduated from Kent University with a B.S. degree in nursing. She will have her State Board test in July. Good luck! She has a position at Cleveland Metro Health Center on the Pediatric floor. On May 18th she flew to W. Germany on a 3 week short term mission which she was happy to be a part of, and at the same time to see Germany. Deanna L. Matko, granddaughter of Millie Petrovič, is a graduate in August from Bowling Green State University with a B.S.-B.A. degree in Health Care Administration, specializing in Human Resource Management. She has experience as an academic tutor, customer relations and volunteer in physical and occupational therapy departments. This summer she will serve an internship at St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland involving major projects within the human resources and benefits and salaries department. Then she will begin graduate school at O.U. in Athens, Ohio for which she received an associateship position and a stipend. She hopes to receive her MBA in 1990. Millie Yeray’s daughter, Darlene, graduated on Mother’s Day from the Executive MBA Weatherhead School of Management of Case Western Reserve University which comprises a group of forty participants. We wish all these people Good Luck in their chosen fields. Submitted by Vera Šebenik, Br. 50 NfiŠfl SLOVENSKA DEDISČIMfl Ana (labor NAŠA POT PO SLOVENIJI Iz “Slovenske ure” na radijski oddaji v Chicagu Planica ^'•Kranjska gora' N mm mm PREDEL _ vrsic Jesenicet uCeja . & ^ Af83 ^ Bled Vy ' Triglav^ ?Bovec ^Kobarid * Zatrnik & » _ -V Voge' 8°hi0\obla "< VSoc, T , Železniki} To I m i n i S »Franja« / 'Mostu hrtH* Soci PRIMORSKA SPODNJE POSOČJE Lokve. Idrija. ~\ -S Oort,iJN""aGl’rlCa / Polhov Gradec • 7'iri # Vrhnika GORICAj Ajdevscina • Logatec 'LJUBLJANA Grosuplje* Taborska^ • jama Vipavski kril* • 1/jpaVa Predjamski /$»grad Postojnska jama^ Kane •Cerknica • V. Lit Uče • SenožvCc Ribnica* Trieste Jadransko TR morje * Kozina KOPe^nfcan.r. Piran »Hrastovlje ^Portorož Lipica ^ Škocjanske jame Cerkniško jez. Sne2rtik 1796 ▲ 9 Ilirska Bistrica Od izvira tretje slovenske reke Soče smo potovali navzdol mimo planinskih krajev in ob Soči ob divjih skalah ter prišli do nekdanje Sv. Lucije - današnji Most na Soči. Planinski kraji so za nami; sedaj imamo pred seboj pravo primorsko pokrajino s širšimi dolinami in višjemi kraškimi planotami. Prav kmalu smo v zanimivem kraju v Kanalu, ki je prometno in cerkveno središče in slikovita naselbina nad globoko deročo Sočo. Na njenih bregovih že uspevajo smokve (fige) in breskve; proti nebu se že dvigajo prve ciprese. Na desni strani Soče se širi rodovitno in prijazno gričevje - Brda. Ploščati griči so pokriti z vinogradi in sadovnjaki. Na višinah je razgled na furlansko nižino tja do morja. Brda dobivajo topel zrak z Jadranskega morja: dobra zemlja in ugodno podnebje nudi tukajšnjim prebivalcem češnje, grozdje, breskve, fige - in slovita primorska vina. Središče spodnjega Posočja je mesto GORICA, ki so jo kmalu po II. svetovni vojni zavezniki prisodili k Italiji. Pod staro Avstrijo je bilo mesto večinsko slovensko in deželno važno središče. Sedaj je poleg tega mesta zrasla Nova Gorica, kije načrtno grajena na široko in je videti kot prijetno vrtno mesto. V ozadju goriške ravnine se dviga visoka Skalnica ali SVETA GORA, znana božja pot. Obrnimo se sedaj proti jugo - vzhodu in prišli bomo v prijazno in rodovitno Vipavsko kotlino, ki jo obdajajo planote Trnovski gozd, Nanos in Kras. S temi planotami je zavarovana vsa kotlina in zato je topla, gosto naseljena in ugodna za vinogradništvo in sadjarstvo. Okrog in okrog te doline se belijo po vrhovih stare cerkvice. Središče Vipavske doline je kraj Ajdovščina -stara naselbina še iz Rimskih časov. Prav tako starinsko naselje je kar znani Vipavski Križ s starim gradom in samostanom. Prav na koncu te doline je trg Vipava, ki ima več zanimivosti - in med temi največjo vinsko klet za 500 vagonov vina. SVETA GORA NA PRIMORSKEM 450 let stara božja pot Deklica Urška Ferligoj iz vasi Grgar pri Gorici je pasla ovce na visoki gori Skalnici in molila. Na zlatem oblaku je zagledala Marijo, ki ji naročila: "Povej ljudem, naj mi tukaj pozidajo hišo, me milosti prosijo", (To naročilo se je ohranilo v latinščini) Kljub velikemu nasprotovanju, kljub mnogih bolezni in lakoti v deželi so se ljudje lotili zidave na visokem hribu — 682 m. Oglejski patriarh je pozidani cerkvi podaril podobo, na kateri je Marija z Jezusom v naročju: na njeni desni je prerok Izaija, na levi pa Janez Krstnik. Čez dobrih 100 let je cerkev dobila namesto lesenega dotrajanega oltarja krasen marmornat oltar. Romarjev je bilo čedalje več. Milostno Marijino podobo so 1.1717 z visoke gore prenesli v Gorico, kjer so jo na glavnem trgu slovesno kronali v prisotnosti škofov in civilne oblasti iz vseh tedanjih slovenskih pokrajin. Navzočih je bilo okrog trideset tisoč vernikov. Avstrijski cesar Jožef II. je v času svojega vladanja med mnogimi romarskimi cerkvami dal uničiti tudi Marijino svetišče na Sveti gori. Cerkev je utrpela neznansko škodo. Kaplan iz Solkana je rešil milostno podobo v solkansko župno cerkev. Novi cesar Franc II. je privolil obnovitev Svete gore in vrnitev Marijine podobe v za silo popravljeno cerkev. Ko je leta 1906 stekla železnica iz Kranjske dežele na Primorsko do Gorice, se je obisk romarjev na Sveto goro zelo povečal in so našteli letno tudi na 100 tisoč romarjev. Tudi to je bil vzrok, da je naslednje leto dobilo gorsko svetišče naziv “bazilika”. Italija je 1.1915 stopila v vojno proti Avstro-Ogrski monarhiji kamor smo spadali vsi Slovenci razen Prekmurcev. Takoj po napovedi vojne so Sveto goro zasedli avstrijski vojaki in tekom ene ure so morali vsi cerkveni ljudje zapustiti goro. Milostno podobo so frančiškani prenesli v Grgar in nato v Ljubljano. Čez nekaj dni so padle bombe na cerkev in vso uničile. Marija se je vrnila zopet na Sveto goro. Več kot sto-tisoč ljudi je meseca oktobra 1922 s škofom Sedejem spremljalo gorsko Kraljico v njen dom - nekdanjo baziliko, sedaj v začasno kapelo; leta 1928 je bila dograjena čudovito lepa bazilika; a žalostno - pod italijansko oblastjo. Konec krute II. svetovne vojne, ki je trajala od 1941 do 1945 Slovenija ni dobila od zaveznikov vse zemlje, ki ji pripada. Vrnjeno ji je bilo svetišče Matere božje na Sveti gori in slovenska romanja so se obnovila. Milostna podoba se je skoraj že zgubila, kajti romala je "iz kraja v kraj.” Našli so jo končno v Vatikanu, jo tam obnovili in jo poslali "domov”. skrajšano iz Družine Ivan Pregelj ZDRAVA, MARIJA GORIŠKA Grem z romarji na goro in molim. Hodim prvokrat in me mika vse, kar vidim: suh brinov grm, kača, ki se je povlekla s poti med kamenjem, šum škržatov v nizkem hrastju, rdeča barva kamenitih tal, globoka dolina, nad katero smo se vzpeli, in vedno širše in vedno svetlejše nebo, ki se odpira nad nami. O, Sveta gora! Veliko gora sem že obiezell Bolj so strme, bolj so kamenite, pa so prijetne! Tebi pa niso po krivici stari ljudje rekli, da si Skalnica. Pusta si, kakor je Kras. Pa mi i/ glavo noče, kako si Mati Marija pra v njo izbrala, kako si hotela prav vrh tega najbolj vsakdanjega hriba v moji goriški deželici imeti za svojo hišo? Ali si sirotno pastirico Uršulo Ferligovo tako ljubila? Gotovo si v Uršuli ljubila vse nas! Prav tu na Sveti gori imaš odprt pogled na vse štiri vetrove našega sveta. Tole premišljam, molim, golčim za glasom trudnih romaric in mi je dobro in hudo. Vse so matere, vse me spominjajo moje lastne, in rajne. Potem pa zopet vidim Tebe, svojo nebeško Mater. Koliko hudega je na svetu! Strašno težko bisago človeških prošenj nosiš svojemu ljubemu Sinu. O, Mati! Tudi mojo bisago naloži, prosim Te! SVETA ANA - ZAVETNICA MATER IZ GOVORA G. FRANCA TEMENT V LEMONTU L. 1988 >v. Ana je bila iz Davidovega rodu. Kot deklica je bila zelo pobožna, skromna, ponižna in polna še drugih lepih čednosti. Poročila se je z Joahimom, ki je bil prav tako iz Davidovega rodu in je bil duhovnik jeruzalemskega templja. Zelo sta bila žalostna in sta se čutila hudo prizadeta, ker dolgo časa nista dobila otroka. Starši, ki niso imeli otrok, niso imeli upanja, da bi morda oni postali starši Odrešenika. Zato je bil za izraelsko mater otrok poseben božji blagoslov. Kakšna razlika med tistimi materami in mnogimi materami moderne dobe, ki jim otrok ne pomeni takorekoč nič. Še več: mnoge matere gredo tako daleč, da otroku, ki ga nosijo pod ercem, vzamejo življenje. Predrznejo se vmešavati v neodtujljive pravice Boga. Samo Bog ima pravico do našega življenja! Bog je uslišal prošnjo Joahima in Ane. Dal jima je zelo zalo deklico, kateri sta dala ime Marija, kar pomeni toliko kot lepa, mogočna in razsvetljena gospa. Veliko veselje sta imela s svojo hčerko in sta se Bogu zahvaljevala zanjo. Ko je bila stara 4 leta, sta jo peljala v jeruzalemski tempelj, kjer je ostala do svoje 15. ali 16. leta. Tako sta se namreč nekoč zaobljubila. Sveta Ana je torej postala mati tiste žene, katero je Bog že v raju napovedal, žene, ki je bila brez madeža izvirnega greha in je bila od vekomaj določena za mater božjega Sina. Sveta Ana zasluži in to po vsej pravici, da jo častimo, ker jo je Bog sam počastil, da jo je izbral za mater božje Matere Marije. Sveta Ana je tudi na Slovenskem zelo priljubljena svetnica. Nad 70 cerkva na Slovenskem je posvečenih tej svetnici, nekatere so znane božje poti. V Gomilicah v turniški župniji se na aninsko nedeljo zbere pri tamkajnji kapeli, posvečeni sveti Ani, velika množica vernikov od blizu in od daleč. Matere in nerodovitne žene so se že od nekdaj zatekale k njej. Ponekod se ji priporočajo za dobro poroko in srečen zakon. Za svojo zavetnico jo imajo matere in vdove. Marsikje se ji priporočajo za srečen porod. Ponekod na Slovenskem je sveta Ana tudi priprošnjica za srečno zadnjo uro. Bog deli izredne in velike milosti zaslužnim božjim služabnikom in služabnicam. Sveta Ana je bila zvesta božja služabnice. Živela je v svetosti in pravičnosti, zvesto je spolnjevala Gospodovo postavo ter se povzpela do visoke stopnje svetosti. Bog je vse to vedel že poprej, zato io je tudi izbral za mater prebl. Device Marije. Če je bila Marija goreča svetika božje ljubezni, je bila to tudi njena mati Sv. Ana. Če je bila Marija dragocena skrinja ponižnosti in drugih čednosti, je Diia prav tako sv. Ana. Ana sicer ni dobila toliko odlikovanj in milosti od Boga, kakor jih je dobila Marija, toda čisto gotovo je, da jo je Bog odlikoval z mnogimi milostmi ter ji tako pomagal do izredne svetosti. Nič čudnega, da je sveta Ana vzornica in zaščit-nica krščanskih mater. SLOVENSKE MATERE PRAZNUJEJO GOD SV. ANE DNE 26. JULIJA ŽE OD DAVNIH ČASOV. NAROČILO Sveta gora se v jesen odeva, kraj prelepi davnega spomina. Kol molitve glas je tu tišina, ki Devico hvali v dan iz dneva. Hram Marijin, lep in veličasten, lastovka samotna obletava, kot da proč ne more brez pozdrava: klic daljav jo vabi, klic oblasten. Lastovka, ti ptica draga, mila, ko čez morje prineso te krila, k bratom, tam naseljenim, poglej! Da od tu MARIJA jih pozdravlja, da ljubo jih s Sinom blagoslavlja in da zanje prosi, jim povej! SVETA GORA — PRILJUBLJEN ROMARSKI KRAJ /Ljubka Šorli/ DATES TO REMEMBER July 16- ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT,Br. 2, Chicago, IL at Lemont, IL Aug. 15 - POT LUCK PICNIC, Br. 50, Cleveland, OH at Sep. 30 ■ Euclid Park Clubhouse Aug. 23 - NOON LUNCHEON, Br. 35, Aurora, MN, at Oct. 1 - Mary Ann’s Sep. 10 - MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 33, Duluth, MN Sep. 10- WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 102, Willard, WI Sep. 24 - GRAPE HARVEST DANCE, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Sep. 24 - TRIP TO BELLVUE, OH Shrine of Sorrowful Mother, Br. 42, Maple Hts., OH. Call Millie Lipnos for reservations 60TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER-DANCE, Br. 32, Euclid, OH OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 32, Euclid, OH hostess branch. Mass at noon, Bishop Edward Pevec, officiant, St. Christine’s church. Meeting to follow. Oct. 15- CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI Nov. 5 - CARD PARTY, Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI “FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART” Operation Relocation We were quite aware of the fact that a squirrel had hung a “Home Sweet Home” sign in our chimney. What surprised us, or perhaps we just didn’t want to realize it, was that she was the mother of twins. In fact, our furnace was the birthing chamber. Having our “tenants” occupy the furnace and chimney was one thing; however, when they decided to turn the attic and storage area into their own private gymnasium, that was a whole different matter. It was time to set a trap. For bait, we used peanut butter. It was only a couple of hours before we caught ourselves a baby squirrel. We decided to set it free in a park or some other area with trees and lots of open space. Everyone (Grandma, my five-year old daughter, and myself) piled into the car. Grandpa placed the trap in the trunk and after assuring the squirrel that he was just going for a little ride, he took his place at the steering wheel. We ended up at the undeveloped area behind the local mall. Grandma and Grandpa removed the trap from the trunk and walked about six feet into the acreage. They opened the trap and encouraged the scared creature from the cage by touching his backside with the end of a broom handle. The squirrel ran straight under the car. Grandma was sure it was in the motor, so she went around the front of the car hitting the sides with the DAVY’S COLUMN n- ■-"-=ai ,=n=l broom handle. No squirrel emerged. Grandpa looked under the car. No squirrel. This convinced grandpa the squirrel had run under the car and across the frontage road, but grandma was still convinced it was up in the motor. Grandpa decided to start the car. We all cringed, waiting for the cry of the baby squirrel being mutilated. No cry came. Still grandma was convinced the squirrel was under the car. We pulled on to the frontage road. Grandpa stepped on the gas, accelerating to 50 mph and then slammed on the brake. Those of us seated in the back seat went flying, but no sign of any squirrel. “If he was under the car as you believe, there’s no way he could have held on.” Grandma was still unconvinced. First thing she did when we got home was jump out of the car and look under the car. From behind the front right wheel, on the bar that connects the two front wheels, was the tail of a squirrel. We had brought the little fellow home with us! Well, grandpa did tell it, it was going for a ride. He said nothing about a new home. ‘Til Next Month. DAVY RIDDLES What runs around the house all day but never passes a roof or a window? The Clock When is a doctor most annoyed? When he is out of patients. Tie it up and it walks, unfasten it and it stops: What is it? A Shoe (Sent in by Paul John Nusko, 8 years old, Br. 2, Chicago, IL) “I don’t care if there’s grass to cut or leaves to rake away; I don’t mind the work at all. I love the month of May!” (Sent in by Rae Lynn Nusko, age 7 Br. 2, Chicago, IL) Slovenian-International Cookbook POTS & PANS $9.00 Books on Slovenian Immigrants and Pioneers FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA $5.00 hardbound — $3.50 sofibound FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME $6.00 ROŽE Z MOJIH VRTOV (FLOWERS FROM MY GARDENS) $8.50 Add $1.50 postage & handling per book Make checks payable to and send order to: Slovenian Women’s Union, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 ^ ■■■ - International La6er Graphics 4851 South Drexel Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60615 : (312) 373-0500 Fast, efficient computer communication, typesetting & interface - » ^ TEZAK FUNERAL 459 North Ottawa Street HOME Joliet, IL 60435 First in service since 1908 Phone 772-0534 V — / Ermenc-McLeod Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone: 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2ND CLASS POSTAGE PAID CHICAGO ILLINOIS "’SIN CANVAS TOTEBAGS! JMfc EVERY -------------------------- sf^^NIRN $7<00 plus $1 50 p & h Send your order to: Slovenian Women’s Union 431 NO. Chicago St., Joliet, ILL. 60432 \ ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 ^ J/ GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES CLEVELAND, OHIO 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 1053 East 62nd St. 431 -2088 if First mr Midwest 'Hl^ Bank Illinois National Association 50 W. Jefferson Street Member F.D.I.C. Joliet, Illinois 60431 815-727-5222 v 4 \ HABERMANN Funeral Home 805 N. 6th Street Sheboygan, WI 53081 j) Chicago, IL 60608 Louis Ron Zefran Marilyn E. Zefran ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941 West Cermak Road Frank J. Zefran Lois M. Zefran 847-6688