33. MED LETOM 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 46/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 15. 11. 2015 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Cerkev vsakokrat ob izteku svojega leta razmišlja o koncu našega življenja in sveta nasploh. Stara modrost pravi: Delaj pametno in misli na konec življenja. Če bo konec dober, bo vse dobro. Zato na predzadnjo nedeljo v cerkvenem letu slišimo odlomke, ki razmišljajo o koncu zgodovine. Prav je, da ne zapiramo oči pred dejstvom, da se namreč bližamo koncu svojega življenja, ali bolje, začetku večnega, tistega, za katerega smo ustvarjeni in po katerem tako zelo hrepenimo, čeprav se morda tega včasih ne zavedamo. Prihodnost pa je vedno sad preteklosti, posebej v duhovnem pogledu. Zato ima strah pred prihodnostjo, smrtjo in večnostjo samo takrat svoj pomen, če nas spodbuja k čim boljši uporabi sedanjega trenutka. Današnji odlomek iz knjige preroka Danijela pa začuda jasno in odločno piše o koncu zgodovine in končnem obračunu božje pravice z ljudmi. Besedilo govori o »velikem knezu« Mihaelu, posebnem božjem poslancu ali angelu, katerega nastop bo pomenil začetek konca in končne zmage v borbi z zlom. Ker bo to dokončen obračun z zlom in konec takega vesolja, kot ga poznamo, bo to čas, kot pravi prerok Danijel, »stiske, kakršne ni bilo, odkar so narodi, do tistega časa«. Vendar ta opomba ni zato, da bi nas strašila, ampak razveselila, kajti, »v tistem času bo tvoje ljudstvo oteto: vsi, ki jih najdejo zapisane v knjigi«. Biti zapisan v knjigi pomeni živeti življenje po oblikovani vesti, se pravi po božji volji. Takemu človeku se ni kaj bati. Lahko se le veseli končne zmage dobrega. Konec ne bo in ne more biti za vse enak. Odvisen je od človekovega življenja in sodelovanja z Bogom ter njegovo voljo. »Nekaterim večno življenje, drugim sramota in večna gnusoba«, zaključi. Jezus nam v evangeliju napoveduje trenutek konca vesolja in človeške zgodovine: »Zvezde bodo padale z neba in nebeške sile se bodo majale«. Prehod iz starega v novo stvarstvo bo boleč, a odrešilen. Kristus in njegovo odrešenje se bo zasvetilo v vsej polnosti in zmagoslavju. Umetniki radi slikajo ta prizor, ker je bogat za njihovo domišljijo. Ta Jezusova jasna napoved daje življenju veliko resnobo, ki jo danes marsikje pogrešamo. Vendar, zaradi tega bi se je toliko bolj morali zavedati vsi, ki se trudimo za življenje po Jezusovem nauku. Zato nam z vsem svojim ugledom zatrjuje, da bosta »nebo in zemlja prešla«, njegove besede pa ne. Od nespametnega ugibanja, kdaj se bo to zgodilo, nas odvrača njegova jasna beseda: »Za tisti dan ali uro pa ne ve nihče..., ampak le Oče«. Temu Očetu popolnoma zaupajmo in v njegovem ljubečem varstvu živimo svoje krščanstvo. Konec dober ... 390 | VESTNIK 2015 392 | VESTNIK 2015 394 | VESTNIK 2015 396 | VESTNIK 2015 398 | VESTNIK 2015 400 | VESTNIK 2015 MARTINOVANJE V soboto, 7. novembra 2015, smo imeli v naši župnijski dvorani tradicionalno Martinovanje. Zbralo se nas je nekaj čez sto. Za dobro razpoloženje je s pestro glasbo poskrbel ansambel Spotlight Orchestra. Letos smo poleg vina ocenjevali tudi domači kruh in potico. Žal je prišla samo ena potica in to prinesla Aranka Dundek, ki je prejela tudi priznanje. Nekaj več je bilo vina. Sodniki so bili letos: Nancy Dundek, Frank Pavlakovič, Zora Hull in Joe Gosgnach. Ocenjevanje vina sta organizirala Janez Cestnik in Frank Novak. Prvo mesto za rdeče in belo vino je prejel Stanko Petek, 2. mesto za rdeče vino je dobil Štefan Gašpar, tretje mesto za rdeče vino pa sta si delila Gizela Hauzar in Ivan Miketič. Dobro založen je bil tudi bar in seveda kuhinja. Poleg večerje, ki so jo pripravile in delile: Nancy Taylor-Dundek, Jožica Vegelj in Kathy Prša, so si lahko kupili tudi štrudelj in krofe, ki sta jih sveže pripravile Jožica Vegelj in Gizela Hauzar. Na odru so bile poleg ansambla tudi lepe nagrade, ki jih je prispevale Slovenia Credit Union in kostanj sta prispevala Adam in Heidy Novak. Listki z nagradami so bili skriti pri balonih, torej je sreča visela v zraku, izbrati pa je bilo potrebno pravi balon, ki je nosil srečo. VESTNIK 2015 | 391 VESTNIK 2015 | 393 VESTNIK 2015 | 395 VESTNIK 2015 | 397 VESTNIK 2015 | 399 ŠTRUDELJ – Slovenska šola obvešča, da bodo prodajali jabolčni in sirov štrudelj. Za naročilo prosim pokličite Sandy Ferletic (905) 977-8464 ali po email sferletic@gmail.com. Štrudelj lahko dobite 22. novembra, ko bo slovenska šola imela v spodnji dvorani krofe in kavo. Sirov štrudelj je po $ 22.00 (lahko načite največ 3) . Cena za jabolčni štrudelj pa je $15.00. STRUDELJ – Slovenian School will be selling apple & cheese strudelj. To place your order please call Sandy Ferletic at (905) 977-8464 or by email at sferletic@gmail.com. Orders on on a first come/first serve basis and the first batch of strudelj will be ready for pick-up on November 22, 2014 after each Mass during the School’s Coffee/Donut sale. Cheese strudelj will be sold for $22.00 and Apple Strudelj will be sold for $15.00. ******Please note that there is a limit of 3 cheese orders per person. ****** BE THE FOLK IN FOLKLORE Folklorna skupina "VENEC" was established to bring together people to help nurture fun, friendship and Slovenian folklore. VENEC invites all interested in traditional Slovenian dances, singing, costumes and even playing instruments, to join their ranks. This group encompasses adults from throughout southern Ontario, from Niagara through to Toronto. Our members have represented all the organizations and groups that call southern Ontario home. The mission of this group is work together to create one strong recreational group to represent the traditions of Canadian-Slovenians. Former members of dance groups, those looking to rekindle their youth, and those just interested in learning something new, along with a great group of individuals are invited to attend our practices on Sunday, November 29th and Sunday, December 13th in the St. Gregory's Hall starting at 4:30pm. Old and new members (university age and older) are asked to help make this 6th season a memorable one learning some unique areas of Slovenia. MIKLAVŽ PRIHAJA! Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregoriju v Hamiltonu vljudno vabita na Miklavževanje v nedeljo 6. decembra, 2015. Po 10:00 maši, od 11:00 do 12:00 bo film za otroke. Ob 12:00 bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Prosimo, da za rezervacije kosila pošljite email Sandy Ferletic čimprej na sferletic@gmail.com ali (905) 977-8464. St. Nicholas will soon bee visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 6, 2015. After the 10:00am Mass there will be a children's movie from 11:00am to 12:00pm. A delicious lunch will be served at 12:00 noon, after which St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Ferletic at (905) 977-8464 or by email at sferletic@gmail.com. If you would like a specific table please call early as seats are given on a first come/first serve basis. COFFEE & DONUTS Obveščamo Vas, da bomo v nedeljo 22. novembra učiteljice in otroci slovenske šole nudili krofe, kavo/čaj in sok v spodnji dvorani po obeh mašah. Vljudno Vas prosimo in Vas vabimo, da pridete in se pogostite. Če hočete naročit krofe po »ducatu« prosim pokličite Sandy Ferletič (905) 977-8464 ali naročite po emailu: sferletic@gmail.com The teachers and students of Slovenian School will be serving donuts, coffee, tea and after both Masses on Sunday, Novemer 22nd in the downstairs hall. We will be there from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. We invite you to come and relax with your friends and family. If you would like to order Krofe by the dozen, please call Sandy Ferletic (905) 977-8464 or by email at sferletic@gmail.com. This way we can ensure that we have enough for everyone. We thank you in advance for your generosity and cooperation. We hope to see you soon for coffee/tea/juice, donuts and some friendly chit-chat! 33RD SUNDAY IN OT Response: Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge. First Reading Daniel 12:1-3 This passage is reckoned to be the earliest explicit mention in the Bible of the virtuous dead rising to everlasting life. Second Reading Hebrews 10:11-14. 18 Jesus’ offering of himself replaces all the sin offerings of the past. His sacrifice is the complete answer to the sin of humanity. Gospel Mark 13:24-32 Jesus speaks of the return of the Son of Man in glory, and he insists that his words are true and eternal. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Illustration Almost every day, scientists are able to tell us something new about our universe. Our knowledge is constantly increasing, but the more we learn about the vastness of the universe, the more it seems to reduce in size. The fact that space travel has become a commonplace phenomenon means that we almost take it for granted – even if we won’t experience it for ourselves. None of this applied in the world described in our Bible texts. In the ancient world, people had a limited and very different view of what existed around them. There was no concept of universe: only earth, and what was above and below it. The earth was presumed to be flat. Why not? It looks flat. The sky above was thought to be made of water. The sea is blue and so is the sky; therefore the sky must also be made of water, and the sun, moon and stars must float across it. There is an obvious practical problem here: how can the sky remain up where it is, if it is made of water? There was an answer to that: it was held up by a strong but transparent “vault” – some thought this was made of a very strong and thinly beaten metal. One more point is important to note: for the ancients, the sun, moon and stars were heavenly powers – not astronomical objects as we know today. They were thought to be possible sources of evil, or beings who were op-posed to the ways of Israel’s God. These beliefs were commonly held, up to and including the time of Jesus. Gospel Teaching We can understand people’s shock on hearing Jesus speak about the total collapse of the heavens, popularly believed to be in control of this world. The context for Jesus’ words is also important, though. Today’s Gospel is part of a long list of comments he made after leaving the Jerusalem Temple with his disciples. His passion and death are nearing. One of Jesus’ disciples was struck by the magnificence of this extraordinary edifice. The Temple was central to Judaism. It had been greatly extended and im-proved by King Herod the Great – at the cost of massive taxation of his subjects. This disciple says, “What wonderful stones, what wonderful build-ings!” Think of his shock when Jesus says that not one stone of this will stand upon another – a proph-ecy fulfilled in AD 70, when the Romans destroyed it. Jesus now makes predictions that warn his disciples against placing their hopes on things they can see: these will all disappear too. Finally, he turns to the “heavenly bodies”. Even they will fail; the sun and the moon will lose their brightness; stars will fall from the heavens and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. As he continues, we begin to realise that, dramatic as these signs are, there is something more dramatic to come. The reason the powers in heaven will fail is because of the arrival of the ulti-mate power: the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. The Israelites, at signifi-cant times in their history, saw the glory of the Lord – the sign of God’s presence – in cloud by day, in fire by night. Now the Son of Man comes on clouds – there will be no mistaking the arrival of the Son of God in all his glory. All other powers fail at that point, because the Son of Man takes possession of his kingdom in its fullness. Application Gospel stories like this one may seem distant to us today, rooted as they are in terminology alien to our understanding of the universe in which we live. The point of this story, however, is as relevant to us today as it was to Jesus’ initial group of disci-ples. At all times, disciples are to be wary of giving allegiance to what may seem impressive now, but will not last. The list of these may include people, ideologies, wealth, technology… we can make the list almost endless. As we approach the end of this liturgical year, we are reminded that all of these are transitory. We are called always to have our hearts set on the king-dom of God. As Jesus reminds us, not even the Son of Man knows the day when he will return, but he does stress one essential thing: heaven and earth might – indeed, will – pass away, but his words will never pass away. PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH Tip #87 – The word family by its very definition is a collective term, one that unites those associated with a particular family on many levels, during many different shared moments and occasions. Investing time with your family is hands down the best investment you will ever make. You will reap the benefit of children who have stronger bonds with their families, have better academic success, are more mentally and emotionally stable and who will ultimately learn the skills needed to be better parents themselves. Pope Francis recently encouraged parents to “waste time with their children,” specifically, I believe, because time with your children is anything but wasted! HEALING MASS Healing Mass for Those Mourning the Loss of a Child – Losing a child is a painful and life-altering experience for parents, grandparents and other family members. The feeling of loss, regardless of the amount of time that has passed, is often more profound during the Christmas season. A Diocesan Healing Mass, meant to bring hope to all those trying to cope with such grief, is planned at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King for Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 4 pm. Any one who has lost a child of any age from any cause, including those that have lost a child prior to birth, or who have had a still birth are invited to this Mass celebrated by Bishop Daniel Miehm. God is close to those who mourn, come and experience His healing presence. Registration is preferred, but not necessary, as it will assist us in knowing how many spaces to reserve and to ensure we have enough of the small memento each family will receive. Please call Lena at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249, or register on-line at www.hamiltondiocese.com. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor bodo v četrtek , 19. novembra po večerni maši. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 15. november: Triglav - Maša ob 2:00 p.m. - Bowling-balinanje . 21. november: Bled-Planica - Lovski banket . 22. november: Sava - Maša ob 1:00 pm. . 4. december: Lipa park - Tree Decoration . 6. december: Sv. Gregorij - Miklavževanje - maša samo ob: 10:00 a.m., ob 12h v dvorani kosilo in prihod Miklavža z angelci. . 6. december: Lipa park, Triglav - Santa Claus - Miklavževanje PRINAŠANJE DAROV: SLOVENSKA MAŠA Ob nedeljah, pri slovenski maši, darove prinašajo: 15. november: Max & Jožica Pavličič 22. november: Zorka Rev & Sonja Peternel To all the parishioners who signed up during the year to act as Gift Bearers for the 9:30 and 11:00a.m Sunday Mass, thank you for “Saying Yes.” In 2016, for the 9:30 Mass, a schedule will be prepared using the names of people who volunteered during 2015. Each month, one Sunday will be left open for new volunteers to add their names. If you were on the list for 2015 and do not wish to be included in 2016, please contact Pamela at 905-304-8719. For the 11:00am Mass parishioners are encouraged to make a commitment by using the sign up sheet or by speaking to Sonya Podrebarac. COOKING SESSIONS Our Cooking Session scheduled for November 28th is now full, it is sure to be a great morning. Our next session will be held on January 16th. The details for that kitchen session will be available soon. You are always welcome to call or email me at 905-317-6002 or novakh@sympatico.ca any time to discuss possible demonstrations or recipes you may be interested in. Heidy Novak SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO Članice Slomškovega oltarnega društva se bodo spomnile svojih pokojnih članic v ponedeljek, 23. novembra 2015 pri večerni sveti maši. Vabljeni! CWL - KŽZ The Memorial Mass for our deceased members will be held on Wednesday, Nov.25, 7pm. We welcome and encourage our Catholic Women's League and Parish members along with their families to attend this beautiful mass in honor of our deceased. IZDELKI IZ SVETE DEŽELE V soboto 14 . in v nedeljo 15. novembra si boste lahko v atriju cerkve kupili izdelke iz svete dežele. SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION MERGER INFORMATION Just a friendly reminder... Ballots for the upcoming vote submitted by mail must be post marked by November 20th to qualify. If you prefer to vote in person, join us for our 59th Annual Meeting on Novem-ber 29th at 3pm! The AGM will be held at the O.L.M.M Church Hall at 739 Brown's Line. - If you have any questions please feel free to contact us or you can also visit the Forward-Looking CU website for more information! Our mailing address is: 725 Browns Line, Toronto, ON, M8W 3V7 NEW YEAR'S EVE 2015 AT ST. GREGORY In Our NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION is selling out quickly. With St. Gregory the Great Parish and Društvo Bled coming together to ring in 2016, it looks as though we will have a full house. Our organizers are working hard to change things up a little to ensure that New Year’s is a good time for all. Reservations can be made with the purchase of tickets after every mass, as well as at all Parish and Bled events. We look forward to seeing many of our parishioners on December 31st to welcome in the New year… 2016! OGNJIŠČE V zakristiji je novemberska številka mesečnika Ognjišče. Kdor ga še ni vzel, ga čimprej vzemite. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO COPING WITH THE HOLIDAY Join us for an afternoon of reflection and strategies for coping at Christmas, facilitated by Christina Walton, Grief Counsellor. Where? Chancery Office, 700 King St. W, Hamilton When? Sunday, November 29th Time? 1:30 – 3:00 pm The event is FREE of charge. Please call to reserve a seat 905-528-7988 ext. 2249. (If you haven’t registered you are still free to attend.) 33. NEDELJA MED LETOM 15. NOVEMBER Albert Veliki, škof †† †† †† za žive in rajne župljane Rozalija in Franc Grobelnik Štefan in Verona Prša Ignac Kotnjek in pokojni iz društva Triglav-London 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Hčerka z družino Stanko Žerdin Olga in Joe Hanc Maša v dvorani Triglav PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 16. NOVEMBER Jedrt, devica †† †† † Brat Tone in sorodniki Elizabet Ftičar in Ana Kozlar Leopold Čop 7:00 P.M. Miha in Marija Ščiler Toni in Marija Franc Manja Erzetič TOREK - TUESDAY 17. NOVEMBER †† Za verne duše v vicah 8:00 A.M. N.N. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 18. NOVEMBER Posv.baz. Petra in Pavla †† †† † † Sidonija in Frank Drvarič Francka in Jože Pust Karel Volčanšek Marija Vinčec 7:00 P.M. Ana in zoltan Gergyek Družina Pust Družina Nečakinja Minka z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 19. NOVEMBER Matilda, red. † † †† † Lara Rudi Hanc, obl. Jožef in Eufemija Tompa Rudi Hanc, obl. 7:00 P.M. Majda Žena z družino Alojze in Agata Sarjaš Brat Joe in Olga Hanc PETEK - FRIDAY 20. NOVEMBER Edmund, kralj †† †† †† †† Mary in Miro Pušar Maks in Maximilijan Sagadin Ivan Tompa in Pavel R. Novak Pokojni Raj in Smodiš 7:00 P.M. Ana Rataić Julija Sagadin z družino Toni in Marija Franc Gizella in Štefan Ray z dru. SOBOTA - SATURDAY 21. NOVEMBER Darovanje Device Marije † † † † Pavel Richard Novak Matija Vlašič Milan Pleša Jože Jerman Za zdravje Cirila 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Pavel in Jožica Novak Žena in otroci Jožica Vlašič Sestrična Jožica in družina Sestra Jožica 34. NEDELJA MED LETOM KRISTUS KRALJ 22. NOVEMBER Cecilija, mučenka † †† †† za žive in rajne župljane Marjan Pavlič Ivanka in Janez Ivan, Danica, Lojze 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Maks in Milka Pavlič Hči Jožica Novak z družino Ivan Mihelič (Maša v Savi) SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 15.11. 2015 Do 22.11. 2015