13. Nedelja med letom 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 27 / 53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 2. 7. 2017 Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb ž upnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca Web page www.carantha.com Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK 13. nedelja med letom Kdor ne vzame svojega križa ... Teh besed ni treba razumeti samo v tem pomenu: Kristjan naj sprejema vsakdanje tez ave, bolezni, trpljenje, nasprotovanja ... Morda je s e bolj pomembno to: Ž iveti kot sol zemlje in luc sveta, kot dejavni kristjani, kot dosledni Kristusovi uc enci, kar je tudi svoje vrste kriz , saj nikoli ne bomo popolni. Bernanos poudarja v svojem znamenitem romanu Dnevnik vas kega z upnika, da Jezus ne pravi: vi ste »med« sveta, ampak vi ste »sol« zemlje. Mnogi kristjani naravnost z elijo biti c ista srd sveta. Bridkost usode osladkajo s predstavo o »ljubem Bogu«, ki pa je le prevec poceni. Trdoto krivde omehc ajo s skoraj strah vzbujajoc o otroc jo romantiko. Pekel so zbri­sali in vidijo samo s e odprta nebesa. Boz je kraljestvo, ki naj pride po divjih bolec inah zgodovine, si predstavljajo kot prijeten cvetlic ni vrt, njihova vera pa je sladek med, ki ga srkajo iz cvetov. Toda Jezus nikakor ne pravi: »Vi ste med«, ampak »vi ste sol«. Sol grize, neokrnjeno sporoc ilo o sodbi in milosti boz ji je vedno peklo in to tako zelo, da so ga ljudje zavrac ali in se borili proti njemu. Tudi kadar je v cerkvi, v pridigi moc soli, je vedno c utiti pekoc o reakcijo. Kajti sol grize in skeli povsod, kjer imamo ljudje rane. Toda mi hoc emo ozdraveti brez bolec in in razen tega ne moramo, da nas kdo spomni na ranjena mesta. Žato svet ne zahteva samo zlatih telet, ampak tudi medene bogove, da ob njih pozabi na svoje najgloblje rane. Slabo znamenje je, c e z ivi svet v prevec neskaljenem miru s Cerkvijo in c e je kaks na verska skupnost prevec navdus ena nad svojim duhovnikom. To najvec krat pomeni, da ni trosil soli s priz nice. Ljudi pod priz nico ni zaskelelelo in tako so s li domov prepric ani, da so zdravi, da nimajo nobenih ran in da jim je »ljubi Bog« pustil odnesti »celo koz o«. Kako nekaj zrnc soli spremeni okus velike kolic ine juhe ali testa! Jezus Kristus, ki je najboljs a sol in najboljs a luc , je pris el kot luc v temo sveta. Žato bodi tudi TI zrno soli za kos c ek zemlje, ki ti jo je Bog zaupal, in TI bodi z arek luc i za svet, ki je tvoje okolje! 302-VESTNIK 2017 304-VESTNIK 2017 306-VESTNIK 2017 308-VESTNIK 2017 310-VESTNIK 2017 312-VESTNIK 2017 Res je, da po dez evju vedno zopet posije sonce in to se je tudi zgodilo na Slovenski dan, preteklo soboto, 24. junija 2017, pri drus tvu Lipa park v St. Catharinesu. Drus tvo Lipa park je bil letos nji gostitelj Slovenskega dneva ob njihovem jubilejnem letu, 50 letnici delovanja. Pokrovitelj Slovenskih dnevov je Slovenski Koordinaciajski Odbor Niagara, praznovanje pa je v znamenju meddrus tvenega sodelovanja in obenem obelez i tako rojstni dan Republike Slovenije (25. junij) kot tudi Kanade. Prav letos Kanada 1. julija obhaja 150 letnico obstoja. V c udovito pripravljeni dvorani je slovesno sveto mas o daroval g. z upnik Drago Gac nik. Mas o so obogatili: z upnijski mes ani zbor, mos ki zbor Majolka in predstavniki slovenskih organizacij, ki so sodelovali pri branju beril, pros enj in prinas anju darov. Tudi letos je bil to c udovit zac etek dneva, ki zdrus uje to slovensko skupnost. Po kosilu, so obiskovalci zopet napolnili dvorano, kjer so si lahko ogledali zanimivo razstavo slovenskih umetnin. Ob 14. uri se je zac el kulturni program s kanadsko in slovensko himno. Program sta odlis no vodile mlada zakonca Lidia in Tony Molek. Predsednik drus tva Lipa Park, John Reiter, je pozdravil navzoc e in povabljene goste, ki so bili: Veronika Markuc, Marjan Kolaric , Milan Vinc ec, John Doma in Tomaz Matjas ec. Sledil je pozdravni nagovor koordinatorja, nakar sta kordinator Frank Novak in gostitelj John Reiter, povabila in predstavila obc instvu pokrovitelje Slovenskega dneva, predsednike drus tev, ki sestavljajo Slovenski Koordinacijski Odbor Niagara: Anthony Sekli, predsednik drus tva Triglav, Walter Jurman, predsendik drus tva Sava, Mary Ann Dems ar, predsednica drus tva Slovenski Park, Frank Gimpelj, predsednik drus tva Bled, Jerry Ponikvar, predsednik drus tva sv. Joz efa, Sandy Ferletic ravnateljica Slovenske s ole, Joz ica Vegelj za Kanadsko/slovensko zgodovinsko drus tvo in Heidy Novak, predsednica z upnijskega sveta sv. Gregorija Velikega. Vsi predstavnki organizacij so prejeli spominsko plaketo za Slovenski Dan 2017. C astna govornica je bila Magdalena Razpotnik. Navzoc e je s e pozdravil Tomaz Matjas ec, pooblas c eni minister slovenske ambasade v Ottawi. V kulturnem programu so nastopili: Niagara Button Boxers, vodi jih Derek Uhlik; z upnijski mes ani zbor in mos ki zbor Majolka, ki ju vodi g. Drago Gac nik; Mos ki zbor Bled pod vodstvom Branka Pouha; Peter Kralj je navdus il na fraitonarici; za smeh in razvedrilo dneva pa so na odru zopet poskrbeli igralci Lipa parka pod vodstvom Francke Seljak. Ža zakljuc ek je bila simbolic no predana slovenska zastava koordinacije iz rok letos njega gostitelja Lipa parka - John Reiter, predsednik - gostitelju Slovenskega dneva 2018, slovenski z upniji sv. Gregorija Velikega – zastavo je sprejela predsednica z upnijskega sveta Heidy Novak : Pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem se je pred 28. leti zgodil prvi Slovenski dan. Ž upnija sv. Gregorija Velikega daje vsa ta leta najvec ji doprinos k meddru-s tvenemu sodelovanju. G. z upnik Drago Gac nik je z svojim vsestranskim delovanjem rdec a nit te dobre volje ne samo na ta dan, ampak skozi vse leto, za kar je bil znova delez en navdus enega priznanja rojakov v tej slovenski skupnosti. V imenu gostitelja Lipa parka, je John Reiter dodal sklepno misel in se zahvalil obiskovalcem in svojim sodelavcem za brezhibno organizacijo dneva. Pri tem je upravic eno izpostavil dve kljuc ni sodelavki: Francko Seljak in Sue Augustin, za njun izreden doprinos v jubilejnem letu drus tva in s e zlasti za pripravo in izvedbo Slovenskega dneva 2017. Po kulturnem programu je sledila otros ka olimpiada pod vodstvom Linde in Ashley Reiter, letos na posebno zanimiv nac in. Ža ples in razvedrilo je rojake zabaval ansambel S ibaj. C eprav ima Slovenski dan na Niagari bogato tradicijo, se bo moral v bodoc e vse bolj prilagajati novim razmeram, ki narekujejo vsem slovenskim organizacijam potrebo, da pritegne k sodelovanju s e zlasti drugo in tretjo generacijo rojakov na tem obmoc ju. Frank Novak 28. Slovenski dan na Niagari - 24. junij 2017 VESTNIK 2017 | 303 VESTNIK 2017 | 305 VESTNIK 2017 | 307 VESTNIK 2017 | 309 VESTNIK 2017 | 311 SLOVENIAN CANANDIAN SCHOL-ARSHIP FOUNDATION “The Foundation was established to en-courage youth of Slovenian descent to pursue academic excellence in post-secondary col-lege and/or university studies and to encour-age them to exemplify pride in their rich Slo-venian cultural roots and traditions as Cana-dian citizens in leadership roles of the fu-ture.” (Mission Statement) The 2017 Scholarship/Bursary Applica-tion Form is now available for eligible candi-dates. A paper copy can be obtained from St. Gregory the Great Parish, Bled Hall or Lipa Park. If you need further information, or a downloaded copy of the application form, please contact Teresa Zupanc ic , Slo./Can. Board Member at 905-930-7545 or at t_zupancic@hotmail.com. The deadline for submission is September 8th, 2017. All scholarships and bursaries will be awarded at St. Gregory’s Fall Banquet on Sunday, September 24, 2017. We hope to see everyone there to celebrate the achieve-ments of our youth. Please note: Memorial Donation Cards for the Sloveni-an Canadian Scholarship Foundation are now available in three funeral homes: Donald Brown in Stoney Creek, Smith’s Funeral Home in Stoney Creek and Markey-Dermody Funeral Home in Hamilton. We hope to include Patrick J. Darte Funeral Chaoel in St. Catharines in the next coming month. If you have any questions regarding the donation cards, please contact the funeral director at the above – mentioned funeral homes, or contact Irene Glavac - Petric , Slo./Can. Board Member at 905-379-3667 or at glavacpetric@gmail.com. Thank you again for your ongoing support! Board Members Karl Ferko (Chair), Jerry Ponikvar, Ed Kodarin, Teresa Zupanc ic , Rosemary Pavlic , John Doma, John Krajnc, Irene Glavac -Petric , Frank Gimpelj Ta teden je Toni Franc podrl suho drevo, ki je bilo pri vhodu iz ceste na parkiris c e, poleg tega pa tudi nekaj suhih vej na drugih drevesih. V nedeljo, 25. junija 2017, se je s est nas ih parov, ki letos praznujejo razne obletnice porok, pridru-z ilo 457 parom v hamiltonski katedrali, da so skupaj s s kofom Douglasom Crosbyjem in nekaterimi duhovniki, obhajali sveto mas o in obnovili svojo zvestobo. Slovesna sveta mas a se je zac elo ob 1:30 popoldne. S kof Douglas je med homilijo, tokrat je kar sedel pri svojem stolu, poudaril pomen pric evanja, ki ga zakonci dajejo drugim s tem, ko zvesto z ivijo svoj zakon. Ob koncu mas e so vsi prejeli certifikate. Potem pa smo se s e skupaj in posamezno poslikali, da bo ostal tudi foto spomin. Nas i pari so bili naslednji: (od leve proti desni - zgoraj) Viktor in Olga Glavac , Terezija in Ignac Sarjas , Ivan in Marija Miketic , Ante in Rozalija C ule, Lojzka in Frank Novak, Drago in Marianne Horvat. Illustration Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran pastor and theologian, is one of the Christian heroes of the last century. In his native land, he argued strenuously against Adolf Hitler’s euthanasia programme and his genocidal at-tack on the Jews. Because of this opposition, Bonhoeffer was imprisoned and later sent to a concentration camp. He was executed by the Nazis towards the end of the war. The doctor who was present at his execution recorded how he was moved by the calm and prayerful spirit in which the heroic pastor faced death. In 1937 Bonhoeffer had written a book called, in its English translation, The Cost of Discipleship, which has become a modern spir-itual classic. In it he warns against the notion of “cheap grace”, which he describes as “grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ”. The “cheap grace” approach emphasises the more attractive and consoling aspects of Christianity, with little or no reference to the demands made upon those who follow Christ. Bonhoeffer insists that to leave out the difficult aspects of Christianity – such as repentance, discipline, confession, disci-pleship, the cross – is to offer an incomplete ver-sion, a “cheap” version, of God’s grace and of discipleship. Gospel Teaching Bonhoeffer’s views reflect what we’ve heard from Jesus today. He makes no bones about it: following him will make demands of us, for he must be the centre of our life, no matter what the cost. By way of extreme example, he insists that even the most precious relationships, such as those between children and parents, must not be allowed to come between us and him. Of course, this does not mean that the bonds of love within a family are of no importance. On the contrary, they are of supreme importance, and yet we can-not allow even these to become a barrier be-tween us and our duty to God. We need only think of the English martyr St Thomas More. He was an outstanding family man. When he was imprisoned for refusing to take the oath that would have acknowledged King Henry VIII as head of the Church in Eng-land, his wife and his beloved daughter, Meg, pleaded with him to find some way of saving his life and being able to return home. He wrestled with his conscience but knew that he must re-main faithful to the Lord. Only in that way, he assured his family, would they all “one day meet merrily in heaven”. More’s words serve as a re-minder that if the first part of today’s Gospel insists that we are called to put God first, the second part assures us that our efforts will never go unrewarded. Those who welcome a prophet, or offer help to any of the “little ones”, even if it’s only by offering “a cup of cold water”, will receive their reward. Those who serve their sisters and brothers in need are in fact welcoming Jesus and, in welcoming him, welcoming the one who sent him, the Fa-ther in heaven. Application There is no such thing as cheap grace. It should not surprise us that in following one who took up his cross there will inevitably be something of the cross in our lives too. It is always a costly business to live in a truly Christian way; at times it makes painful de-mands on us that go against our instinctive desires; it sometimes makes us feel that we are out of step with the rest of humanity, that we are losing out on life. But Jesus makes an extraordinary promise: “anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it”. Whatever the ap-parent losses, the profits will be immeasura-bly greater. No one makes the point more powerfully than St Paul. Writing to a group of Christians within twenty years or so of Jesus’ death and resurrection, he draws a powerful contrast between what Christian living might look like to an outsider and what it is in reality. Though the unbelieving world, he says, may regard us as only half alive, we are in fact fully alive – alive with a sharing in the very life of the risen Christ; we are not sad, joyless individuals, but rather we are always rejoicing, with the deep-down joy of the Gospel that nothing can take away; we may seem to be poor, in fact we are incredibly rich; it may look as though follow-ing Christ we’re left with nothing: in fact it is we who possess everything. 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Forever I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord. First Reading 2 Kings 4:8-11. 14-16 In response to a couple who generously provide him with food and lodging, the prophet Elisha promises that, despite their advanced years, they will soon have the son they have longed for. Second Reading Romans 6:3-4. 8-11 In baptism we joined Christ in his death, and so we will join him in his risen life and be alive in him for ever. Gospel Matthew 10:37-42 Following Jesus means taking up the cross; a reward awaits those who wel-come his disciples. “Anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it.” PRAYER FOR THE CONSECRATION OF CANADA TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Mary our Mother, May the Cross of your Son, Planted on Canadian soil and in Canadian hearts, Be known as the Tree of Life, whose fruit is visible and available to all in the garden of this world. We place our country Canada in the sanctuary of your Holy Heart for we know that there we will find Jesus, who lives and reigns with the Fa-ther in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI - 2. julij: Slovenski park - Maša in procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi ob 1:00 p.m. - 2. julij: LIPA PARK - 50th ANNIVERSARY - 15. julij: Triglav - Picnic - 22. julij: Slovenski park - Pečenkafest - Golden Keys - 23. julij: Bled - Proščenje/Picnic: Maša ob 12:30 pm - 6. avgust: Lipa park - Music in the Park - 50th picnic - 6. avgust: Slovenski park - Bocce ball Tournament - Mass - 1:00 p.m. - 8. do 11. avgust: St. Gregory the Great - DAY CAMP - 19. avgust: Triglav - Picnic - Band: »Novi spomini« - 20. avgust: Sava-Breslau - Maša 1:00 p.m., picnic - 26. avgust: Sv. Jožef - Bocce Tournament GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠATA . 2. julij, 10:00 a.m.: Vera Gonza in Theresa Pučko . 9. julij, 10:00 a.m.: Aranka in Danny Dundek . 16. julij, 10:00 a.m.: Jožica Groznik in Milena Volčanšek . 23. julij, 10:00 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc . 30. julij, 10:00 a.m.: Jožica Hapke . 6. avgust, 10:00 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin . 13. avgust, 10:00 a.m.: Ante in Rozalija Čule . 20. avgust, 10:00 a.m.: Jožica Groznik in Milena Volčanšek . 27. avgust,10:00 a.m.: Eva Erzetič in Jožica Vegelj BARAGOVI DNEVI: 2. IN 3. SEPT. 2017 Letošnji Baragovi dnevi so predvideni za »Long weekend« v septembru (2. in 3.) in sicer v kraju Grand Rapids, Michigan. Kdor se zanima, naj prosim, pokliče Terezijo Sarjaš 905-560-1218 ali Vero Gonza 905-560-0089. Avtobus je poln, sprejemamo pa za čakalno listo, če bi kdo odpovedal. Cena romanja je: 100 kanadskih in 130 ameriških dolarjev. Plačati je potrebno najkasneje do 15. avgusta. Sprejemamo pa tudi darove za Baragov sklad. LIPA PARK - BANKET OB 50. LETNICI Danes popoldne bo pri društvu Lipa park veliko slavje, saj obhajajo 50. letnico društva. Vrata bodo odprta že ob 11:00 a.m., slovesno kosilo se začne ob 1:00 pm., ob 2:30 p.m. pa sledi program nato ples in zabava ob dobri jedači in pijači. Vabljeni! POROKA V soboto, 8. julija 2017, se bosta v naši cerkvi poročila nevesta Mila Franciska Ferko, hči Karla Ferka in Joanne (roj. Brucculeri) in ženin Marcio Mendes Miranda, sin Davida in Silvie (roj. Mendes). DAROVI - DONATIONS Za misijone sta Toni in Marija Franc darovala $100. Za gradbeni sklad (streho) je darovala $100 Terezija Jerič. Ob smrti Johna Biondicha sto namesto cvetja na grob darovali za gradbeni skla: $150 Frank in Slavka Mramor $100 Victoria Colby (Mramor). Hvala vsem za vaše darove, Bog vam povrni! ST. JOSEPH SOCIETY BOCCE TOURNAMENT St. Joseph Society Bocce tournament will be held Saturday, August 26th at 10 AM – Villa Slovenia. Registration is $12.00 or Lunch only is $8.00. Tournament is open to all members, potential members, & Slovenian youth,14 years and up. Each team will be comprised of 4 members. This year, you may create your own team by entering 1, 2, 3 or 4. If less than 4 are entered, we will add to complete the foursome. Registration for tournament and lunch attendees is to be accompanied with full payment to Tony ferko (289-253-4804) or Jerry Ponikvar (905-333-5813). DRUŠTVO BLED - PROŠČENJE V nedeljo, 23. julija 2017, bo pri društvu Bled proščenje-žegnanje s piknikom. Začeli bomo s sveto mašo ob 1:00 p.m. pri kapelici (če bo vreme dopuščalo). Pri maši bo pel »Oktet Bled«. Popoldne pa vas bo zabaval ansambel. POKOJNI LENARČIČ, FRANK Born in Slovenia on Octo-ber 5, 1938, a son of the late Frank and Anna (nee Morel) Lenarčič, Frank passed away in Meaford on Thursday June 29, 2017 at the age of 78. He was predeceased by his wife Erika (Zelko) and will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by his dear friend Elsie Smith of Meaford. Frank was the loved father of Joanne Skobronski of Grimsby, Cathy Pye and her fiancé Dal Petrinal of Stoney Creek and Robert Lenarcic of Nepean and he will be remem- bered also by their mother Ann Lenarčič. He is also survived by his stepchildren Linda Levonik of Alber-ta, Joey Zelko of Vancouver, Peter Zelko also of B.C. and David Zelko of Hamilton and he will be remembered also by their families. A brother Edvard Lenarčič and his wife Helen and nephew Edvin, all of Slovenia, also survive Frank. Cremation has tak-en place and a private family disposition of his ash-es will take place at a later date. DAY CAMP 2017 Well, it's that time again when we have to start planning and arranging for summer activities. Our Slovenian summer day camp is scheduled from August 8 to the 11th, 2017. We invite all kids to come out and participate in our camp and welcome high school students to help out while they get their volunteer hours. The registration fee will be the same as last year $75 per camper. We have a lot of activities planned, along with an acrobatic group coming from Slovenia named Flip. For information and to register please contact Heidy Novak by email: novakh@sympatico.ca or on cell at 905-317-6002. So parents grandparents aunts and uncles call your kids, get registered and get ready for a good week of fun at our annual summer day camp. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO 13. NEDELJA MED LETOM 2. JULIJ Frančišek, redovnik Izseljenska nedelja †† † †† † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Sorodniki in prijatelji Jože Vuk, obl. Jože in Francka Pust Tončka Demšar Janko in Veronika Broz Matija Vlašič in Metod Kuzma 10:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Vera Gonza z družino Marija Hočevar Družina Pust Družini Demšar-Scarcelli Toni Kuzma z družino Jožica Vlašič z družino PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 3. JULIJ Tomaž, apostol †† † Sorodniki iz družine Šemen Ignac Korošec V čast sv. Duhu 7:00 P.M. Družina Šemen Martin in Regina Nedelko Ana Tadič TOREK - TUESDAY 4. JULIJ Urh (Uroš), škof †† Za duše v vicah 8:00 A.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič SREDA - WEDNESDAY 5. JULIJ Ciril in Metod, slov.ap. † † † Metod Kuzma Ivan Zupanči, obl. Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Sestra Jožica Vlašič z druž. Žena z družino KŽZ-CWL ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 6. JULIJ Marija Goretti, muč. †† Katarina in Vinko Antolin Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Sin Štefan z družino Ana Tadič PRVI PETEK FIRST FRIDAY 7. JULIJ Vilibald, škof †† † Za duše v vicah Tony Letnik, obl. Za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Toni in Marija Bukvič Žena Anica N.N. SOBOTA SATURDAY 8. JULIJ Gregor Grassi, škof †† † † †† † Po namenu Poročna maša - za srečo v zakonu Katarina in Vinko Antolin Matija Vlašič Ignac Korošec Venci in Marija Ferenčak Jože Uduč 8:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON 5:30 P.M. N.N. Mila Ferko-Marcio Miranda Družina Čule Družina Fabina Ana in Zolta Gergyek Martin in Regina Nedelko Žena z družino 14. NEDELJA MED LETOM 9. JULIJ Avguštin, mučenec † † Za žive in rajne župljane Olga Balažic Albina Baznik 10:00 A.M. Janez Lovrenčec Mož z družino SVETE MAS E - MASSES Od 2. 7. 2017 Do 9. 7. 2017 SLOVENSKI PARK Maša in procesija