AnnaleS Anaii za istrs((e in mediteransl^e študije AnnaCi di Studi istriani e mediterranei Anna/š for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 12, 2002, 2, pp. 131-278, Koper 2002 ISSN 1408-533X AnnaleS JAnaCi za istrske in mediteransig študije AnnaCi di Studi istriani e mediterranei RnnaCs for lstrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Annales, Ser. hist, nat., 12, 2002, 2, pp. 131-278, Koper 2002 ISSN 1408-533X 9771408533056 UDK5 ISSN 1408-533X Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 12, 2002, 2 KOPER 2002 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - AnnaM di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for istrian and Mediterranean Studies Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 12, 2002, 2 !SSN 1408-533X l.JDK S Letnik 12, leto 2002, številka 2 UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/ dr. Darko Darovec, dr. jakov Dulčič (CRO), dr. Serena Fonda COMITATO DI REDAZiONE/ Umani (IT), [ckHuw Griffiths (UKj dr. Mitja Kaligarič, BOARD OF EDITORS: dr. Andrej Kranjc, dr. Boris Krystufek, dr. Tom Levanič, dr. Lovrenc Lipej, dr. Alenka Malej, dr. Patricija Mozetič, dr. Darko Ogrin, dr. Livio Poldini (IT), dr. Ehud Spanier (ISR), dr. Michael Stachowitsch (A), dr. Davorin Tome, Salvator Žitko, dr. Tone Wraber Glavni urednik/fftc/affore Capo/Managing Editor: dr. Darko Darovec Odgovorni urednik naravoslovja/ Redattore responsabile per le scienze natural// dr. Lovrenc Lipej Natural Science Editor: Urednica/Redattrice/Editon dr. Patricija Mozetič leklorji/Supervisione/Language editors: Henrik Cigiič (angi./sl.),jdr. Huw Griffiths (angi.j Prevaialci/Traduttori/Transfators: Henrik Cigiič (an g i./s L), Martina Orlando Bonaca (sl./it.) Oblikovalec/Progetto grafico/Craphic design: Dušan Podgornik Prelom/Composizione/Typesetting: Franc Čuden - Medit d.o.o. Tisk/Stampa/Print: Gratis trade d.o.o. Izdajatelja/Editori/Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Pri morsko/Sod eb stori ca del Litorale © - Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije, Koper/Cenfro di ricerche scientifiche della Repubblica di Slovenia, Capodistria/Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper© Za izdajatelja/Per gli Editor!'/ Publishers represented by: Salvator Žitko, dr. Darko Darovec Sedež uredništva/ Znanstveno raziskovainosredišče Republike Slovenije, Koper, Sl-6000 Koper/Capodistria, Ga ribal d i jeva 18/ Via Garibaldi 18, p.p. /P.O. Box 612, tel.: + 386 5 6637700, fax: + 386 5 6637710; e-niaii:, internet: Ponatis člankov in slik je mogoč samo z dovoljenjem uredništva in navedbo vira. Redakcija te številke je bila zaključena 1. decembra 2002 Sofinancira jo/Supporto finanziario/ Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, Financially supported by; Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije, Mestna občina Koper, Občina Izola, Občina Piran, Banka Koper ter drugi sponzorji Annaies - series historia naturalis izhaja dvakrat letno. Annates ■■■ series histori3 ef sociologia izhaja dvakrat letno. Letna naročnina za obe seriji je 7000 SIT, maloprodajna cena tega zvezka je 2500 SIT. Nenaročenih rokopisov in drugega gradiva ne vračamo. Rokopise in naročnino sprejemamo na sedežu uredništva. Rokopise lahko pošiljate tudi članom uredništva. Naklada/ Tira tura/Circula ti on; 700 izvodov Revija Annaies series historia naturalis je vključena v naslednje podatkovne baze: BiOSiS-Zooiogical Record (UK), Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA). Sede della redazione/ Address of Editorial Board: ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annais for istrian and Mediterrarsean Studies UDK 5 Letnik 12, Koper 2002, številka 2 ISSN 1408-533X VSEBINA/ INDICE GENERALE/CONTENTS FLORA IN VEGETACIJA FLORA E VECETAZIONE FLORA AND VEGETATION Klemen Eler & Franc Batič Flora in vegetacija intenzivno rabljenih njiv osrednje Gorenjske .............................................. 131 Flora and vegetation in the intensive crop production fields of the central Gorenjska region Sonja Škornik & Mitja Kaiigarič Relation between environmental variables, species richness and species composition of Slovenian semi-dry meadows of Mesobromion erecti alliance ................................ 141 Povezava med ekološkimi parametri, številčnostjo rastlinskih vrst in floristično sestavo slovenskih polsuhih travišč zveze Mesobromion erecti Hakan Kabasakai Stomach contents of the longnose spurdog, Squalus blainviilei (Risso, 1826) from the north-eastern Aegean Sea .................................... 173 Struktura hrane v želodcu rjavih trnežev, Squalus blainviilei (Risso, 1326), iz severovzhodnega Egejskega morja Jiirgen Herler & Marcelo Kovačič Lebetus guilleti (Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the northern Adriatic sea; first record and details on the species' morphology ................................. 177 Lebetus guilleti (Teleostei: Gobiidae): pivi zapis te vrste iz severnega jadranskega morja in podatki o njeni morfologiji ZAVAROVANA OBMOČJA ZONE PROTETTE PROTECTED AREAS Franc Batič, Alen Sardoč, Boris Turk & Matjaž Čater Primerjava požganth in nepožganih gozdnih ploskev na osnovi rastlinskih življenjskih oblik na primorskem Krasu in v Istri .............................. 153 Comparison of burnt and unburnt forest plots by analysis of plant life forms in the forests of the Slovenian littoral Karst and Istria IHTIOLOG1JA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY Hakan Kabasakai & El if Kabasakai Morphometries of young kitefin sharks, Dalatias licha (Bonnaterre, 1788), from northeastern Aegean Sea, with notes on its biology .................. 161 Morfometrični in biološki podatki o mladih temnih morskih psih, Dalatlas lic h a (Bonnaterre, 1788), iz severovzhodnega Egejskega morja Jakov Duidč & Armin Pallaoro Northern range extension of the ornate wrasse, Thalassoma pavo (Linnaeus, 1758)(Ptsces: Labridae}, in the eastern Adriatic .......................... 167 Širjenje areala pavjega kneza Thalassoma pavo (Linnaeus, 17S8)(Pisces: Labridae) v vzhodnem jadranu proti severu Robert Turk, Martina Orlando Bonaca, Tihomir Makovec, Aleksander Vukovič & Lovrenc Lipej A topographical survey of habitat; types in the area characterized by seagrass meadow of Posidonia oceanica in the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic)......................... 191 Topografski pregled habitatnih tipov na območju rastišča pozejdonke. Posidonia oceanica, v južnem delu Tržaškega zaliva (severni Jadran) Borut Vrišer The meiofauna of two protected wetlands on the Slovene coast: the Škocjan Inlet and the Sfrunjan Lagoon ............................................. 203 Meiofavna. dveh zavarovanih mokrišč slovenske obale: Škocjanskega zatoka in Strunjanske lagune Andrej Sovine & Helena Matoz Management and conservation-of wetlands and waters resources in Slovenia with regard to the new European water legislation.................. 211 Upravljanje in varstvo mokrišč ter vodnih virov v Sloveniji v okviru nove evropske zakonodaje ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - An na I i di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for tstrian and Mediterranean Studies FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA Dušan Devetak, Petra Pirš & Franc Janžekovič Owl-fly Liheltoides macaronius (Scopoii, 1763) in Slovenia and in the northwestern part of Croatia (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)...................... 219 Metuljčnica l.ibel bides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) v Sloveniji in severozahodnem delu Hrvaške (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) Janja Franci Pond preference by amphibians (Amphibia) on the karst plateau and in Slovenian Istria........... 227 Izbira kala pri dvoživkah (Amphibia) na krasu in v Slovenski Istri OLjKARSTVO OLIVICOLTURA OLIVE GROWING Dunja Bandelj Mavsar, Jernej Jakše & Branka Javornik Genetske raziskave oljke...................................... 239 Genetic studies in olives Gregor Ost ere, Dunja Bandelj Mavsar & Franci Štampar The use of the fog-system in the olive leafy cutting propagation .............................................. 249 Uporaba sistema meglenja pri razmnoževanju zelenih potaknjencev oljke MISCELLANEA DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV ATTIVITÁ DEI NO STRI ¡STITUT1 E DELLE NOSTRE SOCIETÁ ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Boris Krvštufek & Mitja Kaligarič Inštitut za biodiverziietne študije......................... 263 Carlo Heip & Alenka Maiej The European Marine Research Stations and Biodiversity Research........................................... 266 OCENE IN POROČILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Alessandro De Maddaiena: Squali delle acque Italiane: Guida sintética al riconoscimento (Lovrenc Lipej) ........................... 269 Giovanni Nikiforos: Fauna del Mediterráneo -Guida completta (Samo Alajbegovic) .................. 269 Alessandro De Maddalena: Lo squalo bianco ne i mari d'Italia (Lovrenc Lipej) ........................... 270 Anton Brancelj (ur.): Visokogorska jezera v vzhodnem delu julijskih Alp(Davorin Tome) ...... 272 Kazalo k slikam na ovitku.................................... 274 Index to pictures on the cover.............................. 274 Navodila avtorjem............................................... 275 Instructions to authors.......................................... 277 Tina Dolinšek, Marina Dermastia & Kristina Sepčič Searching for biological activities in a northern Adriatic red alga Polysiphonia sp......................... 255 Raziskava bioloških aktivnosti v severnojadranski rdeči algi Polysiphonia sp. FLORA IN VEGETACIJA FLORA E VEGETAZIONE FLORA AND VEGETATION ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 original scientific paper UDC 632.5:631.582(497.4-16) received: 2002-10-27 FLORA iN VEGETACIJA iNTENZiVNO RABLJENIH NJIV OSREDNJE GORENJSKE Klemen ELER & Franc BATIČ Oddelek za agronomijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Si-1000 Ljubljana, (amnikarjeva 101 E-mail: IZVLEČEK Raziskava prikazuje stanje plevelne flore in vegetacije na intenzivno rabljenih njivah Kranjskega in Sorškega polja, Ob uporabi standardne Braun-Blanquetove fitocenološke metode popisovanja in metod združevanja v skupine se kaže velika osiromašenost plevelnih sestojev ne glede na kulturo ali tip kolobarja. V sestojih manjkajo številne ogrožene plevelne vrste, pa tudi take, ki drugje v Sloveniji še niso redke. Zaradi pomanjkanja značilnic večine sinsistematskih enot je uvrščanje sestojev v združbe izredno težavno; izjema pri tem niso niti sestoji strnlšč In žitnih njiv. Kažejo se fragmenti treh plevelnih združb: Oxalido-Chenopodietum po'ysperrni R. Tx. /950, Setario-Galinsogetum parviflorae R. Tx. 50 em Th. Mueller et Oberd. 1983 in Aphano-Matricarietum charnomillae R. Tx. 1937, od katerih je predvsem zadnja videti najbolj ogrožena. Ob nadaljevanju intenzifikacije pridelave, širjenja silažne koruze in opuščanja žit v kolobarju bodo v kratkem potrebni ukrepi varovanja plevelne flore. Ključne besede: plevelna vegetacija, plevelne združbe, intenzivno poljedelstvo, Gorenjska, Slovenija FLORA E VEGETAZiONE IN CAMPI A LAVORAZIONE INTENSiVA NELLA CARNIOLA CENTRALE SINTESI ll lavoro illustra lo stato della flora e della vegetazione segetale in campi a lavorazlorie intensiva nelle regloni del Kranjsko e Sorško polje. Crazie al rnefodo fitocenologico standard di Braun-Blanquet per 1'inventario e ai metodi di raggruppamento e emerso !'impoverimento delle componenti segetali, a prescindere dalla eoltura o dal tipo di rotazlone. Vengono a mancare diverse specie segetali minacciate come pure spec/e che in altre zone della Slovenia non vengono aneora considerate rare. A causa della mancanza delte particolarita di gran parte delle unita sinsistematiche, 1'inserimento delle componenti in associazioni si & rivelato estremarnente dlfficile anehe per le componenti dei campi di cereall e stoppie. Cli autori hanno identificato I frammentI di tre associazioni segetali: Oxalido-Chenopociietum polyspermi R. Tx. 1950, Setario-Galinsogetum parviflorae R. Tx. 50 em Th. Mueller et Oberd. 1983 e Aphano-Matricarietum charnomillae R. Tx. 1937, quest'ultima e la piii minacciata. Con 1'intensificarsi della eoltivazione, la diffusione del rnais conservato in silos e 1'abbandono del cereall nella rotazione si renderanno necessarie misure dl tutela della flora segetale. Parole chiave: vegetazione segetale, associazione vegetale, eoltivazione intensiva, Camiola, Slovenia 912 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. -12- 2002 • 2 Klemen EI.fR & Franc BATIč FLORA IN VEGETACIJA INTENZIVNO RABLJENIH NJIV OSREDNJE GORENJSKE, 131-140 UVOD Intenzivnost poljedelske pridelave ima močan vpliv na pleveino floro in vegetacijo določenega območja. Z rednimi in učinkovitimi ukrepi mehaničnega in kemičnega zatiranja, s temeljito obdelavo tal, z uporabo organskih in mineralnih gnojil, s setvijo kvalitetnega in prečiščenega semena visokoproduktivnih sort ter z različnimi ukrepi agromelioracij človek vpliva v našem podnebju na plevele in plevelne združbe bolj kot kateri koli pedoklimatski dejavnik rastišča. Optimalizacija pridelave zmanjšuje variabilnost rastišč in s tem variabilnost plevelne fiore, tako da uspevajo le redke rastlinske vrste. Gorenjska regija je s tega vidika ogrožena morda se bolj, saj je poljedelska pridelava večinoma podrejena živinoreji; služi namreč zagotavljanju potreb po krmi, pri čemer ima izreden pomen silažna koruza. Namen raziskave je opozoriti na izgubljanje pestrosti plevelne flore, ki jo neizogibno prinese intenzifi-kacija poljedelstva. Zasnova raziskave je takšna, da nam lahko pokaže le trenutno stanje vegetacije za obravnavano območje, ne pa celostnega procesa spreminjanja. Sloni na temeljnih fitocenoloških in botaničnih metodah dela, kljub temu da so te metode za tako hitro spreminjajoči se tip vegetacije nekoliko manj primerne. Spremembe v plevelni vegetaciji in flori so preučevali nekateri domači in tuji raziskovalci (Holzner, 1978; Kojič, 1985; Ries, 1991; Hilbig & Bachthaler, 1992a, 1992b; Kaligarič, 1993; Lešnik, 1995, 1997, 2001). Ker so razmere za uspevanje plevelov bolj ali manj podobne tistim v drugih deželah srednje Evrope, je smiselno pričakovati plevelne združbe, ki jih navajajo npr. Oberdorfer (1957), Mucina (1993), Mochnacky (2000) idr. Združbe, ki jih navajajo avtorji iz mediteranskih in submediteranskih območij (Kaligarič, 1995, 2001; Pol-dini et ai„ 1998), so vrstno že precej bogatejše (številne termofilne pievefne vrste), prav tako tudi združbe panonske nižine niso primerljive s sestoji preučevanega območja. OBMOČJE RAZISKAVE Lokacije popisovanja sodijo geografsko v Sorsko in Kranjsko polje, ki sta pretežno ravninski regiji na nadmorski višini od 350 do 400 m. Geološka sestava je razmeroma preprosta - večinoma jo gradijo karbonatni sedimenti, ki se jim ponekod pridružijo glina, melj ali lapor. Območje je v dobršnem delu v kmetijski rabi -njive, travniki, pašniki. Gozdovi se razprostirajo na slabših, nekoliko zakisanih in izpranih tleh (kongio-meratna podlaga) in sodijo v združbi Vacc/n/o myrl,illi~ Carpinetum betuli in Vaccinio myrt.itii-Pjnetum syive-stris. Podnebje je po Kiimatografiji Slovenije (1992) zmerno celinsko s povprečno letno temperaturo 8,3 'C, povprečno januarsko -2,3 'C, povprečno julijsko 1 8,5 "C ter povprečno temperaturo v vegetacijski dobi 14,7 'C. Povprečno pade nekaj pod 1400 mm padavin letno, pri čemer so velika nihanja med leti (od 990 do 1770 mm) in tudi znotraj leta. Število sončnih ur je v povprečju 1780 ur letno, število dni s snežno odejo pa 66 dni. Natančnejše lokacije in termini popisovanja so naslednji (glej Tab. 1): - Labore (Sorsko polje): 21. april 2001 (stmišče) - št. 18; 18. junij 2001 (koruza) - št. 10; 11. avgust 2001 (koruza) - št. 9; 6. junij 2002 (žito) - št. 1 2; - Zlato polje (severno od Kranja): 17. junij 2001 (čebula) - št. 4; 11. avgust 2001 (čebula) - št. 3; 6. junij 2002 (žito) - št. 5; - Brnik (ob letališču): 21. april 2001 (žito) - št. 14; 18. junij 2001 (žito) - št. 17; 15. avgust 2001 (strnišče) -št. 16; 17. oktober 2001 (strnišče) - št. 15; 5. junij 2002 (žito)-št. 13; - Lahovče (severno od ceste Lahovče-Vodice): 21. junij 2001 (krompir) - št. 8; 14. avgust 2001 (krompir) -št. 7; 8, junij 2002 (žito) - št. 6; - Lahovče (južno od ceste Lahovče-Vodice): 21. junij 2001 (sladk. pesa) - št. 2; 14. avgust 2001 (pesa) - št. 1; 8. junij 2002 (žito)-št. 11. MATERIAL IN METODE Delo temelji na terenskih popisih, opravljenih po standardni Braun-Blanquetovi fitocenološki metodi z ocenjevanjem gostote in dominance vrst po kombinirani lestvici (8raun-Blanquet, 1964). Popisovali smo v obdobju dobrega I eta (od aprila 2001 do junija 2002). Lokacije smo izbrali načrtno na podlagi poznavanja kmetijske rabe oz. intenzivnosti pridelovanja. Popisali smo pet njiv v lasti kmetijskega podjetja Mercator KŽK kmetijstvo Kranj, s tem da smo vsako njivo (lokacijo) popisali v petih terminih. V vsakem terminu smo na vsaki od lokacij ponovili popise na petih ploskvah v velikosti 400 m2. Skupno je bilo opravljenih 87 popisov. Ker smo želeli preučiti vpliv poljščine, kolobarja in delno lastnosti tal, smo popisovali v naslednjih kulturah: v prvem letu v koruzi, žitu, sladkorni pesi, čebuli in krompirju, v drugem letu je povsod sledilo žito. Za nadaljnje ¡¿vrednotenje smo po pet popisov iste lokacije in istega termina združili v en sintetičen popis in tako naredili sintetično tabelo (Tab. 1). 18 tako dobljenih sintetičnih popisov smo primerjali po sorodnosti z metodami združevanja v skupine oz. hierarhičnega kopičenja, pri čemer smo za kriterij upoštevali zgolj zastopanost vrste, ne pa njene povprečne pokrovne vrednosti. Združevanje smo opravili s statističnim programskim paketom Statistica 5.0, kjer smo za metodo združevanja uporabili VVardovo metodo, za merjenje razdalj pa odstotno oddaljenost. Sintetične popise smo primerjali tudi po razmerjih med življenjskimi oblikami plevelov, pri čemer smo upoštevali tudi pokrovnost vrst, ki smo jo dobili z izračunom aritmetične sredine sred- 132 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Klemen Ei.ER & Franc RATIO FLORA IN VEGETACIJA INTENZIVNO RABLJENIH NJIV OSREDNJE GORENJSKE, 131-140 njih vrednosti pokrovnostnega razreda (Dierschke, 1994; Lešnik, 1995). Nomenklaturo taksonov navajamo po Maii flori Slovenije (Martinčič et al., 1999), nomenklaturo sintak-sonov pa po Tiixenu (1950), kjer so združene segetalne in okopavinske združbe v en sam razred - Stellarietea mediae. REZULTATI IN RAZPRAVA Floristične značilnosti plevelnih sestojev V celotnem obdobju raziskave je bilo ugotovljenih 128 rastlinskih vrst, od katerih jih kar 27% ne moremo šteti za tipično plevelne, saj izhajajo iz drugih fitocenoz oz. se na njivah pojavljajo le prehodno. Povprečno smo našli 14 vrst na popis, pri čemer so se za najrevnejše izkazali sestoji v žitu, če je to sledilo okopavini. Tam smo ponekod našli le 5 vrst na 400 m2, kar kaže na velik negativni vpliv ozkega kolobarja. Nasprotno so strnišča dokaj bogata (do 49 vrst v spomladanskem strnišču), vendar je tudi v teh vrstna sestava zelo "običajna". Horoioško prevladujejo mezofilni geoelementi; evropski, evrazijski, evrosibirski, paleotemperatni, pogosti so tudi kozmopoliti. Tudi povprečni Ellenbergov indeks za termofilnost, ki znaša 5,9, kaže, da gre za tipično srednjeevropsko nižinsko do gričevnato rastje. Najpogostejše vrste so naslednje: Cirsium arvense, Calystegia septum, Echinochloa crus-gai/i, Galium sparine, Viola arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, P. persicaria in Setaria virici is. Značilna je popolna odsotnost nekaterih vrst, ki veljajo za ogrožene ali ranljive, našli nismo niti vrst, katerih pogostnost je sicer v upadanju, a v Sloveniji še niso tako redke. Tako ni bilo opaziti vrst kot Papaver rhoeas, Legousia speculum-veneris, Ranunculus arvensis, Lollum temulentum, idr. Nekatere od teh vrst so bile na obravnavanem območju sicer opažene, vendar so se umaknile na različna ruderalna rastišča - nasipališča, mesta ob cestah in poteh, deponije, ozare idr. Ker številni avtorji (npr. Kovačevič, 1979; Jogan, 2000; Lešnik, 2001) poudarjajo vse večji pomen neo-fštskih plevelnih vrst, smo se v določeni meri posvetili tudi pogostosti pojavljanja teh vrst. Ob primerjavi z drugimi podobnimi raziskavami lahko rečemo, da je pomen neofitov na območju raziskave manjši kot. v drugih, toplejših območjih Slovenije. Kot zelo pogosta in gospodarsko škodljiva se kaže le vrsta Amaianthus retroflexus, našli pa smo še naslednje: Chamomiila recutita, C. suaveolens, C.onyza canadensis, Veronica persica, Abutilon theophrasti, Galinsoga parviflora in Panicum capillare. Številnih, drugje po Sloveniji vse bolj škodljivih vrst nismo odkrili (npr. Sorghum halepenser Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Xanthium italicum, Cvperus esculentus, Datura stramonium). Od arheofitov so zelo pogoste prosaste trave rodov Echinochloa, Digitaria, Panicum in Setaria, razmeroma pogosta arheofitska vrsta je tudi Solanum nigrum. Arheofitov, ki so vezani na slabo očiščeni semenski material, večinoma nismo zasledili. Sem sodijo vrste, ki jih prištevamo med najbolj ogrožene: Agrostemrna githago, Centaurea cyanus, lo-Hum temulentum, Buglossoides arvensis, Vaccaria pyra-midalis, Adonis sp. Analiza življenjskih oblik plevelov Razmerja med posameznimi življenjskimi oblikami se z intenzifikacijo poljedelstva značilno spreminjajo. Na to kažejo raziskave domačih irt tujih raziskovalcev (Kojič, 1985; Hilbig & Bachthaler, 1992a, 1992b; Lešnik, 1995, 1997, 2001). Delež v pokrovnosti terofitov se značilno povečuje, pri čemer so zlasti uspešne koz-mopolitske vrste z drobnimi in Številnimi semeni, ki pogosto kažejo pravo ali navidezno odpornost proti herbicidom (Chenopodium album, C. polyspermum, Polygonum pericaria, Setaria viridis, Echinochloa crus-gatii, Solanum nigrum, idr.). Od geofitov močno napredujejo tisti s korenikami (Calystegia septum, Convolvulus arvensis, Elytrigia repens), ki se pri mehaničnih pa tudi kemičnih ukrepih zatiranja hitro regenerirajo; nasprotno pa geofiti z gomolji in čebulicami hitro izginejo (npr. Gagea pratensis, G. villosa, Ornithogalium umbellatvm, Allium sp.). Značilno je tudi splošno zmanjšanje pokrovnosti in pojavljanja hernikriptofitov, Čeprav so med njimi vrste, katerih pomen se v intenzivnem poljedelstvu poveča, saj imajo večinoma mesnate, debele podzemne organe in s tem več zalog hrane za regeneracijo nadzemnih delov (Cirsium arvense, Symphytum officinale, Rurnex obtusifolius in R. crispus). V raziskavi je bilo od pravih plevelnih vrst skupno ugotovljenih 53% terofitskih, 37% hemikriptofitskih in 6% geofitskih plevelnih vrst. Glede na termin popisovanja in lokacijo oz. kulturno rastlino so deleži v relativni pokrovnosti med življenjskimi oblikami zelo različni (SI. 1). Opazna je prevlada terofitov v okopa-vinah nižje rasti (krompir, čebula, pesa), druge življenjske oblike so tam malo pomembne. V žitu ostajajo hemikriptofiti nekoliko pogostejši, pokrovnost terofitov pa je v primerjavi s sestoji v okopavinah precej manjša. V koruzi v poletnem času bode v oči zelo nizek delež pokrovnosti terofitov, pomembni so geofiti in hemi-kriptofiti, kjer pa gre predvsem za tri vrste - Calystegia sepium, Convolvulus arvensis in Cirsium arvense. Prvi dve sta uspešni tudi zaradi ovijanja okoli stebel koruze, s čimer prihajata do svetlobe. 133 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Klemen 0.ER & Franc ISATIČ: FI.ORA IN VECETACilA INTENZIVNO RABLJENIH NJIV OSREDNJE GORENjSKE. 131-140 } TF.ROFlTlfTEROPHYTES 3 GEOFITI/GEOPHYTES glt HEMI KRI Pl'OFTn/HËMICKIPTOPHYT ES i|l| drjge/aîhûr Eife forms Si. 1: Razmerja v pokrovnosti življenjskih oblik plevelov po terminih in lokacijah (kulturah). Fig. 1: Relationships between coverages of weed life forms within terms and locations of relevés. Sintaksonomska opredelitev sestojev Zaradi velike osiromašenosti pleveinih sestojev le-te težko uvrstimo v združbe. Večinoma se kažejo le fragmenti zdrLižb, neredko pa ni mogoče razpoznati niti teb. V fitocenološki tabeli (Tab. 1) so provizorično ti fragmenti vendarle prikazani s pravokotniki. Kljub za gorenjske razmere velikemu deležu žita v kolobarju je najbolj ogrožena prav segetalna združba Aphano-Matri-carietum c/iarnormi/ae R. Tx. 37. V večini popisov ni bilo značilnic združbe (Aphanes arvensis in Chamomilla recutita), še redkejše so bile značilnice zveze Aperion spicae-venii R.Tx. 50, od katerih smo našli v sledeh le vrste Scleranthus annuus, Apera spica-venti in Anthemis arvensis. Značilnice te pa tudi drugih zvez so v pleveinih sestojih nasploh redke, o čemer poročajo tudi drugi avtorji {npr. Lešnik, 1995, 1997). Pogosto gre za plevelne vrste nekoliko bolj ekstenzivno rabljenih površin - manj intenzivna obdelava tal, zelo kisla tla, večja vlažnost tal. Tudi na lokaciji na Brniku, kjer zaradi slabših tal v kolobarju prevladujejo žita, ni združba Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae nič bolj značilna. Vzroki za posebno veliko ogroženost te združbe so številni in med seboj povezani: čiščenje semenskega materiala, globoka obdelava tal, kemično zatiranje, gost sklop žita, optimalizacija talnih razmer za veliko konkurenčnost žita. Pomladanske sestoje na strniščih (sintetični popis št. 5 iz Tabele 1), kjer nekaterih termofilnih enoletnic - značilnic še ni, lahko uvrstimo v samostojne združbe, lahko pa jih pojmujemo kot poseben aspekt združbe Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae. Tem sestojem dajejo poseben pečat različne nizkorastoče pre-zimne enoletnice kot Veronica hederifolia, V. arvensis, Sherardia arvensis, Aphanes arvensis, Viola arvensis', Cardamine hirsuta in Arabidopsis thaliana. P leve! ni sestoji v žitu so na lokacijah z ozkim kolobarjem včasih celo bolj okopavinski kot segetalni. Lešnik (2001) omenja te plevele v žitu pod skupnim pojmom združen okopavinski ostanek. Plevelni sestoji v okopavinah nižje rasti (krompir, pesa, čebula) so laže opredeljivi, vendar predvsem v drugi polovici poletja, ko je treba ukrepe zatiranja opustiti. Zaradi redkega sklopa teh poljščin in razmeroma velike talne semenske banke se hitro izoblikujeta tipični srednjeevropski okopavinski združbi iz reda Polygono-Chenopodiethaiia R. Tx., Lohm. & Prsg. 1950; to sta Oxalido-Chenopodietum poiyspermi R. Tx. 1950 in Setario-Calinsogetum parviflorae R. Tx, 50 em Th. Mueller et Oberd. 1983. Mejo med tema združbama je pogosto težko potegniti, saj se ekološke zahteve značilnih vrst prekrivajo. Kljub temu je združba Setario-Galinsogetum parviflorae nekoliko bolj toploljubna in je na osenčenih ali na bolj vlažnih legah ne gre pričakovati v tipični obliki. Značilnice zveze Polygono-Chenopodion polyspermi Koch 1926 em. Siss. 1946, kamor uvrščamo združbo Oxalido-Chenopodietum polysperml, so razmeroma dobro zastopane, saj gre za vrste, ki so dobro prilagojene intenzivni pridelavi, značilnice zveze Panico-Setarion Sissingh 1946 pa so bile razmeroma redke, kljub temu da gre za vrste z veliko ekološko plastičnostjo. Plevelne sestoje v koruzi je večinoma nemogoče oz. nesmiselno uvrščati v katero od združb. Zaradi velike osenčenosti tal so terofitske plevelne vrste iz sintakso-nomsko pomembnega razreda Stellarietea mediae redke tako po številu kot po pokrovnosti; večinoma jih 134 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 ElER & Franc BATIČ: FLO K A IN VEGETACIJA INTENZIVNO RABLJENIH NJIV OSREDNJE GORENJSKE, OI-J40 najdemo ie še na robovih njiv. Močno se poveča relativna pokrovnost vrst iz drugih sintaksonornskih razredov, predvsem iz Artemisietea vulgaris Lohm., Prsg. et Tx. in Tx. 50 (Convolvulus arvensis, Elytrigia repens in Cirsium arvensei in Galio-Urticetea Th. Mueil. in Oberd. 83 (Calystegia sepium). Spremembe v relativni pokrovnosti vrst iz sintaksonornskih razredov na strnišču, v koruzi in naslednje leto v žitu kaže SI. 2. V dendrograiTiu iz SI. 3 vidimo dva Šopa: v enem so plevelni sestoji strnišč in bolj ekstenzivnih žitnih njiv {popisi Št. 15-18), v drugem pa sestoji okopavinskih njiv in njiv z žiti, če je uporabljen kolobar ozek oz. če v njem prevladujejo okopavine. strntèie-spni ZCQ1 / stubbls-april 20D t karuza-iunij 2001 1 rnaize-june 2.001 kcinj^a-avgusl ?001 l žito-junij 2002 ; cereal, ¡una 2002 ! Sfàiiafîfiiea jVÉdMë î Aiiemtàeloa vulgaris ! Mo! 0.7 n r Q ra 0.5 fj 0.4 in tr 0.3 02 0.1 0.0 El 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SI. 3: Dendrogram plevelnih sestojev obravnavanega območja (glej Tabelo 1). Fig. 3: Dendrogram of the weed stands in the investigated area (see Table 1). 135 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 ■ 2 Klemen EUR & Frsnc 8ATIC: FLORA iN VEGETACIJA ¡NTENZIVNO RASUENiH NJIV OSREDNJE GORENJSKE, 131-140 Tab. 1: Sintetična fitocenološka tabela pleveinib sestojev na območju raziskave. Popisi 1-14 kažejo fragmente združb Oxa I ido-C h en opodletum polyspermi in Setario-Galinsogetum parviflorae, popisi 15-18 {sestoji strnišč, nekatere žitne njive) pa so bližji združbi Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae. Tab. 1; Synoptic pbytocoenological table of weed stands in the investigated area. Relevés No. 1-14 show fragments of associations Oxalido-Chenopodietum polyspermi and Setario-Calinsogetum parviflorae. Relevés No. 15-18 (stubble stands, some cereal field stands) are closer to association Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae. Zaporedna številka / No. i 1 2 3 j 4] 5 6 7 8^] 9 10 ¡11 12 ji 3 h 4 j 15 16 1 7 M 8 Št. popisov / number of relevés I 5 S 5 5 5 5 5 5 i 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 št. vrst / number of species | 33 34 38 j 31 j 16 18 14 19 j 27 23 j 23 30129 j 25 j 51 45 54 ¡52 MA Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae R. Tx. 1937 Aphanes arvensis II ! 11 j ( I lil j Chamomilla recutita V V ill OC Oxalido-Chenopodietum polyspermi R. Tx. 1950 Chenopodium polyspermum V i tv t ! i Hi lil íí Oxa lis fontana l I i 1 I II il SC Setario-Calinsogetum parviflorae R. Tx. 50 em Th. Mueller et Oberd. 1983 Setaria viridis V I V 1 I II! j t HI lil 1 IV V V Calinsoga pasiflora il 1 j I AS Aperion spicae-venti R. Tx.1950 Apera spica-venti I I I II C Í! Scleranthus annuus I Anthemis arvensis III. PCP Polygorio-Chenopodion polyspermi Koch 1926 em. Siss. 1946 Polygonum perstcaria II! Ifl V Iii II I I I! I! V Mi 1 IN IV î i Veronica persica II II 1 V iN 1 V M! Ii I V Atriplex patula II I II It I 1 Ar.agallis arvensis HI lil III I Geranium dissectum ! I m Polygonum lapathifolium ill 11 Euphorbia helioscopia I Fumaria officinalis 1 PS Panico-Setarion Sissingh 1946 Digitaria sanguinalis III i! I Panicum capillars 1 il) Panicum miliaceum ! CC Centauretalia cyani R. Tx., Lohm. & Prsg. 1950 Viola arvensis Ill V Ii ill 1 ¡ t M IV IV IV lil IV IV V Fallopia convolvulus I (V V IV 1 II V I IV 1 11 Sherardia arvensis III 1 M V Vicia hirsuta II 111 Vicia villosa II! I Odontites vernus I PC Polygono-Chenopodietalia R. Tx., Lohm. & Prsg. 1950 Echinochloa crus-gatli IV III V v 1Í V V V II III II I Ml Chenopodium album M! iV M lil 1 (V V V lil ill M I Amaranthus retroffexus IV Ii m M 1 IV It! I 1! Solanum nigrum [j II II IV 1! 1 Lamium purpureum I i ! I iN V C arda m i ne hirsuta t III m Senecio vulgaris 1 fil Lamium amplexicaule I Son chus oleraceus ) SM Stellarietea mediae {Br.-BÍ. 32), R. Tx., Lohm. & Prsg. '1950 Polygonum aviculare j IV j IV J_ i i ! i ! i ti ¡ Iv 1 in j h V 1 lil ¡ i II! j II 1 1! j iV 136 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Kiemen ILK & franc GATiC FLORA IN VECETAOIA 1NTÏN2IVNO RABUENtH NJIVOSREDN1E CORENfSKE, 131-140 Stellaria media li IV 1 1 i V M f 1 II H V I Capsella bursa-pastoris 1 V V IV If n 1 1 1 IV j Matricaria perforata Ii III 1 1 1 V Ml IV II1 Galeopsis tetrahit II 11 1 Hi V IV III Mentha arvensis 1 111 II III 1 1 Conyza canadensis 11 1 M 1 111 Bras sic a napus ¡1 Hi V IV i Aeihusa cynapium V 1 11 1 1 Myosotis arvensis 1 1 IV Veronica arvensis 11 III 1 1 Sonchus arvensis II 1 1 Geranium molle 1 1 j Lathyrus tuberosus il Microrrhinum minus 1 Veronica hederifolia 111 j Sonchus asper 1 Cerinthe minor 1 i Vicia sativa 1 Abutilón (beophrasti 1 BT Bidentetea tripartitae Tx., Lohm. et Prsg in Tx, 50 Polygonum hydropiper II II 1 Bide ris tripartita i III Polygonum mite IV AV Artemisietea vulgaris Lohm., Prsg. et Tx. in Tx. 50 Cirsium arvense IV 111 J V il 1 1 m II 111 III III III V V V IV 111 Convolvulus arvensis i i 1 Hi IV ! 1 Í IÍI 11 1 Ely trig! a repens II 1 II Ii V II Iii IV II 1 11 Artemisia vulgaris 1 1 ! 1 m II I Silene latifolia 1 1 1 1 m 1 V Erigeron annuus 1 Í m 1 Ml iinaria vulgaris II 1 1 1Í Cirsium vulgare II! 1 Daucus c a rota 1 II! iapsana communis 11 MA Molinio-Arrhenathereta Tx. 37 Rumex obtusifolius 1 III 1 IV Ill II II IV Taraxacum officinale í 1 1! III 1 1 V Agrostis stolonifera HI 1 1 1 V III ! Rorippa sylvestris 1 I 11 Ii III IV Dactylis glomerata i 1 ! III 1 Cerastium holosteoides 1 V II 1 1 Ranunculus repens 1 I Ml I II Potent i l ¡a reptans 1 III 1 ! Rumex c.rispus M il 1 Achillea millefolium 1 1 ill Lysimachia vulgaris ill 1 II Plantago lanceolaUi III 11 1 Poa pratensis 1 1 1 Stachys palustris il 1 1 Trifolium pratense 1 1 1 Euphorbia cyparissias III 1 Galium mo Hugo III II Heracleum sphondylium 1 1 Lathyrus pratensis 1 Í '1 Poa trivialis i 137 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Klemen ELEK fi Franc BATI C: Fi.ORA iN VtGETAClJA INTENZIVNO RABLJENIH Njiv OSREDNJE GORENJSKE, 131-140 Vicia cracca J 1 il PI a ntago intermedia 1 IV Lo Ii um perenne 1 Ho leus lanatus 1 Trifolium repens 1 III Festuca pratensis j 1 GU Calio-Unicetea Th. Mueil. in Oberd. 83 Calystegla sepium Hi M IV II IV IV 11 ii IV IV II Mi IV V Ml III Galium aparine IV V V V V III III V III Ml IV Rtlbus caesius 1 1 1 If III III III il Symphytum officinale ii Í I 1 1 1 1 Eupatorium cannabinum Í III Ï Ii Urtica dioica I 1 Aegopodium podagrana i Gateopsis speciosa 1 ss Sedo-Sclerantetea Br.-BL 55 em. Th. Mueil. 61 Arabidopsis thalian?. 1 1 Arenaria serpyllifolia i o OSTALO Plantago major I If 1 1 j 1 ill Í ¡i Hypericum perforatum 1 Í 1 m iV 1 1 Tussilago farfara i 1 I 1 Iti Í í Poa compressa I if f Iii v Helens mollis 1 i V ! il Scrophularia nodosa 1 i III i t Lolium multiflorum 1 II II il Poaannua 11 1 1 M! Triticum aestivum ill il ií! v Chamomilla suaveolens I 1 II IV ................ Solanum tuberosum 1 III 1 Verbascurn nigrum Iii i Astragalus glycyphyllos 1 S Ecjuisetum arvense I 1 Rubus fruticosus Ml t Quercus robur 1 Arctium minus ! Arctium sp. Í Festuca gigantea i Populas nigra Î Viola hirta i Veronica titiformis Iii Zea mays IM Seca le cereale 1 ZAKLJUČEK Rez Li i ta t i kažejo na očitno osiromašen ost pieveine flore in vegetacije obravnavanega območja. S tem se ujemata tako revna vrstna sestava sestojev kot težavnost uvrščanja sestojev v katero od združb. Osiromašenost je jasno razvidna ne glede na kulturno rastlino ali kolobar, uporabljen na določeni njivi, saj kljub rezultatom dendrograma (SI. 3) tudi sestoji pretežno žitnih njiv niso vrstno veliko bogatejši. Združba, ki bi morala tam uspevati ■ Aphano Matricarietum chamomillae - je celo bolj okrnjena od obeh ugotovljenih okopavinskih združb. Posebno pievelni sestoji v koruzi, kjer sintakso-nomsko pomembne vrste razreda Stellarietea mecliae močno nazadujejo, kažejo na velik negativni vpliv te kulture na pestrost pieveine flore. Podatki so zaskrbljujoči, predvsem če upoštevamo, da se koruza v Sloveniji goji na 60% njiv; na Gorenjskem, kjer je delež živinorejskih kmetij se posebno velik, zavzema koruza še nekaj več površin. 138 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -12- 2002 • 2 Klemen El. ER & Franc 15ATIČ: FLORA IN VEGETACIJA INTENZIVNO RABLJENIH NJiVOSREPNjE GORENJSKE, U1-H0 Ker so bile lokacije popisovanja izbrane načrtno, to je s čim večjo stopnjo intenzivnosti pridelave, lahko ugotovljeno stanje pojmujemo kot skrajno podobo slovenske kulturne krajine, do katere pa bi dejansko lahko prišlo, če ne bodo prej sprejeti določeni ukrepi varovanja. Od teh omenja Kafigarič (1993, 1996, 2001) predvsem ohranjanje vzorčnih površin z ekstenzivnim načinom pridelave in vnašanjem ogroženih plevelnih vrst v posevke žit. V nekaterih srednjeevropskih državah se je za razmeroma uspešno pokazala tudi ekstenzifi-kacija robov večjih njiv. Zaradi velike razparceliranosti in počasnih ukrepov zložbe zemljišč ta strategija pri nas verjetno še ne bo kmalu uveljavljena. FLORA AND VEGETATION IN THE INTENSIVE CROP PRODUCTION FIELDS OF THE CENTRAL GORENjSKA REGION Klemen ELER & Franc BATIC Department of Agronomy, Biotecfinical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, jamnikarjeva 101 E-mail: SUMMARY The research has shown a great weed flora impoverishment and difficulties in syntaxonomic classification of stands in intensively farmed fields of the Kranjsko and Sorsko polje. Characteristic of such type of crop production are regular and radical measures taken to attain the best possible conditions for the growth of cultivated plants as well as to minimise production costs, which of course leads to a thorough selection of weed species. The work is based on phytocoenological survey (Braun-Blanquet method) carried out at different times of the study period (from April 2001 to June 2002} at various localities (in five crops with different types of rotation). The data are assembled in a synthetic phytocoenological table, which also serves as a basis for some other evaluations and processing (preparation of dendrogram). Weed vegetation with the following most frequently occurring species was prevalent: Cirsium arvense, Calystegia sepium, Echinochloa crus-galii, Galium aparine, Viola arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Polygonum persicaria and Setaria viridis. The numerous endangered as well as less endangered species were not recorded; these species are gradually withdrawing to the non-field habitats. As far as life forms are concerned, terophytes were prevalent, while in maize and cereals some geophytes with rhizomes were also significant. Fragments of the following associations were found: Oxalido-Chenopodietum polyspermi R. Tx. 1950, Setario-Galinsogetum parviflorae R. Tx. 50 em Th. Mueller et Oberd. 1983 and Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae R. Tx. 7937. The first two are root crop associations that occur mostly miscellaneously, while the third one is segetal and is floristically considered as the most impoverished association. In the association Aphano-Matricarietum chamomillae, its character species as well as character species of some higher synsystematic units, padicularly the character species of the alliance were missing. In the dealt with area, this association has proved to be poorly preserved irrespective of the crop rotation width. If the intensification continues in Slovenia in direction as shown in this research, certain steps to protect the weed flora will have to be taken, the most effective among them probably being extensification of crop production, preservation of the existing primitive procedures of production, and extensification of the edges of targe fields. Key words: weed vegetation, weed communities, intensive crop production, Gorenjska, Slovenia 139 ANNALES • Ser. bist, nat, • 12 • 2002 ■ 2 Klemen EL ER & F rane BATIČ: FLORA !N VEGETACIJA INTENZIVNO RABLJENIH NJIV OSREDNJE GORENJSKE, 133-1« LITERATURA Braun-Blanquet, J. (1964): Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Auflage. Springer, Wien ... New York, 865 pp. Dierscbke, H. (1994): Pflanzensoziologie (Grundlagen und Methoden). Ulmer, Stuttgart, 683 pp. Hilbig, W. & C. Bachthaler (1992a): Wirtschaftsbedingte Veränderungen der Segetaivegetation in Deutschland im Zeitraum von 1950 - 1990 (Entwicklung der Aufnahmeverfahren. 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ALLIANCE Sonja ŠKORNIK & Mitja KAUGARIČ Biokigy Department, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, Si-2000 Maribor, Koroška 1 GO and Institute of Biodiversity Studies, Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaklijeva 18 E-mail: ABSTRACT Semi-dry meadows of the Central European alliance Mesobromion erecti (class Festuco-Bromelea) are habitats with high biodiversity. Our first aim was to recognize the variability of species composition of central, eastern, and southeastern Slovenian semi-dry grasslands. The second aim was to define which environmental variables affect to the greatest extent the species richness and species composition of those meadows. The vegetation was sampled using standard procedure of the Braun-Blanquet approach. From each plot the following soil parameters were measured: pH, humus, carbonates, potassium, phosphorus; some environmental variables were also estimated by the Ellenberg indicator values. Phytosodological releves were classified by TWiNSPAN. Five clusters were separated and their configuration checked in a CA-ord i nation. For the interpretation of florislical gradient, the environmental variables were correlated with the ordination axes using rank correlation test. It could be summarised that species richness is slightly positively affected by humus and nitrogen amounts. We could also conclude that soil parameters as pH, humus, carbonates, humidity and nitrogen contents are those environmental variables that mostly affect species composition of the Central Slovenian Mesobromion meadows. Key words: Mesobromion erect/, semi-dry meadows, species richness, classification, ordination, phytosociology, Ellenberg indicator values RELAZIONE TRA VARlABiLi AMBIENTALI, RICCHEZZA E COMPOSIZiONE Dl SPECIE IN PRATERIE SEMIARfDE SLOVENE DELL'ALLEANZA MESOBROMION ERECTI SINTESI Le praterie senna ride dell'alleanza centro-europea Mesobromion erecti (classe Festuco-Brometea) vengono considerate come habitat ad alta biodiversita. Scopo principale di tale studio e stato quello di riconoscere la variability della composizione di specie delle praterie semiaride in Slovenia centrale, orientale e sud-orientale. Lo scopo see-on da rio invece era quello di definire quali variabili ambientali influenzano prevalentemente la ricchezza e la composizione di specie di (ali praterie. II campionamento della vegetazione e stato effettuato usando la procedura standard deH'approccio di Braun-Blanquet. In ciascuna delle aree sono stati rilevati i seguenti parametri: pH, humus, carbonati, potassio, fosforo; a lire variabili ambientali sono state stimate attraverso I'indicatore di valori Ellenberg. I rilievi fitosociologici sono stati classificati con H TWINSPAN. Dalla classificazione sono emersi 5 cluster e la loro configurazione e stata verificata con I'ordinarnento CA. Per I'interpretazione dei gradienti floristici le variabili ambientali sono state correlate con gli assi dell'ordinamento usando la correlazione di rango. Dai risultati ottenuti la ricchezza di specie risulta leggermente influenzata positivamente dall'humus e dalla quantita di azoto. La composizione di specie delle praterie di Mesobromion della Slovenia centrale, invece, si e rivelata influenzata in prevalenza da pH, humus, carbonati, umiditži e contenuti di azoto. Parole chiave: Mesobromion erecti, praterie semiaride, ricchezza di specie, classificazione, ordinamento, fitoso- ciologia, indicatoredi valori Ellenberg 141 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Sonja SkORNEK & Miija KAIJGARIČ: RELATION BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES, SPECIES RICHNESS AND SPECIES COMPOSITION .... 141-5 52 INTRODUCTION The correlation between vegetation and environmental parameters is one of the most fundamental questions contributing to understanding plant species composition, structure in a particular habitat, landscape and region (Barbour et at., 1987; Mucins, 1997). Although plant communities are dynamic entities undergoing continuous change in response to climate, land use patterns and intrinsic dynamics, understanding vegeta-tion-environmental correlations at one point in time may heip to predict possible shifts attributed to climate and land use changes (Burke, 2001). Dry and semi-dry grasslands are one of the best-known vegetation types in Europe {Dierschke, 1997). Mostly they are of semi-natural origin (Eilenberg, 1996), i.e. they developed by forest grazing and clear-cutting (Pott, 1996) or after the abandonment of arable fields and vineyards (Schumacher e! a!., 1995) and are maintained by various activities - mowing, grazing of domestic animals, cutting or burning of shrubs and trees (Kienzle, 1979; Pfadenhauer & Erz, 1980; Witschei, 1980). In Slovenia, ail secondary dry and semi-dry grasslands on basic, neutral and slightly acid soil on calcareous bedrock (limestone, dolomite, marl, flysch - a calcareous sandstone) under the tree line belong to the class Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & R.Tx. ex Klika & Hadac 1944 em. Royer 1987 (Kaligaric, 1997a; Skomik, 2000). They are usually found in warm, sun-exposed areas. Those, in winter cold and in the summer extremely hot sites with shallow soil layer, often dry out completely through the action of wind and direct solar irradiation (Kierchner et ai., 1 980; Vogel, 1 981). With about 700 vascular plants and 200 bryophytes and lichens, Festuco-Brometea grasslands are among the most species-rich habitats in Europe (Willems, 1990). In the last decades they have rapidly declined in their size and number in Central and Western Europe (Wolkinger & Plank, 1981) due to the changes in traditional land-use and extensive management (Florvat et ai., 1974; Willmans, 1975; Clavac et at., 1979; Kinzel, 1983). The consequence is fragmentation and isolation of the remnant grasslands (Keymer & Leach, 1990). Other threat to this type of grasslands in Slovenia is their abandonment, where consequently secondary succession has changed many grasslands into scrub and forest (Kaligaric, 1997a, 1997b, 1998). In Slovenia, vegetation of Festuco-Brometea class is quite clearly divided into two orders: the sub-Mediterranean-lflyrian order Scorzoneretatia vtllosae Horvatic 1975, which is distributed in the south-western (sub-Mediterranean) part of Slovenia (Kaligaric, 1997a), and the Brometatia erecti Koch 1926 order that presents continental dry and semi-dry grasslands, characterised by sub-Atlantic-sub-Mediterranean species (Mucin a & Kolbek, 1993). Brometatia erecti order includes semi-dry and dry grasslands of western, central and southern Europe. This order is represented by four alliances (Dierschke, 1997). In Slovenia and in southern Europe, only alliance Mesobromion erecti (Br.-Bl. & Moor 1938) Oberdorfer 1957 can be found (Skomik, 2000). The Mesobromion erecti grasslands have slightly mesophi-lous character - they mostly appear on sites with deeper, moderate humid soil, with pH values around 7. Therefore they are often assigned as "semi-dry" or "semi-arid" grasslands ("Halbtrockenrasen"). As to floristic composition and synecology, this species-rich vegetation has an intermediate position between the extremely dry grasslands of the Brometatia erecti order, the acid grassland vegetation on nutrient-poor soils of the Cal-luno-Ulicetea class, and the mesophilous grassland vegetation of the Arrbenatberetalia order (Mucina & Kolbek, 1993). Until now, only few qualitative descriptive studies of the Brometatia erecti vegetation in continental parts of Slovenia have been published (Tomazic, 1941, 1959; Petkovfek, 1970, 1974, 1977, 1978). The main objective of those studies was to describe the associations according to the Braun-Blanquet approach (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). One of the major aims of the present work was to understand the variation in species composition and species richness of the central, eastern and south-eastern Slovenian semi-dry grasslands (Mesobram/on erecti alliance) in ecological terms using field data and numerical methods. MATERIAL AND METHODS In the year 1999, 35 plots (size of 25 m2) of semi-dry grasslands from the alliance Mesobromion erecti were selected in central, eastern and south-eastern Slovenia (Fig. 1). Vegetation on the plots was sampled using standard procedure of the Braun-Blanquet approach (Braun-Blanquet, 1964; Westhoff & van der Maarel, 1973; Dierschke, 1994). Taxonomic. nomenclature follows Martincic et at. (1999) except for Brornus erectus. The following taxonomically complicated groups are presented as aggregates (agg.): Bromus condensatus, B„ erectus and B. Iranssytvanicus as Bromus erectus agg., Brachypodium pinnatum and B. rupestre as Brachypodium pinnatum agg.; Leucanthemum ircutianum and L vulgare as l eucanthemum vutgare agg.; G. moltugo, G. tucidum and C, album as Galium mollugo agg. All the grasslands are used as meadows, mown twice or at least once a year. Management exclude fertilisation, grazing or other treatments. From each plot the following soil parameters were analysed: 1. pH (measured in 0.1 N solution of KC1 by glass electrode), 2. humus (Walkey-Black method), 3. carbonates (CaC03) (volumetric by Scheibfer calcio- 142 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Fig. 1: Sampling plots distributed across central, eastern and south-eastern Slovenia. Legend: ♦ - 1M cluster, O -Td cluster, • - 3rd cluster, □ - 4th cluster, m - 5th cluster. SI. 1: Vzorčtšča v osrednji, vzhodni in jugovzhodni Sloveniji. Legenda: ♦ - 1. skupina, O - 2. skupina, © - 3. skupina, □ - 4. skupina, M - 5. skupina. metre), potassium (K20) (flame photometry), and phosphorus (P) (spectrophotometric measurements of the coloured complex). Some environmental variables were estimated by weighted (species frequencies are weights) averages of Ellenberg indicator values (Ellenberg et al., 1991) for light, humidity, temperature and nitrogen content. Species richness per 25 nr was defined for each plot. For the numerical classification Two-Way-INdicator-SPecies-ANaiysis (TWINSPAN; Hill, 1979) was applied. It was run using the computer program VEGI (Reiter, 1998). Correspondence Analysis (CA) was used to ordinate releves (plots) using the computer package STATIS-TICA (Hirschfeld, 1935; Hill, 1973). For the interpretation of gradients extracted from CA ordination the environmental variables and richness values were correlated with the ordination axes. All correlations were tested by Spearman's rank correlation test, which was carried out using non-parametric statistics in STATISTICA. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION were separated. For each cluster blocks of species, confirming slightly diverse species composition of the relevés, are shown in the table. Clusters do not represent phytogeographycally based units, nor management-dependent units. They entirely depend on ecological conditions, varying due to the soil characteristics. Cluster 1 includes 7 plots. Differential species of the cluster are Agrosu's capillaris, Festuca filiformis, Polygala vut- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ OOOOO •••••••• o□□□□□□ □ ammiBB 21 11 Î. Js 23 M 35 31 T si !3 15 S2 as 23 12 t a ig si lî M (ÏDÎ76 1 . 2: Values of measured and estimated environmental variables for 35 relevés of Slovenian semi-dry grasslands (Mesobromion erect i alliance). Legend: E - variables estimated by weighted averages of Ellenberg indicator values. Tab. 2: Vrednosti izmerjenih in ocenjenih ekoloških parametrov za 35 popisov slovenskih polsuhih travišč (zveza Mesobromion erecti). Legenda: E - parametri, ocenjeni s tehtanimi srednjimi vrednostmi Ellenbergovih indeksov. Measured variable Ellenberg values Species richness/ 25 m2 CaCO} pH k2o Humus Humidity5 UghtE Temperature1 Nitrogen^ relevés (%) (in KCi) (mg/100 g) (mg/100g) (%) 1 7.20 7.00 1.60 10.80 12.64 2.91 7.36 5.73 2.43 55 2 7.60 7.17 1.80 19.90 12.50 3.45 6.84 5.71 2.57 69 3 9.60 7.07 1.50 9.60 13.28 3.00 7.60 5.81 2.47 65 4 29.60 7.38 2.40 10.10 11.96 2.40 7.45 5.8S 2.84 60 5 12.80 7.15 1.30 8.80 12.02 3.06 6.98 5.88 2,44 62 6 1.24 6.70 1.10 7.20 12.00 2.92 6.85 5.06 2.14 55 7 1.20 6.77 1.10 7.10 11.38 1.78 6.21 4.65 2.42 58 8 21.20 7.25 2.60 10.80 12.46 3.02 7.43 5.37 2.67 5.3 9 1.00 5.91 1.10 6.20 9.90 3.49 7.96 4.93 2.57 50 10 5.60 6.67 1.90 7.70 11.10 3.24 7.50 5.36 2.59 54 11 1.20 6.85 1.40 8.70 8.80 3.23 7.11 5.74 2.34 50 12 21.60 7.01 0.80 8.00 7.42 3.34 7.19 5.54 2.81 56 13 3.20 6.74 1.40 8.90 6.98 3.31 8.11 5.96 2.15 45 14 29.20 7.18 2.20 7.90 12.12 3.42 7.54 6.12 2.42 42 15 52.00 7.22 1.90 9.30 6.28 2.90 7.30 5.77 2.41 37 16 34.00 7.14 1.20 7.70 3.43 3.32 7.30 5.88 2.51 41 17 4.00 7.00 2.70 9.70 12.34 3.01 7.39 5.42 2.60 51 18 1.20 6.79 1.90 9.50 9.12 3.62 7.36 5.71 2.57 45 19 0.20 5.71 1.10 5.50 7.44 3.64 7.57 5.67 2.78 54 20 0.40 6.30 1.30 6.10 10.26 3.44 7.S3 5.71 2.20 50 21 0.04 4.68 1.60 13.80 3.02 3.38 7.73 6.00 2.32 43 22 0.16 5.57 1.50 4.60 6.10 3.51 7.62 5.63 2.69 51 23 0.16 5.48 1.50 7.10 6.40 3.23 7.83 5.73 2.25 37 24 0.16 4.02 0.60 5.90 5.72 3.98 7.17 4.24 2.61 46 25 0.24 4.23 0.90 4.20 3.84 3.27 7.13 5.60 2.35 41 26 0.16 4.96 1.60 3.80 3.77 3.38 6.91 5.98 2.31 50 27 0.20 5.60 0.80 3.00 3.53 3.56 6.99 5.60 2.42 46 28 0.08 6.31 1.40 3.90 4.56 3.43 7.75 5.43 2.91 65 29 0.24 6.19 1.40 7.00 7.16 3.17 7.69 5.58 2.77 65 30 0.20 5.93 1.30 8.50 8.32 3.63 7.71 5.52 2.78 67 31 0.80 6.73 1.30 7.90 5.14 3.13 7.84 5.49 2.79 51 32 29.20 7.32 3.60 5.90 4,71 3.22 7,71 5.62 2.66 45 33 21.20 7.10 4.00 20.40 6.08 3.55 7.26 5.83 2.38 37 34 24.00 7.39 2.90 18.30 5.64 3.54 7,71 5.66 2.68 48 35 3.20 7.17 3.20 5.70 6.16 3.04 8.14 5.61 2.75 51 negatively correlated with soil pH, nitrogen and species richness. Along this axis we could follow the gradient from naturally fertile basic (calcareous) substrates towards acid and leached, infertile soils. The third axis and the fourth axis (as well as the others) are not visible in the two-dimensional ordination, but they are also less important, because they usually describe less than 5% of the total variability. It is generalised for all types of meadows that fertilisation causes biodiversity loss. Furthermore, dry and semi-dry grasslands are also characterised by low supply of nutrients as the consequence of long lasting removal of aboveground biomass by mowing or grazing without additional fertilization (Gigon, 1968; Grime, 1990; Pils, 1994). But the low level of nutrients must be understood only relatively; due to the results of the present research 148 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Sonja SkORNEK & Miija KAIJGARIČ: RELATION BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES, SPECIES RICHNESS AND SPECIES COMPOSITION .... 141-5 52 Tab. 3: Spearman rank order correlation coefficients (R) between environmental variables. Spearman R is given together with levels of probability #-p< 0.05, $ = p < 0.001. Tab. 3: Spearmanovi korelacijski koeficienti (R) med ekološkimi parametri, sirupay s stopnjami verjetnosti # = p < 0.05, $ = p < 0.001. Variable CaC03 pH P2Os K¡0 Humu Humi1 Light* Temp Nf CaC03 1 pH 0.49# 1 P2Os 0,45# 0.5$ 1 K 20 0.55$ 0.31 0.49# 1 Humus 0.37# 0.11 0.15 0.45# 1 Humidity1 -0,41 # -0.22 -0.21 -0.22 -0.39# 1 Light* -0.17 0,42# 0.25 -0.05 -0.19 0.1 1 Temperature" 0.15 -0.03 0.09 0.27 0.1 -0.24 -0.18 1 NitrogenE 0.07 0.52$ 0.07 -0.05 0 0.11 0.33 -0,26 1 Species richness -0.05 0.17 -0.05 0.05 0.53$ -0.22 -0.08 -0.07 0.5# 1 Tab. 4: Spearman rank order correlation coefficients (R) between environmental variables and CA 1-4. R is given together with levels of probability # = p < 0.05, $ p <0.001. Tab. 4: Spermanovi korelacijski koeficienti (R) med ekološkimi parametri in CA 1-4. R je prikazan skupaj s stopnjami verjetnosti # = p < 0.05, $ = p < 0.001. Variable CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CaC03 0.53# -0.4 -0.41 # -0.01 p H -0.06 -0.83$ -0,17 0.06 0.08 -0.3 -0.28 -0.28 jico 0.47# -0.26 -0.16 -0.17 IHumus 0.77$ -0.22 0.18 -0,28 Humidity®1 -0.45# 0.33 -0.17 -0.09 LightE -0.39 -0.35 -0.19 -0.07 Tempera tu reE 0.27 0.03 -0.01 -0.18 NitrogenE -0.23 -0.44# 0.17 -0.17 Species richness 0.27 -0.41 # 0.60$ -0.33 it could be summarised that species richness is positively affected by humus and nitrogen amounts. Deeper and naturally fertile soils enable a very wide spectrum of species, starting from the contingent of Brometalia to- wards to the rich contingent of Arrhenatheretalia order as well. It could be interpreted that species richness on naturally fertile soils is high due to the neutrophilous and mesophilous species occurring in these conditions. It is known that unfertilised semi-dry and dry meadows are colonised by many rare and threatened species, which are adapted to high solar irradiation, heat, drought and cold winter period, to nutrient poor conditions (Ellenberg, 1996) - interpreted also as mineral nutrient stress {Grime, 1976, 1990) - if these selected species are present, those meadows are automatically considered as "species-rich grasslands" due to the presence of "more important" species. Calcareous substrate is also known to increase species richness (Kinzel, 1983), but in our research the correlation between species richness, CaC03 and pH were not statistically significant. One reason is probably the fact that all the plots have developed on soils on calcareous substrates (dolomite, limestone, marl, flysch). The other reason could be the fact that mainly all sampled plots presented typical Slovenian semi-dry grasslands which were in very good condition, due to the favourable ecological characteristics of the localities and extensive management regime. 149 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Sonja SkORNEK & Miija KAIJGARIČ: RELATION BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES, SPECIES RICHNESS AND SPECIES COMPOSITION .... 141-5 52 POVEZAVA MED EKOLOŠKIMI PARAMETRI, ŠTEVILČNOSTJO RASTLINSKIH VRST iN FLORISTIČNO SESTAVO SLOVENSKIH POLSUHIH TRAVIŠČ ZVEZE MESOBROMiON ERECT! Sonja ŠKORNIK & Mitja KAUGARiČ Oddelek za biologijo, Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru, 51-2000 Maribor, Koroška J 60 in Inštitut za biodiverzitetne študije, Znanstveno raziskovalno središče republike Slovenije, Koper, Si-6000 Koper, Garibaidijeva IS E-mail: POVZETEK Polsuha travišča zveze Mesobromion erects (Br.-Bi. & Moor 1938) Oberdorfer 1957 sodijo med h ab i tate z visoko biodiverziteto. Floristično diverziteto lahko najpreprosteje označimo kot število vrst na določeni površini (v našem primeru je bila površina 25 m2). Namen naše raziskave je bil na osnovi 35 raziskovalnih ploskev (sestojev polsuhih travišč, izbranih na območju srednje, vzhodne in jugovzhodne Slovenije) ugotoviti povezavo med floristično sestavo teh iravišč, številčnostjo rastlinskih vrst in izbranimi ekološkimi parametri. Vsa izbrana travišča vzdržujejo z ekstenzivno nego - redno košnjo enkrat na leto brez gnojenja. Vegetacijo smo vzorčili po standardni Braun-Bianquetovi metodi. Hkrati s popisi smo na vzorčnih površinah vzeli tudi vzorce tal, ki so jim bile določene naslednje lastnosti: pH, količina organskih snovi, karbonatov ter deleža kalija in fosforja. Razmere na rastiščih smo ocenjevali tudi na podlagi tehtanih srednjih vrednost/ Ellenbergovih ekoloških indeksov za svetlobo, vlago, temperaturo in vsebnost dušika. Klasifikacijo fitocenoloških popisov smo opravili z analizo TWINSPAN. Opravljena je bila tudi ordinacija popisov CA (Correspondence Analysis). Na podlagi obeh analiz smo dobili pet dobro ločenih skupin (klastrov) s 5 do 7 popisi. Za interpretacijo florističnih gradientov, ki so se pokazali po ordinaciji CA, smo koordinate CA posameznih popisov s Spearmanovim korelacijskim koeficientom primerjali s pripadajočimi izmerjenimi in ocenjenimi ekološkimi parametri. Pri tem se je pokazalo, da so številni parametri v statistično značilni korelaciji s koordinatami CA. Prva ordinacijska os je v pozitivni korelaciji z vrednostmi za humus, karbonate, vlažnost in kalij in jo lahko interpretiramo kot gradient od popisov na globokih in vlažnih rjavih tleh, do popisov na plitkih, suhih, karbonatnih tleh. Druga os je v negativni korelaciji z vrednostmi pH in vsebnostmi dušika v tleh; vzdolž te osi lahko spremljamo gradient od naravno hranilnih, bazičnih tal do spranih, kislih in s hranilnimi snovmi revnih, pustih tal. Iz dobljenih rezultatov povzemamo, da je številčnost rastlinskih vrst na traviščih, ki sicer niso umetno dognojevana, v rahli pozitivni odvisnosti z vsebnostmi humusa in dušika v tleh. Iz ordinacije CA, ki temelji na florističnl sestavi izbranih eksperimentalnih ploskev, lahko jasno razberemo nekatere ekološke gradiente. Zaključujemo, da so pH, vsebnost humusa, karbonatov in dušika v tleh ter vlažnost, tal tisti ekološki dejavniki, ki najmočneje vplivajo na vrstno sestavo polsuhih travišč zveze Mesobromion erecti v osrednji, vzhodni in jugovzhodni Sloveniji. Ključne besede: Mesobromion erecti, polsuha travišča, številčnost rastlinskih vrst, klasifikacija, ordinacija, fitosociologija, Ellenbergovi ekološki indeksi REFERENCES Barbour, M. G., |. H. Burk & W. D. Pitts (1987): Terres-trial plant ecology. Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, Menlo Park, CA. Braun-Blanquet, ). (1964): Pfianzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. Springer Verlag, Wien, New York. Burke, A. 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Council of Europe, Strasbourg. 152 ANNALES • Ser. hist, nat ■ 12 • 2002 • 2 origina! scientific paper UDC 581.9:632.18(497.4-15) received: 2002-10-27 PRIMERJAVA POŽGANIH IN NEPOŽGANIH GOZDNSH PLOSKEV NA OSNOVI RASTLINSKIH ŽIVLJENJSKIH OBLIK NA PRIMORSKEM KRASU IN V ISTRI Franc BATIČ ■ Oddelek za agronomijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, 51-1000 Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101 E-mail: franc.baüc@bf.uni-lj,si A/en SARDOČ Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, Biotehniška fakulteta. Univerza v Ljubljani, SM0GQ Ljubljana, Večna pot. 83 Boris TURK Oddeiek za agronomijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza Ljubljani, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101 Matjaž ČATER Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Večna pot 2 IZVLEČEK Prispevek obravnava vpliv požarov na floristično sestavo vegetacije s poudarkom na življenjskih oblikah višjih rastlin (fane rot iti, h a me fiti, hemikriptofiti, geofíti, terofiti). Na območju slovenskega Krasa in Istre je bilo opravljenih nekaj parov popisov v gozdnih sestojih na ploskvah, kjer je pred kratkim gorelo, in na bližnji nepogoreli ploskvi s podobnimi rasti ščnimi razmerami. Floristični popisi rastlin so bili opravljeni v treh glavnih aspektih vegetacije, analizirano je le številčno pojavljanje glavnih življenjskih oblik. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da raznolikost rastlinskih vrst vrst po požaru narašča in z razvojem vegetacije v prvotno gozdno obliko upada. Po požaru se v kratkem obdobju v večjem številu naselijo .anemohomi terofiti, vendar jih kmalu izrinejo na to okolje bolje prilagojeni hemikriptofiti, hamefiti in fanerofiti. Konkurenčno so najuspešnejše vrste, ki kopičijo zaloge energije v podzemnih trajnih delih. Razmeroma dolga vegetacijska doba in vlažna, mila zimska polovica leta jim omogoča dobro preživetje. Ključne besede: požari, gozdna vegetacija, življenjska oblika rastlin, submediteran, Slovenija CONFRONTO TRA PIANE BOSCH1VE ARSE E NON ARSE IN BASE ALLE FORME Dl VITA VEGETAL! SUL CARSO SLOVENO ED IN iSTRIA SINTESI L'articoio tratta ¡'influenza degli incendi sulla composizione botanic.a della vegeta z i one, accentuando i rapporti ira le varíe forme di vita delle piante superiori (fanerofite, camefite, emicriptoñte, geofile, terofite). Nella regione del carso sloveno e dell'Istria so no statí effettuati diverst inventad su piane boschive recentemente affette da incendi ed in una piana vicina con condizioni di crescita simili, ma non danneggiata dal fuoco. ¡.'inventario delle piante ha tenuto conto di tre aspetti maggiorítari della vegetazione; é stata analizzata solo la presenza/assenza delle forme di vita príncipali. Dai risultati é emerso che in seguito ad un incendio cresce la diversity di specie e forme, per poi diminuiré con il successivo sviluppo della vegetazione nella forma boschiva primaria. In un breve lasso di tempo dopo Yincendio si insedia un gran numero di terofite anemocore, che vengono pero ben presto sostituiie da ernicriptofite, camefite e fanerofite, meglio adaüate a tale ambiente. Le specie capad di immagazzinare energía nelle parti sotterranee permanenti sono quelle piü concorrenziali, favorite anche da una piü lunga durata delta vita e da un semestre invernale umido e privo di stress. Parole chiave: incendi, vegetazione boschiva, forma di vita delle piante, submedi terra neo, Slovenia 153 ANNALES ■ Ser. bist. nat. • 12 - 2002 • 2 Franc BATIČ efaL-PRIMERJAVA POŽ0ANIH IN NEPOŽGANiH GOZDNIH PI.OSKEV NA OSNOVI RASTLINSKIH ŽIVUENjSKIH OBLIK ..., 153-15« UVOD Ogenj je ecfen izmed ekoloških dejavnikov v kopenskih ekosistemih. Požari so naraven pojav, ki ga povzroča strela, v nekaterih primerih tudi vulkanska dejavnost, ki povzroča vročinski stres in uničuje nadzemne rastlinske biomase v različnem obsegu. Naravno pojavljanje požarov je pogosto v predelih Zemlje z rednim pojavljanjem sušnih obdobij fborealni gozdovi, stepe, savane, območje Sredozemlja in klimatsko podobna območja, subtropska in tropska območja Zemlje) kot tudi v drugih predelih Zemlje, kjer se suša pojavlja občasno. Seveda ni treba posebej poudarjati, da je povzročitelj požarov tudi človek, saj je bila uporaba ognja eden izmed osnovnih dejavnikov v razvoju človeka in kasneje osnova za preproste požigalntške sisteme kmetovanja (Moreno & Oechel, 1994a; Košir, 1997; Johnson & Miyanishi, 2001; Eitler & Ray, 2002). Delovanje ognja je pogubno, saj ogenj uniči večji del ali vso nadzemno rastlinsko biomaso, pogosto tudi organske plasti tal (Moreno & Oechel, 1994a; Košir, 1997; Johnson & Miyanishi, 2001; Urbančič & Dakskobler, 2001). Stalno pojavljanje ognja pa je tudi razlog za nastanek izjemnih, na ogenj prilagojenih oblik rastlin, katerih razmnoževanje je omogočeno z delovanjem visokih temperatur ob požarih, ko zgorijo trdni zaščitni ovoji socvetij oz. plodov in semen in s tem požar oz. ogenj omogoča razširjanje semen in kalitev (Fitter, 2002). V gozdnih ekosistemih s stalnim pojavljanjem požarov so se razvile lesnate rastline s slabo gorljivim, debelim lubjem, veliko sposobnostjo regeneracije iz spečih brstov in sposobnostjo regeneracije iz korenin (Frey & Lösch, 1998; Fitter & Ray, 2002). Učinek ognja na vegetacijo in njen razvoj po požaru je odvisen od vrste požara, tipa in stanja prizadete vegetacije, vremenskih in podnebnih razmer ter lastnosti tal (Allen, 1989; Moreno & Oechel, 1994b, 1995; Bradstock & Auld, 1995; Campbeli et al., 1995; Pate, 1995; Košir, 1997; Batič, 2001). Ogenj je ekološki dejavnik, ki ga po Grimovt klasifikaciji opredelimo kot motnjo - disturbanco (Crime, 1979). To je sprememba habitata, ki pomeni uničenje osebka oz. večjega dela biomase. Poleg požarov puščajo podobne posledice še poplave, plazovi, vetro-lomi, vulkanski izbruhi in herbivorija v večjem obsegu. Rastline, ki prenašajo motnje, imenujemo ruderaine rastline, označene z R (Grime, 1979). V Slovenskem pri morju je pojavnost požarov v državnem merilu največja (jakša, 1997; Košir, 1997). Vzrok so podnebne razmere, vrsta in stanje vegetacije, značilnosti tal in dejavnosti ljudi (Čehovin, 1997; Košir, 1997; Prebevšek, 2000; Sardoč, 2002). Preliminarne raziskave spremembe flore po požarih na območju slovenskega Krasa in Istre smo opravili v okviru raziskovalne naloge, ki se je posebej ukvarjala s to problematiko (Jure e! al., 2001). Submediteransko območje je v Sloveniji požarno najbolj ogroženo (JakŠa, 1997; Ko- šir, 1997), kar je predvsem posledica razporeditve in količine padavin, lastnosti tal in že prej omenjenih vzrokov. Pri razlagi vpliva požara na vegetacijo je treba upoštevati dejstvo, da je bila ta na tem območju izpostavljena v preteklosti še drugim motnjam, ki so pogosto prešle v stres zaradi prekomerne, dolgotrajne rabe prostora (paša, sekanje gozda, obdelava). Pomembno je tudi dejstvo, da je ta raba v zadnjih 50-70 letih močno zmanjšana, kar pomeni konec močne disturbance. Zaradi vsega naštetega je interpretacija sestave rastlinstva in smeri razvoja združb kot tudi njihovega poimenovanja dokaj zapletena. MATERIALI IN METODE Območje raziskav Pri izbiri raziskovalnih ploskev je bilo prvo izhodišče starost požara in drugo čim bolj podobne rastiščne razmere na karbonatni in na flišni matični podlagi. Raziskava gozdnih požarov je bila opravljena na sedmih lokacijah, v prispevku so prikazani izsledki raziskav z naslednjih petih požarišč: 1. Vremščica (občina Divača, gorelo avgusta leta 1997, talni in vršni, 281 ha, tu in tam zaraščajoči se pašniki in drugotni gozd črnega bora), X = 5 422 750, Y = 5 061 550, n.m.v. 460 m; popisi: 22. 7. 1999, 11,5. 2000,12.10.2001. 2. Podgovec (občina Sežana, gorelo avgusta leta 1998, talni, 7,53 ha, drugotni gozd črnega bora (Sesierio autumnalis-Pinetvm nigrae), X = 5 409 156, Y = 5 066 392, n.m.v. 296 m; popisi: 1. 6. 2000, 19, 4. 2001, 12. 10.2001, 3. Kojnik (občina Koper, gorelo aprila leta 1998, 316 ha, talni in vršni, pašniki ter drugotni gozd črnega bora in termofilnih listavcev), X = 5 418 656,Y ~ 5 040 536, n.m.v. 780; popisi: 22. 7. 1999, 14. 5. 2001, 2. 7. 2001, 25.6.2001,25.10.2001. 4. Strma reber - Diliči (občina Koper, gorelo aprila leta 1999, talni, 14,28 ha, gozd puhastega hrasta in drugih listavcev na flišu), X = 5 404 320, Y = 5 039 113, n.m.v. 277; popisi: 1. 6. 2000. 14. 5. 2001, 2. 7. 2001, 25. 10, 2001. 5. Mlave (občina Sežana, gorelo avgusta leta 2000, vršni, 2,4 ha, drugotni gozda črnega bora in termofilnih listavcev), X = 5 414 500,Y = 5 059 750, n.m.v. 400 m; popisi: 19. 4. 2001, 29. 6. 2001^, 12.10. 2001. Na vseh mestih smo v pomladnem, poletnem tn jesenskem aspektu opravili fitocenološke popise rastlin po kombinirani srednjeevropski metodi ocenitve zastiranja in združnosti vseh pojavljajočih se vrst (Braun-B!anquet, 1964). Terenske popise smo vnesli v program za urejanje podatkovnih zbirk FloVegSi (Vreš scale bar -10 mm (photo: H. Kabasakal & E. Kabasakal). SI. 3: Spolni organ samca D. licha; puščica označuje beli konici spolnega organa, merilo = 10 mm (foto: H. Kabasakal & E. Kabasakal). ined specimens, the s"1 gil! slits were slightly larger than the remaining gill slits (Tab. 1). Body surface covered by low flat, ridged, unicuspid dermal denticles. Upper teeth were small, slender-cusped and lower teeth large with erect, triangular, blade-like serrated cusps (Fig. 4). Mor-phometric measurements of the examined specimens are given in Table 1. Claspers of the examined specimens were uncalci-fied, soft and clearly shorter than the pelvic fins (Fig. 3). Moreover, sperm were not observed in seminal vesicles of the specimens. All stomachs of the examined specimens were found to contain food. Prey organisms contained in the stomachs and their numerical data are given in Table 2 and Figure 5. The three specimens (Nos: 1, 2 and 4; 338 mm, 344.2 mm and 372.5 mm in TOT, respectively) were Fig. 4: Dentition in the upper and lower jaws of D. licha, scale bar ~ 10 mm (photo: H. Kabasakal & E. Kabasakal). SI. 4: Zobovje v gornji m spodnji čeljusti D. licha, merilo - 10 mm (foto: H. Kabasakal & E. Kabasakal). found to bear healing umbilical scars on ventral surface between their pectoral fins (Fig. 6). DISCUSSION Compagno (1984) and McEachran & Branstetter (1984) stated that the common maximum length of D. licha is about 159 cm, but it can possibly grow to 182 cm. According to Ak§iray (1987), maximum length of this shark in the seas of Turkey is 150 cm. Total length of the largest examined specimen was 470,2 mm and, therefore, specimens of the present study represent only juveniles of the northern Aegean Sea population of D. licha. Due to the insufficient morphometric study concerning kitefin sharks captured in the seas of Turkey, it was not possible to compare our data with those of the previous studies. Meric (1995) reported some undetailed 164 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 H«kaii KABASAKAt. & 0¡f KABASAKAL: MORPHOMETRY OF YOUNG KtTEHN sharks, DAWTfAS UCHA (BONN ATERRE, 17B8Í.....16] -166 g CMtsirt nij»vniiil p- SaWiji. rt m (»o" «ni m TüUlCíflíVil&fKVla lollilj:-VilUjiilri 5ífJI"rtlí spfl. sgn-jflH-s i-SBHHt Trjth:* cit Aportan«« SPN% Í3P0% fíPW% Fig. 5: l.R.i. diagram of the prey organisms and their numerical (PN%), weight (PW%), and frequency of occurrence (PO%) values. Si. 5; D/agram l,R.l. (Index relativne pomembnosti plena) in vrednosti, kar zadeva njihovo številčnost (PN%), težo (PW%) in frekvenco pojavljanja (PO%). morphometric data of a male kitefin shark (345 mm TOT} captured In the Sea of Marmara. According to this author, total length / head length (TOT / HL) ratio of the Marmara specimen was 5.07 and head length / pectoral fin length (anterior edge) (HI. / PL) ratio was 1.62 (Mer'n;, 1995), In the examined specimens, same ratios were as follows: TOT / HL was 4.83 and HL / PL 1.69. The latter ratios (HL / PL) of the present study and of Meric (1995) are quite similar, but the former ratios (TOT / HL) are clearly different. Standard morphometric measurements of the Marmara specimens of D. Hcha have not been recorded by Meric (1995), thus it was not possible to make a comparison between the specimens of kitefin shark captured in two different seas. Macpherson (1980) examined 31 specimens of Scymnorhinus iicha (= D. licha) and recorded primarily fishes, decapod and natantid crustaceans and cephalo-pods in the stomachs. The lengths of the examined specimens of D. licha by Macpherson (1980) varied between 32 to 100,8 cm and the main prey organisms consumed by those specimens, in the order of importance, were teleosts Notoscopelus elongatus elongatus, Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus and Phycis blennoides, blackmouth cat shark Galeus nielastomus, and decapod Aristeus antennatus. in the present study, stomach contents of the examined kitefin sharks were found to contain mainly fishes, followed by cephalopods and decapod Parapenaeus longirostris (Tab- 2, Fig. 5). G. melas-tomus was the only chondricthyan consumed by the examined kitefin sharks. In the study area, numerous juveniles of G. melastomus were observed in the trawling hauls and it is one of the sharks that co-exist with D. licha (personal observation by both authors). Clarke & Merrett (1972) reported that the high incidence of empty stomachs (90%) of deep sea fishes captured particularly by long-line fishery may be due to the frequent loss of food during their ascent from great depths. However, the examined male kitefin sharks of the present study captured by otter-trawling and their stomachs were completely full. This suggests that, due to the compression in the cod-end the food was not washed out of the stomachs or that the sharks preyed on food in the net. Furthermore, Cornpagno (1984) stated that for some reason male D. licha have full stomachs more commonly than females. According to Cornpagno (1984), male D. licha reaches maturity at a total length between 77 to 121 cm. Reported size at birth of this species is about 30 cm (Tortonese, 1956; Cornpagno, 1984; McEachran & Bran-stetter, 1984). The presence of uncalcified, soft clas- Fig. 6: Healing umbilical scar (arrow) in the male D. licha, scale bar = 50 mm (photo; H. Kabasakal & E. Ka-basakal). Si. 6: Celeča se poporodna brazgotina (puščica) pri samcu D. licha, merilo = 50 mm (foto: H. Kabasakal & £ Kabasakal). 165 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Hakan KASASAKAL & Fiif KABASAKAL: MORPHOMETRY OF YOUNG KITEHN SHARKS. DALATIAS UCHA {BONNATERRE, 1780!, .... 161-166 pers showed that our specimens were hence juvenifes. The lengths of our specimens were also smaller than the reported maturing size of D. licha. D. licha is an ovovi-viparous shark and according to Castro (1993) in the aplacental or ovoviviparous species, neonates are the individuals at or near the birth size, bearing fresh, unhealed or healing umbilical scars. It was observed that three of the examined specimens (Nos: 1, 2 and 4; 338 mm, 344.2 mm and 372.5 mm TOT, respectively} bore umbilical scars (Fig. 6) and were therefore considered neonates. Castro (1993) also stated that the neonatal period terminates with the healing (closure) of the umbilical scar. Thus, the remaining two specimens (Nos: 3 and 5; 470.2 and 419.1 mm TOT, respectively) were post- neonatai individuals because no evidence of umbilical scars was observed in those specimens. Tortonese (1956) stated that She breeding season of D. iicha in the Mediterranean Sea is in autumn. The capture of the neonates and post-neonatal individuals in October suggests that the breeding season of D. Iicha in the northern Aegean Sea is also in autumn. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors wish to thank the crew of the trawling boat $EKERBABA 2 of Gokgeada for their kind help during field work. MORFOMETRIČNI IN BIOLOŠKI PODATKi O MLADIH TEMNIH MORSKIH PSIH, DALATIAS LICHA (BONNATERRE, 1788), IZ SEVEROVZHODNEGA EGEjSKEGA MORJA Hakan KABASAKAL & Elif KABASAKAL Ichthyoiogicai Research Society, Ataturk mahallesi, Meote^ogio caddesi, idil apt., No 30, D 4, TR-Umraniye 81230 Istanbul E-mail: POVZETEK Avtorja navajata biološke podatke o petih temnih morskih psih, Dalatias licha (Bonnaterre, 1788) - treh novo-skotenih in dveh malce starejših osebkih - ujetih oktobra 1999 v bližini severne obale Gokgeade (severovzhodno Egejsko morje) v globini 380 m. Predstavljeni so tudi njihovi morfološki podatki. Glede na dejstvo, da so bili ti mladi temni morski psi ujeli v bližini Gokceade, je verjetno, da je območje razmnoževalno okolje za vrsto Dalatias licha. Ključne besede: temni morski pes, Dalatias licha, morfometrični podatki, struktura hrane v želodcih, razmnoževanje, Egejsko morje REFERENCES Ak§iray, F. (1987): Turkiye Deniz Baliklari ve Tayin Anahtari. 2nd Edition, Publications of Istanbul University, no. 3490, Istanbul, 811 pp. Cailliet, G. M., M. S. Love & A, W. Ebeling (1986): Fishes: a field and laboratory manual on their structure, identification, and natural history. Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California, 194. Castro, J. i. (1993): The shark nursery of Bulls Bay, South Carolina, with a review of the shark nurseries of the southeastern coast of the United States. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 38, 37-48. Clarke, M. R. & N. Merrett (1972): The significance of squid, whale and other remains from the stomachs of bottom-living deep-sea fish. J, mar. btol. Ass. U. K., 52, 599-603. Compagno, L.}. V. (1984): FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4: Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. Part 1. Hex-anchiformes to Lamniformes. Rome, 249 pp. Macpherson, E. (1980): Régime alimentaire de Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810, Etmopterus spinax (L., 1758) et Scymnorhinus licha (Bonnaterre, 1788) en Méditerranée occidentale. Vie Milieu, 30(2), 139-148. McEachran,}. D, & S. Branstettei (1984); Squalidae. In. Whitehead, P. j. P., M. -L. Bauchot, j. -C. Hureau, j. Nielsen & E. Tortonese (eds.): Fishes of the Northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Vol. I, UNESCO, Paris, 128-147. Meriç, N. (1995): A study on existence of some fishes on the continental slope of the Sea of Marmara. Tr. J. of Zoology, 19(2), 191-198. Papaconstantinou, C. (1988): Check-list of marine fishes of Greece. National Center for Marine Research & Hellenic Zoological Society (Ed.), Athens, 257 pp. Tortonese, E. (1956): Fauna d'ltalia vol. It. Leptocardia, Ciclostomata, Selachii. Calderini, Bologna, 334. 166 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 original scientific paper UDC 597(262.3) received: 2002-07-15 NORTHERN RANGE EXTENSION OF THE ORNATE WRASSE, THALASSOMA PAVO (LINNAEUS, 1 758) (PISCES: LABRiDAE), IN THE EASTERN ADRIATIC jakov DULCIC & Armin PALLAORO institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, HR-21000 Split, P.O.Box 500 E-mail: ABSTRACT Two adult and one juvenile specimen of Thalassoma pavo were caught in the areas of Rogoznica (Islet Svilan) and PrimoSten (Islets Crbavac, Lukovnjak and Maslinovik) in the eastern Adriatic in july and August 2001. This record extends the distribution of this species northward in the Adriatic Sea. Visual censuses were also conducted in shallow waters, where the bulk of juveniles and adults of this species were registered and encountered. Key words; Thalassoma pavo, range extension, northernmost record, Adriatic Sea MASSIMA ESTENSIONE A NORD DELLA DONZELEA PAVONINA THALASSOMA PAVO {LINNAEUS, 1 758) {PISCES: LABRIDAE) IN ADRIATICO ORIENTALE SINTESI Due adulti ed un giovane esemplare di Thalassoma pavo sono stati catturati nelle aree di Rogoznica (isolotto di Svilan) e Primosten (isolotti di Crbavac, Lukovnjak e Maslinovik), in Adriático orientate, durante i mesi di luglio e agosto del 2001. Tali segnalazioni estendono verso nord la distribuzione di questa specie nel mare Adriático. La técnica del Visual census e stata inoltre adoperata per monitorare le acque basse, dove e stata registrata ed incon-trata la maggior parte degli esemplari giovani e adulti di quests specie. Parole chiave: Thalassoma pavo, estensíorse, segnaíazione piü a nord, mare Adriático 167 ANNALES ■ Set. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 ¡?.kov DULČC & Armin PAELAORO; NORTHERN RANGE EXTENSION Of THE ORNATE WRASSE, 7HAIASSOMA PAVO. 167- ! 72 INTRODUCTION Knowledge of mechanisms and processes regulating the size and dynamics of fish populations is important for understanding possible changes in time and, on different spatial scales, populations within their typical distribution area. Even more, such baselines are necessary for studying fish species, which are expanding their distribution limits (Guidetti, 2001). In the last decades, the natural variabiliiy of marine communities has been fully recognised and its relation with climate fluctuations hypothesised (Bianchi, 19971. Several authors observed changes in species distribution related to temperature fluctuations, and this especially in the areas close to biogeographical boundaries (Fowler & Laffoley, 1993; Southward & Boalch, 1994); it has been said that climatic shifts induce biogeographical shifts {Southward ef a/., 1995). Grainger {1992) predicted that the foreseen global warming would probably make southern species extend their range northward. This is apparently what is happening within the Adriatic Sea, where warm-water species have been recently occurring in greater numbers in the northern sectors (l.ipej ef a/., 1996; Bettoso & Dulčič, 1999; Dulčič ef al., 1999; Dulčič & Grbec, 2000; Dulčič, 2002). The northward spread of thermophilic species has been considered by several authors as an indirect indication of the Adriatic and Mediterranean water warming and this seems particularly obvious when considering fish assemblages, whose changes in distribution patterns on a large spatial scale may reflect changes in the oceanographic-climatic conditions (Stephens e! al., 1988). The ornate wrasse, Thalassoma pavo (Linnaeus, 1758), is a small protogynous labrid fish inhabiting rocky bottoms in the shallow Mediterranean littoral zone, chiefly along the southeastern coasts of the basin (Bint, 1968; Tortonese, 1975; jardas, 1996). General biology and morphology of T. pavo can be found in Btni (1968) and Jardas (1996). It is distributed from Gabon to southern Portugal (Debelius, 1999), and is particularly abundant in the Azores, Madeira and Canaries (Wirtz, 1994). Within the Mediterranean, it is known to occur chiefly in the southern sectors of the basin (Francour ei a/., 1994). Its distribution pattern leads one to consider this fish to be among the so-called Mediterranean thermophilic southern species. It is rare in the Adriatic, occurring mostly in the southern part (jardas, 1996). The present paper discusses northward range extension of the ornate wrasse in the Adriatic Sea and possible mechanisms and causes for such range extension. MATERIAL AND METHODS Adult specimens of T. pavo were caught by fish trap and the juvenile with a small beach seine. Visual censuses were also conducted in shallow waters, between the surface and 5 in depth, where the bulk of juveniles and adults of this species were registered and encountered according to the method described by Guidetti (2001). Water temperature was measured during each visit. During each survey, all individuals of ornate wrasse were counted and their length (TL) measured to the nearest centimetre. Fish density was expressed as number of individuals/100 m2 (log!0X+1 transformed data) for each length category proposed by Guidetti (2002). The specimens were identified in accordance with jardas (1996). They were embalmed and deposited in the Ichthyological Collection of the institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split, Croatia. Caught specimens were preserved in 4% buffered formaldehyde immediately after capture, subsequently measured to the nearest 0.1 mm, and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. Reduction in length caused by preservation depends on initial lengths of the specimens and duration of storage. Meristic characteristics considered were dorsal, anal, pectoral, ventral, caudal fins, and the number of scales in longitudinal line. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Two adult specimens and a single juvenile (Fig.1) of T. pavo were caught in the areas of Rogoznica (Islet Svilan) and Primosten (Islets Grbavac, Lukovnjak and Maslinovik) in the eastern Adriatic in July (25.07) and AEigust (10.08) 2001, between 3 and 5 m depth at rocky bottom with varying slopes (gentle to steep), comparatively rich in crevices and colonized by erected macro-algae. Morphornetric and meristic data are given in Table 1. Standard counts and measurements fit previous descriptions of the species, such as in jardas (1996). Surface temperature (average value) during investigation was 24.2'C in July and 25.1*C in August. The total length examined during the study period (by visual census) ranged from 4 to 23 cm TL. Number of individuals/100 m2 (log,0X-t-'l transformed data) was from 0.6 to 0.8 (size-class 4-8 cm), from 1.3 to 1,6 {size class 9-13 cm), from 0.7 to 0.9 (size class 14-18 cm) and from 0.8 to 0.9 (size class 19-23 cm). This record of ornate wrasse in the Rogoznica (islet Svilan) and PrimoSten area (Islets Grbavac, Lukovnjak and Maslinovik) in the eastern Adriatic represents, to our best knowledge, the northernmost occurrence of this species in the Adriatic Sea (eventhough there are some indices thai one male was recorded by visual census near island Prvic - cape Silo - northern Adriatic, Kruzii, pers. comm.). A successive range extension to the north from 1991 until now is presented in Fig. 2. The numbers of thermophilic species caught during the past few years have increased in the Eastern Adriatic (Dul£ic & Grbec, 2000). Several species, scarce until now, are more 168 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 2 Jakov DULČIČ & Armm PALIAORO: NORTHERN RANGE EXTENSION OF THE ORNATE WRASSE, THALASSOMA PAVO, 167-172 Tig. i: juvenile specimen of the ornate wrasse (5.3 cm TL) caught at Rogoznica (Islet Svilan). St. 1: Mladostni osebek pavjega kneza (5,3 cm TL), ujet v bližini Rogoznice (otoček Svilan). abundant, while others are new to the area. Ciimate change can influence marine communities by a combination of: a) direct effect on the organisms (e.g. direct influence of temperature, causing changes in survival, reproductive success, dispersal pattern and behaviour); bi effects mediated by biotic interactions; and c) indirectly through ocean currents (changes in climate may alter the emphasis of water flow and the pattern of water circulation) (Southward et ai., 1995), According to some authors {Stephens ef a!., 1988; Francour et at., 1994; Dulčšč & Grbec, 2000), temperature is the most important large-scale variable, which could affect fish populations, while Pallaoro (1988) stated the Adriatic ingres-sions increasing salinity and temperature caused more rare species to appear and increase abundance in the central Adriatic region. Tie is northernmost record and increased occurrence of this species in the southern and central Adriatic could indicate a possible wider expansion to the northern parts, which has already been recorded for the other areas in the Mediterranean. The increased occurrence of T. pavo in the Ligurian Sea in recent years supports the hypothesis of the establishment of true populations of warm-water species in the Ligu-rian Sea. It is in further expansion in the Ligurian Sea and presently reproduces there, thus getting independent from the larval supply from the Tyrrhenian Sea (Vac-chi et at., 1999, 2001). A comparative expansion of the ornate wrasse northward in the western Mediterranean was reported, and the relationship between this event and ciimate changes hypothesized (Astraldi et at., 1994). Several other authors {Bianchi & Morri, 1993, 1994; Francour et a!., 1994) also pointed out that the recent spreading of the ornate wrasse in the northernmost sectors of the western Mediterranean could be a response to ongoing seawater warming. Densities of ornate wrasse appeared to be related to the surface water temperature, with higher densities during warmer months (Guidetti, 2002). Guidetti et ai. (2002) pointed that climatic conditions (e.g. water temperature along the latitudinal gradient) and substrate features (e.g. Tab. I. Biometric (cm) and meristic data of Thalassoma pavo caught by fish trap and beach seine in the areas of Rogoznica and Primošten. Tab. t: Biometrični (cm) in meristični podatki o pavjem knezu Thalassoma pavo, ujetem z vršo in mrežo v območju Rogoznice in Primoštena. Measurements (cm) o* 9 Juv. | Tota I length 19.31 12.93 5.30 Standard length 15.42 10,60 4.44 Head length 4.83 3.18 1.31 Orbital diameter 0.72 0.55 0.36 interorbital width 1.05 0.68 0.43 Preorbital length 1.55 1.07 0.37 Postorbitaj length 2.51 1.59 0.71 Predorsal distance 4.65 3.35 1.29 Preventrai distance 4.90 3.85 1.44 Preanal distance 8.70 5.65 2.54 Prepectoral distance 4.51 3.16 1.37 Dorsal fin length 8.63. 6.23 2.42 Anal fin length 4.51 3.84 1.11 Ventral fin length 1.32 1.19 0.54 Pectoral firs length 3.27 2.03 0.92 Caudal fin length 4.69 2.58 1.12 Maximum height- 4.82 3.07 1.05 Caudal peduncul height 2.18 1.49 0.59 Dorsal ray VIII/13 VIII/13 VIII/12 Anal ray in/11 111/12 111/11 Pectoral ray 15 15 15 Ventral ray 1/5 1/5 I / 5 lateral iine scale 29 30 28 169 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Jakov OULÖC & Armin PAU.AORO: NORTHERN RANGE EXTENSION OF THE ORNATE WRASSE, THALASSOMA PAVO, (67-172 rnacroalgal cover, physical complexity, slope) are thus likely to affect average abundances and size structures of the ornate wrasse populations along the western Italian coast. Same authors reported that factors acting on a geographical scale are likely to influence distribution patterns of the thermophile fish T. pavo, although significant effects have been also observed at the smallest spatial scale examined. Finally, it could be suggested, from this perspective, that the present seawater wanning and changes in hydrographic properties of the Adriatic Sea (Duliic et al., 1999; Duiiid & Grbec, 2000) is altering the observed distribution pattern of the ornate wrasse, as well as other southern fish species (Lipej et a/., 1996; Bettoso & DulCiC, 1999; Dulcic eta/., 1999; Dulcic & Grbec, 2000; Dulcic & Paliaoro, 2001; Dulcic, 2002). The present study showed that the ornate wrasse juveniles settle and inhabit the same habitat occupied by adults, which has been confirmed by Guidelti (2001) for the Thyrennian Sea. This pattern is consistent with the data reported for other labrid fishes in- and outside the Mediterranean basin (Garcia-Rubies & Macpherson, 1995; Green, 1996). In conclusion, these results highlight aspects of the population dynamics and distribution of T. pavo in the Adriatic Sea {especially according to mentioned possibility of its occurrence near island Prvic) and the status of this species needs to be evaluated on a continuous basis, as it is becoming increasingly apparent that uncommon species, and particularly those on the edge of their distribution, can be essential indicators of environmental changes (Swabby & Potts, 1990). Fig. 2: The succesive spreading of the ornate wrasse to the northern parts (1: 1997-1995, 2: 1996-2000 and 3: the record in 2001 - Rogoznica and Primošten area; eastern Adriatic). SI. 2: Sukcesivno širjenje pavjega kneza proti sevem (1991-1995, 1996-2000 in zapisi v letu 2001 iz območja Ro-goznice in Primoštena). 170 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 iakov DULČSČ & Armin PAllAORO: NORTHERN RANGE EXTENSION OF THE ORNATE WRASSE. THALASSOMA PAVO, 1 W-i 72 Fig. 3: Ornate wrasse (Thalassoma pavo} (Photo: M. Richter). Si 3: Pavji ktiez (Thalassoma pavo) (Foto: M. Richter). ŠIRJENJE AREALA PAVJEGA KNEZA THALASSOMA PAVO (LINNAEUS, 1758) (PISCES: LABRIDAE) V VZHODNEM JADRANU PROTI SEVERU lakov DULČIČ & Arm in PALLAORO inštitut za Oceanografiju i Sibaistvo, HR-21000 Split P.O.Box 500 E-mail: dulcic@izor.hf POVZETEK V juliju in avgustu 2001 so bili v Rogoznici (otoček Svilan) in v okolici Primoštena (otočki Grbavac, Lukovnjak in Maslinovik) v vzhodnem Jadranu ujeti dva odrasla in en mladostni osebek pavjega kneza Thaiassoma pavo. S temi najdbami se je meja razširjenosti v Jadranskem morju pomaknila proti severu. V plitkih vodah so potapljači opravili tudi vizualna štetja in tam zabeležili največje Število mladostnih in odraslih osebkov te vrste. Ključne besede: Thaiassoma pavo, meja razširjenosti, najsevernejši zapis vrste, jadransko morje 171 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. - 12 ■ 2002 • 2 jakov DULCIC & Acmin PAU.AORO: NORTHERN RANGE EXTENSION OE THE ORNATE WRASSE, THALASSOMA PAVO, 16?-172 REFERENCES Astraidi, M., C. N. Bianchi, C, P. Gasparirti & C. Morri (1995): Climatic fluctuations, current variability and marine species distribution: a case study in the Ligurian Sea (north-west Mediterranean/ Oceanol. Acta, 18, 139» 149. Bettoso, N. & J. Dulcic (1999): First record of the oilfish Ruvettus pretiosus {Pisces: Gempylidae) in the northern Adriatic Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K., 79, 1145-1146. Bianchi, C. N. (1997): Climate change and biological response in the marine benthos, in: M. Piccazzo (ed.): Atti del 12 Congresso dell'Associazione italiana di Oceanologia e L.imnologia, Genova, 3-20. 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Stuttgart, Verlag Stephanie Nagl-schmid. 172 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 original scientific paper UDC 597:591.13(262.4) received: 2002-06-03 STOMACH CONTENTS OF THE LONGNOSE SPURDOG., SQUALUS BLAiN-VILLE((RISSO, 1826} FROM THE NORTH-EASTERN AEGEAN SEA Hakan KABASAKAL tehtbyologtca) Research Society, Atatiirk mahaiiest, Mente§ogiu caddcsi, idil apt., No 30, 0 4, TR-Umraniye 81230 Istanbul E-mail: ABSTRACT Examination of the stomach contents of the longnose spurdogs, Squaius blainvillei (Risso, 1826), captured in the NE Aegean Sea suggests that they mainly consumed, in order of Importance, crustaceans and teleost fishes (I.R.I. -7098,59 and 2734.8, respectively). Liocarcinus spp. and Parapenaeus longirostris were the most frequent prey items of the examined specimens of longnose spurdogs (I.R.I. - 2072.74 and 1143.2, respectively). Key words: Squalidae, longnose spurdog, Squaius blainvillei, stomach contents, Aegean Sea CONTENUTi STOMACALi DELLO SPINAROLO BRUNO, SQUALUS BLAINVILLEI (RiSSO, 1826} DELL'EGEO NORD-ORIENTALE SINTESi L'esame dei contenud stomacal i di spinarolo bruno, Squaius blainvillei (Risso, 1826), catturato nell'Egeo nord-orientale, suggertsce che la sua allmentazione si bast, In ordine di importanza, su crostacei e teleostei (I.R.I. = 7098.59 e 2734.8, rispettivamente). Liocarcinus spp. e Parapenaeus longirostris sono risultati le prede pib frequenti degll esemplari esaminati di spinarolo bruno (I.R.I. ~ 2072.74 e 1143.2, rispettivamente). Parole chiave: Squalidae, spinarolo bruno, Squaius blainvillei, contenuti stomacali, mar t'geo 173 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. - 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 Hakari KABASAKAI: STOrVIACH CONTENTS OF THE LONGNOSE SF'URDOG. SQUALUS BLAINVtuCHRISSO, ÎS26!.... 173-176 INTRODUCTION The tongnose spurdog, Squafus blainvillei (Risso, 1826) {Fig. 1) is a widespread member of the family Squalidae and it generally occurs at depths between 16 and 440 m (Compagno, 1984). The occurrence of this shark in the Mediterranean Sea as well as along the Turkish coast is well documented by several researchers (e.g., Ak$iray, 1987; Kabasakai, 2002a, in press; McEac-hran & Branstetter, 1984; Slastenenko, 1955-1956; and Tortonese, 1956). Elasmobranchs are among the top predators in the marine environment and have an important role in the marine ecosystem in relation to the populations of both fish and invertebrates at lower trophic levels (Ellis ei al., 1996). Furthermore, there is always a competition between the fishermen and the marine predators feeding on commercially valuable species, and the interactions among these predators and the populations of commercially important marine species should therefore be carefully examined (Kabasakai, 2002b, in press). There have been several studies describing the stomach contents of the squaliform sharks of a specific area in the Mediterranean Sea, for example, jardas (1972a, 1972b) in the Adriatic Sea, Kabasakai & Unsal (1999) and Kara-(jam ei ai, (1996) in Turkish seas, and Macpbersori (1980) in the western Mediterranean. The aim of the present study is to provide some preliminary data on the stomach contents of 5. blainvillei, captured in the NE Aegean Sea. Fig. 1: Longnose spurdog, Squalus biainviliei (Rissof 1826). (Drawing: A. De Maddalena) Si. 1: Rjavi trnez, Squalus blainvillei (Risso, 1826). (Rts-ba: A. De Maddalena) MATERIAL AND METHODS In November 2000, specimens of S. blainvillei were collected by means of a commercial fishing trawler with a cod-end mesh opening of 22 mm from knot to knot, in the NE Aegean Sea (Station 1: 40°28' N - 26c00' E, depth = 80 m, n = 20; Station 2: 40°33' N - 25°59' E, depth = 70 m, n = 25; Fig. 2), All haulings were carried out during the day time. Total length (TOT; according to Compagno, 1984) of the sharks was measured to the nearest mm with a mesuring tape. Total lengths of the examined sharks ranged between 350 to 420 mm. Di- Fig. 2: Sampling stations in the north-eastern Aegean Sea ("*> indicates St. 1 and indicates St. 2); (<=>) on the small map indicates the area investigated. SI. 2: VzortiSta v severovzhodnem Egejskem morju ponazarja 1. vzorcisce, ® 2. vzorcisce); (O) na malem zemljevidu oznacuje raziskovano obmocje. gestive tracts of the specimens were removed and immediately fixed in 5 percent formalin in sea water. The fixed stomach contents were finally preserved in 70% ethanol. Prey items found in the stomachs were identified to the possible lowest taxon. Preys were dried on the paper towel at room temperature for one hour, weighed to the nearest 0.05 g on precision balance and then counted. Percent numerical (PN%5, weight (PW%) and frequency of occurrence (PO%) values of prey items were calculated, and these values were used to calculate the Index of Relative Importance "I.R.i." of each prey item, according to the following formulae (Cailliet eta/., 1986): I.R.I. = (PN% + PW%) x PG% According to Cailliet et al. (1986), the maximum value of I.R.I. would be 20000. The number of fish with empty stomachs was expressed as a percentage of the total number examined (the Index of Vacuity, IV; Ellis et al. 1996). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The aim of the stomach content analysis is to provide information on the contribution of different prey to the diet, indicating the position of a fish within the general trophic web. Thirty-three (73.3%) of the 45 examined stomachs of S. blainvillei were found to contain food (IV -- 26.6%). Dietary composition of full stomachs is summarised in Table 1 and graphically expressed in Fig. 3. 174 ANNAIES - Ser. hist. nat. - 12 - 2002 • 2 Haltan kabasakal: STOMACH CONTENTS OF THE LONGNOSE SFURDOC, SQUALUS BLAINVILLEI (RISSO, 1 826) 173-I7Í Tab. /: Composition of the stomach contents of the examined specimens of Squakis blainvillei, and numerical (PN%), weight (PW%), and frequency of occurrence (PO%) values of prey items. Tab. 1: Struktura hrane v želodcih pregledanih primerkov rjavih trnežev Squalus blainvitiei in vrednosti, kar zadeva numeričnost (PN%), težo (PW%) in frekvenco pojavljanja (PO%) enot plena. PREY i PN% j PW% | PO% | I.k.i. FLASMOBRANCHII Scvliorhinus canícula j 0.16 ! 1,61 ! 3.03 j 5,37 i TELEOSTE S i Sardina pilchardus 033 4.55 3.03 14.8 i Engraulis encrasicolus 0.66 0.79 9.09 1 3.26 Mullus surmuletus 0.33 3.94 6.06 25.92 Cepola rubescens 0.33 2.75 6.06 18.69 Gobiidae spp. 0.33 1,25 3.03 4.81 Unidentified íeleost lemains 18.84 14.89 90.9 3067.09 i Total Teleostei 20.82 9.25 90.9 2734.8 i CRUSTACEA Pa ra pen a eu s longirostris 5.12 8.34 84.84 1143.2 1J očara mi s spp. 6.51 14.76 96.96 2072.74 Goneplax rhomboides 1.32 1.41 18.18 49.79 Unidentified crustacean I remains 44.95 14.96 100 5992.27 j Total Crustacea 58.01 12.96 100 7098.59 1 CEPHALOPODA I Septa elegans 1.98 16.39 24.2.4 445.57 I Unidentified cephalopod remains remains 0.66 6.57 6.06 43.83 ! Total Cephalopoda 2.64 7.54 30.3 308.79 i POLVCHAETA t Euphrosine foliosa 0.49 0.72 6.06 7.38 1 Unidentified tissues 17.8 5 5.68 100 2353.58 I Total weight of food items (g) 304.33 | Total number of food | items 605 ■ The data in this study suggest that S. biainvUlei mainly consumed, in order of importance, crustaceans arid teleost fishes (I.R.I. - 7098.59 and 2734.8, respectively, Tab. 1). Crustaceans were found in ail of the examined stomachs and the epibenthic decapods consisted the major part, of the identified crustaceans. Liocarcinus spp. and Parapenaeus longirostris were the most frequent prey items of the examined specimens of longnose spur-dog {[.R.I. 2072.74 and 1143.2, respectively, Tab. 1 and Fig. 3). Regarding its I.R.I value, Sepia elegans occupies the third rank {l.R.I. = 445.57) after Liocarcinus spp. and Parapenaeus longirostris. In comparison with the most frequent prey organisms, l.R.I. values of the poly-chaete, Euphrosine foliosa, and the lesser spotted cat-shark, Scyliorhinus canícula, were remarkably lower (l.R.I. = 7.3Q anc] 5.37, respectively, Tab. 1 and Fig, 3), :2nd in the light of this result, both animals can be considered as accidental preys of 5. blainvillei. jardas (1972a) examined 43 Adriatic specimens of S. blainvillei and recorded three species of benthic and epibenthic teleost fishes, five species of crustaceans and four species of cephalopods in the stomachs. Jardas (1972a) also reported that 5. blainvillei has a preference for Cephalopoda and Crustacea in its diet Ffowever, in the present study, by contrast, cephalopods occupy the third rank (I.R.i. ~ 308.79, Tab. 1) after crustaceans and teleost fishes, Predation on the eggs and juveniles of the scylio-rhinids by squaliform sharks has been well documented in some species (Barrull & Mate, 2001, in Oxynotus centrina; and Macpherson, 1980, in Dalatias licha). The continental shell and slope of the northern Aegean Sea is recognized as a breeding and nursery ground for several elasmobranchs, including scyliorhinids by D'Onghia et at. (1995) and Kabasakal (2002a, in press). Because of their high fat and protein content as well as the easy ac-cesibiify, cat shark eggs and neonates can be an important nutritional source for bottom-dwelling sharks. It would be worth finding out how this predation by squaliform sharks could affect the catshark population over this nursery ground. Although preliminary, the analysis of the stomach contents of S. blainvitiei indicates that the iongnose spurdog is a genera list predator feeding mainly on crustaceans and teleost fishes, as well as cephalopods and polychaetes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank the crew of the fishing trawler "§EKERBA8A 2" for their help during the sampling. o 35 «o w aa '.ki i» P«re«!nl valuei [č8PN%"esPW% f 10% SL ? Melanophores (A base) absent present ? 180 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 likgen MERLER & M*celo KOVACIC: LEBETUS CWUfTHTELEOSTEi: GOSKDABTn THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA: FIRST RECORD .... 177-taf' A % of: Lateral line system of the northern Adriatic Lebetus guiileti; o, 10.9 + 3.6 mm. (A) lateral view, (B) dorsal view, (C) ventral view of head. Scale bar = 1 mm. SI. 3; Sistem pobotnice pri severnojadranskib primerkih vrste Lebetus guiileti; S, 10,9 + 3,6 mm. (A) glava s strani, (B) s hrbtne strani, (C) s trebušne strani. Merilo ~ 1 mm. 181 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 JOrgen HERLER & Marcelo KOVAČIO LEBFTUS CUlU.ETl (TEtEOSTO: GOBI I DAE) (N THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC 56A: FIRST RECORD .... 177-! 88 Fig. 4: Skeleton of the northern Adriatic Lebetus guiileti; 12.8 + 4.0 mm (A - D) and o, 12.6 + d mm (E). (A) laws, suspensorium and opercle series; (B) pectoral girdle; (C) pelvic girdle; (D, £) last vertebrae and caudal skeleton; all in lateral view. Bones white, cartilage stippled. Scale bar ~ 1 mm. AN, retroarticular; ART, anguloarticular; CI, cleithrum; COR, coracoid; D, dentary; £PU, epurai plate; HS, hemal spine; HYO, hyomandibular; HYP, bypu-ral; IOP, interopercle; MPT, mctapierygoid; MX, maxilla; NS, neural spine; OP, opercle; PAL, palatine; PHYP, parhypural; PMX, premaxilla; POP, preopercle; PRC, procurrent cartilage; PTG, ectopterygoid; PTM, post-temporal; QU, quadrate; RAD, radials; SCA, scapula; SCL, supracleithrum; SOP, subopercle; SY, symplectic. Si. 4: Skelet severno jadranskih primerkov vrste Lebetus guilleti; 12,8 + 4,0 mm (A - D) in S, 12,6 + d mm (E). (A) Čeljusti, oporni in operkulami nizi; (B) oplečje; (C) okolčje; (D, E) zadnja vretenca in obrepni skelet; vse s pogledom s strani. Kosti bele, hrustanec pikčast. Merilo = 1 mm. 182 ANN ALES • Ser. hist nat. -12 • 2002 • 2 (sirgen HERLEK & Marcelo KOVACIO LEBETUS GUILLETI{TELtOSTU: GOBHDAE) !N THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA: FIRST RECORD ..., i 7?-188 3.) Preoperculo-mandibular: Papillae of posterior part of external row e (1-2) along preopercle, distant from each other, those of the anterior part (2) close to each other at posterior edge of lower jaw. Internat row i in three parts with superior section (2) along upper preopercle, posterior section (6) along lower preopercle, and anterior (4) section along lower jaw. Mental row f (2) in clear distance from rows eand i. 4.) Oculoscapuiar: Row u' (1) in the middle of post-orbital region. Row x (1) more posterior, with row u2 (3) below this. Row xy (1) above upper end of opercle. Row z{ 1) superior to superior section of row f. Axillary series represented by rows as' (2), as7 (1), as3 (1), /a' (1) and (1) clearly separated. 5.) Opercular. Transverse row of divided into upper (2-3) and lower (1-2) section. Rows os (1-2) and oi (1-2) present, 6.) Anterior dorsal: Row n (3) with section of two papillae along posterior edge of orbit and one in distance from orbit. Rows g and m (1-3} together and difficult to assign, in most cases forming a triangle on each side. Row h (2-3) usually before origin of D1. 7.) Interorbital: Row p1 (1) in anterior and p2 (1) in middle part of interorbital space on each side close to orbit, 8.) Trunk; Dorsal series with ld! (1) near D1 origin, Id2 (1-2) below posterior part of D1 and Id3 (2-3) on upper edge of caudal peduncle. Median rows Itm in 7 to 10 short (1-3) transverse rows. Ventral series with Iv' (2-3) between origins of P and V, Iv2 (2-3) in middle of abdomen and Iv3 (2-3) above anus. 9.) Caudal: Three papillae in short transverse row at C origin. One median longitudinal row (2-4) originating from middle papillae of former row. Osteology (Fig. 4): Both stained specimens well ossified, Apart from vertebrae and pterygiophores no major differences in the skeleton of the stained male and female were observed. Hyoid (not shown in Fig. 4): 5 branchiostegal rays, first thin and attached to slender anterior process of axe-shaped anterior ceratohyal. Rays 2, 3 and 4 on broad part of the fatter. Fifth blade-like ray attached to posterior ceratohyal. 1.} jaws, suspensorium and opercular series (Fig. 4a): Teeth present on prernaxilla and dentary. Both elements with three rows of caniniform teeth at symphysis, decreasing to one row posterolaterally. Teeth in outer row enlarged. Prernaxilla with long ascending and articular process, posterior part short, joining only the anterior half of maxilla. Postmaxillary process absent. Maxilla broad only in first two thirds, last third splint-like, overlapping dentary plate and dorsally anguloarticular when mouth opened. Palatine slender with thin process inserting in anterodorsal end of maxilla. Ectopterygoid as small bone between palatine and quadrate. Anguloarticular inserts in dentary with pointed anterior process, while the ventral ramus is plate-like. Posterodorsal, anguloarticular articulates with quadrate. Retroarticular small, ventromedial at: posterior end of anguloarticular. Metapterygoid small, laterally overlapping hyoman-dibular and anterodorsal half of sympiectic. Latter attaching to quadrate medially. Posterior ramus of quadrate overlapped by anterior ramus of preopercle, latter dorsally fixed between plate and inferior process of hyomandibular. 2.) Pectoral girdle (Fig. 4b): Post-temporal with two processes and thin plate, which overlaps the articulation with supracleithrum. Clelthrum relatively straight in lateral view, strongly bifid at dorsal end and with ascending plate from middle part. In lower third bony plates, which join the pelvic intercleithral cartilage on both sides. Ventral intercleithral cartilage between ventrally joining left and right cleithrum. Coracoid inserting close to ventral bony plate of cleithrum. Scapula unossified, slender with dorsal foramen. Four large proximal radials surrounded by cartilaginous areas. The tiny distal radials are cartilaginous. 3.) Pelvic girdle (Fig. 4c): Pelvis joining large pelvic intercleithral cartilage anteriorly. Pelvic fin rays insert on cartilaginous posterior rim of pelvis. Medially rod-like bones project forward from posterior inner rims of pelvis. 4.) Axial skeleton and median fins: 25-26 vertebrae, including urostyle. Variation was found in number of precaudal vertebrae with 10 and 11, respectively. The number of caudal vertebrae was 15 in both stained specimens, with hemal arches closed. In lateral view, first five vertebral centra becoming progressively longer and less wide backwards. First two centra shorter than wide. The absence of one precaudal vertebra in the female specimen (CH 38:1) seems to impinge on the arrangement of the pterygiophores of D1 and D2. D1 shows the formula 3-2301 instead of 3-2211 as exhibited by the male (CH 38:2). Two free interneural spaces between pterygiophores of D1 and D2 and therefore three pterygiophores of D2 before the first caudal vertebra in the male, but only two in the female. In both specimens, the number of proximal pterygiophores in D2 resembles the count of all fin rays, that in A only the count of soft rays. Pleural ribs are found on third to last precaudal vertebrae, therefore 8 and 9 in number, attached to parapophyses of vertebrae, Epipleural ribs on second precaudal vertebra to fourth caudal vertebra (13 and 14). First epipleural rib attached to second vertebra, remaining precaudal attached to pleural ribs. First two caudal epipleural ribs attached to vertebrae, last two loose contact. 5.) Caudal skeleton (Figs. 4d, 4e): Neural spines and hemal spines of fast three vertebrae enlarged, especially last hemal spine expanded, larger in male. Dorsal and ventral procurrent cartilage slender, joining large epural 183 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 jiirgcn HERLER & M.irct-lo KOVAČIČ: LEBETUSGUILLETI(TELEOS1 El: GOBIIDAE) IN TI IL NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA: EIRST RECORD .... 177-188 Fig. 5: Coloration of the northern Adriatic Lebetus guilleti. Male (A) and female (B) in the natural habitat. More colourful variations are shown after narcotisation and/or recent preservation in formaldehide: (C) S, 12.6 + d mm, lateral view; (D) $, 13.1 +4.1 mm, ventral view. Scale bar = 5 mm. Fig. 5: Obarvanost severnojadranskih primerkov vrste Lebetus guilleti. Samec (A) in samica (B) v naravnem življenjskem prostoru. Bolj pisane barve se pokažejo po omamljenju in/ali po shranitvi primerka v formaldehidu: (C) S, 12,6 + d mm, pogled s strani; (D) 13,1 + 4,1 mm, pogled s trebušne strani. Merilo = 5 mm. 184 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 • 2 Jürgen HERI ER & Marcelo KOVACIC: LEBFTUS GUILLETI (TELEOSTEI: GOBIIDAE) IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC StA: FIRST RECORD ..., 177-188 plate and last hemal spine, respectively. Ossification of former less in male, notched on dorsal rim. Parhypural and hypural 5 small splint-like bones. Two large hypural plates, hypural 3+4 and hypural 1+2, former fused with urostyle, latter inserting ventral to ural centrum. All fin rays associated with large hypural plates branched. One ray of both dorsal and ventral of those branched rays articulated, but not branched. Coloration. Within the natural habitat, the body coloration is well adapted to the substrate (Figs. 5a, 5b). Basic coloration is a broad brown and white oblique transverse pattern. Head greyish in males, brownish in females, followed by a white interspace below D1 base. Anterior edge of following brown transverse bar oblique, running from D2 origin to ventral middle of belly. Large bright spot ventrally interrupts this bar in both sexes. Posterior edge at beginning of caudal peduncle curved. Caudal peduncle almost white. Before C origin narrow brown transverse band with oblique anterior edge from dorsal origin of caudal fin to ventral beginning of last quarter of caudal peduncle. Brown pattern dorsally slightly extending on to caudal fin. All brown vertical bars are well separated from white interspaces by dark margins. Proximal half of pectoral fin white, distal half transparent to dusky. C transparent. Sexual dimorphism especially shown in dorsal fin coloration. Males (Fig. 5a): D1 greyish with yellow oblique bands, one narrow in lower third and one broad in upper third; edged white. D2 edged black, especially with large blotch in upper anterior corner. Six oblique narrow yellow bands below dark edge running across fin rays and separated from one another by dark edges and transparent interspaces. V and A usually dusky. Lips yellow to light orange. Females (Fig. 5b): D1 white to light grey with a small green eye spot between fifth and sixth fin rays. D2, V and A transparent. Lips red, especially in posterior half. A more colourful pattern in body coloration is shown when the fish are narcotised, kept in a photographic aquarium or recently preserved in formaldehyde (Figs. 5c, 5d). Males: When captured, head becomes yellowish with some orange spots on cheek, snout and upper lip light orange. First bright interspace on trunk shows 4 narrow but conspicuous brown to orange-red vertical bands extending on to belly. Middle parts of following brown vertical bar with large red parts. Yellow bands in D1 and D2 and dark edge of D2 become more distinct. A, distal half of V and ventral part of P turn dark grey to black. Proximal half of V red. Females: Head and broad brown trunk bar with dark red regions. Bands within first white interspace on trunk not distinct, somewhat irregular and coloured light brown with red dots. D1 turns dark grey with two to three slight red bands, eye spot still visible. D2 dusky with 4 red oblique bands. A and distal half of V black. 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 _ fine gravel grain size: 2 mm coarse sand medium sand I I J-1 fine sand 0.2 mm Fig. 6: Grain size distribution of the sediment in the habitat of Lebetus guilleti in the northern Adriatic Sea. SI. 6: Granulacija sedimenta v habitatu vrste Lebetus guilleti v severnem Jadranskem morju. Breast, proximal half of V and base of A red. P bright with dark spot in centre. After preservation in 70% ethanol, the specimens retain only brown and black coloration with white interspaces. Females exhibit darker mottling on head, breast and in first dorsal fin. Narrow red bands below D1 get lost or turn light brown. In both sexes, broad brown oblique bar on trunk brightened in centre, therefore mainly represented by dark margins. Brown band on caudal peduncle well visible. Black margin of D2 in males stays distinct. Distal half of V and A in both sexes black. P in males with ventral half dusky, in females with black spot in the centre. Ecology All specimens observed and collected were found on a bottom consisting of a highly biogenic coarsely structured sand as shown by the grain size distribution (Fig. 6). The fish were found within a depth range of 6 to 13 m. The shallowest discovery was near Klenovica, Kvarner region, where one specimen was collected at 6 m depth. At Selce, Kvarner region, the specimens occurred frequently at depths between 11 and 13 m, and between 7 and 10 m at Rovinj. The habitats investigated near Rovinj and in the Kvarner region show high similarities, characterised by sandy bottom, which is interrupted by bedrock areas at depths of about 5 to 9 m, dividing the sandy areas into small insular spots. The fish were found in both large areas and in small insular spots of sand bottom. The specimens were discovered accidentally when the anaesthetic was dispersed from a squeeze bottle over the sediment. The tiny fish exhibit a very cryptic behaviour with few movements and high colour adaptation, which makes them almost invisible. The fish can be discovered by a diver when moving one hand forward flowly and directly over the sand surface, which causes flight reactions. The fish appear to dwell 185 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 iiirgeii HERLER & Marcpb KOVACIC: iffiSTliS CUSLl.ETI (TELEOSTEl: C08HDAE) IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA: FIRST RECORD ..., 177-188 on the sand surface and it seemed quite unusual when digging in the substrate, as observed in one specimen, when chased with the anaesthetic. The distribution is somewhat aggregated, because most specimens usually occurred close to each other, while large neighbouring areas revealed no fish. The highest abundance observed was about 2 ind./m2. Co-occurring epibenthic fish species were especially Cobius roulei, Buenia afiinis and Pomatoscbistus bathi, which dwell on the same substrate in high abundance. All collected specimens are adult and sex determination was possible from coloration, differences in fin shape and the typical sexual dimorphism of the urogenital papillae. Within the material collected only one size class, obviously the one year-class, occurs. The specimens collected in spring range from 10.6 to 14.5 mm SL. This includes the specimen collected in the western Mediterranean by Zander (1982) in June 1979 with 12.9 mm SL. The only collection made in autumn revealed a larger specimen of 17.4 mm SL. Collected at the same time, females are larger than males within this one size class. DISCUSSION Since Miller (1971, 1986) suggested two species within Lebetus Winther, 1877, due to different postlarval developments of pelvic fins and pigmentation and different meristic values of anal fin, second dorsal fin and vertebrae, the northern Adriatic specimens can be assigned to L. guiileti (Le Danois, 1913) (Tab. 2). Counts of fin rays and vertebrae are significantly higher in L. scor-pioides than in L guiileti and therefore enable identification also of subadult or adult benthic specimens (Miller, 1971). The western Mediterranean specimen found by Zander (1982) at Banyuls (France) exhibited the very typical coloration (Zander, pers. comm.) as described above for the northern Adriatic specimens and represents a male L. guiileti. The greater number of specimens investigated now increases the knowledge of the morphology of this species and indicates a wider anal fin ray count of I/4-6 (Tab. 2). Apart from meristics, there are differences between L. guiHeli and L. scorpioides in some specific coloration patterns. In particular, the first dorsal fin in males of the former is less uniformly coloured. The second dorsal fin exhibits more but narrower oblique bands. The dorsal fins are also important for sex discrimination in both species (see also Miller, 1963). Body coloration seems to be more differentiated in L. guiileti with vertical bars occurring on the abdomen in both sexes but especially in males. Also the dark bar on the posterior caudal peduncle appears more evident, expanding more anteriorly on ventral side. Nevertheless, the basic coloration patterns of both species is very similar. In osteology, the main differences occur in the number of vertebrae, this being lower in L. guiileti. Other features show no major differences. The cleithrum in L. guiileti appears straighter in lateral view and somewhat elongated on its bifid dorsal end. The caudal skeleton appears less strong, with the roots of the neural and hemal spine expanding over entire length of vertebral centra only in the last vertebra. Similarities of the genus Lebetus with other Mediterranean gobies relate mainly to Speleogobius trigloides Zander and jelinek, 1976. Although there is an anterior oculoscapular head canal developed in the latter, the arrangement of the superficial head sensory papillae is very similar (compare with Zander & jelinek, 1976; Miller, 1986). Meristics of fin rays and scales are almost the same as those of I. guiileti. As predorsal scales are only present in 5. trigloides, Lebetus may be regarded as more specialised by reduction of squamation. In both the anterior membrane of the ventral disc is lost. They also conform in small body size and in a conspicuous colourful body coloration, which can be suppressed by Lebetus due to substrate adaptation. These similarities suggest a close relationship and possible common ancestry for Speleogobius and Lebetus, with some features more generalised in the former. Affinities of the genus Lebetus with different 'sand-goby' genera (Pomatoscbistus, Gobiusculus, Kni-powitschia and Economidichthys) and related genera are described by Miller (1963) and McKay & Miller (1997). High similarities are exhibited with Buenia lijin by the arrangement of head sensory papillae and merfs-tic counts, although the latter being lower in 1. guiileti. Both genera conform in a very limited number of head neuromasts basically arranged longitudinally and in dwelling sand bottom. Buenia is more generalised in possessing a complete head canal system. Further differences exist in the dorsal pterygiophore formula, being derived with 1221 in Buenia, and in higher variations in the counts of precaudal and caudal vertebrae in Lebetus (McKay & Miller, 1997). Concerning the ecology of L. guiileti in the northern Adriatic Sea, several observations confirm the results of Zander (1982) and Miller (1971) in the western Mediterranean Sea arid northern Atlantic. Both the habitat choice of rough biogenic sand bottom and the cooccurrence of Pomatoscbistus bathi in high abundance correspond with Zander (1982). The substrate inhabited by the small population near Rovinj, where about six specimens were observed during one dive, resembles that off Selce. Highly biogenic coarse sand is interspersed with large rocky boulders. The habitat choice of coarse deposits and the occurrence in quite shallow waters were also described by Miller (1971) for the north-eastern Atlantic specimens. In contrast to L. scor-pioides from the north-east Atlantic, which is supposed to mature in the second year of life (Miller, 1963), L. guiileti seems to attain sexual maturity within the first year of life in the Mediterranean. Since the one year 186 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -12- 2002 ■ 2 Jürgen HERLER & Marce fo KOVAČIČ: LWTUS CWUF 77 (TEUOST0: GOBI I DAE) IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA: FIRST RECORD, class, represented by only tiny specimens collected in the Mediterranean until now, appears to be the only size class, a semetparous reproductive strategy is possible. The very small size of this fish within the Mediterranean may explain why this species had not been found in that region for such a long time. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are indebted to P. j. Miller for comments on the manuscript and to C. D. Zander for essential information and photos of his record of L. guiileti in the western Mediterranean. Thanks to H. Wilkens and G. Schulze from the Zoologisches Museum Hamburg for lending this specimen. For helpful assistance during the field work we would like to thank P. Zolda and M. Kirincid. Two anonymous reviewers provided constructive criticism. LEBFTU5 GUILLETI (TELEOSTEI: GOBI!DAE): PRVI ZAPIS TE VRSTE IZ SEVERNEGA JADRANSKEGA MORJA iN PODATKI O NJENI MORFOLOGIJI Jurgen HERLER Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Althanstrafte 14 E-maii: Marcelo KOVAČIČ Prirodoslovni muzej Rtjeka, HR-51000 Rijeka, lorenzov prolaz 1 E-mait: POVZETEK Avtorji članka poročajo o prvem opazovanju vrste Lebetus guilleti (Le Danois, 1913) iz družine glavačev v obalnih vodah severnega jadrana. Leta 1999 in 2001 so v Kvarnerju južno od Reke dokumentirali osem samic (5L 12,1-17,4 mm) in pet samcev (Si 10,6-12,5 mm) na peščeni podlagi v globinah med 6 in 13 metri. Druga manjša populacija te vrste je bila fotografirana maja 2002 ob istrski obali v bližini Rovinja. Zbrani osebki so pripadali vrsti L. guilleti (le Danois, 1913), kar je bilo ugotovljeno po njihovih naslednjih značilnostih: majhno telo, specifična barva lelesa, popolnoma brez bočnih naglavnih kanalov, obstoj podočesnega niza a, omejeno število naglavnih čutilnih papil z dvema medočesnima nizoma, podaljšani žarki hrbtne plavuti in meristične vrednosti D2 1/7-8, A 1/4-5, P 14-15, LL 24-26 in VC 25-26. Ta nedavna odkritja so omogočila natančnejši opis morfologije te malo znane vrste. Avtorji podajajo njene morfometrične podatke, meristične vrednosti, parametre v zvezi s pobočnico, obarvanost, skeletne značilnosti in ekologijo in L. guilleti primerjajo s sorodnimi rodovi glavačev. Ključne besede: Gobiidae, Lebetus guilleti, Sredozemlje, severno Jadransko morje 187 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat. • 12 - 2002 • 2 Jürgen HERLER & Marcelo KOVAÔC: LEBETUS GUILŒTI{TEEEOSTEI: COB1IOAE) IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA: EIRST RECORD .... 177-183 REFERENCES Collett, R. (1874): On two apparently new species of Gohius from Norway, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13(4), 446-447. Le Danois, E, (1913): Contribution à l'étude systématique et biologique des poissons de la Manche Occidentale. Annales de l'Institut océanographique Monaco, 5(5), 214 pp. McKay, S. i. & P. ). Miller (1997): The affinities of European sand gobies {Teieostei: Gobiidae). j. Nat. Hist., 31, 1457-1482. Miller, P. J. (1961): The species of the teieostean genus Lebetus. Nature, 192, 675-676. Miller, P. J. (1963): Taxonomy and biology of the genus Lebetus (Teleostei-Gobioidea). Bulletin Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zoology), 10, 205-256. Miller, P, ). (1971): The species of Lebetus (Teieostei: Gobiidae). J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 51, 771-776. Miller, P. j. (1986): Gobiidae. In: Whitehead, P. J. P., M.-L. Baucbot, J.-C. Hureau, j. Nielsen & E. Tortonese (eds): Fishes of the North-Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Volume 111. UNESCO, Paris, p. 1019-1085. Winther, G. (1877): Orn de danske fiske af slaegten Gobius, Naturh. Tidsskr. Kjöbenhavn (3), 11, 41-56. Zander, C. D. & H. jeiinek (1976): Zur demersen Fischfauna im Bereich der Grotte von Banjole (Ro-vinj/YU) mit Beschreibung von Speleogobius trigloides n. gen. n. sp. (Gobiidae, Perciformes). Mitt. Hamburg. Zooi. Mus. Inst., 73, 265-280. Zander, C. D. (1982): Zur Morphologie und Biologie einiger seltener Grundein des Mittelmeeres (Pisces, Go-bioidei, Gobiidae). Senckenbergiana marit., 14(1/2), 1-ß. 188 ZAVAROVANA OBMOČJA ZONE PROTETTE PROTECTED AREAS ANNALES • Ser. hist nat -12- 2002 • 2 original scientific paper UDC S74.5:5S2/.59(262.3-1 7) received: 2002-1 1-1 2 A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABITAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED BY SEAGRASS MEADOW OF POSIDONIA OCEANICA IN THE SOUTHERN PART OE THE GULF OF TRIESTE (NORTHERN ADRIATIC) Robert TURK Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, 51-6330 Pirari, Tartinijev trg 12 Martina ORLANDO BONACA, Tihomir MAKOVEC, Ateksander VUKOVIC & Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, SI-6330 Piran, FornaSe 41 E-mail: ABSTRACT According to the national legislation and by considering international documents on nature conservation, the Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia ocean ica was included in the latest edition of the Slovenian Red List of Rare and Endangered Species. Moreover, the only Slovenian site with Posidonia oceanica, which is also the only meadow along the West Istrian coast, was proposed to be declared a natural monument in 1994. However, besides some preliminary data on the topography and phenology of the meadow, very few data are available regarding its fauna and flora. Being an area of great conservation interest, a non-destructive underwater inspection has />een carried out. The floristic and faunistic data, together with accurate habitat type cartography, are presented. A special emphasis was given to ichthyofauna. Key words: Posidonia oceanica, North Adriatic, topographical survey, nature conservation, non-destructive methods RILÍEVO TOPOGRAFICO DEI TSPI DI HABITAT NELL'AREA CARATTERiZZATA DA UNA PRATERÍA DI POSIDONIA OCEANICA NELLA PARTE MERIDIONALE DEL GOLFO DI TRIESTE (NORD ADRIATICO) SINTESl Recentemente e stata ínoltrata la proposta per dicharare Púnico sito in cui ancora cresce una prateria di Posidonia oceanica in acque slovene Monumento Natura le, vista la sua unicíta e vulnerabilita. Fino ad oggi la fauna e la flora della zona non sono state studiate a sufficienza. Vista l'imminente dichiarazione ufficiale del sito ad área pro-tetta, per ilpresente studio é stato usato un método di campionamento subaequeo non distruttivo. L'articolo riporta i dati faunistici e floristici, nonché un'accurata cartografía dei tipi di habitat della. zona. l/itt.iofauna ha occupato un posto di rilievo nella ricerca. Parole chiave: Posidonia oceanica, Alto Adriático, rilievo topográfico, tutela della natura, metodi non distruttivi 191 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. - 12 • 2002 • 2 Robert TURK et. al: A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HAESiTAT TYPES jN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED BY 5EACRASS MEADOW .... 191 -202 INTRODUCTION Posidonia oceanica (I.) Deiile is an endemic sea-grass species in the Mediterranean, It forms seagrass meadows, which are nowadays considered to be amongst the most important habitat types in the infraiit-toral zone of the Mediterranean Sea. Seagrass beds are known to be key nursery areas for coastal fisheries. According to some authors, the presence of P. oceanica should be also regarded as a good biological indicator of water quality due to its sensitivity to human activities (sensu Piazzi ef al., 2000). The isolated P. oceanica meadow in Slovenian coastal waters, between the towns of Izola and Koper (referred hereafter as the Koper meadow), was described by Vukovii (1982). Besides the tiny patch of app. 2 m2 close to Grado, it seems that the Koper meadow is the only remnant of this marine phanerogam in the Gulf of Trieste and along the Istrian coast. According to Benacchio (1938), P. oceanica was quite common on the silted bottom of the inner part of the Gulf of Trieste. However, a drastic reduction in its distribution was recorded just about 30 years later by Si-monetti (1966) in his work dealing with distribution of the Zosteraceae in the Gulf. Although no specific mapping programme for seagrass meadows has been made in Slovenia so far, some data are available on different aspects of the distribution (Vukovic & Turk, 1995) and phenology (Turk & Vukovic, 1998) of P. oceanica as well as on epiphytes and its colonisation (Orlando & Bressan, 1998). Some data are also at hand on the impacts of motorway pollution on the ecological conditions of the site (Faganeli et al., 1997). One of the most interesting aspects of the Koper meadow - the possibility of being an ancient, post-glacial clone - is described in the work on genetic identity and homozygosity in Northern Adriatic populations of P. oceanica carried out by Ruggiero et al. (2002). A decree for the protection of the meadow is being currently drafted by the government. The most important aspect of biodiversity is species composition, a checklist of a variety of species present in the area (Costelio, 2000). To assess the marine biodiversity of a protected site, a non-destructive methodology is more suitable than any other classical sampling technique. Almost 50 years have passed from the inception of the nondestructive underwater visual census technique (Brock, 1954) for the study of coral reef fish assemblages. Numerous studies throughout the world confirmed the usefulness of this technique, which is nowadays accepted as a useful methodology to gain coastal fish density estimate (Harmelin, 1987; Francour, 1991, 1994; Harmelin-Vivien & Francour, 1992; Patzner & Serrao Santos, 1993; Harmelin et a/., 1995; Castellarsn et al., 2001). Today, visual census data are recognised as a valuable source of information for other aspects of fauna (Peharda et a/., 2000), flora, habitat types and in broader meaning for conservation purposes as well (Edgar et al., 2000). The present study aims to describe the habitat types occurring in the proposed protected area covered with P. oceanica seagrass meadows, and to assess the faunis-tic and floristic diversity of the area with non-destructive methods. Since this area is to be legally protected, such data can be very useful in the process of defining suitable conservation measures. ''^^'^'iES^.. ' pLf ■ - -¿V Posidonia Sill li.' !,"ii I: ,,.'■. --ft i.;- „ Fig. 1: Location of transects in the proposed natural monument area near Koper. SI. 1: Lokacije transektov na predlaganem naravnem spomeniku blizu Kopra. 192 ANNAIES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Robert TURK er. jf.; A TOTOCRAPHICAi SURVEY OF HABITAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED OY SEAGRASS MEADOW ..., 191-202 MATERiAL AND METHODS Study area The study area is located between the towns of Izola and Koper, with the only site of P. oceanica. seagrass meadow along the northern and western coasts of istria. As a recent sediment of Koper Bay it. consists of sandy silt with up to 40% of sand and less than 15% of clay (Ogoreiec et al., 1988). The area surveyed is a known tourist resort with many recreational facilities. This is particularly true of the eastern part, which is close to the city of Koper and densely inhabited, whereas towards the city of izola in the west the area is without any man-made structures but for the waterfront once used by the railway. On the other hand, the area has been subjected to a certain extent to organic pollution from the nearby city of Koper. Although recent studies have shown benthic organisms contaminated with PAH and heavy metals, this has not been reflected in the area's benthic community (Faga-neli eta/,, 1997). Material and methods Taking into account the vulnerability of the area, the underwater inspection of the area's flora, fauna and habitat types was carried out by SCUBA divers in the summer of 2000 and in the summer and autumn of 2001 along five vertical transect Sines (station 1-5). The distances between different stations are shown in Fig. 1. During each survey we tried to get as much data as possible on the flora, fauna, habitat types and cryptobenthic fishes. A special emphasis was !aid on the underwater mapping of different habitat types, occurring along the transect lines. Details about sighted animals and algae were written on a slate. Only the specimens, which were not determined during the sampling, were taken out in special bags and identified later in the laboratory and subsequently released. Only epifauna was taken into consideration. For the assessment of coastal fish assemblage, a visual census technique was performed by two SCUBA divers along 60 m long transects. Coastal fish were counted up to 2 meter away from the transect rope by one or two divers. Two 30-m long measuring tapes were used. The average duration of a visual count transect was approximately 20 minutes. Additionally we used the data of one parallel census in P. oceanica habitat type at the station 6. In addition, a narcotiser quinaldin (MS222) was used to detect some cryptobenthic fish species, which could be otherwise overlooked. Habitat type cartography was carried out by filming with underwater Sony camera (Handicam Hi-8). The diver with the camera followed the transect rope and filmed all habitat types. Afterwards, some shots of spe- cific vegetation cover or peculiar habitat types in the neighbouring area were taken as well. Additionally, some specific habitat, types were photographed with Su-beye underwater camera. In the laboratory the transect films were carefully analysed and used for drawing habitat, types. The coverage of each habitat type was estimated by calculating the area in habitat type distribution drawings. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fioristic survey At ¡east 58 algal species and 2 other phanerogams (Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii) were recorded in the investigated area {Tab. 1). Altogether 10 green macroaigae, 11 brown macroalgae and 37 red macroal-gae were recorded. Twenty-four epibionts had been previously surveyed by Orlando & Bressan (1998). The vegetation cover in the area is strongly connected with the ecological conditions, such as the water quality and the seabed substrata. !ri somehow deeper area, the seabed is covered by sandstone rocks and cobbles, which are not suitable for aigae, and by some bigger boulders, to which Aisidium corallinurn and Anadyomene stellata are attached. Faunistic survey Benthic invertebrate fauna At ¡east 88 taxa of benthic invertebrates were recorded in the studied area (Tab. 2). The majority of them, 38 species, were mollusks, followed by crustaceans (16), sponges (8), cnidarians (7), echinoderms (6), poiychaets (6), tunicates (4) and bryozoans (3). At the station 1, at least 45 species were recorded, whereas at stations 2 and 3 at least 58 species were sighted. The invertebrates recorded were found mostly as fauna on rocks and boulders or as epibionts on Posidonia, Cymodocea and Cystoseira. The number of animals recorded is obviously far from complete, since only epifauna was taken into consideration. On the other hand, we used the technique of visual inspection mostly as it is a nondestructive method and at the same time very appropriate for protected areas. Many tiny and cryptic invertebrates could obviously not be recorded with such method. Numerous studies demonstrated the importance of Posidonia seagrass meadows for a variety of animal groups. It is characterized as a complex biotic community with high richness, in which many animals spend all or part of their lives (sensu Garcia-Raso, 1990). According to Somaschini el al. (1993), the polychaete community of the P. oceanica bed is richer and more diversified than the neighbouring environment. 193 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Roberl TURK ssl. a/.: A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABiTAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED BY SfjACRASS MEADOW .... 191-202 Tab. 1: Checklist of the flora associated with Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow in the Žusterna-Moleto region (Legend: M - macroalgae, E = epiphyte, C = sea-grass, Me - mediolitoral, Z Me = upper mediolitoral, S Me = lower mediolitoral, I - infralittoral, Z I ~ upper infralitoral, S I = lower infralitoral). Tab. 7: Popis flore, povezane s travniki morske trave pozejdonke na območju med Moletom in Žusterno (Legenda: M - makroalge, E ^ epifit, C = morska trava, Me = mediolitoral, Z Me = zgornji mediolitoral, S Me = spodnji Mediolitoral, I ~ infralittoral, Z i ~ zgornji infralitoral, S t ~ spodnji infralitoral). TAXON Belt Alsidium corallinum M i ! Ánadyomene stellata M 1 ! Antithamnion tenuissirriuin E 1 Aícocyclus orbicuiaris t; 1 i CaHithamriion corymbostmi F 1 Ceramíum sp- M + E ! Ceramium cingulatum i 1 Ceramium circinnatum K 1 Ceramium tenemmum fc 1 Chaetomorpha sp. M + Í Me Chyíocl'adia sp. E f Chylociadía verticiilata E 1 Chondría dasyphilla M 1 Cladophora sp. M 1 Cladophora echmus E i Cladophora prolitera M + E 5 Me + 1 Cladosiphon cylirtdricus E 1 Cladosteplws verticillatus M Me + 1 Coraltina uranífera M + E Z\ Coraltina otticinalis M 21 Cvmorbcea nodosa C 1 Cystoseira barhala M 1 Cystoseíra comprensa M i Dictvota dichotoma M Z! ! Dictvopteris membranácea M S Me + Z 1 Lrilhrotrichia campa E ! Fucus virsoides M Z Me Getidielh nigrescens M + E 1 Gelidium sp. M + E 1 Gelidium spalhulatum M 1 Gigartina sp. M 1 Giraudya sphacelarioides E ■ 1 Halopilhys incvrvus M Zl Helerosipbonia wurdemanníi E 1 Hydmlithon crudatum E i Hydrolithon farinosuni E ! Laurencia obtusa M S Me +1 Laurencia papillosa M Z 1 Lophosiphonia scopulorum E t Nitophvilum punciattim M Zi Padilla pavonica M S Me + 1 Peyssonnelia squamaria M S 1 Pnpfíphyllum frapjíe E 1 Polysipbonia denúdala E 1 Polysiphoma furcellala E 1 Poiysiphonia nigrescens E 1 í Posidonia oceanica C 1 i Pseudolithoph yllum expansum M S 1 Pterocladia capillacea M S Me +1 Sphacelaria cirrhosa M i 5pyridi¿i filamentosa M + E 1 Stylonema alsidii E 1 Titanoderma corallinae £ i Tttanoderma pustulahmi E i Udotea pefíoiata M S 1 Ulva sp. M + E S Me -E i I Utva rígida M + E S Me -i- 1 Ulvella setchellii E 1 Valonia utricularis M + E i Wrangetia penidllara M* E 1 Zostera noltii C 1 Tab. 2: Checklist of benthic invertebrates recorded in the area during the study period. Tab. 2: Seznam bentoških nevretenčarjev, opaženih na obravnavanem območju v obdobju vzorčevanja. Porifera Chondrosia reniformis Chondritis nucula Clione ceiata Hippospongia communis Oscareila tobiformis Spiraslrelía cunctathrix Tethya aurantium Verongia aeivphoba Cn ida rta Actinia equina Aiptasia mutabilis Anemonia sulcata Balanophyllia italic.a Cladocora caespitosa Eudendrium sp. Paranemonia cinerea Mollusca Apiysia punctata Aporrhais pes pelecani Area noae Astraea rugosa Bittium reticulatum Cerithium rupestris Cardium edule Chiton olivaceus Chlamys varius Dendrodoris limbatus Elysia tímida Epkonium communis Gastrochaena dubia Gourmya vulgata Haliotis lamellosa Hinia cos tu lata Hinia reticulata Hinia incrassata Lima hians Llttorina neritoides Lithophaga lithophaga Loripes lacteus Monodonta articulata Murex brandaris Mytilus galloprovincialts Mytilaster minimus Ost rea edulis Patella caerufea Pholas dactylus Pinna nob i I is Sepia officinalis Solecurtus strigillatus Thuridilla hopei Trunculariopsis trunculus Venerupis decussata 194 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Robert TURK A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABITAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED 8Y SEAGRASS MEADOW 191-302 Venus verrucosa Vermetus triqueter Poiychaeta Bispira sp. Pro tula tubularia Pomatoceros triqueter Serpula vermiformis Spirographs spallanzani Spirorbis pagenstecheri Crustacea Alpheus sp. Aniiocra physodes Balanus sp. Carcinus aestuari Callianasa stebbingi Chthamalus stellatus Eripjbia spinifrons Galathea sp. Ligia italica Maia verrucosa Macropodia rostrata Mysidae Pinnotheres sp. Porceliana platycheles Upogebia littoralis Bryozoa Mernbranipora mebranacea Electra posidoniae Schizoporella sanguines t'chinodermata Amphipholls squamata Cucumaria e Ion gat a Hoiothuria t.ubulosa Ophlothrix cf. tragi Us Paracentrotus lividus Sphaereclvnus granulans Tuntcata Ascidia sp. Diplosoma spongiiforme Microcosmos cf. sulcatus Phallusia fumigata khthyofaima At least 33 coastal fish species were found to inhabit the studied area {Tab. 3). The number of species per transect varied from 9 to 22. Only 5 species were recorded at all transects. The majority of species (10) recorded were gobiids, followed by blennioids (8), spa rids (t>) and labrids (4). The dominant species were Atherina sp., Symphodus roissali and S. cinereus. in the patches of Posidonia meadow, only juvenile specimens of Diphdus spp. were abundant. On the basis of a visual count, the highest density was recorded for Symphodus roissali with 9.8 specimens per 100 nr, followed by 5. cinereus with 3.08 per 100 m2. However, it must be noted that the 60 m parallel census was carried out in the area, where almost 25% of the habitat type consisted of Cystoseira spp. The dominant gobiici species were ascribed to the Gobius xanthocephal us/fa I lax group. Although the yellow markings on the head typical of the species G. xanthocephalus were quite distinct, we decided to use, for practical purposes, the group taxon, since the taxonómica} differentiation during the inspection of the transect is almost impossible in the area, where this species is sympatric with other similar gobiids. Small cryptobenthic fishes Lepadogaster candollel, Zebrus zebrus and Millerlgobius macrocephalus were found in the Posidonia meadow (Tab. 3). As they were found under stones, they are not directly related to sea-grass meadows. The goby M. macrocephafus has been till now recorded only at few sites in the Adriatic Sea (see jardas, 1996). In comparison with other areas in Slovenian coastal waters, the studied area is poor. Fifty-two fish species were recorded for Cape Madona Natural Monriment, 49 for Strunjan Nature Reserve and 36 for Debeli rtic Natural Monument (Lipej & Orlando Bonaca, in prep.). The main reason for this lies in the fact that the data for other areas were obtained by the use of 90 m long vertical transects, due to which a broader variety of different habitats was obtained, which obviously affected the number of species. St is well known that the spatial heterogeneity is an important factor, which affects the species diversity of the area. If we take into consideration only the seagrass meadow of P. oceanica, then only few species can be considered true residents of this area. Bussotti & Guidetti (1999) studied the fish communities associated with P. oceanica on the one hand and Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltli seagrass meadows on the other with the visual census technique monthly in August 1995 and August 1996 and never sighted more than 24 fish species. Bell & Harmelin-Vivien (1982) reported 49 fish species on Posidonia meadows with a trawl at a depth 16-18 m. However, only 30 species of them were considered to be residents. The depth obviously had an effect on the species number as well. According to the study of Guidetti (2000) on the visual census data in the southern Adriatic, only three species, Spondylliosoma cantharus, Diplodus annularis and to a minor extent Symphodus ocellatus, were associated with P. oceanica. Since the number of samplings performed in the studied area is lower than in the other (above mentioned) three protected areas in Slovenian coastal waters, we can speculate that the number of species will increase with a further inspection of the area. 195 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 Robert TURK et. at; A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABITAT TYRES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED 8Y S LAG R ASS MEADOW 591-202 Tab 3: Coastal fish assemblage in the studied area. The abundance of different fish species are presented in ranges: - - no specimen recorded, 1 = single specimen, 2 = 2-3 specimens, 3 - 3-5 specimens, 4 = 5-10 specimens and 5 = more than 10 specimens. Cryptobenthic species, which were recorded with the use of narcotic, are marked with asterisk. Tab. 3: Obrežna ribja združba na obravnavanem območju. Številko osebkov posameznih ribjih vrst je predstavljeno v rangih: - - noben osebek zabeležen, 1 = osebek, 2 = 2-3 osebki, 3 - 3-5 osebkov, 4 = 5-10 osebkov in 5 = več kot 10 osebkov. Kriptobentoške vrste vrste rib, ki smo jih potrdili z uporabo narkotičnega sredstva, so označene z zvezdico. St. 1 Species/ station (transects) 4 5 6 1 3 Atherina sp. 5 5 5 - - 2 Diplodus annularis - 1 3 - 2 ! 3 Diplodus puntazzo 1 - - - 4 Diplodus sargus - 1 - 1 5 Diplodus vulgaris 1 1 3 1 3 6 Gobius cobitis 1 1 . - - I 7 Gobius cruentatus i 1 1 1 1 8 Gobius paganellus 1 - - - - 9 Gobius fallax/xanthocephalus i - 3 5 10 Gobius niger - 1 1 3 11 Gobius roulei - 1 - - 12 Lepadogaster candollei* _ 1 - - - 1 13 Lipophrys adriaticus - - 1 14 Upophrys dalmatinus 4 4 - - 15 Millerigobius macrocephalus* „ 1 - - 16 Oblada melanura 3 3 - „ - 17 Parablennius gattorugine 1 - - - 1 18 Parablennius incognitas 2 - „ 1 19 Parablennius rouxi - 1 - - - 20 Parablennius sanguinolentus - - - 2 „ 21 Parablennius tentacularis 1 1 - - - 22 Pomatoschistus marmoratus - „ - 5 23 Sarpa salpa - - 1 - 5 24 Serranus hepatus 1 - - - 3 25 Serranus scriba 2 2 2 2 - 26 Symphodus cinéreos 2 3 5 3 5 27 Symphodus ocellatus 3 3 1 3 2 28 Symphodus roissali 5 5 5 3 2 29 Symphodus tinea 2 2 - 2 30 Syngnathus acus 1 „ - 31 Tripterygion tripteronotus 2 - - „ - 32 Zosterissesor ophiocephalus 1 „ - - - 33 Zebrus zebrus* - 2 - 5 - Total number of species 19 22 9 12 14 Habitat types 'I he studied area is characterised by several different habitat types such as aliochthonous limestone boulders, photophilic algal population on rocks and boulders, sandstone terraces, C. nodosa meadow, P- oceanica meadow, as well as muddy sands and mud (Fig. 2). The coverage of each habitat type at different transects is shown in Table 4. The comparison between five transects showed quite different habitat type distribution, although the distance between the 1M transect and the 5th transect was below 1 km. Posidonia oceanica was recorded as a patch or just with a few shoots. This again confirms the sporadic distribution of Posidonia meadows sensu leopard spot pattern. Station 1 was characterized by reduced water column transparency, which may have also an impact on the Posidonia distribution (Meinesz etal., 1988). Although the C. nodosa is present at all five vertical transects, its distribution is very diverse. Along transect 5 196 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat, • 12 • 2002 • 2 Roberl TURK el. gl.: A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABITAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED BY SEAGRASS MEADOW.,., I9™202 ■ - Tab. 4: Habitat type distribution (expressed as percentage of the entire surveyed transect area) along five transects. The term fine sand indicates the area not covered by vegetation. Tab. 4: Razporeditev habitatnih tipov: apnenčasti balvaniterase peščenjaka, travnik cimodoceje> travnik poze-jdonke, fini pesek, mulj, prodnjaki in infralitoralni kamni in skale (izraženih v odstotkih celotne površine pregledanega območja) na 5 transektih. Z izrazom fini pesek označujemo predele, ki niso bili poraščeni z vegetacijo. I Habitat type/stations (transects) 1 2 3 4 5 iAllochthonous boulders 7.50 5.0 10.0 11.67 12.50 Sandstone terraces 0 0 21.67 7.50 0 | Cymodocea meadows 33.33 13.33 18.33 8.33 _| 26.67 [ Posidonia meadows 0 11.67 2.50 0.80 52.50 l_Fine sand* 0 22.50 28.33 45.83 4.20 Mud 22.50 15.00 0 0 0 Pebbles 10.83 5.83 13.33 1 2.50 4.20 | Infralittoral stones and rocks 25.83 20.83 5.83 13.33 0.0 | spreads a dense meadow, whereas in other transects the density is very low. It seems that the ecological conditions are not the same at the five studied transects. Limestone boulders ADochthonous limestone boulders were placed along the coastal trunk road to function as wavebreak-ers. Numerous niches are available on these boulders and between them, which has resulted in typical me-diolittoral fauna and flora. A broad and large belt on the allochthonous limestone boulders is covered by the association fucetum virsoidis, represented by Fucus vir-soides. Characteristic of this belt are also some other common species, such as Chaetomorpha linum, Padina pavonica, Cladophora prolifera, Cladostephus verticil-latus, Dictyopteris membranacea, and Ulva rígida. The last two also form the typical nitrophiiic associations Dyctiopteretum membranaceae and Pterocladio-Ulve-tum, which normally develop in areas influenced by organic pollution. Pebbles Pebbles of irregular shapes were found at ail 5 studied transects. Due to the constant wave action, they are not overgrown with vegetation. However, at all transects benthopleustonic alga Ulva rígida was found as very abundant This nitrophilous green alga is probably connected with outlets of sewage water from the nearby tourist resort Zusterna. Most species inhabiting this area are hidden under pebbles. The typical fish species of this habitat type are Gobius paganellus, G. cob it is and Parablennius sanguinolentas. Photophilous algae Other parts of the infralittoral belt are covered with dense algal phytal consisting mainly of Gystoseira com- pressa and C. barbata, which are inhabited by some epiphytes such as: Corallina granifera, Ceratnium sp., Gelidium sp., Polislphonia furcellata, Spyridia filamentosa, Ulva rígida, Valonia utricularis. On such substrata, Halopíthys incurvus, Laurencia papulosa and L. obtusa, Wrangelia penicillata, Dictyota dichotoma are commonly distributed as well. In this habitat type, the majority of fishes occurred. Some boulders can be found at somewhat greater depth, forming substrata for dense algal cover and different sponges, sea anemones, vermetid snails and other molluscs. Wrasses such as Symphodus roissali and S. cinereus predominated in the fish assemblage of this particular habitat type. Boulders are also inhabited by different fish species, which are using shelters made by endolithic bivalves such as Lithophaga lithophaga or live in the boulders' cracks and crevices. The majority of them are blennies (Lipophrys dalmatinus, Parablennius inc.ognitus) and gobies (Gobius cf. xanthocephalus, Zebrus zebrus). Posidonia meadow In the transition zone, the patches of P. oceanica are situated between stony coastline and mud at a depth interval of 0.5 m to 4 m. The area is approximately 1 km long and 50 m wide (Fig. 1), with the maximum depth between 2 and 4 m. It shows patchy distribution, e.g. it is restricted to small islets ("leopard spots") (Vukovič, 1982; Vukovič & Semroud, 1984; Vukovič & Turk, 1995), embraced by C. nodosa. The Posidonia shoot density varies between 360 and 588 shoots/m2, or 460 shoots/m2 on average (Turk & Vukovič, 1998). in the shady parts of the Posidonia shoots or stones some rhodophycean algae such as Pseudolithophyllum expansum and Peyssonnelia squamaria, which are typical of coralltgenous formations, were recorded. Only few fish species were sighted in this habitat type, but with the use of quinaldine we detected some interesting cryptobenthic species, such as Millerlgobius macro-cephalus and Lepadogaster candollei. 197 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Robert TURK el. a I.: A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABITAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED BY SLACRASS MEADOW .... 191-202 198 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Robert TURK ef. a/.: A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABITAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED BY SEACRASS MEADOW ..., Fig. 2: Habitat type distribution at 5 linear transects in the study area (see Fig. 1). SI. 2: Razporeditev habitatnih tipov na 5 linearnih transektih na obravnavanem območju (glej tudi SI. 1). 199 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Robert TURK ec, al: A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HABITAT TYPES IN THE AREA CHARACFERiZED BY SEAGRASS MEADOW .... 191-202 Cymodocea meadow Close to the coast is also the C. nodosa seagrass meadow, occurring either in small patches in the sandy area or almost completely covering the entire transect area. A low number of Zostera noltii plants were found intermingling with C. nodosa. The mean density of C. nodosa shoots was 09 shoots/m2 (Vukovic & Semroud, 1984). The Cymodocea seagrass meadow is extending to a depth of 6 to 8 m. Only few specimens of Pinna nobilis were found. In this seagrass meadow, the typical goby Zosterissesor ophiocephalus was sighted, although it was not abundant. "Naked" boulders and sandstone terraces These habitat types were found at transects 1, 2 and 3 between Moleto and Zusterna. Infra-littoral stones and boulders were poorly overgrown with vegetation (the so-called algal turf). The dominant invertebrate species were the sponge Verongia aerophoba and, to a minor extent, Cladocora caespitosa. Sandstone terraces form a peculiar habitat type, which provides a number of suitable niches for different invertebrates and littoral fishes. They lie horizontally and thus give an impression of a man-made platform. The terraces are overgrown with corraligenous red algae Pseudolithophyllum expansum, from which the terraces obtained their colour. Dominant invertebrates were polycbaets of the genera Protula and Serpula, vermetid gastropod Vermetus triqueter and sponges V. aerophoba and Chondriila nucula. In little crevices and cracks between terraces, Cob/us cf. xanthocephalus was established as the dominant littoral fish. Sandy and muddy habitat types Some species were sighted only in sandy patches or at the end of transects, where the stony bed is replaced by mud. In these peculiar habitat types, more specimens of Pinna nobilis were found than in the meadows, but the majority of them were dead, tn our opinion, this should be attributed mainly to the high sedimentation rate in this area. The typical sand species Pomatoschis-tus marmoratus was found on sand at a depth range from 2 to 4 m between patches of Posidonia or Cymodocea seagrass meadows. Gobius roulei, a recently rediscovered gobiid species in the Adriatic sea (Kovacit, 1995), was more or less restricted to coarse sand, whereas G. niger preferred muddy areas. NATURE CONSERVATION VALUE The different aspects of the importance of P. oce-an/'ca meadows were confirmed in the last decades by numerous authors. The meadows are the base of the richness of the coastal waters of the Mediterranean (Mo-linier & Picard, 1952; Cinelli etal., 1974; Boudouresque & Meinesz, 1982). This is due to the great surface of the sea bottom of the Mediterranean they cover, to the great quantities of organic materia! and oxygen they produce, to their contribution to the stability of the sea bottom and, last but not least, to the fact that the meadows host more than a thousand species of marine organisms. For all this reasons, the meadows of P. oceanic a and the species themselves are legally protected in several countries around the Mediterranean. Besides, the contracting parties to the Barcelona convention included P. ocean ica in Annex ¡1 - List of endangered or threatened species of the Protocol concerning specially protected areas and biological diversity in the Mediterranean (see Lipej et al, 2000). Last but not least, the meadows of P. oceaniea are listed as a priority habitat type in the EU Directive 92/43 on the conservation of natural habitats and on wild fauna and flora. The importance of the tiny Koper meadow and consequently the need for a strict protection go even beyond the reasons listed in the previous paragraph. The total absence of genetic variability in the meadow, stated in the work by Ruggiero et al. (2002), is another strong cause of major concern for conservation of the species in this northernmost part of the Adriatic. Low levels of genetic variability and habitat fragmentation can influence species fragility by lowering populations resilience to increasing levels of ecosystem disturbance, either of anthropogenic origin or not SMeffe & Carrol!., 1997). Legal protection of the Koper meadow as the only remnant of P. oceanica in the Gulf of Trieste and introduction of efficient conservation measures, together with a suitable long-term monitoring, should be regarded as issues of high priority. The regression of the meadow would not only jeopardise the survival of the species in the North Adriatic but would also add a hundred or more to the Slovene Red Lists of rare and endangered species. 200 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Roben TURK el. 3h A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF HASslTAT WES IN THE AREA CHARACTERIZED BY SEAORAS5 MEADOW ' "191.202 '■"■"" ''"''■ TOPOGRAFSKI PREGLED HABITATNIH TIPOV NA OBMOČJU RASTIŠČA POZEJDONKE POSIDONIA OCEANICA, V JUŽNEM DELU TRŽAŠKEGA ZALIVA (SEVERNI JADRAN) Robert TURK Zavod RS za varstvo narave, Območna enota Piran, 51-6330 Piran, Tartinijev trg 12 Martina ORLANDO BONACA, Tihomir MAKOVEC, Aleksander VUKOVIČ & Lovrenc LIPE) Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Si-6330 Piran, Fornače 41 E-maii: POVZETEK Avtorji obravnavajo topografski pregled za zaščito predlaganega rastišča morske trave pozejdonke med Izolo in Koprom. Gre za edini travnik te vrste na zahodni in severni istrski obali in obenem ostanek nekdanjih obsežnih travnikov v Tržaškem zalivu. Za ugotovitev favn i stične in fhristične pestrosti ter za ovrednotenje habitatnih tipov so uporabili metode podvodnega nedestruktivnega popisa. Za obrežno območje med Žusterno in Moletom je značilna pestra množica habitatnih tipov, med katerimi je z vidika zaščite najpomembnejši travnik morske trave pozejdonke (Posidonia oceanica). To je vrsta, ki je zaščitena tako v slovenskem kot tudi v evropskem merilu, njeni travniki pa so izjemno pomembni kot zavetišče ribjih mladic in kot ekološka niša za številne vrste bentoških alg in nevretenčarjev, ki na njej rastejo bodisi kot epiblonti ali pa se skrivajo v koreninskih prepletih. Znatno večje območje sicer pokriva druga vrsta trave, kolenčasta cimodoceja (Cymodocea nodosa), ki pa pozimi izgubi liste. Od zanimivejših habitatnih tipov je treba omeniti še terasaste kamnite sklade, ki jih najdemo na polovici poti med Moletom in Žusterno. Primerjava med posameznimi deli obravnavanega območja kaže, da je najmanj pestra favna bentoških nevretenčarjev na postaji ob kopališču Žusterna, medtem ko je na polovici poti do Moleta in ob samem Moletu favna neprimerno pestrejša. Podobno velja tudi za favno rib, ki je pestrejša ob Moletu. Pri tem poudarjamo, da bi z večjim število m vzorčevanj, predvsem pa z drugimi metodami, gotovo dopolnili ugotovljeni seznam flore in favne, medtem ko lahko za kartografski pregled habitatnih tipov trdimo, da gre za veren posnetek stanja na obravnavanem območju v času preiskav. Ključne besede: Posidonia oceanica, severni Jadran, topografski pregled, varstvo narave, nedestruktivne metode REFERENCES Bell, J. D. & M.-L. Harmeiin-Vivien (1982): Fish fauna of French Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows. 1. Community structure. Tethys, 10(4), 337-347. 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Turk (1995): The distribution of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Del, in the Gulf of Koper: preliminary report. Rapp. P-V. Reun. - Comm. Int. Explor. Sci. Mer Mediterr,: 34-49. 202 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 - 2 original scientific paper UDC 502.72:574.5(262.3-17) received: 2002-10-24 THE MEIOFAUNA OF TWO PROTECTED WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST: THE SKOCjAN INLET AND THE STRUNjAN LAGOON Barut VRISER Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, SI-6330 Pi ran, Fomace 41 ABSTRACT The paper presents ecological and meiofaunal comparisons between two extremely shallow intracoastal formations along the Slovene part of the Adriatic Sea, i.e. the Skocjan Inlet in the Bay of Koper and the somewhat smaller Stjvza Lagoon near the sail-pans of Strunjan. The Inlet is a highly degraded, isolated and stagnant neritic environment, affected with temporary summer anoxias, caused by algal decompositions of huge Ulva aggregations. The Lagoon is an undisturbed sea grass community. Lower meiofaunal diversity and abundances were observed in the Skocjan Inlet, though less as expected, with some mixed "thiobios" symptoms in its highly sulforeducted surroundings. Key words: meiofauna, Skocjan Inlet, Strunjan Lagoon, protected wetlands MEiOFAUNA Di DUE ZONE UNIDE PROTETTE DELLA COSTA SLOVENA: VAL STAC- NON E LA LAGUNA DI STRUGNANO SI NT ESI L'articolo presenta un confronto ecologico e rneiofaunistico tra due formazioni intracostali poco profonde: la Baja di San Canziano (Val Stagnon} nella baia di Capodistria e la piii piccola laguna Stjuza vicino aile saline di Strugnano. La prima rappresenta un esempio di ambiente altamente degradato, isolato e stagnante neritico, affetto da temporanee anossie estive caúsate dalla decomposizione di ingenti aggregati delTalga Ulva. La laguna di Strugnano è m vece una comunità indisturbata di fanerogame marine. Diversité e abbondanza meiofaunistiche sone ri-sultate basse nella Baia di San Canziano, persino più basse del previsto, con alcuni sintomi misti "thiobios" nelle vi-cinanze altamente solforidotte. Parole chiave: meiofauna, Baia di San Canziano, laguna di Strugnano, zone umide protette 203 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 - 2002 - 2 Borut VRJSER: THE MEIOFAUNA OF TWO PROTECTED WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST:..., 203-210 INTRODUCTION The research carried out so far into the meiofauna of the Slovene sea has been focused mostly on the open waters of the Cult of Trieste and much less on its shallow margins, the only exception being the extensive exploration of meiobenthos in the Strunjan Lagoon at the end of the 1970s (Vriser, 1979, 1982). The shallow la-goonar part of Koper Bay, however, has till recently been totally unresearched. It was only the sampling carried out a couple of years ago in the Skocjan Inlet (Cer-melj et a/., 2000) that' enabled the origin of this paper, in which a comparison between the two very unique !a-goonar environments, surrounded by land and officially protected, is presented. The contribution is not an integral, synchronously implemented study, but a comparative outline of this specific maritime environment at the level of meiobenthos. Here we were able to lean merely on the disposable, although for our particular purpose not always optimal ecological data. The Skocjan Inlet, which presently enjoys the status of a protected environment, will be in the future, after the planned deepening of its aquatory, certainly a subject of numerous investigations. The study of lagoonar benthic associations and their appurtenant meiofauna, as an important pad of these systems, presently deals with, judging from the literature, particularly the following four topical segments. In the foreground are largely investigations of bio-productional characteristics, faunistic structure (taxonomy) and diversity ecology of their associations. Since the complexity of the three stated spheres inseparably interact between each other, the mentioned research aspects can be usually found in joint, more complex publications, such as Couil (1969, 1970); den Hartog (1971); Sikora & Sikora (1982); Witte & Zijlstra (1984); Fleeger et: a!. (1984); Armonies (1988); Bin Sun ef al. (1993); etc. The fourth and very special sphere of lagoonar studies constitute the research on specific putrescent and to the high concentrations of sulphuretted hydrogen adapted mejobenthic associations of the extreme maritime environments, the so-called thiobioses (Reise & Ax, 1979, 1980; Powell et ai, 1980, 1983; Meyers et a/., 1988; Wetzel et a/., 1995S. The samplings in the Skocjan Inlet and its stagnant tributaries, which are heavily marked with decaying substrate, were carried out also in order to ascertain the possible "thiobiosity" of this environment. ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS Due to the exceptional specificity of the study area, some more space is dedicated to its ecological outline than actually deserved by this preliminary m.eiobenthlc delineation in view of the extent of the achieved results. Position, depth configuration and hydrological regime of the inlet and the Lagoon The two systems, the one at Skocjan as well as the one at Strunjan, are not entirely natural formations but the result of various human activities carried out in the last few centuries in this shallow marine environment, enabled by the estuaries of the Ri2ana river in Koper Bay and of the Strunjan stream and its discharge area in Strunjan Bay. The Skocjan Inlet originated with the linking of the former island of Koper with land through the complex of salt fields, and was finally cut off from the sea by the new Port of Koper, due to which it now communicates with the sea only through the narrow man-made canal. The extensive filling up of the Inlet in the last thirty years has made this once entirely marine environment extremely shallow (the depth of its central part does not exceed 30 cm), virtually cut it in half as far as its surface area is concerned and thus made life in it unbearable. Its only freshwater tributaries, the canals of the Rizana river and the Baciasevica stream (Fig. 1), are scarce with water, while the smaller and presently more or less freshwater mere (with its own small spring) is only a part of the Inlet, cut off from the main body by the railway embankment. With its spillway past the Inlet, the Badasevica stream has been diverted directly into Koper Bay. The Strunjan Lagoon (Fig. 2) is for some half a century abandoned fish farm of the Venetian type. It is an artificial formation, with no direct freshwater inflow, originating from the time when the Strunjan salt-pan complex was formed. It is made up of the smaller discharge lagoon and of the larger main Stjuza Lagoon of the silted former fish-farming pond. The latter is up to half a meter deep and through the mouth of the discharge lagoon (and a series of smaller spillways between the two lagoons) hydrologically (intertidaily) fairly effectively and much more directly linked with the sea than the Skocjan Inlet. Temperature, salinity, and oxygen Thermal conditions in both lagoons are, owing to their shallowness, very severe and seasonally change from one extreme to the other: in the winter between 5° and 1Q°C (they periodically freeze over), and between 24° and 27°C during the summer, while in other seasons they adapt to the atmospheric temperatures. Salinity and oxygen content of the Skocjan Inlet's water body oscillate a great deal both temporally and spatially; from periodically almost freshwater conditions in the rainy seasons, via brackish level of salinity to quite high salinities in warmer periods (hypo - hyper-saline environment). The salinity and oxygen measurements in the Inlet also showed some extreme spatial 204 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Boru! VRISER: THE MEIOFAUNA. OF TWO PROTECTED Fig. 1: Study area with sampling stations in Škocjan inlet SI, 1: Raziskovano območje z razporeditvijo vzorčeval-nih postaj v Škocjanskem zatoku. changes due to the mixing of strong tidal flows: utterly comparable with the outer condition (in the Bay) along the inner mouth of the tidal canal, and severe along the mouth of the spillway canal of the Rlžana river and the Sadaševica stream (high salinities, around 40 psu, and consequently critically low, with hypoxic oxygen values - below 30 ppm). Similar hypoxic and occasionally even anoxic conditions of the water oxygen often occur in late summer in the Inlet itself, although exclusively due to the massive decaying of the huge agglomerations of sea lettuce accumulated at the time of low water levels, saturated nitrites and high temperatures. For the time being, however, we have no detailed accompanying ecological data on the physical-chemical changes in this process, which may at times bring the system into the state of bi-otic collapse. The only permanent freshwater locality of the Inlet can be found in the already mentioned mere, where seawater can be detected only at its bottom. Salinity, oxygen content and thermal conditions in the Strunjan Lagoon are owing to the more direct as well as ample water exchange generally completely comparable with those of Strunjan Bay, in spite of ever present intertidaliy turbid oscillations in the Lagoon. Plankton Phytoplankton density in the Inlet and in the Lagoon is high, in fact higher than in open waters, while its species diversity is much lower. Phytoplankton biomass in terms of chlorophyll a concentration in the Škocjan Inlet WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST:..., 203-210 Fig. 2: Study area with sampling station in the Strunjan Lagoon. Si. 2: Raziskovano območje z vzorčevalno postajo v Strunjanski laguni. generally surpasses the averages of the Gulf of Trieste (around 1.0 pg/l). Chlorophyll a concentrations oscillate a great deal both temporally and spatially, from the low 1.8 pg/l in winter to the high 220 pg/l in spring (Čermelj et a!., 2000). The measurements made in the Strunjan Lagoon have shown comparable, although slightly lower values. In the species-poor phytoplankton association, microflagellates are predominant (70 - 90%) (Čermelj et at., 2000). The zooplanklon fauna, too, is poorer in view of its species than in open waters, with predominant naupli larvae and harpacticoid copepods of the benthic-semipelagic type. No great differences can be detected between the inlet and the Lagoon. Substrate Substrate of the major part of the Inlet and the Lagoon is grey-coloured compact-fine argillaceous silt with a slight admixture of sand, with a thin (0.5 - 1 cm) yellowish brown layer of flocculent organic detritus. This is the main natural habitat of the researched, predominantly burrowing meiofauna, which with a branched out capillary system of oxygenated burrows also inhabits up to 5 cm deeper layers of otherwise anaerobic although unreduced unputrescent substrate. The sediment in the mouth of the Badaševica stream and in the discharge canal of the Rižana river, however, is completely without aerobic surface layer, highly putrescent and thus badly degraded, of black coloured, with high decomposing organic detritus content. Sulfide 205 ANNALES • Ser. hist, nat • 12 • 2002 • 2 Boru! VRESER: THE MEIOFAUNA OF TWO PROTECTED WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST:..., 203-210 hydrogen remains permanently dissolved in pore water of this substrate in high measured concentrations (0.5-2.5 mmol/l). Macrophytobentbos Macrophytobenthos of the Skocjan Inlet is, owing to its exceptional shallowness, almost entirely limited to the free floating benthopleustophytous and acropleusto-phytous species, such as Ulva rígida (sea lettuce} and, to a smaller extent, Gigartina acicularis and Halopitys in-curvus. As a result of the increased evaporation, low water level and greater amount of nitrites during the summer, water lettuce spreads in the Inlet to such extent that it fills up the entire water volume and due to it and especially owing to its decaying disables the existence of the Cymodocea sea meadow, which once commanded at that time much deeper Inlet. The Strunjan Lagoon is overgrown with a normally developed sea meadow consisting predominantly of the species Cymodocea nodosa, and Zostera noltii on its margins. Species diversity is usual for this phytoassocia-tion, for apart from the two above mentioned species, at least another 7 species are present there. Macrofauna Macrofauna of the Strunjan Lagoon consists of a very diverse association of characteristic species closely associated with the environment of seagrasses: numerous mollusc (bivalves, gastropods), bent hie crustaceans (mysids, amphipods, decapods, isopods), echinoderms (brittlestars, starfishes), and at least 20 species of poly-chaets. In the ecologically degraded Skocjan Inlet, no comparable macrofauna association was noted, with the exception of few polychaets and bivalves. MATERIAL AND METHODS The first sampling was carried out on October 26,h 1999 at four localities of the Skocjan Inlet, i.e. in its centre (Station 1) and on its margins (Stations 2 - the mere on the other side of the railway embankment, 3 the Rizana river channel, 4 - the bed of the Badasevica stream) (Fig. 1), and at a single locality in the Strunjan Lagoon (Station 5) (Fig. 2). The second sampling was carried out on March S,h 2000 in the central parts of the Inlet and the Lagoon only. We took the substrate samples manually with corer arid extracted the meiofauna from the surface area of 10 cm2 and the depth of 5 cm with the sieving-decantation technique in 2 fractions (50 - 125 pm, 125 pm - 1 mm) of Wieser (1960) and conserved it in 4% formalin with seawater. The basic physical and chemical characteristics of the water column (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a) were determined with CTD fine-scale profiler (University of Western Australia, Centre for water research) while at somewhat shallower localities classical methods were partially applied as well. Numerous other analysis techniques for the ecological measurement of the substrate are presented in greater detail in the ecological study made by Čermelj et al. (2000). RESULTS Qualitative survey of the meiofauna of the Strunjan Lagoon, Skocjan inlet and their affluents The first preliminary qualitative analysis (presence of major taxonomic groups and their rough quantitative assessment) of 6 meiofauna samples was carried out in mid-October 1999. The survey showed two groups of samples (Tab. 1). Tab. ?: Meiofauna of the Strunjan Lagoon and the Skocjan Inlet, together with its affluents, October 1999. Taxa are ranking according to decreasing abundance. Stations: 1 - Škocjan Inlet's centre, 2 - mere, 3 - Rižana river's discharge canal, 4 - Badasevica stream, and S -Strunjan Lagoon (reference sample}. Legend: RR-very rare, R-rare, C-common, CC-very common, and D-dominant. Tab. 1: Meiofavna Strunjanske lagune in Škocjanskega zatoka ter njegovih pritokov, oktober 1999. Taksoni so urejeni po standardnem zaporedju običajne pogostosti. Postaje: 1 - center zatoka, 2 - jezerce, 3 - prelivni kanal Rižane, 4 - Badasevica in 5 Strunjanska laguna (referenčni vzorec). Legenda: RR-zeh redka, R-redka, C-običajna, CC-zelo običajna in D-dominantna. Skocjan inlet Strunjan 1 2 3 4 5 Nematoda cc c RR R D Harpacticoida R R cc Polvehaeta cc RR RR CC Turbellaria c RR RR R C Gastropoda RR C Bivalvia R Kinorhyncha RR Acariña RR Hydroidea RR Ostracoda D RR D R Tanaidacea R Isopoda RR R Amphipoda R R R 206 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Boru! VRISER: THE MEIOFAUNA. OF TWO PROTECTED WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST:..., 203-210 The meiofauna of the three marginal water bodies of the Škocjan Inlet (the Badasevica stream, the mere, and the Rižana river discharge canal) with distinct signs of ecologically degraded environment (large quantities of decaying black detritus in the sediment) was, and particularly quantitatively, very poor in comparison with the fauna of the Škocjan inlet and the Strunjan Lagoon. The samples taken in the Inlet and Lagoon showed a higher diversity and abundance of individuals. A comparison between the Inlet and the Lagoon, however, showed somewhat lower abundance in the meiofauna of the Škocjan Inlet, particularly in respect of the Nematoda and Harpacticoida groups. The meiofauna of the Strunjan Lagoon served as a reference for a less affected environment. Quantitative survey of the meiofauna of the Strunjan Lagoon and the Škocjan inlet The analysis of the meiofauna's samples taken on March 8lh 2000 at two stations in the Škocjan Inlet and comparatively in the Strunjan Lagoon, showed a great difference between the two aquatories than the preliminary qualitative survey carried out in 1999 (Tab. 2). Tab. 2: Meiofauna I structure and abundance (No. ind. /10 cm2) of the Škocjan inlet and the Strunjan Lagoon, March 2000. Taxa are ranking according to abundances. Tab. 2: Struktura in abundanca (št. os./10 cm2) meio-favne Škocjanskega za toka in Sfrunjanske lagune, marec 2000. Taksoni so urejeni po zaporedju abun-danc. In terms of diversity, and particularly as far as its quantity is concerned, the Skocjan Inlet's meiobenthos is much poorer than that in the Strunjan Lagoon. In the majority of the faunistic groups, the quantitative differ- ences are also great. In otherwise numerous nematods (Nematoda), present in both environments, the abundances in the Skocjan Inlet were by half as low than in the referential lagoonar environment, in Turbeilaria four times lower, in harpacticoids (Harpacticoida) five times lower, and in polychaets (Polychaeta) even seven times lower than at the referential station. The only exception were ostracods (Ostracoda), which with their no less than six times greater abundance than the prevalent meiobenthic. group of the Skocjan Inlet mark this specific, although undoubtedly degraded association. DISCUSSION In comparison with the Strunjan Lagoon, the assessed smaller diversity of the Skocjan Inlet's meiofauna is not particularly explicit and is in fact based merely on the first observations. During the first (preliminary) survey of the Inlet, we did not manage to register no less than four groups: bivalves (Bivalvia), kinorhynchs (Kino-rhyncha), acarins (Acarina) and colonies of hydroid polyps, which all happen to be common in the Strunjan Lagoon. Particularly symptomatic is the almost total absence of molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), which were hardly registered yet again during the second and much more thorough survey of the Skocjan Inlet. A further supplement to the assessment about a poorer diversity of the Inlet's meiofauna is represented by harpacticoid co-pepods (Harpacticoida), where representatives of only three genera were prevalent: Amphiascus, Bulbam-phiascus and Tisbe. Especially in the last two, some distinct indicators of eutrophic as well as organically polluted environments can be found (Marcotte & Coull, 1974; Vriser, 1986). Much more distinct between the compared associations of both lagoonar environments are the quantitative differences, where the spans of higher abundances in the individuals of the Strunjan Lagoon are even several times greater in some of the groups. So far, much has been written about the meiofauna of the Strunjan Lagoon (VriSer, 1979, 1982). At this point let us underline that we are dealing with meiobenthos, closely associated on sea grasses, in which some stenovalent. species are missing in many groups due to the severe oscillation of ecological factors (particularly temperatures and salinity). But then again it is distinguished for its bioproductivity, which is higher than in the open sea, which is reflected in greater, especially summer abundances of Its dominants. Otherwise it is more or less still comparable with the ordinary meiobenthos of the coastal sea meadows. However, our assessment of the species diversity in meiobenthic associations in both environments can be unfortunately merely preliminary without a detailed study of the species diversity and a greater spatial covering of the sampling stations. Strunjan Lagoon (St 5) Škocjan Inlet (St. 1) taxa a b c mean a b c mean Nematoda 541 692 837 690 403 307 343 351 Harpacticoida 139 289 341 256 38 36 69 48 Polychaeta 68 201 93 121 75 12 21 36 Turbeilaria 27 28 38 31 8 8 8 8 Gastropoda - 1 _ 0.3 - 1 0.3 Bivalvia 1 - - 0.3 - - 1 0.3 Kinorhyncha - 2 4 2 1 - 0.3 Acariña 1 - - 0.3 - - 1 0.3 Hydro idea 75 2 - 26 - - - Ostracoda 6 20 22 16 73 87 1.30 97 Amphipoda 3 - 1 1.3 - - 1 0.3 207 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Boru! VRISER: THE MEIOFAUNA. OF TWO PROTECTED WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST:..., 203-210 There is no doubt that ail the stated faunistic differences between the two compared environments result from the great ecological differences between them, particularly from the absence of the ruined sea meadow of the Škocjan Inlet and from the anoxic collapses in the summer. It is our impression that the great quantities of decomposing detritus of sea lettuce hypoxically (and in a later phase anoxically) cover and pollute the surface of the bottom to such extent that the meiofauna can survive, in the short run, only inside this already thinner (max. 1 cm thick) but still aerobic layer and in up to 5 cm deeper capillary network of burrows of the meio-faurta's burrowing component. The latter is indeed capable of surviving (for up to few weeks) in the hypo-anoxic conditions of this kind as well, to which macro-benthos succumbs in a very short time (as confirmed by numerous foreign and domestic anoxia researchers, e.g. Josefson & Widbom, 1988; Austin & Widbom, 1991; Vrišer & Malačič, 1992; Vrišer, 1995; Moodley et a/., 1997), i.e. in the ecological conditions, when after a week or two the macrofauna has long been destroyed. We presume that early in the autumn life conditions improve in the Inlet due to heavy rains and winds (when decomposing aggregations of algae are washed away), as shown by our October and March samplings. The colder half of the year most probably presents a more favourable ecological period for the fauna of the Škocjan Inlet. The mentioned survey of processes is probably not utterly uniform even in the period of the most intense summer purification, but is most likely mosaic: it is a mixture of hydrodinamically more stagnant (ecologically severed) and intertidally more intense (ecologically more favourable) localities with less polluted aggregations. For this purpose, a network of stations would be necessary. On the other hand it has been noted that the registered faunistic differences between the compared Škocjan inlet and the Strunjan Lagoon are certainly smaller than the ecological differences, or smaller than expected in view of the latter. All this yet again confirms the meiofauna's well-known ecological resistance as well as its flexibility and "belated" response to the environment's unfavourable ecological extremes. The Škocjan Inlet's bentbic conditions could be perhaps explained with the following working hypothesis. It is possible that the decisive role in the incurred meio-faunal differences in both compared environments is played by the very substrate endofraction of macroben-thos (over 1 mm large organisms living on the bottom, i.e. bivalves, nemerteans, polychaets, oligochaets), which in the critical summer hypoxia cannot survive in the long run and is therefore hard to be found any longer in the Škocjan Inlet. This directly means its loss or absence as well as a reduced presence of "temporary" meiofauna, i.e. juvenile stadia of the future macrofauna. At the same time this indirectly means - due to the consequential loss of macrobenthic capillary network of oxygenated burrows as oxygen lacunas within the top 5cm - a fatal reduction of the disposable life niches for the remaining "permanent" meiofauna, which is reflected not only in the diversity of species but also in their abundance. In the meiofaunistic literature we have not found an ecosystem that would be ecologically fully comparable to the Škocjan Inlet. Some authors (e.g. Couil, 1969; Sikora & Sikora, 1982), on the other hand, are breaking down the biological processes of the surface layer in the substrate of the shallow lagoonar environments also in the direction of the above mentioned hypothesis. The other objective of our research was to find an answer to the question, whether there exists, in the Škocjan Inlet and particularly on its margins, a specific and to sulphuretted hydrogen adapted meiobenthic association, the so-called "thiobtoses". Certain sources have placed this (in the opinion of some researchers disputable) association in sulfide dependent chemocline which presumably have an ecologic requirement for sulfide (Powell ef a!., 1983). Thiobios communities no longer needs the necessary oxygen for its survival (Reise & Ax, 1980; Meyers et ai1988), in contrast to the norma! meiobenthos, therefore, which is (at least in a long run, e.g. a few weeks) certainly still dependant on surface oxygen, also in deeper burrows within anaerobic substrate, even though below a depth of 10 cm. Of the four investigated localities we can immediately exclude the Inlet itself, which does not fully meet the searched conditions (for the major part of the year its surface sediment is oxygenated), and the brackish mere protected from the decaying aggregations of the organic detritus by the railway embankment. The remaining two localities, i.e. the discharge canals of the Rižana river and the Badasevica stream, are, on the other hand, heavily stagnant and at the bottom burdened with the earlier on defined characteristics of decaying nature and, according to our measurements, with confirmed high sulphide concentrations. This environment is ecologically thus fairly congruent with "thiobiosity", while our faunistic data show somewhat mixed picture and only partially correspond to the previously mentioned specialist sources that classify such associations. Similarity with them is shown mainly in the exceptionally sparse harpacticoid copepods (Harpacticoida) and polychaets (Polychaeta) of our samples - in such environments these groups are normally rare - but not in ostra-cods (Ostracoda), which are even predominant in the discharge canal of the Rižana river and the second most common group in the Škocjan Inlet. The very multitude of ostracods in our samples of this environment is a faunistic peculiarity, discordant with thiobiotic associations, and for the time being difficult to explain. The groups Turbellaria and Kinorhyncha, characteristic of 208 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Boru! VRISER: THE MEIOFAUNA. OF TWO PROTECTED WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST:..., 203-210 decaying environments, were also missing in the two canals. At the moment, the present survey of these margins of the Skocjan inlet does not enable us a final judgement, and an answer could only be given upon a more extensive research. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank Mr. Tihomir Makovec for the preparation of drawings of the study area. MEIOFAVNA DVEH ZAVAROVANIH MOKRIŠČ SLOVENSKE OBALE: ŠKOCJANSKEGA ZAJOKA iN STRUNjANSKE LAGUNE Borut VRIŠER Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni institut za biologijo, 51-6330 Piran, fornače 41 POVZETEK Primerjati smo meiofavna dveh plitvih, zaprtih priobalnih lagun, obe s statusom naravovarstveno zaščitenega območja. Škocjanski zatok, ki je danes skoraj že zasut preostanek nekdanjega estuarija reke Rižane, je primer skrajno degradiranega in hidrodinamično stagnantnega ¡Kritičnega okolja, močno obremenjenega z občasnimi poletnimi anoksijami. Morski travnik tu ni več ohranjen. Povzročajo jih razpadajoče agregacije morske solate Ulva lac-tuca. Ugotovili smo, da so združbe v Škocjanskem zatoku vrstno in količinsko siromašnejše od združb v Strunjanski laguni. Ugotovljene favnistične razlike pa so bite vendarle manjše od pričakovanih in občutno manjše od ekoloških. Meiofavna dveh stranskih pritokov zatoka, močno zaznamovanih z gnijočim sedlmentom, kaže nekaj delnih znakov specifičnih, na sulfidno okolje prilagojenih tiobioz.nih združb. Ključne besede; meiofavna, Škocjanski zatok, Strunjanska laguna, zavarovana mokrišča REFERENCES Armonies, W. (1988): Active emergence of meiofauna from intertidal sediment. Mar. Ecof. Prog. Ser., 43, 151-159. Austin, M. C, & B. Widbom (1991): Changes in and slow recovery of a meiobenthic nematode assemblage following a hypoxic period In the Gullmar Fjord basin, Sweden. Mar. Biol., 111, 139-145. Bin Sun, J., W. Fleeger & S. Carney (1993): Sediment microtopography and small-scale spatial distribution of meiofauna. j. Exp. Mar. 8ioi. Ecol., 167, 73-90. Coull, B. C. (1969): Hydrographic control of meioben-thos in Bermuda. Repr. Limnology and Oceanography, 14(6), 953-957. Coull, B. C. (1970): Shallow water meiobenthos of the Bermuda platform. Oecologia, 4, 325-357. Čermeij, B.( P. Mozetič, O. Bajt, V. Turk, B. Vrišer, N. Kovač, L. Lipej & A. Vukovič (2000): Raziskave in monitoring Škocjanskega zatoka - pregled stanja kakovosti vode in sedimenta v vodni laguni znotraj rezervata in kakovosti vode Badaševice. Ekološka študija. Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja, Piran, 93 str. den Hartog, C. (1971): The dynamic aspect in the ecology of sea-grass communities. Thalass. Jugosi., 7(1), 101-112. Fleeger, }. W., G. T. Chandler, G. R. Fitzhugh & F. E. Phillips (1984): Effects of tidal currents on meiofauna densities in vegetated salt marsh sediments. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 19, 49-53. josefson, A. B. & B. Widbom (1988): Differential response of benthic macrofauna and meiofauna to hypoxia in the Gullmar Fjord basin. Mar. Biol, 100, 31-40. 209 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Boru! VRISER: THE MEIOFAUNA. OF TWO PROTECTED WETLANDS ON THE SLOVENE COAST:..., 203-210 Marcotte, B. M. & 8. C, Couli (1974): Pollution, diversity and meiobenthic communities in the North Adriatic (Bay of Piran, Yugoslavia). Vie Milieu, 24 (2, ser. B), 281-300. Meyers, M. B., E. N. Powell & H. Fossing (1988): Movement of oxybiotic and thiobiotic meiofauna in response to changes in pore-water oxygen and sulfide gradients around macro-infaunal tubes. Mar. Biol., 98, 395-414, Moodley, I., G. J. van der Zwaan, P. M. }. Herman, t. Kempers & P. van Breugel (1997): Differential response of benthic meiofauna to anoxia with special reference to Foraminifera (Protista: Sarcodina). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 158, 151-163. Powell, E. N., M. A. Crenshaw & R. M. Rieger (1980): Adaptations to suifide-system meiofauna. Endproducts of sulfide detoxification in three Turbeliarians and a Gastrotrich. Mar. EcoL Prog. Ser., 2, 169-177. Powell, E. N., T. J. Bright, A. Woods & S. Gittings (1983): Meiofauna and the thiobios in the East Flower Garden brine seep. Mar. Biol., 73, 269-283. Reise, K. & P. Ax (1979): A meiofauna! "thiobios" limited to the anaerobic sulfide system of marine sands does not exist. Mar. Bio!., 54, 225-237. Reise, K. & P. Ax (1980): Statement on the thiobios-hypothesis. Mar. Biol., 58, 31-32. Sikora, W. B. & J. P. Sikora (1982): Ecological implications of the vertical distribution of meiofauna in salt marsh sediments. In: Kennedy, V. S. (ed.): Estuarine Comparisons. Academic Press, New York, 269-282. Vrišer, B. (1979): Modifikacije meiofavne v umetno poluiranem lagunarnem ekosistemu. Biol, vestn., 27, 75-86. Vrišer, B. (1982): Strukturne in bioprodukcijske značilnosti meiofavne v čistem in umetno onesnaženem okolju Strunjanske lagune. Acta Adriat., 23(1/2), 339-353. Vrišer, B. (1986): Vpliv organskega onesnaženja na meiofavno priobalnih glinastih muljev Koprskega zaliva. Biot. vestn,, 34, 93-104. Vrišer, B. (1995): Meiofaunal investigations and anoxia in the central pait of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit., 34, p. 48. Vrišer, B. & V. Malačič (1992): Hypoxic bottom water and meiofauna in the Gulf of Trieste. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit., 33, p. 356. Wetzel, M. A., P. jerrsen & O. Giere (1995): Oxy-gen/sulfide regime and nematode fauna associated with Arenicola marina burrows; new insights in the thiobios case. Mar. Biol, 124, 301-312. Wieser, W. (1960): Benthic studies in Buzzards Bay. il. The meiofauna. Limnol. Oceanogr., 5, 121-137. Witte, I I. J. & J. }. Zijlstra (1984): The meiofauna of a tidal fiat in the western part of the Wadden Sea and its role in the benthic ecosystem. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.,14, 129-138. 210 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 - 2002 ■ 2 review UDC 502/504{497.4):349.6(4) received: 2002-10-24 MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF WETLANDS AND WATER RESOURCES IN SLOVENIA WITH REGARD TO THE NEW EUROPEAN WATER LEGISLATION Andre] SOViNC institute of Biodiversity Studies, Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaidijeva '18 E-rn a i i: a n d rej. sov i n c@gue st .a rn es. s i Helena MATOZ Republic, of Slovenia, Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Dunajska 48 E-mail: ABSTRACT The European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD) is considered as a major contribution to the European environmental legislation. It' also provides important implications for the implementation of the EU directives for nature conservation, namely the "Birds" and the "Habitats" Directives which forms a legislative framework for the network of protected areas, known as Natura 2000. The consequences for nature and especially wetland conservation in the framework of the Natura 2000 network after adoption of the WFD are analysed. A short description of water management and wetland conservation planning and management is presented, together with a brief presentation of the extent of wetland types in Slovenia. Key words: water management, nature conservation, wetlands, European Union, Water Framework Directive, Birds Directive, Habitats Directive, Slovenia GESTIONE E TUTELA DELLE ZONE UMIDE E DELLE RISORSE IDRICHE IN SLOVENIA ALLA LUCE DELLA NUOVA LEGISLAZIONE EUROPEA SINTESl La direttiva sul patrimonio idrico dell'Unione Europea "Water Framework Directive" (WFD) viene considerata il contributo piü importante alla legislazione ambiéntale europea. II documento fornisce importanti implicazioni per l'adempimento delle direttive EU per la tutela della natura, in particolare degli uccelli e degli habitat. Le direttive forma no una cornice legislativa per la rete delle aree protette, conosciuta come Natura 2000. Nell'articolo vengono analizzate le conseguenze per la tutela della natura ed in particolare delle zone umide nella cornice della rete Natura 2000 dopo l'adozione della WFD. Gli au tori presentano inoltre una breve descrizione della gestione del patrimonio idrico e deí progetti di conservazíone e gestione delle zone umide, con una concisa presentazione dell'estensione dei tipi di zone umide in Slovenia. Parole chiave: gestione del patrimonio idrico, tutela della natura, zone umide, Unione Europea, direttiva sul patrimonio idrico, direttiva sugli uccelli, direttiva sugli habitat, Slovenia 211 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 2 Andrej SOVINC & Helena MATOZ: MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF WETLANDS AND WATER RESOURCES IN SLOVENIA ...,211-216 INTRODUCTION Water Management in Slovenia Slovenia is rich in water resources, with 80% of them within the Da nubia n and 20% within the Adriatic watersheds. The country borders Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia and consequently there are numerous trans-bor-der river crossings. All water management issues (including trans - border) are under the domain of the Ministry for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy. The changes in water management policy that have occurred since 1981 (when the previous Water Act has been adopted) resulted in the recently adopted Water Act (2002). These can be divided into two major groups: - changes due to updating of the currency values (during the high rate of inflation period) and - changes due to the new political system (changes in institutional and other water management system). The water management area, with its broad effect on several sectors and individuals, intensively interacts with other legislations. One of these is the Environmental Protection Act, adopted in 1993. It was supposed to be the general framework for all later environmental and natural resource legislations. It' is focused especially on the improvement of water, soil and air quality. The result of this is the fact that the monitoring of emissions, taxation for wastewater and air pollution taxation are already well under way. The majority of water management related activities are under competence of the Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy (MOP). There are also seven units working within the MOP. Within the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia the Water Management sector performs most water management activities. It has eight regional offices close to the river basin scale, which deal almost exclusively with these issues. At the state level eight water management companies and one company for torrent areas management perform public services - maintain watercourses and manage the state owned water management infrastructure. The MOP along with public services deal predominantly with the quantity of water resources, flood and erosion control, and the quality of the water environment protection and wastewater emission taxations, as well as monitoring responsibilities. The responsibilities that are under the jurisdiction of local communities, according to the Water and the Environmental Protection Act are: - the management and maintenance of drinking water supply facilities, - the management and maintenance of wastewater collection and treatment facilities, - waste collection, treatment and disposal.. Local communities may join to form inte rest-based associations in cases where systems for providing the services mentioned above would involve several of them. The provision of public services is controlled by the local community, the associations of users and the state inspectorate. Public service providers also have to perform the prescribed self-monitoring. The most urgent and critical issue to be solved is water management planning. The new Water Act provides legal basis specifically for this purpose. Recent work in water management is catchment oriented. Catchment management plans have already been prepared for some catchments, i.e. for the Kokra, Dragonja, Drava, ldrijca, Kolpa, Krka, Badasevica and Rizana rivers etc. These plans are an important step towards gaining experience how to prepare river basin characteristics and river basin management plans, and especially how to involve the public in this process. These documents were prepared on the basis of Slovenia's international obligations as part of the pre-accession activities to the European Union and on the basis of the EC Water Framework Directive. Wetland Conservation in Slovenia The Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Energy is responsible for nature conservation in Slovenia. its administrative and technical advisory body is the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Protection of Nature. The seven regional units for protection of nature act as technical supervisory bodies at the local level. The Environmental Protection Act passed in 1993 represents the regulatory system for both environmental protection and nature conservation, A Nature Conservation Act was adopted in 1999, which, among other provisions, established a legal basis for integration of nature conservation principles into other sectors. National Biodiversity Strategy (ARSO, 2001) is considered as part of the obligations of the Republic of Slovenia to the implementation of the Convention of the Biological Diversity (CBD), National Programme for Environment and Nature Conservation Act and it is under the auspices of the Slovenian Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Energy. Preparation of the National Wetland Conservation Strategy is understood as an appropriate tool for effective wetland conservation in Slovenia. INVENTORY OF WETLANDS AND WETLAND CONSERVATION IN SLOVENIA The inventory of wetlands and rivers in Slovenia was prepared in 2001 (Sovinc, 2001). The database contains information on 3525 wetland sites, which are distributed over 31 catchment areas. The total area of recorded wetlands, including flood zones is 98,758.93 ha (or 4.87% of the territory of Slovenia). In Slovenia, there are 19 (of 40) types of wetland 212 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Andrej SOVÍNC & Hetera MATOZ: MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OE WETi AND5 AND WATER RESOURCES ¡N SLOVENIA -, 21 l-Jlfi according to the classification of wetlands in the Ramsar Convention (Fig. 1). The most common wetland type in Slovenia are "ponds" which include characteristic Karst waterholes; there are 1517 such wetlands, spread over 134.38 ha. "Excavations" (gravel/brick/'ciay pits; borrow pits, mining pools, efc.J are recorded in 584 sites with a total area of 363.438 ha. Then follows "Aquaculture (e.g. fish/shrimp) ponds" (312 sites, total 225.308 ha) "Seasonally flooded agricultural land" with 304 sites on 18,079.597 ha, which is also the largest extent of an individual type of wetland in Slovenia. Only in fifth place by number of sites is the first type of "natural" wetland (the first four most frequent types are all "man-made wetlands"): there are 279 recorded wetlands of "Permanent freshwater marshes/poois; ponds (below 8 ha), marshes and swamps on inorganic soils; with emergent vegetation water-logged for at least most, of the growing season" which cover 168.692 ha. NEW APPROACH IN WATER MANAGEMENT The Water Framework Directive (WFD), adopted by the European Community on 23 October 2000, is con- sidered as a major contribution to the European environmental legislation. It is especially important for all types of aquatic and wetland ecosystems, as this is the first time that the protection of these ecosystems is dealt with by one legal instrument at the European level. In addition, WFD brings important implications for the implementation of the Natura 2000 network, based on the implementation of the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. EU Directives constitute the basic legislation for EU member states. Once Slovenia becomes a member of the European Union (2004?), these Directives will become obligatory and will be considered as the basis legislative tool at the national level. WFD provides an obligation, but: also an opportunity for EU member states to adopt a more global approach to conservation by developing a programme of measures at the river basin level. Political or administrative stages must be overlooked. Member states must take the following steps to meet the requirements of WFD: - to assign the individual river basins to a river basin district (RBD; going across the national borders if the river crosses them), ' ' VA. -< V 'v-^iš' ' V v:/' / ■ ^ ^ Legenda 10 mokrišče-poligon (206t/35.612tia) 20 mokrišče-točka (1476) Vodnogospodarski inštitut Vir: VGI. Inventar slovenskih moKrižC 2000 C-806, Voditelj naloge: Andrej Sovine Naročnik; RS MOP UVN. Ljubljana.2000. Vir: VGI. Vzpostavitev Eurovatemela v Sloveniji C-1096,Voditeljica naloge; dr. Lidija Globevnik Naročnik: RS MOP. Ljubljana .2001._ Fig. 1; Wetlands of Slovenia (Water Management Institute, 2001). SI. 1: Slovenska mokrišča (Vodnogospodarski inštitut, 2001). 213 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Aridrej SOVINC & Helens MATOZ: MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF WETLANDS AND WATER RESOURCES IN SLOVENIA ...,211-216 - to identify the competent authority responsible for the application and implementation of WFD, ~ to collect information and categorise different water bodies within each RBD, - to undertake an analysis of the human impact on water bodies, - to prepare a programme of measures, taking into account the provisions of all other FU Directives (11). Integrated approach to the water management issues is yet to be established in Slovenia, it is important to emphasise that the new Water Act provides the legal basis for implementation of the Water framework Directive. One of the most important tasks regarding the Water Framework Directive and the tool for implementation of the Natura 2000 network {see below) is the preparation of a management plan. This has to be produced for each river basin district and it imist cover the entire area. The division into sub basin survey areas is also allowed and it is a matter for national authorities that share the control over a river basin. In accordance with Water Framework Directive, Article 3 (Directive 2000/60/EC) all the river basins have to be assigned to an individual river basin district. It is also allowed that smaller river basins may be combined with larger river basins or joined with neighbouring small basins to form an individual river basin district where appropriate. River basins exceeding national boundaries have to be assigned to an international river basin district (Fig. 2). In Slovenia, the Danube and Adriatic river basin districts have been included in the new Water Act and declared part of the international river basin district. WATER MANAGEMENT AND NATURE CONSERVATION The FU's policy on nature conservation is made of two Directives: CoLincil Directive 79/409/EEC (the Birds Directive) and Directive 92/43/EEC (the Habitats Directive). Together, these Directives form a legislative framework for the protection of Europe's plants, animais and habitats. The creation of the ecological network of protected areas - known as Natura 2000 - is emerging from: - Special Protection Areas (SPAs) to conserve 182 bird species/sub-species (listed in Annex I to the Birds Directive) and migratory birds, and - Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) to conserve more than 250 habitat types, 200 animal and more than 430 plant species (listed in Annexes to the Habitats Directive). The purpose of Natura 2000 is to maintain or restore the habitats and species at a favourable conservation status in their natural range. WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES FOR NATURE, AND ESPECIALLY WETLAND CONSERVATION, AND THE NATURA 2000 NETWORK AFTER ADOPTION OF THE WFD? - There is now a clear legal link established between the EU protected area legislation (Natura 2000) and protection of river basins. The requirements of the birds and the habitats directives have to be taken into consideration when planning and implementing actions to improve water quality. - The diction of "good water status" in the WFD provides opportunity for wetland restoration. If a restored wetland will contribute towards the enhancement of the water status, this should be indicated in the programme of actions at the river basin level. - WFD established the link between the waters and their ecological state in terms of biological diversity, structure and function and special attention is put on the fulfilment of the needs of the wetlands to maintain their character. - The list/inventory of Natura 2000 sites (and other protected areas) have to be prepared and regularly updated as required in the Article 6 of the WFD. In other words, maintaining of the ecological character of Natura 2000 sites has to be stated as a clear aim when devising actions at the river basin level, in practice, this means that the management plans for Natura 2000 sites should form an integral part of the catchment planning process. - Ail Natura 2000 sites have to be mapped out (this is also true for all other water bodies^) and these maps should be incorporated into management plans. - WFD also provides an opportunity to ensure effective monitoring of Natura 2000 locations, including other wetland and water sites. WFD requires that "A good water status" is to be achieved in all European community waters: inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater), in the case of surface waters, this state should be achieved through measuring of "ecological status" (according to the quality of water ecosystems) and of "chemical status" (by the levels of specific pollutants present) for ground waters, the monitoring system is based both on core parameters of water chemistry and on the "quantitative status" of groundwater. - As part of the monitoring requirements under the WFD, the impacts of pressures have to be assessed as part of the human impact analyses. - The requirement of the river basin management plan is to undertake an economic analysis of water use. Although this statement might appear tricky in some cases (Article 4, No 4.a), Member States determine that all necessary improvements in the status of bodies of water cannot reasonably be achieved within the times-cales set out in the paragraph for at least the following reason: "completing the improvements within the time 214 ANNALES • Ser. hist, nat -12- 2002 • 2 Andrej SOVINC & Helena MATOZ: MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION of WEUANDS AND WATER RESOURCES IN SLOVfNIA 2U-256 Fig. 2: Transboimdary character of rivers in Slovenia (Water Management Institute, 2001). SI. 2: Čezmejni značaj slovenskih rek (Vodnogospodarski inštitut, 2001). scale would be disproportionately expensive". It is however hoped that economic arguments for restoring wetlands {water purification, natural retention areas, recreation...} will be considered as prevailing when assessing cost effective solutions to obtain good water status. CONCLUSIONS New approach to water and wetland conservation in Slovenia is based on the implementation of the European Union Directives: the Water Framework Directive, the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive. Water catchment approach is used to respond to the questions of planning and management of water and wetland resources. Efforts are made to adopt national legislation and preparatory steps to correspond to the above EU legislation, which will also become obligatory for Slovenia, once it joins the European Union. 215 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 • 2 Aridrpj SOV5NC S- Heiena matoz: MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION OF WETLANDS AND WATER RESOURCES ÎN SLOVENIA ..., 211-216 UPRAVLJANJE IN VARSTVO MOKRIŠČ TER VODNiH VIROV V SLOVENIJI V OKVIRU NOVE EVROPSKE ZAKONODAJE Andrej SOVINC Inštitut za biodiverzitetne študije, Znanstveno raziskovalno središče republike Slovenije, Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 18 F.-mail: Helena MATOZ Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Dunajska 48 E-mail: POVZETEK Smernice Evropske zveze o skupni politiki do voda (Water Framework Directive) so pomemben prispevek k evropski okoljski zakonodaji. Posamezna določila smernic vplivajo tudi na uresničevanje naravovarstvenih smernic Evropske zveze, t.j. "ptičjih" in "habitatnih" smernic. Te so pravni okvir za razglasitev omrežja zavarovanih območij v državah Evropske zveze, ki se imenuje Na tura 2000. V prispevku je opravljena primerjava posledic za varstvo narave, še posebej varstvo mokrišč v okviru omrežja Natura 2000, po sprejemu smernic Evropske zveze o skupni politiki do voda: Vzpostavljena je jasna povezava med naravovarstveno zakonodajo in predpisi s področja porečij. Smernice Evropske zveze o skupni politiki do voda (Water Framework Directive) povezuje tudi ekološko stanje voda v pogledu biotske raznovrstnosti (in ne le kakovosti in vodnih količin). inventar območij v omrežju Natura 2000 in vzdrževanje njihovega ekološkega značaja je predpogoj pri načrtovanju ukrepov na ravni porečja. Smernice Evropske zveze o skupni politiki do voda zahtevajo učinkovito spremljanje stanja v omrežju Natura 2000. Zahteva smernic Evropske zveze o skupni politiki do voda po "dobrem ekološkem stanju voda" ponuja možnosti za ekološko obnovo mokrišč (v smislu samočistilne sposobnosti mokrišč in možnosti naravnega zadrževanja voda). Pri pripravi načrta upravljanja porečja smernice Evropske zveze o skupni politiki do voda zahtevajo tudi ekonomske analize rabe vode; ta ukrep naj bi pripomogel tudi k obnovi naravnih procesov v mokriščih, saj je to najbolj učinkovita rešitev zagotavljanja "dobrega ekološkega stanja voda". V prispevku je podan tudi kratek opis organiziranosti vodnega gospodarstva in varstva mokrišč v Sloveniji, skupaj s kratkim pregledom obsega in tipov mokrišč. Ključne besede: vodno gospodarstvo, varstvo narave, mokrišča, Lvropska zveza, smernice Evropske zveze o skupni politiki do voda, ptičje smernice, habitatne smernice, Slovenija REFERENCES ARSO <2001): Pregled stanja biotske raznovrstnosti in krajinske pestrosti v Sloveniji. Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje, Ljubljana. Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds {2 April 1979), Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (21 May 1992). Directive 2000/60/EC for Community action in the field of water policy (23 October 2000). Sovine, A. (2001): Inventar slovenskih mokrišč 2000. Vodnogospodarski inštitut, Ljubljana. Uradni list RS (2002): Zakon o vodah. UL RS št. 67/02. 216 FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA i f. ANNALES • Ser. hist, nat • 12 • 2002 • 2 original scientific paper UDC 595.74:591.13:591.5(497.4+497.5-16) received: 2002-10-15 OWL-FLY LIBELLOIDES MACARONIUS (SCOPOLI, 1763) IN SLOVENIA AND IN THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF CROATIA (NEUROPTERA: ASCALAPHIDAE) Dušan DEVETAK Department of Biology, University of Maribor, Sl-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 E-mail: Dušan. Petra P!RŠ Si-2204 Miklavž na Dravskem polju, Taborniška ulica 3, Skoke Franc jANŽEKOVIČ Department of Biology, University of Maribor, Sl-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 ABSTRACT The distribution and biology of the European ascaiaphid species Libelloides macaronius (Scopoti) in Slovenia, Croatian Istria and Quarnero is presented. With the aim to investigate the diet of the owl-fly species, the digestive tract contents were examined. Remains of aphids, bugs, cockroaches, beetles, neuropterans and dipterans were found. Key words: Libelloides macaronius, owl-flies, Neuroptera, distribution, Slovenia, Istria, Quarnero, phoresy, diet ASCALAFO LIBELLOIDES MACARONIUS (SCOPOLI, 1763) IN SLOVENIA, ISTRiA E QUARNERO (NEUROPTERA: ASCALAPHIDAE) SINTESI L'articolo presenta un resoconto di distribuzione e biologia dell'Ascalafide europeo Libelloides macaronius (Sco-poli) in Slovenia, Istria e Quarnero. Gli ascalafi sono predatori polifagi che si nutrono di afidi, cimici, scarafaggi, scarabei, neurotteri e ditteri. L'articolo include anche note sulla predazione di ascalafi e sulla foresi. Parole chiave: Libelloides macaronius, ascalafi, Neuroptera, distribuzione, Slovenia, Istria, Quarnero, foresi, alimentazione 219 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 DuSan DEVETAK ei. al.i OWL-rLY LIBELLOIDES MACARONIUS {SCOPOLI, 1763) IN SLOVENIA AND IN THE NORTHWEST IKN PART OE CROATIA .... 2l!)-22b INTRODUCTION Owl-flies (Ascalaphidae) are medium-sized to large neuropterans, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. About 400 species in ca. 70 genera are known (Aspóck et al., 2001). In Europe, 16 species have been recorded (Aspóck et al., 2001). In the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula, 3 species in 2 genera occur: Deleproctophylla australis (Fabricius, 1787), L¡bello ides lacteus (Brullé, 1832) (syn. Libelloides ottomanus /Germar, 1839/) and Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) (Aspóck et al., 1980, 2001; Devetak, 1992, 1995, 1996). Libelloides macaronius was described in Scopoli's Entomología carniolica in 1763 as Papilio macaronius. Later, the species was placed in the genus Ascalaphus Fabricius, 1775, and in 1972, Tjeder placed the species in the genus Libelloides Schaffer, 1763. Libelloides macaronius is polycentric Ponto-Mediterranean element known from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and from the Palearctic region of Asia (Aspóck et al., 1980; 2001). In the Balkan countries, the species is widely distributed (Devetak, 1992). Adult and larval morphology of L. macaronius was thoroughly investigated. According to the high variabil- Fig. 1: Distribution of L. macaronius in Slovenia, Istria and Quarnero based on the owl-flies collected after 1950. SI. 1: Razširjenost metuljčnic L. macaronius v Sloveniji, Istri in v Kvarnerju glede na primerke, zbrane po letu 1950. ity in wing-coloration patterns, a few subspecies were described but their taxonomic status is still uncertain (Aspock et al., 1980, 2001). The larva of L. macaronius was described by Pieper & Willmann (1980). Owl-t'lies are diurnal predators able to fly at high velocities in pursuit of small insects. They grasp their prey in flight using strong legs, and mandibles enable them to feed even on strongly sclerotised insects. From the intestinal contents one can speculate on the food supply of the animal investigated. Since 1965 and 1967, when Gogala & Michieli (1965) and Gogala (1967) published their papers on ultraviolet sensitivity of the ascalaphid superposition eyes, a series of papers elucidating the mechanisms involved in UV vision has been published (for review see Stušek etal., 2000; Drašlar & Wolfrum, 2001; Krai, 2002). This unique sensitivity of the ascalaphid eyes is the reason why the owl-fly species L. macaronius has become a well-known experimental animal (Fig. 2). In the Republic of Slovenia, L. macaronius is treated as endangered species. The aim of our study is to present information on the biology and distribution of the owl-fly in Slovenia and in the northwestern part of Croatia. MATERIAL AND METHODS Dried or in alcohol preserved adults from insect collections in the following institutions were examined: Natural History Museum of Slovenia (Ljubljana), Slovenian Academy of Science and Art (Ljubljana), Croatian Natural History Museum (Zagreb) and D. Devetak's collection (Maribor). The owl-flies were collected by the following persons: J. Ahtik (JA), J. Carnelutti (JC), A. Čeli id (AC), D. Devetak (DD), M. Devetak (MD), M. Frank-ovič (MF), V. Furlan (VF), I. Hafner (IH), M. Hafner (MH), F. Janžekovič (FJ), M. Jež (MJ), M. Kaligarič (MK), K. Kirbiš (KK), B. Kmecl (BK), V. Lesjak (VL), I. Lešnik (IL), B. Mencinger (BM), F. Perovič (FP), P. Pirš (PP), J. Staudacher (JSta), J. Stussiner (JStu), A. Šentjurc (AS), P. Tonkli (PT) and M. Zavec (MZ). The wings of the owl-flies from Petrinje and Pomjan were measured and analysed using descriptive statistics. The insects were collected in June and July 1996. To investigate the digestive tract content, 25 adults from Petrinje, preserved in 70% alcohol, were dissected and the intestine was isolated. The masticated food remains suspended in alcohol were mounted on glass slides and examined microscopically. A few preparations were stained with methylene blue. The best results were obtained without staining. in the field, activity of the owl-flies was recorded with the Sony video camera recorder CCD-TR750E. The plant communities of the meadows near Petrinje were documented; for terminology of the species see Mar-tinčič etal. (1999). 220 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 ■ 2 DuSan DEVFTAK el. at: OWL-FLY URCLLOIDCS MACARONIUS(SCOPOll, 1763) IN SLOVENIA AND IN THE NORTHWFSTFRN PARI OF CROATIA .... 219-226 RESULTS Distribution of L. macaronius in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula Literature records: Kačirek (1998): the island of Krk: Baška, Jurandvor, Malinska, Njivice, Omišalj; T^borsky (1936): the island of Krk; Tdborsky (1939): Šmarna gora. Material examined (for the abbreviations used see Material and methods) (Fig.1): Italy: Trieste/Trst: Villa Opicina/Opčine, 26. VI. 1973 (PT). Slovenia: Ankaran, 27.-29. VII. 1982 (MZ); Bela krajina: Da-melj, 4. VII. 1980 (DD); Bela krajina: Vinica, 5. VII. 1980 (DD); Cerknica, Menišija, 10. VII. 1966 (JC); Fig. 2: Owl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) in copula. (Photo: T. Makovec) SI. 2: Metuljčnica Libel loides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) med parjenjem. (Foto: T. Makovec) Dragonja, 17. VI. 1996 (DD, FJ, BM, PP); Goričko: Čepinci, 28. VI. 1997 (DD); Haloze: Cirkulane, 29. VI. 1997 (DD); Izola, VI. 1982 (MK); Koper, Srmin, VII. 2002 (MD); Krim, Gornji Ig, 7. VII. 1974 (PT); Kum, 2. VIII. 1918 (MH); Kurešček, Zapotok, 24. VII. 1921 (JStu); the surroundings of Laško, 30. VII. 1970 (IL); Laško, Govce, 6. VII. 1980 (IL); Laško, Šmohor, 11.-14. VIL 1990 (BK); Lisca, 10. VII. 1972 (JA); Ljubljana, along the Sava banks, 18. VI. 1932 (IH); Ludranski vrh, Najevnik (1000 m altitude), 27. VII. 1980 (MJ); Medvode, Preska, 25. VI. 1910, 1. VII. 1923, 29. VI. 1929, 22. VI. 1930 (MH); Nanos, 24. VII. 1983 (AŠ); Petrinje, nad Črnim Kalom, 12. VII. 1974 (DD), 14. VII. 1975 (DD), 16. VI. 1976 (DD), 26. VIII. 1980 (DD), 11. VII. 1982 (DD), 14,-18. VI. 1996 (DD, FJ, BM, PP), 20. VII. 1996 (AČ, KK, PP); Pod Stolom, 27. VII. 1919 (MH); Polhograjski Dolomiti: Grmada, 25. VII. 1982 (VF); Polhograjski Dolomiti: Topol, 19. VI. 1932 (JSta); Pomjan, 17. VI. 1996 (DD, FJ, BM, PP); Sežana, 22. VII. 1981 (DD); Sežana: Povir, 17. VIII. 1982 (DD); Sežana: Štorje, 22. VII. 1981 (DD); Sorsko polje, Godeška Dobrava, 10. VI. 1923 (MH); Begunjščica, 10. VIII. 1919 (MH). Croatia - Istria: Kamenjak, 12.-15. VII. 1996 (DD); Limski kanal, 16. VI. 1989 (DD); the island of Fenera, VII. 1996 (DD); Pula, 10.-15. VI. 1979, 6.-8. VII. 1983 (BK, AŠ); Rovinj, 4. VI. 1985 (DD); Rovinj, Valalta, 10. VI. 1988 (DD); Voziliči, 27. VI. 1974 (FP). Croatia - Quamero: The island of Cres: Punta Križa, VI. 2002 (DD); the island of Cres, Uvala Banja, 5. VII. 1987 (MF); the island of Krk, Voz-Omišalj, 8. VI. 1938 (JSta); the island of Lošinj, VI. 1974 (VF), 7. VII. 1974 (PT); the island of Lošinj, Čunski, VII. 1974 (VF, PT), VII. 1987 (VF); the island of Lošinj: Nerezine, VI. 1999, VI. 2001, VI. 2002 (DD); the island of Pag, Caska, 23. VI. 1956, 5. VII. 1960; the island of Pag, Kolansko Blato, 11. VI. 1958; the island of Pag: Novalja, 29. VI. 1955; the island of Pag, Pag, VII. 1960, 15. VI. 1979 (VL); the island of Pag, Zaglav, VI. 1956; the island of Rab, Lopar, 21. VI. 1976 (DD); the island of Susak, 19. VI. 1962; the island of Unije, 4.-7. VII. 1964. Length and width of the wings from Petrinje and Pomjan (Slovenia) Means and standard deviations of length and width of the wings for both sexes and the results of F-test (ANOVA) comparisons of means between sexes are given in Table 1. Means of the males were found to be significantly smaller than in the females. 221 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 - 2 Dušan DtVElAK el. al.: OWL-PLY UBLLLOIOCS MACARONIUS (SCOPOLI, 1763) IN SLOVENIA AND IN THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF CROATIA ..., 219-226 Tab. 1: Length and width of the wings of L. macaronius from Petrinje and Pomjan (in millimetres). Tab. 1: Dolžina in širina kril metuljčnic L. macaronius, ujetih v Petrinjah in Pomjanu (v mm). Petrinje Pomian F-test males n=53 females n=40 males n = 8 females n=13 n,ii2 P forewings length 20.5 ±0.5 23.5 ± 1.0 21.5 ±1.0 23.0 ± 1.0 204.23 <0.0001 width 6.5 ±0.5 7.5 ±0.5 7.0 ±0.5 7.5 ±0.5 161.88 <0.0001 hindwings length 17.5 ±0.5 19.5 ±1.0 18.0 ± 1.0 19.5 ±1.0 146.30 <0.0001 width 6.5 ±0.5 7.5 ±0.5 7.0 ± 0.5 7.5 ±0.5 159.81 <0.0001 Tab. 2: Insect fragments extracted from the digestive tract of L. macaronius. Tab. 2: Delci žuželk iz prebavnega trakta metuljčnic L. macaronius. Insect order / suborder, family structure / body part Blattaria Legs Homoptera: Aphidoidea complete aphids, legs Hemiptera: Heteroptera compound eyes, legs Neuroptera: Chrysopidae Antennae Diptera Legs Coleoptera antennae, mouthparts, chitinous plates The digestive tract content Well-chewed and partially digested insect fragments were found in the digestive tract (Figs. 5-9). In most cases it was impossible to determine the origin of the rest. Fragments of various body parts of different insect orders were found (Tab. 2). From two adults, fragments of plant tissues were isolated {Fig. 10). Remarks on the habitats L. macaronius occurs in meadows, pastures and scrubs. In the Mediterranean part of Slovenia and Croatia, the owl-fly is often found in steppe with Stipa as a dominant grass genus. In the surroundings of Petrinje (Karst edge/Kraski rob), the adults were recorded in two habitats, in a scrub community and in grassland (Fig. 3). In the scrub, the dominant species were Juniperus communis and Stipa pulcherrima, and in grassland the characteristic and dominant species was Bromus erectus. Plant species occurring in the grassland at Petrinje in June 1996 are listed in Table 3. In the Petrinje habitats, insects of fifteen orders were recorded and most of them are a potential prey to L. macaronius. In The Petrinje meadows and scrubs, the following neuropteran species were also collected from low vegetation: Semidalis aleyrodiformis (Stephens), Hemerobius gilvus Stein, H. handschini Tjeder, Chrysoperla lucasina (Lacroix), Chrysopa walked McLachlan, Ch. phyllochroma Wesmael, Ch. pallens (Rambur), Dichochrysa abdominalis (Brauer) and D. zelleri (Schneider). Fig. 3: Meadows near Petrinje, June 1996. SI. 3: Travniki v bližini Petrinj, junij 1996. Fig. 4: A nymph of a mite from the family Erytraeidae. Scale bar = 200 pm. SI. 4: Ličinka pršice iz družine Erytraeidae. Merilo = 200 pm. Fig. 5: A cockroach's tarsus with the pectinate claw (order Blattaria). Scale bar = 200 pm. SI. 5: Ščurkov tarzus z glavnikastim krempljem (red Blattaria). Merilo = 200 pm. Fig. 6: Remainder of an aphid (order Hemiptera, Homoptera). Scale bar = 200 pm. SI. 6: Ostanek listne uši (red Hemiptera, Homoptera). Merilo = 200 pm. Fig. 7: A fragment of the antenna (? order Coleoptera). Scale bar = 200 pm. SI. 7: Delček tipalke (? red Coleoptera). Merilo = 200 pm. Fig. 8: Dipteran tarsal segments; the claws, empodium and pulvilli are recognized (order Díptera). Scale bar = 200 pm. SI. 8: Segmenti tarza dvokrilca, z dobro vidnimi kremplji, empodijem in pulvilli (red Díptera). Merilo = 200 pm. Fig. 9: Corneal lenses of a bug's compound eye (order Heteroptera). Scale bar = 200 pm. SI. 9: Kornealne leče steničinega mrežastega očesa (red Heteroptera). Merilo = 200 pm. Fig. 10: Fragments of plant tissues. Scale bar = 100 pm. SI. 10: Delci rastlinskih tkiv. Merilo = 100 pm. 222 _ ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 2 DuSan DEVETAK et. al.: OWL-FLY LIBELLOIDES MACAKUNIUS (SCOPOLI, 1763) IN SLOVENIA AND IN THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF CROATIA ..., 223 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -12- 2002 • 2 DuSan DEVETAK el. sh OWL-FLY LIBELLOIDES MACARONIUS ISCOPOU, i76J) IN SLOVENIA AND IN THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF CROATIA .... 219-226 Tab. 3: A fist of plant species in a meadow near Petrinje (June 1996). Tab. 3: Seznam rastlinskih vrst, zabeleženih na travniku pri Petrinjah (¡unij 1996). Achillea millefolium L._ Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) L.C Rich._ Anthyllis vutneraria L._ Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv._ Bromus erectus Huds._ Buphthalmum salicifolium L._ Cent a urea rupestris L._ Cotinus coggygria Scop._ Cynanchum vincetoxicum (L.) Pers._ Dorycnium germanicum (Gremii) Rouy_ Eryngium amethystinum L._ Euphorbia cyparissias L.___ Eraxinus ornus L._ Galium verum L._ Helleborus rnuhifidus Vis,_ juniperus communis I.__ Knautia illyrica Beck_ Ligustrum vulgare L._ Linum tenuifolium L._ Melica ciliata L._ Pinus nigra Arnold_ Plantago argentea CTiaix._ Polygala n/caeens/s Risso Potentilla tominasiniana F. Schultz. Prurnis mahaleb l~ Rharnnus saxatilis Jacq. I Rosa sp. _ Salvia pratensis I..._ ISanguisorba minor Scop. j Stipa pulcherrima C. Koch_ | Teucrium montanum i-_ j Teucrium chamaedrys L_ I Thymus longicaulls C. Presi. ] tommasinii C.H. Schultz. I.' Notes on phoresy and spider predation Phoresy was observed while collecting ascalaphids at Petrinje in June 1996. in one female L. tnacaronius, a nymph of a mite from the family L'rytraeidae (Fig. 4) was recorded, clung to the owl-fly's hindleg. Despite of the fact that the owl-flies are predators, they can easily become prey especially when resting on plants. In the field, they were observed while becoming a prey to birds and spiders. At Petrinje, an owl-fly male became a victim in June 1996 of an unidentified jumping spider (Salticidae). DISCUSSION Owl-fly Libelloides macaronius is wideiy distributed in istria and Quarnero, and occurs also in certain warmer places in Slovenia. This ascaiaphid prefers open habitats - meadows, pastures and scrub communities with low bushes. Grassland is inhabited by a number of insects from 15 orders that serve as potential prey of L. macaronius. Adults are polyphagous daytime active predators, highly adapted for capturing prey in flight. Ascalaphids are able to prey upon sclerotised insects because of their strong jaws. This ability is contrary to some green lace-wings (Chrysopidae), which are specialised to feed on soft-bodied insects such as aphids (Stelzl, 1991; Stelzl & Devetak, 1999), but resembles the feeding habits of adult antiions (Myrmeleontidae) (Stelzl & Gepp, 1990; Devetak, 1996, 1997). In the digestive tract of L: maca-ronius, fragments of aphids, bugs, cockroaches, beetles, green lacewings and dipterans were recorded. These findings resemble the prey-spectrum in closely related species Libelloides coccajus (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1763), where dipterans, coleopterans and hymenopter-ans are predominant prey (Stelzl, 1991). in both owl-fly species, fragments of plant tissues were also found. This plant material probabiy originated from the intestinal content of the herbivorous insects captured by the ascalaphids. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was supported by the Slovene Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports. We are very grateful to Prof. Dr. Kazimir Tarman (Ljubljana) for identifying a mite and to Prof. Dr. Mitja Kaiigaric (University of Maribor) for identifying the plant species from Petrinje. We are grateful to Dr. Sonja Skornik (University of Maribor) for information on the occurrence of the species at Cirkulane. Thanks to ail the collectors for donating the owl-flies. 224 ANN ALES • Ser. hist. nat. 12- 2002 ■ 2 DuSanDEVETAK«. ~globim vode, pros_v-prosojnosi vode, t dna-tip dna, ribe-zastopanost rib, min n, max_n-minimalni h maksimalni naklon brežin, vegapr, vegjul- zaraščenost vodne površine v aprilu in juliju, p_raz ur~povprečna oddaljenost kala od kolovozov, cest in naselij; trav, gozd, obd, urb-odstotek pokritosti neposredne bližine kala (100 m) s travnatimi, gozdnatimi, obdelanimi in urbanimi površinami. 232 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 • 2 janjil FRANCE: POND PREFERENCE BY AMPHIBIANS (AMPHI81A) ON THE KARST PLATEAU AND IN SLOVENIAN ISTRI A, 227-236 gnano et al., 1990; lidos & Ancona, 1994} found the same importance of terrestrial habitat near breeding sites and of the extent of aquatic vegetation for the habitat selection among amphibians. Beside this, Beebee (1985) also reports of the importance of geological structure of the ground, the factor we did not include in the analysis. The arrangement of environmental lines indicates correlation between environmental variables themselves. Correlation is shown by the projection of the free end of the line on the other variable line. If the projection points in the same direction as the line, the correlation is positive, if it points in the opposite direction, the correlation is negative. The ordination diagram thus shows some logical interdependences. With growing distance from the urban area, there is more grassland and wood in the ponds' vicinity, and ponds are more overgrown with vegetation. On the other hand, when in the vicinity of the populated area, ponds have more arable land in the immediate surrounding and fish are more common in the pond water, in the urban area, ponds are being cleaned up regularly, thus the water in these ponds tends to be deeper than in other ponds. Water transparency has positive correlation with the spread of vegetation in July. This is expected as the aquatic vegetation depletes nutrients from water, which consequently is clearer. The bottom type and the vicinity of the urban area also show positive correlation, in the evaluation of the bottom type, the score was namely growing from silt to concrete bottom. So, with descending distance from the urban area, more ponds have rocky or even concrete bottom. The effect of a certain environmental parameter on the occurrence of a species is illustrated by the projection of species point on the environmental line. The farther the projection lies on the line to positive or negative direction, the higher is the positive or the negative correlation between parameters and species. Environmental determinants thus do not have a substantial impact on the species that are scattered around the origin (0.0) of diagram (representing the mean value of the environmental variable). In our case, such species are the Agile Frog, Smooth Newt and Italian Crested Newt. However, all relationships between the species, localities and environmental determinants are not expressed in a proper manner, since the diagram shows only the first two ordination axes. DISCUSSION The Smooth Newt and the Italian Crested Newt show low but positive correlation with parameters that indicate ponds outside the populated area. Both newts are therefore often found in ponds surrounded by grassland and woods, which are considerably overgrown in July, and appear to prefer shallow water. Similar preferences are reported by Pavignano et al. (1990). Nevertheless, differences between the habitat preferences of the two newt species do exist, as the Italian Crested Newt is known as a more demanding species, and in water bodies it is not as common as the Smooth Newt (Pavignano, 1988). However, we found the two newts generally together in ponds and the same was shown by an investigation in northwestern Italy (Pavignano, 1988). The Italian Crested Newt's preference for deeper ponds with open water and less aquatic vegetation (Pavignano, 1988; lidos & Ancona, 1994) can be also seen from the ordination diagram. The ordination diagram shows that the vicinity of populated area has a negative impact on the presence of newts in the ponds, as the highest abundance of adult newts and their larvae was found in the ponds far from villages. Results of other studies (lidos & Ancona, 1994) indicate, on the other hand, that the Smooth Newt is abundant in water bodies inside urban areas. Both species appear to be sensitive to the presence of fish. Although adult newts were also observed in ponds inhabited by fish, they successfully breed only in fishless ponds. Some other authors (lidos & Ancona, 1994; Andreone, 1998) report the same. Pond 11, where we did not observe any amphibians in 1999, supported a large population of the Italian Crested Newt (Poboljšaj, 1993) before the introduction of fish. A factor that lidos & Ancona (1994) also report to have negative impact on the newt habitat choice is steep banks. This is not clearly visible from the present study results, which indicate that both species have positive correlation with maximum bank slope. In the same time it appears that newts prefer ponds with gently sloping banks. This apparent nonsense can be explained with the fact that the same pond often has partly steep and partly gently sloping banks. It is thus more probable that newts prefer gently sloping banks that allow them an easy access to the water. The European Tree Frog is known as a more selective species in terms of breeding site selection than its sympatric species (Beebee, 1996). Pavignano et al. (1990) suggest that the typical European Tree Frog's breeding site is a small pond with rich and heterogeneous vegetation. The ordination diagram shows that it has similar requirements as the two newts. Among all species, the European Tree Frog exhibits the highest negative correlation with the presence of fish in the ponds. As local people reported to us, the European Tree Frog's population had bred in the pond K9 in Kobjeglava ever/ year before the introduction of gold fish. A similar case is known from pond 11 near Krkavče: Poboljšaj (1993) reports about the presence of the European Tree Frog in this pond, Bressi & Stoch (1999) also describe this species as sensitive to fish presence. Among the studied ponds, those surrounded by grassland with well-developed aquatic vegetation were usually preferred by the European Tree Frog. Similar results were obtained during the study by lidos & Ancona (1994). Surprisingly, 233 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 /a rip FRANCii: POND PREfEfiENCE ev AMPHIBIANS (AMPHIBIA) ON THE KARST PLATEAU AND IN SLOVENIAN ISTRIA, 227-236 the ordination diagram points out that woodland in the pond's vicinity has a negative impact on the presence of the European tree frog. Namely, trees and shrubs are very important terrestrial habitat features for this species, and Stumpel (1999) reports that the European Tree Frog is more sensitive to the suitability of terrestrial habitat, that is to the quality of water body. However, only 100 m zone around the ponds was included in the analysis, while woods and shrub could be present outside this zone but still within reach of the European Tree Frog. It is also possible that on the arid Karst Plateau, the European Tree Frog spends most of the time in the pond's immediate surroundings on aquatic and marsh vegetation and does not migrate to the terrestrial habitat. With regard to the pond area, the ordination diagram displays that the European Tree Frog prefers small ponds with shallow water. This seems to be a common preference of the species since Beebee (1996) and Pavignano et al. (1990) obtained the same results. The present study shows that the species from the Green Frog group are very selective as regards habitat preference. We observed their presence only in 3 Karst ponds. On the other hand, other authors (Pavignano et al., 1990; lidos & Ancona, 1994) describe Green Frogs as non-selective and very adaptable animals. The only apparent preferences of the Green Frogs are breeding sites with rich aquatic vegetation on geologically older ground (lidos & Ancona, 1994). The ordination diagram indicates that Green Frogs are the only group of amphibians in this study, which show high positive correlation with water body surface. This probably reflects the fact, that Green Frog tadpoles reached metamorphosis only in the pond of Globocaj (K2), which is the largest among all surveyed ponds. The results indicating that Green Frogs select ponds with rich aquatic vegetation and wood in their surroundings resemble those reported by lidos & Ancona (1994). Beside this, we found positive correlation between Green Frogs' presence and shallow pond water, gently sloping banks and distance from the urban area. Green Frogs exhibit positive correlation with presence of fish as well, showing that fish do not affect their reproduction cycle, as is the case with the newts and the European Tree Frog. Bressi & Stoch (1999) even discovered that in fishponds Green Frogs as well as Common Toads become dominant among amphibians. Nevertheless, it is probable that fish have a negative impact on the development of Green Frog tadpoles. As Green Frog tadpoles could be observed in K1 pond only for a short, period of time, it is likely that they ended as fish prey before they reached metamorphosis. A lot of diverse microhabitats with shallow water, where tadpoles can find shelter from predators, allowed Green Frogs' tadpoles to develop and reach metamorphosis in the pond of Gioboiaj (K2) despite high fish abundance, lidos & Ancona (1994) even discovered that Green Frogs did not breed at all in water bodies with fish. The Common Toad is known to be a very adaptable species, too (Giacoma, 1998; Bressi & Stoch, 1999). This has been confirmed by our results as well, for we found this species in a fairly high number of ponds (11). The species was recorded mostly in ponds in or near the urban areas (see the ordination diagram, Fig. 2). The most important breeding habitat feature turned out to be relatively deep water, while the most important terrestrial habitat is arable land. Similar results about the Common Toad's habitat preference are displayed by Beebee (1985), Giacoma (1998) and others. Deep-water bodies are not suitable for snakes and waterfowl that are the main predators of the Common Toad (lidos & Ancona, 1994). As indicated by the ordination diagram, Common Toad appears to be the only species that showed negative correlation with the extent of aquatic vegetation. However, a detailed examination of the occurrence of Common Toad in ponds revealed that this species bred successfully in ponds with rich vegetation as well as in ponds without it. This again confirms a high adaptability of the Common Toad. Like Green Frogs, Common Toad shows positive correlation with the presence offish in ponds. Similar results are reported by Beebee (1985). Common Toad tadpoles are thought to be a frequent fish prey only at the very beginning of their development (Giacoma, 1998), while the production of toxins that begins after few weeks make them inedible and therefore not sensitive to fish presence (Beebee, 1986; Giacoma, 1998). Nevertheless, fish probably do affect the development of Common Toad tadpoles as they reached metamorphosis only in two fishponds while in others we did not observe any metamorphosed juveniles. In any case, the ability of the Common Toad to adapt to different environments allows this species to be less sensitive to habitat changes and to disappearing of water bodies in comparison with other amphibian species (Giacoma, 1998). If we consider the high number of ponds, in which the Agile Frog was present during our survey (14 ponds of 17 examined), this species should be defined as the most adaptable and less selective in terms of habitat preference. Boano (1998), too, describes this frog as one of those adaptable amphibian species, which frequently choose small and often artificial ponds as their breeding sites, as well as ponds that dry out in the summer period. Bressi & Stoch (1999) report that this brown frog species is very common on the Italian side of the Karst Plateau. The central position of the point indicating the Agile Frog on the diagram shows that it has a low correlation with ail habitat determinants. It is clear, however, that this frog is more common in ponds with less aquatic vegetation and in those near or in the urban areas. The Agile Frog is relatively insensitive to the presence of fish. In contrast with our expectation, the Agile Frog tadpoles reached metamorphosis in almost ail ponds with fish. Such results would be more appropriate 234 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -12- 2002 • 2 lanja FRANCE: POND PREFERENCE 8Y AMPHIBIANS (AMPHIRIA) ON THE KARST PLATEAU AND tN SLOVENIAN iSTKIA, 227-236 for the Common Toad whose tadpoles produce toxins that deter predator fish (Giacoma, 1998). The expected positive correlation with the occurrence of wood in the ponds' surroundings reported by Pavignano ei a/. (1990) was not found in the present study. Despite its adaptability, the Agile Prog is a threatened species in some parts of Europe (Bressi & Stoch, 1999). Chemical and physical parameters (e.g. oxygen concentration, pH, and water conductivity) were not included in this analysis due to the fieldwork and material restrictions. Other authors (Beebee, 1985; Pavignano ei ai, 1990) report that these special parameters do not affect the amphibian habitat choice in the extent environmental parameters do. Nevertheless, chemical and physical parameters should be included in the future analysis in order to be able to compare ponds in this regard as well, for a better comparability with results of various other studies, the future research should contain a higher number of water bodies, and terrestrial habitat features from a larger range around ponds should be considered. Moreover, the correlation between the species occurrence and environmental variables should be tested with multivariate discriminant analysis. To test whether both multivariate analyses (CCA and discriminant analysis) are comparable, the two analyses should be carried out with the same data sets. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Ms. Katja Poboljšaj, Mr. Miljan Šiško and Dr. Ivan Kos for valuable help while preparing this paper. Special thanks go to Centre for Cartography of Fauna and Flora. IZBIRA KALA PRi DVOŽIVKAH (AMPHIBIA) NA KRASU IN V SLOVENSKI ISTRI Janja FRANCE Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, S!-633G Piran, Fomače 41 E-mail: POVZETEK V obdobju od marca do avgusta 7999 smo preučevali okoljske dejavnike in z njimi povezano pojavljanje dvoživk v 7 k ali h v Slovenski Istri in 10 kalih na Krasu. Kale smo obiskovali enkrat tedensko. Z vzorčenjem po standardnih metodah za dvoživke smo ugotavljali različne vrste dvoživk. Pogoste vrste, ki so se v obravnavanih kalih tudi razmnoževale, so bile: robati pupek (Triturus vulgaris meridionalis), veliki pupek (Triturus camifexi, navadna krastača (8ufo bufo), zelena rega (Hyla arborea), rosnica (Rana dalmatina) in vrste iz skupine zelenih žab (R. escu-lenta complex). Izbiro kala srno analizirali s kanonično korespondenčno analizo. V analizo smo vključili 6 vrst dvoživk in 14 okoljskih dejavnikov. Korelacije med vrstami, okoliškimi dejavniki in kali prikazuje razvrstitveni diagram. NajpomembnejŠi pri izbiri kala so bili dejavniki, ki opredeljujejo terestrični habitat, v okolici kala, ter zarašče-nost vodne površine v juliju. Eden izmed pomembnih dejavnikov so bile tudi ribe, ki imajo v kalih izrazito negativen vpliv na pojavljanje dvoživk. Pri izbiri kala so bile najbolj selektivne zelena rega in vrste iz skupine zelenih žab. Kot najmanj selektivne, zelo prilagodljive vrste pa diagram prikazuje obe vrsti pupkov in rosnico. Ključne besede; dvoživke, Amphibia, kal, okoljski dejavniki, kanonična korespondenčna analiza 235 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. -12- 2002 • 2 janja FRANCg: POND PREFERENCE BY AMPHIBIANS (AMPHIBIA) ON THE KARST PLATEAU AND IN SLOVENIAN ISTRia, 227-236 REFERENCES Alberti, G. (1985): Notizie su alcuni stagni poco noti della provincia di Trieste (Italia nordorientale). Atti del museo civico di storia naturale di Trieste, 37(2), 189-20S. Andreone, F. (1998): Tritone crestato italiano. In: An-dreone, F. & R. Sindaco (eds.): Erpetologia del Piemonte e delta Valie d'Aosta. Atlante degli Anfibi e dej Rettili. Monografie XXVI, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, p. 164-165. Beebee, T. J. C. (1985): Discriminant analysis of Amphibian habitat determinants in south-east England. Amphibia - Reptilia, 6, 35-43. Beebee, T. j. C. (1996): Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians. Chapman & Hall, London, 214 pp. Boano, G. (1998): Rana dalmatina. in: Andreone, F. & R. Sindaco (eds.): Erpetologia del Piemonte e delta Valie d'Aosta. Atlante degli Anfibi e dei Rettili. Monografie XXVI, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, p. 180-181. Bressi, N. & F. Stoch (1999): Karst ponds and pools: history, biodiversity and conservation. In: Boothby, }. (ed.): Ponds & pond landscapes of Europe. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Pond Life Project. 30 August-2 September 1998, Maastricht, p. 39-50. Dolce, S., F. Stoch & M. Palma (1991): Stagni carsici. Storia -- flora - favna. 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Ancona (1994): Analysis of amphibian habitat preferences in a farmland area (Po plain, northern Italy). Amphibia - Reptilia, 15, 307-316. Kale, D. (1993): Kjer so regljale žabe. V: Kovačič, K. (ur.): Ondile čez Stari vrh. Bani: Zgodovina kraškega naselja skozi stare katastrske mape, listine in pričevanja. Slovensko kulturno društvo Grad, Bane, Trst, p. 93-99. Lešnik, A., B. Hutinec Janev, V. Petrovič & K. Poboljšaj (2000): Karsf ponds as a net of water biotopes (Pinal report), Report for the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe. Center za kartografijo favne in flore, Miklavž na Dravskem polju, 58 str. Oldham, R. S. & M. j. S. Swan (1997): Pond loss and amphibians: historical perspectives. In: Boothby, j. (ed.): British pond landscapes - Action for protection arid enhancement. Proceedings of the UK conference of the Pond Life Project. 7-9 September 1997, Chester, p. 3-16. Pavignano, 1. 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Jernej JAKŠE & Branka JA VORNIK Center za rastlinsko biotehnologijo in žiahtnjenje, Oddelek za agronomijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, SMOOO Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101 IZVLEČEK Oljka (Olea europaea i.) že tisočletja uspeva v Sredozemskem bazenu, kjer je ena pomembnejših gojenih sadnih vrst K vse večjemu povpraševanju in porabi oljčnega olja prispeva spoznanje, da je oljčno olje vir zdravih maščob v primerjavi z drugimi rastlinskimi maščobami, posledično pa narašča potreba po vzgoji in žlahtnjen/u novih, sodobnih sort. V tem pogledu je vrednotenje obstoječih genskih virov oljke zelo pomembno, saj so le ti vir lastnosti, ki jih lahko izkoristimo v programih izboljšanja genetskega materiala oljke. V primerjavi z drugimi hortikulturnimi rastUriami, kjer je bit narejen vetik napredek v vzgoji novih sort z uporabo molekulsko genetskega znanja, so raziskave te vrste pri oljki razmeroma skromne. V zadnjem času je zaslediti pomembne premike na tem področju. Namen prispevka je prikazati trenutno stanje genetskih preučevanj oljke po svetu, vključno z domačimi raziskavami. Ključne besede; oljka, Olea europaea, molekulski markerji, genetska raznolikost STUDI GENETICI SUGLi OLIVI SINTESI Da millenni i'oiivo (Olea europaea i.) prospera nel hacino Mediterráneo, dove viene considerato uno degli alberi da frutta coltivati piii importanti. I sempre maggiori richiesta e consumo dell'olio d'oliva sono dovuti alia conoscenza del falto che tale olio contiene grassi benefici, a differenza di altri grassi vegeta!i. Di conseguenza cresce anche il bisogno di coltivare e nobilitare nuove sorte contemporanee. !n questo contesto risulta molto importante la vaíorizzazione delle foriti genetiche esistenti, in quanto uniche fonti di c.aratteristiche che possono venir adopera te nei programmi di miglioramento del materiale genetico del I'oiivo. In confronto ad altre piante orticulturali, per le quali é stato raggiunto un notevole progresso nella coltlvazione di nuovi cultivar con l'aiuto delta conoscenza genetica e molecolare, tali ricerche sono relativamente modeste per quanto riguarda I'oiivo. Negli ultími tempi si sono pero registran importanti passi avantí in questo campo e s copo deü'articoío e quello di iIlustrare la presente situazione nel campo della ricerca genetica dell'olivo ne! mondo e nel campo di ricerca sloveno. Parole chiave: olivo, Olea europaea, marcatorí ¡nolecolari, diverstta genetica 239 ANNALES • Ser. bist. nat. • 12 • 2002 - 2 Dun ja BANOEU MAVSAR « ;ti.; GENETSKE RAZISKAVE OLIM, 233-24» UVOD Glede na spoznanje, da je oskrba tradicionalnih nasadov ekonomsko neutemeljena, se pridelovalci že od sredine prejšnjega stoletja ukvarjajo z vprašanjem, kako povečati rodnost oljčnih nasadov in znižati stroške pridelovanja oljk. Vpeljava novih gojitvenih oblik v oijč-nike je med prvimi ukrepi, ki so bistveno povečali hektarske pridelke oljk. Manjše sadilne razdalje so vplivale na povečanje gostote dreves na hektar in posledično tudi višino pridelka. Izboljšana prehrana dreves z makro- in mikrohraniii je pripomogla k rednejši in boljši rodnosti. Z namakanjem oljk so se pridelki povečali za 40 do 70%. Izbira ustreznih sort, prilagojenih intenzivni pridelavi, pa ostaja med pomembnejšimi dejavniki, ki vplivajo ne samo na višino pridelka, temveč tudi na njegovo kakovost. Poraba oljčnega olja iz leta v leto narašča, potrošniki so glede kakovosti vse bolj zahtevni, zato je večina raziskav usmerjena ravno v prersčevanje lastnosti oljčnega olja. Dosedanje raziskave so pokazale, da so sortno značilne kemične in organoleptične lastnosti tiste, ki s tehniko predelave plodov vplivajo na končno kakovost oljčnega olja. V procesih izboljšanja rastlinskega materiala oljke so največja ovira pomanjkljivi in nezadovoljivi podatki vrednotenja sort ali natančneje agronomskih lastnosti sort in sortne značilnosti oljčnega olja. To je tudi najpomembnejši razlog, zakaj je sistematična preučitev obstoječih genskih virov oljke potrebna. Velika genetska raznolikost oljke se kaže v množici najrazličnejših sort, klonov in divjih populacij, med katerimi lahko odberemo genotipe z najprimernejšo kombinacijo genov za intenzivno gojenje. Z namenom preučevanja genetske raznolikosti oljke ter odkrivanja najprimernejših genotipov, ki bodo poleg dobre prilagojenosti tehnologijam intenzivnega oljkarstva zagotovili še kakovosten pridelek, so v različnih državah ustanovili kolekcijske nasade, v katerih so zbrane sorte z določenega območja. Primerjalna študija med standardnimi in prinesenimi sortami v kolekciji je najhitrejša in najprimernejša pot pri iskanju alternativ za nezadovoljivo sortno strukturo nekega pridelovalnega območja, V ko-lekcijskih nasadih poteka sistematično vrednotenje agronomsko zanimivih lastnosti in lastnosti oljčnega olja posameznih sort. Na osnovi večletnih opazovanj se ocenjuje genetski potencial dreves in izvrednoti vpliv okolja na določene lastnosti, kar je nujno pred začetkom uresničevanja programov izboljšanja rastlinskega materiala. Agronomske lastnosti, ki se vrednotijo v kolekcijah, so dolžina mladostnega obdobja, rodnost., bujnost dreves, čas cvetenja, odpornost na bolezni in škodljivce ter tolerantnost na stresne dejavnike, kot so suša, nizke temperature, slana tla, itd. Vsebnost olja v plodovih (olje-vitost sorte} je skupaj z rodnostjo pomembnejši parameter ocene neke sorte. Teža plodu je precej odvisna od okolja, medtem ko je vsebnost olja, izražena v suhi snovi, zelo odvisna od posameznega genotipa oz. sorte. Kakovost olja posameznih sort v kolekcijah določajo z analitskimi in senzoričnimi analizami, ki v splošnem vključujejo sestavo in razmerje maščobnih kislin ter parametre stabilnosti olja. Pri tem se ocenjuje tako komercialna kot hranilna vrednost olja. O razlikah v sestavi maščobnih kislin med sortami poročajo številni avtorji. Minorne sestavine dajejo olju posebno vrednost, med njimi so najpomembnejši antioksicfanti (bioferioli in tokoferoli). Razlike v sestavi teh komponent v oljih so posledica različnih ekstrakcijskih postopkov in vpliva sorte. Pri preučevanju minornih sestavin bi bilo treba določiti, v kolikšni meri na njihov nastanek vplivata genotip in okolje. Kljub temu da je oljka genetsko bogata, oljka rji še nimajo na voljo sort, ki bi popolnoma ustrezale vsem zahtevam intenzivnega oljkarstva. Vzrok so skromnejši programi izboljšanja genetskega materiala oljke v preteklosti. Selekcija sort in klonska selekcija sta bili glavni dejavnosti, ki sta pripeljali do izboljšanja lastnosti obstoječih sort. Do sedaj je bilo v načrtovanih programih izboljšanja vzgojenih le nekaj sort. V Izraelu so z masovno selekcijo vzgojili sorti 'barnea' in 'kadesh', v Italiji so nove izboljšane sorte v fazi preizkušanja, v Španiji pa v programih izboljšanja ni bila vzgojena še nobena nova sorta (Rallo, 1999). Cilj klonske selekcije je med večjim številom osebkov neke sorte izbrati genetsko in zdravstveno najboljše. Kionska selekcija oljk se opravlja v različnih državah, o komercialni vrednosti klonov poročajo le v nekaj primerih. Tako so v Italiji zaščitili dva klona (ES-17 in DA-12) (Fontanazza, 1996), V Španiji so odbrali 52 klonov sorte 'manzanilia di Sevilla' in 15 klonov sorte 'arbequina', ki so v fazi primerjalnih analiz s standardi. Tudi v Turčiji poročajo o prvih rezultatih klonske selekcije avtohtonih sort, katerih kloni imajo boljše lastnosti v primerjavi s standardi (Ftorino & Rallo, 1999). Z genetskega stališča se slabost klonske selekcije kaže predvsem v zmanjševanju genetske raznolikosti, saj je gojenje omejeno le na določene genotipe. Med pomembne strategije izboljšanja genetskega materiala oljke uvrščamo tudi križanja, katerih cilj je izboljšati kakovost plodov (povečanje oljevitosti, izboljšanje karakteristik plodov) in prilagojenost rastlin na intenzivne pridelovalne okoliščine ter stresne razmere. V Italiji so leta 1971 križali 17 različnih sort oljk, ki se uporabljajo za vlaganje in olje. Rezultati dolgoletnih opazovanj agronomskih lastnosti potomcev so pokazali, da lahko pri oljki s križanji vzgojimo nove, tržno zanimive sorte. Na Kitajskem so sistematična križanja sort oljk pričeli leta 1980 z namenom vzgoje novih sort, ki bodo bolje prilagojene na klimatske in talne razmere (Fontanazza, 1996). Z načrtovanimi križanji lahko izboljšamo splošne lastnosti sort, vnesemo pa tudi neželene gene, ki jih moramo s številnimi povratnimi križanji odstraniti. Majhen in počasnejši napredek pri vzgoji novih sort oljk s križanji v primerjavi z drugimi 240 ANNALES • Ser. tiist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Cunja BANDELJ MAVSAR el al.: GENETSKE RAZISKAVE OLJKE. 239-248 rastlinskimi vrstami je zagotovo posledica izredno dolgega mladostnega obdobja oljke. Rezultati dosedanjih križanj oljk sicer odpirajo nove poti in možnosti k ustvarjanju tržno zanimivih sort, vendar pa so informacije o dedovanju pomembnih lastnosti še vedno omejene, saj so preučene le na nivoju fenotipa. Specifičnih raziskav glede povezave med genotipom in fenotipskimi lastnostmi ni na voljo, posledica tega pa so pomanjkljivi selekcijski kriteriji. Pregled, ali ti. inventarizadja obstoječih genskih virov oljke torej sodi med prioritetne dejavnosti intenzivnega oljkarstva, nam omogoča vpogled v genski bazen udomačene oljke in njene divje sorodnike, ki so lahko nosilci zanimivih in nadvse koristnih agronomskih lastnosti, kot so odpornost za bolezni, škodljivce in stres. Vse te lastnosti lahko uporabimo v programih izboljšanja genetskega meteriala oljke pri ustvarjanju novih sort. Razvoj molekulskih metod je omogočil alternativne pristope v številnih genetskih raziskavah. Vsestranska uporabnost molekulskih markerjev omogoča hitrejše reševanje problemov, ki se pojavljajo pri žlahtnjenju rastlin, identifikaciji sort in klonov, ugotavljanju sorodstvenih odnosov med osebki, vrednotenju genetskega materiala in iskanju polimorfizma itd. Pri vzgoji novih sort. s križanji lahko s pomočjo molekulskih markerjev identificiramo potomce z želenimi lastnostmi, saj je selekcijo sejancev mogoče opraviti že v mladostnem obdobju rastline, kar bistveno skrajša čas žlahtnjenja. Markerjš so namreč v nekaterih primerih tesno vezani na gene, ki kontrolirajo agronomsko zanimive lastnosti, zato jih lahko uporabljamo za sledenje lastnosti po križanju. Pomembno mesto med genetskimi raziskavami z molekulskimi markerji imajo preučevanja genetske raznolikosti oljke in študije sortne strukture območij, kjer se uveljavlja zaščita geografskega porekla oljčnega olja. Sorodstveni odnosi med sortami omogočajo rešiti tudi nekatere domneve, kot je npr. avtohtonost sort. Poznavanje genetske variabilnosti oljke na nekem območju nam lahko zagotovi koristne informacije o selekciji, nastanku sort in geografskem izvoru. V zadnjem času je bilo veliko raziskav namenjenih tudi rekonstrukciji zgodovine udomačitve, izvoru in širjenju oljke. Metode molekulske biologije so prispevale nekatere novosti tudi v diagostiki, pri ugotavljanju okuženosti rastlinskega materiala z virusi. Spremljanje zdravstvenega stanja sadik je pomembno pri vzgoji certificiranega materiala. Poleg klasičnih imunoloških testov ELISA za ugotavljanje virusov v rastlinah so na voljo tudi postopki, ki temeljijo na uporabi polimerazne verižne reakcije (PCR). Metode PCR omogočajo hitro in zanesljivo identifikacijo virusa. Molekulske metode za odkrivanje virusov oljke se že uporabljajo v Španiji in na Portugalskem (Rallo, 1999). Med pomembnejše raziskave sodijo tudi poskusi vzgoje oljk s tkivnimi kulturami. Mikro-propagacija (razmnoževanje) in vitro je bistveno skraj- šala čas razmnoževanja, ki je neodvisen od letnega časa, poleg tega pa omogoča vzgojo večjega števila rastlin na majhnem prostoru. Preliminarne rezultate vzgoje in razmnoževanja oljke in vitro so predstavili v Italiji (Standardi ei al., 1998; Leva ef al., 2000). Vzgoja odpornih sort na bolezni in škodljivce ter stresne razmere sodi med najpomembnejše cilje sodobnega kmetijstva. Razvoj genskega inženirstva je omogočil vnašanje genov v genom rastline z natančnim zapisom za določeno lastnost. S postopkom neposrednega vnašanja želenih genov premostimo težave, kakršna je npr. nekompatibilnost pri križanju dveh genetsko oddaljenih vrst, izognemo se vnosu neželenih lastnosti, itd. O prvem poskusu genetske transformacije oljke poročajo v Italiji (Mencuccini et al., 1998). Rezultati so spodbudni in perspektivni. Oljko namreč pridelovalci želijo gojiti v širšem arealu, zato je treba vzgojiti sorte, ki bodo dobro prenašale sušo, težka tla in nizke temperature. Raziskave bodo v prihodnosti usmerjene v iskanje in identifikacijo genov za odpornost na biotski in abiotski stres. Zanimivi so tudi geni, ki so povezani s kakovostjo pridelka. MOLEKULSKI MARKERJI V GENETSKIH ŠTUDIJAH Rastline imajo tri avtonomne genome. V jedru celice je jedrna DNA, celična organela (plastida), kloroplast in mitohondrij, ki sta v celični citoplazmi, pa vsebujeta kioroplastno DNA (cpDNA) oz. mitohondrijsko DNA (mtDNA). Za plastidni DNA je značilno nemendlovsko ali citoplazmatsko dedovanje, kar pomeni, da se od jedrne DNA neodvisno dedujeta, večinoma po materi. Variabilnost v molekulskih markerjih in sekvencah nekaterih genov kloroplastnega genoma se uporablja za karakterizacijo rastlinskih populacij ali divjih sorodnikov (javornik, 1996). Raznolikost mitohondrijskega genoma pri rastlinah je zanimiva za ugotavljanje pretoka genov in strukture, populacije. Rastline z enako mtDNA imajo skupnega ženskega prednika, saj se pri dedovanju materina mtDNA prenese na vse potomce, zato lahko sledimo maternalnem rodovniku. Ker se ne rekombinira, se mutacije v njej akumulirajo hitreje, tako da je mtDNA bolj polimorfna v primerjavi z jedrno DNA. Prvi markerji, ki so se uporabljali za vrednotenje raznolikosti pri rastlinah, so bili fenotipski (morfološki). Uporaba le-teh je bila povezana s številnimi metodološkimi težavami, kot so zamudno delo, omejeno število razpoložljivih markerjev, odvisnost markerjev od razvojne stopnje rastline in okolja ter subjektivni pristop pri vrednotenju. Razvoj in uporaba izoencimskih markerjev sta genetsko analizo vodila na molekulski nivo, vendar je bila zaradi majhne številčnosti njihova uporaba omejena. Razvoj molekulskih markerjev je omogočil revolucionaren pristop preučevanja genomov. Marker je lahko katerokoli zaporedje DNA, ki ga lahko brez večjih težav odkrijemo in spremljamo njegovo dedovanje. Danes imamo kar nekaj molekulskih markerjev, ki se 241 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -12- 2002 • 2 Dimjs SANDEL) MAVSAR el if.: GENETSKE RAZISKAVE OLJKE, 239-248 razlikujejo v svojih lastnostih, informativnosti, ceni razvoja rnarkerskega sistema in zahtevnosti tehnike. Glede na namen preučevanja organizma lahko izbiramo med hibridizacijskimi (RFLP markerjl) in PCR (RAPD, AFLP markerji, mikrosateliti) tehnikami. Prvi razviti markerski sistem, ki je omogoči! odkrivanje polimorfizma na nivoju DNA, so markerji RFLP {po-limorfizem dolžin restrikcijskih fragmentov). Tehnologija RFLP temelji na razrezu genomske DNA z restrikcijskimi encimi, razrezani DNA fragmenti se nato eiektroforetsko ločijo in prenesejo na membrano, sledi odkrivanje specifičnih fragmentov DNA s hibridizacijo z radioaktivno označeno sondo. Razlike med preučevanimi organizmi opazujemo kot spremenjene vzorce DNA restrikcijskih fragmentov. Pri študijah genetske raznolikosti organizmov se prednost tega rnarkerskega sistema kaže v tem, da so rezultati dobro ponovljivi med različnimi laboratoriji, med slabosti pa lahko uvrstimo tehnično zahtevnost metode. Markerje RFLP so raziskovalci v oljkarstvu uporabili predvsem v študijah genetske raznolikosti kloroplastne in mitohondrijske DNA z namenom rekonstrukcije širjenja oljk v Sredozemlju, ugotavljanju izvora in sorodnosti divjih in kultiviranih oljk. V zadnjih nekaj letih so bili markerji RAPD najpogosteje uporabljeni molekulski markerji za preučevanje genoma oljke. Naključno namnoženo poiimorfno DNA (RAPD) so raziskovalci uporabili v obsežnih študijah genetske sorodnosti oljk glede na geografski izvor in uporabo plodov {Fabbri ei al., 1995; C.laros et al., 2000; Belaj et al., 2001, 2002; Besnard etai, 2001; Sanz-Cortčs ei al., 2001) in identifikaciji sort {Vergari ef al., 1998; VViesman et al., 1998; Barranco et al., 2000; Bandelj et al., 2001). Markerji RAPD omogočajo odkrivanje in analizo polimorfizmov v celotnem genomu. Metoda temelji na namnoževanju neznanih predelov DNA. Razlike med analiziranimi osebki preučujemo s primerjavo DNA odtisa (profila) posameznega organizma. Velika prednost tehnike RAPD je v nizki razvojni ceni ter v njeni preprostosti, največji omejevalni dejavnik pa slaba ponovljivost rezultatov, kar preprečuje medlaboratorijsko primerjavo. Markerji AFLP (dolžinski poiimorfizem namnoženih fragmentov) ravno tako kot RAPD omogočajo odkrivanje polimorfizmov iz naključnih regij genoma. Ker pokrivajo večji del genoma, se pogosto uporabljajo v različnih genetskih raziskavah, kot so genotipiziranje DNA, identifikacija, kartiranje in preučevanje genetske sorodnosti {Vos et al., 1995; Maughan et al., 1996; Sharma et al., 1996; Cervera e! al., 1998; Jakše et al., 2001). Informacije o uporabnosti markerje v AFLP v genetskih raziskavah oljke so omejene, saj je bila objavljena le študija Angiollilo ef al. (1999), v kateri so preučevali genetsko raznolikost znotraj in med populacijami rodu Olea. Prvi mikrosatelitni markerji oljke so bili znani v letu 2000 (Raflo ef al., 2000; Sefc et a/., 2000). Informacije o karakterizaciji izoliranih mikrosatelitov oljke so za zdaj še precej omejene. Mikrosateliti združujejo lastnosti različnih markerjev, tako da jih v literaturi večkrat omenjajo kot idealen markerski sistem za genetike študije. Odlikujejo jih možnost odkrivanja visoke stopnje polimorfizma in s tem velika informativnost (Morgante & Olivieri, 1993; Powell et al., 1996). PREGLED GENETSKIH RAZISKAV OLJKE Študije izvora in domestikacije oljke Arheološke izkopanine dobro ohranjenih karbonizi-ranih oljčnih koščic pričajo o izjemni starosti oljke. Ocenjujejo, da se je oljka skupaj z žiti, stročnicami in datljem pojavila v Palestini okrog 4000 let pred našim Štetjem. V srednji in pozni bronasti dobi sta bila olj-karstvo in proizvodnja oljčnega olja dobro razvita na širšem območju Sredozemlja, od Palestine in Sirije do Grčije, Kasneje, v obdobju kolonizacije, so oljko z Bližnjega vzhoda zanesli še v druga sredozemska območja. Oljka pripada kompleksu O. europaea (Green & Wickens, 1989), ki je glede na morfološke karakteristike oljk sestavljen iz 6 podvrst. Vsaka podvrsta je značilna za določeno geografsko območje. O. europaea subsp. europaea je poznana kot sredozemska oljka, O. e. subsp. maroccana (Greut. & Burd.) je endemična na območju južnega Maroka, O. e. subsp. laperrinei (Batt. & Trab.) uspeva v Saharskem gorovju, O. e. subsp. cerasiformis {Webb & Berth.) je endemična na Madeira otoku, O. e. subsp. guanchica je poznana na Kanarskih otokih, O. e, subsp. cuspidata (Wall.) pa je razširjena v južni Afriki in na Kitajskem. Podvrsta cuspidata je sestavljena iz več morfološko različnih tipov, ki so omejeni z geografskim območjem: Olea africana Mili. (od južne do vzhodne Afrike), O. chrysophyila Lam. (od vzhodne Afrike do Arabije) in O. cuspidata Wall, (od Irana do Kitajske) (Besnard ef al., 2002). Dornest! kači ja v današnjo kultivirano sredozemsko oljko (O/ea europaea L. subsp. europaea var. europaea.) je potekala s selekcijo na večji plod in višjo vsebnost olja, spremenila je tudi reproduktivno biologijo drevesa. Kultivirane oljke se razmnožujejo nespolno (vegetativno) s kloni, tako da imajo fiksirane želene lastnosti. Divje oljke (oleastri) [Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea var. sylvestris (Mili.) Lehr] uvrščamo v dve skupini; divje oblike, ki uspevajo v primarnih nišah brez kultiviranja in sredozemskih gozdovih, ter podivjane tipe, ki so nastali s spontanim križanjem med oleastri in sortami v opuščenih nasadih (Zohary & Spiegel-Roy, 1975). Divjih {pravi oleastri) in podivjanih oblik (feral) na osnovi morfoloških znakov ni moč ločiti, ker so si fenotijisko izredno podobne, medtem ko so uspešno opravili identifikacijo oz. ločitev z molekulskimi markerji. Kultivirane, divje in podivjane oljke se lahko med seboj neovirano križajo. Križanja omogočajo vključitev genov ANNALES • Ser. tiist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Dunjii BAN DE LJ MAVSAR e! ai.; GENETSKE RAZISKAVE OLJKE, 239-248 i z divjih oljk v kuitivirane, kar se navsezadnje kaže v veliki genetski raznolikosti današnjih oljk. Kompleksno genetsko ozadje oljke je velik izziv za različne raziskovalne skupine, ki poskušajo pojasniti njihov nastanek, geografski izvor, genetsko sorodnost ter preučiti in rekonstruirati zgodovino udomačitve oljke. Izvor in domestikacijo kuitivirane oljke sta preučevala Besnard in Bervillč (2000). Z raziskavo sta želela ugotoviti, ali imajo kuitivirane oljke in oleastri skupen izvor v sredozemskem bazenu, zato sta v analizo vključila oljke, razširjene v Aziji, Afriki in Evropi. Analizirala sta 121 sort, 300 oleastrov, 27 populacij iz sredozemskega bazena in 74 dreves različnih podvrst iz Maroka (O. maroccana), Alžirije (O. laperrinei), Kanarskih otokov (O. e. spp. cerasifotmis), Kenije, južnoafriške republike, Zirnbabveja (O. africana), Jemna (O. chryso-phylla), Irana, indije in Kitajske (O, cuspidata). Z molekulskimi markerji sta preučevala raznolikost jedrne, mitohondrijske in kloroplastne DNA. Na osnovi rezultatov citoplazmatskega DNA polimorfizma sta naredila rekonstrukcijo širitve sort ter podala distribucijo tipov dtoplazme v lokalnih oleastrih. Oljke O. africana, O. chrysophylla in O. cuspidata imajo različno kloro-plastno DNA. O. maroccana in O. e. spp. cerasiformis imata tip kioroplasta, ki ga najdemo v večini sort in oleastrov. Več polimorfizma so odkrili v mitohondrijski DNA v primerjavi s kloroplastno DNA. V kompleksu O. europaea sta odkrila 12 različnih tipov mitohondrijske DNA (v nadaljevanju mitotip), vendar od teh le 4 take, ki obstajajo v sredozemskih oljkah, Oleastri in sorte vsebujejo mitotip ME1, kar nakazuje, da so današnje sorte nastale z domestikacijo oleastrov na Bližnjem vzhodu. Na zahodu se pojavlja mitotip MCK, ki pripada rodu Olea iz terciarne dobe. Mitotip MOM so odkrili v oljkah iz Sahare in vzhodne Afrike, ME2 pa samo v določenih sortah. Raznolikost jedrne DNA oleastrov, odkrite z markerji RAPD, je pokazala ločitev med vzhodnimi in zahodnimi oljkami, pri sortah pa ni bilo jasne meje, po vsej verjetnosti zaradi prenašanja rastlinskega materiala iz kraja v kraj in regionalne selekcije sort. V zaključkih sta avtorja zapisala, da obstaja več območij izvora in da je izvor oljke bistveno kompleksnejši, kot so pričakovali. Študije genetske variabilnosti divjih in kultiviranih oljk Med prve raziskave genetske variabilnosti oljke sodi delo Loukasa in Krimbasa (1983), ki sta analizirala 25 sort s petnajstimi izoencimski sistemi. Na osnovi raznolikosti izoencimskih sistemov sta ugotovila, da je velikost plodov oljk pomembna pri ugotavljanju sorod-nostnih odnosov med sortami. Večjo genetsko sorodnost je možno odkriti pri sortah, ki so bile selekcionirane za namizne oljke (veliki plodovi). Podobno genetsko sorodnost sta odkrila tudi v skupini sort s srednje velikimi plodovi, ki se uporabljajo za olje. V letu 1999 je bila objavljena prva obsežnejša študija genetske variabilnosti znotraj in med populacijami rodu Olea z markerji AFLP. Angiolillo ei al. (1999) so z raziskavo želeli odgovoriti predvsem na dve vprašanji: iz katerih divjih oljk so se razvile današnje kuitivirane oljke in katere populacije lahko v prihodnosti dodatno izboljšajo kultivirano oljko. V analizo so vključili 43 sort, 30 divjih oljk in 9 oljk, ki po klasifikaciji Greena in VVickensa (1989) ne pripadajo vrsti O. europaea. Obseg polimorfizma je pokazal zelo jasno ločitev kultiviranih in divjih oljk v dve skupini. Avtorji so poskušali odkriti povezavo med večjo genetsko sorodnostjo sort glede na geografski izvor, vendar so med sortami večjo genetsko sorodnost odkrili le pri oljkah s Sicilije. Slednje ugotovitve potrjujejo kompleksnost domestikacije oljke. Kuitivirane in divje oljke ter vrste iz severnozahodne Afrike so genetsko sorodnejše v primerjavi z vrstami iz vzhodne Afrike in Azije. Največja variabilnost je bila odkrita pri vrstah z otokov Indijskega oceana in Avstralije. Avtorji so v nadaljevanju predvidevali, da sta kultivirana in divja oljka različni obliki iste vrste O. europaea, divji vrsti iz Maroka (O. maroccanaj in iz Alžirije (O. laperrinei) pa sta verjetno vmesni obliki med O. europaea in azijskimi vrstami. Amane ef al. (1999) so z markerji RELP preučevali polimorfizem kloroplastne DNA oljk iz sredozemskega bazena. Analizirali so 72 sort, 89 lokalnih, starih dreves in 101 oleastrov. Z analizo potomcev kontroliranega križanja so dokazali dedovanje kloroplastne DNA po materi. V celotni vrsti europaea so odkrili 5 različnih klorotipov. Klorotip l je bil najpogostejši v oleastrih in kultivirani oljki, drugi klorotipi (II, lil in IV) pa so bili odkriti samo v oleastrih. Klorotip V so okarakterizirali s tremi mutacijami, ki jih najdemo v različnih predelih kloroplastne DNA (cpDNA), pojavil pa se je tako v kultiviranih kot divjih oljkah, vendar le v moško sterilnih drevesih s specifično anomalijo peloda. Predvidevajo, da je klorotip V povezan z večjo plodnostjo, ki je navadno opažena pri moško sterilnih drevesih. V Maroku so Amane ef a/. (2000) preučili polimorfizem markerjev RFLP kloroplastne DNA kultiviranih in divjih oljk. Z raziskavo so želeli ugotoviti sorodstvene odnose med kultiviranimi in divjimi oljkami v Maroku in med vrsto O. europaea ter endemično vrsto O. laperrinei subsp. maroccana. Odkrili so 4 klorotipe: klorotip 1 je prevladoval v kultivirani (100%) in divji oljki (74%), kar kaže na tesno sorodstvo po materi, klorotipa II in III pa sta bila ugotovljena le v divjih maroških oljkah. Izvirnost taksona O. maroccana naj bi dokazoval klorotip IV, saj se je pojavil le pri tej vrsti. Besnard et al. (2001) so zbrali 102 genotipa iz različnih območij Sredozemlja ter z analizo polimorfizma jedrne in mitohondrijske DNA preučili sorodstvene povezave sort. V raziskavi so uporabili markerje RAPD in RFLP. Na osnovi muitivariatne analize so izdelali dendrogram, v katerem so bile sorte 243 AN NALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 - 2 Díjnj.i BANDEE j MAVSAR el al.: GENETSKE RAZI5KAVE OUKfc", 239-MS razdeljene v 22 skupin, ki so se ujemale tako z regijo gojenja kot z uporabo oljk (olje/namizne oljke), iz dobljenih rezultatov so predpostavljali, da je selekcija sort potekala v različnih regijah kot rezultat kolonizacije v času rimske dobe in prenašanja rastlinskega materiala z vzhoda na zahod. Podobno so sklepali tudi iz poli-morfizma mitohondrijske DNA. Mitotipa MOM in MCK so odkrili samo v zahodnih sortah, ME1 mitoti p pa v sortah iz Francije. Ker je ME1 mitotip značilen tudi za oieastre z vzhoda, menijo, da francoske sorte izhajajo prav z vzhoda. Njihovi rezultati potrjujejo tudi domnevo, da je selekcija v zahodem genskem bazenu potekala predvsem v smeri izboljšanja oljevitosti oljk. Preučevanje polimorfizma jedrne in mitohondrijske DNA ostaja med najpogostejšimi raziskavami domesti-kacije oljke. Bronzini de Caraffa ei al. (2002) so z molekulskimi markerji RAPD in RFLP preučili poli-morfizem jedrne in mitohondrijske DNA kultiviranih in divjih oljk na Korziki in Sardiniji. Korzika in Sardinija sta zanimiv genski bazen oljk, saj v tem območju uspeva veliko sort in oleastrov. Oieastre je možno odkriti tudi v gozdovih. Sorte so bile večinoma prinesene iz Italije, nekaj pa jih je nastalo z lokalno selekcijo. V opuščenih nasadih uspevajo podivjane oljke, križanci oleastrov in sort. Podivjane oljke so sicer fenotipsko podobne oleastrom, večjo genetsko sorodnost pa kažejo s sortami. Z raziskavo so želeli preučiti tudi vpliv vzhoda (Italije) in zahoda pri nastanku korziških in sardinijskih oljk. V analizo so vključili 32 sort in 99 oleastrov. Polimorfizem mitohondrijske DNA je ravno tako kot pri zgoraj navedenih študijah pokazal obstoj 4 mitotipov; MEt, ME2, ki sta značilna za vzhodne oljke, MOM in MCK, karakteristična za oljke iz zahodnega Sredozemskega bazena. Večina sort s Korzike in Sardinije ima vzhodni mitotip, kar potrjuje difuzijo sort z vzhoda proti zahodu. Na Korziki so odkrili dve skupini sort. Ena je v tesni sorodnosti z oleastri, druga pa je povezana z italijanskimi in sardinijskimi sortami. Raziskave genetske variabilnosti oljk potekajo tudi v Avstraliji. V južno Avstralijo so od leta 1836 prinesli na stotine sort oljk. Navzkrižno opraševanje dreves v 160 let starih in opuščenih nasadih se kaže v nastanku podivjanih populacij dreves, ki uspevajo v vseh regijah in so ekološki problem zaradi konkuriranja z naravno vegetacijo. Zaradi slednjega so ponekod lokalne oblasti oljčno drevo proglasile kot plevel in ga poskušale zatreti. Z namenom, da bi preučili dinamiko širjenja podivjanih vrst oljk, so Mekuria ei al. (2002) z markerji RAPD analizirali populacijo 45 dreves iz južne Avstralije. Na osnovi vizualnih opazovanj so drevesa razdelili v tri skupine: sorte, domnevne potomce nekontroliranih križanj sort in podivjane oljke. Med seboj so primerjali profile RAPD posameznih dreves. Znotraj posamezne skupine oljk so odkrili velik polimorfizem, pri primerjavi polimorfizma med skupinami pa nt bilo večjih odstopanj. Belaj ei al. (2002) so z markerji RAPD preučevali genetsko raznolikost večje skupine sort (103) iz genske banke v Cordobi. Med glavne cilje raziskave so uvrstili: opisati raznolikost sort v svetovni genski banki oljke z markerji RAPD, i z vrednotiti sorodnost med sortami znotraj kolekcije, preučiti vzorec raznolikosti sort z različnim geografskim poreklom, uporabiti dobljene informacije v Žlahtniteljskih programih ter podati strategijo vzorčenja v kolekcijah genskih virov oljke. Združevanje v sorodnostne skupine sort iz sosednjih geografskih območij nakazuje, da imajo le te skupno genetsko ozadje. Veliko genetsko sorodnost kažejo francoske sorte in sorte iz vzhodnega in osrednjega Sredozemlja, kar pomeni, da imajo skupen izvor. Molekulska karakterizacija in identifikacija kultivarjev oljk Vegetativo razmnoževanje oljke je v preteklosti omogočilo intenzivno izmenjavo rastlinskega materiala v državah Sredozemlja, kar pa je povzročilo nejasnosti glede imenovanja sort in klonov. Številne in zelo različne sorte so nastale kot rezultat naravne selekcije ter selekcije sort in klonov na regionalnem nivoju. Število sort oljke je danes ocenjeno na 2000, vendar je lahko zaradi pojavljanja homonimov in sinonimov precenjeno ali podcenjeno, kar pa povzroča večje težave pri vrednotenju genetskega materiala oljke. Mnoge sorte so bile opisane že v davni preteklosti, veliko pa je takih, ki so še vedno neklasificirane ali celo neznane (Fon-tanazza, 1996). Na območjih, kjer je oljkarstvo tradicionalno in ni bilo večjih tehnoloških napredkov, lahko še danes najdemo ekotipe, ki so poznani le na lokalnem nivoju. Z namenom, da ohranijo genske vire oljke, so leta 1971 v Cordobi (Španija) ustanovili svetovno gensko banko oljke Olive World Gerrnplasm Bank (OWCB). V genski banki je zbrano 328 sort iz različnih držav. Identifikacijska dela so pokazala, da je kar nekaj zbranih sort zastopanih večkrat, kar pa je posledica sinonimov (Caballero & del Rio, 1999). Zaradi boljšega kontroliranja rastlinskega materiala oljke v prometu in pravilne identifikacije sadik v drevesnicah moramo vzpostaviti sistem nedvoumne identifikacije sort in klonov, kar bo prispevalo tudi k hitrejšemu reševanju sinonimov in homonimov. Prvi sistemi identifikacije oljk so temeljili na opisnih lastnostih rastline: vejice, socvetja, ploda, lista in endokarpa (Cifferri ef a/., 1942). Primarno identifikacijo so v sklopu mednarodnega projekta RE5GEN-CT96/97, ki ga financirata EU in Mednarodni svet za oljčno olje, začeli opravljati v 10 državah z namenom ohranitve, karakterizacije in zbiranja genskih virov oljke (Caballero & del Rio, 1999). Kvantitativni in kvalitativni deskriptorji oljke (Gregoriou, 1996; Cantini et al., 1999; Levanič et ah, 2000; Koprivnjak & Pribetič, 2000) pa niso rešili dejanskega problema identifikacije, saj so ti znaki v 244 ANNALES - Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 ■ 2 Dlmja fi AN O LU MAVSAR cl ai: GENETSKE RAZISKAVE OLJKE, 239-248 veliki meri odvisni od vplivov okolja, ekspresije genov, specifičnosti analiziranega tkiva in razvojnega obdobja rastline. Podobno velja tudi za izoencimske markerje, s katerimi so poskušali ločiti različne sorte v Španiji (Trujillo et ai, 7 995) in Maroku {Ouazzani et al., 1996}. Z razvojem molekulskih markerjev se je sistem identifikacije bistveno spremenil. Tradicionalno vrednotenje in identifikacijo na osnovi morfoloških markerjev bi bilo smiselno dopolniti z molekulskimi markerji, saj nam bodo le slednji dokončno omogočili rešiti probleme imenovanja sort. Markerji RAPD so bili do sedaj najpogosteje uporabljeni pri razločevanju sort. V Španiji so Belaj et al. (2001} proučevali polimorfizem in sposobnost razločevanja sort oljk iz genske banke v Cordobi. Analizirali so 51 reprezentativnih sort. Avtorji poročajo o markerskem sistemu RAPD kot zelo uporabnem pri upravljanju genskih bank, saj omogoča natančno in hitro identifikacijo večjega števila sort. Na osnovi multivariatne analize so izdelali dendrogram, v katerem so bile sorte razvrščene v sorodnostne skupine glede na geografski izvor. Za provinco Malaga (Andaluzija) v južni Španiji so značilna območja, ki se močno razlikujejo v pedokfi-matskih razmerah. Claros ef al. (2000) so predpostavljali, da je v tem območju genetska variabilnost oljk kot posledica adaptacij na okoljske razmere zelo velika. Zaradi izjemne ekonomske pomembnosti oljke v Andaluziji in zaradi nepoznavanja genetskega ozadja tamkajšnjih oljk so analizirali 56 sort iz različnih oljčnikov. Pri ugotavljanju genetske sorodnosti s pomočjo markerjev RAPD so odkrili 3 skupine, med katerimi je ena vključevala avtohtone andaluzijske oljke, kar nakazuje, da so le-te nastale v območju s selekcijo in imajo skupno genetsko ozadje. V Argentini uspevajo številne sorte španskega in italijanskega izvora. Cavagnaro et al. (2001 ) so pričakovali, da obstaja možnost napačnih imenovanj sort, zato so preučili 10 najpogostejših sort v Argentini, ki jih hranijo v zbirki v Mendozi. V analizo RAPD so vključili tudi nekatere istoimenske sorte iz genske banke v Cordobi. Pri primerjavi profilov RAPD sedmih sort iz svetovne kolekcije in kolekcije iz Argentine so odkrili, da ima le sorta 'manzanilla de Carmona' enak profil RAPD, vse druge pa se v profilu RAPD razlikujejo Cfarga', 'empeltre', 'frantoio',. 'manzanilla española', 'arbequina', 'arauco'). Največ razlik v profilih RAPD so odkrili pri sortah 'frantoio' in 'farga'. Razlike v profilih RAPD istoimenskih sort so lahko posledica napačnega poimenovanja ali pa obstoja različnih k Ionov znotraj sort. Zaradi negotovosti glede identifikacije ter opaženih fenotipskih razlik znotraj nekaterih lokalnih sort so Wiesman ei si. (1998) v Izraelu z markerji RAPD ovrednotili tradicionalne in prinešene sorte. Ugotovili so, da so slednje genetsko homogene. Lokalna sorta 'souri' je prav tako homogena in dobro definirana sorta. Znotraj sorte 'nabali' so odkrili polimorfizem, kar je verjetno posledica spontanih križanj različnih genotipov v preteklosti. Molekulska karakterizacija je raziskovalcem omogočila pojasniti, kako in kje se je lokalni material razmnoževal ter širit med pridelovalci v Izraelu, V Franciji poteka revltalizacijski program oljkarstva, katerega namen je narediti podatkovno bazo petdesetih referenčnih genotipov oljk, ki bo v pomoč drevesničar-jem pri identifikaciji in certifikaciji sadilnega materiala. Khadari ef al. (2001) so z markerji RAPD opisali 32 sort. Da bi dobili res pravi referenčni profil sorte, so za vsako sorto analizirali najmanj 3 drevesa iz različnih lokacij. Pri 32 sortah so odkrili sortno specifičen profil RAPD, 2 do 3 različne profile RAPD na sorto pa so odkrili pri 9 sortah, zato so kot referenčni profil za identifikacijo avtorji izbrali tistega, ki je bil značilen za večino dreves analizirane sorte. Razlike v profilih RAPD znotraj sorte pripisujejo napačnemu poimenovanju in označevanju dreves. Pri analizi različnih klonov znotraj sort 'grossane' (13), 'cailletier' (6) in 'picholine' (8) z markerji RAPD niso odkrili razlik. Vsi kloni so imeli enak profil RAPD. Podatkovno bazo referenčnih genotipov oljk bodo v Franciji dopolnili še z iriikrosatelitnimi markerji. V Sloveniji se je v zadnjih štiridesetih letih sortna struktura precej spremenila, predvsem zaradi precep-Ijanja starih lokalnih sort s sorto 'istrska belica' in sajenja sort, prinešenih iz Italije. Zaradi pomanjkljivih informacij o sortni strukturi območja slovenske Istre smo v letu 1999 pričeli z inventarizacijo sort s pomočjo mednarodnih deskriptorjev (Levanič et al., 2000). Morfološko karakterizacijo smo v nadaljevanju dopolnili z molekulsko. Polimorfizem 10 prinesenih in 5 lokalnih sort oljk, ki uspevajo v kolekcijskem nasadu, smo preučili z markerji RAPD (Bandelj ef al., 2001). Glede na nivo odkritega polimorfizma lahko sklepamo, da imamo v Sloveniji veliko genetsko raznolikost sort, kar je pričakovati glede na število sort, prinesenih iz tujine. Razvili smo sistem identifikacije sort z markerji RAPD ter izdelali podatkovno bazo referenčnih sortnih profilov RAPD. Molekulska analiza dreves v kolekciji je potrdila identičnost genotipov znotraj trinajstih sort, pri dveh sortah pa smo odkrili napačno označitev dreves, do katere je po vsej verjetnosti prišlo v času dosajevanja. Markerji RAPD so uporabni pri upravljanju kolekcij, saj nam omogočajo preverjanje identitete sadik in s tem zmanjšanje napak pri postavitvi nasadov ali kolekcij. Mikrosatelitni markerji in njihova uporaba v oljkarstvu V letu 2000 sta dve raziskovalni skupini poročali o izolaciji prvih mikrosatelitni h markerjev oljke. Sefc etal. (2000) so objavili identifikacijo 15 mikrosatelitnih lo-kusov in predstavili njihovo karakterizacijo v izbranem setu oljk. Ralio et al. (2000) so izolirali 5 novih mikrosatelitnih markerjev oljke, preučili njihovo dedovanje na križancih družine leccino' in 'dolce agogia' ter jih uporabili v identifikacijske namene. Velika informa- 245 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist oat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 2 Oimja BANDES.) MAV5AR e! d.: GENETSKE RAZiSKAVE OlJKE, 235-248 tivnost m i krosa tel itn i h markerjev je omogočila razločevanje med 42 sortami od 46 analiziranih. Oprtani ef al. {2002) ter Carrière et al. (2002) so objavili najnovejša dela o postopkih izolacije mikrosatelitnih markerjev oljke. Med vsemi danes razpoložljivimi markerji mikro-sateliti največ obetajo. Prednost tega markerskega sistema je v dobri ponovljivosti rezultatov znotraj in med laboratoriji ter možnosti izmenjave rezultatov med različnimi raziskovalnimi skupinami. Med slabosti uvrščamo visoko razvojno ceno tehnike ter dolgotrajen in zahteven postopek izolacije mikrosatelitov. V zadnjih dveh letih je razvoj mikrosatelitnih markerjev oljke že omogočil nekaj aplikativnih raziskav, ki jih bomo v nadaljevanju na kratko predstavili. V okolici Gardskega jezera obstajajo 3 geografsko zaščitena porekla oljčnega olja: Garda Bresciano, Garda Orientale in Garda Trentino. Za vsako območje je natančno določeno, katero sorto lahko pridelovalci gojijo v oljčnikih in kolikšna količina določene sorte, izražena v odstotkih, sme biti zastopana v oljčnem olju. Zato je pomembno, da se sortna struktura preuči, preden se zakonsko določi, katera sorta sme biti v oljčnem olju določenega geografskega porekla in katera ne. Nekatera olja, ki so zaščitena z geografskim poreklom, smejo biti pridelana le iz avtohtonih ali lokalnih sort, medtem ko so lahko prinesene sorte v olju zastopane v zelo majhnem deležu. Sorta 'casaliva' naj bi bila lokalna in značilna za Gardo, vendar fenotipsko spominja na sorto 'frantoio', podobno velja za sorti 'les' in 'leccino'. Zaradi nejasnosti, ali gre za popolnoma različne sorte ali sorte s sinonimi, so Testolin ef al. (2000) z mikrosatelitnimi markerji opisali 8 lokalnih sort ('casaliva', 'favarol', 'fort', 'grignan', les', 'raza', 'rossanel', 'trep') ter nekaj širše razširjenih italijanskih sort 'coratina', 'frantoio', 'leccino', 'maurino' in 'pendolino'. Opis DNA sort z mikrosatelitnimi markerji (genotipi-/.iranje DNA) je pokazal, da imajo rastline iste sorte, ki uspevajo v različnih oljčnikih, večinoma enak genotip. Razlike, ki so jih odkrili znotraj nekaterih sort, pri- pisujejo akumuliranju mutacij v daljšem časovnem obdobju. Na osnovi primerjave genotipov sorte 'casaliva' in 'frantoio' menijo, da 'casaliva' pripada sortni populaciji 'frantoio', vendar gre za dve različni sorti. Enako velja tudi za sorti 'leccino' in 'les'. Sorta 'oblonga' izvira iz Kalifornije (Corning), kjer so jo kot spontani sejanec odkrili okrog leta 1940. Glavna lastnost sorte je dobra odpornost proti Vertí ci U i um dahliae. iz Kalifornije so jo prinesli v gensko banko v Cordobi. 'Frantoio' je znana kot pomembnejša sorta v osrednji Italiji, kjer jo gojijo že več sto let. Zaradi izredne kakovosti oljčnega olja je bila prenesena v številne države, vkjučno z Argentino, južnoafriško republiko, Avstralijo in ZDA. V genski banki so odkrili, da sta sorti 'oblonga' in 'frantoio' fenotipsko identični, zato so preučili njune morfološke, agronomske lastnosti ter primerjali njuno DNA z mikrosatelitnimi markerji in markerji RAPÓ. Sorti 'oblonga' in 'frantoio' imata enake profile RAPD, enake alele na vseh mikrosatelitnih lokusih, razlik niso odkrili tudi pri primerjavi 15 morfoloških znakov (list, plod, endokarp) in 8 agronomskih lastnosti. Na osnovi molekulskih in morfoloških analiz avtorji domnevajo, da gre za isto sorto (Barranco et ai, 2000). V Sloveniji smo s predhodno izoliranimi mikrosatelitnimi markerji (Sefc ef a/., 2000) natančneje preučili 19 sort iz kolekcijskega nasada. Visoka informativnost mikrosatelitov je omogočila razločevanje med vsemi analiziranimi sortami. Pri primerjanju posameznih genotipov sort smo odkrili določeno podobnost med slovenskimi in toskanskimi sortami, kar lahko nakazuje, da so slovenske sorte z lokalno selekcijo na regionalni ravni nastale ravno iz italijanskih. Rezultati raziskave nam bodo omogočili identifikacijo sort, kontrolo izvora vegetativno razmnoženega rastlinskega materiala oljke in sadik ter pripomogli k boljšemu poznavanju in nastanku sortne strukture oljk v slovenski Istri. Predstavljeno opisovanje DNA sort z mikrosatelitnimi markerji je med prvimi tovrstnimi Študijami na področju oljkarstva (Ban-delj et al., 2002). GENETIC STUDIES SN OLIVES Dunja BAN DEL] MAVSAR Institute for Mediterranean agriculture and olive growing, Science and Research Centre of the Republic, of Slovenia, Koper, Si-60DO Koper, Garibaldijeva 18 E-mail: jernej JAKSE & Branka JAVORNIK Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Department of Agronomy, Bioiechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Si-1000 Ljubljana, jamnlkarjeva 10? SUMMARY The olive tree has been cultivated for millennia in the Mediterranean basin, where it happens to be one of the most important crops. The récognition of olive oil as a healthy source of fats in relation to other vegetable fats 2 46 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 12 - 2002 - 2 Ounja BAN DEL) MAVSAR el 3l.: GENfcTSKE RAZ15KAVE OtJKE. 339-248 ~—----' " increases its demand and consequently the need for more trait oriented breeding to develop new cultivars. In this respect, evaluation of olive germplasms has been recognized as very important, since collected germplasms can be a useful source of traits, not traditionally accounted for in olive selection in the past, but important for modern olive growing. In comparison to other horticultural plants with which significant improvements have been achieved usinq molecular genetic knowledge, relatively limited molecular research has been carried out in olives. Current genetic research and future orientations in relation to gertnplasm evaluation, genetic diversity studies arid cultivar typing, including our own results, are discussed in this review. Key words: olive, Olea europaea, molecular markers, genetic diversity LITERATURA Amane, M., R, Lumaret, V. Many, N. Ouazzani, C. Debain, G. Vivier & M. F. Deguilioux (1999): Chlo-roplast-DNA variation in cultivated and wiid olive (Olea europaea I.). Theor. Appl. Genet, 99, 133-139. Amane, M., N. Ouazzani, R. Lumaret & C. 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Faculty, University of Ljubljana, St-i000 Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101 E-mail: Dun ja BANDELj MAVSAR Institute for Mediterranean agriculture and olive growing, Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldtjeva 18 Franci STAMPAR institute for fruit Growing, Viticulture and Vegetable Growing, Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Samnikarjeva 101 ABSTRACT The leafy raffing propagation of olive under mist is well known, although all so far carried out experiments have been based only on rooting results. The development of leafy cutting propagation method by woody plants has been made possible due to the development: of the fog-systems in the last 15 years. Our experiment with the use of the fog-system in the propagation of'Sstrska belica' and 'Leccino' showed that the propagation of these olive cultivate in such a system is possible. The cuttings formed up to 7 main roots in the propagation season and their sprouts grew up to 20 cm. Key words: olive, fog-system, leafy cutting propagation, rooting L'USO DEL SISTEMA Dl NEBULIZZAZIONE NELLA PROPACAZJONE PER TALEA SEMILEGNOSA DELL'OLIVO SINTESI La propagazione dell'olivo tramite talea semiiegnosa sotto nebuli27.a2s.0ne e ben nota, benche da tali experiment! si siano avuti solamente risultati inerenti la radicazione. Negli ultimi 15 anni lo sviluppo del metodo della propaga-zione tramite talea frondosa con piante legnose e fortemente col legato alia nascita e alio sviluppo del sistema di nebulizzazione. Dagli esperimenti, nei quali e stato usato tale sistema nella propagazione delle specie Bianca Istri-ana e Leccino, risulta possibile la propagazione di questi cukivar di olivi con il sistema di nebulizzazione. Nella sta-gione della propagazione le talee hanno sviluppato fino a 7 radici principali e i loro germogii sono cresciuti fino a 20 centimetri. Parole chiave: olivo, nebulizzazione, propagazione per talea semiiegnosa, radicazione 249 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Gregor OSTERC e! at.: THE USE OF THE FOG-SYSTEM ¡N THE OLIVE LEAFY CUTTING PROPAGATION. 249-25:2 INTRODUCTION The olive propagation is carried out in the praxis mostly with leafy cuttings. In the praxis the cuttings are propagated on the moving tables under mist. As the cutting bases have to be heated during propagation period, the propagation costs are high. Using this system, the cultivars 'Istrska beiica' and 'Leccino', which are the most important Slovenian cultivars, can be propagated relatively well, too. The good experience with the use of the fog-system In the propagation of leafy cuttings with many woody plant species (and difficult-to-root species) in the last few years has enabled us to enhance the propagation success with the olive as well. As this method requires no heating of the cutting bases, it is much cheaper as the propagation in the mist system. The effects of the slow release fertilizer, added to the rooting substrate, on the rooting and growth of cuttings were tested in the experiment. In the past, many experiments with olive leafy cuttings under mist have been carried out. Rooting success depended strongly on the propagated cultivar. Vesel (1999) reported that the rooting results of the cv. 'Istrska beiica' were about 60%, while the results with the cv. 'Leccino' were only about 30%. Contrary to such results are the farmers' findings: the rooting with the cv. 'Leccino' is better than with the cv. 'Istrska beiica'. The outcomes of several experiments showed that the rooting success was only between 40% and 50% in various cultivars (Celik etal., 1994; Femandes-Serrano etal., 2000). Celik et al. (1994) were able to reach better rooting results (up to 100%) by using a different type of tunnel in the cultivar 'Gemlik'. A very wide rooting range was also obtained by Ozkaya and Celik (1994) who rooted cultivars 'Gemlik' and 'Domat' with rooting rates between 20 and 57% and in other treatments up to 100%. All these experiments are based only on rooting results. Such experiments can be very problematic, as there are many other factors that can also dramatically affect rooting or propagation success (plant growth in the propagation season, over-wintering etc.). Spethmann (1997) suggested observing cutting experiments widely, not only through one parameter, such as rooting percentage. Many new experiments with numerous woody species showed several important advantages of the fog-system used in the cutting propagation. For the first time, very important plant arts could be economically rooted with the use of the fog-system: Acer, Quercus, Hamamelis, Prurtus (Spethmann, 1986a, 1986b, 1997). MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was carried out in an unhealed plastic house under a fog system in the experimental field of the Biotechntcal Faculty in Ljubljana in 2001. Four lev- els (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6g N/l substrate) of the slow release fertilizer "Osmocote-Plus 3-4M (15+11+11+2)" were tested with two olive cultivars 'Istrska belica' and 'Leccino'. The one-factor experiment with 4 replications and 30 cuttings per replication was carried out. The cuttings were cut at the end of June in a private orchard in Ankaran (Slovenia). Before being put in the rooting substrate (peat/sand in a 3:1 ratio), the cuttings were treated with 0.5% IBA (with 10% Euparen on talcum basis). Data were collected in November 2001. The rooting results, the number and the length of the main roots and the sprout length were stated. The data were evaluated with ANOVA, the differences were tested with the Duncan-test at p=0.05. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The rooting results of this first experiment with olive leafy cuttings in the fog system reached average values in both cultivars 'istrska belica' and 'Leccino', namely up to 30%. The fertilizer variants showed highly varying results depending on the cultivate. In the case of 'Istrska belica', the best variant was the lowest: fertilizer variant (0.2 g N/l), in 'Leccino' both the control variant and the strongest fertilizer variant (0.6 g N/l) gave the highest rate of rooted cuttings (Tab. 1). Tab. 1: Rooting results regarding different fertilization variants of the substrate for two olive cultivars. Tab. 1: Rezultati ukoreninjanja glede na fertilizacijske različice substrata za dva oljčna kultivarja. [ Variant Rootin E> {%) I 'Istrska belica' 'Leccino' | Control 10.0 24.2 j 0.2 g N 30.9 7.8 0.4 g N 10.0 I 0.6 g N 5.0 23.4 j Duncanno>l n.s. i J: statistical analysts was not possible/statistična analiza ni bila mogoča These results cannot be accepted as positive when compared with the results of other difficult-to-root woody species propagated in the fog-system (Spethmann, 1986a, 1986b; Osterc& Spethmann, 2000). Anyway, it should be mentioned that some other experiments with olive leafy cuttings under mist, especially with 'Leccino', showed similar rooting results (Vesel, 1999). The control variant (without fertilizer) had no negative effects on the rooting process. This can be well explained with the fact that substrate fertilizing shows its effect on cutting growth later in the propagation season, when the roots have already been formed (Spethmann, 1997). The number of the main roots was the greatest at the control variant in both olive cultivars, while the length of the roots was the greatest at the 0.2g N variant (Tab. 2, Fig. 1). 250 ANNALES - Ser. hist. oat. • 12 • 2002 ■ 2 Grcgor OSTERC el a J.: THE USE OF THE TOG-SYSTEM IN THE OLiVE LEAfY CUTTING PROPAGATION, 2<19-252 Fig. 1: Very well developed root system of olive cuttings cv. 'Istrska belica' at the end of the propagation season. SI. 1: Zelo dobro razvit koreninski sistem potaknjenca 'istrske betice' ob koncu razmnoževalne sezone. Tab. 2: Number and length of the main roots regarding different fertilization variants of the substrate for two olive cultivars. Tab. 2: Število in dolžina glavnih korenin glede na fer-tilizacijske različice substrata za dva oljčna kultivarja. Variant Number Lengt i (cm) 'Istrska belica' 'Lec-clno' 'Istrska bel tea' 'Lec-cino' Control 5.4 5.3 14.7 13,6 0.2 g N 3.7 2.7 20.9 15.1 0.4 g N 4.0 - 9.7 - 0.6 g N 2.8 3.2 12.5 10.8 Duncanor« n,s. a n.s. a statistical analysis was not possibie/sta¡¡stična analiza ni bila mogoča son (cv. 'Istrska belica'). SI. 2: Zelo dobro razvit koreninski sistem omogoča močno rast poganjkov oljčnih potaknjencev v razmnoževalni sezoni (cv. 'istrska belica'). It can be concluded yet again that substrate fertilizing showed its effect for first time when the rooting process had already been finished. The positive effect of the presence of the fertilizer can be seen in the phase of the root growth. This influence of the fertilizer has already been described several times in the case of many woody species in the new literature data (Spethmann, 1997; Osterc & Spethmann, 2000). But there is a lack of similar experiments with olive cuttings. There have been no literature reports in the last ten years on experiments with the olive leafy cuttings, which would include other rooting parameters beside rooting percentage as well (Ceiik eta/., 1994; Ozkaya & Celik, 1994; Vesel, 1999). The strongest growth of the main sprout can be observed with 7.0 cm at the 0.2 g N variant in 'Istrska belica' and with S.4 cm at the control variant in Teccino' (Tab. 3, Fig. 2). Tab. 3: Sprout growth of the cuttings regarding different fertilization variants of the substrate for two olive cultivars. Tab. 3: Rast poganjkov potaknjencev glede na fertili-zacijske različice substrata za dva oljčna kultivarja. Variant Sprout growth (cm) 'Istrska belica' 'Leccino' Control 4.4 5.7 0.2 g N 7.1 3.0 0,4 g N 0,7 - 0.6 g N 1.5 3.5 Duncaiio.os n.s. 4 statistical analysis was not possibie/statistična analiza ni bila mogoča The results with Istrska belica' confirm that the fertilizer in the substrate reacts in the propagation phase 251 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 Gregor OSTERC et a L- Ti-fE USE OF THE FOG-SYSTEM IN THE OlIVE LEAFY CUTTING PROPAGATION, 2-49-253 when the rooting process has already been completed. The worse results with higher fertilizer concentration (0.6 g N variant) showed that higher N concentrations in the substrate could have negative effects on the cutting growth process. Such results were obtained also in the Prunus-cuttings (Osterc & Spethmann, 2000). Although the propagation of olive leafy cuttings seems to be well developed, a number of experiments have shown relatively low rooting success, especially with some olive cultivars ('Leccino'). Additionally, many new experiments with several woody species in the last years have indicated a necessity to observe other propagation parameters as well, such as the number and the length of the main roots and sprout growth. The aim of our experiment was to optimise the method of the propagation of olive leafy cuttings. We used in our ex- periment the well-developed fog-system, and not only did the results deal with the rooting success but also with other parameters of the rooting and sprout growth. Some technical problems (insufficient fogging) caused relatively low rooting success on average, although some variants were more successful. However, it can be concluded that the new concepts in the propagation of leafy cuttings in various woody species (fog-system, time of cutting, over-wintering) can be successfully used also in the olive propagation process. The propagation method based on the fog-system does not require heating of the cutting bases, so the propagation costs are incomparably lower as in the mist system. The experiments should be continued to accurately determine and improve the steps of the process. UPORABA SISTEMA MEGLENJA PR! RAZMNOŽEVANJU ZELENIH POTAKNJENCEV OLJKE Gregor OSTERC inštitut zii i>adjarstvo, vinogradništvo in vrtnarstvo, Oddelek za agronomijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101 t-mail: Ounja BANDELjMAVSAR Inštitut za sredozemsko kmetijstvo in oljkarstvo ZRS Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Caribaldijeva 18 Franci ŠTAMPAR Inštitut za sadjarstvo, vinogradništvo in vrtnarstvo, Oddelek za agronomijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, S!-t000 Ljubljana, jamnikarjeva 101 POVZETEK Proces razmnoževanja zelenili potaknjencev oljke s sistemom pršenja je dobro poznan. Vsi dosedanji rezultati temeljijo le na rezultatih koreninjenja. Razvoj metod razmnoževanja zelenih potaknjencev pri lesnatih rastlinah v zadnjih 15 letih je močno zaznamovan s pojavom in razvojem sistemov meglenja. Poskus razmnoževanja zelenih potaknjencev sort 'istrska belica' in 'leccino' z meglenjem je pokazal, da je takšno razmnoževanje možno. Rastline so v razmnoževalni sezoni razvile do 7 glavnih korenin ter pognale do 20 cm dolge poganjke. Ključne besede: oljka, sistem meglenja, razmnoževanje zelenih potaknjencev, ukoreninjanje REFERENCES Cefik, M., M. T. Ozkaya & H. Dumanoglu (1994): The research on possibilities of using the shaded polyethylene tunnels (SPT) for the rooting of olive (Oiea europ&a L.}. Acta Horticulture, 356, 21-23. Fernandez-Serrano, j. M., M. C. Serrano & L. Amaral (2000): Effect of different hormone treatments on the rooting of cuttings of cv. Galega vulgar. 4lh International Symposium on olive growing Olive 2000, Ciheam -IAM.B. Valenzano (Bari), Italy, p. 6-127. Osterc, G. & W, Spethmann (2000): The Effect of the Mineral Nutrition and pH of the Rooting Substrate on Rooting and Mineral Content of Cherry Rootstock Greencuttings. Phyton, 40, 153-155. Ozkaya, M. T. & M. Celik (1994): The effect of rooting environment and combination of auxin polyamine on the rooting ability of turkish olive cultivars Gemlik and Domat. Acta Horticulture, 356, 31-33. Spethmann, W. (1986a): Steck I i ngsvermeh rung bei Waldbäumen, Deutsche Baumschule, 38, 148-153. Spethmann, W. (1986b): Stecklingsvermehrung von Stiel- und Traubeneiche (Quercus robur L. und Quercus petraea [Matt.] LiebU. Schriften Forst!. Fak. Univ. Göttingen u. d. Nieders. Forstl. Versuchsanstalt, 86, 1-99. Spethmann, W. (1997): Autovegetative Gehölzvermehrung. In: Krüssmann, G. (ed.): Die Baumschule. Parey Verlag, Berlin, p. 382-449. Vesel, V. (1999): Vpliv tretiranja in različnih obdobij priprave potaknjencev na ukoreninjanje dveh kultivarjev oljk (Olea europea). Annales Ser. hist, nat., 9 (suppl.j, 53-58. 252 MISCELLANEA ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 original scientific paper UDC 579:582.273(2623-17) received: 2002-10-18 SEARCHING FOR BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN A NORTHERN ADRIATIC RED ALGA POLYSIPHONIA SR. Tina DOLINŠEK, Marina DERMASTIA & Kristina SEPČIČ Department of Biology, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Večna pot 111 E-ma t!: ABSTRACT Red aiga Polysiphonia sp. was tested for presence of hemolysins, antibiotics, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and hemagglutinins. Although we found no activity in this organism, the screening procedure developed in our laboratory proved suitable for rapid detection of other potentially interesting bioactive molecules from different source material. Key words: natural marine products, red algae, Polysiphonia, antibacterial activity, hemagglutination, hemolysis, acetylcholinesterase RICERCA DELLE ATTIVÍTÁ BIOLOGICHE NELL'ALGA ROSSA POLYSIPHONIA SP. DEL NORD ADRIATICO SINTESI L'a/ga rossa Polysiphonia sp, e s fa ta analizzata per la presenza di emoiisine, antibiotic), inibitori del-i'acetilcolinesterasi ed emagglutinine. Benché gli autor! non abbiano trovato alcuna attivith in tale organismo, le procedure di screening sviluppate nei loro la bo ra tor i si sono dimostrate appropriate per una identificazione rapida di altre molecole bioattive potenzialmente interessanti, provenienti da fonti diverse di materiale. Parole chiave: prodotti marint natura I i, alghe rosse, Polysiphonia, attivita antibatterica, ernagglutinazione, emolisi, acetilcolinesterasi 255 ANNALES • Ser. hist, nat. • 12 ■ 2002 - 2 Tina DOUNŠEK el nL SEARCHING FOR BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN A NORTHERN ADRIATIC RED ALGA POI.YSIPHONIA SP, 255-260 INTRODUCTION About 30% of the current worldwide human therapeutics derive from natural sources (Grabfey & Tbiericke, 1999). Recent trends in drug discovery emphasize investigation of the marine environment, which has already given some commercially known pharmaceuticals like Aracytine and Vidarabine from the sponge Cryptotethya crypta, or Ziconotide from the mollusc Conus magus. Marine organisms endow different defense strategies to survive in the highly competitive marine environment, thus resulting in a tremendous diversity of highly active compounds affecting numerous targets involved in eukaryotic cell signaling processes. However, toxic, principles often dominate the spectrum of biologically active metabolites, hence in the last 20 years none of the isolated compounds have reached the pharmaceutical marketplace {Faulkner, 2000). The aim of this study is to present a methodology that has been developed in our laboratory for fast screening of biologically active molecules in marine organisms. it is composed of a hemolytic, an antibacterial, a hemagglutination and an anticholinesterase test. A marine organism containing potential biologically active compounds usually has a clean surface, not fouled by other micro- or/and macroorganisms. Another indication of bioactivity may be the expansive growth of one species over the others during the territorial competition. In 1996, a large quantity of algal complex with predominating red aigae Polysiphonia spp. was noted in the sublittorai area of Cape Ostro {Northern Adriatic, Croatia; Fig. 1). Monitoring of its growth for a period of 1 year revealed that in the summertime, when the water temperature averaged about 23°C, the algal complex covered 80% of the area being observed (Arko-Pijevac., 2000), and dominated over different sessile marine organisms. A virtually black color of the sandy sediment surface at a depth of 12.5 to 15 m suggested the presence of anoxic conditions below the algal layer. Red algae have been already reported to possess compounds exerting hemagglutinating (Hori ef ai, 1987; Okamoto ef a/., 1990), antibacterial (Mahasneh et a/., 1995; Etahiri et a!., 2001; Gao et a/., 2001), neurotoxic (Freitas ef a/., 199.5), mitogemc EHori et a/., 1987), hemolytic (Freitas ef a!., 1995; igarashi et a/., 1998), an-timutagenic (Okai ef a/., 1996), ichthyotoxic {Igarashi ef al., 1998), antifungal and moliuscicidal (Gao ef ai., 2001), antimalarial {Etahiri ef ai., 2001), antiviral (Car-lucci er al., 1997; Duarte et al., 2001), anticoagulant (Carlucci et ai, 1997), cytotoxic and antialgal (Konig et al., 1999), and fatty acid-oxidizing activity (Kajiwara ef a I., 2000). Fig. 1: A large quantity of algal complex with predominating red algae Polysiphonia spp. in the sublittorai area of Cape Oštro, covering 80% of the area. (Photo: Al Kovačič) SI. 1: Gosta prevleka alg s prevladujočimi vrstami iz rodu Polysiphonia v infralitoralu rta Oštro je prekrivala 80% obravnavanega območja. (Foto: M. Kovačič) 256 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 Ttna DOUNŠEK f! ah SEARCHING FOR BiOlOCICAE ACTIVITIES IN A NORTHERN ADRIATIC RED ALGA POLYSIPIiONIASP., 255- Concerning Polysiphonia, it has been shown that the extracts from some species of this genus are antiviral (Serkedjieva, 2000; Serkedjieva et al., 2000), antibacterial (De Rosa etal., 2001; He I lio eta/., 2001), anti funga! and toxic to Artemia salina (De Rosa eí al., 2001). To examine if Northern Adriatic species of Polysiphonia contains certain biologically active compounds, leading to the observed overgrowth, we have tested its extracts using a developed methodology. MATERIAL AND METHODS Algal material The Polysiphonia samples were collected at Cape OStro (Northern Adriatic, Croatia) in 1998. They were kept at a temperature of -20"C until the start, of the experiments. Extraction procedure Frozen algal tissue was lyophilized and powdered. Equal amounts (10 g each) of the obtained powder were suspended in eight different solvents (150 ml each) that would extract different substances contained in the plant according to the level of their polarity. The used solvents were water, methanol, absolute ethanoi, acetone, 1-butano!, n-hexane, chloroform and aether-petrolei. Samples were shaken for 24 hours on the orbital shaker at 100 rpm and then filtered through a paper filter. The obtained filtrates were concentrated under reduced pressure. The dry weight of the concentrated extracts was determined by evaporating the solvent from 1 ml of the filtrate at 80°C. Biological activity tests For monitoring the possible presence of biologically active molecules in Polysiphonia, we tested different alga! extracts for antibacterial, hemolytic, hemagglutinat-ing and antiacetylcholinesterase activities. Pure solvents were used as controls for all tests. Evaluation of antibacterial activity For detecting possible antibacterial activities, a standard agar diffusion test was applied. Two Gram negative (Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli) and two Gram positive (Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus} bacterial strains were used. Bacteria were obtained from the bacteria! collection at the Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana. They were allowed to grow overnight in Lauria Broth Base (Sigma, U.S.A.) and their concentrations were then determined. Bacterial cultures were incorporated into the agar-supplemented Lauria Broth that was cooled to 42°C beforehand. The final concentration of bacteria was approximately 5x105 of colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/ml). Twenty ml of inoculated medium were poured into Petri dishes and kept at a temperature of 4°C, then circles (0 =-1 c.m) of agar were cut from the medium. Hundred pi of each extract or pure solvent were put into a circle of the Petri dish with different types of bacteria. The system was then kept overnight at 37°, Antibacterial activity was evaluated by measuring the diameter of inhibition zones. Evaluation of hemolytic activity Hemolysis was measured with a turbidimetric method according to Maček & Lebez (1981). Typically, 10-50 pi of different Polysiphonia extracts or pure solvents were added to a cuvette containing 3 ml of bovine erythrocyte suspension in 0.13 M NaCI, 0.02 M TR1S/HCI, pH 7.4, having an apparent absorbance of 0.5 at 700 nrri. The decrease of apparent absorbance, deriving from hemolysis, was recorded using a UV/V1S spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 2100, japan). The suspension in the cuvette was magnetically stirred. The experiment was performed at 25°C. Evaluation of hemagglutination Bovine erythrocytes were washed three times with 0.9% saline and twice with 0.14 M NaCI, 0.013 M TRIS/HCI, pH 7.4. Two-percent suspensions of washed erythrocytes were prepared in the same buffer, and pipetted onto microliter plates (Nunc, Denmark). To the 100 pi of erythrocyte suspension in each well, 50-10 pi of different extracts or pure solvents were added. Following a 1-hr incubation at room temperature, hemagglutination was scored (Sepčič et al, 1997). Determination of acetylcholinesterase inhibition The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was measured colorimetrically as described by Elfman et al. (1961). Briefly, to 3 ml of 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 8.0, 20 pi of 0.075 M acetylthiocholine iodide was added, followed by 100 pi of 0.1 M 5'-5'-dithio-bisnitrobenzoic acid, and usually 10-100 pi of the sample to be tested (different extracts or pure solvents). After the absorption in reference and sample cuvettes had been auto-zeroed, the reaction was started by the addition of 20 pi AChE from electric eel (5 U/ml, Sigma, U.S.A.). The reaction was monitored for 10 minutes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Antibacterial test Eight different extracts of red alga Polysiphonia sp. 257 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 ■ 2 Tina DOUNiEK srf aL SEARCHING EOR BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES IN A NORTHERN ADRIATIC RED Al.GA POLYSIPHONIA SP., 255-260 were tested against 4 strains of bacteria and no extract showed antibacterial activity. All bacterial strains showed some growth inhibition by alga! chloroform extract, which was proved as a solvent effect. The absence of antibacterial activity was somehow surprising, as different Polysiphonia species had already been reported to inhibit the bacterial growth. Organic extracts of two Polysiphonia species, a widely spread P. denudata and an endemic Black Sea species P. denudata f. fragilis showed considerable antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (De Rosa ef a/., 2000). Hellto ef al. (2001) have recently demonstrated that the antibacterial activity of marine algae is very selective. They tested 90 algal extracts against 35 strains of marine bacteria and fou nd that only 18 extracts showed some activity. Among thern, there was also an organic extract from Polysiphonia lanosa, exhibiting specific inhibitory activity against Gram positive marine bacteria. Hemagglutination test Compounds exerting hemagglutinating activities are usually glycoproteins and are therefore expected in water extracts. Although there are some reports on hemagglutination activities from marine red algae Carpopeltis flahellata (Hon et al., 1987) and Cracillaria bursa-pastoris (Okamoto et al., 1990), we did not detect any in our Polysiphonia extracts. Hemolytic activity The testing of Polysiphonia extracts did not reveal any presence of hemolytic substances. This is not surprising in view of very few reports of hemolytic activity of red algae (Freitas etai, 1995; Igarashi etal., 1998). Acetylcholinesterase inhibition In this study, we also report on the testing for acetylcholinesterase inhibition. If tested positive, it would indicate the presence of a neurotoxin. Although the test was negative, this is, as far as we know, the first attempt to detect AChE inhibition in red algae. A sole other example of a neurotoxic activity in red algae was found in Liagora farinosa, whose polar extract induced a dose-dependent inhibition of action potentials in the isolated crustacean nerve (Freitas etal., 1995). CONCLUSIONS The results of this study suggest that the extracts from the Polysiphonia material collected in the Northern Adriatic do not possess biological activities that could be detected with the used tests. It is therefore possible that the observed overgrowth of this alga is due to some undetected activities, or rather to different environmental effects (light, turbidity, nutrients, temperature). It is also possible that the anoxic conditions below the algal layer had caused the mortality of other organisms living there, or had simply prevented them to settle there. Nevertheless, the presented screening procedure, consisting of four rather economical biological tests, can be further used for rapid (3-4 days) detection of other potentially interesting bioactive molecules deriving from different source material. ACKNOWL EDCEMENTS This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. The authors wish to thank Mrs. Milvana Arko-Pijevac for providing algal material. 258 ANN ALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 • 2 TinaDOUNŠliK er al.: SEARCHiNG FOR BIOLOGICAl ACTIVITIB IN A NORTHERN ADRIATIC RED ALGA POLYSlPladNIA Si'., 2SS-2G0 ' RAZISKAVA BIOLOŠKIH AKTIVNOSTI V SEVERNOJADRANSKi RDEČ! ALGI POL VSI P H ON IA SP. 'fina DOLINŠEK, Marina DERMASTiA & Kristina SEPOČ Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, SM001 Ljubljana, Večna pot 1 H E-mail: kristina.sepcic@uni-ij.a POVZETEK Morski organizmi so bogat vir strukturno še nepoznanih in biološko aktivnih molekul, V tej raziskavi so predstavljene nekatere metode za detekcijo takšnih spojin. Kot testni organizem je bila izbrana rdeča alga Poiysiphonia sp. Leta 1996 se je ta alga zelo razrasla v severnem Jadranu, kar bi lahko bil kazalec možnih prisotnih bioaktivnih spojin. Hemolitična, protibakterijska, hemaglutinacijska in protiholinesterazna aktivnost je bila testiraria na različnih ekstraktih alge. Kljub temu da nobena od teh aktivnosti ni bila zaznana v preučevani algi, so se uporabljene metode pokazale kot uporabne za hitro določitev potencialno zanimivih bioloških molekul iz različnih virov. Še več, proti-holinesterazni test je bil v tej raziskavi prvič uporabljen na rdečih algah. Ključne besede: naravni produkti iz morskih organizmov, rdeče alge, Polysiphonia, protibakterijska aktivnost, he- maglutinacija, hemoliza, acetilholinesteraza REFERENCES Arko-Pijevac, M, (2000): Expansive overgrowth of the Polysiphonia alga genus (Rhodomelaceae, Polvsi-phonieae) in the sublittoral area of the Ostro Cape (the north-eastern coast of the Rijeka Bay). In: Lju-besic, N. (ed.): Proceedings of abstracts of the papers of the seventh congress of Croatian biologists. Croatian Biological Society, Zagreb, Croatia, p. 287-288. Cariucci, M. C. A. Pujol, M. Ciancia, M. D. Noseda, M. C. Matuievvicz, E. B. Damonte & A. 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Popov (2000): Antiinfluenza virus effect of extract from marine algae and invertebrates. Z. Naturforsch. [C], 55, 87-93. 260 DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV ATTIVITÀ DES NOSTRI ISTITUTÎ E DELLE NOSTRE SOCIETÀ ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS OCENE IN POROČILA RECENSION! E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS i j ! i i i 1 J i 1 î I ) ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 2 DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV/ATT!VITA DEE NOSTRi tSTITUTI E DELIE NOSTRE SOCIETÀ/ACTIVICIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS ANO ASSOCIATIONS, 263-268 DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV ATT!VITÀ DEI NOSTRi ISTITUTi E DELLE NOSTRE SOCIETÀ ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Boris Kryštufek & Mitja Kaligarič INŠTITUT ZA BIODIVERZITETNE ŠTUDIJE ZRS Koper Inštitut za biodiverzitetne študije (IBŠ) je bil ustanovljen leta 2001, tako da obstaja komaj dve leti. Z njegovo ustanovitvijo smo dosegli večjo prepoznavnost bio-diverzitetnib in ekoloških raziskav, ki imajo na Znanstveno raziskovalnem središču RS Koper sicer že daljšo tradicijo. Nova organizacijska oblika omogoča boljšo organiziranost in učinkovitost biodiverzitetnih raziskav. Pojem biodi verzi tete se je iz učbenikov in predavalnic preselil v besedišče politike in popularnega tiska, osvojili pa so ga tudi ljudje na visokih položajih, ki odločajo, kaj se bo v prostoru dejansko zgodilo. To je seveda dobro, prinaša pa tudi nevarnosti zlorabe tega pojma. Še posebej zato je pomembno, da nad biodi verzitetn i mi raziskavami in odločitvami v prostoru, ki so s tem povezane, bdijo strokovnjaki - biologi, ki jim ta pojem ni znan od včeraj. Bi od i verzitetn a kriza svetovne razsežnosti danes na splošno velja za eno glavnih groženj nadaljnjemu obstoju človeške civilizacije na Zemlji. Globalna erozija biodi verz itete tako narekuje potrebo po novi varstveni (ohranitveni} teoriji, z izvirnimi konceptualnimi in empiričnimi rešitvami. Kljub hitremu razvoju v zadnjih desetletjih na področjih ekologije, biogeografije, takso-nomije, paleontologije in evolucijske biologije, pa so procesi, ki generirajo biodiverziteto na najrazličnejših nivojih, še zmeraj slabo znani. Poleg tega se vse jasneje zavedamo, da odgovori na številne biodiverzitetne probleme presegajo tradicionalne znanstvene discipline. Če nič drugega, je treba tradicionalno "mikroskopsko" eko-sistemsko analizo nadgraditi z makroekološkim pristopom. Klasično varstvo narave je pretirano usmerjeno k ohranjanju biodi verz itete s pomočjo zakonskega varstva vrst in prek rezervatnega varstva. Dejansko pa je ohranjanje stanja ekosistema lahko samo prehodna, kratkoročna rešitev. V dolgoročni perspektivi moramo poznati procese, ki generirajo biodiverziteto. Pomembni so obseg, količina in vrsta motenj ter odziv biodiverzitete nanje. Zato so pomembne tudi širše ekološke raziskave, včasih meritve rnikro-območij, včasih pa tudi sintezne biogeografske študije, da pridemo do želenih rezultatov. Biodiverziteta obsega širok spekter strukturnih in procesnih elementov ter nivojev, ki odsevajo in vzdržujejo raznolikost živega sveta. Zaradi njene kompleks- nosti jo navadno razstavimo na posamezne strukturne enote, ki izhajajo iz hierarhične organizacije življenja. Ta koncept je izhodišče organiziranosti temeljne raziskovalne dejavnosti na 1BŠ: a) Vrstna diverzitela Biodiverziteto najlaže prepoznamo na vrstnem nivoju. Pomanjkanje ekspertov taksonomov je neredko glavni dejavnik, ki otežuje dokumentiranje biodiverzitetnih vzorcev. Vsak raziskovalec na 1BŠ je zato izvedenec taksonom/favnist/florist za določeno skupino. Poseben poudarek je na ključnih, indikatorskih, krovnih in ranljivih taksonih. Trenutno pokrivamo sledeča področja: sesalci (8. Kryštufek), ptice (A. Sovine) in višje rastline s praprotnicami (M. Kaligarič, S. Skornik). b) Genetska diverzitela Zaradi hitrega razvoja molekularne biologije rta eni strani in izjemnega pomena genetske variabilnosti za varstvo viabilnih populacij je to področje zelo obetavno. IBŠ za zdaj za to področje nima usposobljenih kadrov. c) Ekosistemska diverziteta IBŠ vidi ekosisteme kot dinamične in odprte sisteme, brez njim lastnega ravnotežnostnega stanja. Zato ga stanja zanimajo samo kot izseki, ki omogočajo prepoznavanje procesov. V okviru tega vidika nas zanimajo struktura ekosistema, njegova "naravnost" in dinamika. Še posebej dinamiki se posveča skupina botanikov-ekologov (Kaligarič, Škornik, sodelavci z Univerze na Dunaju), saj je ta v nekaterih sekundarnih ekosistemih po spremembi rabe zelo velika. d) Izobraževanje in posredovanje znanja IBŠ posreduje javnosti rezultate teoretičnega študija in lastnih raziskav. To dosegamo prek publicistične dejavnosti in v obliki predavanj na vseh nivojih, vključno z visokošolskim. Sodelavci IBŠ aktivno sodelujemo pri uresničevanju dodiplornskega in podiplomskega študija na univerzah v Ljubljani in Mariboru ter novogoriški Politehniki. IBŠ ima kapacitete za posredovanje znanja in rešitev naravovarstveni operativi (priprava seznamov ogroženih vrst in akcijskih načrtov za njihovo ohranjanje, identifikacija vrst, svetovanje pri posegih v prostor). B. Kry-štufek je član Šestih specialističnih skupin za ohranjanje vrst pri Mednarodni zvezi za varstvo narave (Species Survival Commission, International Union for the Con-servation of Nature), strokovni vodja delovne skupine "Varstvo živalskih vrst in ex situ varstveni ukrepi v žival- INŠTITUT za biodiverzitetne študije ISTITUTO di studi di biodiversita INSTITUTE for Biodiversity Studies 263 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 • 2 DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN D K U ŠTEV/ATI W1TÀ DE! N OST RI ISTITUTI t DELIE NO ST RE SOCiETÀ/ACTjVITSES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS, 2Ü-268 skih vrtovih'1 pri Sekretariatu za uresničevanje Konvencije o biotski raznovrstnosti (Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo), član Odbora za povezovanje R Slovenije v Globalno informacijsko mrežo za področje biotske raznovrstnosti, koordinator za vretenčarje pri projektu Biodiverziteta Slovenije (Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo), član medresorske Strokovne komisije za divjad pri Ministrstvu za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano ter član Komisije za veliko divjad pri Lovski zvezi Slovenije. Na sestanku BD Global Biodiversity Facilities (Pariz 11.» 12. septembra) je bil vodja slovenske delegacije. M. Kaligarič je strokovni koordinator za sklop "Travišča" pri Sekretariatu za uresničevanje Konvencije o biotski raznovrstnosti (Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo), član sveta Krajinskega parka Sečoveljske soline in Naravnega rezervata Škocjanski zatok, recenzent znanstvenih projektov na Ministrstvu za šolstvo, znanost in šport (polje 16 - Biologija). Andrej Sovine se je specializiral za področje ekološkega restavriranja, ki obsega restavriranje, rehabilitacijo in nadomestitev izgubljenih oz. degradiranih habitatov. Bojana Lipej je usposobljena za nekatere okoljske parametre in posege, predvsem z varovanjem obalnega morja pred onesnaženjem. V teku svojega obstoja je bil IBŠ aktiven na več področjih. Najbolj odmevna je bila raziskovalna delavnica "Vzorci in procesi v biodiverziteti Balkana", ki je potekala v času od 25. do 28. septembra 2001 v organizaciji ZRS RS Koper in Univerze Hull (UK) v Kopru. O njej smo v Analih že govorili, saj so bili natisnjeni tudi izvlečki (23/'2001, seria historia naturalis 11 (suplement): 1-18). Programski in organizacijski odbor (doc. dr. Darko Darovec, prof. dr. Boris Krystufek, dr. Huw I. Griffiths doc. dr. Lovrenc Lipej) je povabil 23 raziskovalcev iz Slovenije, HrvaŠke, ZR jLigoslavije, Bolgarije, Grčije, Nemčije, Češke, Ukrajine in Velike Britanije. Osnovni razlog za organizacijo srečanja je bila potreba po tesnejšem povezovanju raziskovalcev, ki preučujejo balkansko biodiverziteto. Balkanski polotok je namreč eno glavnih žarišč evropske biodiverzitete, kar je vsaj deloma odsev geološke zgodovine, velikega števila endernitov, pomena polotoka kot ledenodobnega zatočišča in njegove vloge pri izmenjavi elementov z Malo Azijo. Delo je potekalo v petih tematskih sklopih: (1) izvor in starost elementov v balkanski favni, (2) prispevek balkanskega refugija h genomu severne Evrope, (3) evolucijski prispevek balkansko-anatolskega mostu, (4) varstveni status "vročih točk" in "zbiralnikov", ter (5) paleoklima, paleovegetacija in teorija speciacije. Raziskovalni projekti V letu 2001 smo pridobili temeljni raziskovalni projekt "Biodiverzitetni vzorci in procesi", ki ga financira Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport (MŠZŠ). Odobrena sredstva so bistveno manjša od predlaganih, tako da je bilo potrebno drastično krčenje zastavljenih raz- iskav. V okviru projekta poteka delo v štirih tematskih sklopih. a) Taksonomske revizije V okviru takšnih raziskav je izšla v zbirki Annales Majora knjiga o sesalcih Turčije in Cipra {Krystufek, B., Vohralik, V., 2001. Mainmals of Turkey and Cyprus. Introduction, Checküs!, Insectívora. Knjižnica Annales Majora, Koper, 140 str,), ki obsega splošni del, popoln taksonomski seznam vseh 141 vrst sesalcev in takso-nomsko revizijo žužkojedov {Insectívora). Izid dela je finančno omogočilo MSZŠ. V teku so priprave na drugi del, ki bo obsegal glodalce (Rodentia), Boris Kryštufek si je v zadnjih letih v ta namen študijsko ogledal številne evropske zbirke in pripravil rezultate za to delo {npr, muzeji v Bonnu, Frankfurtu in Londonu). V okviru taksonomskih revizij so bile opravljene tudi revizije beloprsega ježa Brinaceus concolor. Z dr. Ralnerjem Huttererjem sodelujemo pri ovrednotenju taksonomskega položaja slabo znane rovke Crocidura alexandrisi, ki je endemična za Cirenajko v Libiji, po nekaterih mnenjih pa le mlajši sinonim širok o razširjene palearktične vrtne rovke Crocidura suaveolens. Revidirali smo taksonomsko identiteto štirih tipskih primerkov rodu Apodemus (Sylvaemus} iz vzhodnega Sredozemlja in Irana. Rezultati so bili objavljeni v uglednih mednarodnih revijah. b) Biodiverzitetni vzorci Potekalo je delo na pregledu prostorskih vzorcev v gostoti in redkosti vrst evropskih glodalcev (Krystufek, B., Griffiths, H. L: Species richness and rarity in Euro-pean rodents), za tisk je pripravljena analiza biodiverzitete sesalcev Balkana (Krystufek, B.: Assessmeni ofthe Balkan mammal diversity). c) Biodiverzitetni procesi V središču zanimanja so odnosi med biodiverziteto, rastlinsko biomaso in načinom gospodarjenja oziroma opuščanja gospodarjenja. Procese preučujemo na tra-viščnih ekosistemih, z empiričnimi opazovanji, jemanju fitocenoloških popisov in na dveh eksperimentalnih površinah (eksperimentalna ploskev Vremščica in eksperimentalna ploskev Sv. Lovrenc pri Postojni). Na Vremščici smo se v letu 2001 lotili poskusa, s katerim želimo ovrednotiti relacije med rabo tal, biodiverziteto in biomaso {podzemsko in riadzemsko) na kraškem sekundarnem pašniku. Pašnik je last Veterinarske fakultete, eksperiment pa poteka v sodelovanju s kolegi z Oddelka za agronomijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot rabo tal imamo v eksperimentu 3 različne načine paše ovac in opuščeno ploskev. Vzorčenje poteka na številnih podploskvah, vzorci se spirajo, sušijo in tehtajo, za reprezentančne vzorce biomase pa določamo tudi kalorimetrično in energijsko vrednost za podzemsko in nadzemsko biomaso. Prvi 264 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV/ATTIVITA OE1 NOSTRIISTITUTI E DEl.lE N05TRE SOČI ET A/ACI1 VIT) ES RV OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS, 263-2 rezultati kažejo, da v okolju z bogatim fondom vrst (species pool) tudi z intenzivnejšo rabo diverziteta flore bistveno ne pade, na ekstenzivno rabljenih ploskvah pa je podobna kot na (8 let) opuščenih ploskvah. Glede na življenjske oblike rastlin variira kalorimetrična vrednost podzemske biomase, kar kaže na posebne strategije fitocenoze, prilagojene poletni suši. Z eksperimentom na eksperimentalni ploskvi Sv, Lovrenc pri Postojni želimo spoznati mehanizme zaraščanja travnikov. Velika površina v 60-šh letih opuščenih travnikov nam zagotavlja primerno eksperimentalno lokacijo, kjer smo določili več poskusnih ploskev in transektov. Ugotoviti želimo, kakšna je pri tem vloga velikih kobulnic (Laserpitium siier, Grafia golaka), ki na teh travnikih absolutno dominirajo. Poglavitna vprašanja, na katera iščemo odgovore, so predvsem: (1) aii kobulnice zavirajo ali pospešujejo zaraščanje, in (2) ali imajo kobulnice alelopatske učinke. Če jih imajo, na katere rastline in katere vrste pri tem največ pridobijo oz. izgubijo. Delo poteka v treh smereh. Po eni strani želimo ugotoviti natančne abiotske parametre, ki vladajo v tleh in v krošnji kobulnic kakor tudi zunaj njih, biomaso po transektih in odnose med biomaso in biodiverziteto. Po drugi strani smo zastavili dolgoročnejši eksperiment na zasenčenih, nezasen-čenih, košenih in selektivno kosenih ploskvah. Tretji segment dela poteka ex situ: v laboratoriju želimo dognati alelopatske učinke obeh kobulnic; prvi rezulati so spodbudni, saj smo učinke dokazali pri obeh vrstah. Nadaljujemo z eksperimentom v naravi, kjer izolirane alelopatske substance apliciramo na rastline in situ, da bi dokazovali njihovo samoodpornost na te substance. d) Biodiverziteta "vročih točk" Skupaj z dr. Rodom Baxtrom (Univerza Fort Hare, Alice, južna Afrika) in dr. VVernerjem Haberloin je dr. Krvstufek že leta 2000 pripravil grob načrt raziskav biodiverzitetnih vzorcev v Vzhodni kapski provinci, južna Afrika. Modelna skupina so mali terestrični sesalci (Insectivora, Rodentia). Februarja 2001 smo intenzivno delali v rezervatu Double Drift. Osnovni cilj raziskav je bil vzpostaviti monitoring za biodiverziteto travišč, ki so v razmeroma majhnem zavarovanem in izoliranem območju (40.000 ha J z obiljem rastlinojedih sesalcev (velike antilope, črni nosorog, svinje bradavičarke) brez ustreznih plenilcev potencialno izpostavljena prepaši in posledični degradaciji. V letu 2002 je potekalo delo v pogorju Amathole. Obe območji veljata v svetovnem merilu za "vroči točki". e) Ciljni raziskovalni projekti Na javni razpis za izbiro raziskovalno-razvojnih projektov Ciljnega raziskovalnega programa "Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001 -2006"smo prijavili predlog projekta "Dolgoročni monitoring dveh ključnih vrst v gozdnem ekosistemu". Predlog projekta je MŠZŠ zavrnilo. BORIS KRVŠTUFEK & VLAD I M fR VOHRAIJK i i ■; ..... sms 1SB ¡\TK0»i:cn0N C It EC K UST ENSI-.CTiVORA 0 Program LIFE lll-Nature Na razpis EU v okviru programa LIFE lll-Nature smo dobili projekt "Ohranitev in varstvo ogroženih habitatov in vrst na območju načrtovanega Kraškega regijskega parka". Na projektu delata predvsem koordinatorja Andrej Sovine in Bojana Lipej. Projekt, ki ga bomo na območju načrtovanega Kraškega regijskega parka uresničili v treh letih, obsega naslednje glavne sklope: Identifikacija pomembnih habitatov in vrst (poudarek na rastlinskih vrstah, dvoživkah in metuljih) z dodatkom k Direktivi o varstvu habitatov in vrst. Locirali in opisali naj bi 100 takšnih lokacij. Med habitati bo poudarek predvsem na suhih traviščih in kalili. Za 10 izmed omenjenih sto lokacij naj bi že vnaprej sklenili dogovore z lastniki zemljišč, da so pripravljeni - v zameno za določeno finančno odškodnino - upravljati/gospodariti s temi lokacijami na način, kot bo predpisal v posebej za posamezno lokacijo napisan "upravljaIski načrt". Poleg teh 10 lokacij naj bi takšne dogovore sklenili še za dodatnih 20 lokacij, ki bodo identificirane v okviru projekta (lokacija, opis habitata in vrst, upravljavke smernice). Za še nadaljnjih 70 lokacij pa bi pripravili le upravljalske načrte. Na omenjenih lokacijah (na 30 izmed njih) naj bi nastali t.i. "mikro-rezervati", ki 265 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 DEt.O NASlH ZAVODOV ¡N DRUSTEV/ATTiVITÀ DE! NOSTRI 1STITUTI E OEILE NOSTKE SOCIElA/ACTIVlTfSS 8Y OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS. 263-268 so nova varstvena kategorija v slovenskem sistemu zavarovanih območij, saj temeljijo na zasebnem lastništvu in zavezanosti lastnika zemljišča, da je (proti odškodnini) pripravljen upravljati/gospodariti z zemljiščem na način, kot bo predpisan v "upravijalskem načrtu11. Gre za območja, ki v okviru varstvenega režima, kot ga ponuja Regijski park (IUCN kategorija zavarovanega območja V.), zahteva še poseben način upravljanja za ohranitev določenih habitatov in/ali vrst. Projekt bo spremljala tudi kampanja za osveŠčanje javnosti o pomenu "mikro-rezervatov" (video film, zgibanke, informativni prispevki in članki ipd.), posebni informativni sestanki/delavnice, urejen pa naj bi bil tudi preprost "center za obiskovalce" s stalno razstavo o mikro-rezervatih. V okviru projekta bo dana tudi možnost odprtja novih delovnih mest za lokalno prebivalstvo. Projekt naj bi postal model razvoja mreže mikro-rezervatov za celotno Slovenijo. V prihodnosti načrtujemo delo na vseh že začetih projektih, prijavljali pa smo tudi nove nacionalne projekte in izrazili interes za sodelovanje v 6. evropskem okvirnem programu za projekt "Hydro-Carbo-Mont", ki se koordinira iz Innsbrucka; k preučevanju ekoloških parametrov, predvsem kroženju ogljika, vodnega režima, upravljanja in travišč v evropskih gorovjih smo k številnim evropskim gorovjem dodali Dinaridez našim Snežnikom. Transekt od morja do Snežnika je raziskovalno območje novega projekta, kjer bi zasledovali različne parametre biodiverzitetnih vzorcev in dinamike na izbranem altitudinalnem gradientu, ki dosega naravno gozdno mejo na Snežniku. V aplikativnem delu tega projekta bi se radi posvetili tudi nekaterim prostorskim problemom na območju občine Izola (prehod morje-kopno, koncept "umetnega otoka", varovanje in vzdrževanje tradicionalne kulturne krajine, izraba in varovanje obalnega pasu ipd.). Vizije in načrti IBŠ so veliki, saj izzivov ni treba iskati daleč; v biogeografsko tako enkratnem prostoru je dovolj nerešenih znanstvenih problemov, naravovarstvenih izzivov in klicev po konkretnih aplikacijah v prostoru, pri katerih IBŠ lahko in mora dati ustrezne strokovne rešitve! Carlo Heip & AEenka Malej THE EUROPEAN MARINE RESEARCH STATIONS AND BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH Europe has the longest coastline of ail continents relative to its surface and over half of the EU citizens live close to the coast. The oceans cover 70 % of the Earth's surface and to a large extent determine the way in which our planet functions and supports life, parti- cularly human. The oceans determine our weather and climate, and society relies on the seas for transport, energy, food and mineral resources, waste treatment and, especially in Europe, leisure. Marine Research Stations: a unique part of Europe's scientific patrimonium When Charles Darwin published the Origin of Species, public and scientific interest in biology soared. This led to the creation of a number of laboratories with facilities to study marine life in many European countries during the last part of the nineteenth century. Some of the earliest and best known are the Stazione Zoo-logica in Naples, the stations of Villefranche, Banyuis and Roscoff in France, the Marine Biological Association's laboratory in Plymouth and the Biologische Anstalt Flelgoland In Germany, to name just a few. Over more than a century these marine research institutes have been the main centres were scientists, students and laymen alike could have a direct access to the sea and to the laboratories where marine plants and animals could be studied alive. Many Nobel prices honouring fundamental discoveries in physiology and biochemistry have been earned through work In the marine stations, and tens of thousands of biologists, physiologists, ecologists and scientists from many other disciplines in Europe received their basic training in marine sciences at one of the numerous marine stations. The MARS network At the meeting held in 1996 in Paris, directors of more than 40 marine research stations decided to create a foundation to coordinate their interests at the European level and to make a better use of the facilities at the stations: oceanographic research vessels, specialized experimental laboratories, libraries and collections, and access to specific biological communities in the seas. These forty-odd marine research stations cover all the coasts of Europe, from the high Arctic in Svalbard in the north, to the Canary islands and the Azores in the south, and to Turkey and Israel in the eastern Mediterranean. Besides making facilities accessible at the European level, the MARS network also started a scientific research initiative that would build on the unique characteristics of the marine institutes. In 2000 in Venice, 266 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist, nat • 12 • 2002 • 2 DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV/ATTIVITA DEi NOSTRI ISTITUTI t DELIE NOSTRE SOCIETA'ACTIVITIES 8V OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS, 263-268 NR STRUNJAN & NM CAPE MADONA, SLOVENIA Slovenia Conservation status £ & -k TÉT * loišip'* , • i \'*\ \ \ .; 0 El ■> C- " " * u -" . - n in, rni _ - - -I, \ T!»1* Co-ordinates: 45*32' N 1T35-37'W Nature Reserve Strunjan, Slovenia. Photo L. i.ipej Description of site: Nature Reserve Strunjan and Natural Monument Cape Madona are two marine protected areas beneath typical flysch cliffs. Both sites are characterized by a variety of habitats and specific abiotic conditions which reflects the high biodiversity of the area. Description of fauna and flora: The intensive mapping and monitoring of the fauna and flora of the Slovenian coastal sea in going on from 1998. Up to date at least 1,700 species of animals were recorded for the area. '^Miijdi^iL Sand Stock Littoral x X Sublittoral X Seagrass beds X Human impact: The proposed sites are facing some anthropogenic impacts such as nautic traffic, angling and bathing. Despite the protected status of both sites, the illegal harvesting of protected mussels is still ongoing. Facilities; AH facilities are available in the nearby Marine Biology Station, which is equipped for alt aspects of biodiversity research {labs, SCUBA diving facilities, research equipment, boats and vessels). Available database and website: The inventory of fauna and flora is held at the Marine Biology Station (NIB). The websites regarding both marine protected areas are available at and Commitment and ongoing research: The Marine Biology Station Pi ran (National institute of Biology) is undertaking the biodiversity research in the proposed sites and in other parts of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic). 267 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠT EV/ATT} VITA OE1 NOSTR1 ISTITUTI É O ELLE MOSTRE SOCt ETA/ACT! VITI ES BY OUK INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS, 263-2G8 marine biodiversity was chosen as the first priority issue. The reasons are obvious. Fisheries are in crisis. Marine species in general are disappearing at a rate never observed since life began on Earth. The extinction crisis ranks, together with global climate change, as the greatest threat to the integrity of the biosphere in the 21st century. Species extinction is not just, an aesthetic or moral problem. Marine organisms play a crucial role in almost all biogeochemical processes that sustain the biosphere, and provide a variety of products (goods) and functions (services) that are essential to mankind's well-being, including the production of food and natural substances, the assimilation of waste, the rerninerali-sation of organic matter and the regulation of the world's climate. MARS and the European Research Area The scale of the research efforts needed to obtain adequate knowledge for exploration, conservation and restoration of marine biodiversity demands European-scale collaboration. The European Commission came out with its initiatives as early as 1995 and began to cooperate on this issue with the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation and MARS that led to a series of marine policy docLiments ( culminating in 2000 in the concerted action BIOMARE ( The objectives of BIOMARE are to establish a network of research sites and a series of indicators for biodiversity as the basis for long-term and large-scale marine biodiversity research in Europe. Through the three global initiatives, i.e. the International Biodiversity Observation Year I BOY, DIVER-SITAS and the Census of Marine Life CoML, BIOMARE has attracted attention worldwide as a major effort to coordinate biodiversity research at the European scale and beyond. Within the Fifth Framework Programme another important networking effort MARBENA will run till 2004 ( This project specifically extends the previous actions to the Newly Associated States and will feed directly into EU policy via a series of electronic conferences linked with the European Platform for Biodiversity Research and Strategy (EPBRS). Finally, within the Sixth Framework Programme the issue of biodiversity and ecosystems has grown to become one of the main research actions, with well received expressions of interest for networks and projects in marine biodiversity, marine genomics and marine biogeochemistry issued from the MARS member stations. It shows that in the European Research Area, which is now taking shape, the role of the marine research stations will continue to be important and that these stations will remain an important asset of Europe to fulfil its role as a world leader in the study of the seas and oceans. The Piran Marine Biology Station (MBS) of the National Institute of Biology, which represents Slovenia in MARS, is one of its founding members. MBS is one of the partners involved in the Concerted Action BIOMARE, which has brought together European expertise in marine biodiversity. The main results of BIOMARE are: 1) a network of European Marine Biodiversity Foca! Sites as a basis for long-term and large-scale marine biodiversity research in Europe; 2) a set of measures and appropriate indicators of biodiversity; 3) setting up of marine biodiversity research in Europe website and a biannual printed newsletter. One of the Focal Sites in the Mediterranean, proposed by MBS, is located in the Gulf of Trieste and comprises two marine protected areas: the Cape Madona Natural Monument and the Strunjan Nature Reserve (see box on previous page). MBS is also a partner of a follow-up project MARBENA, which will assist further development and implementation of biodiversity knowledge obtained through BIOMARE. MARBENA aims at establishing a pan-European network of excellence including marine scientists as well as other stakeholders in marine biodiversity issues and at enlarging the transparency of marine biodiversity research in Europe. And finally, MBP participates in the BioPiatform network, which is developing the European platform for Biodiversity Research and Strategy that in 2002 extended to include NAS countries (Newly Associated Countries to EU). For further information you are kindly invited to consult the MARS web page: www.marsnetwork. org or to get in contact with Prof. Carlo Heip, President of MARS, c.o. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, P.O. Box 140, 4400 AC Yerseke, The Netherlands (e-mail: or Prof. Alenka Malej, MBS NIB, FornaCe 41, 6330 Piran, Slovenia (, and MBS web page 268 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 OCENE IN TOROCH.A/RECENSION] E¡?aAZfONÍ/REV!EWSAND REPORTS, 269-273 OCENE iN POROČILA RECENSIONIE RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Alessandro De Maddalena: SQUALI DELLE ACQUE iTALIANE. CUIDA SINTETICA AL RíCONOSCIMENTO. IRECO, Forme II o, 2001, 72 pp. Alessandro De Maddalena, the Italian shark specialist, had a key to identification of sharks in the Italian seas published in 2001. In a neatly designed booklet, supplemented by superb author's drawings, he presented all shark species occurring in Italian waters. The main objective of the booklet is a quick identification of sharks. Initially, the author acquaints us with some basic details about the anatomy and morphology of sharks, and eventually presents the booklet's major part, the identification key. The author did not opt for a classical dichotomous key, but offers several possibilities of elimination at the same time. Here it should be stressed that the key is intended for a wide range of readers, who are immediately advised to reach for specialist works if more thorough knowledge is required. Although a dichotomous key would no doubt be more appropriate, the author's unusual approach is very transparent and indeed fulfils its purpose - a quick identification of a selected shark species. The most extensive part of the booklet is dedicated to a detailed description of separate species. Each of them is presented with an accurate drawing and, below the picture, with its basic morphological characteristics, colour features and size. There follow details about its habitat, reproduction and dietary characteristics. Each description is concluded with a few words about the species's significance for fisheries and danger to humans. After describing all sharks occurring in the Italian seas, the author presents a form to be filled if we wish to cooperate with professional organisations dealing with sharks. This is followed by photographs which, however, may be superfluous, considering that they more or less depict sharks' cadavers, which are of course of no particular use to the readers. The concluding chapter deals with the used bibliography and index of terms. The manual is certainly an important contribution to the Italian ichthyological literature. The simple, nicely designed and not too extensive booklet serves as a perfect basis for the identification of sharks. And its greatest quality are indubitably the author's drawings. Lovrenc Lipej \t O-v^hKu ¡>i M.VlHiU Giovanni Nikiforos: FAUNA DEL MEDITERRANEO -GUIDA COMPLETA. Giunti Gruppo Editoriale, Firenze, luglio 2002., 366 pp. Appassionato come sono del mondo marino, re-centemente ho avuto modo di acquistare un libro fresco di stampa, ossia una nuova guida alla conoscenza del la fauna marina del Mediterráneo. Il volume è un'opera esaustiva che comprende più di 3.500 specie di animali che popolano il Mar Mediterráneo. Puriroppo non sono riuscito a trovare alcuna infor-mazfone sull'autore di quest'opera, al quale bisogna riconoscere il mérito di aver fatto una guida veramente facile da consultare anche per gii appasionati del-l'ambiente marino meno esperti, grazie anche al fatto che la descrizione di ogni singóla specie viene ac-compagnata da un'illustrazione a colori. 269 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 ■ 2002 • 2 OCENE IN POROCU A/RECENSION! E REL AZtON¡/REVIEWS AND REPORTS, 2r,9-273 Nella prima parte del libro troviamo una sintesi della storia e delle caratteristiche fisiche del Mediterráneo, nonché la descrizione dei pianí e delle zone in cui viene suddiviso ¡'ambiente marino. L'autore ha inserito anche le descrizioni dei gruppi in cui vengono suddivisi gli organismi marini e dei vari tipi di fondale e ha in breve spiegato i concetti di catena e di pirámide alimentare. La seconda parte del libro fe invece incentrata sulle principal! caratteristiche morfologiche dei phylum che appartengono al regno animale e sull'inquadra-mento sistemático. Di seguito troviamo le tavole illustrate che si di-stinguono per la loro organizzazione estremamente pratica e percio di facile consultazione .anche per le persone prive cli alcuna nozione di biología. Gli organism!, infatti, non vengono suddivisi seguendo I'ordine sistemático ma in base alia loro morfología. Per esem-pio, esistono delle tavole che trattano gli animal! con corpo vermiforme (moliuschi, vermi, ech'modermt) op-pure gli animal i di aspetto inconsueto (spugne, tunicati, cnidari). Un'altra característica positiva delle tavole e i I falto che la descrizione delle specie si trova sempre sulla pagina sinistra (pari) mentre I'illustrazione corris-pondente e sulla destra (pagina dispart). Le illustrazioni possono apparire a prima vista un po' semplicistiche, ma in rea I (k riproducono molto bene le caratteristiche morfologiche e cromatiche principalí del!'organismo descritto. Nel volume sí possono comunque trovare delle inesattezze o deglí errori ai quali faranno proba-bilmente caso soltanto i pií.i esperti del campo, ma ¡a guida rappresenta senz'altro un'ottimo punto di par-tenza per una migliore classificazione delle specie os-servate ín mare. Talvolta si rendera comunque neces-sario l'utilízzo di altre chiavi di determinazione. Le iiSustrazíoni a colorí di ogni specie descritta rap-presentano davvero un grande vantaggio per ti lettore. Personalmente sono rimasto moito colpito dal gran numero di opístobranchi trattati nella guida. Nell'uitíma parte del libro troviamo delle tavole in cuí vengono fatti deí confrontí dimensional) e una proposta delí'autore per la preparazione di un elenco dei nomi volgari dei pesci ossei del Mediterráneo. Immancabilf il glossario e la bibliografía. Per concluyere, la guida assomiglia in parte al volume "Fauna und Flora der Adría" di R. Riedeí (Paul Parey Verlag, 1963), ma fe basata su un diverso con-cetto. Innanzi tu tío comprende solo la fauna marina, le illustrazioni sono si a colorí ma per questo meno precise di* queíle deí Riedl, e per finiré in elude anche specie nuove, scoperte da poco (ad esempio Cobius kolom-batovicí). II volume inoltre menziona anche i migranti lessepsiani, e non solo fra i pesci. Al l'autore va pertanto riconosciuto il mérito di stare a! passo con le novita tassonomiche e faunístiche dei Mediterráneo, dote che non dovrebbe mancare a nessun a uto re che vogíia preparare un buon libro. Samo AÍajbegovi¿ Alessandro De Maddalena: LO SQUALO BIANCO NEi MARI D'lTALIA. IRECO, Formello, 2002, 144 pp. Alessandro De Maddalena is a devoted researcher into the biology of sharks, particularly the infamous Great White Shark. His latest book is in fact the fulfilment of the project entitled "Banca Dati Italiani Squalo Bianco", in which he gathered numerous data on the occurrence of the Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) in Italian waters. On this occasion I must stress that Alessandro is far from a sensationalist dealing with this shark merely for the fact that it is the most dangerous shark species in the world in general. I would sooner characterise him as an attentive researcher who has decided to break the stereotypes about this man-eater, as referred to in some places. It could be said, in fact, that he deals with the Great White Shark as with one of the victims of man, who has greatly decimated it in the last few years. On the basis of data and pictorial material collected 270 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 - 2002 - 2 OCENE IN POROCILA/RECENStONi E RElAZION5/REV!EW5 AND REPORTS, 269-273 in the last six years, Alessandro made 402 records dealing with 436 individuals of the Great White Shark in the Mediterranean. The book is no doubt the most complete work about the Great White Shark in the Italian seas. The numerous photographs speak of the fact that this shark is a reality we simply must be confronted with. To certain cases the author devoted as much of his attention as there were data available to him. In fact, he carried out a precise work of a chronicler. The book is divided into six chapters dealing first of all with descriptions of the Great White Shark, encounters with it in Italian waters, analysis of its presence in the Italian seas, possibilities of cooperation in the collection of the shark's data, conclusions, and bibliography. In the introductory part we get well acquainted with the sharks of the family Lamnidae, their diagnostic characteristics, basic features with regard to their anatomy, morphology, size, diet, geographical distribution, and relations with humans. A very special feature of this chapter are the author's exceptional drawings. The most attractive is certainly the second chapter, for in it the author described, with the accuracy of a chronicler, all the available data on the Great White Shark's encounters with humans, with references even to the year 1666. The author present the data of this species per separate seas and larger islands (Sicily, Sardinia, Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, ionic and Adriatic Seas). Most often, these encounters did not end well for the shark, as demonstrated by the author's rich photo-graphical material, while in some of the accounts the author describes dangerous encounters with the Great White Shark under the water, which in some cases ended most tragically. 1 would also like to stress that Alessandro presents in his book several excellent shots of the shark made especially in the last few years by eyewitnesses. For these shots speak that in spite of the terrible decimation of the species in the last century, the Great White Shark is still an inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea. In the next chapter, an analysis of the occurrence of the Great White Shark in the Italian seas is presented. Most of the details originate from the Tyrrhenian Sea and coastal waters of Sicily, which is quite understandable considering that tuna fishing is still practised there. We also get to know that the Great White Shark appeared most frequently in the summer months, usually preying on big fish like tuna or swordfish and dolphins. It may be interesting to note that the author states some cases of these sharks feeding on carrion; they were taken by surprise when gorging on dead spermwbaies and finwhales. ALESSANDRO !)E MADRAUiNA The conclusions and indeed extensive references are followed by a survey of all documented cases dealing with the Great White Shark. The reader can be here acquainted with an impressive data collection, which is in fact a basis of this work. The book about the Great White Shark in Italian waters is a comprehensive presentation of this shark both from the aspect of its occurrence and ecology in the area of the Central Mediterranean and from the aspect that speaks of its interaction with man, which almost always ends tragically for the shark. Although the book is indubitably of great professional value, it will be welcomed by all those biologists, divers, lovers of the sea and nature in general who are simply enraptured by super predators. And the fact is that the Great White Shark plays a ,very similar role as the lion on the savanna or the tiger in the jungle. Lovrenc Lipej 271 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 • 2 OCENE IN P0R0ČHA/RECEN510NI E REIAZIONI/REVIEVVS ANO RETORTS. 269-273 Anton Brancelj (ur.): VISOKOGORSKA JEZERA V VZHODNEM DELU JULIJSKIH ALP. Izdala in založila: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo in založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. Ljubljana 2002. Leto 2002 je med drugim tudi mednarodno leto Alp. In prav v tem letu je v Sloveniji luč dneva zagledala knjiga, ki presenetljivo podrobno in široko obenem obravnava problematiko štirinajstih jezer, katerih skupna značilnost je ta, da vsa ležijo v slovenskem delu julijskih Alp in tudi krepko prek 1000 m nad morsko gladino. Knjiga je avtorsko delo 18 raziskovalcev iz različnih institucij, ki so v organizaciji Nacionalnega inštituta za biologijo okroglih 10 let raziskovali alpska jezera. Natisnjena je na 268 straneh, opremljena s številnimi barvnimi fotografijami, večje količine podatkov so smiselno in pregledno urejene v tabelah in grafih. Sestavlja jo 13 poglavij in vsako izmed njih obravnava te eks-tremne vodne ekosisteme s svojega lastnega zornega kota. Pred bralca razgrnejo vse, od sociolosko-gospodar-skega vidika, prek geografskih, fizikalno-kernijskih osnov in zanimivosti do bioloških danosti. Posebno vrednost daje prispevkom četrta dimenzija - podrobna in dolgoročna časovna dinamika procesov. Besedila so podana z dovolj širine, da s poznavanjem osnovnih naravoslovnih zakonitosti brez večjih težav sledimo povezanosti in soodvisnosti dogodkov, predstavljenih v različnih poglavjih. Drugače izobraženi lahko prepletenost spoznajo v zadnjem, štirinajstem poglavju, zaključku, ki na enem mestu poljudno poveže vsa nova spoznanja v knjigi. Besedilo je natisnjeno dvojezično, slovensko in angleško - tematika in izsledki pač presegajo jezikovno začrtane meje znotraj Evrope. Po uvodnih besedah in predstavitvi kratke zgodovine dosedanjih raziskav na območju Alp v drugem poglavju zvemo vse o klimatskih razmerah raziskanega območja z zaledjem - značilnosti iz časa raziskav so zelo natančno opisane s pomočjo podatkov, zbranih s sodobnimi merilnimi inštrumenti, več kol 100 let stara vremenska dogajanja pa s pomočjo zapisov v drevesnih letnicah. Poglavje o triglavskem ledeniku na prvi pogled morda ne sodi v knjigo, ki je posvečena jezerom, pa vendar. Leži v njihovi neposredni bližini, rezultati desetletij raziskav večnega ledu (poglavje sicer daje temu izrazu za triglavski ledenik precej posmehljiv ton) pa poleg drugega dodatno opisujejo in pojasnjujejo zgodovinski presek klimatskih sprememb v visokogorju, ki so pomembno vplivale tudi na jezera. In ne nazadnje, eno izmed naslednjih poglavij, poglavje o hidroloških podzemnih povezavah med nekaterimi jezeri, nam postreže s številnimi presenečenji, tako da bo povezava stopljene ledeniške vode z niže ležečimi visokogorskimi jezeri, ki jo bodo morda nekoč odkrili, le eno izmed mnogih presenečenj v vrsti. IfSfft pfci Vi ■ M ■: •••B i ¡v^ - "-s ii.ute^M 272 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 OCENE IN POROČIL A/R ECENSIONI E REl AZIONI/REV1EVVS AND REPORTS, 269-273 Visokogorski jezerski ekosistemi so v primerjavi z nižinskimi dokaj revni s hranili. Organska masa na okoliških vršacih je majhna, tako da je s spiranjem v vodno telo ne pride kaj dosti. V poglavju o mineralizaciji izvemo, da to še posebno velja za jezera, ki so odmaknjena od planšarij. V vodah je zato toliko bolj pomembna primarna produkcija, ki pa je seveda odvisna od svetlobe. Koliko sončevega obsevanja je deležno vsako izmed jezer, je v poglavju o legi in opisu jezer zelo nazorno predstavljeno s preprosto skico, dodani pa so tudi osnovni podatki o nadmorski višini, globini, obsegu jezer ipd. ter izčrpni opisi jezerske podlage, dinamike in drugih posebnosti. Zelo podrobna je tudi predstavitev fizikaino-kemijskih lastnosti vode, vključno s trajanjem ledenega pokrova. Kar polovico leta imajo zamrznjeno gladino najniže ležeča jezera, najvišje ležeče Kriško jezero pa celo tri četrtine leta. In kar je verjetno še bolj zanimivo, je dejstvo, da kljub vsemu v jezerih obstaja bujno življenje - planktonske, bentoške alge, makrofiti, planktonske ter bentoške živali, tudi ribe. Vsaki izmed skupin je posvečeno posebno poglavje. Predzadnji sklop, v katerem so tri poglavja, je prava detektivska zgodba v malem. Predstavljajte si, da ste sredi lično pospravljene, že dolgo časa zapuščene sobe, ugotoviti pa morate, kaj se je v njej dogajalo pred 100 leti. Avtorji poglavij - naravoslovni detektivi - so f./. paleorazrnere preučili s pomočjo podatkov, ki so jih iztrgali globoko iz jezerskih sedimentov. Poskušali so ugotoviti, katere vrste živali in katere alge so bile nekoč pogoste, ugotavljali so tudi vzroke sprememb. Na zatožni klopi so se znašle, ramo ob rami, mogočne naravne sile, kot so plazovi, potresi, klimatske spremembe in tudi človek - njegovo slabotno, a vztrajno spodjedanje naravnega ravnovesja je bilo razpoznano kot največji krivec za spremembe v zadnjih nekaj sto letih. Prav pregledu človekovih posegov v visokogorski svet in s tem tudi v jezera je namenjeno zadnje po-glavje. V Sloveniji ni malo knjig, posvečenih Alpam. V ta svet nas vodijo peresa, pisanja veščih alpinistov in peresa v planine zaljubljenih literatov. Številne so tudi knjige fotografij, in če le tem prištejemo še po nekaj planinskih koledarjev na leto, planinske vodnike ter zemljevide, lahko mirne duše zatrdimo, da je publicistična dejavnost s tematiko Alp pri nas zelo plodna. Pa vendar je knjiga o alpskih jezerih zaorala globoko ledino: med "alpskimi" publikacijami, ker nam ta svet predstavlja na povsem svež način, in tudi med domačimi naravoslovno-znanstvenimi publikacijami, predvsem zaradi širine raziskovalnega pristopa. Če sodite med tiste, ki želite od naravoslovne knjige nekaj več kot samo počitek za oči ali podstavek za projektor, jo boste z užitkom prelistali in marsikatero poglavje z zanimanjem tudi prebrali. Ne tako redki pa se boste ob fotografijah v knjigi tudi spomnili, da ste pred leti ob poti na Triglav pravzaprav res srečali nenavadne planince z vesli in čolnom v nahrbtniku. Več o knjigi na Davorin Tome 273 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat ■ 12 • 2002 • 2 KAZALO K SLIKAM NA OVITKU SLIKA NA NASLOVNICI: Metuljčnici (Liheiiuloides macaronius) med kopulo na prisojnem travniku na robu vasi Abitanti v Slovenski Istri (foto: T. Makovec). SI. 1: Razgibani, terasasti svet Slovenske istre zagotavlja zanimive življenjske niše za mnoge topioljubne živali, med drugim tudi za metuljčnico (Liheiiuloides macaronius) (foto: D. Podgornik). SI. 2: Rjavi škarpoč (Scorpaena porcus) pogosto prikrito ždi na dnu in preži na plen (foto: T. Makovec). Si. 3: Dolgonosi morski konjiček (Hippocampus guttulatus) je ogrožena vrsta obrežnih rib, ki naseljuje morske travnike (foto: T. Makovec). SI. 4: Intenzivnost poljedelske pridelave ima močan vpliv na pievelno floro in vegetacijo določenega območja (foto: D. Podgornik). SI. 5: Oljka (Olea europaea) že tisočletja uspeva v sredozemskem bazenu, kjer je ena najpomembnejših gojenih sadnih vrst (Foto: D. Podgornik). SI. 6: V inventarju slovenskih mokrišč je popisanih 3525 mokrišč, ki pokrivajo slabih 5% površine Slovenije (foto: L. Lipej). SI. 7: Rosnica (Rana dalmatina) je najpogostejša vrsta rjavih žab v kraških kalih (foto: T. Makovec). SI. 8: Ogenj je v sredozemskem ekosistemu pomemben ekološki dejavnik, ki spreminja habitatne tipe (foto: D. Podgornik). INDEX TO PICTURES ON THE COVER FRONT COVER: Owl Flies (Libelluloides macaronius) in copula on a sunward grassland along the village of Abitanti in Slovene ¡stria (photo: T. Makovec). Fig. 1: The multiform, terraced countryside of Slovene Istria provides some interesting life niches for a number of thermophilous animals, including the Owl Fly (Libelluloides macaronius) (photo: D. Podgornik). Fig. 2: Black Scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus) often lurks at the bottom of the sea, waiting for prey (photo: T. Makovec). Fig. 3: Long-snouted Seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus} is an endangered coastal fish species, inhabiting sea meadows (photo: T. Makovec). Fig. 4: Intensive farming has a strong impact on the weed flora and vegetation of a certain area (photo: D. Podgornik). Fig. 5: Olive (Olea europaea) has been thriving in the Mediterranean basin for millennia and has always been one of the most important cultivated fruit species in the region (photo: D. Podgornik). Fig. 6: In the inventory of Slovene wetlands, 3,525 wetlands are listed, covering a little less than 5% of the entire surface area of Slovenia (photo: L. Lipej). Fig. 7: Agile Frog (Rana dalmatina) is the most common karst pond brown frog (photo: T. Makovec). fig. 8: In the Mediterranean ecosystem, fire is an important ecological factor, changing the habitat types (photo: D. Podgornik). 274 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist, nat • 12 • 2002 ■ 2 NAVODILA AVTORjEM 1. ANNALES: Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for I stran and Mediterranean Studies (do 5. številke: Anali Koprskega primorja in bližnjih pokrajin - Annali del litorale capodistriano e delle regioni vicine - Annals of the Koper Littora! and Neighbouring Regions} je znanstvena in strokovna interdisciplinarna revija humanističnih, družboslovnih in naravoslovnih vsebin v podnaslovu opredeljenega geografskega območja. 2. Sprejemamo prispevke v slovenskem, italijanskem, hrvaškem in angleškem jeziku. Uredništvo ima pravico prispevke jezikovno lektorirati. 3. Prispevki naj obsegajo največ 24 enostransko tipkanih strani s po 30 vrsticami. Na levi pustite 3 do 4 cm širok rob. Zaželjeno je tudi (originalno) slikovno gradivo, še posebno pa oddaja prispevka na računalniški disketi v programih za PC (osebne) računalnike. 4. Naslovna stran tipkopisa naj vsebuje naslov in podnaslov prispevka, ime in priimek avtorja, avtorjeve nazive in akademske naslove, ime in naslov institucije, kjer je zaposlen, oz. domači naslov vključno s poštno Številko in morebitnim naslovom elektronske pošte. Uredništvo razvršča prispevke v naslednje kategorije: Izvirni znanstveni članki vsebujejo izvirne rezultate lastnih raziskav, ki še niso bili objavljeni. Dela pošlje uredništvo v recenzijo. Avtor se obvezuje, da prispevka ne bo objavil drugje. Pregledni članki imajo značaj izvirnih del. To so natančni in kritični pregledi literature iz posameznih zanimivih strokovnih področij. Predhodno sporočilo in Gradiva imajo ravno tako značaj izvirnih del. Strokovni članki prikazujejo rezultate strokovnih raziskav. Tudi te prispevke uredništvo pošlje v recenzijo in avtor se obveže, da prispevka ne bo objavil drugje. Poročila vsebujejo krajše znanstvene informacije o zaključenih raziskovanjih ali kratek opis strokovnih in znanstvenih knjig ali srečanj. Taki prispevki ne smejo presegati 5 strani. Mladinske raziskovalne naloge morajo biti urejene kot strokovna dela. Komentarji so namenjeni aktualnostim s strokovnega področja. Ne smejo presegati 2 strani. Obvestila so namenjena društvenemu življenju. Obsegajo 1 stran. 5. Prispevek mora vsebovati povzetek in izvleček, izvleček je krajši (cca. 10 vrstic) od povzetka (cca. 30 vrstic) in v nasprotju s povzetkom tudi ne vsebuje komentarjev in priporočil. V izvlečku na kratko opišemo namen, metode dela in rezultate. Navedemo, čemu smo delo opravili ali napisali dokument. Na že objavljeno gradivo se sklicujemo le, če je to glavni motiv dela. Na kratko opišemo metode in tehnike dela - kolikor je potrebno za razumevanje. Nove tehnike opišemo le, kjer se razlikujejo od že znanih. Če v delu ne opisujemo eksperimentalnega ali praktičnega dela, opišemo vire informacij. Rezultate in zaključke lahko združimo. Kar se da informativno navedemo le, kaj smo ugotovili oziroma odkrili. Povzetek začnemo s stavkom, ki vsebuje glavno sporočilo dela. Stavki naj bodo popolni in ne predolgi. Pišemo v tretji osebi, le izjemoma uporabimo glagole v neosebni obliki. Uporabljamo pravilni strokovni jezik in se izogibamo slabSe znanim kraticam. Ohraniti moramo osnovno informacijo in poudarke iz glavnega besedila. V povzetku ne sme biti ničesar, česar glavno besedilo ne vsebuje. 6. Avtorji so dolžni definirati in pripisati ustrezne ključne besede (pod izvlečkom) članka, Zaželjeni so tudi angleški (ali slovenski) prevodi ključnih besed, podnapisov k slikovnemu in tabelarnemu gradivu. Priporočamo se še za angleški (ali slovenski) prevod povzetka, sicer bo za to poskrbelo uredništvo. 7. V besedilu se po možnosti držimo naslednjih poglavij: 1. Uvod. 2. Pregled dosedanjih objav. 3. Materiali in metode (Dokazni postopek). 4. Rezultati. 5. Razprava ali diskusija. 6. Zaključek (Sklepi). 7. Zahvala - če avtor želi. 8. Priloge - če je potrebno. 9. Literatura (Viri, Bibliografija). 10. Povzetek (Summary). 11. Izvleček. 12. Ključne besede (neobvezno). 8. Ločimo vsebinske in bibliografske opombe. Vsebinske opombe besedilo še podrobneje razlagajo ali pojasnjujejo, postavimo jih pod črto. Z bibliografsko opombo pa mislimo na citat - torej sklicevanje na točno določeni del besedila iz neke druge publikacije (navedemo tudi točno stran, kjer je citat objavljen) ali na publikacijo (članek) kot celoto (točne strani, kjer smo besedilo prevzeli, ne navajamo). Bibliografsko opombo sestavljajo naslednji podatki: Avtor, leto izida in - le če citiramo točno določeni del besedila - tudi navedba strani. Celotni bibliografski podatki citiranih in uporabljenih virov so navedeni v poglavju Literatura (Viri, Bibliografija). Primer citata med besedilom: (Grafenauer, 1993, 11). Primer navajanja vira kot celote, brez citiranja: (Grafenauer, 1993). 275 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 13 - 2003 • 1 Popolni podatki o tem viru v poglavju Literatura pa se glasijo: Grafenauer, B. (1993): Miti o "Istri" in resnica istrskega polotoka. V: Acta Histriae I. Koper, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 9-52. Če citiramo več del istega avtorja iz istega leta, poleg priimka in kratice imena napišemo se črke po abecednem vrstnem redu, tako da se viri med seboj razlikujejo. Primer: (Grafenauer, 1993a); (Grafenauer, 1993b). Bibliografska opomba je lahko tudi del vsebinske opombe in jo zapisujemo na enak način. Posamezna dela ali navedbe virov v isti opombi ločimo s podpičjem. Primer: (Gombač, 1996; Grafenauer, 1993b). 9. Pri citiranju arhivskih virov navedemo najprej arhiv, nato ime fonda ali zbirke in signaturo. V članku navajamo kratico arhivskega vira v oklepaju med besedilom. Kratico pa razložimo v poglavju o virih na koncu prispevka. Primer navajanja arhivskega vira v oklepaju med besedilom: (PAK. RAG, 1) Primer navajanja arhivskega vira v poglavju o virih: PAK. RAG - Pokrajinski arhiv Koper, Rodbinski arhiv Gravisi, a. e. (arhivska enota) 1. Podobno poskušamo ravnati pri uporabi časopisnih virov. 10. Poglavje o literaturi in virih je obvezno. Bibliografske podatke navajamo takole: - Opis zaključene publikacije kot celote - knjige: Avtor (leto izida): Naslov. Zbirka. Kraj, Založba. Npr.: Verginella, M., Volk, A., Colja, K. (1995): Ljudje v vojni. Druga svetovna vojna v Trstu in na Primorskem. Knjižnica Annales 9. Koper, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko. V zgornjem primeru, kjer je avtorjev več kot dva, je korekten tudi citat: (Verginella et al., 1995) Če navajamo določeni del iz zaključene publikacije, zgornjemu opisu dodamo še številke strani, od koder smo navedbo prevzeli. - Opis prispevka v zaključeni publikaciji - npr. prispevka v zborniku: Avtor (leto izida): Naslov prispevka. V: Avtor knjige: Naslov knjige. Izdaja. Kraj, Založba, strani od-do. Primer: Verginella, M. (1995): Poraženi zmagovalci. Slovenska pričevanja o osvobodilnem gibanju na Tržaškem. V: Verginella, M. et al.: Ljudje v vojni. Druga svetovna vojna v Trstu in na Primorskem. Knjižnica Annales 9. Koper, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko, 13-51. - Opis članka v reviji: Avtor (leto izida): Naslov članka. Naslov revije, številka. Kraj, Založba, strani od-do. Primer: Gombač, B. (1996): Osvoboditev Trsta maja 1945. Annales 8/'96. Koper, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Znanstveno-raz¡skovalno središče Republike Slovenije Koper, 141-150. - opis ustnega vira: informator (leto izporočila): Ime in priimek informatorja, leto rojstva, vloga, funkcija ali položaj. Način pričevanja. Oblika in kraj nahajanja zapisa. Primer: Baf, A. (1998): Alojzije Baf, r. 1930, župnik v Viži-nadt. Ustno izporočilo. Magnetofonski zapis pri avtorju. - opis vira iz internetnih spletnih strani: www. home page ustanove (leto-mesec izpisa): celoten naslov podstranl Primer: (2000-07): http v'/w w w. s I o - i stra. co m/ko pe r/z rs/z rs. h t m I Članki so razvrščeni po abecednem redu priimkov avtorjev ter po letu izdaje, v primeru da gre za več citatov istega-istih avtorjev. 11. Tiskarski znaki za poudarke naj bodo: podčrtano za polkrepko, valovito podčrtano za ležeče. Računalniški zapis naj vključuje ustrezne oznake za bold In italics. 12. Kratice v besedilu moramo razrešiti v oklepaju, ko se prvič pojavijo. Članku lahko dodamo tudi seznam uporabljenih kratic. 13. Pri ocenah publikacij navedemo v naslovu prispevka avtorja publikacije, naslov, kraj, založbo,, leto izida in število strani (oziroma ustrezen opis iz točke 10). 14. Prvi odtis prispevkov uredništvo pošlje avtorjem v korekturo. Avtorji so dolžni popravljeno gradivo vrniti v treh (3) dneh. Besedilo popravljamo s korekturnimi znamenji, ki jih najdemo na koncu Slovenskega pravopisa (1962), Ljubljana, ali v: Slovenski pravopis 1-Pravtla (1990). Ljubljana, SAZU-DZS, 13-14. Širjenje obsega besedila ob korekturah ni dovoljeno. Druge korekture opravi uredništvo. 15. LJredništvo prosi avtorje, naj navodila vedno upoštevajo. Ob vseh nejasnostih je uredništvo na voljo za vsa pojasnila. UREDNIŠTVO 276 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS 1. ANNALES: Annals for Istran and Mediterranean Studies - Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije (up to No. 5: Annals of the Koper Littoral and Neighbouring Regions - Anali Koprskega primorja in bližnjih pokrajin) is a scientific and research interdisciplinary review covering the humanities, sociology and natural science in the area as stated in the review's subtitle. 2. Articles (papers) written in Slovene, Italian, Croatian and English languages will be accepted. The Editorial Board reserves the right to have them linguistically revised and corrected. 3. Articles should be written on max. 24 pages with double spacing and on one side of the sheet only. On the left side of each page, a 3-4 cm wide margin is to be left. Original photographs, drawings and tables are welcomed, as well as diskettes containing the texts, together with reference to the programme used. 4. Title page of typescript is to include title and subtitle of the article (paper), author's name, any (academic) titles and name of institution by which employed or personal address with eventual E-mail address. Articles are arranged in the following eight categories: Original scientific papers containing not yet published results of the author's own research. Such works will be reviewed by scientists chosen by the Editorial Board. Authors oblige themselves not to offer their material to any other journal or magazine. Review articles bearing the character of original works. These are critical and detailed reviews of literature from various interesting fields of research. Preliminary communication and Materials also bearing the character of original works. Professional papers presenting results obtained through research. They too will be reviewed, and authors oblige themselves not to publish them elsewhere. Reports include short scientific information on integral research work or a short description of scientific or specialist books or meetings of experts. Such articles are not to exceed 5 pages. Youth research compositions are to be presented in the same was as research works. Explanatory comments include topical issues from various fields of research and are not to exceed 2 pages. Notices include news from various associations and should not exceed 1 page. 5. Articles should include both summary and abstract. Abstract is the shorter of the two (with up to 10 lines) and does not include, in contrast to summary (with up to 30 lines), explanatory comments and recommendations. Abstract is to contain a short description of the purpose and methods of the work and its results. Author should also state why the work has been carried out and why a document has been written about it. References to the already published material are made only if this is the main purpose of the work. Methods: if necessary, work methods and techniques are to be briefly described (new techniques are to be stated only if differing from the already known ones). If no experimental or practical work is described, sources of information are to be given. Results and conclusions may be incorporated- Findings aie to be presented as briefly as possible. At the beginning of summary the essential points of the carried out work are to be presented. Sentences should be concise and not too long. The text is to be written in the third person; verbs may be used in impersonal form only exceptionally. The not so well known abbreviations are to be avoided. Summary is to retain the basic information from the main part of the text, and should not contain anything that does not appear in the main text itself. 6. Authors are obliged to define and state key words (below abstract) in their articles. English (or Slovene) translation of key words, texts accompanying figures and tables are welcomed, as well as English (or Slovene) translation of abstracts; if this is not convenient, the Board of Editors will provide for it. 7. Texts should include, if at all possible, the following chapters: 1. Introduction 2. Works published to date 3. Material and methods 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Conclusions 7. Acknowledgements (if desired by author) 8. Supplements {if necessary) 9. References (Sources, Bibliography) 10. Summary 11. Abstract 12. Keywords 8. Two kinds of notes are distinguished: those regarding the contents of the text, and those referring to bibliography, The first elucidate the text in even greater detail and are to appear af the bottom of the page (under line). Bibliographical notes, which are to appear in brackets in the text itself, deal with quotations and refer to a precisely stipulated part of the text from some other publication (the page on which quotation appears is to be therefore stated as well) or to a publication (article) as a whole (in this case no page from which the text has been taken is to be stated). Bibliographical notes are made up of the following details: Author, year of its publication, and page (but only if a precisely stipulated part of the text is quoted). The entire bibliographical data of the quoted and used sources are to be st:ate3 under References (Sources, Bibliography). Example of quotation referring to a precisely stipulated part of the text: (Sommerville, 1995, 1 1). 277 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 Example of source quotation as a whole, with no citation: (Sommerville, 1995). The entire data of this source are to be stated in the references and sources chapter as follows: Sommervilie, M. R. (1995): Sex and Subjection. Attitudes to Women in Early-Modern Society. London-New York-Sydney-Auckiand, Arnold. If a number of works by the same author from the same year are quoted, letters in alphabetical order are to be stated apart from the author's surname and abbreviation of his first name, in order that the sources are clearly divided between each other. Example: (Sommerville, 1986a); (Sommervilie, 1986b). Bibliographical note can also be a part of the note referring to the contents and is to be written in the same way, i.e. in brackets within the note referring to the contents. Separate works or source quotations under the same note are to be separated with semicolon. Example: (Sommerville, 1986b; Caunce, 1994). 9. When quoting archive sources, the archive is to be stated first, then the name of the fund or collection and sheifmark. The abbrevation of archive source is to be stated in brackets in the text of the article. The abbrevation is to be explained in the references chapter at the end of the article. Example of citing archive source in brackets in the text itself: (ASV. CSM, 240). Example of citing archive source in the reference chapter: ASV. CSM - Archivio di Stato di Venezia. Cinque Savi alia Mercanzia, fasc. 240. Review sources are to be stated in the same way. 10. The references and sources chapter is compulsory. Bibliographical data are to be stated as follows: - Description of integral publication: Author (year when published): Title. Volume - Collection. Place of publication, published by. Example: Caunce, S. (1994): Oral History and the Local Historian. Approaches to local history. London and New York, Longman. If there are more than two authors, the work can be also cited as: (Matthewseta!., 1990, 35) If a specific part from an integral publication is quoted, the page numbers from which the quotation has been taken are to be added to the above description. - Description of the article (paper) in integral publication - e.g. text in a collection of scientific papers: Author (year of its publication): Title of the paper. In: Author of the book: Title of the book. Volume - Collection. Place of publication, published by, pages from - to. Example: Matthews, R., Anderson, D., Chen, R. S., Webb, T. (1990): Global Climate and the Origins of Agriculture. !n: Newman, L. E. (ed.): Hunger in History. Food Shortage, Poverty, and Deprivation, Oxford-Cambridge, Blackwell, 27-55. - Description of article in certain review: Author (year of its publication): Title of article. Name of review, its number. Place of publication, published by, pages from -to. Example: Sluga, G. (1996): Identity and Revolution: The History of the "Forty Days" of May 1945. Annales 8/!96. Koper, Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Znanstvenoraziskovalno srediSče Republike Slovenije Koper, 125-140. - description of persona! communication: Informant (year when communication was given): Name and surname of informer, year of birth, function or position held. Manner of the testimony's presentation. Form and place where record was made. Example: Baf, A. (1998): Alojzije Baf, 1930, priest at Vižinada. Personal communication. Tape recording at author's place. - description of source from the internet websites: www. home page of institution {year-month when registered): full address of sub- page. Example: (2000-07): http://www.slo-istra.comAoper/zrs/zrs.html if the same authors) is (are) cited a number of times, the articles are to appear in alphabetical order of the authors' surnames and year of publication. 11. Printer's marks for accentuations are to be as follows: underlined for semi-bold, undulatory line for italics. Computer notation is to include suitable marks for bold and italics. 12. Abbreviations in the texts are to be explained in brackets when appearing for the first time. A list of used abbreviations can be added to the article. 13. When assessing a publication, its author, title, place, publishing house, year of publication and page numbers (or appropriate description from Item 10) are to be stated in the title of the article. 14. First copies of printed articles will be sent to authors for p roof-read ing. Authors are obliged to return them in three (3) days. No new sentences are allowed to be added during proof-reading. The second (printing) proofs will be read by the Editorial Board. 15. Authors are kindly requested to consider these instructions at all times, in case of any indistinctness, please do not hesitate to contact the review's Editorial Board, EDITORIAL BOARD 278 ANNALES • Ser, hist. nat. • 12 - 2002 • 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Anrtali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Letnik 12, Koper 2002 ISSN 1408-533X VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE/CONTENTS IHTIOLOGIJA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY Marcelo Kovačic A visual census of the coastal fish assemblage at Kostrena {the Kvarner area, Croatia).................. 1 Vizualno štetje priobalnih ribjih združb v Kos tre rt i (Kvamer, Hrvaška) Jakov Dulčič Feeding habits of the striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758, in the eastern central Adriatic............................... 9 Prehrana progastega bradača Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758 f vzhodnem delu srednjega jadrana Hakan Kabasakai Elasmobranch species of the seas of Turkey ......... 15 Morski psi in ska t i {Elasmobranchii) turških morij joan Barrull, Isabei Mate & Manuel Bueno Presence of atypical characteristics in a specimen of small-spotted catshark Scyiiorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758) caught in the Mediterranean............................ Posebnosti, ugotovljene pri mali morski mački Scyiiorhinus canicula (Linnaeus, 1758), v Sredozemskem morju 23 27 Antonio Celona Due catture di squalo blanco, Carcharodon carcharías (Linneo, 1758) avvenute nelle acque di Marzamemi (Sicilia) negli anni 1937 e 1964 ................................................... O dveh belih morskih volkovih, Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758), ujetih v letih 1937 in 1964 v vodah blizu kraja Marzamemi (Sicilija) Hakan Kabasakai Capture of a female basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus, 1765), from southern Turkey ........................................... 31 Samica morskega psa orjaka Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus, 1765), ujeta v vodah južne Turčije Jakov Dulčič Analysis of the vertebral number in gilt sardine Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 and allis-shad Alosa fallax nilotica (Lacèpede, 1803) from the eastern centra! Adriatic .................................................... 35 Analiza števila vretenc v velikih sardelah Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 in čepah Alosa fallax niîotica (Lacèpede, 1803) iz vzhodnega srednjega jadrana FLORA IN VEGETACIJA FLORA E VEGETAZIONE FLORA AND VEGETATION Boško Čušin & Urban Šile Okopavinska plevelna vegetacija v Breginjskem kotu (zahodna Slovenija) ................. 41 Weed vegetation of hoe fields in the Breginjski kot (western Slovenia) Mitja Kaligarič & Sonja Škornik Contribution to the knowledge of the vegetation of dry grasslands on the tip areas of the Pohorje mountain (Slovenia)............................................. 53 Prispevek k poznavanju vegetacije suhih travišč ovršnih predelov Pohorja (Slovenija) EKOLOGIJA ECOLOGIA ECOLOGY Nives Kovač The impact of African dust on the northern Adriatic............................................................. Vpliv vnosa afriškega peska v severni Jadran Pamela Zoida, Johanna Ortel & Wolfgang Waitzbauer Ecological characterization of a Mediterranean fresh water pool on the Merag Peninsula, Cres (Croatia) .................................................... Ekološke značilnosti sredozemskega kala na Meraškem polotoku na otoku Cresu (Hrvaška) 63 73 279 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annaii di Studi istriani e rnediterranei - Annals for istrian and Mediterranean Studies FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA iztok Geister Popis gnezdečih ptic na planoti med Goličem, Upnikom in Kavčičem (Čičanja, Slovenija) .......... 85 Survey of the birds breeding on the plateau between Colic, Lipnik and Kavčič (Čičarija, Slovenia) Iztok Geister Pojavljanje afriškega minljivca Hemianax ephippigeriBurmeister, 1839) na slovenskem morskem obrežju (Insecta: Odonata) .................... 93 Occurrence of the Vagrant Emperor Dragonfly Hemianax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) on the Slovene coast (Insecta: Odonata) MISCELLANEA Rado Pišot, Boštjan Simunič & Vojko Valenčič Influence of biomechanical properties of particular skeletal muscles on child motor development ........................................................ 99 Vpliv biomehanskih lastnosti nekaterih skeletnih mišic na gibalni razvoj otroka DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV A TTIVITÀ DEI NOSTRIISTITUTI F DEL LE NOSTRE SOOETÀ ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Patri cija Mozetič Stazione Zoologies Anton Dohrn Naples, From its establishment tilltbis day ................................ 109 POLEMIKE IN OCENE POLEMIČNE E REŒNSIONI POLEMICS AND REVIEWS Ocena ocene N. jogana o priročniku Claudia Battellija (Aleksander Vukovič)........................................................111 Joan Barrull & Isabel Mate: Tiburones del Mediterráneo (Alessandro De Maddalena)......................112 IN MEMOR1AM Huw Griffiths (Boris Kr^štufek) ........................................................113 Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ........................................................................124 Index to pictures on the cover............................................................124 Navodila avtorjem ..............................................................................................125 Instructions to authors....................................................................................127 FLORA IN VEGETACIJA FLORA E VECETAZIONE FLORA AND VEGETATION Klemen Eler & Franc Batič Flora in vegetacija intenzivno rabljenih njiv osrednje Gorenjske .............................................. 131 Flora and vegetation in the intensive crop production fields of the central Gorenjska region Sonja Škornik & Mitja Kaligarič Relation between environmental variables, species richness and species composition of Slovenian semi-dry meadows of Mesobromion erecti alliance ................................ 141 Povezava med ekološkimi parametri, številčnostjo rastlinskih vrst in floristično sestavo polsuhih travišč zveze Mesobromion erecti Franc Batič, Alen Sardoč, Boris Turk & Matjaž Čater Primerjava požganih in nepožganih gozdnih ploskev na osnovi rastlinskih življenjskih oblik na primorskem Krasu in v Istri .............................. 153 Comparison of burnt and unburn! forest plots by analysis of plant life forms in the forests of the Slovenian littoral Karst and Istria IHTIOLOGI JA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY Hakan Kabasakal & Elif Kabasakaf Morphometries of young kitefin sharks, Dalatias licha (Bonnaterre, 1788), from northeastern Aegean Sea, with notes on its biology.................. 161 Morfometrični in biološki podatki o mladih temnih morskih psih, Dalatias licha (Bonnaterre, 1788), iz severovzhodnega Egejskega morja 280 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 ■ 2002 ■ 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for istrian and Mediterranean Studies lakov Dulčic & Armin Pailaoro Northern range extension of the ornate wrasse, Thalassoma pavo (L innaeus, 1758)(Pisces: Labridae), in the eastern Adriatic .......................... 167 Širjenje a real a pavjega kneza Thaiassoma pavo (Linnaeus, 1758)(Pisces: Labridae) v vzhodnem Jadranu proti severu Hakan Kabasakal Stomach contents of the longnose spurdog, Squalus blainviilei (Risso, 1826) from the north-eastern Aegean Sea ..................................... 173 Struktura hrane v želodcu rjavih trnežev, Squalus blainviilei (Risso, 1826), iz severovzhodnega Egejskega morja Jürgen Herler & Marcelo Kovačič Lebetus gu/7/ef/{Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the northern Adriatic sea: first record and details on the species' morphology.................................. 177 Lebetus guilletl (Teleostei: Gobiidae): prvi zapis te vrste iz severnega jadranskega morja in podatki o njeni morfologiji ZAVAROVANA OBMOČJA ZONE PROTETTt" PROTECTED AREAS Robert Turk, Martina Orlando Bonaca, Tihomir Makovec, Aleksander Vukovič & Lovrenc Lipej A topographical survey of habitat types trt the area characterized by seagrass meadow of Posidonia oceanica in the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste {northern Adriatic) ......................... 191 Topografski pregled habitainih tipov na območju rastišča pozejdonke Posidonia oceanica, v južnem delu Tržaškega zaliva (severni Jadran) Borut Vrišer The meiofauna of two protected wetlands on the Slovene coast: the Skorjan Inlet and the Strunjan Lagoon ............................................. 203 Meiofavna dveh zavarovanih mokrišč slovenske obale: Škocjanskega zatoka in Strun ja nske lagune Andrej Sovine & Helena Matoz Management and conservation of wetlands and waters resources in Slovenia with regard to the new European water legislation .................. 211 Upravljanje in varstvo mokrišč ter vodnih virov v Sloveniji v okviru nove evropske zakonodaje FAVNA FAUNA FAUNA Dušan Devetak, Petra Pirš & Franc Janžekovič Owl-fly Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 17G3) in Slovenia and in the northwestern part of Croatia (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) ..................... 219 Metuljčnica Libelloides macaronius (Scopoli, 1763) v Sloveniji In severozahodnem delu HrvaŠke (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae) Janja France Pond preference by amphibians (Amphibia) on the karst plateau and in Slovenian Istria .......... 227 Izbira kala pri dvoživkah (Amphibia) na krasu in v Slovenski Istri OLjKARSTVO OLIVICOLTURA OLIVE GROWING Dunja Bandelj Mavsar, Jernej Jakše & Branka Javornik Genetske raziskave oljke ..................................... 239 Genetic studies in olives Gregor Osterc, Dunja Bandefj Mavsar & Franci Štampar The use of the fog-system in the olive leafy cutting propagation .............................................. 249 Uporaba sistema meglenja pri razmnoževanju zelenih potaknjencev oljke MISCELLANEA Tina Dolinšek, Marina Dermastia & Kristina Sepčič Searching for biological activities in a northern Adriatic red alga Polysiphonia sp......................... 255 Raziskava bioloških aktivnosti v sevemojadranski rdeči algi Polysiphonia sp. DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV ATTIVITÀ DEI NOSTRIISTITUTI E DELU: NOSTRE SOC1ETÀ ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Boris KryStufek & Mitja Kaligarič Institut za biodiverzitetne študije ......................... 263 Carlo Heip & Alenka Malej The European Marine Research Stations and Biodiversity Research........................................... 266 281 ANNALES • Ser, hist. nat. • 13 • 2003 ■ 1 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Anna I i di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istri an and Mediterranean Studies OCENE iN POROČILA Alessandro De Maddalena: to squalo bianco RECENSÍONI E RELAZIONI ■ net mari d'itaiia (Lovrenc Lipej) ........................... 270 REVIEWS AND REPORTS Anton Brancelj (ur.): Visokogorska jezera v Alessandro De Maddalena: Squali delle vzhodnem delu Julijskih Alp (Davorin Tome) ...... 272 acque italiane: Cuida sintética a! riconoscimento (Lovrenc Lipej)............................ 269 Kazalo k slikam na ovitku .................................... 274 Index to pictures on the cover.............................. 274 Giovanni Nikiforos: Fauna del Mediterráneo - Guida completta (Samo Aiajbegovič)................... 269 Navodila avtorjem ............................................... 275 instructions to authors.......................................... 277 282 iä r SKUPIN LUKA KOPER J: 1 / w Jt t © o Zavarovalna družba d.d. (j\$if\ö PORTOROŽ - FORTOROSE SLOVENIJA 1879 PORTOROŽ Živilska industrija d.<). -I ELEKTRO PRIMORSKA Mednarodna špedicija, Iransport in pomorska agencija d.d. Kaper MAKRO w wm 1 TRADE ö.Q.O.