Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 47/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 18. 11. 2018 33. Nedelja MED LETOM 33rd Sunday in Ordinary time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Upanje novega sveta in novega človeštva Danijelova knjiga se ne imenuje tako po svojem avtorju, ampak po svojem protagonistu, ki ga predstavlja. Danijel je živel v Babilonu za časa kraljevanja zadnjih novobabilonskih kraljev (6. st. pred Kristusom), čeprav je bila knjiga spisana med makabejskim odporom (2. stoletje pred Kr.). Modri načelnik dvorjanikov ga je vzgojil, potem pa je na dvoru opravljal svojo službo. Prvi del knjige vsebuje šest spodbudnih Danijelovih zgodb in zgodb njegovih tovarišev na babilonskem dvoru. Te pripovedi slikajo predstavnike razkropljenega božjega ljudstva, ki pa so bili miroljubni, kar je omogočalo neke vrste sožitje s poganskim svetom. Drugi del je sestavljen iz štirih sanjskih videnj, v katerih je Danijel videl prek simboličnih podob vrsto štirih tujih »kraljestev«, pod katerimi so Izraelci živeli. Odlomek, ki ga ponuja današnja liturgija, se umešča v širši okvir zadnje Danijelove apokalipse, ki je tudi najbolj izdelana. Po obširnem uvodu neki angel Danijelu natančno oriše zgodovino perzijskega imperija, dalje imperija Aleksandra Velikega ter selevkidske dinastije, ki je v opisanem času preganjala in stiskala Izraelce. Pripoved se konča z današnjim odlomkom, ki govori o eshatološki prihodnosti. Božji izvoljenci, katerih »imena bodo, zapisana v knjigi življenja«, bodo rešeni, kljub trpljenju, ki bo spremljalo eshatološko krizo. Bog sam po Mihaelu krepko poseže v zgodovino, da bi izpolnil svoj načrt. Druga vrstica pa govori o vstajenju od mrtvih, pri čemer gre za prvo oznanilo vstajenja v Stari zavezi. Tisti, ki dosežejo življenje, so predvsem mučenci, ki so raje šli v smrt, kot da bi izgubili božje kraljestvo. Tudi nasprotniki bodo vstali, toda za obsodbo, medtem ko se bodo oni, ki bodo dali življenje za Kraljestvo, »lesketali kakor sijaj neba«. Tudi v drugih svetopisemskih besedilih je govor o novem svetu, ki ga bo Bog podaril svojemu ljudstvu, o čudovitem svetu, ki ga razsvetljuje Bog sam (lz 60, 1-20). Samo v tem smislu se bodo telesa odrešenih »zasvetila v času njih obiskanja«. Danijelova prerokba je oblikovana v kontekstu judovske apokaliptične literature. Ima seveda svoje meje in zmote glede prihodnosti. Današnji evangeljski odlomek, ki se imenuje »govor o paruziji«, šteje med najtežavnejša besedila; toda kljub svoji nejasnosti razločno kaže namen: umiriti vznemirjeno in prestrašeno skupnost. Vzrok za prestrašenost so bili nekateri preroki, ki so se po dogodkih v Judeji v sedemdesetih letih dvignili in oznanjali skorajšnji konec sveta. »Povej nam, kdaj bo to in kakšno bo znamenje, da se vse začenja uresničevati« (Mr 13, 4)? To vprašanje učencev je ključ za razumevanje celotnega govora. Osrednja tema namreč ni konec sveta, ampak prihod Sina človekovega. Drugi Jezusov prihod ne bo v teh dneh, ampak po teh dneh. Teološko sporočilo je to: sodba Sina človekovega pomeni za tiste, ki so se odločili zanj in za njegovo kraljestvo, odrešenje in vzpostavitev novega reda odnosov. Vpršanje je kaj morajo do drugega Kristusovega prihoda delati kristjani? Pričakovati in bdeti. Prilika o smokvi je povabilo k bdenju in branju znamenj časov. Primerjava je zelo posrečena: kadar figa že začne poganjati liste, veste, da se poletje še ni začelo, ampak da je blizu. Prav ta izraz blizu je ključ za razumevanje prilike. Proti krivim prerokom, ki bi radi doživeli konec sveta, Jezus zatrjuje, da ta znamenja samo napovedujejo bližino konca. Prvenstvena naloga je bdeti in čuti: to je tema, ki gre skozi vso Novo zavezo. Nobenega eshatološkega besedila ni, ki se ne bi končalo z ukazujočim pozivom k dejavnosti za vernike: čujtel Med kristjani in svetom je razlika v tem, da mi pričakujemo Gospoda. Kristjan je človek, ki čaka. Že pri Mr 1,15 je sporočilo o skorajšnjem božjem kraljestvu povezano s spodbudo k spreobrnitvi in verovanju. Nenavadno izražanje evangelija in prvega berila bi nas lahko zmedlo, toda naša vera se ne sme ustaviti ob podobnih opisih, odvisnih od kulture neke dobe. Razsvetljena je namreč s temeljno trditvijo: zadnjo in odločilno besedo o zgodovini bo izrekel Bog. Novi svet ni zgrajen na pepelu tega sveta, ampak na božjem delovanju, ki bo pripeljalo ta naš svet do dovršitve. Prim. Oznanjevalec 2003 V soboto, 10. novembra 2018, smo imeli pri sv. Gregoriju v Hamiltonu Martinovanje, ki pa smo ga od lani povezali tudi z spomini na folklorno skupino Soča. Tony Horvat je s pripravljalnim odborom letos nadaljeval tam, kjer so končali lansko leto. Tako smo se letos na poseben način spomnili vseh, ki so bili člani folklorne skupine Soča v letih 1980 do 1999. Dvorana je bila lepo okrašena, ne toliko s cvetjem, ampak s slikami iz teh 20 let delovanja Soče. Večina fotografij je poslikal v teh letih Tony Horvat in smo si lahko ogledali na platnu, na TV in natisnjene na razstavnem prostoru. Še poseben poudarek je bil na gostovanju forklorne skupine Soča leta 1993 po Sloveniji. Tisto leto so praznovali 25 letnico floklorne skupine Soča. Poleg tega so bile razstavljene tudi narodne noše iz različnih delov Slovenije. Kot ste si lahko prebrali v brošuri, ki je bila na mizah, je priprava na ta dan zajela kar veliko število prostovoljcev. Vsi so omenjeni na predzadnji strani brošure. Letos je za to priložnot Tony povabil MLADI GLAS, plesno skupino. V tej sestvi sta plesali tudi sestri Amalija in Nikola Lukežič iz naše župnije. Po vodstvom Diane Blas in Magdalene Razpotnik so mladi zaplesali štiri plese: Na Golici, Čez hrib in dol, Lahkovško polko in Kanadsko polko. Ostali del večera pa je vse navzoče razveseljevala glasba ansambla Europa, ki ga vodi Steve Cafuta. Program je 517 | VESTNIK 2018 povezoval John Horvat. Iz turneje po Sloveniji je povedal marsikatero zanimi-vost. Ker je martinovanje ni manjkalo tudi ocenjevanja vina. Ker so prišle samo tri steklenica vina, sodnikkom ni bilo težko ocenjevati in razglasiti najboljšega vinarja. Letos sta bila: Prvo mesto je zasedlo belo vino Sonye Podrebarac, drugo mesto je dobilo rdeče vino, ki ga je prav tako prinesla Sonya Podrebarac in tretje mesto je dobilo belo vino Stanka Petka. Da pa nihče ni bil lačen, so v kuhinji poskrbele: Nancy Dunde, Dragica Ferenčak, Mateja Mihelčič in Majda Lukežič. Poleg tega so Jožica Vegelj, Gizela Hauzar, Zorka Rev, Majda Lukežič in Zinka Uduč napravile dovolj krofov za vse, nekaj so si jih lahko kupili še v nedeljo po maši. Hvala vsem za pripravo in tudi za obisk večera, ki je bil presenteljivo dober. VESTNIK 2018 | 518 NaVMN 519 | VESTNIK 2018 VESTNI K 2018 j 520 CWL - KZZ JUBILEE ANNIVERSARY Preparations for our Jubilee Anniversary as a Catholic Women's League are in full swing. You are cordially invited to our 50th CWL Anniversary celebration at St. Gregory the Great on Sunday, November 25th. We will mark this occasion with a Mass in English at 10:00 a.m. The main celebrant of the Mass will be The Most Rev. Anthony F. Tonnos, D.D., Bishop Emeritus of Hamilton. This will be followed by a luncheon reception and celebratory program. Please reserve luncheon tickets with Mrs. Terezija Sarjas at 905-560-1218 or Pamela Gosgnach 289-527-0065 by November 18th. Luncheon is complimentary for CWL members and $20 for guests. We look forward to your presence. 521 | VESTNIK 2018 Diocesan Newsletter The Pastoral Offices of the Diocese of Hamilton offer a wide range of workshops and educational opportunities during the course of the year. These activities and events are open to all interested parishioners throughout the Diocese. If you would like to keep informed regarding these opportunities for growing in your faith, you are invited to subscribe to a weekly online newsletter by going to the Diocesan Website (www.hamiltondiocese. com) and click the "Subscribe to our Newsletter" button on the right side of the homepage. Your email address will be used solely to provide you with Diocesan Newsletter and will never be shared with any third party. One Soul Capital Campaign_ Frequently Asked Questions The Diocese of Hamilton is conducting the One Heart, One Soul Campaign to raise money for every Parish in the Diocese and for shared ministries. Answers to a set of Frequently Asked Questions appear in Parish bulletins regularly. A compilation of all questions that have been published are available throughout the campaign at What is the Diocese of Hamilton? The Diocese is an area of southeastern Ontario and a collection of 118 Parishes and 28 mission churches with 160 active priests. The Diocese aims to shepherd, support and serve Catholics in those Parishes and this region. Why does the Diocese need a campaign? Isn't it already financially sound? Yes, the Diocese is financially sound, and that stability is allowing the Diocese to conduct a campaign that focuses on the needs of Parishes, while also enhancing some Diocesan ministries. The campaign is part of the long-term vision for the Diocese, a vision of a thriving Diocese supporting thriving Parishes working to draw more people closer to Christ. The campaign has the potential to renew struggling Parishes and to make strong Parishes stronger. What are the Diocese's specific goals for the portion of funds it receives? Fifteen percent of the funds raised will go toward shared Diocesan ministries. These include campus ministry to college and university students as well as several ministries focused on those in need: hospital ministry, prison ministry and ministry to migrant workers. Why did the Diocese choose the Steier Group as a consultant for this campaign? The Diocese of Hamilton searched for a firm that best fit the Diocese's needs and interviewed some of the leading Catholic fundraising companies in North America. The Steier Group's tremendous experience with Catholic Diocesan and Parish campaigns, the quality of their on-site campaign managers, and - perhaps most of all - their love of the Church and commitment to living and encouraging Christian stewardship played big roles in the decision. ONE f""^ HEART, CCD ONESOULU A Campaign for the Diocese of Hamilton VESTNIK 2018 | 522 '-• 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge! First Reading Daniel 12:1-3 In the midst of tumult the Lord will protect his people. Second Reading Hebrews 10:11-14. 18 Jesus, in his death and rising, brings salvation to all. Gospel Mark 13:24-32 The Lord will come again in great power and glory. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Illustration Julian of Norwich, a holy woman of medieval England, is famous for a saying: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." It is a heart-warming sentiment to hear spoken and we all love reassurance in life. But in the face of life's hardships and problems these words can also sound very hollow and empty. The dark deeds of war and the roar of this world's angers and the depths of people's sufferings are so strong and so emphatic that any promises that "all shall be well" may seem laughable and even insulting. And yet people came to listen to Julian of Norwich. They valued her advice and were impressed by her strong humanity. She was not whispering pious platitudes, but rather she had a true insight into the ways of this world and into the resolution of life's real ills. This insight that good will prevail was also the belief of an old soldier. Nearing the end of his days, 523 | VESTNIK 2018 this old man was sitting by his fireside and thinking back over the journey of his own life: from childhood poverty to joining the army and fighting through the Second World War. He had been close to death, had seen comrades die on desert sands and he had come ashore on Normandy beaches. He had faced death every day and he had survived to make a home and family and reach old age. He had seen the world in times of great distress and now, as life's end drew near, he turned to his son and quoted the words of the Gospel: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Through hell and high water and everything in between, the old soldier held on to the words of the Lord. Listening to his father, his son was duly impressed by the words the old man uttered. His beloved father was a good man, who believed in justice and goodness despite all the ills of the world. He had personally witnessed the injustice of life in human poverty and unemployment, and the vi-ciousness of violence and war. But none of these evils impressed him or was able to shake his utter adherence to everything that is good and honourable and true. Only goodness wins the day. We hold on to this despite the power of evil to disturb us. All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well. Gospel Teaching As we come to the end of another year in the cycle of life, the Church turns our attention to the end of the world, to the time when the Son of Man will come again on the clouds with great power and glory. Jesus describes a time of true resolution, at the very end, when all evil will be wiped away and true justice will be seen on earth. The language used is eloquent. Angels will gather the chosen from the four winds. In an earlier prophecy, as we heard in today's first reading, Daniel uses words of great inspiration. Michael will stand up to guard us. God's people will be spared. All those whose names are written in the Book will arise. We will rise to everlasting life. We will shine like bright stars. These powerful words and visions are proclaimed to inspire us now to keep faithful in all we do, to practise true hope in the Lord who goes before us and makes a place for us in his Father's kingdom. All shall be well. Application Jesus spoke all these words to his disciples before the shattering events that would destroy his life and their faith. He plunged into the depths of suffering and his friends were left seemingly in despair. Life has a way of shattering all our hopes one way or another. As the poet W.H. Auden wrote in Funeral Blues, so too the disciples might have said on that day: "I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong." In the face of this world's sadness we preach a crucified Christ. Yes, he died. But he rose again and now lives for ever and proclaims a kingdom of mercy. To the broken-hearted of our world we say: this love does last for ever. We are not wrong. All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well. VESTNIK 2018 | 524 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKE VAJE_ dlS^^ Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so vsak PFclCtlCCM!»'*^ četrtek po večerni maši. Prav tako ima vaje tudi angleški zbor in sicer vsako sredo po večerni maši. Novi člani vedno dobrodošli. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 18. november: Lipa Park - Martinovanje ♦ 18. november: Sava - Mass 1:00 p.m. ♦ 18. november: Slovenski park - AGM 2 p.m. ♦ 25. november: CWL-KŽZ - 50th Anniversary ♦ 2. december: Triglav - Miklavževanje ♦ 7. december: Lipa Park - Tree DecorationExecutive Social ♦ 9. december: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Slovenska šola - Miklavževanje, Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 9. december: Lipa Park - Miklavževanje GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 18. november 9:30 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc ♦ 25. november 10:00 a.m.: CWL members ♦ 2. december 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin Parish Council Members_ Your Parish Council is actively looking for anyone with fresh ideas to come and join our team. If you think you may be interested in volunteering a little bit of your time to your Slovenian Community, we would welcome you, and look forward to hearing new ideas to help keep our parish current and vibrant! If you are interested, please contact Heidy No- vak at 905-317-6002 DRUŠTVO SAVA - Maša 18. novembra V nedeljo, 18. novembra, imamo ob 1:00 p.m. sveto mašo v dvorani društva Sava. Sveta maša se daruje za vse pokojne člane društva in še po naslednjih namenih: za + Marijo Horvat - daruje Rozina Horvat; za pokojne starše - daruje Zinka Mirt, za Marijo in Ludvika Šerbec - daruje Zinka Mirt. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO_ Danes, 18. novembra, lahko po mašah kupite pri Slomškovem oltarnem društvu -Jožica Vegelj, štrudelj. POKOJNI_ 15. novembra 2018 je v Montrealu, v 84. letu starosti umrla Olga Godina roj. Štefanec . Pokojna Olga je sestra Milke Pavlič in pokojnega Milana, Lize in Bernarda. Žalujoči mož Slavko, sinova Stan in John in hčerka Bernadette z družinami. MIKLAVŽ PRIHAJA!_ Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregoriju v Hamil-tonu vljudno vabita na Miklavževanje, ki bo v nedeljo 9. decembra 2018. Po 10. maši, ob 11:45 a.m. bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Prosimo, da čimprej rezervite za kosilo in sicer lahko to storite po e-mailu Sandy Ferletič: ali jo pokličete na telefonsko številko 905-977-8464. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 525 | VESTNIK 2018 St. Nicholas will soon be visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 9, 2018. After 10: 00 a.m. Mass, please head over to the hall for lunch, which will be served at 11:45am. After lunch, St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Ferletic at (905) 977-8464 or by email at If you would like a specific table please call early as seats are given on a first come/first serve basis. KITCHEN SECRETS ... Well, another great day cooking with friends was the only way to explain yesterday! We made Prekmursko Gibanico, Kiflcke and Dodole (krompirjevi zganci s smetano). Anica Doma graciously offered her time to lead this class and gave us so many tips and secrets that we will never forget and surely use as we make our recipes at home. Not only did we cook and bake, but we broke out in song and shared many stories and memories with each other. These special moments are what add that personal touch to our kitchen experiences. Those who have participated in our cooking classes understand that it is best to have a little Slovenian experience to appreciate some of our special kitchen moments. For anyone who has not yet taken part in any of our kitchen sessions, you may be wondering how on earth can they always have such an amazing time cooking?... Well, my only response to that is - sign up and come see for yourself! Thanks to everyone who comes out for our sessions, and a special thank you to Anica Doma for sharing her cooking and baking expertise with us! -i. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNI K 2018 j 526 od 18. 11. 2018 do 25. 11. 2018 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. Žena Matilda 33. NEDELJA t Stanko Bratuž MED LETOM t Jožica Gimpelj Elizabeth Gimpelj z družino 18. November t John Ponikvar 11:00 A.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (5) Roman Antiohijski, muč. tt Jožef in Eufemia Tompa, obl. Alojz Sarjaš z družino tt Pokojni člani društva Sava 1:00 P.M. Dvorana društva Sava Ponedeljek - Monday 19. November f MacKenzie 8:00 a.m. N.N. Matilda, redovnica Torek - Tuesday 20. November Edmund, kralj tt Anton in Tilka Vengar Bogu v zahvalo t Martha Hočevar t Frančiška Ferko 7:00 p.m. Rose Marie in Tony Vengar Rose Marie Vengar z druž. Karol in Milka Ferko Karol in Milka Ferko Sreda - Wednesday ff Kristina in Ilija Pavličič 7:00 p.m. Sin Maks Pavličič z družino 21. NOVEMBER f Frančiška Ferko Sonja Langenfus Darovanje Device ff Teodor in Amalija Klepec Frank Majzelj z družino Marije ff Mato in Viktor Tadic, Dragica Kuzmanovič Ana Tadic Četrtek - Thursday ff M™^? 7:00 pm Pevski 'T hf Zdravko Troha Danica Maradin 22. November v čast Materi Božji z zdravje Ana Tadic Lecihia, aev.-mucenka n ,„„,..„ mm J ' Po namenu (b&cm) N.N. Petek - Friday f Franc Raduha 7:00 p.m. Alojz in Agata Sarjaš 23. November f Drago Hauzar Žena Gizela Hauzar Klemen I, pp-mučenec ff Za pokojne članice Slomškovo oltarno društvo ff Katarina in Vinko Antolin 5:30 p.m. Sin Štefan z družino SOBOTA f Jakob Karel Muhič Družina Muhič SATURDAY ff Pok. iz družin Pozderec in Sagadin Julija Sagadin z družino 24. November ff Elizabeta, Štefan in Robert Kramar Ivan Antolin z družino Andrej Dung, mučenec f Štefan Zadravec Družina Raduha ff Anton, Ignac, Marija, Stanislav in Štefan Olga Hanc 34. Nedelja MED LETOM Kristus Kralj 25. November Katarina Sinajska, dev. Za žive in rajne župljane f Marija Horvat f Sidonija Drvarič f Sidonija Drvarič CWL 50th Anniversary Banquet 10:00 a.m. Mihael in Marija Špiler Aranka Dundek Hči Sidonia 12:00 noon Parish's Hall 527 | VESTNIK 2018