Komentarji Važno IfftVMH TbOMM t*9* —"V** >5 MU dajaiff bf*pwHa>i HortalUlitfia d*Wf«rlJa pod * i fummnom s takte*«, da sreda DRUŠTVENE VESTI [iiHHÜ'H rt za priziiBjt nahujskana masa leta 1919 v Centrali ji navalila na I. W W dvorano, jo razšla in požgala par vodilnih I. W. W-ejcev ma-sakrirala, ostali, ki so branili dvorano, pa so bili pozneje obsojeni v dolgoletno ječo v znanem centrali j sitem procesu. Par teh žrtev je že v zaporu, drugi ao bili izpuščeni na svobodo ali so pa pomrli. , Nad delavci, ki delajo na žagah, si lasti jurisdikcijo tesarska unija. Organizacija pa je v tej industriji slabo razvita. Krajevni uniji lesnih delavcev v Portlandu, Ore., so podjetniki te dni povedali, da je pod "novim dea1omw ne bodo priznavali, ker jim Je Lojalna legija lesnih delavcev in gozdarjev bolj po volji oziroma bo ta kompanijska u-nija zastopala vso industrijo, lesno in goedanko. pravi društvene dvorane. Vsem članom je znano, da imamo težko breme, zato je treba nekaj storiti, da pride do izboljšanja in napredka. Na zadnji seji je bilo sklenjeno, da priredimo plesno zabavo dne 3. julija zvečer v korist dru-štveai dvorani. Pridite val na to pristno domačo prireditev, na kateri se bomo lahko zabavali stari in mladi, in pripeljite s seboj tudi sveje prijatelje. Mas Knaus, tajnik. Društvo "KaH Marka** Edison, Kana. — Namanjam članstvu društva "Kari Marks" št. 226 SNPJ, daaena prevzel tajništvo tega društva in želim, da se v vseh v tajniško področje spadajočih zadevah obračate na novega tajnika; istotako iz gl. urada. To postane veljavno a 1. julijem t. 1., ko prevzamem mesto društvenega tajnika. Frank Jelovchan, RR box 726, Girard, Kans. skrbel odbor. (Ker nekateri po-Hamezniki tukajšnjega samostojnega društva apelirajo, naj dm-ga društva ne prirejajo piknikov dne 4. julija, naj bo pojasnjeno, da Je naše društvo priobčilo naznanilo v ProsveU dne 24. maja, da bo priredilo svoj piknik dne 4. julija. Ce ao naše naznanilo prezrli, ni naša krivda.) Miehael Setan, tajnik. Poziv na sejo Indiana Ifarbor, Ind. — Clane društva št. 522 pozivam, da se udeleže prihodnje redne seje, ki se bo vršna 14. julija, pričetek ob 7. zvečer. Do preklica se bodo seje našega društva vršile vsaki drugi petek v mesecu. Prosim člane, da se sej, ki se vrše v i-stlh prostorih, udeležujejo v velikem številu. Mary Turlrh, tajnica. 8. C. SKI.AK Uc«nMd Broker A A* JAVNI NOTA« fe*ar*,«ln|M A »-litiju „ «*Um a I-^-i^, Oifke: 3017 8. Harding Ave. CI* Phon« Lawafeb MU NA NOVO SO SE NAROClIJ NA DNEVNIK pro« PROfilJ TBDEN 8LEDECI: James Jacob, Nokomis, III.—John Poaar, Cleveland, Ohk».—Jo»ep Warren, Ohio.—Anton Perunh, Bessemer, Pa,—Job. gtefanck, Veron Joe Yeagertown, Pa.—Anton Mihekic, Yukon, Pa.-'-Jakob Black Diamond, Wash. Važna seja Ely, Minn. — Člane društva št. 20 pozivam, da se udeleže redne seje na 9. julija ob 9. dopoldne v Jugoslovanskem narodnem domu. Na dnevnem redu bo več važnih stvari, katere bomo morali rešiti. Na tej «ejl bomo izbrali tudi bolniški odbor. Joseph Ctirep, tajnik. Poziv na aejo Herminie, Pa. — Pozivam vse člane društva št. 200, d« ae u-deieže prihodnje seje, ki se vrši dne 2. julija ob 10. doptfdne- Na dnevnem redu je več važnih stvari, zato je dolžnost članov, da *e udeleže te seje v velikem številu.— Lew«s Pyer, tajnik. Važna društvena zadeva Girard, O. — Uljudno vabim i člane društva M. 49, da se ude-I leifce prihodnje seje dne 2. julija v velikem številu. Na dnevnem redu bo več važnih stvari, med temi tudi zadeva, katero v smislu pravil društvo mora rešiti. i. Tancek, tajnik. Nafti« p*t*U>«M taca akapaaca m'**mJ« aa «adlj* labraaa kahla« a m atyrintal, »a aaftaai akaaa prl»ravl|»aa hrana tor ■«•(. irmg» mmIm » Karto IH. ninéi ataaaja: Sa CkwWn. IM.M. 4m LJaMJaa« IISM bcraka »11M m«, da Trata |1M. — Rttarfcarto pm ataaajat Sa C trto. n. la LImMJmm aH faiHh IUI.. 4a Trata liMM. Da*«fc »aaafej. Piftlto ata 9* latok a naal SractaU »atratatal MMawl)«al la «Uh . m a vM P^mbi fiši* tšfc mltihi on LEO ZAKRAJŠEK lX^SÉk General Travel Servie* 13S9 Second Avenue - - New York, CUNARD UNE GOSPODINJO IÖCE 7 dni do JUGOSLAVIJE z najhitrejšimi parniki na sveta DOMAČA ZDRAVILA lih i mi mmi DOMAČI ZDRAVNIK MATH. PEZDIR ^BtNoït N. ¥. BREMEN • EUROP POSEBNI VLAK ah aarafta t M,m»Ammm jamii aajMi aMa. paiavaaja t LJUBLJANO, lahwaa ialtsaiiln ivaaa tail i* Cfcarfcaarft AH potqfte a Ha»nila Parailaaai COLUMBUS Es podrobnosti vpraftsjts kateregakoli lokalnega ifenU >1 NORTH GERMAN LLOYD BB 130 W. Randolph St. CkleajtojagS Importiran« KOSE In eredje i« a *taftft*to—M-SS4I la M Ml- Paítala* »raata. élllta mi MATH PEZDIR Box 772. City Hall Sta. NRW YORK, N. Y. VABILO NA VELIKO UMETNIŠKO PREDSTAVO Društveni piknik Kiport. Pa. — Društvo Jadranska vila št. »17 priredi n« 4. julija piknik na farmi h. Zu pančifs. T» prostor je oddaljen od Kxj>orUt eno miljo in pol In ira kršiti jo košata dreve*a, v aenci katerih bomo lahko |m>zu bili ta nekaj ur današnje mlrer« ne razmere. Za to ItVoljenl odbor Imi a kri k* I sa dobro |xistret 1m> in »abavo. Piknik ae pridne oh 1. |m>|h>1 dne. /.m pleaašeljne bo IkiuI Jo-*eph Mfdiute na harmoniko. Zs tiste, ki nimajo avtomobilov «mo preakrlieli truk, ki bo odp» Ijal poMetnike na piknik ob 1. ir 2. popoklne. naaaj pa jih bo vo sil ob 7. in 9. svefor. Truk bo ««kal |M>Metnike pred banko Ir vusnina bo prosta vaakemu. Cenjeno obtinstvo it F.xporta in okolice uljudno vabimo, ds te piknika udeleii. Na svidenje 4 julij«! Frank Merlork, tajnik.1 v nedeljo dne 2. julij* eb 8. ari zvefcr T PULASKI HALL, 17W & Ashland Are. Chica««, III. llaurvlMal mMI 76c. Dn»«l M**J MT o.lefil« t&T l*t»< piknik drvšlva št. 457 Kly Onš, N. Y. — Natnan-i jam članom društva št. 4N7 SN ] PJ, ds naše društvo pri ml i let ai piknik na 4. julija. Zafetek ob 10. do|toMn*. Društveni sklep ae (lasi, da se vsi Mani ude letijo tega piknika' kdor se na udeleftl, pla^n Me \ društvene blaffajno pole« redne «a a*e"*i«nta. Uljudno vabimo vse okoliški rojake in vse Is bllšnjth In dalj njih krajev, da Ma posetijo dnt 4. julija. Za dobro postreibo bo D pa mika Vuleanla pošiljam najlepše pondra ve svojim sorod-nikom in prijateljem v W. Frankfort, iohniiton City, ni., in drufod. Vnem. Iti so mi bili v pomet, najlepša hvala!—B va- IHs, 11.71 mi pM Me Naašs» i rROI.VTARSC w. mi nu««i CRR-AOO. ILLIVHNS pitana Laa Zakrajšek v New Yorfci ta sprejem na poaUji in druro t oí no post ret bo Pilprv ro^am jo vsem rojakom.—Ma. rta CanmU. (Adv.) U-lETBCOtt PK08XETÄ VESTI Ribiči zmagali Seat t le. Wa«h. — Nad pet ti-soO ribičev na reki Columbia je po enem mesecu atavke zmagalo, ko no podjetniki pristali na ivi&anje cen na osem centov in funt nalovljenih rib. Okrog štiri tisoč obreinih ribičev je še na stavki. TRPECl NA mkiiurju IN OBISTIH (Sa balMla« t krUa «11 h praraikralaa Makranja) uparafclla maj« lirralaa urini-m Ml ra v It», «ton* II.Tl. rutla »• tem • hIIm iMtlniM raapaajrati MKS. CR KT A I.K8KOVAR R07 K. ?Srd Street, New York, N. T, udeležijo naše prireditve, da se razvedrimo v prosti naravi. Kot je razvidno dosedaj, ne bo drugega «dovenskega piknika v tej sezoni v Sheboygnnu. Zato upamo, da bo udeležba dobra. Ne pozabite v nedeljo 2. julija na Sheboygan airport! Odbor. . Članom društva 517 Mu*e, Pa. — Drultvo št. 517 SNPJJe sklenilo na zadnji mesečni seji, da se pozove Člane, da se prihodnje mesečne seje udeleži kolikor mogoče veliko članov, ker moramo razpravljati in ukrepati o več važnih zadevah. Mary Krane, tajnica. ACilTIRAJTE ZA PROSVETO! V BLAGI SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI našega dragega a»pro>tii in otota JOHN OSOJNIČKI kateri J* preminul dne IS. junija lMt, Minulo je leto dni od kar nI iti od ns* In na« puatll name. dragi »oprog in «te na*. Naš »pMftin na Te o»tane v naših areih do konea na*eK1» ilvljenja. 1'otlvaJ v miru. —-Žalujoči aatali: Ana Ooojnltkl. aoprog» in otmel, val v Keewatin, Mlnn.. Dot IS. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA 1 laloatnim areem naananjam vaem prijateljem in gnsnrem tu»no \eat. da J« preminul dne 1. maja 101.1 ljubljeni »oprog odroma ote Ob amrtl le bil atsr «S let. Rojen v Novi vsul, fara fclrl. V Ame-rikl J« bivši nad M let. Tukaj aapušta ialujot® »«progo, pet Kinov in tri Mere In v aUrem kraju pa tudi enega »Ina In eno hier. IUI Je tisa društva it. 47. JHKJ In društva M. 1«« HNPJ in laobraievalnega društva. Na tem meat« lirekam naJ»rtiteJA« hvala v*em trem dru-»t vom In tlanom sa darova*« kraane venee. kakor tudi varan druuim iM>aameanikom, ki ao ae »pomnili nJega a rvetlieaml, vaem, ki «o» d*» avoje avtomobile na raapolago «h pogrebu In vaom, ki ao g» ohhkall ob njeiovem mrtvaškem odru. kakor tudi onim. kl ao na »premlll k zadnjemu potit ku na mirodvor. lakrena hvala vnem. ki »te nam atali ob atranl v urah ialoatl In nam na kakoršenkoli natin p»m»g»ll, ter iskaaall »vajo »otutno aolalje. nam dali pomot in asklonJegoNt, onia-nemo Vam hvalešni la lepa vam hvala v^m »kupa). Tebi. ljubljeni aoprov In oée. pa šellmo. potlval v miru In lahka naj TI bo amerUka remija.—Jtalujotl oatallt Magdalena More. »oproga; Valentin Jr., William, Henry. Rudolph in Frank. »Inovl. ter Albina. Anna in Mary, hčere, John In Franeea v atarem kraju. Kederal. Pa. Zdravi nogo, ko vi hodite. Pišite nam po Dr. Cherdrotiovo domače adruvilo: Pišite na: MANCHER PHARMACAL CO. 15702 Waterloo Rd.. C Uvel and, O. Slovenaka lekarna. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Potrtih In šaloatnlh are naauanjamo aorodnlkom. prijateljem In snaneem tušno ve»t. da nam Je neiaproana »mrt ugrabila Ia nate arede I Ju bet o mater in »«progo Umrla J» V*, aprila 10M ob 8. url «JutraJ v Csaeaabarg (ieneral bolnišnici, kamor Je bila prepeljana in bila operirana na ioltnih kam-nlh. Rojena Je bila v vaal (iolušnlk. bipnija Hv. Peter pri Novem Me»tu na Dolenjske«. V Ameriki Je bivala od leta 1114 Is ob amrtl atava IV let. * Pogreb Je Ml elvIUn ia hiše šalo»! I dne 17. aprila na tuksjšnj« narodno pokopaliite Oak Hprlng i'em«W»ry. NI nam mogote popi»" 11 ialoatl. tako nenadne lofltve in n«prltak«vane »mrtl. Umrla Je hila takoj drugI dan po op«raet)l. Reanltno nl»mo mogli verjeti »volim «¿Mu, niti henralam »dravnlka ali «al bila Je bridka rennie». HHa Je ilaniea tukajinjega druitva/iNmtoJn-ka Jama" it. lis, HNPJ in dru-itva "Rrataka Hloga" it. 140. JHKJ, kalereg« tl»n»tvo »e Je ud »le i Ilo pogreb» in Jo »premilo k aadnjemu počitku V veliki m itevllu. V doli-no»t »i Štejem, da »e n»j»rtneje (»hvalimo vaem. ki »o umu »l«ll ob »trani in nam bili v pomot v ur»h i»lo»tl. Prav lepa hvala obema društvoma aa darovane kraane venre in aa i »karam» t»»t ob pogrebu kakor tudi aa tutje ob mrtvaškem odru. Hrta» hvala vnem. ki »o )«• obhikali ob njenem mrtv»škem odru in n»» bodrili. N«d«IJe najlepša hvala vaom. ki a« darovali kraane venee »n evetlire. katerih Je bila aoba polna. Ilvala pev»kemu »boru Ilirija in vodju g. Rudolf Pleter-šeku aa aapet« ialo»tinke. (rlaboka hvala njeni »««tri in mojemu bratu aa dano pomot in toUibo. Tebi. draga in ljuba »oproga In mati. pa ielimo. potivaj v miru In lahka naj Ti bo ameriška remija. Oatala nam bodeš v trajnem »pomlnu do konra na»lh dni.—Zalujoti oatali: John Koklirh In druiln» v Htrabane-Oa II. a»la«ra IMI r»t t a# IMalra, ia*aa4avlja II. Marra |»fS W. Jaraal. M»4ha. Ja«aala*iia MOAra IMI C«4a«r|a. Saear. llalli* I. a»»aala llfl 'mr«, í fnmmmi. ÍWmI««í|i la fa»raar|a IMI VrfcNOa. I |«M|«aa. Ia«a4a*ti» M. 4aaa«ara !•»• f*0, l-MII». 4*«a4artla II, iriwll IM4 l-M»lra, i ra»mrl|. Ja»aala>i|a 1«. a.«arla l«l» »MU»*', 1'w.Ulaa, iaaaalarl«a 1«. a»»a«la l»TI Ttiiéé», H.HI.a JuaaalaOta l|. JwOia IMI aMMIra, »arr.tr. Ja«aala»l|» II. a*rila l»M Ufé», Mlt>a. Ja«aala»l|a II, iaalla I»»* IJ»»ar4a»«|a «. Ia»raar|a !•»• 4«4»atlra. km*» »la, i a» »ata. I »a M. w«»aatkra |Ht VIotra, Iraaa«, Ja«aala«l|a I. |a a a arta IMI «»Wr, (l«r*a 1«. ataaata IM» I,, Na.«airóla, 4aaaa4a*lta 9, marra IM» it Ja*l, Waraiaa4a, laaaalarlla II. élakri MI* l»ra», Natraaria. 4a»aalarl|a II. laaaarla IMI VlSa» V«4Nir latir, laa—la.lla ti. ar.aatri IMT »4»j. Ia«aa4a«l|a t Mata IM» eaSgaaüa »«ír.|r J— aalaalla •a. Mtalrra Mil >«•« 4 Ha. lata. >1, atlafcra Hft tiM*é», grata. J««aatarlta If. Ia«raar|a l»M We»rtaa«4.«a l»a. ti. #a»raar|a IM* NaMa graba. Iaaa«4a»lja I á» rar*"f taM Nrar.a I MMtaaa. ia«arla* Ha II. Marra IM4 lat«, {raamr<|. i«a<*aU>lta H Onatri la»» M*ra«/a I i«)«a ia«aalarlla 14- »aaaarta IM4 O M«»*l NaaaaaaaM, ia«aaUtl|a |. ae'Oa MIS ftallmllr I »«Mlaaa. ia»ai4i.l>a II. mtlrath l«t UWir latíala.Ita « afclatra IMI 'IrtM, IMar NMrWa. i a»a«4>rt|a ti aataala MU I1l«4aii. la». »9. MfW» l«»4 mi laa r |laN4a r|, IMIta la»« SA»ml|, tMalrr i»a«4a*Oa I ij,i aifiu lafl TrIM. graat 4aa«rf»rt|a I«, Urafcra IMI 4a»a,»4ltaMaM.Aralr ti, aavi.aOra IMI IA« Jar«4arlta f Mata laM Oaa»a«U laaaOarH» I | mmMh IMI Pera'O |a»M4ar«M N Alakr« |a»t % Ir n«*r, fradt. iaaaatarlta II 4»aalri IMI USaarar »rarr.a, iMlMarlta j M aa»laM»ra IMI UMe, Iaa»*ia>«ta 1 14 afttaSra IMI iMta. SrMa, Ji»mliil|a WlllarA, Pa. : Uaaa Maa. Pa. ■>!«»aa, Pa. ,. i him la, Pa...... i 4 non aira ra, fa. lian llar» Illa, Pa. HffWtaiti Karrai CUr. Pa. laliaalaaa, Pa. ( larMaa, Pa- . i Wraaa, III. Han vil la, III. ,. I.» Salla, IS... Iréaa ha» 1*1 ta'alta «a apara« l|l «rtaa MIm iala4#al rafc «araaltaala 4 rar Ir4aa lap Vanta atapl/a »ah aa latrtk 4r4aa »Mm lllaall laa ara Mar t «r/na MM lllaall SfVaa Mfca Irina MM tU'fcrataata Irrt Va.it. liAaiar Mrraa a at aa Mrl» gr.ai«t aa aMttpaai» PK08VITJT SREDA, 28. PROSVETA r THB Elf LIC UTEN II ENT »LAMILO IN LASTNINA BU>VK*M WASOPM' T^ff^,/" Org»» W iikMtii Iv Al S tou. |l.M UMKM.,» CkU»- trn cto. 9TM m 7 £ MM ÜTr-r. CltaC U4 tu«r» HM F« F«V. «M«*- »M A4*«rtUla« raU» rSOSVSTA. SMT-M S». MEHIKI OF TU ntPEKATED fSEM Dopisnikom v vednost Seznanite s« z novimi točka«! v pravilih, ki m tičejo dopisovanja t Prosveto Prihodnjo soboto, dne I. julija, bodo veljavna nova pravita SNPJ, ki so bila sprejeta na deseti redni konvenciji. Nova pravila Ae niso tiskana, zato ponatiskujemo na tem mestu « novih pravil dve novi točki, ki se tičeta dopisovanja v Prosto. Omenjeni dve točki (5. in 6. XVI. člens "Publikacije') ae glasita: 5. Prosveta priobčuje dopise in članke, v k«Urlh člani stvar-no, dostojno in na podlagi resnice razpravljajo o Jednotinh ta društvenih stvareh in kritizirajo sklepe ali postopanja društvene ali Jednotine uprave. Vsak dopis ali članek polemične vsebine sprejet od uredništva, pa naj se kritika tiče česarkoli, mora bit podpisan v celoti za javnost od pisca in poleg Imena mora bit. ob-javi Jena tudi številka društva, katerega član Je pisec. 6. Uredništvo rednih publikacij ne sme priobčiti dopisov in člankov s osebnimi nspsdl na člane SNPJ. Za osebne napade se smatrajo predvsem očitki dejanj iz privatnega življenja člana. Dalje uredništvo ne sme priobčiti dopisov in člankov v katerUi se obtožujejo posamezni člani, društva, društveni ali gL odborniki prestopkov prsvll. Vse take obtožbe morajo biti rešene pe inštan-cah Jednotlnega razsodišča in samo priznane inštance smejo objaviti v glasilu svoje ursdne zaključke glede takih zadev. Nsdalje uredništvo ne sme objaviti nobenega dopisa ali članka, ki Je v nasprotju z nsčelno izjavo SNPJ, ki postavlja list ali Jednoto v nevarnost tožbe za "criminal llbel" ali kršitve kakršnegakoli drugega državnega ali federalnega zakona, ali ki vsebuje posredno ali neposredno reklsmo za kakšno trgovinsko podjetje. Gornji točki sta dovolj jasni. Krijeta vse, ksr je zadnja štir leta določala znana resolucija, kstere rezultat je bil "Ljudsk glas." Rubrika "Ljudski glas" zdaj odpade in dopisi polemične vaebine pridejo med druge dopise; dopisnikom ne bo več treba iteti besed, toda paziti bodo morali na vsebino. L Priporočamo vsem, ki se interesirajo, da si dobro zspomnijo gornji točki, ksterih se bo moralo uredništvo držati. Zlasti je važna 5. točka, ki določa, da "vsak dopis ali članek polemične vaebine, sprejet od uredništva, pa naj se kritika tiče česarkoli, mora biti podpisan v celoti za javnost od pisca in poleg imena mora biti objavljena tudi številka društva, katerega član je pisec." Gornje pomeni, da od 1. julija mora vsak dopisnik, ki v Pro-Bveti s kom polemizirs sli ksj kritizira, podpisati svoje celo in pravo ime za javnost in zraven navesti številko svojega društva. Vohatin krlfks, pa naj se tiče lokalnih zadev, političnih vprašan; uit karkoli, ne bo objavljena brez celotnega ln pravega imena pisca iu njegov« ur as i v eno številke. Edino navadna poročila in novice bodo lahko objavljene brez imena pises. Prosimo vse dopisnike, stare in nove, da to upoštevajo In se strogo ravnajo po novih pravilih. Uredništvo Prosvete. Glasovi iz naselbin Zanimive beležke te rasnih krajev zneje. Pričakujemo, da bo to e-na največjih prireditev v zgodovini socialističnega gibsnja v tem okraju, vaaj tako nas zagotavljajo eodrugi kluba v Jean-nette, ki šteje nad 100 članov. Nihče naj ne zamudi te prilike. Na programu je kot govornik označen sodr. Hoan; milwauški župan. Se nekaj o unijah. Tukaj ao o-živeli unijo UMWA, v katero se je doslej že vpisalo do 36,000 rudarjev. Tudi v naši naselbini so ustanovili unijo. Norman Tho-is je nedavno v Illinoisu izjavil, da je vsaka unija boljša kot nobena in tega mnenja sem tudi jaz. Ker ni druge unije v bližini, je potrebno, da delamo, za UMWA, z nezvestimi in zanikrnimi voditelji pa bomo lahko o-bračunali, ko pride do moči razredno zavedno delavstvo. Na delo za združenje delavatva in odpravo suženjstva! Anton Zornik. Dr. Soukup is Čehoslovakije govori na soc. piknika Chicago. — V nedeijodne 2. julija bo imela čikaška socialistična stranka svoj letni piknik v Pilsen parku na W. 26 cesti In Albapy a ve, z obširnim zabavnim in govorniškim programom. Njen najodličnejši gost na tem pikniku bo dr. Františe/k Soukup predsednik čehoslovaške senatne zbornice in Član eksekutive Delavske in socialistične internaci-onale. : Dr. Soukup je vodilni sociall-stični državnik v Cehoelovaški republiki in je bil desna roka predsedniku Masaryku pri njenem stvorjenju. V socialistič- Sem gibanju je od mlsdih nog. :ot dijak je bil radi svojih aktivnosti izključen z univerze in pozneje tarča Franc Jožetovih žen , darjev. Bil je eden prvih socialističnih poslancev v stari Avstriji. Pred njenim rszsulom je bit doma na čelu gibanja za ustanovitev čehoslovaške republike medtem ko je dr. Maaaryk vodil gibanje v tujezemstvu. Na socislistiČnem pikniku v Pilsen parku bo govoril o političnem položaju v Evropi, predvsem o fašističnem barbarstvu aelnih so s farmarskimi organizacijami vred povabljene, da pošljejo avoje zastopnike na ta kongres. V»|aka krajevna organizacija je upravičena do dveh delegatov. Te vrstice so napisane največ P namenom, da se urgira naša društva — ne samo SNPJ, ampak vseh jednot in zvez — naj pošljejo svoje delegate na ta kongres v Springfield. Ce do prihodnje seje ne dobite povabila, zastopnike vaeeno izvolite ter to sporočite na: 111. Congress of Farmers and Workers, 3262 North ave., Chicago, 111. NiČ manj važni od kontinentalnega kongresa so državni kongresi, ker od teh, kakor tudi od krajevnega gibanja, bo odvisno, kako daleč se bo to gibanje razvilo. Ti kongresi nudijo prvo priliko po dolgih letih, da se združijo vse delavske organizacije v mogočen val, v organizacijo, ki bo služila delavskim masam, da pridejo do svojih pravic. Logičen razvoj tega gibanja vodi v formiranje močne delavske politične stranke ia do ojačanja unij ter drugih delav-sitih organizacij. Vsled tega je potrebno od strani naših društev; da sodelujejo pri polaganju temelja za resničen "new deal", ki ne bo odviaen od kakšnega liberalnega predsednika reakcionarne stranke, pač pa od organizirane sile delavstva. Zato vsi v Springfield dne 22. in 23. julija. — Publicijski odbor. Federacije S, N. P. J --¿t Slovenski delavci, prihodnjo ne del jo vsi v Pilsen park! Chicago, III. — Prihodnjo nedeljo popoldne, dne 2. julija, je izlet vseh čikaških delavcev kakor tudi iz bližnjih predmestij. Izlet se vrši v Pilsen parku, 26th ,st. in t Albany ave, dva bloka vzhodno od Kedzie ave. Slovenski delavci v Chicagu in okolici, udeležite se tega iz-Jeta in pridite v nedeljo popol-dbe v Pilsen park. Vstopnins je samo 25c, kar je izredno malo. Program na tem izletu ali pik-hiku je raznovrsten ln zelo skrbjo izbran: Govori, petje, godba, razne igre Itd. Kot glavni govor Federscijski izlet 9. Julija Milwaukee, Wis. — Milwauška federacija priredi svoj piknik v nedeljo, dne 9. julija v Cov i cevem parku, BB rd. W. So. Milwaukee ali E. od 41 rd (Chicar go). Označeni prostor je zelo primeren za izlete, ker nudi obilo sence, dvorano za ples, mize in stole in lepo baro. Postrežba točna v vseh ozirih. Pridite in prepričajte se, da ni boljšega* prostora za piknike v bližini. Zabave bo obilo za stare in mlade. Društva, pridružena federaciji, delujte za uspešni izlet, kajti čisti dobiček od te priredbe bo šel v pomoč brezposelnim. Vabljena so vsa sosednja in okoliška društva ter vsi posamezniki iz bližnje in daljne okolice. Poset bomo ob priliki vrnili. F. Perko, tajnik. Seja ilftinoiske federacije 9. Julija Virden, III. — Iz urada skupnih jednotinih društev, ki so pridružena k centralni illinoiski federaciji, se naznanja, da se boj prihodnja federacijska seja vršila v nedeljo, dne 9. julija, ob 9. dopoldne v Sirvenskem domu, 11. cesta in Kansas st., v Spring-flfklu, ,111. Obenem vabim vsa društva, ki «o že pridružena k federaciji, da izvolijo zastopnike. Posamezniki naj vplivajo pri svojih društvih, da pošljejo zastopnike na federacijsko sejo 9. julija.' Deseta konvencija je za nami. Mnogo važnega in koristnega se je sklenilo in storilo. Udeležite se vsi okoliški delegatje in člani, da se skupftj pogovorimo o bodočih aktivnostih, tako da bodo naša društva napredovala z našo federacijo vred. Frank Ilersich, tajnik. in nemščini fn njegov go\or bo nik pa nastopi predsednik čeho-v Nemčiji. Govoril bo v češčinifslovaškega senata dr. František Soukup, ki se nafta j* na potova- preveden v angleščino. Pojeg.riju po Združenih državah. Baritoniat AubeU In "coprnik" Grdina Chicago, IB. — V nedeljo, dne 2. julija, ob osmi uri zvečer nastopi v Pulaaki dvorani na 1709 South Ashland ave. naš veliki slovenski pevec g. Anton Subelj, priznani slovenski baritonist. Njegov program Je nekaj posebnega in kdor ga bo šel poslušat, se ne bo kesal. Pel bo mojstrsko, kakor poje on vedno in poslušati ga bo prijetno. Kdor le more naj ga gre poslušat. Za njim nastopi v isti dvorani čarovniški umetnik g. John Grdina. On je v Chicagu in izven Clevelatnla še nc|>oznan. Venda( je velik umetnik v avoji stroki Neštetokrat je bil občudovan od Amerikancev. V nedeljo, dne 2. julija, ga t>odo imeli priliko videti čikaški in vsi drugi Sloven ci, ki se bodo tisti dan mudili na riško revolucijo, v kateri ao mnogi žrtvovali imetje in življenje za boljšo bodočnost državljanov nove republike. Letos je bolj po trebno, da se sklicujemo na ta zgodovinski dan kot kdaj poprej. Delati moramo, da pride nova doba neodvisnosti. Ns zborovanju Kontinentalne ga kongresa v Washingtonu je bila sprejeta nova Izjava neodvisnosti, taka, ki je potrebna > sedanjem čaau, da zaalgura živ Ijenje In ugodnoati državljanom v tej dobi tehnike in znanja. Ta kongres je zaključil, da ae dne 4. julija prečita nova Izjava neodvisnosti na vaeh naših sestan k)h, na katerih prasnujemo ta dan. Rojake vabiti* da pose ti Jo pik nik naše federacije, ki ss vrši na Hermlnie Falr Ground. Ta proator je oddaljen eno miljo od njega bosta govorila B. C. Vla-dek Iz New Yorka, ki je eden najboljših socialističnih govornikov, ter Roy But, tajnik socialistične stranke okraja Cook in državne organizacije. Na programu bo tudi mnogo zabavnih točk — žogometnih i-ger, tekma za otroke — in nastopi raznih pevskih zborov. V atletiki bodo nastopile razne skupine iz Chfcaga in tudi iz Mil-waukeeja. Najboljša točk» v tem področju pa bo nastop češkegs delavskega sokola DTJ. Jugoalovanski delavci iz Chi-caga in okolice, kakor tudi vsi drugi, so vabljeni, da se tega piknika udeleže. Vstopnins je samo 25 centov. Atletski program se prične kmalu po 12. uri, park pa bo odprt ob 10. dopoldne. Poročevalec. V nedeljo popoldne vsi v Pilsen park! p. O. razstavi in v Chicagu. Povem j naselbine. Zvečer Istega dne se vam odkrito, da vaak, ki ga bolho vršila plesna zabava v dvora videl, bo hvaleten našemu Slo-vennko amrrikanakemu klubu za priliko, da ifa je videl. Ne k ftubelj, ne g. Grdina ne potrebujeta nobene reklame. Dovolj je, da povemo, da flta to dva velika umetnika vaak v svoji stroki. In tinti, ki Imm)o prvega slišali in drugega videli, bodo potem o tem sami prepričani in nam iz srca hvaleinl ta to veliko umetniško prireditev. Vstopnice *e te prodajajo ln •leer re*rr\ iranl sedeži po 76c, •rdeti v uredi in zadaj v dvorani po Mk\ galerija pa po 3ftc. Pre •krbite si jih pravočaano. Dobijo m> na mojem naslovu. Citate-l)e opozarjam tudi na naš oglaa, ki je objavljen v tej številki. Na svidenje v nedeljo, dne 2. julija, v Pulaski Hsll ! Jse Kskmss, odbornik, 1837 West Ormsk Road. Pikalk I« drago Hermlnie. Pa. — Westmd fa-oersdja društev 8NPJ priredi svoj letni piknik dne 4. julija. ni društev št. 87 ln 618. Na pik nlku priredi mladina razne igre in pričakujemo veliko udelešbo Prijatelji, pozabimo na rasne •pore v prošlosti in delajmo /a bodočnost. Sloga Jačl, nesloga tlači, pravi pregovor. Tukajšnja federacija šteje 30 društev in bi moral biti tonj u apeh zadovoljiv. Rea Je, da čaai «labt ln prav saradl tega bi morala biti udeležba velika, pa naj tiati. katere ni krisa bedo zadela, posežejo globje v svoje šepe. Pridejo naj tudi ljudje iz oddaljenih krajev, kjer so se de lavake razmere nekoliko Izboljša le. Kadar ae bodo vrnile nor»a I ne raamere v naše kraje, ime vam pripravljeni vrniti jNMtt Mimogrede naj omenim, da priredi tudi socialiatlčna okraj na organ Uartja s vej piknik v Oskwood parku dno iS. Julija Park ae nahaja med naseMna ms Jeannette ln Greensburi Piknik se prične zjutraj In bo trajal ves dsn. Imeli bomo ledi plss ln drugo zsbsvo. imena go pa bodo objsvljea» po Kongres delavcev in farmarjev v Illinoisu » Chicago. — Dne 22. in 23. Julija se bo v Springfieldu vršil kongrea delavcev in farmarjev države Illinois v amislu sklepa kontinentalnega kongresa v Wa-shingtonu. Vae delavske strokov ne, politične, zadružne, podporne, prosvetne in kljubi brezpo- Letni Izlet SND Le Salle, IU. — Družba Slovenski narodni dom priredi svoj letni piknik v nedeljo, dne 2. julija, na Makkovi farmi, ki se nahaja zraven Gruberjeve farme med La Sallom in OgIesby-Jem. Pikniški odbor je pridno ns delu, ds bo ustregel vsem našim posetnikom. Postrežba bo izvrstna in tudi dobrega piva ne bo manjkalo. Uljudno so vabljeni vsi domovi delničarji in vsi ostali, da se udeležite tega izleta. _Direktorij. LI8TNICA UREDNIŠTVA Pueblo, Colo., M. G. — Zahvala te vrete je oglas. Ako se priobči kot novica, odpadejo imena gostov. To je bilo izvršeno. Ako ste zadovoljni s ponovno objavo v celoti v obliki oglaaa, ae morate domeniti z Spravništvom. NaJzaneslJivsJšs dnevne dovesti se v dnevniku Ali Jih čltate Seja ohijske federacije Bellaire, a — Ohijska in za padna W. Va. federacija druš tev SNPJ naznanja, da se vrši prihodnja seja federacije dne 27. avgusta v češki dvorani, 41 in Harriaon st., Bellaire, O. Priče-četek seje ob 2. popoldne. Poročano je že bilo, da je bi- SStttflrft .društva prosta članarine za štiri mesece. Vzrok je velika brez-poselnost. Ta olajšava je v veljavi tudi za tista društva, ki se mislijo priključiti federaciji. Do sedaj ni bilo nkakega odziva od teh društev; kaj je vzrok, ni znano. V javnosti smo že pojasnili, kaj je namen federaci je ln kaj federacija lahko dobrega in koristnega naredi za članstvo in jednoto. Pravila so bila razposlana vsem društvom v pretres in večina ae strinja s federacijo. Potežkoče nam delajo finančne razmere kar se je tudi vsestransko upoštevalo. Dejatvo je, da je federacija po svoji moči pomagala v prvi vrsti bednim članom. Podporo je delila vsem enako in nobena prošnja, ki je bila potrjena po društvu, ni bila odklonjena. Malo števife društev, ki so pri družena federaciji, ni kos nalogi in ne morejo pomagati vsem ki eo prizadeti v tej depresiji. V zadnjem času se je pričelo nekoliko delati t premogovnikih in tovarnah. Zaslužek je sicer slab vendar sem prepričan, da bi društva v tej okolici, ako se pridružijo federaciji, lahko zmagovala priapevke, ki so selo nizki. šteje do 25 tZiČT**0 26 cent°v, do 60-članov 50 centov do 2410 članov,!,^ «•M) P* 12. VokoluT Je krftg 30 društev i„ akol vsa «pridružila, bi j^0' federacijo. Ako 8e ma|0 mo v delo, ki ga vrti f«™ se bomo prepričali, da bna. Ifratje in sestre J jajnft ^ »redi poti, temv kažimo ostalim naselbintr imajo svoje federacije, zaostajamo za njimi. V8e' racijei imajo isti cilj, V«|J priporočam vsem društvoj tej okolici, da vzamejo te ce v pretres na svojih Razpravljajo naj tudi o lih, ki so še v veljavi, kakšna točka na svojem jo bomo- lahko nadomea boljš^ j. vašo pomočjo na «ejaJv-: Na društva apeliram, da lijo svoje zastopnike in j šljeio na sejo federacije, kj do lahko zahtevali pojasn temjn onem in prepričan da se bo njihovi želji us ter upoštevali nasveti v federaciji. Upam, da ta a| bo zaman in da bodo druit volfla. zastopnike in jih p na *Jo federacije, ki se vi avgusta v Bellairu. Ako k< li kakšna pojasnila, naj » ne na spodaj podpisan« Louiir Pavlinich, R. F. D. 1 i5G,, Bell/aire, 0„ tajnik* nirfjWeracije. M»»i —_ Piknik milwauške federa Milwaukee, Wis. — Pok ročila delegatov zadnje ko cijeje bilk na dnevnem rej dnj€»"*eje milwauikee fed je razprava glede skupnegi nikaiMPiknik se bo vršil, je bilo že poročano, dne 9. v znanem Covičevem park odbor, ki ima v rokah vi prave za ta veliki piknik, li izvoljeni člani, ki se ra jo «S ta posel hi bodo gotov rili vse, kar bo v njih mol bo prireditev v vseh ozirih stMHki uspešna. J Vse čtkhe naših društev okofl$ se opozarja torej, i zamudijo te prilike in se t razV^helijo v družbi brato sestet, da tako ojačamo na Udarnost in se tesneje zdn za naše skupno delovanje dočntisti. tvegati so poročali na U ji opaznih podrobnostih i nje konvencije, posebno pi de složnega delovanja n**i dlkfJtalt* in konservativnih jateUev, kar je gotovo m za, običajno komunistično i ko v (Amerik i; tudi pri t« liki so delovali po svojem rem geslu, da se to ali onoi nizajo podjarmi ali pa un Na. prihodnji seji nsše racije ae bo o tej zadevi previjalo obširneje, ker p< no jet da se začne ie sedi primernim delovanjem za čenje naših postojank. To d bo morali vršiti v bodoče matično, ker le na ta načis bo tttgoče doseči velike u in pntprečiti v bodoče vse i črte raznih koristolovoev h političnih fanatikov, ki itf obenem precejšnjo mero d ne zaoetalosti. E«omilwauško federscij« Niš jagoslovaiski k ?j!? nmpto N« soclslistlčseai piki« CMeago. - Prihodnjo ljo, dne 2. julija, it nekak cielni jugoslovsnski dsn kalrf razstavi. Zave« slovanski delavci v Ch okolici i ms jo na U dstu» da*«*Pilsen psrku. * * Albany sve. na zapedni mesta, Tsm bo H«"1 9etni Piksik -ds» strsnke okrsja Cook To^ strsnkin piknik, ki * sredi, torej mu so govori. iH«^ " igre.»štd ; dovolj krepčlla. ^ Gl#vni govornik ns ^dr. Frsntišek £ Ični vodjs - « I. prsitoednik A Park odpn PROSVlsrA IP IR© SV IETA Thes« »h. , •••entlal Hbtrt,"ù ; » ' aeitkcr î ssfety. page biz __ENGLISH SECTION _ FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES HUUrwT Editorial Comments Next Saturday, July 1, the new by-laws, measure* and resolution» enacted at the tenth quadrennial convention go into effect and application. To what extent the new by-law» will prove practical and sound, we repeat, will depend to a very great degree upon the co-operation offered by the entire membership and particularly by the subordinate officials to the Society's executives. • ¥ • The delegates' determined and successful efforts to effect economies in the various classes of sick and disability insurance, with the ex-pre»s purpose of forever abolishing special levie» deserve grateful recognition by hard-pressed members throughout the Society'» jurisdiction. But he real result of these effort«, we again repeat, will be manifested by the wiiling-ness of the members and subordinate executives to help earnestly to execute all of the new enactment» to their very be»t ability, for the best interest of the Society and the entire membership as a whole. • • * Nowhere can be finer cooperation, especially In these critical moment», than by the executive and »ubordinate officials, becau»e nowhere within the system of our Society exist stronger tie» which must be strengthened in order that we may meet the pre»ent exigencies and solve all major and minor problems rationally and constructively. e e e To bring down operating costs the salaries of all executive members have been reduced 15 per cent, and tho»e of the Society'» employes from 20 to 40 per cent. Last week we commented lightly upon the reductions affecting the Society's employes. The comment has been made chiefly because of drastic wage-cut» for the employes only, be-cauae of the obvious discrimination between the two bodies, because of general high living conditions in Chicago, and because of the fact that these wage alashes will in no way help the economiea of the organization. The fifth reaaon was that the responsible convention committee, through its chairman, misrepres-ented the employea when it stated to the convention, according to the official minutes of ls»t Wednesday, thst thia question was presented to the employes. What prompted the committee to thia action, ia still a puzzle. * s • Sections 5 and 6 of article 16 of the new bylaws, regarding the organization's publications and contributions, reads as follow»: Section ft. The official organ shall publish letters and articles In which members discuss or criticize lodge and organization affairs sanely and constructively and base their statements on facts, and when they criticize objectively lodge or administrative decisions. Every letter or article of controversial nature, concerning whatever subject, which is accepted for publication. must be signed with the name and lodge number of the writer. Section A. The editor shall publish no letters or articles which contain personal attacks aimed at any member or members. Personal attacks shall be considered insinuations and accusations which deal with a member's private life. Further, the editor shall publish no letters or articles in which charges are made against individual members, lodge or lodges, subordinate or supreme executives, that they violated the by-laws. All charges of this nature shall be tried first before the organization's tribunals, and these tribunals alone shall have the right to publish in the organ their official decisions. Furthermore, the editor shall publish no letters or articles which are not In accord with the Declaration of Principles of the SNPJ, which might in any way jeopardize the official organ or the organization for criminal libel, or which might violate the state or federal law, or which directly or indirectly advertise some private business establishment. Who » Balbo? The Reveliers9 Column V fioneer Moonlight?« A ■bridge. Pa.—Just to select a starting subject for this week's piece, let's stray onto the subject ambition. It has its points, I mean ambition— not this write-up. Ia detailed form It would take paces to cover the topie, but this is merely an attempt to abridge it with a thought, or possibly two. Ambition has Its salutary effects. There is the urge created to attempt, to persevere, to achieve. It does not inter thst achievement is always gained. Seldom is ambition of the type that attains completeness. Too often having gained one rung on tf»e ladder of life, there is a continued attempt to reach a higher rung. And rarely is the pinnacle gained. However, it is essential to continued progress that ambition is implanted in the life of each individual. Step by step it leads humanity onward. To follow in Its patfe may mean work, countless hardships; but having, been gained, an ambition achieved will bring its due share of the joye of achievement. • 0-0 During the past week the Revellers' mushball team won two victories and suffered three defeats. On June 18, playing at Aliquippa, the boys dropped the first game by a 0-1 score and won the second by a 15-Id count against the Books Shoes team. In the Ambridge City League: on June 21 the team defeated the Polish National Alliance nine in an eleven inning game by a 4-3 margin. In a double-header on June 23 the team lost both games by 7-3 and 11-4 scores to the Walt's Sandwich Shop team. The latter defeats eliminate the team from a possible first place tie for the first half of the seaaon. In the local league the boys won 8 games, lost five and one remains a tie. 0 0 0 ALL THAT SORT OP THING. The Revellers haven't forgotten Joe Rosenberger. It was two years on June 21, . . Lodges can, if they do some thinking, stir up interest in the orgsnization. Many locals are still in the activity list and allowing their mettle in these times.. . . Bro. George Maietich and Josephine Plevel have the good wishes of the Revellers as they enter the land of matrimony on June 20. . . Delegates to the E. 8. Federation conference on July 18 at Sygan (Penna.) should devise some Rjan for some activity that will bring life and meaning to the Federation. . . Bro. Spec's con-trib of last week was unexpected, but pleasing. .. . Home from New York City on June 23, and tor one day only, was Pauline Kuhel. From the same city, for a longer stay, came Marie < Rosenberger. Both are Ambridge girls who are making good as nurses in America's largest metropolis. , . It would be nice to be able to attend the Integrity's Beach Party in July. So, if it's okay with Frank. Ill appoint Frank Mejasch as my proxy for the occasion. . . As to Saint and Sinner: (incidentally and otherwise, I like and read their Cleveland chatter) I could tell you who the Beacon Bachelorettes sre, but I'm not in the disclosing of identities' mood. However, Lokar's dying Quacks could give you a panning of me, if you get in touch with them.. . . The Westmoreland County Federation haa big doings on Julgr 14. Folks ought'a stop at Yukon that day and take in the good time promised. . . Until again, so long. . :J' Louia Koaela. Chicago.—The Pioneer Lodge, by popular demand, will sponeor another Moonlight Picnic Saturday, July 16, at the same grove—Kegel's well-known grove, Willow Springs. Our first affair of this kind, June 3, showed up to be a success and indications point that this one will be juat as good, if not better. . We now at least have some experience in managing an affair of this sort. As explained in another column of this edition, you will receive a special mimeographed Bulletin and tickets for thia event. The tickets are not to be sold as they are courtesy tickets. Pass them out to your friends who can then gain admittance to the grove upon payment of 26c. Bert Moore's Night Owls will again officiate on the dance pavilion. Trucks will leave for the grove from the SNPJ Auditorium at regular in-.tervals. Plans are being made for our Annual Picnic to be held in the last part of August. Watch the Prosveta for final announcement of date and then show us what a good job you can do boosting it. Picnic Committee members, attention: A meeting to be held Thursday, June 29, at the home of O. B. Godina. Be sure you are present to help clear last-minute problems and to start the Blcnjc outright Tenderfoot. Little Fort News Lstroba Highlight« No. Chicage-Waukegaa.—It seems that our Girls' Indoor team has start* ed out the second round with a bang. They have not lost a game in the second round and have, in two games played, twice« defeated the strongest combine, Mordhorst Transfer. Let's hsve some more rooters. If you ask Iggie Gerxel, the manager, he'll be only too glad to let you know where the games are. Let's see the whole bunch out for the next game and for every other game. How about a game with your girls, Daddy? And how about some rooters for the Slovene A. C. team? The next Little Fort meeting should be well attended, aa some special business will come up for consideration. The meeting will be follower by a "woiner roast," which will be taken car« of by Sylvia Kim, Louiae Zelesnik, Mitsi Michalak!, and Frances Hrovatin. There'll be plenty to eat and, of course, plenty to drink. Let's turn out in full num bers., ao we can all say after the evening la over, "A good time was had by all." The Sports Club picnic committee consisting of Louise Zelesnik, Fran ees Kirn, Sylvia Kirn, Jake Novak, Iggie Gerxel, and Kddie Brunet, as yet, hasn't definitely decided as to what they shall db.i But they are woridng on their p an«, and we shall soon hear all jdetaila of the arrangement. ( , Is .. Frances Kirn, Pplly Strltar, and Buddy Bennett saW the Cubp defeat the Phillies in Chioago last Friday. A beach party Was held Thursday while Frank Dolcpce was still in town so that he coiild jojn in on the fun. A good time really was had by all. Nellie Addler will have to return to the grinds of labor. She has had a two-week vacation and how she can't bear the thought of returning to the office and of leaving the park and swimming. But there'll atill be Saturdays and Suidays in which to swim and get a suntan, Nellie. Sylvia Kirn had to postpone the regular 8unday morning session of the "Esrly Bird Clttb" because of the picnic. The next meeting will be held on Sunday fs usual. She is planning to make another club and 1s now experimenting. See you later. Latrobe, Pa.—Shuffle off to the "Old Fair Grounds"—one mile from Herminie (between Herminie and Lowber)—for these grounds will be the scene of the Annual Picnic sponsored by the Westmoreland Federation of SNPJ Lodges, Jply 4. PLKASE NOTE, that the place of the great jamboree is not Yukon as previously announced, but it will take place at the Old Fair Grounds on July 4. . ON INDEPENDENCE DAY—July 4—we, the Westmoreland SNPJ lodges would like to see you with us —and we will do all we can to make your visit with us a memorable one. We extend a hearty invitation to all SNPJ lodges. THE E. S. LODGES of this county should all have igopd^presentation. The "Torches" will be there-pa fte kako! Are you? THE BEES hope to gather on this day and we wouldn't mind at all having the honor to play hostesses to the Bachelor Club of Detroit. • • • Bro. Fred Povirk, staunch member of the SNPJ "Yough Valley Knights and who was seen frequently at "SNPJ gatherings, has paired away into the Great Beyond. The Torches extend their heartfelt sympathy to tho Povirk family as well as to the YVK' lodge. • • * WELL—have you decided to come to our picnic? If not, why not? I guess I'll see you there! Jane Fradel. Here There Comrades (The Itñlwn Air Minister who wttl command thr flrrt of-Mi SrajJanrt from Halt to Chicago) Ha I 1m» was instrumental In the killing of Giaromo Matteotti, the famous Italian Socialist deputy, who was murdered In cold blood be* cause he dared to protest against the murder snd oppression of Italian workers by Muaaolll-ni. Matteotti held the same place In the hearts uf Italians that Abraham Lincoln does in the hearts of all Amercian. So say the Italian Socialist Federation and Italian Uague for the Rights of Man. Ralbo wsa the director of many murders in province of Ferrara. His reputation as a terror iat wsa ao had at one time that he waa removed aa General of the fascist militia. When Ralbo sued the NU Voce Republic«*«" for publishing the iletalla members in the $4.00 (2+2) sick benefit and they shall pay $4.00 into the sick im fund after July !. 1 > 5. Members - insured in the $S.08 class of sick benefit shall pay $5.00 int sick benefit fund. All meml>ers affected by the above ehj and especially those whose a*sessmeni been increased after the specified date, carefully note the Announcement. Lodj? retaries shall collect the additional asue* as required on the above basis and rem required amount to, the Supreme Office. The local secretaries are further advise commencing with Jijly 1, 1933, the foil classes of death benefit will become efft $250, $500, $1000, $1500, and $2000. class of $600 death benefit insurance is ished for new members and shall remaii for those already insured in that cla»». Insurance for sick benefit shall be ai lows: 50c, $1.00, and 2.00. The $3-dollar of sick benefit is also abolished for new bers and shall Cwitinue only for those bers insured in tna? class at the present No new members shall be admitted intl $3.00 class of sick benefit. Fred A. Vider, Supreme Set Fraternal Societies Envii ,T7 Badgerland Buzz BADGER MONSTER PICNIC Milwaukee, Wia.—At last it's here. Badger Picnic this Sunday, July 2, at Koamuth's Park, 92nd and Be-loit road. Take a Burham street car to the end of the line, cars will Uko you to the Picnic grounds. The Committee invites and ur^s all Brothers and Sisters, friends and lovers of good time to attend thia frolic. We assure a good time to the young and older Slovenea, to the hungry and the thirsty. Games for the women, men, girls and boys will be held in the afternoon. You will also have an opportunity to dance to the mellow tunea of an accordian. As *n added afternoon attraction we will have a grunting (wrestling) match in which "tha wlnnah" will be declared the champion of Badgerland. Come and see It; It's going to be s seream. The well known "Cactus" Pete, the Jatsu expert, and "Gorilla" Joe. the strong man of Badgerland will match their ■kill. Who'll be tha wlnash. Ladeee and Genamen? Plrk your wlnnah and come back him up. (Hell It.) In the evening, beginning at 7 o'clock until 12 a six pieee danee or chestra has been engaged to furnish the tanes to the swayti« bodies of the dancers. Oh, yee. they will also play polkas. Plvo and vino will be sold at peeaion prices aa will potlca, etradel, sandwiches, etc. The tickets are beln*j rapidly, aa please hay roars at oaee. If the depression haa placed you la financial easbarcsmeat (you haw plenty of company) yoa're la eeaw. Let's all have a happy re-I get-te-gvtber. OeaM aad set year fronds again. Cesae m. gaagt Come oa all! Ree fw Reader, Jaty 2, at tbe Ntfk The following comment in the Westeri derwriter, published at San Francisco, written by the Editor, C. Drew: "It cannot have, escaped the attend lynx-eyed old-line observers that the frat societies, in these perilous times, have rev a factor of strength and solidity to be eB Aside from the exdellent record of not ol them having been obliged to borrow fl from the R. F. C. (or, actually, from any | source), the fratemals score a notable aei ment in the way they have handled the m of cash withdrawals. In this disci»»« doubtless was news to some old-liners tha bulk of fraternals write only leRal re«erv< tificateg which set up equities of cash »ur er values and grant loan privileges theri "When stress started these self-govern« stitutions wisely set in motion their ^ lodge machinery to soften the blow. 1 om of the power to regulate so vital a pn hectically excercined by the heedles* fe^i injury of the whole, the lawn were amj in msny societies, to enable esirment or payments to appltesnti, thus making i sible to handle thesp demands on a n a«i time bssis pro-rating the cash outgo i "Viewing this ftfvorsble "itu.tto.tM ternals occupy, one old-l.no J East, at the height of the terr.fi dra ^ the morstoria came to relieve the rfra.n I "The fraternal« are to be envied. U1 ^ right arm if we had the ed* on ^ J an they have." The be.uty of t all body was hurt by the procedure. " "J trary it was wholly advantage ■■ ■ ^ msny instances, as a P«""^*£3 certificate holders that the it wss on hand to be paid, but thst ' ! own welfare, their ramil^._»nd that J whole membership the extension payment", v snd stesdying. There - - f [erti tion of the msnner in which tii* cieties hsve coped with . ritustmn ^ ly new in their experience c. st the official r*pre<*ntativr o people. This man no mop "; sn people th.lb »J^ Germ.n people. Tfcere sh«^ * this free country for ^ This terrorism contini*;' M Mn-born American work, r-this infnmy in t>* ti.nw "^¡¿j our other murdered eomr»-*" can worker, of .11 rscea 1« - ing a gain at reception gi^" rsm.iM*. - th, wisdom of slWJj wss MM. ** ere U eeeert* f|U ü* PKOSVETX r i* ^ flASHES . P,on*r. P1»«"**1 * * n on Sunday, ■~«made it schedule MLJZ the committee hat -P* Ttk,«« for another en- the Pioneer ■0 aml yi de- tlfkpt8 been fl^ttbe P*n,f h" Pmrmber;. .wr end of the picnic sched- iT«2onw...i»o announced toting of the committee Jiht affair U dUpo«£ ¡S. uf thia affair shall be The next picnic committee lí|"be"heW'Thursday, June ** ■ - All members home. Gtdina's intrta ( m brief .pell of one week Pian^r member was on^bership. This i» » record for five years. However, since ^ pouhe has given birth gl^ Louise Diehman was M w auto accident and An-1 WU operated upon for ap-learn they are all UfH ■k holding their Moonlight party at Kegel's in Willow Spring*. The admission is only 25c. Everyone i> urged to aupport the cause of these unemployed. • e • • Donald J. Lotrkh waa selected by the Chicago District Federation of SNPJ to represent the» at the Illinois Division, Continental Congress Convention, at ita regular monthly meeting last Thursday night. The Federation has decided to iavite the Union of SNPJ Lodges of Chicago to merge into one organization aa provided by the new SNPJ by-laws. Further, an application for permission to function aa a Federation is being made. * • * The Federation accepted the new medical and hospitalization arrangements in the hope that it may help SNPJ members. These group arrangements are procured for only one reason; to help the entire mem-pther lively and timely discussions took place. The semi-annual audit shall be made before the next meeting. again ... If Johaay Aynik u as willing to leave for Pittsburg as he was last Thursday ... And did you pottos how quickly Johany recuperated? We wonder whether it was bis pretty nur*e or the ntediciae that helped . And, enough said . Two Bachelorcttee. We ■„if, Fair admission tickets property of the Pioneers be-i subscribed to s share in the . nearly five years ago. attending the Fsir should »ticket* from the secretsry Mr lodge may receive the re- pk Driller of Forest City, Pa., tfcit the "new deal" struck |pn rfriously. All the banks and the money of all of pjSics is tied up and non-\-They are trying to patch __ jrinj system and are doing taoit to keep the power of the i u lacred as ever. Another Bare severe and more deatruct-ja the making with every ad- it picnics are becoming On Saturday, July 8, 1938. Local No. 61, Workers' on Unemployment, is Sunday, July i, is Workers' Day at Pilsen Park, Chicago. All progressive Slovene and Jugoslav work ers will rally to the occasion and manifest against Fascism, againBt terror, against brutality, and for decency, democracy and freedom. We will protest against the ruthless rule of Mussolini, Hitler, the Jugoslav regime and all other oppresors. Join us at the Labor and Socialist Picnic. A full program of amusements and addresses, dancing and novelties is in store. Admission only 25c. Pilsen Park is located at 26th St. and A1 bany ave. » e • Are you surprised that Banker Mitchell was freed on his tax evasion charge? We are not, because we know that the rich make the laws and abuse them to suit themselves. As a worker, you must know that the rich only help themselves. As a work er, you should know that only in I workers' organization do we amount to anything. Only in a workers' organization do we count. Organize! Get into the ranks of organized work ers. Stop the thievery of the rich that is prevalent. Johnstown. Pa.—Flood City has not their publicity committee working very much lately; anyway we stiH ish to be classed as being in the map. The attendance was not ao good at the last meeting, so we decided that our meetings will be held every third Thursday thru ttoe summer months, including October. Don't forget about it. Some interesting discussion« took place at the last meeting, after the delegate, Brother Joseph dlavach, gave his report of the convention doings; we must say that Joe gave brief, yet clear report. He was a delegate from the combined lodges Nos. 3 and 712; he claims it was a great experience, and we note that is a different fellow since his return. We wish to make this corrections that Joseph Glavach is a member of the Flood City Lodge and not Friend-City, as was reported in last week's issue by P. C. of Chicago. To me, H seemed as though a great majority of the delegates to this last convention, were job-seebers; we al-note that ousiders, non-delegates, tried to put their voice In it too; we have lost that everfafthful Brother Novak as assisstant secretary; all his time he has worked for the SNPJ to the most of anyone's ability, and then "kicked out" like he was. We say this, Novak can not be beat, that in capability. Lotrich, another good worker for the SNPJ, was slated run for treasurer but declined in Novak's favor. It is too bad that we have lost these two good SNPJ workers on the supreme board. (Jane Fradel, ditto, on your convention remarks.) The last dance held by the lodge, June 17, was enjoyed by so many Zaller played with his two assistants; Kaj Te Briga" was on the job, too. Where wag Mollle's friend? As "Kaj Te Briga" says, you can always de pend on the Langerholces. All in all, was just a get-to-gether, and we sure made it a good time. So far not much has been said for Spirit-O-Grams By Whoozit Me.—The "Spirits" are ing preparations for their Fifth Anniversary celebra-ii to be held either Nov. K. The writer believea the latter ke selected, as the Integrities ifur their "Kite in Jugoslavia" which would make it impos-bwhinjie cooperation if "We" Viw. 6. W»r that the SNPJ lodges in ir* going to charter a special each md bring a gang to our ■avfrwrjr celebration. Now, the "Links," "Companion-"Mohiwlu" and the rent join-^km one great E. S. I,. Re-ttfht here in St. Uuis? Let us » won a.s possible if k planning to attend, bpreme president, Bro. V. kope» to be with us as well «them whom, I'm sure, you'd ■d to meet. ¡torit of St. Urns" Outing, a style*, r.»,..,„ ------.i- — your * Grove recently, was P» one. This was the P1 girl« received for fy "f tickets reselling for our last Mahnich '*>»ler that day, »j the champ tnU from was the und Bro. horseshoe 111., certainly can play baseball. Hope that Sis. Mary Chaperlo can convince her group of friends who attended the outing, to join the Spirits. Just think, a Struggler from Cleveland Ohio, was with the crowd, no other than Bro. Leo Kraus' cousin, Alvine Kraus. Alvine likes St. Louis bet ter than Cleveland, she says. (The Jugoslav Tamlburitza orchestra ren dered the music in the evening.) A joint Boat Excursion on Steamer St. Paul, or if arrangements can be made for the new "Steamer Presi dent" will be held next month. Date to be given later. Convention Sidelines:—Bro. Louis Kosela forgot all about the redheads when he met Mitzi and Christine The delegates said all waitresses that served them in dining room each day during the convention, must be in Cleveland for the next convention to serve again. Bro. John Spiller, the Spirits' delegate, brought home gable loaded with autographs. Bro Frank Mejash was the handy man and a one-man show during the con vention.—Bro. Max ("Baby Face") Traven, Herman Preseren and Steve Trobec, we heard, had their fortunes told while in Chicago. Imagine Bro Joe Baumbich had to atay up nltes to watch so Bro. Kosela wouldn' Gillespie, walk in his sleep! Beacons Highlight» Mai. o... n... _____ _ . •KV"/ nm meKin« ir.n u. surprise is in «' *acon members attend-PV* *'< know exactly what T «'»hough we «re very *..""i Members pi«»,, ^»•Jin and attend. This V'to^ im',or,»nce, num. C liven, inrlud. ■LT* "el ttudit "Tort. "pen invitation to *£Wint lodge, to viait "»»tinf. J**4 K'"fisf riuu tri"! "hall taka - '1th- «'«vene Home on KllfZT* * the United TT, / ""»dsnd virin- ,,f re. are — H rh..M.„ songs to he fcJJw1, m «B 'W S» in be uta «•"«• the Slovenes proud of. we are oar supreme pres. >M „Hr^^lNÉI still thinks 4M Meet Den ■ '».i i la rieveland ... If Andrer ""♦tiy at her I Prijatelj took the Pennay "IT" Chicago, III.—The Pioneer Picnic committee will have completed plana for their next Moonlight Picnic and have ticketa in-the mail by the time this article ia printed. So, Pioneers, join hands to make thla affair aa auc-ceaaful as the last moonlight picnic. The plans for the moonlight boat-ride we abandoned as no company would give reasonable rates for the ride. The companies have many customers since the fair is in progress and will not lower their rates for one occasion, but next year the Pioneers will hold an excursion. Msny Pioneers are planning to attend the Annual Socialist Picnic te be held at Pllaen Park en July 2. This picnic should attract a large crowd; there are to be nationally known speakers, good music and entertain ment for |]1. The principal speaker is to be President Soukun of the Czechoslovaklan Senate, who should attract a large Bohemian audience. The admission price being only *c. Two capable representatlvea—Alice Artach and Oscar Oodlna—are to represent the Pioneers at the Illinois Continental Congress to be held It Springfield July ft and M. tbe danee The bone« of thia man are taken fromL'j „ u.jJ_ a human being. The outer covering original Indian Medicine bag» shown through the courteay of Milwaukee Public Muaeum. A tiful acene of an Indian dance ia and antica of an Indian Medidas The bag . .. , . .. *' Man and hia medicine bag u made from c«lloi., a h.rd «l»4ance nothj ^ muilkr,t nkin in the order of celluloid. Every part ^ of the human body ia ahown in thia man except the nerve». The intereat-ing part of thia man ¡» that when a peraon puahe» a button on the pedea- trimmed with colored bead». Through the courteay of the American Medical Aaaociation two beautiful picturea are depicted with molded of tal the brain will »how by mean» of,fl•nd ,haw ,th* «d*»"«« electric light. From the brain »«"«•I «Mention in the la.t 100 will »ee tlie lunga, heart, atom- yeara, that ia in the way an you ach, liver, kidney» and all other parta of the body »eparately. Finally the whole man ia illuminated. Thia exhibit ia a marvelou» achievement and juat too wonderful to watch. The great Paateur ia alao exhibited at the fair, or rather hia life and work by means of an illuminated i in the way of ti portstion. The flrat ahowa a doctor anawering a call to one of the country homea on horaeback. At every atep the horae ainka deeply into the mud. A fierce atorm ia alao brewing aa a woman waita patiently at the doorway. In the other a woman In the doorway aeea a doctor alight map of the world supplemeated by f[om car juat a few minutee since photograph». Exhibit» of Robert Koch Inatitute from Germany can be aeen ihowing the worka and life of the man who diacovered the tubercle bacillus in 1882. Since then the great campaign against tuberculosis has been in action by the medical science. The atory of the diacovery of the moaquito that atarted yellow fever and how it waa exterminated by Sir Henry Welcome, and the Italian ex-hibita of pathology, anatomy, and phyaiology are exhibita worthwhile seeing aa are the exhibita ahown by Austria, Holland and Canada. In the Auatrian exhibit, the atruc-ture and function of the nervous ays-tem ia told in a simple way, in the Canadian exhibit the work of the Montreal General Hospital and Jsmec the lady put her call in with a phone. Did you know that ether waa diacovered by an American? To Dr. C. W. Long of Georgia UnHrercity goea that dialinction. While at work in hia laboratoriea mixing aome chemicals with hia aaalatanta he produced a fluid that put the doctor and his heipera to aleep, thua we have ether. The Mayo Clinic, one of the Isrg-eat health reatorera in the country, portray three themea in medicine— diaeaaea of the digeative tract, thyroid gland and the nervoua system. A huge chart in one part of thia department telle the different death ratea of different aickneaaea per thouaand people 100 yeara ago snd the preaent day, (Continued next week.) »ho desire to atteod and have ne means of transportation, may take the Burham car to Bo. Automobiles furnished by the era, will he there to take you to 1 picnic ground». How about It T Piag-Peag Moro aad Tboro WHh Football, beak ei bel I and awimming were hia main hobbiee. Juat Bite ! "Popeye" Modle makea newspaper headlines, in Coll in wood he ia known .. the official life saver, in Euclid WEDNESDAY Cook Coaatf Socialist DUnle nmm —------„ _ .. . Chicago. Sunday. July 2, the So- Creek . . . Mary Whitey Doljeck ,^ puriy ^ Coofc ^^ (Chicjl_ travela to Chicago July 1 where *»»e|fo) ^ hokJ g Urfe pkak and u_ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS Aootbor Now Arraigo- i * ** i. The Chicago District Federation of SNPJ wii instrumental in lowering the cost» of operation* for our people about IS month» ago. At that time we felt the need of reducing medical coata because many of our people ' could not meet the bills. The operation fees wero much higher than the1 compensation paid by the Society so that after all, the SNPJ members merely used the operation com pen aa-j Thouih'ihe'Jiaasd from the land tion of the Society to meet part of1 Helen Zajc, 47 yeara of age, who paaaed away at her home Monday, June 10, at 2:15 p. m. Beaidea her huaband, Joseph, and six children, Chriatine, Anna, Frances, Mary, Helen and Joseph, ahe leaves one brother, Rudolph, In Jugoslavia, stepbrother, Konrad Kogovaek, in Pittsburgh, Pa., sister, Mary Kicovoe, in Cleveland, and a host of friends to mourn her unexpected and untimely death. She was always very active and loyal to her lodge, and loved by old and young alike. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the be-rravod family. the bill and the balance was paid from the meager wages If memiiers were fortunate enough in having a job. Under the terma of our arrangement, however, our membera were able to »ecure the aervices of a flrat class surgeon, for any major operation, for only 975 and us« the balance of what the Society paid them towards meeting the hospital bills. In this way, every one of the SNPJ mem tiers that look advantage» of th«»e arrangements, was able to pay all the medical and hospital coata out of the money received from the Society, Thev had no additional bills to worry abtyit. Beginning with July 1, 1WM, SNPJ operation benefits will be greatly reduced. as per decision of the tenth regular convention. The new compensation shall be based upon the length of membership In the Society, which, after all, 1» a very sensible and businesslike arrangement. This should positively ban all special as sessmenls for this fund. It is i|uite a satisfaction to know that our membership will not haw to dig in for the extra dimes and half dollars, aa we did in tbe past tl months, in or der to keep tin* fund »ecure. Spe cial assessments always handicap us and cause us a great deal of trouble and Inconvenience. Benefits shall now be paid as follow*. I to f> year» mentliership $80, * to 10 years membership $60. II year* and upwards $7f> In order t„ meet theae new benefits and so that none could say that the younger members would leave ua or would „not join our Soriety, the Chirac* IN.Irtrt Federation of SNPJ ha* MO» surreedvd In lowering the coat «»I all mai-t operations for SNPJ members u V.o In addition we have received an added 10* reduction on all hovital equipment and »perla! low terms on rooma. We believe these arrangementa are good and reasonable which should satisfy *v> ccycnc. One of the prime reason» for the establishment of the Chicago iMstrWt of SNPJ has been to aa-' ahall that her father bequeathed, Mountain and river and wood our meaaage renew— Thia la the land that ahe loved; but (Mi, be faithful! Fair waa it to her; fairer she loaves It to ua! John Ayrlk, Pres., Mas f. Traven, Sec'y., I/odge No. 067 SNPJ. INVITATION TO PICNIC Detroit. Slovane Workers' Home is aponaorlng a picnic on July 4 on Trampush'a farm, 9 mile rd. and Rus sell, at 2 p. m. Mualc Is to be fur niahed by the Hornets trio. They are to have a barbecued pif, drinks, etc Admission 16c. Committee The Badgar Octopas p Fédérât ion Badgers' Picnic Milwaukee, Wie.—fun, frolic and all around good time U> he anticipated by all who attend the Badgers' Monster Picnic on Sunday, July 2, IMS, conducted at Kosmuth'c Park. K very body ia invited to get en thm merry-go-round. There will he vsri-ou* game* for both young and old. Valuable prises will he awarded the winners of each conteet. The most thrilling feature ef the afternoon will be a wrestling match. "Gorilla" Joe, Illinois hsaVfWelght Italian, wilt trade holda with *Cac tus" Pete, the Milwaukee asasstmn. in the mala bout, two out of three falle, five oVIock time limit. Don't miaa It. Another feature la going to he the "giving away" of a ten dollar gold piece. Topplag the Hat for selling the highest number of tickets for the affair, we atlll have fransss lere» and Mary Mehlteh. Where are ti , bo ye? Why not give the gtrla some competition 7 lmicloua refreahmenta will be ma la and aerved by our own Bsdfsrett.. Taaty apple etrudela and petieaa. but thet'a not the half of It. Come do« n and aee for youreelf. Dancing will he reeumed In the evening. Old time, ahm msdsni mu •1st and lie of service to the SNPJ members, and this latest arrangement is only another proof of Its value. It merita the support ef all Ihe lodges. DewaM J. I*(rteh. \ President.* IN M K MOR Y Cleveland. O -4 Ne «67, SNPJ, tas 9Í It* hfsUfTfé aie will he furniahed by the fhuso,» Martineek'a ofClWitfO« All neighborhood, aa wall j of-town l»dge* are 1 tend. ! Now about having a I per cent Badger«' at affair? Meet yenr old and let'* have a merry I Br*r onentB to score several unearned runs. However as the season progresses, the boys with more games under their bolts will be able to display better ball. L Here's the Lineup Frank "Grange" Laurich is acting as manager of the team and has the following players at his call; Nidk Secolic, catcher; Eddie Zaletel, pitch; Rudy Turk, Ed. Sire, Art Kushlan, Stan Zaletel, and Max 8ittcr, infield-era, and Ed Axman, John Bmole, "Teamy" Tome, Vic Zaletel, A1 Bruss, Max Tekauta and John Stritof, outfields. The main brunt of the pitch ing duties will be shouldered by Eddie Zaletel, with Secolic and Sitter as relief hurlere. Secolic and Stritof will perform behind the plate. At bat the boye have fared rather well, for Axman, Sire, Laurich, Secolic, Turk, Kushland and Eddie Zaletel have punished the horsehlde, for good number of base hits, but the team will need more brushing up on the infielding. A lack of rooterc was very notice» able during the past few games. The fairer sex turned out in small num tiers to cheer the boys along, but only a handful is not enough. Let's all turn out and give our aspirants for the title a big hand In their coming games. Comradee Well Represented In the newly formed University Club of Cleveland, we find eeveral active Comrade membera, among whom are Mies Anne Erste, Dr James W. Mally, Frank Truden and Kill Vidmar. Dr. Mally was elected first president of the club. Visitors of the University of Pitta-burgh were entertained by the Clcve* and University Club, here last week Dr. Mally and Misa Erste were in charge of the entertainment corns nut tee. Graduates Grsduation excerciees will he but happy memoriea to three members of l»odge Comrades, who received thelf ilegreea last week. Miss Julia Mrs mor was given a nurse's degree from the Western Reserve University „ the School of Nursing, laat Wednesday morning. Miss Mramor established a good record at Coll in wood High School where she received a scholarship to Western Reserve Unl-verslty. Frank Truden, graduated from Fenn College, with the degree of Bachelor of Science In Chemical En-cmeering, Tuesday. Truden waa very active daring hia crhool day a. He I* a member of two fret emit tea. Phi K pal Ion Nu and Iota Etta, and the honor aoriety of Penn, the Wing and Torch. In hia oeaior year, he acted aa buaineec manager of the t auldren" student newspaper and was alae claaa tranenrer. He aerved «• the Student Council and found time 1« splaah en the varsity awtm» mlng team. He teavea school to tahe up work at the Indwetrial Rayon < orporatina. Arthur Kuehlend graduated from Kaat High School In eammeneemen* will repreeent the Cleveland Lodge, Spartane, In the national SSPZ Olympiad which will laat four conaecutive daya ... Dr. L. A. Starce, eye apeclal-iat, one of Comradee neweet members, enjoyed his first meeting immensely; plana to come often . . . Lindy Lokar was elected vice-president of the Collin wood Dramatic 8ociety Anton Ve-rovaek . . . Anne Erste is sporting a new model Ford Sedan. "It's the family car" . . . Frankie Doljack is ■tarring for the Toledo Mudhens in the American Association . . . John Smole, Comradee' vice-preeident, st cma aatiafied with hia better half... Joaeph Zorman, attorney, enjoys "Rustic Rendecvous" menus . . . Comrades' swimming night has small representation. Larger groups necessary to make it wprth while ... Sister Mary Krebel back from work in New Jersey . . . Olga Peterlin, also In New Jersey, writes she visited Atlantic City; complains of sunburn while swimming. Olga plans to spend one week in a travel tour through Penneylvania. Pauline Spik's group of five lassiee are rabid fans at Inter-Lodge games . . . Johnny Alich gets tan at Gordon Park during his afternoon strolls there . . . A1 Brucs, member of baseball team, singles in game against his afternoon strolls there . . . A1 Brucs, member of baseball team, singles in game against Eastern Stars ... Dr. A. L. Garbac keeps on promising to join Comrade lodge . . . Veda Bellinger Still tajces your orders over the counter. She is an ardent student 4n the art of cooking. Her chef gives her many of his famous recipes. Well she'll at leact know how to cook. Joaeph A. Jarc, Precident Lodge Comradee. bor Carneval, at Pilaen Park, 26th st. and Albany ave. Pilaen Park ia one of the fineet picnic grovee within the city of Chicago and afforda ample recreation for all The park will be open at 10 a. m. and promptly a aeriee of eventa will »tart la»ting late in the afternoon. Beaide »porta and gymnastic evenUf there will be alao eeveral amging societies on the program. Socialiat teams from Milwaukee and Chicago will compete for baaefcall honors. Beaidea theae and other events and attractions that will take place Sunday, Jnly 2, at the Pilsen park Socialist Picnic, there wiU be a brilliant array of speakers. Dr. Frantiaek Sou-kup, Socialist president of the Czechoslovak: Senate, and a member of the Socialist and Labor International, will speak. B. C. Vladek, managing editor of the Forward, Powers Hap-good and other prominent labor speakers will also appear. Admission tickets are only 26c. Next Sunday'c Socialist Picnic in Cook county promisee to be one of the greatest ever held by the party. Qome and partake of the healthy entertainment, enjoyment and educational labor enlightenment at the Sunday Socialist Picnic! Promotion Committee. Annual Danee of Slovene Bari John»town, Pa.—On July 4, 1933, the Slovene hall in Moxham will bo the scene of the annual ball and dance sponsored by the Moxham Slovene Band. Some of you readers probably neV-^r heard, or knew, that such an or ifsnlxation exists, but nevertheless H ia one of the outstanding, atrictly Slovene, muaical organizations in thlo locality, and poaaibly hasn't a >arallel in America. One is sometimes wont to believe kpt the average Slovene parents are wt to neglect the musical education if their children. Perhape this negli- Knce may not be due entirely to inference but may he the result of hnancial difficulties, or from the ack of the proper facilities. It is In this direction that this organisation has done its greatest Vork. Under the capable direction «nd tutelage of Mr. Joceph Rogel Dime remarkable musical talent haa come to light which might have o'fc-Crwlse been undliscovered. The funds for teaching, equipment etc., have come entirely from the club treasury. For the past twenty-one years, we have been keeping the people or this locality in touch with the best to be hid in the musical line. Now, the object of our sponsoring thle annual dance ic to raise funds and if you are interested in the* prog ress the Slovenes of America are mak ing culturally, I am sure you will give uc your support by accepting our invitation to the 4th of July dance. Louie Reapet. A SOCIALIST PICNIC . IN CLEVELAND Cleveland, O.—The annual picnic of Socialist Party of Cleveland will be held Sunday, July 2, on Pintar'o farm. To get there take a St. Clair-Not-tingham street car to the end of the line, and the rest of the way you will take a special bus provided by the picnic eponeors. There will be many singing socie ties to entertain you. There will also be sport events open to the public for which the winners will get prises. A suit donated by Lyon will be given ae prise. The cards will he given at the entrance of the picnic grounds. To make it a greater day there will be an Anti-Faecict meeting against Hitler and his regime in Germany and against the breaking up of all organised labor. There will be plenty of refreshments and free dancing. Everybody is invited. C. Elerelch. T^ Of Mores» partners, but it i, one man— J. P. M » other, partner. the chees board. " America! And he and hu refuaed to contribute . •upport of the Federal t0v, the year, of it. gw.t^* COMBINED ncaic ONE MAN CONTROLS ONE-FOURTH OF AMERICA A .core of facta developed by the Morgan inquiry are worthy of speclsl emphssis; but here is one which should pome pretty nesr heading the lint: The House of Morgan is naid to be "worth" approximately $63,000,000. That's a comparatively modeet figure, even in these days of dire depression. But, the House of Morgan has succeeded in so manipulating things that it controls institutions-banks, railroads, power concerns, in-aurance compkniea—with aaeete roughly eetimated at $63,000,000,000, at 1,000 times the "worth" of the Houce itself. That's about one-fourth of a liberal eetimate of our national wealth. J3?!?!' PlC| be held by the Socialist dub the bvoboda Singing Club JM Nine mile road and TrsmpUih.J A one act comedy pl«y snd songs will be rendered st ftl Dancing will begin after the over and far into the night I wish to thank the m«uy that attended my wedding June 21, and for the wonderfs that were preaented to me th ning by one and all snd to enta and aiater. for their w0 effort». Mra. Bertha Juako (j Lodge Young Ameri POPPINGOFF Guno, the bi-game hunt« telling hia atay-at-home wife hia encounter with the Bengal" and how he had finally shot t "Yes," he wound up, "it was of the. tiger or myself." She looked up at him pro^ "I'm so glad K wai the tin replied* "otherwise we wouldn this lovely rug." • "Percy," said hi. mother . fully, "every time you are nan get another grey hair." "Gee," said Percy. "You have been a terror. Look .t pa!" > • * Mother: "Why, Johnny, whs! you done with all your money? money -box is empty!" Johnny: "Well, mother, was a rainy day, so I »pent it1 • Jones: "How do you m.naf you salary?" Smith: MI spend 30 per shelter, 30 per cent for clothl per cent for food and 20 per for amuaement." Jonea: "Why that adds to l: cent." Jones: "I know it." e The bright pupil looked loi thoughtfully at the .econd es tion question, which resd: "8ti number of ton. of coal ihipp of the United State, in .ny year.*» ' Then hi. brow desie he wrote: "1402—none." RAZPOŠILJAMO NA V8E KI močne starokrejske KOSE, so rešila, da jim niso nobeae 4 par: kakor tudi motike, klep Lubaaove harmonike, bakreac I Is drage. Pilite po nai cenik. 8TEPHEN 8T0NICH Box 368, Chiahelai, Mlaa. Illinois Oofltiioital Cow-grm R nah lan •an very active ia epert circles. Springfield, III.—The lUlnola Con tinental Congreee, to be held in 8pringfleld, July 22 and 23, will be s big thing, if we locslly have much to cay shout It. We of Springfield hope to have about 60 delegates. The flrat local organisation to elect delegstea waa the Lincolnite Lodge, of gNPJ. Brothera Tony Fclber and Joe G. Brinocar repreeent it. Englich Socialiat branch No. 1, delegates Jesnnette Smith, a cchool teacher, and Harold Stovancon. Slovene Dom de lege tea, Joe Ovca Sr., and John Gor-aek Jr. Come en, Auburn. Virden, Lincoln. Glllecpie, Carlinville, Benld. etc.! Let uc hear from other Slovene organise-tlona over the state, t»o. not only 8NPJ. The Congreee might be held in State Areenal. if the troops do not occupy It then, due to the mine strike e • e Brother Frarth Zattlch Jr., of Lia eoinlte Lodge, haa Just completed a miniature ranch for entry In the Fish or Body Craftcmsn*s Guild. I'm far from crasy about the Fisher Can hut Pm "nuta" about thia ■ of Frank'a. It la perfect He started working en It a few days before Christmas and flalahed H past week-end. It took all of hia epare and some of hia school time y waa the first Sunday he was to reel. We hope he will win eot the lenders In the 1*6.000 content. He Is s mechanical prodigy, and teen yea ra young. Jos G. ~ Dnevnik za pet tedniko? v družin Družina g petimi ¿lani lahko zamenja tednike sa dnevi Po sklepu desete redne konvencije je možno neroiiti da Prosreto in priftteU enega, dra, tri, itirl ali pet členov SNPJ družini k naročnini u dnevnik. Dnevnik stan« ia vse enaks, ali nečlnne, namreč ftent dolarjev letno ena naročnina. Ker pa člani že plačujejo $1.20 letno xa tednik, ne jim U aek prišteje k naročnini u dnevnik. To pomeni. Ha ilsn ^ ionih državah In Kanadi (isven Chicnf» In Ckera) dobi d" Proeveto in $4.80 letno. Ako sta dvn člana v družini, ne prlfttejeU dri tednika I plača ne $S.«0 in dnevnik in eno leto. Ako no trije člani v družini, ne prlitejejo trijt tedaiki l plača ae $2.40 u dnevnik in eno let«. Ako no fttlrje člani v družini, no prifttejejo itlrjs tedniki plača ne $1.20 m dnevnik in eno leto. Ako je pet ilnnov v družini, ne prliteje pot tedn.k»* doplača ae NIČ in dnevnik in eno leto. Za člane v Chlengu In Cteeru, lijer je draijt pjt»^ naročnina in dnevnik Proeveto $7.50 letno nM en l«d»ik i. dvn tednikn In $5.10, tri tednike In $SJ^ itiri Udnlk. i» pet tednikov In $1.50. . Za člane SNPJ torej dnevnik nI več predrsg » dn ne «nnl poalužijo te ugodnosti, v kdo, ki bi rod čiUl Proeveto vnuk dan. Členi SNPJ, na^- dnevulk! PBO0VETA. SNPJ. Mt7 Sa Lawndale Ave., * Pri Mene psMljam na rafalne aa Met Proeveto ve*e « D Ia ga pripiftKe h me*! I) D ČL dreü« ***** _ O. 4) ~ Ct .JÙL A Nov