POENOSTAVLJENA METODA ZA ANALIZIRANJE NASIPOV, PODPRTIH S PILOTI IN GEOSINTETSKO OJAČITVIJO, TER ANALIZA VPLIVA POMEMBNOSTI PROJEKTNIH PARAMETROV Izvleček V tem članku je predlagana poenostavljena metoda za ovrednotenje nasipa, podprtega s piloti in ojačenim z geosintetikom (PGRS nasip). Metoda upošteva poleg ločnega učinka, membranskega učinka odklonjenega geosintetika in reakcije tal, tudi posedek glave pilota. Zaradi slednjega se metoda lahko uporablja tako za viseče pilote kot tudi za pilote, ki stojijo na trdnem zemljinskem sloju. Posedek sloja zemljine pod površjem je sestavljen iz dveh delov: (a) posedka sloja zemljine pod površjem, ki je enak posedku glave pilota brez deformacij v geosintetiku; (b) ugrezka sloja zemljine pod površjem zaradi deformiranja geosintetika, pri čemer je upoštevana deformirana oblika za geosintetik enaka obliki deformacije vrvi. Enačba za največji diferencialni posedek med površino podlage in piloti je dobljena s pomočjo analize ravnotežja sil geosintetika in razmerja napetost-specifična deformacija geosintetika na robu glave pilota. Za preveritev predlagane metode je bila izvedena primerjava izračunanih rezultatov z opazovanimi podatki in šestimi trenutnimi analitskimi metodami. Z uporabo predlagane metode je bil preučevan vpliv natezne togosti geosintetika, kompresijskega modula mehke zemljine, debeline mehke zemljine, višine nasipa, notranjega kota trenja nasipnega materiala in razmika pilotov na reakcijo zemljine, razmerja koncentracije napetosti (SCR) in napetosti geosintetika. Učinek teh faktorjev je bil raziskan z uporabo teorije vrednotenja binarne analize variance za neponovljive preizkuse, kar pomaga optimirati načrtovanje PGRS nasipa. Liu Feicheng (vodilni avtor) Southwest Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, Kitajska E-posta: liufeicheng@my.swjtu.edu.cn Zhang Jianjing Southwest Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, Kitajska E-posta: 13699096139@163.com Yan Shijie Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, Kitajska E-posta: meiying1995@163.com Cao Licong Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, Kitajska E-posta: 610554991@qq.com Ključne besede nasip podprt s piloti, geosintetična, poenostavljena metoda, vpliv pomembnosti; binarna analiza variance 54. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 A SIMPLIFIED METHOD TO ANALYZE PILE-SUPPORTED AND GEOSYNTHETIC-REIN-FORCED EMBANKMENTS AND THE INFLUENCE SIGNIFICANCE ANALYSIS OF THE DESIGN PARAMETERS Liu Feicheng (corresponding author) Southwest Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China E-mail: liufeicheng@my.swjtu.edu.cn Zhang Jianjing Southwest Jiaotong University, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China E-mail: 13699096139@163.com Yan Shijie Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China E-mail: meiying1995@163.com Cao Licong Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Civil Engineering Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China E-mail: 610554991@qq.com Keywords pile-supported embankment, geosynthetic, simplified method, influence significance; binary variance analysis https://doi.org/10.18690/actageotechslov.15.L55-75.2018 Abstract A simplified method for evaluating a pile-supported embankment reinforced with geosynthetic (PGRS embankment) is proposed in this paper. The method takes into account not only the arching effect, the membrane effect of the deflected geosynthetic, and the subsoil reaction, but also the pile head settlement, which makes the method applicable for floating piles, as well as piles seated on a firm soil layer. The settlement of the subsoil surface is considered to consist of two parts: (a) the settlement of the subsoil surface equals that of the pile cap with no deformation in geosynthetic yet; (b) the subsoil surface subsides along with the geosynthetic deforming, and the deflected geosynthetic being considered as catenary shaped. The formula for the maximum differential settlement between the subsoil surface and the piles is worked out by analyzing the force equilibrium of the geosynthetic and the stress-strain relationship of the geosynthetic at the edge of the pile cap. The comparison of the calculated results with the observed data and the six current analytical methods has been implemented to verify the proposed method. The influence of the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, compression modulus of soft soil, soft soil thickness, embankment height, internal friction angle of the embankment fill and the pile spacing on the subsoil reaction, the stress concentration ratio (SCR) and the tension of the geosynthetic are investigated using the proposed method. The influence significance of these factors has been investigated using the evaluation theory of binary variance analysis for the non-repeatability tests, which helps optimize the design of the PGRS embankment. 1 INTRODUCTION The construction of embankments over soft soil with a low bearing capacity and high compressibility becomes increasingly common, while their remains a very challenging task for geotechnical engineers due to over-ranging settlement. In order to improve the soft soil, many methods such as preloading, excavation and replacement, vertical columns reinforcement, vertical drainage and vacuum consolidation are proposed. Each alternative has its own merits and limitations. Piles reinforcement is considered as an effective way on account of the accelerating consolidation of the soft soil, minimizing the total and differential settlements significantly and being suitable for various geological conditions [1], [2]. A conventionally piled embankment construction requires a close pile spacing or a large pile cap to transfer most of the embankment load to piles through the arching effect developed in the embankment fill [3]. In order to improve the load-transfer mechanism and DOI Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 55. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... reduce the differential settlement of the piles and subsoil, a geosynthetic reinforcement is arranged beneath the embankment bottom [4]. Recently, the PSGR embankment (PSGR embankment) has been widely applied in the construction of embankments over soft soil, and turns out to achieve a good effectiveness [5], [2], [6], [7]. The working mechanisms of the PSGR embankment depend on the interactions between the granular fill of the embankment, the piles, the geosynthetic and the subsoil [3], and it is generally considered to rely on the arching effect of the embankment fill, the membrane effect of the deflected geosynthetic and the subsoil reaction. The soil arching effect, as the logical starting point for analyzing the load-transfer mechanisms of the PSGR embankment, has been described by some typical models, and these models can be organized into categories [8]: (a) Rigid arch models [9], [10]; (b) limit-state equilibrium models [11], [12], [13], [14]; (c) frictional models [15], [16], [17]; (d) empirical models [18]; and (e) concentric arches models [8]. It has been shown that these methods give different results in terms of the load distribution between the piles and the subsoil [19]. When it comes to the membrane effect of the deflected geosynthetic, the load distribution on the geosynthetic has a strong influence on the calculated strain, several load-deformation expressions of geosynthetic are available in the literature, and can be organized into categories: (a) catenary-shaped under a uniform load [20] (Jones C., 1990); (b) arc-shaped under a uniform load [12], [21]; (c) high-order curve-shaped deformation under a triangular distributed load [14]; (d) high-order curve-shaped deformation under an inverse triangular distributed load [22], [8]. The subsoil reaction has an important influence. BS8006 [18] and Guido et al.'s [10] methods disregard the subsoil reaction, which stays on the safe side in the design for the absence of a subsoil reaction at the most extreme situation. Other current methods take the subsoil reaction into account, which is suitable for most situations and avoids an overdesign of the geosynthetic, and consequently, an unnecessary over-cost. In addition, some authors discussed the influence of some design factors on the load-transfer mechanisms via their own method and claimed that the working stress of the geosynthetic relies on the complex interaction of fill properties, soft soil properties, and geosynthetic properties [21], [23]. However, the influence significance of these properties on the load-transfer mechanisms are not clear yet, but a distinct understanding of influence significance of those designing factors on the working mechanisms helps to optimize the designing of the PSGR embankment. Therefore, in this study, a new simplified method considering not only the arching effect, the membrane effect, the subsoil reaction, but also the pile-head settlement, is proposed. The tension of the geosynthetic, the subsoil reaction and the load on the pile can be calculated by using the proposed method. The influence of the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, the soft soil compression modulus, the soft soil thickness, the embankment height and the internal friction angle of the embankment fill on working the mechanisms has been studied via the proposed method, and then the influence significance of these factors on the working mechanisms has been investigated by the evaluation theory of binary variance analysis of the non-repeatability tests. 2 THEORETICAL DERIVATION In developing the proposed theoretical method, the following simplifications are used: (a) The embankment fill is homogeneous, isotropic. (b) There is only one layer of geosynthetic considered in this paper. (c) The soft soil and the embankment fill deform only vertically, and there is no relative displacement and slippage between the geosynthetic and subsoil. (d) The height of the embankment fill is larger than 0.5 times the pile spacing. Most of the current analytical methods are developed by combining one analytical model for the arching effect and one model for the membrane effect, and subsoil reaction based on different simplifying assumptions. Some methods are conceptually and mathematically complex, but the most important is that these methods fail to take the pile-head settlement into account. In reality, however, soft soil may exist under the pile toe and the pile acts as floating pile, thus the settlement of the substrata under the pile toe can play an important role in the mechanisms of load transfer, and should not be neglected. 2.1 Arching effect Based on the arching effect model presented by Low et al. [12], the uniform surcharge q on the embankment surface is taken into consideration and the modified model is employed to analyze the arching effect of the embankment supported by individual square caps. The differential settlement required to develop the soil arching is so small that in this analysis it is implicitly assumed to be adequate for a fully developed arching. The total vertical stress oas applied on the soft subsoil 56. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... between the pile caps without considering the geosyn-thetic can be obtained using Eq.(1), and oas is considered as the total vertical load acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic in the following deduction. Y ( - * )((-1),, 2 (KP 2) (1) ( S- U YsS Y H-—— 's 2 ( 1 + - K - 2 where ys is the density of embankment fill; s is the pile spacing of the piles; a is the square pile cap width; Kp is the Rankine passive coefficient of the earth pressure, Kp=(1+sin^s)/(1-sin^s); where q is the uniform coefficient allowing for the possible non-uniform vertical stress on the soft ground, which varies between 0.8 and 1.0, here q is considered as 0.9; H is the height of the embankment; q is the uniform surcharge acting on embankment surface; fs is the friction angle of the embankment fill, and as for cohesive fill, fs should be the equivalent friction angle fequ,s that can be determined by: = a tan av tan fa + c = a tan ( jHs + q ) tan fa + c (Hs + q ) (2) 2.2 Subsoil reaction For a piled embankment reinforced by the geosynthetic, pile caps are generally placed at the top of piles, and the geosynthetic reinforcement is arranged over the pile caps. Conventionally, the geosynthetic is assumed to be located beneaththe embankment bottom, and fixed at the pile caps boundary [12], [24], [25]. The tensile strain of the geosynthetic is determined by the settlement of the subsoil surface between the piles, and the maximum tension occurs located at the edge of pile cap [3]. The deflection of one single layer of geosynthetic under the upper loading is shown in Fig.1. The settlement of the subsoil surface between the piles is assumed to consist of two parts: (a) just as Fig.1(a) shows, the settlement of the subsoil surface equals that of the pile cap, with no deformation developed in the geosynthetic yet. The load, ffas 1, acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic is supported by the subsoil alone, and the load supported by the subsoil is denoted as obs1, and the settlement, y1, of the subsoil surface equals the settlement Sp of the pile caps; (b) just as Fig.1(b) shows, the subsoil surface subsides along with the geosynthetic deforming, while the pile caps do not subside. The load acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic is supported by the subsoil and the geosynthetic together, and the load \ ,2 —ë Geosynthetic / soft soil . s' _ Pile Cap Pile Cap a d d Figure 1. The total deformation of pile-geosynthetic composite structure. - Pile Cap a . i' . , d . (a) Equal settlement situation (b) Differential settlement situation Figure 2. Sketch of the deformation of the pile-geosynthetic system. Kp -1 a v Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 57. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... supported by the subsoil is denoted as Obs2, which causes the settlement, y2, of the subsoil surface. The total load Obs acting on the subsoil is the sum of a^si and Obs2. As Fig.2(a) shows, the settlement of the pile cap is consistent with that of the subsoil, and the geosynthetic is thought to be undeformed, and thus the load ofls1 acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic equals the subsoil reaction Obs1. The vertical stress Obs1 carried by the subsoil can be given based on a simple equation for the one-dimensional compression of the soft soil: o. = -eA = E - (3) where hs is the thickness of soft soil, and Es is the one-dimensional compression modulus. For multi-layers of soft subsoil, the equivalent one-dimensional compression modulus of the subsoil is expressed as: ^ (4) E =- ' / Es1- h2k2/ Es 2 + ••• + hk /E, In which, hi, h2, ..., hn are the thickness of each soft soil layer; Esi, Es2, ..., Esn are the one-dimensional compression moduli of each soft soil layer; hs is the soft soil thickness, which is taken as the sum of the thicknesses of all the soft soil layers. Fig.2(b) shows the deflection of the geosynthetic, which happens with soft soil being compressed, while the pile caps remain stable. The load oas2 acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic is uniform, which is supported by the subsoil and geosynthetic together, and can be calculated using: (5) 2.3 Membrane effect The membrane effect of the deflected geosynthetic can be analyzed as an assumed equivalent uniform surcharge, acting on the upper surface of geosynthetic, and the mechanical characteristics of the deflected geosynthetic are shown in Fig.3. The load acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic equals the load acting on the embankment surface and the moving fill mass gravity, except for the shear resistance of the stationary fill mass, which is undertaken by the geosynthetic and subsoil together. As for the geosynthetic element M, the tension is T, the vertical load on the upper surface of the geosynthetic is oas2 and the subsoil reaction is a^s2, and the deflection angle to the horizontal direction is 9. Taking the force equilibrium state of the element M, the following equations can be accessed: Figure 3. Mechanical characteristics of the deflected geosynthetic. : . <7 as2 1 V^l * i Çf\r Geosynthetic Pile cap d/2 Figure 4. The force equilibrium state of the element of geosynthetic. [ Z Fx = 0: d(Tcos (>)) = 0 [Z^ = 0: d (Tsin W) = (s2 ^bs 2 )dx (6) where T is the tension of the geosynthetic, and oas2 is the vertical load acting on the upper surface of the geosyn-thetic, and a^s2 is the subsoil reaction, which varies laterally between the piles and is assumed to be uniform in this analysis. The horizontal component tension of the geosynthetic is defined to be the constant T0 under a definite load level. Then, T-cos9=T0, thus T0d(tan(9))=(ffas2-ffbs2)dx, tan(9)=dy2/dx, and Eq.(6) can be re-written as: 0 dx i dx ' ( 0 (7) The tensile strain of the geosynthetic under loads is designed to be so small that the tension is proportional to the strain, and the relationship can be written as: T = J s (8) where J is the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, and e is the tensile strain of the geosynthetic. a a s 58. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... The force equilibrium state of the element with length dx located at the edge of the pile cap is illustrated in Fig.4. The tensile strain of the geosynthetic under tension T is e, and can be given by: s=A 1 + dy2 dx -1, (9) According to Jones' research [20], the deformed shape of the geosynthetic under uniform loads is catenary-shaped, and can be described as quadratic parabola: y2 = ax2 + bx + c (10) Taking the boundary condition: When x=0, thus dy/dx=0 and y=AS, therefore b=0 and c=AS, and the following equation can be derived: y2 = ax2 + À5 (11) where AS is the differential settlement between the subsoil surface at the midpoint between the piles and the pile cap, and the settlement of the subsoil surface is larger than that of the pile cap, thus AS is negative. Taking the boundary condition: When x=(s-a)/2, the deflection y of geosynthetic is zero, thus a can be expressed as follows: 4A5 « = —-ö (12) li - a ) Therefore, the deflection formula of the geosynthetic is expressed as: 4A5 2 y 2 = - (s - a)2 + A5 (13) The ultimate deformation formula of the geosynthetic can be expressed as follows: y total = y+y2 = - 4A5 (s - a) ■x +A5+5„ (14) The first-order and second-order differentiation of Eq.(13) is written as follows: dy2 8A5 =--2 ; dx ( - a ) d 2 y2 8A5 (15) dx (s - a) (16) Substituting Eq.(16) into Eq.(7), the resulting equation yields: -- = (as 2 - °bs2) (17) (s - a) The horizontal component tension, T0, of the geosyn-thetic can be calculated as follows: T = T • cos0 = J •£• cos0 = J (l + (tan0)2 = J l + -l dx f(ï l) cos0 = (18) When the deformation is small, the following equation can be obtained by using a Taylor-serious expansion: 11 + ^ dx =i+1 i dy. I1 + / 2 I dx dy2 dx 2 A (19) Therefore, the horizontal component tension T0 of the geosynthetic can be given by neglecting the high-order terms: 1 T = J ■£■ cos0 = J ■ 2\ — I +1 (20) Substituting Eq.(15) into Eq.(20), the following equation yields at the pile edge where x is (s-a)/2: To = J (i - a) 4A5 A-1 +1 (21) Ultimately, the formula of the subsoil reaction Obs2 yields by combining Eq.(17) and (21). 64/ 8E, ( — a) (i — a) hs AS3 + 8ct„, 2 AS2 AS + aas2 = 0 (22) (s — a ) hs Until now, the differential settlement of the subsoil surface and the pile cap can be worked out by solving this cubic equation, the maximum settlement of the subsoil surface and the tension of the geosynthetic can be obtained by Eq.(14) and Eq.(21). The total subsoil reaction is obtained by Eq.(23). =-fO^) (23) 2.4 Pile head settlement In order to calculate the load acting on the upper surface of geosynthetic oas2, which is the key to solving Eq.(22), the settlement of the pile Sp is the primary requirement. The pile head settlement is assumed to include pile tip settlement, the settlement induced by the skin friction of the pile shaft and the compression of the pile shaft. Generally, the compression of the pile shaft can be neglected compared to pile tip settlement and the settlement induced by the skin friction of the pile shaft for its overly large compression stiffness. 2 2 2 s Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 59. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... 2.4.1 Settlement Sb of the pile tip due to the compression of the soft soil beneath the pile tip The pile tip's resistance and the additional load of the soft soil between the piles are both supposed to be uniformly distributed. Pile tip settlement is dependent on the pile tip's resistance and the additional load acting on the pile tip's horizontal plane between the piles. Just as shown in Fig.5, the settlement of point A is supposed to be induced by the pile tip's resistance opb2, the load, ffsb2-1, and @sb2-2, on the pile tip's horizontal plane between the piles. Therefore, the pile tip resistance and the additional load are the key factors to determine pile tip settlement. Gsbl-1 Gsbl-1 Gsbl-2 Osb2-l 17sb2-2 Gsb3-l (Jsh3-2 Gsb4-1 III II II II II II II III *A Figure 5. The load distribution at the pile tip's horizontal plane. Figure 6. Stress induced by the soil under strip loading. Yasufuku and Hyde [26] proposed the spherical cavity expansion at the pile tip based on observations from laboratory tests. Therefore, the Vesic Spherical Expansion Theory is employed to calculate the pile tip's resistance. Considering the lateral squeezing due to the interaction of the neighboring piles, the pile tip's resistance can be calculated with the following equation [27]. 3 (1 + sin 3 - sin 9 0.0785—0.1194 I lna„ + d + | 0.2593 — + 0.5426 d 4sin9 1+sin9 (24) The load differential of pile head and pile tip is supposed to transfer to the surrounding soil within the reinforced area by the single pile and distributes uniformly. There- fore, the load increment of the soft soil surrounding the pile can be calculated with: a a-a ,d Act =- pi d (25) where Opb is the resistance of the pile tip, Opt is the load on the pile head and can be given by: (y H+q )s-°bS (s - a) (26) According to [28], for the pile group with the center-to-center spacing no larger than six times the pile diameter, the load dispersion along the pile shaft can be neglected, especially at the central part of the pile group. Assuming the subsoil between piles acts as a solid, the load acting on the surface of the subsoil transfers to the pile tip's horizontal plane without any reduction. The additional load acting at the pile tip's horizontal plane between the piles can be calculated approximately with: (s - a) (s - d) Act, (27) Just as Fig.6 shows, for a point N located at a distance z to the loading surface, the load acting on the range dx is p(x) dx, which can be considered as a concentrated load. The additional vertical stress at point N is daz under the load, then the total additional vertical stress az of point N under strip loading is expressed by integrating along the x axis: «x1 x2 2p(x)dx cos3 6 (28) The settlement Sb of pile tip can then be worked out using the layer-wise summation method. 2.4.2 Settlement Ss induced by the skin friction of the pile shaft A theoretical solution to the settlement Ss induced by the skin friction of pile shaft was proposed by [29], assuming that the soil surrounding the pile behaves as an elastic, isotropic (Hookean) solid, defined by the modulus of deformation and the Poisson's ratio. For the plane-strain case, the settlement can be given by the following equations. -i P) E ( I, = 2 + 0.35 J- 2 ) (29) 'pb d d (30) (31) where ps is the pile skin friction force; v is the Poisson's ratio of the soft soil; Is is the dimensionless influence factor, L is the length of the pile; and Es is the compres- a sb 60. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... sion modulus of soft soil. For multi-layer subsoil the composite compression modulus of the soft soil can be derived using Eq.(4). 2.5 The calculation process The calculation process is introduced as follows: (a) The load Op of pile head and the load oas acting on the upper surface of geosynthetic can be obtained with Eq.(1). (b) The pile head settlement Sp can be measured by tests, otherwise it can be obtained according to Section 2.2 by taking Op as the load acting on the pile head Opt, and neglecting the effect of the geosynthetic. (c) The load oas2 can be worked out by substituting Op into Eq.(5). (d) Substituting oas2 into Eq.(22) to calculate the differential settlement AS. (e) Substituting AS. into Eq.(21) to calculate the horizontal component tension T0 of the geosynthetic. (f) Substituting AS and Sp into Eq.(14), and the deformation formula of the geosynthetic can be obtained, and the maximum settlement S0 of subsoil surface can be worked out. It is important to note that the soil arch developed in embankment supported by individual caps in the proposed method is analyzed based on the 2d condition, which is normally used when long arches are supported by continuous ledges or cap beams and can achieve good results. Just as Fig.7 shows, the geosynthetic strips act like cap beams, thus the load acting on the geosynthetic strip is noted as Load A, which results from the load transferred by the aching (Load B) and the load transferred by the deflected geosynthetic between four piles (Load C). The geosynthetic strip, supported by two adjacent pile caps, deforms under Load A, and Load A is supported by the deflected geosynthetic strip and the subsoil. When the embankment height and the clear spacing between the piles is small, considering the support from the subsoil, the deflection of the geosynthetic strip is small, and the load transferred to the pile caps by the deflected geosynthetic strip is small, the stress concentration ratio can be calculated based on the 2d condition. However, when the embankment height and the clear spacing between the piles by the deflected geosynthetic strip is large, the load transferred to the pile caps (Load B and Load C) is high, thus the load acting on the pile caps calculated based on the 2d condition is lower than the measured result, while the calculated result based on the 3d condition is close to the measured one. GR strip Area 1 Pile cap Pile cap (a) Pile cap Pile cap GR strip Load B/ \Load B GR strip I I GR .strip Load C Load C / t t t t T^T^t—i——-fT till Area 1 I 1 1 1 I Subsoil reaction s o Load A 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 Q Area 2 rrrrmi l Subsoil reaction (b) Figure 7. Load-transfer mechanisms of the PSGR embankment. Area 2 rea'A Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 61. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... 3 VALIDATION OF THE SIMPLIFIED METHOD In this section, three embankment cases are employed to verify the proposed method, and then a discussion is presented. 3.1 The Kyoto Road A case of the PSGR embankment is adopted to verify the proposed method. The details of this project, called Kyoto Road, were reported by [6]. The layout of the embankment case is shown in Fig.8, and the main parameters used in the analysis are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Parameters used in the embankment case. Parameters Unit density (kN/ m3) Compression Modulus (MPa) Thickness (m) Cohe- Friction sion (kPa) angle Embankment fill 18.6 - 1.15 11.5 33.8 Soft soil - 4.43 8 - - Parameters Pile spacing (m) Pile width (m) Length (m) Tensile stiffness (kN/m) Pile/geo-synthetic 1.27 0.3 13.0 1500 The physical and mechanical characteristics of the substratum beneath the pile tip are unknown, and thus the settlement of the pile is hard to estimate. Here the settlement of the pile is neglected for reasons of simplification. The measurements were continued for several years, and a uniform load of 12kPa on the embankment surface is considered to simulate the traffic load. The results measured at 2 years after the construction of the embankment and the calculated results are listed in Table 2. It can be concluded that the results of the proposed method show a good agreement with the measured data. Figure 9. Layout of earth pressure cells of the embankment case of the Shanghai Railway. Drawing modified after Liu et al., 2007 [2]. Table 2. Comparison of the computation results and the field test data. Parameters Load transferring to pile directly by arching effect (kPa) Vertical load carried by geosynthetic (kPa) Subsoil resistance (kPa) Total load on the pile (kPa) The proposed method 77.6 5.23 16.8 87.3 Field tests 85 (approximately) 4.55 14.0 — Figure 8. Layout of the embankment case for the Kyoto Road. Drawing modified after Van Eekelen et al., 2008 [6]. 3.2 Shanghai Railway A PSGR embankment case located in the north of Shanghai city, China, was selected to evaluate the proposed method [2]. The embankment height is 5.6m, and the width of the top surface is 35m and that of the bottom is 51.8m. The piles are arranged in a square with 3.0 m for the pile spacing. The dimensions of the pile are: 1.008 m for the outer diameter, 0.12 m thickness and 16 m in length. One layer of an extruded biaxial polypropylene grid was sandwiched between two 0.25-m-thick gravel layers to form a 0.5-m-thick composite-reinforced bearing layer. The tensile strength in both directions is 0.09 MN/m, while the tensile stiffness is 1.18 MN/m. The physical and mechanical parameters of the soil can be found in [23] and [2] and are listed in Table 3. Fig.9 shows the arrangement of eight earth pressure cells at the subsoil surface and two cells at the pile head. Therefore, the subsoil reaction of the field tests employed here is the average result of these eight earth pressure cells at the ground surface, and the vertical load on the pile head is the average result of the these two earth pressure cells at the pile head. The pile head settlement derived from the proposed method is 19.6 mm, which 62. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 3. Mechanical and physical parameters of the soil. Soil Thickness (m) Gravity density (kN/m3) ' Compression modulus (MPa) Poisson ratio Cohesion (kPa) Friction angle (°) Embankment fill 5.6 18.5 — 0.3 10.0 30.0 Silty clay 1.5 — 7.0 0.3 — — Soft slity clay 2.3 — 5.0 0.35 — — Medium slity clay 10.2 — 3.0 0.4 — — Sandy slity 2.0 — 4.0 0.35 — 28.8 is very close to the 19 mm of field tests, which demonstrates the validity of the proposed method in estimating the pile head settlement. The subsoil reaction and the tension of the geosynthetic is calculated using the proposed method, and then the load acting on the pile head was calculated based on a 3d condition. A comparison of the measured data, the calculated results and the numerical results is shown in Table 4. It can be concluded that the results of the proposed method agree well with those of field tests and the numerical analysis in spite of an overestimation of the load on the pile head by the proposed method. In a word, the proposed method is reasonable. Table 4. Comparison of results of the proposed method and the field test. Load on pile head (kPa) Subsoil reaction (kPa) Tension of geo-synthetic (kN/m) Field test 567.9 40.3 — Calculated results 713.3 43.2 15.9 Numerical analysis 592.6 53.8 16.0 3.3 Comparison with other methods There are a number of analytical methods available for the analysis of pile-supported and gensynthetic-reinforced embankments. Not all these methods were initially developed to study the gensynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported embankments, but they were later adopted for this purpose. This section presents a comparison of the proposed method and some other analytical methods. The geometry of the embankment and the design parameters are obtained from [16] and [20]. Rigid piles with caps and a single layer of geosynthetic were adopted to support the embankment. The relevant parameters used in this analysis are listed in Table 5, and a static surcharge of 12 kPa is applied on the top surface of the embankment to simulate the traffic loading. The calculated results of the embankment are obtained to compare the computed values of the present method with that from several existing analytical methods proposed by [12], [21], [18], [30], [23] and [17]. Based on Eq.(1), the uniform load aas acting on the upper surface of geosynthetic is 22.10 kPa and the load on the pile head is 61.55 kPa, then the settlement of the pile head is 18.0mm, and then the load aas2 acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic is 19.44 kPa by Eq.(5), and then the maximum differential settlement AS is 68.7 mm by Eq.(22), and thus the horizontal component of tension of geosynthetic, T0, is 5.54 kN by Eq.(21), and then the load a^ carried by the subsoil between the piles is derived as 11.73 kPa. The calculated results using the different methods are listed in Table 6. The tension of the geosynthetic and the load acting on geosynthetic are both over-predicted by [18] for neglecting the support of the subsoil. For this Table 5. Main parameters of the embankment, pile (cap) and soil. Components Parameter Value Components Parameter Value Height (m) 1.39 — Cap width (m) 1.13 Embankment Unit density (kN/m3) 20 7.0 Pile spacing/Diameter (m) 2.52/0.6 Internal friction angle (°) 30 Length (m) 20 Depth (m) 25 5.0 Compression modulus (MPa) 2.96 Subsoil Unit density (kN/m3) 17.5 3.0 Internal friction angle (°) 9 Elastic modulus (MPa) 2.2 4.0 Tension stiffness (kN/m) 1700 Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 63. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 6. Comparison of results of different methods. The pro- Low et al.'s Abusharar BS8006's Lu et al.'s Zhuang et Van Eekelen Parameters posed method et al.'s method method al.'s method et al.'s meth- method [12] method [18] [17] [23] od [30] Vertical load on pile (kPa) 72.96 70.92 69.30 71.83 74.85 70.53 71.14 Subsoil reaction(kPa) 12.80 14.50 15.82 0 11.30 14.80 14.32 Tension of geosynthetic(kN/m) 33.23 34.00 39.18 44.40 38.71 23.50 27.76 Vertical load supported by the geosynthetic(kPa) 11.73 14.49 15.81 34.68 19.31 9.73 17.57 Stress-concentration ratio 5.68 4.86 4.38 2.07 6.62 4.76 4.97 embankment case, the embankment height is low, so that the settlement of pile is small, and the influence of the settlement on the calculated results is weak. The results of the proposed method can be found in Table 6, and are in good agreement with [17], [23] and [30], while the proposed method is conceptually and mathematically simpler than these three methods. Even Low et al. [12] and Abusharar et al. [21] assume the deflected geosyn-thetic as a circular curve, while the proposed method and Lu et al.'s method [17] assume it as parabola-shaped. The tension calculated by different methods shows a good agreement, which demonstrates the slight difference between the two descriptions of the deflected geosyn-thetic when the deflection of the geosynthetic is small. Lu et al.'s method [17] neglects the pile head settlement, and thus the tension and the load supported by the geosyn-thetic are both larger than that of the proposed method as a result. Zhuang et al.'s method [23] takes the average horizontal component of the tension instead of the axial tension in the analysis of the force-deformation behavior of geosynthetic, which results in an underestimation of the tension, especially at the edge of the pile cap and the load transferred to the piles by the membrane effect. Van Eekelen et al.'s method [30] underestimates the tension for considering the support of the subsoil by introducing an equivalent subsoil reaction, which allows for the subsoil below the entire geosynthetic area. The vertical load acting on the upper surface of the geosynthetic of the proposed method is less than the equivalent vertical load of Van Eekelen et al.'s method [30], supposing that the load does not rest on the geosynthetic strips between piles transferring to the strips and caps. 3.4 Comparison of several cases Several field tests (Liu et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2010; Briancon et al., 2012; Van Eekelen et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2008) were selected to be analyzed by the proposed method, just as Table 7 exhibits [2], [31], [7], [6], [32]. These embankment cases in Table 7 can be evaluated by the proposed method with sufficient accuracy, which demonstrates that the proposed method can be employed to calculate the stress concentration ratio both under 2d and 3dcondition. According to [33], the transfer mechanisms of the load depend on the geometry of the structure (spacing of the pile caps, shape and dimension of the piles caps, height of embankment, etc.), but also the soil characteristics (granularity and mechanical parameters). Chen et al. [32] conducted a series of model tests and concluded that a higher ratio of embankment height to cap beam clear spacing, as well as a higher ratio of cap beam width to clear spacing, would result in a higher stress-concentration ratio. The inclusion of a geosynthetic reinforcement can increase the stress-concentration ratio. In this paper, the ratio of the clear spacing between adjacent piles to the center-to-center spacing is defined as the clear spacing ratio (NSR). The ratio of the embankment height to the cap clear spacing is defined as the height spacing ratio (HSR). It can be concluded from Table 7 that like for a pile-supported embankment, without the geosynthetic reinforcement, the stress-concentration ratio is suggested to be calculated based on the 3d condition. The NSR is the key factor to be considered, when the NSR is low (such as cases 7 and 9), thus the stress concentration ratio is suggested to be calculated based on the 2d condition, and then the HSR is the factor deserving consideration, the stress-concentration ratio is suggested to be calculated based on the 2d condition when the HSR is low (case 8) and otherwise the 3d condition when the HSR is high.(case 1, 5 and 6). Although the proposed method is derived based on the plain-strain condition, using the proposed method to analyze the PSGR embankment with individual caps is practicable, and the stress-concentration ratio can be worked out based on the 2d or 3d condition, which depends on the ratio of the clear spacing between the adjacent piles to the center-to-center spacing and the ratio of the embankment height to the cap clear spacing. The influence of the NSR and HSR is still unclear, and further studies about using the plane arch model to analyze the embankment supported by the individual pile caps are required. 64. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 7. The comparison of several embankment cases. Case number Pile cap (m) Geosynthetic /(kN/m) Embankment height (m) Pile spacing (m) 2d/3d condition NSR HSR 1 No(d=1m) 1180 5.6 3.0 3d 0.67 2.80 2 Square (a=1.3m) No 6.0 2.5 3d 0.48 5.00 3 Square (a=1.6m) No 6.0 3.0 3d 0.47 4.29 4 Square (a=1.0m) No 6.0 2.0 3d 0.50 6.00 5 No (d=0.38m) 800 5.0 2.0 3d 0.81 3.09 6 No (d=0.38m) 800 and 500 5.0 2.0 3d 0.81 3.09 7 Square (a=1.4m) 120 7.2 2.8 2d 0.50 5.14 8 Circular (d=0.3m) 1500 1.15 1.27 2d 0.76 1.19 9 Square (a=1.13m) 1700 1.39 2.52 2d 0.55 1.00 4 PARAMETERS STUDY The case of the embankment discussed in Section 3.3 is employed to study the influence of the embankment height, the compression modulus of the soft soil, the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, the soft soil thickness, the internal friction angle of the embankment fill and the pile spacing on the subsoil reaction, the stress-concentration ratio (SCR) and the tension of the geosynthetic. In this section, these values are used throughout, unless otherwise specified, and the embankment is considered to be supported by cap beams instead of individual caps. No partial factors of safety are applied to the design parameters. The results of this embankment case are illustrated as follows. 4.1 The influence of tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic The influence of the tensile stiffness on the subsoil reaction is shown in Fig.10. It can be concluded that the subsoil reaction decreases as the tensile stiffness of the S 25 o O 8 20 1000 1500 2000 2500 Tensile stiffness (kN/m) geosynthetic increases, but it is likely to approach a limit value at a large tensile stiffness. The subsoil reaction increases as the pile spacing increases. Fig.11 shows the influence of the tensile stiffness on the SCR. It can be seen that the SCR increases as the tensile stiffness increases, and is likely to approach a limit value at a large tensile stiffness. The SCR decreases as the pile spacing increases, and the influence at a close pile spacing is slightly more remarkable than that at a large pile spacing. The SCR at a close pile spacing is evidently larger than that at a large pile spacing. Figure 10. Influence of tensile stiffness on the subsoil reaction. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Tensile stiffness (kN/m) Figure 11. Influence of the tensile stiffness on the SCR. The influence of the tensile stiffness on the tension of the geosynthetic is exhibited in Fig.12. It can be seen that the tension of the geosynthetic increases as the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic increases, and tends to approach a limit value at a very large tensile stiffness. The tension differentials between the different pile spacing increases as the tensile stiffness increases. The tension of the geosynthetic at a large pile spacing is larger than that at a close pile spacing. 40 500 3000 3500 Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 65. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... 140 120 ^ 100 Js a 80 o £ 60 40 20 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Tensile stiffness (kN/m) Figure 12. Influence of the tensile stiffness on the tension. 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Compression modulus of soft soil (kPa) Figure 14. Influence of the compression modulus on the SCR. 4.2 The influence of the soft soil compression modulus Fig.13 shows the influence of the compression modulus of soft soil on the subsoil reaction. It can be seen that the subsoil reaction increases as the compression modulus increases, and is likely to approach a limit value at a large compression modulus. As the pile spacing increases, the influence of the pile spacing on the relationship of the compression modulus and the subsoil reaction strengthens, and thus the subsoil reaction differentials between the different pile spacing increases evidently as the compression modulus increases. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Compression modulus of soft soil (kPa) Figure 13. Influence of the compression modulus on the subsoil reaction. Fig.14 shows the influence of the compression modulus of the soft soil on the SCR. It can be concluded that as the compression modulus increases, the SCR decreases to a limit value at a large compression modulus. The influence of the pile spacing on the relationship of the compression modulus and the SCR enhances with the decreasing of the pile spacing. Fig.15 shows the influence of the compression modulus of the soft soil on the tension of the geosynthetic. It can be 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Compression modulus of soft soil (kPa) Figure 15. Influence of the compression modulus on the tension. concluded that the tension of the geosynthetic decreases as the compression modulus increases. The effect of the compression modulus on the tension of the geosynthetic is stronger at a large pile spacing than that at a close pile spacing, and the tensions at different pile spacing are likely to be consistent for a large compression modulus. 4.3 The influence of the soft soil thickness Fig.16 shows the influence of the soft soil thickness on the subsoil reaction. It can be seen that the subsoil reaction decreases as the soft soil thickness increases, but it is likely to approach the limit value at a large depth. The influence of the soft ground depth on the subsoil reaction at a large pile spacing is stronger than that at a close pile spacing. Fig.17 shows the influence of the soft soil thickness on the SCR. It can be concluded that the SCR increases as the soft soil thickness increases. The influence of the soft ground depth on the SCR at a close pile spacing is stronger than that at a large pile spacing, thus the SCR differentials of the different pile spacing increase as the soft soil thickness increases. 30 140 50 0 66. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... 10 0 5 30 35 10 15 20 25 Soft ground depth (m) Figure 16. Influence of soft ground depth on the subsoil reaction. 10 15 20 Soft ground depth (m) Figure 17. Influence of soft ground depth on the SCR. Fig.18 shows the influence of the soft soil thickness on the tension of the geosynthetic. It can be seen that the tension of the geosynthetic increases gradually as the soft soil thickness increases, but it is likely to approach the limit value at a large soft soil thickness. The influence at a large pile spacing is obviously stronger than that at a close pile spacing, and the tension differentials between the different pile spacing increase as the soft soil thickness increases. 0 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 18. Influence of the soft ground depth on the tension. 4.4 Influence of the embankment height Fig.19 presents the influence of the embankment height on the subsoil reaction. It can be concluded that the subsoil reaction increases obviously as the embankment height increases. The subsoil reaction is more sensitive to the changing of the embankment height at a large pile spacing than that at a close pile spacing. £ 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Embankment height/spacing Figure 19. Influence of the embankment height on the subsoil reaction. Fig.20 shows the influence of the embankment height on the SCR. It is clear that the SCR increases as the embankment height increases. The influence of the embankment height on the SCR is stronger at a close pile spacing than that at a large pile spacing, but the difference of the influence is slight. 18 16 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Embankment height/spacing Figure 20. Influence of the embankment height on the SCR. Fig.21 displays the influence of the embankment height on the tension of the geosynthetic. It is obvious that the tension of the geosynthetic increases as the embankment height increases and the pile spacing imposes an evident influence on the relationship between the tension of the geosynthetic and the embankment height. The influence of the embankment height on the tension is clearly stronger at a large pile spacing than that at a close pile spacing, which means the increasing of the embankment 60 50 40 30 20 50 40 30 20 10 2 0 5 25 30 35 Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 67. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 4.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Embankment height/spacing Figure 21. Influence of the embankment height on the tension. height increases the tension differentials of the geosyn-thetic at different pile spacings. 4.5 Influence of the internal friction angle of the embankment fill Fig.22 shows the influence of the internal friction angle of the embankment fill on the subsoil reaction. It can be concluded that the subsoil reaction decreases as the internal friction angle of the embankment fill increases, but it is likely to approach a limit value at a large internal friction angle. The influence at a large pile spacing is stronger than that at a close pile spacing. 10 —■—2a —•—2.5a —A— 3a ......' .____ 20 70 30 40 50 60 Internal friction angle of fill (°) Figure 22. Influence of the internal friction angle on the subsoil reaction. Fig.23 shows the influence of the internal friction angle of the embankment fill on the SCR. It can be seen that the SCR increases with the increase of the internal friction angle, but is likely to approach a limit value at a large internal friction angle. It is clear that the influence at a close pile spacing on the relationship between the SCR and the internal friction angle is stronger than that at a large pile spacing. Fig.24 shows the influence of the internal friction angle of the embankment fill on the tension of the geosyn- 6 20 70 30 40 50 60 Internal friction angle of fill (°) Figure 23. Influence of the internal friction angle on the SCR. 140 120 100 J3 80 "a 60 o fi H 40 20 0 —■—2a - i —•—2.5a - * A —±— 3a - ^^ 20 60 70 30 40 50 Internal friction angle of fill (°) Figure 24. Influence of the internal friction angle on the tension. thetic. It is clear that the tension of the geosynthetic decreases with the increasing of the internal friction angle, but it is likely to approach to a limit value at a large angle. Obviously, the influence of the internal friction angle on the tension at a large pile spacing is stronger than that at a close pile spacing, and the tension differentials between the different pile spacing decrease as the angle increases. 5 BINARY VARIANCE ANALYSIS OF THE NON-REPEATABILITY TESTS 5.1 Evaluation theory of the binary variance analysis of the non-repeatability tests The evaluation theory of the binary variance analysis of the non-repeatability tests is a statistical method to assess the influence significance of each factor, the detail analysis process is introduced by [34] and are reported as follows: Assuming that the test result X is influenced by two factors, A and B, and the factor A can be taken as Ai, A2,......, Ar, and the factor B can be taken as B1, B2, ......, Bs. The test result of Aj and Bj is recorded as Xj, j=1, 2,......, r; j=1, 2,......, and test results are mutually independent. The special test process is listed in Table 8. 35 30 o 25 20 15 68. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 8. Comparison of the computation results and the field test data. X. Xri X .1 Factor B Bi B2 ...... Bs Ai Xii X12 X1s XT. A2 X21 X22 ...... X2s X2. Xr2 X .2 Xrs X .s Xr. X Table 9. Binary variance analysis of the non-repeatable tests. Source of variance Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean square F Main effect of factor A SSA I-1 MSSA Fa Main effect of factor B SSB J-1 MSSB Fb Variance SSE (I-1)(J-1) MSSE Sum SST IJ-1 The total sum of the squares is expressed as: SST = ££((-X)2 (33) ¿=i j=i The sum of the squares for factor A can be expressed as: SSA = s£ (( - X)2 (34) i=1 The sum of the squares for factor B can be expressed as: SSB = r (Zj - X)2 (35) i=i The sum of the squares for random variance can be expressed as: SSE = £ £ (( - X- + X)2 (36) ¿=1 j=i The freedom degree of the sum of squares for each factor can be expressed as follows: fssT=IJ-1; fssA=I-1; fssB=J-1; fsSE=(I-1)(J-1). In order to quantify the influence significance of factor A, the following equation is adopted: Fa = SSA / (I -1) MSSA SSE / [(I - 1)(J -l) MSSE (37) Generally, as for the F-distribution, once a constant value of a is given, the influence of one factor A is considered to be remarkable when Fa is larger than Fa((I-l), (J-1)). The equation to quantify the influence significance of the factor B is written as: F = SSB / (I -1) _MSSB SSE / [(I - 1)( -1)] MSSE (38) Table 9 is an analysis table of the binary variance of the non-repeatability tests, which contains these pre-mentioned items. In the following analysis the pile spacing is taken as factor A with three values (2a, 2.5a, 3a), and the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, the compression modulus of soft soil, the soft soil thickness, the embankment height and the internal friction angle of the fill are taken as the Factor B in turn, and each has six values. The subsoil reaction, the SCR and the tension of the geosynthetic are taken as the test result separately. 5.2 Analysis of the influence of the parameters on the subsoil reaction The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which is selected as 2a, 2.5a, 3a separately. Factor B is the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, which can be 500 kN/m, 1000 kN/m, 1500 kN/m, 2000 kN/m, 2500 kN/m, 3000 kN/m, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 10. Table 10. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the tensile stiffness on the subsoil reaction. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 732.17 2 366.09 34.23 Tensile stiffness 141.68 5 28.34 2.65 Variance 106.93 10 10.69 Sum 980.78 17 As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa> F0 05(2, 10) and Fb < F0.05(5, 10), which demonstrates the remarkable influence of the pile spacing on the subsoil reaction, but the weak influence of the tensile stiffness. The influence of the pile spacing is evidently greater than that of the tensile stiffness. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the compression modulus of the soft soil, which is selected as 1 MPa, 2 MPa, 3 MPa, 4 MPa, 5 MPa, 6 MPa, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 11. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 69. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 11. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the compression modulus of the soft soil on the subsoil reaction. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 752.50 2 376.25 10.58 Compression modulus 853.57 5 170.71 4.80 Variance 355.59 10 35.56 Sum 1961.66 17 Table 13. Binary-variance analysis of pile spacing and embankment height on subsoil reaction. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 1711.16 2 855.53 13.92 Embankment height 564.37 5 112.87 1.84 Variance 614.42 10 61.44 Sum 2289.85 17 As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05 (2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F005(2, 10) and FB < F0.05(5, 10), which states that the compression modulus of the soft soil imposes a non-negligible influence on the subsoil reaction, but the influence of the compression modulus is not as great as that of the pile spacing. The pile spacing is taken as the factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. The Factor B is the soft soil thickness, which is selected as 5 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m, 25 m, and 30m, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 12. Table 12. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the soft soil thickness on the subsoil reaction. Source of variance Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean square F Pile spacing 998.86 2 499.43 52.27 Depth 1643.16 5 328.63 34.40 Variance 95.54 10 9.55 Sum 2737.56 17 As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F005(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0 05(2, 10) and Fb < F0 05(5, 10), which declares that the soft soil thickness exerts a notable influence on the subsoil reaction, and the influence of the soft soil thickness is weaker than that of the pile spacing. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the embankment height, which is selected as 1.0s, 1.5s, 2.0s, 2.5s, 3.0s, 3.5s separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 13. As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F005(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F005(2, 10) and Fb < F0.05(5, 10), which declares that the embankment height has a weak influence on the subsoil reaction compared with the pile spacing. The reason is that once the full soil arching has developed in the embankment fill, the increasing load of the embankment fill is mainly supported by piles, as a result of the arching effect. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the internal friction angle of the fill, which is selected as 20°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 50°, 60°, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 14. Table 14. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the internal friction angle of the fill on the subsoil reaction. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 587.84 2 293.92 39.16 Internal friction angle 161.23 5 32.25 4.30 Variance 75.06 10 7.51 Sum 824.13 17 As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0 05(2, 10) and Fb < F0 05(5, 10), which states that the internal friction angle of fill exerts a non-negligible influence on the subsoil reaction, but the influence of the pile spacing is rather greater than that of the internal friction angle of fill. It can be drawn from the above analysis that the influence significance on the subsoil reaction of these six parameters can be expressed from strong to weak as: Pile spacing > Soft soil thickness > Compression modulus of soft soil > Internal friction angle of fill > Embankment height > Tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic. 5.3 Analysis of the influence of the parameters on the SCR The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the tensile stiffness of 70. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 15. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic on the SCR. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 125.33 2 62.66 32.64 Tensile stiffness 46.56 5 9.31 4.85 Variance 19.20 10 1.92 Sum 191.09 17 the geosynthetic, which is selected as 500 kN/m, 1000 kN/m, 1500 kN/m, 2000 kN/m, 2500 kN/m, and 3000 kN/m, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 15. As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F005(2, 10) and Fb < F0.05(5, 10), which demonstrates the non-negligible influence of the tensile stiffness on the SCR, and the influence of the pile spacing is rather greater than that of the tensile stiffness. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the compression modulus of the soft soil, which is selected as 1 MPa, 2 MPa, 3 MPa, 4 MPa, 5 MPa, and 6 MPa, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 16. Table 16. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the compression modulus of the soft soil on the SCR. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 134.09 2 67.04 53.333 Compression modulus 692.17 5 138.43 110.11 Variance 12.57 10 1.26 Sum 838.83 17 As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, FA>F0 05(2, 10) and Fg < F005(5, 10), which illustrates that the influence of the pile spacing and the compression modulus of the soft soil on the SCR are both remarkable, and the influence of the compression modulus is greater than that of the pile spacing. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the soft soil thickness, which is selected as 5 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m, 25 m, and 30 m, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 17. Table 17. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the soft soil thickness on the SCR. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 44.33 2 22.16 9.51 Soft soil thickness 148.81 5 29.76 12.77 Variance 23.30 10 2.33 Sum 216.44 17 As for F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0.05(2, 10) and Fg < F005(5, 10), which demonstrates the notable influence of the soft soil thickness and the pile spacing on the SCR, but the influence of the pile spacing is not as great as that of the soft soil thickness. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the embankment height, which is selected as 1.0 s, 1.5 s, 2.0 s, 2.5 s, 3.0 s, 3.5 s, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 18. Table 18. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the embankment height on the SCR. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 33.77 2 16.89 31.07 Embankment height 97.12 5 19.42 35.73 Variance 5.44 10 0.54 Sum 136.33 17 As for F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0.05(2, 10) and Fg < F0.05(5, 10), which declares that the embankment height and the pile spacing both exert an evident influence on the SCR, and the influence of the embankment height is slightly greater than that of the pile spacing. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the internal friction angle of the fill, which is selected as 20°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 50°, 60°, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 19. As for F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, FA>F0.05(2, 10) and FB < F0 05(5, 10), which states that the influence of the internal friction angle of fill imposes Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 71. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 19. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the internal friction angle of fill on the SCR. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 33.77 2 16.89 31.07 Internal friction angle 97.12 5 19.42 35.73 Variance 5.44 10 0.54 Sum 136.33 17 Table 21. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the compression modulus of the soft soil on the tension. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 5754.29 2 2877.15 27.63 Compression modulus 3906.25 5 781.25 7.50 Variance 1041.12 10 104.11 Sum 10701.67 17 a non-negligible influence on the SCR, and is weaker than that of the pile spacing. It can be drawn from the above analysis that the influence significance on the SCR of several parameters can be expressed from strong to weak as: Compression modulus of soft soil > Soft soil thickness > Embankment height > Pile spacing > Internal friction angle of fill > Tensile stiffness of geosynthetic. 5.4 Analysis of the influence of the parameters on the tension of the geosynthetic The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, which can be 500 kN/m, 1000 kN/m, 1500 kN/m, 2000 kN/m, 2500 kN/m, and 3000 kN/m, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 20. Table 20. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic on the tension. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 6317.5 2 3158.747 13.27 Tensile stiffness 6042.54 5 1208.51 5.08 Variance 2380.34 10 238.03 Sum 14740.37 17 As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F005(2, 10) and Fb < F0.05(5, 10), which demonstrates that the both the pile spacing and the tensile stiffness exert a notable influence on the tension of the geosynthetic, and the influence of the pile spacing is stronger than that of the tensile stiffness. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the compression modulus of the soft soil, which is selected as 1 MPa, 2 MPa, 3 MPa, 4 MPa, 5 MPa, and 6 MPa, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 21. As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F005(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0 05(2, 10) and Fb < F0.05(5, 10), which declares that the compression modulus of the soft soil imposes an evident influence on the tension of the geosynthetic, but the influence of the compression modulus is not as strong as that of the pile spacing. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the soft soil thickness, which is selected as 5 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m, 25 m, and 30 m, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 22. Table 22. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the soft soil thickness on the tension. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 2598.37 2 1299.19 5.57 Soft soil thickness 12776.85 5 2555.37 10.95 Variance 2333.49 10 233.35 Sum 17708.71 17 As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F005(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0 05(2, 10) and Fb < F0 05(5, 10). It can be concluded that the soft soil thickness has a great influence on the tension of the geosynthetic, and the influence of the soft soil thickness is stronger than that of the pile spacing. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the embankment height, which is selected as 1.0 s, 1.5 s, 2.0 s, 2.5 s, 3.0 s, 3.5 s separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 23. As for the F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F005(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0 05(2, 10) and Fb < F0.05(5, 10), which demonstrates the weak influence of the embankment 72. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Table 23. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the embankment height on the tension. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 20160.76 2 10080.38 10.16 Embankment height 9958.46 5 1991.69 2.01 Variance 9921.14 10 992.11 Sum 40040.36 17 height on the tension of the geosynthetic, and the influence of the pile spacing is stronger than that of the soft soil thickness. The pile spacing is taken as factor A, which can be 2a, 2.5a, 3a, separately. Factor B is the internal friction angle of the fill, which is selected as 20°, 30°, 35°, 40°, 50°, and 60°, separately. The results of the binary variance are listed in Table 24. Table 24. Binary-variance analysis of the pile spacing and the internal friction angle of the fill on the tension. Source of Sum of Degree of Mean F variance squares freedom square Pile spacing 3814.90 2 1907.45 41.43 Internal friction angle 11907.16 5 2381.43 51.72 Variance 460.41 10 46.04 Sum 16182.47 17 As for F-distribution, a is given as 5%, thus F0.05(2, 10) is 4.10, and F0.05(5, 10) is 3.33. According to the analysis, Fa>F0 05(2, 10) and Fb < F0.05(5, 10). It can be drawn that the internal friction angle of the fill exerts a great influence on the tension of the geosynthetic, and the influence of the internal friction angle is stronger than that of the pile spacing. It can be concluded from the above analysis that the influence significance on the tension of the geosynthetic of several parameters can be expressed from large to small as: Soft soil thickness > Internal friction angle of fill > Pile spacing > Tensile stiffness of geosynthetic > Compression modulus of soft soil > Embankment height. 5.5 Suggestions for designing the PSGR embankment Normally, when designing a PSGR embankment, how to alleviate the tension of the geosynthetic and make more load transfer to the piles attracts most of our attention. The soft soil thickness and the compression modulus of the soft soil are hard to accommodate for the complex geological condition and the high expense. The pile spacing, the internal friction angle of the fill and the tensile stiffness are the factors that can be accommodated in the design. In order to enlarge the pile spacing, using fill material with a large internal friction angle is the most effective way, followed by adopting a geosynthetic with a high tensile stiffness. 6 CONCLUSIONS A new theoretical method has been presented in this paper that should be a solution to an embankment of granular fill on soft soil supported by a rectangular grid of piles and geosynthetic. The method is conceptually and mathematically simple, while it takes the arching effect, the membrane effect, the subsoil reaction and the pile head settlement into consideration. The new method can not only be applied for piles seated on a firm soil layer, but also floating piles. The proposed method is verified by comparing results with the field data and was found to be in good agreement with some current analytical methods for a low embankment case. Although the proposed method is based on plane-strain conditions, using the proposed method to get a subsoil reaction and the tension of the geosynthetic, and then calculating the stress concentration ratio based on the 3d condition, is considered to be practicable. Before the calculation of stress-concentration ratio, the clear spacing ratio (NSR) and the height spacing ratio (HSR) should be considered firstly to judge the 2d or 3d condition is adopted. Parameters research is conducted in this paper using the proposed theoretical method, including the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, the compression modulus of the soft soil, the soft soil thickness, the height of the embankment, the internal friction angle of the fill and the pile spacing. The influence of these parameters on the subsoil reaction, the SCR, and the tension of the geosynthetic are discussed in this paper. Based on a binary-variance analysis of the non-repeatability tests, the influence significance of the pile spacing, the tensile stiffness of the geosynthetic, the compression modulus of the soft soil, the soft soil thickness, the embankment height and the internal friction angle of the fill are studied, and the results are explained as follows: (a) As for the subsoil reaction, the influence significance of these parameters can be expressed from large to small as: Pile spacing > Soft soil thickness > Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, 2018/1 73. L. Feicheng et al.: A simplified method to analyze pile-supported and geosynthetic-reinforced embankments and the influence significance analysis... Compression modulus of soft soil > Internal friction angle of fill > Embankment height > Tensile stiffness of geosynthetic (b) As for SCR, the influence significance of these parameters can be expressed from large to small as: Compression modulus of soft soil > Soft soil thickness > Embankment height > Pile spacing > Internal friction angle of fill > Tensile stiffness of geosynthetic. (c) As for the tension of the geosynthetic, the influence significance of these parameters can be expressed from large to small as: Soft soil thickness > Internal friction angle of fill > Pile spacing > Tensile stiffness of geosynthetic > Compression modulus of soft soil > Embankment height. In designing a piled embankment, in order to enlarge the pile spacing, using granular material with a high friction angle for the embankment fill is the most effective and economical way, rather than using a geosynthetic with a high tensile stiffness. In this study, piles arranged in a square pattern and one layer of geosynthetic was investigated. Further research is essential for piles arranged in other patterns, for a multi-layer reinforcement piled embankment. Acknowledgments The financial support of the National Key Research and Development Plan of the Ministry of science The financial support of the National Key Research and Development Plan of the Ministry of science (Grant No 2017YFC0504901), The financial support of Science and Technology Plan Projects of Sichuan Province (Grant No 2015SZ0068), the Ministry of Transport Construction Projects of Science and Technology of China (Grant No 2013318800020), the Project of outstanding innovative talents of Southwest Jiaotong University (Grant No XJXY201408) is acknowledged. The discussion with Mr. Liu K.W. (Southwest Jiaotong University) and Liao Y. (CHEC USA) helped improve this paper and is appreciated by the authors. REFERENCES [1] Magan, J.P. 1994. 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